junisanalog-blog · 7 years
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Second hand garden furnitures / / / Rue Billaudel, Bordeaux, France
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fatmalovestodraw · 6 years
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Lemon, heart shaped dates and white kitty #lemontree #somegreen
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simplefun281 · 5 years
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May 29: “There’s no place like home” I thoroughly enjoyed my time way from home and coming back to sunshine and gorgeous weather was the perfect welcome. Being in the outdoors of Utah, #lesson29 got me even more excited for PA spring and taking advantage of every beautiful day. So I wake up with open windows, sit outside with a book, go for run, play tennis, rollerblade or bike. I go out back and stare in awe at the tall pines continuously growing above me as if to protect my family and I. I look at the garden I one day want to make flourish. Something so simple as taking a walk to the park can awaken your outdoor spirit. So sit in that comfy chair in your living room, close your eyes and enjoy your home. Go outside and take a deep breath in, maybe for a beat longer than usual and let out that air as your shoulders lighten. Look around your room and count 5 things you’re thankful for, but never really gave a second thought while using. Home is where your heart leads you, where you feel at ease and in complete comfort. #homesweethome #utahscapes #roadtrip #southernutah #day4 #redrocks #morerocks #somegreen #photography #writing #readoutdoors https://www.instagram.com/p/ByEkvM7FKDi/?igshid=1u2sa4bj4oxqz
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memento-colori · 6 years
I didn't want to post about this but not posting apparently means I don't care. And I care. So I thought a lot to figure out what I wanted to say.
The easy thing is to say that one side or another deserved it. My first thought was that the greys were in the wrong for escalating too quickly. That you don't need guns against a crowd of people who don't have guns. Because I am naturally inclined to side with people who are like me.
Clean people are inclined to say the reds were in the wrong for rioting. Or even just being red, because reds are bad.
...but that's the comforting way. When we do that we can convince ourselves that bad things happen to bad people, and people who do bad things to 'good' people get punished.
There's this thing somegreen came up with called the Fair-Amenta Theory and it's pretty fascinating.
But our world isn't actually fair. We live on a ball of filth with three moons and pretending otherwise helps no one. I'm not sure exactly what happened in Oyand, but from what I understand both sides were afraid. They were trying to protect themselves and the people around them. Maybe there were better ways to handle the situation but people don't make rational decisions when they think their options are "act now or die."
If a cat is hungry and sees a bird, I'm sure the bird wouldn't think that being killed was fair. And the cat wouldn't think starving was fair. But one of them has to have an 'unfair' situation for the other to have the 'fair' one. I think the people in Oyand thought they were in that situation.
And if we blame the cat or the bird for hurting the other party, then we're ignoring that the world isn't fair. Sometimes people hurt each other not because they are bad, but because their other option is 'die.' And we're never going to fix the problem, if we can fix it, by ignoring that.
So that's what I think about that.
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I try to stay out of Pollution Discourse
And also this is one of those things where you should not in any way take what I say as any reflection on what my family thinks. But I Have Thoughts and I’m green-wannabe enough to say them, out of a probably-misplaced sense of intellectual integrity.
But I absolutely buy the argument that it only takes one secret red centuries ago to make us all reds by the commonly used inheritance rule and it’s incredibly improbable that never happened. So, two possibilities:
1) We are all reds, which we don’t notice, because heritable pollution doesn’t make getting further unclean feel any different and we don’t have any experiences of being actually clean as points of comparison.
2) We’re totally wrong about how heritable pollution works, which implies that there are people we call reds who are persistently polluted (because they don’t clean things properly) but not carrying heritable pollution and so not actually reds.
Frankly I want to arrange a theologian symposium or something where I get somegreen to present this argument and hold a debate. It does have the obvious consequence that, either way, there are definitely some actual people who are living like reds, which ought to horrify moral philosophers.
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babyawacs · 3 years
@potus @vp #northstream2  .@potus .@vp @thenatinterest https://www.project-s yndicate.org/commentary/biden-nord-stream-2-part-of-broader-china-strategy-by-melvy n-krauss-2021-06? germany shifted its energy to quickly activateable natgas pow erplans thsi requires diversified gas somegreen mix ismore export  losing natgga s supplies security over a quarrel of russia with their percieved inferiors in ea sterneurope is a big threat  as averting war 600milesaway from berlin withthe aid of france and eu  barely ******** thisallmeans that the us path without toom uchmess is quota for each gas fromthat pipeline must buy that amount from us natgas whichis diversifcation enough and canmaketheir pipeline happen ******** aver ting that secondpipeline stillmeans thereis one yet askignthemto reduce russingas supplies is possible but willhave limited effect the  coldwar russian gas supp lies as examples are irrelevant nowadays ********* the us can hedge  diversifica tion and quota deal  not so smart is avert the second of the two pipelines *** **** I am Christian KISS BabyAW ACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://ww w.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@potus @vp #northstream2  .@potus .@vp @thenatinterest https://www.project-s yndicate.org/commentary/biden-nord-stream-2-part-of-broader-china-strategy-by-melvy n-krauss-2021-06? germany shifted its energy to quickly activateable natgas pow erplans thsi requires diversified gas somegreen mix ismore export  losing natgga s supplies security over a quarrel of russia with their percieved inferiors in ea sterneurope is a big threat  as averting war 600milesaway from berlin withthe aid of france and eu  barely ******** thisallmeans that the us path without toom uchmess is quota for each gas fromthat pipeline must buy that amount from us natgas whichis diversifcation enough and canmaketheir pipeline happen ******** aver ting that secondpipeline stillmeans thereis one yet askignthemto reduce russingas supplies is possible but willhave limited effect the  coldwar russian gas supp lies as examples are irrelevant nowadays ********* the us can hedge  diversifica tion and quota deal  not so smart is avert the second of the two pipelines *** **** I am Christian KISS BabyAW ACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://ww w.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@potus @vp #northstream2 .@potus .@vp @thenatinterest https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/biden-nord-stream-2-part-of-broader-china-strategy-by-melvyn-krauss-2021-06? germany shifted its energy to quickly activateable natgas powerplans thsi requires diversified gas somegreen mix ismore export losing natggas supplies security over a quarrel of russia with their percieved inferiors in…
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geekswagging · 10 years
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Making my veggies bok choy biatch! #bokchoy #somegreens #greens
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