#some of these are real! some of these are not. pick & choose wht u want to believe
heckdt · 7 years
bits of Faxs i’ve collected on nakano
(theyre all from my sleep-deprived brain, so i might have to edit later)
nakano sleeps w the ac at like…. 18 C (on my trip to spain, i slept with it at 16 C and lemme tell you, it gets fucking COLD)
nagai fills in nakano one to one after their debriefing Talks (i just found this out recently, it was in the anime, nagai said smth like “i’ll fill you in later nakano”) MAIN POINT: nakano is not good at focusing (in group situations?)
nakano worked at a construction site (D:)
nakano. has. boobs.
nakano will call out nagai when he’s contradicting himself (& its funny each time)
nakano cant make an ibm (& i cant seem to find out Why..but i have somewhat of a game theory on it)
nakano is a puppy! (completely canon)
nakano uses ‘ore’ (俺) and its so cute to me idk im stupid
nakano does the hard pushups..implying 1 of 2 things: either he doesnt know how to do a real pushup OR he knows & is challenging himself to get stronger.
nakano either: forgot that nagai poisoned him OR evidently trusts him to not poison his food again
actually, nakano trusts nagai….. to quite an Extent….. weird👀..
nakano dropped out of school (year/age unknown; but i like to think around middle school/junior high years??)
nakano knows how to drive w/o a drivers liscense/learners permit
nakano is good at getting along w/ other ppl! he’s ppl friendly!
he doesnt know complicated kanji/words & usually asks the meaning//nakano isn’t really good w/ grammar and probably has a low reading level
nakano has. neglectful parents :(((
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angeltrapz · 3 years
DUDE OK I loved ur answer for th Mallick n Lawrence one so I got a follow up: how do u think Daniel takes to bein Diana’s older sibling??? ooghdhfj im so in love w the family dynamic it’s What They All Deserve!!!!
jsjsjddj GOD I'm in love w it too + it IS what they deserve!!!! I'm so glad!!! ok ok ok let's Go
I think Daniel LOVES it. he takes very quickly 2 Diana, esp given what they have in common btwn them - I see Daniel as being very good w kids, the cousin who inevitably gets saddled w the responsibility of Child Wrangler at every family holiday/gathering/reunion but who doesn't mind it a bit! he's always sort of like, longed 2 have siblings n he never had that so like. Diana is very much welcomed!!
but it goes deeper than tht. Daniel has heard plenty abt Diana frm Lawrence b4 th two of them ever properly meet, n its like. she was eight years old. Daniel was a child too, sixteen and a teenager, but Diana was so LITTLE. n tht just makes them seethe. bc they knew Jigsaw was full of shit, knew he didn't mind putting children in danger fr his own personal gain, but like - it's just. she was innocent too. she was a kid too. n so like, they're already protective of her b4 they even meet her, they can't help it.
it does take Diana a little while to warm up 2 Daniel, though, bc her experience has also left her w a general unease around new ppl. but once she does? its like they've known each other all their lives!! Lawrence is a little taken aback by how quickly Diana accepts Daniel into her life but like, in that heart-clenched almost overwhelmingly relieved n happy way. its so good to see her so at ease around ppl, esp knowing how much she's struggled w it after tht night. plus, it definitely helps tht they become close rather quickly - given tht he's like, Literally dating Daniel's father + Adam n Mallick, it definitely brings everything like. full circle fr Lawrence. if he thinks abt it too long it makes him tear up bc his family is Truly complete w Diana there!! Just as it does fr Eric, it warms Lawrence's heart to see both his partners + Daniel get along w Diana so well!!
smth Daniel + Diana like 2 do together is paint each other's nails! Daniel lets her pick whatever colours she wants fr him (she Rly likes to give him funky patterns/neon colours) n she usually chooses anything pastel, but occasionally she'll pick up th black both bc Adam likes it too n sometimes he'll join in (let's be real. p much all of them will let Diana paint their nails if she asks. whatever colour.) n bc she likes th way it looks on Daniel n wants to look cool too!! (Daniel Def has 2 take a moment th first time she explains that bc She Thinks He's Cool??? He's The Cool Older Sibling???)
Daniel Also lets her practice makeup on him. she'll just walk out w her makeup bag (the small amount of makeup Alison has allowed her to play w) n b like "can I make u pretty again please?" n Daniel is just like Well How Do I Say No To That???? so he's sitting there w his legs crossed, lips bright sparkly pink n metallic blue eyeshadow all over his eyelids and his eyebrows a little bit, some blush on his cheeks and nose and his shirt too, n she's telling him all abt what she learned at school that day n he's nodding as much as he can b4 she tells him to stay still again, n then she shows him what he looks like in her little compact mirror n he's always like "oh I do look pretty!!! good job!!" n then sometimes he'll do it fr her if she wants him too. Lawrence walks into the living room while this is going on n just pauses fr a minute, watching them, their kids, heart all fond n soft n warm, n he'll put a hand on Daniel's shoulder as he passes and he murmurs, "thank you," n then he follows Adam outside to sit in the sun fr a bit. eventually Mallick takes Daniel's place fr a little while n its just. this is their normalcy and it is beautiful.
another thing they do is when Lawrence is working late and won't b home b4 Diana has to go to bed, Daniel will read her a bedtime story instead to help take her mind off of it + its a part of routine tht helps her fall asleep better bc she's so used to it. sometimes they end up reading her more than one bc she's got just the cutest and saddest puppy face when she asks for one more story, please, Danny? n so like twenty minutes will pass n Daniel still isn't back out in th living room like they said they would be, so Eric goes to check on them bc while they're reading he can usually hear them both laughing and he hasn't for a bit. he peeks in the doorway to th room Diana sleeps in when she stays over n he finds her and Daniel sat up in bed, Diana sound asleep w her head against their shoulder n Daniel's cheek resting against th top of her head, sleeping just like she is and he just. he goes back out 2 get Adam, who is getting himself a bowl of cereal in th kitchen to combat the post-meds nausea he gets while he Art n Eric wait up fr Lawrence, n Eric comes into th kitchen w this huge smile on his face like. do u have yr camera w u its SUPER important.
n Eric's smile has always been contagious fr Adam, so he's smiling too when he says "yeah I'll go get it real quick," n now Art is getting up off the couch like what's going on? n Adam shrugs as he disappears into th bedroom n reappears seconds later w his camera. Eric leads them both back there n when Adam finally sees wht Eric was grinning abt he like. his heart does this Thing bc god, this is not the life he ever envisioned himself capable of having. like fr so long Adam had resigned himself 2 th fact that he wouldn't have smth like this and just. to see Diana and Daniel there, leaning on each other n feeling relaxed enough in each other's presence to fall asleep, to see Eric barely holding back tears bc he's thinking the same thing while Art has a hand on his arm and is just Beaming, to know Lawrence is going to smile just as wide when he sees the picture? its just like Holy Shit, Dude. VERY much a "take that, Jigsaw" moment. I know I stress on tht a lot but I think literally everyone present in this dynamic is so unused to tht kind of like. We Made It, We Are Happy, This Is It, u know? its been a fucking struggle to get here, for every single one of them, n it can b something as simple as th kids falling asleep that really brings that fact home.
basically Daniel accepts Diana p much instantly n their bond melts every1's hearts!!
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