#someoka ryugo
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veramillons · 11 months ago
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filloavisual · 5 months ago
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i actually am a somefubu guy i did this because a friend thought it would be funny
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art-flordesalonviejo · 1 year ago
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I was looking around in one of my folders and I found this drawing that I drew in paint months ago when I was watching Inazuma eleven go with some friends. Every time I see Fubuki as an adult I think about how he gives off the vibe of being the alcoholic aunt of the group I do not know why XD
In any case, to make this drawing I pasted two stock images of men drinking in pain and drew on it, I would put the images but I didn't save them and I can't find them either ;_;
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torazuma · 6 years ago
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★アレス版 白恋中
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celtic-starline-blog · 7 years ago
I LOVE these hc too. All of them.
I specially like the idea of Fudou being very good at cooking, I HC that he loves to and is great at it but he doesn't cook if he is alone. He eats precooked food and thing like that.
In spanish his voice actor is the same that SpongeBob so I always thought he would be an hamburguer lover (also the same voice with yugi) and he would be able to make super great hamburguers.
Anyways, there's an ending (if I remember right) in which Fudou appears cooking and he seems to enjoy it!
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Kidou/Fudou for @pilica-nevarya
Who wakes the other one up with kisses: more than waking the other up with kisses, since they’re both kinda awkward when it comes to show affection, I figure they’d just slowly start to comb the sleeping one’s hair. Then Kidou is more of a whisperer because he finds Fudou’s calm sleeping face so beautiful, while Fudou talks a bit more firmly while letting one hand slide to Kidou’s cheek to caress it with his thumb.
Who cooks for who: Fudou cooks. This is like, a very big headcanon of mine? I love thinking of Fudou having to learn how to cook since his mother wasn’t mentally/physically able after hoer housband left. And then from a necessity it became his was to stay mentally calm and relaxed and he decided to learn more. He likes to cook typical Japanes recepies and always fills Kidou’s bento with delicious chirashi and yaki tori
Who is the morning person/night person: despite popular belief, Fudou is the morning person. He wakes up early in the morning, around 5:20 am, to go for a run and feed the stray cats. On the other hand Kidou stays up late to study/work or simply read because he just can’t bring himself to sleep at a decent hour.
Who is the romantic one: neither is a conventional romantic, no red roses or chocolate for them. Yet they will be extremely sincere about their feelings, so you can expect heartfelt declarations, long or short, mostly random with a side of huge embarrassment. When it comes to stuff like annyversaries they’re just so awkward and dorky trying to be a bit more romantic in their own way.
Who is the top when it comes to sex: they’re totally reverse imho!
Who would lead in ballroom dancing: Kidou, absolutely, he took dance classes and loves to see Fudou flustered when he puts his hands on his hips ;^)
Who is the more cuddly one: mmh not really cuddly but I think they both…need physical contact since they lacked it when young and I believe that after some time into their relationship they’ll both start to want to hug more at least under the sheets. Also holding hands, they’re so into holding hands and combing each other’s hair with their fingers…
Who is the one who would pay for dates: Fudou doesn’t like to feel like a broke ass guy so he’ll always put up some resistance. Once they’ll both have a job they’ll alternate.
Who is the one who would initiate a quickie during classes: Fudou. Absolutely Fudou. Always Fudou. He loves to push a bit Kidou’s limits 👀 possibly in the Students Council’s Room
Someoka/Shirou for @xxlovelyrose95xx
Who wakes the other one up with kisses: Someoka is one big dorky softie so he’d stick to forehead kisses, but usually it’s Shirou that wakes him up while kissing all over his face while laying on top of him with a big happy smile.
Who cooks for who: Someoka can cook and you’ll have to bring this hdc away from my cold dead fingers. But Shirou can cook too so it’s a bit of a competition on who gets to the kitchen first, since they both want to cook for the other. Usually they end up cooking together while listening to some music and giggling to some awkward dance moves.
Who is the morning person/night person: neither is a night person, but Shirou always wake up first since Someoka sleeps so soundly and for so looooong ahahaha not even cannon balls can wake him up, onlu Shirou’s cuddles can.
Who is the romantic one: Someoka tries to be romantic, he really does but… he’s just too damn easily embarrassed by his own thoughts, so he tries to show love through actions and small gifts or by writing a song for him (I love the B4 concept and I’ll go down with it, and Someoka along Tobitaka are the best at writing lyrics)! Shirou loves him and his dorkiness so much, he just adores how he blushes and stutter at every small gesture so he tries to shower him in it. Sweet talk, kisses, hugs, smiles, blatant love confessions, gifts, EVERYTHING FOR HIM!
Who is the top when it comes to sex: well well well NOW, mostly, is Someoka who tops but at times they switch because for Shirou he’d do everything, really. The most important thing is tho, that he could be topping or bottoming but he’ll always, always, be the sub. Yeah you read that right, Shirou is a goddamn caring and lovinng dom who loves to tie his beloved Someoka up and do every possible thing to make him blush and squirm. And you can’t change my mind, Someoka absolutely loves it.
Who would lead in ballroom dancing: Shirou, again. He’d take Someoka’s hand, smiling at his adorable stuttering and complaining about not knowing how to dance. He doesn’t know either but they’ll have fun just trying not to stumble around like the two idiots they truly are.
Who is the more cuddly one: Someoka is a silent cuddler. Means that he won’t ask for cuddles, he won’t come closer for cuddles, but he’d radiates those “I want to cuddle” vibes while being all grumpy in a corner. And Shirou would understand and oblige while pretending to be the one that wants to cuddle in that moment (given that Shirou ALWAYS wants to cuddle) to spare Someoka the trouble.
Who is the one who would pay for dates: Someoka would insist since he has this old grumpy but gentlemanly attitude(?). He pays for dates, opens all the doors, makes Shirou sits first and all those other stuff he has seen in old western movies. Honestly Shirou thinks it’s so fricking adorkable.
Who is the one who would initiate a quickie during classes: S h i r o u. If they ever went to school together he’d be the one calling Someoka to the nurse office just to give him a bj. And who’s Someoka to refuse? No one, that’s who.
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starline148 · 6 years ago
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This one is going to be my first picture here! Why? Because despite being 6 years old I still love it with all my heart. I also have them as stickers! I also requested a FudouLarvitar from @ygreczed -with the account I just use for reblogging things I like- and felt nostalgic. I think they’re pretty easy to identify but I’ll write it anyways! Endou Mamoru as Raichu, because of thunders. Kazemaru Ichirouta as Altaria, because wind and blue. And Altaria fits him well, Kabeyama Heigorou as Snorlax, it speaks for itself. Tsunami Jousuke as Corsola, they’re pink and from the water. Kurimatsu Teppei as Bidoof, I like them, really, but it was chosen because of the teeth. Kogure Yuuya as Sableye, mischievous but cute. Also the colors are the same. Tobitaka Seiya as Staraptor, they had the same hairstyle. Fudou Akio as Larvitar, my favs. And also the marks in Larvitar’s eyes remember to me to Fudou’s eyes. Fubuki Shirou as Cubchoo, at that time there weren’t any wolf. Although I think I still see more as a Cubchoo than a Lycanroc...  Gouenji Shuuya as Torchic, this one was hard and easy at the same time. I wanted to choose something more... intimidating but torchic is so similar to Gouenji... My bro and me always laughed about it... so I needed to draw him as a torchic. Utsonomiya Toramaru as Shinx, there weren’t any tigers at this moment either, and shinx is blue and cute, just like Toramaru (I LOVE Toramaru, I actualy love all of them). Hijikata Raiden as Hariyama, despite I always write wrong his name as Hijitaka I find him pretty interesting, The pokemon was choosen because of his hissatsu. Midorikawa Ryuji as Kirlia, he still has to become a strong... gallade? gardevoir? I couldn’t decide, so I make thim as Kirlia.  Kidou Yuuto as Krookodile, it was because of the googles/glasses. And the colour also fits. Sakuma Jirou as Prinplup, the reasons is... “penguins”. Someoka Ryugo as Granbull, no one will change my mind ever! My granbulls always will be named Someoka! I just love it! They’re like soulmates. Kiyama Hiroto/Tatsuya as Scizor, I don’t remember why, maybe because red... I also find mega-scizor as one of the best pokemon ever, just like Hiroto. But I don’t remember if this was the reason... Tachimukai Yuuki as Cofagrigus, the hands in Tachi’s hissatsus and the hands of this pokemon are so similar... Also I think that Tachimukai has the perfect mod for ghosts.
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celtic-starline-blog · 7 years ago
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I made this picture in 2012, for a contest in deviant art with the topic of “Bad Boys Brothers Blues”. I’m still like this, it brings me memories. I had and still have the headcanon that these fours become friends and went together to the bowling alley, cinema and much more.
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teru-chii · 13 years ago
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es tan linda esta foto *-*
es tan porrista el weon
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