#someone else: [kicks the little dudes ass]
kbspangler · 7 months
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This is the public statement from @alepresser and myself which went up at Webtoons tonight.
Now for some ranting. Just from me, not from Ale—she's innocent of the art crimes I've committed in the past, and boy howdy have I committed art crimes.
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This is the first page of my first webcomic, A Girl and Her Fed. I started this thing back in 2006. (I don't actually need a head count of those reading this who weren't yet born in 2006. I'm sure you're delightful and I wish you well in college.)
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And this is the last page I drew in early 2020 before I turned art duties over to Dr. Beer. It's better, right?
Well, these days, A Girl and Her Fed has pages like this:
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I drew this comic for fourteen fucking years because it's a story I wanted to tell, and I thought webcomics were the perfect format for it. I didn't know how to draw. I got better through sheer obstinate perseverance and sticking to deadlines as best I could for, again, fourteen fucking years. I sought out a replacement artist when I ran into time constraints and couldn't do art plus writing anymore; I'm a much better writer than an artist, so I had no problems whatsoever kicking art to the curb.
The first time Ale sent me art that would go up on the website—art I hadn't needed to draw myself—I literally cried in relief because I had been grinding myself down for, yet again, fourteen fucking years.
So when I read comments from people who say they want to make a webcomic but can't draw themselves and therefore need to resort to AI, that little line between my eyes gets dangerously deep.
This isn't like I'm some old dude who's bitching over student loans getting cancelled after making regular payments. This is me, someone who threw raw art onto the internet like a monkey hurling fresh poo, because I wanted to make a webcomic and the art is part of the process of storytelling via webcomics! I could've (arguably should've) hired an artist right out of the gate, and that would've been part of the process of making comics, too: a partnership between an artist and a writer is also something which grows and develops over time.
For example, after Dr. Beer and I spent two years working on AGAHF, we decided we enjoyed our partnership so much that we set out to make another webcomic! It's great! It's got wonderful art and consistent storytelling! You should read it!
But turning art duties over to unaltered images generated by AI because you want to make a webcomic but "just can't draw" is, frankly, a bullshit excuse. I'm not talking about persons who are physically unable to draw due to disability—I'm talking about people who say they want to make webcomics but simply don't wanna do the art part.
Friends, if you don't want to show your entire ass in front of God and country, you don't actually want to make a webcomic.
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Do the thing yourself.
If you're scared, don't be. Take the plunge. Set a goal of twenty strips and do the thing yourself. If you can already draw but can't write? Great! Write twenty strips, write forty panels, etc. You might surprise yourself. If you can write but can't draw? Great! Draw twenty panels and see what happens.
Whatever comes out of it, it's a thing you've done yourself. It's something new you've given to the world, no matter how big or small. Be proud of that. And if you need to partner with someone else to make your comic dreams work? You can do that, too! It's still a thing you've done yourself, and many projects are stronger when done together.
...but maaaaaaaaaybe hire that partner before you've busted your own ass for fourteen fucking years. That one's on me.
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gothgoblinbabe · 14 days
hiyaa <333 just wanted to drop a Logan request here.. (pref from the ver of the x-men, 2000?) because it's always like sunshine reader this and grumpy/mean logan that (i luv them btw) but what about cool!reader. what about the reader that can and will not put the cocky shit he is on his place but keep him there??? what about the reader that tames him down, the reader that casually grabs the back of his shirt to keep him from launching himself at Scott with a deadpan face, the one that lets him bite??? the one that will literally outmatch his agressive and violent energy????? the one that grabs his wrist when his claws go out and quirks an eyebrow at him like 'really?'???? like pls we do seriously need a bit of a level-head/intermediator!reader with Logan (can be smut if u feel like it?) 🙏🙇 fem if possible <33
IM KICKING MY FEET SO HARD RN OMG, I also love grumpy Logan x sunshine reader but being w someone that matches his energy? Oh my god, that’s my shit
NSFW/18+ // This isn’t like a full oneshot ig but if you do want that with plot and stuff lmk!)
- Within the first few months of meeting each other, everyone would definitely tease Logan (and you) about how you’re like the female version of him. You don’t put up with anyone’s shit, including his. He learned that the hard way, nearly being knocked on his ass when you yanked the back of his jacket to prevent him from ripping Scott to shreds because of some stupid comment. That wasn’t a one time occurrence, either. You were the only one bold enough to actually try to put him in his place when the claws came out, going as far as to use both hands to hold his wrist in place while you glared up at him.
“Chill the fuck out, would you?”
And the first time you had the balls to actually do that, everyone else stood back in mild fear, anticipating some kind of fight between the two of you. Instead, he rolled his eyes and retracted his claws. It was an unusual influence you had over him, something about you that made him feel hypnotized.
- He’ll never admit it to another soul, but he definitely likes that you’re dominant over him at times when you have to cool him down. Grabbing his arm, pushing him back - lightly tugging at his hair if you really couldn’t get his attention. He likes when you put him in his place, get a little rough with him or talk in an angry tone.
- And because I’m a sucker for friends to lovers, I think he’d be so head over heels for you because of that. He’d try his best to be stone faced when you were stern with him, but he’d be gnawing on his bottom lip to the point of drawing blood.
- Same thing with training: If you actually manage to wrestle him down to the mat, he knows he can push you off if he really wants to, but he never does - he gets way too engrossed in staring up at you while you straddle his lap and hold his arms down.
- Though Logan wasn’t always levelheaded, he could return the favor of holding you back when you got too aggressive, wrapping his arms around the middle of your waist and pulling you back - sometimes even having to lift you off the ground and sling you over his shoulder. Truthfully, he’d let you tear someone apart if it were up to him - the assholes usually deserve it - but he knew it would be frowned upon to not stop you.
- I think when you somehow do admit your feelings - maybe you get pissed when he puts himself in danger and just tell him you love him or he does the same when he starts to become a little too jealous of anyone else hanging around near you - he’d always have his hands on you in some way. Maybe the small of your back, your hands, your wrist - anything. And the jealousy thing? Oh, forget it, he won’t even let another guy stand too close to you. He’s not toxic (maybe if you wanted him to be🫣) but very protective, he’ll let another guy talk to you if he’s gotta but his hand is in your back pocket the entire time while he stares the dude down.
- Angry sex is a regular occurrence. Are you really mad at each other? Not even close, but it doesn’t take much more than a few choice words exchanged in the hall for Logan to be dragging you into the nearest room with a lock, holding you up against the wall and drilling into you till he has to hold a hand over your mouth to keep you quiet. There were definitely a handful of times you’d almost been caught, trying to babble out an excuse about being busy to whoever was behind the door while your leg was hiked over Logan’s shoulder, messily eating you out with your skirt bunched up at your waist.
- Overall I think you’d make a good pair, keeping each other in balance when one of you gets a little feral (though, let’s be honest, it’s definitely usually you having to hold him back).
Like I said if you want more of that concept or like something w plot pls lmk!! Absolutely love the idea 🫶🏻
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princessbrunette · 6 months
Do you think you could ever do mean!jj punishing housewife!reader because he didn’t like that she called over their neighbour to fix something in their house while JJ was at work or smth
toxic!jj who spent a lil while in jail, married you when he got out and is now working to support you both — because that’s what he wanted from the start, to take care of you. what he doesn’t appreciate, is coming home to see another man walking out your front door, even having the audacity to give him a friendly little nod.
“hi jayj!” you greet when he appears in the kitchen, jaw agape and brow raised.
“uh, am i tripping or did a man just walk out of this house?” he’s tense and you eye him, slowing your movements as you wipe down the counter top.
“he lives three doors down…jared? the stove wasn’t working and i know he works with that kinda thing. asked him to take a look.” you explain and he leans on his hip, still silent like he’s waiting for more explanation. his tongue darts out to fiddle with the corner of his lip. “is that… a problem?” you furrow your eyebrows. he scoffs, whipping his hat off his head and starts to pace.
“i mean honestly yeah a little. why’re you lettin’ random dudes just walk up in here huh? you couldn’t have waited like — what, an hour for me to get home? you know how that looks, right? like…i’m not crazy?” he steps towards you and your face falls, hating when he got jealous like this.
“jay don’t be unreasonable. just wanted to be able to get it fixed as soon as possible so i could start cooking dinner. don’t you trust me?” he rounds the counter until he’s stood infront of you.
“i don’t trust guys, okay — i know what they want. why’d you think this stranger was so eager to help you? i’on know it’s just like… you know you walk around lookin’ like that and yet you’re surprised dudes wanna be all up in it.” he lazily gestures towards you and you roll your eyes.
“he was polite and respectful.” you defend and he closes in on you.
“oh i’m sure he was, babe.” you feel your heart skip a beat at the way he’s looking at you. the toxicness wasn’t healthy and you knew it, but you couldn’t help the arousal that built each and every time he got jealous. because when he got jealous he got touchy and rough.
“are you gonna punish me?” you pout up at him through thick lashes and he grins maliciously.
“know me so well, don’t ’ya.” he starts to pull up the hem of your skirt that he already deemed too short to be wearing around another man. “would usually spank that ass but i think you’d enjoy it too much. think i’mma have to spank something else— make it too sore to think about bouncin’ it on another dudes dick.” his jaw clenches at his own words as he peels your panties down making you whimper. you knew better than to argue, so you simply wince as he bends you over the counter and kicks your legs wide apart. “all wet for nothin’. unless all this is for someone else?” he slides his rough fingers through your folds and you jolt.
“s’for you, papa. always for you.” you get teary eyed, hating when he doesn’t believe you.
“mmmmhm. well, it better be.” he warns before giving the puffy folds a smack making you wince.
“ow.” you squeak and he shakes his head.
“good.” he mumbles before going in for another pussy spank.
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beomqu · 7 months
Hoes before bros
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╰┈➤ pairings! : dom! haechan, dom! mark x sub! reader (feat. 127)
warnings! : idol! au, cheater! reader, bf! mark, fwb! haechan, porn with plot, pet names, clubbing, multiple sex scenes, masturbation, mutual masturbation, making out, fingering, oral sex (f!), unprotected penetrative sex, creampie, dry humping, voyeurism (hyuck listening to you and mark), exhibitionism
synopsis! : Being bothered by your boyfriend's best friend since you started dating Mark, because you wouldn't fuck him made you tired. You loved your boyfriend dearly, but his annoying little piece of shit friend Haechan could not leave you alone, texting you behind Mark's back begging you to let him fuck you. When you got the opportunity to go on a trip with your boyfriend and his friends, you thought you could get a break from his friend's little antics, but they got worse. His dirty words started becoming reality, promises turning into actions, he got too hard to bear... too hard to resist.
notes! : i wrote the beginning a while ago its not the best lmfao but the end is good imo🤭🤭
˗ˏˋwc! : 12k´ˎ˗
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Haechan sighed, dropping his phone down beside him. Laying in an unfamiliar bed, it just felt weird. Looking down and seeing the bulge in his pants, it just wasn't right. "Fuck it," he called it a day, right hand slipping under the waistband of his grey sweats, which placed the spotlight on the outline of his dick. Rubbing himself over his underwear a couple of times before tugging it down to grab his length.
He wasn't planning on jerking off right on the first day of his vacation with him and his friends, but there's just something so exciting about hitting on his best mate's girl, he can't help but get hard at the thought of you. You and him. Getting caught, maybe.
Maybe by Mark.
Preferably by Mark.
You moaning his name and Mark overhearing that 'his' girl is bouncing on someone else's dick, and enjoying it more than ever.
"Fuck-" spat Haechan as the thoughts circled his mind, his hand fast on his dick. "___-"
Said somebody from the outside of his room, knocking on the door. Haechan's hand flies out of his pants, the waistband slapping loudly against his skin, he sits up and pulls the covers over him as he still panics about the situation. "C-come in," he said before the door opened and Mark stepped in, peeking into the room. "Wanna come down to the pool? We wanna start the opening party," he informed the boy who was blushing to the roots of his hair.
"Yo dude, you aight?" Mark raised his brow, noticing Haechan's unusual body language. Haechan just nodded relieved when Mark left after telling him he's welcome at the pool anytime. As the door closed he laid back down with a thud, looking down at his crotch and noticing a wet patch on his sweats. Ruined. He sighed heavily, a smirk on his lips thinking how it would have gone with you stroking his dick instead of his own hand.
After leaving, Mark went straight to your shared room with him, checking up on you if you were ready. "So, which swimsuit are you wearing?" he snuck up behind you, hands wrapping around your waist. "I'm not sure. Which one do you like more?" you leaned your head back, trying to clear your mind after Haechan texted you for the fifth time this week, and it was only Wednesday.
Mark kissed the side of your head, thinking for a second before responding with "The black one." you smile, nodding your head slightly. "You have a nice ass in that one," he commented, making you chuckle a bit then you reach for the chosen swimsuit. "Then I'm wearing this one," you smirk as you face him while slowly slipping down your pants, stepping out of it, and kicking it to the side. Mark glanced at your legs, watching as you took off your shirt next with a wide smirk on your lips. He rubbed the back of his neck glancing at your hands as they pinch the side of your panties and pull it right down, taking your sweet time with stepping out of it and putting on your bikini bottom. Mark sat on the bed, eyes still on you watching as you changed your clothes.
"Please tell me you're gonna wear like a cover-up or something." begged Mark, "How are you going to see my 'nice ass' if I'm wearing a cover-up?" you laugh as you try to tie the back of your bikini top, Mark immediately noticing and standing up to help you tighten it up for you. "You can surprise me with it tonight, I don't know. Dude, I'm not sure if I can handle the others looking at this here." he jokes, sitting back down after helping you. "I'll wear one of your shirts, but you best believe I'm taking it off in the pool." you turn around to give him a peck, before going through his stuff to wear something over your revealing outfit.
Finding a white button-up, you swing it over your shoulders, looking at Mark who just put on his swimwear, asking if he was ready to go. As he nodded you both finally headed out to the private pool the house, you all rented for Summer, came with. Everybody was already out besides Haechan to your relief.
"Want something to drink?" Asked your boyfriend, before going to the white plastic table set by the pool, the top covered in alcoholic drinks and different types of sodas. "None right now," you tell him before settling down on an also plastic sunbed, enjoying the warm air. You feel comfortable in such weather as you wear barely any clothes, thankful there is a pool next to the house. It was quite big, taking up most of the backyard of the Summer house, but there was still enough space for some tables and chairs by it.
Mark nods as he leaves to pour himself something. You take out your phone from the shirt's pocket and check if you got any notification, but when you see none you set your phone down next to you and lay back fully to enjoy the warmth of the Sun.
"You look great." you hear quietly from beside you, but when you squint your eyes to see who said it, no one was there. You shrug leaning back and closing your eyes. "I know you said you didn't need anything, but I did bring you some water in case you got thirsty." said your boyfriend setting down a cold cup of water next to you on the floor. "Thanks, Mark." you smile at him, your eyes noticing Haechan outside as he takes a sip of his drink. He was probably the one complimenting you. "What did you get?" you ask with closed eyes, letting yourself tan. "Just a beer. You want one too?" he asks immediately, ready to get up and get you something you like. "No, it's alright. I was just asking." you chuckle at his kindness, peaking a bit and looking at everyone else. "What are the others doing?" you wonder as you ask the man beside you. "Oh, uh they're..." he looks over, squinting just like you because of the sun. "Just talkin'," he turns back. "Not for long though probably, they were really excited for tonight. Probably have something in their mind." he sips from his drink again.
"Wanna go in the pool?" you ask suddenly, having enough of the weather, and wanting to cool down a bit. "Yeah," he replies, chugging down his drink before getting up and throwing himself in the pool. "What the..." You laugh in surprise, but are quick to join him as you throw the shirt off of your back and jump in the pool similarly like Mark. "Oh, it's a bit cold." you yelp as you come back to the surface. "You'll get used to it," he says and splashes you with water. "Oh, you-" and with that you both started splashing each other uncontrollably, laughing between the splashes. Mark ducks underwater, just as you think you've won you feel something under you lift you up in the air, throwing you in the water. You come back up inhaling loudly, Mark laughing at you. "Mark!" you call out his name, trying to wipe your hair from your face. "I'm getting another beer," he says, quick to get out of the water before you could take revenge. As he jumps out of the pool you splash him one last time, which doesn't catch him. "Come back here and see what happens," you yell as you rub your eyes.
As you rage in the pool you hear the others jump in the pool around you, someone purposely jumping next to you so you get even more wet. "Bro are you..." you turn around only to see Haechan smirking at you. "What?" he asks innocently swimming up to you. "You better keep a distance," you warn him, floating to the edge of the pool. "Why? Are you scared?" he teases, making you smile a little, but you immediately go back to a blank expression as you remember his texts this morning. "Don't want you to do anything stupid." you roll your eyes, looking over and seeing Mark go inside for another can of beer as it looks like the others already drank the ones that were brought out. "I wouldn't, you know I wouldn't." he stops in front of you before swimming on his back and kicking as much water on you as he can. You're quick to turn around, letting the water hit your back. "Not again," you sigh, already fed up with him and Mark. "Not again!" he mocks you as he swims around in the pool enjoying the way you get annoyed. You push yourself up on the edge of the pool and get out, before anybody could splash you again, making Haechan whine. "Why are you scared, don't be scared it's just water." he watches you as you walk around and sit on the sunbed you were lying on before. "I had enough, thanks." you roll your eyes again, drinking from the water Mark brought you before. You hear Haechan swimming over to you, squinting at you as you drink, his eyes following every move of yours.
"I had to jerk off today. Because of you," he says, elbows resting on the pool's edge, his left hand rising to brush back his wet strands. You grip the cup, ignoring him and looking for your boyfriend to come back out. "Why are you ignoring me?" he speaks again after you don't respond. "What do you want me to say?" you get serious, gazing over at him. "I don't know, maybe just feel bad?" you scoff, shaking your head and him smiling a bit. "I don't."
Mark finally appears again, excited when he sees the others playing in the pool, jumping in and out, pushing each other and just being incredibly loud. "Oh I'm getting back in," he says to you as he gets back in the pool after he puts the beer can down on the ground. "Alright," you say looking down, Haechan still standing in front of you. "I'll pay attention to you, that he can't." he jerks his head in Mark's direction. "He does pay attention to me." you're quick to object. "You know you're just wasting your time, Donghyuck." you tilt your head as you look at him. "If it's you it's worth my time," he says nonchalantly. "Stop, or I'm telling Mark and I know you don't want that." you roll your eyes laying back on the sunbed and closing your eyes. Haechan was not listening, at all. All he could see was your still wet body, water droplets dripping down on your skin, his eyes wondering to every exposed part of you. The way you just laid there, all he wanted to do was to get out of the water and pin you down right in front of everybody. He wanted that so bad.
You could feel his eyes on you, but you tried to ignore the feeling. Your eyebrows furrowed at the weird, uncomfortable feeling, making you squirm a bit, hoping the one who caused you to feel this didn't notice that. You pulled your legs up and then crossed them while lying down to cover your face from Haechan. Little did you know you actually gave a way better view to him.
"Are you doing this on purpose?" his lips agape, eyes wide at the perfect view of your cunt that was barely covered by the bikini bottom. You tilt your head to the side confused at Haechan's words. "What do you-" couldn't even finish what you wanted to say he got out of the pool and forced your legs down straight, hiding everything that was exposed a second ago. "Showing your barely covered pussy to me after claiming you're Mark's?" he scoffs smirking at you. You panic, looking over to the others if anyone noticed. "Such a whore." he says as he grabs your face, making you look at him, his eyes lingering on your lips.
"What the fuck?!" you push him away. "You're out of your fucking mind, Donghyuck," you yell almost but fix your tone in worry of others overhearing. Your face red, completely flushed to the ear. You get up before he could notice and left to your room.
Haechan sighed and stood up to jump back into the pool. "Dude, where's Y/n?" Mark asks Haechan after he noticed him but not you. "Left." Haechan shrugged swimming a couple of laps around the pool right after.
The others were playing around, throwing balls around, pushing each other, enjoying their time while you tried to calm yourself, pacing around the bedroom thinking about what just happened. 'I have to tell Mark.' you think to yourself, cheeks still red. Why did this get you so nervous? Why can't he stop? Why did he look so... good?
You grabbed a towel to dry yourself and went back out to the yard, this time grabbing yourself a drink. "Let me pour you something," says Johnny who was standing next to the outdoor table next to you. "Thanks, I'll get whatever you do." you shrug, shooting a grateful smile in his direction. "You alright though? You look a bit stressed," he asks as he grabs a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. "I'm just feeling hot." you fan yourself with your hands, still thinking about what happened with Haechan. "Alright then, I'll put some ice in there for you." he winks as he hands you the glass. "Thanks, Johnny." you clink your glasses together, cheering before you both take a sip.
"Is there anything else to do besides swimming?" you ask as you walk over to the chairs with him. "Of course! We can set up the stuff for table tennis. We can play that while drinking." he says pointing behind you where was a folded blue table. "Oh I'm really good at that," you say proudly, sipping from your drink again. "We can play now if you want to." he offers. "I mean we can set it up, but I still want to swim too," you reply, putting your drink down. "Then let's set it up and we'll play when we want." you nod, standing up and bringing the table over to fold it out. You placed the net on top, and it was already ready to play. "Nice, I'll go back to the pool and we'll play soon." Johnny agrees and sits back down where the two of you were chatting earlier as you walk back to the pool and sit down on the edge, your legs resting in the water.
You try not to get nervous again, but you're so deep in thought you get startled by Mark swimming over and grabbing your thighs. "Sup, baby." you scoff at him, smiling as you look away for a second. "Do you feel hot? Cause you look hot," he says splashing some water on your legs, caressing them with his hands. "You finished your other can of beer?" you smile again, brushing his wet hair out of his face. "Maybe," Mark says, tilting his head to the side to place it on your right thigh. "Glad you chose this bikini." his right hand caresed your leg that was wiggling around in the water. "You chose it." you laugh at his silliness. "Whatever, still am glad," Mark grabbed your hand, pulling you down a bit so he could peck your lips. "Can't wait to have you all to myself tonight." you giggle, slapping away his hand. "Who said you could?" "It's a must? It's the first day of the vacation, we have to!" he explains enthusiastically. "Alright then," you jump in the water pushing Mark back slightly, "Now let me swim some more before I'll get ready for tonight."
You forgot to mention the Haechan situation to Mark, but who were you to ruin his good mood, especially on the first day of the trip? You just couldn't bring yourself to it. You also wanted to enjoy while you could, so you're gonna make the most out of this Summer. The members rarely get to have a rest, especially your boyfriend, and you want him to finally feel relaxed and at ease. You can't feel the same for Haechan, going behind his friend's back to flirt with you, even wanting to sleep with you. It's so obvious, the way he looks at you all the time, his eyes lingering on your legs, burning a hole into Mark's hand whenever he places it on your thigh as a form of affection. It bothers him so much. And you know it. You purposely lean against Mark, boobs squashing against his arms, in hopes of Donghyuck noticing. In hopes, he would finally snap, pull you away and fuck you so good.
You snap back to reality as you stare at yourself in the full-body mirror in the tight dress you chose for the night, make-up and hair done. You bit your lips, feeling strangely nervous. You brush your hair back, searching for a thin jacket you could wear in case the night gets a bit chilly. You chose one of your boyfriend's jackets.
You walk out of your room, heading towards the noise, to the living room area where some of the guys were already talking and drinking. "Not waiting for me?" you ask from Doyoung who was pouring himself another shot of soju. "This is how we wait," said Jaehyun beside him. "I'll pour you one too, that's enough for you to catch up." teased Doyoung. "You haven't drunk enough with me if you think like that." you hop down on the couch next to the two. "You should eat something before drinking if you want to keep up," Doyoung handed you a shot while Jaehyun picked up his own. "Just because you two are the strongest drinkers in the group, that doesn't mean you are outside of it too." you roll your eyes as you tilt your head back to gulp down the drink. "You have a big mouth." scoffs Jaehyun, "Taeyong made some fried rice, grab a bowl." you put down your glass, immediately reaching for the bottle of soju filling up your glass. "Y'all want another?" you ask annoyed at their teasing. "Of course." both of them hand you their glasses letting you fill it up for them. All three of you clink your glasses before gulping down the shots. "I'm starting with two, hope that's enough for you." you lean back after taking two shots, chatting with the two men as you wait for everyone. Slowly more people started coming out of their rooms, some people looking like they'd just woken up from a nap, like Taeil and Haechan, while Jungwoo and Taeyong both came out dancing to some music they got ready to. Your boyfriend came out of the shower popping down next to you, taking up the fourth place on the couch.
"You're not drying your hair?" you ask Mark as you ruffle his wet strands. "Nah, it'll dry by itself." he shrugged pecking your cheek. You smiled at him, your face getting slightly red from the hot Summer night. "Another shot?" you clap your hands, mainly intending the question to Jaehyun and Doyoung. They both nodded their heads, sliding their shot glasses in your direction. "What would you like?" you smile at Mark. "I'll crack another can," he responds standing up to go to the fridge. "Don't, I'll bring you one." you pull him back by his hand, standing up and mouthing a 'wait for me' to your left side.
You stood up, stumbling a bit on your foot, getting laughed at by Jaehyun, but you ignored him and walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge and searching for a beer with your eyes, finding a whole carton of them on the top shelf. "Could you grab one for me too?" says Haechan from behind you, leaning against the kitchen island in the middle of the room. "You can get your own actually," you turn around holding a can tightly in your hand and walking around the man. Haechan caught your hand, turning you around. "I'd prefer getting it from you." he looks at you, expression blank. "Too bad I'm not your maid." you snatch your hand from his hold. He sighs, shifting his hands over your side, slowly pinning you between him and the counter. He leaned in, his left hand brushing against your waist. He looks down, eyeing you up. You start to feel hot, pushing him away by his chest with your hand that's holding the beer. "Here," you look down, legs crossed over one another. His hand reaches for the can, brushing his fingers against yours. "I know you did that on purpose." he takes the beer his left hand sliding down your side to your thigh, fingers circling your skin. You knew what he meant, but he was wrong. It was an accident, one lucky accident "Hyuck-" he steps back immediately as he hears steps towards the kitchen, casually opening up the tab in front of you, looking into your eyes. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, bracing yourself on the counter, gripping the top with your fingers, avoiding his eyes.
Yuta walked in, throwing out a coffee cup in the trash, and walking right out without a word as he was staring at his phone. Haechan took a sip from the beer, watching you as you grabbed another one from the fridge and walked right out. More like watching your ass as you left.
You rushed out of the room, flipping your hair and quickly handing Mark the can, sitting on his lap, making him smile and get a tad bit shy. "I'll get the shots ready," you say pouring a round to the two men. "we couldn't wait for you, so now drink two for being late," said Doyoung as he leaned back on the couch. "What the- you're setting me up." you look at your boyfriend who smiled giving away that the older man was lying, but you were trying to prove something anyway so you took two shots right after one another. "Fuck you," you say as you wipe your mouth, taking your boyfriend's beer to wash down the soju. "Slow downnnn," Mark says eyes wide, taking the beer from you. "It's alright," you chuckle kissing his lips. Jaehyun nodded at you, amazed by your boldness, but still doubting your drinking skills. "Just don't get wasted," said the frat boy, sipping on a diet coke. You rolled your eyes, noticing Haechan finally coming out of the kitchen, still sipping on his can of beer.
"Y/n, are we playing now?" you look to your side where Johnny was standing with a table tennis paddle in his hand. "Of course!" you stand on your feet, pulling up your boyfriend too. You feel a bit dizzy, but not too crazy, you feel good finally, all worries are gone from your mind. Johnny dabbed up Mark before you walked outside, Johnny going around the table, standing ahead of you and Mark. "Hold on, that's cheating." the tall man whines, yelling for someone to be on his side. Eventually, Jungwoo walked out, picked up a paddle, and played with you three.
Between each point, whenever you made a mistake, Doyoung brought you, Jaehyun, and himself a shot. "This is just making me better." you shrug as you take another shot. Jungwoo laughs at you and claps his hands, taking a sip from the wine he brought out with himself. "How do you feel?" you ask the two men as they put down their glasses. "Honestly, nothing," Doyoung says looking at his friend. "I feel fine too." Jaehyun shrugs. "Alright." you roll your eyes getting back to the game.
You end up winning, making your boyfriend drink all that was left from his beer as a celebration. He coughed a little, making you chuckle. "Woah- hold on." he holds onto your hand. "Let's go inside!" says Jungwoo, not feeling defeated at all, cheeks a bit red from one glass of wine already.
A bit of time passed, Mark got drunk. not wasted- but he only gets touchy in front of the others if he has drunk enough.
"That's enough for you." you take the new can of beer away from him. "You can have it later," you say while sitting on his lap, making him whine, Mark burying his face in your chest. "Only if I can have you later too." his hand on your ass, squeezing it slightly. "If you can walk in a straight line, maybe." you shake your head, chuckling at him. "Dude- I'm sober!" he throws his head back in distress. He softly pushes you off him, making you sit in his place before standing up showing off as he walks in a perfectly straight line. You shake your head, congratulating him as he hops back down next to you. "Alright, now I can't say no-" You put your hands up in defeat, Mark pulling you in a kiss.
The party was close to its end, Taeil and Jungwoo both flushed red, even when they tried their best to stay sober, Doyoung and Jaehyun were still fine, but them engaging in some random heartfelt conversation, hinting that they also enjoyed the night. Yuta was gone, probably got tired early, and went to bed. Haechan- Haechan was nowhere to be seen for the last couple of hours, putting you at ease and not causing any more disturbance for the night. Taeyong and Johnny, keeping themselves busy, playing table tennis outside even at 2 in the morning.
Mark kept whispering sweet nothings in your ear, hand caressing your thigh. He stood up, holding your hand pulling you to your room saying he was tired now. "Go, I'll clean up, alright?" you smile at him as he whines but leaves just like you told him. You sigh as you start organizing the table, taking all the used glasses and cups to the sink, hoping someone will clean them instead of you. Walking back to the living room area, you notice Doyoung and Jaehyun still talking, both having serious expressions on. "Y'all gone." you push slightly at Doyoung making him flop back, laughing slightly at him. "If we're gone you are too," Jaehyun shakes his head "You can actually handle your alcohol," he adds before you walk away with another round of dirty glasses.
You cleaned up nicely, still having some work to do in the morning, but you were tired too. You went to wash up, taking a very quick shower before walking to your room. You forgot about Mark-
As you walk in you see him on his phone, hair wet again as it looked like he took a shower right before you. "Are you drunk?" you ask as you walk up to him, sitting on the edge beside him. "A bit, yeah," he says putting down his phone. He seems to have sobered up a bit. "You?" you nod with your head, but he could see you felt mostly fine. "So..." he takes a hold of your hand. "I'm down if you are," he licks his lips as he gazes down at yours. You bite your lips, pulling him in for a kiss. He sighed as you placed your lips on his, his hands wandering up your legs, waist, then chest. You moan into the kiss as he teases your nipples. The Canadian smiled into the kiss, confident in himself, but just after, you pushed him down on the bed and climbed on top of him, knees on either side of his hips. "Fuck- you're so hot." he eyes you up as you sit on him, hips grinding down on him. His hands take a hold of your breasts, groping them as his face changes from the friction he gets. You grind down harder onto him, earning deep sighs from him, that the more you hump him, the more they turn into whines. "Want you so bad, want to fuck you so hard." Mark's head pushes into the mattress, his big hands leaving your tits to your hips to help you grind down faster. "I can feel your hard cock, feels so good already," you say, your voice cracking slightly as his bulge brushes against your clothed core, keeping yourself up by leaning on his chest.
You both grunt and whine, trying to keep quiet, but you weren't sure if either of you were succeeding. Mark's right thumb slips to your clothed clit, making you slow down so he has more space. He rubs you nicely with his digit before going to your button. You help him get you out of your jeans, eagerly climbing back on top of him. You were soaking wet already. "So wet... for me?" he almost moans at the sight, you could feel him twitch under you. "Need you inside so bad," you say as you're quick to unbuckle his belt, and pull off his pants, his cock bulging hard in his underwear. As you throw his pants to the side, he pulls off his underwear, his dick slapping hard against his lower abdomen. "Fuck-" he swears, your hand reaching to jerk him a few times before positioning him right to your pussy. He helped, keeping your panties to the side as you slid down on him.
"Oh fuck...." you both moan out, feeling him stretch you out so well. "So tight around me," he gripped the side of your thighs. "Move." he begged, but you could tell he tried to sound demanding.
You may have been a bit loud, but at that time you couldn't care less. You focused on riding Mark and he was lost in the pleasure and your body, neither of you noticing your phone vibrating on the side of the bed.
Texts from Haechan, telling you to keep down because he can hear everything. He rolled his eyes as he heard your moans, tongue kept spitting out Mark's name, telling him all kinds of dirty things he wished you told him. He didn't even notice, his hand already palming his hardening dick through his sweats. He closed his eyes, focusing on the sweet mewls he heard through the thin walls. He could already see you, naked, tits bouncing as you keenly ride him, your tight walls clenching around his cock, your pussy creaming on him while he fucked into you from below. The fabric on his sweats moving up and down as he was already jerking himself off, grunts escaping his soft lips, fucking up into his right hand imagining it's you instead.
Your body language didn't slip over his head, he noticed the way you shook as he touched your waist earlier today, the way you crossed your legs, flexing your thighs while he traced your skin with his fingers. He saw how nervous you got from his gaze, how your breath hitched when he stepped closer than a friend should. He smirked as his hand moved on himself, knowing he was finally in. And he will be in you soon too...
He took his phone into his left hand, unlocked it, and opened your texts back up, all his horny thoughts projecting into messages to you. He smirked as he thought about Mark noticing his one too many texts to 'his' girlfriend. He knew you wouldn't see them yet, because he heard how busy you were... riding dick, but he wanted you to see them tomorrow morning.
His dick was rock hard, pre cum coating his tip making it easier for his hand to move. Wet sounds echoing in the small room, mixing in with your and your boyfriend's sounds from the other room. His eyes were slightly open just so he could text, his finger hardly moving as the pleasure took over his body.
"Fuck." he firmly said, releasing into his hand, his cum soaking into his underwear and the access sliding down the side of his cock. Finally not ruined, Haechan thought while laying in his bed, chest moving up and down heavily.
Sounded like the noises stopped in the other room, which made Haechan very tired. That's when he smirked. He didn't hear you cum.
Warm breakfast welcoming you in bed as the Sun shines through the curtains, your boyfriend had prepared a little surprise for you. "Baby!" you smile as he walks into the room, the meal in his hands putting it on the side of the bed for you. "I'm not the best cook, but I wanted to do something for you," Mark rubbed the back of his neck. "Thank you, but aren't you hungover?" you peck his cheek after pulling him down by his shirt. "Yeah, but that's my fault. Are you?" he asks back sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Not really, just feelin' tired a bit," you say as you sip on the glass of water that Mark brought to you with your breakfast. "How are you gonna drink tonight, dude?" you raise a brow, "Dude..." he repeats after you, " Are you gonna drink today too?" he looks at you in disbelief. "I gotta prove some things to Doyoung and Jaehyun." you shrug. Mark widened his eyes while looking away. "Anyway," he turned to you and pecked your lips, "Eat, and we'll do something fun today too."
Turned out the fun he mentioned was going clubbing. Taeyong looked around and found a really popular place in the area, he hyped it up pretty well so most members agreed. Not everybody was coming, though. Taeil, Jungwoo, Doyoung, and Yuta all said they'd rather go out for a late-night meal and some sightseeing if that's even possible at night. Besides these four, the others were all excited and were already talking about it in the morning.
"Let's not get spotted," looked around Taeyong. "I'm not gonna hide," shrugged Jaehyun, "It's not a big deal either." you overheard them as you brought out your dirty dishes to the kitchen. "Of course, I just mean..." the noise gets quiet as you start washing the dishes from the night before. "Why are you cleaning all the time?" surprised you Taeil from behind you, who was munching on some food. "You think it's your job, because you're the only woman here?" you thought he was being sarcastic, but he looked pretty genuine... "...No." you break out into a laugh. "You could be cleaning too, I just know you won't do it." you look back to the sink, rubbing the dirty plate with a sponge. "I cleaned up the living room after you went to sleep." Taeil shrugged his wide shoulders. "No way," you say in fake excitement and he approvingly winked at you then took another bite of whatever he was eating. "You're not coming tonight?" you bring up another topic, feeling more productive while talking with the older male. "Not a party person." he goes around the kitchen island now in front of you as he sits down on a bar chair. "Also, Doyoung will probably pay. Who am I to reject free food?" you laugh at him again, pretty entertained by his thinking. "True, Doie has a big heart and a thick wallet." he nods in agreement. "If you want I can finish this up for you." he points to the still big pile of dishes in the sink. "You can cook or do your makeup or something." ...silence. "I'm just kidding. Obviously." he crosses his legs. "You can call over Jungwoo, he promised to help me with something," you respond after a while. "You got tired of me or what?" he says as he stands up. "Yes."
Jungwoo walked in after Taeil, happy to be helping you. "I promised help with like beating someone in a game, but cooking works too." he skips into the kitchen, sitting where Taeil earlier was, the said man sitting next to Jungwoo. "Are you helping too?" you ask Taeil, "No, I'm just hungry."
Jungwoo helped with cooking up something, and by the end, Taeil ended up joining too as he eventually got bored. "Alright thanks, guys," you say turning off the stove, letting the food sit bubbling under the lid for a bit more. "Anytime," they say, leaving the kitchen with you. The whole day went by with you waking up late and cooking something that could last a bit for the others. By the time you three finished up, it was already time to get ready for tonight.
You couldn't decide what to wear for the night, you didn't ask for help either not being sure if it would be helpful at all. Turned out you should've done so earlier as when Mark stepped in the room, noticing your struggle he was quick to beg you to wear his favorite dress of yours. "My everything is out in that dress, Mark." you worry, whether it would be a comfortable option. "I know, you don't have to if you don't want to, but I'm not drinking today, wear whatever you want Baby." he came closer to you pressing a peck to your head. "I can protect you."
You chose Mark's favorite dress. His promise meant much to you, making you confident enough to step out in that tiny, tight dress that bricked up your boyfriend multiple times before. Sharp glances coming from the other men in the room, you weren't so sure Mark thought about his friends seeing you in this dress. Or maybe that was exactly what he wanted?
No one seemed to dare say anything as it could've sounded wrong coming from them, they settled on starring. Jaehyun watched as you walked up to them sitting down on the couch where you chatted with him and Doyoung the night before. You carefully sat down, holding the hem of your dress hoping it wouldn't slip up and expose more of you than intended. "So... who's coming?" you look around the silent room, "Me, Taeyong, Johnny, Haechan, and your boyfriend," replied Jaehyun, his eyes lingering on your thighs before making eye contact with you. The way he emphasized the last words sounded like a reminder to himself.
You nod and lean back in your seat, legs crossed.
"Who are we waiting for?" stepped in Mark, breaking the silence and seeing upbeat about tonight. "Haechanie," yelled Taeyong to the mentioned man. Immediately he stepped out of his room that was right around the corner right next to yours, looking at his phone before his hands slipped into his pockets. "Let's go," he said already heading out to the front of the house. Mark took a hold of your hand as he pulled you in front of him, slapping your ass. You looked back with a smirk, knowing he would regret letting you out in this dress. You will make him suffer tonight.
Mark would've driven to the club as he promised to stay sober, but the car was one person too crowded, and he wanted you to sit on his lap so Johnny drove there. You weren't sure how it would go on the way home, but the night was long you didn't want to worry about going home, and hopefully, you will be too drunk to remember.
Back facing Mark, looking in the dark crowd flashed by colorful lights while the stupidest club song was playing in the back, but the atmosphere made it sound good. Your boyfriend's hand holding onto your waist, ass pressed up against his crotch, boldly dancing together hoping he wouldn't get seen. Wearing a cap and a denim jacket he looked like any other frat guy at the party, he was confident in not looking recognizable. "Want a drink princess?" he leaned closer to your ear, making sure you heard his question. You nodded already feeling a bit dizzy, but you wanted more, it was too early to stop. He twirled you around, pulling down your dress and clicking his tongue before leading you to the bar. He took out some money from his pocket, asking the bartender whatever you were drinking last time, which you couldn't remember. "Here," he handed you the glass, watching as you licked the side of it before gulping it down in one go. Looking at your lips the whole time, he felt his grey sweats tighten up. The burning taste of the alcohol and the salt mixing on your tongue made your throat tighten up a bit, Mark noticing your struggle he put the piece of lime between your lips that came with the drink order. You quickly sucked on the fruit, but before you could spit it out Mark leaned in and took the lime skin away from your lips with his teeth, spitting it in his hand before pulling you in a kiss. Hand immediately grabbed behind you, groping your ass with his big hand while his tongue licked in your mouth, lips roughly brushing together. You pull away smirking at his needy behaviour. "Watch out, I didn't fully swallow. You might get tipsyyy," you tease him making him grab onto your ass tighter before letting it go. "Come dance with me." probably meant more dry humping in the crowd. "I'm so hard for you," he whispered in your ear, pressing his bulge against your thighs. Rolling your eyes, he pulled you back to the other guys, some of them jumping to the music, some of them gone, probably on a smoke break.
Continuing to dance with your boyfriend, you were surprised he didn't cum in his pants from the way he was grinding against you. Hands sneakily slipping under your dress, grabbing at your bare butt, and playing with your underwear, making sure only he could see it. He was acting up seeing you in the dress, you were a bit surprised at the switch-up at the club from yesterday. "Mark what the fuck?" you widen your eyes standing up straight and pulling your dress down. He smirked as he pecked your neck from behind. As he leaned closer you grabbed behind you, taking hold of his rock-hard cock, his smirk washing off his face and letting out a loud hiss behind you. You smirked proudly before reaching into his pocket and stealing some money to get yourself a drink. "I'll be back!" you said, sending a flying kiss to your boyfriend before walking up to the bartender.
You wanted to get it over with so you asked for a shot of vodka. You were about to hand the bartender the money when somebody behind you did before you. "Let me pay for you, pretty girl." said a random man you've never seen before. You were about to decline, but you were far too drunk to care and you just saved Mark his money so you accepted it. "Thank you," you said kindly tilting your head back to take down the shot. You were about to slide back into the crowd, but the man who paid for you started talking to you. "No need to thank me," he smiled at you. "How's the party?" you turned to him, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "Erm, uh pretty good um.." you were a bit disoriented after the shot you had to process the words from the tall man. "Sorry I'm just a bit drunk," you said and explained you came with your boyfriend and friends. "Oh I'm not bothered by that," he replied, but you weren't sure to which part he did to, either way, he wasn't super appealing.
"What's taking so long, Baby?" the voice came from behind you. The man in front of you clicked his tongue before turning away from you. "Haechan?" you turn, almost rolling your eyes as he sneaks an arm around your waist. "I have to go back to Mark," you emphasized Mark's name trying to pry yourself from his hold. "Go back to who? Your boyfriend who couldn't even give a shit about you being hit on?"
"God, why are you so fucking jealous?" you whine pushing away from Donghyuck. "So fucking annoying all the time." his eyes softened while dropping down to gaze at the floor.
"Fuck, I'm hard..." you almost felt bad...
You broke into a smile that turned into a full-on laughter. He's so pathetic. "You're such a loser, Hyuck."
"There it is."
"What?" you raised a brow.
"You called me Hyuck." you rolled your eyes. You wanted to leave and go back to Mark on the dance floor, but as you took a step you started feeling the consequences of the vodka. "You should sit down for a bit. Your boyfriend can wait." he pulled you back slightly, making you sit on one of the bar stools. "And we can talk about why you're avoiding me." you held onto his arm as you tried getting comfortable, the dizziness turning down a notch. "I think it's obvious why I don't want to be around you." you shake your head, the alcohol allowing you to speak your thoughts. "No?" he failed to agree while he asked for a beer. "Yes." you sigh. "Look Hyu-, Haechan. I like you, as a friend. Mark also trusts you and-"
"I don't give a flying shit about Mark, and you don't either, you just feel bad, ____." you get quiet, seeing his frustrated appearance. "I see the way you look at me, the way you act around me. You don't think I see how much of a slut you are whenever you act up around me, but Mark eats it up, thinking you're his. You're smart ____, making everyone think you're innocent, but you want me just as much as I want you." you opened your mouth, "Don't try to deny. I heard you. This morning." he suddenly calmed down, lips forming a slight grin. "I know you saw my texts," he gulped into his can of beer. "You were getting off to them."
"Did you cum hard? Did my texts get you off better than Mark?" he leaned in, lips dangerously close to yours. "Because you sounded louder, than when you were with your boyfriend."
"W-what are you doing?" you pulled back a bit, face heating up, but you weren't sure if it was because of the alcohol or because of Dong fucking Hyuck in front of you. Your heart felt like it was soon going into cardiac arrest, beating out of your chest, you were worried he could hear it even with the loud music in the background.
"And this dress..." his finger slipped under the hem of your tiny dress, caresing the side of your thigh. "Do you really want me to go insane?"
"Baby." Haechan sighed as he slowly pulled back, not to raise suspicion, turning towards the bar with his hand gripping the beer can. "We're leaving soon it's almost 4 in the morning, wanna come and dance with me a bit?" Mark stepped closer to you, kissing your lips. Oh, how you wish that was Haechan instead...
"Woah your face is hot! How much did you drink?" he said concerned, putting a hand over your cheek. "Thanks, dude for looking out for her," Mark said to Haechan who turned around with an innocent smile.
Mark dragged you back to the middle of the club, dancing for the rest of the night. By the end of the party, Mark drove home with you as his passenger princess, and the rest talking in the back. Taeyong had to sit on Johnny's lap on the way home so all of you could fit in.
Walking back into the house Mark doesn't waste a single second before pulling you with him in the shower, and spending some highly anticipated time with you.
"Let me wash your back," he said turning you around before he started rubbing your back with his huge hands. "It was so good with you today Baby. I had so much fun." you relaxed into his touch, the hot water mixing with flowery scent clearing your drunk mind, leaning into your boyfriend a bit. "You looked so sexy." you hummed while closing your eyes, Mark's hand wandering over from your back to the front, massaging your chest between his fingers. Your back flat against his toned front, you reached behind you grabbing his hard cock that has been strained against your ass since the club.
"Fuck," he moaned at your touch, probably so needy for you by the feel of his dick, Mark hummed in your ears as you started stroking him. The right hand slowly speeds up on his length, dick twitching from your grip, his kisses on your neck leave you breathless making you sigh heavily from the soft lingering feeling. His fingers started trailing down, soapy hand quickly slipping down to your cunt. Spreading your folds with his finger he began rubbing on your clit while you jerked him off.
"Your hand feels so good baby, keep jerking me off," he whispered in your ear, while your mind wandered around a bit. His fingers were so skilled, rubbing at just the right places, noting where you needed him most. "Just like that." he praised, biting the end of his words at the pace of your hands.
"Bend over for me, yeah?" the lack of friction left you unsatisfied as his hand slipped to your back, pushing you forward. You obeyed, leaning down, holding yourself up by the cold, tiled wall. The Canadian took hold of your ass to spread them apart, taking a nice look down before slipping in his cock.
Your thighs flexed, tight walls capturing him inside of you. "Fuck Baby, relax for me a bit, yeah?" he hissed and stopped pushing in further scared he might cum too soon. He was eager to finally release the pent-up tension, but he wanted to enjoy you for a bit longer.
You tried to grab onto the flat surface, almost hitting your face on the wall as he finally pushed in fully. You spread your legs wider for your boyfriend and arched your back, trying to relax while his big dick stretched you out for the second time since the vacation started. "Just like that..." he mumbled as he started moving behind you, not fast, but making sure to connect his hips to yours each time he pushed in. Your mouth agape, eyes closed shut again.
All the frustration from your boyfriend all night, then his best friend taking teasing to another level. Haechan got you worked up so well just with his words, putting you in an almost hypnotic state as the only thing you could think about while getting fucked by your boyfriend is it being Haechan instead.
Mark's hand that was spreading your ass before now slowly made its way to your wet hair, taking hold of it and pulling your head back with it. "God..." you sighed as you were forced to straighten your posture, back slapping against Mark's chest. He had already picked up on the speed, his cock moving inside of you quickly, you were almost gasping for air. The hot shower fogged up, making it harder to breathe.
"I'm almost there. Take it for me?" he grunted out, his moves getting sloppier by each second, you knew he was close. This position made it easy for him to hit your favorite spots inside of you, he got you closer to your high.
Eyes shut close, ears picking up on the sound of your hips slapping together, moans leaving both your lips, but you weren't as close as Mark was. Mind wandering off, suddenly the picture of Haechan standing behind you, holding your hair in a fist while he pounded into you appeared. Your sweet and dirty fantasy getting you closer to your orgasm, making your body move on its own, backing up on your boyfriend's dick, making the movements deeper and rougher.
You mouthed Hyuck's name, taking everything in you not to moan it out loudly, so everybody could hear, even Mark behind you. "I'm cumming," his breath hitched, pulling you up against him and releasing inside of you. While he came down from his high, your fingers moved on their own, running to your slit and rubbing your clit to catch up to him with your climax. Your body shook as you moaned out, also making you stumble back from the alcohol still lingering in your system. "That's my pretty girl..." Mark whispered in your ear, sucking on the soft skin of your neck.
"Fuck, I'm still drunk as shit." you held onto your boyfriend, acting oblivious to the fact that you just came to the thought of Haechan. "Let me help you." he chuckled and pulled out of you, making you feel empty after him being in you for so long.
Mark was a gentleman, he helped you finish washing up and brought you back to your room. He helped take off your smudged makeup and made you drink a shit ton of water so you wouldn't dehydrate. He took care of you so well and praised you before tucking you into bed then got comfortable himself while hugging you close to him. He fell asleep rapidly, while your thoughts and dizzy mind kept you awake. You weren't sure when you drifted to sleep.
"He's insane..." You rubbed your head as you had just woken up, - and your hungover headache was killing you - eyes barely open while you listened to Haechan's voice message. It looked like he called you at 6 a.m. and you didn't pick up.
"____, fuck. It hurts so bad, you made me so hard." you listened to Haechan whimpering into the microphone as he moaned your name. He called while you were sleeping and jerked off to you.
You wanted to turn it off, still feeling guilty and ashamed after last night, because you didn't forget a single moment that happened. You and Haechan flirting, Mark fucking you in the shower while all you could think of was Hyuck... a lot to take in. All you could do was sit in bed and listen to him. And now you were feeling worked up over Haechan whimpering out your name while you could clearly hear him jerk off on the other side of the line. You wonder what would've happened if you picked up the phone.
You sighed as you stopped the voice message and deleted it. You gently threw your phone on the nightstand to your left, only now noticing a white pill and a cup of water propped up on there. Mark is so sweet... your boyfriend is so sweet.
You immediately took the medicine, gulping it down with water hoping it would ease your headache soon. You were the drunkest out of all the guys, they were probably already awake, discussing last night. If we overlook the details the club was actually pretty cool. Good music and good company, you enjoyed it, but you were just exhausted.
All you wanted was to lay in bed all day. One reason is to relax, second reason is to save yourself from the embarrassment when seeing Haechan. Fuck, was he really serious?
"You haven't come out all day, are you that tired?" Mark came in to check on you every once in a while, laying down with you for a couple of minutes, bringing you all your meals and any beverages you asked for, making you feel worse.
"The medicine didn't work?" he asked worriedly, lying under the covers next to you. You shook your head, still feeling sick. Next time you should think twice before drinking two days in a row just for validation. "Mark, I love you." you look up at him, seeing him smile softly. "I know dude, I love you too."
Crazy amount of guilt.
He felt so right up against you, hugging you tight with his strong arms, body hot from him. You placed your hand on his as he crept closer to you, chest pressed up your back and lips close to your neck.
"You were so good last night." you blurted out, praising Mark. "Yeah?" you could feel him smile against your neck, "Sorry for getting you so worked up in the club, we could've gotten caught." your eyelids feel heavy, "You were drunk, I was the one messing around. Like seriously dude."
you don't respond.
"___?" he leans over your relaxed form, meeting with closed eyes. He looked at his wrist, checking the time on his watch. "17:37, good night I guess."
It was not a good choice to sleep again, but you just couldn't help it. Anyway, you woke up energized, Mark in a deep slumber next to you. You haven't even taken a shower yet.
You stand up quietly, slipping from under the covers, Mark's arm falling over nothing while you tip-toe out of the room. Coming out of the room for the first time today, immediately turning the corner to the bathroom.
"Oh, you can be seen besides when you wanna get fucked?" looking up you see Haechan with gamer headphones hanging from his neck. "What?" you don't even comprehend his words, not expecting to run into him like this, hoping you wouldn't run into him. "What are you doing anyway?" he rolled his eyes at your confused form, how was he so casual after what he had told you in the club?
You zone out, only snapping back when Haechan spoke again, "Are you still drunk from last night, pretty?" his eyes scan your face. "You seemed a bit... out of it." his hand comes up to your chin. "Don't you remember?" it sounded like he was sizing up the situation, contemplating whether you remember what happened or not.
His soft hands grab onto you, tilting your head up. "I do." is all you manage to get out, body automatically leaning into his hold. Fuck.
Haechan leans in, lips connecting to yours for a moment. You break free from him stepping back, eyes wide and body completely frozen from the shock. Haechan steps forward pulling you to him, your neck stretching to meet his lips again.
What the fuck are you doing?
You think, but then your arms wrap around his neck, deepening the kiss as his tongue brushes against yours. Haechan's hand sneaks around your waist, pulling you even closer. You gasp as his right hand squeezes your ass, making you push away from him. "Fuck- you know we can't. I can't," you whisper to Haechan who is smirking at you, seemingly entertained by your inner conflict. "No one's here Baby, you can give in."
Mark gave you his all, you had everything, but you wanted more than everything. Greedy for temptation that Donghyuck gave to you so well. The game he played with you, provoking you for months until you would give in. He knew you would.
"I know you want me, come on." Haechan clicked his tongue, pushing you up the wall knee positioned between your legs. You finally respond, lightly nodding your head. "Words."
"I want you." "I know Baby." he teased, his palm placed on your neck as he pinned you against the wall, now mindlessly touching you, toying with your sanity. "Hyuck," you bite your lip as blood rushes to your cheeks. "What? Isn't this what you wanted?" his knee pushed up to your core, and you gasped at the friction.
Your legs almost gave up from the feeling, this situation felt so unreal, mostly because it wasn't right. "Think only about me," it was like he could read your mind, Haechan leaned down to whisper on your lips, suddenly biting on your bottom lip. His hand slipped up your shirt, caresing your bare waist before reaching under your thighs to pick you up.
You grabbed onto his wide shoulders, gripping the material of his shirt between your fingers. Eye contact was carefully held by him, all you could look at was his face as he brought you into the kitchen and placed you on top of the counter which was the closest surface he could prop you up by. His lips found yours once again, now kissing you more passionately, the need visible in the way he held your waist.
"Want me to kiss you until you can't fucking breathe?" chest rapidly moving up and down to catch your breath as he pulls the shirt over your head, arms in the air so he could slip you out of the clothing easily. You eagerly nodded your head, waiting for him to kiss you again, chasing his lips with your own. He stood between your legs, thighs wrapped around his hips, pulling him close to your core. He took your hand and guided it to his bulge, "All because of you." he was big.
You gulped hard before he pulled you towards him by your legs and pushed you back on the counter, goosebumps appearing on your skin from the cold. Haechan was harsh, almost ripping the shorts off you, smirking at the view of your pussy through your underwear. The way he looked at you reminded you of the pool incident, but now it was on purpose.
"I always wondered how you tasted here," he came back up to your face kissing you for a moment "And here." you whimpered out when Haechan leaned down and licked over your underwear.
"Fuck, Mark never does this," "What does Mark even do?" Haechan scoffed before focusing on your clit, making you drool a bit at the unfamiliar feeling. Your legs hung over his shoulders, his big hands holding your thighs in place next to his face. The way he looked up at you from under, his tongue pushed up against you, he was so hot, your fingers tugging at his dark brown hair making him hum against you.
"So pretty," his finger grabbed at your panties and pulled it to the side before getting messy, licking up from your entrance to your clit, carefully circling around the sensitive area. Your thighs clasped around his head, but he forced it open again, left hand pushing down on your inner thigh and right hand grabbing at your chest through your bra.
Mouth agape at him eating you out so well, nose buried between your legs while his tongue swiped across your clit, your hand left his hair to take off your bra. Bit clumsy with your hands as you were trying to do it quickly, eyes focused on Haechan who was making direct eye contact with you, eyes darkening when you threw your bra to the side. "So desperate, huh?" his lips curving into a smirk before focusing on your cunt, now a finger replacing his tongue. His cold finger sent shivers down your spine as he finally slipped it in.
"Hyuck, I need more than this..." you gasped at the curve of his finger hitting your walls. "I was patient with you, now you'll have to be patient too," he said as he dove back in, tongue now licking at the sensitive bundle of nerves while his finger trusted in and out of you, curving it upwards just at the right places. "I need your cock, Hyuck." his movements sped up getting you closer to the edge, you had to lay down on the counter, hiding your view of his pretty mouth placed on your pussy.
Palm placed on your mouth, scared of letting out an unexpected moan, you tried to hold back, but small whines still escaped your lips. You felt it, his tongue soon pushing you over the edge, "D-don't stop." you bit your lips, toes curling at the sensation, a moan slipping from between your lips. "Hyuck, Hyuck, Hyuck..." you repeatedly said his name as he guided you through your orgasm, his movements slowing down until you calmed down.
You laid on the cold countertop with your eyes closed, Donghyuck pulled away from your still dripping pussy, your underwear gliding back to its place as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "You were so goddamn loud moaning my name you better come in my room before someone sees you spread out like this for me." his eyes glided over your uncovered tits, and he held your leg to calm you down. He wasn't in a hurry even if he sounded like it, you knew he would enjoy it if some one walked in on you like this.
It was almost midnight, no way anybody could've heard you, but you were willing to follow him wherever. He took hold of your hand to help you off the counter, pulling you towards his room. Haechan enjoyed controlling you like this, because you were stubborn, but now it was like you were wrapped around his fingers, listening to him so well.
You walked into his room, realizing there was now no way out of this, you're cheating on Mark.
He walked up behind you, arms wrapping around your half-naked form as he whispered in your ear, "I'm gonna fuck you." you gasped slightly, mouth agape at his dirty words, "You want me to fuck you so bad, don't you?" he teased. "Fuck-" You should've thought this over, but that's all you want right now. You'll think about this when you care, which is not right now. "Yes, I want you to fuck me, please," you almost mewl as he reaches between your legs, finger in your panties.
Before you could enjoy it too much he pushed you down on his bed. You landed with a thud and before you could turn around he pinned your arms down on the mattress. "That's all I want to do to you," he pushed his bulge against your ass, humming at the feeling. He let go of your arm just to throw his headphones away from his neck, but not stopping his movements, shamelessly humping your ass. Your back arched to make it easier for him, but he stood up straight, leaving you on the bed still at his mercy.
Haechan reached into the drawer of his nightstand, pulling out a box of condoms. "Why the fuck do you have that?" you lifted your head and furrowed your eyebrows, "Were you so sure this was going to happen?" Haechan ripped up the package with his teeth after taking one from the almost empty box, spitting it out next to you. "I hoped,"
"You don't need it though," you looked back at him, seeing his eyes widen "You sure?" you nodded your head, seeing him happily throw out the already opened condom. He pulled down both his pants and boxers, his dick slapping against his lower abdomen. He was exposed to your gaze, grinning at you while you watched him. "Am I big?" he teasingly asked, watching your reaction carefully. "I have to feel it to tell," you got confident, but it was quick to disappear when he pulled your panties aside and glided his cock inside you.
It went in smoothly, your wet pussy swallowing it, while he stretched you out. "Oh my-" you bit the end of your sentence, fingers curling into a fist. "Now, am I big?" he pulled out of you until his tip was barely in you, then slapped his hips against yours, making you choke on your words. You just nodded your head and squeezed your eyes shut, unable to form coherent words.
His hands spread your ass, giving him a better view of his cock slipping in and out of you, each thrust making you moan out his name. You looked so pretty, and your pretty face matched with your pretty pussy, all he could think of was you, you, and you. "Louder, Baby. L-let the man next door hear how good I'm fucking you. Let him know... God..." his head fell backwards for a second before composing himself.
"You made me work for this," he said through gritted teeth, his thrust speeding up to his liking. "A-and made me wait so long." you squeezed around him, making him stumble on his words. "I'm sorry..." you cried out, feeling him hit a spot inside you, making it hard for you to focus on anything other than his cock buried deep in you. "I know you're not, pretty." he leaned over your back, arms on each side of your head so he could reach even deeper into you.
"I should punish you, but you listened to me so well," he groaned after he spoke, unable to hold back, both of you high on the pleasure. His hips slapped into yours roughly, the tip of his dick hitting spots that were never reached before. "Is my dick bigger than your boyfriend's, huh?" you didn't even think of it, yes it was bigger. Mark himself wasn't small, but besides having a big dick he couldn't use it as well as Hyuck did. You knew it, you felt it because you knew you weren't going to last for much longer.
You nodded your head once again as response, making Haechan scoff. "Speak princess. I want to hear you say it," his soft tone paired up with his rough movements pushing your head into the mattress, pushing you closer to your orgasm. "I'm so close!" you cried out, making Haechan stop his movements. "Wrong words."
You let out a whine as the closeness disappeared, leaving you with just a feeling of him stretching you out alone, which wasn't nearly enough. "Your dick is bigger than Mark's..." you breathed out quickly, moving your ass back to feel him slip a bit deeper in you. "So desperate for my big dick, yeah?"
"Please..." he reached over to your face, pushing the pieces of hair that had fallen over your face. Hearing your pleading words, he couldn't hold back. He took hold of your waist before relentlessly thrusting into you selfishly chasing his high, but by your sounds, he knew you enjoyed the way he used you. "So pretty... so so pretty, fuck." he mumbled under his breath, his groans turning whinier by each thrust.
"I'm gonna cum," he hissed as his eyebrows furrowed on his face, his grip on your torso tightening. "Me too," both of you panting loudly, none of you spoke anymore, only one goal in mind; to finally release.
His groan sent you over the edge, making you moan his name loudly, he cursed in reply watching as your body shook from the release. Soon Donghyuck stopped his movements, pushing all his length into you, spilling his cum inside you "Fuck-" he cursed again, watching you all fucked out from him. He was shamelessly loud, he couldn't care less about being heard, or maybe he wanted to be heard. You could hear him breathe, tired from how good he fucked you. Donghyuck pulled out of you, reaching for his pants and boxers and putting them on while he watched you, lying on his bed as his cum dripping out of your cunt, panties getting dirtier by each second.
"So pretty," he slapped your ass before hopping down on his bed next to you. "Fuck Hyuck, I-" you bit your lips, turning around, now lying on your back. "Are you gonna tell Mark about this?"
Oh my god, Mark.
Words got stuck in your mouth, tongue pushing against the side of your cheeks. You covered your chest with your hands, making Haechan get up and take a shirt from his closet, "I'm not wearing that." he sighed and shrugged still throwing the clothing piece next to you just in case. He took a tissue paper from his nightstand, softly reaching down to clean you up as much as he could.
"I can't believe I cheated..." you mumbled to yourself as you pulled the blanket over your half naked body after Haechan threw the soaked tissue out and sat down next to you on his bed. "Was it good?" he looked at you with innocent puppy eyes, acting like he didn't just fuck his best friend's girlfriend. "Hyuck..." you say disappointed, but more in yourself than him. "It's no big deal, don't feel bad." you sighed in distress, looking at Haechan. "I'm horrible..." "No, you're not. It's not your fault Mark can't fuck you. And you deserve to be fucked. Good."
You stood up and left quickly, you needed time to process everything that just happened. Donghyuck called after you, but you didn't bother stopping, you tip-toed to the kitchen grabbed your shirt, and sneaked back into your room where Mark slept. You couldn't even look at him, but you laid down next to him, turned to the side, and stared at the darkness in the room.
"Hey... wake up." Mark pushed at your peaceful form, making you slowly sit up in the bed. "Dude, how did your bra end up in the kitchen?" he asked as soon as you opened your eyes. You sat up fast, snatching your pink lacey bra from him. "Uh..." your eyes widen, not being able to find the right words. "I must've.. sleepwalked?" it sounded more like a question than a statement. "Now that's scary!" Mark said, completely oblivious to your lie.
You sighed in relief when he left, plopping back down on the bed, heart beating fast in your chest. Your phone buzzed next to you on the nightstand so you reached for it, eyes widening at the contact name.
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star-girl69 · 7 months
As much as I love overprotective Clarisse which believe me I DO😍😍 am I the only one who kinda wants to see a protective reader if something happens to Clarisse or even Ivy?!
I feel like Clarisse may just sit back and be Yh that’s my girl 🤭
Literally kicking my feet and giggling while writing this
Also I love your writing so much it’s so goodddd I check my phone for any new posts all the time and scream when you do
TYSMMMMM BAE ILY!!!!!! been in a writing slump recently. someone else please write a mind bogglingly good clarisse fic to inspire me again. lord give me strength…
forget the fact this is 2 days late. thank y’all 🙏🙏
anyways officially adding danny to the perfect family bc I DO WHAT I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!
ok so imagine this
clarisse is participating in some sort of contest
idk roman gladiators LMAOOOO
but basically it’s like a big tournament? and yk she’s destroying eating it up cooking, whatever you will
finally she gets to like the semi-finals and atp everyone kinda knows she has it in the bag
her opponents are scared
(trust an underground betting ring was formed. everyone who bet on clarisse is thanking the gods and everyone who didn’t is shaking in their boots)
clarisse is happy bc you and the twins (danny and ivy)
are sitting right in the front row cheering her on
and she got a wonderful good luck kiss from you
so not only is she happy and thinking about that but also she’s convinced that she’ll win just bc she got a kiss from you
so the fight starts, ivy is genuinely SCREECHING at the top of her lungs she’s so me she can’t be normal about anything ever
and you and danny are just regularly cheering for her 😭
eventually someone behind you tells ivy to shut up
harshest death glare in the universe. like even zeus would be a little scared.
ivy doesn’t even notice she’s chill
the other person quickly shuts the fuck up.
then you turn back to watch clarisse and the fights just starting, the other dude is scared and knows his ass barely stands a chance
she’s having fun pummeling him
ugh fight scenes are hard to write
so eventually she tosses his ass to the floor
and this dude, who’s laid on the ground, who knows he’s cooked, decides the best option is to grab some dirt and throw it in clarisse’s face
and no one was prepared for this
like clarisse was standing over him with her spear at his throat, smile on her face, everyone knew he was done for- THEN HE DECIDES TO PLAY DIRTY AND DO THIS???
like everyone thought clarisse had it in the bag
the rules for this competition were that you’re not allowed to use anything but your person and/or pre-approved weapon(s)
whispers in the crowd… “oh bro is cooked…”
(sorry i’m obsessed w saying cooked rn)
and he is cooked
but by someone unexpected.
clarisse is wiping the dirt off of her face swallowing her shame she can’t believe she got distracted and let herself fall she should have saw it coming but suddenly she hears someone screaming
she opens her eyes and sees you menacingly walking towards this dude, who’s still on the ground and scrambling away
and what’s funny it you’re yelling at him like a mother would
the crowd is giggling…
clarisse is literally sitting there mouth dropped open when you grab his ear and he HOWLS
dragging him back towards clarisse, he’s kicking and screaming and literally CRYING
one of the apollo kids who organized the event is looking around (kinda enjoying it) but mostly very scared
“technically you did break the rules… sorry pal…”
obviously, this is the hottest thing clarisse has ever seen in her life.
she’s sitting back on her palms, watching in utter amazement, trying not to bite her lip
someone loving clarisse… that gets her going
someone loving clarisse enough to PROTECT HER??? she’s about to explode. EXPLODE. she’s never needed you so bad in her life LMAOOOO 😭
and this bitch is STILL refusing to apologize
like damn it’s not that hard… it’s not like you have any pride left to speak of you just got dragged around by the ear 😭😭 bro you’re cooked just apologize and get out while you can
“hey, dumbass, why don’t you look at the stands?”
you point, and everyone follows your finger.
ivy is a literal cartoonish whirl of her pink t-shirt and the white shorts with the little trees on them
danny is holding her back (with ease, might i add he’s strong as fuck 💪)
“i’ll let her out.”
he barely escapes that attack.
when you finally call ivy off of her attack, she stands next to clarisse, literally growls at the dude, before hugging clarisse
clarisse is still on the ground in utter shock.
she can’t keep her eyes away from you and ivy. she can’t get rid of the GLOWING feeling in her chest
is this… what it’s like… to be loved?
danny eventually walks over and helps her up
then they all watch as you smile sweetly at this very traumatized dude and ask if he’s ready to apologize
(i’m sorry oh gods im sorry i’m sorry”
then you walk over to clarisse, rolling your eyes and mumbling about bad parenting, girl she pounces on you.
kisses you so hard in front of everyone
ivy and danny are hugging each other and shielding each other’s eyes, screaming, begging for you two to stop
“y/n” she breathes as she pulls away “you are… the most amazing mother, the most amazing girlfriend, and literally the love of my fucking life.”
literally twirling your hair “omg baeeeee you’re too sweet 🤭”
(y’all don’t end up leaving her cabin for a LONG time.)
after this clarisse definitely sort of realizes a whole new side of your relationship. seeing you publicly defend her like that, publicly care about her, love her, omg she is going crazy for you!!!
after this incident she definitely stops calling you her gf.
gives you a really pretty ring she got one of the hephaestus kids to make, starts calling you her wife
and nobody better have a problem w that lol or else they got two ares killing machines, one feral attack dog, and a literal mother who is not afraid to drag you by your ear.
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss @ravisinghs-wife @marsconer @evangelinexo @randomhoex @luvrrish @rebecca37 @saltair-and-palemoonlight @ace-spades-1
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
Part 2
Robin Buckley was unfortunately well-aware of Steve Harrington, long before they started working together. He had been the worst kind of popular in high school, the completely effortless kind. And Robin was not looking forward to working with him. 
Sure, he had been better than the other jock dickheads Robin was forced to share space with, but that probably had more to do with his weird Eddie Munson friendship than anything else. Being friends with the town freak kind of forced you to be more accepting. Or in Steve’s case, force you to punch anyone who insulted him in the face. 
And while that was all nice and chivlirous or whatever it didn’t stop the fact that Steve Harringinton was a complete ass who slept with dozens of girls and threw them away immmeidtly after. There was no way that a guy like that wasn’t a dick. 
And after their first shift working together, Robin was convinced that she had been absolutely right. He was a total slouch at work, spending most of his time failing at flirting with girls or yapping to his friends on the phone in the back. He was a complete diva about his hair, and their manager had given him three reprimands in the span of four hours for not wearing the dumb hat. And he was always trying to get out of work early. 
After their first week together Robin was ready to strangle him. The only thing she’d give him is that he accepted being assigned indefinite bathroom cleaning duty with grace, otherwise she probably would have killed him and hid the body in the freezer by now.
Though he was really trying to expedite the process over here.
It was another annoying, Harrington filled day, only for him to once again try and leave early. 
But before he could get to the door, Robin was dragging him back behind the counter, hissing, “Where the hell do you think you’re going? We have inventory tonight.”
She had expected him to whine in response or maybe say something dickish that she could kick him in the shin for, but he just looked horrified.
“Tonight? B-But it won’t take that long right? Like just a few minutes?”
“Try a few hours. They’re making us count the spoons man. You’re not going anywhere anytime soon.”
His eyes got wider with each word, and for a split second Robin was actually worried that he was about to have a panic attack. That was until he opened his mouth again, “I-okay. Look dude, I really can’t do this tonight. I have a thing that I need to go to. But I can make it up to you! Or I can come in tomorrow morning-”
“The manager is going to look at it tomorrow morning,” Robin interrupted, arms crossed and brow twitching, “What is so damn important that it can’t wait till tomorrowow?”
“Does that matter?” Steve asked, oddly defensive for someone who was literally begging, “I just need to leave. But I can make it up to you! I’ll even pay you. You can have all the tips for the week and if that’s not enough then I’ll do the trash for three-no four days. I’ll do anything. Please?”
He actually looked like he was on the edge of tears and Robin had to begrudgingly admit that the puppy eyes were working on her. Christ, she was too good of a person. 
She sighed, “Trash duty for two weeks, and for the week I get the tips I expect you to be extra charming. We clear?”
“Yes! Totally fair!” Steve was already speed walking backwards to the door, and those misty eyes had suddenly completely disappeared. Robin was started to think that she just got played and big time, “Best co-worker ever! Really couldn’t ask for better-”
“Just fucking go.” Robin said as she shooed him off, near snorting when Steve actually started running out of the mall. 
She looked back behind the counter, groaning when she realized that his trash promise apparently started tomorrow. Fucking dick. She’d take out the trash, do inventroy alone, and then curse the Harrington name. 
She started to lug the disgusting trash bags full of soupy ice cream through the backdoor, shivering a little in the cold. The dumpster was right next to the almost empty parking lot, everyone gone except one long running van.
Robin stopped, realziing that two people were making out infront of it, and one of them just so happened to still be wearing his cutsy uniform while he shoved his tongue down the stranger’s throat. Robin stared at them, barely concealed by the dumpster as her blood boiled. 
Steve ditched her to make-out with some chick in the parking lot? Oh hell no. He was not getting away with this. She was just about to come out of her hiding spot to start tearing into him when she heard Steve giggle. Honest to god giggle. 
He was standing in front of the girl, obscuring her face while he played with a lock of her hair, “Aw, don’t pout. I didn’t make the schedule. Besides, I already said I’d make it up to you in any way you want.”
Robin rolled her eyes, wondering if she should include warning the poor girl that whatever two week anniversary they were celebrating would definitely be their last when she called him out. 
“I just didn’t expect to spend most of our four year anniversary eating cake in bed alone,” The stranger answered, their voice instantly recongnizble, “I was supposed to be eating you.”
That wasn’t a chick, that was Eddie.
Robin gasped, a hand going over her mouth. She had heard that voice many times, usually yelling about comforimity while standing on a lunch table. But that didn’t make sense! It couldn’t be-
But then Eddie was spinning them around, crowding Steve against the hood of his car, his signature DIO vest on full display while he ploundered Steve’s mouth, Steve laughing into it all the while. 
Robin felt like her brain was short-circuiting as she watched them. She was actually witnessing Steve Harrington happily shoving his tongue down Eddie Munson’s throat.
Steve pulled away first, holding Eddie back with a hand to his chest, still giggling, “God, that was so lame. Even for you.”
“You love it.”
“I do,” Steve easily agreed, “And I’ll love it even more when we’re home and in bed. Then we can really start celebrating.”
That was more than enough for Eddie. He dragged Steve off of the hood before opening the passenger side door for him, stealing one more kiss before running over to the driver’s side. 
Robin watched as they settled into the van, hands immediately clasped back together over the centerconsole. But it didn’t stop there. No, Steve was licking his lips and looking down muttering something to Eddie that she couldn’t hear. But she could guess, especially when his head suddenly dissapeared right before they drove off. 
Robin stayed hidden behind the dumpster, still trying to comprehend what she’d just seen. She just watched King Steve make out with the resident freak, and maybe start the beginnings of road head, all while giggling and laughing about their fucking anniversy.
What. The. Fuck.
From an unpublished chapter of this fic
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vipvesper · 1 month
heyy so can you do a clarisse x reader fic where they have like rivalry?
major h8r
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pairing: clarisse la rue x reader
warnings: clarisse, mentions of bullying, some low-grade tajin level spice
word count: 890+
"next time you won't be so lucky."
"Dude, you can't keep letting her pick on you like that," preaches Luke as the two of you sit on a rock. What happened, you may ask? You decided it would be a good idea to give into Clarisse after she relentlessly harassed begged you. Rather than actually focusing on technique during your spar, she took the opportunity to beat the Hades out of you. “She’s a bully.”
White bandages slip out of your grasp as you feebly attempt to wrap your wound. While ambrosia and nectar would've done the job, you're wary with consumption as to not burn to a crisp. Luke takes your hand, doing it for you. Contempt swirls in his oak-hued eyes, he knows you're better than this.
"I shouldn't have believed her when she said she wanted to improve her technique. I let my guard down," you mutter. Annabeth tuts, turning to face the entrance of the woods. “She may be a little… rough around the edges, but she’s not a bad person.”
"You'd think that someone like you would notice that she is," she states, blunt as ever.
"Helpful input, Annabeth.”
"It's the truth." The girl shrugs, fresh braids (courtesy of you) draped down her back.
"Thanks for the help, guys," you say, clapping an injured hand over Luke's shoulder. "But I have to get going. Camp won't run itself."
"But it literally will--"
You're already out of range by the time either of them can make any sort of protest. As you walk through the dirt paths, surveying the behaviors of the campers that are out and about, a familiar stomping sound approaches. Great. Clarisse.
Before you can turn to face her, an angry fist hits you over the head.
"You idiot! Why didn't you tell me you fight like a toddler? I would've gone easy," she jabs your side rather hard, forcing you to fold in on yourself. "Can't have Chiron's favorite in the infirmary. It'd be a shame if you shriveled up and died from an ambrosia overdose." You simply brush her off, having much more important things to do. “C’mon, dude, you suck at swordfighting!”
“Why are you talking to me?”
The question seems to catch her off guard. Her playful stance shifts to one fueled by anger at your comment.
“Cuz who else here is stupid as you?” The girl scoffs, built arms crossed over her overly toned chest. This isn’t even fair.
“Goodbye, Clarisse,” You roll your eyes, hiking up the stairs of the Big House, shutting it behind you.
Darkness creeps into the corner of your visions as you lay in your bunk, eyes trained on the ceiling. The snores of your siblings fill the room, coupled with the shuffling of blankets. Just as you near dreamland, a loud thunk on your window jolts you awake. You grab the weapon under your pillow, startled. You groan, seeing the culprit. Clarisse stands at your window, eyes shifting around.
Reluctantly, you let her tumble into the cabin, forcing her to silence.
“Shh, you’re gonna wake them up.” She simply laughs, kicking her shoes off, and dropping into your bed. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” Your voice is nothing more than a whisper, quiet as a breeze.
“Missed ya’.” The daughter of Ares snickers, grabbing your tired form and dragging you down with her.
“You can’t keep breaking into my cabin,” you insist, but she doesn’t listen. The two of you lay side by side, simply enjoying eachother’s company. “You’re like… too calm.” Clarisse snorts, curls draped over your blankets
“Shut up. Next time you won’t be so lucky. I’m exhausted from beating your ass all day.” She grabs you by the collar, planting an uncharacteristically gentle kiss on your cheek. Heat blooms in your face, creeping up your neck and touching your ears.
“Oh. Wow.”
She moves quick, tackling you in a kiss—this time on the lips. A hint of cherry chapstick touches your tastebuds as your situationship pulls away. It’s a fleeting feeling, her lips on yours, and you simply can’t get enough. She chuckles upon seeing the look on your face.
“I hate your stupid face.” Clarisse’s sudden words are laced with laughter, her fingertips gently brushing over the dip of your nose and the apples of your reddened cheeks.
Her pretty dark eyes stare into yours, thumbing over a bruise she left from sparring.
“Doesn’t seem it.”
The brutish girl props herself on her elbow, staring down at you with her gorgeous eyes, darkest browns dotted with celestial bronze, swirled with imperial gold in the low light.
She tucks a loose tuft of hair behind your ear, leaving down again to deliver another gentle kiss. “Mmh,” she hums, warm tongue prodding for entry. Warm summer air blows in, the window left agape. The scent of the strawberry fields and the last embers of the latest fire mix to form a pleasant smell, bathing the cabin.
Clarisse’s calloused hand cups your jaw, her tongue slipping into your mouth. The air between you only gets thicker, forcing the duo up for a quick breath.
“Thought you didn’t like the French,” you jest, deciding this is the time to poke fun—since you won’t end up with a goose egg. She shoves you around for a bit.
“Shut up. Stupid teacher’s pet.” She captures you in another kiss, fingers intertwined like the stars and the sky.
i got pretty distracted, so this is less of a rivalry and more of a secret relationship 😔
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albertdabuttler · 4 months
Masked Adversary | D.L.
this fics masterlist
fandom: Kick-Ass
pairings: Dave Lizewski/Kick-Ass x F!Reader
WARNINGS: cussing, suggestive thoughts?? mentions of kissing 👅👅, angst and overthinking cause im a hater. SLOW BURN :P
summary: You and Dave have lost a childhood friendship. The circumstances have made you grow to despise one another, until KickAss has no one else to turn to but you, causing him to develop a small crush. The only problem being that you don't know it's him.
WC: Like 3k idk
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Guys lmk if I ate…
You had just finished showering when you heard your mom calling your name, telling you there was someone at the door for you. Thankfully, you were dressed and had finished drying your hair already. “Coming!” Opening the door of your steamy bathroom, you were met with Dave walking past to your room.
“I already sent him up!” She called from downstairs, far too late.
“Hey,” You spoke in a rather awkward tone, slipping past him towards your room as he followed. “Uh, sorry if it’s a little messy, I was gonna organize it before you got here but you got here already so… Yeah.” You picked up everything from your desk, taking your things to your bed to study comfortably.
Dave stood there awkwardly, not sure if he should also sit on your bed with you or… Anywhere else.
“Come on, dude,” you scoffed in amusement, patting your bed to get him to sit down. He laughed nervously, setting his bag next to your bed and taking his notebook and pen out. He sat down across from you, at the end of your bed while you sat by your pillows.
“Nice shirt,” he said, seeing the Robin shirt you were wearing and remembering he had drenched it in his blood. You looked down at it, smiling to yourself. “I found it in my closet yesterday and… I—I just washed it.” Dave himself was just wearing a tee and sweats.
“Okay, so I was able to get half of my stuff done after you dropped me off earlier, but I still have this part to finish.” You pointed at your laptop, showing him what you still had to write and continued to talk about what else you had to finish.
It was a project for science. The two of you had to put together a presentation on some animals or something.
“So…” you tapped your pen against your knee.
Finishing writing a sentence, he lifted his eyes to look at you, “Yeah?”
Was it just you or was he actually starting to look… Good?
“Um…” You looked to the side as you thought of an ice breaker. “You had any girlfriends yet?”
He blushed and smiled awkwardly, “Uh…” Scoffing at himself, he looked around as if an answer would pop into his view. “Not really… Why…?” He squinted at you.
“Hm. Still a loser I see. Glad to know you haven’t changed.” You teased. He only rolled his eyes, looking back down at his paper.
“You’re so annoying. Didn’t you get dumped like three times?”
“Unbelievable,” you watched him, rolling your eyes. “When you get a girlfriend you can talk shit.”
He smirked. “You’re not denying it.”
You glared at him. “I dumped them.”
“Right.” He looked back down at his notebook, trying to hold back a smile.
You glanced up at him again, taking in his features, the way his glasses slowly slid down his nose as he looked down, the way his bottom lip was caught between his teeth in concentration.
Before you knew it, he was looking up at you with a curious look. “…What?”
You blinked, hiding the flustered feeling you got from him catching you staring.
“You’re also not as incredibly nerdy looking as I remember.”
He can only glare at you. “What’s that supposed to mean?” But alas, he hoped it meant you were attracted to him. At least almost as much as he was to you.
“Nothing you just… Don’t look so bad after all this time.”
He quickly looked back down at his notebook, unsure of how to feel from the so called ‘compliment.’ Although his heart was pounding through his ribcage, he decided to tease.
“You think I’m cute?” He gave you a smolder.
“Oh hell no.” You scoffed at the stupid face he made.
Even if you had whispered that last part, he still heard it.
You had spent almost an hour working on your project before you heard your dad knock at your door. You had no time to answer before he opened it.
“Dinner’s ready.” He said, smirking at Dave. “Keep the door open.”
You rolled your eyes. “Dad, you know it’s not like that.”
Dave and your father had a very good relationship before you had stopped being friends. There were even times where your dad would go out of his way to invite Dave and his dad over for dinner. They even had their own inside jokes.
“Don’t worry, sir.” Dave shook his head, “I’m way out of her league.” He had a smug look on his face that made you want to shove him out of your house.
“Up top,” said your dad, holding his hand up as Dave stood up. You knew your dad loved you and was just teasing, but it still annoyed you.
“You guys suck.” You said, pushing past your dad and meeting your mom in the kitchen while they laughed.
If it was any other guy, like your last boyfriend, your dad would have beat his ass for saying something like that. But it was Dave, and Dave was like the son your dad never had.
“Love you, hun.” Your dad called after you but you didn’t reply.
You set the dinner table quickly, sitting down as your mom set the food down.
Your dad sat at the end of the table with your mom across from you, Dave’s usual spot had always been next to you and that didn’t change.
“Where have you been? We missed you, kid.” Said your dad, already digging in.
Dave gave you a look, wondering why you hadn’t told your parents your reason for not being friends.
“I dunno… Just been busy, I guess.” He said quietly.
“Why haven’t you come over?” Your mom asked.
Dave and you looked at each other for a second, “We just didn’t really talk much after freshman year ‘cause we didn’t have any classes together.” You told her, which wasn’t really a lie. You and Dave didn’t have any classes together freshman year.
“That’s sad,” she frowned, “you two were always inseparable.” She smiled at Dave fondly.
Dave only poked at his food, “Yeah,” he said, smiling to himself.
You had finished eating, everyone continuing to converse here and there with their on food still on their plates when you felt Dave’s knee touch your thigh. He didn’t pull away, and neither did you to see what he would do. He only kept talking to your parents, completely ignoring the fact his body was touching yours.
Of course he actually did realize this. In his head he had done it on purpose just to see how you’d react. You tried to stop thinking about it for the rest of dinner.
You weren’t mad or uncomfortable, of course it had happened before, but it felt different somehow. Familiar.
“So have you guys gone on any dates yet?” Asked your mother, out of nowhere.
You froze, staring at her. Dave choked on his drink, coughing over and over again, trying to catch his breath but he didn’t seem to tone it down. His face was red because of this. And other reasons.
“Sorry.” Your mom hid a smile, seeing Dave’s reaction gave her more than enough answers on his part.
She gave you a knowing look and you sent her a look of disgust.
"Gross." You said, repeating Dave's words from earlier that day. Dave finally cleared his throat of whatever he choked on and tried to back you up. His knee wasn't touching you anymore, you noticed.
"What she said," he pointed his thumb at you, voice hoarse.
"You've never even thought about getting together!?" Your mom looked surprised. At this, you couldn't help but do exactly that. What it would be like to go on a date with him, maybe getting a coffee at Atomic Comics, maybe watch the Avengers movie that was about to come out in theaters. What it would be like to hold hands at school, how surprised everyone would be since you guys seemed to hate each other so much. What Cleo would say, what Todd and Marty would say.
What you would have to tell Kick-Ass if he climbed into your window again.
'Hey I know I patched you up and stuff and kinda stopped you from bleeding out, and I know we kissed like three times but guess what?! I have a boyfriend and I can't talk to you anymore.'
And what it would be like to kiss Dave. If he would be any good at it, or if he still hasn't gotten laid because he's too much of a pussy to talk to girls. How it would feel if he had his hands all over you, his lips brushing yours, how it would feel if he was kissing your neck softly—
"You guys have much in common." Your dad smiled slyly at you two, snapping you out of your daydream.
Why had you let your mind wander that far?!
Dave stared at his food, his face an obvious red.
"Okay, that's a wrap..." You cleared your throat, pursing your lips. You excused yourself from the table, picking up your dish and Dave followed, “Thanks for the food,” Dave smiled at your mom as you took your dishes to the sink.
"Sorry about that," you spoke as you approached the top of the stairs.
"I—It's fine." He brushed it off, sitting down on your bed as you shut the door.
It was silent for a few moments as you scrolled through an article on your laptop, Dave reading from his drafts.
"Have you even had your first kiss yet?" You questioned out of the blue.
His eyes shot up, hesitating for a second before regaining his composure.
"Yeah. Sixth grade, remember?" He said proudly. "Have you?"
"Yes, dumbass. You know this." you scoffed.
"With who?"
"Remember Freddy? The brunet guy that called you a nerd in second grade and you never got over it? He was my first boyfriend."
"Lame." He rolled his eyes. "Smart-mouth like him I bet it was the best kiss you ever had." He shot.
"Wrong. Best kiss I ever had was with Kick-Ass." You crossed your arms sassily.
It was safe to say that Dave was flattered. "Oh really? You don't even know him though, so it doesn't really count."
"Maybe I don't know who he is, but I do know that he actually likes me. I just have to find out who he is. He’s probably hot or whatever…”
Dave blinked in awe. "He might not like you… He could just be using you. Why are you kissing random guys anyway? Are you really that desperate…?”
“No?! He just made it obvious, okay? And why are you getting all weird? Are you jealous…?”
“Me? Jealous of him? Fuck no, I’d rather be stitched up by a damn chimp than you with your terrible needle skills.”
You paused. “How did you know I needed to stitch him up…?”
He was able to answer before hesitating, “Cleo told us when you left for fourth period.”
“Fine whatever. Just piss off dude, at least I talk to the opposite sex.” You huffed.
He stared at you for a moment and you laughed at his expression, himself joining you soon after. A few moments later you noticed yourself looking at him too often. Like you were expecting him to say something.
“…What?” Dave slowly looked up at you from his notebook, noticing your lasting gaze.
“I—“ you thought for a moment, figuring out a way to explain yourself. Suddenly, you sat closer to him, pulling his glasses off his face before putting them on yourself.
“Holy shit, you’re blind.” You teased.
“Shut up.” He scoffed, “you’re exaggerating.”
You took a moment to look at him, noticing the big difference without his glasses. Dave watched you expectantly.
“You look weird with glasses.” A smirk threatened to creep up on his lips. You only scoffed.
“And here I was thinking you looked cuter without them.”
He blinked, losing his words and you began to notice a pink upon his face. He laughed nervously, swallowing whatever was in his throat as he looked away at his notebook, trying to pretend like he didn’t hear you.
You smiled, feeling a sudden urge to tease him in a flirty way. “Did you hear what I said?”
Dave looked back up at you. “What?”
“You should wear contacts. You have really pretty eyes.” You looked at his lips for a moment, licking your own, picturing yourself kissing Dave.
“Um… Thanks…” His heart rate began to quicken as he tried keeping his gaze on you, noticing how you looked at his lips. All of a sudden, he grew bold, looking at your lips too.
“What are you looking at?” He asked curiously.
You blinked and looked up at his eyes, adjusting the glasses on the bridge of your nose. “Nothing.”
“You know… I had a crush on you in eighth grade.” He whispered.
You laughed, “What?”
He chuckled, “Yeah, I don’t know how my taste was that terrible at any point in my life.” He tutted.
“Fuck you.” You laughed softly. “You’re such an asshole, you know that?”
He held back a smile, tracing his eyes over your features.
The two of you stared at each other for what felt like an eternity until you felt yourself being pulled closer to him. He leaned towards you as well until his face was just a few inches from yours, his hand resting next to your leg to hold himself up.
Finally, he began closing the distance, trying to ease into it as if not to scare you. His lips barely made it to yours before you pulled away, removing his glasses from your face and placing them back on his with a smile.
“We should finish this…” You sighed.
His face was noticeably red again, especially from the embarrassment of you pulling away. He felt like an idiot, thinking you actually wanted to kiss him. He didn’t question you or anything, but he still wanted to understand why you’d lure him in like that only to rip it from his grasp.
"Oh fuck, it's already ten past nine," spoke Dave, putting his things away.
"I would say you could sleep over like you used to, but I don't want my parents saying shit like that ever again. Plus Kick-Ass could come over and I don’t want him to think I’m with a nerd or whatever.” You teased.
Giggling, he stood up with his bag in hand, you followed him to the front door.
"Thanks for having me," he smiled as he walked past your parents in the living room. He opened the door for you, stepping out after you.
"Thanks for studying with me... And dinner." He spoke softly, giving a small smile.
"Yeah..." You stood in front of him, admiring his features as he towered over you. He had a strong jaw, soft plump lips, a cute nose, perfect eyebrows (for a guy), and beautiful blue eyes behind his glasses. His curls fell over his forehead—were you looking at him too long? You felt like a creep for just staring at him for what felt like hours. You knew it had to be weird. But what you didn't know was that he was admiring you too.
He was standing so close, close enough for you to right hook him. You looked at his eyes 'til you caught him glancing at your lips. He wanted to kiss you again, like he did yesterday, but he knew he couldn't. Not as himself, at least.
For some strange reason you moved closer to him, not knowing why or what your motive was.
"See you Monday." He took a step back, pursing his lips with his hands shoved in his pockets.
"We—You can come over tomorrow if you want...?" You tried, but to do what? Why did you want him back here again so soon?
"Uh—I have stuff this weekend... But I'll text you if any plans change..." He slowly walked backwards onto the sidewalk. He felt bad for lying again. He couldn't keep this up much longer.
TAGS BC YOU ASKED!! @iliterallydontexistlol @esmestarz @pernandofalonso @lizzxoxo @real-sharena-h @iheartdilfs01 @friendlyneighborhoodhottie @popejar
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mintkookiess · 1 year
It's you?!
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A/N: Craving more 42!Miles screen time. Better yet, I want him to have an entire goddamn film.
Another post from the private vault! hope y'all like this one as much as I did! (。・・。)
Summary: 42!Miles and his weird ass obsession on finding out Spiderwoman!reader's real identity (and vice versa, but less obsessive LMAO she just curious)
Tags: 42!Miles x Spiderwoman!reader, some cussing, choking (not that kind) enemies -> friends
Word count: 2.3k
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The Prowler had a sick grin behind his mask as he stared at the woman standing a few feet away from him. It was almost laughable to him how she could stand for all the heroic shit, even her suit looked downright ridiculous. “You’re a brave one to try to stop me, I’ll give you that.” He laughed with his voice slightly distorted from the voice changer. “But I hate to break it to you ma, I’m going to remind you where you belong, to make you remember your fucking place.”
Though deep down he knew that he always looked forward to their fights and banters. Sure, he’s handled a bunch of big enemies and may have been beaten to a pulp once or twice, but nothing makes him feel more alive than fighting the one and only Spiderwoman. Little does he know that he’s slowly garnering some sort of obsession over finding out who she was. 
He was itching to know what kind of person this woman was who had the actual capabilities of making him excited and thrilled over fighting, something he grew to hate. 
"Yeah, I will. Since my place will always be above you." Y/n replied coolly behind her mask. As Spiderwoman, she is obligated to eradicate all evils in Brooklyn, but this Prowler dude always made it interesting for her. And today was just like their usual encounters. 
Sometimes, she admits that she wants to know who he was beneath all that tacky suit. Like why does he look like fucking Dracula? 
I hate that fucking mask. Miles thought as he scowls down at the hero. All he wanted was to rip the mask off of her head and finally see her face. He couldn't exactly understand his undying obsession with finding out. Like, why her of all heroes?
He growled in frustration with himself, clawed out his hand, and lunged at Y/n, ready to rip her apart. In response to this however, Y/n was quick enough to instantly shoot a web by a nearby building on their right, flinging herself towards it to dodge him. "Is that the best you got pretty boy?" She called out. 
"Pretty boy?" Miles raised an eyebrow behind his mask. He snarled, jumping off the ground to thrust towards her once more, this time using full force to try to pin her against the wall. He does this successfully, picking Y/n up by her throat. "Who are you?" Miles hissed, his claws retracting before digging his metal-covered fingers into her neck more. "Tell me, damn it."
Y/n kept her body calm and tried to maintain proper breathing despite being choked by him. "Spiderwoman, who else would I be?" She choked, her mind trying to find the best way possible to escape from his deadly grasp. 
"That's not what I meant," Miles glared, squeezing even tighter than before. His golden brown eyes slowly became wild in anger, almost as if something's taken over him. 
"Answer me properly, pretty girl," He seethed, his mask glitching slightly. Though he called her "pretty girl", he did so in such a mocking tone.
Miles dropped her to the ground but doesn't waste a second before pinning her against the wall with his arm over her head. With his height, he just easily towers over her.
The sight egged him on, the feeling of having Spider-Woman beneath him like this was exhilarating. 
"Who. Are. You."
"Someone who's... about to kick your goddamn ass." She murmured before her leg flew up to his arm, and with every force she could muster she kicked it down, making him lose balance. 
She shoots another web to the building on the opposite side, keeping a fair distance from the Prowler. "Why do you want to know me so badly?" She called out to him. 
"Because I want to know my enemy,” Miles yelled back, letting out a low growl as he rose to his feet and sped across to her once more. He lands back close to her, glaring at her with a slightly amused look. It's just a game to him after all. A game of cat and mouse and he was definitely not the mouse. 
"I'll stop at nothing until I found out who you are," He gritted through his teeth. "You won't get away that easily ma." 
Y/n only snorted at his words. "Oh yeah? I think I do a pretty great job at doing that pretty boy." She smirked behind her mask before instantly swinging away, leaving him.
But of course, Miles wasn't backing down, quickly chasing after her. "Who the fuck are you?!" He yelled loudly, but she doesn't answer. They both played chase across multiple buildings. Miles was determined not to lose her this time though, picking up his speed until he was practically at the same speed as her. 
This must be his new world record, Uncle Aaron would be damn proud. 
"I won't stop chasing you until I know." Y/n rolled her eyes at how persistent he was being. Miles wants to know who this hero was, and why she drove him insane with obsession, or how she got him looking forward to fighting her. 
"Well for starters, why the hell are you so obsessed with me? Honestly, don't you have better things to do?!" She called out as she continuously swung between buildings by her webs. Least to say though, Y/n was impressed that the Prowler could catch up at all. But then again, when has he ever failed to impress her?
"It's not an obsession," Miles denied, following close behind her. Even Y/n knew that wasn't the truth.
Miles is a villain. He kills. He maims. He hurts whomever he wants. But with her? Something just felt different. She's special, nothing like the rest of them. She has something he can't quite explain. Some sort of magnet that keeps him wanting to see her often? To fight her more than he does with the usual people he dealt with?
"Why do you keep running away ma?" He asked nonchalantly, but Miles knew he was just trying to keep her under his grasp for a bit longer. "You can fight. Why run?"
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "Then let's fight pretty boy." She swung back around towards him, landing her foot on his torso, kicking him hard across the concrete before landing flawlessly on the ground. 
Miles grunts loudly and stumbles back, hitting a beaten-up car behind him. He looks up at her, glaring. "That's more like it ma," He leered, the sun creating shadows on his face, making him look even more intimidating.
He grunted as he stood up, getting close to her once again until he was merely inches away from her face. "You must tell me. You can't keep it from me." Miles grunted. His eyes were wild and insane as if he's lost control of... whatever he was feeling towards this Spiderwoman. 
"If I told you who I was, that defeats the entire anonymous persona thing I've got going." Y/n chuckled, placing a hand on her hip. Though she admits, she was also quite eager to know who Prowler was. Oh hell no, just curious.
"Tell me already!" Miles almost yelled, balling his hands into fists. He's getting angrier by the minute. At who exactly? He wasn't sure. Maybe he was mad at her because she was being stubborn, or mad at his behavior and the way he was acting right now.
But Miles doesn't care. He only cares about the fact that he's not getting the information he wants. 
He just wants to know who she was so badly so he could finally get over this achingly overwhelming curiosity.
"Tell me," Miles glowered once more, his voice dark and raspy. "I won't ask again." 
"You're asking me to tell my arch nemesis who I am behind this mask. You do realize how insane you sound right?" Y/n snickered. But suddenly, she was stricken with an idea. She quickly looked around, making sure no one was around them in the abandoned part of Brooklyn.
For once, she wanted to indulge in her curiosities as Spiderwoman. She grinned at him, even though he couldn't see it. "If you show me who you are, I'll show you who I am. Seems only fair right?"
"Fine," Miles grunted, uncurling his fists. He was a bit surprised at how easy it was for him to agree, despite knowing full well he shouldn't show who he was much less to the person who's been hunting him down for months.
"Show me first. Then I'll let you know who I am." His jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed as he meets her stare. "After all, it is only fair ma."
Y/n laughed, nodding in agreement. "Fine, if we're playing fair, then we should just do it together at the same time." 
Prowler let out a harsh breath and nodded. 
"On the count of three,” Y/n said, her finger gripping the edge of her mask. 
As Y/n pulled out her mask, the Prowler does the same, his Prowler mask moving back to reveal himself as Miles Morales. 
Y/n's hair fell down, her e/c eyes striking with excitement as she stared back into his. Her lips instantly curved into a smile as she sees an all-too-familiar face before her. "You're that student from school!" 
Miles blinked. "What—" He stopped himself mid-sentence as it finally hits him. It's her. It's always been her. 
His eyes flash with shock, pupils widening to the point where his eyes almost appeared black. The woman that he's been obsessing over, was Y/n. Y/n L/n.
Miles would see her often in class and everywhere else on campus. He has never spoken a word to her, but she slightly grabbed his attention because she was the complete opposite of him. That and because she was obnoxiously loud.
He simply knew her as that friendly, too-nice, pure girl. Definitely did not assume that she'd be Spider-Woman.
"You're that quiet dude from physics and math class!" Y/n gushed even further. "I wasn't expecting it to be you but, that makes so much sense with your mysterious aura and vibe, holy shit."
Y/n was internally screaming inside because she did notice Miles Morales from her school. She thought he was crazy attractive with the stoic and cold demeanor he had going on, especially those goddamn braids of his.
And now here she was, finding out that he was in fact, the Prowler whom she's been fighting for months on end. 
"Y/n..." Miles breathed out. As he processed the woman before him, he started to think about how she was beautiful, far more than he could've ever imagined. He barely looks at her at school, but now he's finally got a good look.
Her smile sent unexpected fluttering to his heart and it was difficult for him to look away. He had to snap himself out of it. Y/n isn't just Y/n. She's Spider-Woman. Who knows of his identity.
Miles licked his lips forgetting all of that in a second. His eyes were still wild but now supported by a little glint. A spark perhaps. Somehow, seeing Y/n and realizing she's Spider-Woman made him feel weird. Good weird. But weird. 
"Well, what do you think? Overwhelmed? Underwhelmed? Rate the experience from 1 to 10, be honest." Y/n smirked, her eyebrows raised and arms crossed over her Spider-Woman suit. 
"You fucking weirdo,” Miles smirked. 
"Would you look at that, the infamous Miles Morales actually knows how to smile,” Y/n replied, clearly amused. 
She was definitely not screaming inside. 
"What can I say ma?" He replied with a smirk, "You bring out the best in me." He found himself teasing her. How interesting.
Y/n playfully rolled her eyes at him. "Ha ha, I wasn't expecting the Prowler to be this cheesy either." 
"I wasn't expecting Spider-Woman to be this beautiful either, so I guess we're both in quite a predicament,” Miles said with a slightly flirty tone. The situation was becoming less tense and more playful between them. 
It was as if Miles had become a different person, being less like the ruthless villain Prowler, and more like himself as Miles Morales. It's a refreshing feeling to him.
"Well thank you, does that mean you've always noticed me from school?" Y/n smiled, placing her hands on her back, and swayed side to side like a child.  
"I noticed you alright.” He chuckled. Miles was still in disbelief with himself since he never showed such emotion to anyone. Ever. But here he was laying himself out to this girl who he barely even knows.
"I thought about talking to you. Usually to tell you to shut up cause you're always so damn loud." He told her. "But then I got too much shit on my mind. You know what it's like as the Prowler."
Y/n simply nodded, "That's fair. I myself am pretty busy cause well... I am Spiderwoman, constantly thinking of how to save the city." She winked. 
"You're busy as Spider-Woman," Miles repeated. "And I'm busy as the Prowler." He grinned at her. "We have that in common, don't we?"
"Except for the fact that we are destined to be enemies." Y/n grinned, shaking her head in disbelief. "But you know, maybe we can be friends."
Her? Being friends with him? What is she even saying... as if he'd actually agree—
Miles cocked an eyebrow. "Friends huh? Maybe we should try it sometime." He grinned, but he stopped himself, almost as if what he said wasn't meant to be said at all. He cleared his throat, "Well, we aren't enemies right now, are we?"
Y/n contemplated for a while, "Hmm... Maybe enemies as Spider-Woman and the Prowler, but we can be friends as Y/n and Miles." She winked, holding out her hand for him to shake. 
Without a second thought, Miles grabbed her hand and shook it firmly. "Deal." He replied with a smirk. "Friends." And he's serious about it too. All they both thought of at the moment was,
Damn, this is going to be one interesting pair.
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More of my Miles content here babes!
(if yall wanna be on my taglist feel free to let me know!)
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gaymurdersalad · 4 months
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If you haven’t noticed, it’s pride month! That means we’re legally allowed to be gay for an entire month before we have to disappear into our burrows once more! To celebrate the occasion, I decided to do a fun little pride post! ]
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[ I’ve gathered all the little fuckers in The Void to poke and prod at them like zoo animals. In other words, I figure they all have some neat identities and wouldn’t mind being interrogated in honor of pride month. I’ll go ahead and turn it over to them, but I’ll say now, no matter how much they kick and scream, I am definitely NOT holding them at gunpoint! This workspace is… definitely OSHA approved. Don’t let them tell you otherwise. Have attem! ]
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> This is fucking stupid. Stop waving that gun at me. I’m talking.
> My identity isn’t anything special. I’m just some guy who decided he was a guy way later than everyone else did. I don’t really give a damn what pronouns people use on me because usually they just end up avoiding me at all costs or scampering away like frightened animals.
> I’m bisexual, is that anything? But, like, only bisexual in a sexual way. I could not fucking fathom living a long prosperous life with anyone. How the hell are you supposed to enjoy someone for that long? Getting married seems like a scam. I bet it is. I bet it’s like the invention of Valentine’s Day for greeting card companies. You’re not actually supposed to be in love with someone for that long, it just doesn’t seem possible.
> … My marriage with Dave does not count, that wasn’t an officiated wedding. I’m fairly certain he fished those rings out of a water fountain and pawned his dress off a hooker. I do vividly recall dumpster diving for my tuxedo.
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> Uhhhhhh wuh? Hmmmm, I’onno what the hell I am, Old Sport! Fuck!
> Shit, I guess I like everyone. A hole’s a hole. Why the fuck would I discriminate? I think I got a preference for men though! They’re so fuckin’ easy to romance! Unless they’re the likes of Sportsy, then it’s the hardest goddamn thing you’ll ever seduce. He gets real gay when he’s on acid, but then again, I get real gay on cocaine. Man, our wedding was immaculate. Imma tell our kids about it one day!
> Likewise, I’ll be any gender you fuckin’ want me to be. I got like, pocket gender, I can just whip it out on request. Want me to be a dude? Fuck yeah, alright. Want me to be a pretty lady? No goddamn problem at all! I can be both at the same time or one more than the other— who gives a shit? I’m just havin’ fun.
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> Good fucking lord, really? That shotgun does not scare me, you orange fool—
> … I have a complicated identity. As any other living organism does.
> I have found that over the years I do not experience sexual attraction and that I experience little to no romantic attraction. I only recall feeling romantically attracted to one person in my entire life. I doubt it will happen again. > And it may seem, uhm... Embarrassing, but I do deviate from your traditional "man's man". In laymen's terms, I do not feel particularly drawn to being male. I am very certain I was born with the intention of being a man, but my mind has refused to accept it. I am not sure why. Instead of feeling like a proper bloke, I feel rather empty. If I could have it my way, I would be some... human silhouette rather than a full fledged man. I do not know. This is idiotic. > I cringe every time someone addresses me in a masculine way. I wish I could simply have no pronouns. I can deal with them because I am indeed a grown ass... person, but I just wish it were not so. Whatever. I am done complaining.
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> Oh! That’s very simple, this is really easy.
> I literally don’t have anything going for me at all.
> What with the entire fabric of time being on my shoulders and all, I don’t even think about gender or romance much. I do love being a girl! It’s one of the things I miss most about being alive, actually. Pretty dresses, playing with makeup in the bathroom, trying to curl my hair without burning my scalp— I mean, it sounds horrendous sometimes, but you can’t beat it. Feeling alive and content in your own skin. Just one of those precious things that spawned from the chance of life.
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> … Uhm, Uhhh… Men.
> Yeah. I Like Them. I Think… Yes, I Could Probably Date A Man Or Two. I Don’t Know, Employee, Why Did You Pull Me Out Here? You Know I Have Copious Paperwork To Do! Some @$!# $#*@ Kid Just Fell Into The Ball Pit And Got Mauled Jaws-Style And His Parents Are Really Grilling Us For It. Dumb&@#*s, It’s Not My Fault Their Kid Heeded The Call Of The Sirens. I Swear, This Job Is Going To Kill Me Or Force My Hand Into Becoming The Next Purple Guy—
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> extremely in love with my wife and my gender!
> it was actually very cute how we met, employee. have i ever told you? heh heh, we met in highschool. she was on the football team and i was a cheerleader, can you believe that? oh, i was head over heels for her instantly. she was strong, she was quick thinking, she was so hecking beautiful, employee… i never got to tell her how i felt while we were in highschool, but we were good friends. very good friends. come a few years later, some old buddies of ours want to have a get together and dish it out like old times… go vandalize and drive off into the sunset in the back of a pickup truck sipping on horrendously cheap beer and laughing off our university work or our jobs. when i get to our spot, though, i see her. i’d recently wised up to my gender, y’know, had my hair cut and fresh scars on my chest, so suffice to say i looked nothing like i did when i cheered for her during football season. she’d done the same, employee— she grew out her hair to the middle of her back in such beautiful dark curls, her bangs tied back so every inch of her perfect face could glimmer underneath the neon lights of the derelict bowling alley we’d found ourselves in. she looked at me, and i sensed instant recognition. she smiled through her bright red lipgloss and rushed up to me, wrapping me up in a hug, and i swear, she hadn’t lost any of those muscles— almost broke my ribs!
> the rest of the night, we were so… comfortable together. sure, during highschool we were close, but without saying a single word about what happened to us between then and now, we understood, and employee— i think it brought us closer. it was around three in the morning while we sat around a bonfire with the rest of our buddies when she layed her head on my shoulder and i felt an unfathomable warmth. i knew i wanted her for the rest of my life.
> … i just love her so much, employee.
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> oh ok
> its rlly whatever. any pronouns any gender anybody who wants me. who cares
> oh i do have a preference for girls. theyre pretty. if you disagree u are not blessed enough to be loved by gods best creation and ur pissed about it. i can tell
> what if i was actually catholic would that be fucked up or what
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> …
> … I cannot… physically stress how abhorrent sexuality is to me. What… What an utterly damning notion. Someone’s greedy hands cursing you and plaguing your with their own dirty human desires. How disrespectful. How… invasive. Why on Earth would it be my responsibility to supply someone with something to love? Am I really subject to whatever the hell people think of me? Whether they “love” me or perceive me as some… some man, some object of attraction? Disgusting.
> If I could shed every trace of a sex or gender from my loathed corpse, I would. Often times I lay awake at night and consider skinning myself for the hell of it. I’ve related this to David and he said I sounded “fuckin’ insane”. Stupid bastard. I want to be a skeleton. I wanna be a fucking skeleton! Pretty and thin and not alive whatsoever! God damn this accursed body and its… rancid flesh and unidentifiable mystery goop. Ugh. Ugh!!!! God, the biggest blight on my “life” was being cursed with gender!
> I was born as a female which was just laughably wrong, then I recall amending that and trying to become a man, but none of it worked. All of it sucked. All of it was wretched. The ideal form is a ghost or ghoul or skeletal figure. You can’t romance a ghost or ghoul or skeletal figure. Can’t have sex with that. Unless you’re really, really determined. I don’t think even David could be that serious about his sexuality.
> … I… Hope. Oh dear. Oh god, I really am unsafe from the horrors of this world. God, I wish that bear had taken me out before I showed him to his grave.
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canary3d-obsessed · 2 days
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 41, part two
(Masterpost) (Pinboard)  (whole thing on AO3)
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Warning! Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
Nie Mingjue and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day
Empathy continues, jumping to Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue's encounter in Nightless City. Once again, let's look at how we saw it the first time around.
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In Episode 22, Nie Mingjue unwisely decided to do a stealth advance push on Nightless City, as if "stealth" and "Nie Mingjue" ever belonged in a sentence together. After his inevitable capture, Meng Yao rocks up and says hey.
We cut away to the battle outside and then come back inside where NMJ hits MY with a palm strike.
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Meng Yao actually expresses anger for once, knocking NMJ over with a kick, and yelling at him for being rude in front of MY's new boss, Wen Ruohan.
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NMJ comes after him again but Wen Ruohan gets involved and the fight turns into NMJ vs. WRH until Nie Mingjue is knocked out. He ends up on the floor surrounded by dead or unconscious Nie cultivators; we don't see, at this time, how they got that way.
(More behind the cut!)
In Episode 41: the encounter in front of Wen Ruohan starts the same way, but Meng Yao taunts Nie Mingjue, fondles his shoulder, and then kills a couple of his wingmen.
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Meng Yao--Wen Yao?--has never looked better. He's still rocking Nie braids and Nie colors - with a nice snake pattern trimming his robe. I'd like to say this is evidence of his snakey nature, but the idea that snakes are bad and sneaky is a biblical concept, not a Chinese one.
Anyway the important thing about his look here is that his makeup is gorgeous and his demeanor is totally confident. Unfortunately I can't find the tumblr post that talks about his sassy ex-boyfriend energy in this scene, but it was a wise observation.
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Nie Mingjue's sidekicks provoke Meng Yao into killing them - one by insulting the hall they're in, and the next by calling him 走狗-- literally "running dog," but Viki translates it as "lackey."
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"Lackey" is a little insulting but it's basically a job description, whereas Meng Yao's reaction to being called "running dog" is more like the way people react to being called "boot licker" in English. I'm not saying it should be translated this way, however - feet have a whole lot of meanings across cultures. I think it could have just been translated "running dog" because by 41 episodes into this show, we have learned that calling someone a dog is rude and insulting, thank you Wen Chao.
Anyhoo, after Meng Yao kills the second dude he asks if anyone else wants to call him 走狗, and Nie Mingjue immediately does. Meng Yao just smiles and has his own lackeys bring Baxia, in a fancy box, to him.
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Then he fondles the blade while explaining that he's been spending some quality time with it. Nie Mingjue watches helplessly, unwilling to beg but afraid of whatever's going to happen.
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Meng Yao tells him that his Dad's sword was better than his, and asks him to guess how many times WRH will have to strike Baxia to break it. I'm saying "strike," but Viki translates it as "smack" and Netflix translates it as "spank," with questionable results. How many times WILL Wen Ruohan spank it, I wonder?
Meng Yao taunts him some more: Wen Ruohan broke NMJ's father's saber and sent it back to him, which caused him to die of anger. He says this while getting up in NMJ's space and putting on an expression of ecstacy.
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NMJ hits him, since that's his solution to everything; Meng Yao gets mad and kicks Nie Mingjue to the floor. It's not clear to me why Meng Yao talks so much shit if he doesn't want to get hit.
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The confrontation where Xichen protects Meng Yao is the same as episode 23, up to a point. Nie Mingjue wakes up in Lan Xichen's manly arms and has a moment of happiness before seeing Meng Yao standing by holding Baxia.
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NMJ goes to attack him but Lan Xichen protects Meng Yao and explains his whole spying gig -- calling him A-Yao, which has gotta chap Nie Mingjue's ass.
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Lan Xichen can block a blow from Baxia one-handed. Hot.
There's a nice parallel here, where Meng Yao uses Lan Xichen as a human shield, similar to Wei Wuxian using Lan Wangji to protect him from Fairy in Episode 34.
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Wei Wuxian is, of course, way more handsy about it.
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Meng Yao passive-aggressively tells Lan Xichen that he didn't explain his actions because that big meanie Nie Mingjue wouldn't have believed him anyway, and then he kneels in front of Nie Mingjue. That's as much as we got of that whole encounter, in Episode 23.
In Episode 41, after Meng Yao kneels, he explains his situation and said that he only said all that dickish stuff to Nie Mingjue to gain Wen Ruohan's trust, and he's sorry about hurting his feelings.
Nie Mingjue says how about you kneel to those dudes you killed.
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Lan Xichen tells Nie Mingjue that yes, A-Yao did horrible things, but I believe that in his heart he… we don't hear the rest because Nie Mingjue interrupts by destroying a lantern, but we don't need to hear the rest because it's the same thing Lan Xichen says all the fucking time; it's become his core belief in the years since.
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Meng Yao is surprised that it's the lantern that died and not him, but Nie Mingjue is in an impossible situation. Meng Yao has recruited Xichen so completely to his side that if Nie Mingjue wants to stay friends with LXC, he has to accept Meng Yao . You can see in his face that he knows he's beat.
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Continued in part 3!
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cranberrymoons · 8 months
do something about it
prompt: accidental confession (discord drabble) word count: 956 rated: m tags: STOMMY 😇🗣️ no upside down au, pining, drunken confession, making out
Tommy sighs as he slumps back against the headboard. 
The party’s still going on outside of his room, lights and thumping music, and there’s someone in the kitchen with a lampshade on their head or something probably, and there’s someone’s empty beer can on his nightstand but he’s too gone to really care. He kind of just wants to curl up and sleep, but –
The door bangs open, and he jerks in surprise, but then relaxes. 
It’s just Steve. 
Steve with his perfect smile and his perfect face and his perfect soft hair, even after he disappeared upstairs earlier with some sorority girl – of course it fucking is, it’s always perfect – and his eyes are big and sleepy and slow-blinking as he flops down on his back at the end of Tommy’s bed. Endless tanned skin and long-fingered hands and that smile when he turns his head and catches Tommy’s eye.
And just – he’s so pretty. 
He’s always been so, so pretty, and Tommy has never wanted to kiss him more than he does right now. Which is saying something, because he basically always wants to kiss Steve. Has always wanted to kiss Steve, even back before he knew that was an option. Not that he actually knows it’s an option now, kissing Steve specifically, but kissing in general is –
Point is, he’s probably a little bit in love with him or something. Or maybe even a lot. How embarrassing. Carol used to even make fun of him for it, this big stupid crush on Steve. She was joking, probably, but she was also right.
He watches Steve’s face shift, his mouth opening into a little oh and his eyes going slightly wide. He pulls himself up to sit, folding a leg under himself as he turns to face Tommy.
“You what?” 
Tommy frowns. Blinks once, then again. “What?”
Steve clears his throat. “You said…”
His cheeks are pink and beautiful, and so is his mouth as he speaks, but –
Tommy feels a cold wave of panic wash through him. The plastic cup slips in his hand as he grips it tighter, and he sets it down on the nightstand, sitting up straighter. 
At what point did the thinking turn into talking, and how much did he say, and how absolutely fucked is he?
“Dude.” He gives a weak laugh. “You know I’m always talking shit.”
A line appears between Steve’s eyebrows, but he’s smiling a little and still so pink, and Tommy thinks that probably means he’s not about to get his ass kicked. 
“So you don’t think I’m pretty?”
Tommy blinks. “Obviously you are,” he says, because apparently his dick to brain to mouth filter is broken. “Obviously.”
Steve raises his eyebrows. “So do something about it.”
Tommy swallows reflexively. “What?”
“You said you wanted to kiss me,” Steve says, and that’s when Tommy notices the hand pressing into the top of his thigh, realizes Steve has uncurled himself and risen up onto his knees and is leaning forward into his space. “Do something about it.”
Tommy glances to either side, like he’s looking for someone else that Steve could be talking to, but there’s no one – just them and the relative darkness of the room and the receding noise of the party still going on downstairs.
“It’s not just a drunk thing,” Tommy says. His voice comes out quiet, now that Steve is so close. “For me.”
Steve takes a breath and nods. “Okay.”
He’s staring at Tommy’s mouth as he says it, and Tommy wonders if his lips are pink like Steve’s. His tongue darts out to lick them, and Steve sways closer. 
“I don’t want to do it if we’re just going to pretend it never happened,” he says.
Steve nods, glancing back up to meet Tommy’s eye. Again, “Okay.”
His fingers dig into the muscle of Tommy’s thigh, just a few points of pressure, and that’s the thing – that’s what tips him over the edge. His hand comes up to grab onto Steve, half in his hair and half on his cheek, angling his face up as he pushes forward to meet him, sparks shooting off behind his eyes, because finally.
It’s not very good at first as kisses go – their teeth click together, and Steve’s tongue tastes a little like cheap beer as it pushes into his mouth, but then the angle changes and –
“Fuck,” Tommy says. Steve plants a knee on either side of his hips and settles down in his lap, hands threading back through his hair to drag him into another kiss. “Fuck.”
It’s somehow exactly how he’s always pictured it and also so much better, because he never could have pictured this – Steve real and warm and heavy on top of him, hard against him where they’re pressed together, the breathy little gasp he lets out when Tommy’s hand slides down his back to span out over his waist.
He’s never going to be able to go back to picturing it after this.
Steve’s hand grapples back to find his, threads their fingers together and pulls him away, and Tommy’s heart lurches in his chest, bracing for him to draw back, change his mind, decide this is too much – but Steve just draws his hand further around until Tommy has a handful of his ass through the tight denim of his jeans.
Steve grinds down against him, and Tommy’s head falls back with a thud, groaning as he stares up at the ceiling. Steve’s mouth attaches itself to his neck and works down toward his collar, and he feels like his whole brain is spinning with how much he wants.
And finally, after years and years and years of this, he lets himself take.
[also on ao3]
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princessbrunette · 8 months
i'd just like to say a violent jayj threatening to rip someone's face off or anything of that sort would make me wet. thank u. - 🍓
⊹ . ⁺ 🍦🤍⋅˚₊𐙚
you knew the random ass kook at the beach bar was in trouble the second he’d started talking to you.
jj had stepped away for a moment, just a moment — to take a call from john b, always feeling the need to answer just incase the boy had gotten himself into another inescapable shenanigan that he needed jj to dig him out of. you were leaning your elbows against the bar under the warm outdoor lighting, skin balmy and glowy as you take your time reading the menu stapled to the counter top, wondering what cocktail you’d go for.
“you seem like a cosmo kind of girl.” the kook slides up beside you, blinding white teeth and a polo shirt — the kook side of the islands very own uniform. you chuckle politely, diverting your eyes back to the menu attempting to kindly show your disinterest.
“oh, maybe.” you shrug evasively — hoping he’d get the hint and wander off to bother someone else. he didn’t.
“wait no, let me guess. something stronger? on second glance you kind of strike me as a party girl.” the man grins and you have to hold back a sigh. you were always on the shyer side unlike your boyfriend, never having the nerve to tell people to cut it out or leave you alone the way he would. jj tried to teach you, put his hands on your shoulders, look you in the eyes and say ‘if anyone ever bothers you, you look ‘em in the face and tell them that your boyfriend stays strapped. alright?’ of course, that didn’t seem appropriate. or like a good idea in general.
“nope.” your lips press together with a smile that begged him to leave you be, head even swivelling around theatrically to look for jj who had wandered off to take the call somewhere more quiet, now nowhere to be seen.
“c’mon, you think i don’t know your type? you seem all cold now, but get a couple of drinks in you and you’re ready to go. here, lemme get it for you.” he pulls out his card and nudges right up next to you, a hand sliding over your lower back. you shudder, pulling away— trying hard to be stern despite your shyness.
“really, i’m okay.” you frown, heart thundering when his expression drops, irritation reaching his eyes. he goes to speak, but a familiar voice immediately spawns from behind you.
“yeah i think she said she was okay, so you can walk away now.” jj shrugs, giving this guy a chance. the kooks eyes, narrow in on the blonde and scoffs, unimpressed.
“and who the hell are you? her knight in shining armor?” he glares, the malicious grin on jj’s face not faltering. from knowing jj, you knew this grin in itself was a threat. the calm before the storm. you brace for the chaos, moving back behind your boyfriend.
“try boyfriend, and i’m actually doin’ you a solid here brother. i really suggest you just walk away, right now.”
“or what?” the kook challenges, and jj’s venomous grin melted into merely having his teeth grit, bared like a dog as his patience runs thin.
“or i’ll rip your fuckin’ face off for talking to my girl. walk,” he shoves him back by the chest. “away, dude.” and once again, the man stumbling a little as a few eyes draw to the scene. locking stares with the security guard, the kook decides it’s better off he doesn’t get his ass beat, or get kicked out of the beach bar — so he trips over, walking away.
“you’re a psycho, pogue.” he accuses as he disappears and jj shakes himself off, blowing out an exhale as he turns back to you, fixing his hat.
“thats what i thought.” he rolls his shoulders before attending to you. “hey, i— i know you wanted just a chill night. i probably shouldn’t have caused a scene, just didn’t want him disrespecting my girl, you know?” his face falls, misreading the dazed expression on your face.
you glance around, looking for any remaining eyes on you and you move closer, whispering to him pathetically.
“i’m wet.” it comes out so quiet, he thinks he’s making it up.
“you’re — what now?” his head bobs forward in disbelief, eyes wide.
“i’m wet, jayj. take me home?” you mewl and he blinks a couple of times.
“from… that? me like… defending your honour n’shit?”
“yeah.” you giggle and a slow grin fades onto his once angry expression.
“oh you’re crazy. you’re my kind of crazy though — let’s go.” he grabs your hand, leading you briskly away.
⊹ . ⁺ 🍦🤍⋅˚₊𐙚
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missmarveledsblog · 2 months
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summary : Y/N hopper is out with the gang celebrating at the hideout when her boyfriend walks in with a blonde on his arm and she goes for where it hurts ... his car while eddie help the woman he secretly loves get over her new ex .
warning: violence against cheating exes and their cars , hopper being a girl dad boss
A rare night out with the older members of the gang , a celebration of the anniversary stopping the end of the world and eddie being cleared as a murderer . the rules we're simple no outsiders that included partners which only effected the rest as jonathan and nancy were still going strong together . the drinks flowing and music blaring everyone was enjoying their night. eddie and steve complaining about dustin and his ego while robin and Y/N well no one knew what they were talking about especially when alcohol was involved, the word vomit was on fast forward with the two, yet eddie munson often felt trapped in a trance at the chief of police daughter. how her laugh was his favourite sound . how when she looked at him , he'd honestly thought his legs would give out yet she belonged to someone else because he was too much of a chicken shit to tell her how he felt. he loved it was just the gang tonight he got to admire her and not feel sick watching her in the arms of some asshole that clearly didn't deserve her. How the moment he met the dude 8 months ago he felt something , a walking red burning flag the guy was. how he would let her down most of time . no if she was his girl , he would make sure everyday that she would know how special she was . But now he was looking from the outside , being the guy she would cry to when he could give her the world if she asked . he may not of had money for fancy date but he would make it special , he would make sure it was something that was worthy of her. he knew she wasn't the type to be impressed by flashy gifts and date . she appreciated everything no matter how small it was , even when the kids pitched in and got her flowers with a cassette she lit up like they gave her a new car . He wished something would give him the chance just for once cut him a break in the shit show he called his life.
like an answered pray the gang eyes all locked on the door as he walked in a skinny little blonde on his arm looking completely terrified of everything around her. " hey we had some car trouble could we use the phone " he called not clocking his girlfriend tense shoulders and heartbroken face or her existence at all . " could be a work friend " robin mused. " baby come on we're missing our engagement party " she cried. " how long you been together " a man asked them . " only four month but when you know well you know " she giggled not sounding like the brightest bunny in the cage  . " we can leave " steve winced . " nope more alcohol " she shook her head her face completely emotionless as she looked over seeing the two heading for the pool table . she watched for half an hour , they played up using the excuse to touch each other in a sickeningly sweet seductive way . she scoffed when the girl complain how harsh the whiskey or how he would beam down at her kissing her like she was all he could matter about . " we could kick his ass " steve mused . " nope hey stevie that bat with the wire still in your car? " she slammed the rest of her drink down . " yeah why " he asked. " no reason , thanks for the keys " she walked by she ignored how her ex turned trying to hide himself and the selfish fuck thought it worked like he actually got away with it . " steve , you told her the bat was in the car and let her take your key " robin mused. " yeah " he nodded til his eyes widened in realization. " oh shit " he ran toward the entrance only for them to heard the smashing already take place . " hey fuck face i think your cars in more trouble , i suggest you hide your friend from the girlfriend out there " eddie yelled back .
when the gang walked out every window on the corvette was gone , she was currently dragging her own keys alongside the exterior of the car, the sound of the scratched up metal filled the car park . She pulled out the butterfly knife from her boot to which she  stabbing them in the in the tire as they watched . " what the fuck you crazy bitch " he yelled. " oh hey baby fancy seeing you here" she waved stabbing the tire while he watched on . " who is she " the blonde on his arm screeched ." his girlfriend of 8 months " eddie rolled his eyes . what he didn't expect was the pissed off grunt of the blonde . "have you got another bat " she stomped toward the car . " no but if you wanna shred the interior here" she held the knife out to the woman . now his side chick was slashing his seats before pulling a gun out of the glove box . " headlights, he's not worth a life sentence " Y/N yelled as the gun rang out the woman threw it to the ground just as the red and blue light came speeding in . " oh hi dad " she smiled . " what's going on " he huffed. " he cheated and he's car mysteriously got destroyed stranger things have happened huh? " she smiled weakly. " sir i did not cheat ... ok i did but it was so her dad would give me a promotion so i could take care of your daughter " her ex rambled . " well you should park your car somewhere safer next time son the boys can give you lift home " hopper crossed his arm. " arrest them they did it " he cried . " you guys see it " he asked the group . " no " they yelled. " hey hop hate to say no cctv busted since last night " roy the owner of the bar smirked. " now off you go insurance can handle it " hopper waved to her ex a anger grimace on his face as the man walked off without a car or a girlfriend . " maybe next time you'll think before you cheat " she called . " it wont be on us " the blonde called . " hey steve give .. " . " abby " she sniffled. " abby a lift home" she smiled sadly to the woman . " sorry i didn't know he was seeing anyone,  i thought i met the guy after so many failed date but he was just after my money  " she said standing  tears falling down her cheeks  . " thanks for the help now go home and plus stevie there's better guy and no shrimp dick  and he's already rich " she winked as the two walked off . " you need a ride home guys won't mind " hopper looked at her. " nah i'm good " she smiled sadly walking over to the gang as robin wrapped her in an embrace. " hey come on little vandal i'll bring you home " eddie smiled softly leading her to his van as her dad ran up behind them . " next time don't leave evidence" he whispered handing over the knife and bat . " night dad " she kissed his cheek . " night sweet heart , me and my girls tomorrow for dad daughter breakfast " he smiled . " make sure el has her eggo's " she chuckled . " hey munson don't pussy out " he yelled out making her stop at the van. " what does he mean " her eye filled in confusion . " that our cue to go " robin yelled .
" well i didn't expect your dad of all people to call me out " he began shuffling his feet while his eyes that usually would follow her anywhere couldn't bare to even look at her . " eddie you ok " he could hear her feet coming closer making his own heart beat thump in his chest . " i'vebeeninlovewithyousincewemet" he said the words jumbled together halting her steps . " wait what " she giggled . " i've been in love with you since we met " he sighed . " why didn't you say anything " her voice fell into a whisper . " because look at you and look at me , your badass and well i'm ...OWW" he jumped back . " your badass too and ugh why didn't you say anything could of saved me 8 month of my life " she huffed getting into the van . " what you mean by that" he chased after her . " meaning that night i met that idiot was because you were again flirting with some ditz and i was sick of it so " she huffed heading hitting the seat , " you liked me " he smiled . " yes i like you but this too soon i mean i just broke up with my boyfriend " . " well then i can wait i've been waiting years already i can wait for you anytime " he smiled like a giddy teen . " fuck it "she leaned forward crashing her lips against his , she spent years watching that mouth move wondering how her lips would feel against them . " ok we need to go home before we do anything we regret , i want you that bad sweetheart i'm not leaving anything to chance but i'm taking you on a date once your ready " he smiled starting the van driving off happy both looked to the smashed up car before breaking into fit of laughter .
she watched his profile , she notice something she barely even cared her ex well was now her ex. the man done nothing but let her down and then throw shitty gifts at her. yet once even with eddie doing whatever it always made her happy . he was always about to make her smile no matter what was going around even when he almost died he tried to make her smile . the more she thought of it the more she realise he really was always there . when her and hopper would have a argument like most dad's and daughters he would open his home for her to sleep over. everytime her dates would  be cancelled he would pick up her disappointment and do something fun with her " Eddie i don't want you to wait , i mean i don't think i can wait for you anymore " her voice now showing she was the nervous one . she meant it , thought she literally just became single  she couldn't leave it another second without eddie being her , truly hers . he didn't say anything only drove which made her more nervous til he pulled into the diner. " well then i'm not waiting " he smiled making her released a breath she was holding . " so this is our first date?" she smiled. " i mean it's already the best one those burgers in there are to die for " he chuckled jumping out of the car before walking around and lifting her out of the van . " you ready " he asked holding her close to him . " who knew  cheating and car vandalising would bring me to one of the best nights of my life " she smiled as he leaned down this time taking charge of the kiss and taking the chance he wished he'd done sooner .
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blueicequeen19 · 1 year
Games & Consequences
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Warnings: non-con, degradation, creampie, humiliation, deep throating, dark Rafe
You leaned against the upstairs balcony overlooking the party as you finished your drink. You hadn’t intended to come to this party because you hated the host but you needed a hookup and all the hot guys were here. Now you just had to find one you wanted.
“Just the person I was looking for.” You startle at the sound of his voice as a door slams. You spin around to see Rafe Cameron advancing on you with a murderous look in his eyes.
“Oh shit.” You turn to flee but there’s no where to run as he quickly yanks you inside, slamming the balcony door shut and shoving you against the wall.
“Oh shit, is right, you little bitch. Tell me, did you do it on purpose?” Rafe snarls in your face. You glare back at him, knowing this was coming.
“Fuck off.” You bite out. It’s the wrong thing to say because his hand wraps around your throat, cutting off your air supply as he presses his rock hard body against yours.
“You dared my girlfriend to make out with another dude.” Rafe spats, loosening his grip just enough for you to cough as you suck in a breath, tears filling your eyes.
“It was a game.” You shove at his chest but he tightens his hold on your throat again.
“A game where she ended up fucking someone else.” Rafe growls. You could smell the alcohol on his breath.
“They didn’t fuck. They just.. messed around a little.” You couldn’t help but smirk a little until his hand dove between your legs under your poor excuse of a skirt to cup your pussy.
“Yea? Like this?” Rafe lowers his voice as he strokes your clit over your thong, his fingers sliding through your slit. “He touch her like this?”
“What the fuck are you doing?” You try to smack him but he’s quicker, throwing you off as he buries two fingers in your pussy. You’d be lying if you said the situation hadn’t left you practically dripping. You loved being roughed up. You just hadn’t ever expected it be from Rafe.
“God, this pussy is so fucking wet. You’re a little slut too, aren’t you?” Rafe taunts, adding a third finger and stretching you painfully wide as you fight back your cries of pleasure.
“S-stop.” You beg, grabbing at his wrist but he ignores you, kicking your legs wider apart.
“You ruined my relationship so now I’m going to ruins yours. Do you think she’ll still be friends with you after finding out that you fucked me? That you begged me to fuck you raw?” Rafe withdraws his fingers and shoves them to the back of your throat before you can respond, making you choke as you taste yourself. He forces you to gag until you’re sure you’ll retch before he finally pulls away, yanking you over to the leather couch by your hair as you cough and stumble.
“R-Rafe!” You wheeze as he forces you to your knees on the couch and bending you over the back of it.
“She used to beg me to fuck her raw and I never did. I knew that crazy bitch wanted me to knock her up. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when you tell her.” You can’t think past the terror gripping you as Rafe yanks you against his chest, his thick cock suddenly against your thighs as he growls into your ear.
“And you will tell her. Think about this next you want to play fucking games with me.” Rafe guides his cock to your entrance, thrusting in hard just as he bites down on your neck. You scream but his hand is quickly there to silence you, not hesitating a moment before pumping into you hard and fast. Your best friend wasn’t lying about his dick being huge.
You claw at the cushions, desperately trying to hang onto something as he fucks you savagely. There was no other way to put it. It was painful and punishing but your pussy was dripping down your thighs and an orgasm was being ripped from you before you were ready. Rafe laughs mockingly in your ear before shoving you down onto your face, forcing your ass up into the air as he continues to fuck you.
“Could you imagine her face if you got pregnant instead?” Rafe let’s out a sinister laugh that has your blood running cold and alarm bells going off in your head. You try to push up on your hands but he puts his weight onto your back, biting down on your shoulder as he delivers blow after blow to your spasming pussy.
“You are a pathetic little slut, aren’t you? Your pussy is so fucking wet. You’re making a mess.” Rafe groans into your hair. You were going to be covered in bruises from his bite marks and rough hands.
“Rafe. Oh, god. I’m sorry. Please. I’m sorry.” You cry even as you cum again. Rafe holds you in place with a firm grip on the back of your neck, his pumps not slowing down as he fucks you through your high.
“Say it again, slut.” Rafe hisses in your ear. “Like you mean it.”
“Please, I’m sorry, Rafe. I’m sorry.” You sob, feeling him smile against your cheek.
“Beg me to pull out.” Rafe taunts, speeding up his movements as he reaches beneath you to pinch your clit. You whimper as your pussy clamps down on him. It’s too much. You fight to get away but you can’t.
“Beg me not to fill this pussy up with cum then make you walk back downstairs to the party, knowing my cum is running down your thighs.” Rafe growls, pinching you harder until you’re about to scream your release only for him to stop.
“Rafe, pull out. Please. Don’t cum inside me.” You beg, the denied orgasm bringing tears to your eyes. Rafe chuckles before delivering two more hard thrusts then stopping with a broken moan, his body taunt against yours. You feel his warmth between your thighs and you cry, knowing he’d just wanted to hear you beg. He never had any intention of stopping.
Rafe lifts up, taking your limp body with him and forcing you to your knees on the floor so you’re facing the couch. Your eyes widen at the mess you’d both made all over the leather. Rafe fists your hair, forcing your face closer to the mess.
“Now, clean it up, bitch. We don’t have all night. We gotta go find your bestie and let her know what a traitorous little slut you are.” Rafe snaps, shoving your face down hard against the cushion.
You sniffle, biting back more tears as you slowly stick out your tongue and start to lick up your mixed releases. Rafe chuckles, his cock hard again against your back.
“You’re awfully obedient now.” Rafe chuckles humorously, pulling you back to face him by your hair and slapping his cock against your lips. You glare up at him, refusing to part your lips for him.
“Open up. You gotta suck my cock clean too.”
“Fuck you.” You bite out.
Rafe smiles before pinching your nose shut until you’re forced to open for him. He wastes no time in shoving his cock down your throat, fucking it like he did your pussy.
“Fuck,” Rafe moans, pulling back to allow you a breath before plunging back in deep. “You and I are going to have so much fun.”
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drdemonprince · 5 months
I was talking to some relatives about our comparative sensitivities to substances. As a young person, I had the classic Autistic hyper-sensitivity to drugs. Two beers could knock me out. Anything past that was disgusting to me; at Ohio State I was constantly hiding half-drunk solo cups of Natty Light on bookshelves and in basements because I couldn't keep up with anyone else. I had no taste for weed or anything harder because I hated how tired it made me feel. At the same time, I always remained lucid on substances. I was always the person who could snap into practical, problem-solving thinking and put on a sober face if a member of my party got in trouble for pissing in the street or started fighting or ran afoul of the cops.
growing up, my friends were always trying to get fucked up so they could escape their brains and their realities, and then falling into huge problems because they'd done so. they'd get drunk and piss themselves. drive drunk home. fall in love with some dude on cocaine ten years older than them and then have to bust open a garage window with their fist when he was freaking out threatening himself. they'd blow out their caffeine receptors on weird drug store cold medicine and not be able to drink coffee for years. they'd drag themselves hung over to work or have to run a 5k still stoned. i didnt understand why they'd be so irrational. i was always the person sitting on the floor, a little tired but fine, watching them wrestle eachother drunkenly or cry when they'd started taking whatever drug it was to make themselves feel good. i didn't understand why someone would choose to weaken themselves and make themselves feel even worse. but nothing ever really felt good to me. i was just a flat line.
My sensitivity has changed thanks to testosterone, specifically because of muscle growth. I can throw back a number of drinks that startles me now, and feel almost nothing. A few months back a friend was being very generous with the boozy slushies at Sidetrack and the shots. I don't know how many I had. But more than I'd had to drink in many, many years at least. Which is probably still a small-seeming number to the real professionals, maybe something like 6 or 7 drinks total. But I felt completely fine, nothing past a little silly. I ate a taco on the curb, sipped some water, and then I was fine.
My sister is barely feels substances at all. She can't tell when pain medications work. In college, during a spat with a sorority "little" of hers who began to stalk her, she spent every afternoon at the bar downing shots from a shot-club list in exchange for a t-shirt, and it didn't affect her. She hates food and eats very little because of probably ARFID, but she will drink just about anything, and can do so in abundance if she wants to. But she rarely wants to, because it doesn't make her feel any more fucked up than a couple of cocktails. She smoked weed and took edibles sporadically for years without them ever kicking in or doing anything to her.
I am reminded of that story I read about the guy with really high social anxiety whom the CIA gave like ten tabs of acid, as part of some fucked up experiment, and he remained completely lucid, polite, present, and normal-seeming the entire time. Because he was just such a fucking tight-assed neurotic person that he couldn't let go of his iron-tight grip on reality. After his 12th acid tab, he got a little bit sleepy and went off to bed, or something like that. (If someone remembers this story and can find a link, send it to me!).
I don't know that I'd be the same, I've never tried, acid, but I imagine that it would play out something like that. I'd clench my firsts tight onto reality and keep masking as normal until I reached the absolute fucking brink of my ability to cope, and then I wouldn't enjoy the high, i'd just be so fucked up that I needed to go lie down. Mushrooms didn't affect me much, either.
I can't seem to escape my constant neurotic rumination and compulsive need to attend to the reactions of others and modulate myself. I wish I could let loose, but then again, when a person says they want one thing and they behave in a completely different way, trust the behavior. Clearly I don't want to lose control. I'm obsessed with maintaining my perspective. The one time I got properly zooted high at Nowadays in New York I nearly lost my phone, and I don't want to risk anything like that again. Anxiety is such a protective thing. we evolved to survive not to be happy. and all told i'm pretty good at keeping shit together, looking after myself, looking after others, and not fucking things up. my anxiety and rigidity has spared my ass a whole lot of problems, saved me a lot of money, helped my career, helped me escape arrest. i wish i could relax once in a fucking while but also i dont. im in love with what a tight ass sharp edged tense little bitch i can be. i dont know who the alternative version of me even would be. if i were to let properly loose and get sloppy it would feel like some abdication of duty, because I know that I *can* keep it together no matter what, and it seems so many people can't.
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