#something about shawn... clearly high as fuck
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i probably watched this video 300 times so i gif’d it.
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mzblkauthor · 7 months
Part 2 of Bliss
Wc: 2k
Currently you were rushing out the door to get in the uber you registered for. The morning was not going so well. You woke up 15 minutes late, your dryer didn't fully dry your clothes, and you hit your funny bone while walking out the door. It seemed like the only good thing going today was your phone being on 100% and that it was Friday. It's not like you wanted to deal with annoying ass customers but, your work friends were always chill as fuck so maybe this bad luck will stay in the house.
You opened the door damn near falling inside with your backpack tumbling down to the seat, after accidentally slamming the door you hear a slightly accented voice talking to you, "Good morning, having a good day?"
You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down from the little fiasco that just happened, irritated with the fact that he even asked because clearly you're not. But instead of lashing out at someone who's just trying to do their job, you adjust your backpack and put your seatbelt on and tell him, "It could be better but the day just started so hopefully everything will pull through in the end.” He nodded, understanding your feelings. He dropped the small talk and turned up the radio which was playing some pop song that came out recently.
Around 10 minutes passed and you were in front of the mall, after paying and thanking your uber driver you made your way inside. You head straight to footlocker, it wasn't your ideal job but it pays enough for now, I mean you were taking online classes for being a realtor. Why look for a high paying job now?
You were welcomed with the ring of the bell over the door and the waves of your fellow coworkers. Going into the back and putting your stuff up you realized you weren't met with the sound of your annoying ass supervisor bitching about how you were 5 minutes late. Once you signed in you went to the front to ask where she was. Dahlia, your work wife, explained that the ex supervisor 'disapproved' of everybody's attitude on day shift, so she switched shifts with night shift. You didn't really care though cause she was a bitch anyways.
When you worked your way into your zone, you got most of the newly shipped shoes in the correct storage stand and helped plenty of customers get their perfect fitting shoe. You were happy with your pace so far, you didn't feel like you were overexerting yourself and you kinda enjoyed how you were moving with a purpose.
That was until someone stopped you, a customer, your favorite hoe, Shawn. He was 5'10 and light skinned, not exactly your type but he did know how to give a girl butterflies. With his low fade and new J's he can get any number he wants but, luckily you didn't try anything serious with him. Your relationship consisted of mostly just talking stages and you were ok with that.
But, you didn't like being interrupted at your job by people that you see outside of your job. That personal life and work life boundary was something that you thought should never be crossed but, you can't help it if people happen to wanna get shoes from your workplace. "Y/n,"
You took a deep breath wanting to ignore him but, knowing you can't, "Yeah, what can I do for you?"
He leaned back while boldly checking you out in your uniform, if you were anywhere else you would feed into his flirty nature but, right now was not the time.
"I mean nun really I just wanted to talk," you knew he wasn't trying to get on your nerves but he was dancing on your shit right now.
But instead of snapping at him, you told him calmly "If you don't need anything that has to do with shoes I can't help you."
Still not realizing that you were trying to end the conversation early he insisted on being around you. Quickly scanning the shelves he picked up a random black and white shoe, "Well, do you have these in a size 11 in mens?"
He scrunched his face up and told you " You didn't even check though, how would you know?" You giggle at his response because he was so serious about it and still didn't realize that he was in the women's section.
"I don't know maybe it's because I just restocked and I know there aren't any of those types of shoes in the men's size," you said, plucking the shoe out of his hand and placing it back on the shelf "or maybe it's because we're in the women's section."
Looking around, it dawned on him that he was on the wrong side of the store, scratching his head he let out a soft "Oh," instead of trying to continue to bother you, he asked you straight up "You don't want me messing with you do you?"
You thought about your response for a little bit, not wanting to accidentally hurt his feelings, "I mean I fuck with you and you know that but, right now I'm working so you kinda blowing my shit,"
He nodded recognizing what your tryna say, so he left it at that and said "Aight imma leave you alone for now but, you know where I be at, so don't be afraid to hit a nigga up," you gave him a side hug and he was on his way. Not long after that you got back into your workflow. Eventually minutes turned to hours and not only was it 4:00 but, you accidently missed your break. After ordering another uber you saw that Atsumu texted you about an hour ago:
Suna told me u was going to the next smoke sesh u know where it's at??
Um I didn't really say yes but ig I can go
And no I don't know where it's at
Ok I'll pick u up then around 6 good??
Yeah sure
It was 5:30 and you already took a shower and everything but, you still didn't have an outfit chosen. Kiyoko was on the phone telling you what outfits looked good or looked like you were trying too hard, after going through almost every piece of clothing in your closet you gave up and settled with sweatpants, an undershirt, and a hoodie. You packed your backpack with some snacks, a charger, earbuds, a cart, your wallet, and your keys. Hearing a honk outside you made your way to the front door.
Opening the door you were greeted with a big dopey smile from Atsumu. “Hey beautiful,” rolling your eyes, you laughed and said a simple ‘hey’. You and Atsumu always had a flirty way of speaking to each other ever since you both met. But, you were no fool to the game so there were no hard feelings whenever he would talk about his new girl of the week.
“So,” Atsumu started while side eyeing you as he drove, “Suna invited you to the little get together, huh?” He did a little jig in his seat as you laughed at his antics. You missed being around Atsumu and his childish behavior, maybe it was a good idea to go with Kiyoko that day.
“Yeah but, its not anything weird I think he just wants me to roll up.” you told him brushing off his little ideas. “Anyways, why are y'all smoking at a hotel?” while waiting for his response you buckled up and got your playlist for the smoke session ready.
“We go there all the time, cause Osamu doesn’t like when we smoke there, and Suna just doesn’t like people at his place.” with a hum of understanding, you both fell into comfortable silence until you arrived at the hotel.
You walked in and were embraced with the familiar smell of marijuana. Closing your eyes and taking a big whiff, you got butterflies, just from the thought of having another encounter like last time with Suna had you blushing. You heard a honeyed voice bickering "Stop it." Intrigued by the voice you made your way to the living room.
"Shit," you heard Atsumu mutter behind you. Standing in the doorway you saw a woman smothering your ‘little crush’, boobs halfway out of her shirt and hair in a messy bun. You swallowed the lump in your throat and slinked your way to the couch. It was fucking embarrassing. No one noticed you yet but, the way you were genuinely excited to see him was humiliating. You fixed your face making sure to not show any sign of emotion. You didn't know him like that so it wasn't too bad but, still that shit low-key hurt.
Feeling his eyes on you, you glanced up at him. She was whispering in his ear and touching on his face. You could tell he was trying to observe your reaction by the way he stared at you in the eye. As you were staring back at him you noticed the way he was smirking at you while rubbing his hand down the girl’s back. Tf did you do for him to act like that? Rolling your eyes you got your phone out and went to spotify but, instead of going to the playlist you prepared you clicked on your summer walker playlist.
Hearing someone clear their throat you looked up, “Wassup Y/N, you wanna start rolling up now?” He threw the baggy at you and gestured to the table that had the paper and grinder on it.
You put your other airpod in, flicked your hood onto your head and started rolling. Eventually, 1 joint turned into 5. But,with the amount of people there you didn’t feel too high yet. What you did feel was the pressure of Suna though, it's like the higher you got either he was getting bolder or you just were more conscious of him. Either way you hated that he affected you that much. Throughout the 2 hours you've been in the hotel not once did he stop eyeing you, at this point you were pissed off cause you came here to chill and this irritating ass motherfucker won't let you breathe too hard without making a face. Sick of his shit you got up to go in the kitchen.
"Where you going, Y/n?" He said after taking a hit and licking his lips.
Dry ass lips, what he needs is some goddamn CarMax, you thought to yourself as you made your way to the kitchen. "The kitchen" you replied.
After asking the girl on his lap what she wanted, he told you "gimme some hot chips and water," who the fuck does he think he's talking too. You came here thinking that it was going to be a sequel of what happened last time, maybe even get his number. But, this little event here is making your feelings towards him flip instantly. It's unbelievable how entitled this nigga is. Having you roll up is whatever, you were expecting that but, damn near glaring at you throughout the whole smoke sesh, inviting a whole other female knowing you were coming, then not asking but, making you get something from the kitchen. This dude got you fucked up.
"Damn what took so long," Suna said as you threw him the water bottle and hot chips. Rolling your eyes and sitting back down chewing on the candy string, you got an uber. Atsumu nugged your shoulder and asked if you were good. You debated on telling him that you were about to leave but you didn't want him to offer you a ride and spend a 15 minute drive sitting in awkward silence.
5 minutes later you got a text saying your driver was in front of the lobby. "Aight y'all Imma head home," you got up and told everyone.
"Wait, I can take you home," Atsumu said while passing the joint to someone and going for his keys. You gently pushed him back down on the couch.
"Nah it's good 'tsumu, I already ordered it." With that you walked out, not worrying about what's-his-face at all.
I hope you guys enjoyed it took a lil minute for me to actually finish it.
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nicklangfordmuse · 1 year
“i don’t fucking care. you’re supposed to be mine.”
Boston is a long way from Minnesota but ever since Nick found out about his son, he has since moved too be closer to him. It was a rocky start but they've figured it out and made it work. It took years for Nick to build a relationship with Shawn that he got to work on his relationship with Katrina first. Thankfully, after that, it wasn't so hard for Shawn to acknowledge his dad and love him with his whole heart. Five years later, they're in the best place they've been since high school.
"We're gonna be late. Where's your mom?" Nick asked his ten year old son who was waiting patiently with him on the couch. But clearly, he was getting bored too since the boys have been waiting for about an hour already.
"You know how mama is with her make up." Shawn added jokingly and the boys chuckled.
"I get it but the party starts in 30 minutes. I have to be there early for the surprise." Nick reminded him and Shawn let out a breath, getting up from the couch and walking closer to the stairs. "Mama, let's go. We're gonna be late!" Shawn shouted.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." Katrina said out loud as she quickly got out of the room to go downstairs. "I'm sorry. Something came up with work and I had to finish it. I told your dad you two should've went there first but...he kept insisting we go there as a family."
Shawn watched as his mama came downstairs in a beautiful dark blue dress and white heels with her hair curled down. He's always in awe of his mama's beauty and today is no different. "How do I look, sweetie? I didn't have time to buy a new dress."
Before Shawn could answer, Nick stepped in the scene and was just completely mesmerized by how beautiful she looked. He thought he'd be speechless but the words from his brain came out of his mouth so naturally. "You look...perfect." He said, letting out a soft chuckle as he felt he was breathless for a second.
Katrina felt her cheeks blush a bit as the boys were giving her looks that made her feel like the only girl in the world. Shaking her head lightly, she came down to their level and nodded, knowing they should head out already. "Alright, boys. Come on. We wouldn't want to be late. It's...a big day today." She added, letting out a deep breath and leading the boys out to the car.
Nick wanted to say more, having a billion more adjectives in his head to describe how beautiful Katrina was in that dress. She's not even the star of the show today but Nick has a feeling all eyes would be on her at some point. But like she said, they didn't want to be late.
Going to the restaurant, the place was booked for a private event. There were about 40 guests in attendance, including Rachel, Tyler, 4 year old Claire and a lot more. When the three of them got there, Nick said hi to everyone as Katrina did but Shawn was still a bit shy to say hi to the people, especially since he doesn't know them all that well. When he saw Claire though, he had to leave his parents behind and play with his little sister slash best friend.
They mingled around for a couple more minutes until one of the guests announced that the star of the night would be arriving in 5 minutes. Nick went over to Katrina and borrowed her from Rachel and Tyler for a few minutes. Going to one of the corners, Nick loosened his tie, feeling like he's choking already as his heart raced. "You're ruining it. Come on. Let me." Katrina said and Nick nodded. "Please. Thank you." He said as Katrina removed the tie completely. "And you're sweating like a pig, Nick. What's wrong?" She asked and Nick shook his head, not sure what kind response she was looking or what he actually wanted to say.
"Are you...having second thoughts?" She asked and Nick felt like his world stopped as he looked at her. His heart stopped racing and for a moment, he knew what he had in mind but he just couldn't say it. "I...feel like...I'm forgetting something." He mumbled as Katrina tried to fix his collar too. "But...I guess that's normal for guys like me in this situation, right?" He added, chuckling nervously.
Pressing her lips together, Katrina nodded at him, not wanting to say the wrong things. "You do know you're gonna have to learn how to fix your own tie from now on, right? I think that's what you're forgetting." She teased him as she finish the perfectly fit tie on him.
"Nah, I just like it better when you do it." Nick told her honestly as he couldn't keep his eyes off hers. Who knows when's the next time he could be this close to her and would get a close look at her shimmering eyes?
Katrina knew she couldn't get lost in the moment and when there was a few seconds of silence between them, she had to clear her throat and change the subject. "Uhm...how about the ring? Did you forget that too?" She joked, trying to avoid the awkward tension between them.
Nick reached for his pocket and got the tiny red box out, opening it in front of her and Katrina felt for a second that the beautiful diamond ring was for her. But she knew, out of all the days, she couldn't imagine that today. Maybe later when she has a glass of wine in hand and she's alone in her room. "It's...still as shiny as the day you showed me." She told him, trying to smile as best as she could.
"I...I haven't really opened it since I showed it to you. And...you're the only person who's seen the ring since I bought it." Nick revealed but Katrina didn't know what to think of that. Why didn't he show it to anyone else? Has he been having second thoughts since he showed the ring to her? Or maybe that's just the tiny crack of hope left in her heart that's wishing today would end differently than everyone else hoped. "I'm really glad you're here. We talked to Shawn about this for over a month but I'm still worried what he thinks about this plan. I know you just want to support Shawn with this...new thing that's gonna happen and change our lives but...I couldn't have done any of this without you. So...thank you."
Katrina wanted to scream but she couldn't. So many thoughts running through her brain but she's just decent enough not to ruin the day for anyone even if she's been dreading for today since Nick planned it. "We've gotten...really close since you came back to our lives and...I think we've become really close friends for the past five years too. Not just as...co-parents to Shawn." She explained and though her heart felt like it was destroyed into a million pieces, Katrina still wanted to show her support to him. Because yes, she still loves him in a way he didn't know.
"I want you to know...whatever happens tonight, you'll always be a part of my life, okay? You're never gonna get rid of me. Ever." Nick assured her as he felt his eyes watering. Luckily, he was strong enough to keep the tears in. This night will change the course of their life forever and while he knew it would, neither of them could just stay in the same spot forever. At least one of them has to move on and move forward, and that's what Nick decided when he bought the engagement ring two months ago.
"She's here! Everyone, hide!" The sister of the special guest said out loud as the lights were shut off. Once everyone was in the dark, Nick reached for Katrina's hand and held it like it would be the last time he'll ever be able to do that. Katrina understood the feeling and the only response she could give was squeeze his hand gently before letting him go. And as she stepped away, she felt the tear finally stream down her face. At least with the lights off, no one would ever know.
Nick closed his hand into a fist, like he was making sure his hand remembered what Katrina's felt like. The feeling would remain a memory from now on and he hoped he'd never forget it. Going to position, Nick stood in the middle with a bouquet of roses in one hand and the box of ring on the other. As the door opened and the lights were turned on, everyone jumped up and shouted surprise.
Ella, the woman of the hour, was surprised as she kept giggling, walking inside the restaurant. Seeing Nick, she pouted at her boyfriend, unaware of what's about to happen next. "Baby..." She whined sweetly at Nick, seeing the bouquet of roses in his arms. "My birthday isn't until next month, you know that, right?" She told him teasingly and Nick chuckled, nodding at her as he led her to the middle of the venue. With everyone's phone on video mode, she started realizing what was happening so she started getting excited as everyone cheered.
Everyone cheered, except for Katrina who was by the corner. Thankfully, the server gave her a glass of wine as she watched the love of her life slowly slip through her fingers and move to someone else's. Forever. [play this now.]
"El..." Nick started, clearing his throat as he handed her the flowers before going down on one knee. The screams erupted from the crowd and even Ella was screaming out loud too.
In the corner, Rachel noticed that her best friend was alone so she knew she had to keep her company. They didn't need to say anything but Rachel wrapped her arms around her best friend and Katrina leaned her head against hers, glad that she has her at least. She understood what she was feeling, even if she hasn't said a word about this. "Right now, it's just you and me in this corner. Everyone's focused on the middle so you can tell me whatever it is that's going on in your head. No judgements." Rachel told her best friend and Katrina could already feel the waterworks coming.
"I wanna start by saying...I'm so glad I bumped into you that night at the bar. I was super drunk about...something and spilled something on you but you remained calm every second of that night." Nick shared and everyone laughed.
"But he went home to me that night. I took care of him...and dropped my date the second I saw how helpless he was because...I couldn't just stop caring about it." Katrina murmured to her best friend as they both listened to the start of the proposal.
"And about a week later, I saw you at the bar again and just had to make it up to you. That night felt like...seconds and an eternity at the same time. You made me feel like I had all the time in the world with you. so it didn't matter if the night ended because...you were there in the morning."
"And yet...with me, you always wished that time would remain still." Katrina responded quietly, just letting her thoughts come out of her mouth. "You wanted the night to last forever because...I might not be there for you the next day anymore."
Nick let out a breath, opening the box in front of her to reveal the diamond ring for the first time to everyone in the room except Katrina and the crowd was amazed at how beautiful it looked. "I guess...what I'm trying to say is...you can take all the time in the world but I hope you'd say yes."
"I would've said yes to you in a heartbeat." Katrina added and her voice finally cracked as the tears kept coming.
"It's not an easy journey. It could be a bumpy road, I'm telling you now. But I'm yours forever if you'd take me."
"Give me all the mess in the world and I'd still go through it with you. I don't fucking care. You're supposed to be mine. Because I've always been yours." Katrina murmured, a little quieter this time as she felt her chest getting heavier by the second. The question's coming up soon and she knew it would break her to hear it, especially Ella's response.
He just had to ask the question now but he felt like there was something blocking his throat. Behind Ella, Nick saw Katrina standing by the corner with Rachel and then the words finally came out. "Will you marry me?" Nick finally asked, quickly shifting his gaze to Ella before anyone else noticed he was looking at the woman in the back corner.
Ella jokingly tapped her chin like she was thinking hard about it and everyone else laughed along.
"In a heartbeat." Katrina said before drinking the entire wine in her glass, trying to toughen it up before Ella finally answered.
"Yes, Nick. I will marry you." She said and everyone started to cheer as Nick slid the ring on her finger, keeping her focus on Ella as he was scared he'd see Katrina walk away and he'd just run after her instead.
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kandadiff · 11 months
Larger Than Life
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🗣 What do you get when you cross a house of beautiful talented hopeful dramatic stars with a whole lot of alcohol? A ver entertaining night! thats what! Welcome to a new episode of Larger than Life ! 🗣
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Damien was a polarizing new addition to the house. He had been in the house barely a day and he had as many people take a liking to him as he did those who clearly disliked him. (Many people just disliked Stephen). But it was actually him and his brother that came up with the idea to throw the 80s party. By the time the next two members of the house arrived (Victoria Justice and Camilla Cabello) the party was in full swing. Complete with blindingly bright colors, teased up hair, great dance music and strong drinks (as well as some people doing coke in the bathroom but that was discreet). Everyone was already sufficiently drunk or high, which lead to interesting little interactions.
~ ~ ~
🌟 confessional: How do you feel about the new arrivals? 🌟
Just like people noted your connection with Stephen they noticed mine with Damien, Liam and Louis specifically. Liam made his way into the neon lights of the confessional, stumbling and slightly spilling the drink in his hand. "Honestly," He leaned back in the cushioned chair looking at his reflection in the camera. "you wanna know the true definition of... what is it called again? like the kids who only get famous because of their parents....a-" he leaned back thinking when he heard a feminine voice.
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"nepotism baby." Lisa said, her face was flushed from the liquor and her eyes were big and round under her thick bejeweled glasses. She was dressed as boy toy version Madonna except the skirt was shorter and her hair less teased up. She smirked at him. "can I join you?" He smirked and nodded moving over on the cushioned couch and patted the spot next to him. He noted how closely she sat to him and how she threw her head back and giggled. "thank you." she took a deep sip of her drink her brown eyes staring into his.
"anyway" he smiles though instead of the camera he was looking into her eyes. She giggled and he turned back to the camera. "if you need an example of a nepo baby look at Kalyn and Damien." Lisa made a face at my name. "Here for show and nothing else."
"they are so annoying!" Lisa hissed finishing her drink. "I don't know how you put up with her for so long." she casually placed her manicured hand on his thigh and he smirked.
"me neither." He said placing his hand on her knee and leaning in.
Stephan smirked as he spoke into the handheld camera and walked down the hallway to the confessional. He was dressed as Tom Cruise from Risky business and clearly buzzed and high on the coke he did , his smirk lit up the camera. "I am going to be honest with you all back home or wherever you are. I hate those asshole boys around Adi and I hate the way he treats my girl, yes, I said my girl." he smiled as he moved past a girl he didn't care to even look at, tapping her cup with his own. He kept moving towards the couch he saw you on and pulled you up to him. Shawn instantly shot up but Stephan glared at him. And you drunker then a skunk placed a calming hand on Shawns chest and followed Stephan.
"Fine but be back in 5 minutes." Shawn said his hand resting on the small of your lower back. "Or I'll come looking."
Satisfied, Stephan practically carried you up the stairs. He stopped on the third floor in front of an empty room which most importantly didn't have any cameras. Stephan smirked up to the camera hanging outside the hallway to the room and lead you inside.
"Stephan!" You whined, watching and pouting while he gently placed you on a chair in front of the TV.
"I wanna show you something, baby." he said clicking the play button on the remote and you watched the black screen change to color. On the screen you saw him setting up a camera, his deep voice coming through the speaker.
"This is going to be so fucking hot." you watched him say a small piece of cloth momentary covering the camera lens. "she won't even see it." once it looked like he was satisfied you saw him take off his shirt, his tattoos a bit blurred from the fast motion. You were confused and your head was spinning with the effects of the liquor ad you whined. "what is this?"
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He gently moved your face back towards the TV, his hands massaging your shoulders. You watched, blinking to make sure it was true what you were looking at. You watched yourself enter the room, it had to be just before the house and Stephan was all over you. You watched in slow horror at what he was showing you as you were tossed on the bed and he took off your shirt. You gasped and jerked out of his grasp. This asshole was really trying to not only show you a sex tape but one he made in secret!
It was Namjoon that bitterly looked at Damien and I chatting by bar but it was Jackson who made his bitterness known. After it was clear you and Jackson would never be more then best friends, me and him became closer which both annoyed Namjoon since Jackson was always around him now. But the other side of the coin was him and I have gotten closer because of it - now here was Damien ruining it.
Jackson sat next to Joon, a furrow in his brow as he eyed us. "Do you think somethings going on with them?" Joon looked over to him and shrugged. "you're okay with this?"
"no," joon answers honestly "but what can we do?" Joon sighed looking around for the rest of his band. Katya was dancing with v, jungkook was laughing with Jin and Draven. Yoongi and Hobi were drinking, Jimin was in the pool and here he was drinking with Jackson in a darkned corner of the backyard.
"Kay!" Jackson shouted towards me causing Namjoon to pinch teh bridge of his nose but Jackson called me again.
"Stop!" Namjoon demanded but stopped when I looked at him and moved towards them. I slopped in the middle of them, resting my legs on Jackson's and Leaning on Namjoon. "Whats wrong Joonie?" I asked, my head light with alcohol. He school his head taking a sip of his beer.
"I don't like Damien." Jackson said plainly.
"Why?" I pouted. "He's sweet." Both boys pouted and I pinched Jackson cheek. "But not sweeter then you, puppy." I leaned my head on Joons shoulder and looked up at him. His jaw tight, I traced my hand over his jawbone. "Or you." His features softer under my touch and Jackson wanting attention for himself placed a hand on my bare thigh. I giggled and leaned towards him. "Don't be jealous. I have enough love for you and" I looked back up at Joon. "you."
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I wasn't sure if it was me that kissed him first or him but soon my clouded mind was just focused on sensations of Jacksons hands and kisses on my shoulder and Joon's mouth on my own. I felt my dress being hiked up and was grateful no one was really paying attention to us.
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taleasnewastime · 2 years
hi bestie, are you still taking requests? 🥹 cause if that so i’d like to read something about idol!taehyung meeting reader and it’s a scenario where she really doesn’t know who he is until he tells her himself LMAO and needless to say tae is instantly drawn to her and probably does anything and everything to charm her and so one thing leads to another,, they end up having some good old steamy sex 🫠🫠
Hey friend! This is cute and though there isn't much steamy sex I hope you still enjoy :) Thanks for requesting!!
Warnings: smut (penetrative and oral), swearing
Coffee. Museums. A stroll by the river. That kiss under a bridge. Hell, you even took him on a train to go round that village famous for second-hand books. Took him on the train in economy.
You feel like all the life has drained out of you while Tae doesn’t look much better. Both of you silent in the aftermath of the news. Both for completely different reasons.
“I can leave,” his voice sounds hollow in comparison to what you’re used to. “If you want some space, I’ll understand.”
You still don’t speak, your eyes not even in focus as you stare at the middle distance.
“I bought you a fucking mood ring.”
Not quite the first words he was expecting to leave your mouth, but still, it’s better than the silence.
“Yeah, sorry, I probably could have paid for that.”
“I bought you a cheap, crappy mood ring that’ll probably turn your finger green,” you go on to explain, Tae clearly not understanding it wasn’t about the money. “You can’t wear that. You probably get given more expensive stuff just for existing.”
“Yeah, but, I like this,” he seems bashful, again another thing you’re not used to. “Because you bought it me.”
You roll your eyes. “I took you round that shitty cathedral. And you had to use that portaloo.”
“If that’s what you’re worried about, I’ve honestly used worst loos.”
“How?” You shove your head in your hands, wishing the floor would swallow you alive. “I told you that I thought Lush was high end. I’m going to die.”
He chuckles, the noise light and airy in comparison to your low muttered moans of despair.
“Lush is high end,” he tries to help but you don’t hear him, everything you’ve ever done around him and everything he’s replied seeming to fly through your mind, everything having new meaning.
“I told you I thought Shawn Mendes is hot,” you look back at him, voice deadly serious.
“And I said I’d hook you up,” he’s got a cheeky smile on his face, only making matters worse.
“I said I thought it was cute when popstars wrote songs for each other.”
“And I said I’d write you one.”
“I didn’t think it would actually be any good,” you whine.
“It might not be, I haven’t nailed the melody yet,” he shrugs.
“I know what you’re doing,” you point an accusing finger at him and he has the audacity to look half offended. “It’s not going to work. You can’t charm yourself out of this. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
He seems to turn serious at that, all false pretence and joking gone. His eyes are soft and you think you might get a half serious answer out of him.
“It’s not like I tried to hide it. You’re just oblivious.”
“Tae,” you whine pushing to your feet in favour of pacing, moving somehow feeling so much better. “Please don’t joke when I’m having a crisis.”
He chuckles and you try to ignore the sound of his chair scraping along the ground.
“What’s the crisis? It’s still me, nothing’s changed.”
“Apart from the fact you’re a fucking megastar,” you screech.
Long, solid arms wrap around your middle the shock knocking all the air out of you. You’re tugged back into a large, hard chest and then a chin comes to rest on your shoulder.
“Now, you’re going to inflate my ego if you keep talking like that,” Tae mutters into your ear.
You flush, warm and not just because you’re in his arms. You’ve been in this position with him before, but now you have completely different understanding of who’s arms you stand in.
Tae’s arms tighten around your middle as if sensing your feelings, his head twisting so his lips can brush the column of your neck.
“Nothing’s changed,” he mumbles.
“You’re famous Tae.”
“Not enough for you to know,” you feel his smile and it irks you.
“You probably have thousands of girls after you.”
He stiffens at that. “And yet I only want you.”
The words do things to you, just like his words always have. But unlike before you’re slower when you give in. You’re not exactly annoyed, more surprised. You’re from completely different worlds, can’t understand how or why you’re in this position. But Tae’s right, he’s still the man you know and however you got here you don’t want to let that go just because of one small thing.
Tae loosens his arms enough to let you spin to face him. You look up into his eyes and then lean in to connect your lips. It’s enough of an answer than any words.
And Tae seems to accept it, want to give his own apology for not telling you as his hands go to your ass as he pushes you back. You squeal as you hit the sofa, but Taehyung doesn’t let you fall, at least not before ridding you of your clothes.
His apology is more than words, it’s his lips on your nipples, his tongue through your folds, his fingers pumping inside you. And even when you’ve had your first orgasm it’s the promise of a second.
It’s him stood over you as he slowly pumps himself. It’s the way he leans over you, puts enough of his weight on you so you can feel everything. His lips on your face, his cock inside you, he starts slow. And he does everything you ask, goes faster when you ask, goes harder when you scream for more, helps you down from your high only to start all over again.
It’s one hell of a good apology.
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mendesblurb · 3 years
Can i have a request where he forgets our 1st anniversary and we have this massive fight and I leave to go to my friends and then the next day he begs me to come home and we have (hot) makeup sex? thank you for opening your requests again! i love all your content! I'm binging right now!
Treat you better
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Shawn Mendes x female reader
Warning: ANGST with happy ending , tiny of SMUT, maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors.
Note: hey @theregoesmyherojd, this is the best I can do; hopefully you like it. Thank you so much for requesting and sorry I took forever to write it. Requests are open but I might take a while to write it. Anyway enjoy my attempt in something sort of angst, but don’t worry it will have a fluff ending :)
“Shawn, please listen to me!” You screamed at him from across the room. He just got home and hadn’t changed to his pyjamas yet due to the impending fight. “Today was our anniversary dinner, was it just not important enough?”
“Y/N I am in the process of writing my new album. You out of all people should understand how important this is!” Shawn defended, moving around the room, arms flailing around to accentuate his point.
“I knew what I signed up for but I barely see you now!” You threw a decorative pillow off the couch at him in anger, which he quickly caught and threw back on the ground. 
“Can’t I get a little fucking support? Huh? As your husband, isn’t that what I fucking deserve?” Shawn gasped, pointing a finger at himself, face red and angry. 
 “What about me, Shawn? Don’t I deserve more? Don’t I deserve a husband that comes home when his wife spends a whole day planning and cooking his favorite meal? Don’t I deserve better than eating spaghetti alone on a Saturday night?”
“I can’t be around 24/7 like you want, Y/N! I have a life away from you!” 
His words cut deeper than any knife. If this is how he felt around his own wife, how would he be around his own kid? 
You’d found out you were pregnant a week ago, and planned a special dinner for him to share the good news while it also happen to be your one year wedding anniversary. But he somehow forgot about the special day. The one time you really, truly ever wanted him to not cancel but he did again. The ensuing discussion about his absence upon his return from the studio leading to this argument. 
“I’m Pregnant.” You sighed, tears streaming down your face.
"What?..." It's all he could say before he leans in to kiss you while you start to move your hands through his hair. Picking you up he takes you to the couch, you both can't wait to get to the bedroom. Stripping each other’s clothes off in a hurry.
Shawn then buries his face in your neck and start leaving kisses over your pulse point, each brush of his lips making you shiver.
Your chest press together, his bare skin hot against yours, which only fuels your desire.
You soon began to shiver again in his arms as he finally rocks his hips forward and starts up a steady rhythm, leaving you breathless.
Ecstasy courses through your veins as he rocks against you and presses your bodies together, his skin blazing hot against yours.
“Shawn...” Each thrust brings you closer and closer to the edge, where all you can feel is him, the rest of the world starting to fade away.
"Oh...fuck...fuck..." You both utter before reaching both highs.
Time seems to move slow when the two of you lay beside each other in complete silence after coming back from your highs.
"I’m so sorry for my behaviour for the past few months. But especially tonight, missing our anniversary dinner was just unacceptable I was being selfish.” He finally say, breaking the silence.
"I’m sorry for throwing the pillow at you. But mostly, I’m sorry if I came off as demanding and clingy. I just miss you.”
“I’d be lying if I say I that I don’t miss you too. Please remember that you are never demanding and clingy, I was just being selfish and it was unfair to you. What kind of guy doesn’t spend time with his wife? Clearly I’ve been that idiot for the past few months.”
“I love you Shawn.”
“I love you too Y/N, always and forever. I’ll be better, I promise, Y/N. Not just for you, but for the baby too.” Shawn reached down and gently caress your stomach. “I’ll be the father and husband you both deserve.” 
Thank you for reading guys... feel free to like, reblog, follow my account, leave a comment and my chat is always open for random chats or requests... appreciate every single one of you... ❤️
Taglist: @monikamendes @holland-styles @bvttercupbby @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @shawn-youth @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @shawn-is-bruh @shawn-is-vava @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @benito-mi-vida @myboyshawn @perfectlywrongsm @imaginashawnns @swiftmendeshoran @shawnftchris @nervousmendes @smendes-forever @yournameoneverypage @theregoesmyherojd @whenyoureadyholland @camilalewisss @camilalewiss
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don’t care if you’re too loud (payneshaw, M, 2k)
Inspired by this tweet
mix it up and down my body (larry, M, 2k)
Harry and Louis use a blindfold for the first time. Girl Direction AU.
please forgive me if my lips quake (larry, GA, 1k)
Harry's pet cat wing-womans her into a date.
an honest mistake (larry, NR, 2k)
Louis has ridden the elevator with his neighbor all week. The first time they speak, there’s a misunderstanding.
nervous (shiall, M, 2k)
Niall walks out of the bathroom and his mouth dries up at the sight in front of him. This isn’t fine. This isn’t anything remotely in the vicinity of fine.
Shawn is sitting by the window, slouched a bit, one elbow rested on the arm of the ugly motel chair. He would look ridiculous, the thing was clearly designed for guests well under six feet, if he didn’t look so fucking sexy.
you’re my rugged heart (lirry, NR, 500 words)
It's the first day of spring. And it's snowing.
it’s in his kiss (multi-pairing, NR, 13k)
Cross posting drabbles I wrote for the kiss meme. Pairings and prompts included in the chapter titles!
black coffee in bed (larry, M, 3k)
The morning after a fight, Louis has to be the bigger person and apologize first.
She hates being the bigger person.
just one look (and i fell so hard) (larry, M, 15k)
Harry has wanted to go to the Shubert Theatre ever since he moved to New York and lucked into a rent-controlled apartment just outside of the Theatre District. When he finally gets his chance, he hopes the night can meet his sky-high expectations. But the last thing he could have expected was the man seated next to him.
walk, walk fashion baby (tomlinshaw, E, 23k)
Louis loves his supportive boyfriend, his passionate and interesting band of friends and coworkers, and his pair of quirky and dedicated dogs. What he doesn’t love is his job as co-editor of the Lifestyle section at a popular site aimed at millennials. But he was getting by until a new assignment landed in his lap: Let Your Boyfriend Dress You For A Week. His best mate Harry assured him it’d be a laugh, a bit of fun, but Louis was sure that Nick would dress him like an utter knob and his mates would take the piss all week.
He didn’t expect to actually learn something about himself.
we should open up (before it’s all too much) (larry, M, 43k)
Struggling with grieving and depression since his dad died, Harry has never felt so alone. It’s too much to cope with on his own, but he feels like a burden when he tries to open up with people.
Then he meets Louis.
Leo season (tomlinshaw, NR, 5k)
Carefree. Confident. Over the top. Nick may be a bit of a disaster, but no one can deny the mood for Leo season suits him.
come to me wild and wired (larry, E, 5k)
Harry tries to bat her away, but she’s as weak as a kitten this tired, so Louis continues stroking her arm as she considers her options. She could leave Harry be, let her sleep in her makeup. But unlike some people (like Louis herself), Harry takes her skincare seriously. When she was young, her now seemingly flawless skin was prone to breakouts. Harry’s made a lot of effort to figure out which products work for her and nail down a routine that includes regular Korean face masks. Harry insists her rules of skincare are simple and Louis knows they’re finite.
Rule number one? Always take off your makeup before going to bed.
reach the stars (horchata, M, 19k)
Spring 2021. Four years after breaking up with Louis and moving to New York with his best friend Aimee, Nick runs into Niall and they start dating. When their relationship gets serious, Nick struggles to tell Niall how much he means to him.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 3 years
Open Wounds
(A follow-up to this whump fill, which is based off Scarring by Cecret)
“MmmmMMMMH!” Eleanor moaned, working her jaw before swallowing; “MMM! Oh, fuck me, that is good! That is very good!”
Michael watched his girlfriend finish the last pieces of smoked salmon and scrambled eggs he’d cooked for her, rolling her eyes back and making borderline orgasmic noises. He always received a contact high whenever she experienced intense pleasure; whether from eating a good meal or being brought to climax. He was more than happy to deliver both, never growing tired of the tiny show of fireworks that would fill her aura each time, along with the wave of sheer joy lapping over towards him to share.
“Where the fuck did you get those eggs? They were incredible.” She hummed, licking her fingers before pausing; “...Oh shit, they weren’t like unicorn eggs or something, were they?”
He chuckles; “No, babe. They’re not even from real chickens, just copies of the tastiest eggs you’d find on Earth...Also unicorns don’t lay eggs.”
Eleanor shrugs, clearly not interested in fantasy equine breeding, before getting off her seat and moving over to his. She climbs onto his lap, putting her legs either side of his waist and throwing her arms around his neck.
“Whatever they were, you somehow cooked them perfect. You raised the bar again. Careful now, bud, or one day you won’t be able to surpass yourself and I’ll have to find me a new breakfast cook.” Eleanor teases, brushing the tip of her nose to his.
Michael hums; “Is that a threat?”
“Just a friendly warning.” The human wearing nothing but one of his shirts shifts her ass on his knee; “Gotta keep my ‘assistant’ on his toes, haven’t I.”
“I haven’t been your assistant for half a Bearimy.”
Eleanor moves forward, catching his bottom lip with her mouth, sucking sweetly.
“Funny, I don’t recall firing you.” She mumbles, wonton. 
Michael nods; “Ah. Good point, Boss.” He giggles and kisses her back, fingers tracing up her back, beneath the fabric of his shirt, feeling the notches of her spine, pressing and rubbing where he feels any tension.
He relishes this moment for as long as he can, holding her on his lap, savoring the taste of her on his lips, the softness of her skin against his hands. Secure in the knowledge of all his sense of the most important thing he needs to know. She’s safe. She’s here. She loves him. Those last two might not always be guaranteed. But the first he’ll ensure until his retirement day.
It’s Eleanor who eventually pulls back, hands still around his neck, making the tiniest noise as she snuggles against him.
“What’s the plan today then? It’s our day off, so no demon classes or meetings with the Judge or Shawn.” She says, smoothing her palm down his chest; “We could go check in on the guys, see if they wanna catch dinner later. And maybe until then, you can take me to see some of those sights in this place you were telling me about. Like that lake of blood with the giant skull in the middle?”
“Cranberry Pond?” Michael smiles, amused, fingers toying with her hair; “You don’t think that sounds gross?”
“Yeah but...you said it was cleaned out of actual humans. Now it just sounds kinda cool.” 
Despite how much more reformed the both of them were, Michael couldn’t deny still being a little thrilled whenever the hint of that potential Demoness Eleanor showed her face, with her love for the weird and violent.
“Whatever you want, babe.” He assures her, moving a lock of her hair aside.
His eyes are then drawn to the faintest remnant of what looks almost like a tree branch sketched into her skin.
His fingers tense, for a second. Enough for her to notice.
She finds his hand with her own, entwining his fingers and kissing them; “And before you ask, yes, I’m feeling great. If anything, I’ve been cooped up in this apartment for too long, as good as the company has been. All I want now is some fresh, brimstone air and a proper date with my new boyfriend.”
Michael nods. Yes. He’d love for that too...
“I need to tell you something.” He says, his voice going deep, eyes on her clavicle. 
“Oh? Are you gonna admit they were unicorn eggs?” Eleanor japes.
Michael looks her in the eyes; “...I’ve been going to see Adrian.”
Most of the wisps of bright, florescent color swirling around her evaporated. The rest turned to grey.
Eleanor’s hands loosened before she slipped off his lap and out of his grip.
“When?” She asks, expression hardening.
He flinches, a little, from the abrupt change of tone and the look in her eyes.  Was that confession all it took? He should have expected it, really. She knows he broke his promise...more or less. No matter what explanation he follows it up with, it won’t change the main sin he’s committed.
All he can do is now is be honest, as he should have been.
“Last night...And last Sunday...” He says.
Eleanor folds her arms.
“How many times?”
He bites his lip; “Just three....First time was a couple weeks ago, the day after Shawn caught him for us and locked him up. I just...had to go and make sure it was him. I had to check that there was no way he could get out and...be a risk to you. Or the others.”
It was supposed to end there. An hour alone with the demon who attacked the woman he loved, his best friend, to make him sorry for simply looking at her. He was certain that would be enough to temper the rage that had been coming and going in waves ever since that awful (but also somehow wonderful) night. 
Eleanor takes a seat back where she’d eaten breakfast, opposite him, staring him down. His judge and jury.
“Why did you go back the second time?”
He creases, memories flashing from that evening, what had begun as a cosy night in for the two of them. An embrace on the sofa in front of some 90′s romance with Tom Hanks, hands and feet wandering until the two of them became distracted from the movie, kissing and touching and Michael learning the new ways that one would be intimate with their human girlfriend.
It all went so well, until a mere knock on Eleanor’s not-quite-healed scar sent her howling and writhing into a painful seizure. Michael had timed it, laying her down in a safe space, using what his magic abilities could lend to ease the pain and help her regain full cognitive control. Even after it was done, his strong and wonderful girlfriend was trembling like a leaf, sweaty and exhausted. He’d held her for hours until she fell asleep, whispering sweet endearments while his essence simmered with barely controlled hatred.
“You were still in so much pain...I had to make him pay.” Michael explains, “I know I should have told you. And it should have been the last time. But last night, you were having a nightmare just after you fell asleep...You were crying my name out and swearing at...him....to leave me alone.”
Eleanor remains stone-faced, tapping her fingers on the table. Maybe she’s thinking over how she’s going to leave him after. No, it’s her apartment, she’ll kick him out. That’s what needs to happen.
“What did you do? Beat him up?”
“Not exactly....I always let him out of his chains, even though we stay in his cell. I always give him a chance to fight back...”
Eleanor scoffs; “That supposed to make me feel better?! You gave him every chance to hurt you?!”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about me, Eleanor. He never even came close to messing up my hair.”
Her hands slam onto the table, making Michael jump, before she gets to her feet.
“Do you think this is funny?!” She raises her voice, tears shining in her eyes as she turns to him; “Do you not remember the fucking nightmare I had, where you went after him and ended up being flushed down the toilet like Friday night vomit?!”  
“I know, I know,” He admits, guilt threatening to make him reject his own breakfast.
“I don’t think you do know, dude! You don’t know how sick with worry I’ve been at the thought of him coming after you and I can do fuck all to save you?! And the only thing I ask of you is to NOT go after him and you couldn’t do that for me!?”
“I tried...I really did...”
Eleanor kicks the table leg before moving over to the fridge. She opens it up to immediately retrieve a chilled pitcher of margaritas they’d made the other night. Gripping the crystal handle, she chugs it from the spout.
He says nothing. She’s entitled to that.
It’s only when she puts the pitcher back and closes the fridge, leaning heavily against it, head bowed, he hears the briefest hitch of breath. The tell-tale sign of oncoming tears.
Michael pushes himself up and slowly approaches her. She might not want to be touched by him right now.
“Eleanor...” He whispers, wanting nothing more than to reach out, to gather her close in his arms; “...I know I screwed up. Not just because I broke my promise, but because I didn’t tell you sooner.”
She sniffles, shaking her head; “I don’t want to NOT trust you again, Michael. Last time was...”
“I know. I was there, remember. I’d rather avoid having to blow myself up again to prove myself to you.” But he’ll do it. If that’s what it takes.
He dares to put his hand out to hover near her shoulder, daring to wander a little closer when she doesn’t slap him off.
“I don’t give a fuck what you did to him...I just wish you’d told me.” She sighs, looking close to leaning into his fingers touching the tips of her hair; “Then I could’ve got Janet to lock you in some demon cage until you promised to stay put.”
His lips twitch, hoping her anger is beginning to wane, as much as he deserves the full brunt of it.
“I really am sorry. And I promise you now, I won’t go ‘visit’ him again.” Michael takes a breath, eyes scanning down to the spot near his hand. The barely visible branching scars where that parasite had burned its way into her body; “I just...Every time you were in pain...I couldn’t stop thinking about it.”
“Well it’s hardly been a Taylor Swift concert for me either, bud.” She mumbles, “Y’know what would’ve been better? If you’d just talked to me instead of needing to go off and risk getting hurt for a damn demon punching bag.”
He nods, realising that all too late; “I know, I...I didn’t want to keep talking about it with you, in case you were sick of it.”
“Of course I’m sick of it. I’m sick of my shoulder feeling like it’s been tenderised. I’m sick of getting a tiny shock every time I have a shower. But, most of all, I’m sick of the lame-ass puns from your old work-pals every time I’m around them. “Oh, were you SHOCKED some folks weren’t happy with you guys?” or “Didn’t you expect a STORMY reception?””
“...Both of those Vicky?”
Eleanor nods, cringing; “I wish she’d stick to tap-dancing.”
He had planned to have a word with his subordinate-turned-usurper-turned-superior about keeping the noise down for her human neighbour, but lately the two of them had taken the option of drowning out the patter of feet on the ceiling with their own ‘activities’. Sometimes it became a competition between the two as Vicky attempted to practise singing over the sound of Eleanor and Michael screaming each other’s names - until the demon thespian got too grossed out and took a walk outside.
It was probably a good idea for him to time this discussion in the morning, when Vicky is already out, unless she’s listening in with her ear to the floor. Either way he’s grateful for the silence, even if it does feel almost suffocating between each word they share.
Eleanor reaches to rub at the scar on her shoulder. He can see it irritates more than aches nowadays. He wishes it could simply vanish entirely. Someday. Maybe once she’s safe in the real Good Place. There can’t be any scars in Heaven, surely.
“But y’know what? I don’t...hate him. I mean,” She grimaces; “I don’t think of him that much anymore. First time I heard him threatening you, I wanted to stick a burning hot ladle down his throat myself! Then he fucked me up with his little lightning dart and I just got annoyed with him, and myself...But then...You found me. And..the best thing ever happened.”
His feet feel rooted to the floor as his cheeks burn. The...best thing ever? Did she mean that? 
“And when Shawn told us he had him locked up, I was glad he was out the way, and trust me, he’s never gonna be my favorite demon ever.” Eleanor looks at him; “But in a weird way...I’m grateful for that night. Because of us. Because...these past few weeks have been the happiest I’ve been in three hundred something years I can remember!”
The strangest fluttering in his chest compels him to move forward, his hands reaching up, a desperate urge to embrace her taking control.
She shoves him hard in the chest.
“And you risked all of that being ruined, you dumbass!” Eleanor berates him, upset breaking her voice up.
The shimmer of tears in her eyes knocks him harder than her hands.
“I never needed you to go off and seek revenge or defend my honor or whatever old school shit you think is romantic! I just...needed you here. I needed you to be safe, with me, because I can’t fucking bear the thought of losing you!” She cries, fiercely; “Whether that’s you being turned into blue goo or because I can’t trust you again...I can’t do it, Michael. Don’t...Don’t ever make me go through losing you...Don’t you leave me alone.”
It strikes him. The knowledge from her file, from having watched over her via ticker tape, how she was alone her own life. How she pretended she liked it that way but never truly did. 
Just like him. Oh, fuck...
“I won’t.” He reaches out now, daring to cross the divide, catching her wet face in his hands. He leans down to collect a teardrop with his kiss; “I promise I won’t.”
Her hands move up to find his, thankfully not throwing him off. She sniffles, accepting his kiss, then another, before she leans up to meet his lips with her own. Her fingers caress his cheek, seeming to absorb him with her touch.
“I am so sorry,” he apologises again, guilt overwhelming, mixing awfully with the near impossible relief that she’s still kissing him back; “That’s why I had to tell you now. It’s over. I won’t ever go see him again.”
His girlfriend looks unconvinced; “What if it’s too late? What if you’ve pissed him off enough that he’s even more eager for some payback?”
“No chance of that.” Michael shakes his head; “I...I erased his memory. All three times. As far as he’s currently aware, he hasn’t set eyes on me since before Shawn had him arrested...”
“Oh...” Eleanor pauses, brow furrowing, looking confused.
“I know...It kinda makes it worse...I never wanted to put you at risk.”
“Yeah,” She responds, lazily; “...I’m not sure if that is worse or not. I mean, speaking as someone who knows how having memories of your torture erased to it being restored feels, ignorance is definitely bliss.”
Michael can’t help but wince, knowing who the cause of her initial torture was. That initial reaction to having her memories brought back had not been the Hollywood style reunion he he had hoped for. A third stabbing attempt followed by a barrage of insults had to be endured before the feelings she associated with him from their final reboot, where their friendship had been truly formed, calmed her own and brought her to tears as she remembered his sacrifice.
He’d been very forward-thinking to have a bottle of tequila on standby that evening.
“I know it doesn’t make it right. I was just using him as a punching bag. Hardly the most ethical thing.” 
“Maybe not...But I appreciate you were trying to think of me...even if you were going against the one thing I asked.” She sighs, bitterly; “...Thank the Judge you’re too pretty for me to stay mad at.”
He feels the slightest lift in his chest; “Really?”
“Oh, I am mad at you! Very mad!” She glares; “...But I know my own feelings well enough to know it won’t last...So long as that’s it. That’s the end of the lies. All of them.”
He nods, taking her hand; “Yes. That’s the end. I promise.”
Looking into her eyes now, he knows he’s a fool, as she says, for putting this at risk. He moves down to kiss her again, placing the brunt of his promise in picking her up, one hand cupping her butt with the other on the small of her back. She lets out a small moan, succumbing to his hold and putting her legs around his waist as she clings to him, keeping their lips locked.
He eventually sits her on the kitchen counter, seemingly the only surface in the apartment where she can meet his eye level. Her fingers dig into his shoulders as they continue to kiss, until there’s little left of the taste of his scrambled eggs on her tongue. 
Eleanor pauses, pulling back; “....What did you do to him?”
Fuck. Way to kill the mood. If only there had been a record scratch to top it off.
“...You don’t need to know that.”
“I want to.” She says through gritted teeth, “Tell me, Michael. You know I don’t need protecting from that crap.”
He bites his lip, ashamed, looking down at her bare knees.
“It’s not that. I...” He struggles; “...I don’t like...Y-you don’t need to think about me like that...”
She frowns, for a moment; “Like...” Then the penny drops; “Oh...You mean...You in your demon birthday suit?”
“Not quite. Not completely naked.” He bristles; “...Just a little to...Deal out what he deserved. In a controlled environment.”
“Hmmm.” Eleanor’s finger draws a circle at the base of his neck as she scans him; “Show me.”
“Show you?” Does she expect him to...whip them out? Here? “Eleanor, it’s not safe. And I know you’ve joked about Japanese erotica before but my tentacles seriously would never be suitable for-”
“No, dummy. I take it those Bad Janets have security footage, right?”
Oh. “I suppose...” He still isn’t happy at her seeing him be so unleashed, so completely feral with rage, giving into a primal side of his being he’d been trying more than anything to escape from for centuries. It’s almost enough to make him want to snap his fingers and make her forget this entire confession.
Then he looks into her eyes and he understands. She needs to see it, not because she wants to watch him savagely beat up her attacker (though that might be there as well, she’s only human). It’s about trust. It’s about showing her that he trusts her to see him, fire and teeth and giant squid arms, and still want to be with him. To be as close as she can to seeing him, not as Michael, but a giant, scary, mass of burning tentacles.
Could you really be in love with someone like that?
Even more than friends. He once thought that was the most frightening risk to revealing his true self. Now he has even more to lose...and that’s why he can do nothing else but nod.
Have a leap into faith for her this time.
“Okay. I’ll show you...Not exactly popcorn viewing, I warn you.”
“We can watch something more sappy after. Grease or some corny, romantic shit.” She assures him, hanging onto his shoulders still.
Michael sighs; “If you want there to be an after.”
“Shut up. You’ve still gotta take me on some dates in Hell today, as we were talking about. You’re not getting out that easy.” Eleanor’s palms move to his face. She smirks, squishing his cheeks together.
“W-wha’ you doin’?” He mumbles.
“Making an idiot demon sandwich for later.” She giggles. Michael bats her hands away to pull her back in for another kiss, grateful to whatever fates were merciful enough on him to, not only lead him to redemption, but let him fall in love with his best friend - and have her love him back.
He’s never gonna be an idiot sandwich again. Not if he can help it. Not if it ever means losing her.
“I love you,” he whispers, mouthing at the sweet spot on her neck, just a few inches from her scar, as close as he can get.
She thrills, humming, very much pleased; “Mmm, those tentacles of yours might not be safe...but I know you have a tongue. You could definitely do some apologies with that little guy.”
Michael grins widely, hands moving to cup her knees. Oh, he’d be very happy to, he thinks as he kneels down.
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pretendrocketships · 4 years
About: You’re Shawn’s personal assistant but things aren’t how they used to be
A/N: 2.2k. ALL angst my guy. Ok so depending on what y’all think I have two more parts in mind but lmkk I be in my head a lot.
Song: Relaciones by Lunay
“Shawn, we had to leave three minutes ago. We’re going to be late for the radio interview.” He was rushing past you, not caring about brushing your arm in the process. 
“Well if you packed my journal where I asked you to, I wouldn’t be here looking for it now would I!” he spat frantically, tearing apart his hotel room looking for a tattered brown book he brought with him almost everywhere. You would’ve been taken back by his actions if you didn’t understand the importance the book held, holding all his thoughts for songs, inspiration, things that wouldn’t leave his head. You wanted to roll your eyes and laugh at him at the same time, but as always, you remember he’s technically your boss. You walked to the side of the extra-long, full bed, smoothing your skirt down before crouching down. You didn’t notice how in the middle of his rage, Shawn’s eyes flickered towards your ass. You reached around until you pulled up his bag for him to see. 
“Your travel bag, middle pocket, zipped into the side,” you narrated as you pulled out his notebook from exactly where it was supposed to be. Part of the reason you let him act this way is because of the bashful, child-like smile he would always shoot you after a blowup.  
“I-I-” he stumbled over his words as you dropped the book into his hands. “I could’ve sworn I check there already.” 
“Yeah, there and the rest of the hotel,” you said looking around at the mess that would surely give the housekeepers a headache. You mentally reminded yourself to leave a good tip before check out. His soft features were replaced with a scowl as he grabbed his bag and his jacket, once again brushing past you. 
“Let’s go. We’re late.”
You were mindlessly swiping through your phone while Shawn did the radio interview. The hard part was getting him there, because as soon as someone said ‘Action!’, the best Shawn was out, showing off his charm dimples for all to see. You watched from behind the glass, thinking back to how you got here. Music affects everyone’s lives, whether they realize it or not. Some people are meant for big stadiums and sold-out tours, some are meant to manage entire corporations, and some are meant to keep the divas in line. You were the latter, but only for now. Singing in front of crowds didn’t give you the high everyone talked about, but instead you felt your best being the reason everything went smoothly. But you don’t wake up being the head of a Sony or Atlantic Records, you have to start somewhere. So, that’s how you landed the job of being Shawn Mendes’ personal assistant. Was it where you wanted to be forever? No. But it wasn’t bad. The connections you’ve made, team that has turned into family, and the experience in the field has been amazing. Your relationship with Shawn was. . .interesting, to keep it short. Things were different now, but you still couldn’t lie and say you didn’t admire him in more ways than one. Maybe it was that you weren’t blinded by the dazzling Shawn he presented to everyone because you saw all sides of him. You were far too familiar with the grumpy Shawn, who came out when no one was listening to his input at record meetings. You knew the drunk, cuddly Shawn who would very much threaten the professionalism of your relationship with his constant touching and whining in your ear. Perhaps your favorite Shawn was the one that just got completely heart-eyed for his fans and his love for music. All these different sides of him that the public never got to see were what grew your soft spot for your boss. Your boss. You had to continually remind yourself of that seeing that you were so close in age, despite him being able to end your career at the snap of his fingers. That did not slightly turn you on. Nope. Not at all.
“Hello! Earth to (Y/N). I’ve been done for like ten minutes. C’mon, let’s go. I’m not paying you for sitting here.” He said swatting his hand in front of your face. ‘Technically the label’s paying me not you,’ you wanted to snap back, but you knew it would do nothing to help the situation. He was in a mood. And you’ve learned after months glued to his side that it was easier to just go with it than fight him right now. You rubbed your eyes and looked around to grab your things. Lack of sleeping was hitting you big time. Usually, you and Shawn would plan things together over a pizza and cheap wine in one of your hotel rooms, but butting heads so much lately has left you starting your days earlier and ending them later trying to avoid him and sort things out on your own. You started to get up to collect your things, and again, you saw his demeanor change. He reached out to grab bag, coffee, and folders for you. “Ok, call the car.” You rolled your eyes away from his view. Picking up your things did nothing to distract from the fact that this constant back and forth was getting on your nerves.
“Already waiting downstairs.” As you followed behind him, he kept shooting you quick glances that you couldn’t read. It felt like forever before you joined him in the elevator, the small space making any relationship feel like it was lacking air, especially yours.
“Are we going to talk or?”
“What would you like to talk about, Mr. Mendes?” you asked, forcing yourself to hold back as much sarcasm as you could. 
“Oh, give it a fucking rest, Mr.Mendes? It’s like--”. Ding! The elevator announced that you were no longer alone as swarms of people flooded in with you. Shawn shoved his hands in his pockets and began shooting all the newcomers his world-famous smile. The ride felt like an eternity with everyone getting off at a different stop, the weight of an impending conversation, you didn’t want to have, fill the air. The walk out of the elevator: silent. The walk to the car: silent. The car ride: silent. As soon as you got to the comfort of your hotel room, it was a whole other story.
“You’re the person that I thought knew me the best, and the fact that you think so little of me that you won’t even talk to me?” he chuckled bitterly and put his hand up when you tried to protest. “Don’t. I’m not done talking.” That shut you up quickly. “Things have been weird lately, and I thought it was just me being in my head because-” he cut himself off, fiddling with his hands, “well you know me, but I thought it was me, but no. It’s you” He said pointedly. Again, you opened your mouth to defend yourself, only to be shut down by a look. “Something is wrong because we’ve never not talked this much, and when we do, you’re only telling me what’s on the schedule or picking a fight with me.” Your mouth dropped at that one.
“You are always the one starting fights with me!”
“No, I’m--”
“Always getting mad at me for nothing, pushing my buttons, misplacing things, at this point I know you’re running late on purpose just to make my job hell!” You yell at him, arms flailing, hoping your exaggerated movements, your stray from your normal behavior will get his attention.
“Oh, so being with me is hell?” he assumed. 
“That’s not what I said,” you threatened walking closer to him, finger accusing in his face.
“Well, I’m sorry I’m stressed!” he yelled right back, face starting to flush red, clearly exposing his anger. 
“You should be! I am not your punching bag to fucking attack whenever it makes you feel better--”
“You!” he said getting closer to you, close enough to keep pushing that line he was playing with, “You are the one who’s supposed to make me feel better.” 
“Supposed to?” you scoffed walking away from him. Your move was futile as he grabbed your hand and spun you straight into his chest.
“Not,” he sighed, the anger melting off him in waves and being replaced with something else,” not like that. It’s just, you were the one who always made me feel better before things went bad, and you won’t even tell me what I did!” You stayed silent, unsure of where to go next because he was right. 
“I--” you started to process all of your thoughts.
“Thought you knew me more than anyone,” he whispered.
“I do.” You’re not sure why you jumped to reassure him, but you felt like you had to. “I know you more than anyone, and I take pride in that.” You felt him deflate as he flopped onto the bed.
“Because it’s your job.” 
“Well yes, but --”
“Thanks.” You could have sworn you saw him wipe a tear when he thought you were looking. Too bad you were always looking, always watching out for him. “Thanks for sitting with me, I know you’re busy.” He stood up too quickly, wiping his hands on his jeans and storming out of the room. You sat there and thought about not what he said, but what he didn’t say. You thought about the little whine in his voice that always happened to seep through when you know he needed you. You thought about every time he drank a little too much on a night out and ended up in your room rambling or telling you how much he couldn’t function without you. You weren’t dense, but he was still your superior and under some HR policy you knew this was a bad idea. But most of all, you couldn’t do anything if he didn’t just come out and say what he was feeling. You scrambled to slip on a heel while simultaneously running out of your hotel room. You took a breathe and slung his door open. He let out a small scream and jumped, the white shirt he was packing messily falling on the floor. You snorted. 
“Nice one.”
“Jesus, how the hell did you get in here!” You rolled your eyes and held up his room key.
“I’m your assistant, duh.” The corners of his mouth were fighting a smile until he completely lost and broke out in a grin.
“I’ve missed you,” he mumbled, eyes strictly trained on the comforter. You didn’t need him to say anything else, you heard how loaded the phrase was, his emotions laced in every word. But at the same time, you needed him to say more. You needed to know if this was a friendly work relationship or something more because teetering the boundaries was getting to your head. 
“Things have been,” he trailed off trying to find the right words, “tense, weird’ not us,” he moved to face you, “but I want us to get back to that, back to us.” He looked up at you with those big, hopeful eyes that managed to get everyone around him under his spell.
“I know what you want me to say but do you realize what you want me to say right now.”
“Well, yeah that’s why I asked it.”
“Don’t be smart with me,” you said narrowing your eyes at him, but the soft smile resting on your lips made him feel like he could breathe again.
“Aren’t I the boss here?” he asked with that smirk that just made you remember how good your relationship was. How exactly do you tell Shawn why you’ve been acting weird when he was also your boss and this would make things one thousand percent harder to explain. This is a best friend wine night conversation just waiting to happen. You needed to think about how to word this while making the smallest mess possible.
“Can I think about it?”   
“You’re in charge of me, I’m not in charge of you.”
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softboywriting · 5 years
Love Drunk | Shawn Mendes
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Summary: Shawn gets drunk at Brian’s birthday party and you take him home, but not without him getting a little goofy on you. [drinking] [established relationship] [drunk shenanigans]
Word Count: 1.6k
|Masterlist In Bio|
Dealing with drunk Shawn is always a bit of a headache, but depending on what kind of drunk, it's more or less bearable. Tonight it's tequila drunk. That means forgetful, clingy and emotional. It's Brian's birthday and you're all out at a club in downtown Toronto. Drinks have been flowing all night, partying and rowdiness is at an all time high and you are sober as can be. Why? Because you're pregnant, still very early, only two months, but pregnant nonetheless.
Initially Shawn wasn't going to drink. He said he wanted to have a few beers and just hang out with the guys. Then one friend after another began buying rounds of shots, and Shawn being the fun loving guy he is, took said shots. He did check in with you though, asked if you were alright with him getting fucked up with Brian for the night. Of course you were fine with it. It's his best friend's birthday, a once a year type of thing. No problem. Until the tequila rounds started flowing.
Three hours into the party and you've lost Shawn. It's not hard, the club is packed. It's after midnight and you're feeling tired, wanting to go home and curl up, but you know you can't leave Shawn without notifying him. So you wade out onto the dance floor to find him.
A solid three minutes passe before you find Shawn, Brian and Matt dancing with a group of women. You aren't worried in the least, Shawn is loyal to a fault. He'd die before laying hands on another woman and you know that, no matter how wasted he is.
"Shawn!" You shout, voice lost in the pounding music.
Shawn flips his hair and laughs at something Matt says, clearly not having heard you.
"Shawn, hey!" You grab his shoulder and he turns, cheeks flushed and eyes glazed. "Oh buddy."
"H-hey." Shawn smiles and you raise your eyebrows. It's not just a 'hey I'm happy to see you" smile, but his flirty little smirk-y smile. He's toasted.
"I'm gonna head out okay? Get a ride with one of the guys’ Uber if you want to stay." You lay your hand on his arm and he twists his finger around a bit of hair laying across your shoulder, the other rests on your hip and he steps in, eyes raking over you. It's been ages since he's pulled these sort of moves on you.
"So soon? Can you stay a little longer? I just wanna talk." He steps in even closer and gives you that look. The one where you know he's blitzed out of his mind and trying desperately to flirt.
"I'm very tired. We can talk at home?"
Shawn's eyes go wide. "You wanna take me home? Damn."
"Shawn. You're flirting with me. Are you alright?"
"I'm perfectly fine."
You raise your eyebrows. "Uh huh. What's my nickname?" This is a test, to see what he comes up with. If it’s Honey then he’s completely plastered, if it’s Princess then he’s drunk but mostly cognizant, if it’s Sweetheart then he’s just tipsy.
"Baby?" Shaw furrows his eyebrows and sighs with a shake of his head. "Honey. You're Honey."
You let out a little chuckle. "Oh boy, you're really smashed."
"You're really pretty."
"Yep you're gone." You wrap your arms around him and he snuggles into you. "Sorry guys I'm taking him with me."
Matt and Brian protest briefly but are distracted by their lovely lady friends.
"You smell good." Shawn buries his face in your neck. "Like sunshine."
"Thank you big guy." You try to walk him toward the bar away from the crowd but he doesn't move. "We gotta go, you have to walk Shawn."
"I can't. I'm so dizzy." He grips your back and you struggle to support his weight. "I wanna go home."
"I'm trying to do that." You sigh and pull his head up off your shoulder. "But you're being difficult."
Shawn stares at you, eyes struggling to focus. "I love you."
"I love you too bud."
"I wanna marry you." He pets your cheek haphazardly. "You're so pretty."
You stifle a giggle and grab the hand on your face. "You've already done that, see?" You wiggle your fingers around his hand and he glances at the ring around your finger.
"You're married?!"
"To you!"
Shawn steps back and you reach out to catch him as he stumbles back into a group of people dancing. "Holy shit I'm married." He turns to a guy on his left and he grabs his shoulder. "I'm married! That's my wife! That's my fuckin' wife!"  
You wave awkwardly and pull Shawn away. "Come on, you're way too wasted."
"You're my wife." He coos and leans on you. "I'm so lucky."
"Mmhmm." You guide him to the exit and out to the car.
Shawn slumps down in the passenger side and you close the door. When you get in he's playing with your mirror ornament that is a crystal on a chain.
"Wanna know the best part of being married?" You ask as you make your way toward the apartment.
"Mm?" He grunts, focusing on the crystal in his hands.
"You're gonna be a dad."
Shawn is silent for a full five minutes. It's as if he's processing what you said, like it's the first time he's heard this although it's definitely not. Just as you pull into the parking garage he speaks. "Is...is it my baby?"
"Yes, it's your baby."
"Where is it?"
You park and he is staring at you. "It's still in my tummy."
"But you're not pregnant?"
"I am." You laugh and rub your stomach. "It's still just small, like a tiny grape so I'm not showing yet."
Shawn leans back and you reach over the console to grab his hand.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm so fucking drunk." He closes his eyes and he's got tears running out of the corners of them. "I need to lay down. I have too many feelings."
"Are you gonna be sick?"
Ten minutes later you get Shawn up to the apartment and in bed. He's still clothed but it's a start. He passes out as soon as he hits the mattress and you pull off his shoes and go to get cleaned up for bed.
An hour or two passes and you've showered, cleaned yourself up for bed, made some snacks for Shawn when he wakes up, and folded some laundry. The snacks are just peanut butter and celery and some carrots with cheese cubes. It may seem ridiculous but it's easier to make those and put them in the fridge where Shawn will see them than it is to deal with him rummaging the fridge and inevitably ending up with a carton of ice cream he leaves out or a bag of chips he leaves open somewhere.
You turn and look up from where you're loading the dishwasher. Shawn is leaning on the kitchen island. "You're awake." He only calls you princess when he's sobered up a bit. The nap has done some good.
You cross the kitchen and cup his cheek. "You feeling okay?"
"I was just about to go to bed."
He closes his eyes.
You lean forward and give him a little kiss. "Come on, back to bed."
"You stole a kiss!"
"What?" You laugh, tugging his hand. "I stole it?"
"Give it back."
He stumbles forward and you wrap your arms around him as he backs you into the wall. "Give my kiss back."
"How do I do that?"
"Unkiss me."
You pet his hair back and he looks so distraught. "You're serious? I can't unkiss you."
Shawn groans. "Yeah huh." He purses his lips and you give them a peck. "See?"
"Okay?" You giggle and he smiles. "Happy?"
He nods.
"Will you go to bed now?"
He nods and you lead him to the bedroom. He flops down in bed, letting out a long sigh. "I'm sorry I got so drunk."
"Why?" You sit beside him and pull back the blankets. "It's alright to get a little crazy once in a while."
"But you can't drink. It's not fun taking care of me."
"I don't mind. Like I said, it's not like this is a regular thing."
Shawn crawls up the bed and you cover him with the blankets before you get in. "I love you."
"I know. I love you too."
He traces his finger over your lips and you smile, which makes him smile in return. "How did I get so lucky?"
"I don't know," you giggle, "but I do know you need to go back to sleep. Enough talking."
He strokes your hair and pulls you against him. Now comes the clingy part of his tequila drunk mannerisms, and arguably the best part. He tangles his legs with yours and holds your chest and head flush to his body. You just curl into him and let him get this out of his system.
"We're really having this baby huh?"
You nod and he noses your hair. "We sure are."
"I hope it's a boy....no, a girl. I don't care as long as it's a human."
"A human?" You laugh. "I'm not having an alien baby unless you have a secret I should know about."
"Oh no, I've exposed myself." He chuckles sleepily. "My plans are for nothing now."
"You're such a weirdo."
"Mmm your weirdo." He rubs his hand up and down your spine. "You wouldn't change a thing."
"I sure wouldn't."
Shawn goes quiet after that, seemingly having passed out again. You're exhausted as well. In the morning he will be hung over and he will probably feel guilty and want to spoil you to make up for it, but you won't let him. He already treats you enough, it's his turn to be the one who is spoiled and you'll make sure he is.
Thank you so much for reading. Please reblog and share if you read/enjoyed it. Shout out to delicateshawn for making my header pic! -A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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thatkidwhodreams · 4 years
Blurred Lines | Part Two | #ShawnMendesWritingCircle
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Part One by @shessoparticular​
You spent the next two hours cooped up in the guest bedroom with tears on your face until you had decided that you’d had enough of moping around in the isolated space. You put your shoes and a hoodie on and headed straight towards the park which wasn’t too far from the house.
When you reached it you took a walk to clear your head. Your eyes were still a little puffy from all that crying and you wanted to stop so badly. After all, Shawn did not deserve those tears. He was like a little kid unknown to what he truly wants. You were the forbidden toy he always wanted but couldn’t have but you weren’t going to wait around for him forever eventually he’d grow out of it or you’d have to go to a different person. 
You were a bad bitch and didn’t want to shed tears for Shawn. You were certain that he did not have a hard time agreeing to take whoever was on the other side of that call out. “I’d love to take you out once you get to LA.” You mimicked and rolled your eyes. You would have thought you were overreacting in the whole situation but he just had to say “yeah I’m single” before anything else. 
You had been strolling for at least half an hour now and your legs were getting tired. You glanced down and checked the time and much to your dismay you hadn’t even been walking for up to 10 minutes. The park was large and there was a lot of greenery and space. There was a nearby bench and you took the opportunity to sit on it and zone out. You glanced at all the couples in front of you just walking by. The fact that you had a job and shouldn’t be gone for too long crossed your mind, but at this point you didn’t care. Besides, Shawn didn’t need you right now. He was probably too busy planning how that little date would go in his head to ask you to help him out with anything. He most likely didn’t give a fuck.
How could he ask to talk to you about last night and then pull that stunt? You wanted so badly to be mad at him but you liked him too much to be. You began to imagine what your life with Shawn could become if the relationship between the both of you wasn’t strictly work. 
You definitely would not have come to the park alone that’s for sure. You’d be holding hands with Shawn, showing huge public displays of affection. You’d cross the roads with your hands clasped around each other’s and he’d give you the occasional kiss on your forehead as you strolled down. You could walk for hours and still not get tired of each other’s company.
You’d sit together on the bench you’re sitting on now and just talk about life. Perhaps the future, proposals or maybe even kids.
You were getting ahead of yourself. You and Shawn hadn’t even gin on one date and here you were dreaming about all this nonsense. You laughed. You laughed to yourself and you laughed hard. It was a way for you to cope with your emotions and you did sometimes look a little crazy laughing to yourself.
Today was one of those days. A guy who appeared to be jogging took out his earphones and stopped jogging. He walked up to you and with a gentle voice asked “excuse me miss, are you alright?”
You were embarrassed. Your cheeks grew warm and you nodded. Tears were about to prick your eyes but you were able to stop them before they fell. “I’m fine. Sorry you had to see that.”
He moved back a little and nodded. “No it’s totally fine. I was just checking up on you. You don’t look fine but I know it’s none of my business. But it’s good that you’re somewhat okay. I’ll be going now, have a great day.”
You couldn’t lie he was cute and with manners like that damn. You smiled. You appreciated the fact that he didn’t pry and he minded his own business. If Shawn wasn���t still on your mind you may have asked for his number. Maybe. Just maybe.
As you were still on the park bench, scrolling through your phone as you were done thinking. Shawn was calling up everyone he knew to find out where you were. He knew what he did was stupid, but he wasn’t exactly serious about the phone call. She asked if he was single and he said yes. He couldn’t lie and say no everyone knew his relationship status anyway. He didn’t exactly know where it was heading and just said whatever came out of his mouth which, looking back now, sounded like the words of a man who was not in love with his PA and tried to hide it. 
After calling everyone from Andrew to Teddy and even his sister knowing damn well it was not her business and she obviously had no clue where you were, he gave up and just waited. Hoping you’d come back. He knew he pissed you off big time. Spending two hours in a room before storming out of the house clearly meant something was terribly wrong and he set out to fix it. Eventually. If you ever showed up.
You returned back to the house where you met a worried looking Shawn. He jumped up as soon as you opened the door and reached for your face to inspect that there was nothing physically wrong with you.
“Where the hell did you go?” Shawn started pacing around. You chuckled a little if the situation were any different you would have found it cute that he was worried. Like a distraught boyfriend. 
But it wasn’t. You were nothing more than a personal assistant to him. “I’ve been doing some thinking while I was out-”
“I phoned everyone and no one knew where you were strangely. And you were just out? This isn’t like you at all.”
“Yeah actually I think I have every right to be like this right now after the mixed signals you’ve been giving me. I was actually really hurt by that phone call earlier. If you don’t want to be with me stop leading me on. I am not a damn puppy! Yes I work for you but if you claim that’s all it is then act like it!”
“You know that’s not what thi-”
“Shut up and listen.” You sighed and finally continued in a calmer tone. “I want to quit.”
“What?! Are you serious right now?! You liar you don’t mean that at all.”
You sighed. He was right. Quitting was the last thing on your mind. Even with all the mixed feelings he’s been giving you, you still loved your job and the fact that you got to see him everyday. Besides the serious conversation about that phone call was still pending. 
“I don’t know. The relationship between us is simply just a work one and I’d love for it to be more. Seeing as you’ve just agreed to go on a date which who I’m assuming is a complete stranger, I really don’t want to see it. I don’t want to see you be with her with me still around. Try and look at it from my point of view alright? I really do love you but I’ve got to go my own way.” 
“Wha- okay now you’re just quoting that scene from High School Musical where Gabriella breaks up with Troy.” Shawn smiled.
You smiled too. Although you were his personal assistant he still knew you like the back of his hand. Spending days with each other can do that to someone. Is this really what you wanted? Did you really want to quit? You didn’t know why you were asking yourself this question of course the answer was no. You just wanted to see how much Shawn claimed he “needed” you. 
You took a deep breath and gave him your answer.
Did you see what I did there? I don’t know how to feel about what I just did because the first part was honestly so awesome I cried because I didn’t know how to follow up. Remember, feedback is always appreciated!
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kandadiff · 1 year
Van Der Wulff : Hawaii part 3
At the hospital the trio described Xaviers incident as him trying to jump into a construction site where an ex girlfriend threw his phone and ran right into one of the sharp pieces of metal. Whether the doctor believe them or not she didn't seem to care much. It was late and the bags under her eyes showed that her long shift was nearing its end and with it, the care for random patients.
Once she was out of the room, Tatianna closed the door and placed her hand over her chest. Her eyes flickered from Xavier, who was leaned against the hotel bed, the pain killers taking effect. Then her eyes settled on Damien.
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One thing no one could accuse Tatiana of, was hiding her feelings. If looks could kill - she'd be a serial murderer. "Are we going to leave?" she asked the obvious. "That little witch certainly made it clear-" her eyes went back to Xavier before once again settling on Damien. "That she doesn't want us here anymore. and frankly, You know I can only tolerate brat behavior for so long. Especially one who is so quick with a knife."
"Why should we leave?" Damien shook his head. "I paid for these tickets. She wouldn't even be here without me! Instead, wasting her time on that old man. Its sad actually, and im not leaving because she's throws a tantrum."
Tatiana sucked in a shaky breath, her jaw tightening. "You call that a tantrum? She didn't throw a cup at you, she hurt him. Our friend! Do you remember that? Or is your mind just set on her pus-"
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"No I completely forgot Tatiana." He says sarcastically. "she is a fucking brat. she always has been but lets not pretend it was only her. If she didn't do that then I fully know Robin would have killed him." Xavier laughed and nodded, clearly high on whatever strong painkillers he was given. "She knew exactly what she was doing, she saw what Robin was doing and she stopped him. Do I like how she did it? No. But" he shrugged then looked at Xavier. "He hit one of her own. Something was going to happen to him."
Tatianna looked at Xavier and was about to speak when the dark-haired boy spoke first.
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"You know I did it, T." Xavier says threw glassy hazel eyes. "I don't- I love her and I'm scared to loose her. Shawn had proof - she broke it. She still loves me. I know it." He turns his face to Xavier. "She stopped robin from killing me but she can't do that again or I will retaliate. Understand?"
"You're in pain." Damien said brushing the ramblings off. "So ill let that go. But you hurt her like this in any way and you'll immediately regret it."
"Why did you hit her?" Tatiana sighs "Thats not okay!"
"I think... I think there is someone else and you" he looked at Damien. "Invited my biggest competition. Why? because she's right. You like drama because you're lonely and drama is the only love you know. Look at the girl you love, she does whatever she wants and you let her. It's pathetic. I am not going to be like that. Sometimes Arianna needs guidance. Maybe you should do it- she learned. Maybe your girl is doomed look at her fucked up life. Maybe if you did what I did she wouldn't be sucking some 50 year old dick."
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In a rage, Damien rushed toward Xavier pressing his finger into his stitched up wound. Xavier winced and yelped as the pain cut through the blissful haze of the painkillers. "Shut the fuck up!" he hissed at him. "You don't understand anything about anything! You raise your fucking hand at Arianna or any of the girls in funhouse one more fucking time I will fuck you up and I will get away with anything I do! you know who my fucking father is!"
Tatiana pushed Damien off of Xavier. "We aren't going to get anywhere by fighting! We need to cool down! Damien maybe you should get us a hotel room. Take Faye."
Faye who was sitting in the corner waiting paitently and a little scared watching the fight, stood up. Damien grabbed his jacket and stormed out the room. Faye quickly following him, once they were both out of earshot and Tatiana closed the door she smacked Xavier across the face. Her nails leaving slight scratch marks into his cheek. He pouted.
"You deserved that you fucking asshole! Now your going to take two more pills and your going to fall the fuck asleep! No more fighting!"
Imani set the table while Edward cooked. Draven woke up you, Hoodie, Katya and Austin and explained what happened when you stormed off. Robin and I made ourselves scares spending the entire morning by the pool purposely avoiding everyone else in the warm water.
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"You need to stop." Robin scolded me. The way he was relaxing on the floating raft was a stark contrast to how he really felt. I knew he was nervous, the way he 'casually' fiddled with the football and was sipping on the iced tea in his hand was he tells. He had to stop playing with the necklace around his neck. "You're smoking all my cigarettes. You're not allowed to die before me and that includes cancer."
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I put my phone down and sighed. Through the night, Damien had called me twice and the time I called him back we just shouted angrily at each other and I turned my phone off. I was about to check it when he intreuppted me. He was right, just this morning I went through half a pack. I sighed and smiled at him. "I'm just nervous, what if she doesn't forgive me? I might have overreacted."
"You didn't." He said and I laughed. He tossed the ball away and his hand went back to his necklace.
"Neither did you." I said smiling at him.
"She'll forgive you. You did it with the best intentions. Thats what counts right?"
"What did dad used to say?" I said plunging into the hazy memories. "'The road to hell is paved with good intentions'."
Robin gave me a strange look then gave a small smile. "Thats the first time you called him dad in....years." My smiled faded and I tried to study his face. I was about to apologize but he shook his head. "I guess he is 'dad' again." We both looked at each other for a moment, remembering our promise to joker. The promise that stayed hidden for now.
"Guys." It was Imani. "Foods done, come eat."
Robin and i took our times drying ourselves and I put on a loose dress while he just out on shorts and we went inside where everyone was sitting at the kitchen table full of breakfast foods.
0 notes
forever--darling · 4 years
the frat boy’s boxers - s.m.
 college frat au: part five
warnings: 12.9k words of cursing, flirting hockey players, and being a stealth ninja
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College was no joke. It was impending, heavy, and made you question everything about your worth. Stressed and unsure of every decision, balancing your time seemed impossible. You had figured that out quickly as your four other classes started and within two weeks the homework started to pile up. The lectures were long and your notes were messy and barely legible. You had no extra time to redo them and it drove you mad. It was all starting to get to your head and you hadn’t even been accepted as a sister yet or moved forward on the black op. mission. If you were already falling apart now, how were you supposed to survive midterms or finals? It might kill you, you were convinced. 
From studying to talking strategies with Maggie about Becca’s next planned moves and being an ear for Emily to talk for hours about Geoff, you were easily fried. Maggie wouldn’t tolerate any of Emily’s boyfriend talk, which meant you had to, as your roommate seems too consumed in other things. All having to do with Becca Bradley. You hadn’t heard from her in two weeks. Those fourteen days gave Maggie time to prepare as much as she could, listing any possibilities or conjuring ideas of what to do to Becca once you all got in. She was so sure of the fact that she got used to ditching her usual leather ensemble for sweaters and ripped jeans, but she swore as soon as this was all over she was dying her hair again and putting her lip piercing back in. 
On another note, Emily seemed consumed in her newfound fling with the hockey player. After their first date to a drive-in movie, your friend had easily become smitten. Though you all had been warned about the wandering ways of a Washington hockey player, Deja and Kiara agreed that if she were to be involved with any of them, Geoff was the best option. This was deemed true as he seemed to fall just as fast as she did and they had quickly become the news across campus. “Hockey player Geoff Warburton has a thing for freshman sorority pledge” was the gossip. He hadn’t officially asked her out but it was safe to say he would be soon with how much time they had spent together in the last few weeks. In other words, Geoff Warburton was basically a taken man. 
The others continued with their fuck boyish ways waving off any idea of a monogamous relationship. As the season was a mere week and a half away, their focus was shifting slightly away from their typical bullshit. They were focused more on early workouts and captain practices. You hadn’t even thought about Shawn or seen him in weeks. Only slight glimpses across campus and the looming meeting of the two of you was still up and coming. As for the other jock, you hadn’t spoken since the scavenger hunt. 
Henry seemed uninterested in you at this point and it was like the two of you were stuck in a silent fight, though there was nothing neither of you should be mad about. So he was a part of the hockey team. It wasn’t like he was entitled to tell you or needed to mention that he also was in the douchiest fraternity on campus. You weren’t even that mad about it. It was more about how he seemed to be angry at you for wanting to rush to become a member of ADPi. Was the idea of you being in a sorority that bad? You weren’t sure but you couldn’t waste time thinking about that or his lingering stares during the one class you shared. 
As for Becca herself, after the scavenger hunt, initiation had become stone silent. Becca had not sprung on any of you about the next step of rushing and it left you unsettled and waiting for it every second of every day. Until now…. That impending call had come. Finally, the next stage of rushing was going to commence and you were just as nervous as the first. Make any sudden movements and you might be kicked out, killing all of your chances of becoming a sister of ADPi which meant kissing those pretty plans of yours goodbye. 
This morning, you had woken up to find a pretty pink envelope slipped under your door inviting you, Emily, Maggie, and the rest of the pledges to a brunch styled meeting. Set in between two of your classes, your mind was a jumbled mess from the moment you left your dorm all the way to the end of your Psychology class that was well forgotten as you couldn’t pay attention. 
It was set in the middle of campus at the courtyard near the cherry blossom trees and you had never felt so out of place, more so than the pledges dinner and the scavenger hunt. As always the few sorority sisters present were pressed and perfect without a single hair out of place and like a set of copy cats most of the pledges appeared the same. Which as you scanned the few tables was only six, including you. Your teammates from the scavenger hunt all sat among the few chairs, with combed hair and neat makeup, plates filled with food. Deja and Kiara huddled close together and waved once they saw you appear. Hana was basically in her own little world as she stared at her freshly turquoise painted nails. 
Maggie and Emily sat at another table nearby, whispering with their heads bowed low, still oblivious that you finally were there. The sisters themselves stood off to the side of the two tables in a small huddle, all surrounding Becca, the ruler of all evil, herself. You couldn’t help but glance down at your leggings and a three-quarter zip-up hoodie as you saw the Chanel purse in her hand and her blush ruffled skirt. Even Maggie was dressed in a pair of nice jeans and a silk tank top. You sighed, running your fingers through your hair and adjusting any loose pieces before you sneaked over and slipped into the third chair by your friends. 
Quickly their conversation died as they noticed you and offered smiles but both disappeared as they noticed what you were wearing. “What’s going on?” 
“Dude, what are you wearing?” Maggie gasped, completely ignoring your question, “You couldn’t have changed?” 
“I didn’t have time.” 
Emily patted your arm softly as over your shoulder she found the huddle of sorority gremlins starting to disperse, “I’m sure it’s fine just act natural. You’ll blend right in.” 
“Em, there are six of us, they are bound to notice,” Maggie mumbled just as Becca stepped forward, her eyes trained on the six of you, the final pledges. 
“Wait,” you spoke softly, “What do you mean there are only six of us? Where are the rest of the pledges?”
“No idea, but my guess is we are about to find out,” Maggie replied through gritted teeth ending all further comments to form around the table. 
You were chewing on your lip at this point, fear making itself comfortable in your stomach. Even as you tucked yourself under the table as far as you could, it didn’t hide you away from their stares. The hawk-like eyes of the power-hungry and malicious girls that you never had to deal with in high school but instead had the pleasure of meeting now. Who knew after high school, girls couldn’t get a pair and grow up. Turns out college was a lot more like high school than you could ever expect, just a much bigger playing field. 
Becca clapped her hands together gaining not only the attention of the six of you, the pledges, but anyone close enough to eavesdrop. You nervously gulped too as her gaze scanned over the remaining survivors and did a double-take when they found you. She smirked slightly before clearing her throat which only made the tension so much thicker and unbearable. 
“Ladies,” she spoke, putting on that overly fake tone, she only used when she wanted to impress, “It’s so nice to see all of you again. It was longer than I expected our time apart to be but there are reasons for it.” 
Pausing, briefly, she snapped her fingers and like a path formed, out from the back of the group, Amanda appeared. Her hair was just as red and bright as it had been weeks ago. She handed a bottle of water over to Becca and silence washed over the courtyard as she unscrewed the cap and went to take a sip. No one else spoke and she didn’t continue until the lid was put back on the bottle and she had handed it back to Amanda. 
“I wanted to congratulate you all on being the final six pledges and making it to the last step of rushing. There was one more thing we had for you to do after the scavenger hunt but since the other six pledges were disqualified we didn’t think it would be necessary for you to have to do it.”
Deja suddenly raised her hand, like a student to a teacher, and it was a surprise that anyone would dare interrupt Becca, “If you don’t mind me asking why were the other girls disqualified?” 
You noticed at the simple question, Becca’s jaw lock as she took in a deep breath and answered, “They cheated their way through the scavenger hunt. Someone from outside of rushing was following you all around and repeating your answers through a walkie-talkie to the other team. I do not tolerate people who take shortcuts to win.” 
The answer alone made your fear and worry disappear for a second. And within that second it gave you a chance to bask in all the glory that was Lindsey getting exactly what was coming to her. You weren’t even in the sorority yet but already Emily’s side of the plan was almost complete. She beat out her roommate and now she was only one step away from locking the deal and making Lindsey go clinically insane. There was a chance. A very slim chance that this all could work out in the end. You had doubts, many doubts but it was already headed in the right direction. 
“As for the rest of you, your final challenge is here. Individually over the course of this week, randomly and at any point or time each of you will be given one task. They will all be different and something you must complete on your own. If you decide to pussy out and refuse to do it, then clearly you just aren’t Alpha Delta Pi material. But if you do do it, then you will have successfully made it through initiation.” 
Chloe, Becca’s most trusted sidekick who stood proudly attached to her hip, leaned forward a playful look on her face, “From there we will move you into the house and you can start getting comfortable with how things work and the tasks we as a sorority are in charge of.” 
The other girls stood silently behind Becca and Chloe, probably too having gone through such a lengthy and crazy process. You wondered if rushing was like this every year for the pledges or if they came up with new ways to torture the initiates so it was always different. Suddenly though the question seemed irrelevant as your questioning was replaced with hoping above all things that you wouldn’t be the first pledge to be given a task. You didn’t know if you could handle that especially when you had no ideas of what they could ask. They could make you do anything and it would be less nerve-wracking to have another girl or two go before you. 
“Okay, so I think that’s everything,” Becca announced, pulling her purse higher up on her shoulder, “I will be seeing all of you at one point this week.” 
“Good luck,” Chloe added. 
“Yeah, they’ll need it,” you heard another sorority sister whisper towards Chloe or tried as it came out far louder than a whisper.
You sighed loudly, hand wiping at the sudden sweat across your forehead as one by one in a line behind Becca they began to leave, not even daring to sit down and eat some of the food. They were all laughing as they left too and you were beginning to think that this was all a scam. That maybe they weren’t trying to find new members at all but a group of freshman girls to force into doing stupid stuff to only make fun of them. It was an idea but it wouldn’t be proven true until you did such a stupid thing and find out if you were accepted into the sorority or not. 
Your thoughts and silent worrying quickly came to an abrupt stop as a buzz from a phone on the table filled your ears. Eyes locked onto it, you watched as Emily picked it up with a soft smile on her face not the slightest bit affected by the sisters or Becca. But as fast as the smile appeared it was gone. Her brows furrowed and her lip found a place in between her teeth as she thought deeply. Both you and Maggie had picked up on this and shared a look before your attention solely was put on Emily. 
“Em, what is it?” you asked.
“It’s me,” she responded, it coming out like a mumble but enough to get the three other girls at the next table to lean closer in anticipation, “I have the first task.” 
“Woah, they work fast,” Maggie commented as she leaned over to read the text message over the blonde’s shoulder.
“What do you have to do?” 
She took in a deep breath before releasing it slowly, “I have to set up a car wash on the edge of campus by myself in only a bikini.” 
Maggie chuckled but covered it quickly with a cough, “Well, I can already tell that Geoff is not going to be very happy about that.”
“How’s she doing?” 
“Oh, Emily, she’s fine. Geoff on the other hand not doing so well,” your roommate said as she took the extra cup of coffee you handed to her. 
It was two o’clock in the afternoon and Emily had started the car wash at eleven. She couldn’t be done until four. For five hours, she was supposed to be giving out free car washes while dressed in a hot pink triangle bikini. You remembered earlier this morning the look on the girl’s face after the brunch as she was given the ensemble. She had been on the brink of having a small panic attack, but now as you looked at her across the street it seemed she didn’t even acknowledge it anymore. After three hours of wearing it, she didn’t even notice it or the creepy stares she got from the random old dad’s that stopped as they saw the sign. 
As soon as it was eleven, Maggie had claimed a picnic table at the edge of campus, close enough that you could see the show from across the street. For the past couple of hours, people have been filtering in and out, between their classes, checking in to see how she was doing. In the morning it had been Maggie and Kiara. Then Deja and Hana stopped while you were stuck in your back to back classes. Now you finally had been able to stop, only to find Geoff and Marcus there as well. Maggie had mentioned that among all the chaos, Becca had stopped earlier. 
She was with a few of the other girls and at the sight alone she couldn’t stop laughing. It took her minutes to calm down before she subtly raised a single eyebrow and gave a nod of approval. The action alone led Maggie to believe that Emily was in and had passed her individual test. Which meant one down, two to go. You weren’t going to lie, you gave Emily credit. You didn’t know if you would have been able to do that which only worried you. If you were scared about the first task, there was a chance they were only going to get worse from here and your’s, the one Becca decides to bestow on you, could be ten times worse than doing a car wash by yourself half-naked. There was that greater chance and it left you completely terrified. 
Geoff sat on top of the picnic table, hands folded over his face like he couldn’t even watch. Though he and Em weren’t official official, you had noticed in the last few weeks how he felt just by looking at her. He seemed so much different than most of the other hockey players, even his best friend who stood on the other side of him. 
“Geoff, will you take a fucking breath she is fine,” Maggie snorted as she took a long sip from her iced drink. 
He shook his head as he sent the smallest glare, like a child who was being scolded, over at Maggie, “I can’t, knowing that some of those guys have already gone through the line twice.” 
You laughed underneath your breath, it mixing within the sound of Marcus’s. You were only talking to the pair of frat guys because of one sole purpose, Emily. Since she and Geoff got together, the friend groups were mixing more since they hated to be apart for too long. Which was another thing Maggie was not used to… sharing Emily. She had become slightly overprotective of both her and you. After hearing everything from both Deja and Kiara, she wasn’t ready to trust all of Geoff’s intentions which only led to them bickering like siblings.
“Well, do you blame them? Look at her,” Marcus slapped a hand on his friend’s shoulder, ready to push his buttons further, “She do be lookin’ fine.” 
Geoff’s glare shifted away from Maggie towards Marcus, except this time it deepened. Then all at once, he raised his fist and punched the other boy hard into the shoulder. Marcus flinched grabbing at the sore arm as a loud groan escaped from his lips, “Oww. What the fuck?” 
“Don’t talk about her like that… EVER. You got it?” 
Marcus backed down, his smile wiped clean from his face, “Okay, okay. I was just kidding anyway. Blame Becca man, not me, and if you’re going to act like this why don’t you just ask her out already?” 
“Yeah, Geoff,” you perked up, sending your own smile over at the guy your friend was crushing on, “Why don’t you ask her out already?” 
He shrugged, suddenly becoming a fumbling blushing teenager, “We’re taking things slow. We’re just trying to get to know each other first.” 
“Taking things slow, mhmm okay. I didn’t know we were back in middle school! What, are you going to ask her dad’s permission first too before you take her out on another date?” Marcus mumbled underneath his breath, causing a giggle to slip from your mouth
Across the street, Emily was spraying down a soapy Honda civic with a hose, while soaked from head to toe. Her hair was slicked back into a ponytail and though she was no doubt uncomfortable, she smiled at the customer, who was a man, definitely in his early fifties, like she was having a good time. 
“I think it’s fine that you guys want to take it slow,” Maggie announced getting a surprised look from Geoff, “But let’s make one thing clear. If you do anything to hurt her, I will fucking kill you.” 
“I would never hurt her. Why would you think that?” 
“Oh, no reason at all,” she mumbled, not bothering to meet his eye. 
“No, what? Because that’s another thing, why do you always make comments like that? Like I’m bad news or something?” 
At his question alone, both you and Maggie shared a look, long enough that the two other boys saw it and understood that you two had a mutual understanding. Clearing your throat, you leaned against the picnic table in between your roommate and Geoff, your gaze moving back to the car wash. Marcus and Geoff shared a look of their own before zoning in on you and you alone. 
“What was that look about?” 
“None of your business, Marcus,” Maggie barked.
Geoff leaned closer towards you, “Y/N?” 
You sighed, giving in, “Well... you’re in a fraternity and an athlete. You are pretty popular on campus, and we’ve heard some stuff.” 
“Stuff what kind of stuff? From who?” his eyes narrowed and his mouth dropped as his tone was nothing short of offended.
Maggie raised her head high, stopping you from slipping anything else to the pair of hockey players, “We’re not allowed to reveal our resources.” 
Marcus rolled his eyes, “That’s code word for my sister and her friends.” 
“Pfft, is not.”
“Y/N, you are a shitty liar,” he grinned, leaning over Geoff to get closer to you.
“I am not.” 
“You are though,” Geoff said, agreeing.
“I am not a shitty liar,” you replied, jaw tensing.
Marcus smirked, “Okay, whatever you say, but answer me this. Has anything that they’ve said about me ruined all chances of us going out?” 
“Oh, yeah,” you replied, laughter laced into your response. It seemed with Marcus the more you talked, the more flirty he got, and you weren’t the only girl he was talking to. It was flattering but you would never go down that road especially with Marcus who you loved turning down daily. 
“Point proven,” Maggie pointed over at Marcus as he was shoved off of Geoff back to the other side of the picnic table and away from you. 
“What do you mean by point proven?” 
“Marcus, you flirt with every girl you meet like you’ll get a prize for each one you can charm into your bed.” 
“Okay true,” he admitted, his smirk stretching at his own words, “But we didn’t have to acknowledge it.” 
Before Maggie could say anything else to argue because it turned out she liked to argue with both of them and not just Geoff, she bit her tongue as both of your eyes fell back to the boy with long hair. His hands were once again folded in his lap and his icy orbs were focused back on the girl across the street. There was a crinkle in between his eyebrows and his lips were curled up into a pouty look. He was such a puppy dog, you had realized. 
“Are you sure she is okay? Maybe, I should go over there and make sure everything is fine,” he announced, moving to stand from the table.
Instantly, as fast as he tried to stand, your arm stretched out across his chest halting all sudden movements. Your eyes were wide as you stared at him, practically begging as Maggie turned with another threatening look forming on her sharp features. “Don’t you dare move!”
“What?” his voice shook and his eyebrows rose to his forehead.
“Becca has eyes everywhere,” Maggie hissed.
“Geoff, if you go over there someone will report back to Becca and they’ll think you tried to help her. Which will kill Emily’s chances of getting in,” you explained, softly and calmly. 
Slowly, he relaxed back into his previous position and you retracted your arm that was acting as a seat belt. His shoulders dropped and he went straight back to pouting. You watched his every move carefully, in case he decided to get up and make a run for it. You were prepared to go after him and tackle him to the ground if it meant Emily got a spot in the sorority. Nothing was going to get in the way, especially a love-struck hockey player. 
“Look on the bright-side there, Warburton,” Marcus said as he patted his friend on the shoulder, “She’s the first one to go out of the other pledges.” 
Geoff sent a cold glare over to his friend, “How is that supposed to make me feel better?” 
“It’s only going to get worse from here. You know how Becca is which means that these two are going to get it far worse than Emily did.” 
At his words alone, Geoff’s glare softened and was replaced by the largest grin. He laughed and covered it poorly with a fake cough. You and Maggie’s head’s slowly turned away from your friend to Marcus, the guy who had been testing your patience all day. Your mouth fell open slightly and your brows furrowed, wanting nothing more than to punch him in that moment. 
His chocolate orbs looked past everyone else once again to you and he smirked proudly, “I’m not making my chances with you any better am I?” 
“No, not in the slightest,” you replied, scrunching your nose at him as your glare only deepened. 
“Shit! Well, I guess there is always tomorrow. Right, sweetheart?” he winked. 
You were not amused in the slightest, though some days you didn’t mind the flirting and on occasion found it funny but right now it was nothing short of annoying. He was entitled and had the biggest ego just because of his athleticism and six pack. Because god forbid, girls actually wanted better for themselves than a fuckboy fraternity brother. You were starting to think finding a boy with an actual personality and a decent bone in his body wasn’t possible. Henry was the single exception but now, you were starting to think that the exception didn’t exist. 
Maggie shook her head as she huffed loudly underneath her breath, “Marcus, you are such a fucking dick.” 
“Thanks,” he smacked his lips as if he were chewing gum, “Right back at ya, Mags.” 
“Okay, I should not be associated with him,” Geoff announced raising both of his hands for it to be noted among everyone else, “I am not like my friends when it comes to girls.” 
“Alright, you keep telling yourself that man,” Marcus, cackled only for it to fall silent at the buzzing coming from his phone in his pocket. Pulling it out, he let out a noise of approval at what he saw, “Well, look at that. Okay, we gotta go.” 
Geoff’s brows furrowed and annoyance dripped from his words, “What? Why?” 
“Shawn’s at the rink and he wants us to come work on some drills with him.” 
“Again why?” his tone deepened with both irritation and sass, “He has been on our ass nonstop lately. Coach isn’t starting official practices until next week and the home opener is still two weeks out.” 
Marcus took in a deep breath before letting it out, “Dude, chill, you know how he is. He just wants us to do well this season especially since everyone is convinced we are going to win the conference and the Frozen Four tournament again.” 
“Yeah, fine, whatever,” Geoff grumbled as he peeled himself from the picnic table. He looked over at you and Maggie expectantly, a single brow raised high in the air, “You’ll keep any eye on her until she’s done?” 
You nodded, “Yeah, we got her.”
“In case, you forgot, we’ve been taking care of her longer than you have, Warburton,” Maggie waved, fake sweetness sounding almost too sarcastic coming from her tongue. 
He just rolled his eyes at her comment as he was used to her attitude towards him at this point, “Yeah, okay, we'll see you guys later.” 
“Bye Geoff.” 
Expectantly, Marcus turns towards you, his arms raised as if waiting. Sighing, you send him a soft smile, “Bye Marcus.” 
“See you, sweetheart, don’t miss me too much while I’m gone.” 
“Oh, I won’t,” you reassured one last time, knowing it wasn’t going to make your feelings any clearer to him. He was a verified flirt and to confirm every thought you have about him, he sent one more wink before he went jogging after his friend and teammate. 
Once the two of them were finally gone leaving you and your roommate in peace, you visibly relaxed back into the picnic table, elbows leaning against the table top and a sigh left from your parted lips. Maggie’s actions mirrored yours. She shook her head, drawing your attention as she frustratingly ran her fingers through her dark black hair. 
“What did Emily get herself into?” she whispered, eyes once again back on the blonde across the street who herself looked to be getting tired, “You know we were warned about the hockey players and what does she do? Decides to date one. Then she drags us into having to hang around them.” 
You chuckled, now knowing Maggie better than almost anyone else as you had spent the last how many weeks together straight. You knew when she was genuinely pissed off or actually bothered. Though her words were nothing short of being annoyed and angry at Emily, her tone gave away that it was not as serious as it seemed. “To be fair, I was the one who pushed her on that date with Geoff and let’s be reminded that all of this is only happening because you wanted us to rush.” 
“You’re right,” she groaned, “This whole thing is on us and we are the sole cause of having to deal with Geoff Warburton and Marcus Jackson.” 
“It’s not all that bad. Geoff’s kind of nice and I mean Deja and Kiara said he is the best choice if she were to be with someone from the team.” 
“Yeah, except I don’t trust him. Look, we can’t deal with Em getting hurt right now. We have to stay focused on the plan,” Maggie explained. 
“Yeah, I know,” you mumbled out, looking over at Emily to find her waving off the last car in the line. As soon as it was gone, her welcoming over cheery smile was gone and her exhaustion came out for anyone close enough to see. 
Your head snapped back over to Maggie as you heard her cuss loudly. She stared down at her phone clutched tightly into her palms. You peered curiously over her shoulder, “What? What is it?” 
“Becca texted me, I’m next,” she said as she turned her phone for you to read the text. 
“Tonight at 1, teepee the Gamma Gamma Sigma sorority house.” 
It was Thursday, the weekend was looming and things were closing in on you. Every single pledge had gotten their task and went through with it. Every single one of the six pledges had gotten a text, gotten through what they were being forced to do and were accepted into the sorority with open arms, except for you. You were the last one standing, the one left waiting for her task. Waiting and worrying about the humiliation that would come with that text and whatever it would say. They only did get worse just like Marcus had said and by Wednesday when you were officially deemed the last pledge he laughed in your face. 
On the first day, Emily set up a car wash in nothing but a bikini. That night, Maggie tee-peed another less popular sorority house. The next night Deja egged the least liked professor’s car. Then on Wednesday, Hana had to set up a kissing booth. Hours later that night while at a football game, Kiara had to run out on the field and moon the quarterback. 
It only got worse, which meant what were you going to be made to do. It was Thursday and you were the last one. The week played in your head over and over, all of your friend’s humiliation or almost getting into trouble flying around your mind. How they felt and how they all got in and now were a part of the sorority. It was all bringing anxiety into your life, in a way you hadn’t felt in years. You were terrified and beyond scared about a one sentence text you were waiting to get from a college girl. 
All of this happened to be on your mind as you sat in your Cellular and Molecular Biology class that morning. You needed above all to pay attention if you had any hope of passing the next lab but all you could think about was hockey players, roommates, and horrifying sorority sisters. You were thinking about how stressful it was which only made you more stressed the more you thought about it. It didn’t help that you got a text from Kiara in the group chat saying that there were videos and pictures of her pulling her pants down at the game floating around online. Your class no longer was of as importance as your worry trumped it easily. 
Finally, as the time seemed to pass the professor dismissed the class. Jumping from your seat, you desperately weaved your way through the crowd towards the door. You were running on three hours of sleep and one cup of coffee and were sure that whatever Becca had planned you wouldn’t be ready. A jumbled mess, more texts began to flood in. Emily. Maggie. Kiara. Deja. Hana. You needed to get to your dorm room, as it had become your safe haven from the campus and the world. You would calm down as soon as you were in that room and you could unplug from this college massacre. 
As another text came in from Hana complaining about how her bottom lip had gotten cut from kissing the president of the chess club, you began to pick up your pace into a fast walk. The sun was lingering through the clouds and the wind was hitting you in the face which eased the slight panic attack building in your chest. You were glancing up and down from the sidewalk to your phone as you tried to respond to the texts with your notebooks slipped between your side and elbow. 
You were not paying attention as your mind was locked onto the phone screen in your hand and each terrifying sentence sent in from your friends. Each getting worse by the second. Suddenly, walking with your phone out seemed just as damaging as out of nowhere you collided straight into someone else like an intersection crash.
Notebooks went flying in the air, loose pieces of paper flew out. They floated slowly down, raining over you as your notebooks slapped against the sidewalk at your feet. Sighing, sadly, you shoved your phone into your pocket and dropped to your knees. Hands dancing for all of your stuff, you were trying desperately to catch your breath. 
“Oh my god, I am so sorry,” you sputtered out as you reached for your scattered notes. 
The vibrating from your phone had quickly became ignored and every text disappeared from your head-space as the sound of a bag dropping to the ground let out a loud thud, startling you. Glancing over at the black duffel bag, you felt a sudden intake of breath as the person crouched to help pick up your mess. “Don’t worry about it. It’s all good.” 
Just like that, other things were thrusted in your line of sight, making your head spin and shake with all new thoughts. You were no longer worried and on the verge of having an all out panic attack. Your breath was cut short for a whole different ray of reasons and as he spoke, it felt like you would never be able to release the breath you were holding. 
You were frozen, unable to move, or think as he continued to pick up your jumbled and barely legible written notes. His head was tilted down, focused on the task at hand but would spare you a glance here and there which only made your stomach lurch up into your chest. You were already a mess way before and he was not making things better in the slightest. Your head was a mess itself so trying to talk or have a conversation at this point was borderline impossible. 
The hockey player was dressed in the same white hoodie that he wore weeks ago, his name and number printed on the back. That familiar red flush to his skin was nowhere to be seen like you had seen it at the rink and up close you had to agree with Kiara that he was completely gorgeous. She wasn’t wrong and after so long not wanting to admit it, you knew she was right. It was the way, his hair even when it didn’t look brushed seemed styled and didn’t have a stray of hair out of place. Or how he had a small scar on his cheek that seemed less like a flaw and more like a perfection. Or how the gold chain he wore around his neck and tucked into his shirts was now revealed to be a St. Christopher pendant. 
There were so many more things you could name in your dizzy state but you were having an issue focusing on saying them as his eyes, his warm almost golden eyes flicker up at you. His long eyelashes brushed his cheeks with each time he looked back down to his hands where he continued to pick up your shit, that you had dropped upon you running into him because you weren’t paying attention where you were going… again. That single ‘S’ shaped curl fell across his forehead. Except this time, it appeared a little shorter making you wonder if he got a haircut.
You were staring and it was evident as he had picked up the last of your notebooks and met your gaze. He wasn’t even surprised to find you already looking at him and as his warm brown orbs found yours, that aching knee-weakening smile appeared on his face. The kind that will make your body tingle every single time and your brain to malfunction and turn to mush. As you saw that smile, up close, in person, and directed at you, it snapped you back into reality. This was Shawn Mendes. 
He wasn’t just some cute guy on campus you stumbled across. He wasn’t a nobody. He was the guy. A somebody. His face was littered across campus on every poster and sign you saw. He was the star who scored the winning goal at the Frozen Four last year. His figure alone demanded attention. He was the frat boy at the party who had all the girls’ attention and usually took one home at the end of the night. He was known as Becca Bradley’s main hookup and forever dream man. He wasn’t just a normal guy as much as you wished he was. And above all things, he was the only man on campus you wished and dreaded to eventually meet because you knew like everyone else you would fall for him and that damn smile. 
Blinking, you snapped yourself out of the impending staring contest and lingering silence. You stood up from the ground, clearing your throat and wiping the dirt from your leggings. At the sight, you internally groaned because on this certain day you wore a pair of leggings and an oversized hoodie. Your hair was tangled and falling out of the makeshift bun you made quickly this morning at the back of your head. You couldn’t bother with makeup or a mint after your coffee and knowing that the guy was in front of you, you felt very self-conscious. 
Shawn grabbed a pen that had fallen out from your notebook and handed you the materials as he stood up. You visibly gulped as you noticed him now looming over you. He was tall, so much taller than you expected, now that he was in front of you. 
“Thanks,” you mumbled, glancing around the two of you to see so many people staring at the interaction. 
All of a sudden you became very aware of how many eyes were on you. As Shawn Mendes, captain of the hockey team, was seen talking to some girl who wasn’t either Becca or anyone remotely known around here. A freshman instead. It seemed whatever these people were doing, whether it was walking, or sitting and studying or just minding their own business became a thing of the past. They were focused on you, now. Waiting and watching to see if anything happens because god forbid they miss Shawn have a conversation with any girl on campus. 
“Yeah, you okay?” 
He looked you over carefully from your scattered appearance to your wandering gaze at everyone around you. The anxiety in your eyes had heightened to a whole other level and he could see it. Taking a step forward, he bent forward enough until your gaze snapped back into his direction. Once his golden orbs became what you focused on, you relaxed slightly but not enough to ignore the scratching stares on your back. 
You cleared your throat, your next sentence coming out small and quiet, “Uh, yeah. I’m okay.” 
He was still smiling as he bent over and picked up the duffel bag from the ground. He swung it over his shoulder, eyes never leaving you. Hugging the books to your chest, you were squeezing them so tight, your knuckles were turning white. Your head was pulsing and it suddenly felt like two worlds colliding that shouldn’t be. 
“I’m Shawn, by the way,” he grinned as he scratched at the back of his neck, that pink tint returning to his cheeks suddenly, taking you by surprise, “I didn’t know if you knew that or not but uh yeah.” 
For once, since the week had started a giggle had slipped from your lips and from all of the people it was because of him. It still couldn’t process in your mind that after weeks you were finally talking to him and that you were officially meeting him. It just seemed so weird because he had always been in arms length but you could never reach each other. The timing was never right and now by chance you had just ran into him. The world worked mysteriously and quietly and you weren’t entirely sure with how you felt about this action they pulled. 
“I knew,” you nodded, that smile seeming to be permanently imprinted on your lips in front of him, “I’m Y/N.” 
“You’re a pledge right? For ADPi? I’ve seen you around,” as soon as he began he became a stuttering mess and you were confused if this was actually the legendary hockey golden boy of campus or someone else, “Not that I’ve been actively looking for you or anything. That would just be creepy.”
You laughed again, “Right, uh yeah I am a pledge.” 
“How’s that going? I mean it’s Becca so…” he trailed off, shrugging and careful of his words because if you knew who he was, he knew you were probably aware of his involvement with the president of your hopefully soon to be sorority.
“Yeah, it’s uhhh…” just as you went to answer with whatever came to your mind first, your words stopped altogether at the vibrating from your phone in your pocket. It had gone quiet for a while but now it was picking up again as the girls never knew to shut up. You sent him an apologetic smile as you reached into your pocket and took it out. 
How the universe liked to pick their moments, you thought. As you stared at that screen, you realized that your bad luck and not been all dished out yet and that God was still saving some to give to you at random. It was convenient that was the only thing you could think as you stared at that text message. Your demeanor had gone back to worried and anxious and a physical mess. That smile, that soft smile you had been unable to get rid of and suddenly seemed reserved for the frat boy in front of you was gone. Your reality had been kicked straight back into your face and you wished that you could go back to sleep in a place where Shawn Mendes was nervous around you and Becca Bradley did not exist. 
You couldn’t look away from the message and your throat had suddenly become very dry. Your mouth parted slightly and you were convinced the world was ending and that there was no way you could pull this off. “I uh, I’m sorry but I have to go.” 
Even as you were on the verge from running away from him, he still smiled that damn large beautiful smile and it made your stomach clench all at once with one look. Suddenly, that shy college guy had turned back into, with the flick of a magic wand, what you expected him to be. He smirked that signature arrogant look and he casually slipped his hands into his pockets. “No, you go. I get it. Becca calls and you run. It’s the drill.” 
Silently, you sent him a look of gratitude though you didn’t appreciate his cocky response whatsoever but you couldn’t worry about it at that moment. Just as you slipped past him though, your name once again echoed into your ears, and it was coming from his lips. “Y/N!” 
You looked shyly over your shoulder, still consumed with worry and doubt to face that smirk and those gorgeous eyes. He nodded softly and in a single look that smirk dropped into the softest smile you had ever seen, “I’ll see you around.”
The only thing you could muster was your own smile as your heart had been pushed from your chest into your throat making you unable to speak. You shared one more look before you turned and continued to make your way to your destination; your dorm. Even though you could barely fathom that you had finally met Shawn Mendes it did not compare to what you were feeling now as that one sentence alone was now going through your head on repeat. 
STEAL sophomore hockey captain Shawn Mendes’ boxers without getting caught…
“Y/N, just take a few deep breaths for me, okay. Everything is going to be fine. Right Mags?” 
Emily looked desperately to Maggie for help as they stood in the doorway of the closet to find you sat underneath the clothing rack, your head put in between your legs. Your breathing was scattered and uneven and they weren’t sure how long you had been in there as they had found you when they walked in.
“Y/N, you’re going to be fine. This is nothing we can’t handle,” Maggie said, staring down at you intently.
You sniffled and lifted your head to face your two friends. Emily’s eyes screamed worry as Maggie waited patiently. Tears filled your waterline as finally after weeks from being away from home, everything was finally setting in and you were beyond overwhelmed. You shook your head wiping the water from your eyes before they could fall down your face. 
“Nothing, we can’t handle, you’re joking right?” you laughed sadly, “How am I supposed to steal his boxers? Anyone have any ideas because I am the clumsiest and loudest person. Nothing about me screams stealth ninja. Which means, I’ll get caught and he is going to think I am some weirdo and tell all of his friends. I will then become the laughing stock of the whole school.” 
“At least, we’ll all be getting laughed at together,” Maggie shrugged. 
You stared at her silently, a small glare evident in your eyes. Emily glanced between the two of you before she dropped to her knees and rubbed your arm softly and comfortingly, “What she is trying to say is that none of what any of us had to do was easy. We were all forced to do these things we didn’t want to do and we all are getting made fun of because of it.” 
“Yeah, in case, you forgot Emily was basically naked and cleaning strangers cars. And Kiara showed her butt to the quarterback in front of most of the school and Hana kissed all the guys from the chess team twice. We’re all embarrassed and we’re all getting laughed at,” Maggie tried again, sinking down to sit on your other side, her back leaning against the closet door, “And this is all because of Becca which means we haven’t gone this far for you to back out and ruin everything. I almost got in serious trouble for this so let’s stand up and pull ourselves together and do this because I know that you can.” 
Taking in a deep breath, you closed your eyes and sniffled one more time, letting for the first time all day your anxiety slip away. When your eyes fluttered back open, you nodded with a soft smile which brought one on each of your friends’ faces. Maggie’s quickly grew into a huge grin, one where her eyes squinted and her dimples showed. You had yet to have seen one so big. 
Sending you a wink, she clapped her hands together, “Okay, so now that we have that settled we need to get you ready. If you are going to be going on a black op. mission, that means you also need to dress the part.” 
“Oh god, what do you have in mind?”
She didn’t respond but only wiggled her eyebrows up and down. 
Hours later, at dark, the three of you found yourself making your way back over to the sorority house as Becca demanded to see you beforehand which was different from what she had done with the other five pledges. After all, you were the last one though. You were feeling better since earlier that day when you previously had gotten the text. Once Maggie and Emily had given you a pep talk, you realized that you couldn’t go into this thinking you couldn’t do it or that you weren’t going to be able to do it. You had to go into this being positive and doing everything you can to make it possible to steal those boxers. 
Your confidence had come on quickly and as promised Maggie wanted you to look the part. Putting on a pair of black leggings and black long sleeve shirt, you suddenly felt like you looked the part. Your hair was pulled tightly into a sleek high ponytail and there were two smeared lines of eye black under your eyes, reminding you of the softball days. At first you protested, knowing that Becca was going to make fun of you but as you left you decided to not give a shit because all that mattered was that you proved her wrong and got through this final task of initiation. 
Entering into the house, you found the girls littered out into the living room, no doubt waiting for you. Stepping in, you stiffened up. You crossed your arms over your chest and stood with your head held high. Maggie and Emily stood off to the side from you grinning like two proud parents. As for the other three pledges, they were busy getting their stuff ready to move into the house and once you told Maggie that Becca had texted you, it was getting sent out into the group chat ASAP. They were sending wishes of luck and love your way from across campus. 
The sorority girls’ attention finally fell to you and their phones and boring conversations had quickly been forgotten. Some of them laughed, unable to control themselves while others whispered. Becca appeared from down the hallway, dressed in her typical attire. Short skirt and cropped shirt. Heels on her feet, clicking against the tiled floor, though there was no one there besides her sisters to judge on what shoes were on her feet. 
As soon as her eyes fell on you though, a loud laugh bursted from her mouth, “Oh wow, this is too good. I knew I had given you the right task. Love the outfit.” 
Taking in a deep breath, you let it out as your arms fall slowly to your sides, “Okay, so what else is there?” 
Her head tilted to the side innocently as her manicured fingers folded together over her stomach, “What do you mean?” 
“Well, you called me here so I have to believe there is more to this than just having to steal Shawn Mendes’ boxers. So what is it?” 
“Oh, honey, no,” she waved you off as another icy giggle made its way from her lips into the air, “I just wanted to come with and watch. Each pledge gave me some sort of show and secretly this has been the one I have been waiting for. I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss it.” 
It was late, dark, and the sun was no longer looming over campus. Your pulse quickened and your palms were dripping in sweat as you stared up at the three story house. The window was left cracked open and you watched as the breeze swayed the white curtains from side to side. This was insane and beyond anything you had ever done but you knew it was unavoidable. If you wanted to get into Alpha Delta Pi, it had to be done. 
You could feel the lingering eyes of the sorority girls as they crouched behind a line of bushes and you internally cursed. Emily had to set up a car wash by herself, Maggie had to teepee another sorority house, and those both sounded better than this; standing in front of frat boy central, forced to steal sophomore and hockey player Shawn Mendes’ boxers
You almost couldn’t breathe properly and everything was hitting you at once as you finally had a minute to process the whole thing. Even then as you stared up at the brick house and the lights that illuminated from inside, you knew you could do this. You weren’t sure but you were pretty sure. After all, what was this? Really? How much of this was going to decide your future or even matter in the next five years. The answer was nothing. It would mean nothing. Instead, it all just felt like a game, a shrivel in time that seemed completely irrelevant against the bigger and more important moments in life. 
There was no way you weren’t going to do it. You knew it as you stared up at the slightly cracked window and were aware of your two friends behind you. It was maybe not going to matter in a year or maybe even now but that wasn’t going to stop you. Not even the exhaustion or the emotional wreckage would keep you from getting inside that house. Almost a month into the semester and you were drowning yourself. 
Shaking your head to rid all of your thundering thoughts, you squeezed your fists together and decided to say fuck it! Taking a deep breath, you darted forward without so much as looking behind you at the girls hidden in the bushes. Tiptoeing forward along the side of the house, you hopped up and over the short fencing that led to the backyard. You landed softly in the grass on the other side and suddenly, you were on high alert. Hugging the wall as you walked, your eyes were darting everywhere from the backyard to behind you as you now felt like you were on the verge of being caught. 
The large backyard was empty besides the trash cans full of beer cans, the white fold out table used for ping pong, and the bonfire pit. No, Pi Kappa Alpha boy was in sight and it eased your worries somewhat. Sliding around the corner, the back of the house came in view exactly with one sliding door and three possibly unlocked windows. You took a risk and headed for the glass sliding door and peered in. The basement was carpeted with leather couches, a bar, and a pool table. As for the large room, there wasn’t a person in sight. Grabbing at the outside handle, you sighed with relief as it gave away when you pulled and it opened slowly. Once the opening was large enough, you slid in and pulled it shut behind you as quietly as you could. 
You looked left and right before you began to make your way slowly across the lit room to the staircase and walked up them. The door at the top of the steps was left open and ajared. Leaning forward, you stuck your head out to again be met with a silent hallway, lights all on and not a voice or other person heard. 
Your nerves had returned and the hair was sticking up straight on the back of your neck as you stepped into the hallway. It was short as on one side led to a kitchen where there were uncleaned counters and the sink was full with dirty plates. On the other side there was a bathroom and a bedroom or two. Checking once more that those rooms were clear and didn’t appear to be the hockey captain’s, you walked forward and the hallway brought you straight out into the front living room which was the first thing seen when you entered through the front door. 
Just like the basement it was littered with a few nice but slightly torn up couches and a big screen TV. Empty cans and cups were left scattered across the coffee table and there were random articles of clothing tossed around the room. Your nose scrunched up in the air as you finally took notice of the musty and suffocating smell that appeared when a bunch of boys decided to live together in a barely cleaned house. Another staircase caught your eye right next to the front door that led upwards to not doubt the third and final floor of the house and where the remainder of the bedrooms were. You cracked out a smile as you made your move for them. 
Before you could even make it to the first step though, the front door opened. Panic appeared on your face and your eyes widened like saucers as two voices filled the otherwise quiet room. Just as it swung open, you dropped to the floor behind a large L-shaped black couch. 
“Dude, why did Mendes have to schedule another evening practice? We already had three this week,” the first guy said, the voice unrecognizable to you.
The other one responded quickly as the sound of two bags being dropped onto the hardwood floor echoed in the room, “I don’t know because whatever captain says it goes. At least it’s over and we’re the first one’s home because I want a shower.” 
“I want a pizza, should I order one?” the first one asked. 
“Fuck yeah.” 
Crawling to the right end of the couch, you peeked from behind it to see the two hockey players' backs as they headed for the back hallway you had come from initially. They were sweaty and practically limping showing just how exhausted they were from being pushed day in and day out by their team captain a week before official practices were set to start. Once they disappeared from sight, you glanced back at the front door to see no other hockey players appear and knew this was your chance. Standing, you darted for the stairs and climbed them quickly and as you hit the top step you heard the door fly open again and a chorus of more voices filled the house. 
A loud gasp ripped through your throat as you heard a few pairs of footsteps following you up the stairs. Your head began to snap back and forth at each doorway you saw on either side struggling to pick one to go through. You stumbled down the hallway until you grabbed at the knob of the last door on the left. With one push on the door, you were falling into the dark room so out of breath as the voices only seemed to get closer from the staircase. You couldn’t recognize who the players were and weren’t worried about it as you were solely focused on running and not getting caught. 
Peering through the dark, you were able to piece together the room from the large queen sized unmade bed to the desk pushed against the opposite wall and an additional door to the room’s very own bathroom. Stepping forward your foot suddenly caught on something sending you tumbling to the ground. You mentally cursed as a loud thud sounded in the room meaning whoever stood on the other side of the door and in the hallway would have heard. Face smooshed into the carpet, your fingers touched lazily at the object you tripped over which happened to be a small pile of laundry. Through the dark, your fingers traced over what appeared to be a t-shirt and as you squinted, you were able to see the familiar number eight and Mendes written across the back of it. 
By chance you had stumbled into the right room and then of course tripped and fell, but at least you were in the right room. Then with the amount of clothes scattered along the floor that meant there had to have been a pair of boxers somewhere. You freeze though as fast as you had fallen, the fabric of the t-shirt threaded in between your fingers as the sound of the door handle being turned set off an alarm in your head. Then when the light clicked on, you crawled and crawled for dear life until you were under the bed. 
The shirt was still clutched tightly in your fist and you were holding your breath as the voice you had heard hours ago for the first time once again filled your ears. “I think that was a good practice. Do you think that was a good practice?” 
The second voice turned out to be just as familiar as the first and you couldn’t help but smile knowing exactly who it was. Geoff. “Yeah, except for the fact half of the guys almost passed out on the ice.” 
“Okay, my bad,” Shawn sighed as that duffel bag he had been carrying earlier was dropped onto the ground right next to the bed. Your eyes followed it before they went back to the two pairs of feet in the room. “Man, I just want to have a good season. I don’t mean to be THAT captain but I just-” 
“No, no I get it. You don’t have to explain. I want to have a good season too.” 
“Thanks, Geoff. So...” Shawn clapped his hands together before changing the subject all together, “How’s things going with Emily?” 
You swear you could hear the smile in Geoff’s voice when he talked which gave away truly how crazy he was over your friend, “Great, amazing, I don’t know. Dude, she’s just... I don’t know. I really like her.” 
“I’m happy for you, man! You deserve it.” 
“Thanks, except I might have to have a word with Becca though. I mean what she made Em do was crazy and humiliating,” Geoff snapped his voice rising slightly at the end.
The hockey captain chuckled slightly, “Well what did you expect? It was the same way last year for the pledges and she will do it again to the ones next year. That’s just how she is.” 
“Yeah, but still Emily just isn't like Becca or the other girls. Neither is Y/N or Maggie. I just don’t get why any of them wanted to rush.” 
“Speaking of, I met Y/N today.” 
At the mere mention of your name, your eyes widened and your hand clasped even tighter around the shirt. Your mouth parted slightly, waiting and completely on edge wanting to know what this drop dead gorgeous guy was about to say about you. 
“Shawn!” Geoff warned. 
“I know that look on your face and don’t!” 
“Don’t what,” Shawn said, laughter heard in the simple two words he said. 
“Do what you always do. Okay, she’s not like every other girl you get involved with,” Geoff explained and in that moment there was nothing you wished more than to see the look on either of their faces as they spoke, “Y/N is nice and one of Emily’s best friends, so stay out of her pants.” 
Was Geoff seriously being protective of you? It sounded like it and suddenly everything you had thought about him; being a hockey player and frat boy meant he couldn’t be boyfriend material. Or that he was just using Emily. Or that he was built like all of his friends. All of that disappeared because in that sole moment you knew that he was a good one. Geoff Warburton was a good guy and deep down more than anything you hoped that Shawn Mendes was too. 
“Yeah, Geoff I know Y/N is different and you’re so right. Even with just meeting her I realized she isn’t anything like Becca or any of those other girls. I don’t know there is just something about her-” 
Your breath was stolen and you knew this was a position you never expected to find yourself in; hiding under the hockey star’s bed as he gushed about you to his best friend and teammate. 
“Which is why you should stay away from her. I have enough to deal with keeping Marcus away from her and I can’t be in charge of you either.” 
“Okay, but honestly, we both know I would be a better option for her over Marcus any day,” he joked. 
“Okay, fine, alright. I’ll stay away from her since you asked me too.” 
Geoff’s feet stepped for the door and a moment of silence passed between them and you were starting to worry that maybe they saw you or they finally remembered the thud they had heard earlier. You were toast. That’s what you thought, but when you thought you were going to be pulled from under the bed with all chances of becoming a sorority member of ADPi being ripped from existence, it never did happen. “Okay, now that we are on the same page. I am going to shower because I need to meet Emily and she won’t like it if I’m late.” 
“Have fun!” Shawn called out as Geoff stepped out of the room and into the hallway, “Do you need any condoms? It’s better to be safe than sorry.” 
“Goodnight Mendes.” 
Shawn laughed, one of those belly laughs that instantly could make anyone else in the room smile and happy. You were trying to hide your own smile from under the bed as his previous words about you were being repeated over and over in your mind. Suddenly, though the task at hand became your focus once again as you heard the door shut and then lock. He walked forward towards the bathroom and the sound of the shower being turned on made you tense up all over again. This was it, you decided as you found no pairs of boxers slipped under the bed or on the floor. Music filled the bathroom, Drake’s voice filing out into the next room. The hockey player spit the words of the song underneath his breath as he kicked off the shoes on his feet. Each one being placed at the bottom of the bed and then one by one his socks. 
The process was painfully slow and you were close to sneezing from the amount of dust bunnies tickling at your nose. You also knew deep down that if you weren’t hidden underneath his bed and you were there able to watch the show, it would be less painful. Instead, you had to imagine what each sight was when a new article of clothing was stripped off. When the sight of his sweaty practice t-shirt hit the ground, you had to fight a groan from slipping out because of how much you wanted to peek your head out and look. 
It became even harder as that shirt was joined by his sweatpants. You were starting to count the seconds of how long it took him just to slip off those boxers and by the time you got to five they were at his ankles. He kicked them off his feet and the black Calvin Klein boxers were left near the rest of his discarded clothes. 
A small smile lifted at the corners of your mouth because of how close you were to pulling this off. That smile dropped quickly though and your jaw hit the floor as he moved away from the bed to the bathroom where you were able to see his full backside. His curls were fluffed up and at each step, you could see the way his back muscles rippled and tightened. Not to mention his ass, oh god, you swear you were close to drooling. Athletes and guys who worked out really did have the best butts. 
As he pulled back the shower curtain and stepped in, you turned your eyes back to the prize sat right before you. Shawn Mendes’ boxers. This was it, you decided. Sliding out from beneath the bed, you hopped to your feet and snatched up the black thin fabric. Bunching it into your hands, you made a beeline for the partially cracked window in his room, knowing you wouldn’t be able to face trying to go back downstairs to the sliding door. Plus, you remembered seeing a ladder leaned up against the side of the house up to the roof. Your escape plan was now put into motion. Glancing back over your shoulder one more time to make sure he was still safely in the shower, you slowly pulled up the window enough for you to climb out. 
You stepped out onto the roof and moved slowly towards the side where you remember where the ladder was sat. Except when you peered over to where it was initially standing you found it nowhere to be seen. You looked over to where the girls had been standing before behind the line of bushes to see they were no longer there. Not even Maggie or Emily was there. You knew that Becca must have taken the ladder because there was no way it had just disappeared. She wanted to make this as hard as possible for you and was set on you failing which only made you determined in the end. 
Taking in a breath to resettle yourself, you began to move around the top of the roof to try and find a second escape route. You didn’t know how long you had been up there for but as you tried to sneak past Shawn’s window again, you jumped as you found him standing in his room, towel hung low around his hips and staring at his phone. You suddenly couldn’t move, unable to run as you stared at him, water dripping down his chest and curls pushed back out of his face. He was a daydream and a drop of heaven and you had his boxers in your hands.
You were snapped back into reality as he moved towards the window and he lifted his head. Without thinking you dropped to your stomach but as soon as you landed on the roof you began to roll. Unable to grab onto any of the shingles, you rolled right off the roof and in mere seconds of falling off the three story house into the yard, your hands caught the very edge. 
You hissed as the material scratched at your fingers and your feet swung back and forth. Looking forward, you found yourself hanging right in front of a window on the second level of the kitchen. You peered down to see that ground still seemed so far away, but it became your best bet quickly as one of the boys moved past the window. It was Marcus, and just as he went to look out of it, you let go and dropped. It felt endless and like you were going to die for sure before out of nowhere your feet meet the ground. Your knees bent slightly and from the harsh pressure, your left ankle rolled from under you. 
Collapsing to the ground, pain shot up from the area and you cursed loudly. Your hands reached at the skin feeling it pulsing and already starting to swell. Of course. Bad luck. This was stupid. Stupid. Why did you sign up for this and why would you go through with it?
Rolling your eyes, you took a minute or so before you picked up the pair of boxers on the ground next to you and slowly pulled yourself up. Walking was brutal and you had acquired a limp as pain shot up from your ankle with each step you took. You had risked something so much worse for a pair of boxers and what could only resemble a DARE. If you didn’t get in, you were going to kill Becca for sure. 
The whole walk back to the house felt horrifying and like your foot was being ripped from it’s socket. As you limped up the front sidewalk, you found your two most trusted companions sat on the outside step completely silent. They waited for you, worry shown on their faces. Maggie tapped her foot against the concrete ground while Emily chewed relentlessly on her nails. Both of their heads lifted from their gaze on the ground at the sound of your dragging steps. 
They jumped from their spots on the step as they quickly noticed you struggling to move. Rushing over, Maggie grabbed you by your arm while Emily stared down at your wrecked ankle. “Oh my god, what happened?” 
“Em, I’m okay. I’m fine, I just took a small fall.” 
“A small fall,” Maggie scoffed, “You can barely walk.” 
“Okay,” you half smiled, “It was kind of a big fall.” 
“Look,” Emily started her brows furrowed in that way they did when she was scared, “We wanted to stay until you came out but Becca forced us all to come back and when we tried to stay she said she would automatically just end your rushing process.” 
“No, no, it’s all good, but I’m guessing she was the one who moved the ladder that was on the side of the house.” 
“Uh, yeah,” Emily cringed, “We’re sorry.” 
“No, seriously, Em it’s okay I understand.” 
Maggie rolled her eyes and butted in once she knew you were alright, “Well?” 
“Well,” you repeated her word, putting on your best poker face. 
“Did you get them?” 
A large smile tugged at your lips revealing your teeth as a small giggle slipped out, “Damn straight, I got them.” 
Revealing the pair of boxers you were hiding from behind your back the other two girls squealed and pulled into a bone crushing hug. You had done it. All three of you had successfully faced and passed the god-awful tests that came with Becca Bradley and you were oozing with pride for yourself. High school you would have never been able to do something like that. You would have blushed, denied such an offer, and gone back to reading your books. Here you were though, even with a swollen ankle you were smiling and genuinely happy. 
After a few minutes, Maggie and Emily pulled away from the hug and helped you up the front steps and into the house. Laughter echoed from the living room and as you slowly made your way into the full room, it all became silent. Becca was sitting in a white chair facing the doorway and when her eyes met yours, she quirked an eyebrow curiously. Her slow gaze scanned you from head to toe. From the grass sticking to your knees to the way your leg buckled from simply standing. 
“Oh, you’re back,” she smiled, it was fake. 
“Yeah, thanks for waiting by the way,” you replied, unable to hide your annoyance or glare. 
“Well, we weren’t going to wait all night for you. Which reminds me so?” 
Unfolding the black boxers in your hand, you held them up to her and sent a proud smirk her way, “I’ve got your boxers.”
Glancing to Maggie and then Emily on either side of you, you found them looking at you the same way. Excitement gnawing on them on the inside as they tried to hide it with their smiles aimed towards you. Your attention though was brought back to the sorority president though as she tutted softly. 
“Mhmm, there’s just one thing though.” 
“One thing?” you asked, a frown lacing over your lips. 
“Where’s your proof?” she raised a hand and a few of the other sorority girls nodded in agreement as they found amusement in the current situation, “I mean, how do I know these aren’t from one of the other player’s? How do I know you didn’t just pick up a random pair once you walked in. Where’s your proof that these are actually Shawn Mendes’ boxers.” 
You clicked your tongue along the roof of your mouth, trying to hide the feeling of wanting to run her over with a bus. Instead, you pulled a sickening grin on your face and aimed the back seam on the boxers towards her. You had her right where you wanted her and this time you were destined to win. It made it so much sweeter that her face screamed success. 
Like she had outsmarted you as she had done to so many others but under all that confidence you knew she was scared. There was a crack seen behind her smirk and her entitlement. She was actually worried that you had come out on top of her. Letting a second pass as the tension prickled at your skin, you hummed and thrusted the piece of clothing in her direction. And at your next sentence, her facade crumpled to pieces. 
“How about the fact that there is a number eight written on the back tag in sharpie.” 
a/n: let me know if you wanted to be added or removed from the taglist. 
taglist: @particularnarry​ @magicalmugshepherdpony​ @probablyshouldbesleeping​ @gamma-xi-delta​ @imbjapan​ @itrocksmysocks​ @thatkidwhodreams​ @fandomlolzor​ @wwyitm-mendes​ @brook1232​ @fanstories​ @burkylover​ @badreputationlove​ ​ @imsuperawkward @bubbashawn @shawnsreputation​ @littlebabymendes​ @avsensio​ @bluebellwoods​
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larryloverinfinity · 3 years
Part 1:
T & L had a film come out in November 2019, The King. Their pr started earlier in the year. Earlier in 2019 during award show season, a reporter at the Oscars (I think) brings up L to T while he is doing an interview with his mom who was his date. He gets so cagey and awkward and his mom looks pissed. Then! You see them walk off after the interview is over and they go to T’s manger. In the background of this new interview being conducted you see his mom talking angrily towards T’s manager. Maybe they agreed there wouldn’t be questions about her? Idk. T and his mom were clearly uncomfortable and angry respectively. They did a couple of pap walks but most noticeably, they had an infamous moment on a yacht and they were kissing/all over each other. She’s standing over him, he’s somehow still not touching her. You’d think actors would look more realistic. A bunch of media call out this stunt/the fakeness in general. They compared it to Shawn & Camila and Tom & Taylor. The King came out in November and the relationship was never really talked about again until this time last year. It was suddenly announced that they broke up despite not being seen together or literally anything for months. Last August I believe, T did this photoshoot and magazine spread at Woodstock and he talked about L but didn’t say her name. He “said” something about they’re relationship being real and that he was actually in love with her. 1. In this fandom we know the stupid stuff that comes from written texts and not actual interviews. 2. Why would a normal person specifically mention that their relationship was real? Recently, fans started reporting citings that they saw T & L together in NYC, where they both live but didn’t have pictures of them together. Which is strange bc his stans always take photos with and of him - too many imo. T’s team have been known to communicate with fans and restaurants to say that they saw T in certain location to help their stunts. All of a sudden there are pap walks from all of last week or something. Everyday.
+ Part 2:
T & L pap walks in 2021: he did one wearing what was apparently her beanie without her. Next, he was wearing a certain outfit and she was.. standing next to him? They honestly looked like two people who just happened to be in the same frame. Not even trying to look like a couple honestly. Next day he was wearing the same outfit. This time with the jacket open, without the hat and a different mask. So they tried to pass them off as different days and released half of the photos the next day. It’s just so calculated but poorly executed. Their stans say they want privacy but so many celebrities live in NYC. Where are all of their pap photos? Paps are called.
I don’t claim to know T’s sexuality. When a fan asked him one time he said “just love,” and that’s good enough for me. Last month, just before the pr started back up, a fan whose sister went to the same high school as Timmy met him on the street and talked to him. In the photos they took together he was wearing blue and pink nail polish. Anyone can wear nail polish of course but I’m glad he’s becoming more comfortable with himself. L has a film coming out next month or something like that. T has a film coming out in December. I can’t wait until this is over. For good. I’m tired of seeming him look so unhappy when he does these stunts.
This is crazy. I never realized that this was taking place. At the time when they were awkwardly kissing each other came out I knew it was clearly Pr since that always happens when a movie is coming out.
It’s sad how all these celebrities are being treated and yet so many people think it’s rare. I actually posted some screen shots of a stupid fan calling Louis’ situation rare once and it made me angry. I love Louis, but he’s not the first celeb to go through this nor is he sadly going to be the last. So being ignorant to these other victims is awful.
Open your fucking eyes, dumbasses.
Anyways, thanks for the info! It’s greatly appreciated.
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Better Than I Ever Could’ve Imagined (Pt. 5)
Werewolf!Shawn Mendes x Reader
A/N: This part is pretty much just smut. Enjoy <3
Part 1  -  Part 2  -  Part 3  -  Part 4
The growl that ripped through Shawn at my words caused sparks to ignite through my body, the heat settling in my stomaching and pulling a moan from my lips. It was obvious that Shawn’s wolf was ready to play and so was I.
Without hesitation, Shawn crashed his lips against mine, one hand securing my hips flush against his and the other coming up to cup my jaw. The kiss was full of passion and desire and left no room for any doubt about where this was headed. Moaning again, I slid my hands up Shawn’s chest and into his hair. I tugged at his soft curls in a desperate attempt to hear his low growl and was immediately rewarded.
“Careful, baby,” he growled against my lips, “you don’t want to wake up the beast.
I let myself fall back onto the bed, biting my lip and spreading my leg to invite Shawn into my space, “Maybe I do.”
Shawn’s muscles visibly tensed, coiling and releasing as he sprung towards me. In seconds I was laid flat on the bed, his body securing mine in place and lips attaching to my jaw. I groaned at the feeling of him trailing kisses down my neck, occasionally sucking on spots he deemed worthy.
“Shawn,” I moaned when his hands joined in exploring my body, running over my sides and down to hook under one of my legs.
“Y/N,” he groaned back as he wrapped my leg around his hip and slid into the space created between my legs.
Shawn rutted against me, his cock sliding over my clit through my denim shorts and causing me to whimper. My body was on fire, every nerve in my body screaming out for more: more kisses, more touches, more Shawn. Nobody’s touch had ever felt this good and I knew that nobody else’s ever would. I was ruined for any other man, and he hadn’t even really touched me yet.
Unable to stand Shawn’s teasing brushes over my clit any longer, I wound my fingers into his hair and tugged hard, forcing his lips to halt their assault on my neck and his now black eyes to meet mine.
“If you don’t touch me now,” I said, a clear warning in my voice, “I’ll do it myself.”
At that Shawn sat up, his hands fumbling with the buckle of my belt. He cursed when he finally got it open, quickly unbuttoning the button and sliding my shorts down my legs. I moaned at the feeling of the cool air on my hot pussy and slid my hand down to rub at my clit. Shawn growled, his hand batting away mine and eyes locking on the wet spot on my bodysuit.
“Fuck,” he groaned, eyes slipping closed for just a moment as he inhaled my scent, “you’re fucking soaking.”
Whimpering and unable to wait, I reached down to grab Shawn’s hand and place it where I needed him most. His large hand was warm against me, and he waisted no time rubbing his fingers along my cloth covered slit. A loud, unashamed moan tore through me as he rubbed against my clit with his thumb, applying just enough pressure to have me seeing stars.
Shawn inhaled again, obviously enjoying the scent of my slick. Slowly, he pushed the barrier of my bodysuit to the side so that he could get a good look at me. Moaning at the sight of my dripping cunt, he ran two fingers through my fold and gathered my wetness on them. I couldn’t look away as he brought the digits to his mouth, and panting hard I watched as he sucked them dry.
A growl bubbled in Shawn’s chest, “Fuck, baby, you taste so good.”
“Shawn, please,” I whined, unabashedly lifting my hips off of the bed, seeking contact.
“Shhhh, baby, I’ve got you,” he said, leaning over me as he pushed my hips back to the bed with one hand and placed the other back on my heat, “Let me take care of you.”
I nodded vigorously, rocking against his hand and wrapping by arms around his neck to pull him closer. As I connected my lips with his, Shawn slipped his fingers under my bodysuit. He rubbed along my lips a few times, coating his fingers in my slick, before plunging his finger into my pussy. My back arched off the bed, a loud moan leaving me as he curled the long digit, stroking my walls as he moved in and out.
“Fuck,” I panted, kissing his jaw sloppily, “I knew those long fingers were good for more than jus guitar.”
My cheekiness was rewarded with the sudden addition of a second finger, forcing a high pitched whine to slip through me. I felt full, fuller than I ever had been, but I knew that this was nothing compared to what it would feel like to actually have him inside of me. My pussy clenched as Shawn pumped his hand and massaged my walls. His fingers scissored inside of me, trying to stretch me so I would be able to take his cock. Still, I knew that nothing would fully prepare me for when he first entered me, and my body shuddered in anticipation.
“Shawn, please,” I begged against his ear, “I need more.”
He groaned, but pulled out of me to sit back on his heels. I propped myself on my elbows so I could watch as he pumped himself a few times, preparing himself to enter me. It was when he was back laying over me, his tip at the opening of my pussy when I realized we were missing something.
“Wait,” I groaned, pushing lightly against his chest to halt his movements, “We need a condom.”
Shawn groaned, his head falling against my shoulder, “I don’t have one.”
My eyes widened in surprise, hands pushing harder against his chest to get him to look at me, “What?”
“Well I wasn’t planning on fucking anyone,” he said, slight annoyance evident in his tone.
I groaned again, hand slipping down to rub against my clit in an attempt to provide myself with a little relief. Shawn watched my movements for a second before his eyes snapped to mine, desperation clearly sining in them.
“I’m clean,” he pleaded, bumping his tip against my clit and causing us both to moan, “Do we really need one?”
“I’m not on birth control,” I sighed.”
He whined in desperation, “I’ll pull out.”
I shook my head knowing that if earlier was any indication Shawn wouldn’t be able to control himself enough to actually pull out, “We can’t risk it.”
He groaned in defeat, knowing that I was right. Neither of us was ready to be a parent and we couldn’t risk him not pulling out in time.
“Well will you at least let me make you cum?,” he asked, rutting his hips against mine and calling attention to both of our desire.
I frowned, confused about what he had in mind until he began to slip down my body, leaving a trail of kisses in his wake. I finally got the idea when he settled between my legs with his face hovering over my pussy and his mouth breathing warm air on my clit. Moaning loudly, I nodded. There was no way I was going to say no to him a second time.
Pushing my bodysuit aside, Shawn flattened his tongue against my pussy and licked a long, hot stripe up it. I moaned loudly, hand reaching down to tangle in his curls and hold him against me. Shawn smirked, obviously enjoying giving me pleasure as he wrapped his lips around my clit. At the same time that he started to suck, he slipped two long fingers into me, curling them up and hitting my sweet spot on the first try.
My hips arched of the bed and I groaned as white hot sparks erupted through my body. I knew that I wouldn’t last long, not at the pace he was going and not when I had wanted him for so long. Wishing mere moments, the coil inside of me was winding tight, every nerve in my body screaming for release. Shawn must’ve been able to tell I was close from the was my walls were clenching around his fingers because suddenly he was looking up at me, holding my eyes as he let out a long moan, and that was it.
The sexy sound along with the vibrations against my clit caused my body to erupt, pleasure shattering through me and shaking me to the core. My vision went white and I might have cried out, I’m not really sure. The next thing I knew, I was lying on the bed and Shawn was smoothing over my skin with a damp clothe, trying his best to clean me up.
I whimpered lightly and squirmed away from his touch, my body overly sensitive after my orgasm.
“Shhhh, baby, it’s ok,” Shawn soothed, tossing the clothe away and crawling up the bed to lay with me.
I cuddled up to him, nuzzling my head in his neck as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. Shawn’s hands rubbed over my back and he placed a lingering kiss on the top of my head. Smiling in contentment, I allowed my eyes to slip closed as I savored the moment.
“Shawn?” I whispered, not willing to speak louder and ruin the moment.
“Hmmm?” he hummed, pulling back slightly so he could look down into my eyes.
I bit my lip and peered up at him as I asked, “Are you a werewolf?”
A chuckle slipped past his soft lips, “What gave it away?”
Grinning, I shrugged, “Oh, I don’t know, between the black eyes and all the growling it was hard to tell.”
Shawn laughed and rubbed his hand against my back, “I imagine it was. Does that bother you?”
I shook my head, a smile still on my lips and nervousness bubbling in my chest as I prepared to ask my next question. His answer would determine where we went from here, and if my heart would be remaining intact. After today, I couldn’t survive him saying no.
“Shawn?” I started, sitting up so he knew I was serious.
“What is it baby?” his eyebrows furrowed and he reached out to take my hand in his.
“Am I your mate?”
The question lingered in the air a moment, and I began to worry that I had read the signs wrong. They were all there, the flashing eyes, the immediate attachment, the unwillingness to leave my side, but I could be wrong. I wasn’t a werewolf, so I couldn’t feel it the way he could, but I was so sure I was right.
But when Shawn didn’t immediately respond, I realized that I must’ve been wrong. Fighting back tears, I made to move off the bed and find my shorts. I couldn’t believe I had been so stupid to assume that just because he wanted to fuck me I was his mate.
“Wait,” Shawn’s hand shot out to grab my arm before I could move more than a few inches, “Y/N, please. Baby, you are my mate.”
I shook my head, no longer sure about anything, “Then why did you hesitate?”
He sighed, tugging on my arm until I fell against his chest. A tear escaped as he ran a soothing hand through my hair, “Because I know it’s asking a lot.”
“How so?” I frowned.
“I’m a musician, baby, and I travel a lot,” he sighed, “I’m almost never home and admitting you’re my mate is asking you to deal with all of that.”
I pushed myself up so that I was again sitting up. I laid my hand against Shawn’s cheek, caressing the smooth skin and smilingly softly when he leaned into my touch with closed eyes, “Shawn, I’m more than happy to deal with all of that if it means being with you.”
His eyes flew open and a grin spread across his features, causing me to laugh. Without warning Shawn sat up, wrapping me in his strong arms before pulling me back down with him and placing obnoxious kisses against my head. I laughed harder, overjoyed that he was so happy.
With one last kiss to my head, Shawn pulled back to look me in the eye. Pink blossomed across my cheeks at the adoration shining from his chocolate eyes, and my heart swelled with what I knew was love.
“Thank you,” Shawn said softly, placing his hand against my cheek.
I smiled, about to say that he was worth it, when the piercing sound of a phone ringing shattered the moment.
Shawn cursed, scrambling out of the bed and hopping around the room to find first his boxers and then his phone. I laughed as he almost fell in his hurry to pull the black fabric up his long legs. He turned to stick his tongue out at me as he grabbed his phone off the suitcase in the corner of the room, quickly answering it.
“Hey mom,” he said, his voice slightly higher than normal.
I covered my mouth with my hand in an attempt to stifle my giggle, knowing that Shawn must feel awkward answering his mom’s call after what just happened. I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but he didn’t seem to be paying much attention as he gazed at me with affection.
“Hmmm?” he asked, breaking out of his trance and coming to stand closer to the bed, “Oh how was ACL?”
He paused to look at me, a wide grin spreading over his features as he finally answered, “Better than I ever could’ve imagined.”
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parkeraul · 5 years
Drunk bestfriend!Tom confessing his feelings for you while you take care of him
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→ can you feel me? | t.h.
author’s note — hey ya, thanks for requesting. i hope you like it! requests are open again for tom, peter & shawn, btw. hit the askbox.
pairing: tom holland x reader | bestfriend!au
masterlist┊add yourself to my taglists┊give me feedbacks.
warnings — fluff, kind of angsty, swearing, brief mentions of sex and alcohol consumption. 
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“Turn around,” Tom says, walking slowly as he tries hard not to miss a step. “I don’t want you to see my intimacy.”
Y/N stands up from the bed as soon as she sees her best friend walking drowsily, his right hand holding the edges of the towel wrapped around his waist together. His left hand palms the wall, as if they could only show him what way he should follow to reach the wardrobe. The brown eyes are glued on the wooden floor, slow steps coming closer as Y/N prompts herself to stretch both arms and offer him her hands to guide his trail. 
“Nah, no,” Tom refuses, shifting his hands up in the air and away from her touch, which leads to his towel to loosen and start to fall. “I can handle myself,” A hiccup interrupts him briefly, frame tumbling backwards as he loses balance for a moment. “I’m fine, look!”
As soon as he stops talking, he opens his arms and starts to lift his right foot to fold his knee and make a 4 shape with his legs — obviously, tilting from side to side due to the dizziness. 
“Tom, what the hell?!” Y/N hisses, long strides leading her to grab both his arms and bring him back to Earth. “Quit fucking around, this ain’t funny.”
Laughing, Tom falls forwards and hugs his best friend clumsily, squishing her body with his powerless limbs. He felt a numbness running through his nerves, but his muscular arms made Y/N feel like he was using all of his might to hold her against his cold body. It’s all too good until she feels him starting to get heavier, pressing down on her. 
“Help me change, kitten?” He mumbles weakly, arms still tangled around her shoulders as they tiptoe left and right to avoid crashing down. 
“Kitten?” Y/N asks, frowning. 
“Don’t call me kitten.” 
“Why not?” The british boy asks back, burying his face on the crook of her neck, sniffing her scent and closing his sleepy eyes. “You liked it when Raul called you that in high school.” 
“Will you let that go?” She sighs, smiling and Tom smiles along because he can notice it, even though he doesn’t have a view. Her words slipped out way too softly for her not to be grinning, he knows it like the palm of his hand. “I knew I shouldn’t have told you about that.” 
“Shut the fuck up,” While Y/N helps him step away, he lets out a breathy laugh and chews on his bottom lip no longer after, hands trailing their way back to his dark–red towel threatening to fall. “I remember you shaking whenever he came across, you liked it.” 
Y/N guides Tom to flop onto the mattress, where he sits down with a lazy smile sprawled across his flushy face. There are droplets scrolling down his chest, his short hair a little bit damp and his skin getting goosebumps as the cold temperature envolves the bedroom. She walks to his drawers, choosing one of his various Calvins for him to wear as he watches her attentive like a child.
“I so didn’t.” 
“You did.” 
“I fuckin’ did not!” 
“Y/N, come on,” He speaks loudly, accent dripping down strongly everytime he opened his mouth. “You literally sent me a message that day talking about–” 
Not looking back, she tosses a black pair of Calvins right onto his face, looking for his pajamas on another drawer and hoping she had shut him up with the fabric. 
“Talking about how he moaned weirdly and couldn’t stop talking during sex.” 
“Where the fuck are your pajamas?” She sighs, slamming the drawers shut as she gets no success. 
“Do you still hate when people talk during sex?” Tom unfolds his underwear, only looking at it as he has no willing on putting them on. 
“It’s not that I hate it, it depends,” Y/N answers nonchalantly, finding on his bottom drawer a pair of sweats that she throws it back to him. “Raul was annoying, I hated it with him.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
“He was a son of a bitch, you knew that,” She emphasizes, closing the drawer as she opens the biggest door of his wardrobe to search for a cozy blanket to cover him with. “You knew that before I did, actually.” 
Tom’s head starts to spin, vision getting blurry as he tries to watch Y/N’s actions across his bedroom. It’s hard to focus, but the fact that she’s staying here to help him get ready to sleep and taking care of him seems to connect more with the moment — even if it means he can only feel clearly, sight losing itself more and more. He doesn’t remember when he started to lose control, or how many tequila shots he had in between the countless bottles of beer he took. The taste remains still on his memory, as fresh as the emotions blossoming across his thumping chest. Something’s wrong. 
“You gonna throw up, aren’t you?” 
This time, even though it’s unfocused, Tom’s eyes are staring at a random spot. More precisely, the spot where her body was before she shifted to the side with a warm blanket on her hands and a worried look at his direction. 
“No, I’m not,” He says with a smile. “Just thinkin’ how Raul really was a son of a bitch.” 
“He was a lucky son of a bitch, though,” Tom explains, trying to manage his underwear among his fingers to dress it up. “Was he a good kisser at least?” 
When Tom’s body inches to the left dangerously, Y/N runs to him — the blanket long forgotten at the end of the bed as she knees down on the floor, taking the underwear onto her own hands. 
“Fuck, Tom.”
She tries to pass the waistband up his feet correctly and Tom is still taken aback by her words. What the heck? 
Another hiccup comes suddenly, a warm sensation soothing the left side of his chest and quickly travelling down to the center of it. Soon, it’s burning his entire upper half with a feeling he can’t describe; he doesn’t want to describe. Tom’s been doing great by avoiding it everytime if came up, but further than that, it flew down to his lower stomach and found home on it, building a light coil unconsciously. 
“Let me do this.” He says flatly, trying to recover his senses and grabbing the waistband himself, pushing it up hurriedly. 
“You can’t even stand up, shithead,” Y/N fights back, slapping his hands away but Tom is quicker to drag his body farther onto the bed. “Will you stop?” 
His breath gets caught, the air stuck on his lungs and fighting to come out as he insists on holding it back — because there is Y/N, taking his wrists and pinning them down on each side of his body and down on the mattress. Tom can tell she’s growing impatient when she bites her lower lip twice before keeping it in between her teeth, the apple of her cheeks highlighting everytime she chews her lip strongly. And damn, she looks different. Good different, great different, he thinks. She’s dead mad at him for being bratty, but there’s something about the way Y/N looks down in there, insisting on taking care of his drunken body that gets his heart beating unpatterned. Maybe it’s the way her brows frown so sweetly, concentrated; or the way she looks up at him disapprovingly, but with an unspoken phrase of comfort — “you’re an idiot, but what wouldn’t I do for you?”. Perhaps, it’s about the way her careful hands are messily dressing him, the elastic waistband tightening his shins, going past his knees, thighs, upper thighs– 
“I’ll do the rest,” He comes back to reality, blinking twice and breaking out from the fairytale. “Here, come on up.” 
“No, it’s almost done,” It’s Y/N’s turn to have wrists gotten by Tom, who’s pulling her body up by them. “You can barely speak properly.” 
“I’m betta, love,” Tom gives her a warm smile, breathing deeply to keep his body in place — he fears his drunken state can’t work in his favour, but he fears his heart the most, that it might give him the strength to reach for her. He can’t. “Trust me, it’s fine.” 
“Why are you so damn stubborn?” 
“You’re stubborn!” 
“Shit, Tom, let me finish–”
“Y/N stop!” Tom’s voice falls an octave, coming out almost clear for the first time in the past 2 hours. “I’ll fucking do this, I don’t want you to see my dick.”
She stands up and her jaw falls, a silent laugh leaving her mouth with a sharp air exhaling through it. Her hands flies to her waist, cupping the flesh covered by her favourite party dress as she watches Tom struggling to wear his briefs without taking the towel off. 
“I can’t see shit.” 
A few seconds of silence take over the room, but it feels like an eternity in their heads. Tom stares deep into Y/N’s eyes and she reciprocates, eyebrows lifted while she tucks her hair behind her ears.
“Ouch?!” He whines, as if she could see through the towel to pull up a joke like that. His mind wasn’t working at all. 
Y/N rolls her eyes and turns her back to him, walking to the end of the bed to grab the blanket and unfold the enormous flurry piece. She rambles, pretending to work more on the big white fabric as she gives him the time to get dressed. Tom stands up on his feet, shoving the underwear up and letting the waistband rest a little bit lower than it should be. The v–lines are prominent on his abs, leading to where his lower stomach starts to show up, where the coil is intensifying against his will.
The scent of her perfume and shampoo fills up the room, warning Tom that he won’t get rid of her even if she went away back home. Her delicate silhouette was standing there, back turned to him after a long night looking after his drunken stunts. They loved to party together, of course, but somehow her soberness hit her sooner while Tom was out there, trying drink after drink. 
She wanted to ask what was going on, what happened that made him look at her the entire party. Innumerable times Tom had been caught glancing at her, even far away on the kitchen while she was out there on the beer pong with their friends. And if she was out of sight, she was present in his mind, making him seek for her even though he feared what he would probably bump into. Yet, it felt more and more like a line had twirled a knot around his heart and the end of it was in hers — tied up like a pretty bow tie, because she would do a knot better than his. She always did everything better, Tom thinks.
Fancier, stronger, prettier, faster... Perfectly. She’s unique, nobody compares to her. 
When Y/N turns around, Tom has his fist shoved against his other palm, crackling his slender fingers as his biceps flex to the action. She offers him a tired smile, but genuine, from the heart. Tom knows what it means, denying her from the view of his defined body as he climbs onto bed like a baby. She doesn’t let the sight of his ass pass by, though — and if it was a good time, she’d tease him about how juicy his cheeks look in those Calvins, which would make him twitch harder inside his boxers but laugh in response, buying the play so she would never know how bad he wishes it could be true. 
When he’s finally resting, back pressed against the sheets and arm under his head, Y/N covers him with the heavy blanket. His stubborn ass left the sweats she threw at him long forgotten in the middle of the bed, but she wouldn’t fight it. Not today. If he gets a cold, she might chastise him tomorrow, she thinks. 
“Raul was a good kisser,” Y/N whispers, bringing the cover up to Tom’s chest. “This is how I kept him quiet.” 
“Fair enough,” Tom whispers back, grinning tiredly. “Smart of you.” 
Y/N winks at her best friend, smiling along with the boy she learned to deal with everytime he decided to play harder with the drinks. Tom turns to the side, looking up at her as he opens more space on his bed. 
Y/N kinda freezes inside, wondering where the hell was this going to. It was a rule that they would never share a bed, it was set ever since they had to sleep over Harrison’s house one day and things got awkward. Their legs would touch here and there sometimes and it felt like torture. At the same time it was wrong, Tom wanted it to feel right so bad. He felt like it was right, but he didn’t know about Y/N, so it didn’t go further than that. They knew it had brought an uncomfortable atmosphere when they woke up the next day quieter than ever, after a long night of accidental touches. And they weren’t mischievous, or meant to tease, or whatever. The fact that they both had deeper thoughts about a simple graze made it all become heavier and bigger than it should be — and by deeper thoughts, they mean: what if ‘keep going’ is the right thing to do? 
“You have a pretty lower lip, Y/N,” Tom says with a tone very child–like, eyes blinking slowly. 
“Just the lower one?” She laughs, already familiar with the dork–drunken–Tom Holland. 
“No, the other one looks good too,” Dangerous confession. Fuck. “But lower lips are better to suck onto.” 
She tilts her head like a puppy, trying to understand where he was going, what was his point after all. Y/N gulps, lungs working a lot harder to keep the composure. 
“Raul was a lucky bastard,” Mumbling lowly, Tom eyes Y/N through his lashes. “I can imagine why he was always stuck with his mouth on yours.” 
“Can you?” 
“I always had that in mind.” 
“Raul and I kissing?” 
Tom giggles impulsively, nervously, as if he just heard the funniest joke of his entire existence. He only stops when the coil on his lower stomach starts to boil.
“Having my mouth stuck on yours.” 
Y/N finally takes her hands off the blanket, rubbing her palm against Tom’s head like he’s a puppy. She smiles at his smirk, heart beating so angrily she feared it was audible to him. 
“Good night, Tom.” 
“Hey,” Tom calls, deciding to offer her a better thing. “You can have Sam’s bed, he’s not coming home.” 
Y/N nods, curling the corner of her mouth up before pressing her lips together, fingers of both hands tangled in between each other. 
“Thank you.” 
“Thank you!” He says. “I love you.” 
Turning off the lights, Y/N goes to the door and answers him genuinely. 
“I love you too.” 
As she leaves, closing the door behind her, Tom shifts in bed with that fucking dull ache all spread over his lower stomach, waves of excitement throbbing up and down unstoppably. With his right hand running down his muscles to the black boxers, he knew it would be another night with Y/N’s name on his mouth; the image of her intoxicating his imagination and the thought of what her whimpers would sound like if he had invited her to occupy the empty side of his bed; if she would’ve had accepted it to finally put to a proof if their touches were going to feel perfectly wrong, or deadly right.
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Taglist: @outlandishnerd – @jillanaholland – @space-holland – @snowflakeparker – @tomhollandseverything
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