#some pretty fab content on Ao3 as of late
absinthefog · 1 year
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misc doodle dump
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writsgrimmyblog · 7 years
Ficlet: Sleeping in His Car
I’ve finally added another ficlet to my Wednesday Night Ficlet series. This one’s for the absolutely lovely @akai-coat who requested Tomlinshaw trying to have sex in the front seat of the car and maybe Louis’s ass lands on the horn. And of course the horn goes off and it’s one in the morning and they've definitely woken up the neighbours. My apologies to @akai-coat that this went way over the self-imposed word count and ended up being less about car sex and more about pesky feelings and insecurities. 
I’ve posted the other Tomlinshaw ficlets as chapters to AO3 under ‘Wednesday Night Ficlet Series.’ You can find Chicken and Chips written for a prompt from the fab @1000-directions HERE and Straight Through Crew written for a prompt from the equally fab @alligatornyc HERE. The third ficlet, Sleeping in His Car can be found HERE on AO3 and beneath the cut if you prefer to read on Tumblr. The two Gryles ficlets can be found on Tumblr here: Material Girl and Always You.  
For this fic, content warnings for implied mental health issues, first time nerves, blow jobs and hand jobs.
When Louis gets drunk, he makes terrible decisions. Spectacularly bad. Really fucking awful. This is another prime example.
“Remind me again why we’re doing this?”
“Because you’re an idiot.” Louis tries to shift in Nick’s lap but the steering wheel keeps getting in the way. “An idiot who has stupid ideas.”
“I think it was your idea, darling.” Nick pinches Louis’ backside and not in a I’m going to fuck you now kind of way. “You shoved your tongue down my throat and yanked me away from the party to try to find somewhere to have sex. I was dancing.”
Louis rolls his eyes. “Dancing like a twat.”
Nick pushes his hands underneath Louis’ t-shirt. “I won’t blow you if you’re going to be a brat.”
“You can’t reach from there anyway.” Louis pushes the headrest. “Can’t you move the seat back?”
“Maybe?” Nick doesn’t sound so sure. “Not with you wriggling in my lap like an eel.”
“Doesn’t feel like you’re complaining.” Louis rocks against Nick and kisses him because it’s better than talking. Nick tastes sweet like non-alcoholic cocktails and he’s already hard beneath Louis. Nick might be a twat, but he’s very good at kissing. Good at all of it, really. It’s how Louis’ found himself getting into the recent habit of dragging Nick somewhere semi-public for mutually satisfactory blow jobs.
“Louis.” Nick sounds a bit breathless. “Have you thought about the back seat?”
Louis hadn’t, but now he can’t think about anything else. “Like we’re fifteen?”
Nick pokes Louis in the side. “Like we’re whatever. As if you were shagging in your car at fifteen. You weren’t even old enough to drive.”
“Old enough to have a girlfriend that could drive.” Louis pushes Nick in the chest and the car horn beeps. A couple of lights go on in nearby houses. “Fuck.”
“Yeah.” Nick sounds amused. “You know I have a house? A very private sort of house where the press won’t photograph you sucking my knob?”
Louis bites back a groan at the very welcome thought of Nick’s mouth on his dick. The thing is, he hasn’t been to Nick’s house yet. It’s possible he’s been avoiding the topic. It’s easier like this. Easier to keep it in that casual fucking in public spaces place that lets Louis pretend it’s not anything serious and doesn’t give Nick any funny ideas about holding hands and selling photos to OK magazine. “Thought you were going to blow me?”
“Haven’t decided what I’m going to do to you, yet.” Nick’s voice goes low and dark, his hands squeezing Louis’ backside. That’s another reason to avoid the house thing. Nick seems to appreciate Louis’ arse quite a lot. Without any time, lube or private space it’s been easy enough to avoid that fact so far. If they go back to Nick’s there’s going to be a bed and Louis has a pretty good idea what Nick might like to do to Louis if he gets him into bed. He’s not sure how he feels about that. Not least because he might have accidentally let Nick think he’s been slagging his way around London for a while now. Three hand jobs, two blow jobs and too many heated snogs to count later, it seems a bit late to mention that Louis hasn’t really done any of this with a bloke before. He doesn’t want to scare Nick off. Doesn’t want to make him think it’s more than it is.
“Blow job in the back seat,” Louis decides. He pushes Nick’s hand low enough to make sure Nick can feel how hard Louis is in his trackies. “I reckon that’s what we should do.”
Nick laughs around a kiss and shakes his head, nudging Louis. “What if someone comes outside to see what’s going on?”
“I don’t care.” Louis groans when Nick’s fingers tug his trackies away from his stomach. “Come on, come on.”
“Kinky,” Nick says. He bites Louis’ neck. It feels better than it should, particularly when his hand dips into Louis’ trackies and he wraps his fingers around Louis’ prick. “Wanting people to watch you.”
“I didn’t say I want people watching.” Louis’ nearly dizzy with wanting Nick. He knows it’s just in the moment and he really doesn’t want nosy neighbours knocking on the window and asking why Louis Tomlinson off of One Direction is sitting in a car with his knob out and only Nick Grimshaw’s hand protecting his modesty. “Christ, Nicholas.”
Nick slides his hand from Louis and he nudges him again. “Off. Go on, get in your own seat. If we stay here someone’s going to see.”
“Let’s go somewhere else, then.” Louis looks out of the window and tugs his bottom lip between his teeth as he looks at the sky. It’s thick and cloudy, London’s car fumes and smog obscuring all but a handful of the brightest stars. “A field or something.”
Nick makes an unimpressed sound in the back of his throat and starts the car. He pulls away from the party and leaves the twitching curtains and the dull thud of an old Justin Bieber track behind. They drive in silence for a bit, Nick tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. Louis sneaks a look at him. Nick’s terrible at hiding his feelings and he’s a shit liar. Louis knows if he asks Nick what’s up he’ll get it out of him eventually. The problem is, Louis thinks he might already know. Something squirms in Louis’ stomach and his chest gets tight.
“Put on music if you want. Could be a long drive. Not many fields in central London.” Nick’s definitely pissed off. His voice is tight and clipped and Louis doesn’t like it at all.
“We don’t have to go to a field,” Louis says. “Could go to a hotel.”
Nick glances at Louis. He looks thoroughly unimpressed. “We could. Bit of a waste of money if we’ve both got houses in London, though.”
Louis takes a breath. “Fine, let’s go to yours.”
Nick shrugs but his grip on the steering wheel relaxes a little. “Any particular reason you’ve been putting off coming round? Is it the dogs?”
Louis laughs, because that’s ridiculous. “They’re the only reason I’m coming over in the first place. I love dogs, me.”
Nick’s lips twitch. “My dogs aren’t just any dogs. They’re better than most.”
“Promises, promises.” Louis’ seen pictures of Pig with her almost-smile because he might have sneaked the odd glance at Nick’s Instagram. He knows the new dog has an underbite. He also knows that Nick speaks to his dogs in the kind of voice that does peculiar things to Louis’ insides. He knows that Nick looks soft, warm and cosy when he’s curled up on the sofa with Pig and it’s possible that Louis might have spent a bit of time wondering what it would feel like to be on the receiving end of one of Nick’s daft, fond looks.
Nick’s not looking fond now. He’s back to thoughtful, his brow furrowed. “Not the dogs, then.”
“Nope.” Louis gnaws on his thumbnail. He wishes he’d had more shots. He’s not nearly drunk enough for this conversation. “It’s just different. There’s going to be a bed.”
Nick snorts softly. “Most people have beds, love. I thought a rich popstar like you might prefer Egyptian cotton to a loo with Tommo’s a twat scratched onto the wall.”
Louis laughs again. Nick always makes him feel better, somehow. “It didn’t say that.”
“You don’t know what I was doing after you left.” Nick reaches across and squeezes Louis’ thigh. “I put a heart around it, if that makes it any better.”
“Idiot.” Louis knows Nick didn’t scratch anything into the door but part of him wishes he had. It must be bad if he wants Nick to memorialise a blow job in a Hackney pub with some half-arsed graffiti. The car slows to a stop and Nick pushes a hand through his hair, staring straight ahead. “Want me to take you back to yours instead?”
“Don’t think so.” Louis shrugs. He picks at his tracksuit, not looking at Nick. “We’re at yours now, anyway.”
“Not yet. I just stopped here because I can’t concentrate on driving when you’re being weird.” Nick rests his hand over Louis’ and slides their fingers together. He’s got three large rings on and his wrist is covered with slim bracelets in silver, leather and colourful cotton. It’s still odd for Louis, seeing their hands together with Nick’s just a bit bigger than Louis’ own. Louis looks out of the window.
“Sorry. I had too much to drink, maybe.”
“Okay.” Nick sounds like he doesn’t believe it. “Is that why you can’t look at me anymore?”
“’Course I can look at you.” Louis turns his head. Nick’s eyes look so soft in the darkness and Louis wants to kiss him so fucking much. That’s the problem, really. Louis wants to kiss Nick and do everything with Nick and he doesn’t know how to keep things casual. Nick’s going to realise Louis has all these broken bits that Louis tries so hard to keep hidden. He doesn’t know how to show Nick a bit without showing him everything, and he suspects everything might just lose Nick for good. “I’m being stupid.”
“Yeah.” Nick’s still frowning. He pushes Louis’ fringe from his forehead and the touch is tender enough to make hot tears prick at the back of Louis’ eyes. Christ why is he like this? He just wanted to get a blow job and now he’s dangerously close to sobbing his bleeding heart out all over Nick’s posh car. “Lou?”
“S’fine.” Louis swallows around the lump in his throat. He steadies himself and he rolls his eyes when he’s finally more composed. “I’m being a twat. It’s just a bit different going to yours. New.”
“Mmhmm.” Nick doesn’t sound convinced. “Sure you want to go?”
“Yeah.” Louis takes a breath and he nods. “Hurry up.”
“Okay.” Nick pulls the car out of the narrow space and starts to drive again.
He puts some music on after a few minutes and they don’t speak all the way back.
“You want to tell me what that was all about, in the car?” Nick opens two beers when they get back, offering Louis one. He takes it gratefully, after stroking the dogs and watching them run off somewhere into the house.
“It’s a bit more serious, isn’t it? Like this.” Louis waves his hand vaguely around the house.
Nick raises his eyebrows. “Doesn’t have to be.” He pauses. “You don’t want that, then?”
Of course I bloody want that, you dick! Every part of Louis wants to shake Nick because yes he wants that. He wants Nick. Every lanky, irritating inch of him. Louis wants Nick so much it physically hurts to think of Nick with anyone else. Of course, Louis doesn’t want to sound totally mental so he can hardly say all of that. He settles for keeping his face carefully blank and shrugging one shoulder.
“I didn’t say that.” Louis looks away and puts his beer down. “Let’s just go to bed. That’s what we’re here for, isn’t it?” He knows he sounds a bit sharp, but that’s what false bravado sounds like on Louis. Nick doesn’t have to know that Louis’ hands have gone clammy or that his heart’s racing in his chest.
“Steady on.” Nick holds up his beer, his eyes searching Louis as if he’s a puzzle and Nick needs time to work out the answers. “It’s alright for you, not driving. I’ve been dying for this beer all night.”
“Should have got a taxi, then.”
“You weren’t complaining when you were trying to make me blow you in the driver’s seat or drive you all over London looking for a field.” Nick’s lips curve around the beer bottle and he takes another swig, his throat bobbing. “Relax, will you? You’re making me nervous.”
“Fine.” Louis drinks half his beer in one go. He swipes his hand across the back of his mouth. “I just want to get it over with, come on, will you?”
Nick frowns. He puts down his beer and reaches for Louis, tugging him close. “Get it over with? Charming. You’re the one dragging me out of parties and pouncing on me in dark corners.”
“Give over. I don’t pounce.” Louis does, a bit. Nick has that effect on him. “It’s just annoying, talking about it.”
Nick still looks confused. It’s as if he wants to say something, but in the end, he settles for kissing Louis until his knees get weak and he’s ready to burst out of his skin. Nick’s so good at that. So good at kissing Louis until the roar in his head gets quieter and the tension slides from his shoulders.
Nick pulls back eventually, his lips plump and his eyes dark. He leans against the kitchen counter and makes Louis look at him. They’re close enough that Louis can practically count the freckles on his face. If he reached his hand up, his could touch the corner of Nick’s smile. Nick’s got a good smile. Wide, ridiculous and infectious.
“How do you usually do it, then? Do you want to fuck me?”
Louis stares at Nick, his throat dry. He hadn’t expected that. He’d heard rumours about Nick and some very detailed information about Nick’s preferences from a slightly tipsy Harry. At the time, Louis had pulled a face and pretended to be disgusted by the idea of Nick fucking someone. He’d ended up in his bunk that night at three in the morning, wanking as quietly as he could with Nick’s name spilling from his lips. Maybe that had been the start of everything. Getting off on a tour bus in the middle of small-town America with Nick Grimshaw’s face filling every part of his brain. Louis doesn’t even know anymore. Nick’s been under his skin and there for longer than Louis cares to admit. Even thinking about it makes his cheeks hot.
“You don’t want me to fuck you.”
Nick’s cheeks turn pink. “I might. Don’t look like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like it’s weird.” Nick pulls a face. “I don’t care if you don’t want to.”
Nick does care, though. Louis can tell. He’s the master of pretending not to care about things so he’s good at reading the signs.
“Thought you were obsessed with my arse.” Louis pokes Nick in the stomach.
“It’s a very nice arse.” Nick grins and slides his hands to Louis’ backside, tugging him closer. “Take it you don’t fancy mine much, then?”
“Shut up.” Louis rolls his eyes. He refuses to tell Nick that his legs and backside in those skinny jeans are enough to set a fire roaring in Louis’ chest – enough to make him want to drop to his knees and get his mouth on Nick as quickly as possible. “It’s fine.”
“Fine?” Nick huffs. He plays with the hair at the nape of Louis’ neck. It tickles and sends shivers down Louis’ spine. “Careful. With compliments like that I’m going to get a big head.”
“You’ve already got a big head.” Louis messes up Nick’s quiff, or he means to. It turns into a slide of his fingers through Nick’s hair. A chance to run his fingers over his cheek, down his neck. A chance not to look at Nick head on and to focus on the bit of collarbone and chest hair exposed by another one of Nick’s ridiculous shirts. “I’ve not really slagged about London.” Louis can’t look at Nick. His whole body is hot and his fingers tremble against the button on Nick’s shirt. “Not like I said.”
“Okay.” Nick doesn’t push Louis away. He sounds amused. He catches Louis’ hand and pulls him even closer, sighing against Louis’ skin. He smells so good it makes Louis’ head spin. “Kind of figured that one out for myself.”
“Really?” Louis wonders if he was bad at everything. Bad enough that Nick would just know. It sends a jagged slice of shame through his veins and he has to swallow to fight back his anger – a defence mechanism he relies on when something makes him feel particularly stupid. “That bad, was it?”
“Hardly.” Nick’s lips move against Louis’ neck. He takes his time, kissing the line of Louis’ jaw before pulling back. “You were just a bit vague on the specifics. The bars you met people in. Besides, can’t imagine something like that not getting into the press.”
“You’re a right bloody Sherlock Holmes.” Louis rolls his eyes. He pushes away from Nick, just to put enough space between them so he can breathe. “I bet you think it’s funny.”
“Why the fuck would I think that?” Nick raises his eyebrows at Louis. “You tit. I just wish you’d said.”
“Because it matters, doesn’t it?”
“Does it?” Louis stares at Nick, who shrugs in response.
“Matters to me. Don’t want it to be crap.” Nick holds up his hand before Louis can punch him in the nose. “I don’t want it to be crap for you, settle down.”
“Oh.” Louis rubs the scruff on his chin. “I don’t reckon it will be. It’s been alright so far.”
“Glad to hear it.” Nick looks away for a moment. “I didn’t bring you back here for that, you know. Not unless you want.”
“It’s one in the morning. I’m not back here for anything else.”
Nick pulls Louis into his arms again. “Not true. Pig’s been wanting to meet you, actually.”
“Pig doesn’t know who I am.” Louis’ body gets warm again – that hot pleasure that comes from someone saying something nice. It rushes through him and he can’t hold back his smile. “She doesn’t give a fuck about meeting me. She’s run off.”
“Because she’s shy around new people,” Nick says. He sounds serious but his smile is wide and his eyes shine. “She doesn’t want to scare you off by licking you to death on the first meeting. I told her to behave around you.”
“You can’t train your dog to play hard to get, Nicholas.”
“I can.” Nick looks pleased with himself. “She’s brilliant.”
“She is,” Louis says. His voice gets quiet and a bit husky. He’s not sure they’re talking about Pig anymore.
“I don’t want her being soppy with you if you’re not here for that. She gets a bit attached.” Nick’s face does the fond, soft thing that Louis’ only seen in photos.
“I could be here for that. If she wanted.” Louis swallows, the words difficult to get out but seems important, somehow, that Nick knows. “I get a bit attached too, though. She better not be easy with her affections. Go sniffing other dogs’ arses or anything.”
Nick bursts out laughing and his eyes crinkle at the corners. “I’ll make sure of it.” He’s still playing with Louis’ hair and he looks happy and relaxed. “There aren’t any other…dogs. People. No other people she wants to meet. I’ve only talked about you. Played her that song of yours.”
“Sick.” Louis grins. “Did she like it?”
Nick nods. “Think so. She chased her tail for a bit. Stinky went mental. Jumped up on the sofa and kept pawing at me.”
“Amazing,” Louis says. “Your dogs have good taste.”
“Well, they like me.” Nick’s chest puffs out a bit and he looks dead pleased with himself. “So I reckon they do.”
“Yeah.” Louis picks at the buttons on Nick’s shirt, opening it. “I reckon they do, too.”
“Louis?” Nick’s voice is ragged when Louis slides onto his knees and palms over Nick’s thighs. “Thought we came here to try doing this in bed?”
“Though we came here so I could meet your dogs.” Louis opens Nick’s trousers. He’s hard and Louis can’t wait to get his hands on him. His mouth on him. Besides, he likes the way the floor feels under his knees. It’s just the right side of uncomfortable. He also likes the way Nick’s clutching onto the kitchen counter like he can’t quite trust his legs to hold him steady. Louis gets like that around Nick a lot. He’s glad he’s not the only one. “We can go to bed after.”
“Might not be up for much more than sleeping if you do this here,” Nick says. He sounds far away – his voice thick and unsteady.
“I’m good at that.” Louis tugs Nick’s jeans down, nosing at the front of his boxers. “Sleeping.”
“You’re staying then?” Nick slides his hand into Louis’ hair. “I mean you should. Stay. I’ll do us bacon sarnies in the morning. Might even blow you in the shower. Have a proper look at that arse of yours.”
A shiver travels down Louis’ spine. It doesn’t feel so daunting, now. It’s a shiver of anticipation. His mouth waters and he pulls Nick’s boxers down. They don’t usually have time to do much more than quick, quick, make sure nobody hears. Now they’re in Nick’s kitchen, the lights are bright and Louis can slide his fingers along Nick’s thighs, up and around the base of his cock, drawing a ragged puff of air from Nick’s lips.
“Yeah, I’ll stay. If there’s going to be bacon sandwiches.” Louis squeezes Nick’s thighs and it makes Nick’s hand tighten in his hair. He likes that. Likes how Nick spreads his legs just a bit and the way he keeps Louis close with a firm hand tangled in his hair. He’s going to get Nick to do this to him later. Maybe in bed, where Louis can stretch out and let Nick do whatever he had on his mind when they tried to get off in the car earlier. A tug of arousal makes his mouth water and he slides his lips over Nick, after making them slick. It’s nice, not being in a grotty bathroom or trying to negotiate the steering wheel or keep quiet because they can hear people talking just outside. Louis can listen to every huff and gasp of air which leaves Nick’s mouth. He can really enjoy Nick. He can take his time, sliding his mouth over Nick and tonguing at the tip of his cock. He’s getting quite good at this. Quite good at knowing what to do to get Nick off. He slides his hands behind Nick to grip his arse and pulls him deeper into Louis’ mouth. It makes them both groan. Louis gives Nick’s backside a tentative squeeze and it seems to work because Nick jerks deeper into Louis’ mouth, pulling back and then guiding Louis over him again using the hands now fisted in Louis’ hair.
Louis lets himself be guided, lets Nick use his hands to set the pace and the depth as he concentrates on taking Nick in as deep as he can. He wonders what it might feel like, having Nick inside him in other ways. It makes his cock twitch appreciatively and he drops his hand to palm at it before returning to Nick’s backside. When he squeezes Nick more firmly, it makes Nick groan low in his throat and tug at Louis’ hair. Louis ignores the instruction to pull back and sucks Nick through his climax, swallowing what he can manage. He sits back on his heels afterwards and wonders if he looks as smug as he feels.
“Come here. Fuck.” Nick’s voice is throaty and he reaches for Louis. His eyes look glazed and a smile plays around his lips. His cheeks are pink and he looks as good as he ever has.
Louis presses himself against Nick and lets himself be thoroughly kissed. Eventually Nick pulls back and sorts out his trousers, before pushing Louis against the counter and pushing his hand inside Louis’ trackies. Louis nearly cries when Nick finally wraps his hand around his cock, because he’s so hard and so, so desperate to come. He bucks into Nick’s fist and lets his pleasure overwhelm him as he keeps kissing Nick – hard and messy. When he comes his whole body trembles and he wraps his arms around Nick just to keep him close.
A clatter of paws on the wooden floor distracts them from the kissing and Nick grabs a dishcloth, wiping his hand and shoving it into the washing machine.
“Nice.” Louis raises an eyebrow at Nick as Pig paws at them. “You’re going to use that to dry the dishes?”
“That’s why it’s in the washing machine, you knob.” Nick grins at Louis. He reaches for Pig and plays with her until she rolls onto her back, asking for a belly rub. Louis crouches opposite Nick and helps him fuss over Pig. She seems to love the attention and she lets out a happy ruff. Louis can relate. Nick looks at Louis, his voice quieter than usual. “Think she likes you.”
Louis holds Nick’s gaze and his throat feels full of words he’s not ready to say yet. “Think I like her too. Better not let her get tummy rubs from other guests.”
Nick nods, his lips quirking into a slow smile. “Not planning to have any guests like you. She’s easy for Daisy, though. She likes Miquita.”
“That’s okay.” Louis tips his head to the side and contemplates Nick. “I want to do the other stuff. All of it. All the ways.”
“All the ways, hmm?” Nick grins and he lets Pig roll over and clatter back to the rug. He stands and rubs his knees, holding out a hand to help Louis up. “Maybe not in the car.”
Louis shakes his head. “Not for that.”
Nick keeps hold of Louis’ hand and his thumb brushes Louis’ skin. Every part of Louis is hot and he’s got that warm feeling again – like Nick’s given him a compliment. It’s nice, that feeling. He takes a breath and squeezes Nick’s hand.
“Okay?” Nick gives Louis one of those looks, as if he’s trying to read his mind.
“Think so.” Louis shifts closer to Nick. How does someone say, sometimes it’s like I’m broken inside? He doesn’t know. He’s not sure how to tell Nick how he’s got all these thoughts that collect like bruises that won’t fade – how he’s still dealing with keeping all his secrets bottled up and how he thinks if he shares too many they’ll all spill out at once. “Hey, Nick?”
“Louis?” Nick reaches into the fridge and grabs a couple of beers. He looks so relaxed. Not like he’s melting down or having a crisis, like Louis.
“We should talk over that bacon sandwich. About stuff.”
“Yeah.” Nick hands Louis a beer. “Okay.”
They clink their bottles together and Pig barks from the living room. Louis follows Nick through the house and sits on the sofa next to him, curling up as Nick flicks through the channels. It’s still weird. Still a bit what the fuck and strange. But it’s easy, being with Nick. It’s easy to claim a spot next to him on the sofa and pretend to watch The Simpsons, sharing kisses that taste like beer. It’s easy to think about later. Still big, but not as big as it once felt. Nick’s warm and he keeps smiling like he’s happy, being quiet with Louis and his dogs.
The broken bits are still there, but for the first time in ages the glue holding them together feels like it might just hold.
“Glad I came round,” Louis says. He glances at Nick, whose face is contoured with shadow and the light from the telly.
“Me too, love.” Nick puts an arm around Louis and rests his feet on the coffee table. “It’s nice. Having you here.”
“Yeah,” Louis says. "Nice."
And it really, really is.
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eisschirmchen · 8 years
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Story (AO3) by @adulterclavis​
Art by me
 I finally made it woooohooo! I was pretty stressed out lately because I was in the constant fear that I dont have good content for my awesome writing buddy @adulterclavis​ ;___; It was a pleasure to work with your and your downright ridiculous but pretty amazing and funny Soul Eater fanfiction! =D That’s exactly the content I needed and still need! Your writing skills and great story developement made me a bit nervous that I wasn’t fit enough for your fic but I had so much fun with drawing some of the silly things up there; I think in the end we quiet fit? ;v; I had fun and I am grateful for this partnership! =D ♥ 
Also, I put everything I drew in this Resbang phase into this post, I hope I don’t kill capacity of a Tumblr post hahahaha, I recommend to zoom in into the big sketch picture, there is a lot I couldn’t finish... ;n; Also I had a cover idea or two that are also up there but were a little too bloody/muderous to actually be content but I thought why not add them too. The first thing was because of  a Resbang challenge to keep us motivated and I quiet like it, so it also found a place. The the gif was for Bones sometime in between and has nothing to do with her actual Resbang story, this was little Soul as a cheerleader to keep the spirits up. :p
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reluming · 7 years
Dear Yuletide author
Hi! I’m so happy that you’re writing for me! I’m mapped on AO3, and I’m very excited to read whatever you come up with – please don’t feel like you have to adhere to any of this letter, as long as you avoid my DNWs!
To start with, here are some of my general likes and dislikes!
I read slash, femslash, het, and gen. I love poly relationships. I love fluff, I love angst, I love porn – porn without plot and porn with plot. I love slice of life, and fics with heaps of domesticity. I love character studies.
I prefer happy endings, but bittersweet/sad ones are okay too.
Things I love in porn:
Spanking/caning/corporal punishment
Dirty talk
Praise kink
Exhibitionism/public sex
Double penetration
Characters being super into giving oral sex
Rape/non-con (dub con is okay!)
Non-canon character death
Onto fandom-specific stuff!
The Bold Type
Requested characters: Any
What’s the canon about? A contemporary TV show featuring three young women who are best friends, working for a fashion magazine in New York and being there for each other through various career and relationship ups and downs. There’s one season with 10 episodes out so far, and it’s been renewed for two more seasons!
What I love about the canon: I love every character on this show! I love the fun and upbeat vibe, the awesome, flawed, beautifully strong women who are so supportive of each other. The focus on the friendship between the three main characters is the best thing! Every time they say “I love you” to each other my heart grows three sizes. 💞 I love how we see them being ambitious and going for their dreams, taking risks and fucking up and having to learn how to deal with their mistakes. I find it very comforting and inspiring at the same time, watching them being confident and amazing and human. People who don’t always get things right and who don’t always know what they’re doing. I enjoy watching them figure things out: Kat especially, who keeps changing her mind and doubting her choices and not really understanding what it is she wants.
Gen friendship fic with Sutton, Kat, and Jane! I could happily read about them doing something mundane and silly together (like getting froyo, or just hanging out in the apartment on a typical night). What were their first impressions of each other? How did they become friends? When did they agree to move in together and what was apartment-hunting like? What was it like the first night they moved in, did they all end up sleeping in the same bed talking till late? Did it take them some time to get used to living together, and was there a bit of friction at the beginning?
I would also be overjoyed to read anything sexual and/or romantic between Sutton, Kat, and Jane, in any combination! I’d be particularly interested in some kind of scenario where Kat is trying to figure out whether she’s really into women and she sleeps with both of her friends. At the same time. :’) Maybe during that brief time in the show when they’re all single?
Anything that explores what a wonderful woman and mentor and boss Jacqueline Carlyle is. How did she get here? Tell me about her moments of failure and heartbreak, her mistakes and regrets, her moments of triumph and breakthroughs! What does she think when she looks at Jane, especially, who she must see so much of herself in? That MOMENT at the end of S1 when Jane and Jacqueline are staring at each other while they go through their revolving doors and they’re both dressed in red and they’re mirrors of each other!! I’M SO HERE FOR MORE OF THAT CONTENT.
Sutton!! MY PURE RAY OF SUNSHINE. Five fashion moments in Sutton’s life she’ll remember forever? Memories she associates with a particular blouse, or scarf, or bracelet, or coat? (Btw, I prefer Sutton/Alex to Sutton/Richard, although I don’t mind Sutton/Richard. I really love Sutton and Alex’s dynamic and would even appreciate a friendship fic about them!)
One thing I feel like the show didn’t really give me was how JANE got here. Like, clearly writing for Scarlet was always her dream, but I just wanna know more about her motivations and her journey as a writer growing up!
I’d also be happy with a Jane/Ryan fic, they're super cute together! I would love to read about Jane exploring more kinky things with Ryan tbh? Like when Jane was SO OUTRAGED about the wax play thing I just thought maybe she should have the opportunity to try something similar with him! But I’d prefer if Jane/Ryan wasn’t the sole focus of the fic; if there was some focus on Jane & Sutton & Kat’s friendship as well, that would be fab.
Kat/Adena: I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I would be extremely happy to read fic about them, post-series, during the series, whatever. Missing scenes, conversations and kisses and dreams. What happens in Peru? Future!fic! ANYTHING
Actually future!fic about where any of these characters are in five or ten or twenty years’ time would be very welcome!
Introspective fic about how Kat feels about her identity and how that’s evolved over the course of S1
Backstory about Adena and the countries she’s travelled to and the women she’s fallen in love with. What’s the story with Coco? Why isn’t it working out? What was it like, back when it did work?
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Requested characters: Kikuhiko, Miyokichi, Sukeroku
What’s the canon about? An anime (complete, two seasons, 25 episodes in total). Focuses on the art of rakugo, a centuries-old tradition of comic storytelling in Japan. A gangster, fresh out of prison, wants to become the apprentice of an old rakugo master after seeing the master perform in prison. From this, the story of the old rakugo master unfolds, and we learn about two boys who become rakugo apprentices when they’re little, and the friendship that grows between them.
What I love about the canon: This anime!! I was not expecting it to make me feel SO MANY FEELINGS. I love the historical setting, I love the STUNNING use of the unreliable narrator, I love the careful and slow development of Kikuhiko and Sukeroku’s friendship from childhood to adulthood; the way they’re such striking opposites at first glance, but there’s something at the core of them that’s the same. The heady mix of envy and love and bitterness that pulls Kikuhiko to Sukeroku always; the things left unsaid. How Miyokichi’s presence in their lives disrupts some things and catalyses others. The way Miyokichi’s choices have been limited because she’s a woman, and Kikuhiko and Sukeroku are both such terrible assholes in their own ways, but she can’t help being pulled into their orbit. I love the feeling of transience in this anime, of something always slipping away from your grasp, of history crumbling away beneath your fingertips; but there’s a gorgeous sense of continuity too. Beautiful things are fleeting and immortal at the same time. They are preserved – diluted, sometimes; changing and evolving. But still preserved, in some way.
I want fic that explores their complicated and tangled relationship in all its glory. My dearest wish is for them to be all reunited properly in the afterlife, for them to finally sort out their feelings, and to be a happy OT3.
Or a canon AU where events went differently and they lived and raised Konatsu together and were messy but happy, somehow.
I could see Kikuhiko as gay or bi, but no matter what, I feel like his feelings for Miyokichi are fascinating and would be interesting to explore in fic either way; if it’s not that he’s sexually attracted to her, what is it?
I would love something that deals with Kikuhiko’s repression of his sexuality, a fic where he was never able to let himself acknowledge his feelings for Sukeroku while he was alive. But equally I’d love a fic where he did acknowledge those feelings and those feelings were requited and they did something about it, once or twice or many times. But please don’t sideline Miyokichi, whatever you do!
If you want to make me really sad, that’s okay too! Give me Kikuhiko mourning the two people he cared about most in his life and struggling always with their ghosts. I’d be very interested to see something that just falls on the side of horror, or is at least spooky and supernatural in some way, based on the shinigami stuff and those S2 OPs where they coloured Sukeroku’s eyes red. I loved the eerie vibe of all that, so please feel free to run with it! Weird AUs featuring undead!Sukeroku and Miyokichi would be fantastic.
I am particularly into Kikuhiko crossdressing, and I’d love to read about a Kikuhiko whose relationship with gender is complex and hard to define. That scene where he’s in drag and Miyokichi does his makeup is absolutely gorgeous and one of my favourite scenes in the show and if you could do something with that I’d be eternally grateful. I’d be really happy with nb/genderqueer/trans interpretations of Kikuhiko! And if he could talk about his gender feelings with Miyokichi that would be A+++
OR if you just want to write me a Miyokichi-centric fic exploring ANYTHING about her whatsoever I would be ecstatic, I love her to pieces and would dearly love to read some backstory, introspection, character study, anything. 
Requested characters: Aneela, Delle Seyah Kendry
What’s the canon about? Sci-fi TV show with three seasons (10 episodes each). Follows a trio of bounty hunters through hijinks and mysteries. 
What I love about the canon: I love how fun this show is and how despite the gritty sci-fi settings and the dark look of the show it’s pretty much the OPPOSITE of grimdark? It’s such a joyful and optimistic show and it’s bursting with humour. It doesn’t take itself seriously but it loves its characters and it loves its audience; all the character interactions are just wonderful and the arcs are all fantastic and it always manages to give me exactly what I want. It’s SO satisfying! And SO many people of colour in the foreground and the background!! That’s such a rare and beautiful thing in this genre and I’m so grateful. Plus, so many of those characters of colour are queer too!!
So I shipped Dutch/Delle Seyah DESPERATELY in the first two seasons, and I still do! But oh man, I love Aneela/Delle Seyah, how they’re SO PERFECTLY MATCHED and on equal footing. EVIL SPACE LESBIAN QUEENS!! I love the united front they present, I love how quickly they get into each other’s heads and hearts and develop this fierce and steadfast loyalty towards each other.
So, while I didn’t request Dutch as one of my characters, I’d love a fic that compares Delle Seyah’s feelings for Dutch and for Aneela. Like, obviously Delle Seyah was physically attracted to Dutch and since Dutch and Aneela look the same, there’s that element there from the beginning. Is that weird for Delle Seyah, considering how different Dutch and Aneela are otherwise? What differences between Dutch and Aneela are the most significant to Delle Seyah, and what similarities does she notice, beside the physical? What is it that makes Delle Seyah fall in love with Aneela, as opposed to whatever it was she felt for Dutch? Is she still attracted to Dutch at the end of S3?
It seems like neither Aneela or Delle Seyah have ever felt like this about anybody, so I’d just love any sort of fic dealing with how either/both of them process these emotions!! Is it scary for them? Exciting? How anxious does it make them? What are they most worried about?
I wouldn’t mind a fic about Aneela and Delle Seyah just being evil queens and unleashing themselves on the universe together while luxuriating in their power and having the most passionate, wild sex as they think/talk about all the evil deeds they’ve accomplished!
Honestly uhhh any sort of porn about them would be SO welcome, I’m shallow and they’re beautiful and they clearly seem like they have a lot of fun in bed!
Maybe there’s something you can play with about the green and mind-melding here? I don’t know, just an idea I’m throwing out there! :D
“Be careful” / “Be brutal” might just one of my favourite dialogue exchanges in any piece of fiction ever 💖 I just love their dynamic and I need more of it, so I’d be interested to read anything you’d like to write about them!
The Handmaiden
Requested characters: Sook-hee, Hideko
(I’m basically copy & pasting from my letter last year because I still want the same things!)
What’s the canon about? A 3-hour long movie; Korean adaptation of Sarah Waters’ Fingersmith. A conwoman falls in love with her female mark!
What I love about the canon: It’s such a beautiful gay romance with brilliant twists and the two female leads are SO endearing in their own ways; the triumph of the women over the horrible men in their lives, and in particular the triumph of Hideko over the trauma she’s experienced, is really moving and buoyant to watch. The movie is also just lush with careful detail and a dazzling experience from start to finish.
I’d love anything about Hideko and Sook-hee, set during or after the film.
If it’s set during the film, I’d really love something from Hideko’s POV, because I feel like her thoughts are much more opaque in the film. I’d like to read about how she feels about her life before Sook-hee appears, what her first impressions of Sook-hee are, and the journey of her falling in love with Sook-hee. (I don’t want explicit detail about the abuse that Hideko has suffered: the level of detail that the film goes into is fine, but nothing beyond that, please!)
Missing scenes from the movie would be SO welcome! I can’t get enough of their precious interactions and how they always feel so honest somehow, even if they’re both hiding behind secrets and lies at first?
After the movie: where do they go, what do they do? Something that takes place immediately afterwards, or something that takes place years in the future – even something that looks at them being old and grey together, omg, that would make my heart melt!
I could totally be into a more plotty kind of fic that shows them running more cons together! Equally, I would be SO here for simple, slice-of-life stuff.
Something that explores Hideko and Sook-hee’s relationship with kink after the movie would be WONDERFUL. How does Hideko feel about kink after the abuse she’s suffered? Does she want to be kinky with Sook-hee, but have really complicated feelings about it? The mutuality and symmetry of their sex scenes in the movie is what strikes me, how the focus is on mirroring each other, doing the same acts together. But I could see them trying out different things as they become more comfortable and settle into their relationship. Like, the ending scene with Hideko reclaiming for her own pleasure the bells that were once used to abuse her – that scene is so lovely and anything in this vein would be great!
Thanks for stopping by! Happy Yuletide, and I can’t wait to read your creation! <3
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