#someone teach me how to interact with media normally pls
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bigquestionmark · 1 year ago
what do you mean you feel guilty about thirsting over a fictional character because of his fictional husband?
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breedseternalmisery · 9 months ago
see i’d be nosy as fuck and wanna see the list so here (most of needs are normal relationship things and things that normal people who love someone would do so. that tells a lot about me) ((also don’t even question some of the wants.. i probably wouldn’t be able to explain))
-420 friendly
-experience with mental health, eds, and trauma (either their own or friends or past partners, but i don’t want to have to TEACH them how to help me. i’ll of course help some but i don’t wanna have to lay everything out)
-has to learn overtime things that i’d need (examples: what movie would be good to put on or what type of show id need on a situation.)
-is able to to watch and help with overstimulations (i can’t tell sometimes myself, and having someone watch or help is important)
-someone to help me with tone (social interactions and cues with others but also MYSELF, sometimes i don’t even realize what’s acceptable or not)
-darker hair (i just like it more)
-will cook and bake with me
-will put effort into planning dates and gifts as i put into them
-will let me infodump
-will watch my shows and movies (and i REALLY hope they wouldn’t have seen a few because i wanna watch their reactions)
-understands space and boundaries (basically will give me space when i need unwound time)
-cat lover
-kid LIKER (don’t gotta love ‘em, but don’t hate them.)
-kinks and into’s similar (duhhh)
-has to like books (doesn’t have to love, but i want to give them a book now and then to read if i think they’d like it ((also have them read to me sometimes)) )
-similar music taste (so we can jam out together!)
-not too similar (so i can learn more and we aren’t too alike)
-more “dom” in the relationship? (idk the meaning of this but i know the VIBE of a guy i’d want, and that’s the only way i can describe it)
-same humor
-same views on politics (DUH)
-no fragile masculinity pls
-goood grammar (come on..)
-tats or wants tats
-is okay with love nibbles or bites (oral fixation so)
-dog liker
not required but WOULD BE NICE!!!
-neurodivergent themself !! (can understand each other better)
-taller than me
-smokes themselves (weed or cigs, both fine!)
-hot hands
-leaning dom top in the bedroom (listen i’m a verse switch very leaning sub bottom but like ON OCCASION I LIKE DOM TOP!!!)
-COLLECTOR LIKE ME!!! (so they understand why i love physical media and merch SO MUCH)
-CONCERTS!! (you don’t gotta like them, but come with me to them!! even if u don’t like the artist)
-indulges in my fantasies (i don’t really want kids, but it’s nice to think about them)
-likes horror movies (as long as you sit with me through them, even if ur eyes are covered the whole time, that’s all i ask)
-shows me their favorite things and gets excited when talking about them!! (i love when people have passions)
-bloody noses (hot.)
-a DISTINCT accent or like mother language is not english (hot. also can learn 😁)
-scars (hot!)
-has his own recipes (so we can share and try each others food)
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meg-noel-art · 5 years ago
003 character - adora
DUDE, dude, yes.
I could talk about her forever lesgo:
1.) How I feel about this character:
I have never found Adora anything less than a fascinating and complex protagonist. She's got all the characteristics of a classic hero archetype: she's brave, kind hearted, strong, selfless.... But she's also unbearably human. She makes a lot of mistakes. She's afraid of her responsibilities and her 'destiny', she's stubborn and sometimes extremely narrow minded (her way or the high way kind of situation), she's insecure and has a guilt complex the size of the planet itself.
And what's great about that is that all of those flaws stem from her background as a child soldier. It's all surprisingly gritty and real for the protagonist of cartoon.
Her misguided motivations always make sense, they align with the character we've come to know and love for all of her complexities. She's a great role model in some ways, and in others, she's an example of behaviors to avoid. MORE CHARACTERS LIKE THIS PLEASE. More heroes with just as many flaws as the rest of us. Adora's easy to relate to in that sense because we all have issues too. And when the protagonist of your show, is as broken as your audience, it makes the entire world of Etheria seem that much more personal.
I love her.
2.) Any/all people I ship romantically with this character:
If you know me at all, you know I ship Adora pretty exclusively with Glimmer. But I also see merits to some of her other ships. I like the fact that Adora unabashedly crushes on giant burly lesbians. Like, amazing 10/10 writing. Same hat.
Anyway, I'm going to use this opportunity to go off on Glimmadora:
I love this ship. And sure, for all the normal reasons, it's cute, it's wholesome, it's soft. But I like it for a lot more than that. I sincerely think it's an excellent dynamic. The two start out as staunch enemies. But not personal ones. They've never wronged one another. They've never even met. They were simply born and bred to hate/fight one another. Glimmer is a princess, the very thing Adora has been trained from childhood to destroy. And Adora is a key cog in the Horde machine that took her father away from her, strained her relationship with her mother, and essentialy structured her ENTIRE life. She was born into a war, and has never known anything else. Neither has Adora.
And yet, within hours of meeting each other, when they are at first hostile, they are then forced to work together and quickly come to realize that there entire lives have been built on propoganda, essentially. Yes the Horde is evil. But this is just a girl who was drafted into an army, who has never seen the outside world until today, who doesn't know what her own birthday means. And this other girl is a Princess, sure... But she's not a monster. She's not burning villages or murdering Horde soldiers? Upon putting aside their differences, Glimmer and Adora accept one another for who they are as individuals and that only grows throughout the seasons. There's never a moment where Glimmer ever acts as anything but supportive towards Adora and her various insecurities for the first 3 seasons. And likewise, Adora depends on Glimmer's support and comfort and it bolsters her as both a person and in her role as She Ra.
More than that, they are both the person the other needs, in a sense. Adora needs a person who isn't afraid to challenge her own stubbornness and her sometimes single mindedness. She needs someone who gently supports her through the rough times, but who also pushes her to be better when she feels hopeless. Glimmer does all this for her and more, just by being herself. It's a wholesome, fluffy ship, sure. But it also makes sense and portrays what a sincerely healthy relationship looks like in media and that's SO GOOD. They have their drama, and their arguments, anyone in any kind of relationship does. But it all stems from a desire to protect and care for the other and I'm going on for far too long, moving on--
3.) My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
Scorpia!!! She and Adora are at odds from the get go because of their contrasting relationships with Catra. But they're really fairly similar and I think eventually they'll be good friends. They're both very kind hearted and brave and forgiving. I can imagine Adora really giving up on herself and Scorpia being there to tell her how great and strong she is like she always did for Catra. They'd also have 'strength-offs' or sparring sessions and it'd be super cute. Be friends pls ;-; season 5 pls...
4.) Unpopular opinion about this character:
Um.... I mean it's ship related, but I think Catradora is detrimental to Adora's character and development as a whole? It detracts from all of her growth as a character thus far as well as her escape from an abusive home environment. But that's a whole other post I could make, so I'll leave it there.
5.) One thing I wish would happen to this character in canon?
I think we all want this, but I want Adora to S N A P. I want her to break emotionally and let all that grief and rage and guilt fuel her for a bit. We've seen glimpes of it. But I want her to get a moment to FEEL everything she obviously stuffs down for the sake of being She Ra, everyone's hero and hope. I want her to just be Adora and to break down to her lowest point so that she can finally start to heal. I think season 5 has set it up perfectly and now it just needs to knock the pins down. And I can't wait to watch 👀
6.) Favorite friendship for this character?
BOW! Bow is a great friend in general, but he is EXCEPTIONALLY patient with Adora and really listens to her. I STILL remember the moment in Mystacor during season 1 when he listens when Adora says she used to punch things in the Horde instead of relaxing. When the hot springs don't work, his next suggestion is that they find her something to hit! He is a good boy ;-; and a gentle friend and I wish season 4 had given them more conversations. They had plenty of time together but they didn't actually interact or talk much, which is weird. Bow is the guy I can see Adora goes to when she has questions that embarass her about Etheria, or relationships, or big scary topics. Because he'd approach them calmly and wouldn't talk down to her.
I also really wish Adora and Mermista interacted more because their opposing attitudes contrast so hysterically.
7.) My crossover ship:
HMmMMmm interesting..... I'd probably go with Kara Danvers!! Supergirl. Both are essentially aliens to their planet, adopted by families that teach them how to BE a hero in both their personal and "professional" lives. They are both lovably dumb with hearts of gold that just want to do the right thing but fear they can't. They'd have a lot in common. Also both strong and blonde and blue eyed and I -- 👀👀
That's it!!! Thank you for letting me scream about Adora ❤❤🥺
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freakscircus · 6 years ago
Pls teach me how to make the first move!! I got out of a serious relationship last December and I have a huge crush on this boy but idk how to talk to him or how to act like a normal human and do that human interaction thing ahhhhh
eeee i’m only really good at making the first move when i know a boy likes me. the first time i ever did it was when i was on a second date… with someone who was so confident and brilliant and goodlooking yet slightly painfully shy… i told him i had no other plans for the evening if he could think of anything for us to do….. we ended up back at his place sitting on his bed drinking wine, and only then was i ready to do anything! so the first time i ever made the first move it was really easy. but in other contexts doing it for the first time can be really hard, especially since i’m used to being the shy one. but i think you have to get to the point where you want what you want more than you care about being embarrassed. the worst thing that could happen is they could say no! when you’re not in the sort of context where you’re not literally sitting on their bed….. i would recommend just little things like following them on social media or asking about their interests then parlaying it into DMing or seek them out if you’re in the same social circle. try to get them alone or get them to sit with you away from everyone else. i love doing this, it feels so intimate. you can even ask about them subtly to their friends in the hope that they’ll relay that you might be interested. most guys will take it from here if they like you, but sometimes (such as in my case currently) they’re extremely oblivious and you have to work up the courage to ask them to do something just the two of you. just puuuuush yourself also alcohol helps if you’re comfortable with that. my favorite flirt thing is to ask if you can try their drink. sharing germs!! but yeah the more you do little things and the more you develop some kind of rapport and familiarity the easier it gets to move it into something more exciting. 
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