#someone please have her teach an Ethics 101 course
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evilphrog · 9 months ago
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No one is doing moral philosophy like her
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thedramafilesblog-blog · 7 years ago
Appearing before The Dramacourt: While You Were Sleeping Eps 13, 14, 15 and 16
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
***Disclaimer***: This analysis based on Canadian law. This is also NOT LEGAL ADVICE for anyone and this drama is FICTIONAL.
Whether the law gives you the right to hire a lawyer of your choice.
Whether getting home and seeing a cute doggy ransack your house is a pleasant surprise.
Whether comparing a prosecutor’s robes to a choir was perfect.
Whether Suzy jumping to conclusions about Hak Young being the murderer is her being a good reporter.
Whether a witness can behave like a defense lawyer during an initial investigation (or ever).
Whether you can prosecute just anyone even if there isn’t enough evidence to charge the person because you have no other suspects.
The Rule(s):
Yes. But the lawyer gets to decide whether to accept your case or not.
Not really. But if it’s a super cute doggy it’s much easier to forgive!
Yes. Absolutely hilarious.
Hell No.
No. That’s not the point of being summoned as a witness.
HELL NO! What is wrong with this drama?!?
RedRosette: First off, 95% of episodes 13 and 14 were filler. There was no need to talk about regret and feeling guilty for an entire episode. The other 4% was strategically placed PPLs: Subway, some fancy water brand, and some Japanese department store brand. OMG it was so pointless. Did we really need to spend like 20 minutes of Lee Jong Suk and Suzy shopping for random things? What was the point of that to the drama? (See Jung So Min’s struggles with PPL as a drama writer in Because It’s My First Time. It seems so relevant here) Why is the writing going down the drain? The only really relevant 1% was in episode 14 where we find out that Woo Tak might have a secret too and isn’t all happiness and bubbles with him like we were led to believe.
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Saving the day like…
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He didn’t die thank God!
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Was this really necessary?
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They probably paid Production a shit ton of money because this had absolutely nothing to do with this drama. 
Episodes 15 and 16 had some development. There were some legal problems that I wanted to raise (see Issues below), but mostly it confirmed the fact that I now hate Hong Joo’s character. She is unrealistic and is the worst “strong female” character. She throws tantrums when she doesn’t get what she wants, behaves like a child, and jumps to irrational conclusions. These are not qualities that you want people to emulate. You’d think that learning a grave life lesson as a child would mean that she wouldn’t make the same mistake in adulthood, but nope. Either that, or the writers really couldn’t come up with a better way to write in the connection to the “drowning�� in childhood. People come on! This is not good character development. I can’t deal with her character. Jae Chan on the other hand, remained steadfast in his beliefs and remains a solidly written character when it comes to his job and general ethics and morality. Of course, all this goes out the window when he’s presented with the Hong Joo situation and suddenly he’s irrationally wanting to get into relationships without any explanation. Tbh, I seriously don’t get the attraction to Hong Joo. She’s a super annoying, bratty and a pretty terrible character all around. I don’t understand why all these guys are falling for her left, right and center. She’s the worst Candy-type to hit the screens in a while. Woo Tak got some development too. We didn’t see his big secret being revealed in these episodes so maybe something will come of it next week. But, I did have some problems with Woo Tak’s role in episode 16 (see Issue 5).
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You guys needed a better plan and then maybe Woo Tak wouldn’t have gotten stabbed.
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Being a hero like…
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Entering into questionable deals like…
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Spying on your neighbors with the lights turned off like…
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Bring in that brotherly love!
We did also get more information about the childhood connection and now I’m pretty sure its the policeman they rescued who keeps sending Jae Chan money. These episodes were very difficult to watch in the sense that the plots were very slow and there was far too many slow-mo zooming in and out of the characters’ faces from different angles. Why? Seriously? Why? it’s not artsy, its just annoying if you don’t have a lot of time to watch a drama and you’re spending your lunch break watching it and all it is is zooming in and out of their faces OMG please just give us some plot development!!!
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I’m calling it. It’s him.
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What kind of 13 year has a license to ride a motorbike?
RedRosette J Aside: And yes we got too see more of Jang Hae In all smiles and in all of his shirtless glory thanksverymuch.
Issue 1: Whether the law gives you the right to hire a lawyer of your choice.
RedRosette J: Yes it does. When you are arrested or detained you have the right to counsel and you have a right to remain silent until you receive access to your counsel. The problem is that you can select a lawyer of your choice (or you get assigned a public defender if you can’t afford a lawyer) but the lawyer gets to decide whether to take your case on or not. If the lawyer feels that he or she doesn’t want to represent you, they can refuse to take your case. So while you do have a right to a lawyer, you do not have a right to a specific lawyer, which is really what the Chicken Killer was misunderstanding and why he kept screaming for Lee Yoo Beom. Buddy, that’s not how it works. Have a seat.
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You have a right to counsel
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But he gets to refuse your case
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Asking for sentencing like…
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When your co-worker does a good job
Issue 2: Whether getting home and seeing a cute doggy ransack your house is a pleasant surprise.
RedRosette J:  It’s probably not going to be super pleasant, but that doggy was super super cute and adorable and it’s hard to look at a face like that and be angry about it. You’d literally just want to pick it up and cuddle it instead!
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It’s a mess but he’s sooo cute! ❤ Robin!
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Please give us a drama with Shin Jae Ha and Robin the Corgi kthanksbye.
Issue 3: Whether comparing a prosecutor’s robes to a choir was perfect.
RedRosette J: This was pretty funny. I actually LOL’d because I’d never thought about it like that. The whole imagination sequence was pretty funny too. I wish a real courtroom would suddenly burst into song like a musical. It might make things way more interesting sometimes!
Issue 4: Whether Suzy jumping to conclusions about Hak Young being the murderer is her being a good reporter.
RedRosette J: This is the furthest thing from being a good reporter. You can’t be drawing conclusions and reporting stuff on ongoing cases based on what you saw on TV. Hong Joo immediately jumped to the conclusion that Hak Young did it based on the CCTV footage and the fact that he threatened Woo Tak or whatever and refused to change her opinion. What the hell? Whatever happened to unbiased journalism? How can you be a reporter if you have already picked a side and you are creating a biased narrative? I just don’t get it. Then she goes and tells Jae Chan to make sure that he prosecutes the guy or “she’ll be disappointed in him.” What the hell? Let the man do his job and you go at least pretend to be a half decent reporter. I hated how she manipulated Jae Chan’s reliance on her belief in him to make sure he does what she wants. Ugh. Even after her whole flashback and being reminded of the fact that she was told (by Jae Chan) that you can’t do bad stuff to people simply because you dislike them, she gets upset when Jae Chan tries to explain to her why Hak Young was released. Are you kidding me? This is basic society 101. I think she’s a closeted psychopath. And yea she didn’t manipulate the media like Yoo Beom asked her to but she was still convinced that he was guilty. She doesn’t get to make that decision. That’s a decision to be made in a court of law. *takes deep breaths* Ugh. I can’t. I’m done with Hong Joo.
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Being told not to be an idiot when you’re 13…
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…but continues to be one in adulthood….
Issue 5: Whether a witness can behave like a defense lawyer during an initial investigation (or ever).
RedRosette J: OMG where do I start? Okay first of all, I really like Woo Tak, but honey you can’t be going in to a discovery (initial investigation) as a WITNESS and then start behaving like a DEFENSE LAWYER. That’s not how it works. In discovery, the prosecutor asks the witness questions based on what they saw and heard on the day or event in question and they are expected to answer truthfully. The witness doesn’t go and try to a) teach the prosecutor the law and b) act like they are defending the Accused. Again, that’s not how the system works.  Also, what was with the line of questioning? It as totally off. Those are not questions you ask a witness. *sigh* Please. Writers. Get a better legal consultant. This is not how it works. Even if it’s for dramatic effect, it looks stupid.
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Yes. We get it. Your friend needs help. 
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Showing up to provide testimony and getting fangirled like…
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Witness is NOT Defense Counsel.
Issue 6: Whether you can prosecute just anyone even if there isn’t enough evidence to charge the person because you have no other suspects.
RedRosette J: OH MY GOD. What is wrong with the prosecutors in this drama? Just because there’s a dead body doesn’t mean that someone HAS to go down for doing it. In this case, the evidence was circumstantial. The guy happened to be there and was caught on CCTV around the time of death but there was no DNA or blood evidence linking him to the murder. Given all of this and the other evidence that they were talking about which CLEARLY did nothing to tie Hak Young to the murder, the prosecutors were still trying to make him go down for it because they had no other suspects. WTF? If there’s not enough evidence to convict someone, they walk. The evidence has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Hak Young killed her. That’s how the system works. There was so much doubt and speculation in this case! You don’t get to just keep someone in custody or even prosecute them just because you have no other suspects. I don’t get why the Chief Prosecutor was so hesitant to release the guy. Do your job. Honestly this drama has some TERRIBLE legal stuff….
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There has to be evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Hak Young did all this. 
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That’s not creepy at all….
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When you’re innocent but no one believes you…
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There isn’t enough evidence peeps. You HAVE to drop the charges!
RedRosette J Aside: I also forgot that there was a kiss scene finally and it was hella awkward. Not getting on this Ship you guys. Sorry.
Conclusion: Appeal Dismissed.
Rating: 2 = Yell At The Production And Writing Team (Producers: please stop with the close ups and multiple angles. We get that you guys are the camera gods. Writers: get better legal consultants)
File No: While-You-Were-Sleeping-EPS-13-to-16 Appearing before The Dramacourt: While You Were Sleeping Eps 13, 14, 15 and 16 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read 
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