#someone give him a blanket and some hot choccy
inkbagel · 4 months
I love Lloyd in dragons rising. He’ll just start talking to his two kids like “my mother left me and my dad was an evil overlord I had to kill to save the world. Also all my friends are missing and presumed dead I haven’t been able to sleep in months I’m a conduit for the source dragons whatever that means and I’m constantly having panic attacks but all that’s okay!!!! In fact I’m doing great!!!! How are you two are you comfortable living here?” And then he faints in front of them and they just stare at him like
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I also love how he’s not even the main character of this season but still has the most mc energy out of anyone
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bioshock4k · 3 years
son boy. boy son. child. why is he living on his own please someone take care of him for the love of god. please
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pippuns · 3 years
Deidre gets many hugs now don't worry. Her bio family is messy as hell but she got adopted to the Fullest within Ishgardian Law by Edmont for her 20th birthday before Stormblood. Also Hydaelyn (me) decided that a certain someone (Haurchefant) needed to be brought back for the sake of emotional support in Endwalker. I also put him on the first so he's really ping-ponging around with them XD. It takes a long time for the Scions to truly understand the kind of support she needs, but they know her now!!! It took a couple Rough Events (esteem rage + 'hey zenos is here to kill me in case I become a Light Warden because he's the only fucker who could possibly win' ) for the older scions (aka not the twins) to Really know her but by Endwalker, they're finally actually as close to her as group as they thought they had been during ARR.
What kind of relationship quirks does Alwynn have with each of the scions?
LETS GO!!! ADOPTION!!!! WHAT DEIDRE DESERVES!!! omg AND haurchefant resurrection?? we really win them all here. thanks hydaelyn. i'm glad eventually the scions get to Really Know her for deidres sake please sirs she's child:tm:
early scion interactions between alwynn mainly had them be the scions local cryptid who never really stuck around or slept in the waking sands with everyone else (or at all tbh) and really only showed up to do favors for minfilia before vanishing again for a while (alwynn's a legacy wol trying to learn how to interact with the world again and make up for lost time). they warmed up a lot to the rest of the scions after praetorium and the coils were dealt with.
for more light-hearted stuff though uhh
y'shtola gave alwynn an impossible puzzle to solve to see how long it would take them to give up. alwynn is still trying to solve it.
alwynn likes bringing back weird curiosities from their travels to see if urianger knows anything about it. he always does and always gives them a lecture as to their origins and historical importance. its their goal to eventually bring something back that completely baffles urianger. this is not possible, but they haven't been deterred.
alwynn likes to knit blankets when they're traveling via boat or airship, so there's a corner in the scions' headquarters that has an abundance of soft knitted blankets. peak location for a sleepover
while all the scions were falling asleep t the end of stormblood, alwynn stress knit a ton of blankets for them. when they wake up back at the source its to an abundance of large stress squares.
alwynn has a rather large scar on their right hand from one night when they went out drinking with thancred and he challenged them to play the knife game as fast as they possible could. they immediately accidentally stabbed their hand. they were banned from going out drinking with thancred for a while after that.
they're also incapable of saying no to dumb challenges (not out of a sense of pride or anything but just because their gauge of Normal Human Actions is completely skewed) so lyse would dare them to do increasingly dumb and baffling shit. papalymo eventually put a stop to it.
haurchefant passed on the "hot choccy makes everything better" habits to alwynn when they were both still teens so the scions are used to hot choccy nights for the smallest inconveniences. alphinaud probably got some hot chocolate his first night in the falling snows and started crying because of this.
one time when they were writing in their journal one of the other scions noticed and asked to add a footnote. this specific journal has since become a scrapbook for all the scions.
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c-c-cherry · 4 years
Jojo Hugs???😈
Workin’ on Communication Breakdown but also thinking about Jojo hugs so here’s me rating how good they would hug because I’m self-indulgent whoops-
Best hugs and y’all know it. Impeccable protective energy. When you are trapped in the cocoon that is Jonathan Joestar, you are safe from all emotional and bodily harm. Will not hesitate to fucking squeeze the shit out of your organs but its the good kind of feeling (I know y’all know what I mean)
Additional notes:
-Has hugged every Joestar in my Jonathan Is Somehow Alive And Also Like 32 Because I Said So pocket dimension™
11/10 for also probably getting you a glass of water and a blanket, too :’)
Listen...I don’t wanna say it, but someone has to,,,Joseph Joestar would have the most uncomfortable and squeamish hugs imaginable. Please don’t get me wrong, I love this man, but he can’t stop moving for a solid 30 seconds and he has no idea how to make anyone comfortable cause the only person he’s ever hugged is his grandma lmao
Additional notes:
-One time Josuke asked him for a hug and they both over-thought it and Joseph did that awkward hug-pat thing because of course he would and Josuke let go too early and the entire thing was a disaster to watch the entire city of Morioh died from second-hand embarrassment that day
5/10 but only because he’d probably feel bad and make you hot choccy or something
Awkward tall man who would rather jump off a cliff than show physical affection to most people. His hugs are few and far between, but if you ever experience one, GODjjhgjgjhg It's his secret weapon that NO one expects him to pull out but it's like,,,a complete cure-all,,,it’ll make anyone feel better
Additional notes:
-Yes he has hugged Koochie before when our boy had a rough day and yes he’s also the kind of person to take off his coat and wrap it around the person he’s hugging for that extra warmth and support
7/10 for the warm coat and awkward family reunion vibes
You can already tell from his face that he’s the second best hugger on the fucking planet. Man’s got the Joestar bloodline ARMS AND WARMTH. If anything, he’s more like Jonathan than Joseph in that way. Is not afraid to hug ALL his best bros whenever they need them and yes he is indeed Okuyasu’s support bro all hours of the day and night
Additional Notes:
-He also probably smells really good aside from the almost monstrous amount of hairspray and gel he manages to fit in his hair but we’re overlooking that because he’s Josuke
9/10 only because of that incident with Joseph which made him too awkward to hug well for like,,,a solid 3 weeks
Didn’t receive enough love as a child and rarely ever got hugged, which means he’s awful at it only naturally. He has no idea how to act and yes he’s the kind of person who would just go limp in someone’s arms instead of reciprocating the action because he doesn’t really know how :/
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-Since living with the gang, they’re slowly helping him be more adjusted to stuff like that and now he’s learning that hugs are beautiful, wonderful things *in salesperson voice* THAT HE, TOO, CAN HAVE :D
4/10 pre and during canon, but jumps up to a 6/10 because HE IS TRYING AND IMPROVING HGGHGHGHN
You know the kind of hugs you would get from the totally wasted woman in the bar bathroom where you give her some water and she calls you her best friend and you guys probably take a picture together? Jolyne energy. You know that one really cool girl everyone knows and you lend her your class notes and she spits out her gum and buys you a coke for your troubles and gives you a “I seriously love you dude” hug? Also Jolyne energy. You can decide if you like it or not, but it's a very particular kind of hug that I’m always here to experience
Additional notes:
-Unlike her father, she can and will throw out cool kid hugs all the time and they always feel good no matter what. It's not something you can savour like a Joot hug, but its still real good all the same :)))
7/10 for best girl energy
Touch-starved. So, so painfully touch-starved that it's not even funny. Is the kind of person to “hate” affection but WILL NOT let go and cling for as long as possible and then feel guilty about being so clingy which just results in more hugs
Additional notes:
-Don’t even tell me Gyro isn’t the most touchy, huggy kind of person and when you put the two of them in god-knows-where, America it makes for some wholesome shit
Like,,,a 5/10 for actually giving them but an 8/10 when receiving them
I know nothing about Gappy I’m so sorry, but he kinda gives off will hug one and only one person all the fucking time and nothing else energy but Jojolion homies if you see this please reply to this and tell me about this man’s hugging skills without spoilers for my poor followers lmao
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deluxewhump · 4 years
prompt for Carlo: he’s sick and Max brings him hot choccy milk
cw: sickfic, common cold, sore throat, infidelity mention, premise of pet whump and pet whumpee, hurt/comfort, past trauma (warehouse). 
Carlo’s head ached dully. His throat was scratchy yesterday and now just swallowing hurt, though he kept doing it to test just how badly. 
Max gave him two chalky white pills and pushed a warm mug into his hands. He sipped cautiously, struggling to get the pills over the painful lump in his throat. It tasted wonderful, like the drink Elle made on the stovetop when they’d put up the tree, but less sugary. The heat felt good on his throat. He sipped again. 
“My mother used to make that for me when I was sick,” Max told him.
Carlo gave him a weak smile. He liked it when he said things like that. He used it to cozy down into his private fantasy where Max was his master after the poker game, and Erik was some unpleasant dream he’d had in the car on the ride over. He held the mug to his chest, trying to absorb its warmth.
“How’d I get sick?” he complained, sniffling. “You’re not sick.”
“Campus, probably.” Max was uncoiling the charger for his laptop, which meant he was going to do his work in the living room, to keep Carlo company. 
"I had a coat," he said quietly. “I didn’t get my feet wet or anything.”
Max gave him a glance. “Colds are viral. You can get them with your coat on.”
He frowned. “Then...Why did I used to get sick in winter all the time? In the warehouse?”
Max looked the way he did when he was trying not to think too hard about Keith or Holstrom, or to be over-pitying. There was a tightness in the corners of his mouth- a pragamatic, almost clinical quality to his words.
“Not my area of expertise, but your immune system was probably weakened by being exposed to the cold so often," Max told him. “And the damp. And poor nutrition. Makes you more susceptible. Kept you sick longer, maybe.”
He pulled a blanket off the armrest. “But this cold? You can thank someone you ran into for it. Or a desk.” 
Carlo lifted his mug so Max could drape the blanket around him, tuck it under his feet, which always got cold first. “What if I give it to you?”
Max squeezed his heel over the blanket. “A head cold? I’ll live.”
He winced as he swallowed another hot sip of cocoa and milk. Max laid a hand on his hair, pet down over his ear, cupped his cheek fondly. His voice lowered.
“You’re such a good boy, Carlo.”
Something fluttered in the hollow of his chest, warmed him like the drink. This was the first time since Elle left that Max had given him this much attention, or used that quiet, confidential tone with him. He leaned into Max’s palm to reciprocate, to show it was appreciated and wanted. He even smiled a little, crummy as he felt.
Max had every right to be angry with him about Elle. But he didn’t seem to be. Carlo had tried to tell him that Elle had called him recently, to show he was now being completely transparent. 
She called to tell him everything was alright, and not to feel bad. Her voice over the phone had made him ache for her, and he had cupped the phone to his ear to hear the Elle-specific way she enunciated her words. “I have to go now, sweetheart.” He could hear people talking in the background. It sounded like she was in her office. A landline phone rang. “You have my number. Anything you need.”  
He didn’t know if that meant just to hear her voice, or that he could put her down as a reference on a resume sometime. She hung up before he could say anything.
“You should talk to Elle," he’d urged Max later, his words tumbling out of his mouth faster than he could stop them. His heart pounded in the aftermath of having spoken her name. It’s my fault, it’s my fault, it’s my fault. 
Max had looked at him over his laptop, the light glaring off the glasses he wore in his study on late nights. “What makes you think I haven’t?” he replied mildly, already looking back to his work.
As if he really knew anything that went on between the two of them. As if kissing Elle had made him some kind of equal.
Embarrassed, he dropped it. 
Maybe that was why it felt so good to hear Max saying things like he used to. It made him feel pleasantly small, and cared for, and safe. He hadn’t realized how afraid he’d been that something between them was irrevocably damaged. 
Maybe it was exhaustion from being sick, or relief, but he felt his throat constrict, his eyes well up. If Max hadn’t been right there, hadn’t been touching his face, he might have been able to blink them away without him noticing. 
Max sat back on his heels in front of the sofa so they were eye to eye. “What’s the matter, baby?” he asked, rubbing his thumb slowly over Carlo’s cheek. “What is it?”
The tenderness in his eyes only made Carlo feel weaker, needier. Max took the mug from his hands, set it to the side. “Is everything okay?”
He nodded. It was. Well, other than Elle. And other than the fact that he was deceitful and disloyal, and apparently didn’t know how the common cold worked. “Yeah. M’sorry.”  He laughed at himself, but it came out shaky.
Max brought his other hand to his other cheek, cupping both warmly. “You’re gonna feel better in no time. All you need to do is drink what I give you and rest when I tell you. Think you can do that for me?”
“Yes, Sir,” he said, knowing full well he wasn’t really supposed to call Max Sir, but that he would let him get away with it in his condition.
“Such a brat,” Max marveled. “Such an awful little brat.”
Carlo grinned. The way he said it made it feel exactly the same as when he called him a good boy. 
That would never have made sense to him once, but now it made sense perfectly.
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bioshock4k · 3 years
i think im supposed to hate him but im just worried. someone give this kid a warm blanket and some hot choccy please
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