#someone with more knowledge than me tell me what this ship is called idc if this fic is shippy or not i wanna know
starpirateee · 7 months
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To the dear guest who requested this, thanks so much! I was personally expecting a sickfic at some point, so it's my honour!
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Paul was never late. Ever. He'd basically made it part of his personality to show up to work and little events within a reasonable margin to be considered "on time".
But, somehow the luck just had to run out eventually. Like the day his car broke down and he had to catch the bus to work. that day, he was a good forty minutes late (most of which was spent on the phone to Tony Green, trying to find a time to drop his car off, and subsequently missing the bus that may have gotten him to work on time), and that was so late that he managed to walk into Ted in the hallway.
Ted was normally one to amble into work late, but this time felt a little different. The two of them shared the lift up to the right floor, and Paul couldn't help but notice the way Ted seemed to be having a little trouble staying entirely upright. He spent the few seconds that the journey took leaning against the wall, and avoiding looking at Paul and the lights above their heads.
As Paul had pretty quickly discovered, there was nothing particularly interesting about Ted's shoes.
"Uh, Ted... Are you okay?" he asked eventually, just as they reached their floor.
the lift stopped and the doors opened. Ted made quick work of exiting, mainly so he could avoid being confronted by anyone, but Paul's words drew him back. He turned around slowly, ignoring the way his head screamed it's protests, and nodded. "Yeah, 'm fine. Just hungover." He could get away with that, it was a Monday, right? People drank on a weekend...
"Ted, it's Wednesday..." Paul pointed out, in a manner that he thought was rather helpful.
Of course it was.
Granted, Ted didn't know what day it was at the best of times, but he had been working the rest of the week, so he should've known that it wasn't a Monday. "Yeah, and? I'm... Allowed to drink on a Tuesday."
"... Okay. I mean, yeah, sure you are, but-"
the two of them walked onto the office floor, and Paul insisted on seeing Ted all the way to his door, just to really make sure.
"- y'know, not a lot of people do."
"Get off my case, Paul... I'm fine." He opened the door to his office, fumbling first to get his keys, and then again when he tried to get them in the keyhole. Paul watched the whole time, his head tilted like he was about to make some claim that Ted was lying. Ted raised an eyebrow at him. "don't you have somewhere better to be?"
That seemed to snap him out of it. He nodded and backed away to join the rest of the technical department. On the way, he shot a couple glances back at the now closed office door, knowing full well that Ted wasn't as fine as he made himself out to be.
those suspicions were only confirmed when he heard Bill sigh heavily in the next cubicle, shift in his seat, and mutter, "Jesus Christ, can't he keep that to himself?"
Paul leaned around the divider, brow furrowed. "What's the problem, Bill?"
"Can't you hear it? I mean, we all know what Spankoffski gets up to in that office of his, but he's not exactly making it subtle today..."
Initially, Paul winced in agreement. They did all know what Ted got up to when he was alone. The last time they confronted him about it, Ted only grinned and explained that the office network didn't have a blacklist put in place, so technically speaking, they had free reign to do whatever they wanted. But, he was never normally a problem about it, so reluctant as they were, they had left the matter alone and just tried not to think about it.
Paul realised there was probably a good reason why Bill could hear Ted today, and thankfully, it had nothing to do with... That. For once.
"I don't think that's what you're hearing," he hummed, shooting a quick, sympathetic glance towards the door.
"What're you saying? Bill asked. "He's clearly-"
"I know what it sounds like, but he said he was hungover when we got here, but I dunno whether I believe him..."
"It's Wednesday."
"I know. That's what I said. I don't think he's doing so hot. Uh, that is, I think he's sick."
And Paul wasn't talking about him as a person. Bill's brow creased, and he actively tried to focus. This time, both men heard what they thought was a shaky sigh, and a groan that sounded much more like a protest than a pleasure. They glanced at each other and Paul shrugged, his point having been proven.
"Yeah, no, I'm not buying it. He's not fine, and I don't care what he tries to tell me." With that, he stood up and started towards the door. Bill didn't try to stop him, but kept his eyes trained on the office as Paul approached.
He knocked first, half expecting Ted to have locked himself in.
"... 's open." Came the voice from inside, slightly more strained than it had been a few hours ago.
Taking a quick, prepatory breath, Paul opened the door, dropping his other hand to his side. Ted was once again hunched over himself, discarding a tissue in the bin by his desk. He looked up, caught the concern so clearly written across Paul's face, and sighed. "Didn't I already tell you to get off my case, Matthews?" He asked, somewhat drily.
The only response Ted got was a nod.
"Then... What's the big idea, huh?"
"Bill thought- uh..." He glanced back, stopping himself mid sentence and deciding it wasn't worth it to follow that up. Ted probably already knew what Bill had assumed, anyway. He certainly didn't seem disappointed by being the name behind such a reputation. "You're... Not hungover, are you?"
"Good job, detective." Ted's chest heaved, and his next breath sent him into a bout of coughing. Paul noticed how raspy it was, and how rough Ted sounded when he came out of it. "It's nothing. Some... Flu or something I picked up from my brother, or one of his dorky classmates... I dunno. But I'm fine."
Quite surprised, Ted's eyebrows raised. "Was that sarcasm there? From you?"
Paul just shrugged. He could add sarcasm when he needed to. He totally knew the context for something like that... Thankfully, the subject was dropped before he could think about whether he'd done that intentionally or not.
"Why are you so bothered anyway?"
The fast attempt at giving an answer was broken off by another coughing fit, and in that time, Paul tried to refine his answer before realising he didn't really have a good one in the first place. He sighed. "I'm worried about you, man. You've gotten paler every time I look at you."
Ted faltered, his head lifting just enough to fully catch Paul's gaze and decipher that he did indeed look worried. He seemed sincere enough, and the thought of it- the thought of someone he didn't actually know that well, all things considered, seeming genuinely worried at his expense- made his eyes widen.
Paul picked up on the extended silence and shifted, now humouring the thought that he may have done something wrong. "What?"
"You're serious?"
"Huh? Of course I am. You need to get yourself home, you look like you're going to pass out. In fact... No, I can drive. If you want."
"You took the bus this morning," Ted reminded.
"I know. I meant your car. That way, you don't have to leave it here to forget about by tomorrow..." Paul hadn't thought this through. In his eyes, that just meant Ted wouldn't have to wake up the next morning and completely forget where his car was. Besides, it's not like he lived close...
"You're asking me for my keys? When I can just as easily drive myself home?"
"Will you make it?"
There was a silence. Ted realised pretty quickly that this was an argument he was going to lose, so he sighed as he stood up. It was fine, at least he wouldn't have to keep face here when all he wanted to do was sleep until his problems went away. "... Fine." He muttered, shoving his hand in his pocket for his keys and handing them out to Paul. "Wreck it and I kill you, 'kay?"
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akajustmerry · 5 months
on sherlock adaptations: what do you think of house
I have so Many thousands of thoughts of House as a Sherlock adaptation that I could write a book about it and chapter one would be called: A HOUSE IS NOT A HOLMES© because I don't CARE that they called him House and idc that his apartment is 221b and that he plays the violin sometimes and solves problems, that's not my friend Sherlock Holmes!!!!!
House doesn't work as a Sherlock adaptation because deduction as Holmes practices it in the stories is not SPECIALIST KNOWLEDGE!!! the whole appeal of Holmes is that you read it and you feel like you could also deduce things. Holmes teaches you a way to look at the world and be more observant and use that knowledge to help people.
Holmes isn't a politician or a policeman even, he's a guy who wants to help because he's studied a particular way to see the world and you can too.........House is a SPECIALIST DOCTOR with a typical Doctor's God complex. That's as far as you can get from Holmes!!! The whole point of Holmes is he's not part of an institution!!! He operates OUTSIDE OF IT. House's knowledge base is medically specialist, you can't engage with his deductive reasoning the way you can with Holmes in the stories because to know what he knows you have to go to med school for 20 years. There's never a sense when you watch that you could have figured it out. Also, House's job description is institutionalised and established. He's not doing anything (med malpractice aside) that wouldn't be in the scope of any other specialist.
Thirdly, Sherlock Holmes isn't a guy looking to have power of people. This is the thing that arguably pisses me off most about House which is the interpretation of Holmes as someone looking lord his intelligence over others. I think this comes from the prevailing tortured genus trope. But also people not being able to tell the difference between Sherlock as a character who is just very open about his observations and someone who's an asshole. Sherlock is actually a very honest character which sometimes yeah means he's harsh but mostly he's just truthful. House mutilates this trait beyond recognition to the point of near constant and unrealistic cruelty.
Finally, I think making Holmes a doctor literally means you can't actually have a Watson because arguably the whole point of Watson, other than to be the audience pov, is to add credibility to Sherlock's unorthodox career choice AND to provide a traditional scientific perspective. House being a Doctor means none of that is really needed. Everyone knows, understands, and respects what a Doctor is!!! Wilson as a Watson figure has nothing to do except be the audience's WTF POV. Even the way Wilson and House's friendship is done is simply, like.... they didn't read the source material. Do you get that these men are meant to be at the very least friends who enjoy each other's company?? Also I think people need to shut the fuck up about House MD being a secretly gay show. A show doing homophobia on the regular isn't gay in any way that matters.
I say all this as someone who's watched it and enjoyed it at times. House and Cuddy were literally like one of the first ships I ever shipped. Do you know how weird it is to be 15 rooting for 2 middle aged co-workers on tv to fuck?? Anyways, I have lots of other thoughts about how the show handles House's addiction and disabilities and how arguably these are also taken loosely from Holmes lore. But if House MD must be considered a Holmes adaptation, it's one that mostly just mutilates. Almost every criticism hbomberguy says in his Sherlock is Garbage video essay is also applicable to House MD.
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silvcrignis · 1 year
@manufactoredxbyxdesign ♛
@manufactoredxbyxdesign Punky’s out here throwing you to the WOLVES, they just made a lucky choice because I’m a favourite player lmfao.
{Meme}: [ ♛ ] send me your url and i'll tell you the following; {x}
My opinion on;
Character in general: It’s so sad that I have nar actually played a single Resident Evil Game (I used to watch my dad play them back when I was a smol) or touched a single DBD match but somehow still ended up hyper fixated on this character bc not only was he EVE R Y WHERE back when I was a kid he was my like favourite type of shitbag smarmy over confident character hdhghg I would probably write Albert Wesker if I had the confidence or the complete lore knowledge to hfhgh the perfect live action FC already exists for him thanks to Buffy 😭
How they play them: Hgdhgnh I’ve told them this personally but they’re soooo good, like I hear Albert’s voice when they post something??? Like I love him, a lot of people love uwuing softening villains & I’m like bro they’re fucking evil they may have tender moments or people they are softer with but that’s an EVIL hoe, stop pretending they didn’t do nothin’ wrong. He’s written so MEAN & I fucking adore that, it’s the same way I portray my Severus Snape bc that man has called his own spouse a fucking FOOL before & that’s. My. T y p e, Like I need them to understand I’m not just saying this bc they gave my shit stain gremlin girl a chance (okay maybe a little bc this place has burnt me many times b u t) I’m saying this because I genuinely don’t think they realise just how GOOD they portray this nasty snarky PHD wielding grifter man 😭
The mun: Hurt them & feel the sting of my blade, I swear to God, I will break into your home at 3:37 AM & slather cream cheese & onions on the inside of your pillowcases if I find out you ever legitimately hurt their feelings. Like I was so scared to follow them bc their writing was really on point & canon character blogs be acting stank as hell here especially to me bc Keira isn’t an easy™️ OC girl. & like idc if someone roasts me but I will r I d e for my squad, especially the ones who put up with my ridiculous spammy bullshit like they do hhhhh they deserve better than some of the absolutely manic posts I send them fr fr but I usually make up for my transgressions by sliding them the gud Albertcore.
Do I;
Follow them: I do, I followed their second blog @lxdyvenxm so fucking fast when I saw their post it gave me whiplash ghhgbhjn
RP with them: Of course I do, I have to stick all the pale haired tsunderes together in one spot though Al is a low-key yandere wearing the tsundere skin tbch but he’s deffo part of the club.
Want to RP with them: I… I need Keira to leave this man alone bc every time I get a new idea for Keira the DBD verse her first thought is “What would Albert think about it~🖤🖤🖤?” Yeah she’s a lil obsessio over him but I’M normal hfhgh I don’t want them to think I’m a weird stalker like I don’t want into Albert Wesker’s pants this CREATURE is the one who does!!!!
Ship their character with mine: The concept of them together is terrifying & I mean BOTH Keira & Albert & uhhh the other two shinies (YOU KNOW WHO grhfghf) like they would put the “Power” in the would power couple before some crazy shit starts going down in that Fog… So yeah I do, I want them holding hands while those hands are covered in blood… Because they’re making out while stabbing a person. While holding the same knife. Little known fact about me I fucking LOVE murder couples, especially where one’s a little more fucked up than the other but the other isn’t bothered by that instead they use their slightly calmer head to plan out some REALLY fucked up ideas for them to do together.
What is my;
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Overall opinion: Send a long text get a long text ba- Oh wait wait that’s like summin different. Follow them. Love them. Ask about their headcanons bc their headcanons are really good & so fascinating??? Let Albert dismember & bully your muse, Keira wants to film him throwing around their body parts everywhere with the tentacles pls she said it’ll be super funny~~~~
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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hikari-writes · 4 years
Behind The Scene of Love At First Legend
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A/N: I thought I need to tell you guys how exactly was Lafl made and i need to rant this out so uh....here we go! Contain SPOILER obviously so i don't recommend you reading this before you finish reading Lafl. But with that outta the way, here we go!
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Before the making of it
Truthfully speaking, I didn't actually plan it out to be a shiggy x reader. So here's the thing, i wanted to do a smau and I only had thought of the title and the acronym and what it's about (aka shoto is a ghost enthusiast and wanted to share his knowledge of legend with y/n) I was literally STUCK on who to make this smau for. The main trio is obviously not a choice since they're friends of Y/N. At first i thought, well, maybe Kirishima? I even already MADE banners using him 😭😭😭 but then my smartass brain thought, hey, why don't we make it to have angst where the guy accidentally lashed out at her because he's afraid of her knowing about his feelings and then the trio (mainly katsuki) comforted her and told her that it was because of her that their friendship is still going (as shown in part 17)
But then i was like, NO! If we're using Kirishima, we can't use that idea! He's a precious sweetheart and he's not the type to lash out to someone he likes in order to hide his feelings! So i was like, okay, fine. Then who should we do for? My other suggestions included Tokoyami (rejected because i can't write him in a smau. He's gonna say many edgy things and i can't take him srsly if he did) and Kaminari (the same reasoning as kirishima, he's a precious babey qwq). And then i was like, okay, how about Monoma. But then i was like, ..no thanks...🙄🙄
And then, i suggested another;
Me: how about Shinso---
Also me: NO!!! There's already A BUNCH of shinsou smau and i don't really wanna feel like making him since myherowritings has done like 2 smaus of him. I'm afraid i might even feel like I'm plagiarising stuff.
This goes on for longer than I'd like to admit honestly. I was pretty adamant on keeping the "y/n get cheered up by her friends" thing so i really need to have someone who's a jerk to be the partner.
I wasn't too keen on making for any of the LoV members tbh. Mainly because, while this is a quirkless au, making the trio talk about LoV is abit....and mostly all the guys in LoV has quite big age gap with the trio so.... yeah it's a bit awkward. The closest to their age was shiggy and i was still pretty reluctant to use him. In the end, i managed to gave up and used him anyways.
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During the making
I STRUGGLED A LOT, if you can't tell. I'm really not a person who plans ahead of things so thinking up ideas AS I'm writing it was hell. The only thing that i have thought ahead of time was the "shoto sharing his knowledge of legend to y/n". That was it. The legend of the rock at the shrine that can grant wishes about love was completely made on the spot as I'm writing it. 🤭🤭🤭
Things really got a lot messier than i thought and I struggled as I'm writing it. I had thought of creating more drama and making the "lashing out because i don't want you to know my feelings" part BUT as you already know, i didn't 😫😫
I also thought up y/n's past trauma and the reason for her social anxiety ON THE SPOT and after making shiggy comfort her, i realized, i couldn't make the "lashing out because i don't want you to know my feelings" part after all qwq. But i managed to insert the "bakugou telling y/n it's because of her that their friendship is still going on" so it's all good 😌😌
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Dramas and Shiggy OOCness
I intended to insert MUCH more drama and angst but after writing her past, i realized that that's not possible 😔😔😔 and considering how much of an impatient and bratty he is in canon, it was actually perfect to insert more dramas
BUT THEN I REALIZED THAT THERE'S NOT ENOUGH SHIGGY/N MOMENTS TO MAKE THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER STRONGER , and yet again, i panicked. So i made shiggy to be this super caring and understanding guy and helped y/n get over her past.
In the end, that's how he came to be so ooc and the only time he actually FELT like shiggy was when he was interacting with the LoV members and THAT WAS IT. I freaked out but after the part where shiggy comforted y/n, i was like, "idc anymore, since I've already made him ooc in this part, might as well continue making him like that"
A dick move i know 😔😔😔😔😢😢😢😢😢 so I'm super sorry that i made him so ooc and cringeeeeeeeeeee 😳😳😳😫😫😫😫
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Shiggy as a whole
Shiggy wasn't my favourite character in the canon but after knowing his past from some spoilers on youtube vids that i watched, i really felt like i want to protect him so he falls more to the category of "babies that i want to protect" as a character. I'm still progressing through the manga so i believe that that feelings will change soon enough. (Like it did with *cough* bakugou *cough* 😳😳😳😳 because i at first put him in that category too but now I'm simping over him 😔😔😔👊👊👊👊💕💕💕)
That being said though, while writing this smau and all those cheesy parts came, i can honestly say that my love meter for him had increased 😳😳😳💕💕💕 i mean this smau isn't canon or anything but i can't help but to feel more attracted to him (send helpp qwq) so writing this smau has actually opened my eyes to the feelings i never thought i have for this guy 😳😳🤫🤫🤫💕💕
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Things that didn't make it to the final cut
There were many things, and one of them is, as i stated above, the dramas which includes shiggy's impatience and childish personality.
Some others are;
-interaction between jiro and y/n (i really want to do this too smh 😢😢😢)
-a bit more insight on the model magazine shoto works for. As mentioned, he works for Hanrei Mag and if you saw Dabi's tweets on his profile during the shiggy crew introduction, you can see that Dabi said "Todoroki shoto refused to become the successor of Hannen Corp and became a model at Hanrei Mag instead."
If you don't know, shoto's quirk, half cold half hot, in japanese is called hanrei hannen. ("Han" meaning half and "rei" and "nen" meaning cold and hot respectively). I actually named the model mag shoto worked for Hanrei Mag to show how much he despises his father and refused to become the next CEO of the Hanrei Corp which is his father's company and became a model for Hanrei Mag instead. Just like in the canon where Shoto refused to use his father's flame side during the sports festival.
But in the end i didn't get to explain that part 😔😔😔😢😢😢
-i wanted to insert some moments where Y/N talks about how she ship Jiro with Kaminari. I even had a screenshot prepared for it 😫😫😫😫 but again, this didn't make it to the final cut 😭😭😭
-more memes and cracks
Trust me, I DO WANT TO INSERT MORE OF THIS ELEMENT!!!!! BUT...! But...! ....but...... 😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭 I SUCK AT MAKING JOKES AND WRITING CRACK STUFF! I really respect those people that can make them so easily, i could never 😫😫😫 as you can see, I'm bad at making cracks and jokes and i only insert lil bits of memes. Crack and humour is just isn't my forte. 🤡🤡🤡🤡 can someone teach me how to be funnier??? The only joke that i was pretty proud of was the one where y/n thought shiggy said "How do you do?" When he said "what do you do?" At their first unofficial date. And even that, looking back on it, wasn't that good 😭😭😭
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To sum it up, Love At First Legend (LAFL) wasn't intentionally made for Shigaraki at first but when I finished writing it, I realized that I actually enjoyed writing for him. Anyways, thank y'all so much for staying with me till the end! Love y'all and keep being awesome!!!!
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angel-nero · 8 years
I wanna know you better!
Tagged by @glaspaladin !!!!!! *hearts i cant add* I’m tagging: @koganess @captainkaltar @lukaspatel @knight-enchxnter @saltedleggy @lipsticklounge @sumi-masen @soomin009 @a-juuzou-a-day @madithetitanslayer @blue-stripe
RULES: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you. 
1. What’s the one thing you can obsess over without ever getting tired of it? Wow, I get bored of everything, like, I can still love it with all my heart but it will be like meh in a few years even if i still love it. OH BUT THEN THERE'S ART FUK THAT'S THE REAL ANSWER 
 2. Do you believe in aliens? What about ghosts? Bigfoot? I'm pretty sure aliens and ghosts are real. Big foot and all that? Not even a bit lol 
 3. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Woah, pretty sure I'm a pessimist tho some ppl like to fight and call em/it being realistic?????? 
 4. What’s your biggest regret? God, nothing that has lasted enough for me to remember 
 5. Do you dye your hair? If not, what colour would you go? No, I don't. I just graduated high school and schools here won't permit even a basic color, like, wtf. I wish tho. If I could I would dye it silver even if it doesn't fits me idc. And too many other colors actually. Oh yes, like pastel pink idc, blue and purple i don't give a daaaaammmn, i just need someone to do it for me, knowledge to not fuck up and m0ney ca$h flow. 
 6. Are you a clean or messy person? I like clean stuff, everything has to be clean but I'm very messy and lazy. Shit. 
 7. Do you like where you currently live? Yes! It's a pretty city and it has a beach, but it sucks. It's very damn hot when it's not winter, too many assholes, the government fucking sucks lol, like, wow mexican pals will know where I live if I say our governor is a fugitive LMAO. He did very shitty things, has the worst voice ever and I fucking hate him. It's also very boring in here and wow, there's a carnival in a few days and I hate February cus carnival means BIG MESS, KILL YOURSELF, it endures a whole month the mess, or two. 
 8. If you could change one thing about one of your fandoms, what would it be? FUK BEX WHAT A WAY TO MAKE ME PISSED LOL. Okay, the damn antis. i hate when I follow a blog and then i see their stupid opinions and its like wow unfollow. And the people that actually bother other ppl about what they like, it's like, wow, don't you have a life..? Do you need water? Like, dude, why do you ever give a fuk. Unfollow, block, do ya thing. Also the very lowkey antis, like, wow they don't send hate and sh1t but be like making comments over why certain ship is not CaN0n and b laughing about it like, B1tch!!!!!!! My she1th is cAnOn fuk 0ff. Everything is (or can be) canon, alright???? Wow, this became not vague as i wanted it, wow. I also hate when they're like, making a very stupid comment that's worth shit for a story and b like "@staff make dis can0n" wow there's so many shit that I hate and it took to follow one artist on tw to find out. And when ppl reblog art to be meant for a ship and they change it to sh1t like: "the br0ganes" HAHA SORRY, YO, IM FULL OF SALT. Everything was ok when I wasn't following more than 100 ppl but everyone is inactive and I wanted friends and wow i love you all new @mutuals. Also, when they b like yo, if my pairing ain't canon I quit or shit in other pairs. Like wow i don't expect anything to be canon, but also you're free to do anything you want so quit if you desire it, idc :) about snk? Ppl adding TOO MANY LIKE TOOOO MANYYYY freckles to marco. i know how EVERYONE b like "yo i come from the snk fandom i know about discourse" but that didn't happen to me pal. I realized I just listed what I hate instead of something productive fuk im full of rage don't look at me. 
 9. Do you have any nicknames? Gab. Feel free to add nicknames :-) cus I'm bad at it, like i didn't even called myself gab lol. Oh, and Bowie cus I love bowie a lot and plebs at school would be like "chica bowie" cus they don't even know who david bowie is, it's cute tho. They recently added ‘’Bow’’ wow FUCK GIVE ME EM NICKNAMES 
 10. How good is your poker face? Pretty good :-| 
 11. Have you ever seen something that you couldn't explain? Mmm, fuk im not even good explaining basic shit lol. I curse a lot? I'm sorry
My questions: 1.- do you normally care about washing the part where you drink from of your cans/ box of milk and stuff like that? God, my English is so bad. 2.- how long have you lasted without taking a shower?:^) (god, im so gross) 3.- tell us your paranormal stuff that has happened to you, like, the weirdest one. 4.-Any ship that makes you guilty? 5.-Do you like art? 6.-Do you do art? 7.- What kind of music you listen to? 8.-Ever went to a concert? tell us about it! 9.- What’s yout motto about life? 10.-Favorite fictional character ever? can do a list if needed 11.-What is a chill day for you?
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