#something I like to do is say here ya go my art it is messy and disgusting on purpose look how I put those lines whenre they shouldn't be is
slasher-male-wife · 11 months
Horror characters seeing their s/o covered in blood
Happy Halloween everyone. I did a poll awhile ago on what I should post for Halloween and this won. So I'm here to deliver what y'all voted on. I included a lot of characters in this just for fun. Disclaimer I haven't written for some of these characters in awhile or that much at all, so sorry if some of these are ooc.
Includes: Amanda Young, Michael Myers, Otis Driftwood, The Lost Boys, Candyman, Doomhead, Patrick Bateman, Severen Van Sickle, Pyramid Head, and The Sinclair brothers
Warnings: Mentions of real and fake blood, slightly suggestive content, gn reader, talk of drinking blood in The Lost Boys and Severen's section, violence, murder
Amanda Young
You weren't supposed to find out about what Amanda did. She wanted to keep you separate from the gore of her apprentice work. But accidents happen and somehow you get to where a trap had happened.
You were in the where-house when you slipped on a puddle of blood and got your entire front half covered in it. You screamed out and Amanda quickly came rushing in.
You standing there covered in blood made something tick inside of Amanda. Something she knows she shouldn't feel seeing you covered in blood.
But she pushes this aside and quickly assures you it's fake blood that happened to spill all over the ground. She can't stop herself from giving you a quick kiss before helping you leave.
She'll get you all cleaned up back at home but she won't be able to stop thinking about seeing you covered in blood.
Michael Myers
Michael was out while you were getting ready for a Halloween party. A part of your costume involved you getting drenched in fake blood. After pouring the fake blood all over yourself in your bathtub you let it dry and step out.
You're downstairs, gathering up your things for the party when you notice the feeling that you're being watched. You turn around and spot Michael watching you.
Michael knows what real blood looks like and considering you're pretty calm he knows this is for your costume. But something inside of him is yelling at him. Not in the usual 'kill someone' way, but in a 'get them and try not to hurt them' way.
You're going to be late to that Halloween party. Michael is going to stand there and make you spin around for him so he can watch you move while you're covered in blood. You know he's getting some kind of kick out of this, so who are you to stop his fun.
After this Michael will try to hint at you to get covered in blood more often. He'll even offer to get the blood this time, but it wouldn't be fake if he got it. He'll keep thinking about you covered in blood and won't be forgetting how it made him feel anytime soon.
Otis Driftwood
You walked in on him at a bad time. While you've grown to accept what your boyfriend does, you don't like partaking in his torture of other people. But when you walked into the wrong room at the wrong time you got sprayed all over with blood.
It coats your face, hair and chest. You thankfully didn't get any in your eyes or mouth. You do let out a scream of surprise but you're not too grossed out by the blood, living with the Firefly family for as long as you have will do that.
Otis takes a good long few moments to just stare at you. You're hot enough as it is, but seeing you all covered in blood like this? Otis is going to have to go take a long cold shower.
"Well isn't this my lucky day." He'll say before walking over to you, completely ignoring the victim now. He'll take all of you in and won't let you wash it off so quickly.
"I just wanna take a couple pictures of ya darlin'." He'll quickly get his camera out and have you pose for him while you're still covered in blood. This will come in handy when he's having art block or he just needs to have some 'personal time'.
The Lost boys
It's your first time feeding and it ended up getting really messy for you, considering you've never done it before. So you got just as much blood all over yourself as you did in your mouth.
Dwayne is the first to notice and he's smirking a little to himself as he watches your blood covered body move. He's committing this sight to memory and he'll probably find a way to get you covered in blood again.
David is the next to notice. He'll smile wider than Dwayne and make some comments about how messy eating can get at times. But he'll also talk about how hot you look covered in blood.
Marko doesn't even make a comment, he just straight up lunges and kisses you right then and there, fangs still out and everything. Seeing you all vamped out and covered in blood really got to him, making him loose all self composer that he has.
Paul also joins in on kissing you, but he'll opt for your neck since your mouth is taken. I can see him licking some blood off of you, but not too much because he loves the sight of you drenched in blood. But the boys will agree to try and get you that messy again the next time you feed.
You didn't want to go with him. You summoned him and when he showed you how devoted he is to you, you didn't want to go. So he had no other option than to make you go by force.
You're entering your apartment after going to a Halloween party. Your costume was something you put together quickly and involved you pouring fake blood all over your front half. As you walk further into your apartment you get a strange feeling.
You try to ignore it as you walk to your bathroom to wash off the fake blood. Before you can do that you hear something moving in your medicine cabinet. You open it and after a few moments a hook jumps through it. You obviously scream and run out of your bathroom.
You're in your kitchen, picking up your phone when you see him again. He's looking at you with that same adoration in his eye from the first time you met him. He's looking you up and down. You're frozen again as he watches you.
"You're even more desirable covered in blood," He says in his sultry voice. You shed a couple tears as you try to move, but you're unable to. "I'll have to remember this the next time I see you my love. I'll never be able to forget this."
He knew you were going to a Halloween party, but what he didn't know was that you were going to be covered in blood when you came home. He knows real blood from fake blood and when he sees you he can't help but chuckle.
31 is coming up and he's always tried to keep you separate from it. Seeing you covered in blood is a bit of a double edged sword for him. On one hand he loves seeing you covered in blood, but he also can't stop thinking about 31, and what would happen if you got caught in it.
"Ok so I got a little too close to one of the decorations and I accidentally got covered in fake blood." You explain, taking off your shoes, "I should probably shower all of this off."
"Well I was hoping to get a better look at you like this." He says with a Cheshire grin. You roll your eyes but smile and walk over to him. He spins you around a bit, taking a good look at all of the blood on you.
He knows he'll have to tell you about 31 eventually, and that he'll always keep you away from it. But for right now he can enjoy watching his s/o look stunning while covered in blood.
Patrick Bateman
He got a little too careless and right as he was killing someone you walked in, getting covered in blood from the victim. You of course start to scream and he quickly covers your mouth.
He's so angry with you for interrupting this, but something about seeing your face and body covered with blood, excites him. "I can explain this. Calm down and listen to me." He says, trying to keep his voice calm. His anger starts to mix with arousal as he slowly slides his hand away from your mouth.
"Oh my god Patrick what happened? Who is this?" You ask, holding back tears. His attraction to you is starting to get a bit too much for him. He'll find a way to explain this murder, just like he'll find a way to explain why he wants to do it while you're covered in blood.
"He broke in and attacked me. I had to fight him off and I went a bit too hard I think. We can't tell anyone about this alright?" He says, trying his best to keep a calm, in control voice, "But right now we need to get to the bedroom.
Murder's don't get him as excited as seeing you covered in blood got him. He'll have to go out and buy some fake blood and recreate this with you again. He's glad he has such an understanding s/o.
Severen Van Sickle
It's been awhile since your last feed and when you finally got someone you could barely hold back from drinking as quickly as possible. Because you were so worried about eating as much as you could as quickly as possible you got yourself covered in blood.
After you pushed the body away Severen took notice of your blood soaked clothes. He couldn't stop himself from smiling and taking a good long look at you. He knows you'll be too full to do anything after feeding that much so he'll have to commit this sight to memory, just for some fun activities later.
You wipe your mouth and smear more blood over your face and Severen can barely contain himself at this point. He'll have to quickly ask you if you're up to help him, or if he should do it alone.
Either way he doesn't want you cleaning yourself up anytime soon. Even after his issue is taken care of he just wants to see you covered in blood. He loves how it looks in general but also aesthetically. If he has a camera on hand he's taking a picture of you.
He will try to recreate this later. Next time you're feeding he'll try to get blood all over you. I can see him filling up his mouth with blood and just spitting it on you because let's be honest, he's very dirty and probably has as many diseases as a stray cat.
Pyramid Head
You're walking around Silent Hill, trying to find some more food to stock up on when you come across one of Pyramid Head's recent kills. You don't notice and you slip on the puddle of blood.
You're used to the blood and gore of living with Pyramid Head in Silent Hill so slipping on blood and getting it all over your clothes is more of an inconvenience than scary. You groan and stand up, looking at blood slightly dripping off your clothes.
You turn around and find him standing near you. "I just slipped on some blood. It's not mine and I'm not hurt." You say. You can never really tell what he's feeling or his emotions but you can sense he's feeling a certain way about you being covered in blood.
You two just stand there while Pyramid Head is thinking about smearing more blood all over you. Seeing you covered in blood is doing something to him. So he walks over, get's blood on his hands and rubs it over your face and clothes.
He'll follow you around and just keep watching you while you're covered in blood. He'll be thinking about this for awhile, and he'll try to recreate it whenever there's free time or he just needs to see you covered in blood.
Bo Sinclair
You were busy going after a victim and it got a bit messy. You got yourself covered in blood. By the time you get the body back to the House of Wax the blood that's on your hair and face has dripped down to soak your clothes even more.
You hand it off to Vincent and when Bo sees you he pauses for a moment before he chuckles. "I like yer new look darlin'." He says teasingly. But he's using that teasing to mask how damn hot you are covered in blood.
You're able to pick up on this and you know a great way to get him back for making you chase down someone and kill them.
"Oh I know. I love this look too." You say teasingly back to him, moving your hands up and rubbing your hand over your face and neck, getting a good amount of blood on it. You walk over to Bo and smear the blood on his shirt before you step back.
"Too bad I'm about to wash it off." You say before you dodge Bo trying to grab you, "If you catch me before we get to the house I'll let you wash it off." You say before running out of the house, Bo follows behind quickly.
Lester Sinclair
You're helping Lester out by picking up a deer from the road. You're in the middle of lifting it into the truck when something happens and you get covered in deer blood.
Lester quickly rushes over to you and lifts the deer into the back of the truck. He's looking you over and making sure that you're ok. You'll have to assure him at least ten times that you're perfectly ok and that the deer just got blood all over you.
Now knowing that you're ok he does kind of realize that, you look good covered in blood. Lester loves when you get a bit dirty in general, but blood has him feeling a bit more excited than normal.
He'll zone out a bit for awhile until you bring him back and he acts like everything is good and he's totally not obsessing over the look of you covered in blood.
He'll keep this to himself until it starts to boil over and he admits to you that he hasn't stopped thinking about you being covered in blood. If you suggest the idea of getting covered in blood again he'll be all over that idea.
Vincent Sinclair
When you offered to model for Vincent's study you didn't expect to get covered in fake blood. But Vincent wanted you covered in blood and you didn't really mind so that's what the two of you do.
You stay still the entire time but you notice Vincent staring more than he is drawing. But once he notices you noticing him he gets back to drawing you.
He takes his damn well time to draw you and at one point he stands up and walks over to you. He starts to pose you in a different way and it's totally not an excuse to touch you and see you covered in blood up close.
He'll put you in so many different positions and will keep pouring blood on you. He's honestly memorized by you standing there covered in blood. At one point he'll bust out the camera and ask if he can film.
He sees you being covered in blood in a more romantic, artistic way that makes his heart beat faster. He'll have to get you covered in blood more often so he can draw, paint, photograph, etc you.
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ambiguousgrass · 2 years
as an artist I totally get the urge to call your art bad or messy or whatever before anyone else has the chance to but also I see people doing it and I think fuck you fuck you fuck you its beautiful and perfect and lovely never say anything bad about anything you make ever again. bitch.
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 year
heyy, sooo could you maybe do one where the reader finds out dalton and chris kissed once at a frat party and she gets super jealous about it but its really fluffy at the end??
tyy and i love your writing SO MUCH btw 🫶🏻
I love this request so much!!! I hope I did it justice. Thank you for the kind words; I'm glad you're enjoying my writing!🤍
Warnings: jealousy, brief mention of insecurity, angst to fluff, text messages?. 2.6k+ words.
If We Met First
Tumblr media
Chris: ‘I’m going to hang out with my roomie’s friends tonight. Catch ya next time!’
You read the text and catch yourself smiling, imagining what it will be like to spend time with Dalton without Chris there. Since you met and started spending time with both of them, you’ve developed feelings for Dalton but have never been able to talk to him about it.
Dalton: ‘I have to finish an art project tonight so we’ll just do it another day.’
Reading the new message, you sigh and toss your phone onto your bed, looking around as you think of what you can do with your free time. Before you can decide, your phone buzzes again. Chris sent you a direct text inviting you to her dorm to meet her roommate and friends. As if she knows you plan to politely decline, she points out that you haven’t had time to make more plans. You reluctantly agree, so she sends a string of emojis and tells you to come over whenever. With a final sigh, you get up, change, grab your things, and begin the short walk to Chris’s dorm.
“There she is!” Chris exclaims as you walk through the open door. She introduces you to the other girls and pulls you to sit on her bed as they continue talking.
“As the resident sophomore,” one of the girls says, “I feel it is my duty to ask how things are looking on the relationship front? Freshman year is one of crushes, first dates, and messy breakups in my experience. So, where is everyone on that spectrum?”
Seemingly intrigued by the question, the other girls sit on the floor with her. You remain on the edge of Chris’s bed as you listen to their answers. One is already on boyfriend number 2, another is talking to a new guy but isn’t sure how she wants to proceed, and the other is in a committed relationship that started in middle school.
“Alright, Chris, what about you? Something going on with that ex-roommate of yours?”
You feel an emotion you can’t place begin stirring as Dalton is brought into the conversation.
“Dolphin was a temporary roommate and we’re still friends,” Chris explains before quietly adding, “Although…”
“Spill!” All of the other girls yell as they lean in.
“We went to this frat party the first week of school right?” Chris begins.
Your phone buzzes, and you pick it up without looking at it, too invested in where this story is going.
“We went upstairs and were alone in this bedroom.”
Your phone buzzes again, and you tune Chris out slightly as you see Dalton’s name.
“And then I kissed him.”
Your head jerks up as you hear her. I have to get out of here, you think.
“I’ve got to go,” you say as you stand up. “Thanks for inviting me, sorry to leave early.”
“No, don’t go! We’re having so much fun!”
You hold up your phone and put on an apologetic look. “Something came up. Maybe I can come to the next one. Thanks again.”
Closing the door behind you, you faintly hear them start talking again. You lean your forehead against the door momentarily before clenching your jaw and walking away. A few minutes ago, you were convinced that Dalton felt the same, sending you shy smiles across the room, bringing treats when he picked you up from class. But he kissed Chris at a frat party, and neither thought to tell you. No, they let you into their group, convinced you they were just friends, and probably kept kissing behind your back as they laughed at how stupid and lovesick you must look when you lock eyes with Dalton.
Slamming the door of your dorm, you collapse face-first into your bed and wish you felt like crying. As you sit up, you realize that you aren’t mad at Chris and Dalton, and that emotion you felt earlier was jealousy. You want to be angry that they didn’t tell you, but really you wish you’d met Dalton first so you could have been the one to kiss him. Remembering that Dalton texted you, you unlock your phone and read the messages.
Dalton: ‘I finished my project if you want to come over.’
Dalton: ‘I know Chris is busy and feel bad we both canceled.’
Sure, you do, you think as you toss your phone onto your nightstand. 
You know you should talk to Dalton, but you won’t. Not right now.
The next day, you ignore your phone as you prepare for class. It buzzed several more times last night and this morning, but you would hate to interrupt if Chris and Dalton were talking on the group chat. Someone knocks on your door, and you pick up your bag before opening it.
“Dalton? What are you doing here?” you ask, peeking around the corner to see if Chris is there.
“You weren’t answering my texts, so I wanted to check on you,” he answers, smiling. “And I know your first class isn’t far from mine so I thought we could walk together.”
“You don’t want to walk with Chris?” You close your door and step into the hallway.
“Um, no. Chris doesn’t have any classes this morning, but I wanted to see you.”
“Oh. Well, I’m fine, my phone just died last night, and I didn’t have time to check it this morning.” You’re a step ahead of him, failing to produce any interest in his art project.
Dalton catches up and shrugs as he smiles at you. “So, do anything fun last night?”
“No. I went to Chris’s room for a little bit, but something came up, so I just went back to my dorm and went to sleep.”
Reaching the art building, you try not to look too eager to leave Dalton.
“Have a good day, Dalton,” you say without stopping, continuing toward your first class.
“You too,” Dalton says quietly, watching your back as you walk away.
In your attempt to concentrate on your classes, you only think about Dalton. When you try to stop, you picture him and Chris and feel like your skin is probably turning green as your jealousy grows. When your last class is dismissed, one of your classmates hands you a copy of their notes.
“You looked like you were creating a revenge plot and we have a quiz on Friday.”
“Oh. Thank you so much! Derek, right?” You put the paper in your backpack as you express your gratitude.
“Yeah, and no problem. I feel bad for whoever was on the other side of those thoughts though,” Derek says with a laugh.
 You smile at him and half heartedly roll your eyes. “Partly the fault of my delusion, but I thought my friend and I were on the same page, but we were not.”
Derek nods like he understands. “Walk with me? I need to make sure your plan is decent before I let you carry it out.”
You begin walking side-by-side as you state, “I’m probably not going to do anything. I’ll get over it eventually.”
“Well, it seems to me that if it’s affecting you this much, maybe you should do something. Talk to them, get revenge, whatever you think fits the situation.” Derek opens the door for you and stops at the top of the stairs. “Here’s my number, if you need to talk about it. And, full disclosure, my girlfriend is great at revenge plots so I’m sure she would be happy to help too.”
You take his number and slip it into your pocket as you smile at him. “I’ll remember that. Hopefully, she won’t need one since you just gave me your number.”
“Are you kidding? She’s convinced you and, what’s his name? Chris Winslow’s old roommate?”
“Yeah, Dalton. She’s convinced you two are madly in love with each other. Don’t ask why she pays so much attention to other people’s relationships, she’s a psych major with no idea of the word boundaries.”
“Thanks again for the notes. I’ll see you in class.”
Derek nods and turns left as you turn right. Someone says your name, and you look up, quickly spotting Dalton waiting beside the sidewalk.
“Hey,” you say as you approach him.
“How was class?”
Dalton looks over at you as you begin walking. “Professor Armagan said that the project I did last night was my best work yet.”
You hum non-committedly, chewing the inside of your cheek.
Dalton says your name and places a hand on your wrist to stop you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Dalton. I appreciate you coming to pick me up from class, but you really don’t have to.”
Dalton looks into your eyes for a moment before nodding slowly. “Yeah, okay. Do you want to go get dinner tonight?”
“I’m not feeling great, so I’ll pass. You and Chris have fun. See you later.”
You walk away, navigating to your dorm on autopilot as your jealousy shifts from apathy to insecurity. Part of you is desperate to know why you aren’t enough for Dalton, and the other part is terrified to find out. Later, as your mind wanders to Dalton and his invite to dinner, you realize how hungry you are. Checking your mini-fridge, you settle on walking to your favorite nearby restaurant to try and find comfort in your favorite food.
You raise your head and see Dalton on the sidewalk. “Hi.”
Dalton looks down at his hands while you think of something to say.
“Where’s Chris?”
Dalton looks up, his brows furrowed. “I don’t know. We didn’t have plans or anything.”
“I thought you were going to get dinner?”
“I invited you to dinner, but you said no, so…”
“Yeah, I actually just realized how hungry I am,” you explain quietly. “If you’re still hungry and the offer is still open, we can go.”
You and Dalton walk silently, looking over at each other when the other isn’t looking. Dalton tries to act like nothing is wrong, as do you, but the dinner is awkward.
“Can I ask you a question?” you blurt out.
“Of course.”
“Do you think Chris is pretty?”
Dalton’s brows furrow again as he mouths the question to himself. “I guess? Yeah.”
You nod and return to awkward silence. The walk back to your dorm is the same, and just as you did yesterday, you collapse onto your bed. Unwillingly, you cry yourself to sleep without changing your clothes or taking off your shoes.
On day three of your jealousy, you awake to see messy hair, dark circles, and bloodshot eyes looking back at you in the mirror. You make yourself presentable enough and begin walking to class. You decide to leave class early and meet Dalton at the art building. Even though you’re jealous and miserable, Dalton didn’t deserve to be treated like you did yesterday.
Standing at the bottom of the stairs, you watch people file through the door as classes let out. There are only a few classes in this area today, so it should be easy to find Dalton. The door opens again, and Dalton walks out with Chris. You swallow harshly and look to the ground before walking away quickly. Your hopes that Dalton didn’t see you are crushed as he yells your name. Ignoring him, you continue walking toward your dorm. He catches up and wraps his hand around your forearm, spinning you to face him.
“Hey, where are you off to so fast?” he asks.
“It doesn’t matter, Dalton. Go back to Chris.” You try to pull your arm away, but he doesn’t let you. He moves with you as you pull harder.
“What are you talking about?”
“You and Chris. I know, Dalton. So just go.”
“You know what?”
You look up at him as your free hand pries his fingers off your arm. Once free, you walk away as fast as you can. Safely in your dorm, you unlock your phone and see a missed text and a call from Dalton. As you debate blocking his number, another text comes through.
Dalton: ‘We need to talk.’
Dalton: ‘Now.’
Typing a single word, you respond: ‘Fine.’
A knock immediately sounds on your door, and you look through the peephole before opening it. Dalton walks into your room and rubs the back of his neck as he looks at you.
“What do you think is going on between me and Chris?”
“Why does this matter?”
“Why are you acting like it doesn’t? You have been acting completely different the last two days, and now you want to act like all of this is normal?”
“This is the new normal, get used to it, Dalton,” you snap.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Dalton asks, raising his voice and his arms in exasperation.
“You tell me! I’m not the one who kissed Chris and then let my new best friend fall in love with me!” Your anger dissipates slightly after your outburst, but you continue breathing heavily.
“What?” Dalton whispers.
“I know you and Chris kissed at the frat party. And I want to be happy for you, Dalton, but I can’t. Not when I’ve been falling in love with you since the first time we met.”
“You’re jealous,” Dalton states. He knows better than to ask.
“No,” you respond quickly. “Maybe, yes.”
“Do you want to hear my side?”
“I think I’m good.”
“Because my side is that Chris kissed me at a frat party, not the other way around. And she only did it so that Nick wouldn’t know she was digging around his stuff. I never liked Chris like that. Then I met you.”
“So, because it happened before we met it’s okay?”
“Let me finish. I don’t like Chris that way and I never will.”
You look at Dalton, silently urging him to continue.
“Because I fell in love with you too. The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew that I wanted you in my life. Then I saw your smile, you held my hand when the power went out, and you left your classes early to go to lunch with me.”
Dalton closes the gap between you as he speaks. His hands raise to cup your face, and you wrap your fingers around his wrists.
“That kiss meant less than nothing. This one? This one is going to mean everything.”
You nod and look up into his eyes before closing yours. Dalton presses his lips to yours, one of his hands moving to hold the back of your head as he tilts your chin to deepen the kiss. You move your hands from his wrists to lay on his chest, pushing yourself closer to him.
When Dalton breaks the kiss, he lays his forehead against yours.
“I’m sorry I got jealous,” you whisper.
“I’m flattered you like me enough to get jealous,” he responds with a smile.
You gently push his chest as you say, “Stop.”
“You know you can just talk to me though, right? Ask me anything and we can clear the air without going through that again. Because that was painful.”
“I know,” you agree with a nod.
“I guess Chris’s roommate was right about us,” Dalton muses.
“Derek’s girlfriend is Chris’s roommate?” You realize with a gasp.
You both begin laughing at how you were the last to realize your feelings for one another. Your phones buzz and Dalton rolls his eyes as he shows you the text.
Chris: ‘If you’re not already kissing, please get it over with.’
“Wait, who’s Derek?” Dalton asks.
“Careful, you’re starting to sound jealous,” you tease.
“Then I guess we’ll have to kiss that away,” Dalton states.
You happily agree, ignoring Chris’s texts as your jealousy becomes a distant memory.
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exilethegame · 1 year
i've been having an itch to write an if game, do you have any tips? i feel like its a very bad idea to jump straight in head first yk?
So much of it is a "figure it out as you go" kind of thing, but here's what I've learned, personally, and how I usually go about things!
1.) Figure out the kind of story you're trying to tell. That goes with any form of media. Is it a comedy? A tragedy? Is it meant to read like an old fairytale or a YA novel? What makes writing good is incredibly subjective, so it's important to find your genre + voice as a writer and play into your strengths. You can't satisfy everyone, so aim to satisfy yourself.
2.) Figure out who the player character is. What is their history? What's their role in the story? Why are they the player character? Figure out how much variation you want for them-- what's solidified about their past, and what's open for headcanons, and what's open for choices in-game?
3.) Treat MC with as much dedication as your main characters-- don't separate them from everyone else. People want MC to feel like an active part of the story. This is a generalization, of course, but I know myself and others enjoy an MC who has agency and feels just as fleshed out as the other characters in the story. I don't want MC to feel like a "observer" but rather an active character in the narrative.
4.) Plan out your game mechanics + the affinity system ahead of time. This is something I didn't fully do, and while it wasn't earth destroying, it has made coding unnecessarily messy at times on my end. Is it a stat heavy game or choice heavy game? What are the important stats, and how often will the player be able to influence them? I find the second part of that to be the most important, as you want to pace stat increases/decreases with the length + pace of the game. For example, in The Exile, MC's personality can only change in the first three chapters. Once MC is brought to Plaithus, their personality is locked in. This goes for other variables too-- sometimes there are only "windows" when they're able to be influenced. This helps me keep track of what's what and not be overwhelmed by the amount of stats I have.
5.) Plan out your cast, and make sure everyone has a purpose to the story. If you can't defend the presence of a character in your story, you might need to rethink their presence, or otherwise change the character. This doesn't mean they need to have a giant, crazy character arc connected to the main story, but rather that they bring something to the table that other characters don't. That being said, it probably is a good idea to make sure every main character in the story has some sort of personal story arc. It can be small, but it's nice to see how characters change over the course of a narrative, otherwise they might feel "static."
6.) Know why you're making your story. Is it for yourself? Is it for fun? Is it to make money? Is it to make art? Will it be public or private? If you're making the game public, prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for critique and external opinions. I think we, as creators, sometimes underestimate (especially in IF and on Tumblr) just how crazy things can get with reader/author interactions.
And, my final piece of advice...
7.) Learn to set boundaries and say no with a full chest. Your game is your game at the end of the day, no one else's. Do what makes you feel happy and fulfilled and write the kind of story you want to read. And, of course, be easy on yourself. Writing takes time and effort, and sometimes you'll hit hurdles. The most important thing is to be patient with yourself and learn to keep on going forward, even when the going gets tough. As I always like to say, writing slowly is better than not writing at all!
Best of luck if you decide to make the jump and write a game!
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elysianhades · 1 year
Hi! I would like to request mammon x mc fluff. Maybe something like a painting date where you pass the canvases back and forth? Up to you, but just some mammon please!!!
Here you go! Thank you so much for requesting! I hope this is acceptable!
I haven't ever written Mammon before so hopefull he isn't too ooc
Somplace Only We Know
Mammon x Mc
Downy Fluff ahead!
“What’s the point in this again?” Mammon asks, watching you pull out the pencils and sketchbooks out of the bag you brought with you.
It was a smart decision on your part, for you both to ‘sneak’ to the human realm. If any of the other brothers knew about this little date the two of you had planned, you knew they would try to sabotage it, but seriously, you put too much effort in this outing for it to be spoiled by pouting demon lords. You both were sitting on a beach, a bluff actually, if you wanted to get technical. It was nice, being in weather that wasn’t actively trying to kill you. The Devildom is nice, but being able to wander around and not be sweating a concerning amount or literally bundled up is something you will never take for granted again.
“My older brother and I used to play a game like this when we were younger, granted I was 5 and he was terrible at drawing, but I also used to do this before I went to the Devildom, it helps warm up skills. Besides, I wanted to spend time with you and what better way than by doing this? It’s fun I swear!” You laugh, nudging the demon next to you with your knee.
“I trust ya, precious. It’s not everyday the Great Mammon has time off ya know? Imma very busy demon, I’m sure whatever ya planned is gonna be entertain’.” He boasts, chuckling and puffing his chest out.
You roll your eyes lovingly, a small smile on your lips as you flip one of the sketchbooks to an open page. For all the comments he was making on the way here, he did seem like he was looking forward to this and he did look like he was enjoying himself.
“Here you go, oh Great Mammon.” You tease, watching Mammon’s ears flush a rosy red when he meets your eyes and sees your smiling face. You swear you see his eyes dart between your eyes and lips once or twice before he carefully takes the offered book out of your hands. He taps his fingers on the cover as he looks around at the mini picnic you had set up. He swallows and looks at the open sketchbook on his lap, quickly flipping through the other pages, not looking at the art there but seeing how much of the book is filled.
“Ya know, one day ya should show me all the sketchbooks ya have. I’d… I’d like ta see what else you’ve made.” He quickly says, looking at you out of the side of his eye. His cheeks now are a little more colorful than they were a second ago.
“If you want to see my older art you can, be warned though, I wasn’t always as adept as I am now,” You snort at his attempt to sound nonchalant, when he is practically vibrating with the want to peek through the book in his hands, “also be warned that there are sketches of you in there.” You add on almost as an afterthought, looking at him head on to catch his reaction.
It takes a couple seconds for your statement to actually register, but you can tell when it did. His eyes widened a tiny bit and his jaw unclenched before the red covered his face and he was choking on nothing. His head whipped over to you as he tried to catch his breath and at this point you were struggling to breathe as well because you were trying not to laugh at him. It was a funny concept to you though, how he could get pictures taken of himself all the time in different positions and not bat an eye but the thought of a few messy drawings are enough to derail any thoughts in his head.
“Well- ah- I mean, of course ya have sketches of me in here, I’m pretty great aren’t I.” He coughs, clearing his throat and looking away from you to try and regain his composure, “seriously though treasure, ya have ta warn me before ya say sappy things like that. Oi! Wait! I better be the only one who you’ve drawn! My brothers better not be in here as well! Just me! I’m yer first after all!”
You chuckle and shake your head as you pull another (almost full) sketchbook out of your bag. This one probably has two or three more pages in it until it’s full, you figured now would be the best time to finish it. You hum as you turn your shoulder so the flustered demon next to you can see the contents of the book. There are a lot of drawings of sceneries around RAD, the castle, even the House of Lamentation, but if the few drawings of people that could be seen, they were all different poses and styles of Mammon doing different things.
Mammon counting grimm, Mammon talking to one of the crows that always follow him around, him grabbing the popcorn bowl from a movie night, him mid-stretch, and so many workshops of his hands in different positions and holding different things. What can you say? He has some attractive hands. You hear a strange dying noise from right beside you. A noise you know is his ‘I don’t know whether to feel giddy or be embarrassed’ he’s made it enough times for you to know what it means.
“Come on, let’s start! I’m going to set a timer on my phone for 15 minutes! During those 15 minutes I want you to draw what you see, could be the beach, could be the water, could be the sky, it doesn't matter. After the timer is up, we are gonna switch books and I’ll continue what you are drawing and you’ll continue mine! I think we should do this two or three times just to be safe. You can use any of the pencils here, anything I’ve brought is free range! Have at it. Do you need some time to think of something to draw or should I start the timer now?” You explain, bouncing lightly, excited to start.
It takes a minute for Mammon to find his words again, but eventually he is able to form a coherent sentence. He looks at the jar full of different colored pencils you have sitting on the blanket, at the pens that are being held together by a rubber band, and finally at the scene around him.
“Yeah, I think I got somethin. Jus no peekin til the time’s up!”
“Ok then! I’m starting the timer!” You cheer, pressing the ‘start’ button on your phone and get to drawing.
The thought to draw Mammon does cross your mind, for multiple reasons, but as soon as those thoughts appear you brush them away, you think he would combust if he saw that right out of the gate. The place that you decided to sit for this date is a bit of a walk away from the trail you had to take to get here. The way to get to this particular bluff was a tiny bit of a walk but it was worth it. Normally, you would park on the side of the road and then walk through the trail to the beach, but since magic was a thing, you were able to teleport right to where the trail through the forest meets the ocean. The beach looks like it's separated into two parts, there's a sandy side where driftwood is littered all over the sand, some pieces so big that people who have visited before have made little forts out of them, broken seashells are scattered throughout the beach as well, sandbars, old sand dollars, huge clumps of seaweed and crab shells are in sight as well.
The other side of the beach is where you both haven’t gotten to look at yet, but it has rocks covered in barnacles everywhere. The rocks are practically on top of eachother, and you can’t even see the sand without having to move rocks. You also know however, that if you lift up the little rocks, that you’ll see tiny crabs. If you guys are lucky, you might even be able to see a sea snail. You hum, since it is the first round, you decide to draw something easy. You start sketching the part of the beach that meets the forest, with all the driftwood and the trees.
As you start getting into your drawing, you hear Mammon start muttering to himself, he is talking too quietly for you to hear what he is saying. Angling your body towards him, you can see he is hunched over to ensure you couldn’t see what he is drawing. His tongue is poking out of his lips in concentration, and every now and then he’ll look at what he has on the paper hum, then nod before getting back to drawing. Smiling, you go back to your own piece, relieved that he is enjoying himself. Before you know it, your phone is going off, signaling that it’s time to switch books.
“Now remember human, no judgin’!” Mammon all but shouts, hiding the book to his chest and mock-glaring at you.
“Yeah, how about we make a deal then? I won’t judge yours and you won’t judge mine? We’re doing this for fun anyway, it’s not like I’m gonna grade you on it.” You smile, making grabby hands at his book. He grumbles before slowly handing the sketch and the pencil over to you. You are much more enthusiastic about trading with him.
Both you and Mammon are still as you look over each other’s work. You can’t imagine why he thinks you would judge him for what he has done so far, it looks so good. He chose to draw the scene in front of both of you, with the water, the islands in the back, and the sun in the middle of the sky. The lines are good and you can clearly see what he was drawing. He also whistles when he is done looking at yours.
“Wow, baby, ya sure are talented. Like actually, this is damn good.” Mammon praises, smiling as he looks over it one more time. He held up the book so he could see the comparison side-to-side. You feel heat rush up to your face and ears and try to hide your face by grabbing your phone to start the timer over and clearing your throat to swallow the giddy embarrassment you feel. “You’re telling me that? Honey, you should have told me you could draw, we would’ve done this sooner.” You say, determined to fluster him as well and make him know he is talented. God knows he isn’t told enough.
Your compliment works, he chokes again and whips his head over to you. His eyes are searching yours, you can tell he is trying to see if you are teasing him or making fun of him. You tilt your head and look at him, giving him a smile. When he finds no trace of a lie in your words, you can see a sheepish smile break across his face. He slowly reaches over to grab your hand, giving you time to move yours away if you didn’t want him to hold it.
“Yer the best thing to happen to me treasure,” he starts, pausing and looking back over to the beach and the picnic you set up when you first got here. “I know I don’t say it as much as I should, but ya really mean everything to me.”
“You might not be able to say it as often as you want, but you show me everyday how much I mean to you and that’s more than enough. I love you, Mammon.” You smile, squeeze his hand as you talk. You sigh and look down at the sketchbook in your lap. “We have a tiny problem, honey.”
“Yeah? What?” He looks around to see if he can see what you are referring to. He doesn’t notice anything that could have dampened your mood, and you don’t look unhappy. You tsk and lightheartedly shake his hand still in yours.
“I don’t want to draw anymore, I just want to focus on you.” You don’t mind how warm your face feels being this vulnerable, you know you’re safe with Mammon here.
He snorts at your confession, shaking his head and squeezing your hand. He grabs both books and closes them before putting them back in your bag with the pencils. He carefully pulls you into his chest and shifts so you can lean on him comfortably. He promptly ignores his own blush as he holds you.
“Well, we are here for the whole day, I’m sure we can get back to drawin’ after ya get yer cuddling fix out of the way. An I love ya too by the way, more than anythin’.”
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daneecastle · 1 year
.......still struggling with sleep.
It got bad this past Wednesday when I had a hard time keeping my balance, and focusing was hard. Ended up staying home from work to see my doctor. I was prescribed sleep meds, and my diet pills were lowered in dosage.
I'm still losing weight every day. At 241 lbs this morning(started with 272 lbs on June 27th). But since August 3rd, I've been sleeping an average of 2 to 4 hours a night. Sometimes, I get lucky and have a combination of hours of sleep that add up to 6! But no more than that.
Once I wake up, I can't sleep for two hours. Then I crash and wake up 2 or 3 hours later. Falling asleep, when my eyes go blurry, is easy but beyond that .... like staying asleep? Yeah, no....
I plan on making another appointment this next week but I'm sure they will have me wait till my vital check-up on the 5th of September.
I'm nippy, annoyed, drained, and yet so desperate to continue drawing my Good Omens fan art. At least I still have that.
I am working on something new when I'm not sleeping, cooking, working, or spending time with family and friends. Which is usually during movie time or at night(when I can't sleep). Here's a messy preview:
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It's still a work in progress but I'm confident to say that Aziraphale is getting easier to draw. I have to thank a lot of fanartist out there who have helped me along the way by presenting their work and indirectly supporting me.
Also, the colored image:
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Done by @okaylokii , out of this collection of images:
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Really inspired me to continue with my original dancing idea. Thank you for letting me lean on you. I did get permission to use it though I mostly use it as inspiration, not to copy. But I do want to make a tribute to @okaylokii for this piece.
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I'll figure it out.....
See ya in two hours.
Good night, Angels and Demons!
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draagu · 10 months
Teach me the ways of the dragu art
yeah I'll use what I'm currently drawing for this hold on
really long tutorial on how I draw below
step one: sketch
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my sketches usually start with a circle for the head and I build from there! generally I just use the circle if I'm familiar with the character and the pose, but it is always good to use more shapes for the rest of the body!
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sketches are also a good phase to play around with proportions, the nice part of digital art is that it's really easy to erase or select and stretch/move parts that look funky. play around till it looks right, don't be afraid to use references
step 2: lineart
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linearts my worst enemy sometimes, so occasionally I just resort to cleaning up the switch or just making the lineart really sketchy and messy
here though I just follow the sketch to the best of my ability, i don't always do it but I shade in shadows sometimes
also on spots that are like folds or something, I make the lines gradually thinner the farther away from the edge they get. if that makes sense
step 3: color (which is incomplete rn my bad)
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I unno what to really say for this one uh
easy trick to coloring everything fast, and if your art program lets you, make a giant square that covers everything behind the lineart, erase or fill any openings in the lineart, select the outside part of the colored square with the wand tool or wtv, and erase/delete. then boom you got a filled color base to go off of, go you!
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otherwise if the wand tool doesn't exist, I just draw around the insides of the lineart and fill
step 4: shading
im not planning to shade this drawing so i have to scrounge up old stuff now ouh
shading ! is fun sometimes
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i start by picking a bright color that fits nicely with the rest of the art, n choose any spots that would be blocked from the light (i cannot explain this m sorry)
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then i put the blending setting on the layer to multiply, set the opacity down until it looks fine
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and congrats you've shaded
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sometimes i also add a slight blur or like every so slightly softening lines which i do not have an example of right now. i just do this on the ends of the shadows because i think it looks nice
the rest of the art is up to you, color the lines, add a gradient over everything, go crazy.
the best way to get 'better' is practice! doodle whenever ya can, i doodle on homework and notes all the time. find your own little strategies and tidbits to add to your art! just have fun with it in the end!
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also when in doubt: add more fluff /j
(my old nightcat design compared to the new)
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lucy-the-demon · 11 months
Lucy goes on a ramble about character designs and how Harveys character design sucks in comparison to others
Hear me out.
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The best character designs in my opinion are designs that tell you something about the character, very few times deviating from that actually work
Let's start by comparing Raymond to Harvey Both work in an office of some sort, they're similar looking, but Raymond has more personality and looks way better then Harvey (in my opinion)
Raymond is a smug villager from animal crossing, they're charismatic, snarky and full of themselves.
Harvey Is there.. but let's talk about what little personality i can see with him. He's anxious, he's quiet but he's apparently kind and extremely patient
Theirs a reason why people were in love with Raymond in 2020, overrated or not the character is well designed.
When i look at Harvey, I see a serial killer or a creep, intimidating perhaps, not an anxious guy who's sweet and extremely patient with everyone. His older designs looked more like that than the final design.
When I look at Raymond, I see a snarky charismatic, office worker. Which is exactly what he is
And Sdv has great character designs,
Like Shane he looks disheveled, he looks tired, his hoodie has holes in it and it's stretched out implying it needs to be replaced, it's been overused. his hair is oily, it implies that hes messy and doesn't care about himself which is exactly what he is. It's amazing character design, it's absolutely fantastic and it makes me absolutely go feral
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Sam is another great example, his collar stands up, showing he's rebellious, his clothes look like something a rock star would wear, but his color palette is bright and welcoming which makes him look friendly and approachable, charismatic even, which is exactly who he is, he's very friendly to everyone he meets it seems.
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I could go on forever about all the great Stardew valley character designs (Elliott, Sebastian, Maru, etc..) but we dont have all day.
I'm very passionate about character design if you can't tell.
But Harvey's character design says nothing that explains his personality, it says nothing, it shows the opposite of kind, patient and friendly, he looks intimidating to me, I don't think that's what concerned ape was going for when he made him as I said his older designs portrayed that anxious patient and sweet personality more than his final design does.
This really is a shit post and a half but I don't know what to say really, i just wanted to talk about character design and how Harvey's character design isn't very good. In my opinion at least
Even though I don't like Harvey, I won't shame you for liking him as a character, I like to poke fun at fans of Harvey but that's just it, just poking fun. It's a joke, I like to make jokes but whether they're funny or not is up to you, but this is a genuine thing I feel, that his character design doesn't reflect him as a character and it doesn't make him feel approachable or friendly to me, he freaks me out really and scares me away. His character design poorly reflects his personality to me at least.
The artists of this fandom do better work reflecting his character with than the game itself does despite the poor design he was given, but that's just the magic of art style and expression it's probably hard to reflect his personality despite the design he has. It can be done, I've seen people do it very well but sadly the game did him dirty I'd say at least in the design category. No offense to concerned ape though, most of this game is very well done and absolutely beautiful, honestly i could never do pixel art as well as he can and i won't even attempt it honestly, I'll stick to my mechanical pencils and paper to sketch and my tablet to digitalize it.
But that's all really I gotta say here, I'll see ya later..
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crackshipparadise · 6 months
Until I Found You Chap. 9- You Love Her Don't ya?
Here is the next chapter! Let’s get some wholesomeness going on!
But before we start I do have something I want to share. Offscreen I’ve been building a crossover world with WTDW and A Hat In Time and sharing it with friends. It got me thinking after Until I Found You, I could share my ideas with all of you because I have lore and friendships planned with the AHIT characters and WTDW cast. Some I’ll share are Snatcher and Queen Vanessa with the Founder Trio plus Hat Kid with Carly, Ben, and Liz.
Like I said it won’t be until after Until I Found You! It won’t be for a while since WTDW is on my brain and I got new stories for this series.
BIG thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!!!
Artemis woke up with a groan, he lifted his head rubbing it. His brain slowly started to wake up, reminding him of everything that happened last night.
He was about to go to sleep but got a call from Sara who was crying thanks to a nightmare. He got there quickly and was in shock seeing Sara crying and hugging him, begging him not to leave her.
Artemis wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, but at some point, Sara fell back asleep and he carried her back to bed and ended up sleeping beside her the whole night. Luckily, no more nightmares occurred.
Speaking of Sara.
Turning to his left, he saw his friend still asleep but saw her frowning as tears stained her face.
Artemis wasn’t sure if she had another nightmare, a bit tame than what she experienced before she called him over, however, he hated seeing her sad. Without thinking he leaned in and kissed her on top of her forehead, and just like magic a small smile appeared on her face.
Artemis sighed and gave a smile. He turned over to the clock and saw it was 6:30 in the morning. Seeing it was a bit early, he decided to go back to sleep holding Sara close to him.
Artemis groaned as he woke up to some knocking. He turned and looked at the clock again to see it was 7:45 am. The knocking continued and Artemis got up from the bed, deciding to see who it was. 
Luckily, Sara was still asleep, so before he left he ruffled her hair a bit. “I’ll be back.” He whispered, before leaving the room.
Artemis went to the door to hear knocking again, and then a voice. “Sara! Are you awake?” The voice asked.
The voice didn’t sound familiar to Artemis so he looked at the peephole and saw a person with dark skin, dark brown eyes, and messy dark hair with two white streaks that framed their face with a purple beanie over it. They also wore a blue outfit, a brown skirt, and a green teardrop necklace.
The person sighed and took out their phone to call Sara and wake her up. 
Wanting Sara to sleep more, Artemis answered the door.
The person slowly hung up the phone seeing Artemis answer and was confused. “S-Sorry. I thought this was Sara’s appointment.” They apologized.
“I-It is! I’m Artemis Blaze. A friend of Sara’s.” Artemis introduced.
“O-Oh! I didn’t know Sara had other friends. I’m Celio Klein. I was Sara’s caretaker.” Celio introduced.
“I didn't know Sara had a caretaker.” Then again Sara barely mentioned her past or anything about her family during their time together.
“And she didn’t tell me about you,” Celio replied. “May I come in?”
Artemis stepped back as Celio came inside. “So how long have you and Sara been friends?” They asked me to put their bag down and sit on the couch.
“O-Oh a few weeks. She’s a very sweet girl.” Artemis explained, closing the door. I mean there’s a lot of things I wanna say about her, but… he thought to himself, slightly blushing.
“She is,” Celio replied. “And where did you two meet? Do you work at Dreamworld, or were you a former classmate of hers?”
“Well…crazy story.” Artemis started. He wasn’t sure how Sara’s caretaker was gonna react to how he and Sara met. Though if anything he’s sure Sara told them about how they met. “You see-“
A groan cut Artemis off, as Sara came from her room, groggy. “Artemis, who are you talking to?” She asked. She saw her caretaker had come over and was talking to Artemis. “C-Celio!”
“Sara! Good morning!” Celio exclaimed.
“G-Good morning,” Sara replied, stuttering a bit. “What brings you here?”
“What?” Celio asked. “Am I not allowed to visit my kid?”
Sara chuckled and hugged her caretaker, who hugged her back.
“Anyways, I’m here because I decided to take the day off and spend time with you,” Celio explained. “You said, you wish we could spend time with each other, but because of our jobs it was hard.”
Sara’s eyes widened remembering she once claimed to them about this. “Oh yeah. I forgot.” She replied with a chuckle.
Celio smiled, “Well I’ll let you get ready first, and if you want you can bring your boyfriend with you.” They explained.
Artemis and Sara blushed in embarrassment. They looked at each other before looking at Celio, “W-wait a minute Celio! H-He and I aren’t dating!” Sara exclaimed. At least not yet, she thought to herself.
“Y-Yeah! We’re just friends!” Artemis exclaimed. I mean I think we’re more than just friends. He thought to himself.
“Sure,” Celio replied, smirking.
Sara blushed harder as she put her hands to her face to hide her embarrassment. “I’m gonna get ready.” She said, dashing off to her room to get dressed. 
Celio chuckled in response, while Artemis groaned, hiding the blush from his face.
Up in her room, Sara changed out of her pajamas and wore her usual pink outfit she wore to work every day. As she was getting dressed, she noticed something on her ankle. She looked down and her eyes widened seeing a gash almost like a string wrapped around it.
Silently, she was panicking. “Oh no! No. No.” She whispered. “How could this happen?” She asked herself.
Did he show up?
Was this from Moonjumper? Or him?
Sara took a couple of deep breaths to calm herself, telling herself that she was fine and he couldn’t hurt her anymore. She put on her socks, and shoes covering the wound. It wasn’t bleeding so no one would notice. She then grabbed her bag and left her bedroom.
“Okay. I’m ready.” Sara said.
Celio smiled and stood up, “All alright.” They said, but before the two could leave, they looked at Artemis. “Want to join us?”
“Uh…sure,” Artemis replied, he got up and followed the girls out the door. As they walked, Artemis held Sara’s hand, which caused her to look up and smile at him. Artemis smiled back and the two went into Celio’s car to head for breakfast.
Celio took them to a diner they frequently visit and that Sara used to go to when she was growing up. It was a nice place and Sara chatted with Artemis about coming here almost every week with Celio.
Breakfast was fine between the three of them, it was needed for Sara as it cleared her mind from the nightmare and the injury on her ankle. However, just as the bill came, Artemis decided to pay for the meal, which surprised Celio and Sara.
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that for us, Artemis. I could’ve done it.” Sara said.
“Hey, you gave me free tickets and showed my niece a great time at Dreamworld.” Artemis stated, “At least let me return the favor.”
“O-Okay,” Sara replied, blushing a bit.
Artemis smiled and put his card on top of the bill, while Sara smiled lovingly at him. Her gaze then moved to her caretaker’s who just gave a smug look. Sara quickly removed the loving smile and just stuck with a simple smile.
“Thank you for that,” Sara said.
“Anytime,” Artemis replied. “So you have work today?”
Sara thought she didn’t feel like coming to work after the night she had. It wasn’t the weekend yet, so… “Nah, I’m just gonna relax at home today.”
“Alright. You need it.” Artemis said.
Sara smiled and decided to step out and call Lewis to remind him she would not be coming in today.
Once she was gone, Celio saw Artemis looking at Sara lovingly. “You love her don’t you?” They asked.
Artemis’s eyes widen seeing the therapist give a smug smile at him. “W-What! Nah! W-we’re friends!” He exclaimed, stuttering a bit. However, Celio’s smug smile never escaped them, which caused Artemis to sigh in defeat. He turned to see Sara was outside talking on the phone, he had time to confess to her caretaker. “Okay, I love her, a lot.”
Celio chuckled, happy that someone loved the child they took care of.
“She’s amazing! Very smart, ambitious, her pink and yellow streaks remind me of flowers blooming in spring.” Artemis sighed at the thought of his crush, “Actually, I loved her for a long time.” Artemis admitted.
“A long time?” Celio asked.
Artemis nodded. “You see, I’ve known Sara since-”
“Hey! I got the day off!” Sara exclaimed, coming by to the table. “So what were you two talking about?”
“Uh…well…” Artemis stuttered.
“He was just telling me about how good friends you two have become, and that he’s glad to have met someone like you,” Celio explained, covering for Artemis.
“O-Oh,” Sara replied. She looked at Artemis who just hid the blush from his face. She smiled and giggled. “I’m glad I met someone like him too.”
Artemis looked up, his entire face as red as a tomato. Sara giggled seeing his face, which made him red even more. However, he secretly loved it when she giggled.
It was at that point, that Artemis had an idea! He was gonna give Sara a gift!
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alexissara · 9 months
THE Comics Of The Year 2023
I'm Alexis Sara, and if you don't know me then you should know I am an Eisner [among several other award] winning comics writer and I eventually kinda left behind comics because of a massive feeling of burn out and a lack of hope for the industry. However, I utterly adore the medium and I do enjoy comics still even if mostly in indie form or Manga. Manga of the year is a separate post since I just read more Manga and I wanted to talk about more comics overall so this section is all non manga stuff from Webcomics to graphic novels to single issue type deals, everything I read is up for consideration.
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Extreme Venomverse #4 Necroko story 
This story makes me even more mad than I am every day about the state of the public domain. Stan Lee is dead, he doesn't need Spider-man money but Marvel will for many many many more years hoard the amazing ideas made by so many other people that relate to spider-man and even when Spider-man enters the public domain Disney will sue people for using any part of spider-man that doesn't come from the debut time and is still with in their copyright. So an amazing character like Nercroko is stuck at the whims of some editor to see if the creators can bring her back, for how long they can bring her back, they get to decide how gay she is allowed to be, how violent, if the story fits their brand image and if a random event has her erased from the timeline or something to fuel a mans pain or something. Which is to say fuck Marvel comics, don't buy their stuff but I read this story and it's really fucking good, 12/10 it's not really worth buying Extreme Venomverse cuz the other stories are mid but as fuck but this little short story if you could find it at retail value for a single issue of Venomverse #4 pick it up for sure. It's a venom magical girl who is gay, just great, perfect, brilliant, inspirational.
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IDW Sonic 
You expect to see the sapphics from me and there here, for real, but I really enjoy this series in general. Whisper and Tangle are my main draw but I did enjoy Sonic video games a lot when I was younger so the characters, designs, etc are always something I just like seeing. The IDW comics bring a great consistent art style that makes the world of sonic feel very alive, stylish an cool. The new characters are all people I want to show up as playable in new sonic games and the story lines all feel like they would be exciting to see in a video game. These comics are really well done and while it could be more explicit in allowing it's original characters to be queer [I understand main game characters not being able to have romance to give the game devs space] it's still a good time.
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I love when the lesbians are on an adventure, when they are poly, when they are silly, and we got it all here. Ladykillers is a silly D&D inspired webcomic that has these cute little dumbasses go on quests and get into trouble. It starts pretty one shotty and eventually gets into a continuous narrative. If you loved Bauldr's Gate but wished it was just about like three homoerotic girls getting into silly trouble, this one is for you.
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My Dragon Girlfriend
My Dragon Girlfriend every year is a top series for me. The release format of release makes each update a very small dose of a larger narrative but these little romances are all compelling and sweet and fun filled with silly little sapphics. While the newest couple added in is the one I am least compelled by I still enjoyed them. The art is really cute and sweet, the way emotion is portrayed is handled really well, Country really knows how to capture emotion within the medium and masters making good use out of all the little details.
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Grand Slam Romance
I don't like sports but if lesbian magical girls played soft ball I would have to convert to being the number ones sports girly. The messy lesbian drama here is so good and the jokes are really great, when I grabbed this I kinda worried it be YA toned which typically doesn't sit well with me but luckily this is in fact adult fiction for adults that just has a strong sense of whimsy. It's a really great read and I hope a lot more people check it out because it's super good and even has a follow up book coming out.
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These lesbians have issues and I am so fucking here for it. We got a trio of queer witches casting spells, fighting monsters, etc who are all also teachers for a school of other witches. One of the party turns into a demon if her seal is broken which causes her to get all violent and feral, one has a magical artifact tied to a bigger play happening across the universes of the world and the final is holding secrets she doesn't want to share. From there their issues run into each other, they deal with new problems they cause, their love lives get complicated and we find out the truth of all the messy lesbian fun that is unleashed between them. The translation is sometimes a little wonky but if you can forgive a self published self translation to English for sometimes saying words a little wrong but still understandably then damn there just isn't really a story like SpellAstra I've read.
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Mage & Demon Queen 
After following this series for so many years it finally finished. This action comedy yuri series is fucking amazing from start to finish a fun time with some of the best jokes across all of comics for nerdy little sapphics like me. I do think near the end of the series we spend too much time with the men of the cast who simply were not the draw for me at all but they got a lot of panel time but outside of that small preference so much of this series is so perfect it's hard to even fault the parts that are a little less great.
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Pink Sugar 
What a fucking book, what a queer gift that this exists, that we live in a world where this is being released on webtoon [and a ton of other places] gives me hope for queer art and art in general. This story is lesbian in the deepest ways, with the diversity of lesbians that I want to see. Masc Non Binary Lesbians, bigger fem lesbians, trans lesbians, all falling in love with each other in these gloriously sweet ways. This series is truly queer in the most real sense. The presentation of the afterlife is innovative and fun. the comedy is great, the chemistry between all four of this polycule is great, the romantic moments are super sweet, the art's fantastic, the pacing is great and all of that lends to some really fucking heart breaking moments to as we get into the deep feelings of these dead women. This is one of the best stories being told right now and maybe ever. I love Pink Sugar, I beg of you to check it out. It's currently kickstarting a physical version if your reading this near release of this post then you should go back it. You can read it for free, if you like it, back it.
If you want to help me enjoy more art then consider checking out my Patreon or Ko-fi and giving me a little bit of cash so I can do more of this kind of writing but also like make lots of my own art, art is hard to make and costs money and like maintain my chronically ill and trans body also takes money so anything helps, thank you. If you want more details on any of these I do have reviews for many of the pieces of art above but you can also let me know you want more and maybe I'll write more.
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bobbybutterfly · 10 months
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First remade background for the Super Secret Project! It’s quite different than the original digital picture. Being far more messy and impressionistic. I would rather not compare the two as each of them is doing it’s own thing. I do find it funny that even though I spent just AGES on the original, doing all these intricate patterns it looks far more clean and I guess I would say empty compared to this just splatter the paint where ever attitude.
I think I should paint on bigger canvases to force myself to do more details. A big inspiration for me are classically animated movies. Yesterday I watched Secret of Nymh which I should finish today. That movie is a master piece!!!! Kind of hard to believe it’s for kids with how dark it is, but as a child I loved dark stuff so yeah. But the backgrounds! Oh the backgrounds! I really got to step up my game. I’m like a kid in a shonen anime.
I also made a little mock up for how the project will look. Just messed around in Procreate with it. Something I want to change for my future projects is a better longer pre production period. This project did have some pre production. Such as sketches, scrapped background and character art. But nothing even nearing a professional production. I used to go to an art high school (high schools here are like roughly ages 15 to 19, I don’t remember perfectly) and there they had you repeat every step of the process like 20 times before you could move on.
I don’t plan on working for like a proper game or animation company. That being said if Disney comes knocking on the door then I’m not going to say no. But I don’t think that type of environment is for me. And with the rise of AI art. Bitch. Why would they want me around with my “special needs”? I think indie game studios are the way to go. My aesthetic would also suit them far more. So erm. Contact me. I want to buy a custom fursuit.
JUST KIDDING! I ain’t stable enough for a job. I’m barely managing doing what ever the fuck this is.
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So what do you guys think?
I MIGHT finish it for Christmas but don’t take my word for it. I don’t like deadlines. There’s still like a truck load of work left to do. Exhibit one. Finishing the script. Getting sensitivity and beta readers. Would be great if I could get my friend who studies psychology to look at it. There’s a lot of trauma. I bet ya there’s going to be a whole lot of editing to do after that. Exhibit two. Backgrounds and sprites. Urg. Exhibit three. Putting it somehow together. Presumably with duct tape, paper clips and prays. Exhibit four. Releasing it. Exhibit five. Shameless self promotion. Such as bothering mid size furry YouTubers.
An absolute dream come true would be having Saber Spark look at it, as he’s the one that introduced me amongst many of you I bet to Squirrel and Hedghog. But please don’t go bothering anyone just yet. I want to do the shameless self promotion last when there’s actually something to promote. Otherwise it’s just a scam.
Am I taking this project too seriously? This is the first time I’m doing something like this so it is more of a prototype of how I will do things for later projects.
Bobby out!
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thejellybeanboys · 2 years
Mmm there’s something pretty sus going on between Luis, Hoagie, and WilLiam. Sandwich and purple eyes sure did seem a little jelly when that other guy was mentioned. I’m guessing there’s a possible love rectangle going to transpire? 😮‍💨😱
(Music Sniffer: (/Command: isolate ask for @Muisc Sniffer)
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Leroy: “ooooh I'm taking this one. Yoink! But uh yeah glad y'all noticed... cause it is the most freaking obvious thing in the world, I got no idea why any of them think they're good at hiding stuff...well actually Wil-Liam doesn't seem to care to hide it but still he's very cryptic about it--like he can't just say or act it upfront but I get it.”
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Leroy: “Basically the deal is that Luis likes Chris, but art freak hasn't noticed it. Hoagie likes Luis but uh either Luis is oblivious to it or he does not care enough to acknowledge it. And Wil-Liam definitely likes Luis but...hmm, I don't know if Luis just straight up hates him too much to say anything about it or Luis is a dummy who thinks anything Wil says is (/j) and has no idea he's actually (/srs) because he's too angy all the time. I'm pretty sure Hoagie and Wil-Liam don't know yet that the other one likes Luis (somehow) cause I would have already gotten a rant dm by Hoagie about Wil-Liam by now.”
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Leroy: “I mean I sure do hope it doesn't turn into a messy love triangle, it's already weird as it is, them all finding out the truth would just make things so unessaryily complicated. Two dudes fighting over the same dude but that dude is living in fantasy world where he thinks he can snag a popular; three-years-older walking paint rack. Like I think romance is overrated and we're all just dumb teens so why should I care, but Luis is my bro, so I do gotta be invested just this once. All i want really is for this to just blow over smoothly y'know? Luis gotta get rid of that crush cause no way him and Chris are ever gonna happen. Hoagers and Wil hopefully learn that maybe they're feelings won't get returned and it's best to just keep it to themelves forever?? Idk, I never know how that unrequited love crap works. But y'know let all these feelings become low-key and move past them like normal ppl do, but eh I guess none of us are normal people so probably not.”
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Leroy: “And if ya tell me exactly why Wil-Liam and Hoagie like Luis... well yeah he might just appear like a walking talking insecure ego who's rude all the time to y'all, but he's still pretty cool, he can understands you in a deep level and even though he might say he doesn't care...he cares a lot. He's extremely passionate in what he wants to do and really wants to be seen for that, all of us here do. Also there's apparently just something he does to ppl whenever they get to know him, he has an effect, I joke at him that maybe that's what his weird half alien powers are but--no, I like to think that Luis can charm people without the use of weird Lexiconian shenanigans (it'll definitely make him feel better about himself if that's true). Hoags and Wil probably got their own mysterious reasons why they like my homeboy so much but I won't speculate further. I'm not that nosey like Codey.”
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minasummersch · 2 years
papyrus & jasmine (but I kinda wanna change the latter part of the Q to "and would recommend to anyone" if that's alright!)
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
I've talked about this when I last answered this question here, but I don't have an 'on repeat' playlist. I'll link a song from my 'liked videos' playlist on youtube for you instead!
I am not sure I could even begin to explain this video tbh. I really like Gilmore Girls and something about the combination of Rory with Taylor Swift songs is fucking immaculate.
And here I'll also link a song I've had on repeat over the last week for you!
This is the first full song Nino sings in the Anonymous Noise anime/manga. Something about how messy it sounds really stuck with me and I am just living for these vibes. I know rock music totally plays against the aesthetic I have going but I want so badly to one day sing this song.
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again? and would recommend to anyone?
Oh boy! I have a long, long list of books, movies, tv shows, anime, manga, and light novels that I toss around as recommendations to friends. I usually like to tailor my reccs based on what I know people like but since I'm not entirely sure about your tastes I'll give a few of the ones I know most poeple enjoy.
Oscar (1991): a movie with Sylvester Stalone and it's a comedy so you really can't go wrong with this
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun: either the manga or anime, both are amazing imo and the comedy is unparalleled
Summertime Rendering: honestly the best mystery manga I've ever read and it got a boppin anime adaptation just this year, go in with as few spoilers as possible
Pandora Hearts: please read this manga, if not for the plot then just for the art because Mochizuki Jun improves so much over the course of this series and it's absolutely stunning
86 eighty-six: watch the anime and if you're feeling it read the light novel or just wait it out for a second season because this will definitely get one
2.43 Seiin Koukou Danshi Volleyball: okay so I know this is the less popular volleyball anime but I like this one more
IDOLiSH7: i love these idol boys and this is the best idol game turned anime adaptation out there I think
IDOLY PRIDE: the other really awesome idol anime, I love this more than words can say and it's just a good time all around
Ao no Exorcist: read the manga and just avoid the anime please, the manga is much better
Fruits Basket: I watched the 2019 series and I didn't know what I was getting into at all but damn it was worth it, this anime is perfect
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru: I clearly like a lot of sports anime lol, but nah this one is good and has like warm and fuzzy friendship vibes but an older cast so it's a bit more serious
Kono Oto Tomare: music anime about a traditional Japanese instrument with great friendship and romance, I loved this so much that I bought the CD and I will one day play it for my wedding
Ya Boy Kongming: it's got great music and is hilarious, you could not ask for more imo
The Raven Boys: this was a fun time to read, like it had friendship and romance and all that teenage angst but also treasure hunting and supernatural powers
Percy Jackson: someone has probably already recced this tbh
All Our Yesterdays: the only valid time travel novel imo
Here Lies Daniel Tate: there's murder, there's mystery, what more could you want lol
The Devil is A Part-timer: watch season 1 of the anime and if you want to continue past that hit me up because things get messy and your enjoyment will depend on which character was your fave
The Last Fallen Star: a korean mythology middle grade novel
Into The Spiderverse: do I need to say more lol
The Good Place: again a comedy tv show, I do love comedy
Gilmore Girls: this is honestly a fascinating study in character development and writing
Ms Marvel: as a pakistani muslim this tv show was a mood in many ways
And there you have it! A very extensive list of media for you to check out! If you want to talk more about any of these and/or want more reccs join my discord server and feel free to scream in there! I am always ready to talk about fandoms and series I love but there's not enough people around lol
Thank you for the question! Feel free to check out my other answers under the tag mina answers! on my blog!
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[book review] blood and chocolate by annette curtis klause (1997)
this is really messy ya fiction that goes to some fucking intense (and i think, occasionally, irresponsible) places. i know i say this a lot about books like this but it really does feel like a similar energy to the kinds of writing i always really vibed with in fanfic but never really intentionally seek out in profic and i really do need to do something about that because i frequently end up loving it.
also it does that super fanficcy thing where it refers back to characters’ backstories in a way that makes you wonder if you missed a previous book or something even though this is the only book in the series. perfect. exquisite. i’ll take three.
i just fucking adore this kind of heart-on-its-sleeve bullshit. and this one also does that thing where it feels like a pretty restrained, conventional narrative for a good long while and the intensity just very abruptly spikes and it’s like “oh! ok. we’re doing this now i guess!” for the rest of the book.
that kind of thing can frankly actually be detrimental if it just doesn’t land for you for whatever reason, and for me at least i find my reactions to this kind of thing to be pretty fickle, and in this particular case i actually found myself completely onboard with the abrupt shift (... heh, shift).
like there is for sure shit in here that i could be obstinate & complain about if i really wanted to, and i wouldn’t even be wrong because i actually do think a lot of it is big-P Problematic, but for whatever reason this particular book just really lulled me into enjoying it anyway, and i like liking things so i’m just gonna go ahead and let myself like this.
(spoilers, cw: suicide mention, age gap relationship)
if you’ve followed my reviews for a while in one form/venue or another you might be thinking, “wait, robin, it sounds an awful lot like you’re describing a guilty pleasure, you said those aren’t a thing.” but i promise you that is not what’s happening here? nor am i “enjoying it ironically” (something i basically refuse to do, heck something i might be incapable of doing). my enjoyment is genuine. i will certainly allow that this is a “problematic fave,” which i suppose some people consider synonymous with a “guilty pleasure,” but i still think there’s an important distinction to be had there.
enjoying (or not enjoying) art is an inherently dialectical process and the meaning isn’t produced wholly in the media itself or wholly in you yourself, but rather in the relationship between those two things. i do not feel guilty about enjoying blood and chocolate. (wow that sounds like a whole thing out of context lmao.)
i am uncomfortable with some of the messages that can be derived about relationships from gabriel’s 180-degree turn from a guy made of literally nothing but red flags to the embodiment of gruff but tender masculinity, given the patriarchy-shaped patterns of abuse many women are subjected to in their searches for mates, and i think especially for a book marketed largely towards young women this does them a serious disservice.
but i’m an adult and i know better so i can separate my enjoyment of this from its problematic elements as long as i responsibly call them out when discussing the book. and against what i thought were pretty long odds when i realized where this story was going, i do like gabriel & vivian’s romance. i do like the guy he turns into later in the book, no matter how blatantly unearned that turn was. and i’m perfectly willing to just allow myself to enjoy that, in spite of all the fairly obvious reasons why i “shouldn’t.”
hell, his ideas about werewolves having an instinctive need to dominate & protect are fucking hot and i could easily see them being rewardingly incorporated into a power exchange relationship? and also like… even in the context where they came up in this book, they actually aren’t horrible? he’s basically explaining why relationships between werewolves & humans are inherently unsafe, but he’s doing it in a very empathetic, nonjudgmental way. and just… if that really is how things work in this world, i’m actually super behind his take?
but what really helped the most is that it wasn’t until vivian had been through something similar to what gabriel had been through, and he shared his story with her, helping her begin to recover from her trauma, that i was really sold on them. because their relationship really is built on them being kindred spirits.
i’m deliberately ignoring something rather huge here, and that’s the fact that vivian is 16 and gabriel is 24. and, i mean… some of the discourse about age gaps in romantic & sexual relationships can be overly rigid. like, as someone who was simultaneously being emotionally abused & manipulated by someone roughly my own age in a “romantic” relationship while also being in a much healthier fuckbuddies-shaped relationship with someone who was almost twice my age, i just don’t see how so many people can see this as such a one-size fits all kind of thing? but in the case of a 24-year old adult man and a 16-year old high school girl, i feel pretty fucking okay saying that this is one of the clearest-cut cases of “that shit is not okay.” and again this is an aspect of the story where i think the book pretty clearly fails its target audience, because holy shit should you never be drilling into people’s heads that that kind of thing is normal.
for the record, i also will briefly mention that i also don’t really think the way this book treats suicide is responsible at all, again especially in view of its target audience. i don’t super want to get into it in any more depth than that? and i am sorry if anyone feels let down by my bringing it up but not really feeling super comfy getting into it in depth, but i frankly just wouldn’t feel responsible if i didn’t mention it at all.
but, again, that really isn’t what decides whether i like a given story or not, it’s just context that i feel responsible to put out there. because in spite of all of that, i really like this book.
it really helps that vivian is actually super into being a werewolf? she isn’t all angsty & self-hating, she thinks her werewolf self is beautiful (because it fucking is) and she is hurt & confused & angry when aiden can’t see that. and gabriel seeing that & understanding it and talking her through it was a pretty huge breakthrough for me with that character. but really i just love vivian as a narrator, and i actually got pretty fucking miffed when a reviewer i usually like found her annoying because she really is my favorite thing about this book.
this is not only a problematic fave, it’s a problematic fave that has me excited to branch out and discover whole new problematic faves in this genre, because i understand that both a lot of the things that i found uncomfy in this book and a lot of the things i liked about it are basically genre staples. and yeah, i can for sure deal with more of this.
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Combo 1 with side of milk
It was Winter time!!, winter break was soon to come!. The turtles were testing these new gadgets that Don came up with, watches that were digital and had loads of features.
Mikey:"Wait up guys!! We supposed to be students for a day!"
Leo skids to a halt faceplanting on the snow covered ground.
Don slow claps walking past and around Leo:"Bravo Leon, way to make a good first impression"
Mikey facepalms then helped Leo up. He was about to make a comeback , but his attention was taken over by someone who just walked into the school building. Don had noted who he saw, looking between his brother and this mysterious girl. He had suddenly had an idea that a mischivious smile.
Don only smiles when he's up to something.
Now Raph finally catching up to them:"Guys! Seriously?! We supposed to- hold up Donnie? Why are you smiling like that??. You only ever up to something weird or bad when you smile like that."
Don:"Why not at all dear brother. Im more plo- I mean planning how to get my brother Leon here to talk to someone of the opposite sex."
Raph:"Uh say what now? Raph can't talk like you do in your fancy way, so translation?"
Mikey:"D is gonna get him to talk to this girl he saw."
Raph: "A g-girl!? Hold up!"
*He grabbed Leo's jacket collar almost now face to face*
"Raph needs details here! Is she working for Draxum?, Purple Dragons?!."
Leo pushes him away for breathing space, his hand pushing Raphs face away: Bro! Chill! I only saw her once!. Im yet to even get her name!.
Raph dropped Leo and sighs in relief brushing away supposed sweat:"Phew. For a minute there Raph thought you were actually gonna date her."
Mikey:"Uh Raph? Leo and Donnie just went inside."
All Raph could do was groan and facepalm as he walked with Mikey into the school building. Once the boys gathered inside at their designated lockers, they were grabbing their books for upcoming classes.
Don:"Ah school.The place where wisdom and romance work together."
Mikey:"Isn't it just for learning?"
Don:"Nonsense Angelo. Not only learning in achedemics takes place here.You ever wonder why we only have co-ed classes and recess? Why its so that we need to learn of the illusory female species, that only appears at those times."
*His brothers started snickering at his comments*
Don:"Sigh, you dum dums will learn soon enough. Oh why Leon look over there, locker number 48."
Leo's eyes rolled as he turned around, only to freeze seen the very same girl again. She was busy in her locker. Her hair was a midnight black with a blue streak in her fringe, and was done up in messy bun. She was around Mikeys height, she had pale skin, her eyes were hazel coloured too.
The mysterious girl eventually saw Leo and blushed so red, her face would make tomatoes jealous and hides behind a book.
Don: "Oooh La La~ what have we here Leon?."
Leo: "Sh-Shut up Don-"
Don: "I know her class schedule."
*He handed the shedule to his brother and walked off to find his class*
Mikey: "Oh! I got art class first! See ya guys later!"
*Mikey zoomed off faster than kids when they hear they getting fresh baked goods.*
Raph pats Leos shoulder: "Go get her. Raph got you covered."
Leo nervously approaches the girl, then cleared his throat once. This gained her attention of course.
Leo:"Sooooo ummm my name's Leo. What is yours?"
???: "Uhh oh yeah um Keiko."
Leo:"Keiko? Thats a cute name."
Keiko:"Eh?? Well uh I guess- NO! Its weird-."
Leo was starting to chuckle at her reaction:"Nah its cool!. Besides I noticed you into Jupiter Jim due to your key ring."
Keiko:"Wait what? You know Jupiter Jim!? Shut up! We so gonna binge the entire series! Uh well if you find the time that Is."
Leo:"I have no sleep schedule and Friday a sleepover?"
Keiko:"Hmm maybe at my friends house she rarely uses?. She got this room with big screen tv in it."
Leo:"Then I will bring snacks!."
Keiko:"I will bring the movies. Oh uh lets get to class before professor grumps shows up."
Leo:"Professor grumps?."
Keiko:"He never lightens up much more than a lightbulb..."
Leo:"Pffffft. Bet hes so grumpy that lemons turn sweet."
Keiko wheezed at his line:"Exactly!. Anyways lets go Leo."
Leo gestured she walks first: Ladies first. I have to say Im lucky to find a hidden gem like you."
Keiko got flustered and shy after that remark: "Sh-Shut up Leo!. Im a menace to society here!."
Leo laughed as they walked together:"News flash, Im a menace to society as well."
Keiko had this mischivious look:"Snowball fight after school?."
Leo:"Oh! ho! ho! You so on!."
Don however was watching the entire scene unfold in the background.: "Ah young love....disgusting."
???:"I know right!? Ew!
Don looked to this mysterious girl standing next to him, an incredulous look on his face.
???:"Ugh now I gotta deal with Keiko drooling over photos of her new biyfriend."
Don:"Groan, i just realised Leo is gonna drool over photos of Keiko!."
???:"Well we on same boat it appears."
Don:"Names Othello Von Ryan or as my brethren call me Donatello."
???:"Mitsuri. Im a the librarian assistant."
Don talked for hours with Mitsuri, while Leo and Keiko were having time of their lives at sleepover.
From then on it appeared the boys had met their match. They both were happy together from then on. The other boys were yet to find their match.
Happy ending! Enjoy!!
0 notes
vinnybox · 2 years
Hi,,,, I really like your art honestly it's so cute and cool and well,,,, Talons! Dick hair.... How soft is his messy hair is? Because I wanna touch it,,, would he like it being touched? Oooo does he like head pats or hugs? Uh sorry if I'm bothering ya I love your talon au
Hello there!! :D I see you around in tags and sometimes Tumblr rec your posts on my dash! Glad seeing you here! Dont worry you're not bothering at all! :3 <3
Talon!Dick's hair is pretty soft once he's back with the batfam cause of more proper care!
Back with the court, he didn't have time to really do much other than keep himself clean, so he didn't have like, hair conditioner or anything like that other than some shampoo to wash his hair and all the other necessary stuff like soap/body wash etc, but we'll leave it at that since we're gonna do hair talk and some fluff! >:Dc
If you wanna touch his hair, depending on which time period you're thinking of, I'll list down a little progression so we get all the reactions! Hope this is fun to read!
Reactions to headpats:
Dick still with the Court of Owls - While here, the court is very sparse with physical affection, if there's any at all. At most, they only tell him "Good work," with a hand on his shoulder if he did something they deem as a job well done. Attempting to pat his head during this time, usually makes him tense and pull back a bit, mostly because a lot of time, physical contact had been unpleasant. When someone does pat his head, he's, at first, confused, and maybe a little cautious since he's unsure if there's any other intent behind the physical contact. He's like "...??" After confirmation that he's not going to get hurt, he'll eventually let himself relax into the touch and tries to enjoy it for as long as he can. He thinks it's nice and would love to get more even if he's pretty sure requesting this is out of the question. The court would not tolerate insignificant requests.
Back with Batfam - After months of recovery, Dick went from being very tense to physical contact to being able to completely fall asleep to someone petting his head or gently running their fingers through his hair. He'll probably ask for them himself too! Either through body language like scooting closer to someone with his head lowered, or being vocal about what he wants. He very much enjoys hugs too once he has adjusted back to life with the batfam and he's more than happy to return the hug!
Bonus! Imagine Cass playing with Dick's hair and leaving him with cute hair clips. Maybe It even become a little tradition where they trade hair clips every time they hang out! Or each of the batfam sometimes has leftover feathers from Dick hugging them with his wings.
IN SHORT: I think after some readjusting back into a more normal life, he's happy to receive and give hugs and head pats! For the Court era, he's a little reluctant to both, but he'll warm up!
Sorry for rambling haha, I like brain storming possible scenarios for this AU (* ̄U ̄)╭ Here's little treat for you. I'll leave this ambiguous to who's petting his head. Can be you, a member of the batfam, or Wally 👀 maybe even a memory or a dream Dick is having of his parents. Let your imagination decide! Mediocre writing drabble ahead o(-( BUT I did have fun tho hehe!
Upon seeing a shift in their hand, Talon finds himself balling his fists, feathers bristling, and head lowering automatically for what usually came next, only for him to feel fingers carding through his hair gently. He blinks, once, twice, then gathers enough courage to look up and face the owner of the hand currently playing with his messy hair. This... is new...? He's pretty sure he's getting his head petted right now, and he's not sure what to do other than stand awkwardly and try not to fidget. The court almost never did this, and when they do, it usually came with some kind of degrading words. Should he do or say something? Maybe the latter isn't a good idea. Then there's a gentle voice coaxing him to relax, so with some reluctance and silent debate, Talon allows his shoulders to relax along with his body, wings shifting to a more comfortable position. The feathers smooth themselves as he's no longer on high alert for potential incoming attacks that... were never there in the first place. More reassuring words lull him under a blanket of calm, and he couldn't help but lean his head into the touch a little more with a sigh he had been unknowingly holding. If this is happening, might as well enjoy it while he can. It's... nice. Much more than anything he's ever felt. Talon's eyes drift shut to the slow strokes of the hand on his head, and he finds that he's not as tense as he was earlier. For once, he wasn't a weapon or an assassin armed to the teeth with knives and daggers while on a mission. Maybe he's home.
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