#someone pls exchange brains with me like I dont want to keep getting these dreams suhdjeusjs
trashcanfills · 2 years
Bruh why the FUCK did I get Stain from My Hero Acdemia in my dreams TWO TIMES IN A ROW???
My brain just can’t give me a break with this noseless bastard huh.
Anyone wondering what the dreams were: First one seemed like it was in an au where Stain becomes an Underground Hero instead. I was apparently a quirkless vigilante and was to unofficially support the Underground Hero Team in a mission to uncover some villain grp’s illegal activities in the hideout I discovered.
I was literally working overtime to keep the operation from failing cus some underground heroes did a couple of Oopsies and I had to cover for those while keeping up with other heroes as support, which Stain noticed and was somewhat impressed by? So he approached me, begrudgingly paid me a backhanded compliment and Eraserhead (yes this guy was part of the team and also was my main contact throughout since I wasnt allowed in the Hero comms oof) called him out lol and was bruh u were JUST commenting through the comms how efficient and effective their support was, which is practically your equivalent of singing praises to them and Stain became mildly flustered. Yes we did hook up in the end :^)
The second was one where he was still a villain like the canon universe, and I was a villain as well (likely for lov and somehow he was convinced?). Somehow WE had to infiltrate a HERO-affiliated organisation to obtain some information/documents and there was some event that allowed the public to visit and check the place out, which we took advantage of and posed as ordinary citizens lololololololol.
Hilariously, he was mostly disgruntled with the situation and kept attempting to go into restricted areas immediately to go speedrun the mission and I was like WHDJDIEJJS NO because ITS NOT THE RIGHT TIME TO DO SO and IT JEOPARDISES THE MISSION so I have to sneak around and forcibly drag him back. At some point I had to hug him by the arm while we are walking so I could keep him stuck with me and NOT GO AROUND ON HIS OWN LIKE A LONE WOLF FOR GODS SAKE STOP. >:((((
God that dream was stressful and I was so relieved when we managed to get what we wanted and leave. Then that bastard made some offhand comment abt being able to complete the mission faster if I let him do his shit instead to which I was like excuse me bitch I rather we finished it without having any long term consequences like i dunno leaving any evidence and have Heroes/the security staff noticing, which is sth YOU WOULD HAVE DONE BY STORMING IN AND KILLING THEM FUCKING DUMBASS.
These might become actual stories snippets one day if I bother to write them out but for now just have them as these brainrot ideas here
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