#some of these went for longer than i intended 😅
monochromatictoad · 7 months
🤎 Gabarie, 💕 Gabastle, 💗 Macul :>
🤎 multiple kisses / kisses all over / kiss after kiss
Marie sat by the entrance of the sanctuary. The millennium long war was over. Gabriel and Trevor had defeated Satan and brought peace back to the world. She looked over at Victor, who was busy giving vaccines to the survivors, before looking back at the entrance.
A chill came over her, and she jumped up. They were back! "Trevor!" She ran to her son before he could fully enter the sanctuary. She presses a kiss to his cheek and hugs him close. Marie let go when her Gabriel stepped into the sanctuary. "Gabriel." She looked him over. The exhaustion radiated off of him. She couldn't contain herself, and threw her arms around his neck. The hug was tight and warm.
She pulls away to hold his face in her hands. The bags under his eyes made his face look hollow and bruised. "My love?" He whispers to her. Tears stream down her face. "I've missed you so much, my love." She whispers and presses kisses to his face. Those bruised eyes. The hollow cheeks. The crook in his nose from where it got set wrong when they were kids. Everything. She had a millennia to make up for.
💕 kissing somewhere other than lips
Dracul leaned back on his throne. Screams, flesh being torn, and metal hitting the stone flooring was the symphony for which he watched the Brotherhood knights get devoured by the Castle.
The last man falls, and those bloody tendrils twitched with excess energy. It wasn't satisfied with the battle and it showed this displeasure with it wrapping itself around its Prince. Dracul chuckles coldly at this display.
"I know. They have only grown more pathetic haven't they?" He purrs in a sickeningly sweet tone. The blood puddle hisses and bubbles. Pathetic creatures. They will never be able to hurt you, It growls in his mind. Dracul smirks, lifting one of those bloody tendrils to his mouth. He plants a small kiss to it, before showing how much he truly appreciates his guardian.
💗 slow kiss / gentle kiss / inevitable / soft
The sun was warm in the garden. Mathias was sitting on a blanket, eating some sliced apples with cinnamon and honey. He was engrossed in a book of alchemy The Toymaker let him borrow. Well, he would be, if the laughter coming from his left wasn't there.
Turning his head, Dracul was being swarmed by Mandragoras, who were determined to get the fruit slices from him. Mathias rolled his eyes playfully at the scene and laughed as Dracul finally managed to get the little plant beings off of him.
"Have some difficulties there?" Mathias chuckled as Dracul laid his head in his lap.
"No. They're never difficult."
"You're just saying that because you have a bias towards them."
Mathias laughs at the pout that Dracul gives him. After being around the Vampire Lord for so long, reading him becomes easy, like the book that was no longer in his lap. Dracul's pout deepens at the laughter. The alchemist shakes his head and leans down, the prince leaning his head up, and they meet in the middle with a promise. A promise for more gentle moments in the future. They part slowly, neither one truly wanting to leave the other.
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rascalentertainments · 6 months
"Wish Granted" AU: Asha
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All right, you voted for Asha and her family first, so here we go! (Above concept art by @ishadow246. Big thanks to them for making this reference sheet, they read my mind and captured her design beautifully!)
So for this Wish AU, Asha was raised partially in Rosas as a kid, but then after father passed, and some of the citizens learned of Magnifico's true intentions, her family and other citizens quietly moved to the Hamlet known as "The Enchanted Forest". (Basically reached age 12 in Rosas, and then 13-18 in the Hamlet.)
As a kid, she was full of curiosity about the world around her, especially wildlife. She learned about how the stars guided people from her father Tomás, which inspired to want to see more of the world outside the Kingdom. When her father grew ill for seemingly unknown reasons, Asha's mother Sakina pleaded with the King to heal him. The man promised her this, but time went on and eventually Tomás passed. Maginifico had never intended to help.
Because of this, Asha grew to be more pessimistic as she got older. She no longer believed in the impossible or anything good to happen relying on magic, or anyone else to solve her problems for that matter. Even so, part of her desire for excitement still lingered, and nobody knew this better than her grandfather Sabino, whom she grew closer with over the years and became a second father to her.
With her wonder all but gone, she would end up getting help to save her family from the most unexpected source. For she wished on a Star, and the Star answered.
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Now since Asha got along with other kids when she was little, part of that still stays with her, as she does read to the other kids there from time to time. (Think of this as a reference to Belle, who also loved to read) Even though she lost part of her childhood, didn't mean they had to lose theirs. So she enjoyed reading stories to them.
As for my choice of a Voice Actress, surprisingly my mother suggested Diamond White. Right now she's mainly known for being Lunella in "Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur" She's already a talented singer and play a range of emotions while still acting in character for her.
For Sakina, I'm still planning her story out, but I can say that she does have a wish herself. It is in fact is similar to Asha's, but I'll reveal more in the story.
Sabino.....he was so underutilized in the movie, its criminal. Victor Garber deserved better. While he's not 100 years old, he is in his late 80's. Normally, he's a spry old man and actually still carries a lot of youth in his personality. However, with his wish never being granted, its started to affect his health. He does his best to stay active and gives advice to Asha during that "Wishing Tree" Scene. When his health starts to deteriorate faster and renders him nearly bedridden, this starts Asha drive to return to Rosas and save everyone's wishes
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And lastly: Valentino!
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No, Valentino doesn't speak in this version. 😅 That'll be saved for the end, and he'll be voiced by an actual kid. (Disney, we didn't need a Donkey knock off, you do realize he was a parody right?) He might be only be three weeks old, but he's very attached to Asha from the start. He was a gift to her by Sabino as an early 18th birthday present in case his declining kept him from celebrating it with her.
The little goat is the runt of the litter, but has the heart the size of the forest itself. Always sticking by Asha's side and cheering her up when she really needs it.
Valentino is also very trusting of new people, but when Star comes down he does freak the heck out and doesn't him for a while. I mean he's not even human!
Oh and just as an extra character addition, I'm also having Flazino in this AU, since many people pointed out he was originally part of the film and had a bigger role. He's closest to a human friend Asha has in the Hamlet, as he gives them supplies and updates about the kingdom as Magnifico's apprentice.
That wraps up my first character list! Next up will be Star and then the King and Queen. Hope you enjoyed reading this preview to the story, or have any suggestions in the comments! 🌟
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Hii! So here it is the one shot thing i was talking about. Took longer than i expected cause i was at work most of the time. It's also longer than what i intended but i wanted to flesh it out as much as possible. I wanted also to add smut but I'm really bad at writing it so i thought better save myself the embarrassment😅. Anywho i hope you enjoy and hopefully it's not terrible 🙈
Miguel has been working very hard in cherry baby's dad's ranch and it's starting to get to him. The stress, the heat, the exhaustion at the end of the day and so on. The only thing that's been giving him strength is his special girl. She's been busy herself lately but still tries to see Miguel as much as she can. Not enough for him though and that makes him as grumpy as can be. Cherry baby notices this so she goes to talk with him about it. His sour mood however has gotten so bad that even cherry baby can't fix it. She tries to be her sweet self but he's just being an ass.
"Hii!" cherry says with lilt in her voice when she approaches the barn.
"Hey." is all she gets in return from a Miguel looking at his board and writing something on it.
This takes cherry a bit off guard so she gets closer to him.
"Whatcha doin?" she asks sweetly, swinging back and fort on her feet.
"Work." replies Miguel, again not even looking at her.
This really starts to bother cherry baby so she confronts him.
"Okay what's going on? Why are you acting as if I'm not even here? Are you mad at me or something?"
"What? No, I'm just busy. Why do i have to be mad at you? I just have work to do." Miguel snaps.
Cherry looks up at him taken aback and she feels her eyes getting wet the more she stays.
"Fine. Do your work. Sorry i bothered you." she says and leaves the barn with not a single apology from Miguel.
That day cherry was in a shitty mood as well and her parents and everyone else who worked at the ranch could see it. This went on until evening. Cherry baby barely ate her dinner and her both her parents took notice. After dinner her mother went to her daughters room to check up on her
"Mija? Is everything okay?"
"I'm fine, mama." cherry says, laying in bed with her back to the door of her room.
"Something is bothering you, i can tell." her mother pushes on
"No nothing is wrong, I'm fine. Please just leave me alone." cherry baby insists.
"Do you think I'm stupid? How can i leave my daughter, knowing she's upset about something?" she says walking towards her daughters bed.
"It's really nothing, mama. Everything's fine."
Cherry baby's mom looks at her quizzingly
"Does it have something to do with the ranch boy?"
Cherry's eyes widen a bit and she quickly goes to say
"No! No it doesn't! Can you please leave me alone, mama. I'm okay, please!"
Cherry's mom sighs
"Well okay then. If you want to talk about it you know where i am." she says and goes to hug her sweet daughter.
"However if it has anything to do with that ogre-"
"Don't "mama" me, young lady! Ay dios mio, you have such better options than him. Why not give those guys a chance? At least flirt with them a little. Who knows maybe you'll like them better than that animal! " she says walking to the door
"It's not about him, okay?" cherry says thinking to herself "it's totally about him"
"Yeah yeah. Don't forget to pray tonight. Maybe God will knock some sense into you" she said as she left the room.
That night cherry baby did pray and as she was going to bed, God did knock some sense into her. She decided to listen her mom for once.
The next day cherry baby was getting ready to go out into the ranch. She put her new white dress (the one i showed you, if you remember👀) her little brown cowboy hat and boots. She went out and headed to where the horses were. Of course Miguel was there. Seeing her in this new dress his eyes almost did pop out doing a double take. Cherry took notice of his reaction however she only gave him a side eye and went to take care of Luis. Miguel is looking at her like a hawk. Every curve of her body, every step, every sway of her hips. He was shamelessly staring. Cherry bent down to get something which revealed the upper part of her thighs, almost revealing her underwear and butt. At that Miguel bit his fist as hard as he could. When she got up, cherry baby turned to him
"Can I help you?" she asked with a raised brow
"What are you trying to do?" he said
"What am i trying to do?" cherry inquired.
"Oh, give me a break. If you're trying to get my attention, you just had to say so." he says as he walks towards her.
As he's just about to caress her face, cherry moves her face away from his hand and continues tending to Luis.
It's Miguel's turn to be taken aback.
"Whats going on?" he questions
"Nothing. Just taking care of my horse" Cherry says monotonously not even looking at Miguel.
"Whats with the attitude today, carino?"
"What attitude, Miguel? I'm just tending to my horse." she says as she finishes up with Luis and walks away.
The rest of the day cherry baby had been her usual self except with Miguel. She was even a little flirty with some of the other ranch boys, especially the ones that Miguel is mentoring. To say he was furious would be putting it extremely lightly. And he had had enough.
It was already the afternoon. While cherry baby was talking with the boys, Miguel approached them and gave each of them some kind of errand so they can leave her alone with him. With a stern look, Miguel spoke and cherry baby just looked at him unamused.
"I hope you had your fun today." he said crossing his arms.
"I did actually, no thanks to you." she spoke as-a-matter-of-fact-ly.
"Are you done being a brat?" he asked her
"Are you done being a bitch?" she retorted
"Excuse me?"
"You're excused." she spoke at him again with an unamused face.
This made Miguel's blood boil. As cherry baby was about to leave, a slight smirk on her face, Miguel grabs her by the back of her neck and directed her to the barn. Cherry baby tries to pry his hand open but she is no match for Miguel's strong grip. He throws her inside the barn and she stumbles forward, falling to the ground
"Are you insane?! What's your problem?! I thought you didn't want me around you anymore! What gives you the right to treat me like horse poop one day and act like everything's fine the other, huh?" she snapped at him from where she was on the ground, hay from the horses all over her.
"Is this what this was all about? This whole attitude and ignoring me is because of yesterday?" Miguel smirked and started approaching her.
"Not only. The last few days you've been treating me like a fly on the wall. Barely acknowledging me. Plus you're always grumpy and sour lately. I should be the one asking you what's going on!" she spoke, her eyes getting wet and voice cracking half way.
"Carino, I've been stressed. Work has been piling up lately. Your dad is trying to make soms renovations to the barn and everything goes through me. I'm sorry I've been in a bad mood lately. Let me make it up to you." he says approaching cherry on the ground and reach out a hand to caress her face.
"And why didn't you just tell me instead of acting like an ass?" she said with hurt in her eyes.
"I'm sorry, querida. Truly I want to make it up to you."
"You should've thought about that sooner."
She said as she was getting up.
Before she could though, Miguel snakes his hand behind her head and grabs a handful of her hair and pulls her down by the hair. She yelps and goes to grab his hand. Her eyes were already wet, the pull was enough to make the tears fall from her eyes.
"You're awful" she said looking right into his eyes.
"Aww you're gonna hurt my feelings" Miguel teased with a mischievous grin.
"You're my girl and i want to show you how much i love you" he said as he stood up still holding cherry baby by the hair.
"Are you gonna be a behave now?" he asked her teasingly.
Cherry baby only nodded and he let go of her hair and puts his hands on her hips. Cherry isn't satisfied with his apology though so she decides to mess with him more. She grabs him by the balls and squeezes.
"You gotta catch me first" she whispers to his face as he makes a grimace.
Cherry baby let's go of him and makes a run for it. However Miguel's reflexes are very fast and catches her by the hair once again, dragging her back.
"I was thinking of going easy on you but by the looks of it you rather have it the hard way" he says as he pulled her back to his chest, holding the back of her hair in a vice like grip. Miguel started walking towards his room as he pushed cherry baby in front of him, hand still in her hair and his grip only getting tighter. Cherry tried to pry his finger from her hair, her little whimpers and welps filling the barn. Once they reach his room, Miguel opened the door and threw cherry baby to the floor. He was on her before she could say anything. That night cherry learned why she shouldn't play with fire, especially if that fire is Miguel O'Hara.
He can burn me all he wants 🤭❤️. LOVED this!!!! Thanks for sharing your ideas with me 🥹🫶🏻.
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Another Sonic and Tails headcanon thingie: these two have their unique ways of greeting each other whenever they come home, whether they were gone for a day or only 20 minutes. One of them is what Tails tends to use since it’s his absolute favorite one, the infamous koala hug attack.
For this one, in story form!
Word count: ...idk I literally wrote this in my drafts on here so I have no idea other than it went longer than originally intended 🙃 😅
Sonic clutched the bags tightly in his arms as he felt his shoes skid hard against the ground as he got near the porch of the living quarters of the workshop, nearly losing his balance in the process. A fresh coat of slightly, wet dirt now covered the bottom of his sneakers from heel to toe as he walked up the steps.
He hastily wiped his feet on the mat in front of the door, already picturing the complaints he was going to receive about tracking dirt across the floorboards again if he didn't...again.
It's not like Tails wasn’t guilty of it either, he just got at him because he tends to do it the most. Though it didn’t mean that he himself wasn’t fed up with it.
Managing to open the door with his elbow, he shuffled into the living room and dropped the bags onto the kitchen island, quickly catching some of the cans that spilled out of the bag.
"Geez, I swear that bagger was just stuffing all this stuff in here." He grumbled out loud, stacking the cans in the cabinet and putting the rest of the groceries away in a few seconds.
He brushed off his hands and glanced around the room. "Tails? You here, bud?"
There wasn’t any sound of thudding footsteps coming closer to him, or a voice calling out in response, or just any answer at all. That wasn't much of a surprise since he tended to leave the workshop more and more recently to just take a walk and explore the area.
As long as he wasn’t cooped up in his lab all day, that was good enough for him.
He moved to speak into his wrist comm to check in with Tails when his ears perked and heard some shuffling coming from behind him. Turning around, he was mildly surprised to see that nothing was there.
It mildly surprised him due to the fact barely anything could sneak up on him due to the years of training exercises he carried out, though it didn't explain why he was still hearing the shuffling all around him.
Sonic paused and let out a groan. "Oh boy, I hope it isn't another mouse that snuck inside the lab again. That was another whole week of stress that I won't get back." He mumbled softly to himself, rubbing a hand over his face.
What he did hear next definitely surprised him, considering it had been a while since he's even heard it, a few short giggles broke through the silence causing him to freeze and look around the room confused.
"Uh, Tails?"
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a quick flash of yellow disappears from view near one of the rafters on the ceiling, with that same shuffling noise following suit before it went silent again.
He didn't acknowledge that he saw the kit being bad at hiding, but he knew full well who it was, and the little tradition that they haven't done in a couple of years.
Sonic smirked to himself. 'Oh wow. We're playing this game again, huh? It's definitely been a while. But if it's what the kid wants to do...'
He played along, placing his hands on his hips, and feigned a worried voice. "Oh dear, I wonder where my little buddy Tails is. I just can't seem to find him anywhere!"
Sonic walked around the room, looking around dramatically under the table, around the couch, and into the kitchen cabinets. He audibly let out a sigh and leaned against the kitchen island, placing the back of his hand on his forehead.
"Tails? Oh, where for art thou Tails? My brother? Mi amigo? My honorary pride and joy. Lost forever to where I can never follow him." He kept his voice light and teasing, grinning when it earned him more giggling.
He moseyed on over directly under the one rafter where he knew Tails was hiding and put his arms up in defeat. "Hmm, he doesn't seem to be in here. I guess I was just imagining hearing him this whole time."
A slight creak was heard above him as he waited and braced himself for the attack. "3, 2, 1...."
"Nooo!….not the...koala hug trap…the cuteness…it’s too much for my body to handle..." He fell to his knees and hunched over, wrapping an arm around Tails and purposely squeezing closer to him in the process.
"Koala attack!" Tails yelled and dropped down, flying right into Sonic and wrapping his arms and legs around his torso.
Both of his tails wagged as he nuzzled his head under Sonic’s chin. The hedgehog lets out a groan from the impact, both to add to the part and to that the kid was a bit heavier than he remembered. He decided to suck it up and take it like a man...er, hedgehog.
"I can feel...all my energy depleting....I think I see a light. Mom, is that you?" Sonic fell over on his side, Tails snickered as he continued to hang onto him. "Goodbye cruel world....I'll miss you."
He finishes by rolling over on his back, closing his eyes, and lolled his head to the side, finalizing his "ultimate death." He stayed silent for a moment before he felt Tails shift around on his chest and felt a finger poking at his cheek. He peeked an eye open and saw him beaming a wide smile at him.
"Well, hi to you too." He poked a finger to Tails' nose, switching to giving a scratch behind the kit's ear. "So, mind explaining why you decided to ambush me like a crazy maniac today?
Tails laid his head back down, deeply enjoying the ear scritches. "Nope."
Sonic chuckled. "OK then." He placed his head down in turn and stared up at the ceiling.
After a few moments, Sonic cleared his throat, making Tails look up at him. "You uh, gonna let me up anytime soon? I gotta get dinner started soon."
Tails shook his head, the playful gleam shining in his eyes. "You know the rule in order to escape the hug trap, Sonic, unless you wanna be stuck here forever you gotta pay the toll."
Sonic gave out a little hum. "Actually, I change my mind, I kinda want to be stuck here. The floor is pretty comfy."
"But what if you need to use the bathroom?"
"I'll just crawl on the floor and take you along with me."
He heard Tails give a snort in amusement. "Yeah sure, you barely go in there to take a shower."
Sonic gave a hard flick to his ear, "Says alot for the guy hugging me in a death grip right now."
"Shut up, I know my limits to your body odor and this is a mere exception. Besides, you still need to pay the release toll."
"Oh right, the toll," Sonic pauses, pretending to be clueless. "Uh, what was it again?"
"You already know what it is."
"Do I now?"
Tails sighed lightly, trying to sound like he was annoyed. "Yes!"
"I do? Huh, I don’t seem to recall what it is-."
"OK, Alright. One toll payment coming up." He sat up and wrapped his arms around Tails, resting his cheek on top of his head. The kit in turn squeezed his hug tighter, letting out a laugh as Sonic began to quickly rock their bodies side to side.
"Was that a good payment for ya?"
"Oh yeah, totally worth all those overdue bills you've been ignoring." Tails said lightly.
"Ah, speaking of which, I still have one more from this morning I haven't paid for. Better late than never!" He finishes by pulling him closer and wrapping him in a even tighter hug, a one where Tails could barely move his arms.
"Ow! Okay, you paid your debt! That's too tight!" Sonic released him and watched as Tails held his sides seemingly in pain.
Sonic got up and looked at him, slight panic rushing in upon seeing him. "You good?"
"I think you nearly broke my ribs." Tails croaked out.
"Sorry." He gave him a sheepish smile as he helped him up the floor, giving him quick, side hug, a gentle one this time and ruffling the fur on his head. "You wanna help me get dinner started?"
"Sure," Tails went to stand up, stopping midway and a deep frown suddenly masked his face. "...Sonic?"
Sonic flinched at his sudden change in tone. "Yeah?"
"You didn’t wipe your feet when you came in, didn't you?"
"Oh my gosh-, don't start with that again please." Sonic groaned as Tails began his annoying tangent. "I actually did it this time."
"I can see the tracks of water leading from the grass outside to here! I keep telling you, just wipe your feet at the doormat!"
"I was carrying the groceries in!"
"That's no excuse Sonic! You know how hard it is to mop up these floors!"
Sonic began to back away, holding his hands up. "Well I did, and just for the false accusation you're not getting the dessert I bought tonight."
Tails' eyes widened, his mouth open agape. "What?!? That's not fair!"
"Neither is falsly accusing your brother for a crime he didn’t commit."
"It's not false accusation if the proof is right in front of your dumb-dumb face." Tails deadpanned.
"Annnd, now that's no mint candy of any kind for a week."
"Do you want me to make it a full month?" He tried to have his "serious" face on while saying it but the sour look on Tails' face made it rather difficult and cracked up rather quickly. Tails stood there flabbergasted upon seeing him suddenly burst out laughing, a faint blushed warmed up his face once he realized what was going on. Typical Sonic, he should have seen that coming.
"You're the worst, you know that?"
"Love you too bro."
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fireflysparks · 2 months
So, I haven't been around a lot. I recently had to have a tooth removed, which was extra medical stress on top of my other health stress on top of my normal anxiety. 🙃 The procedure went quite well and was only mildly traumatizing, all things considered. But I am still healing, and eating has been even less fun than usual.
Meanwhile, I've been going through my Sims 2 CC again. I never entirely finished my past cleanse of it. 😅 And in time, my "testing" folder became completely unmanageable, so that when I did have some major crashing a week or so ago, I had to take out that whole folder to make it stop.
Another major (but very pleasant) distraction has been playing Palia. I absolutely love the world and the characters. And now that I found myself in a great little community of other players, I am playing even more often. It's a very nice escape from reality. Which I really need right now. And I think (I hope) I've made at least one really good friend from the experience that will last longer than the life of the game. However long that may be.
All this to say, I've been busy with things other than playing and posting Sims. I'm still playing my game a bit, and I still intend to finish posting my backlog of (mostly Pleasantview) photos. But I am taking a bit of a break right now. 🙂
Hope you are all doing well! 💕
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lossie92 · 2 years
I wish you would write a fic where Tobirama is kidnapped and Hashirama, Madara, etc have to save him.
Hi anon! This got a bit longer than intended, but your idea really inspired me. Hope you don't mind a/b/o 😅
The ask game post can be found here.
EDIT: Yes, you can still send new asks for this. If I like them, I'll write a snippet for them 🙃
Warnings: a/b/o, swearing
"My brother is missing."
Madara blinked, for a brief moment unable to process what Hashirama was saying. 
Granted, when he got an urgent message from his friend this morning asking for a meeting at their usual place he had prepared himself for receiving bad news. There was really no other explanation for why the two of them would need to meet so early and in secret.
However, his predictions for what could have gone wrong centred around a potential coup or some such incident, not... this.
They were embarking on the long journey towards true peace between their clans and to say the tensions were high would have been a gross understatement even though the ceasefire had held for almost a full year by now. 
Regardless of that monumental success not all of their clansmen were happy with the rapid changes. This unfortunately made the negotiations a truly exhausting experience. As the parties involved were not only their clansmen, but also their allies who were similarly peeved, it made for a rather unpleasant few months of constant back and forth, and seemingly never-ending bickering.
Madara was beyond tired of all of this by now, to say the least.
Thankfully, the situation was still manageable and they were able to sign off on some vital parts of the peace agreement the last time they convened a little over a week ago, including, but not limited to, a marital agreement between the Senju and the Uchiha.
The agreement effectively made Senju Tobirama Madara's future wife – a wife who had apparently gone missing somehow.
"Come again?" He asked, hoping that maybe he misunderstood what his friend had said. "What do you mean he's—"
"You heard me!" Hashirama threw his hands up in exasperation.
The air around them was by now filled with the sour scent of his distress, which made Madara tense up involuntarily. Though the logical part of him knew the other alpha wasn't about to attack him, his instincts begged to differ.
"My brother! Your betrothed! Tobirama!” The other alpha all but yelled. “He went missing yesterday. I don't know what happened or where he is, but he's just… just gone!"
"Alright, alright! You can stop yelling now, dear gods," Madara said in response, trying to keep his voice as even as possible and not succumb to the urge to yell back. There was no need to alert anyone who happened to be in their vicinity that something was wrong. "I still don't understand how he can be gone though," he said next. "Wasn't he supposed to be working on the treaty? Nevermind preparing for the wedding?"
For a moment Hashirama said nothing, just looked down in complete silence. It was obvious he was worried and Madara couldn't blame him for it. 
If his own brother was suddenly nowhere to be found he would have likely felt the same.
Eventually Hashirama sighed heavily and then pushed his hair away from his face before saying, "He was, yes. That's why I don't know what could have possibly happened. He wasn't scheduled for a mission or a patrol, I would have known if that was the case. He just up and disappeared."
Madara considered that carefully. The treaty, the wedding preparations, the sudden disappearance… All together it wasn't painting a pretty picture, that's for sure.
"Do you think he could have made a run for it?" He asked after a moment. 
Though he didn't want to accuse Tobirama of something like this, it did make a disturbing amount of sense.
"He wouldn't be the first runaway bride," he continued, "and given the circumstances, it would be quite understandable as well, you know…"
Which was true enough. The idea was still somewhat insulting, of course, but Madara knew what he looked like and was equally aware of his reputation. Still, he wasn't some sort of a brute and he had made a conscious effort to court Tobirama, even going so far as to send the other man a rare scroll as a gift along with the customary scent token. Tobirama thanked him for it in a short, but polite letter and he had even sent a scent token of his own, which Madara had, maybe naively so, thought to be a good sign. 
Unbidden he placed his hand over his heart or rather the inner pocket located there in which he kept the handkerchief covered with Tobirama's sweet inviting scent.
It hurt to think Tobirama was so against their marriage that he would choose what amounted to exile over it. Madara would have to be an idiot not to take into account the fact that the omega had plenty of reasons to be scared of him or simply unwilling to wed him, but knowing this didn't make him feel any better.
"No!" Hashirama denied vehemently. "No, Tobi… He's—He wouldn't do that!"
"Are you sure?"
Hashirama looked affronted by that. "Of course I am! He wants this peace as much as we do. He wouldn't– it's not like him. I know my brother, Madara. I know him. He wouldn't do it, I swear."
"Do you have a better theory then?"
"Not really," Hashirama admitted as he started to pace back and forth. 
He always did that when he was stressed and needed to let some of the energy out. Just like every other time Madara saw him do it the ground under his feet was suddenly covered with a carpet of grass and vines that seemed to have a life and will of their own, since they moved in tune with Hashirama’s every step.
"You must have some ideas," Madara pressed after a moment. "Come on, something must have seemed odd to you or you would be waiting for him at home instead of meeting with me!"
Hashirama still seemed to hesitate, but after a few more minutes he finally said, "Well, at first I thought he just went somewhere quiet to train. He does that, you know? Train alone?"
"Alright. And?"
"And I don't usually interrupt him or try to find him until he reappears. He's… he just needs his space sometimes and I try to respect that," Hashirama told him. "This time I needed him for something though and went to all his usual spots, but he wasn't there. At first I wasn't really worried. He's an omega, but he can protect himself, you know? Always did. But I got a bit uneasy when he didn't come home in the evening, so I tried looking again and even felt for him with natural chakra, but there was nothing. He's just gone, Madara. I didn't know what to do or who to tell. I— This is going to ruin everything, isn't it?"
Madara hummed in agreement, knowing Hashirama was right about that. 
The situation between all the clans was precarious as is. If Tobirama failed to show up at the treaty signing and the truth about his absence got out…
"Did he take any of his weapons?" He asked. "A change of clothes? Any provisions?"
"His usual training gear is gone," Hashirama answered, "and his katana. I don't know about food or clothes, but it's possible, I suppose?"
"And you still think it's not likely he ran away?"
"He left his happuri."
Madara frowned, confused by that seemingly random answer. "And that matters because…?"
Hashirama smiled at him sadly. "Tobirama wouldn't leave for good without it," he said. "It was the last gift he received from our brothers the year they both died. If he was actually planning to leave for good, I'm certain he would have taken it with him."
"Aa," Madara acknowledged. 
He did understand the sentiment. As someone who had lost all but one of his siblings as well he knew how much value a gift like this would hold.
Nevertheless the first conclusion regarding Tobirama's whereabouts was still an attempt to escape an unwanted marriage. It made the most sense no matter what Hashirama said and how much Madara himself didn't want to believe it to be the truth. At the same time he did trust his friend enough to take his word when he said his brother wouldn't have done something like this. 
Not that either his opinion or Hashirama’s reassurances were going to matter much. 
Should Tobirama's absence become public knowledge, people would make assumptions and, just like Hashirama had said, it was going to ruin all they have worked for. Madara was sure the Elders of his clan would take this as a grievous offence and accuse the Senju of trying to back out of their end of the deal, which couldn't possibly end in anything other than utter disaster.
Madara's eyes narrowed. 
That sounded like a motif if he ever saw one.
"Maybe… Is it possible your brother was kidnapped?"
Completely bewildered, Hashirama repeated, "Kidnapped?"
"That's what I said."
"But… but why?"
"To make the Senju appear dishonest, for one," Madara explained. "I know it sounds far-fetched, but you said it yourself. Your brother has a habit of training alone. You don't usually go looking for him and I bet nobody else does either?" When Hashirama shook his head, Madara continued, "There you go. The way I see it, that would provide someone with the perfect opportunity. Even if Tobirama put up a fight, which he likely did, it would go unnoticed. And the fact he had some of his gear with him would only help to frame you, no? It would be almost—"
"Almost as if he really left on his own," Hashirama finished for him. "Fuck. Why didn't I think of that?"
Though Madara was tempted to say it was because Hashirama tended to see the best in people while he himself tended to have a more realistic, if not downright pessimistic, outlook on life, it felt unnecessarily cruel to do so.
"It makes so much sense…" Hashirama continued. "But this would also mean someone had to know Tobi would be alone."
"Meaning they had to have inside information. This is not something just anyone would know," Hashirama explained.
"But you said it's one of your brother's habits. Wouldn't it be possible for someone to figure it out on their own?"
Hashirama seemed to think about it for a moment before he shook his head. "It's not likely. At least I don't think it is. Our clan is rather… protective when it comes to our omegas."
"So what, you think it's impossible someone slipped up or was manipulated into revealing this information?" Madara asked. "It didn't have to be treason. An accident is a possibility."
It took a while before Hashirama spoke again, but when he did, he seemed resigned and tired, defeated almost, as if he had been keeping all of this to himself for far too long – as if the thought of someone from his clan was involved in this mess was unbearable.
"I… yes. Yes, I suppose that could have happened. Any of it, really," he said. "My brother, he's not exactly… liked. Or respected. Many disagreed with my decision to name an omega as my heir even though we're brothers and it was the most obvious choice. It's–” He paused and took a deep breath before continuing, “I hope it's not the case, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone had done this out of malice." 
"You really think someone would be capable of that?" Madara asked, hardly able to wrap his head around what he was hearing.
"Yes," was Hashirama's simple and immediate answer. 
The fact the other was so sure of it was equal parts shocking and chilling. 
For obvious reasons Madara had no clue about the inner politics of the Senju clan, but he had always assumed their clans couldn't be all that different from each other.
Apparently he was wrong.
"Wait, you mean to tell me your people would rather see Tobirama harmed than in a position of power?"
Hashirama grimaced, chagrined, but nodded.
"Because he's, what, an omega?" Madara asked. He sounded incredulous to his own ears. "You can't be fucking serious…"
"It's not just because of that," Hashirama told him. "The circumstances surrounding my brother's birth… it's complicated."
"That's bullshit and you know it, Hashirama," Madara responded. "How do you expect us to actually succeed at establishing a village if that's what your clan believes in? Do you expect that my clansmen will bow down to this nonsense? That they will make themselves lesser just to appease alphas with too big an ego to see anything past the tips of their own fucking noses?"
"I don't! I would never—!"
"But you're making excuses for them!" Madara said hotly, interrupting him. "You're excusing behaviour that is frankly unacceptable to say the least and could have easily led to your brother going missing! How the fuck can you—"
In two steps Hashirama was right in his face. His hands twisted in Madara's mantle and there was only so much Madara could do not to respond by clasping his own hands over Hashirama’s wrist and squeezing to the point he knew it had to hurt.
"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT?" Hashirama screamed. He looked wild, as if he was one breath away from completely losing it. "You think I'm not aware how fucking crazy it all is? Do you think I haven't fought for it to change? To keep my little brother safe and happy? Why the fuck do you think I agreed to this marriage in the first place?"
Madara’s eyes widened.
"I want something better for him," Hashirama continued. "The way you speak about your clan and your pack… I know he will be happier with you than he will ever be if he stays. The Senju… They will honour the treaty, I can assure you of that. But as long as Tobirama remains a part of this clan he will not be respected by them and he will be neither safe nor happy."
"You put a lot of trust in my words," Madara said when he could find his voice again. “Some would say blind trust.”
Hashirama simply smiled before he let him go and stepped back once Madara released his hold as well.
"It’s not blind at all. I know you, my friend," he said. "Besides, can you deny I'm right?"
"Why does this feel like a trick question?" Madara asked in lieu of a response, which made Hashirama laugh.
"I promise you, it's not," he said, still smiling, and then added, "it's all about trust, Madara. It's the reason I asked you to meet me here. There's no one else I would come to with something like this."
For the life of him Madara had no idea what to say other than, "Well, you can count on me then, I suppose."
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Waiting for the Cocoa to Cool ☕
In which Gus gets angsty about the whole becoming-a-villain thing, and Pen makes him cocoa. She also makes him laugh himself silly.
⚠️ This is a ticklefic! If that ain't your thing, kindly move along ⚠️
🫂 Pairing: Lee!Gus, Ler!Pen (100% platonic, 200% consensual, sfw)
‼️CW/TW: Gus curses like a sailor, you have been warned 😂 If there are any trigger warnings you'd like me to add (to this piece any/or any work in the future), please let me know!
While I adore both, I'm much more comfy with writing as a medium than drawing. So I thought I'd write a quick lil ticklefic to introduce Gus a bit more organically than my typical habit of infodumping. 😅 This fic ended up being much longer than I anticipated, but hey - what's wrong with extra tickles? Nothing I can think of.
Hope you enjoy! -🐧
"You want some cocoa, hun?"
I don't wait for an answer - I've already made two mugs. Gus will never refuse cocoa (not my cocoa, anyway).
Besides, he's staring out at the rain, which means he's too lost in thought to register anything I say anyway. His reverie only breaks when I set his mug beside him on the end table, directly in his line of vision, and plop myself down on the sofa beside him.
"Did you tell them about me?"
Look at that. Bailey owes me five bucks. He thought it'd take Gus a couple minutes before he started fretting about my new project.
"I gave them a little introduction." I pat his hand. "There's an awful lot to know about you, hun."
"Right, but did you tell them about... you know..."
How 'bout that! Bailey owes me ten.
"Vaguely." I set my mug down on the coffee table. "I said you went off the deep end for a bit."
Gus manages a mirthless little scoff of a chuckle. "There's an understatement."
"I mean, that's what happened," I shrug. "You just... lost your head for a while."
"I dunno, Pen. I think there was a little more to it than that."
"Mm. That's a topic for future posts."
Gus looks away.
He's right, of course - there's a lot more to it. Just... not a lot that matters to us now, in my cozy living room, listening to the rain patter on the window. The only problem is that Gus can't stay present to save his life.
But that's why I made the cocoa. Nothing heals like cocoa, in my humble opinion (especially my cocoa).
Unfortunately it's still too hot to drink. I gotta think of some other way to distract him before he starts ruminating on-
"Are you sure you don't wanna start with Hazel?"
I stifle a sigh. "Gus, love, we talked about this, remember?"
"I'm just saying, the villain isn't the one who deserves a-"
"You're not the villain."
"Well, I was sure acting like one!"
"Because you were high as a kite on Dr. Jekyll's axe-crazy-monster juice."
"That I made myself!"
"You didn't intend to drink it." I lean back. "You just needed it for... you know. Vengeance..."
Gus throws me a flat look. He's right, this conversation isn't really going a productive direction.
"Look," I try again, " You're not in that story anymore. You were never even supposed to be in that story in the first place. If anyone deserves a soft epilogue, in a new place, it's you."
"But so do you." Gus meets my gaze for the first time in the whole conversation. "Your life got fucked up, too. If you're gonna go to all this trouble, you deserve to focus on your own epilogue."
"Why do you think you're sitting in my living room?" I squeeze his hand. "You're my comfort character, Gus. We're in this together."
"What's that?"
"Comfort character? It means you make me feel safe."
He blinks. "...Oh."
"You're my comfiest comfort character." I scoot closer and rest my head on his shoulder.
I can feel a bit of the tension in his muscles ease at the cuddle. "You're makin' me sound like a stuffed animal," he mutters good-naturedly.
"I think Hazel's a lot better at comforting that I am though, personally..."
This man. Cannot. Let anything go.
Which means it's time to switch tactics.
"Hey, you know what I forgot to tell them about you?"
"I mean, Hazel's a fairy godmother." He's no longer listening. "Comfort is her whole-" At least he isn't until right about here, when he freezes mid-phrase.
He hadn't even noticed me slip my arm behind his back, but he's definitely noticed that I'm now walking the fingers of both hands up his sides.
"Don't let me interrupt you, hun..."
"Ohhh no, you don't!"
"You were saying...?"
"Pen, cheheh- cut that out!"
"No, no, continue, I insist!"
"Pen!" His voice cracks even on this one syllable.
"I'm just demonstrating a little detail I forgot to mention to our readers."
Finally, twisting to face me, he manages to snag both my wrists and hold them still. "Wh-What do they need to know that for?!"
"What do they need to know what for?" I smile sweetly.
"That I'm-" He's so flustered he just barely catches himself.
I flash him a wide grin. "You wanna tell 'em, honey?"
He just squirms - struggling with an uncharacteristically silly grin of his own that he doesn't entirely seem to realize he's making. "Over my cold, dead-"
Mm, I don't need to hear the end of that threat. I easily break my wrists from his grasp and set to work on his adorable little belly.
The detail I forgot to tell you is that Gus is devastatingly ticklish.
"WaitwaitWAIT Pehehen, staHAhp!!"
Gus isn't a loud guy. Even his full-out cackling barely makes it above most folks' normal speaking voice. But what he lacks in volume he makes up for in intensity - he's got the most contagious, helpless laughter I've ever heard in my life. The best I can describe it is quietly maniacal.
"Stopstopstopit-getOFFmehehe!!" He also has an adorable tendency to babble incoherently when he gets nervous - or flustered, in this case. Especially if I get 'im right up under his ribs...
"ACK! Pehehen! Penstop I cahan't- Ihi-"
The nice thing about this spot is that I can wiggle my fingers right up under his diaphragm, so his own giggling starts to tickle.
"I can't st-stop! AHahaha- plehehehease!!"
It's definitely a spot to use sparingly, else he'll run out of air. I give him another few tweaks before sitting back, beaming as he catches his breath.
"This is... heh... c-completely unnecessary," he mutters, his hands wavering defensively over his midsection.
"If only there was something you could say to make me stop," I sigh, throwing a sorrowful glance to the ceiling. In reply I receive his best attempt at a scowl (which, since he's still grinning like an idiot, isn't a very convincing attempt).
Gus is so sensitive - both physically and emotionally - that I'd never dare touch him if we didn't have a safeword. But I've never in our entire friendship heard him use it. This boy soaks up physical affection like a ticklish little sponge.
And right now, in my expert opinion, he could use a little more of it.
I can't help but coo over the way his tummy deflates in anticipation as I hover one hand over his waist. All I have to do is rest my fingertips against the soft fabric of his sweater, and he collapses into helpless giggles.
It occurs to me, I don't think I've mentioned Gus' accent yet either. It's little more than a slight lilt most of the time, but when he's flustered like this becomes much more pronounced.
I'm not quite sure what it's supposed to be, exactly - technically it's Drearish, the regional dialect from the fictional village where he grew up. Whoever directed the movie he came from seemed to be going for some vague German-Slavic-Transylvanian hodgepodge.
Regardless, it's cute as heck. Especially when he's so overwhelmed that he starts trying to curse me out in Drearish.
Not that he doesn't have a perfectly sufficient vocabulary of English curse words to throw at me...
"I svehehear to - shihit, fuck! - I vill breheak your FUHUCKING - heheheh! - your fingers!! Your... dammit, getoffme!!"
...But the trick is to sneak my hands under his sweater and start scribbling directly against the soft pudge of his lower tummy. That really does him in.
"What did you just call me?!"
"I saheheh-" [incomprehensible] "you fuhuckin'-" [unintelligible] "if you don't-" [...frankly this could be English or Drearish, it's so garbled by laughter I can't tell].
"Sorry, didn't catch that," I tease.
He lapses into silent laughter for a few seconds. "Okay, okahahay, enough! Enough!"
Enough isn't our safeword (that would be nightshade) but it's kind of an informal one since he doesn't use it very often. It's become a code for I'm getting tired.
So I withdraw my hands from beneath his sweater, and start rubbing slow circles on his tummy. Even this still tickles him, but only enough to elicit soft little breathless chuckles. I'm mostly doing it because his tummy is just so irresistibly soft and warm... but also my hand is trapped so tightly beneath both his arms that I'm starting to lose feeling in my fingers.
Our cocoa has gone cold by the time we return to our mugs. Neither of us mind very much.
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wesavegotham · 1 year
Suprised by how much I liked the first issue of Batman and Robin (2023) considering how I could never warm up to Robin (2021) by the same writer.
The art is gorgeous, I just wish Damian would look more like Damian and less like Tim. Plus the fight scenes can get a bit confusing, I wasn't always sure where the characters were in relation to each other or what they were doing and had to look at the panels longer than probably intended.
After a short fight sequence to kick off the story we spent about half the issue on Damian moving back in with Bruce and them trying to figure out how they want to life together, with Bruce seemingly longing for a bit more normalcy after all the chaos they went through, but being unsure how to reach Damian like Alfred did, and Damian being fully focused on the mission (cutting his talk with Bruce short to get enough sleep for crimefighting, getting up on time to make breakfast, not wanting to go to high school to have more time for the mission etc.) and not overly enthusiastic that his father wants him to have the teenage years he himself didn't get to have.
I think spending so much time on this was the right decision after they barely got to talk in private in Shadow War and not at all in Batman vs Robin.
Damian also gets to talk a lot more in general than he did in Robin #1 and I feel Williamson really held himself back with Shush's introduction, making sure we focus on the titular characters first instead of some new characters.
I also liked that we got an entire issue of Damian being competent this time. I expect Damian to run into bigger challenges and problems in the following issues so it's nice to see him get a few wins first. In fact it felt like Williamson let Damian shine more than Bruce in this issue, showing that just because he's back as Batman's Robin he hasn't suddenly lost all his skills to elevate Batman's role in the book.
Actually I was a bit suprised to see just how chill Bruce was this issue. He praised Damian for his work in the field, let Damian cut their conversation short, let Damian teach him how to make tea and allowed Damian to drive them to the crime scene in Damian's own car instead of the batmobil.
I understand that Bruce is low on allies in Gotham right now and that he's probably just happy to have his son back with him and is thus probably willing to put up with a lot for the moment if it means Damian won't run away again, but...isn't Bruce completely losing his mind in Gotham War right now? This issue even makes several references to Gotham War, Damian talks about how Selina still has control over the henchmen in Gotham, but that there is other crime not under her control that needs to be stopped. So why does Bruce act so relaxed and happy in this?😅
And how did he regrow his hand?
Anyway, aside from my questions about how this fits together with Bruce's solo books I enjoyed this issue, I hope it continues to be fun.
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Hey everybody!! Here’s a drawing I did for the wonderful @bogglle, as part of an art trade! I wasn’t sure when I’d get the time to draw it, since I’ve been so busy lately, but I had all of Sunday free, so I just decided to crank this out, finishing after about seven-eight straight (or not straight 😉) hours of drawing. I did some touch ups yesterday, and while I’m still not fully happy with it, I think it’s as good as it’s gonna get, ha.
My description of my process ended up much longer than intended (what else is new??) so I’ll put it in a Read More to prevent it from clogging up dashboards. :-)
The prompt I was given was that either Mondo or Taka was supposed to be learning an instrument of my choice. I immediately decided that I wanted one of them teaching the instrument to the other, and of course I decided to go with guitar for it, since it’s one of the best to force two people close together, the instructor’s arm wrapped around the learner to try and “help them understand the chords better.” 😉😉😉
Ha. But yeah, that was my thought process. I also like the idea of Mondo knowing how to play guitar, Daiya helping him learn to try and control his anger issues or something. It’s just a cute head canon to me that I’ve now officially adopted into my head canon repertoire.
Also, I hadn’t originally set out to make it a semi-realistic drawing; I just wanted to experiment with having less lines, wanting lines in some areas but not others. But the more I went along, the more detail I added, and the more lines I removed. Until suddenly my whole drawing was line less except the face, and I was like “… well, why not just make it a completely line-less, semi-realistic drawing now??” So… I did, ha. I still have the original drawing with Taka and Mondo’s cartoony faces on the realistic bodies and it’s, uh… very uncanny valley 😅😅😅 Maybe if people ask nicely I’ll release the forbidden art.
Anyway, I hope y’all like it! Maybe I’ll do more drawings in this style, since I honestly kinda like it. The faces gave me so much trouble, since they were a game time change that I wasn’t really prepared for. And while I love realistic art, I usually need a reference to make it look super realistic, and I didn’t have one here. I just winged it, which might be clear, ha.
Oh! And since I’m terrible with perspective, if it’s not clear they’re supposed to be sitting on Mondo’s bed!! I didn’t want to spend ages on the background, so it was a real quick and easy draw, but my perspective drawing skills suck (my brain does not compute perspective when I’m drawing, no matter how hard I try, unfortunately) so it turned out a bit questionable.
Finally, I may write something based on the same prompt, since that was part of the trade Bogglle and I have, but I have no idea when I’ll be able to do it. I’m currently writing a long fic for another fandom, and it’s taking up a lot of my time. I have this week off of work and internship since my dad has COVID and he’s my ride to and from both, and I have next week off thanks to Spring Break, but still. This fic is turning into a beast (literally, since it’s a Beauty and the Beast AU fic) so it may take me a while to finish it. So… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thanks for reading! I hope you have a great day!
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artist-issues · 9 months
Hi! I have a question for you as I know how immersed you are in Disney lore and themes (just like me hehe): Which fairytales or myths do you think would be really fit for a Disney adaptation/retelling? This is if Disney wasn't in the state it is right now, creatively and thematically speaking, of course. I don't know if I'm the only one who has thought about this, but I've been curious about how they'd do an adaptation of The Little Prince, though, that isn't strictly a fairytale, but it's still fantasy and adventure and the protagonist is a prince, so there's that, or even an actual adaption of Romeo and Juliet, which is yet another story that isn't a fairytale, but I still think there's some interesting elements they could make content of and the story is widely renowed for the passionate romance between two young people, which is an area Disney has had plenty of experience for decades now, although I don't know how they'd handle the tragic ending given how Disney has always modified tragic and/or horrifying stories to seem more wholesome and happier, and because it's an extremely well-known story, perhaps more than most of the ones they've adapted, I don't know how people would take it if Disney were to modify the ending to suit their style. This went on longer than I intended it to, but yeah, I'm curious to read your take on this topic.
I love this question!
I’d genuinely love to see Renaissance Disney do a fairy tale like Brother & Sister (the Brothers’ Grimm version or the Andrew Lang version) or, still, Jack & the Beanstalk.
I think Brother & Sister has all the seeds of a great Disney story.
Sibling relationship instead of a solely romantic focus ✔️
But there still is some romance ✔️
‘Evil witch stepmother ✔️
Humans enchanted into animals ✔️
Some never-before-done elements that they could play with, like the Sister/Mother character getting turned into a ghost and haunting the family until her curse can be broken, that sort of stuff. ✔️
I’d also love to see an adaptation of The Princess & the Goblin, but even in their heyday, I don’t know if Disney could’ve handled that one with care. 😅 It had layers of themes and an ending that would only make sense if you took those themes seriously, and since they didn’t exactly take Lewis Carol’s themes seriously in an effort to simplify, maybe they would’ve had the same problem trying to adapt Princess and the Goblin.
But! I think something like Brother & Sister (or Hansel and Gretel, I’m not picky!) or the Jack stories would’ve been really cool.
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vikkirosko · 11 days
Can I request Prismo, Scarab, Fiona and reader who is the warden of Citadel Prison?
Character: Treats everything lightly, regardless of the severity of the situation. In battle, she is full of sarcasm, ridiculing opponents, not taking many of them seriously because of the huge difference in strength. You have never had much sympathy for your work, but you use your power: your ruthlessness towards enemies and the destruction you cause are caused by your wastefulness and the unbridled nature of your strength in battle - all justified by your divinity. You are also calm and cool-headed in stressful situations, for example, when fighting with enemies of equal strength. Sometimes you seem overly distracted, for example, chasing fleeing criminals, you put too much energy into a strike that destroys an entire city.But with all this, you have a weakness for children :>
I would like to add that in the past you were an auditor god, and the scarab was sent to you for an internship so that he could take your position, and you were appointed to the post of head of the Citadel. For a thousand years, you did your job flawlessly, but one day, when you had a lunch break, the Lich destroyed the prison and freed all the criminals, and when you returned, it was already over. Then you were put on trial, but they gave you a chance so that you could fix everything.
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Here is a drawing of the reader's appearance and I apologize for the huge number of words😅
Thanks ♡
Platonic headcanons The warden of the prison
🐰 Fionna Campbell x fem!Reader 🗡
Having found herself in an unfamiliar world so different from her native one, Fionna did not expect that she would be chased. Scarab wasn't going to leave her alone, but even he didn't know that he wasn't the only one chasing her. This was your chance to make things right. When you were the head of the Citadel, you didn't really like your job, but you did it flawlessly, until recently. You only went to your lunch for a couple of minutes, and when you returned everything was destroyed, the criminals escaped, and the court was waiting for you. But now you had a chance to fix it
You followed the tracks until you got to a strange world where there was no magic. That's where you found Scarab. Only by that time your order had changed. Your bosses wanted you to calm him down, because Scarab lost his temper, after that you could be free. While you were teasing him, saying that you would destroy this world much faster, Fionna was looking at you with wide eyes. You were huge. You had wings instead of arms, and your legs were like a bird's. You were taller than some of the buildings and clearly didn't notice her standing next to you until Fionna also got into a fight with Scarab
When it was over, you wondered what kind of world it was. You've never heard of such a place before. And that's when you finally saw Fionna, who asked you not to destroy anything. Perhaps if it had been someone else, you would have done exactly the opposite out of some harmfulness. But she seemed like just a child to you, even though she was very capable. Compared to you, who were over a thousand years old, she was, she really was a child to you. You just didn't want to see her upset
You no longer had to stay in one place and keep an eye on criminals. You were free, and you decided to use that freedom by staying in the world where Fionna lived. She promised to tell you about the world where she lived and even introduce you to her friends, and you decided for yourself that you would look after her and her world. Considering your previous job, your current idea would be comparable to a simple vacation. You intended to have a proper rest for the first time in a thousand years, and Fionna had the role to keep you company for part of that time
🥒 Prismo x fem!Reader 🖥
You and Prismo knew each other even before you became the head of the Citadel. You used to spend a lot of time together. He was someone you could call your friend and your words would be sincere. But when you got a job, you saw a lot less of each other. Prismo missed you, but he understood that you couldn't leave your post, because otherwise anything could happen
He learned from his friends about what happened to the Citadel and that you were awaiting trial. Prismo found it hard to believe that you could really let the criminals escape so easily. He knew you for a long time and knew that despite the fact that you didn't take a lot of things seriously, you did your job flawlessly for a thousand years. Prismo hoped that you would be okay
He learned about what happened to you directly from you. You followed Scarab, intending to find him on the orders of your bosses. What Scarab did to your friend angered you and you promised Prismo that you would try to free him. You understood that in order to save him, you had to stop Scarab, and you hoped that you could do it as soon as possible
When Prisma was free, he hoped to meet you soon, and you really came. You were free and all charges against you were dropped, so you could afford to make up for the time you didn't see each other
🪲 Scarab x fem!Reader 🗡
Scarab thought highly of you. Once upon a time he was your protégé and since then he has had only a good opinion of you. At least until he found out that the Citadel had been destroyed, the criminals had escaped and you were awaiting trial. He doubted that this would have happened if you had done your job the way you used to, so his opinion of you worsened. He was too busy to figure out what really happened, but he understood that few people could defeat you to free the prisoners
When he sought to destroy a world that should not have existed, he did not know that you were following him. Your bosses decided to give you a chance to correct your mistake and you couldn't miss this chance
Scarab did not expect to see you, but even more he did not expect that you came to calm him down on the orders of the bosses. Scarab was very angry, but you didn't care about it. You deliberately provoked him without even taking your battle seriously. Scarab was too wrapped up in his emotions to notice that you were stronger than him
After the defeat, Scarab was punished for his act. He came under the supervision of Prisma and you. You no longer had your old job, but a new one appeared, which consisted of looking after a single ward. Now you've had a lot of time to put your former protege on the right track
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ramonag-if · 2 years
[Its just me ramblin about the new chapter you dont have to post this or even read this... this got longer than intended]
Thats what I said out loud when I read the scene with dear mom cause damn even I was flabbergasted. Like I read the random crumbs from Patreon readers so I thought I could handle it but... I could not.
Honestly, if it was me, I dont think I could handle a conversation with her after the prison break, I would probs be balling my eyes out behind my friends, my buddies, my homies [I wanted to read the friendship scenes] cause that was one hell of a talk I would not willingly be in. Like she only thought about fixing the relationship when she saw you in Ishari. AND she brought her kid with her!!! How could you do that??!?! You didnt speak to your kid for 20 YEARS and you thought it was the best time to introduce each other.
It may sound weird but I also never thought Ahlf was a bad dad. He just seemed like a regular asian dad to me. Emotionally constipated, but at least still tries to push thru the constipation you know. Doesn't really succeed but he broke out a sweat. A+ for effort.
My god, Salyra... How was it possible to never even mention your kid in 20 years? I couldnt even shut up about my dog to some random strangers. And it wasn't even my dog, it was my neighbours! The best shih tzu you could ask for honestly. So glad 7 year old me took shitty photos of her that ended up being developed by accident and till this day is still stored in my family photo album.
I dont think I would be able to sit thru the meeting with Salyra there lmao, I probs would bring Crown in as my emotional support animal. Maybe he can give Salyra a good hard glare for making MC go thru this shit.
I wonder how our family in Vinia would take the information? Damn, author you really made me go thru so much in one chapter. You really did a great job writing. I'm sorry for this long ass post, I forgot it's 1 Feb and didn't prepare myself emotionally.
I shall read and answer this because I do love rambling myself 😋😆
I really do love complicated parents in fiction and I really wanted people to realise that not everything is quite clear cut, especially since for many, Ahlf was the somewhat worse of the parents considering his reluctance in becoming a father.
Salyra definitely made mistakes and in a way, she might be a little too hopeful for a huge happy reunion with the MC. She isn't quite aware of what the NC went through, so all she sees is just an older version of the 5 year old child she left behind 😅
You definitely will get to see the Vinia family react to Salyra by Part 3 😊 They'll all be feeling some sort of way, mostly the MC's uncle because Salyra's decision to remain in Ishari routine really hit him hard 👀
Thank you for the long post!
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Let us know how your precampaign one shot goes! Sound exiting!
Hello anon!
The one shot went super well!! I was really proud of the way it turned out 😄
I meant to reply to this message earlier but I was so fucking tired after the session last night and then I had another pre-campaign one shot with a different character today too
Yesterday's session went for five hours, which was longer than I intended, but also I wasn't surprised that it went so long. I got a little feedback on how I did, and what I can improve on going forwards, which is important
Today's session was only about 2 hours long, but was much simpler because I came up with the idea literally just a few hours before the player came round for the session 😅
And because @geekate asked - these are my session notes! Some I follow along and read out during the session as a narrator, others are plot points or beats I wanted players to hit, and also a few I added in of things that the players did of their own initiative, so I realise I change how I write things at times
I'm also aware that these are very narrative/exposition heavy, which is not how my notes will always be moving forwards, I hope, I just needed to push PC's in a very specific direction to get everyone on the same page for when the campaign does start
These are the notes from last night's session for Rataghast (mute, half-elf paladin) and Velaris (astral elf rogue) as I needed them to meet each other before the campaign started
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And these are the notes from today's session with Astrid (aasimar cleric)
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eldritchships · 2 years
34 with Shockwave? 👀
34. Washing each other's body
Word count: 1876
This took much longer than intended, both because the prompt made me blush and I accidentally went way over my intended word count 😅 (Oh also, in case anyone's worried, nothing overly spicy happens)
Cold air whipped around the Nemesis's landing deck, meeting the pleasant warmth of the sun, and stopping what would otherwise be a hot day from being too overwhelming.
Flatline pulled Shockwave further out of the shade of the landing decks' runway interior. An equally blinding smile spread across his faceplates, watching small clouds of dust fall from the both of them with every step they took.
"Rubble doesn't suit you, my love." Flatline chuckled. Shockwave slipped his digits from Flatline's, slowing to a stop. Flatline lowered an oversized container to the floor by his pedes; it was filled with water and suds, and a clean rag hung on its brim. Shockwave's optic flickered, glancing towards Flatline.
"Or you." He paused, assessing himself. "My mechanical systems remain functional, the exterior uncleanliness is only a minor inconvenience." Flatline took the rag from the container.
"A good clean improves both internal systems and personal morale." He echoed Shockwave's matter-of-factual tone with a tilt of his helm, wiping at Shockwave's forearm. Shockwave shifted his arm to present it at a better angle.
"A logical response." He replied. Flatline smiled. He worked his way up Shockwave's forearm, washing away the thick red dirt until Shockwave's paint showed through clearly again, restored to its usual dark purple. Shockwave held his arm loosely, allowing Flatline to gently rotate it one way or another as needed.
The mission they had been sent on together had gone awry, particularly due to Autobot interference. They had managed to retreat, but not without navigating their way out of a collapsing cave system first. Fortunately, Flatline had checked the both of them over once they'd gotten back to the ship, and given the all-clear apart from some surface level wounds.
"You missed a spot." Shockwave's helm moved, directed to the spot he was indicating.
"Well stop moving your digits around." Flatline laughed, optics still down and focused on the servo he was holding and finishing up on. Shockwave's digits twitched, but he held them still. Flatline pulled back, and dropped the rag onto the edge of the container. He used his grip on Shockwave's wrist to pull it close enough to press a kiss to the Shockwave’’s knuckle-joints. Shockwave pushed his servo in a little further, brushing the back of his curled digits against Flatline's cheek. The singular optic was gazing into Flatline again, maybe analysing the dirt still covering his metal, or maybe just watching the glimmer in Flatline's optics.
Shockwave used his thumb to clean a smear from Flatline's faceplate before removing his servo. Flatline patted Shockwave's arm before looking the larger bot over. He tilted his helm back, lips pressed in a contemplative hum.
"You might have to help me." Flatline told him, gesturing downwards. Shockwave looked down at Flatline, the height difference all the more evident between them. He took a step back, and slowly lowered down, cautious of his own weight as he got down on his knees.
"Is this low enough for you?" Shockwave asked. He leaned forward, helm closer to Flatline's faceplate. Flatline smiled and took Shockwave’s helm in his servos. He was still maybe a head shorter, but at least he had easy access to Shockwave's helm now.
"Perfect." Flatline replied. He began picking chunks of rock from Shockwave's neck cabling, tossing them aside. Shockwave's optic flickered again, becoming darker, almost as if he were shutting it as Flatline gently raked through his outer circuitry. The metal beneath their pedes tinned with a dozen falling stones, a tiny symphony that tittered out with the final pebbles. Shockwave's helm was becoming hot underneath the sun when Flatline tilted it up again. Shockwave brightened his optic and twisted to retrieve the rag from the container, his cannon rising to be a stabilising support on Flatline's leg. A single clean, surgical swipe removed the dirt from Flatline's chest screen, the slightly elevated pulse displaying clearly. Shockwave showed the same treatment to Flatline's shoulders, his arms, light dabs that neither took too long nor hurried. Flatline's shoulders hiked but he otherwise stayed still, the helicopter blades on his back twitching underneath Shockwave's attention.
"You're enjoying yourself, aren't you?" Shockwave noted. Flatline's smile was perpetually etched into his lips, trying not to wiggle as Shockwave got a rather difficult stain out of the seams between his stomach panels.
"How could I not? It's a gorgeous day, and we're out here spraying each other with water. I almost feel newly-forged.”
Shockwave hummed thoughtfully, the sound barely a grumble in his vocaliser. He examined the area he had been cleaning, making sure it was satisfactory. Once accepted, he handed the rag into Flatline’s open servo. Flatline crouched to dunk it into the sudsy water, feeling the wind chill against the cleaned parts of his body. He stood up, raising the rag to Shockwave’s chest plate. He took a step forward, and then faltered. His gaze flicked quickly to Shockwave’s chest, his face, and back again. Flatline pulled his arms back and released another chuckle, this one more uncertain, as warmth flooded his faceplate. The charm of the moment was still there, but he seemed to have realised the close proximity of what they were doing, and was getting flustered because of it. Shockwave's helm fins dipped, fixing his round optic on the other bot. He was quiet for a moment, watching Flatline's movements, the shift in his weight.
"Are you embarrassed, Doctor?" He questioned. Flatline's smile strengthened despite himself.
"Of you? Never." He shuffled an inch closer, and gave Shockwave a sideways glance. "Um. May I?" Shockwave nodded, and Flatline moved forward, getting close enough to continue scrubbing away dust and clumps of mud from Shockwave's body. The windows were brought to a gleam, Flatline's empty servo pressing to the side of Shockwave's chest while the other lovingly attended to the opposite side. Flatline's chest-screen picked up, fans whirring to try and dispel the heat in his systems, despite the grin creeping across his features as he wiped Shockwave clean. Shockwave's servo rested on Flatline's waist, purposeless but steady. Flatline's optics affixed on the spot he was working on, dragging down the curve of Shockwave's midsection. Putting a bit more pressure on the rag, he flicked out clumps of clay that had gotten caught. His servos slowed and lingered there, the tips of his digits following the seams between the metal plating, trailing down their expanse.
"Flatline..." Shockwave said; His servo squeezed Flatline’s waist to bring back the smaller bot’s attention, a warning rising in his tone. Flatline startled and quickly pulled his servos away.
"Right." He said quietly, the word apologetic but light.
Shockwave watched Flatline move on to other parts, and his hold relaxed again. More of his colour was beginning to show, greys and purple all but polished to a shine under Flatline’s eager attention. The two bots passed the rag back and forth between them, taking turns to wipe each other down. Flatline pretended to swoon when Shockwave took his servos in his own to scrub down Flatline’s arms, only to insist upon cleaning Shockwave’s cannon when the larger bot attempted to do it himself.
Flatline stepped closer, his pedes almost brushing Shockwave’s kneecaps. His brow was furrowed, taking care as he manoeuvred around the delicate (and potentially lethal) barrel of the cannon, propping it against his own stomach for support. The unconventional shape posed a challenge, but he was able to clear the dust away. Eventually, Flatline’s movements slowed, and he raised his gaze to Shockwave. He stared silently, causing Shockwave to pull his helm back a degree. Flatline gently lowered the cannon, and he reached up, taking Shockwave’s helm back into his servos. He felt Shockwave tense in anticipation, trying to discern his intention, but Flatline’s expression softened, all at once overwhelming the jovial atmosphere.
"My darling.” Flatline’s thumb brushed the purple metal underneath it, his optics meeting Shockwave’s single one and keeping it. “You are the most beautiful creature in this or any other solar system."
Shockwave paused, merely watching Flatline for a long moment.
"Illogical. Aesthetic beauty is entirely subjective." He finally replied. Flatline sighed a smile.
"I know it in my spark." Flatline tilted Shockwave's helm up to press a kiss underneath where his chin would be. He planted another, and another, each one less tender but pressing more firmly with enthusiasm than the one before. Shockwave’s newly-cleaned cannon rested against Flatline’s calf, a light pressure that disturbed the last spots of mud there as he tried to limit the assault on his helm. Flatline pulled back enough to look at Shockwave again. Flatline beamed, the sunlight bouncing off of the blue crest that framed his optics. Shockwave’s helm tilted to the side, and he shifted, his one servo moving up and up. Flatline tilted his chin up, expecting to give another kiss. Shockwave leant forward…
Cold water doused Flatline like a flash flood. He stumbled back, sputtering and spitting water out of his intake.
"Hey!" He accused, staring at Shockwave. He still had the now wrung-out cloth in his servo.
"You hadn't finished your own form yet." Shockwave replied. Flatline's optics narrowed; with Shockwave's monotone, it was hard to tell whether he was being genuine or making an excuse.
Flatline swiped the cloth from Shockwave, dunked it in the container, and thoroughly soaked it in water. He splashed Shockwave with it. Shockwave jerked back, rising to his pedes as he wiped bubbles from his optic. He flicked them at Flatline, who hopped back with an outcry.
“You spend stellar-cycles handling dangerous chemicals, but cannot tolerate a little water?” Shockwave questioned. Flatline laughed, amused and outraged, and hurried forward to the still half-full container. Shockwave slid back a step, then another, as Flatline lifted the container. With a heave, Flatline threw the remaining water all over Shockwave. He moved back a little with the wet slap of a large amount of water hitting his plating. Flatline laughed again, this time much more cheerful as he watched Shockwave shake off. The floor around them had become a slurry of water and dirt, the ratio too one-sided to become mud, but enough to cause a slipping hazard.
“That was a frivolous amount of waste.” Shockwave remarked, rolling suds out of his cannon. Flatline placed a servo on his hip.
“You’re clean now, aren’t you?” He retorted. Shockwave looked himself over, and Flatline could see him thinking it over through the twitches in his helm fins. Before he could respond, Flatline dropped the container and closed the distance, grabbing Shockwave’s servo. He tugged Shockwave with him towards the edge of the landing deck. “Come on. Let’s dry off.” Shockwave’s helm tilted again, somehow scolding despite the lack of facial features, but unlike normal the silent reprimand didn’t have as much bite behind it. He followed Flatline’s pulling further away from the interior hanger. They both knew they had already been in the sun, enough to adequately dry off. But when Flatline sat down, a bit back from the edge, Shockwave only paused for a minute before sitting down himself. The view was better enjoyed from this angle, with much more visible to their optics. Excess water falling from their plating, Flatline intertwined his digits with Shockwave’s, and settled with them there.
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a-earthssprout · 2 years
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🥀🍯 QUALITY OF … EXPERIENCE? UPDATES. hello, my dear friends ! 🌼 I hope everyone has had a pleasant start to their week 😊 I know it has been a minute since I’ve responded to anything on here, & the short explanation as to why is … my mother was home for two weeks & it severely threw off my rhythm 😭 I had no peaceful mornings to enjoy in solitude, which are the hours that tend to be my best time to write. acknowledging that it would only be frustrating to keep trying to push through & get things down on the paper, I decided to do what I could, since there was much outside of writing that needed to be done on Ari’s blog 🌷 now, I unfortunately did not get everything done that I had hoped to by this time, & some of these goals are still in progress—but the blog is in a much cleaner & organized state than it was before this winter break ! 😊
to not fill the dash with useless information ( as I often tend to do incessant rambling 😅 ), I shall place the updates that may be most important to others first. you will find all things ‘ trivial ’ beneath the cut 🌿
MY RULES HAVE BEEN UPDATED. old information has been updated & new information has been added to align best with the way I currently run my blog 📚 I’ve adjusted some areas that had poor flow, removed anything that sounded redundant or repetitive, & corrected the many errors that I found within the page. the only new section added to my rules is the ‘ accessibility & accommodations ’ section. while it is not required that my rules are looked over by any who are already mutuals with me, you are free to take a look if this section—or anything else previously mentioned—is of interest to you ! 🌼
ARI’S ICON STYLE. she’s got a new one, & how lovely are they ? 😊 I am not done with them all just yet—I’ve had to edit them by hand, & I’m very close to finishing all folders 👀—but I think they look absolutely precious … I’m very excited to use them ! ( I’ve also found this process to be most inspiring for muse, oddly enough ? 🤔 )
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ASK & ABOUT HEADERS. precious Stella / @theircurse back at it with her remarkable talent once more ! 🌼 Ari now has adorable headers & matching dividers for her ask & about posts. as to not make this post exceptionally long above the cut, you shall see them the next time I post a little something about Ari or answer a fun ask ! 🌷
AN UPDATE TO THE WAY I RUN THE ASK BOX. the ask box will no longer be closed, & I will rarely ever close it again in the future. I have decided to handle the ask box differently from the way I had been doing so before. as you all very well know, I am not fast 😅 I tend to take many moons to answer things, & though I have never received a complaint from any mutual about my reply speed, it is never not a worry in my mind 😔 I do think that ask memes serve as wonderful icebreakers for new interactions, & I now feel that closing my ask box limits the opportunity that newer mutuals have to start something with me. I intend to go through my asks at my own pace, however, but I feel like this decision will help new things get started ! 🍃additionally, my meme tag has now been linked to Ari’s pinned post ! 😊
I AM SLOWLY GOING THROUGH & RESPONDING TO DM’S. to those who have been patient with me & my slowness, thank you so very much ! 🌻 I am trying to answer everything that has been waiting for a response. I have made more progress than ever with this, but there are still many people that I need to reach out to—so if you haven’t heard from me yet, trust that you will soon ! 😊
added a picture of Ari to the top of her about section on her carrd. 🍃
updated my about at the bottom of the rules. 🍯
organized dm’s 
did that follower sweep / went through & unfollowed inactive / archived blogs 
learned how to crochet a bookmark … completely unrelated to the blog, but still a personal triumph 👵
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Howdy, I got an honest question. I started watching MASH but the blatant misogyny/stereotyping of the females really put me off it. Does that ever get better, or is it a common feature of the show? As a fan of tragic sitcoms and a ww2 history nerd in general, I would love to give it another shot but I just hated how the women were treated.
(This ended up being longer than I intended and for no good reason as I am neither an expert nor a super fan of the show lol, but for what it's worth, read on lol.)
I would love to tell you yes, but the answer is not so cut and dry. 😅 However.
I ended up being really impressed with Margaret's character development in particular as the series went on. Of all the things in this show that could/should reduce one to a sobbing mess, a monologue by Margaret of all people is one that hit me hardest - and was for once very sensitively received by her sometimes problematic coworkers. (Even if I can't stand her half the time lol.)
Hawkeye in particular never really gets better in his treatment of women unfortunately, like he does but more in how you perceive his true character than how he runs his mouth and occasionally how he acts. You also get quite a bit of "why is he like this" as the story progresses. They get him back sometimes which is always very satisfying. Kellye in particular has some Sparkling (dare I say even scintillating) moments, we stan her.
There are a few episodes dealing with things of a directly abusive nature which are not handled very well, fair warning. I don't remember the episodes specifically, but it's not the main characters at fault there. The writing just isn't nearly as sensitive as it should be with those events/topics. Still, you're hard-pressed to find any media from the era m*a*s*h* was produced that deals with women and abuse with any kind of nuance and the show actually probably does better than most. Not necessarily a point in its favor but I think it's worth highlighting the unfortunate product of its time.
Ultimately, the casual ill-treatment of women is definitely treated as a character flaw of Hawkeye (one of many lol, and I love him) and the others and they catch a lot of flack for it over the seasons. BUT ALSO when Beej and Potter come in for later seasons (and replace some of the worst offenders in that area), the more positive anecdotes and attitudes they have toward their wives really serves well to balance out that part of the show for me. 👏 Beej, Potter, and Mulcahy are my favorite characters not necessarily in that order.
If you want to watch the show and that is your only hang up, I would recommend viewing it as "this is a factual aspect of these characters but not one we the audience are actually meant to celebrate or agree with" and you'll enjoy the show (and the deeply flawed characters) a lot better that way. But it's also ok if that's just a thing you don't want to put up with on that level. I see value in both approaches to media.
For more in-depth, way more accurate, and certainly more enthusiastic info and defense of the show, I refer you to @wellmanneredthief who introduced me to it. 😊
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