#someone get him more milk and some bread please!!
j00stkl31n · 5 days
A longer clip of him eating spicy sauce 😭
Oh our poor boy 😭😭😭
Here’s the whole video for y’all btw!!!
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yok00k · 4 months
Igual Que Un Ángel
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pairing: hellokittylover!/bimbo!oc x boxer!jk
genre: MATURE, fluff, lowkey angst,
“heaven must have sent you, love”
synopsis: after spending the entire day shopping with your boyfriend, you’re craving mochi donuts and bubble milk tea before going to bed and jungkook, even in his tired state, will do everything to make you happy.
word count: 5.4k
warnings: so much fluff, NO plot, jealous/possessive kook, oc can’t tell when someone flirts with her, tiny silent treatment, oc is kinda dumb, lots of kisses, shower sex, oral [m], oc’s head game is STRONG, head pusher jk, hair pulling, they went shopping for underwear, cussing, aftercare, oc is obsessed with pink/hello kitty, oc is so desperate for his cock and she must get what she wants⛄️(she was virgin before this took place), oc had a vid of her playing, mention of toys, JK is not trying to b obvious but he’s IN LOVE, brief cockwarming at the end, <not proofread>
author’s note: i def did not write this in between my classes😮‍💨 i just discovered that im mentally unhinged as im editing this in class. I have my priorities straights tho so here you go🥢
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ⋆
you suppose today was really wonderful.
you two spend almost the whole day at the outlet mall, mostly to shop clothes for yourself. you needed new pairs of undies and Jungkook being the glorious boyfriend he is, helped you shop. not only he paid for all your purchase, he also gives his opinions on certain cloth materials of what the underwear was made of. he wants to make himself useful by helping you out pick out make sure that they’re comfortable to your preference, he goes with you in the fitting room to try them on in front of him.
As you try on clothes for hours and hours in multiple shops, your boyfriend miraculously always finds a chair in the corner of each fitting room that he can rest on. a few hours later, you two arrive back at your place. jungkook initiated to carry all the paper bags you had as the two of you headed from the garage to inside your house.
soon, he began cooking the night’s dinner, which you really enjoy watching because he keeps entertaining you with his skillful talent and his humorous jokes. a quality time like this just makes you fall in love with him even more. you wish and pray that you can spend the rest of this delightful lifetime with him.
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ⋆
the hands of the clock signifies 11:11, which is usually the time you drift off to sleep. except tonight isn’t a typical night, owing to the fact that your beloved lover is sleeping over at your cozy flat.
although it’s pretty late, you two are cuddled on your not-so-spacious couch, watching a kdrama that was recently released and you still have the clothes you put on this afternoon: a cute pink long sleeve crop top and a pink/black mini skirt. you also can’t forget to add a pair of thick fleece tights since it’s freezing cold outside.
you felt a sudden cravings for something in the midst of the show. you desire for something sweet. and chewy.
“koo..” you murmur, distracting your man from the show on the big screen. he redirects his focus to you as he caresses your hair with his soft, yet rough palms.
“i’m craving donuts”
“want me to go to the convenience store and grab some for you?” he suggests
“no I don’t want that, I want mochi donuts” you cutely demand
“but baby it’s too late” he said, lifting his wrist to look at his gold Rolex watch. “aren’t they close at this time?”
these days, your social feeds are just full of ads, particularly bakery places nearby your place that serve mouth-watering breads, donuts, ice creams, bubble milk tea, and the list goes on. promptly, the phone that’s sitting next to jungkook was taken by you.
“look, there’s one that’s still open till midnight” you replied, showing him the navigation to the bakery shop that’s on your screen. his tired eyes glanced at your phone, then back at you.
“please koo?” you pleaded, climbing on top of him and giving him thousands of kisses all over his face until he’s got enough is the most effective technique to persuade him. how can jungkook say no when you display a behavior like this to get whatever you want? the forever answer is he just can’t.
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ⋆
You two arrive at the place twenty minutes before they close. Since it’s late at night, you can see through the big windows that there’s not many customers inside the donut shop.
“oh my, we’re finally here” you joyfully babble to yourself out loud which made your driving boyfriend chuckle. while jungkook slows down the car to eyeball a good parking spot, you reach for your pink purse taking out the hello kitty lip oil to apply them on your chapped lips.
Jungkook carefully parked the car on the side of the road. He looked at our surroundings such as the front, back, and the side of his vehicle, making sure everything seems clear before he takes off his seat belt and gets off of the automobile. As usual, Jungkook walks to the other side, gesturing that he will open the car door for me. This man doesn’t ask a lot regarding how things should be in our relationship but the number one rule he established is that you could never open any door when you’re with him.
He quickly unlocked my door with one hand and offered his other hand to assist my body getting out of the car. As you got out, you felt the strong wind blowing your mini skirts, making them move up. but jungkook immediately takes off his zip up fleece oversized jacket to tie it tight around your waist.he ensures that the skirt won’t go up by walking behind you whilst holding your cold hand towards the bakery.
a scent of sweet caramelized brown sugar that you’ve been craving welcomes you as soon as you step into the threshold of the place. Looking around the store, you notice multiple neon pink led lights of donuts are decorated in the walls. the long honey maple stained table against the windows was paired with white barstool chairs. You also did not fail to miss that their white snowed christmas tree is still up, filled with rosy ornaments and pinkish lights around it.
‘this is definitely my new favorite place’ you noted to yourself as you feel cozy inside.
Your boyfriend wasted no time to lead you to the counter, only for you to see the variety of flavor of their delicious mochi donuts displayed on the front top. you can’t help but to drool on the sight, you’re starting to feel satisfaction by just looking at them.
“hello, what can I get for you today?” the tall male server who’s probably around your age friendly greeted. a little too friendly, in jungkook’s opinion but he chose to try to shrug it off. before answering him, I turned to jungkook “what are you getting koo?” asking to know what he wants.
“don’t know. you can order whatever you want for me” he responds as his doe eyes look up to scan the menu on the screen that’s mounted in their polished ceramic walls. Jungkook is on a diet these days therefore he tries his best to restrain eating sweets but he knows that cheat days won’t hurt if it only happens once or twice a month.
turning to face the server once again, you made up your mind on what to order. “hi, can we get two brown sugar milk teas with less ice and can you make one extra sugar please” you gently requested and the server instantly punched the orders in their ipad.
you take another look at the yummy donuts before continuing. “and i would like to get a dozen of the mochi donuts.” you pointed to the biggest bakery box.
jungkook wasn’t even surprised that you’re getting 12 pieces, potentially all for yourself considering you have a sweet tooth, which could be really extreme sometimes. he stands still next to you, amused by how cute you are, getting all excited by all these sweets you’re about to eat as you tell the the guy the flavors you want.
the server hands you two of their fresh brown sugar bubble milk tea & pink box that contains lots of sugar and of course, you happiness. afterwards, he declars the total for all the things you order. you’re about to tap in your debit card that’s covered with hello kitty skin when jungkook’s black card is already approved on the chip card reader.
“you didn’t have to koo” you murmur. your man always insists on paying for everything,
“i want too”
he does things for you not because he’s going to gain something or that he’s expecting some type of return from you. Rather, he does them solely because he loves you and he loves seeing you getting all the things you want.
for the meantime ,you look for a table that you two can sit at, particularly a spot where there’s a cute background since you would like to take some photos.
immediately, your eyes spot the perfect table right next to the huge windows to sit and take pictures in. you swiftly walk over the spot and your boyfriend follows you like a lost puppy.
“kook can you take pictures of me here?” you ask, while unwrapping the thick jacket around your waist and position yourself on the stool chair.
jungkook unlocks the camera on his phone, positions the cellular in your desired angle, and clicks the white button multiple times. he casually looks at the camera screen and looks up to you. when he notices that by the way your sitting is slightly showing your ass, and instantly goes up to you to fix it. you’re confused at first by his sudden action but you soon realize why.
“oops, thank you kookie” you chortle
when he goes back to his previous standing position, he catches the same annoying server maliciously staring at you, in a way that’s very unpleasant to him, which just pisses him off more. nevertheless, he captures photos of your adorable face while attempting to drink your favorite bubble tea for the camera. then, he passes his phone so you can review the images.
‘he’s such a great photographer’you thought. these picture will be posted on your pink themed finsta.
“can we go now?” jungkook harsly rushed. this place is alright, but that fucking server is just making his blood boils. he needs to get you two out of here before he does something not pretty.
you read his sudden unusual behavior and chose not to argue. you really loved this place, but you can understand that your boyfriend is too tired and just wanted to sleep. you’ll definitely come back though.
“wait koo, I'll use their restroom first.” you excuse yourself, feeling the need to change the menstrual pad that you’re wearing, you fear bleeding through jungkook’s leather seats.
you did your business pronto. unexpectedly when you walked out of the restroom, the friendly worker corners you, with something in his hand.
“miss, would you like to have this?” He offers the cute and huge hello kitty boba plushie that is in his grip. your eyes widening as they gaze upon the lovely thing. “I noticed your phone case and I thought this is perfect for you” he shyly adds as he scratches the back of his head, pointing out the pink Hello Kitty case you have.
“sure! how much is it?” you respond with full of energy. this plush will be added to your collection.
“don’t worry about it,here” he extends the plushie towards you, gesturing that you should take it.
you look for some type of unseriousness in his eyes but you found none. he does seem nice. you accept the cute plushie that’s waiting for you to be held, hugging it really tight.
“you’re really cute. do you mind if I get your number?” the man in front of you speaks. “so i can give you more plushies for free of course” he further explains, trying to convince you to give him your digits
but you remember what jungkook once said, and that is never give any other men your number. Although you can’t grasp why he doesn’t want you to do that, you listen to him because you don’t want to get him all sad and mad at you. angry jungkook is the least thing you want to deal with. he turns really cold and you hate not getting affection from him.
“I'm sorry but I can't give you my number. thanks for this though.” you give him a weak smile. you also hate the feeling of rejecting people but you also don’t want to get in trouble.
the friendly expression that the guy has been erased and replaced with a blank expression, as if ‘no’ isn’t the right answer. he snarls before speaking “Is it because of your punk boyfriend? c'mon pretty girl he doesn’t have to kno-“
“who doesn’t have to know what?” a familiar voice cuts off the man you’re facing before you can understand what the previous man just said.
jungkook approaches you, snatching the plushy in your grasp. “where did you get this from?” he sternly asks. he might have known the answer, it’s so obvious from what it looks like, but he needs to make sure before he beats somebody’s ass.
“koo he gav-“ that was enough for jungkook to vigorously slam the plushy back onto that guy’s chest, making the man flinch and slightly back off. “look or talk to my woman one more time and things will get ugly for you” he threatens, giving the guy the most serious stare, the same stare he has when fighting in the boxing ring.
without saying anything, he grabs your hand sternly and you two walk out the store. you still didn’t get why jungkook didn’t want you to have that plushie, it was perfect to add to your collection.
the entire car ride back to your place was awfully quiet. you offer to drive back home when you notice that he’s speeding and seems so tense, but jungkook refuses, telling you that he’s fully capable of driving back with a somber tone.. his tattooed hands aren’t where they’re supposed to be placed, your thigh. but you argue no further, not wanting to make him more angry than he already is.
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ⋆
hours later, you’re gathering the sleepwear you’ll wear for tonight before hopping in the shower, which is currently occupied by your boyfriend. usually, you two always shower together whenever you’re sleeping at his place and vice versa, but tonight you received no invitation from him since he’s giving you silent treatment for an unknown reason.
despite the fact, you made up your mind to join him as you enter the steamy bathroom, the warm atmosphere welcomes you while you close the door behind you.
your gaze meets jungkook’s tall muscular figure, his tattooed arm up against the white wall, while head is pointing down as the hot water that’s coming from the showerhead runs down his body.
quietly strip down your clothes, you proceed to open the sliding shower door and step inside the shower, closing the distance between you and him.
jungkook faintly flinched as he felt a pair of dainty arms wrapped around his bare torso. he knew exactly who they belonged to, his loved one.
he slightly turns his head, just to see you, hopelessly showing affection towards him in the midst of washing the negative internal thoughts out of his system.
“are you mad at me baby?” you worriedly ask, overthinking that you might have done something that might upset him or maybe he’s too stressed out on his non-stop training schedule since his competitions are coming soon or maybe he can’t handle being with you anymore. lots of maybe but communication is the only way you will know how he feels.
the question of yours sends a sharp pang of guilt in his chest. you completely did nothing wrong. he knows for a fact you can’t say no to anyone who gives you a Hello Kitty plushie. your tiny little head just can’t comprehend that these guys want something in return for giving you things you love to collect. you’re too good for your own.
now he feels like a total idiot, another part of him feels guilty for the sudden shift in his behavior, solely because he's so in love with you that he can’t stand seeing men look at your way.
you did nothing wrong. nothing at all. you’re just so goddamn beautiful that your boyfriend is starting to lose it.
he can’t help but let the possessiveness take over him as soon as he perceives other guys showing their interest in his pretty girl. the woman he desires to keep to himself for the rest of this lifetime, the next one, and for many more
jungkook crowds you up against the cold marble wall just after he turns his buff body to face you. wasting no time, he leaves smooches on your pouty lips and jaw. “didn’t I tell you I'm the only one who can give you hello kitty stuff?” he sensually whispers to your right ear, continuing to give you wet kisses. “hmm?”
“but why?” you pout, resulting in the kisses to come to stop. he looks at you directly in the eyes, “because i’m your boyfriend and that job is solely for me” he simply explains
“but koo it was for free, he was really nice but then he started asking for my number so he could give me more but i didn’t give it to him because you specifically instructed me not to.” you mindlessly babble, explaining your side all in one sentence. simultaneously, you grab the white loofa next to the pink one and apply jungkook’s favorite body wash. it still doesn’t make sense to you. you love collecting hello kitty, but the love you have for the man in front of you is significantly greater.
oh jungkook is really going to lose it. that fucker had the audacity to ask you shit like that right when you’re with him.
“and that’s why I don’t want you talking to them, they want to take advantage of you” he takes a deep breath
“i’m sorry kook” you mutter, attempting to cuddle his naked form.
“i know something was off with that motherfucker” he starts off, “keeps looking at you in a way i don’t appreciate” he finally admits, with his tone hinting a pinch of jealousy. “and that fucking plush- he’s getting on my fucking nerves.”
“all he can do is look koo” you laugh. “Besides, I’m already cuffed by my hot boyfriend. what more can I possibly look for?” your words declaring that your eyes are only fixed to him. there’s no reason to look at other men anyways.
“you’re only mine right?” he just needs to directly hear those words come out of your mouth.
“only yours” you murmur. and that reassured him. for now.
you stand on your tiptoe to kiss his cute nose, from there you smack your lips against his as your smooth palms trace his jawline.
as seconds goes by, the desire to express how much you love him is rapidly growing. you want him. you need him.
you detach your lips against his, just to fixate them on his neck, right on the pretty tiny mole on his skin, your favorite spot. your hand does its own job to explore his sculpted body, finding its way to palm his painful growing erection.
he knows where this is going
your kisses trail from his upper chest to his defined abs; so brawny and delicious. he follows your gesture, finding you on your knees, beneath him, your beautiful face positioned right in front of his hardening cock.
oh this is the one and only circumstance he would kill and die for to be in.
jungkook knows that sly grin expression you wear as you look up with those round doll eyes. purposely, your both arms push against each other to give him a good view of your perky breast squeezed together. with his shaft twitching, can’t help but to utter an uncontrollable moan from seeing you like this.
“can I?” you ask softly, waiting for permission from him as if you’re not in this sinful position at least twice every time you two spend time together. no matter what, you still drool by just staring at his cock as if it’s your favorite lollipop.
he quietly hums and nods his head while nibbling his lip piercings, giving you the green light.
you start off slow, giving his pretty pink tip covered with precum small pecks. smearing the liquid around your lips, pretending it as if it’s one of your lip gloss, making them nice and glossy.
“i only wanna do this with you” you hungrily voice out in each swift peck while locking your seductive eyes on his.
he brings his fingers towards your jaw, lifting your chin up. “open” he commands, directing you to open your mouth. and so you did, without hesitation. a hot glob of spit falls into your tongue, which turns you on even more. you quickly swallow it and resume with what you’re doing.
he continues to watch you as your swollen lips slowly wrap his thick cock. your mouth is solely made for jungkook as it welcomes him inch by inch. although sucking him becomes a part of your daily routine, you still need to take a sweet time adjusting to his length.
irresistible tears roll down your face as he hits the back of your throat for the first few times, but you’re so determined to make him feel good. you began bobbing your head back and forth as your mouth slowly adjusted to his size.
“hmm, so good baby” he muffles weakly. “j-just like that” almost sounds as if he’s about to cry from the incredible sensation.
you can’t help but to release a quiet whine from hearing him. the steamy bathroom is filled with jungkook's angelic yet sinful groans, along with the sounds that’s being created as you which arouse you even more. he’s got your pussy clenching over nothing.
your bent knees on the cold and wet ground are starting to get tired, but you pay no attention to them. rather, you take him even more, until his tip hits the back of your throat. you continue to do it smoothly, using no hands.
you proceed to shift your attention to untouched balls. your tiny hand softly jerks off his length upward, as a trail of kisses made their way from the underside of his girthy and veiny cock to one of the oval-shaped organs. wet and loud smooches on jungkook’s sensitive skin turn to sloppy sucking. your mouth is so full of him. a mixture of his precum and saliva of yours covers your entire chin, even some of it drops on the ground.
this sequence stirs more moans from jungkook, but this time he gets louder and louder. his slender hands acts at its own and gather your length hair into a ponytail, just so he can manipulate your head, to use you however he pleases
Jungkook pulls your hair back, causing you to lose contact with the sac you were passionately lapping. he leads you mouth back to where it should give its focus to. his throbbing cock. once his dewy dick is shoved in you, he pushes your cock drunk head to take more of him. you obediently follow the flow of the hand guiding your head
“such a good girl” he grunts, throwing his head up in the air, then focusing back on you. “only for me”. your boyfriend is still controlling your head bobbing on his length.
“you’re such a slut for a fucking hello kitty, aren’t you?” jungkook mocks in between deep breaths. “me or that stupid kitty cat? huh?” thrusting his hips into your messy and well-fucked face.
you just moan against him, not even bothering to answer him because you’re too fucked, your tiny little brain is wearing out as you keep bouncing your head up and down. and also it might be because you know for a fact that you could be a slut for hello kitty too sometimes. you’re in no position to protest.
the man above you grips your hair even tighter, demanding you to answer him. “I wanna hear you baby”
“‘mmh you, o-only you koo,” you sob. lots and lots of tears coming out of your eyes. “all I want is you and this cock” you mewl weakly as you desperately lap his precious tip, just like how he loves it.
“that’s it, pretty girl, I'm cummin’” he verbalizes, grasping your head forcibly as slamming his pelvis into your abused mouth. to this point, you feel dizzy and your whole body is worn out. you grip into his beefy thighs as you allow him to utilize you like a slut.
“hmpp f-fuck” he moans loudly, releasing abundant strings of semen into your mouth. he cums so deep inside your throat. not wanting a drop to fall, you gobble up everything as your life depends on them.
after swallowing, you show him your empty mouth, with tongue being out. you can see in his half lidded eyes that he’s proud, giving you a soft smile.
you were about to get up when all of a sudden the dizzy spell hits you real hard, causing you to lose your balance but jungkook catches you before you can even fall.
“hey, you okay? Did I go too hard?” he locks his gaze upon you, hoping that you will lock yours to him too. but you didn’t as you are sobbing and trembling a little bit. jungkook wipes the dries tears on your swollen face with one hand while the other wraps around your waist. he might have gone harder than you can handle.
“baby look at me please? did I hurt you? i'm sor—“
“koo i’m okay” you faintly cut his sentence off. he doesn’t need to be sorry. “just need a few minutes to recover” you explain. jungkook immediately understands that. he gives you minutes of peaceful silence, with that, he takes care of washing your body. gently rubbing the pink loofah in your smooth skin as he hums the song that’s been stuck in your brain for quite a while.
after showering, he helps you slip on your baby pink dainty nightgown. this dress is special. jungkook got it for you when he flew abroad for one of his boxing competitions. one day, he and his team were strolling around the fancy mall when he passed by a cute local lingerie store that you will definitely check out, only if you were with him. of course, he chose to follow what his heart tells him to do, to go inside and find a thing or two to give you as soon as he comes home. to you.
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ⋆
both yours and jungkook’s bodies are situated on your twin sized bed. in spite of the fact that there’s not much for the two of you and one of you might fall on the ground if another moves a little, it’s not a hurdle as you two embrace each other’s warmth as if there’s no tomorrow. two bodies comfortably embracing one another. tonight, you’re designated to be the tiny spoon
“ggukie..” you murmur, hot breath fanning against his bare chest. “hmm??” jungkook looks down to see what his princess needs.
“want your cock”you weakly pleaded, causing the man to slightly chuckle. you must be out of your mind.
“baby, your body is tired” said by him, shaking his head to show his disapproval. what a silly idea that goes around your mind when your eyes can barely open. you’re really out here doing everything but to sleep. he continues to caress your soft hair.
on a side note, you and jungkook never had penetrative sex before. yes, he eats you out here and there and vice versa. but he never dares to insert himself inside you.
indeed you’re a virgin but it’s not that you never wanted to. matter of fact you’ve made up your mind and are willing to give your virginity to him. jungkook is well aware of that. however, fear of hurting you always troubles him. he’s afraid that you will go through pain, scared that he’ll break you: his fragile pretty girl
“need your cock inside me” you continue to whine. “didn’t I show you a video of me from last week taking the toy you gifted me? you said I did so well” reminding him that one video clip of you masturbating to the pink rose you got from him. how could he forget about that when he uses it to get off every single night? with full on volume too, all ears concentrate on your high pitched moans, giving him more than the satisfaction he craves. the thoughts of that makes the lust that nearly vanishes inside him linger, you just never fail to get him arouse even before going to sleep.
however, jungkook is still in his right mind. “that’s different,” he argues. it’s valid to doubt that he’ll fit.
“ok then just put it in me then we can sleep?” you beg, attempting to compromise. “just wanna feel you close while I sleep. can you imagine how much I missed you?” you’ve come to an extent to use the guilt trip tool to convince him.
he understands the emotion you’re trying to make him feel as he looks into your bambi doe eyes. looking so innocent yet begging for his cock. evoking his guilt to get what you want. jungkook recognizes you in and out, you won’t take no for an answer. also it’s not like he’s not dying to do it, as if he doesn’t fantasize about it when you sleep over at his penthouse. the amount of self control he has..
you have him on a chokehold. jungkook doesn’t say anything, rather he gently lifts up the arm which your head is laying on and slightly gets up to open the pink mini cabinet on top of your nightstand, taking out a sky blue container.
“here, apply it”, throwing the lube bottle on your lap.
you’re stunned, heart excitedly does jumping jacks inside your chest. next time it will be you doing jumping jacks on his di-
“cmon cutie I don’t have all night” he blurts, interrupting your thoughts. you never get up so fast in your nineteen years of living. he goes straight back to his original position, laid on his back. he may act chill,but he’s internally pleased and aroused.
as you go down on him (again), your two hands get a grip of the band of his black boxer and pull it down, his semi-hard cock immediately springs out. you can’t help but to give it a tiny peck before giving it a few strokes as you point it towards your lips
you open the bottle up with a pop, squirting out enough lube on your fingers before gently spreading it on his tip. he hisses as he feels the cold liquid substance being applied to him. you trace the sides of his length, ensuring the reduction of friction.
he grabs your arm, guiding your body to lay down sideways next to him. a tattooed veiny arm from behind snakes around your torso, clasping your upper body.
“ready?” he whispers, as he nibbles your ear. jungkook earns longingly nods from you, and for a split moment he spreads some liquid using his lubricated tip around your private area before slowly inserting it in. you discern the penetrating sensation in your core, which makes you purr.
he continues to penetrate inside you furthermore, causing you to close your eyes and tighten your clasp on his arms as you bear with the ache. he fully aware of how you’re feeling as he’s also having a hard time moving in.
“bare with me baby” tensely reassuring you. “so t-tight, fuck.” his other arm makes its journey below your nightgown, traveling its way to your perky breast, delicately squeezing one of them. jungkook does the same and gives the attention to the other one. simultanously, he plants a few smooches on the skin behind your ear, attemping to distract you from the pain. you quietly release moans and groans as he continues. he’s inches in when he feels your wall clenching around him.
your tight pussy becomes jungkook’s personal paradise. it’s the way your walls are clenching around him is better than he imagined; unmatched from all the fantasy he creates in his mind about you.
“koo.. “ your fingers tracing the veins on the back of his palm.
“what? my baby can’t handle it? tell me and I’ll stop” he softly asks. a tear just drops from you leg but you’re too tired to even react.
“n-no just stay inside, i’m sleepy” and with that, you instantly drift to sleep.
he hums, a hand that was busy playing on your chest shifts to caress your hair. jungkook lays one last kiss at your temple.
“goodnight to you too my pretty girl, love you so much”
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thinkingotherwise · 19 days
Hello! I’m really into windbreaker rn and I can’t find a lot of writers that write about them, and I found your acc and fell in love with your writing! I was hoping if you’re able to write a cute story of kaji ren x reader - like childhood friends to confessing —- she knows about his irrational side but doesn’t mind and when he goes to that mindset, she knows how to calm him down and just ahhhh cute stuff ensues :3! Please and thank you! <3
Thank you so much, I really like writing confession stuff, because there are so many ways it can go.
I need the kitty rescuer to rescue my heart from all the pretty animated characters 😻
Ren Kaji and his unconventional confession
I took some liberty in choosing the song 🫣
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Ren felt strange around you. It wasn't bad, in any way, it was just shocking how relaxed and calm he could feel when you were near. He was scared about hurting you, always had and always will be. Yet, somehow your presence in itself calmed him down. No matter how angry he got, you were his remedy. The both of you found out about it even before getting to know each other. Soon enough you learned that your touch and soothing voice were all it took to bring him back from his monster side. You just had that something that brought relief to Ren, and the fact that you didn't need to use any power was shocking for his and your friends.
As soon as he met you, he knew he had to keep you close, as his friend. And you were happy to befriend him making him one of your longest childhood friends, someone very special.
Kaji first saw you, or more like heard you, after he beat up some kids, that were bullying him. His eyes were darkened and fist tightened even after the fight. It was something that always happened after his monster side took over. He couldn't do anything just letting loose the anger that did whatever it wanted. He was frantically looking around trying to find another target to beat up when he noticed someone similar in his age walking slightly away.
Immediately he got ready to attack and launch at you but something stopped him. His head tilted curiously hearing quiet voices coming out of your mouth. Your hums were out of whatever tune you recalled in your mind but they were continuous, and they were grounding. Making Kaji slowly come back from his monster side. His eyes widened when he came to and noticed that it wasn't because of Hiiragi knocking him out. He turned around searching for something that helped him when his ears caught your humming intertwined with some words that fell out of your mouth.
The moment a thought that it's because of you crossed his mind he was set on you following behind you, at what he thought was enough of a distance to hide.
That day he "walked" you home for the first time, it became his routine, hoping to get to know more about you. You weren't all that unaware of the boy that walked you home. First a little scared he wanted to do something to you but when you recognized him as one of the boys from your school, you thought maybe he wanted to be friends.
When you noticed that he, once again, walked behind, you entered one of the corner stores and bought some snacks. With two packages in hand, you left and looked around searching for the boy. You caught a sight of his hair peaking from behind the corner and bounced to him.
Kaji saw you and his eyes moved frantically away not to seem suspicious but when you shoved the milk bread towards his chest he looked at you shocked.
Since that day you became friends and when he told you about his secret you still accepted him. The little group of friends Kaji had quickly acknowledged you as a part of their little group. Hiiragi, additionally, felt confident in you and he thought of you as someone trustworthy to take care of his younger friend.
Now that you were in high school, it was enough that you showed up and calmly talked to him and he would relax. His face reddening when you would additionally caress his hair to help him come back.
Ren was even more afraid of hurting you with the time passing and the friendship between you deepening. He just couldn't handle you getting hurt. Not wanting to chance your, till that day, sure ability to bring him back. He also hated that he couldn't control himself that was why even if you were his remedy he didn't want to use this side of him.
Thinking about all the time you spend together, Ren thought about being something more but was scared until that one day.
Even though he was mostly silent and deadly you knew him as someone who liked to share songs or lyrics that make him think about you. That was what he told you when you once asked him about the choice of songs.
Knowing you liked it he thought of a plan to tell you about his long-standing feelings and possibly ask you out on the date he had dreamed of several times.
Why did he do that while being in Furin School? He didn't know but when his finger pressed send he became anxious patiently waiting for your response.
Seeing that Ren wrote to you, you clicked on the link attached to his message and as usual, a song played from your phone starting from the middle.
"I got a new song"
But this time it was a slightly different song choice.
All I ever think about is you You've got my hypnotized So mesmerized And I just got to know Do you ever think, when you're all alone All that we could be, where this thing could go? Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush? Do you catch your breath when I look at you? Are you holding back, like the way I do? 'Cause I've tried and tried to walk away But I know this crush ain't goin' away, yeah, yeah, yeah
You stood frozen for a moment thinking if we mistook the song he wanted to send or if it was a prank but there was no further text from him.
Ren watched the text bubble appearing as you were writing back. He was all nervous not knowing if his plan would work and if you'd understand what he wanted to say. Then the bubble disappeared and his hands tightened around the phone. Then they appeared - a hope, only to disappear soon after.
Then for several next minutes nothing. No text, no call, nothing. He started to worry if you were alright, maybe something happened when you were walking and replying to him, or maybe you didn't want to be his friend anymore.
Soon his phone pinged and the text he received made him stand up quickly, shocking his classmates who for the past half an hour watched their grade captain having a crisis. Ren almost tripped moving away from his chair and running out of the classroom. His classmates ran behind him scared that he got some bad news.
On the other hand, you ran all the way to Bofurin huffing and gasping for air from exhaustion. Bending down to catch your breath you sent Ren a short message: "I'm outside."
Soon enough he ran out of the school and noticing you he quickly joined your side. "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly. "Is it for real? Or did you send it on accident?" You questioned him your words cut at the lack of breath you felt.
He bit his lip down his gaze moved past you as he nervously wondered what to tell you. After calming down as much as you could you straightened up and looked at him. His face was red and when his eyes met yours he narrowed them before saying.
"Yes, I've liked you for a while. And I'd like to ask you out for a date?" His voice wavered slightly but seeing the wide grin appearing on your face made him relieved. "I like you too and of course, I'll go on a date with you. I'm so happy right now." You said enthusiastically and he nodded at your words.
Ren felt just as joyful as you, knowing you reciprocated his feelings. Everything seemed too perfect and soon he knew why. "Are you dating already?!" The both of you heard a loud yell coming from the rooftop.
You turned together to check who was that only to see the whole second Tohman grade at the main doors, as well as, Hiiragi and Umemiya standing on the roof and watching. The latter was the one yelling and waving happily.
Ren grabbed your hand and pulled you after him behind the brick fence so that no one could see you. He was excited over what happened but also embarrassed and you grabbed his hands in encouragement. He entangled his fingers with yours before leaning in.
His lips softly touched yours leaving a warmth behind, as he slowly pulled away but not too far. "I'll do this properly during our date." He muttered, his forehead against yours as he smiled before embracing you tightly.
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probably-writing-x · 11 months
Summary: Hi!Love love love your writing🫶🏻🫶🏻Could you write some angst?Like where reader and Conrad argue maybe? Have a good day❣️
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You weren’t sure when the irritation had started today. It was just… one of those days. You’d woken up and there was no milk left for your coffee, and the last slice of bread had been eaten. The toothpaste was running low, too, and you had to squeeze the last remains out of it. Nobody had bothered to go to the store yet and your car was blocked in by Jere on the driveway. Someone else had already put their clothes into the laundry but hadn’t bothered to turn the machine on, and you were certain not a single person in this house would ever decide to empty the dishwasher. It was just the little things, and they were irritating when you were living in a house of this many people.
Perhaps it wasn’t any of those things causing the issue. They were just ways of you avoiding what was really stressing you. Last night, Conrad, you and the others had been at a party. You’d left early with Belly when she’d had too much to drink and the boys had stayed. It was just a party at the beach, nothing crazy, but you’d woken up to a text this morning that had turned your stomach sick.
Hey girl! Feel like I need to be honest with you, Conrad was all over Nicole last night. I’d want to know if I were you.
I’m pretty sure I saw them kiss.
Even thinking of the words again made you nauseous, they were rotating over and over in your head. All over her.
“Hey babe,” Conrad speaks softly as he comes downstairs, swinging an arm around the bannister as he turns into the kitchen.
“Hey,” You glance up, trying to scrub a stain out of the countertop.
You couldn’t look at him, too fearful that you’d break down into tears right then and there.
He comes behind you and wraps his arms around your torso. You force yourself to not tense up under his touch, letting out a shaky breath before you say;
“I need you to go to the store,” You comment.
You feel his arms slip from you, “What?”
“Jere’s boxed my car in so I can’t go but we need a whole bunch of stuff. I’ve made a list so I’ll send it to you and-“
“Good morning to you too,” Conrad practically grimaces, stepping back to lean against the counter.
“Sorry, Con, but we’ve got stuff to do today. Susannah and Laurel will be back tomorrow and you know they’ll hate it if the house is in a state.”
“I think they’ll just be glad we didn’t burn the place down,” He scoffs, crossing his arms over his torso.
You turn around and set down the cloth in your hand, wiping your hands. He raises his eyebrows at you like he’s waiting for something so you step forward and stretch up to press a kiss to his lips.
“Please,” You smile.
He narrows his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips, so you kiss him again. This was normal. This was him. The boy that would never hurt you.
“Alright fine,” He agrees, opening up his arms to place them around your waist, “If you insist, your royal highness.”
“Thank you,” You force yourself to smile again, “I’ll send you the list, I’m going to clean the bathroom whilst you’re gone and then-“
“And then when I’m back we can actually enjoy our day? No more stress cleaning,” He encourages, brushing a lock of hair away from your face.
He leans down and kisses your jaw, once twice three times before stepping away from you to grab his keys. He’d never hurt you. This boy would never hurt you.
“Send me that list!” He calls back to you, disappearing around the corner.
It was all fine, right?
Conrad gets back an hour later, carrying in bags and bags of groceries all exactly from your list. You help him put them away and then start busying yourself with tidying up the lounge.
“(Y/n) come on, we’re going surfing,” Conrad encourages, reaching out his hand to you from where he was laying on the couch.
“I don’t-“ You clear your throat, looking away from him, “I don’t really feel like it today.”
He pushes himself up onto his elbows, “Come on, you agreed you’d be done after I got back. The other three are capable of helping too, you know? Just tell Jere to clean.”
You glance at him and quickly glance away. You couldn’t get the words out of your head, as much as you’d tried to avoid them. Everything felt so normal this morning, but it was becoming impossible to convince yourself that it couldn’t be true.
“I-“ You shake your head, tears brimming at your eyes when you look at him, “I can’t today.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” He sits up fully, “What’s going on?”
You let out a shaky breath and shake your head again, “Sorry I just… um… I think there’s dust in my eye or something.”
You hurry off into the nearest bathroom and lock the door behind you, leaning back against the locked door. You can’t fight off the tears at your eyes anymore as they start to trickle down at the corners. In the moment, you catch sight of yourself in the mirror, your eyes glazed over and your lip quivering with each exhale.
When you and Conrad first got together, you’d always thought he was too good for you. You knew who he’d been with before you, and you didn’t feel anything like them. You weren’t one of the country club girls, not one of the girls who’d throw themselves at him if he gave them the chance. You just fell in love and he did too. And, as much as he reassured you that you were blind to think he was too good for you, there was always just this little piece biting at you every time you thought about it for too long. Would you ever think you were good enough for him?
You walk over to the sink and look closer at yourself in the mirror, dragging your fingers under both of your eyes to wipe away the remaining tears. Your eyes looked a little red now and your cheeks felt puffy but you ignore it, drawing your shoulders back before walking back out of the bathroom.
Your steps come to a halt when you almost bump into Conrad, stood only a metre from the door.
“(Y/n) why has Shayla just texted you?” He holds your phone out towards you, “And why does it-“
“You looked through my phone?” You question, snatching it back from him.
He scoffs, “It came up on your lockscreen, okay? I didn’t think anything of it. Until I see that it’s Shayla and she’s telling you ‘Id be worried if I were you’.”
You look down at the screen and see the message still sitting there waiting to be read. She’d be worried. Should you be?
You look back up at him, “Well, should I be?”
“Should you what?”
“Should I be worried, Con?” You return, trying to avoid the tremor in your words.
“What are you talking about?”
“You know what, forget it, I shouldn’t have said anything,” You shake your head, pushing past him to walk down the corridor.
He hurries after you and his hand reaches out to grab your arm, turning you around, “No, talk to me (y/n). Why did Shayla text you that?”
As you turn around, it doesn’t feel like the same Conrad looking back at you, but it only lasts for a second. His face is so full of worry you’re sure he could break there and then.
“Wh-“ You stop yourself, “What happened after I left last night? At the party, what happened?”
He frowns, his eyes looking between each of yours, “What are you talking about?”
“Tell me what happened.”
He blinks like he’s completely lost but continues, “Okay, you left with Belly. We got a few more drinks, Steven rang Taylor, Jere saw this guy he hooked up with last summer, the keg ran out and it got cold, we walked home.”
You purse your lips together, “Nothing else?”
“(Y/n) if you think something happened I’d rather you just say it because I can’t think of a-“
“Were you with Nicole?”
He raises his brows, “Nicole?” He practically scoffs over her name, “You can’t be serious.”
“Answer the question, Conrad.”
“Okay, yes, I saw her there,” He shrugs, “I didn’t realise that was an important part of the story, I saw her, we said hello, I didn’t see her for the rest of the night.”
You swallow the lump in your throat and pull out your phone with shaking hands, unlocking it and pushing it into his hands, “That’s not what it seemed like to Shayla.”
His eyes scan quickly to read the message and you watch his shoulders drop.
“Is it true?” You ask shakily, tears brewing once again.
For a second, you’re convinced he’s going to admit to everything and you’re going to feel your heart break beyond words.
“Is this really what you think of me?”
You stop before speaking again, “Conrad I woke up this morning to that text and I-“
“And you believed it?” He half laughs over the word.
“Why wouldn’t I believe it Conrad?” You exclaim, your words catching in your throat.
Conrad pauses.
“I know how things were when you were with Nicole. They were easy and fun and you didn’t have to think about anything. I’m not like that,” You shake your head, biting your lip to stop it from trembling, “I know I’m not who people expect you to be with and I know this isn’t… I just know that people see you with Nicole and they think that’s who it should be, not me.”
“(Y/n),” He looks at you so strongly you’re sure you could crumble, “I chose you. I chose this. And I still choose this. Every single fucking day I choose this. Why can’t you see that?”
“I just… I can’t get the thought of you and her out of my head.”
He laughs, “There is no me and her! There was no me and her last night! But if this is what you think of me (Y/n) then this is a really sad conversation.”
Before you can speak, he swallows the lump in his throat and walks past you, his shoulder bumping yours. You listen to his footsteps receding until the door slams and he’s gone.
Without another thought, every emotion spills from you, dropping to the floor as you sob.
In seconds, the bedroom door opens and Jere and Belly step out, both of them crouching down to wrap you in their arms, holding onto you as much as they were holding you up.
You leave the house almost an hour later, forcing yourself out of bed and down towards the short walk to the beach. On your way, you’re already certain that that’s where he’ll be. The place that made him think more clearly. The place where he’d first kissed you.
As you expect, Conrad’s sat just a little way down on the sand, his knees at his chest and his arms draped over them, a burgundy hoodie wrapped around him.
You sit down without a word and his eyes look up from the sea to watch as you do so, following you down until you’re beside him.
Both of you are silent, neither of you willing to break that just yet.
“I’m sorry Con,” You exhale, “I shouldn’t have just jumped to conclusions.”
He shakes his head, looking out at the moving sea, “I should be apologising.”
“What do you have to be sorry for?” You feel the lump form in your throat, as if part of you is so sure he’s about to admit to your worst nightmare.
“I would never cheat on you (Y/n). I’d never even think about looking at another girl like that,” He explains, “But if I’ve made you feel like there’s even the slightest possibility that that’s something I’m capable of, then I’m doing something wrong. Because you shouldn’t feel like that. And you shouldn’t have felt like that today.”
“Con it’s not your fault.”
“It is my fault,” He returns, “Why do you think I would cheat on you?”
You take a deep breath, reaching out to take his hand into yours, watching him visibly relax at the contact, “I love you Connie, and I always have, and you’ve made me feel loved since the first day you kissed me and every day since. But, even with us together, there’s always this part of me that’s so sure I’m just… not enough. And that one day you’ll realise that too. And that’s not you, or Shayla or Nicole or anyone that’s causing that, it’s just me.”
“But (Y/n) I-“
“I know,” You squeeze his hands, “I know you might think it’s stupid and you might think you need to be doing more but it’s just… sometimes it’s hard to believe that you feel that way about me.”
He shifts in his spot so that he’s facing you, reaching both of his hands out to cup your face, “I love you, (Y/n) (Y/l/n). And I don’t care how long it takes, I’ll spend the rest of my life if it takes that long for you to be sure of that. Do you understand me?”
You let out a laugh and tears prick at the sides of your eyes, his thumbs shifting instantly to catch the tears as they fall.
“Now how could I not love you?” He grins, leaning in until his forehead presses against yours.
You rest there for a while, as if you’re breathing in every ounce of love he can offer you, letting out an exhale of every worry of the day.
“Do I love you?” Conrad raises his eyebrows.
You giggle, “You love me.”
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writing-fanics · 10 months
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' i thought you liked your usual '
'I used to'
sanji x f!reader
next part
[tw: angst: heartbreak: bickering: obvious tension (eventually)]
"Hi, welcome to our shitty restaurant where the only thing worse than the ambience is the food." The waiter said in a sour tone, as he placed the plate of fresh bread onto the table.
"My name is Sanji. What can I get for you?" He said looking at the Strawhat Crew, "One of everything, please." Luffy said, as he stuffed his mouth with the delicious bread.
"Any drinks?" He asked his eyes almost landing on someone with [h/c] sitting next to Zoro. He didn't know why that person even though not seeing their face looked familiar to him.
"One of our signature cocktails to help you choke down your meal?" He said, still in a sour mood.
"Kicked off the line again?" [Y/n] asked, raising her head as she folded her arms across her chest, staring at him smugly with pursed lips. Hearing her voice again made his heart skip a beat. "Didn't expect to see you again so soon," He said with his signature charming smile, that could make every man or woman swoon over him.
"Me too," She said with a hint of coldness in her voice, the others looked between the two of them. Eyes darting back and forth between Sanji and [Y/n]. He looked at her for a bit and noticed the tense situation, Zoro cleared his throat and said, "Waiter, can I get a beer and something for my friends?" Ussop then cuts in, "Two beers. I usually have three, but…" Ussop said.
"And milk," Luffy said his mouth full of bread. Sanji asked, eyes landing on [Y/n] once more. "Three beers and a milk. And, uh- your usual?" She looked at him. Coldly, almost annoyed, she replied, "Just a glass of water will do.". „What? I thought you liked your usual? ” He said looking at her, god he missed her so much.
She stared at him coldly, "I used to.". His lips pursed inward and he nodded, "Right away," he said, turning to head for the kitchen. She fell back into her seat and noticed the crew staring at her, "What?" She asked, looking at the others.
"Ah? What the hell was that?" Nami asked, and [Y/n] sighed rolling her eyes as she sat up in the booth, "Yeah, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife." Usopp said, and the girl groaned into the palm of her hands. Embarrassed by the scene she caused in front of her friend, "Did he stand you up on a date or something?" Usopp asked, and she lifted her head from her hands and placed them on her lap.
She sighed falling back into the booth and slouching her back, "No, but that would've saved me the heartbreak and tears." She said and Usopp was about to ask another question possibly. "No more questions," She said, before he could even ask he closed his mouth.
Sanji's day couldn't have gotten any worse or better. He was kicked off the line and now his ex-fiancee is here and was sitting next to some guy with green hair and three swords. Has she moved on? Has she replaced him?
"No way, she didn't replace with that moss-head?" He mumbled under his breath. Words can't explain how much he missed her and how much he beat himself up for making her leave. Every day, he beats himself up for it each day he's reminded of the consequences of his actions when he wakes up every morning and she isn't there beside him.
Everyday when he's not waking up to her cuddled up beside him, her head buried into his chest. Her tiny snore echoing throughout what was once their shared room, everyday was a reminder of his failure as a partner. was there even a chance to fix it?
He'd take that chance in a heartbeat, quit smoking he'd do it in a heartbeat if it meant being with his love again. Actually, ever since their argument a year ago he hasn't flirted with a single lady since. Really, for a year ever since that day he's been waiting hoping praying, that she'll walk through those doors and he can apologize for everything. So why can't he now?
First thing, she clearly doesn't want to talk to him still pissed off about what happened a year ago. Maybe, if he tries some small talk maybe she'll warm up. God, he hopes that she isn't sleeping with that moss-head man. Whatever it is, he's at least going to try to fix things hopefully, and if she doesn't want anything to do with him then that's fine. He'll just have to live with not having the best thing to ever happen to him in his life again.
@mishakoon @badbye666 @sweetheartlizzie07 @randomgurl2326
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karlwriting · 2 years
How Nanami Kento shows you his love
featuring - Nanami
Warning - SFW + NSFW
re-blogs and likes are appreciated :)
Art created by @yuannaoi
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Nanami is the kind of man who observes you in detail. He can already tell what you like to eat during a company dinner. But be reminded that he is only interested to observe you, he doesn’t really care about the other colleagues. Your frowns, the blinks in your eyes after eating something delicious - Nanami captures them all. Behind his intense gaze, his mind is already contemplating which restaurants he should take you for dinner.
‘The mochi of this restaurant is really nice’ you feel surprised at the softness of the strawberry flavour mochi, at the same time feeling sad that it’s already the last piece on the table.
“Can we have 2 more servings of the strawberry mochi please?” Nanami waves at the waiter.
‘My man is the best.’ You wink at Nanami.
“I didn’t know Nanami san loves sweets?” A few colleagues are surprised at Nanami’s order cuz usually he avoids sweets at the office.
“I just happened to wanna try something sweet.” His gaze falls on you when he finishes the sentence. He won’t say that the reason of the order is that he saw your cute reaction after eating the mochi - your lifted eyebrows due to the deliciousness, and how you sigh at the empty plates.
Nanami cares about your health over everything, both mentally and physically. Before dating, he saw you always came to work starving and having stomachache, which worried him for a couple of days. He even did some research at home about indigestion and gastric problems that worried him even more. But at the end he got to know that your stomach problem is simply caused by skipping breakfast.
“Good morning everyone” you come to work as usual, but there’s one thing unusual this morning- a strawberry cream filled bread and a box of strawberry milk are placed neatly on your desk. Did someone accidentally put them here? But it happens to be your favourite flavour.
“Y/n, come into my office after you finish the bread and the milk.” Nanami walks back to his office after saying this.
‘Did i do something wrong? I remember i drafted the contract perfectly yesterday?!’ You almost panic cuz he is known to be a perfectionist in the company, but you still manage to finish the breakfast happily then go in to find the perfectionist.
Nanami is standing near the couch, patiently waiting for you to come in. He guides you to sit on the sofa. As you sit obediently, expecting him to point out your mistakes, he says something other than work.
“Do you like them? I mean the bread and the milk.”
“Heh?… yes, the sweetness of the bread is just perfect, and the milk is fresh.”
“Hmm, Great, then i will get you these every morning. Don’t skip breakfast ever again.” You are surprised to see Nanami ‘the cold guy’ chuckles at your response, also stunned by his handsome face.
“Why do you treat me this good?” You ask with blushed cheeks, heart beating with anticipation.
“Isn’t it obvious? ” He sits down beside you, your thighs almost touching each other. He continues saying without moving his eyes from you -“What kind of man buys breakfast for a girl he doesn’t like?”
Nanami becomes a more easygoing person especially when he is with you. He is known to be the most serious, stoic, and rational human being in the company. Most of the colleagues respect him but fear him at the same time, cuz he can be super straightforward to point out their mistakes. But you, your existence melts him down and change his temperature from -10 °C to 36.5 °C. Even hotter on bed that you are the one getting melted.
“Look, It’s Nanami san! I wonder who he is texting now.” the girls from other department gather at the lobby just to see Nanami. And you, as known as his girlfriend, is the one he is texting.
‘Me!! Your crush is texting me!!’ You really want to shout it out loud. Having a popular man as your boyfriend is kinda hard, especially when he is your superior who works in the same department.
“Wait, did i just see him giggling? Omg he is so cute i have never seen him giggle! He is too cold to me! I thought his facial muscles are paralysed” One of the girls complains and you heard it all.
“You are so cold” You sent it to Nanami just to tease him.
“Angel? Did i do something? I’ll never be cold to you hm?”Nanami suddenly gets all alert, thinking what he did to upset you.
“I am just kidding” the jealousy fades seeing him being so nervous over your joke. But suddenly he walks out from his office.
“Y/n, come into my office. RIGHT NOW.”
‘…shit, i screwed up.’
Nanami can never sleep without you. He was suffering from insomnia due to stress before dating you. But at the first night of you staying over at his place, he slept for a total of 8 hours til 9am. You still remember how he woke up surprised, staring at the clock, then started kissing you til you were both out of breath like he had found a treasure.
“I am back from my trip baby! I got you many souvenirs.” You went abroad for a business trip for 4 days. To compensate, you bought few bottles of fancy alcohol for Nanami.
“Thank god you are finally back, i am gonna go crazy all alone here.” Nanami quickly walked towards you, squeezing you in a tight hug. You finally got to smell his woody scent.
“Did your insomnia come back?” You notice his dark circles.
“Not anymore when you are here. Lord i miss your scent so much. I might really go crazy if your trip lasted a little more longer. Do u want me to cook something for you?” Nanami places his head on the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent.
“Yes please, can i have some dumplings? Wait.. it tickles!”
“Hm sure just let me smell you for a few more seconds, i need to feel your existence right now, you have been gone for to long.” The hug grows tighter than ever like you would be gone if he let go.
He loves having sex with you in his office, this shameless man rails you hard even there are colleagues outside his room. He will intentionally lead you to the door, so you can’t moan loudly or else your colleagues will know that you are being thrusted relentlessly by their superior. All you can do is to whine in pleasure.
“You like that? Your walls are clenching so much like you don’t want me to go hm?” You are in Nanami’s office, upper body leaning against the door, sweet juices drippng with every thrust from behind.
“Mm… they are gonna hear it… go back to the couch…ah!” Your man didn’t take your advice in his consideration. Instead, he grabs both of your hands from behind, increasing the speed of pounding, not sparing an inch.
“Watching my subordinate getting so messed up over my cock, i am such a bad superior. Argh..Lets cum together baby? Hm? Gosh… you feel amazing.”
You both cum as he leans to hug you tight. He covers your mouth with his left palm cuz he knows you moan uncontrollably when you cum. His cock is still buried inside to savour the clenches.
‘How can i continue to work when i am already so fucked out?’ this is the only question on your mind cuz it’s still 10am.
Nanami gets aroused instantly when he sees you wearing black stockings, especially the thin ones that show your original skin tone. If you wear that to work, expect to feel his intense gaze and be invited to his office.
You notice there is an obvious tent formed on Nanami’s crotch, his gaze never leaves you since you step into the office. You smirk slightly at him, teasing at how needy he is.
“Y/n, there is a mistake you just made in the documents. Come into my office, i will teach you how to correct them.” You took the documents in to his office, then close the door.
“Ah! It’s too deep… hm…” Nanami kisses you messily to stop you from talking, hips keep ramming into your wet pussy. You are put on his desk on back, your thighs are being pushed against your shoulders.
“You look too hot in these stockings, ah…do you know that other men are staring at you as well? You are mine, forever.” Nanami stops moving gradually, slowly removing your stockings. When he is done with removing, he rams his cock back straight into your pussy.
After the intense sex that morning, your colleagues notice that your stockings are gone. You simply told them some kind of animal destroyed it.
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rahuratna · 2 months
The transformation of Nanami Kento, Part 3
In which Nanami-pom gets fed well and manages to avoid being squished.
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By the time the boys returned, Nanami-pom had settled himself comfortably at the table in preparation for his food. Mealtime was an important and carefully observed ritual for him in human form, one of his simple pleasures. Nobara had procured a side plate and napkin for him, with a tiny, patterned rice bowl placed to the side for his drink.
Megumi deconstructed the sandwich and cut the bread, cheese and cold meat slices into smaller pieces while Yuuji warmed some milk in the microwave and added a few drops of honey from Ijichi's personal stash. Nanami-pom waited patiently, even though his stomach had signaled great hunger earlier.
When everything was ready, he tucked in with solemn appreciation, slowly feeling his way around the use of his new body. It was obvious that the paws were more deft than those of the average pup and that he was able to grip objects. He managed to pick up and eat the sandwich components, which he chewed with relish. The pads of his paws slipped on the smooth porcelain of the rice bowl, however, and he resorted to lapping straight out of it as it stood on the table.
When he was done, Yuuji offered him a biscuit to eat with the remainder of his milk, which he graciously accepted. Nanami was known, among those close to him, to be partial to a small, after-dinner treat and coffee.
While the students helped themselves to their own purchased lunch, Ijichi returned, phone clamped between shoulder and ear, balancing a stack of folders in his arms. They caught the tail-end of his conversation.
"Yes. Yes, that's right. The order came through our branch here at Jujutsu Tech. Yes, it's been approved. The team? I see. But what about a senior sorcerer? All right, please get back to me as soon as you get confirmation on that."
He dumped the folders on the desk and glanced over at Nanami-pom who seemed to be dozing comfortably on top of a cushion on the sofa in the corner. Ijichi lowered his voice.
"He's handling this remarkably well, isn't he? If it were me ... "
Nobara nodded, but Yuuji looked downcast once again.
"That's just Nanamin. Even in the worst situations, he's all calm and strong. But I ... sometimes I don't know what he's thinking. What if he's really worried on the inside and just not showing it? You know. So he won't make me feel bad for what happened."
Megumi tsked.
"Stop moping. It's not gonna do much for Nanami, is it? Whatever happens, we're all on board and we'll help. That curse user sounds tricky, but not too powerful. Now that we're prepared for how his abilities work, we won't be caught off guard."
Yuuji nodded, perking up a little. Offering a smile, Ijichi checked his phone as a message alert lit up his screen.
"Oh, the team handling this case has been picked. It'll be you three and one of our qualified Grade 2 sorcerers, Takuma Ino.  He specifically asked to be assigned to this case once he heard the details. Also, one senior sorcerer."
Yuuji looked slightly puzzled.
"Takuma? Don't think I've met him before."
"I have." Megumi folded his arms. "He's fast, strong. Competent. He's worked with Nanami on cases before. That's probably why he's keen on this."
Yuuji looked excited at this news, but Nobara was frowning.
"Wait, senior sorcerer? They normally hang us out to dry with these tricky cases, so why the sudden caution? And who's the sorcerer?"
Ijichi checked his phone and shook his head.
"It doesn't say. But normally, they'd be assigned through personal request. Maybe it's someone else who knows Nanami - "
At that moment a loud, very familiar voice echoed down the corridor outside.
"Naaaa Naaaaa miiiiiii. Where, oh where are you? Is he in here? Hey, hey, Shoko, where is he? When I heard, I just had to drop everything and come over. Oi, oi, where's he hiding? NAAAAA NAAAA MIIIII."
The three students stopped eating, chopsticks slipping from Megumi's fingers to clatter noisily on the floor. Ijichi's grip on his phone had turned white-knuckled. They all looked over toward the corner, where Nanami-pom had been sleeping peacefully. The transformed sorcerer was now sitting upright, eyes fixed on the door, tension in every line of his small form. His ears flicked in distress and he looked over at the students, a mute appeal in his stoic gaze. Rising to the occasion, Nobara stood and strode over to him.
"Don't worry, Nanami. We won't let him do whatever he wants. We know how to handle him."
Yuuji sprang up and waved his hands.
"Yeah, don't panic. It's just Gojo. What could he possibly -"
The door slammed open and the tall form of Gojo loomed over the occupants of the room. Even though it was futile, the students and Ijichi formed a stalwart barricade around Nanami. A roguish pose held them all prisoner as the man in the doorway edged up the corner of his blindfold, an almost predatory grin spreading across his face.
"Well now. Look at this little gathering. All of my cute students and the not-so-cute Ijichi. But my, my, what could you all be hiding behind you? Yuuji, be a good boy and move aside."
Yuuji shot him an anguished look.
"Please don't annoy him. He's had a rough day, okay? And it's all my fault he's like this. Don't make everything worse."
Gojo sauntered in, closing the door with finality behind him. His expression morphed to one of indignation.
"What? Who said I'd make everything worse? I just heard that he'd been transformed into a - "
His words cut off abruptly as a diminutive, yellow form pushed forward, past the legs of the students. Standing straight and confident, Nanami-pom rose to his full height, which was halfway up the length of Gojo's shin, and shot the special-grade sorcerer a calm, but challenging glance. His short arms folded across his front in a familiar gesture. Gojo's mouth hung open for a full minute before he collapsed to his knees, propping himself on his elbows until his eyes were on level with Nanami-pom's. He lifted his blindfold and the profound delight reflected in his glowing gaze almost blinded everyone in the room.
"You ... oh, this is ... he made you Pompompurin?"
Gojo rolled over onto his back and promptly lost control, body heaving breathlessly with laughter.
"Oh, oh, this is too ... Nanami, you're so... I can't ... I'm gonna die - HURGH"
The hysterical laughter cut off with a loud squawk as Nanami-pom's temper got the better of him and his small, very sharp teeth latched firmly onto Gojo's ear.
"Ow! Ow! Get off! Okay, okay! I'm sorry, I -"
The students watched in surprise as Nanami-pom held on like a piranha with its last meal, his little paws jabbing repeatedly and painfully up Gojo's nostrils.
"Ge - get him off - aaargk - okay, stop I'll -"
When they finally separated (Ijichi trying and failing to conceal his grin when he spotted the row of tiny punctures that decorated his senior's ear) Gojo had the grace to look contrite.
"Fine, fine. No more making fun of Nanamin. Got it. But, but, please let me just -"
His hand shot out and he tickled Nanami-pom's snout before emitting a squeal so high-pitched he could have knocked a fruit bat off-course.
"Wow. So soft. But we can cuddle later. For now ... " He rose and caught Ijichi's eye, "We'll find the curse user who did this. Any leads yet?"
"They've narrowed down the area he could be hiding to an old amusement park. Our windows are monitoring the area as we speak and reporting back on any suspicious activity. In the meantime, we're just waiting for Takuma to arrive and complete the team. He was very insistent on helping out."
At the mention of Ino, Nanami-pom's disgruntled expression relaxed and his ears lifted slightly in recognition and pleasure. The door opened once again and Ieiri looked in, eyes tracking over the occupants of the crowded office until it landed on Nanami-pom.
"So, I've been running some tests on samples I took from Nanami earlier. I've found something. Bring him over to the examination room."
Exchanging glances, the students hurried out of the room, Nanami-pom evading Gojo's grasp once again as he scampered nimbly up the back of Yuuji's jacket and hung onto the red hood.
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ghoastixx · 20 days
saw you were looking for Supernatural requests and I was wondering if you could do Castiel with a child reader who’s so picky about what they eat? Like they refuse to eat something that isn’t their comfort food? Please and thank you!
Castiel w/ a picky child GN!reader
notes: As someone who really really likes reading castiel interacting with a child, this makes me really happy. I am going to write Cas in more of the "I'm an angel of the lord." tone instead of the "Good morning!!🥰🌺" tone. But, who knows how it will turn out.
Synopsis above
My inbox is alway open.
You were a nightmare during meal times, John used to say. Y/n Winchester was the youngest of Sam and Dean. When John died in that hospital, Y/n had only been a child. Now Y/n was older. Almost eleven.
Sam and Dean has raised Y/n, for the most part, so they were more used to things that the kiddo liked and didn't like. Most of that was influenced by shitty gas stations and diners.
Bobby always had a hell of a time getting the kid to eat. Everyone tried their best, they really did.. but it was difficult, and you would often get teased for being "picky." Even if it did hurt your feelings sometimes, you loved these people so you would never say anything about it.
You really liked Castiel for some reason. Your older brothers thought it was a little weird, I mean.. you usually didn't warm up easily to new people. It took at least four days to get you to even talk to another hunter if they had been working with one. But with Castiel? You seemed to just instantly like him. Sam joked it was because he was an angel, and in stories and older media, angels and children go hand in hand. Dean was just glad that you liked someone that wasn't your family.
At this point, with all the moving around and everything the boys had done, it was too dangerous to send you to school, so Sam "homeschooled" you when you had the time, but ever since Cas had showed up, you could be found asking him question after question about everything you were curious about. Castiel answered them, but he was confused. The young Winchester didn't bother him, he was intrigued more than anything.
An important hunt came up, a dangerous hunt. Sam and Dean really did not want you out on this mission. Usually they would dump you on Bobby during a time like this, but they needed Bobby's help on this hunt. They were okay with letting you stay by yourself, but when it came to hunts like this one, they would rather have someone watch you. Blackmail wasn't good. So, being the reasonable men they are, they dumped you on Castiel, who knew nothing about humans.
"Alright Castiel, Y/n can take pretty good care of themselves, just keep an eye on them, alright?"
"I will do the best I can Sam." Castiel responded as you walked into the kitchen.
"Please try and get them to eat something." He added before he left, leaving his sibling and the angel alone.
Castiel walked into the kitchen, keeping good distance from the kid, but watching as they pulled some water out of the fridge.
"Sam told me that I should have you eat something."
"No, we're out of pasta." You murmured, twisting the lid off.
Castiel tilted his head a bit, "Human's are not limited to strictly one food?" He said it sternly, but you could tell it was a question.
"Yeah- I know, but like- it's complicated Cas."
"Well, is there something here that you will eat?" He was going to attempt to negotiate.
"well, my dinner is probably going to be day old chocolate milk and a bag of Funyuns."
"That doesn't sound very appetizing."
"You're an angel-"
"I watch the Winchester's eat all the time." He walked into the kitchen, "I'll attempt to make you something."
"I'm an angel of the lord, I can make a child some food." He began rummaging through whatever food that the winchesters had in the motel kitchen. He came up with some bread and grape jelly.
"No- I'm not eating that."
"I said I don't wanna eat that. I don't like grape. It's yucky."
"Alright, I'll find something else. What about..peanut..butter?"
"No. Dean only likes the thick one and it's too chunky for me. I don't want it."
"Well," castiel looked at the kid, "What do you like to eat?" There was few of what the kid said in the motel, but Castiel managed to find some left over pizza in the back of the fridge. A contender! So, he heated it up and put it on a plate. He gave it to you as you sat down and watched curiously as you picked the pepperoni off. "You don't like that part either?"
"No. But it doesn't ruin it. I can still eat it." Castiel sat down.
"Why do you not like many foods?" You shrugged,
"I just don't." You ate half of it before you stopped. He looked down at it, his brows knitted together.
"Are you not going to eat anymore? Is it not good?" You shook your head.
"I think your brothers would want you to eat it,"
"I know.."
"What would get you to eat it, child?"
"Will you tell me a story?" So castiel did. And eventually you ate your food.
Castiel didn't like the quiet after you went to bed. He was beginning to grow to enjoy your company. That's when the tired boys came back.
Sam immediately went to clean up, Dean approached Cas,
"So, how was booger? Did they eat."
"Yes. I heated up pizza for them. They showed me how to use the microwave."
"Woah, a whole meal? Booger never eats that much for Bobby. Good job Cas."
This confused Castiel, but he never had an issue getting the kid to eat after that.
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f1crecs · 7 months
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Fic Rec List - Festive Favourites
you might also enjoy: @f1hallmarkfest - for more festive treats🎄🎁
if your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let us know and we will remove it immediately, no questions asked. we have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop us a message🤍
have a pairing you want me to do next? please read the faqs and then head to the inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
Wishing all who celebrate a very Merry Christmas, and a peaceful New Year. Thank you for all of your support in 2023 ❤️🎄
Briony, Alison, Esra, Mandy, Caroleen, Clara, Leaf, Katie & Tia 🎅🤶❤️
nsfw: Glitter and Be Gay by @phebess | E | 14.7k
Lando is an out and proud primary school art teacher, and Carlos is the hot dad who has caught his eye. This is such a sweet and tender story of self-discovery and identity. As always, Phebes' humour is on point - I laughed out loud several times!
'Lando is wearing an ugly Christmas sweater and waiting outside the school for the bus to take them all to the Christmas Village - he's been before, and it's cute. There's little food stalls, a big man dressed as Santa, tons of fake snow, and even a reindeer petting zoo. A small childish part of him is excited, even if he's going with the company of a bunch of five year olds.'
Lonely This Christmas by @seafoampearlygirl | NR | 19.5k
Mark is stuck at home for Christmas with nobody but the dogs and nothing but what's in the freezer during the worst snowstorm in 40 years. Fernando won't hear of it. He turns up on Mark's doorstep with a metric tonne of food and a plan for seduction. Mark is completely clueless. This fic combines all the best elements of Christmas fic and cosy, snowed in snugglefic. Fernando is written here as he seems IRL - larger than life with emotions to match. Mark is quietly pining and completely unaware that he is being wooed.
'He made Fernando's bed up with soft sheets that he knew were the warmest he owned. He added some heavy throws, because Fernando was Spanish and used to warmer weather. If Mark had had mints in the house, he'd have put one on the pillow. Fernando had brought dinner, dessert, wines, snacks, a frankly terrifying amount of cured meats and cheeses, a very stuffed overnight bag that suggested a longer stay, his laptop, hot water bottles and candles (“in case of power problems”), DVDs (no Christmas movies except Die Hard, Mark was glad to note), and some groceries. The last, even though it wasn't festive, really blew Mark away. A Christmas surprise was magical, but someone had to really care to bring you milk and bread and teabags. He'd even remembered Mark had a fireplace, and had brought firewood, firelighters and coal from the car. If Mark had a spare kidney, he'd have put it on Fernando's pillow, never mind a stupid mint.'
slip a sable under the tree by @strawberry-daiquiris | M | 5k George and Alex are roommates, and George takes a Christmas job as a Christmasgram. This story is everything - the humour, the pining, the festive vibes. I loved it!!
George can feel his cheeks turning as red as his Santa hat, sweat trickling down his back under the polyester, and he’ll need to wipe that off before he gets his top off.
home among the gumtrees by @albertparks | T | 10.3k
A love letter to Australian Christmas; Max and Daniel spend the holidays together. This story is stunning, and encapsulates Australian Christmas perfectly. It's so immersive and sweet.
'They walk, and walk, and walk through the yellowing grass. The sky is an endless mirage of blues, pink, and purples, the stars beginning to peak out as the sun lowers its harsh gaze. It's beautiful here, there's nowhere quite like Perth in the middle of summer. LA is fun, Monaco is relaxing, but nowhere will home quite like here.'
People You Know by @estemick | M | 6.4k Esteban invites Pierre to spend Christmas with him after Pierre's flight is cancelled. Set during Christmas 2022, after Pierre's move to Alpine has been announced. Esteban inviting Pierre home with him is something of an olive branch, which Pierre warily accepts. They take a zigzag path toward reconnecting with one another. Their awkward, yet heartfelt conversations show the gradual unfurling of their old friendship, and a little more besides. This fic is gentle and soft, and it's cosy atmosphere of a Christmas for two, curled up safe and warm while a snowstorm rages outside, makes it a perfect festive read.
Esteban had been alone in motorsport for years, and now he’s best friends with Mick Schumacher of all people, the son of his childhood hero. How does something like that even happen? After another stretch of not-quite-comfortable silence, Pierre decides to ask. It’s not like he can make this any more awkward. “You and Mick seem close.” Esteban keeps his focus on the snowy road in front of them, but Pierre can see a vein bulging in his temple before he sighs and responds. “We are.” “How did that happen?” “What do you mean?” “You’ve just never been great at making friends.” As soon as the words have left Pierre’s mouth, he realises how cruel they are. Esteban is silent for so long that Pierre isn’t certain that he’s going to respond at all. “I didn’t need to. I had you.” “You were friends with other people.” They had been close with Charles and Anthoine for almost as long as they had known each other. Esteban had been shy, but it’s not like he was alone . At least, he had always been present by Pierre’s side. "You took them with you. When you left.”
you set my heart on fire by @boxboxbrioche | M | 14.7k
Charles returns home to the small town he grew up in for Christmas. His career as a photographer has kept him away for several years. After being volunteered to help with a charity calendar, he reconnects with his childhood friend, Pierre, who is now a firefighter.Why I liked it: This fic has a lovely Hallmark movie vibe, leaning into the trope of career-motivated protagonist coming home and realising what is important in life. The Leclerc family vibes are exquisite, Charles's mum and brothers just the right mix of teasing and loving. Pierre, of course, is as knee-weakeningly attractive to Charles as he always is.
Pierre gave him a thumbs up, still grinning. Charles watched with wide eyes as Pierre did the one thing that no one else had - headed straight for the fire pole. “You’re not really going to–” Before Charles could finish that sentence, Pierre had grabbed the pole with two hands and was hanging off of it, feet planted firmly on the floor, his head tilted back. He looked - ridiculous, was the first word that came to Charles’ mind, closely followed by (to his horror) hot. There was something about the way he held himself; the curve of his body, the angle of his chin, that had Charles wondering if he’d done this before. Pierre glanced at him, grinning. “Well? Are you not going to take the shot?"
All's Well That End's Well (To End Up With You) series by @welightitup, @boxboxbrioche and @redyellowstupid | T | 15.7k
Due to both of their hectic calendars, Pierre and Charles have a tradition of celebrating their birthdays late - in July for Pierre's, and in December for Charles'. This series is all about celebration, long-time friendship and a delicious slow-burn friends-to-lovers. I love the way these authors capture Pierre and Charles' dynamic - their friendship shines through in a way that feels so beautifully real and true to them. These fics even come with a bonus piece of art in the third part of the series! All in all, the series is just incredibly heartwarming, nostalgic and beautifully written, and will leave you with the biggest smile on your face, just like a true Hallmark holiday rom-com. (Because after all, what's more Hallmark-y than realising you've been in love with your childhood best friend all along?)
The air is sprinkled with the scent of cinnamon and chocolate as they make their way through the market stalls lining the centre of Rouen. Despite the late evening hour, it is teeming with more people Charles remembers there ever being. There’s an empty cup that had contained mulled wine in one hand, the other clutching onto Pierre’s sleeve as he trails behind him to make sure they don’t get separated.
Lights from the market and the fair at the far end twinkle like coloured fairy lights strung across the entirety of the area. There is a contagious merry mood, everyone sharing smiles and nods and the odd “joyeux Noël”, no matter who they are, and bitter bite of the weather - now in the single digits - is soothed by the heat radiating off the bustling crowds and the food stalls.
nsfw: wishing for a blue christmas by @duquesademiel and @wolfiemcwolferson | E | 29.4k
This is a non-drivers AU and soulmates AU. Pierre and Charles have a meet-cute moment when their luggage gets mixed up on a flight. Pierre is on holiday alone after his long term girlfriend left him after finding her soulmate. Charles's family immediately adopts him. What I liked about it: This fic is a lovely feelgood Christmas read. The Leclerc family scenes are wonderful, I'm not sure if I liked matchmaker Pascale, annoying brat younger brother Arthur or kind older brother Lorenzo more but between the three of them Charles's dignity doesn't stand a chance. Pierre and Charles are made for each other, obviously, but the tension arises from the fact that Pierre already has a soulmark and has SOMEone out there already. Hmm.
“I got you something else,” Pierre tells him. “Sit up so you can see.” Charles glares at him but allows himself to be pulled up to a sitting position and then he sets the bag into Charles’ lap and Charles immediately sticks his hand down into the bag to pull out…a - He throws his head back to laugh, reaching for the gift he got Pierre and setting it on his lap. Pierre only has time to look momentarily confused before he is pulling out an identical keychain that Charles is also holding. Charles had purchased it because it looks vaguely like his soulmark and Pierre never has to use it, but it had made Charles smile and apparently Pierre as well. “This is perfect,” Pierre says, and Charles is about to be the one to lean over and kiss him, but he hears Arthur shout from the main room and they both freeze, wide eyed. “You can escape now.” Charles whispers. “Save yourself.”
As long as I get to keep you by @babysharl | T | 34k
When Charles and Max find each other at Daniel's New Year's party, they find themselves in a little predicament–when the clock strikes midnight, it grants a wish to the one who winds it up. It turns out–he's wished for a dream to come true: to be surrounded by love. Oh my goodness, this is one of my all time FAVORITE magical realism fics! The magic of the clock, wish fulfillment, it's amazing and so well-written. Literally, every moment of the fic took me somewhere new, and I definitely recommend it wholeheartedly!!!
It were moments like these that highlighted just how much of a different reality this was. They weren't supposed to take naps in real life, it fucked up their sleep schedules. He and Max, even though closer, were never this close until probably last night, where Charles had a vague recollection of falling asleep on Max. The general softness of the moment, their breaths slow and gentle, Max's eyes lazily moving from their nephew to Charles again, fondness mushing up the edges of the piercing blue. None of this was reality for Charles. He felt so at peace, though, that he chose to ignore the obvious. He chose to ignore the phone call, and that this wasn't his to have, that this wasn't the Max he wanted in his bed despite how similar he was, that this was just a dream he would wake up from. He wondered if he and Max could ever have something resembling this. He doubted it. Not with their lives.
the season of eyes meeting over the noise by @nobrakesdown | T | 9.1k
Toto and Christian are a pair of mildly antagonistic music teachers fighting over space in a concert venue for their respective classes. Gradually, they find themselves like one another more than they expected. This fic captures the snarky back and forth thise two have irl, and also the hint of affability you see in some of their interactions. A lot of the snark in the fic seems like it's for habit or show, and the gradual bloom of affection is not a surprise considering the groundwork's been done. This is a sweet little holiday story, perfect to curl up with.
He’s still holding his own coffee cup as they walk out of the shop, with Daniel waving after them as they go. The cold hits them as they go through the door, and Toto sees Christian shove his hands into his pockets again. He acts without really thinking, putting his cup down on a low wall that runs along the sidewalk. He slips off one glove, and then the other. Placing them carefully together, he holds them out to Christian, who stares at him. Toto huffs, his breath hanging in the cold air. “I’m not the one who didn’t bring appropriate clothing. Go on, take them.” “But that’s a terrible solution,” Christian says. “Now your hands will get cold.” “They won’t,” Toto says, not getting pulled into this. “I still have a warm cup to carry back with me.” Christian shakes his head, but when Toto holds the gloves closer to him he takes them. He turns them over in his hands before, apparently approvingly, putting them on. Toto finds himself watching, but he forces his mind away from thinking that his gloves look good on Christian. That would be ridiculous to think, because they’re just gloves.
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ennoshitas-princess · 2 months
The Beautiful Rose
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Tobio Kageyama x chubby fem! reader Warnings: Oikawa being forceful to be with you, some swearing, centaur Kageyama, violent scene Synopsis: you are the girl everyone wants to be, and you catch the eye of the king of the court Word Count: 1,612 Hopefully you like it!! This has no spoilers really. Fantasy au (inspo beauty and the beast). Don't read if you don't like violence or triggered with gun shots.
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You strolled along the dirt path of the village to go to the market in the little town to get things for your mother and brother.
A shade of a pretty pastel cerulean hovered above everyone's head. The emerald blanket soaked with the morning dew. The light magenta petals of the cherry trees fell like snow in the bleak winter months. The rays warming up the ground below, caused cats and dogs to shut their eyelids tight and take a longer nap.
Basket in hand, you continued to admire your surroundings of the vast beauty of nature.
“Bonjour, monsieur.” You wave to the owner of the stand, filling your nostrils with the sweet aroma of baked goods.
“Bonjour, belle demoiselle.” He replied back.
“What do you have to offer today?” You looked at all the items, making you drool.
You could not help yourself. Just a regular habit you had that continued to occur since you were small. The thought of eating one of these delicious delights, had you wanting to buy the whole stand.
“We have bagels, cookies, baguettes, loafs of bread, and cake.” He pointed them out.
“I will take these and the baguettes.” Your hand hovered over the cookies.
“Ah, your sweet tooth demoiselle, non?”
“Oui, monsieur!”
“À plus tard!” You wave to the baker.
You walk off to bump into none other than the throb of the town, Touru Oikawa.
With a sigh, you shift to your left to continue with your errands, but stopped by him moving to his right to block. You move the other direction, and he does the same thing.
“Hey umm… Oikawa-”
“Please y/n, you know we are meant to be. Call me by my first name.” He pulled you close to his lean body.
“Look Oikawa, I cannot figure out any other way to express this. I do not like you romantically at all.” You bluntly shove him away.
His blood boiled at the remark, not knowing how much you mean to him. If he got with you, everyone in the village would be jealous about your relationship. Making him look greater and grander, even more than Alexander building one of the biggest empires in history in a short amount of time.
“Look y/n, you know how much-”
Before Oikawa could finish his sentence, you left him rambling to himself. In embarrassment, he stormed off, yelling, “well y/n, we all know you hang out with a monster.”
Oikawa, being himself, just let you be.
Well, Oikawa wasn't wrong about what he said earlier that day. Everyone viewed him as one, but you saw his flaws as beautiful pieces of artwork in a mural in an art museum.
You go over to the forest to visit your friend, Tobio Kageyama. The hut just beneath all the dead trees, just decaying and bald. Flowers on the sidelines wilted from the lack of sunshine. The straw roof had a massive hole. So whenever it rained, poor Kageyama’s house got soaked.
You knock at the almost deteriorated wooden door. Just with your subtle touch, the door fell on the creaking floor with a thud, spooking the horned centaur.
Dashing towards the door, he saw your plump figure at the entrance.
“Oh, it's just you y/n.” He sighed.
“Yes, it's just me, Tobio. Look, I went to the market and got some things for you to eat. I got cookies, bread, some fresh produce, and guess what I brought?” You give him the basket.
“What did you bring for me?” He reached for it, his hand brushing against your soft tiny one.
Pulling the cold item out, he smiled.
“Y/n, you brought milk!” He shouted with joy.
“Of course I did. When you are happy, I am happy.”
The centaur picked you up and spun you around twice, hugging your soft curves. You were a cute plush for him of course. If someone bad happened to you, he would find a way to save or protect you.
You strolled along the river bed calmly, as the birds sang their song peacefully. The flow of the river brought some type of relief from Oikawa’s six hundredth proposal.
As you walk, you spot a rock to rest on. When you sat down, you heard a lot of rustling in the bushes. Frightened, you got up and started to run away.
“Wait, don't run… I didn't mean to scare you. Of course someone as pretty and kind hearted as you would rush back home.” A male voice sounded disappointed.
You inch towards the male slowly, awaiting to be attacked. When you look at the man closer, you see him hiding behind the shrubs.
“Umm… how dumb of me. I should introduce myself. My name is Kageyama, Kageyama Tobio. What is yours?” He still hid.
“Nice to meet you, mine is l/n y/n.” You tell him as you go where he hid.
“That is a pretty name for a pretty lady like you. I mean, well you are just pretty because you are a human- shit!” He snapped.
“Wait, come out of the bushes. I am curious about what you meant about me being a human. Are you one?” You raise a brow.
Clopping towards where you stood, you soon begin to realize he was not a human. He came out being a centaur. The thought of you running away came across poor Kageyama's mind, but surprised that you stayed in place, examining him closely with shining e/c eyes.
“You seem very fascinating! How did you-”Before you could finish that question, he replied with all honesty.
“I was put under a spell because of how I used to treat others in my village when I was king. I ran away and now, no one is ruling my kingdom.” He rubbed the back of his head.
You stare into his ocean eyes for a long time. Just as you were in a trance, he too was in one. Charmed by your squishy body, not knowing what to say or do, he randomly said, “wanna be friends?!?”
You break eye contact, blushing, “yeah!”
You two walked inside of his cottage to snack on the little treats.
As you finished your snacks, a rustle in the bushes could be heard by Kageyama. He galloped towards the shrubs.
“Bam, bam, bam!”
You heard the gunshots from inside. Rushing out of your seat, you saw Kageyama on the dirt ground, breathing heavily. You turn your head up slowly from the centaur, only to meet up with brown eyes.
“Oikawa! Why would you shoot him?” You ran towards him and wept.
“I only did it for you, y/n. I bet he had you captured and under some mind game of his, only to keep you from me.” He reached for your arm, only for you to shake it off aggressively.
“I don't like you! As a matter of fact, I hate you!” You scowl at him.“I did it all for-”
“I don't care! I want you to leave me alone. I don't want you near me in any way. I am in love with him and you think I will love you after shooting him?” Your voice boomed throughout the forest.
Oikawa's mouth formed a small circle, opened from the news you gave to him. He couldn't believe that you loved a monster like Kageyama, but not love someone as handsome as he is. Scoffing, he turned his tracks to the road to the village, stomping his way back.
“Y-you love m-m-me?” Kageyama's soft voice spoke.
You look down at him from where you knelt down, just terrified of what could happen to him in the next minute.
“Kageyama, no matter what happens, I will never forget you, alright?” Your soft hand caressed his cheek.
“Pl-please don't tell m-me I am g-going to d-die?” He stumbled with his words.
“No, no. I am not saying that. If you happen to never return to your human form, I will still love you.” A tear rolled of your cheek like dew in the morning.
Kageyama suddenly closed his eyes and his breathing stopped. Waterfalls fell from your eyes as you saw your dear friend go limp in your arms, not holding himself up anymore. You wanted to go off in the village and get revenge with all the bitterness in your mouth, but something in your heart told you not to.
You closed your eyelids and felt some warmth in your hands. Opening them slowly, you saw him glittering proudly like a star in the night sky. You could have sworn that you were dreaming, but you pinch yourself only to realize you were wide awake.
He levitated in the air like a bird flying towards the glowing sun that warmed the ground. His torso turned back. His feet bare instead of hooves. His tail disappeared. Only the figure of Kageyama laid on the ground, fluttering his sapphire eyes open.“L-l/n-san?”
“Kageyama, you are alive and in your human form!” You hugged him tightly.
He glanced at himself up and down to see that you were right. He got up and spun you around like always.
“Yes, I am back to myself. L/n-san I simply adore you too!” He smashed his lips into yours.
Flushing in all the hues that existed, you did not hesitate one single but to kiss him back.
As soon as your brother and mother moved into the palace, you and Kageyama got married. Weeks later, Oikawa got sentenced for trying to kill the king. Let's just say Oikawa could never look as handsome as he wanted anymore.
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A/n: hey guys!! Thank you for reading another of my posts ☺️ hope you are having a good day!!
Hopefully you enjoyed!!
Thank you for coming!!
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(divider below blue text belongs to @besitodefresas)
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animereactsbybkemk · 8 months
Haikyuuu Boys React/ Respond to them cheating:
Character: Oikawa (Cheater) Genre: Angst to Fluff Warnings: Cussing, Nicknames used, bulling implied Notes:You do NOT end up with Oikawa, You end up with someone else Note 2: No gender mentioned for Y/N Key: R/N- Random Name, Y/N- Your Name Please let me know if you guys like this form or if you'd prefer the text picture form.
It had been a week since Aoba Johsai had lost the Spring Qualifiers to Karasuno. Since the loss Oikawa had been very distant. You figured he was just dealing with a lot and had been giving him his space. Today though, you decided you would go surprise him with cuddles and bring him some milk bread (since it was his favorite after all). You arrived at his house, knocking and then entering quietly incase he was asleep.
You- Hey Babe! It’s me.
You- Kawababe? It’s me. I brought milk bread.
You waited for a response and decided to go check his room after not hearing anything, thinking he might be asleep.
As you crept closer to his room you heard muffled noises and noticed the door was slightly agar. You pushed the door open slowly and the scene before you broke your heart.
You- Kawa…
Oikawa- Y/N!! What are you doing here? I... It’s not what it looks like, I swear.
In front of you was your “loving” boyfriend and R/N, the head girl of the Oikawa fangirl club in bed together (doing yknow what).
R/N- What do you mean its not what it looks like, babe? It is exactly that. He doesn’t need you anymore. We all know you could never be what he needed. That’s why he came to me after the loss. That’s why he’s been avoiding you. He’s been with me ALL week.
You- Was I not enough...?  >You asked tears streaming down your face<
Oikawa- You are more than enough I swear! Please let’s talk about this! Let me make it up to you.
You- NO!!! We only ever made one promise and you broke that. You broke my trust and that isn’t something I can just get passed. Out of everyone to cheat with… R/N… Knowing how insecure she constantly made me feel and how horrible she treated me for dating you. You really said hit them where it hurts. Well, you succeeded congrats. Incase you didn’t get the memo we’re through and fuck you… Fuck you both.
With that you left his house tears streaming down your face. So hurt and betrayed. Oikawa tried to follow you, calling your name but you ignored him running home to hide away in your room.
-Time Skip 2 Weeks-
You hadn’t been going to school. You knew you couldn’t keep skipping but you just weren’t ready to face everything yet. You did try going back to school once two days ago, but that didn’t go well. At this point the whole school knew about what happened and the fangirl club was more brutal toward you then ever. Rubbing the whole thing in your face and reminding you how Oikawa deserves better.
The team themselves had reached out several times to check on you and apologizing. They went as far as showing up at your house, but you couldn’t face them. You knew it wasn’t their fault it just hurt to bad. You loved them you just couldn’t face them, though you really did miss them.
Oikawa kept reaching out and trying to talk to you, that was part of the reason you felt you couldn’t go back to Seijoh. You didn’t want anything to do with him. Right after everything happened Oikawa called and texted like crazy until you blocked him, every text left unread, and every voicemail left unheard. He even came to your house one time but after hours of pleading to see you with no avail he went home.
You decided switching schools was the best choice. Though you were scared and moving schools especially during third year wasn’t normal and wouldn’t be easy you felt it was the right choice. You decided to use this as an opportunity to apply to the school you were too scared to apply to when you were originally looking at schools.
Now here you are, reading your acceptance letter to the Shiratorizawa Academy. Shiratorizawa is very difficult to get into and it was really hard to convince them to even let you take the entrance exam, but once they saw your scores it was an easy yes for them.
You start Shiratorizawa tomorrow, you decided it was time to reach back out to Seijoh and say your final goodbyes. You texted Iwaizumi and asked him to meet, just him. Iwaizumi was quick to say yes and was over to your house in ten. You answered the door and immediately hugged him, you secretly missed him the most. You two were quite close before everything because he was Oikawa’s best friend after all.
Iwaizumi- Y/N its good to see you again. How are you? Shittykawa is an absolute dumbass and I’m sorry for what he did. The team has shunned him since it happened. None of support him and his decision.
You- Iwa he’s your best friend, I know were friends, but you can still be friends with him. I know you were his friend first. Plus, I actually asked you hear to tell you to let the team know I’m really going to miss them, and I hope you all keep working hard. I am doing something for myself to help me heal. I’m transferring schools. So you guys don’t have to choose between us.
Iwaizumi- You’re transferring schools? Where? And we all still want to be your friends and in your life too.
You- Were all still friends, you guys can text me and we can still all hang out anytime. I just need some time to adjust to my new school.
Iwa stayed and you guys hung out for a couple hours before he went home.
-Timeskip to next day (Monday)-
Today you started your new school. The day went by quickly and was quite smooth. You even made a few friends. This new start made you happy. It was just what you needed. On your way out you heard the noise, the noise you loved so much. The noise you’ve missed for the past few weeks. You unconsciously found yourself walking toward the sound of sneakers squeaking and balls hitting the floor. Without realizing it you found yourself outside the volleyball gym, and couldn’t help but peak in. You watched awed by the team in at work in front of you.
Tendo- Hey, are you a fangirl?
Tendo came up behind you startling you. Jumping you turned to face to face with the red hair boy.
You- Oh no, sorry. I’m actually new here. I was really close to the volleyball team at my old school and unconsciously followed the sound here. Sorry.
Tendo- Well it’s great to meet you. I’m Satori Tendo third year, middle blocker.
You- Oh Yea!! You’re that really awesome guess blocker, right? Your blocks are like scary accurate. I’ve always wanted to see you up close. I’ve seen you play but to be up close is something totally different.
Tendo- Wow, thank you. Why don’t you come in and watch… um?
You- Y/n L/N, third year as well.
With that Tendo led you in and you watched practice. After practice Tendo introduced the team to you. They were pretty intimidating at first but they slowly got to know you and they were actually quite nice. You ended up hanging out with them all the time. Slowly you lost touch with the Seijoh players, not intentionally but everyone was busy and you guys hadn’t seen each other in months. Besides you were very busy, Tendo kept the whole team on there toes.
One day you finally told the team everything and explained why you switched schools. They were all there for you and it only made there hatred for Oikawa stronger. Slowly you found yourself healing and even possibly falling in love again.
You were watching the team practice, currently they were on a break.
Tendo- So, are you going to tell him?
You- What are you talking about Tendo?
Tendo- You know exactly what I’m talking about.
You- I really don’t.
Tendo- Its obvious (to me at least) that you like him. You should tell him.
You- >Flustered< Huh? What are you talking about? Confess to who?
Tendo- Wakatoshi-kun duh.
 You- >Your face is now beet red< I do NOT have a crush on Ushiwaka. Besides he wants to focus on volleyball and doesn’t have time for dating; which I TOTALLY respect.
Tendo- I mean honestly doesn’t hurt to try. You never know he might just make an exception to date you. After all he totally likes you back. Show that Oikawa dude you don’t need him anymore.
You- What are you talking about?
Tendo- Ushijima is my best friend, I know him better than anyone. I can read him like a book. He may seem stoic and emotionless, but he likes you trust me.
You- Fine, fine I’ll do it. I mean he at least deserves to know how I feel. He’s been nothing but good to me and he deserves the truth.
After practice you pulled Ushijima to the side.
Ushiwaka- Hello Y/N. Did you need something?
You- Yes actually. Listen before I say this I don’t want it to ruin our friendship. You are very important to me Ushiwaka. Promise it won’t ruin things, please.
Ushiwaka- Okay, I promise. Now what is it?
You- I know you want to focus on volleyball, and I respect and support that one hundred percent. I know how important a career in volleyball is to you, but graduation is quickly approaching and before we leave I want you to know… Ushijima I have feelings for you… I like you… in more than a friend way.
Silence filled the space between you, causing you to become super flustered and nervous.
You- I totally get it and I hope this doesn’t ruin anything. I just wanted to be honest with you. I…
Ushiwaka- Y/N, I believe I like you as well. As more than a friend. Would you consider going on a date with me?
You and Tendo at the same time- YES!!!
You- AHHHH! Tendo!!! What are you doing here?
Tendo- I couldn’t not come see my two best friends finally get together. And its all thanks to my amazing advice.
You- More like you crazy persistence. >You all laugh at that<
That weekend you and Ushijima went on your date, which went amazing. It was everything you could have dreamed of and more. He was a total gentleman. After the date Ushijima asked you to officially be his and of course you said yes.
-Time Skip 2 weeks-
You were hanging out with Tendo, Ushijima, Semi, Goshiki, and Shirabu (though he was dragged here by Semi and Goshki). The rest of the team was suppose to meet you guys in an hour or so for a date turned whole team hang out (thanks to Tendo). You guys were hanging in the park when you hear someone calling your name. You look up to see most of the Seijoh volleyball team.
Oikawa- Hey, Y/N could we um talk? Please?
The team tried to talk but you cut them off.
You- Sure.
You stepped off to the side with Oikawa while the others started talking amongst themselves.
You- What is it Oikawa?
Oikawa- It’s been a while… how are you?
You- I’m fine. How are you?
Oikawa- I’m doing okay, I guess. Really miss you though. You transferred to Shiratorizawa?
You- Yes.
Oikawa- That’s cool. I know it was you first choice for schools, but you didn’t think you’d make it. Glad to see you prove yourself wrong.
You- Thank you. Now what did you want Oikawa?
Oikawa- I wanted to apologize for everything. You were so good to me and you didn’t deserve what I did to you. >He reaches out and brushes your arm<
You quickly pull back from him.
You- Oikawa, thank you and I accept your apology but please don’t. We are through, done for good.
Oikawa- Please Y/N one chance that’s all I ask.
You- Oikawa I… I can’t I have a boyfriend.
As if on cue Ushijima walked over and wrapped his arm around you.
Ushijima- Oikawa
Oikawa- (directed at Ushijima) Ushiwaka…(directed at you) you’re dating him… aren’t you Y/N?
You- Yes, he’s everything I ever dreamed of and more. Sorry Oikawa. Hope you find happiness one day. Sorry, that’s just not me.
Oikawa- I understand… Also Ushiwaka, hurt her and I will personally kick your ass, got it? Don’t make the same mistake as me. Cherish her and hold her close.
After that you all returned to the group. You informed everyone that you and Ushijima were dating. Everyone continued catching up before parting ways. After everything you and Ushijima walked to his house together.
On the walk out of no where Ushijima blurts
Ushiwaka- I love you.
You- You what ?
You ask as you stop in your tracks. Ushijima turns grabs your hands looks you in the eyes and says it again.
Ushiwaka- I love you Y/N.
You- I… I love you too Ushi.
You guys continued home. Honestly, Oikawa really hurt you but in some ways you had to thank him. Without him you may never have found your way to the love of your life.
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acronampy · 1 year
Chifuyu x reader
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You want to thank chifuyu your savior more properly so you ask your friend about him, to find out more about the chifuyu guy
(Forgot to mention but spoilers for 'letter from baji keisuke')
Tw swearing, mention of hitting animals
Part 1
"Chifuyu matsuno"
Chifuyu matsuno.. He's the rumored delinquent in your school, the undefeated lonewolf.' But maybe he's a nice guy since he just saved you?..
You decided to research and find matsuno chifuyu only cause you want to repay your thanks to him again! It's not like you find him kinda cool. you decided to ask your friend hana, who knows all the rumors at school about chifuyu matsuno. "Hmm.. chifuyu matsuno? Why are you asking about him, dont get yourself involved with him (reader)!!" Hana said while munching on her bread. "Hanaaa, tell me please?? what is he like?" You pout."ugh fine I'll tell you! You have to buy me the new limited edition strawberry milk at the snack shop next time!" Hana said while finishing her last piece of bread. "Yes!" You say with happiness in your voice.
"Okay, Chifuyu matsuno is rumored to be the undefeated lonewolf who never lost a fight, he's the most fearsome delinquent out there! I heard him and his little minions he calls underlings beat up little animals and leave them there ugh their just so terrible! And and he treat teachers like shit too! (Reader) never EVER get near that matsuno bastard, okay?!" "O-okay.. what class is he in so I can avoid him?" You ask again,"Ha..Hes in class 1" hana sighs."You better not get anywhere near him. Im worried for you." Hana said with worry in her voice."dont worry, i only asked cause i was curious." You feel bad lying to hana but you want to thank chifuyu matsuno again no matter what!
But hearing how hana talks about chifuyu matsuno got you kind of scared.. what happens if yesterday's incident was just because he felt like beating someone up, you sigh, but as you were getting ready to go home. Putting your shoes on, you heard some sounds and went to investigate. "Give me 10,000 yen." This big looking delinquent guy asked a 1st year, pinning him on the wall."I-i..dont have any money today.." the 1st year says with fear in his voice. "Huh? Stop lying, Boys check his pockets and bag, " the big delinquent yelled, and before you could intrubt them and call the teachers, a familiar bleached blonde mohwak stepped in. "Hey, do you think what you're doing right now is making you look cool?" It was Chifuyu matsuno! Why is he stepping up to stop the big delinquent..? "Huh, how should I car -" huh..HUH? The matsuno guy just put the big delinquent on the floor with one punch! Just one punch!! "Heres your money back, next time be more careful." The blonde mohawk said,"a-ah thank you!" The timid 1st year said still in fear and confused at what happened.
You knew it! Chifuyu matsuno isn't a bad guy at all. The rumors of him are just exaggerated! I'll say thanks to him tomorrow during lunch.
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rosze-v · 1 year
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whole milk and strawberry milk
pairing: Kageyama Tobio x Reader
synopsis: Your confession to the setter opens unexpected doors
tags: fluff, a little angst, confession, angry karasuno birds, clueless Kageyama, absolute cuteness
w.c : 3k
a/n: Halu! gosh I smiled so much writing this! Just imagine being with someone so clueless in love and you actually teach them how to love!! so cute! I have been watching Yowamushi Pedals and I'm so angry that its not popular! Its such a good anime. All in all, please stay safe everyone, thank you for reading my fics!
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Kageyama Tobio truly believes that he lives and breathes volleyball. It was never really a hard choice for him growing up when asked whether he would choose volleyball or eating; his instant and definite answer is, volleyball.
Though a tiny whisper could be heard from him, “is it meat though?”.
When you came into the equation though, his choice had faltered a bit more. A love great enough to possibly triumph against his love for volleyball. Truly, you became a force that he didn’t expect to reckon with in his younger days.
Class had finished exactly 30 minutes ago. The school now is only bustling with those who either have club activities or sports activities. Yet you have neither, and here you are, standing in front of the gym where the Karasuno volleyball player, trains. It has been 15 minutes since you give yourself some pep talk to just “you only live once, what’s the harm to it”, and the gnawing nervousness is getting to you.
Kageyama and the others have finished changing into their sports attire, and from a far you could see a group of man walking towards the gym, towards you. You could feel your chest tightening up a bit but you regulate your breathing. Your eyes search for a certain dark-haired man, with a prominent scowl on his face. Kageyama was munching on some bread while he actively listens to Hinata talking about some tv show he watched last night.
It was Tanaka, obviously, Tanaka would be the first one to notice you standing at the side of the court’s door, back leaning on the wall. Then after Tanaka nudges Nishinoya, he jokingly said that maybe you’re going to confess to him.
Right yet very wrong. You on the other hand, who’s watching Kageyama, well really all of them yet your eyes had blurred the others out; is getting the cold feet. You could feel your hand sweating as you proceed to rub your palms on your skirt. You could hear your brain screaming at you to just turn around and leave, to stop embarrassing yourself but you stood your ground.
You’re doing it. So, with another deep breath and a ‘you can do this!’ cheer to yourself, you pushed your body of the wall and walk straight to Kageyama. The loudness from the group of boys slowly dissipates when Tanaka whisper yelled “hey a girl is coming”, and they thought you were going to confess to Suga, since so many girls had confessed to Suga, but you stood directly in front of Kageyama, the most oblivious out of them all.
Kageyama had stopped his bickering with Hinata when Suga pinched him, getting the setter’s attention on you. You could feel your ears getting warm, something that always happen when you’re getting embarrassed. Your head tilted up while Kageyama looked down at you. Honestly, he looks pretty scary with his sharp eyes and that deep scowl, but you strengthen your resolve.
“I really like you”. The words blurted itself out before you could even think to actually pull him aside, and well, not confess in front of his team mates. Yet what’s done is done, and the words have been said and reciprocated by sharp gasps. All of them are watching the scene unfolding, it quickly reminded Hinata of the tv show he watched last night, while Kageyama, who’s not really fluent in the language of relationships could only stare at you dumbfounded.
Tsukishima snickered, a smirk gracing his features as he nudges Kageyama. “Oi, a girl is confessing to you, why the hell are you stiff as a rock?”.  Kageyama who’s still confused could only coughed as he shifted his weight on another feet. You were searching his face for, anything, yet you kinda, already know the answer.
“You like me?”. You nodded, a blush covering your face but you continue your eye contact with him. Now, the genius setter is only a genius when it comes to volleyball, but love? Bro is absolutely dry in that area. Kageyama is unsure on what to say to you, because first of all, does he know you? Probably. But where? He’s bad at memorizing people’s faces and names so getting a confession from someone he doesn’t know feels weird.
So, the only thing his dumbass could say is, “But I don’t know you, and I don’t like you”.
It was instant, the collision of Daichi’s palm to the back of Kageyama’s head, causing the setter to grunt in pain. Suga’s smile was getting dangerous because holy shit, Kageyama is a dumbass and who would have thought he had raised such stupidity. They’re both painfully aware of how socially awkward he is and how blunt he could get, but this takes the cake. Sugawara pinches Kageyama’s forearm as he whispers yells, “what the hell is wrong with you?!” while Daichi bowed at you repeatedly, apologizing for Kageyama’s reply.
Now, Kageyama is confused all over again, poor man for his lack of knowledge, but to not have any delicacy? That’s truly on him. The confusion though was cut short when he sees you rubbing your chest, tears forming in your eyes and a thought came into his head. “Maybe I should have thought about it more”. He definitely should have thought about it more because he’s incurring the wrath of a certain captain, a certain setter, a certain wing spiker and a certain libero.
“Fair enough”. You whispered. “I expected that but damn, it still hurts”. It’s true that you already knew that Kageyama would reject you, and it’s true that he doesn’t know you. Its only you who had eyes on him, who noticed that he’s an airhead, and that he’s not that social, that he really loves volleyball. You have like him ever since you saw his incredible combo with Hinata. You remembered your friends going crazy over how high Hinata’s jump is, but your eyes were completely on the one who utilized Hinata so well. You were in a trance and in that moment, your heart beats another rhythm.
Your tears were blurring surroundings, and you know now what you’re going to do next. You’re going to say thank you, and apologize for being a nuisance, quickly walk out of school, run to your home and cry. Cry because you’re kinda dumb, and you shouldn’t have confessed, and you’re probably gonna dread the few days of school because you’re going to see him in class.
But your plan didn’t really work out like you wanted.
“DID YOU JUST MADE A GIRL CRY???”. Tanaka screamed as you and Kageyama flinched. Kageyama was going to try defending himself but before he could, Tanaka yelled again. “What kind of man makes a girl cry?!!”. Nishinoya and the others nodded vigorously, agreeing to Tanaka’s words but really, they’re just jealous. Like why the hell would Kageyama, the most awkward member of theirs get a confession. Of course, they won’t admit that, so they resorted to taunt and poke at Kageyama.
Daichi stepped up to you as he squeezes your shoulder, catching your attention.
“Hey, I am so sorry for his behaviour. Kageyama is quite… challenged in that part so…” You shake your head as you give him a small smile. 
“No, it’s okay! I already expected this. The emotions just came suddenly that’s why”.
Sugawara was going to console you when you step back and speaks.
“I’m sorry for the inconvenience Kageyama-san. I wish you the best”. You bowed and give him a small smile, as you nod to the others. Quickly, you turn around and walked away as fast as you could, sniffling with a sad slump on your shoulders.
Kageyama watches you walk away as an annoying feeling fester in his heart. He feels bad for rejecting you but he truly doesn’t know what he should do. He was going to ask for the team’s opinion when Sugawara speaks up.
“I think you should get to know her, Kageyama. She seems nice and she’s willing to like you”.  Hinata nodded as Tanaka and Nishinoya stares at Kageyama with rage.
Kageyama was lost on what to do or think so he searches for Daichi’s eyes, waiting for something. Daichi had his hand on his chin, as he gives Kageyama a small smile.
“Your punishment for today is decided”.
“You are to chase after her, apologise, walk her back home and then come back. Then you will begin your laps once you’re back, is that understood?”. Daichi announce, and though he’s not one to let love life interfere with trainings, this is Kageyama they’re talking about. For him to actually get to know a girl by his own would be a dream that settles in dreamland.
“Well, scram!”. Nishinoya yelled as Kageyama frantically nods and went on to catch up to you.
You were sniffling lightly, trying to hide the fact that you’re crying since there’s still people around you. Ever since the confession, you’ve been in a state of self-loathing, thoughts going over on, is your attractiveness the cause of the rejection? or is there something you did wrong? It seems like there is comfort in trying to understand why through self-loathing, but you knew it’s not really you. It just Kageyama barely knows you, but you can’t really fathom that at the moment.
The convenience store was ahead of you, and you put a little smile on your face. As you change your path to the side, you could hear footsteps running from behind you and a voice calling out for someone.
“Hey you! wait for me!”. You knew that voice, its none other than your crush and when you turn around to confirm, indeed the tall man is running towards you. You stopped on your tracks as he halted in front of you, two hands on his knee as he tries to catch his breath.
“Kageyama? Why are you here?”. You inquire as you place a hand on his shoulder.
“Puh… hah”.
“Punishment…”. Your face twist in confusion as Kageyama finally regain his breath and towers over you.
“My captain told me to go after you, and apologise and get to know you. After that, I was instructed to go walk you home, go back and start my laps”. Kageyama said with a face filled with determination while your confusion turns into embarrassment and pity. You held your hand up and shake it as you say.
“It’s okay Kageyama! It’s not that big of a deal! You should go back and start your training for the day”.
“I can’t because Daichi will ask me on the details and I can’t really lie”. You were going to refuse him again when he looks up and saw the convenience store, his eyes lighting up as he held your forearm, pulling you to the convenience store.
“Let me treat you to something as an apology”. Okay maybe that’s not what Daichi meant with an apology, because that’s borderline bribery but you’re too startled by the fact that Kageyama is pulling you to the convenience store rather than the ‘apology’.
Now you’re inside, Kageyama asked you what you want and you were going to refuse again but he insisted, and so you told him that you’re getting some drinks. The both of you walked to the milk fridge and you took out strawberry milk along with Kageyama’s usual, plain milk and hand it to him. Kageyama had a confused look on his face yet takes it.
“ You like plain milk right?”. You claim as you close the fridge’s door.
“How do you know that?”. You chuckled and reply. “Kageyama, I have a crush on you, knowing what you like is not that hard to know, when I spend most of my time thinking and observing you”. Yup too honest, you thought. Your face reddens as you look up to him.
“I mean- I don’t-, I mean I just have been seeing you a lot!”. You tried to cover it up cause your confession sounds very stalker-ish, and you don’t really want to be branded as a stalker by your crush. Kageyama instead choose to stay silent as he went over to the counter to pay for the both of your drinks.
Once the both of you stepped outside, Kageyama finally breaks the awkward silence.
“Why do you like me?”. You had your head down all the time because you were worried that you have offended him, then when you finally lift your head up, you realized that Kageyama is watching you so intensely.
You stare into his eyes as you gulped, looking at your feet again.
“It was really just… awe in the beginning. I saw your fast combination with Hinata and then eventually, my eyes kept on going towards you in class”. You confessed, kicking of the pebbles on the ground.
“I can’t say grand things like you gave me purpose or anything like that, I just like you, simple and straightforward”. You sucked in a breath of air, willing yourself to look at him, and again Kageyama was staring at you.
“What’s your name?”. Kageyama asked as you answer. Then you waited again, searching his face for anything, but you can’t read his facial expression.
“I’ll be honest, (y/n)”. You nodded as Kageyama now become the one staring holes into the pavement.
“I’m not good with relationships, if isn’t clear as of now…”. You nodded again, understanding where he’s coming from, because frankly, you don’t know yourself. Both still very young and naïve.
“So, when you confessed to me earlier, I was confused and words just come out of my mouth. I didn’t mean to hurt you, so I apologize”.
“It’s okay Kageyama. I was not expecting you to accept it anyway because like you said, you don’t know me. Truly, you don’t need to do all this”. You replied, while gesturing the air.
“But I’m just curious really. You’re the first girl that ever approached me like so”. You smiled in amusement because you would have thought a man as handsome as he is would probably have been pursued several girls.
“But again, I can’t give you a relationship because I don’t know how. So…”. You quirked your eyebrows at him as he rubs the back of his neck, his ears getting red.
“Maybe we can try and be friends first you know… that’s really the only thing I know…”. Kageyama waited for your response yet you laughed out loud, a hand on his shoulder.
“Kageyama, I think I know another reason why I like you”.
“Because you’re incredibly adorable”. You whisper, your voice low and for sure, only Kageyama could hear you. You had a soft smile on your face, a smile that reaches your eyes as you pinches his cheek. Kageyama could feel the blush creeping on his face because at this time, this stranger he just gotten to know looks absolutely beautiful.
He coughs, trying to hide his embarrassment as he speaks.
“Don’t tease me…”. You laugh again as you ask him for his phone. Kageyama gives it to you without question as you save your number in his phone.
“That’s my number, call me when you’re free”. Kageyama was confused again because why should he call you, the both of you can just meet in class now that he knows you’re his classmate, yeah, he just known.
“Now go back to your training! You’re already late!”. Kageyama notices the time on his phone and panicked a bit because he took longer than he should. He was going to offer to walk you back home, but you insisted that he would be late, thus after some thought, he agreed. The both of you then say your goodbyes as Kageyama started to run. You smiled in fondness as you watch him run away towards the school but suddenly, he stopped and turn around.
“I’ll give you a call!”. Kageyama screamed out as he waves you goodbye while you give him a thumbs up, despite how surprised you were.
You released a sigh as a smile came upon your face again. You walked back into the convenience store, now with a new mission for the evening. You’re not going to be sad tonight as you expected, instead, a call might ring.
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Kageyama and the team had a meeting early in the morning since a tournament is coming. After the meeting ended, the boys huddled around him, wanting to know the details of last night.
Once he came back from your meeting with him yesterday, he was bombarded with question and Kageyama had to spend some time telling them the details of what happened because even his usually level-headed captain was interested. So when they knew that the both of you might be calling last night, they were so excited for him.
“So did you guys call last night?”. Kageyama nodded slowly as the boys howled in excitement.
“Did you like the call though?”. Sugawara asked as he grins, proud of his boy.
“It was… surprisingly fun. We talked a lot, well she, talked a lot and I answered but I think I liked it more than I expected”. The boys laugh as Tanaka smacks Kageyama back repeatedly.
“Now you only need to ask her out on a date!”.
Tanaka’s suggestion became a question and answer session as Kageyama asked them how exactly dating begins and so the Karasuno team had a short meeting on what dating is, thankfully Shimizu told them that school is starting soon.
That short q and a session brought you to Kageyama standing over you in class.
“Let’s go on a date”. You gasped as you look around, making sure that no one heard you and thankfully no one did.
“My senpai’s told me that we should go on a date as soon as possible”. Your face was so hot and red that you have to take a deep breath. A part of you thanks his seniors for their word and another part of you is understanding that Kageyama is actually interested at you to that point. And both parts are a win.
And so, you nodded, as you told him that the both of you should discuss it later.
Now your confession failed, yet it succeeds in ways you didn’t expect, at all.
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mayajadewrites · 4 months
For Me (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
please let me know if you're enjoying this story!
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Over the next few days you spend more and more time at Levi's place. He even took you to the store to pick out some clothes and toiletries to keep at his house. You can't help but want to stay at your apartment for a night, too. You've made that place your home and you miss it. 
Tuesday morning you wake up next to Levi, pressing the 'STOP' button on your alarm. Even though you technically don't have a time you have to clock in - Levi does. You try to make him breakfast before he leaves for work and help him gather his things. 
Levi is still sound asleep when you slowly pull away from him and slide your slippers on. His alarm won't go off for another half hour, which is perfect because it gives you enough time to make breakfast and make his tea. 
Levi's kitchen is straight out of Pinterest - marble countertops with the most beautiful black cabinets. There are several lights hanging above the kitchen island that you turn on when you enter the room. Even though it's beautiful, it's almost sterile. No personality or warmth. 
You grab the ingredients for french toast - brioche bread, eggs, cinnamon, butter, vanilla, and milk. You also take the turkey bacon out of the fridge. 
As you're cooking, you see Levi emerge from his room. He definitely just brushed his teeth, but his hair remains a mess.
"It smells good in here." Levi yawns, stretching his upper body. 
"French toast is on the menu today." You smile as you flip the slices of bread. "Go finish getting ready, breakfast will be ready when you're done." 
Levi walks over to you and presses his lips to yours gently, letting his hand linger on your curves. "You look damn sexy in my kitchen." 
You push him away playfully with your free hand. "Go get dressed!" 
When Levi enters the kitchen again, he's in a navy blue suit - perfectly tailored to his measurements no doubt. His hair is now free of flyaways and bedhead. His briefcase is on the island next to his to-go tea. 
"My handsome." You pad over to where Levi is standing, wrapping your arms around his middle. You look up into his storm colored eyes and can't help but have a pinch me moment. 
Levi eats his breakfast fast before having to run out the door. "I'll see you tonight. Are you leaving at all today?"
"Yes, I was gonna stop by my place for a little to grab some things." You lie. You only want to spend time in your own space and write for a few hours. 
"Okay, the spare key is on the dresser." Levi kisses you softly before hurrying out the door. 
"Have a good day." You wave, feeling the tingle on your lips still.
As you hear Levi's Range Rover back out of the driveway, you begin cleaning. You notice he forgot his tea - which you made sure was PERFECT for him since he is so damn particular about it. After you clean the kitchen, you decide you're going to bring the tea to him. 
You slide on a pair of ripped jeans, white platform converse, and a plan white shirt with your long chestnut brown trenchcoat. His job is on the way to your house anyway, you think to yourself. You grab your tote that has the spare key, your laptop, and the keys to your apartment. Last is the cup of tea.
You pull up to Ackerman Inc., sending a quick text to Levi.
YOU: You forgot your tea. I'm outside your job.
LEVI: Come in the front door and tell the front desk receptionist you're here for Levi Ackerman. 
You make your way inside and do exactly what Levi told you to do. "I'm here to see Levi Ackerman. He forgot his tea this morning." You smile, holding up the cup.
"Of course! He just called. You're all set Mrs. Ackerman! I added you to the visitor list as well."
This is the 2nd time someone has called you Mrs. Ackerman. You can't say you mind. 
Levi's office is full of people diligently working. You see Hange and Erwin as well, who wave to say hello. 
A woman with shoulder length, light ginger hair walks by you, eyeing you up and down. You're not one to shy away from confrontation, so you decide to say hello.
"Hi, is there a problem?" You turn your body towards her. 
"Not at all. You're Levi's new girlfriend, right?" 
You raise your eyebrow. "Yes. Do you have any more personal questions or can I know your name?"
"My name is Petra. Be careful with Levi." 
"Do you have reasons or are you just trying to get a reaction?" 
"He didn't tell you who I am?" 
"Can't say he did." 
"I'm his ex girlfriend. We dated for about 2 years." 
You nod, trying your best not to show your feelings all over your face. "Nice to meet you, Petra aka Levi's ex girlfriend."
Petra turned on her heel and walked to what you presume is her desk. You sigh and turn the other way towards the big office with several glass windows. 
Levi soon opens the door to his office, pressing his back to the door. "Come in."
You don't say a word as you enter his office as he closes the door behind you. Levi looks perplexed from the lack of words and touch. "What's wrong?"
"You failed to tell me you work with your ex." You hand Levi the to-go mug of tea. "I'll see you later." You turn to the door before Levi pulls your hand gently. 
"Petra?" He questions.
"Do you have more than one ex that works here?"
"That was stupid." Levi shakes his head. "I didn't think it was relevant. Yes, Petra works here." 
"It's quite relevant. I'll talk to you later." You pull at the door handle again. "Levi, let me go." 
"I didn't think I needed to tell you about Petra because she means nothing to me. She's my employee." 
"If I worked with my ex you would probably have an aneurysm. For the last time, I'm leaving." 
"We'll talk when I get home."
"Text me when you're done and I'll meet you there." You exit Levi's office and shut the door behind you, walking right past Petra's desk. 
You almost run out of the office. You're embarrassed to say the least. How could Levi not tell you he works with his ex girlfriend who he dated for two years? 
"Bye Mrs. Ackerman! Have a good day!" 
You wave at the receptionist, flashing your fakest smile. 
What's better than writing when you're in a bad mood?
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Need help
So.... I wasn't going to post this but here we are.
On Friday, I lost my job. I was let go for 'excessive' absences even though they were all for my chronic bad back pain (I have a bulging disc in my spine) and I had tried multiple times by multiple doctors to get FMLA paperwork filled out and neither were helpful. It was always bullshit excuses on their end, even though they knew how bad my back is. Work didn't understand or care about that.
So, I've been trying to get my head on straight over the weekend before starting to be productive today. But now I have another problem that I want to get solved before I do too much.
I need groceries. Like pretty badly. I have no milk, almost out of eggs, bread, etc. I don't have any more generic over the pain killers for my back and I'm almost out of toilet paper. (And even things like some snacks for me would be nice as well.
Anyway I don't get my last paycheck until tomorrow night (usually late) and my account only has like $11 in it right now. And I have an 'emergency fund' my dad set up for me for stuff like this however, I haven't told my dad just yet b/c he wouldn't be able to transfer me the funds over the weekend and it takes a few days or so to go through and I need this stuff pretty much like yesterday. And I didn't want to upset myself by having him be disappointed in me for losing my job, so soon.
Anyway I REALLY need some help guys so if any of ya'll can help please venmo me at reebsreiswig. I don't have a car so I was going to use instacart to have groceries delivered. I DESPERATELY.
Tagging fandoms I'm a part of in hopes someone/anyone can help.
Have a good Monday everyone.
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marikosenwrites · 16 days
"happy birthday, osamu." - june 19th
a/n: unfortunately no nsfw...also, sorry this came late! i was busy with school, it's almost ending!
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all of the agency (not including kunikida) wanted to surprise dazai with a not-so-surprise birthday party. they needed someone to stall him in order to prepare for it. you, his girlfriend, would be the best choice, wouldn't it?
"osamu!" you happily woke him up, although knowing how much he hates being woken up from a good night's sleep. "happy birthday!!"
"bella! oh, yes, it's my birthday today!" he's fairly happy, honestly- being able to spend his birthday with his loved one? for the first time ever? yeah! of course!
"i have a surprise for you- but it's at the end of the day," you smile brightly at the man.
"bella...why can't you tell me now?" he begs, looking up at you with puppy eyes.
you almost fell for it- but knowing dazai, it was mostly just a play to have his way. "nuh-uh," you wag your finger at him, "but let's go out to celebrate your birthday."
"yayy!" his laugh is almost childish, if not just excited. "now i'm happy that you woke me up."
the two of you get ready for the day ahead and leave for the streets of yokohama early. you suggested going to chinatown first for the food and the unique chinese traditions that are performed there, and dazai agrees that you two should go.
"oh, oh, let's go to that restaurant! last time i went with atsushi-kun, and it was delicious!" he mentions the weretiger boy, who's always tortured by the suicidal man.
"oh, how i pity atsushi-kun," you joke. "looks like there's a table already. let's go."
he follows you to the said table and looks at the menu. "ne ne, what's this? french toast? have you heard of it?"
"mhm," you nod as you scan the menu, "it's bread dipped in egg yolk and fried with condensed milk. sometimes, there's peanut butter in the middle." (it's actually one of author-san's favorite dishes!)
"woah...sounds good!" dazai calls over a waiter and orders the french toast and you order an egg sandwich special.
"would you like a drink?" the waiter asks, notebook in hand.
"oh, milk tea please. osamu?" you gesture to the man.
"same with what they're ordering!" he replies. the waiter nods with a content face and leaves, leaving you two alone. "this looks really china-style. where's this based on?"
"i believe it's from some hong kong tea restaurant. it's everywhere!" you exclaim.
"how do you know so much?" you've got dazai fascinated with the facts that are beyond his knowledge. his knowledge belongs on the battlefield, not restaurants. that was your job, to show people which good restaurants to go, and which ones that you should go out of your way to avoid.
"online research exists, you know?" you laugh. "the agency just doesn't make much of it."
"aha." he scratches his head.
the food arrives less than five minutes after ordering. dazai and you finished your breakfast quickly - or should i say brunch - and headed to other shops.
your plan was to bring dazai back to the agency for lunch, and party there for the rest of the day. you had talked with the rest of the members, and they all agreed on it. it didn't matter if everyone got drunk.
soon enough, it was already two in the afternoon and both of you were getting a bit hungry. "osamu," you start, "let's go. the surprise is ready." you had just gotten a call from ranpo saying that the party was ready.
his hand in yours, and you two headed back to the agency's building. before you could go in, you told dazai to close his eyes, checking at least thrice before leading him into the elevator and into the agency's office.
as you told dazai to open his eyes, the agency members shouted,
"happy birthday, dazai!"
dazai looked so happy, he could cry. "bella- is this the surprise?"
"yes! happy birthday, osamu."
and in that moment, he couldn't ask for anything more than to spend his time in the world with his friends.
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©marikosenwrites 2023-2024 all rights reserved. please do not repost my work on other platforms, or translate it and repost without credit. likes, reblogs, and comments are welcome! <3
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