johnbeytia · 2 years
And when your heart and soul are hurtin'...
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Feeling Stuck
In every single day that we wake up and do the same old routine, we cannot deny the fact that sometimes we question ourselves “when is the progress coming?”. We know to ourselves that we do not want to suffer in extreme poverty, and as educated beings, we dream and aim for something bigger, because we were thought that there is something big that awaits us. But what if you’ve been stuck in a very reputable company for years or let us say half a decade of continuous work as a dedicated individual, yet you do not seem to experience the progress and that ‘big’ they say that awaits you. Actually, it is simple but everyone puts the pressure on it that’s why the burden of waiting and hoping that the right time will come to you and magically gives you better career opportunity. In reality, whether or not you work so hard to get a promotion or that progress you are looking for, it will come if it is really for you. The thing is, a lot of people tend to compare their current statuses with their schoolmates in high school, college, and or even some workers who have quit their jobs but are able to get more stable and higher paying jobs. Sometimes we lack confidence and determination that there’s really something that awaits us, it’s just that maybe we are not still fully equipped to face the battle, or maybe there are greater opportunities that are yet to come, but because of our lack of patience, we bore ourselves and think that we are not good at our profession, or we put blame to people who are somehow part of the decisions we are making in life. But, hey… what is important is that you have already acquired a degree that will enable you to find for a job anytime of the day, compared to the ones who are not fortunate like you to have obtained a degree. Honestly, comparing the two, the ones who did not even finish college gets to earn more compared to the ones who have graduated in college and had passed licensure exams. Do you know why? Because their experiences and downs have been their motivation to abruptly hit the top of the mountain, their burning desire to succeed in life is continuously burning, they do not want to waste time and they wanna make the most out of it. So what I am trying to impart is that, we do have different struggles in life, and socio-economic status is not a barrier for you to attain something more. We are writing our own story, you can be anyone in your story as long as you work really hard for it, nothing is impossible. Just believe in yourself and do whatever you think would help you in your journey do it. I would want to leave this short message to the ones who are feeling stuck in their lives right now that, always be humble and be friendly. You do not know where smiles can take you.
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