#something kinda orangeish
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beardedmrbean · 4 months ago
Really dude, just gonna make that now are ya
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pleucas · 4 months ago
i got a few asks about my process :0 so yea i took some screenshots mid-process of my recent cliff-skk thing just for that
m gonna preface everything by saying that i did have a ref for the environment!! i avoid color dropping from the image and tracing cuz i do want to hone some digital skills. also saying i'm doing an "environment study" when i'm really just drawing skk makes me feel better abt myself
when i don't have a reference, i tend to do some thumbnail sketches in my sketchbook. here's some random stuff of past work, where i rawdogged everything:
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but whatever, back to the cliff-skk. i'll also post a timelapse of it for easy ref, but detailed stuff is under the cut :)
first i did some rough sketches on an orangeish background (underpainting etiquette, i find it helps things feel brighter and keep a stable tone when choosing colors to lay on top), and I quickly lined skk :)
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then I laid down some flats for the background, again really eyeballing the reference for hues. afterwards i thought it was a bit bright, and i wanted a more sepia/nostalgia feel to it, so i hue adjusted everything to something more uniform
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then i lay down flats for skk + the ocean, which i both had to color adjust a lot (you might see that in the timelapse), and then i jump straight into rendering the background. when i render, i always prefer to do it over something lineless, so i turn the sketch layer off. i rarely do lineart for backgrounds.
i also used to render the characters first, but i've found that it's just not a great approach—especially for art where characters and background are interacting, knowing the hues and shades of the environment is crucial to effective rendering on the character that doesn't make them look out of place.
when i'm rendering, i really try to keep in mind tenants of contrast, perspective, form, and light/shadow. ex, stuff "closer" to us has more detail; the hill in the back is minimalist (in comparison); the shadows lean cool-green while the light leans gray-yellow. rake brushes really carried me here idk... my fav brushstyle forever
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eventually i reach a point where i'm satisfied (or bored) with the background. for the last stages i usually have the subjects hidden so i can really perfect the details—but then for super duper final details, like the little leaf specks and grass strands, i unhid skk so the poppy details could work around skk. then i get to rendering the characters :)
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i forgot to take ss of all the stages when i rendered skk, but here's something from... about the middle of the process? i tend to render characters with the lineart hidden as well, sometimes bringing it back just to clarify things, but ultimately i prefer to define things by form than by line. that's just me tho idk, idt it makes or breaks anything, just a preference
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again rlly just thinking about cool/warm, reflective tones (the greenish shadow on chuuya's left inner leg, sky-gray blue on dazai's vest), really just slotting the subject into the environment. after i finish rendering the characters, i usually return to the background and add some stuff—in this one i defined the waves a bit and put some grass around skk
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and yeah then we're done idk LOL. sometimes i run the file through camera raw (photoshop) to do some color adjustments—i find that my iPad displays colors super differently, usually making things a lot lighter than they are (u can see how dark the timelapse is...), so i find myself lightening my work a lot. i also sharpen and add noise as needed :)
i think my process has changed a lotttt even in this past year. it's kinda crazy!! it's always fun to do these and just reflect a bit on how i work. mostly just mindless insanity until it kinda works.
thanks for sending in an ask. and if u read all that, thanks to u too lolol
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aannonn · 6 months ago
combusting into flames
heheh lil' fic ... my first time ever participating in a october of any kinds ohmygosh ,,,
welp! sticktober and the most recent green video gave me motivation to write this ... feral tsc time ... ....
hope u enjoy reading it just as much as i enjoyed writing it !! ^-^ ( although it was kinda difficult and took me some time to think about very specific words to use in this . lol )
( lil' tag : @shad0wr0se9044 ; eheh )
tags :: unreliable narrator , yelling , swearing , post-traumatic stress disorder - PTSD , validation seeking , hurt no comfort , death threats , misunderstandings , fights , talking In musical notes , i am my own beta reader , excuse me for any errors im not a very good beta reader , also is very lowkey unreliable narrator but dont trust them either way
cross-posted on ao3 aswell !!
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StickTober | Day 4: Follower / Disaster Word Count : 1,759
Everything was so cold. So unbearably cold.
   Red-orangeish colors - Or were they reddish-orange? they adorned his body like fireflies, flooding his vision and freezing their skin like fibers of glass. His head throbbed restlessly and they felt unbearably cold, almost as if they were swimming in ice.
   Distantly, he could hear several people writhing frantically, some even swimming heavily to the lawn, grabbing it like a lifeline.
   Even more distantly, but which seemed to be rising beneath them, he could hear someone laughing in the distance, their head throbbing even louder at the sound.
   The camera lens of the cell phone was pointed directly at them, the blinding light momentarily blinding him as the owner of said device walked away cautiously, still smiling big and laughing as loud as the blinding sounds of the lava burning their skin.
   Orange watches as his friend Green watches them writhe in the lava frantically, laughing as if the whole ordeal was just a very poorly done comedy show.
   A picnic. A picnic was what he told them, something completely harmless and peaceful - The picnic would be located in the Sakura biome, where cherry blossoms would fall beneath and the wind would gently embrace them, making the entire air - once slightly tense and distant, now serene and joyful. Where all they would do was eat the adorable sandwiches and feel the sunlight shining beneath them and only them.
   Just them. As it always was.
   At least it seemed that way.
   Green pulled out his phone and walked away - At first, they didn't think much of it. (Well, except Red; He stood up instantly after noticing Green's departure, frowning but continuing to eat the sandwich even while standing.) - Maybe he just wanted to take a photo of them and send it to his Instagram, writing something about friendship and stuff like last time. Neither of them minded it, perhaps a little hesitant, but Green would return to them soon. Just take the photo and then sit back down. Nothing more.
   Then the floor opened. And everything suddenly looked hot and red. His skin burned like icy flames as if shards of glass had stuck to their skin and refused to let go. Bells rang in his head like thunder and everything spun wildly - blurs of different colors swam across his vision restlessly and confused their brain to no end - they desperately swimmed to the edge of the lawn, clinging to it like a lifeline as he gasped and huffed.
   He looked up. Green, even if blurred, was the only color that stood out in his vision - Towering over him like a cloud, so bright it hurt.
   He tricked them. It was all a trick. He didn't want to spend 'quality time' with them as previously told - Instead, he wanted to record the entire ordeal, not giving two cents that none of them asked for it, that none of them were even having fun.
   He bumped them into lava, applauding the ordeal as if a comedy show was being played instead.
   Orange felt his hands close around the grass more firmly, pieces of grass outlining their hand with the rigid action.
   He almost ended their friends.
   Orange leaned on the edge, successively climbing out of the pool that juggled violently on his skin.
   They are gonna end him.
   - STOP FIGHTING! Blue, please, calm down-"
   - RED, SHUT UP!"
   Green rolled his finger over the screen, bringing his legs closer to his chest as he rested his chin on top of his knees, absentmindedly leaning his back posteriorly to the fluffy pillows behind him, wincing slightly at the mildly sharp sensation he felt upon closer contact.
   He browsed through the comments on his most recent video, unthinkingly skimming throughout phrases and sentences incontinently - Something to abstract his mind off of the backache that sent twinges down his body intermittently.
   Green hissed as he felt his back slam onto the grass, his cell phone flying out of his reach and his glasses hung loosely on his face ; He's pretty sure he heard a low pop coming from one of his lenses after the heavy impact. Orange had him pinned to the ground, his hands were kneading the grass on either side of his head, holding him in place - Green frowned, ready to fight to get Orange off of him and complain about how the sudden approach disturbed the video only to shudder by the absolutely furious look on their face. - WERE YOU TRYING TO KILL US???" Orange shouted, making Green flinch at the volume so close to his face. Green tried to laugh nervously, raising his hands in surrender. - Dude- Chill, it's just a prank-" Orange growled, frowning in ever greater annoyance. - WHAT KIND OF A FUCKING PRANK INVOLVES DROPPING YOUR FRIENDS INTO LAVA." Irritation began to rise through Green now; Not just by having Orange literally screaming in his face, but by essentially hearing the implication that they truly believed he was capable of legitimately harming them albeit having known him for years. - IT'S NOT EVEN ACTUAL LAVA- GET OFF OF ME!" - WHAT MADE YOU THINK DROPPING US INTO FAKE ASS LAVA WITHOUT US KNOWING WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA???" - DID YOU SERIOUSLY THINK I WOULD EVER TRY TO ENDANGER YOU GUYS ON PURPOSE????" Green shouted back, his brow furrowing in irritation and betrayal. - WELL, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR FIRST FUCKING THOUGHT WHEN BEING DROPPED INTO WHAT LOOKS LIKE LAVA." Green fell silent, staring at Orange's furious face in disbelief. Did ... Did they genuinely believed he was going to deliberately put them in legitimate danger? But- They've known him for years??? They know he would never do that, right??? ... right? A distant sniffle from behind Orange distracted him from his thoughts, tilting his head up and glance his eyes towards the sound - Or, at least; Tried, seeing as Orange was still firm in pinning him to the ground. Yellow whispered cute comforts into the air, gently stroking Blue's back with Red standing right next to xhem. The latter giving him a stern look as soon as she noticed his gaze, scoffing before bending down and pulling Blue into a side-hug, avoiding looking at him. Blue was shaking uncontrollably, holding onto Yellow's arm as if xheir life depended on it - Xheir head was bowed to the ground, sniffles and sobs coming from xheir huddled position in Red's arms. Green stared at them for a moment, confusion and worry filling his being as he noticed Blue crying softly in their friends' arms, small splashes of water still dripping from their forms sitting on the floor. Why was Blue crying? It was just a prank ... Orange seemed to have gotten out of whatever furious storpor he was in, glancing an eye to look at the trio, then back at Green - Letting out a sigh, they pushed themself away from him and stood up, inhaling several deep breaths and mumbling unintelligible words of which Green was too far away to understand.  Green took off the limply glasses from his face (One of them had its' lens broken. Great.) and sat up, hissing softly as he felt his head become somewhat heavier, along with a sharp pain in his back that made him feel like he had slept on a log. - I'm sorry.. Just." Orange took a deep breath. - .. Go home." Green blinked, promptly standing up and ignoring the sharp pain he felt inside his skull from the abrupt movement. - What? No! I'm not going to-" - Home." - -leave and ignore Blue who is literally crying-" - HOME."
   Green shivered, burying his face in his knees and biting his trembling lip as he desperately blinked away the tears that were gradually beginning to well up, soft sobs escaping his throat unwillingly.
   Several hours has passed upon prior practically throwing himself on the mattress almost immediately upon ingressing at their shared room, having stolen regeneration potions from Blue on his way to the computer at Orange's command.
   Although he felt like immense fatigue filling his entire body and ready to collapse whilst enwrapped with innumerable comfy pillows and cozy blankets, Green found himself grabbing his phone out of his pocket and opening Youtube, scrolling through various comments from his latest video without actual real direction.
   He just wanted some distraction, some comfort - Anything that could ease the agonizing pain in his chest.
   His brain can't discern what he did wrong.
   It was just a joke. A laugh- A prank! Something they've all done to each other before, over and over again; innumerous times. This time is no different. He only stayed one step ahead of each of them in this silly prank war.
   So why were they so angry? Why didn't they just brush it off like they always did?
   Why didn't anything ever turn out the way he expected them to?
   Green sighed softly, taking a deep (although shaky) breath to calm the sobs in his throat and continuing his directionless journey of scrolling through the comments in the hope of finding something that could potentially pique his interest.
   He doesn't know what to do with the video now. It started out as a harmless prank that ended in a terrible disaster that broke one of the lenses in his glasses and made his friends extremely angry with him.
   Maybe he should just delete it-
@(ThisIsAnActualCommentThatImNotGonnaReveal) Bro Its So nice
   Green froze, blinking away the fog in his brain.
   Bro Its So Nice
   All thoughts about his friends and his unsuccessfully video ready for potential deletion are long forgotten - The only thing his brain focused on was those four(4) words, reading them over and over again.
   The entire video, he just sat on the same couch for six hours - The only thing that indicated time passing was the giant stopwatch right above him and the couch.
   For six hours, he sat in the same place, doing absolutely nothing.
   . . .
   Maybe he could just edit the video. Cut some parts, re-record others - Everything so that his audience, his beloved followers, would be duly satisfied.
   He couldn't just let them down just because of a stupid little fight. Fights happen between friends all the time! No big deal! Surely his friends would understand. Why wouldn't they?
   So Nice
   They loved his videos, he couldn't keep them waiting apprehensively for any potential new videos much longer. After all, the channel is for them.
   It's all for them.
   Just for them.
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tulparsnurseandradintern · 3 months ago
Okay so spider of the day time!
Today's spider of the day is Tliltocatl vagans. It's a typical tarantula from south America and if someone is interested in tarantulas they will know that I mean it can shoot the hairs, they have kinda weak venom and it also lives on the ground. The last thing is Interesting because tarantulas can live on the ground like Tliltocatl vagans and brachupelma hamorii or on trees like caribena versicolor and avicularia jurunensis m2.
Also help my playlist gotta be kidding me cuz wdym I almost cried listening to this is home by cavetown and then twist by Korn played.
OKAY this is the time I'm giving you some food and this time it'll be just something to drink. Schweppes mojito flavour (there's also citrus mix if u prefer that) this is my fav soda. STAY HYDRATED
Ooo I like the orangeish red color! I’m definitely noticing a pattern with the spiders you show; they all have a similar body shape. I’d like to know more about these spiders, like what do they eat, how big do they grow and how fast, and do you know the scientific reason behind the more venomous ones having beautiful colors like the Pamphobeteus sp. machala.
(daisuke response tbd)
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princessfaerygia · 4 months ago
written yesterday evening:
walking to get my boyfriend dinner. Interesting it's not as cold as this morning but I'm wearing big black snow boots, they resemble UGGs but aren't UGGs. Mom says they are a good brand. I just ate two bananas after not eating all day. I kinda want to stop by the grocery store and get yogurt but alas, I must hurry back to my hungry boyfriend. Food for me at the apartment: gluten free noodles, sundried tomatoes in olive oil, red marinara sauce. Also what I usually eat is copious amounts of granola bars. When I weighed myself last night at 139 lbs I was wearing layers of clothing. So I think I'm truly a tad less than that. Especially after barely eating all day today. Ok so today we saw our mutual friend Nicole. Some things she said made me cry in empathy for her and myself. But I must not gossip.
Sky light blue streaked with white. Trees and their fading green leaves, orangeish red and brown. Cars passing by me like waves in the ocean. Teehee that's like my favorite quote of mine, I say it lots. In front of me the sky is a surplus of white upon blue with a tinge of the palest hot orange and pink. Highlighter orange and pink. I was so meticulous in my English class. I would hyper fixate on word definitions and highlight them. I'd write in precise point colorful pens, my fave. It was interesting but not normal. Like I would try and dissect each word and it's meaning and memorize it. No I can't say I remember any word I highlighted except that my English teacher told me to use the word "commingling" instead of something different. I tried so hard in community college. One time I broke down crying grasping at the tree in my parents backyard, and in my old bedroom writing desperately, "it hurts to try".
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tricobicofriend · 1 year ago
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Edits of the Calamity Trio, Plantars, and concepts for a character from an Amphibia dream I had! Sorry for the one gillion variations of Anne(? Anne's twin?)'s armor, i couldn't remember or decide on a color scheme. Thinking of making an au & oc out of the dream! Anyways, the dream is as follows(edited from my original text dump onto a random doc):
Hop Pop may have been more salmon/reddish, Sprig more melon(crayola)/orangeish, Polly more pink/violet-red(crayola).
There was a medicine frog(consultant on vibes by inherent or potion-enhanced divinity/clairvoyance), she was a squat lilac frog(toad-shaped chin?) who reminded me of Maddie's village/town role had she been grown up at the time of the (actual canon) show. Maybe Maddie was training as a hobby to become one?(Very much something she'd chosen and could back out of at any time, nothing she was pressured into, each frog had their own take on the job, the important part was protecting the village.) Wartwood was more of a village than a town, just a little bigger & more spread out than Ichigo/the tlg boy's village.
I was Anne, but i was like a me version of Anne?, with hella anxiety, wearing a lot more blue than canon Anne, and in possession of my soft pj pants & a soft human-made blanket from earth. Sasha was from Newtopia & wore a swap au(like had she landed in Newtopia) outfit but less shirt-and-skirt under the armor and more dress, kinda cocoon segments of very pale to more saturated pastel coral-y pinks. Marcy wore her same Amphibia outfit as in canon, but w more of a toad touch? That or she was also raised /taken in by newts, just in a more rural area than Sasha.
Marcy and Sasha had come to the village to find either others of their kind(had heard rumors of me/Anne/Anne's twin) or their long lost bff(Anne, which they were hoping it was). It was either a Lost And Found AU situation except we ended up in Amphibia a couple to few years earlier than in canon, or were raised in Amphibia since ending up there as defenseless toddlers.
When they came I was recovering from an anxiety attack and so couldn't reliably evaluate their danger level when they asked to come into & stay at our village to get to know me, so the medicine frog did the danger evaluation instead. I remember being embarrassed that my outfit/clothes were so plain compared to them both, since I only wore my school uniform(how was it still my size?? dream logic?? coincidentally uniform-like outfit custom-made for Anne's twin/me?) and some frog-made(not from Newtopia, but was like a recolor of her canon armor) armor chest piece.
Later, we were at a bar countertop but lower like the ones in haircut places, and Hop Pop let me curl around his feet bc he knew I needed it after my anxiety attack and the stress of meeting new people(let alone those of my own species), and he talked pleasantries & politics with Grimes & Sasha & Marcy while I snuggled in my blanket & soft pj pants under the counter. My sister & brother (Polly & Sprig) were v supportive abt my anxiety, as much as Hop Pop was, even if they didn't quite understand it as much.
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fairyhaos · 2 years ago
what's one word you'd associate your moots with?
ooh this one's a very very intriguing one! honestly i don't think i can do many words but ill try my best :
@gyuswhore - maple. idk why and it's also the strongest word out of all the ones i associate with the others, but em kinda just feels like that golden orangeish colour of maple leaves
@etherealyoungk - poodle. it's bc skye is just so sweet and adorable and i love her so much so she's just a lovely poodle in my eyes haha
@icyminghao - bear. it's random and kinda influenced by what ive seen from her tags?? but whenever i think about icy[something] i just think of ice bear haha
@rubywonu - peaches. nia feels like the bright sweetness of nectarines (which aren't technically peaches but technically still are at the same time) so she makes me think of peaches haha
@slytherinshua - rays. like sunrays, and i would have said sunlight but there's something brighter and more blinding about sunrays, and that's how zanna feels
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instantartific · 2 years ago
I'm in a writing mood but don't have the spoons, so have a small excerpt from a draft of In The Eye of Ganymede's current chapter that I really like.
He paused, gathering his thoughts, deciding what would be best to bring up when, and took a deep breath. "These are stars: brilliant celestial bodies that range in a few to some billion light years away. To put that in perspective, a light year is the time it takes light to travel a year in a vacuum. In distance, some nine trillion kilometers. Each star is unique in their own way and they burn at differing sizes, colors, and temperatures that are all intertwined with the ways that they burn. An addendum to that is—"
"What kinda colors are they?"
The tuned sound tore him from his thoughts entirely, sending his track of carefully-crafted points of interest to a screeching halt. At a glance, he saw yellow. He pinched a bit of air between two fingers, placing a metaphorical pin where he left off. "Er. Colors of stars are dependent upon the temperature and viewing conditions. Ranging from coldest to hottest are red, orange, yellow, white, and blue. Any other variation in color is due to sub-optimal viewing conditions, such as air or light pollution in the area you are viewing from."
The automaton passed a glance between everyone in attendance, nodding to Zimelu, himself, White, and Purl-hew in turn, before: "How come there's no green ones?"
"Stars simply are not green."
Haym forced a whirring gasp, throwing a hand over his chest. "What do stars have against green!?"
"Nothing that is personally directed at any of you," Nova mused, the same hand formerly pinning that thought in place now massaging a small circle on his helmet. "I can assure you, the only reason why stars 'have something against green' is because stars do not give off light the same way you think they do. They emit light through blackbody radiation, which is directly related to their temperature, which is thus related to their color. The hotter a star is, the whiter or bluer it appears. The cooler a star is, the more reddish or orangeish it appears. There is no temperature that is green. Does that make sense?"
A hum was followed by a shrug. "I guess so."
"Wonderful. Now," Nova said, motioning to the rest of the room, "does anyone else have any questions thus far?"
Purl-hew chuckled. "I got one. Why're you defending the stars for not liking green?"
"Guys, it's cool." Eloni fumbled with his hands for a moment. Two. He added a soft: "You can keep going."
Uttering his thanks, Nova's mind made effort to return to that track of carefully-crafted points, piecing together splinters of letter and concept and word in reformation of what once was. Yet the process irksome, as there appears to be a few bolts missing that formerly held it all together. He tapped the glass of his helmet, and as his gaze trained on where the pin lay earlier, it occurred to him: he very literally dropped the subject. How bothersome. "One of you remind me of what I was saying, would you?"
White spared no glance to him. All focus remained trained on the simulated stars. "A few seconds ago you were saying stars aren't green."
"I know that much. I meant before," he sighed, both arms flaring in sheer emphasis of exasperation.
A beat passed. "You mentioned an addendum to stars being unique."
"Ah!" Nova clasped his hands together. A satisfied hum echoed the action. Yes, that makes far more sense. "That I did. Thank you."
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the-beesides · 4 months ago
ims oti red
ella strange
something kinda orangeish
daisy through concrete
this paint by numbers life
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goji-pilled · 5 months ago
trying to cook up anoto lore and by now its sort of coming together.
specifically the way i see it things kinda just go like:
- gets assigned to an empyrean, who is also a shaman numen girl but like from a different village
- dutifully does their job for years, always stays by the empyreans side; until one day though she convinces them to do something on their own because "nothing ever happens!"
- hornsent.
- empyrean gets killed before their eyes, and so they kinda pull a messmer and just kill every one of them
- this leads to two fun things i refuse to give up on now which is a) anoto's fur on the hands, wrists and part of the arm are permanently coloured a brown-orangeish red from the amount of bloodshed, which was inspired by kratos being forced tocwear his kid and wifes ashes on his skin; and b) a scar on their snout from a tooth they post which was inspired by rudy, the gigantic albino baryonyx from ice age 3, who also had a scar like that after losing a tooth and i think rudy is cool as fuck
- the two fingers abandon anoto, there's no conversation or anything but they feel it
- the empyrean gets a burial at her favourite place, anoto keeps a ring she wore and in exchange buries one of their eyes with her
- anoto just quietly stays there, not sure what to do until something happens in enir-illim that they can identify as an ascension to godhood
- returns to the lands between (return because i always assumed shadow bound beasts are either beastmen themselves or related to them and those are in farum azula which. well. is in the lands between.)
- they don't stay long though and leave to see lands beyond like the land of reeds; before returning once more where they pass the same day under the moon and stars
- hello tarnished era
- very confused as to what a tarnished is and why theyre called that which leads to an exchange with melina thats like:
"what do you mean you dont know what a tarnished is??? everyone knows that! i mean! hello? the tarnished?? as in godfrey and his men the first tarnished, eh??"
"what's a godfrey."
"oh my fucking god."
- lands between history crash course 101
- "oh got it so everything basically sucks and i have more reason to hate the two fingers?? cool i'm gonna kill god then!"
thats that.
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beardedmrbean · 4 months ago
what is this sorcery
Oh deer
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beardedmrbean · 4 months ago
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@superbeans89 @something-kinda-orangeish @itscoldinwonderland
Let’s play a game
Everyone post the most recent picture in your camera roll. You only get one sentence to justify yourself if you wish. This one is mine.
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My boyfriend is rly good at Latin, so I was looking up how to say ‘I love you’ but found this instead :)
Your turn!
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neutralevilslayerofevil · 1 year ago
Verdance my necromancer
Not neccessary to read this... but if you want context for my Tav posts you can
There's some spoilers. Its also long
Personality: Neutral evil b/c she's a power hungry necromancer; but hates oppression/inequality so she's basically good aligned even if her execution is lacking.
Rejects the tadpoles, malevolent entities (hags, devils, etc). Wants her power to come from her own efforts and doesn't trust them at all. Disdainful of "higher powers"/authority figures
Style/Gear: Dual daggers, lots of poison. Summoning and necromancy are her breaad and butter, those she's great with evocation too. Fully read the necromancy of thay.
Her hair starts of a vibrant green, but the more forbidden knowledge power she unlocks the more it turns the color of dead and dry foliage. Has heterochromia due to how she originally learned necromancy. Starts with a normal brown eye and the one with a black sclera and a sort of brightish green iris. After completing the necromancy of thay the iris turned orangeish.
Her tattoos/curse markings shift as well.
When she was younger, her village was destroyed. She was trapped under a tower with only a magic book. Taught herself magic... didn't know what she was doing but figured it out. Unfortunately by the time she freed herself everyone was already dead and she managed to create some necromancy spells. But all she made was some very weak zombies. Eventually some late Fists found her and took her to Baldur's Gate where she grew up as an orphan refugee. She kept teaching herself magic and eventually got really good at it.
Before the abduction:
strongish necromancer with a small army of beasts, elementals, zombies etc getting ready to march on Baldur's Gate when they all got jacked by the illithid. Got nerfed by the tadpole.
She probably would of got her ass kicked and sent to a supermax prison or something; but her primary goal was getting ingredients for a lich potion. Becoming a lich is basically her goal for act 1, until Wyll worms his way into her heart
Interaction with other characters:
Wyll: Her beloved. Thinks of him as her lighthouse and herself as the gull sheltered by his light. Wants to protect him and frees him from his 360 deal with mizora. Loves how pure hearted and heroic he is and tries to make herself as vulnerable. Basically the do it for her meme.
She has an idealized view of parents and can't understand why Ulder would cast out his son. (Resents Ulder on Wylls behalf. <Would her parents resent who she's become as well>)
Laezel: Her bestie. Give each other the go ahead to do evil aligned shit. Will help her free Orpheus and her people. Have nicknames for each other.
Karlach: Doesn't care for Karlach. Sends her out to tank hits and then gets annoyed when Karlach is injured. When she found out about the infernal engine thought it would have been better to have just died to Wyll but kept quiet.
Astarion: Mostly ignores him. Kept him alive with the hopes of getting his sires blood since she still wanted to be a lich when they met. Did not force him to give the blood mage his blood. Now doesn't really know what to do with him, but he's on thin ice. Especially since he keeps wanting to make deals with devils and eat tadpoles. Left the brain jars at camp, so he could eat them if he wanted, but laughed in his face when he asked for the necromancy of thay. Since they don't talk will end up destroying Cazador and his chance at ascension unknowingly.
Gale: Initially disdainful for his love of the weave and Mystra, but fully supports him once he gets the whole crown of Karsus idea in his head. They did the tower puzzle to find their gated knowledge together and now he's her wizard bestie. Wants to learn his weave. Kinda jealous, but figures the realms got enough supreme necromancers
Halsin: Doesn't really understand him. Her perception of druids was tainted by her initial interactions with Kahga and the rest, but gained a lot of respect when he went into the shadowfell alone. Was annoyed when Orin kidnapped him, and wonders if the confession the night before was actually orin.
Shadowheart: was annoyed by her dramatic secrecy. if she'd kept her secrets in silence probably would have been more ambivalent. Unfortunately she fell on Verdance's dagger during her try to kill Laezel event. Thought the Shar thing was weird but wasn't really judging. Though secretly was glad she didn't get trapped with a shar book or something worse.
Jaheira: Likes the old lady. Will help her free her friend. Wonders if her harpers could have saved her village
Minthara: Died during the goblin incident.
Barcus: She will protect and keep him alive.
The tieflings: Saved each and every single one of them. Wants to see them all happy. Killed Lorrakan on sight. Mainly for Rolan (also for aylin). Hopes Zevlor can forgive himself one day. Loves the kids, knows Mol doesn't know better but for some reason wants to discipline her anyway. Was glad when Arabella got powers. Confused when she didn't want her to leave on her own, when *she* turned out just fine on her own.
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5499h · 5 years ago
What's the point of owning a cloak if u don't take walks at 1 am when it's super windy 2 stare at the moon n feel the wind make ur cloak and all the trees go whoosh whoosh
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crinkliedfries · 5 years ago
synesthesia is wild because i try to explain something and it just kinda goes like this:
me: it feels like old sweaty nerds? like they’re expired and old and yucky and just. not good. y’know? and like... a pale brownish orangeish colour.
my sister: h. h uh
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humble-althemist · 6 years ago
some fem Harrigrove style HC’s
🌻 Billie rarely if ever wears anything more than chapstick on her lips. (Or Stevie’s lipstick, after they’ve been making out.) She loves how a good dark red looks on her, but she’s still got too much of a wicked oral fixation to handle something just sitting on her lips like that.
- if it’s a modern au maybe Stevie can buy her some of the real good shit that feels like it’s not there and doesn’t transfer all over the place. then Billie will not be seen without it until the goddamn tube runs out.
🌸 Stevie, on the other hand, wears lipsticks and lipglosses all the time. it’s kind of her go-to makeup product, particularly pinkish and orangeish shades of red. she’s batting Billie’s kisses away all the time because the lipstick calls to Billie like a siren song, but she kind of loves the look of it when it does transfer to her girlfriend’s lips or skin or clothes.
- sometimes she wears the extra creamy ones just so Billie will end up with a magenta smudge on her cheek all through Chem.
🌼 Billie is a big fan of dark eyeliner/eyeshadow. she likes how it sets off her eyes and makes them look extra scary when she glares.
🌺 Stevie can’t be bothered with much more than some shade of brown eyeshadow and some mascara most days, which is probably for the best. when she gets a little eyeliner involved the enchantment powers of her puppydog eyes increase tenfold and Billie becomes completely useless around her.
🌹Billie is still a jean on jean, shirt half-open kinda gal, especially after Stevie buys her a really nice lingerie set for their first Valentines. she gets called into the principal’s office for showing that bra off all the time.
🌷Stevie dresses like something between Nancy’s s1 style and Steve’s. definitely big on knee-length skirts, loafers a must, and probably just an unhealthy amount of sweaters and cardigans for every occasion.
💐 most importantly, their hair is big and gorgeous and so luciously ‘80s it makes all the boys (and girls) cry.
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