#some of y’all are out here actin up
gothicfairytopia · 3 months
“maybe there is something to be said for shades of grey” you take quotes out of context to condone abuse, thanks
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officer-sebastian · 3 months
*Sebastian huffed and squeezed his way through an unexpected number of scientists and other employees through Sector E’s halls. Giving quick “excuse me’s” and “pardon me’s” as he kept rubbing shoulders with lab coats. Sebastian figured that this stretch of the Science Team must be clocking out for a late lunch, he’s never seen any sector’s halls so packed before, unless you count the highest level of top-side customer service and protection from the general and oddball public.*
Christ al’mighty Ah’m jus’ tryn’a git ta mah shift, y’know, th’shift that keeps y’all from actin’ like dogs without horses.. Clearly it ain’t helpin’ much, Jesus.
*After a few more left turns, the checkpoint position he had been assigned comes into view, another guard tapping his fingers on the desk and perking up at the sight of Sebastian.*
“Christ, Seb, what took you so fuckin’ long, eh? Was ‘bout to just clock out and leave this place hanging.”
*Sebastian just chuckled* Yeah, yeah, mighty sorry ‘bout that. Fer some damn reason th’halls were packed full of them lab rats an’ Ah could hardly git past. Go take’a piss an’ then cool off on yer lunch, Pauly, Ah got it from ‘ere.
*The guard scoffed and crossed his arms* “Whatever. Thankfully those old cronies only now just took lunch, what ever reason you’re filed under checkpoint over here, you’ll be glad to know it’s practically empty now. Have fun staring at the wall.”
Yer too kind. Ah take it ya prob’ly scared ‘em off an’-
*There was the faintest rumble between under their feet. Several lights from down the hall suddenly flicker and blow out, the emergency lights immediately turn on, painting the metallic walls an eerie red. Sebastian goes quiet at that, steadily eyeing the darkened hallway and listening close for anything suspicious.*
*Officer Pauly swallows audibly, eyes still on Sebastian* “The hell was tha-“
*BUZWARN* Warning. Power Outages Detected In [SECTOR E]. All Affected Personnel Please Be Advised.
*BUZWARN* Warning. Unauthorized Biological Forms Detected In [SECTOR E]. All Non-Disaster Response Personnel Evacuate Immediately.
*GARBLED BUZWARN* Warning. W-Warning. Security i̴̜̒̚͠n̵̢̫̞͍̍̆ ̵̢̦͈̜̏̂̑̉[̶̨̰̹̟́͛̑̓S̶̢̰̤͛̀ͅĖ̵̟̲̌Ć̴̥͍̣̞́̐T̴̯̿O̴̻̮͚̅Ṛ̵̠̟͍͒͆́̄ ̵͔̓Ḙ̷́̏͘]̷̧̪͗̎͗͋ ̵̠̝͌͜͝R̵̖̼̰̬̅̍e̴̱̔͒̌p̷̡̙̥̜̊͆õ̸̻r̴̗̤̀̽̏̇t̶̨̧̺̫͠ ̵̞̻̲͑̑́̐T̷̯̰̘̦̍̒̌ơ̴̼͔̿ ̵̘̣́[̶̖̰̓̇̓Ḁ̸͓̞̿̂̔̌D̷̞̫̣̻͗͗V̴͓̿A̸̢̻̤̘͂N̶̳̙̫̊͂C̷̜͎̆E̴̙̘͛̉̈̕D̷͙͕̜̹́͝ ̴̠͖̗͛͝ͅB̷̲̞͊̊͗Ḯ̸̘Ợ̵̩̒̏̇L̸͉̖̒̄̆̉O̵͇̅̀͘͝G̶͓͇̊̓̽Ḭ̴̦̥͕̌̌̊Ç̷̓A̴̮͉̩̋̀̀ͅL̶͎̈̆̇̚ ̸̗͕͌R̴̨̰̋̾͝È̷̺͕̏̓ͅS̴͕͆̚E̴͚̩̫̍̀̆͜͝A̷̼͋̃̍R̸̤̳͑̚C̴̩͕̼̬͠H̶̥̤̓ ̴͖̦̱̈̓͂̈͜C̶͙̿̒O̶̼̖̳̼͆M̷̠̖̬̦̽̾P̵̠͕̰̈͂̇L̸̝̀E̴̺̮̱̊̈̑͠X̵̛̗̹̂]̷͍́̃͑́ ̷̬͈̬͖̋͆Ị̸̛̩̲̦͒̅m̷̦̠͋̇̃͠m̵̖͕̙͉̿̚ë̸̬́̋͌d̴͈̹̝̀i̵̤̔̈́à̴̟͇̍̓͌t̸̲͍̦͒̽̄e̵̠̽̈́̇̈́l̶̰̍͜y̷̡̧̘̒̏̈́̈
*The two security guards listened in shocked silence as the automated comms buzzed in and out, the emergency lights flicking at the same time. Sebastian persed his lips in a straight line, taking a deep breath and suddenly pushing Pauly into the checkpoint box*
“THE HELL ARE YOU-?!” *The guard began to shout in protest, before Sebastian tossed him inside and shut the door. Pauly gets up immediately, pounding on the glass* “OI ASSHOLE! The fuck do you think you’re doing?!”
*Sebastian snapped his fingers and put one up to his lips* Quiet. Ah’m goin’ ta check it out. It ain’t lookin’ good on our department if they go an’ lose two men on th’job. Ya sit tight an’ wait it out fer me, ‘kay?
*The guard sputtered a few times at that response, gesturing his hands wildly before sighing and giving up any retort, having known Sebastian long enough to know arguing with him like this is fruitless* “If you go and get yourself killed I won’t be there for whatever shoddy funeral they give you. It’ll be all your fault down to the grave, Seb.”
Thank ya, kindly, Pauly. How ‘bout we go an’ git’a beer with th’boys if Ah make back it in at least 3/4s? Ah’ll make a’bet with ya. *Sebastian clicks off the safety of his pistol and checks the magazine while he talks*
“Wh- Pfft, fucksake, Sebastian. Fine, whatever, I’ll bet. Quit wasting time.”
*Sebastian nods and runs down the hallway, making a salute with his pistol before turning around completely*
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bigtreefest · 5 months
Chapter 1: Shuffle With Me, Houston Stranger
From: Handiwork Series
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Pairing: Mechanic! Farmhand! Curtis x Bartender! Reader
Summary: Curtis keeps a busy life between helping out on the farm and running the garage. There are some moments and places that give him reprieve, though, and one of them happens to be a bar where a certain sweetie works.
Word count: 3,386
Content/warnings: not many, mentions of drinking and alcohol, bar setting, weird vague emotional states, another guy hopelessly head over boots (what else is new, y’all should know this is how I write all my love interests at his point), menacing foreshadowing
Author’s Note: this takes place at the same time as chapters 3, 4, and 5 of YCMBWH and chapter 1 of The Rainmaker. You can technically read it alone, but the other stories help fill in some gaps. Check out the rest of the AU!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Outta Nowhere AU | Series Masterlist | Next >
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Curtis walked into the shop with sore shoulders and a slight ache in his heels from a long day of unexpected work and standing. His cousin had called him in to help out with a few chores at the farm since she had to run the Friday farmer’s market, so the day was long and tiresome.
The last thing he wanted to do right now was go through and double check his books for the auto body shop, so he decided against it. Even if he went through everything tonight, it’s not like it would be quality work.
He figured he’d just quickly make sure everything was in its place in the office and the garage to make paperwork easier for him on Monday and work easier for the guys in the morning. Then, he’d be able to join his cousin and her new farmhand at the bar.
Curtis was organizing his socket wrenches by size when he heard a rattling sound become louder behind him. He turned as he sensed it coming closer, seeing an old truck pull into his garage.
He looked down to check his watch. The shop had been long closed by now, and he had places to be. Based off the noise though, he couldn’t deny something was definitely wrong with the vehicle. If Curtis weren’t such a good man, he would’ve turned the patron away, but there was no saying how far a truck that sounded like that could possibly get.
He tilted his head, examining the vehicle and attempting to peer through the glare in the drivers side window when the engine turned off and he saw a pair of old, comfy shoes step down from the cab. His eyes traced up the body before him and Curtis was speechless. Your hair was just tucked under an old ball cap, nothing fancy.
“Hi, I hope you don’t mind, I’m not sure what this sound means and was hoping you had time to take a look at my truck. I know you guys are closed, so it’s no rush, but I’d really appreciate it. I’d rather know where my car is than get stranded out in the middle of nowhere.”
Curtis continued to stand there, mesmerized by you until he shook his head back into the present. “Oh, um, sure. I think I have the evening free, so let me just check on a few things real quick and I can take a look at it.”
Curtis pulled out his phone to text his cousin that he wouldn’t make it to the bar tonight.
He stuffed his phone in his back pocket, going to grab a chair from the front office as you followed. “Never good when a truck that old makes a sound like that.”
You nodded along. “Oh trust me, I know. Darn thing’s even older than me. Usually I’m able to figure out the minor stuff, but this is beyond what I know.”
Curtis nodded when he went to set a metal folding chair down by where you had pulled the truck onto one of his lifts. It scraped against the concrete floor, and he was surprised by the way you simply looked at it, as if you were offended that he’d want you to sit down.
“Oh, by the way, I’m Curtis, I own this shop.” The mechanic stuck out his hand, cleaner than you would’ve expected, and you shook it, introducing yourself.
“Ah, it’s nice to meet you. One of my coworkers actually suggested I come here when the truck started acting up. Said his best friend was the big cheese.”
Curtis laughed. “Um, he used those exact words? Or are those yours? Where are you from?”
You shook your head. “Oh no, sorry, those were my words. I think he just called you the boss, he’s the bouncer at the bar?”
Curtis clicked his tongue as he walked over to the hood of your car, propping it open. “Okay, you’re talking about my buddy, Edgar. Yeah, I’m glad he sent you to me. He works some shifts for me now and then. So you’re new to town? I go to the bar pretty often, I’ve never seen you there.”
You nodded your head tentatively. “Yeah, didn’t think it would be so noticeable I just moved here from Houston, but I’m really from here and there, lived almost everywhere. Been working at the bar for about a week now.”
Curtis nodded as he looked deeper into your engine, testing the tightness of parts and how full each fluid was. “Well how about that. Yeah, we don’t get too many people moving here, but I’m sure it’s a nice change from the city.”
You nodded and hummed, walking over and leaning under the hood of the car with him. “Agreed. I don’t think many mechanics would be this patient with me out there.”
Curtis lightly chuckled as he looked up at you over his shoulder. “Well I’ll be honest with you, patience is one thing, but you probably won’t think I’m very kind when I tell you this truck probably wont survive the next time you take a far journey if you plan to move…”
His small smile was replaced with a grimace. Maybe if he knew you were leaving soon like you seemed to do so often, he could hold himself back more. He could tell himself that there was no point in being attached, being himself for you to see. He’d hold off on the kindness that poured out to everyone he knew and loved, because it would hurt for you to take it and leave.
Your face held a small smile, though, despite his look of worry. “Well what if I planned on staying?”
Curtis looked back into the engine in an attempt to hide the redness in his cheeks. He was warm at the thought of you sticking around. He jiggled the loose part he found, grunting from leaning over so far, before he spoke up, partially avoiding your question.
“Well, you see this right here. I’d replace it and say it would be good for another couple of years.”
You beamed. “That’s good news!”
Curtis stood up to his full height and for the first time, you noticed just how towering his stature was. Anyone else would be intimidated from a distance, but from this proximity, you could see the kindness in his eyes.
“Yes and no.” It came out softer than he had intended. “I’ve gotta make a special order, and it will probably take at least a week to come in. Do you have another way to get to work?”
You nodded. “Yeah, my apartment isn’t too far from the bar. Walking shouldn’t be an issue.”
He looked at you skeptically. “Are you sure? I know you guys have some pretty late shifts.”
“Curtis, I’ll be fine. I’m tougher than I look.” He sighed in response.
“Alright, if you say so. I’ll put in for that part and in the meantime, your truck can stay here.” He walked over to the workbench and scribbled on a piece of paper, tearing it off and handing it to you.
“Here’s my personal number. In case you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to call me. I could even set up a ride for you if you change your mind.”
You took the paper, creasing it in the middle and stuffing it in your pocket. “Well, I’ve got a shift tomorrow and I think I might get there on time if I start walking now. Bit of a ways to my place from your shop. Any chance you could drive me home so I can sleep?”
Curtis sighed and checked his watch. “Yeah, I guess so, considering I’m holding your car captive. Come on, I’ll close up and we’ll get you home.”
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As you waited for the new car part to be delivered to the shop, you kept working. Bills had to be paid. You had to keep living.
You were surprised the next day at work when Edgar had offered to walk you home after your shift, and every night after then, but didn’t question it. You were just appreciative to have a nice coworker you could trust.
Another surprise was the amount of take out orders that you’d have to give out from the bar. Most of which were going to a certain handsome mechanic.
It was Wednesday night, and the fourth time he’d come to pick up dinner this week. The man must really like cheese curds. You didn’t question it, though, as you handed him his order, asking for updates and waving goodbye with a somber smile as he left too soon, and spoke very little.
What you didn’t know was that Curtis had food at home, sitting in his fridge as he opted for the extra opportunities to see you. You also didn’t know how much he feared opening up his mouth and exposing himself by saying the wrong thing to the first person to make him nervous in a long time. Curtis was generally steady, driven, easygoing, but he could feel that world, that demeanor, start to tilt.
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Curtis had a long week. A week much longer than he expected with the extra work he had to do out on the farm instead of in the shop. Sure, he was getting along better and better with Bucky, but that didn’t change the fact that there was too much going wrong.
Cole, that little shit from high school, was back and Curtis’s cousin had gotten stuck in a mine. There was no time for sleep, let alone stopping by the bar with this much of a crisis going on.
As soon as the rocks collapsed in the mine, Curtis was freaking out. “We have to call the police, the fire department, someone to get her out of there. She might not be injured now, but I can’t say the same if there’s a secondary collapse. We need to do something. Now.”
Bucky grabbed him by his collar. “No. No police. It’ll ruin everything.”
Curtis put his hands up in surrender. “Okay then, what do you suppose we do, big guy?”
Bucky paced back and forth, biting his thumbnail with worry. “Gimme a second. I’m figuring it out.” He stopped in his tracks. “Who all knows about the mines?”
“What? What does that ha-“
Bucky cut Curtis off. “Who. All. Knows?”
Curtis shook his head and shrugged. “I-I don’t know, not many people. Me and her, her college roommate, and Jake. That’s it, I think.”
Bucky rapidly reached into the pocket of his jeans and handed Curtis a card from his wallet. “This is my associate Sam. You’re going to call him and tell him those names. We’re gonna need all the help we can get.”
Curtis immediately pulled out his phone, trusting the judgement of his new friend. He called Sam, telling him everything he could about those who were close enough to have heard of the mines. After that, he got to work.
He assessed what all would need done in the next day and did as many small tasks as he could, staying up until he could greet the helpers on the way.
All Curtis wanted to do was sleep, this was taking a toll on him, but he did his best to not let it show, to not become a grump. He just put his head down and made himself useful while Bucky waited back at the mine. At the first available opportunity, he was going to drop into a bed and nap. This week was stretching him thin.
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Meanwhile, you continued to work at the bar. After seeing him for several days in a row, it was concerning that Curtis seemingly fell off the face of the Earth. Surely that wasn’t your business, though. Maybe it was just a coincidence he was ordering food so often before. He had better places to be, like work, or maybe on a date.
Why would you care, though? He was just the nice guy fixing your car. There was no way he was going out of his way to visit; probably just had some late nights at the shop and that’s why he picked up dinner, not to see you. Anyway, work was always busy enough for your mind to be occupied. You’d at least see him again hopefully once that coveted car part came in.
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After a much easier Saturday at the farm, Curtis was ready to have a nice, relaxing time at the bar. As the crew he came with went inside, he hung back to talk to Edgar. He clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey man, how’s it going?”
Edgar patted him back. “Good, I’m good. Been walking your girl home like you asked. She’s working tonight.” A smirk crept onto his face as Curtis looked down.
“But besides that, what’s going on with you?”
Curtis sighed and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it. He turned a picture of Cole Turner towards Edgar.
“Um, I’m alright. A little stressed, but I’m hoping you can help. I’ve got something for you.”
Edgar looked up from the piece of paper. “What’s this?”
“Someone who we need to make sure stays out of here. And if you see him, you let me know, okay?”
Edgar nodded. “Sure thing. Have fun with your girl.”
Curtis rolled his eyes and walked through the door to catch up with everyone else.
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You were pouring out drinks for the group that came in when a familiar tall, broad form approached from the doorway. You took in the way his shoulders pushed at the flannel fabric of his shirt as he sauntered into the room. You couldn’t help the way the smile already on your face grew to see him again.
“Oh hey, if it isn’t the big cheese.” He laughed at the nickname, shaking his head as he moved to take a seat at the bar.
“Yeah, sorry I haven’t been in for awhile. Had some family matters to attend to. Speaking of which, that’s them over there.” He gestured toward the group who had just ordered food and drinks from you before heading towards the booths on the far side of the room.
“Ah! Okay, in that case, this is for you.” You grabbed a short rocks glass from the lower counter in front of you and set it up on the bar top in front of Curtis. The glass made a small thud against the finished wood as you looked at him.
Curtis tentatively grabbed it and sipped. After swallowing he hummed.
“Sweet. Like a cherry.”
You nodded. “Oh yeah. That’s because it’s got extra cherries. Your buddies over there said you’d drink whatever, so I made you my favorite.”
Curtis lowered the glass and looked at you deeply with his warm, burning sapphire eyes. His voice grew low and raspy. “I wasn’t talking about the drink.”
He winked at you and you had no idea how your legs didn’t fail you right then. You were able to quickly recover, though, shooting a remark right back.
“Maybe if you’re nice, I’ll let you test that conjecture.” You could see his cheeks grow warm at the suggestive statement. You grabbed your rag and threw it over your shoulder, leaning closer to the towering man who was just confident, now evidently bashful.
“Curtis, are you…blushing?”
His eyebrows were quick to arch as his attempt of a scowl failed to break through past a shy smile. “No! Blushing is fake. It doesn’t exist. That’s just an old wives tale.”
You looked at his skeptically, not even attempting to hide the laugh that burst out. “What do you mean you think it’s fake? You’re so red right now.”
Curtis’s eyes shifted around the room, unsure of how to respond. “I just feel really…warm…when I look at you.” He muttered so low you could barely hear it.
You wanted to keep pushing before his embarrassment made him turn away from you.
“Hey listen, I’ll be back. I’ve gotta check in with the group, but keep this stool saved for me?”
You nodded. “Sure thing.”
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As soon as Curtis returned, he was glued to his chair. He spent the entire evening chatting with you, asking about your life, and telling you about his on the farm and at the shop.
You were honestly grateful for the one bit of peace on a busy bar Saturday night. Every chance you got, you were leaning against the counter by him to take a breath, watching his friends ride the bull and dance together. What a group of great people.
“So, have you been able to make it home alright this week? I’m sorry that truck part still hasn’t come in yet.”
You nodded as you poured a line of shots for a group of girls waiting on the corner. “Yeah, it hasn’t really been a problem. Edgar’s been insistent on walking me to my door, which helps me feel better when it’s that dark out. Just makes me feel bad, though, because I think I finish a little later than his shift time is supposed to be.”
“Well that’s nice of him. If you want, I can drive you home tonight. Might take some of that load off if you’re worried.” Curtis’s eyes watched you slide the shots to the patrons as you came back to his seat and sighed.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you staying here later than you have to, either. It’s really okay. I can definitely take care of myself.”
Curtis shrugged. “I don’t doubt that at all, Cherry. But I’m offering. And I’d be a fool to prematurely end one of the best nights I’ve had in awhile. I really don’t mind.”
“Okay, then. Sounds like a plan.”
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As the night was winding down, and Curtis’s group had already come over to close out the tab, the two of you watched the remaining people prepare to head out. Who was Curtis that he knew someone with a black card? Supposedly they were business associates of the farm. Was farming really that lucrative? You guessed so.
You rejoined the present as the last few slow songs came on the juke box and Curtis held out his hand.
“You know how to dance?”
You scoffed, “Curtis, I’m still working. But yes, do you think I could’ve gotten by all this time without a little bit of knowledge?”
He shook his head. “I would’ve been worried if you did. Come on, there’s hardly anyone left. Shuffle with me, you little Houston stranger.”
You sidestepped the bar and walked out the small half door to join Curtis on the dance floor, holding both his hands and looking up into his eyes. “I’d say we’re hardly strangers now. You don’t learn nothing after hours of talking like that.”
You began to swing to the twangy music, holding each other close. Curtis twirled you and pulled you into his chest where your ear could hear his racing heart. The warmth and the scent of his cologne were comforting. His arms blanketing you, shielding you from all other thoughts besides this moment. As the song faded out, you realized you two were the only ones left besides the other employees doing the final tidying up before shutting down for the night. You reluctantly pulled your body from Curtis, left only holding each other’s hands.
“I should probably go help with the closing duties. Can you wait for me by the door?”
Curtis nodded. “Of course. I’ll be ready whenever you are.”
Curtis watched you go back to your cash register as he walked back towards Edgar, keeping an eye on you the whole time.
“So, anything interesting happen tonight?”
Edgar nodded with with wide eyes. “Um, yeah. That guy you gave me a picture of, he came by. Threw a fit when I wouldn’t let him in. Some dude in fancy clothes and a mustache was with him, too. Not sure what that was about, but they at least respected the badge.”
Curtis huffed and nodded. “Okay, thank you.”
This was not good. Curtis pulled out his phone and texted Bucky.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: Tbh, even I don’t know where this story is gonna go, but I love Curtis a lot and will need some time to find a niche plot that will do him some justice.
I hope you enjoyed. Comments, reblogs, and likes are sooooo appreciated.
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wqxianwriting · 1 year
how to make a golden retriever happy.
SLIGHTLY proofread | f!reader | poly relationship with nick & charlie though reader isn’t dating charlie | pretty damn long i got ahead of myself, sorry :,) | they’re so cute but im so bad at details fr | lunch date, walks, stargazing w fireflies & movie night! (you got headbands to wear… guess what movie charlie is having y’all watch rn) | what is stargazing | author questioning what color sonic’s eyes are | theres some crying at the end and a mention of breaking up but its just those negative thoughts actin up, theyre all okay :) | angst/comfort? | not many kisses unfortunately but THERE ARE SOME, like three scenes… two? | there is cussing, not much | nick & reader flashbacks
#%a/n%#;; first request done! thanks for it, they mean so much to me. i didn’t wanna make it too long but here we are lolol, hope it’s enjoyable though 🥹💜 also ntm on your family details but your mom does appear and she has a “set” personality! no one else appears though so you can imagine the reader’s family how you want, though it is mentioned your mom is married. also note, since reader is a lady she goes to the same school as like, elle darcy tara (and probably imogen too, right?). meant to post this yesterday but i wanted to add some stuff at the end haha, sorry sorry this is a whole ass wattpad book fr, feel like i wrote so much and nothing at the same time. hope you enjoy if you give it a read thought fhdhdj
OH YEAH last thing, the emotions in this story is kind of a whiplash 💀 one minute they’re happy the next theyre kinda sad or bittersweet so- hopefully the pacing doesnt seem bad… BE WARNED. shouldn’t be too crazy. okay thats it this time do enjoy
nick & charlie (heartstopper)
elle & tao cameo
reader’s mom omg she’s a sweetheart, charlie’s parents are mentioned/super small cameo, nick’s mom also has a small cameo/is mentioned
darcy, imogen and sahar are very briefly mentioned!
The sweet sound of the school bell rings throughout and the school and every single student sighs in relief of the noise. You glance up at the clock on the wall before looking around the classroom where students are packing up their bags while talking noisily to one another.
You allow yourself to recline in your chair, left arm reaching back to where your backpack dangles off the seat and slide your hands into the side pocket, grabbing your phone.
Nicky Ricky Dicky: I’m alive!
Char: you live! i live too :) wanna walk together today or are you both busy? (gonna pick you up bestie)
Y/N: i’ll meet you outside (ty loveliest)
Char: awesome!!! nick?
Nicky Ricky Dicky: Sorry aha, I need to go home quickly today but I’ll be sure to join tomorrow!
This makes you pout and you can imagine your bestfriend having the same expression because the sad emoji he wrote in the group-chat even makes you sadder.
Char: ☹️
Y/N: don’f worry charlie
Y/N: Don’t*
Nicky Ricky Dicky: Sorry :,)
Char: It’s fine! Do what you have to do… we gonna facetime tonight though?
Char hearts your message ‘don’f worry charlie’.
Nicky Ricky Dicky: No promises but I’ll do my best. 😠❤️
Nicky Ricky Dicky: i gtg now, love you both <3
Y/N: lym! ❤️
Char: love you! ❤️❤️❤️
Y/N: three hearts 🥹
Char: y/n. STOP. come outside before i die
Y/N: omg… such a drama king like okay
You write and yet, you’re quick to jump from your chair and snatch your bag before sliding it on your shoulder. You push in your chair and skip out into the hallways where you see Elle. “Heya, Elle!”
She smiles warmly and waves goodbye to her friends before stepping in sync with you. “Hey there, Miss, didn’t catch your name.” You bump her shoulder and she bumps you back. “What’re you up to?”
“Charlie’s gonna come pick me up, hopefully via bike… mines broke the other day.” You sigh and she gives you a look of pity while trying to bite back a grin. Then she perks up.
“Not Nick?”
You shake your head, rubbing a hand against your temple. “Mm-mm, you ever just get a feeling something is off?”
Elle nods, turning her face away from you and her hands grip onto the handle of her bag that bounces against her legs. “Yeah, just putting it out there… graduation may be on his mind, I know its on mine and it’s been kicking my ass to be honest,” You wrap an arm around her in comfort and she hums in appreciation. “Just all that weird stuff, weird thoughts and anxiety…” Then she pauses, raising a hand and flicking her wrist. “Okay- not weird, but you know.”
That makes you snort, “Yeah, I get’cha… maybe, but we’ve always been open about that kind of stuff, I just don’t understand why it’d be a issue… I mean, we’ve talked about it many times before so it’s kind of odd, I guess?” You and Elle share a look of confusion before shrugging.
“Maybe it’s been having more of an impact y’know? You can speak easily about something when you’re not there yet but… graduation is coming up and everyone is worried about the future. You know how things don’t hit you till it’s happening literally next week or something? Maybe its hitting harder.”
Your heart clenches in pain at those words. She’s not wrong, there is a high chance it’s staring to affect him more… hitting harder than you’d know. You nibble on your bottom lip in concern and furrow your eyebrows,
“Well. If he’s being an idiot and isn’t gonna come to us about it then I’ll beat him up.” You place your hands on your hips, lightly joking to disperse the tense air between the two of you. Of course he isn’t being an idiot but you refuse to let him stress on his own. Elle chokes out a laugh in surprise.
“Oh god, he better run, she’s scary when she’s angry.” One of her hands let go of her bag and she hold her stomach while laughing a bit more. “Wouldn’t that be a sight?”
You scoff, “Like we haven’t argued before.”
“You argue about literal video games.”
“Stop.” You laugh and push at her shoulder. “Oh, and Elle, you know I’m your friend and if you ever need an ear to lend about college talk or need help to get your mind off of it to just relax, you got me.” She stares at you for a few beats before cracking into a grin.
“Thank you, Y/N. You know you got me too.”
Outside the school building you’re quick to spot two familiar figures by the gate. “Yes, he’s here!” Your arms raise in celebration then instantly flop down, “There’s no bike…!”
Elle calls out which makes the two boys stiff in seconds.
“Get your butts over here, Mr. Xu and Mr. Spring!” They awkwardly crane their necks to your direction and simultaneously sigh in relief – probably thinking you were teachers.
“You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Tao exclaims as you and Elle once you’re right infront of the two, gesturing to his heart. Elle is quick to place a hand over his chest – Tao’s cheeks lowkey reddening but you decide not to point it out for his sake – and her eyes widen a bit.
“Tao, your chest is gonna shoot out your chest.”
“That is the goal, sire.” You finger gun at him and he smacks your hand away lightly with an exasperated look. It makes you giggle. “Elle is just feeling a little silly today.”
“It’s my agenda.” She grins before engulfing Charlie into a hug and he squeaks in surprise before squeezing her back. “Hello, Charlie!”
“Are you sure your heart isn’t pounding because you’ve gotten your daily dose of Elle?” You whisper while stepping in line next to Tao, facing your head to your other friends but you can see him tense at the corner of your eye.
He pinches his nose bridge, mumbling and you catch some of the words, suspiciously sounding like him saying he’s gonna fight you. His cheeks bloom a rosy rose so you take the win either way and smugly smirk at him.
“Hi, Elle!” His muffled laugh catches your attention, making you and Tao smile at the interaction before you wrap an arm around the latter, making him eyeroll, of course he does, but he wraps an arm around your shoulder and gives you a light squeeze in response.
“We best be off on our merry way,” You speak up, checking the time as the two friends let go of eachother. “I wanna stop by that new shop that opened a few weeks ago… Is that fine, Char?”
He gives you a thumbs up and Elle speaks, “Let me know how their desserts taste, I’ve been wondering but honestly they don’t look that good so…” She stares at you with a grimace before shrugging.
“Noted~” You say in a singsong voice before wrapping your arms around Charlie. “I’ll call you later, enjoy your afternoon date.” You and Charlie give the couple teasing grins and they take the bait, looking away in shyness but Tao takes the initiative and connects their hands together. It makes you melt.
“Shut up.” He groans, snapping but tone very much unthreatening adding on the fact he’s trying to cover his flustered face with his free hand.
“Yes, yes grumpy old man, we’ll see you later.” You and Charlie waist no time to start down the road with waves.
“Bye!” He shouts.
“I’m not a grumpy old man!” Tao stomps his foot, comedically. Right. How could you make that mistake?
“Bye, Y/N and Charlie!” Elle laughs with a wave and tugs her totally-not-grumpy boyfriend off in the other direction. You watch their hands tighten around eachother, squinting in amusement when Tao’s scowl instantly softens into a lovestruck gaze.
“Ahhh, young love.”
“You’re starting to sound like the old one here.” Charlie snickers, hands coming up to hold onto your forearms that are still bounded around him.
“You wound me, Char.” You squeeze him and he huffs. “I literally think the same when you and Nick are interacting, it’s so,” You make weird noises, fingers wiggling. “Y’know? Very sweet. Very cute, I even have some photos of you latching onto eachother while sleeping. Wanna see-?”
His brain feels like it’s shutting down, lightly smacking your arm when you lift it as to grab your phone. “Stop it.” You could practically see those animated stars swirling around his head and laugh.
You relent and unwrap your arms with a cheeky smile. He glances at you before hiding his face in his hands. “Ughh, whatever. You act like you don’t jump Nick the minute you see him.” Yeah, that’s crazy. You feel your own cheeks flaring up.
“You must be blind.”
“No, no, no. Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Lie!” He exclaims in a joking tone, uncovering his face and poking you in accusation. You lean away, losing your balance and forcing yourself to lean on your tippy toe. Your other foot comes down onto pavement with a stomp and you twirl like you’re dancing. Charlie definitely notices this misstep, doesn’t say anything but you see his shoulders shaking in silence. He’s laughing.
“I never lie?” You pick off the conversation.
“Was that a question?” He tilts his head back at you.
He stares at you, eyebrow twitching and you puff out your cheeks like a frog, looking anywhere but in his direction. “You’re awfully cheeky today.”
“How am I being cheeky?” He gives you a look like you’re being ridiculous.
“Charlie Spring is a little cheeky today, my oh my, what have I done to deserve this.” Then you raise your voice in a slight yell, “Ahhh! Who is this?! This isn’t my Charlieeee…!” Your arms reach for the sky.
“You’re an idiot.” He takes the chance and poke you again which makes you yelp. You narrow your eyes. He runs off, you chase.
That was last week. You haven’t seen your boyfriend in a couple of days and it’s concerning. He responds hours late to your messages, doesn’t even respond in your group chat with Charlie, his calls barely last ten minutes and you literally haven’t seen this man in person. Charlie tells you he still shows up at school but his eye-bags are pretty bad.
“Is he avoiding me? I’m confused.” You frown, balled up on Charlie’s bed and feeling very mixed. A little annoyed, a little sad, and alot of worried. Charlie sets down two mugs on his bedside table and sits next to you on the bed. His rests a hand atop of your head and lightly taps it.
“No… I don’t think so. I see him at school and he tries to act normal but even he doesn’t respond to me like that outside of school.” The scowl his face makes has deepened and you’re quick to wrap an arm around his leg in comfort. He lets out a weak smile but it’s quick to fall off his face. “I’m confused too…”
You both stay silent, it’s nearly deafening. “I don’t wanna force him to tell us anything – I mean, he knows he can come to us if he needs it but if he’s really stressed about school maybe we can help give him some space to not think about it. Even if its only for a bit, you know?” Charlie listens to you mumble while tugging at a loose thread on his sweater and nods slowly, eyes lost in thought.
“Should we go somewhere?” He tilts his head back to look at the ceiling before his gaze travels around his room’s walls, hoping to find an inkling of inspection.
“That sounds fine.” The somber feeling in the room lifts a bit when you start to grin. You shift onto your back, raising your right arm in the air and sprawl out your fingers. “We could go out, do something and eat… I kinda wanna stargaze, is that weird?”
He lets out a chuckle, glancing down at you with a teasing glint in his eyes, “Wow, you’re such a romantic, Y/N. I’m shocked.” To which you scoff.
“Well, duh. Who makes all the date plans?”
“Okay, no, that’s because you say we’re bad at planning dates – you refuse us to even be involved.”
“Charlie, Nick brought you to a dog park as a date.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“You both stayed there till nine.”
He full on laughs now, bumping you with his knee and you smack it back in retort. “No judgement though, I would do the same but that was for the whole day! Who stays at a dog park from Eleven to Nine?” He continues to laugh until they turn into giggles.
“Maybe… we’re unique.”
“True that. You didn’t even bring baby Nells, shaking my head.” To put emphasis, you shake your head and your friend has to gasp out for air. “Don’t die, now.”
“Whatever whatever.” He brings his hands to his face and rubs his cheeks in circular motion to calm himself. His face is flushed and he exhales slowly before reaching for his phone. “Do you want your drink?”
You remove your arm from his leg and sit up properly, holding on your hands and he complies, placing the mug between them. “Thank you~” You lean on the wall, flopping your legs onto Charlie’s before crossing them at the ankles – to which he sighs in annoyance and it makes you grin. “What’re you doing?”
“I’m gonna search for places to go that is nearby but not too close… you have a place in mind for stargazing?” He grabs his own mug that is black and littered with yellow stars, how ironic. You nod sleepily, slowly sipping your preferred drink and tap at the cup absentmindedly.
“Yeah, it’s near my house.”
He flicks his eyes towards you for a second.
Then goes back to typing on his phone.
“You mean it is your home.”
You smirk, he sighs and you both go back to planning. Nick honestly better be willing to get his ass dragged out of the house by his lovely girlfriend and boyfriend because money is involved and you both would be damned if he just wallows in self despair, alone.
So, that’s what happens, you fill Charlie’s parents in on needing to steal your bestfriend during the weekend and some of the plans involved like a movie night. They agreed to let him stay over for the night but he must call every few hours or atleast text.
Your parents love the boys and were completely down with the idea. Of course you also secretly called Nick’s mum and she had filled you in on a couple things that made you a tad bit more nervous to see your boyfriend.
Seems like your assumption was correct (more like Elle’s). “Lately he’s been talking about colleges, right… he’s planning to go on a trip sometime this month to check them out but he seems stressed, it’s been worrying me. You know though, kids probably don’t want their parents all in their business, haha,” She laughs softly and you can hear running water cut off on her end – probably washing something – “He knows he can come to me so I’m just letting him have his space. It’s lovely you and Charlie want to ease his mind! Glad he’s with and friends with two sweethearts,” This makes your face flare up in embarrassment but your chest puffs with pride.
“Of course, and I know he appreciates you being patient and understanding with him. The thing we don’t wanna do is pressure him… I just hope this can help take his mind off of the stress and you know… relax?” You grimace a bit, tugging at the end of your sleeve as the phone sits between your ear and shoulder.
“I get it, mhm. Thank you, Y/N.” Her voice is still soft but gets even more sincere with a hint of emotion. Had you feeling emotional too.
Saturday is quick to arrive and you stare at your reflection with determination. Brushing down your outfit, you admire your date look a bit more before turning around slowly and snatch your bag off the bed which is filled with random necessities that you may or may not need along with your wallet.
“Alright, Nick Nelson, prepare yourself for the best date you’ll ever be on.” You puff out your cheeks, grab you phone of the charger and exit your room. “I’ll be off, Mother~” You hum once you reach the end of the staircase and spot your Mom on the couch with a paper in hand.
“What is with the formal address?” She chuckles behind her hand, standing up and following you towards the front door. “I’ll see you later tonight with Nick and Charlie, right? Enjoy yourselves.” She smiles, wrapping her arms around your head and you hug her back with a gentle squeeze.
“Oh! Wait.”
She quickly unravels herself from you and speeds down the hall to the kitchen. Your eyes stare down the direction she went for a few seconds before deciding to slip on your shoes.
“Okay, here you go.” You’re standing with the door open by the time she comes back and she gives you a picnic basket. It’s not super big but you have to grab it with two hands. Less from the size, more from the weight.
“Mom. What did you pack in here?” You huff out a laugh, going to open the lid but she stops you.
“No, do not open it. It’s like… a wedding. You can’t see your spouse or it’ll be bad luck!” She speaks with a finger raised and you cock an eyebrow up. Whatever you say, Mom is basically your expression and she seems to notice because she places her hands on her hips with an exasperated look. “Just trust me, I’ve done it before and it was bad luck all day.”
“Mhm, mhm, right.” You nod, half listening and backing up on your porch. She follows, hand on the doorknob with a soft smile and she pinches your cheek with her other hand. “Thanks, I love you.”
“Love you too, honey.” She full on grins now and waves. After your ‘see you later’ promises, you’re quick to dart down the street and across the roads to a nearby park where Charlie said he’d meet you after picking up Nick. It gives you enough time to unload the nice lunch packed for the three of you and hopefully buy some refreshing popsicles or ice creams before they arrive.
Seems like luck is on your side though – maybe your Mom was right – because the minute you finish laying out the huge blanket in a nice shaded area you hear the sound of someone ringing a familiar bell sound. You turn your head so quick it nearly gave you whiplash and your eyes widen at the person walking along the park’s path, pushing a white squared cart decorated with photos of different types of cold treats.
You take your bag and phone, dialing Charlie’s number while speedwalking across the grassy field. It takes two rings before you hear his voice.
“Yes, partner in crime?” His voice comes off as staticky for a moment.
“What the hell are you doin’, your mic is scuffed as hell…”
“I’m walking!” You could imagine the eyeroll Charlie would do and bite your cheek to not laugh.
“Are you with Nick?” You continue to talk but smile in greeting when the ice cream seller stops at you coming over. He says hello and you wave before looking over all the choices on the cart.
“Yes. We’re grabbing drinks right now, you okay?”
“Yeah! I’m at the park, set up the picnic – though the food is still in the basket,” You glance back at your spot and after making sure nothing seems out of the ordinary you look back at the cart. “You remember those ice cream cart things? You want something?”
It’s silent between the two of you as Charlie ponders, in the meantime you point to your desired choice and the guy nods with a smile, opening the ice cream cart before digging around in the pile of cold desserts until he finds the one you want.
“Do they-“ He cuts himself off with a chuckle and you perk up at his voice, “Do they um,” He snorts this time then sighs to calm himself, “The ones with the bubblegum eyes. I wanna try one.”
You laugh a little, thanking the ice cream man as he sets the packaged treat in your hand. “Do you want the sonic one or something?”
“Whatever you spot first or whichever is given. Oh wait- Nick-“ You zone out a bit as he speaks to the blond and point to the blue hedgehog. The ice cream man continues his search. “He said he wants the crybaby ice cream.”
“Oh god.” You sigh in adoration, tilting your head back to the clear blue sky. “Weren’t they, like, terrible the last time we tried them?”
This time you hear Nick’s cheerful voice and he scoffs, “Okay, no. That was because for some weird reason you and Darcy wanted to put warheads into the mix.”
“Thank you,” You say to the nice man, grabbing a ten and a five dollar bill as a tip out of your wallet with a smile. You then put all the treats into your bag along with the wallet, waving the man bye which he returns and goes on his merry way. Your focus goes back to the two boys. “Ah yes, I remember the part where your face went sooo red. Hilarious, I have videos I think.”
He groans in prospect and you hear muffled giggles erupt from Charlie. “Why do you do this to me?”
“What are you talking about?” You tease and he groans again.
Charlie then speaks up, sounding way closer to the phone. “Alright! We’ll see you in two-point-five seconds.” You hum in response and say your goodbyes before hanging up the phone.
You reach the blanket again, flopping on your tush and take the ice creams out, aligning them with precision on top of the picnic basket. Charlie doesn’t disappoint because not two minutes later you see two familiar figures walking down the park path, one of them pointing towards your general direction and ditching the path to the grass.
You could feel your heart pound from… nervousness or excitement? Maybe both and it makes you grin, waving at the two. They get closer and Charlie waves awkwardly with a hand that has a drink in it, to which you notice his other hand also had a drink… and one of Nick’s. The blond’s other hand is carrying headbands of some sort and a bag is hanging off his arm.
“Char told me to get these while we were in the grocery store.” Nick speaks first when they get to you, he lifts the hand with headbands. “I decided not to question it.” You raise your hands and he carefully sets the accessories in them. Ah. Barbie headbands.
“Charlie…” Your brows pinch in amusement but also bewilderment. “What have you decided?”
He chuckles mysteriously, lifting a foot off the ground to point at your hand. “Put those down and take your drink, please. My hands are freezing.”
“Oops.” You comply and take the cup. The two eventual settle down with Nick in the middle and you quietly take a nice sip of the beverages. “Thank you.”
The boys nod and you glance at Nick, noticing the shadows of bags under his eyes. It makes you frown for a second, “So, what am I doing here on this lovely day.” Before you could inquire, Nick speaks up first, eyes shutting in contentment and a pretty smile adoring his face.
You lean back on the palm of your hand, eyeing Charlie and he meets your gaze. “Can we not want to hang out with the one and only, Mr. Nick Nelson?” You speak with a teasing tone, leaning into his side. His smile goes wider and he opens his eyes to meet yours.
“You make me sound like some big shot.”
Your eyes narrow.
“Well it was hard to reach you… so…” His gaze falters along with his smile, nervously tapping the top of his cup. “Not to pressure you, you know that but Charlie and I will always be there to listen if you need it.” You poke his arm gently and you spot Charlie’s hand sliding into Nick’s.
“Yeah.” Charlie nods, squeezing their hands, “But if not, that’s fine too. Y/N and I wanted to just, relax with you. Spend some time together.”
That makes Nick let out a shaky laugh and a wobbly smile. “Thanks.” He pauses. “Really. It’s just been, crazy?” He nibbles at his bottom lip before sighing and flops on his back, leaving his cup between his crossed legs and dragging the two of you down with him – which makes you all share a laugh.
Charlie rests against his boyfriend’s chest – facing his direction and you flip onto your stomach to play with both of their soft locks. “What has?” You ask softly.
He’s silent for a bit, tapping his fingers on your back with his free hand. “I’m not sure, school? Life? …Me? There’s no exact reason, everything just seems to be crashing down in my brain and it’s annoying to say the least.” He sighs heavily, “I’m probably just having that kind of month where everything is just feels like alot.” He frowns and you move the hand in his hair down under his chin, gently squeezing his cheeks and he chuckles.
“That’s perfectly fine, it happens.” You move the hand to trail up the left side of his face and place your palm over his forehead like you’re checking his temperature and it makes Charlie join in, prodding at Nick’s neck gently.
“There’s a lot going through your life right now, perfectly understandable why it feels overwhelming and such. Thank you for talking to us about it.” Charlie speaks softly.
“Of course. I don’t,” Nick pauses, opening his eyes with a flash of worry, “I don’t want it to feel like I’m shutting you both out or anything, or if it feels like you’ve done something wrong. I feel less weird thinking I’m overreacting, haha…” The laugh comes off flat but from the reassuring smiles from his lovers, he feels at ease.
“You’re not.”
“Nuh-uh.” You and Charlie speak simultaneously, denying such thoughts. It makes Nick laugh which sounds less forceful.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to talk about everything right now since I don’t even think I’m done… accessing everything but really, thank you. You both are my anchors.” If you didn’t tear up from that, your heart definitely did. Charlie gets up off Nick, letting go of the blond’s hand and tilts his head back with his hands over his face.
“Same, Charlie.” You cover your own face and lay flat against the blanket.
“I…” Nick trails off with another laugh and he sits back up which catches both of your attention. “Can we eat though, I’m getting a little hungry.” He gives a shy smile and you also sit up.
“Oh shit, what if the ice cream melted?!” This realization has the three of you shooting towards the basket, grabbing the packaged delights and simultaneously sigh in relief. They’re not melted… yet.
“Should we just eat these first and then eat the actual lunch next?” Charlie bites back a laugh, already opening up the plastic and pulling out the bubblegum eye Sonic, wasting no time to put it in his mouth with wide adorning eyes.
You and Nick watch him in amusement before opening your own. “I wanted this lime popsicle they usually sell but there were none.” You sigh before eyeing Nick’s container of airhead ice cream. He opens the top and it reveals the swirls of… red? Or pink and green.
“That’s funny, we saw those while we were at the store. There were these coconut flavors too.” Nick reminisces, plucking the taped but wrapped in it’s own plastic wooden spoon off the side of the ice cream container.
Charlie hums before looking down at the bitten into Sonic, “Why does Sonic have green eyes? Are they actually green?”
You all stay silent.
“I thought they were black or brown?” You speak in confusion.
“Right? Even blue….” Charlie tilts his head.
“Technically all of those are correct though they turn red as well… It’s the different franchises, I guess?” Nick furrows his brows in thought, scooping into his sour treat after freeing the wooden stick and eats away, wincing here and there. You watch with amusement.
The lunch date you can say with absolute certainty was very successful. You all catch up on things that have been going on and different shows you’ve been watching. Sharing ice cream, stuffing yourselves full with your Mom’s cooking – there was even a drink war? All you knew was one minute you were nearly done with your beverage and the next it’s being tossed in Nick’s direction as you try and run away from Charlie’s retort from you getting him seconds before. Ah, can’t forget the classic kisses shared under one of the many trees at the park and the newest photos stored in your ‘Nick & Char ❤️’ album, like the picture of Charlie ‘painting’ Nick’s face with whip cream. Where the fuck did you get whip cream from? Ask your mother.
Around the time you were all packing up, a teenager around your age ran up with their four other friends and inform you there is a nice walking trail – pointing towards the area where the park path splits, one continuing into a circle around the whole field and the other going into an area with rows of trees.
“Y’think we’ll get jumpscared? Like a haunted path or something.” You joked.
“They said there’s a nice stream down the path.” Nick smirks at your joking, placing a hand on your head and you puff out your cheeks, feeling them heat up a bit.
“Ah yes, you can take a nice swim in it when I push you in there, Y/N.” Charlie hums, quick to dart his eyes away when you flip your head in his direction.
“You’re so evil to me?” You watch him with wild eyes, mouth agape and he laughs.
“Do you think we’ll actually able to get in?” Nick ponders and you flip the wild gaze to him now.
“With us three, I’m sure we can pull it off.” Charlie responds with a menacing grin, mischief all up in his eyes and you’re playing ping pong with your eyes, flitting back and forth between them.
“I’m gonna be arrested today, huh…” Your boyfriend and bestfriend just giggle like evil people.
In the end, you three didn’t get in the stream’s water but there were some fishes so you decided to feel them the crust that Charlie didn’t eat from his sandwich and take some more photos. Nick had picked Charlie up bridal-style, getting dangerously close to the water and you record it all.
“Don’t drop me!” Charlie tightens his hold around Nick, fear and excitement in his tone.
“This takes me back to the beach…” Nick ignores his boyfriend’s pleas and spins around carefully.
“Do not reminisce while I’m in your arms, please and thank you?!” He exclaims and it makes you full on laugh, an arm over your stomach while watching the whole exchange happen.
It’s not long before it turns from afternoon to evening, you three return back from the area with Nick and Charlie debating on if they saw a deer or not. Charlie saying it was definitely there and Nick saying it wasn’t there.
“Carl Grimes flashbacks…” You hum and Charlie puts you in a headlock.
“Do not. I will cry right here.” He pouts and pulls at your cheeks, ignoring your protests. Nick watches with a soft gleam in his eyes, rocking the picnic basket back and forth with a hand.
You all walk down the sidewalk side by side once Charlie lets you go, talking about random things before Nick realizes the direction you’re going.
“Are we dropping Y/N off?” He frowns.
It catches you and Charlie off guard. “What? What makes you think that?” You raise an eyebrow. Nick points ahead and your house in slowly coming up in view. Ah.
“Ah.” Charlie speaks your thought and you both share a laugh. “No, we’re not dropping her off.” Charlie stretches his arms with a grunt before eyeing the bag strapped around Nick. “You brought pajamas and clothes for tomorrow, right?”
Nick nods, pursing his lips. “Still confused about that.”
You scoff in amusement and place a hand on your forehead with an endearing smile. “Nick…”
“Don’t worry, you’ll understand soon.” Charlie gives him a thumbs up, paired with a wink before darting ahead of the two of you. Nick flicks his gaze to you in question but you put on an act and shrug.
“What he said,” You pause for a moment, eyes burning into Nick’s, “Do you like stargazing?”
He moves closer to you, closing the gap and tugs your hand in his. The question makes him look up at the sky for a moment. “Mmm. Never tried it before? What counts as stargazing? I’ve… been in the car on trips and looked out the window…?” You give him a perplexed look which he returns.
“Alright, well-“ You chuckle, “That can… technically count? I guess? Just… Yeah.” You give up midway, tugging Nick along when you get closer to the front of your house where Charlie awaits. “You’re on your phone while you’re on a date? Tsk tsk.” You tut your lips in disapproval and Charlie startles.
He rolls his eyes, flipping his phone to the two of you bounding up the steps. “I was texting Saha- oops, hold on-“ He cuts himself off, flipping the phone back around with a nervous smile.
You glance at Nick before moving your hand to cover his eyes with your other hand. He gasps in surprise but doesn’t question it any further, grinning a bit. Facing back to Charlie you mouth the word, ‘Barbie?’ and tilt your head in confusion. He nods.
“You’re silly.” You remove your hand from Nick’s face and flatten your hand, tapping Charlie’s forehead in a chopping motion. He rubs the area with a laugh and you knock on your front door.
“Did you forget your keys?” Nick giggles when you give him a look of shame.
Your Mom is quick to open the door, grinning widely. “Welcome back. Hello, Charlie and Nick.” They wave in shyness and she scoots back to let the three of you in. “What’s the plan next, soldier?” She bumps the door closed with her hip and loosely crosses her arms, raising an eyebrow at you specifically.
“Gonna go in the back for about an hour…” You trail off, taking your shoes off in the most complicated way. With your feet, or the heels per-say. When you finish you take the basket from Nick and walk to the kitchen with your mom as the boys finish taking off their own shoes. “To stargaze.” You finally finish when Nick’s ears are out of reach.
She pats you on the back with approval, “Attagirl. How was lunch?”
“It was fun! We spoke a bit, ate and went down a trail.” You bounce your head to the side while listening the activities before pausing. “He seems more… energized?” Your lips purse.
“Was that a question?” She leans against the counter, one arm coming out of the self-hug and she combs her hand through your hair. You give her an awkward look and she breathes out a laugh. Tapping the crown of your forehead, she moves away to the fridge with a soft smile. “Well, if he seems to be uplifted,” She eyes you before taking out three water bottles. “That’s great news, no?” Then sets them infront of you on counter.
“You’re right but… I don’t know. I just feel like I can do more,” You huff. “But that’s dumb because of course I can’t, this has to be something Nick figures out and all I can do is support him.”
“Honey, that is doing more for him. Supporting him is the biggest help you can five someone, along with what you’re already doing. Taking him out, letting him have space to clear his mind and being a safe net. Same thing with Charlie, no?“ Her hands latch onto your shoulders and give the muscles a gentle squeeze. “I know it feels like you want to do so much more but, there’s only so much.” You tilt your head back and look up at her with a half-smile before relenting.
“You’re right.”
“A mother is always right.” She lets go and moves towards the stove, giving you a smug side eye… which you return with an unamused eyeroll.
“Yes, yes. My mother is always right. Sometimes.”
“About ninety-nine percent.”
“Ninety-five…” You lift an eyebrow and give her pointed look. She has a spoon in her hand when she looks over you and points it to her chin in thought, it’s just a bit though.
“Ninety-seven. Take it or leave it.”
You scoff in amusement before scooping up the bottles, “Whatever you say, ma’am. We’ll be outside.” She hums in understanding and you exit out the kitchen, walking into the dining room before reaching the living room where the duo waits.
“Pleasure for you to join us.” Charlie smirks and takes two of the bottles from your arms with a nod of thanks.
“Be welcomed.” Nick muses with a grin and cracks open the bottle, taking a quick refreshing sip.
“What is this speech? I hate it.” Your face scrunches up in disgust before gesturing to the sliding glass door. “Shall we?”
“Look who’s doing it now…” Charlie stares at you cheekily. You give him the finger, he returns it.
There are slides in a shoe rack near the door and you three take a pair before stepping out. Nick’s eyes widen in wonder. Your backyard has a big blanket – similar to the one from the picnic – sitting in the middle of the area that has a plot of grass and lanterns that hang off metal rods sit nicely around in the grass that have curves at the end, doing nicely as handles. What surprises you are the little bugs that fly and flicker with a yellow-green gleam in the air.
“Since when do we get fireflies?” You speak first.
“Since forever, Y/N.” Charlie poked your back and you jump, flipping around to get him back but he’s already slipped behind Nick.
“You little…”
“Ah, ah ah, you have to be nice to me.”
“Says who?” He’s being ridiculous.
“Says me. Your bestfriend.” He peaks around Nick’s side – who, mind you, is still focusing on the backyard’s look – with a teasing grin.
“I’mma beat you up.”
“No!” He lets out a laugh when you lunge towards him, twirling out of your reach and running around with you flailing behind.
It felt special to Nick. The orange-red sky turning into it’s pitch dark blue color, stars twinkling down on you three with a full moon bright. His eyes are stuck on his two partners, the fireflies swirling around them out of disturbance but still they still decorate the backyard with green-yellow hues, not ready to leave. He remembers this conversation you had in this backyard a year ago…
“Do you think fireflies come around this area?” You were sitting on a bean bag, legs tucked beneath yourself and were practically sunken into the ‘seat.’ Charlie had insisted you to put it on the concrete side of the backyard so you did and now your face is hidden behind Nick’s switch in your hands.
Speaking of who, Nick is currently soaked wet, wringing out the ends of his shirt and Charlie wraps himself up in a towel. It’s late night, pitch dark but they wanted to play with water balloons and your Mom happened to be out of the house to pick up dinner.
“Maybe…” He leans back to look at the sky. “Why? Do you like fireflies or something?” He looks back down at you. The question has you silent for a couple of beats before you set down the console. He watches you with an amused twinkle in his gaze, puffing out his chest in pride at seeing you in his sweater. Charlie had been wearing it earlier and you both traded before they brought out the balloons.
“I mean, I have never seen any so, maybe, maybe not.” You shrug, unfolding your legs and stretching them out with a groan. Your socked feet slap down against the concrete and you sit up a bit. “Don’t you think they’re kinda special though? My Mom said it’s like they’re glowing up your night, dancing around you and stuff.” You eye the floor. “Appearing on specials occasions like they know,” You lean back into the seat with a sigh, “Said that’s how she got married. Isn’t that crazy?”
Charlie purses his lips, tilting his head to the side before smiling, “Sounds magical. They’re the ‘true love’ bugs.” His smile widens into a grin.
“Exactly!” You snap your fingers with a nod, bumping your heel against the stone pavement.
“I’m sure they do appear out here though, don’t they come out at Midnight?” Charlie shivers while speaking, hugging the towel around himself tighter. You sympathize with a playful grin.
“Maybe. But well, you boys should get inside and warm up. We’ll try next time.”
“Nick! Are you gonna come and lay down?” He snaps out of his head, eyes darting to you and Charlie lying on the blanket though Charlie is trying to tap out from a leg lock you have him in.
He snorts in surprise, not missing a beat and closing the distance. “How the hell did this happen?”
“Nick! Help me~” Charlie wails before pinching your thigh, making you yelp and quickly let go.
“That is cheating!” You exclaim, rubbing your leg with a wince.
“All’s fair in war.” He snickers, reaching a hand out to Nick who takes it and sits down between you two.
It’s a nice silence between the three of you, you’re not sure who laid down first but you eventually followed. Nick has his arms wrapped around the two of you and you’ve glanced up at his face which shows contentment. You even met his gaze while peeking and it caught you off guard with how much his brown orbs were filled with much love and affection.
You reach a hand out towards Charlie and tussle at curls, making him whine in protest but lets you continue anyway. “I’m not good with constellations so you’re not gonna be getting that during this stargaze adventure.” You mumble against Nick with a laugh and it makes the other two chuckle.
“Nah, that’s alright… I’m happy with this…” You and Charlie freeze at how soft Nick’s voice sounds. Serene. Content. More than happy but not quite ecstatic. Filled with much love directed towards the two of you and it has your heart pounding.
You sit up on your elbow, making Nick’s arm slip off of you and he eyes you with suspicion. “Actually…” This would be way more comfortable on your knees so you sit up, tuck your calves beneath you and cuff Charlie’s face into your hands. It’s nearly laugh worthy of how quick his face turns a deep red and how you felt it happen under your touch.
You lean forward, careful not to face-plant into him – that would be awkward… and painful – pressing your lips against him. You both move into a soft but passionate rhythm. Your thumb brushes against his dusted cheeks, pressing hard against his lips one final time before moving back with a dazed grin.
He returns it, chuckling shyly before meeting Charlie’s intense gaze. You choke back a laugh with the swiftness of your friend sliding up a bit, hand softly cupping the side of Nick’s face and sharing their own kiss. Also very slow, and passionate. Your tilt your head up towards your house, eyeing the sliding door and sigh in relief to not see your Mom near it. By the time your gaze returns you’re meeting with the two boys staring at you with flushed faces.
“Oh my god, you’re so red.” You laugh.
“Shut up?” Charlie hands an arm over his face, probably burning up a bit more from the teasing.
The fireflies have died down, some still hanging around but you notice most are gone and a smile tugs at your lips. “Wanna go inside now?”
Charlie removes his arm with a sharp inhale and the two nod. “Do you need to bring the blanket in?” He points to the cloth when you all stand and you’re quick to shake your head.
“Nah. I’ll grab and wash it tomorrow,” You stretch your limbs, hearing some pop. “I need new bones…”
Nick sticks his tongue out in playful disgust, “That sounds horrific.”
“Wouldn’t that be crazy though? If we needed to trade in new bones when we’re old and seniors.”
“Y/N.” Charlie’s eyebrows bend and he grimaces, “Why do you come up with the most freaky scenarios.” It’s not a question.
“Yeah, like the apocalypse one from before.” Nick pitches in with a frown that falters into a smile.
You all step into the living room after you’re done turning off the lanterns and have grabbed your bottles, “Because my brain is so amazing that I just think of things you would never think of.” You make a gesture to your brain before wiggling your fingers like you’ve done a magic trick.
“Or so you say…” Charlie glances somewhere else before meeting your eyes, “Less would never think of more, shouldn’t think of.” He flicks his hand towards you, thumb and index finger out in a finger gun.
“Hey, these could be real life events soon to happen.”
“Yeah the bones theory would happen when we all become immortal.” He chuckles and you roll your eyes.
Then boom, jumpscare. Your Mom appears just as you’re settling on the couch. A screech leaves all of your mouths and she stares in shock with mild confusion and amusement.
“Hello to you three, too.” She giggles, walking over to the glass door, tugging the lock between the handle down and pulls the thick curtains down. “Enjoy stargazing?” She turns back around with a soft smile.
You three shift your gazes away. Apparently it wasn’t just you that still had the intimate moment in the back of your brain, huh? “Yeah, thanks Mom.”
If she noticed the slight awkwardness building up, she doesn’t mention it nor show it and instead clasps her hands together, “That’s wonderful! Dinner is finished so feel free to grab whatever you want. I’ll be upstairs if you need me.” She fills you in on her own plan for the night which is pretty much staying in her room so you all have your own time. She then tilts her head, eyes spacing out until she perks up, “And then there’s brownies that are baking, should be finished soon. I set a timer so when you hear it please take it our for me, Y/N.”
You nod before frowning, “Why does it have to be me?” Apparently she didn’t understand from the confusion crossing her face. You then point to Charlie and Nick.
Charlie looks offended, “We are a guest?” but his tone is light.
“You practically live here? Your clothes are in my closet, mind you.” Nick and your Mom choke out a laugh while Charlie flares up, flustered.
“Nick’s are too?!”
“Which is why I included him in my pointing?!”
Two people are bickering, two people laughing at the scene. It doesn’t take long for you Mom to calm you both down, “It doesn’t matter who, it doesn’t matter if it’s all three of you. Please just don’t let them burn.” She chuckles a bit more before rubbing her hand against her collarbone to calm herself, “Have a great time. I’ll be in my room.” You all wave her ‘goodnight’ and she retreats upstairs.
You three share a silence. Then Nick speaks,
“…So what exactly are we doing? It seems you both are full of surprises today,” He wears a teasing look which makes you and Charlie look away.
“Don’t worry about it, mister. You enjoy the ride.” You talk first before nudging Charlie with your leg. “You put the movie on, I’ll go make our plates and...” You eye Nick for a moment not knowing what he should do.
“Nick, I put the backpack in Y/N’s room, could you go get it while we set up? Oh! The headbands too.” Charlie pitches in and grins at the mention of the headbands. You and Nick blink at him before standing up to dart down your own paths.
While you’re making the plates the oven timer does go off. You take a toothpick from one of the drawers, flick on the oven light, open the oven – making you flinch back from the heat – then poke the dark chocolate fudge goodness. It has baked all the way so you grab oven mitts and drag the pan of brownies out of it’s cooker, sets it on the stove and flick turn the oven off.
After making sure everything was set in the kitchen you grab two plates and exit the kitchen, back into the living room where the movie is paused on the TV right before it begins. Charlie stands up and helps grab the two plates, letting you dart back into the kitchen again for the last one just in time for Nick to return.
“Do you want drinks? We got juices, sodas, water, you name it.” You peak your head out behind the dining room wall and the two boys pause midway in putting on the barbie headbands. You bite your lip to hold back a laugh.
“Do you have that tropical mix?” Nick speaks and you nod, he points at you in affirmation of the drink then finishes adjusting the plastic accessory around his hair.
“Root beer, please.” Charlie speaks next before his eyes shine open and wide, “Do you think we can have floats…”
Your eyebrows perk up, “I think we have vanilla? But you’re not getting that till the brownies cool down.”
“Oh, they’re out? Thank Barbie.” He holds his hands up in a prayer.
You stare at him, very much unamused and he gives you a cheeky grin.
“I’ll have tropical juice for now then.”
With a thumbs up you return to the kitchen once more, grabbing three tall glass cups from the cabinet and grab the carton juice out the fridge. You fill up two cups before staring at your own. After deciding your choice of drink, you put everything away and startle while turning around and seeing Nick in the doorway.
“Sorry,” He smiles apologetically, walking up to you and grabbing the cups filled with juice that is his and Charlie’s. He catches you off guard once again, planting a soft kiss on your cheek before bounding off to the living room again.
“What the fuck.” You stand in oblivion, feeling your face heat up. You decide you won’t unpack that tonight, flicking off the kitchen light and rejoining your movie mates.
Nick and Charlie had switched spots to where the blond was in the middle like he had been all day and your boyfriend pats the free spot next to him. You comply, setting your cup on the table while sitting and you lean into Nick with a soft smile.
“You forgot this, kind ma’am.” Charlie grabs the plastic pink band and you lean forward. He puts it on carefully and leans back with a self-satisfied expression, grabbing the remote with a quite cheer. “Are we ready for the best movie night ever?”
You and Nick watch him with amusement, “Yes, Charles, we are.”
“Not Charles, I will fight you.” He shivers at the name.
“You call me Nicholas?” Nick speaks. It makes you laugh.
“It’s your real name.” He grins.
“Is Charles not your real name, Char?” You lift an eyebrow and he rolls his eyes, still wearing the grin.
“No, it is ‘Charlie “Char” Spring’.”
You let out an insufferable sigh.
“Y’know, Y/N has called me ‘Luke’ before.” Nick leans his head back with a scoff. This makes you have a full on belly laugh which makes Charlie react the same way. “Yes, yes laugh it away.” He sighs like he’s in pain.
It takes five minutes to calm down. You wipe a precious tear away, “It was on call too and he hung up. Would not answer for like, an hour.” You inhale deeply at the memory before laughing again.
“Should we start calling him Luke as a nickname?”
“Please, please don’t.” Nick squeezes the arm wrapped around Charlie’s waist with a pleading look.
“Awwe you can’t do that.” He pouts, reaching up to pinch Nick’s face.
“Dho wha?” He sounds funny with Charlie tugging at his face.
“The puppy eyed look. The doe eyes.” You bat your eyelashes at Nick when he eyes you from the corner of his eyes before rolling them.
“We’ve gone all dahy withosut this, nowh yuu wanna shtart?” Now he’s the one doing the insufferable sighing.
“It’s a daily mission.” Charlie nods, a serious expression crossing his looks – putting on an act. He then lets go and grabs the remote again, “Movie time!”
“Movie time!” You cheer afterwards.
You three are silent for a bit as the movie plays, you and Charlie cuddling into Nick. He plants soft kisses down your face and you flush a bit. Then he moves to Charlie, repeating the action, who giggles quietly and eyes Nick with a shy look. It makes you laugh under your breath and Charlie doesn’t miss it, pointing to you with a brow raised and expression saying, ‘Don’t laugh at me when you’re acting the same.’ You look away.
“Hey,” Nick suddenly speaks up and the two of you look over. “Thanks for today. It really helped calm me down…” He continues to train his eyes on the TV but his ears burn from you and Charlie giving him your undivided attention. “And reassured me about a few things…” He purses his lips.
“Reassured?” Charlie asks quietly, as if afraid to make Nick snap his mouth shut and not speak again.
Nick sucks in a breath and you shiver from his fingers crawling up your arm. You watch Charlie lift his own hand and hold the arm wrapped around him.
“Yeah. Since everything felt like it was crashing down, I don’t know. It kinda made me feel… negative? About certain stuff. Between us. Not that I’m not happy, I’m more than thankful to be with you two but just like, how you both felt towards me…” His pursed lips flatten and your brows bend at the way his eyes dim.
“Breaking up with me for example because maybe you felt neglected or such. It made me so scared to think about I stopped responding to both of your messages most of the time and barely wanted to call because you know, what if one day you just went, ‘Yeah I don’t think we should be together,’ such and such.” You both stay quiet to let him speak his mind and you hate that he ever thought such things.
When Nick stays silent you take a sharp inhale, meeting eyes with Charlie’s glossed ones. The sight breaks your heart. “Nick…” You start off carefully and he looks over to you with so much exhaust. Slowly, you cuff his face – the same way you did outside – brushing your thumbs against him cheeks. Your right hand moves down, playfully you press your thumb against his bottom lip and smile gently.
“I’m sorry that you ever felt that way. It’s far from the truth, sweetheart.” He lets out an airy chuckle and you watch with adoration. “Y’know brains come up with the craziest scenarios when you’re stressed and it’s annoying, and stupid.” You huff, left hand moving against his cheek and he leans into the touch. Your thumb and index finger latch onto his ear and you pinch it lightly. “Do you know that, that would never happen unless you came to me asking for such a thing?” You pucker out your lips.
He watches you in a daze before laughing. “Do you know that would never happen?” Then he turns to Charlie with a soft look. “And you, Char?”
Charlie rubs at his reddening eyes and inhales. He then nods, opening his mouth before faltering. You both give him and moment and he closes his eyes in frustration before heaving out a sigh. Concern is evident in both of your expressions but Charlie opens his eyes with a new look of determination, straight at Nick.
He smacks his hands against Nick’s shoulders which makes the latter’s mouth hang open in surprise. “Nick. I love you. A lot. It hurts to know that you were dealing with these emotions, but know I’m not blaming you. How could I? It’s not your fault. Never feel bad for needing to take your time to sort out your own feelings and what’s going on with yourself. We’d never blame you for that because in the end, you know we have you, right?”
Nick nods and you can see his own eyes get glossy as well. Charlie then looks at you, “I love you too, Y/N, don’t tell Tao but you’re my bestfriend.” He chuckles, wiping at his eye again and you wipe at your owns.
“Hey, he can be your guy bestfriend and we wouldn’t have to fight over titles.” You wink, before leaning to Nick and kissing him softly. “I love you both, very much so. I’m glad you were able to talk to us, Nick.”
“Was that your goal today?” He grins in a joking manner, tilting his head in the crook of Charlie’s neck while entangling his fingers with yours.
“Did it work?” Charlie sniffles a bit before laughing. You laugh as well, “This is ridiculous we’re supposed to be watching Barbie and now we’re sobbing.”
“I give up.” You throw your head back, side eyeing the TV.
“Nooo, don’t give up.” Nicks chuckles before sitting upright. “We can still watch… we should probably eat too.” He points to the lonely plates on the table.
“True.” You and Charlie agree. You three take a moment to collect yourselves with a few embarrassed laughs here and there before settling back down.
“What’s in the bag, by the way?” You gesture to the backpack under the coffee table as Charlie rewinds the movie back to the beginning. He glances down.
“It’s good.” You hum in approval, taking a bite of your food. The three of you enjoy the movie and dinner, later on making those root beer floats paired with the brownies. Charlie had explained to Nick that he was texting Sahar about the Barbie Movie and she told him she went with Imogen. Apparently, Imogen gives the movie a 2/10 because she messed up her outfit at the theaters.
“That’s terrible.” Nick stares at Charlie in shock but it doesn’t last long with the way his lips curve into a smirk, “That’s not her real rating though, is it?”
“Of course not, she loved it.” Charlie laughs.
You’ve been quiet this whole time but suddenly loll your head to face them. Nick already giving you an exasperated look when you got their attention. “Nick. Your new name in my phone is Ken Nelson.”
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valeskawhore · 4 months
Here me out:
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Addley Koffin would be the type to get attached to a pregnant victim. And just here me out on it—
You and all your friends getting locked up in the basement of their home. You, getting snappy just ONCE because of your pregnancy hormones which results in addley snapping at you and pinning a gun to your chin; backed up into a wall.
You begged, babbling out a spew of apologies as you held your stomach instinctively which causes his eyes to flicker down and understand what’s really going on.
Bro backs off, immediately. I mean— what would MAMA THINK? Hm? If he not only put his hands on a WOMAN but a PREGNANT WOMAN.
Would usher you to the closest couch or seat available, waving his gun around telling people to fuckin’ move, pregnant lady comin’ through.
But to keep it realistic, addley would be attached to you because of his major mommy issues and deep attachment to his own mother. He was raised to respect — MOTHERS— if anything. Because it was said on the news, that addley was also accused of rape of a young victim.
And with just how he treats the other victims in general throughout the movie. but I feel like if he was faced by a pregnant woman.. well.
How the turn tables.
He’s still a pervert. Eyeing your leaking breasts like they were a waterfall sent from the gods and he was a scorched man from the dessert.
Cue to him licking his lips.
His eyes would be blown out as he thought of all the ways he could fuck you against any surface and still be careful with the baby in mind. How badly he just wanted to drink from your breasts and taste the milky dialect of your pregnant body.
Coming up from behind you, just to hold you and have his hands on your stomach. All. The. Time. He was such pervert.
Showing you off to momma, gloating about how nice he was to you. And how pregnant you are, and that’s why he was so nice to you.
Don’t expect him to change, he’s still seeking validation, especially from his mother.
This man would be so protective over you and because of this— he’d snap at his little brother, telling him to stop eyeing you because one, you were his and so was that baby.
But 2, just also telling him to have some, fuckin’ respect and to stop actin lika’ goddamn perverted sonuvabitch
Dosent matter if you had a husband or a boyfriend— because now you don’t. As soon as addley swoons you into allowing him to place his hands on your stomach just to feel that baby kick, he’s in.
It’s over, he’s decided. It’s his baby.
Neither you or the baby knows it yet but addley already upstairs talking to mama about bringing y’all along. Almost talking about you as if you were some pet at the pet store.
“But mama, I—I-I’ll protect her! N’ uh, I’ll—uh, I’ll get her food?”
“I’ll make sure tha’ baby has a good Lif— you- you— you, always said you wanted grandchildren, right? ‘Ere’s your chance.”
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
Jail Bird | Joel Miller x smuggler/raider f! reader | part 2
“All I’ve Ever Known Is You”
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A/N: and so we have reached the conclusion of this tragic story of unrequited love. I warned y’all earlier that this would be a doozy. Tread carefully.
~word count: 2.4k~
Summary: Joel Miller refuses to let you go, and it proves to be a costly choice.
Warnings: major character death, depictions of violence, fatal gunshot, angst, grief, regret, emotional manipulation, mentions of blood, stalking, refusal to let a person go, anger, stubbornness, obsession, unrequited love, pining, possessive behavior, actions have consequences, lots of imagery used, dark themes, Joel is an emotional mess, protective! Joel, darkish! Joel, grieving! Joel, sprinkle of PTSD from the night Sarah died, this content may be disturbing for some viewers. Please read the warnings carefully, and do not proceed if this sort of content upsets you. +18 minors dni!
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Cornered: (of a person or animal) forced into a place or situation from which it is hard to escape.
"nothing is more dangerous than a cornered wild beast"
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Joel had no recollection of how many hours had passed since you locked him away in this cell. He should have known better than to trust you. He beat himself up over the fact that he let his guard down that easily. What the fuck was he thinking? You kissed him and suddenly nothing else mattered. He should have sensed you were going to trick him. Maybe if his mind wasn’t so clouded, he would have stopped you when he still had the chance.
“What do you mean you don’t know where your brother is, Tommy?” Ellie was walking alongside her uncle from the mess-hall, wrapping her arms tightly around herself to lock out the chill.
“I haven’t seen him in hours El. He’s been actin’ fuckin’ strange these past few days, ever since we brought that woman in from the woods. For all we know, he skipped town or somethin.’”
“My dad wouldn’t just leave without telling one of us. That’s bullshit. Where’s the jail located? Wasn’t he interrogating her or something?” Ellie quickened her pace to keep up with her uncle.
“Yeah, you’re right, kid. He wouldn't skip town like that. That’s unlike my brother, especially now. We’ll go and check the jail and see if he’s there.”
Joel pulled himself up to his feet with a heavy grunt when he heard the main door open with a loud creak. For a split second he thought maybe it was you returning to him, but that sliver of hope was quickly vanquished when Tommy and Ellie came into his peripheral.
“Joel?! What in the hell are you fuckin’ doin’ in there?!” Tommy was already pulling out his spare keys from his pocket and quickly unlocked the cell door. “What the hell happened?!”
Joel looked up with a defeated expression on his face. His eyes were rimmed red with glassy tears pooling in his irises. Ellie was at his side with her arms wrapping around him, hugging him tightly to her. “Dad, what happened?”
Joel leaned into the comforting touch that his daughter unconditionally provided for him. A heavy sigh passed through his cracked lips as his gaze fell upon his younger brother. “She tricked me.” Was all he could utter.
“Tricked you how?” Tommy scrubbed his hand across his face, shaking his head to himself. “She over power you or somethin?’”
“She kissed me, alright? She fuckin’ kissed me..and I fell right into her goddamn trap.” Joel’s tone was bitter, laced with frustration as Ellie helped him to his feet.
“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me right now Joel? How long ago was this?”
“A few hours ago? I don’t know. She just fuckin’ locked me in here and ran. I told you when we brought her in that we have..history. I know I shouldn’t have let my guard down like that but—”
“Yeah you told me that she left you back in the QZ, and you spent all your time fuckin’ lookin’ for her. Maria said one of the horses was stolen right before dinner, so it’s gotta be your jailbird, brother.”
“Will you help me go out there and find her, Tommy? Please? I think she was just scared that somethin’ was gonna happen to her here, and that’s why she ran. If we leave her out there, she’s gonna die. I don’t want that on my conscience.” His arm was lightly draped around Ellie’s shoulders.
“Are you fuckin’—fine. I’ll grab a couple of the guys and we’ll go and look for her. She must mean a lot to ya if you’re willin’ to take these lengths. What’re you gonna do if we find her, and she doesn’t want to come back?” The three of them left the jail cell and treaded back out into the bitter cold.
“I’ll jus’ hav’to find a way to convince her to come back.” Joel stated what he believed to be the obvious. It wasn’t a matter of if he would find you. He would find you, and he’d do whatever it would take to convince you to come home with him.
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The horses were saddled up with four men, including Joel and Tommy at the front. Maria told her husband that going after this jailbird was beyond stupid, and he agreed. He just had a rather difficult time telling his brother no after all the years they spent apart. Ellie didn’t like the idea either, but Joel always came back home to her. He always promised to return so this time would be no different as he kissed the top of her head, and smoothed down her hair gently. “Don’t worry about me kiddo. I promise I’ll be home as soon as we find her.”
“I know, Dad. Just be careful, okay?” She hugged him tightly.
“Always am.” Joel promised her.
The further away you were from Joel, and Jackson, the more at peace you began to feel. You didn’t believe that escaping jail would be that easy, but as soon as Joel fell into your perfectly calculated trap, you knew it was your ticket out and that you couldn’t waste another second. You had no idea where you were going to go now, and with darkness falling quickly, it would take a miracle for you to survive the cold cold night that lay ahead.
You had endured worse conditions before, and the chill didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. You listened to the comforting crunch of snow beneath your horses hooves as your heart thrummed gently in your chest. Joel would have to be a fool to come after you now..or so you thought. Your moment of calm was fiercely destroyed when you heard the thundering of hooves approaching in the distance.
Joel fucking Miller just wouldn’t give up.
You heard him call out your name as a desperate plea through the once still snowy forest. It echoed through the surrounding evergreens, ricocheted off your thundering heart like a pinball machine. You eased your horse into a canter, desperate to escape Joel’s nearing approach.
Please! Please stop runnin’ from me darlin’! I don’t want to chase you, but you're leaving me no other choice!
He was closer now, far too close for comfort.
Your hopes for escape were cut short when your exit route was impassable due to the rushing river that stretched for miles on end. You eased your horse to a halt, frantically looking around as if you were a scared doe being narrowed on by a pack of wolves. The wind howled as you were reaching for your gun just as Joel, Tommy and two other men emerged on horseback through the snowy evergreens.
“Stay back! Stay back or I will fuckin’ shoot!” Your voice trembled like a branch being jostled through a harsh wind. Your finger held steady over the trigger despite your nerves and the frantic look in your eyes.
Joel cautiously dismounted from his horse with his hands above his head to show you that he didn’t come to harm you. He just came to ‘rescue’ you and bring you back home where you belonged. “Easy. Easy. I’m not gonna harm ya darlin.’ Please put the gun down, and then let’s talk. Okay?” His tone was soft, reassuring but it caused bile to rise deep from the pits of your stomach. You didn’t want to go home with him. You wanted to never see Joel Miller ever again.
“Like hell I’m going to put my gun down!” Your horse took a nervous sidestep to the left, nearly slipping into the icy depths below. “You need to fuckin’ let me go, Joel! I don’t want you!” You kept one hand on the trigger as you carefully dismounted from your horse.
“You know I can’t do that darlin.’ You know I can’t. Please just come home with me. We can put this all aside! C’mon. You’ll freeze to death out here.” He pleaded with you with an outstretched hand in your direction.
“I’d rather fucking freeze to death out here than go anywhere with you. Take five steps back right fucking now, or I shoot. Why can’t you just let me go? Why can’t you just fucking move on! I don’t love you, Joel. I never have, and I never will. What we had years ago was good, it was fun, but you’re chasing a fucking ghost. What you want from me is something I am not capable of giving you. You need to move on.” Now you were the one pleading with him. You didn’t want to have to shoot but if it meant that Joel Miller would never be in your life again…
“You don’t love me, sweet girl? That’s bullshit and you know it. All that time we spent together? It meant fuck all to you? I don’t believe it! You’re a terrible fuckin’ liar, and you’re making this way harder than it needs to be! Please, stop fighting me. You’re breakin’ my fuckin’ heart, baby.” He didn’t listen to your demand for him to take five steps back and instead took two cautious steps forward.
“I am NOT your sweet girl! I never was Joel! Stop trying to convince yourself that I have ever cared for you below a surface level! The only liar here is yourself. Now, you can turn around and go home and forget all about me. It’s for your own fucking good. You think that one day I’ll wake up and suddenly develop feelings for you? That’s not how the world works! That’s never how it worked, and you just have to accept that!” You kept the barrel of your gun trained on him as he stepped closer to you.
“Joel, maybe we should just—” Tommy tried to reason with his brother.
“No, Tommy! She’s comin’ home with me one way or a fuckin’ other.” He didn’t even look back at his brother as he took another step forward. His eyes were desperately pleading with you to give in and you truly were beginning to feel like a cornered doe with a pack of vicious wolves caving in.
Closer. Closer. Closer.
You saw Joel reach out to grasp your arm and the second he did, you went to shove him away. Screaming profanities at him with tears stinging your eyes. Your screams died in your raw throat when a gunshot shot rang through the air. It was not your own gun. It all happened so fast as the bullet tore through the flesh of your heart, where Joel had once built a home there. The windows shattered, the wood splintered, and the bed exploded into a cloud of down feathers. The house he forged with his bare hands laid in a pile of ash as you sank to your knees. Dark crimson blood pooled through the layers of clothing on your body as you struggled to take your final breaths.
Everything around you began to grow fuzzy as your lashes fluttered. The sensation of blood draining from your body like the rushing stream was eerily calming. You had never been afraid to die. Not when the world had gone to shit, and everyday could be the day that you would depart the living realm. The once white snow was stained scarlet as you slumped into Joel’s arms with one final breath.
Joel felt his own life flash before his eyes as the bullet tore through your flesh. It all happened so fast and there was nothing he could do to stop it as you slumped into him. He desperately pressed down on the wound as more blood filtered through your body. His hands were stained in it along with his clothes. There was so much blood and so little time. “No no no. Fuck! No. You are not dyin’ on me like this!” He relived images of Sarah dying in his arms flash through his brain as he let out a bone chilling sob.
“Tommy! Help me! Fuckin’ help me!” He finally looked over his shoulder at his brother who could only stare back from where he sat on his horse.
“SOMEBODY FUCKIN’ HELP ME!” He screamed as he clutched your body against his chest, rocking your slumped form as he cried into your cold shoulder.
No one moved a muscle. No one said a word as Joel held you for one last time.
Your body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds as Joel struggled to lift you into his arms. Your eyes forever unmoving, staring up at him with a ghostly film falling upon your once vibrant irises. Your body grew cold. Colder than the temperatures outside and the skin around your lips was fading blue. Your time living on earth's hell hole was over.
“Who fuckin’ shot her.” Joel’s tone was deep and threatening as he trudged through the snow with your deceased form limp in his arms. “WHO FUCKIN’ SHOT HER?!?!” His voice cracked as fresh tears began to fall and land along your icy skin.
Tommy was already hopping down from his horse to attempt to console his wrecked brother.
The man who shot you was known to be trigger happy. He only acted on impulse when you had moved to shove Joel away. He was already riding far far away from the scene when he realized what he had just done.
“GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME TOMMY!” Joel used the strength he had left to shove his brother away from him.
Tommy’s own heart broke when he witnessed Joel struggle to secure your deceased body onto your horse. All the younger Miller Brother could do was watch, and the image that laid before him would never leave his mind.
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The only two people to attend your funeral were Joel and Ellie. He dug your grave in the town's cemetery. It took hours due to the ground being so hard and frozen. Ellie was there for emotional support. She might have never met you, but you meant something to her dad, and she wanted to be there for him in those final moments.
He laid your wrapped body into the cold dark earth below. His body had spent all of his tears, but that didn’t stop the physical dry sobs to part from his soul. He pressed a kiss to your covered head, whispering that he would once see you again. Your headstone was hand carved in stone by him, and when it was all said and done, Joel and Ellie stood above your grave, arms wrapped loosely around one another as her head gently rested along his shoulder.
“Who..was she to you, dad?” Ellie softly asked.
Joel slowly looks over at his daughter, his lips curving up into a gentle smile. He inhales, exhales with a puff of cold air departing his lips, “just someone I used to know, a long time ago, kiddo.”
Joel Miller had finally let you go.
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Tagging people I think will enjoy! @chaotic-mystery @cavillscurls @morning-star-joy @sinsofsummers @cupofjoel @thetriumphantpanda @dinsdjrn @darkroastjoel @korynnekorynne @kirsteng42
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harlowsbby · 1 year
Good Love Chronicles
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( for my babes @harlowcomehome 💗 )
Liked by jackharlow, lilnasx, caresha, latto777, saucysantana, urbanwyatt and 3,568,000 others.
yourinstagramname actin bad 💛
jackharlow @yourinstagramname you definitely don’t have to act bad baby, you’re already bad
druski2funny BARK BARK damn lil mama I want you and I want you now
lilnasx @druski2funny trust me boo she don’t want you and the way you STAY reachin is tiring, give it a rest 🥱
urbanwyatt I’m always available if jack messes something up 👨🏼‍🦯👨🏼‍🦯
caresha my baby love 💛🥺
latto777 it’s the shades for me 💛
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Liked by jackharlow, lilnasx, urbanwyatt, sza and 999 others.
theshaderoom we’re loving the newest couple 💗 jack and y/n make our hearts beat and we’re here for it 😌💗!!!!
jackharlow that’s my baby ☺️💗
lilnasx the cutest couple 🤍
urbanwyatt my man is a simp
sza love them so much 🥺🤍
druski2funny that should be me!!
lilnasx @druski2funny well it’s not, do you want a brownie?
druski2funny @lilnasx I mean I actually do
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Liked by yourinstagramname, lilnasx, sza, kehlani, druski2funny, claybornharlow and 3,689,000 others.
jackharlow make sure y’all get yourself some of these new balances 550s I’ve designed 😌👌🏼
yourinstagramname my baby is so cute 🥺 you in the first picture, it’s giving show and tell vibes
lilnasx I better get a pair in the mail
druski2funny you stole my girl, I better get a pair of these shoes for free at least
lilnasx @druski2funny she was NEVER your girl in the first place, you stay trying to get at somebody
claybornharlow my brother the inventor 😌
Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, latto777, caresha, saucysantana, claybornharlow and 3,658,000 others.
yourinstagramname bc jack knows I hate when he’s late 😭😂 the toxic girly in me goes crazy
jackharlow I’m afraid to come home late….
yourinstagramname @jackharlow I did my job right 😌
lilnasx I know that’s right 😭🤣😭
druski2funny toxic asses I don’t want her ass no more
lilnasx @druski2funny she didn’t want you no way teletubbie 💅🏽
druski2funny @lilnasx that’s why you’re built like a stick bug from that movie bugs life
urbanwyatt I’ve witnessed what happens when jack is a few seconds late 👨🏼‍🦯👨🏼‍🦯👨🏼‍🦯
latto777 🤣🤣🤣
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Liked by lilnasx, druski2funny, claybornharlow, sza, jaydawayda and 5,875,000 others.
jackharlow happy birthday my baby love 🤍 I can’t wait to put a baby in you tonight
yourinstagramname 🫣🫣🫣
caresha we stan her your honor 🤍
urbanwyatt so I guess I’m not coming back to the hotel tonight 👨🏼‍🦯👨🏼‍🦯
druski2funny HOLY DAMN shawty BAD
lilnasx @druski2funny I have no choice but to agree with you
sza wow 😻🤍
jaydawayda beautiful 🤍
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Liked by jackharlow, lilnasx, druski2funny and 999 others.
jackharlownews we love a couple that jokes around 😭😂 looks like y/n didn’t like Jack’s story and took it upon herself to respond via his stories.
lilnasx he joke too damn much
yourinstagramname he done brought out that other side of me… 😒
jackharlow I indeed saw the other side of y/n 😭
druski2funny toxic asses
yourinstagramname @druski2funny you just mad you don’t got anybody but that pussy pocket
lilnasx @yourinstagramname that’s how you CLEAR a HOE
druski2funny @lilnasx @yourinstagramname I hate y’all 😭😭😭
@jackmans-poison @jackharloww
@hoodharlow @nattinatalia @heavyhitterheaux
@moody4world @jacksdaycare @itsyagirljaz
@neon-lights-and-glitter @a-moment-captured
207 notes · View notes
plooto · 1 year
𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ⊳ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨
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synopsis . colonel miles quaritch—respected, feared, a machine . now, only bluer and younger the recom was near perfect. that is, until he catches the scent of a younger, field trained scientist. a distraction..but maybe that’s just what this programed machine needs.
warnings . reader thinks a lot , quaritch , reader has four fingers , quaritch and reader don’t interact much..
words . 1.3k
notes . i really am trying to pace myself..i want to give it time to build up popularity ? oh who am i kidding 🧎
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quaritch was bothered, to say the least. idiot science pukes talking nonsense, his squad actin’ a fool, tests that seemed to last eternities at a time. he was grateful when ardmore sent the deja blu team on missions that would last days, weeks even. yet, here he was, glaring at the tiny scientists as they moved around, taking measurements and all sorts of proprietary data.
christ when will this be over.
“ colonel, ” wainfleet announced, drawing the attention of the bored superior. quaritch turned quickly, ears flicking and tail raising to indicate relief. quaritch excused himself, not waiting a single moment for their response before getting up. wainfleet turned, sensing his bosses’ sense of urgency.
“ we’ve got some new recruits coming in, ‘n get this, one of ‘em, they’re a scientist or whatever, a recom just like us. ” the colonel’s ears flicked, a scoff leaving his lips, coming to a stop, turning to him,
“ scientist? would’ve thought we found all the information we needed on our last tour. ” he rose an eyebrow. wainfleet shrugged at his bosses comment, falling into step as miles continued walking.
“ she’s field trained, so it’s something i guess. ” he explains, walking with a quicker pace. the corporal continues talking, quaritch listens selectively, not particularly interested in hearing what kind of people the new recruits were. he lifts his mask to take a breath he pauses.
it overtook his senses, completely overpowering them. his tail flicks, ears turn upwards, nose twitching, pupils..dilating ever so slightly. he pauses, turning around. ‘tis only zdog..but she don’t smell like that, no. his head turns, looking at the pipsqueak next to her, her tail swings gently and she walks next to zdog, awfully small for a recom. he chuckled, turning around to continue the trek to the room with the new recruits.
arriving, looking at the new recruits, he jutted his lips out. old habits die hard, huh? lyle began to speak, however the colonel’s mind was on something else.. something…small. he couldn’t focus, his na’vi senses going into overdrive and his palms growing sweaty..
dammit, the hell was going on with him?
he forced his pupils to come back to regular size, taking a strained breath through his nose before speaking, stepping forward with his hands behind his back.
“ if y’all thought that this pandora trip was gonna be a walk in the park, y’ thought wrong. ” quaritch walks down the isle, dissecting each soldier as if he were interrogating them, continuing on with his speech.
releasing the new recruits, quaritch finally found time by himself to think, opting to take up time in the gym. whilst trying to rid himself of his troubles, he hadn’t processed anything happening around him. he was loading the weights onto the bar, when the scent filled his nose again. that same sickeningly sweet smell from before. he looked up from the bar, eyes darting around the large gym before they settled on two figures off in the corner. that dammed tiny recom again. he snarled, aggravated. pulling his yellow orbs away from her form, he pushes heavier weights on the bar, distributing them evenly before laying under the bar.
unhooking it, he pulled it down to his chest, stopping at 90 degrees, holding it before flexing his abdomen to push it back up. couldn’t let the low gravity get the better of him, could he? he let a strong breath go through his nostrils as he pushed the bar up again, counting in increments of threes as he pulled it back down, a relieving burn settling in his arms as he continued. a sound from the other side of the gym made him loose count, getting stuck between three and starting back at one. his ears turned towards it, he rested the bar back on the large piece of metal before sitting up straight and rolling his shoulders. bringing the respirator up to take a long breath, his eyes lock on the pair. eyes narrowing as they focus on the smaller recom.
“ c’mon pinky, you’re makin’ it easy for me! ” zdog taunted, voice filled amusement as she looked down at the recom named pinky. his eyebrow rose slightly, eyes still narrowed.
“ i was field trained with guns, not hand to hand zee, cut me some slack! ” zdog laughed loudly, smacking the smaller recom on her forehead for her stupid statement.
“ no way, buttercup. c’mon hands up ” the colonel looked away, taking another breath of his respirator before getting back under the bar, shoving the interaction to the back of his head.
so that’s the recom wainfleet mentioned.
you arrived for your scheduled check up, ducking slightly to avoid hitting your head walking through the door.
“ this way, miss l’n ” you stand, following the nurse as she led you to the checkup room. you blinked at her, watching the nurse as she walked around you, attaching stickers to your skin—an ekg if you remembered correctly. you finally took this moment to look at your na’vi body, a two way glass, you turned your head, looking at your arms, littered in small bioluminescent dots, our eyes trailed up higher, glancing down at your hand. you stared confusingly, you face turned to the nurse, eyes still locked on your hand.
“ hey nurse, how come i have four fingers instead of five like the rest of the recoms? ” you finally looked over at her, who looked up at you before looking at your hands, which you held out to her.
“ you don’t remember? ” you shook your head, a silent ask for her to elaborate. she pressed a few buttons, holding the data pad up to you, showing you your data you researched.
“ you designed your own avatar, you nearly managed to make a complete na’vi avatar. ” you nodded slowly, the memories coming back to you slowly,
“ i wanted the experiment to be tested on me before anyone else. ” you muttered, looking down at your hand once more.
“ w- won’t this affect my um, my field performance? ” the nurse shook her head,
“ you were cleared for field, but your go to weapon of choice was a bow. said it made you feel closer to the na’vi natives. ” you huffed, nodding
“ right. ” the machine next to you beeped, your checkup completed. softly, you thanked the doctor, making your way out. you pulled your tail to wrap around your thigh, to not knock anything over as you walked. thinking to yourself you walked with your head down, looking at your hands once more, flexing them, trying to remember which finger the na’vi didn’t have. the little finger—the pinky. if that wasn’t ironic, you didn’t know what was. it was amazing, you thought. your human self was able to rewire dna, if you could figure out how to make an avatar with four correct fingers, imagine what you could do now! with access to the dangers of pandora, a- and your new body seeming native..you could get all kinds of specimens and- oomph.
you walked into a wall, or what you thought was one. stumbling backwards, tail unwrapping from your thigh, your ears turned downwards as you placed your four fingered hand on your forehead,
“ ouch.. ” you mumbled, eyes peeling open to look at a pair of boots, your eyes trailed upwards, a large recom standing in front of you, white tank tight against his blue skin, arms crossing as his set of yellow eyes looked down at you. your mind stumbled for a response, trying it’s best to think of a response, but your mouth moved on it’s own.
“ sorry..i was distracted ” you rushed, bowing your head again before walking around the recom, your legs taking you to your room.
stupid stupid stupid! couldn’t you pay more attention? too busy with your brain going mach twenty that you couldn’t see that you were walking straight into something. someone actually.. who was that, anyway?
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published . september 29 , 2023
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willowisapillow · 2 months
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🐺❤️ He Ate My Heart Out ❤️🐺
*Rock eyebrow raise and Vine boom sound effect intensifies*
Sharandy my beloved,, oh how I’ve missed drawing these two together again (even though it wasn’t that long since I’ve last drawn them). Guess I just can’t quit these two.
Had the urge to draw these two again because I'm so sick and tired of seeing so much discourse and detractors about them as a couple on TikTok and YouTube. I’ve recently stumbled onto some edits of them getting a divorce, and while I respect others opinions on Sharon settling with a better man- y’all acting like Randy can’t get his act together and act like a normal husband towards her, which he’s done during the series like multiple times 💀
Though for the most part, I kinda blame the flanderization of him in recent years for this, especially with that one recent special where he bodyshames her, like, what the literal hell was that nonsense? I hate it sm, Randy would never do that 😣
My apologies if I sound like a broken record for saying this for the 200th time, Ik these two are an imperfect couple, but that’s what I like about ‘em. They don’t always act like a mushy, lovey-dovey, squeaky-clean, Disney-esque couple (not a jab at Disney couples, I live and breathe them, but you get my point). Both of them have their flaws like quarreling and bickering and that’s what makes their relationship realistic, because, newsflash, some irl couples act like that too. If their relationship were sunshine and rainbows all the time, then it would just be boring to watch. They’ve had plenty of moments to prove that they have a decent marriage. One of my DA friends said this a while back and I fully agree with them; a couple with their ups and downs is a lot better than a toxic marriage happening every single episode.
And at least Randy doesn’t treat Sharon awfully 24/7, cheats on her with other people, married her solely for her looks, or told her that he hates being with his kids. And imo they’re a healthier couple then the other parents like Staurt and Carol and Stephen and Linda don’t @ me plz-
So sorry if I went off on yet another tangent, I’m just your average online yapper who gets unnecessarily defensive over my fav fictional characters 💅🏾✨
My silly rant out of the way, when I was younger I had this habit of inserting my favorite franchises into random fairytales. I don’t know why I did it so much, I just liked the concept of it. I’ve done it with Mario, Banjo-Kazooie and Cuphead, now I’m doing it with South Park. The theme I wanted to go for was Red Riding Hood after binge watching those “Dark origins of your childhood fairytales” videos, bumping into some other fairytale AUs on here for some inspo, and listening to Monster by Lady Gaga and Won’t Bite by Doja Cat one too many times.
Wanted to go for a stylish but sultry look for Riding Hood!Sharon, and as for Werewolf!Randy I definitely went full on furry on him in this picture. I am not sorry at all. Now I just kinda picture some scenarios where he acts like an actual dog. Like, Sharon has him on a leash and takes him on walks, sprays him with a spray bottle anytime he starts actin’ up, or giving him some weed to calm him down when he enters feral mode. Randy is also very loyal and protective of his wifey, and will not hesitate to bite, scratch (and probably kill) you if you lay a finger on her. Also like the idea of him enjoying being scratched behind the ears and getting belly rubs haha
And I had a thought of having Stan playing the role of the huntsman, ‘cause I think it would be adorbs for him to help out his mama <3
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🌲 🐺 ❤️ 🐺 🌲
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justicerikai · 8 months
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #79 Coming back
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
TL notes:
Bunch of goons refer to Fumiya as "aniki" (lit. older brother) which is a rank/title amongst delinquents and commonly yakuza. Due it being a yakuza-like thing, it's kept as this.
Let me know if I missed something!
Torahime: …! Can’t find them… I’m sorry Sensei, I’ll make work of it as soon as--
Nakagami: Yanagi-kun
Yanagi: Yessir
Torahime: Eeh!?
Nakagami: Any response from the Charisma Radar?
Yanagi: None, sir. They abruptly dropped off the map a little while ago. 
Nakagami: Where in the world did they go…! Those Charismas…!
(Loud noises)
(7 people running away)
Baddies: Dammnit! Get back here! I’mma kill ya!
Rikai: What is this place! There’s not an ounce of order!
Ohse: ???
Amahiko: Did you wake up, Ohse-san? Had any nice dreams on Amahiko’s back?
Terra: Amahiko watch out!
Amahiko: Oh
(Pipe hitting Terra in the head)
Terra: OW! DON’T dodge that!
Amahiko: Huh?
Terra: I said that to shield me from it because it was going to hit Terra-kun!
Amahiko: Waow
Fumiya: Ohse, sorry for waking you up so soon but we’re in big trouble
Sarukawa: RUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!
Everyone: WAAA….!!
Ohse: This is…?
Iori: A lawless district♪
Ohse: Eh?
Iori: Saru-chan’s hometown!
Rikai: Nothing but delinquents around here! This is a culture shock for Rikai-oniisan!
Fumiya: Off with your head the moment you lower your guard, haha
Terra: Though the waves from the radar can’t reach this place, right?
Amahiko: Is that true? Sarukawa-kun
Sarukawa: Yea, this whole area’s being jammed 
Sarukawa: It’s impossible to get a peek from the outside in here
Iori: As if it’s extraterritorial♪
Rikai: T-to think that such places truly exist in this world…!!
Fumiya: They do, we're just none the wiser
Sarukawa: Got it? These lot ‘round here hate outsiders more than anything.
Sarukawa: Blend in well if ya don’t wanna get killed.
Everyone: ….
Fumiya: Got it
Ohse: Yaaah! Daah! Ey! Yaaa!
Ohse: Chooop!
Sarukawa: The hell ya doin’
Ohse: Battle training
Sarukawa: Hah?
Ohse: This shitty sore loser shall be a burden no longer
Ohse: Yaaa! D’oh! Eyeyeyey!
Ohse: Hwwuooaaaghhh!!!
Sarukawa: Quit it, yer standin’ out
Ohse: W-wuht’cha want. Got complaints, huh? 
Sarukawa: You suck ass at this
Ohse: Make fun of me and I’ll stab! Stab myself!
Sarukawa: HAAAH!? The fuck is this! Wait wait I don’t fuckin’ follow!
Sarukawa: OI! Stop it! Ghh!
Iori: Come at me! 
Sarukawa: Io too!? You definitely don’t got the chops for it! No way you pull this off!
Iori: Come now, kick my ass! Drag me around by these chains!
Iori: Without holding baaaaaaaack!!!!
Sarukawa: You’re just being an M
Iori: I’m not an M. 
Terra: Sarukawa-kun, are there any estheticians nearby?
Sarukawa: Hell no. Be a bit more aware of yourself
Sarukawa: The hell ya actin’ like usual for
Terra: What about beauty parlors? Nail salons? 
Sarukawa: As if there’d be such trendy places ‘round here!!!
Terra: Then I’ll make some
Sarukawa: Wait, wait! Don’t goddamn stand out!
Amahiko: Everyone, we must stay undercover
Sarukawa: WHOA! What the hell’s that fit! There were clothes like that ‘round here!?
Ohse: Pervert spotted
Iori: The fight is on!
(Bell rings and Iori, Ohse and Terra start ganging up on Amahiko)
Amahiko: Fufufu, hahaha. Think you stand a chance against Dirty Amahiko? 
Sarukawa: Siiiiiigh………
Fumiya: What’cha doing? It’s no good to stand out.
Sarukawa: Exactly!
Goons: Aniki! Fumiya Aniki!
Goons: What kinda bad shit we gotta do next?
Goons: Give us orders Aniki! Fumiya Aniki!
Fumiya: Go and overthrow the most powerful one in this town. 
(Everyone having fun)
Sarukawa: You bastards….!
Sarukawa: Doing the fuck y’all want ‘cuz the radar can’t get yer asses…!!
Fumiya: Maaan~ This place’s pretty cool
Terra: Mhm, I like it
Amahiko: It’s wonderful, Sarukawa-kun
Sarukawa: ….Huh?
Terra: I can be free as I want
Iori: It’s nice how nobody bats an eye at you
Ohse: I can be at peace…
Fumiya: S’interesting, and fun
(Everyone having fun again)
Sarukawa: ….
Amahiko: Sarukawa-kun? Where are you headed off to?
Terra: Wait a sec
Everyone: ….
Sarukawa: ….
Amahiko: “So he’s a truant?”
Iori: “...Yeah, pretty much never went to school.”
Iori: “Didn’t fit in because of all of the trouble he caused.”
Amahiko: “Which is why he ended up going back and forth to such a place, then.”
Iori: “Yeah.”
Iori: “You could tell how much he enjoyed being here by the look in his eyes.”
Amahiko: “But… he left at some point, no?”
Iori: “Mhm.”
Amahiko: “Why though, after he finally found a place to belong to.”
Amahiko: “Just what happened here…”
Iori: “That’s…”
Sarukawa: !? Who’s there!
?: ….
Sarukawa: I know you’re there, show yourself
Sarukawa: ….! …Y…you’re…!
Ryuu: ….Kei-niichan.
Sarukawa: Ryuu…!
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s1ckh1mb0 · 1 year
Hey, I have a request with white death,again, could you please make some white death but in his younger times when he just took the yakuza, where he meets reader (female), but in this case she is a very sick person, both phylically and mentally, and they meet at a appartment complex where she is poor and like has many cats and is very sweet reader, and can't pay for her medication and is basically dying slowly and has accepted her death due to the lack of money.
(Basically a continuation of the other request that i made but she is dying because she can't pay her medication)
Thanks for making these hc/ oneshots that you've been making
Hope you have a great day/night (it's already dark in my country so to me it's good night)
Here are some kisses and hope everything is fine there :)
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Yes yes ofcourse! I loveeee white death and can definitely see this becoming a series slowly!
It’s been around a year since you and Death had met. With him not being there most of the time or coming in extremely late it wasn’t often y’all interacted. But when you did it was small chit chat until one of you got tired and went inside.
As per usual he was coming in late and was shocked to see you outside lighting a cigarette. He had labeled you a little health freak in his head he assumed you didn’t do things of that sort. He stood behind you placing his hand on your lower back making you jump. Now this really worried him seeing as you usually were on guard while waiting for him to come home.
He grabbed you waist and had you face him. You couldn’t tell what he was doing but he was busy reading your body language. You seemed tense but at the same time your body was sluggish. This was extremely alarming and dangerous as people could come to his home looking for him and stumble on you instead. He had taught you quite a bit of self defense (you didn’t know why but why not take the free lessons) but in this state anyone could attack you and you’d be defenseless.
“What? Why are you staring at me like that?” Now you had already that Death was a bit out of the ordinary I mean his name is “The White Death” at-least to your knowledge; but with him just looking at you and not saying nothing you’re more confused then ever. “The hell is wrong with you huh? You know what could have happened if I was some random guy just walkin up on you?” You sigh and roll your eyes at his statement “Yeah I know but todays not any different than any other day where I’m the only person here now is it?” He was shocked at your snappy remarks.
“What’s going on with you huh? Actin all snappy with me like I fucking did something to you.” “Well maybe if you didn’t come over here questioning me I’d be fine!” Your voice cracked and you jumped in his face as you screamed at him. He didn’t flinch at all instead he grabbed your face making you looking him dead in his eyes. The grip he had making you not be able to turn head at all. As much as you squirmed and tried to fight it just didn’t work he just stared you down.
And as the eye contact was his way of asking what was wrong and it remained until you finally broke and started sobbing. He brought you into his chest and let you cry until you went basically limp in his arms. Lifting you up by your thighs and bringing you into his apartment. He sat down with you in his lap wiping your tear stained face. “Hell goin on with you baby huh?” Over here cryin and shit over what?” You couldn’t take it anymore and finally told him. “I’m dying Death…” He looked at you is disbelief “The hell you talking bout?” It’s not way you were serious right now.
“I’m sick I have some type of disease and I can’t pay for my medication. I’m broke because of my stupid ex took everything out of my bank account without me know and now… this is it. I only have enough left for this week. Without it I got let’s say about two weeks left. It’s over for me.” There was a tense silence for a minute “You really think imma let you just die on me hm?” This brought confusion to you. Just what did he mean by that?
He ran his thumb over your lip and used his other hand to wrap around his waist and pull you closer “Don’t you worry okay, m gonna take care of you.” “But why? I can’t pay you back Death..” he leaned in closer to you “I love you baby, why else would I? Gonna take care of you forever.”
I hope this was satisfactory for you!!
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magicicephoenix · 1 year
Machine - The Ink Demonth 2023 (#6)
I hit artblock, so here’s a bit of writing for y’all! Some NJAD angst crumbs, as a treat. :]
The feeling was stronger than usual today. Bendy’s ink ached, like he’d been scraped clean with sharp claws from the inside out. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, and he barely managed to sink into the closest ink-stained wall before the brunt of emotion came to wash him away.
The darkness around him was heavier than it should’ve been. Compressing. Almost like he couldn’t breathe, like nonexistent lungs were being pushed in on all sides.
This ain’t fair, he thought distantly, but there was no one to hear him.
Bendy let the ink guide him, sending him flowing through the puddles as he tried to stamp down the feeling in his chest. It’d been long enough. He’d had forever to let the pain pass by. So why did he still feel so raw?
The darkness whispered to him, and he felt his form waver. Distant voices, growing more familiar as they layered over each other, filled his head—
When can we go home?
I’m still here!
Sheep, sheep, sheep, it’s time for sleep…
Another one for the table. Working alone isn’t nearly as thrilling as when—
No! No, stop. He couldn’t- he wouldn’t drift off. He wouldn’t listen to them. Not right now. It was too much. He needed- he couldn’t be here right now.
He pulled away, and the darkness protested, reaching out for his trembling form. But he was firm, and the ink relented. Bendy emerged from its clutches, though not without a few more whispers that he clenched his teeth in an effort to ignore.
The room he stepped out into was big. Wooden, like everything else. It took a few moments for his eyes to adjust, and another few for him to process what he was seeing.
The Machine hung from aged chains. Ever-present, ever-working, it thumped quietly, like a mechanical heartbeat. It might as well have been so, with the ink being the lifeblood of this place. The lifeblood of everyone within its walls.
Bendy stepped up to the railing overlooking the lower area, resting his elbows against it. The abyss below the Machine seemed to churn with unease, and the restless feeling in him grew ever-stronger. He tried to ignore it, tried to pretend that it was just another day, another hour, another minute, and he’s just waiting for the time to pass.
And then the voice came again, and whatever thin peace Bendy had managed to gather shattered into pieces.
Why do you seem so glum, pal? Your face ain’t made for frowning.
Bendy squashed down his whimper, and it came out as a groan instead. “I don’ wanna talk ta ya,” he mumbled.
Come on, now. You know you can tell me anything.
“Yer not him. Ya can stop pretendin’.”
Silence. And then a faint sense of disbelief, then frustration. No more words came, but the meaning was all too clear to him anyway.
Bendy felt his tail twitch in annoyance. “Yer not sneaky. I ain’t an idiot, ya know.”
Discontent, pleading.
“I said I don’ wanna talk ta ya.”
A sharp pang of desperation. It sent a jolt through Bendy, and he shivered, a chill in his ink.
“Stop dat. Ya know I don’ like dat.”
Remorse, apologetic.
Bendy sighed, brow furrowing. “Yer a real pain, ya know? I know ya ain’t nothin’, not really.”
Bitterness, scoffed offense.
“It’s true,” Bendy snapped, suddenly feeling too brittle for another talk with this… thing. “Yer actin’ like ya feel sorry fer me, but I know ya just wanna take me away when I’m not thinkin’ right.”
No response. Bendy huffed. “Honestly, it’s like ya think ya know me. An’ don’ get all hissy ‘bout dat, cuz it’s true. Ya don’t know me. Ya don’t.”
A challenge, like hissed, venomous words. He felt his eye twitch, and before he could second-guess himself he was already vaulting over the railing to the dropoff below, landing with a heavy thump.
“If ya think yer oh-so-clever, how ‘bout ya just come out an’ show me, huh?” he growled, stalking right up to the edge of the abyss. “Dat’s right, ya can’t! Cuz ya ain’t real! A-an’ ya never will be, cuz yer just some sick joke ya like ta make up ta make me feel worse! An’ ya know what? I ain’t buyin’ it! S-so how ‘bout ya just shut up an’ GO AWAY!” He squeezed his eyes shut and furiously rubbed his face with his arm, trying to ignore the wetness clinging to his cheeks.
The presence in the back of his mind retreated, sufficiently scolded. Not that it made him feel better. If anything, it made him feel worse. And wasn’t that an annoying thought?
Bendy sighed, long and heavy, lowering his arm and opening his eyes. Stars, why did everything go wrong? Why did it keep going wrong?
“This ain’t fair,” Bendy said aloud this time, and the words just echoed in the too-big space. Empty, meaningless.
Bendy shoved down the tears and looked up at the looming presence of the Machine. It hung too patiently for a stupid hunk of metal, yet too simple for the source of a miracle.
“Didja know?” he asked the Machine, even though he knew that no one was listening. “Way back when. Didja know it’d end like dis? Didja know…”—his voice cracked, but he forced himself to continue—“didja know I’d be alone?”
He wished he got a response. But the Machine remained silent and imposing, just as a miracle hunk of metal should.
Bendy lowered his gaze and slinked away, tail swaying behind him. The ink welcomed him as he went, leaving the room in stagnant yearning.
Silence reigned.
You’re not alone, a voiceless desire deep within the ink and walls and machinery wanted to murmur. But even if it could be heard, Bendy was already gone.
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autisticarach · 8 months
Okay so as almost always I was inspired by the lovely @the-cat-and-the-birdie. I’ve been wanting to show y’all some of the hear points of Asa’s fighting style
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Here’s the thing, Asa was left bored constantly as a child and as he began to loose his vision he did what ever he could to hone his non visual skills. This meant shot training. Because of his hatred of loud noises he stayed away from guns and went after knives
Likely to throw and pin people with his mastery of knives, and often using his webs to bring his knives back to him, he fights like he’s using ropes with a hard bludgeon on the end then knives.
He fights knives fight and goes into every fight ready to be reason that another pig is reported dead
Even when he’s fighting close combat he uses his knives to keep people away from him and uses his webs to bring in people close before knocking them out.
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While Asa is fucking terrifying with his knives, it’s almost worse when he’s using his webs.
Like Pavi Asa belongs to a class of Spiders known as ‘Slingers’ or ‘Acrobats’ categorized as one of the most dangerous. He uses his webs like an extension of his body and has been known to beat even Jess by wielding them like a Lasso.
In the air, you ain’t got a chance, because as he’s flying, he can use his webs to draw in a chopper or create an actual web to trap enemies
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As I mentioned Asa is an ‘Acrobat’ known for loving the height of the sky and keeping off the ground. He uses flips to gain momentum and when training has gotten up to speeds that match some of earth 2099’s fastest cars.
Like the Speedsters Acrobats have to be fast becuase they’re usin webs. For those who don’t have natural webs they’re always thinking and those who do have to make descions in mid air how thick they want the webs to be
Becuase of his super strength Asa has to be careful not to bring down buildings when he’s pissed and can often be found using his parkour skills to leap from building to building.
In a tight spot Asa is more likely to use his command because that gets him out of there the fastest.
He belongs to the sky
Style Points -
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One of Asa’s primary forms of relaxing is the pole and he incorporates it into his fighting style
Like his friends, Asa loves style and pulls flips, spins and tricks from his dances in the air
Some of it is for fun and to make the kids laugh but the other part is to keep his enemies guessing. No one knows what Asa will do and his flips and holds make it a hell of a lot harder to point the gun at him
He also loves the fun. The first few time he pulled pole tricks the workers he knows were all up in their excitement about the new vigilante actin like one of them
Like imagine being a cop and outta nowhere you’re strung up in midair and this fucker doin flips as he takes out your squad, lecturing ‘em in spanish the entire time.
This way of moving or stripper style as his working girl call it is how he got his fans
In a world where the police is complétele corrupt (like it isn’t here) Asa is a big protector of mutants, queer people, immigrants and sex workers. Mothers are especially fond of him because he’s admitting to being one of them and often hands out money for whatever they need.
Anyways, because no one is quite sure about him useless they’ve been saved by him, a symbol for bein one of his is simple, an infinity symbol or an oborus
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Created by the working girls and spread to all of his follows, Asa is always on the lookout for places that need him. The places with his symbol, or an ourboros are saying he’s the justice they were never given
Most strip clubs and alleys in the area he patrols have one of his symbols to show that they’re under his protection and no cops are allowed without facin his wrath
Arachnid and his people often call his area the Eldritch Place and refer to asa as house mom or more often mother - none of them know asa’s actual age, it’s for safety. Thought sometimes he shows up in his mask and something covering his tats to check on his people safely
He’s fucking scary but his people love their mother
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jewwyfeesh · 10 months
Recollections and Heartfelt Wishes 2
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Mashiro Tomoya, Sengoku Shinobu, Akehoshi Subaru, Oogami Koga, Hibiki Wataru, Nito Nazuna, Kiryu Kuro
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
CN/EN Proof by: stcrfeesh
(Edit 07/02/24: fixed appellation errors)
Tomoya: Looking closely, Leon’s also licking Oogami-senpai’s hand. I think he’s trying to cheer him up as well?
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Season: Summer Location: Koga's Dorm Room
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Koga: (What the hell…! Those two bastard senpais, makin’ all sorts of stupid faces on those programs to make people laugh… strictly speakin’, all yer doin’ is embarrassing us!)
(They’re always busy with some sort of social engagements nowadays. Greetin’ all those big-wigs with a subservient smile, actin’ like a bunch of submissive kouhais in front of ‘em! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!)
(Rockin’ with reckless abandon, ventin’ the deepest cries of the soul… that’s what we UNDEAD should be doin’!)
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(We weren’t like this before…)
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(DEADMANS and UNDEAD… will we become nothin’ more than old photos that no one’ll care about?)
Tsk. What shitty timing…
What? Whaddya need my help with? I’m real busy right now, so if it ain’t somethin’ important, then f**k off.
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Haah? Somethin’ went wrong with the rehearsal? Weren’t y’all yappin’ on and on ‘bout how y’all are all independent li’l shits, and y’all don’t need my guidance anymore?
…Yeah yeah, I got it. I’ll head over now.
Location: Seishou Hall Common Room
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Kuro: Oogami looks as if he ate some gunpower. Did someone make him angry?
Nazuna: Um… I’m not too sure what’s up with Koga-chin, but he does seem a little off recently.
Kuro: Recently…? Did something happen? Given Oogami’s personality, he might be obsessin’ over something again…
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Nazuna: Maybe I’m thinkin’ too much about it, but Koga-chin might have something weighing on his mind. The last time he attended ANIMALS circle activity—
[A few days earlier, in the Seishou Hall Courtyard]
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Nazuna: With that, we’ll be commencing the final round of ANIMALS’ 19th Frisbee Catching Contest! Let’s see who will be the one to take home the title of overall champion ♪
Koga: …………
Subaru: Hey~ Gami-san, Gami-san, are you zoning out? It’s your turn to throw the frisbee!
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Daikichi and Leon are anxiously running around your feet in circles, watching you grip the frisbee in your hand like that~
Koga: …Eh? Oh, I don’t need ya to remind me about these li’l things. I’ll throw ‘em now, so watch carefully—
Subaru: Oooh, as expected of Gami-san! The frisbee flew really far away, I almost lost sight of it! Go go go, Daikichi ☆
Tomoya: …Eh? Why did both of them suddenly stop? Did they lose sight of the frisbee?
Nazuna: Aish, seems like this is a mistake on Koga-chin’s part, ‘cause the frisbee flew into the tree over there!
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Subaru: Mm~ I think it got stuck on those branches over there. In that case, I’ll climb up and retrieve it ♪
Nazuna: Wait, wait, that’s too dangerous, Subaru-chin! Would it be better to get a ladder instead?
Tomoya: In that case, I’ll go back to Seishou Hall to get one…!
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???: Oya oya~? Seems like I’ve arrived at the purrfect time ☆
Tomoya: Waah?! Two doves flew out from nowhere and fetched the frisbee with ease?!
That voice just now sounded really familiar… Why am I getting such a strong sense of déjà vu…
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Wataru: That’s right, I hereby extend my greetings to you from a flurry of falling feathers! It is your very own Hibiki Wataru ☆
Tomoya: Masked Pervert…?! Why are you here!? Didn’t you say that you couldn’t come join our Circle’s activities?
Wataru: Hehehe, life is fun because it’s brimming with uncertainty and mystery! This is the surprise I’ve prepared for everyone today ♪
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Seems like my doves are the winners of this Frisbee Catching Contest! How’s that, isn’t it more Amazing when the winners are unexpected ☆
Subaru: Eh~ I object, I object! If you didn’t sign up but join the competition anyway, this is a foul! I request a rematch!
Nazuna: Hm, Subaru-chin’s not wrong either. In view of being fair, let’s get Koga-chin to throw the frisbee again, and have the doves start from a clean slate. Is this okay with everyone?
Koga: …Ah? Oh, it’s my turn again? ‘Kay, let’s go…!
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Nazuna: Unyaa! I haven’t even called to start yet—Oh no, it’s– it’s been thwown (thrown) up a twee (tree)!! Though it’s another tree this time!!
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???: Uwah, that really hurts…!
As it is, I’ve already been discovered, so I’ll just reveal myself… heh!
Nazuna: Sh-Shinobu-chin?! You just jumped down from the tree! Are you alright?
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Shinobu: Hee hee hee, Nito-dono needn’t worry, please accept this frisbee! My ‘Acrobatic Martial Arts’ jutsu has evolved quite a lot, and I can climb trees much easier now!
In fact, I’ve been practising my ‘Breath Concealment’ ninjutsu here, and wanted to see how long I could go before someone notices me! I was really confident too…
So I didn’t expect Oogami-dono to accurately hit me with a flying prop! Oogami-dono is really awesome~!
Subaru: Mhm! Gami-san is really cool. I still can’t believe he managed to throw the frisbee up the tree both times! How did you do it? Please teach me too~
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Nazuna: Erm… no, that doesn’t quite sound like praise when you say it like that…
Koga: …………
Nazuna: (Eh? Koga-chin didn’t retort immediately… that’s rare. He’s also a little too quiet today. Perhaps he’s somewhat distracted…?)
Koga-chin, are you tired from playing? You can go have a rest in the shade, if you like.
Koga: …Ah? I’m good. I’ve yet to really exercise my body, so I’m hella pumped up right now!
In the end, the real question is why are so many weird things happenin’ because of me throwin’ a frisbee?
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Wataru: Non~ Non! If life were truly just like a pool of stagnant water, devoid of love and of surprises… the heart will wither and die before the body.
Nazuna: Back to the topic~ Now that Shinobu-chin’s here too, shall we all play together?
Shinobu: Oh, oh, even though I’m a member of OCEANS, I am also interested in the activities hosted by ANIMALS! Then, I’ll be in your care!
Wataru: Welcome, welcome! The winner of today’s competition has yet to be decided… so how about I organise a cheerleading squad to cheer everyone on ☆
Shinobu: Uwah!! One after another, doves fly out from Hibiki-dono’s pockets, just like a ninja using an animal in their jutsu! I’m so impressed!
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Tomoya: Eh? There’s a dove that seems to know me, even taking the initiative to fly onto my shoulder… ah, are you Jeanne d’Arc?
Subaru: Uwahhhh so cool~! There’s a dove flapping its wings while perched on Daikichi’s back, I wonder if it’ll be able to help Daikichi take off ☆
Come look, come look, there’s another dove perched on Gami-san’s knee, tilting its head and staring up at him! Ahaha, this makes a really interesting picture for sure, I wanna use my phone and take a photo real quick ♪
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Wataru: Ahh, turns out it’s that child. To be honest, it has a very gentle and soft personality – if it see’s that someone’s upset or sad, it’ll take the initiative to go comfort them.
Nazuna: That is to say, Koga-chin’s feeling a little down today, to the point where even the little animals have noticed it.
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Tomoya: Looking closely, Leon’s also licking Oogami-senpai’s hand. I think he’s trying to cheer him up as well?
Subaru: Gami-san, if you encounter any problems, remember to tell me! I’ll definitely help you out!
Koga: My god… the both of you really love fussin’ over others, don’t you? I’m fine, there’s nothin’ wrong with me. It’s just that ‘m busy revisin’ for the upcomin’ exams, and tired myself out. That’s all.
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Y’all should stop surroundin’ me asking stupid questions; go and play or somethin’. I’m not a child that needs an adult to take care of them 24/7.
← Chapter 1 | ES x LC Masterlist | Chapter 3 →
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jeansplaytoy · 9 months
𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥
part six.
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sorry for the late updates, i’ll make it up to y’all with more updates. fr this time😭.
conniexreader, the usual, alcohol, weed, mentions of violence
part five here | part seven here
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two weeks later, no contact.
not like you cared, or expected anything. but it was strange. a little. you bit the inside of your cheeks, zoning out as you did your makeup. you haven’t been to a party since you went to connie’s house, simply because you needed time to yourself and you didn’t wanna have to fight a bitch again.
finishing up your makeup, you picked out your outfit. “shit ion feel like dealing wit these hoes.” you whispered to yourself while putting on your heels.
you put your jewelry on, which normally you wouldn’t do if you knew a bitch was gonna try you that same night. but you didn’t feel like fighting. really.
you made your way downstairs and to the front door, opening and closing it behind you as you left your house. you locked it and unlocked your car, putting on lip gloss as you opened your car door, putting your phone in the cup holder and getting yourself situated.
you left after a few seconds of contemplating on whether you should go to the party or stay home and not worry about anything else.
but to not miss out on anything, you looked at onys location to see where the party was.
even as you made it and stepped out the car, you still wasn’t in the mood. you barely made it to the front porch where people were drinking and smoking before you were greeted by a cheesing sasha and mikasa.
“girl what’s wrong, you ain’t in the mood?” sasha looked at you with her hands on your shoulders.
“at all.”
“we might have to find connie to straighten up that attitude.” mikasa mumbled, passing you a drink. “now sip. you’ll feel better sooner or later.”
you hummed, knowing you shouldn’t be, but drinking as you walked through the front door. there wasn’t anything morally wrong though, so there was nothing to feel bad about really. as soon as you made it to the living room where your group always was, you realized that it would’ve probably been the best choice to just stay home at that point.
because right in front of you sat eren, armin, jean, ony, and last but not least?
“wassup y/n. this ony and connie. i know y’all met before.” eren mumbled, rolling up a blunt. you slowly nodded. “hey ony. again.”
ony laughed a little. “wassup friend.”
it seemed like connie caught on to your little ‘joke’ because he looked up at you from his phone with dead eyes. you finished your drink and put it on the table, still staring at him before smiling a little.
connie smiled a little and shook his head, standing up and stretching. “we bouda go smoke, we’ll be right back.” he said, signaling you to get up and follow him.
even though you felt sasha and mikasa poke your waist as you stood up, you really had no intent to fuck him again. it couldn’t keep happening every week if there was really nothing going on between you, and you didn’t wanna be anybody’s fuck buddy either.
you almost didn’t even wanna go, but you were already following him to the backyard, so that was a mess itself.
“you know you play a lot.” connie slowly shook his head, lighting a blunt.
“some days.”
“you been actin’ weird.” he said, sitting in a chair near a table. you sat in another chair. “i wouldn’t want yo lil girlfriend tryna beat my ass again.” you stared at him while propping your leg up comfortably in the chair.
“that bitch ain’t my girlfriend.”
“bitch? y’all was just flirting. i’d hate for you to start talkin’ bout me like that.” you frowned a little.
connie only sighed and put the blunt out in an ashtray. “ion even feel like smoking no mo’.” he whispered to his self. you didn’t care though. you wouldn’t just wanna and up as one of his hoes that he used to fuck when he got bored.
“i’m just sayin. i don’t wanna be somebody that you just think you can play with til you feel like you done wit them. cus i know you got hoes on the side.” you rubbed at your freshly done nails.
“you sayin that like you my girlfriend.” connie raised his eyebrows and looked at you.
you didn’t wanna be labeled as his girlfriend, you didn’t care much about that girlfriend boyfriend shit that much. you just didn’t wanna be someone he thought he had access to anytime he wanted.
“it’s not about that. you not finna fuck me whenever, then get tired and walk around talking about me like you talk about her.” you furrowed your eyebrows in irritation. connie could sense your attitude. and you didn’t even know you got one at that moment.
“im not finna talk about you in no kinda way. she can’t even compare to you, so why you so damn worried bout the way i talk about her, let alone her in general?”
you just sat back and crossed your arms, looking away. you thought it made you look sick and tired of his bullshit, but to connie, you looked like a pouty child who couldn’t get what they wanted.
you thought about when he said she couldn’t compare to you, but you were too mad to pay any attention to that anymore.
what you did pay attention to was the sound of connies laughing.
“fuck funny?” you squinted.
“you cute when you act like that.”
he wasn’t telling the full truth. yes, you were cute when you got all mad, which is why he never had a problem with you being mad at him or anybody else. but it wasn’t the full reason he was laughing.
“i’m bein’ serious connie.”
connie’s eyebrows raised again.
“hol up, say that again… i like when you say my name.”
you smacked your lips, about to get up, but he started laughing again and stopped you. “okay my bad ima stop messin witchu.” he held your hand, looking at your nails.
“you got a big ass attitude problem… like a baby or sum.” connie intertwined your fingers with his and looked at you. “no. people just be pissin me off.”
“you ain’t act like this when we met.”
“i had the time and energy when we met. now shut up talkin to me.” you scratched your head, starting to get irritated again.
the peace was almost there. you were almost calm. but that same girl from about three weeks ago had to mess shit up again. like always. coming from around the corner, seemingly with her best friend or something, she stopped at the sight of you and connie.
connie didn’t budge, he didn’t care.
“every time i get around connie, he wit’ the same girl.” she pointed at you. “ain’t that the girl you fought?” her friend asked.
she was speaking like you wasn’t even there. you just stared at the girls, leg still comfortably propped up, because she can have one best friend but you got two that’s always ready. “to be honest, ion even know why the fuck i came to this party cus’ if i handle these bitches, i’m goin to jail.” you said, looking up at the sky, you let go of connie’s hand, standing up, about to walk back inside the house.
“naw bitch don’t be tryna leave cus i got my friend, now what?”
“girl fuck you and yo’ friend. ‘fuck? you got yo friend cus i beat the hell outta you? go get yo momma or sum.” you rolled your neck with a scoff, continuing to walk towards the door.
sasha, seemingly hearing all the commotion, which wasn’t even mainly you, the bitch was just screaming for no reason.
sasha opened the door. “what happened?”
you ain’t even feel like saying nothing no more. “Paris fuckin wit y/n, again, and y/n ain’t in the damn mood.” connie sighed, standing beside you and rubbing your back to calm you down. “don’t you think you need to get your bitch?” sasha squinted.
“that ain’t my bitch, damn. ion even want that girl, ion know why she trippin over me.” connie slowly shook his head.
sasha smacked her lips as mikasa walked outside behind her. soon came the rest of the group, seeing what’s going on.
“girl you need to find you sumn else to do, for real.” mikasa walked up to Paris and her friend. “aw now she wanna bring her friend” she mumbled to her best friend. “i got girls here too so ion really give a fuck.” Paris stared at Mikasa.
you stared from a distance before Paris’ friend looked at you. “now you back there lookin scared and shit. bitch ain’t shit wrong wit’ you, so why youn wanna fight now that i’m here?” she looked around mikasa.
you were quiet. you were quiet because you started feeling that one, dumb drink you had, come to you.
“leave me the fuck alone. you dumbass bitch! ima sicka these dumb bitches… fuckin’ wit me like i really wanna be seen fighting these dumb hoes!” your words were slurred. it was like you was throwing a tantrum. you went from laid back to sick and tired.
“stupid bitches i’m tired’a this shit!” you leaned down and quickly kicked off your heels, throwing em to the side.
“wassup?! bitch wassup?!” Paris’ friend walked around mikasa. and mikasa didn’t stop it because jumping was dumb. unless it was planned by you, her, and sasha.
“don’t even do it bruh.” connie held your wrist.
you snatched it away. “no, get the fuck away from me! i’m tired of these dumb bitches acting like i’m fuckin scared of them! bitch i ain’t scared of you!” you yelled, walking over to her friend and posting up. “swing bitch.” you mumbled, waiting for her to do something.
she kicked off her slides and before she could even swing, connie snatched you back by your forearm. “bring yo ass on bruh.” he frowned. “you drunk.”
he picked up your heels and continued to block you from the girl and the girl from you.
“naw that bitch always wanna try me i will kill that hoe!”
“kill me bitch! try it!”
the yelling went back and forth, and sounded horrible from the slurring of your words. it got to the point where connie had to literally drag you by your waist to not get to that girl.
connie took you to your car, of course after almost begging you to show him where it was.
connie pushed you against the back of the car, holding his hand out for your key. you stared at him through your lashes, barely being able to open your eyes. you reached for your keys that were placed in the side of your outfit, by your waist.
it seemingly slid down your whole jumpsuit from your upper thigh and to your ankle. you tried to wiggle the keys out. connie sighed and grabbed your leg, you leaning on the car, pushing the keys out of your pants part.
you still had that pouty look on your face. connie unlocked the car and tossed your heels in the back. “come on.”
you lazily walked to the passenger side with a frown.
“the other side.” he said.
you sighed deeply, not even trying to put up with him. you walked to connie’s side to get in the backseat, pausing to look at him. he really didn’t care about the look on your face. you sat in the backseat, connie closing the door behind you. you didn’t even have time to process your thoughts. you really couldn’t.
connie sat in the front seat and closed the door, not even bothering to start the car.
he pulled out his phone and let the seat back a little, resting his arm behind his head and scrolling.
“ion wanna stay in this car.” you mumbled, reaching towards the door. it locked before you could get out.
“you gon stay in this car until you fix yo attitude.”
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tenshindon · 3 years
Was about to suggest to myself to write while my computer’s WiFi is fucked but then I remembered
I need da fuckin WiFi to write
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