#some of the most fun I ever had in xiv rp was working for a Host Club
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hey there everynyan it's time for a new pinned post again
i'm mintleaf wingedcatgirl, it/she, local snuggly transfem catgirl #2424. i'm an adult but i've made it a policy that the entire internet is not just inherently entitled to my exact age on demand. if you truly must know, i'm sure you can dig up some birthday post i made before i had this policy and work it out yourself.
you may know me from being gay and not going to bed on time.
things i'm into include final fantasy xiv, fallen london (character list down below the cut), balatro (i'm making a mod! go look at it! it's fun!), tales of symphonia, terraria, kingdom hearts, puyo puyo, miraculous ladybug, cats (the animal, not the musical), and being queer and awesome. i write fanfic sometimes and am also vaguely attempting to work on original fic, so hello to writblr as well. a works list is below the cut
we're plural, but the headmates currently don't talk much here. this may or may not change in future. you can always say hi if you wanna
if you wanna find us elsewhere for such reasons as *gestures vaguely at fucking everything about this webbed site*:
your most reliable option is dreamwidth; we don't post there much but we do check regularly so a comment on any of our posts will get our attention
you can ask for our discord @ if we're friends (read: have interacted twice ever) or our server links if we're acquaintances (read: you're not a spambot)
we also have a sorta dead and disused forum, trouble cube. It's There™
but tbqh we don't plan to leave tumblr unless we're forced to. by the entire website being shut down, for example.
below the cut, some lists:
list of some things we're making:
Leaf Story, an OC insert fanfic of Tales of Symphonia (blog tag for it, also)
Minty's Silly Little Mod, a mod for Balatro that adds a new suit (3s) and a bunch of random other stuff because we thought it was amusing
we'll add more to this when we actually do stuff instead of letting it sit on our WIP pile forever
our fallen london character list for fellow fallen london enjoyers:
Inessa Fonseca, the Curious Lady (main, Light Fingers, Midnighter, non-canon Seven-Fold Knock someday when i feel like tormenting myself)
Inessa Fonseca in a rather more dire timeline (Seeking alt except the Seeking is canon so maybe the other Inessa is the everything-except-Seeking alt? Heart's Desire)
Lucky Kity (cat, Bag a Legend, I saw @waterlogged-detective's Boots the Cat and was like "CAT!!! i have a recurring cat character what if there was ANOTHER cat in london")
Lila Rossi (sure, crossover roleplay account for our Nemesis alt, i guess) (don't expect her to be as active as dire!Inessa and Lucky)
feel free to send us various RP and/or mechanical actions!
sideblogs we have:
@elakha-house-cube, the roleplay blog that currently consists mainly of asks from one friend
a lewd sideblog. mostly for reblogging. you can ask for it if you're cool
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1 from basics, 2 from OCs !
Munday Questions
Do you tell your friends / family that you write?
Half my friends are also writers writers/rp people too so its a boon to my sanity when I don't need to explain how out of pocket my muse choices are. As for my family well...yeah I haven't lmao.
They do know I do DND stuff so realistically it shouldn't be too hard to explain this as well. It'd be more trying to tell them the muses I do and not sound like a lunatic.
Who was your first OC?
its been so long I wouldn't even know. Beyond DND characters there's definitely around 2 dozen characters just lost to time that I wrote down concepts for and never really expanded upon.
I think the first real one I developed significantly was a Fate Master that I still use relatively often to this day. She wasn't anything special, really most of it was just other character traits that I cut off and slapped onto her but that's what we all did way back when. Nowadays I actually have a coherent idea of who they are and not some hobbled mess but goddamn their FC changed a few hundred times and really shows how my tastes went.
I'm talking like Deadman Wonderland to Tokyo ESP to Otherside Picnic to whatever is on my mind today. If you ask how it got to that point I LITERALLY would not be able to tell you it just happened. But she's someone I sat down and wrote out a backstory and all that jazz. Nowadays there's stuff like XIV where I can shove most of my energy and call it a day. But past Allul was crazy don't screw with them.
How do you create an OC? What are your steps for developing an OC?
I'm very sorry that this part is long but really its just me rambling with my bad opinions especially as someone who does canons a lot more nowadays. Anyway...
"Just do it. Within reason." - Allul 2k24
This is like 30% a shitpost but also like 70% serious. I feel too many people get hung up on handling everything at once rather then taking it one step at a time. Your mind (especially someone like myself who goes full ADHD constantly) just can't work that way delegating everything to where it needs to go. Then you lose motivation, do nothing, all the above and nothing ever gets done. At least that's how I've noticed my mind goes.
Basically my mindset goes
1. Jot down the idea for a character or group of them. 2. Ruminate over how/what they might do in said setting. Main goal smack dab in the middle. 3. What forces/motivations are helping them reach that goal? Friends? Foes forcing their hand? Outside forces beyond our comprehension? Those are the circles around that middle goal. 4. Other ideas, potentially characters that are intertwined with them, etc.
So Teacher Allul is in session and four an example like this I'll do a certain someone that reared their head here for awhile. Ofc I feel DND works off different rules because you are (usually) at the DM's mercy but that doesn't mean you can't have a compelling OC.
For Asuna "Step 2" I really wanted to try and push the whole "sheltered royalty wants to find out about the real world" vibe but not make it basically her defining character purpose. "Step 3's" forces that influenced her was...well her actually dying and coming back as a ghost on top of the world ending threat that the campaign had. The people she met along the way and getting closure with those intertwined with her own past helped motivate her IC to keep pushing to finally get some that ending she wanted and still open the book for more adventures down the road.
For your own characters just existing in their own universes or other canonverses you definitely have more breathing room since you can fill them into the blanks or have something in the story influence them. It helps ease your mind and connects the goals much easier then your own mind. But ofc YMMV and most importantly, you should have fun! If something isn't seeming right look at it later and find out what you aren't enjoying. it's your character and you can do whatever the hell you want.
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The Great Eight
[ In lieu of the Rising event ending tomorrow - and myself, just now finishing it - I had some words I wanted to get out.
I get this type of nostalgia - it hurts, it physically hurts my chest; I feel sick to my stomach, and I just want to cry. I’ve asked others if they ever feel this way, but I’ve never gotten a yes to it.
The Rising always gives me this feeling. It’s be eight years since I first picked up XIV. Eight whole years. That’s a slap to the face, it’s been so long and it feels so short. I wish I could give people the same experiences and feeling I had for this game - the pain and happiness this nostalgia brings me. When I say this game means so much to me, it’s not an exaggeration. This game changed my life - I wish to share it a little bit with you. I touched on some of it in the past, but here I’m laying it all out. ]
[ I first started playing in 2013, when a friend recommended the game to me shortly after the game’s rerelease. They were ecstatic to have another player join them, and I owe them a lot for the experiences they gave me. My very first character was Raramlah Ramlah - she was a paladin, because that’s what I mained in WoW. I realized shortly that a tank probably wasn’t the best way to go, but also that my computer at the time couldn’t handle playing it, due to the graphics.
I gave it another shot in 2014, that’s when I made Danny Harold. He was the first character I ever got to level 50. I absolutely loved the game, when I wasn’t sitting idly for my friends to come online as I had with Raramlah; when I picked it up of my own accord. I remember I was in the hospital when I first picked it back up, when I first made him and leveled him through Gridania. But I was still going intermittedly between it and WoW. I missed the first Rising due to ignorance.
2015 comes around, and I’m in a stressful place. I just started a new job, and I’m finally able to live on my own with little issues from my disabilites. However, my apartment complex didn’t have internet, and so I’d take my laptop to Starbucks and sit there until they closed playing WoW instead. I wanted to spend what little time I had on the internet with the friends I already had grown close to. Year 2 went on without me. But it still wasn’t all bad. Near the end of 2015, Maximiloix Voilinaut was created - and when I started up my XIV tumblr account under “ishgardianscholar”. See, I had made it to Heavensward on Danny when I found out that someone I had met through a friend was starting up a new character for the purpose of RP. I thought to myself “I want an Ishgardian character” - and rolled a new one. It was a new adventure, a clean slate, with a couple of friends I knew from WoW to join me.
Here comes 2016... and WoW had let me down. My disabilites came back full force, and I was left bed bound and reliant on partial disability from my workplace while waiting for SSDI to start kicking into effect. My roommates did little to help take care of the house we were renting, lied to me about their incomes, and forced me to use what little money I was getting to pay for everything myself. I’m short a total of 2000$ because of it. But. But. That was the best year of my fucking life. It ruined me, that year ruined my life, but it was the happiest I had ever been. Lothaire Voilinaut was first conceived and Maximiloix became my pride and joy as a character, I found the class I wanted to keep playing - I made friends, so many of them! So, so many of them! And I loved them, and I still do! I miss them terribly. If I could relive one year of my life... it would be that year. What I would give just to feel that way again - because I had never felt it since. I didn’t realize until Year 3′s Rising came around, how nostalgic just the few short times and experiences were to me. Because I was met with two things... the first song that truly captured me in Final Fantasy games (Prelude), and the first song I ever heard in the game itself (A New Hope). I cried there. Music has always hit me so hard, and I never realized just how much this game meant to me until then. This was how I knew I would stay - that XIV had my heart for good.
2017, during the release of Stormblood, I went homeless. I had wanted so badly to see my first expansion release - and only witnessed second hand “Raubahn EX”. My friends moved on without me, and I was left alone again to start playing. But I told myself already. XIV had my heart, there was no reason to go back to WoW. So I didn’t. I didn’t, and I don’t regret it. This is when I truly started playing Lothaire fully - and when I met my spouse, he became my main. I made it to Year 4, and cried just as much.
2018 - with the loss of friends, did I find new ones. It wasn’t the best time of my life, but I wouldn’t trade the memories for a thing. Year 5 came and went faster than I could blink, but that was it. I heard the music, I remembered my first Rising, I remembered all the times I had before. And I cried.
2019 started off rough. I moved across the country and had a hard time finding a place to live. I got it down, started a new job... and made it to the release of Shadowbringers. I had grown so much since I first started - and the expansion release was everything I wanted it to be, regardless of the issues that came with it (though I’ve been told that it was a far smoother release than the others). I was so excited... and I was not let down. XIV upheld its standards and presented to me a game worthy of pushing onto my friends no matter how annoyed they got with me about it (looking at you @rose-color-boy). Everything about it was a pure masterpiece, people think I’m exaggerating. But this game had done so much for me, that finally, now, I got to witness something I always wanted to. Sure, I didn’t have many friends to start the expansion with... but the story captivated me immediately. Year 6... and I cried.
2020. There wasn’t much to say about it, I was stuck inside all year and I hit a bad patch during the end of it, but... Year 7. It hit me like a truck. It gave me goosebumps, it gave me laughs, and ultimately, it gave me tears. I actually sobbed, this time. Remembering everything I gone through hurt me so badly, the nostalgia was coming in hard. But I knew, in the end, this game would always be here for me. This game had wormed its way into my heart accidentally, and yet I feel like I couldn’t live without it.
This year. Perhaps it didn’t hit me as hard - I still cried. This game means so much to me. So, so much. It hurts, it really and physically hurts how much it means to me. This game made everything in my stressful life so much easier, littered the pain with good memories. I can recall bad places I was in, and associate it with something good that happened to me in the game. 2020 - I got knee surgery... but 5.3 had just released and holy shit. My spouse got a little annoyed at me that the only thing I was listening to was the theme of that last battle (To the Edge). It helped me get through it, the pain and the misery I felt from not being able to walk. 2019 - Work was driving my depression in deep, and I didn’t want to live and continue the pain I was feeling... but I got to the end of 5.0 and only wanted more. I wanted to know what happened next. I still remember that one cutscene, how they got me attached to a minor character so quickly and ripped her away just as fast; and the first dungeon? Experiencing the Trust System, and going through this intense battle on a grand scale with the help of the friends they kept on the sidelines for so long. 2018 - My life was monotonous and I had three other people living with me in my one-bedroom apartment. One of my roommate’s ex’s was now stalking him around my apartment, and work was becoming physically taxing on my legs. But I remember how much fun I had doing maps - and the release of the Tsukuyomi fight? That whole scene there? Oh, wow, it was so bittersweet. The fight was beautiful, the music was haunting, everything about it. Not to mention the ending solo-instances and Ghymlit? The Burn? Omega? The Four Lords? As much as I disliked them (due to my computer issues), even Rabanastre was memorable. 2017 - I was homeless, forced to work a job my body couldn’t handle. I met my spouse, though. I became heavily invested with my tumblr account, doing a full re-write of it all. While I wasn’t much of a fan of the expansion itself, there were some places that really opened my eyes. Azim Steppes? So beautiful - and gotta hand Y’shtola the award for sickest burn. Then I heard my favorite piece of music, and the most nostalgic for me when it comes to SB, Skalla’s theme (Far From Home).
Lastly, I know this has been long. But I thank everyone around me for being so supportive and kind - I may not be in a good place, but know that every good thing that happens will be associated to this moment. I’ll look back on Year 8 and go “my security was compromised, and my anxiety ran high, but there were these people here who supported me on tumblr, that kept my blog running strong”. I will remember my roleplays, I will remember the music and scenery - even now, I’m getting nostalgic about Shadowbringers, and Endwalker hasn’t even come out yet! So thank you. Here’s to year number 8 - 8 whole years of XIV being in my life. It may not have been that long for many of you, some of you, this might be your first year; hell! Some of you, it’s been longer! But know that this community has helped me so much, and I can’t wait to continue being a part of it. Here’s to the eventual tears Year 9 will bring me! ]
#ooc#ffxiv#the rising#sorry for the long post#but there were so many feelings i had to get out before i wrote my prompt#tl;dr#i love you all and thank you for making my experiences with this game the best thing to ever happen to me#thank you for making this game mean so much to me
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Name 7 items your character has on them at all times.
1. Singing Blade: The silver rapier, thin and elegant, almost never leaves Silf’s side. The Singing Blade is an heirloom passed down thru her family and once was held by her mother, Petra. Given to Silf as a gift when she came of age, and proved she had honed the skills taught to her as a Blade Dancer. The filigree and design work around the Guard is intricate, showing elements of nature with leaves and vines blended into the metalwork. The focus of the blade, held in the off hand, mirrors the same design elements - though the bulk of the focus seems to be made of crystal that glows when active. The focus is imbued with aether, and coupled with the thin blade, causes a faint whistle to occur when the weapon is swung...hence where the name is derived from as the blade “sings” in battle.
2. Woven Bracelet: This simple and thin bracelet never comes off Silf’s right wrist. The colors from the dyes have faded over many long years, and it shows signs of wear, tear, and some mending. If one were to inspect the bracelet closely, they might notice that the item seems like it was made by a child, and for a child...and they would be correct. The mended parts of the band were done so to increase the size over the years so it could be worn more comfortably by an adult wrist rather than a child’s. This woven bracelet, made of simple material, was a birthday gift from Silf’s twin brother, Fjorn, who also made himself one to match. Ever since he was taken away by the Warders, Silf has never taken the bracelet off. She not only keeps the bracelet on and close as a way of keeping Fjorn always in her thoughts, but also in a wishful hope that if the two were ever to cross paths again...they’d know each other by the matching woven trinket around their identical wrists.
3. Worn Book: If you tried to peek over Silf’s shoulder at the book she’s reading, off in some forest grove or on a bench near home, she’d probably react with a surprised start and hide the book in haste. Silf is always book hungry and loves to read all sorts of stories, so most of the ones she owns are worn out lovingly. Having lived most of her life in The Wood, Silf didn’t have easy access to a lot of the fiction that can be found in libraries across Eorzea. Once novels became a part of her every day world, she ate them up whenever she could, all sorts from history books to fairy tales. And that hastily hidden book, the one she shoved back into her pack with a blush across her face? Well...she may or may not have a weak spot for romance, but she’d never admit it openly.
4. Face Paint: In Silf’s pack you’ll always find a small pot of a thick, murky black paste. Using a tried and true recipe from her tribe, Silf makes her own face paints to apply her tribal markings. The paste can dry out after a lot of wear, and sweat will eventually cause it to fade off, so Silf keeps some on hand at all times for reapplication. It’s rare to see Silf without markings of some kind, as a part of her feels proverbially ‘naked’ without them.
5. Flute: The wind instrument Silf keeps on hand is nothing fancy, but it’s one she started to carve herself. She had learned to craft such instruments when she still lived with her family tribe, and the act of wood carving became a meditative side hobby for Silf. Playing the flute is an act she does for herself and for herself alone, only pulling it out to either work on the carvings, or to play in solitude. The music is for no one’s ears but her’s and The Wood she sings too.
6. Gil Pouch: In Silf’s line of work, and really for anyone making a living in the world, a trusty gil pouch is never far off hand. Silf keeps hers safely tucked away in a hard to reach pocket at her hip. The thick, soft leather coupled with the pouch being placed inside another pocket keeps the tell tale jingle sound of coins to an almost imperceptible level.
7. Wedding Ring: Much the same as the woven bracelet, the simple silver band is never seen off of Silf’s person. The band is usually found worn upon her ring finger, though Silf had a simple chain made in those times when one might find that a ring can’t be worn...or are better hidden. The ring has a simple filigree design (something akin to feathers) around the outside, that leads up to the setting where a stone should be. In this case, instead of a precious gem, there is a petrified piece of bark from the Golmore Jungle serving as a beautiful reminder of where her and Leona had first met and called home together.
- Tagged by: @kich-rp , @yshai-tia , and @journeybetweenworlds - Thank you so much you awesome, beautiful peoples!! :3 <3 <3 <3 Took a lot of thinking to come up with these items, but it was fun to do! Thank you again! - Tagging: OH BOY. I was tagged by Kich so long ago for this so I’m sure most have done it by now! I’m just going to tag a bunch of you lovely beans - if you have done it feel free to ignore and just enjoy the ping love <3 if by some chance you have not, then GO FOR IT! And really just do it, tag or not, it’s a lot of fun! @ash-like-snow-xiv | @feralfm | @fair-fae | @lightdevoid | @lela-ffxiv | @carmen-ffxiv | @terugan-ffxiv | @paleshadeofrose | @a-sharlayan-abroad | @fairwindsandblueskies | @ff14vamir | @khaamara | @cigarettes-n-daisies | @anika-ffxiv | @ahlis-xiv | @voidwife | @jump-n-dive | @shofie-ffxiv | @kazexvoss | @iona-xiv | @drachenlance | @maeltaa-ktemo | @nenet-ffxiv | @nightmaze | @lukelxiv | @whisperingdawn | @under-the-blood-moonlight | @mai-takeda | @aethernoise | @elezendad | @rhalgr | @alinteau | @the-lady-bettencourt | @hingashi-fox | @lordsnark | @theshroudwolf | @hikarinokusari | @yemyfuhai | @morneshade | @manaforged | @syerraffxiv | @lihzeh | @menphinasbow | @sokaffxiv | @clearsundays | @sinuntosea | @wood-warder | @wondereverlasting | @lavender-hemlock | @violet-warder | @captainkurosolaire | @keeperofthelilacs | @manabuns | @ter-avest | @dyri-lionroar | @leilani-ffxiv | @nheirexo | @wayward-whelpling | @zhauric | @yuki-yukichan | @yuriveisffxiv | @shadiyah-ffxiv | @vexredain | @sola-ffxiv | @strayed-from-the-sun | @knightingale-xiv | @theceruleandream | @vysaldhe | @vylette-elakha | @arabeka-ffxiv | @avwalya | @miqojak | @fletchlingfletcher
#silf stuff#ffxiv prompts#ffxiv#ffxiv gif#watching the BF play a lot of FF7R#got me in the mood to try some FF menu making#more of a pain then I thought to do#but it was fun
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☆LF: RP - Dylan Finn☆
☆ The Basics ––– –
Nickname(s): D2F as in Down to FUCK, just kidding, it’s Dill. Age: Twenty-Five Birthday: 5th of August Race: Rava, Viera Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Marital Status: Adamantly Single Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
☆ What I’m looking For ––– –
Fun, excitement and adventure! Friends, enemies and everything in between! RP Groups
☆ What I’m NOT looking For ––– –
Possessive/rude/pushy/impatient partners. People seeking to ‘get with’ Dylan then leave.
☆ Additional information (OOC) ––– –
Dylan is just a baby, her story is practically a clean slate with a lot of potential to work with. I’d much prefer to work with bigger rp groups, but I’m still happy to do some 1x1 role play.
As for me, I’m Australian so my time online will be different, but I can be rather flexible. I can become distracted easily, but please don’t assume that I’ve become bored with you. I have simply forgotten and need a little poke~!
[In Character Tag] ☆ [Answered Asks Tag] ☆ [Aesthetic Tag]
☆ Contact Information ––– –
You can message me here on Tumblr for my contact information or catch me in game~! I only RP through XIV as I found it to be a far less stressful medium for me. However, I would be delighted to discuss any potential RP plots through Discord.
☆ Character Profile Continued Under the Cut! ☆
☆ Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Dylan’s natural hair is a soft and sandy blond colour, but she will often dye it a random assortment of colours depending on her mood. The style of hair is usually a cute pixie style cut with a few longer pieces to braid a collection of beads through. Eyes: Both eyes are a bright, sapphire blue colour. Build: Lithe and athletic. Distinguishing Marks: A blueish grey marking on the ridge of her nose and a beauty mark just below her right eye. Common Accessories: A collection of colourful beads that she braids through her hair. Usual Attire: Whatever she finds lying on the ground wherever she’s staying. She has a preference for comfortable clothing in bright colours, usually paired with some cute shorts and bare feet. Check out her aesthetic tag for examples of her colourful tastes! [Aesthetic Tag]
☆ Professional ––– -
Languages: Common Tongue, Sign Language, Old Script. Profession: Professional Vagabond. Skills: ☆ Dancer: Dylan is a skilled dancer, it is her chosen disciple. She’s more of a hunter that prefers to stalk her prey rather than a fighter who challenges someone head on, but she will launch on the offensive if she’s been provoked. ☆ Water Control: A skill passed down through her family line, Dylan has the ability to control and manipulate water. However, traditionally the practice of this skill is forbidden outside the protection of her forest home and so she will only ever use this power when under great threat or stress. ☆ Painter: Dylan loves to paint, whether she is actually any good has yet to be seen. Her favourite medium is acrylic paint on any blank surface and applied with her hands. She thrives in this chaotic mess. ☆ Musician: Dylan is learning to play the drums to the great annoyance of anyone who has the displeasure of living under the same roof as her. ☆ Basic Grasp of Old Script and Ancient Teachings: Thanks to the knowledge passed down through her family, Dylan has a knack for deciphering old script and ancient ruins. However, never bet your life on this skill as Dylan is not exactly fluent! Gee whiz, the old script symbols for ‘exit route’ and ‘obvious trap’ are awfully similar, aren’t they?
☆ Personal ––– –
Birthplace: Fanow, The Rak'tika Greatwood Patron Deity: Azeyma because I forgot to change it when I fantasia’d from Kee. Residence: A small and run down garden shack on the beach in Mist (Her FC Room). Personality: Dylan is a bubbly and exciting energy! She loves stirring up trouble and making every mundane task an adventure. Dylan is still very much a child at heart and wants nothing more than to bring out the fun for everyone. Likes: Food, loud music, the beach, blue skies, flowers, dancing and making a mess. Dislikes: Working, boring people, shoes, lectures and ants. Favourite Food: There isn’t a food that exists that Dylan doesn’t love. Virtues: Overly friendly, bursting with positivity, optimistic, easily amused, fun. Sins: Naive, vague, obnoxious, abrupt, silly. Excitement: Dylan becomes excited for food, loud music, being near the beach and having fun with friends. Fear: Dylan is afraid of being alone for too long, getting lost and dark/tight spaces.
Short Biography: Six years ago Dylan encountered a mysterious person, who at the time she believed to be the Warrior of Darkness, traveling through the Greatwood. However, trouble stuck when that person began to teleport away. The pull of their aether had been so strong that it dragged Dylan into the void between worlds and launched her across time and space! When she came to she found herself on a completely different world. A seemingly peaceful world, but one in constant strife much like her own. With no idea how to get back home she decided to wander this new world, learning whatever she could about it and helping the friends she makes along the way. Hoping that one day she would once again find the Warrior of Darkness and convince them to take her home.
OOC: Dylan landed in Eorzea at the beginning of 2.0 and has been living among its people for the last six years. She has a pretty good grasp of what’s going on within Eorzea, but some days she does suffer from a lapse in knowledge. Dylan’s primary goal is to seek out the mysterious Warrior of Darkness who launched her through time in the first place and convince them to send her back home. However, she seems quite content to delay that goal in order to enjoy her time in Eorzea.
☆ Relationships ––– -
Spouse/Partner: None Children: None Parents: Mother, Aníka. Father, Unknown. Siblings: Five sisters, all younger (Britt, Fía, Laíla, Ida and Grét). Pets: A Shoebill named Bill.
☆ RP Hooks ––– –
☆ An idiot has been breaking into your house and ransacking your fridge every night. You lay a trap and catch yourself a wabbit.
☆ You need a papsy and you happen to run into the most gullible fool imaginable. Convince Dylan she’s your only hope and watch her follow you to the ends of the earth.
☆ A flyer was found that calls for anyone versed in old text to apply for an open position, the only one dumb enough to go for something so vague is Dylan. Will she prove useful? Probably not.
☆ I honestly have no idea what RP Hooks to list here, but come talk to me and we’ll work something out! I would love to brainstorm with you and come up with something unique~!
☆ Thank you for taking the time to read all this! ♥ ☆
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😍 ; Is there anyone who inspires you or that you look up to?
Outside the XIV Community
Dave Filoni - The showrunner for The Clone Wars, Rebels, Resistance, and now The Mandalorian, that man is an amazing storyteller. Like, he may feel he learned from George Lucas, but I feel that he’s swiftly surpassing his master in skill. His processes are amazing, and every time he does an extended interview, I learn more and more about his methods.
Doug Chiang - The head of the Lucasarts artistic department, in a single, condensed panel, I learned more about design than I ever did when I tried going to college. While he learned from Ralph McQuarrie primarily, as well as George Lucas, the way he conveys that knowledge is really good. He essentially took over for McQuarrie and has done a fantastic job ever since.
Neil Gaiman ( @neil-gaiman ) - To me, Neil and Terry Pratchett are the best writers of our time, and y’ all can fight me over that. I grew up on The Sandman comics because the story behind the series is one of the best I’ve ever read. Consistently, Gaiman delivers incredibly well written, inventive stories that have characters with great depth. I only wish I could write as well as he does.
A commencement speech he did in 2012 has frequently helped me get through some pretty tough times. “Make Good Art” is by far the most fantastic, uplifting advice that has ever been given.
Someday, I’ll have the money to take his Master Class, because what’s better than being taught about writing by God himself?
In the XIV Community
Aegir ( @aegir-ffxiv ) - I sometimes wonder if he’s an android like Seth Green is, because it never seems like he bothers to sleep, and is always working hard on bringing interesting projects to fruition. He’s got a lot of creativity and talent with both storytelling and art.
While he has made some missteps in his attempts to bring projects to fruition, to make them sustainable, he tries to own up to those mistakes, and learn from them. I believe people should be forgiven for mistakes, so long as they learn from them, and grow from them, and that’s what I’ve seen from Aegir.
Also, the man has a pretty huge heart. I haven’t been able to RP with him since All Saints’ Wake, but he’s checked in on me frequently anyway - especially in the past month. It was so touching.
Bhryn ( @ferai-caolann ) - Bhryn’s art is just amazing and inspiring, and I absolutely love everything I see, and Bhryn’s one of my top favourite artists. They keep creating, whenever they can, despite problems with some pretty serious chronic medical issues. And it helps to see someone doing that.
I still have this rose item in XIV that Bhryn gave me aaaaages ago. It’s survived every single inventory purge I’ve ever done. Because it just meant that much to me.
Seda ( @sedatayuun ) - Seda has amazing artwork as well, though my favourite piece he’s done wasn’t even FF related - it was practice for drawing eyes. It’s just a single, tear-filled eye, and it was just so well done and so pretty, it’s still just my favourite piece. I was sad when I lost everything on my hard drives, because I lost that image, and a silly comic Seda made about my Miqo boy.
As well as being a great artist, Seda’s just plain fun. His humour is amazing, and it always brightens my day. Despite all the rough times he’s had, he still has that humour, and that in itself is amazing.
Thanks for the ask, @velarishiku !
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When Heavensward launched I was in a pretty awkward point in-game. I wasn’t entirely too invested in XIV or in MMO’s in general. The group I played with was a mix of old-school MMO WoW veterans and die-hard FF fans. I wasn’t exactly mechanic savvy nor too enthralled in the lore behind this game. I was put in a weird spot, to say the least. I couldn’t help but feel out of place with both the friends I had and the giant community sprawled out before me. It took...countless fucking hours of throwing my head against content, seeking guidance from other players, and fighting against my own ignorance to get comfortable playing this game. Around that time, I had also stumbled across the XIV community here on Tumblr through a friend. Our community is a vast fucking place and I felt extremely overwhelmed at first. Like, I can barely interact with people in-game as it is, man. I had no clue how things worked on this end. However, one thing I was quickly able to latch onto were screenshot edits. I’d had....many...many years of experience with this concept back when I was roleplaying (on Myspace of all things). It was after this little rediscovery that I found my niche here and the rest of it is pretty self-explanatory. Fast forward two(ish) years later and things have changed. I love this damn game guys, I really do. Being able to experience new content, striving to improve both job and player skill is such a damn thrill for me. I’m confident in what I can offer as a player and I’m constantly excited for new opportunities to grow.
As for this blog, oh man...I never in a million years expected this to be where it’s at today. I really just used this blog to selfishly post screenshots and fuck man....the response has just been so overwhelmingly wonderful.
Look, I’ve never been particularly good at expressing my feelings, ESPECIALLY not through writing. Things come a bit more naturally through speech but most of the time? I keep to myself outside of my small circles and even then I tend to internalize my anxieties onto myself. It’s tough conveying my thoughts into words since my mind tends to race around. However, despite these difficulties, one thing that’s always come naturally to me is the ability to express gratitude. I am so damn thankful to those of you who have had a hand in helping me grow both as a player and as a member of this community. So before we trudge off into expansion, I wanted to draft something up to commemorate the time I’ve spent with each of you:
Thank you to everyone I’ve met within or because of @theriskbreakers : @sylvan-rain @onwesterlywinds @crimson-bull @thefateofivalice @a-kelping-hand @moonlifter @safestsephiroth @thecat-inthehat @afflatus-solace @reflectionsofacreator @quartercirclejab @the-goggles-lizard @wandererspaean @ivaan-ffxiv @tovakiin @zulak-rah @jenesislabariel @twelvesavethequeen @wyranimh @cogflox @varae-ver-you-are (I’m sure I’m missing tons more, sorry.)
Seriously, guys, it’s been a while since I first stumbled through the Sandsea’s doors but it’s been a blast. Thank you for always making things feel at home despite the fact that RP isn’t really my thing. Whether we’re blitzing through content or goofing off in chat it’s been wonderful and I can’t wait to see what Stormblood has to offer for us.
Thank you to my raid static for 3.X: @khojin-arulaq @sessionzeroart @evrett
Though frustrating at times, raiding with you all was overall an experience I wouldn’t trade for the world. It’s such a unique feeling when shit got challenging and we still managed to pull through. I’m grateful to you guys for what we did and value the friendships we made throughout.
Thank you to @zenathered @kukurubean @foewreckem @korpokkur-kid @yaianse (and the whole turtle crew really) as well as @fatewalker @nyxastra @coeurlfist for being great enough to show off how awesome people on other servers can be. It’s been fun befriending each of you either through tumblr or whenever you nerds decide to log onto your respective alts.
Thank you to @ladyrivienne @ferai-caolann @lavenderrpurr @manawalls @alannah-corvaine @abalathian @qarajin-borlaaq for being some of the downright best art motivation I’ve got. I’m pushing myself to improve constantly whenever any of you create something. It’s inspirational and that drive to improve you’ve given me is a debt I could never repay.
Thank you to @sins-of-allag @ayyymeric @aether-eyes @dayst-ffxiv @lauranis @lunae-lux @xaruun @invisiblebounds-ffxiv @fair-fae @lance-of-fury @tetenuko @tiergan-vashir @freshorenjuice @aethericseafarer @nightmaze @necrologos @sequoiaofeorzea @gaeliseeker @nalukaixiv @pygmaioi for a myriad of reasons between all of you. Thank you for being super supportive of both myself and the blog. For lending out a helping hand (or keeping my head out of my ass) and just for being good friends in and out of game.
Thank you to @mahnsturr @raelcsart @yalakid @dantroziman @doorway-through @fainfaineant for all the fun I’ve had with each of you in GRIMM. Thank you for all the great art of Amon and thank you so much Rae for taking care of my Alex’s ass. <3
THANK YOU TO MY MOTHERFUCKING DISCORD: @haila-wetyios @luma-lee @naveiasue @lyriahkarnelle @sharlayan-scholar @desertsaffron FOR PUTTING UP WITH ALL THE UNADULTERATED BAT-SHIT CRAZY NONSENSE THAT OCCURS IN THERE EACH DAY. It gets absolutely fucking wild sometimes in Unlimited Chat Works and I am fucking blessed that you guys still manage to put up with my bullshit. Whether we’ve been friends since the beginning or you’re just now realizing how crazy we are in there thank you. I love you guys with all my fucking heart and I have so much fun every single day in there with each of you.
Thank you, @koidrakevice you fucker for so, so, much. For all the times we’ve spent late at night theory-crafting, grinding, researching, just...playing XIV. None of this would have happened if you hadn’t gotten me back into the game. I’ve grown so much because of you and being able to do content our way with you and Douglas is genuinely the thing I look forward to the most in Stormblood. Thank you, buddy, for being one of the best friends I’ve ever had and for playing XIV with me. It means more than you know and more than I’ll ever fucking admit because fuck you.
Thank you always, @fishtailsushi I love you the world over and playing XIV together with you is something I’ll remember for the rest of our lives. You’ve grown so much in this game and in many aspects, you’re a far better player than I am. Thank you for continuing to stand with me and in making memories with all of our crazy friends. Thank you for pushing me to do better and supporting me through all of my doubts in-game and in real life. I love you poop, and thank you.~
Finally... thank you to everyone who’s been a part of the journey thus far. I’m not sure where things will end up in Stormblood, but I can promise you that I’m going to continue to improve, both as a player and a member of this crazy community. So if you’ve made it this far, take to heart that regardless of our differences, we’re all in this together. Fuck whatever discourse may pop up and just try to have fun and focus on all the good around you because as you can see, this place full of love, you’ve just got to open yourself up to it.-
Take care, and I’ll see you in Stormblood.
Patrick Amon.
#FFXIV#Balmung#Warning: It's gonna be a long one#with tons of tags but..yeah.#also swearing lots of that#I'm sorry mobile people I'm gonna take over your feed. |D#bury me with my sappy ass rant one final time
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application under the cut
hello, my name is brittany, i am 26 years old. almost 27 in less than a week. i currently work 5 days a week, except weekends. i usually inform admins of when i will be absent or when i’ll be busy. est is my timezone and i go by she/her pronouns.
i’m also moving soon, but my motivation is STRONG here.
please provide us more information about your character in this format:
was that KATIE STEVENS walking around the halls of hogwarts? i wish it was them, but it was really just MOLLY PREWETT, the SEVENTEEN-year-old SEVENTH year student at hogwarts. they come from a PURE BLOOD family, and people tend to describe them as COMPASSIONATE, CHEERFUL, AUDACIOUS and FINICKY. they can be seen around hogwarts hanging in the GRYFFINDOR common room and in GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROOM. i hear they’re planning on JOINING THE ORDER once the war starts and that they’re planning on KEEPING QUIET ABOUT IT. i can’t wait to see how this turns out for them.
these were headcanons for another rp & a few other things. most of this is very much a modern day molly! be warned it is A L O T !!
molly prewett
+compassionate: feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.
+generous: showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected.
-protective ( more accurately overprotective which will be defined here ): having a tendency to protect someone
-imperious: assuming power or authority without justification; arrogant and domineering.
-bossy, +fun-loving
-sassy, feisty
walking through the candle lit halls of hogwarts is ,one, molly weasley; mob of dark red hair sweeps the back of her robs. sass escapes her throat with out faltering. far too confident for her own good, molly's smile can brighten even the darkest common room. an iridescent glow flows from her aurora, molly is kind-hearted, caring, and wants the best for those she believes are important to her.
i. growing up with two brothers never was a burden to molly, it was easy to assume of the bossy mother figure. both mother's brought out a different side in the tiny red-head. in her entire life mother had never adored two beings more than her brothers. even when they were arguing over who was the better witch/wizard they'd all break bread as if nothing had happened.
ii. molly's heart is too big for her body for to carry; she has so much love to give, it shines in the iris' of her eyes. though she is this caring girl, it usually only develops more & more for those closest to her. trying her best to give every one a slice of the warmth she has to give.
iii. watching someone across the room, molly has a sixth sense, she can tell when they're an amazing person. usually watching for body language & cues to help her on her way. more often than not, molly finds someone remarkable to become friends with. to turn someone down it would have to take a lot for her to pluck up the courage. hoping to keep strong ties with everyone.
iv. being of a pure-blood family molly tries her best to follow by her family's example. blood is rather important to the prewett family. despite this molly has no problem with those who are of muggle born or half-blood.
v. molly could talk about any topic for a long period of time. sometimes she becomes so passionate about something, it sticks. it is physically impossible for her to contain her excitement.
vi. while being very talkative molly can keep any secret. she believes that loyalty is very important to any friendship. to be a loyal friend is something molly wholeheartedly believes in. betrayal is a sin in her eyes.
vii. molly was most excited to meet the ghosts of hogwarts especially nearly headless nick. who became quite a good friend to her as the years went on. they exchange civil chat about things while molly walks to designated areas.
viii. enjoying strolls passed the great lake always gives the redhead a shot of adrenaline. especially during the late hours when everyone is asleep in their beds. molly really loves the sense of adventure when going somewhere that is essentially off limits.
ix. meal times are a favorite pass time for the redhead; she rather likes home-cooked meals. the sense of being together really warms the cockles of her heart. a good conversation at dinner can really put her in the right mood when she returns to her dorm.
x. molly is one who has always known what she's wanted. once she's transfixed on something, her mind, will never be changed. she is far too passionate to give up on someone or something.
xi. being a friendly to humans is not the only thing molly is good at. she adores the animals in her life. picking out her cat for hogarts was the happiest she had ever been. animals are so pure according to molly. they know nothing of the world & know not hate. when alone molly loves to play with her black cat named gemma.
xii. muggle life had never fascinated the witch until the moment professor dumbledore introduced it to hogwarts. everything really blew the redhead away; she vowed to figure everything out, wanting to be in the know of everything muggle.
xiii. currently has her sites on a red iphone for her future phone.
xiv. never believed she was much of a girlie girl, nor did she really know what it meant. when social media came into play molly really found herself enjoying online shopping. taking every opportunity to see what was in trend. not that she felt there was enough beauty to fit in such beautiful clothing.
xv. loves to listen to music whilst alone; dancing, though, terribly is something she also enjoys.
xvi. sometimes suffers from bouts of insomnia. in the early hours of the morning molly usually finds herself finishing whatever lessons or homework she did not finish the night before. usually she gets four to six hours of sleep. sometimes eight when she's having a good night.
xvii. takes pride in her witty/sassy/feisty retorts.
xviii. owns a necklace with an 'm' pendant in honor of her name. she rarely, if ever, takes it off.
xix. some classes force molly to daydream out of boredom. or sometimes her hand begins to doodle to keep her mind straight. becoming easily stressed when unsure of something is the norm for molly.
xx. halloween is her favorite holiday to celebrate at hogwarts. christmas is her favorite when heads back home to see her family.
xxi. when she found netflix the first show she ever binged watched was sherlock. becoming so engrossed in what was going on. sherlock holmes has since been her favorite character. the mystery of it all really intrigues the witch.
xxii. when feeling frustrated, molly will write in her diary. describing every little thing that has gotten to her. in detail.
xxiii. isn't really much bothered with many things. however, it's always her mouth that gets her into trouble. being careful is not molly's strong suit.
xxiv. other things molly does in her free time: sew, reading, cleaning to calm herself, and write letters to home.
xxv. though she is not the smartest in her class ( according to her ) molly rather loves to get her school work done. some subjects just rather bore her to tears. molly always strives to do her best in the subjects she dislikes. she always excels when subjects are her absolute favorite.
Charms Club.
i have a mock blog ( HERE ) with a ooc para sample ( HERE ) !! i had moodboards, but i’ve misplaced them. so i’ll have to redo them at a later date.
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i have nothing good to post, so i thought it might be fun to compile some answers to various ffxiv- and rp-related memes and questionnaires i’ve done on my private accounts! please enjoy my screaming.
8. Is there a character that embodies your good traits, or traits you wish you had? Several characters? Which ones and what traits?
i wish i was handsome and suave like all my characters thanks
13. What’s something you’ve never thought about your character?
a certain someone recently decided to remind me that francel's house has no bathroom... and i had honestly never considered, in two whole years of playing him, where he goes to pee?
"do you mean poop" francel is a delicate maiden i will not consider this
(we figure there’s probably an outhouse... somewhere...)
3. What’s something that surprises you about your canon?
Wiltswys: You think me cold? Well, fie on what you think! I wanted something better than tilling salty fields and spilling small fry out the nets, and occasionally taking a passing sailor into my bed for more o' the same!
i have done this quest at least... 4 or 5 times now and it never fails to make me scream. and every time i do it i have to zoom in on her and look at her face because she is a really cute roe girl, so i wonder what her taste in sailors is...
19. Give me an appearance-related headcanon of your choice.
LAUGHS OK hmm what have i never said before...
i have definitely mentioned that i don’t think francel likes his appearance very much — he especially wishes he had lighter-colored eyes like stephanivien and aurvael...
i personally want to think that chlodebaimt looked very different from francel BUT, although i have never datamined the necrose knight (i really should), a friend of mine took screenshots and his eyes at least look like francel's eyes
...but they might very well have just used a generic house haillenarte knight model for that, so who knows what chlodebaimt looked like?
i also like to think that baurendouin (francel's father) persists in the belief that his youngest son will do great things because he at least superficially resembles driancoin de haillenarte (the haillenarte founder you see in the haldrath flashback scene). i mean, i doubt portraits of driancoin survived or anything, given the nondescript statues of thordan's knights, but i’m sure comments about him did?
"he was fair of face and fair of hair" idfk some shit like that
5. What do you hate about your canon?
i am always, ALWAYS so tired of hearing people complain about how “no one ever” treats the wol like they’re “a normal person” ah, yes no one no one ever has treated you nicely never mind the fact that people regularly apologize for turning to you in their hours of need, and for asking you to kill things, and you usually just dismiss their applogy no one!!! has ever!! been nice!! to the wol!! i know the entire arc of my francel writing career has been bitching about similar things but at least i find new ways to do it
24. What’s a song that reminds you of your character?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B7VKiJhU_s “Dear Jack,” by Jack’s Mannequin.
lately, i’ve been listening to this... i don't like every part of this song, but lyrically, it is such a perfect francel song
dear jack, i write you as a friend dear jack, i write for fear the end is coming soon to you it's not so clear it's clear to me it's clear as glass
dear jack, wherever you are, hold tight wherever he is, shine light right there be strong i dare
i had songs for you i had all your music written out the words came when i heard you screaming i had plans for you until the plans fell through now there is no turning back, my dear jack
11. Something you like to look at.
i have complicated feelings about haurchefant these days, but sometimes i go and look at this mug and cry about his handwriting
like from a lore perspective i know he can't be writing in english because they write in eorzean but until then, my friend...
14. When writing for specific characters, is there anything you have to do to get in the specific mindset?
yes! but it depends on the character. for ramza... i either read shakespeare (for real — i have lifted quotes wholesale from hamlet and the tempest) and/or listen to "rather be" by clean bandit? seriously, that is my most strong ramza association... which is weird because the song and the game are like 20 years apart? or i listen to the FFT ost...
for francel i have a whole playlist, but most importantly i either go on twitter and look at wolchefant fanart or read bad wolchefant fanfic on ao3... (don’t judge me; it keeps the bitterness alive)
18. Is there anything you really wish you could do that you feel is outside your current ability? A concept that you wish you could pull off but are uncertain about?
UMMM... hmmmmmmm...
i dont know... i don’t really think any plots are outside of my current ability, but i admire my friends for being so consistent and on the ball with their dignified prose? i can be dignified too, but at some point i'll crash and start writing intensely silly tags
i would like to do more plots where francel is a badass for whatever reason, but that’s just wish fulfillment
17. Which character is the easiest to write? Why do you think that is?
francel is the easiest to write because he has the ugliest emotions
ramza is the hardest because he is always so virtuous
everyone else has varying levels of self control, but with francel i can usually succumb to base impulse reactions. i like his unguarded nature...
6. When writing a character, do you find it easier to work on their external or internal ticks first? oh, internal, definitely. i think my tags suffer from the fact that i often don’t describe what my characters are doing or what is around them? just... just assume on my behalf lmao.... so IF FRANCEL IS CAUGHT UP IN INTERNAL TL;DR there's a 90% chance he's doing that kicked-puppy stare at the floor
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? XIV, hard mode: no Haurchefant/WoL.
xiv's fandom has rarely "ruined" pairings for me, as in "i liked them before but i hate them now solely because of fandom"... that said, i think i kind of liked the idea of zephirin and aymeric as a rivalry ship, but i hate when fandom takes the "oMG ZEPH RAPED AYMERIC WHEN HE WAS HELD CAPTIVE" route...
i think this perception of zephirin as this horrible awful evil man comes from the fact that the information on the ward happened after the game was released, so... in the span of time between "zephirin killed haurchefant" and "wait actually zephirin is a virtuous man," people formed their opinions, you know?
but it's still really annoying, and to some degree the misconception persists...
i was also okay with guydelot and sanson at first, but i’m a little annoyed by them now, too... it’s not for any particular reason — i just think the fandom is annoying in the "THEY'RE SOOO MARRIED!! EVEN THE OTHER QUEST NPCS SAY THEY'RE LIKE A MARRIED COUPLE!! THEY’RE SO CANON!!!" way and i’m like Please Shut Up. that said, i guess it’s mostly jealousy because none of my pairings are ever canon, but whatever...
so i guess i'm going with zephirin/aymeric, guydelot/sanson... and oh btw like. urianger/moenbryda to a degree? i remember when the wind-up moenbryda item came out and the english item description was like "you don't want to know what urianger did to this" or something like that, like, i just took it as — like urianger probably dressed it up in a little maid outfit and had it serve him tea or something equally otaku-like?
but the entire fandom was like OMG HE JERKED OFF TO IT OR USED IT AS A SEX DOLL OR SOMETHING and i was like ... okay. like if that's how you're determined to see it, fine, but fandom always takes the worst possible interpretation of something i swear to god
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
LAUGHS WELL I GUESS MY USUAL TIRADE: i don't think of haurchefant as the perfect cinnamon roll angel and actually he annoys me a little...
my friend just finished running coerthas quests on her balmung alt and like... even she commented on how brusque and condescending he seems to francel? and she has no reason to be tainted by my perception of him, it's just... it’s just that he is brusque and condescending.
back when i liked haurchefant/francel, i told myself that it was just how he acted in the heat of the moment and i was sure he was gentler later... but now we’ve seen so much of haurchefant that from the way he treats francel it really feels more to me like francel was just a friend of convenience. i don’t know. i’m bitter. maybe i’m just bitter because it’s easier to cope that way.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
um... well, i think everyone in the ffxiv fandom also agrees that the fandom is annoying...
something i sometimes worry about, but which is not exclusive to ffxiv, is like... people who rp wind up with such a different impression of things than people who just play the game?
i'm not judging either side on this but... i have rp friends, and i observe the rp community on tumblr/balmung, and i also have friends that are just gamers? and you know, like. sometimes rpers get carried away and invent all these narratives, like i know some tumblr rpers had a bunch of "plots" where a murder mystery happened in ishgard and it was all full of like noble OCs and intrigue or something?
but my gamer friends will sometimes be like, “ishgard is so boring.” so they... see it differently? you wind up viewing the game differently based on what you do in it.
there's also the divide between the english version of the game and the rest of the world, which i bitch about a lot but
just as an example, in english the nobles of ishgard are kind of broadly characterized as being unintelligent and shallow and foppish, whereas the other versions of the game really take a much more neutral approach?
or well i can really only speak for the japanese, but in general the german and french versions of the game are loyal to the japanese, however, 2.0 content was often based on the english...
so, for example, 2.0 content was EN->FR, but ever since 3.0 most of the patches have been JP->EN/DE/FR
however, the EN version continues to make changes, whereas DE and FR don't really change many things!
so i worry a lot about the different perceptions people have of the game, and what that means, like, when i write fanfic...
does my interpretation of coerthas align with other peoples' interpretations of coerthas? probably not. that’s something that’s deeply distressing, as a writer and as someone who prefers to have control, but i don’t know...
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen...
STARES INTO THE VOID it's it's too late for any of this
2 years ago i would have told you without hesitation that i wanted haurchefant to be alive and for him and francel to have eloped together, but now i just...
i've learned to play with the cards i've been dealt
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Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog. TAGGED BY: @skysteelsun technically? TAGGING: HAVE AT THEE. ALL OF YOU.
Khaida/Gracie, hands down. There’s plenty of OT3s and Khaida being Khaida and falling in love all over, but Gracie is the one she will always go back to, the one her heart is forever snatched by, no matter the verse, unless there’s been some SERIOUS wonking with things.
It depends a lot on the RP partner, the ship itself, and my frame of mind. Depending on those factors, I can RP up to smut and touchier subjects. BUT there has to be a LOT of communication, and anything non-con in an RP like that takes it from Ship territory to Shit territory. Generally though? Fluff is a good bet. And well-earned fluff. And domestic stuff. And omfg I am a SUCKER for platonic ships, too..
This actually relies on a LOT of factors. Like...a LOT. When the muses met, what ages they are when they get together...I mean hell. The RP Khaida and Gracie first met EVER in, long ago in the Protoverse fandom, Gracie was a good....50 years older than Khaida, but both were over 18, they’d never met before, and Gracie, mad scientist that she is, had p much stopped her aging. So uh....good bet is to just ask me if I’m comfy with a thing? >.>;;;
I am fairly selective, yeah, but likely not in the way most folks are? It’s hard to explain, because I do ship my muses all over the place [Khaida most of all], but I just....ya’ll gotta talk to me and interact with me before I properly ship.
I tend to just judge it as ‘would I feel awkward if someone at work looked over my shoulder while I was reading this?’. If the answer is ‘yes’, I read more and tag it.
Oh god. UH...OKAY. Established? Khaida has ships with @reasoningruffles, @haurchefantgreystone, @skysteelsun, and @roguishbard. Not established? She has...something? with @signastiarma sorta [idefk, I just squint at Khaida on this one because I’m not sure even SHE’S sorted her feelings out], she has a crush on @eternxloptimism, p sure she’s a little in love with @menphinaalthyk but is anyone surprised there?, and she is likely to develop gods know how many attachments. I love my muse, but she falls in love fairly easily. THOUGH not always romantic/sexual love. Platonic things are just as important to her, and on that note, in XIV, the relationships she has with @kingnxbody and @punchdeathintheface are REALLY FUCKING IMPORTANT TO HER. [Odysseus can possibly be more than platonic, but the platonic part is really, really important to Khaida.]
In other verses, her platonic relationship with @nikimura is one of THE MOST important ones in her life, and the ship she has on theshadowsspeak with @mega-man-x was really important [and is still one of my favorites, I’m looking forward to reworking and seeing where RP goes now that Luke and I have some more development behind our characters].
Yes. Like I mean...you can ship a thing without talking to me, if your character has a crush on mine [though please still let me know?], but if you wanna seriously ship the thing? TALK TO ME~
....I love my ships. A lot. Romantic and platonic. But even I have limits.
Yup! Just keep in mind that most verses, any ship with Khaida is going to have to be poly. Gracie is p much a given as another partner of Khaida’s.
Uhm....I just kind of...ships are there? And they’re fun? But they’re not the be-all-end-all.
-headscratch- It's a toss-up between Cid/Nero [when done well, not some of the BS I’ve seen the fandom come up with] and Aymeric/Estinien [also when done well, I REALLY don’t like how a lot of the fandom portrays EITHER of them]. The true ship, though, is WoL/Happiness.
TALK TO ME. No, seriously, TALK TO ME. Throw headcanons at me, throw situations at me, throw ideas at me. I’m a worldbuilder AND a romantic, and I love talking about the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ and ‘what ifs’. Just start talking and good luck getting me to shut up afterwards. [Fun fact; even if I don’t ship our muses romantically, platonically is still a good possibility and again, platonic is just as important to Khaida as romantic, possibly even more so.]
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Just for the sake of getting my thoughts out, I figured I’d make a list of potential muses I have considered roleplaying, plus some pros and cons to them. Dunno if any of them will ever be made, but still fun to consider them sometimes. If you like any of them, feel free to say so!
Hurdy (FF Tactics Advance 2)
I have been considering the little moogle bard for a long time. He would certainly be quite fun to play, and I could let my love of music flow into his depiction in all its glory - a tempting thought. Plus, from what I see, there aren’t exactly many moogle muses around these days, so he could be a welcome change of pace for many interested partners. And other than Sceada, he would be generally perceived as cute!
As for cons, well, there is on one hand that he could quickly feel a bit one-dimensional, especially if I let my love of music run rampant with him. Of course, I could flesh him out more, but on what do I base it? There is not that much on him besides the usual stuff we see in most TA2 chars. Sticking with your friends, trusting them - and playing the Victory Fanfare. Could be cool, but could also run it’s course quickly if things don’t take off as hoped.
Noraxias Rhogar (DnD 5e Dragonborn Paladin)
Blame the sudden influx of DnD muses on my dash for this one. Rhogar is the white (because ice ice baby!) dragonborn I play in my DnD group, which sadly does not get to meet all that often. Thus he is not really all that fleshed out from the rp side, but maybe playing him here could help me with that?
A Lawful Good character could prove a challenge as I’m more used to ones willing to break a law if it can be justified, but at least he’s not a complete killjoy like other Paladins I’ve heard about. Seeing how he prays to Bahamut and swore the Oath of the Ancients he’s a bit more lenient in what he will allow his group to do - something my group btw tends to push to it’s limits quite often...
Tsuzurao/Ninetales (Okami)
I’ve long since been pondering an Okami muse and had many on my list: Waka, Issun, Oki... - all great choices, so who to pick? It’s difficult to name a muse out of these three, so I felt conflicted. Then I thought about Rao - and realized something:
If I played her, then I essentially got three muses for the price of one.
I can play her as the true Rao, the devoted, humble priestess, I can play her as the Rao we get to know, Tsuzurao with her sometimes unintentional sex appeal and sinister scheming, and I can play her as Ninetales, who was imo the most interesting of the bosses - Quite a nice package if I say so!
I’d probably need to get back deeper into the game again for that to work out though, and then there’s also the question whether I could do all three of them justice - I don’t exactly have a stellar rep sheet when it comes to female muses I’m afraid...
Louisoix Leveilleur (FF XIV)
I’ve always been fascinated by him and his wisdom, as well as his prophecies, and truth be told he is a big part of the reason I regret not having played in Legacy where we could really interact with him and learn about him. I feel he’s an interesting muse, even more so now following his fate after Carteneau, and I’m sure there’d be people interested in him.
But do I really know enough about him to play him well? Would I be able to amass that knowledge needed to fill his shoes? And how would he fit in with other XIV muses, given his status in the game’s current story? All questions I’d need to find answers to...
Ryudo (Grandia 2)
The sassy swordsman running from his past but with a heart of gold deep down somewhere is an interesting one. He could be fun to toss at muses who are a bit on the naive side, just as much as he could be fun to throw against the more fighty muses. And he certainly can hold his own in battle, no doubt.
At the same time, his fandom is small and all but forgotten. Tell me: How many of you even know who he is and what he looks like without looking him up? Grandia 2 was a big thing in 2000 but then got gradually forgotten - a pity, for it’s an interesting game. But yeah, might be hard to find people interested in him.
Master Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts series)
If there ever was a big bad with a convoluted plan, it’s him. And still, he manages to have so much style in his original incarnation! Maybe it’s Leonard Nimoy’s voice that sells him. Either way, he is an interesting character. Always a step ahead of the others, using them as puppets for his schemes... - would be quite the interesting change.
But would I even be able to play a bad guy like him? I mean, even as someone who played all parts multiple times I find it hard at times to follow his schemes, how am I supposed to be the one scheming them? And I have a feeling he might not be that popular a muse to interact with, simply because he’s an old grumpy evil mastermind...
Tamiyo (Magic: The Gathering)
I’ve been a fan of Magic for a long time. I have a deck from the first german printed run still, that my math teacher gifted me before I left her class for gymnasium, I like to follow the story and read up on what happened before I really got into it, and I am excited for the upcoming stuff. Amonkhet looks so sweet!
But the one plane that always stuck with me is councidntally also the first one I really got invested in: Kamigawa. I just loved the flavor of it, how it felt, the mythology it created - ah, I wish we would return there one day! And maybe get a Nazumi planeswalker? No? Aww... was worth the try.
Anyhow, Tamiyo as the Planeswalker from Kamigawa always fascinated me. As a scholar and researcher she fits in with what I am familiar with from Sceada, and the way her magic works is simply amazing. Using stories you collected as the catalysts for your spells? You just became the most amazing storyteller of the Multiverse, hands down.
Question is just, would I do her justice? And would a MTG muse even find people interested in her? Also, how’d I handle all these stories best?
Count Cidolfus Orlandeau (FF Tactics)
Again one that you can blame on the number of FFT muses suddenly on my dash, but really... Where have you all been? xD I always loved Tactics, and daresay it’s in my Top 5 FFs, and there were just so many impressive and interesting characters in it.
I’d probably go with Thunder God Cid should I pick a Tactics muse up, in part because I’m already used to playing badass swordsman that are practically unrivaled in their game (Hi Kamiizumi, how’ve you been?), so it seems fitting.
I’d definitely need to replay the game and read it’s lore though - Tactics can get quite complex after all. And opposed to us who learn things from Ramza’s perspective, I’d have to think about how much Cid could have known at any given point in the story... - but it’d definitely be interesting. I just hope I wouldn’t be perceived as being too overpowered...
Altenatively, I have also considered adding a One Piece verse to Sceada. He could easily be a rat mink who dresses a bit oddly, knows electro and is a capable physical fighter as opposed to a mage. And who knows? Maybe he could just stumble across the reborn Yuki-Yuki no Mi...
Question is just, if any One Piece muses would even be open to playing with him... Hrmmm...
#ooc#As always I put too much thought into this#especially knowing I may not pick any of them up after all#I mean I'd also have other muses I could bring back#Kamiizumi and Lawrence are still there#unforgotten... - but also largely unmotivated for :/
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Trove Cheat
{Without having to the real Alamo in Dallas, clearly, but the specific I built in a cleft around two eco-cheerful hillsides as well as annoying hovering pests what size Paul Reubens pestered me. Deserts cave in to motherboardy countryside straight from Tron, tundra offers method to receptive seas which you could fish or guide a spead boat, in order for just as in Minecraft, nearly every small amount of it can be collected and useful for designing. |{On That's not simply a problem, although presuming you've bought additional training also with capital or maybe in-level code currency exchange, you may transition around categories directly (even though, just as in Overall Imagination XIV, you will have to level it singularly). 50 Percent of energy, I didn't can recall the chitchat home window to be there, regardless that you may register online for a few teams, getting started with them is frequently just a issue of looking forward to a person to mention receptive invites in chitchat. I recall as i could relax and watch an entire episode of Louie just before to the whole process of busting hinders, which only predetermined being a few days before. That's the benefit of the non reusable-to-play the game system, clearly. Is Trove Redeem Code Free the particular kind of MMOG that Permit me to throw away component of on a daily basis in? No. More and more to the stage although, I acquired upon the guide which had been developed. dreamed of be a great deal for a longer time. |detailed Unfortunately the UI is quite limited. It's so highly refined in truth that Trion could easily mention the Unfortunately, there would certainly are available a location when competitors problem why they even so play the game. keep on? For the informal competitor although farmville could easily keep these things pre occupied for the lengthy time. Trove Redeem Code Free is actually a particular feel like little bit different. I will not let you be looking: the response is “free, dramatically-multi-competitor Minecraft that you can reach attack far more gadgets and they are relentlessly showered with achievements.” Trove Redeem Code Free is rather undoubtedly meant to be catnip to young children: pretty much everything oh-so-rather simple collaborative freeform creating, combined with near-easy spider-bashing any time you desire it, a simplified Amazing-like objective system and categories, together with a relentlessly increased choice of silly caps to get and place on. Want want want, gimme gimme gimme, never ever depart that hamster wheel. |Easily, revealed hosts, especially the styles packed with mods and texture and consistancy features, really are a special event wholly, but played single it’s so incredibly lonesome. developing beyond If Minecraft is showing us enjoying a bottomless carton of unforgettable Lego bricks, Trove Redeem Code Free gives a likewise limitless bath tub of minifig limbs and caps and rayguns and dragon wings. Trove Redeem Code Free gives a heck around the great deal free of charge, then when that it was not to make the get started in-of-level code selection so laden with screamy marketing and advertising messages and keep hyperlinks that it must be pretty much crippling You may also complete the work in public places, in the objective areas by which at the same time competitors and monsters go, or put in place a golf club of and permit associates, or even be the sole member. It is a game title for kids, in fact it is a game title meant to eke money from kids (or at most excellent their mother and father). guided from the Numerous them have dialogue which can be specific little bit extremely young child-specific in doing my flavour (considering the fact that numerous them tend to be specifically guided at young children than the others) but it’s regularly advantageous for anyone vitamins and nutrients. This 100 % “adult” shtick may perhaps be relatively mindless and immature. There's 2 kinds of demonstrate to listed here: 1) Suggests that have been intended for an in excess of-all target market, mostly with rather simple gadgets to satisfy young children, and professional underlayers/meta humour etcetera. |I can not help you but experience the article am undesirable as being the level code styles the manner in which it can. Trove Redeem Code Free, You will see, that’s a turn off personally, when dealing with having fun with this becoming an grownup. It is simple do at the same time - paradise hasn't decreased, my pal. It is an actual disgrace that ‘childish’ work extremely well shorthand for ‘shallow and trite’. Moisture under the fill, I suppose: when future, Trion? I’m accustomed to clients checking pretty much every voxel level code ever previously to minecraft, yet still i did not expect noticing A large number of side by side comparisons within a single reviewed :O Get you even think about particular part of the level code devoid of directly checking it to such like? You have some amazing resources in your article knowning that i agree with a great many items, even though For me personally, i believe that it is enormously frustrating to ascertain if we have a distinction to Minecraft or maybe Amazing pretty much every 2 sentences. unimaginable to In order this video game has leveling and quests and Amazing does extremely, its an identical level code? Thats silly! Let's say i reported Long Way Aside and Hearthstone are the same given that they have bow and arrows? Let's say i reported Cod is similar to Trove Redeem Code Free as it has guns? In fact severely I unquestionably preferred the section on Minecraft, it can make me would need to see additional RPS article take into account the vanilla particular-competitor tactical mode, as i sensed likewise continue I played it. Similar approach Alec has found in a wide range of his comments. Indeed, it can be frustrating when pretty much every voxel level code is when compared with Minecraft, or when pretty much every MMO is when compared with Incredible. this young child isn't a critic, he is just a hater proclaiming his opinion that is not going to know exactly what Voxelization is -.- If this type of appears like an evaluation now, then I'll turn into critic soon extremely, reason this mindless young child does not even take part in the level code ideal, not forgetting know about words to be a reliable level code critic, he just areas his opinion, which you'll NEVER do inside a reviewed, unless of course |“he just areas his opinion, which you'll NEVER do inside a reviewed, unless of course you say so…” This is actually the 100 % opposite of the reviewed. The wrecked the average Rift and wrecked one of the best MMO’s to generally be made available inside a lengthy time, ArcheAge. Trove Redeem Code Free worlds will likely at the outset be populated when they’re generated, however, if you only place in there lengthy an adequate amount of they clear out and also you really have that less noisy, Minecraft form feel. Trove Redeem Code Free is rather significant and lacks an abundance of depth at the start. about it's without charge. I personally He’s proclaiming in which the sports is cynically and blatantly meant to subconsciously get small children and them shelling out (or attempting to throw away) their parents’ money. He reported that it must be enterprise pattern was relatively wretched, which can be a fact. “Also, I’m browsing forwards towards the day when you have young children and reveal They’re not implying that you ought to spend some money or put it off 6 hrs for a little something to undertake. It is different. |Look at it similar to a without charge level code. more comfortable with it. categorization to center. Constructing, digging, and looking at requested upon the altogether new sizing when competitors noticed the planet with the vision around the avatars.” -Source: connect to cabled.com you necessarily suggest precisely the same young children that happily feel confidential MC hosts with “donations” for quite a few modded OP weaponry? Indeed, simply. I recieve it tho, Uber 6 Shadow Industry and gadgets is probably waaaay too very hard for you personally. Getting in touch with it Minecraft… I even so cant think how retarded that's -.- Steady with the normal concept around the (extraordinary) article, I personally don't like my self for bothering to response. you have never ever Will it unquestionably mean much that “Metal Killing Wand 1” isn't in truth termed an attack rifle yet still a submachine pistol? It's wholly losing the point. plus i am not big on Minecraft. It is reliable that you have checked out it, knowning that i could truthfully be first-class using this type of to generally be the next policy coverage from that on RPS. They’re these kinds of impenetrable specific niche that, to any individual not within the world, the in-depth posts look like gobbledygook. |Incredibly well, Internet marketing sorry yet still i disagree using this type of article. end from that. # 1 may perhaps be, for me, the “visceral” Shotgun element of the new logo. I believe the problem is that Grand adventure Capitalist is mostly a reasonably ‘good’ nonproductive level code, although Trove Redeem Code Free is mostly a reasonably harmful MMO/Minecraftbut. individually Needless to say young children as if it. It is a fantastic MMO to see with your young children, it performs well, the sport play the game loop is rock solid and exciting. |sorry m8, posts (the things you wanna think of it as) that starts off with “I do not such as visuals”, then procedes to “I only option added details adult level aimbots for adult clients like my self - minecraft solo” and after that finishes with ways to get significant gadgets erroneous (you receive I focus on it considering the fact that Cube Scene is within just limbo. will likely on top of that The MMO component may perhaps be trying at periods, included in the number of host difficulties they’ve suffered ever since discharging on Heavy steam not too long ago towards the chitchat useless e-email and also other frustrating behaviors are living competitor interplay will result in by using it. This game’s community is filled with young children, since you can easily recognize and uncomplicated to become involved in, yet still this does not necessarily suggest, that it's suitable for young children or that it's a ‘kids game’! I really like performing RPGs, yet still i can not stand up RPGs, for which you can not honestly develop swift, as you have to do quests and Have to do raids and gadgets (such as Amazing) to possess from the maximum level! And I’m only a fraction of the specific. Gratify take part in the level code in the right manner at the same time experiment with mods with the use of our modloader (that you just Definitely dismissed) when you judge reasonably early. While i do embrace numerous what you reported. disagree while using suggestions to minecraft. The starter support that everyone could get, and after that every other support in the comprehensive level code. Through the use of collecting countless biome-tailored products and solutions together with a number of more prevalent products and solutions, you can cause a biome-tailored consumable that when ever made use of upon the shoreline around the recent golf club global biome, will sprout a brand new, at random developed extend of ground of such a biome. Organization worlds have some cool main features, like for example tossing events that make it possible for any individual to search in using a hub global yet still your golf club global is principally a spot for your teams to pay serious amounts of organize creative mode on for the touch. |a good The money shop is rather truthful, supplying services like for example mounts, successful cardboard boxes, along with the approach to pay for wings, hinders, and also other categories. Burrow the total cornestone out, or incredible electronic device it, before you decide to enjoy groundwork ( the unbreakable part in the world). This is certainly all that you should reduce when Pinata Intruders spawn, but by the end you can include a Renovation Station to re-fill your flasks, someone chest area and Loot Collector to handle loot, together with a Buying and selling Submit to industry your goodies. Sessions Dimly lit party Should you really find real truth, justice, together with a finely chiseled mouth, unsheathe your sword similar to a stalwart Dimly lit party. a lot faster, and capturing you can forget about slows down you. Consider and start making the right path because of absolutely buildabledestructible worlds the place that the future finding is probably neighboring, under the work surface, or far better the designing table. All develop from Open up Beta may also bear within the completely full level code when Trove Redeem Code Free officially product launches for Playstation 4 and Xbox A person. The potential scarcity of story does absolutely nothing to injure the sport as a whole, but when merely the builders will often have added a For anyone who is someone that enjoys searching for new loot, you'll actually feel at home. |{You will see a great many biomes in the in excess of-global, every single with the use of their own unique actually feel, peek and might seem. When I reported although, in counteract, the control buttons are relatively easy and reactive. The aims it offers an exceptional may perhaps be frustratingly inexplicable then when you 100 % specific reasonably early, you have to do it ever again. {}In case you have never ever played the Shovel Dimly lit party selection right before, we'll temporarily break minimize factors to expect. Your very small Shovel mate will fly about, greedily attempting to get Shovel Dimly lit party actually is extraordinary, but bundling these 3 chapters all together, integrating new operation, improves the charm of a typical prior to this tremendously convincing pack. It's almost everything you desire through your MMO the very best of this from it might be in which the level code is generated in a fashion that although it has counteract it is designed for every person! In the past I get started in my reviewed definitely what Trove Redeem Code Free is generally. the There's also teams which you could settle back with your clan and do quests all together. It has Two Training Tokens (no-tradable), two Flask Tokens (no-tradable), Blaze Wings, 3 Pearls of Knowledge, 2000 of each and every Primal Prohibit, Trovian Supercycle ,Trove Redeem Code Free Topper ,S.S. creative competitors and people who find a mission containing loot and counteract. The things they have assemble is really a solution motions-RPGbuilding tool. were able to get.
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Shipping Meme
Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
Ashla is currently in a formal courtship, though it's a bit tricky because the person plays a character using the same name and concept on both Balmung and Mateus, but they're not the same timeline - the one on Mateus was a sort of reboot, so to speak, while the one on Balmung has history dating back to the start of the game. We're still trying to figure out how to handle the new server visiting thing, since the Ashe on Balmung and the Ashe on Mateus are the same person, from an RP standpoint.
I prefer longer term build-ups than a lot of people do, and they have to be organic. I'm willing to pre-plan some things for shipping RP, but most of it still has to stem naturally from the RPs.
As far as sensual/sexual RP goes, that really varies from partner to partner, and usually takes a long while to happen, as I have to really know the person OOC before I'd be comfortable with it. Till then, if such is supposed to occur from RP, it's fade-to-black and handwave discussions.
I'm also favourable to non-romantic ships. Not everything has to be a romantic paring to be fun.
Given that Ashla is an adult, ten or eleven years is about the upper limit, though something close to that could be negotiable for a romantic ship. My own parents in real life were midway between that distance in years (10.5-ish), so it's not a wholly foreign idea to me. A lot of people on my dad's side of the family had similar age gaps.
Non-romantic ships are way more negotiable, especially if there’s a hardset “it’s not going to become romantic ever” involved.
Primarily, my concern lies in communication between partners, as all too often, there's not enough communication, and someone gets burned. Often, both parties end up feeling burned, because the lack of communication inevitably leads to some sort of argument. This, of course, makes it harder and harder for a person to be willing to do any kind of ship, with romantic ships becoming too dangerous of ground to walk on.
This post here that I reblogged covers a lot of how I feel about shipping/having an RP partner. If you can't live up to this, then it just won't work.
Near the point where clothes start coming off. There're times when even some sensual RP where the clothing hasn't come off will cross into NSFW territory, depending upon the actions being done.
A courtship between Ashe and my RL boyfriend's character on Mateus was started, but it's sort of in a stalled state right now. He's long been on Balmung with a character of the same name, and their stories are completely separate. The one on Balmung is even married, with a kid or two, and his mind has been shattered a bit.
Given that I was playing the Ashla on both servers as the same character, that's become rather complicated rather fast. With the upcoming server visits, it'll become significantly more complicated and weird. He's talking about changing the character's name, so once that's done, this may work out better.
There's some sort of ship going on with Ashe and Jurien Ashur. They're becoming good friends. But interesting overtones are happening there. It sort of oscillates and melds between Estelle and Yuri from Tales of Vesperia, Kōsei and Kaori from Your Lie in April, and Rapunzel and Flynn from Tangled.
There's this thing about consent and role-play, and this'd fall underneath that. While shipping can occur during RP, if you turn up and have that intention from the beginning, for the love of all that his holy, you better tell me about it. I don't mind if it's something that develops organically from two characters who we don't intend for that to happen to. But if that's the premise from the start, please own up to it.
I'm not entirely sure how to quantify that question, because the first near five years I was around in XIV, I had a steady RP partner who had three of four characters shipped with two or three of mine. I've had one actually played, predominantly platonic, ship since then (prior to sort of starting something with the boyfriend's character, and the new thing with Jurien).
Prior to that, in GW2, I didn't really have much of a ship going on; my Sylvari chilled out with this other Sylvari, but we never had it go anywhere - it was mostly to keep people from hounding us for relationship RP. In SW: TOR, my main character (I didn't really play any other much) was with the same person for my time in the game, and the two and a half years leading up to that, when we were creating backstory and our guild there (the character was played by my ex-fiancee). Aion I started something with someone I knew from EQ2, but they got immensely weird OOC, and that ended by the time we were working on TOR stuff. Prior to that, I had a like two ships with the same player on different characters, and then I had a two ships over the entire first three expansions of Star Wars Galaxies. I didn't really have much of one in EQ1, because I was kinda often too busy for it.
It either could be considered "not often", or more like frequent "steady, long-term" ships?
I'm not to preoccupied with getting characters into a ship - the fact Ashe keeps falling into them is super weird to me. I can get a little hyper focused on a ship (platonic or romantic) due to weaving into my storytelling, but it's not some sort of goal I have. I've kept most of my characters out of them, especially since the abusive ex was tossed out.
I'm going to assume this question is about romantic shipping.
I've done it before. My original main was in a relationship with two of the abusive ex's characters (one male and one female character). She later had a relationship that was heading towards a Buffy and Spike dynamic, that started before the ex was kicked out, but didn't go far due to not playing much after the breakup.
Generally, it'd depend on the character, and the people involved. If things pan out with the guy courting Ashe, and ICly he doesn't want her to see other people, then that's how it'll work. If not, then it'll be more open-ended.
Now, if we're talking more than romantic ships, I'm chill with multiple platonic ships, so long as the communication is good, and they don't conflict unless it's something hat makes sense and is fun for everyone. Should anyone not be having fun, then things get changed so everyone can still have fun. That kinda goes for either type of ship.
I always loved the "Haurchefaunt is adventurer sexual" thing. Where basically, Haurchefaunt has a thing for adventurers in general, and since the WoL is the consummate adventurer, he falls hard for the WoL.
I also really liked Ysayle and Estinien, and I will never forgive SQEX for that kick to the feels.
As mentioned above, if you're interested in that from the beginning, please just be up front about it. If the interest develops after RP, but the RP itself hasn't gotten that far or given much signs of it, talk to me about it. If it starts looking like it's heading that way, I'll talk to you about it - possibly even mid-RP, if the RP suddenly takes that turn.
Tagged by Stolen From: @alisaie-leveilleur
Tagging: Anyone that hasn’t done it and wishes to.
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