#some of it is probably weight gain which is cool and sexy and I don’t have an issue with
sexynetra · 3 months
Yeah it’s the bane of my existence 😔
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multific · 4 years
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Owen Grady x Reader
Summary: You are the trainer of the Mosasaurus, you have been working with her since she was a tiny little thing. So, you don’t appreciate when another trainer is asked to check on the work you have been doing.
 You understood that Claire wanted results. But they never understood that a creature such as a dinosaur is not as easy to train as a dog. Nevertheless, when the owner of the park specifically asked for you to be the caretaker of the Mosasaurus, you just knew you had to accept. Being a well respected Marine Biologist in your field, you loved the different challenge this would bring. Although you had to do a lot of studying. You would normally focus on a lot of species, so only having to deal with one animal was quite different. 
When you first saw her, you knew, you understood just how special she really was and you fell in love with the tiny being. Well, back then she was the size of an alligator, but then she grew into her normal size. She got huge. Even her tank spoke to itself.
Momo was chosen to do one of trick for the public. To eat a shark from a hook, splashing water onto the crowd. You knew she wasn’t a circus animal. You understood that, but since you two spent so much time together, a bond formed between you two. And you were more than surprised when she listened to you. 
One late night you were sitting by her tank, looking at her as she swam around. This was all she knew, the water, the hook and you. You often went to the Underwater Observatory where you can look into her tank through the glass. You spoke to her days on end as you just sat there after you finished with your work for the day. 
And one day, it happened.
Just like a dolphin show, you were talking and motioning around and when you moved your hand up as an expression, she jumped out of the water. The very first instant this happened, you didn’t pay much mind to it, thinking it was a coincidence. But then she did it again and again. Just as you lifted your hand up each time.
Of course, you were to report every incident, but you chose not to tell them about this new revelation. You were afraid they will exploit her for money even more.
So, as you never reported any progress, Claire decided to send another trainer in.
Owen Grady.
He was supposed to look at your work for a month. You hated being supervised like that.
“Mr. Grady, nice to meet you, my name is Y/N Y/L/N. I’m Momo’s caretaker.”
“Please just call me Owen. To be honest I’m as happy to be here as you are. I’d rather be with my girls, so please just give me a quick run through, so I can leave.” 
“Okay...But, Owen. Claire said that you are to watch me for a month.”
“A MONTH? She didn’t mention that to me. Or I wasn’t listening. Probably the latter.” he made you laugh a little. Maybe it was better that he was the one who was sent and not some uptight ass. 
“Alright. So, it’s hard to miss her tank, or her. She eats a lot. There are public feedings, every two hour she gets a shark. I have been with her since she was born. Little thing she was. She is very stubborn, but I did hand feed her in her early years. She gave me a lovely scar too. From my wrist to my pinky on my left hand.” you showed him the scar. “Silly mistake. But I learned from it.”
“Do you talk to her?”
“I do. Steve thinks I’m mental, since she is under water, she wouldn’t hear. But I like to think that she somehow feels that I talk to her you know?”
He nodded and looked around, then up. He noticed a long walking platform way up high. 
“What’s that?” you looked up where he was looking.
“That is the new idea. Guests would be able to go up there and watch her from there. But they are not sure if she can jump that high, so it’s still not very safe. Although I told them that she wouldn’t be able to, they want to be safe. We can go up if you want to.”
You hated being up there, your fear of heights didn’t help you either. 
“You okay there?” Owen asked as he watched you taking deep breaths and your hands gripping the railing.
“No. I hate it up here.”
“Then why did you suggest to come up?” he laughed.
“I don’t know. It was silly. Can you see her?”
“Yes. She is...swimming. Shockingly. She is 84 feet long and she weights over 30,000 lbs, when the last time we checked. She is rather calm. Prefers to swim around and eats when she is supposed to. She is not socialized with other dinos, considering that the majority would drown in her enclosure. Can we go down now, please?”
Owen stood there, looking at the huge water monster swimming right below him. Then he looked up at you, and gave you a nod.
Owen has been working with you for the last week. He gave many ideas on what to do and how to earn their trust.
You also didn’t fail to notice how muscular and handsome he was. 
Each morning he arrived on his bike, looking sexy as can be. And every day he observed you. He watched as you said hi to her every morning, said how you liked to make sure her food was correctly prepared. It was obvious for him that you cared about the Mosasaurus very much. 
Owen wasn’t sure what else they wanted from the dino himself, He knew they created her as an amusement for viewers as a feeding show and nothing more. So, then why did Claire wanted him to come here and watch over you. As far as he was concerned, this particular dino wasn’t even the need of a caretaker. She just swam around and ate sharks as an attraction. He suspected there was something more behind the story he had been told. 
Owen admittedly loved the Underwater Observatory. It was cool down there, not only the weather, but they you can look into the enclosure and watch the majestic beast.
He also took a liking to it’s trainer. Even if he wasn’t sure what you were training the dino to do.
“How about tomorrow you come over to the raptors? I can show them off for you like you did with Momo.” Owen came up with the idea on his second week during lunch time.
“Oh, sure. I would like to.” Little did he know that you showed the very least to him.
During his two weeks, Owen and you formed some kind of friendship. You would be lying if you said that you didn’t like him, even if you knew about the rumors about his dating methods. But he never once hinted on anything with you. Or you just didn’t notice. Which was also a possibility, you were quite oblivious with men.
So, the next day after making sure that Momo was all set and healthy, we headed to the raptors. 
Although I wasn’t that interested in land species, his four girls amazed you. 
“Wow. they listen to you so well.” you said smiling at him as you watched the four inside the paddock. 
Owen looked very proud of himself. 
You spent all day at the velociraptor paddock. Owen told you about the plans that they had. And it was exactly what you feared would happen to your girl.
Exploiting them for military or personal gain. 
The thought disgusted you.
These were amazing creatures. In your opinion you should be learning from them, and not using them for war.
In the evening, everyone has left, you and Owen were still at the raptors’ paddock. You looked down at them running around.
“I don’t want Momo to have the same fate. Military? Really? That’s what we are doing now? These creatures are amazing, beautiful. Even the fact that we keep them on display is rather disgusting let alone using them as weapons.”
“I agree with you. But I can also see how they would be able to save many lives. Men and women.”
“But they will never be able to control them like that. Not by their own free will. It takes time. You have known them since they were little. Momo is... she is basically an attraction to them, nothing more. They wanted me to each her tricks. Like she was a fucking pony. Jumping through loops and whatnot. And when I refused, they threatened to throw me out. So, I had to come up with something. Telling them that she is not able to do such things. Even if it’s a lie.” you eyes widened at what you just said. You just confessed your greatest secret. 
“What do you mean lie? So, she can jump?” you panicked a little but his calm demeanor helped you a little.
“S-She can. Not as high as those railings go but...She can. Oh, Owen, please don’t tell Claire. They will make her into a complete circus animal, more than she already is.” you didn’t even realize but you were so desperate that you grabbed his forearm, pleading with him.
“I won’t. I promise. I decided on my second day over there that I will tell her that you are taking a good care of her and that a Mosasaurus is not a dolphin you can teach tricks to. But I’m clearly wrong. Could you show me?”
You were soon standing by her tank. Owen looked down at the water.
“I never understood. If she can get the shark from there, why doesn’t she jump out to get the guests?”
“Well, one, they are too small, so she is not interested and two, her species main food source comes from the water or from above such as flying dinosaurs. But as you can see her water is lower than the path, they made this safe so she wouldn’t jump out and eat guests.”
“I see. So how does this work? I don’t guess that you whistle to her.” Owen said as he stood next to you.
“No. I just...” it was easier to show him, so you reached your hand out as far as you could before moving it up.
And just as you did, she jumped out of the water and back in, as elegantly as a dino of her size possibly could. 
“Wow.” Owen watched as the water splashed neither of you cared that you were soaked.
“One night. I was talking to her. And as I moved my hand, she started doing things. She can also spin, but that looked better down under the water.”
“She listens to you.”
“I like to think that if I was to fall into the water one day, she won’t eat me immediately, but I might be too naïve.” Owen looked at you and all he could think is how beautiful you looked.
“This really is something else. You must have an amazing bond.” you smiled at Owen who got your now soaked wet hair out of your face. He slowly leaned down and was about to place his lips on yours when another sudden splash of water interrupted him. He groaned and as he looked down at the water noticed Momo slowly descending into the water. 
You only laughed at the annoyed expression on Owen’s face.
“Maybe take me on a date first, Mr. Grady, I think then she will approve.” you said as he finally looked back at you.
His eyes softened.
Maybe you will thank Claire later for sending Owen over. Who could have thought that two trainers would find each other on an island like that? 
Taglist: imreadinggoaway fleursirvart  v-2bucky ehsebastian  crunch-time-sports pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmiler smexylemony greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd thisismysecrethappyplace sincerelyfan theoneanna aestheticsandmarvel rororo06 castellandiangelo avengers-r-us destynelseclipsacastellandiangelo  spilledinkindumpster celebsimagines capsiclesdoll firstangeldragonranch snoopy3000 firstangeldragonranch puknow crazzyter alwayshave-faith  soleil-dor  alex12948 scream-kiwi79
My taglist is open!
Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank You for reading my story!~
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
Hi, I like your work.
If you could I have an obey me request of the brothers and( if possible the undatebles). About a mc who is changing their habits to be healthier (like exercise and healthy eating).
Cause thats what am doing at the moment and I would like the encouragement.
Good luck with your journey and you can do it! I’ll probably do the Undateables in a separate fic, but I’ll definitely do them in the future. Reader is gender neutral!
The Brothers with MC Who Wants to be Healthier
He supports you, just don’t let it get in the way of your studies 
Doesn’t really understand why but he doesn’t voice it aloud, and he likes that you’re actually making the effort too, showing a surprising amount of self discipline
He was amused (and worried) when you started working out with Beel, but was relieved when you came back okay and not missing any limbs
Still makes him worry though
He’s too busy to try and workout with you, but he does try to change his eating habits so you don’t feel like you’re doing this alone
(And this would explain why he’s been just a little bit crankier in the mornings since he cut back on his coffee intake. He won’t give it up completely, but he’s trying for you)
He does well keeping you on track though and knowing how strict he can be, it never got to the point of being overwhelming. It’s just his way of encouragement because he really means well and wants the best for you
Praises you so much, and you know it’s the truth too because Lucifer doesn’t just say anything to anyone. And takes his time in showing just how he is of you too, especially behind closed doors
He’s super proud of you, and he’s smug about it too. You’re his, you bear his pact mark on you, so he can’t help but show off your progress. It’s his sin, after all 
Brags to Diavolo like the proud boyfriend he is
He somewhat understands, but doesn’t at the same time. You look beautiful, stunning, hot, sexy FINE to him, but if that’s what you wanna do, you’re not doing it alone!
(He claims that you owe him some Grimm and that you’ll discuss payment later, but he’s honestly just excited to be doing this with you and doesn’t know how to handle it)
When he says that you’re not doing it alone, he wasn’t kidding. He’s right alongside you (even though he’s already by your side literally all day every day) putting in the effort 100%, and he’s a great motivator too!
Mammon is a model, so working out and healthy diets aren’t new to him. He takes on the role as your very own personal trainer, even if he forgets that you can’t eat all the food that he can or do everything that he can since you’re human
He’s confused but he’s got the right spirit!
His energy is just contagious! Doesn’t matter what you guys did, whether it was eating something instead of the usual Hellfire noodles or coming back after you guys finished a run, he’s always facing you with a blinding smile on his face every time
Mammon is basically your partner in crime and vice versa, so DUH he was gonna do this with you! What kind of first man would he be if he didn’t?
You’re not alone in this MC, and he’ll make sure it stays that way
OOF, he feels like he’s the wrong person to approach with this
It’s not like he doesn’t want to support you! He does! But, we all know how he feels about doing anything physical or doing anything that will take him away from his safe haven...
(With the exception of video games, anime, and Ruri-chan of course)
He REALLY doesn’t understand why you’re doing this, to him it’s like pure torture!
But, he sees how happy you look and how much energy you have now, so (with your help) he looked at it from a different angle...
That you were LEVELING UP
That’s what got him hype
(He still wouldn’t do it with you unfortunately)
He would unironically go on one of his rants and just be in awe at how much you’re powering up, waayyy better than his video game characters or some weak anime MCs; it’s just his way of encouraging you to keep going
He’s still too embarrassed to be straight forward to you, but you’re an inspiration to him. He expects nothing less from his Henry!
(If you see him trying to do any type of exercise in his room: no you didn’t!)
He finds it endearing to be honest, and he’s glad to help. Maybe he can find some helpful information in one of his books...
He’s not gonna act like your personal trainer like Mammon but he’s gonna be like your personal tutor but for your health!
“MC, make sure you don’t overdo it. I know you want to keep pushing yourself- and you’re doing more than a spectacular job- but you’ll end up hurting yourself if you overexert. How about you do some stretches as a cool down instead?”
Believe it or not, if he does do any type of workout with you (which would be somewhat rare), it would be stretches, only because it is somewhat calming and helps with how tense his body can be
And he enjoys the time he gets to spend with you
But he’s never afraid to give you motivation or give you compliments; he does it proudly and rather bold
Even if it seems like he’s just teasing you, Satan is being 100% honest. You’re already perfect in his eyes, but it just makes it more obvious seeing you doing something for yourself and being happy about it
I feel like Asmo would be one of the most helpful brothers (besides from Beel of course) because he likes to take care of himself, and that includes eating healthy and working out
Even though doesn’t like to sweat and he hates the idea of feeling gross, he won’t whine (as much) because it’s something that he wants to do. He’s very big on self-love and having confidence, and he’s a firm believer in feeling good about yourself always, no matter what shape or size you are. After all, you gotta feel good to look good!
Plus, he has taken some devilishly selfies of his sweat glistening on him and he knows his fans go wild for those~
But this isn’t about him right now, you should’ve said something sooner MC, he’s glad to help!
Gives you new recipes to taste test together too! New recipes to try with you + new DevilTube videos= a recipe for views (and more time to be selfish with you)
Also prepare to wear matching gym gear too. You guys are going to make progress and in style!
One of his favorite full body workouts hat he loves to do with you is yoga. Not only does it really become a peaceful time for you both to share, but it also gives him the opportunity to show just how flexible he is and how flexible he can make you~
Seriously though, Asmo is here for this! He will always be the first one to praise you for your accomplishments, and even if you feel like it’s small or that you didn’t really accomplish anything, he’ll make sure to prove you wrong
He caught you doing some workouts in your room, and when he spotted you, it only meant one thing-
You didn’t even have to ask him for help because he was already 100% on board with it
It’s only a handful of times that you’ve seen Beel be so serious before, so you were shook tbh
But don’t worry, it’s still gonna be tons of fun for you both!
He’s not gonna micromanage you or anything, and he invites you to his workouts all the time. Even if you have to remind him sometimes that you’re a human and you can’t just lift 1000 pound weights like it’s nothing-
The best spotter, no questions asked. If he even thinks that you’re struggling or he sees your arm shake in the slightest, he’s already behind you, holding up the bar and asking if you’re okay
If weights aren’t your thing or if you don’t feel comfortable going to the gym, he doesn’t mind doing at home workouts either! And he’s the best at correcting your form too
Even though he’s known for his insatiable appetite, he’ll still eat healthy with you. He may not know a lot about human food, but he does know what’s good for the body
Of course he still eats full course meals and will just burn it off like nothing, but he can skip out on Madame Screams’ pastries if it means keeping you motivated
You try to tell him that it’s okay for him to eat whatever, but he’s already shaking his head at you, telling you that you guys are in this together, and that’s that
You ended up splitting some sweets with him on your cheat day because you a.) felt bad and b.) wanted to thank you for being the best gym partner ever
He ate majority of it but still
Not to mention the encouragement that he’s always giving you! If it’s an off day or you feel like you didn’t do your best or enough, he’s already there giving you a smile and pulling you back on your feet, saying how much you’ve improved and how far you’ve come, and Beel isn’t the type to just say anything. He really means every word, and it’s more than enough to keep you going
And his high-fives >>>>>>>
The couple that gains together stays together, and he won’t lie; he feels more pumped in his workouts with you by his side
You weren’t coming home for your daily afternoon cuddle session(s), and when you did come home you were drenched in sweat and brushed him off for a shower. It went from occurring just once a week to every other day, and it was making him moodier than usual
When you explained it to him, he was whiny but supportive. Of course he supports your journey to a better lifestyle! He’ll just be supporting you from the comfort of his bed-
You’re definitely dreaming if you think you’re about to get him to join you working out (you should’ve went to Beel if that’s what you’re looking for)
But he’s great at being your cheerleader though! He stays in the room while you’re working out and he’s really cheering you on with his little chants (I mean it’s while he’s lazing around but still are you really surprised?), but you can’t help but still find it endearing and a way to stay positive
If ya’ll seen the new episode you understand what I mean lmao
He’s not one for moving around, but he can help you with what you eat
He’s pretty decent in the kitchen, and he’s got some safe-for-humans healthy snacks that he “borrowed” from Beel and some recipes that he got from Barbatos and Asmo
(Somehow Solomon overheard and volunteered himself to cook and Belphie doesn’t think he ever ran so fast in his life before when he walked away to go grab his “recipe book”)
Makes small remarks about your progress and says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, showing that he does notice the changes you’re making even if you don’t. Really helps you stay motivated!
His words may come off as dry and sarcastic sometimes, but he means well. He may have a bit of a hard time showing that he cares, but he does. And he cares a lot about you, more than he can express
Is also prepared to give you cuddles as both rewards and to make up from before
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theyscreamjade · 4 years
Heyy can you do a Headcannon with Kirishima, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Midoriya; their S/O has eating disorder and they help her through kinda comfort, if it makes you uncomfortable you don't have to
S/O With a Eating Disorder.
Actually, My best friend had a eating disorder as well, while I dealt with my problems with self harm. I hope this makes your day and please keep trying. I know it may seem hard and it’s the best thing to do, it’s not. If you ever need someone to talk to my dear Anon, I’m here for you! I’ll Detroit Smash all those thoughts in a millisecond.
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Izuku Midoriya
* This poor sweet boy, he cares so much about you that when he finds out. He’s hurt.
* It takes him a minute to discover this and when he does, he’s heartbroken. You’ve dealt with this alone and he wasn’t there to help you.
* “Puppy? Do you have an eating disorder?”
* When he confronts you, he may be gentle about it. He’ll mention it when you two are alone and there’s no one else around. If you cry, he’ll hold you until you calm down.
* He’s usually observant of you and how you are, but he couldn’t see past that mask you often wore or how your weight decreased dramatically.
* If you decide to let him help, he’s standing beside you each part of the way. He’s throwing away every diet pill, laxative, or anything that’ll make you either sick or anything.
* From then on, he might learn how to cook or ask his mother for meals for you two.
* He’s going to be a lot more observant to you and your weight though, he might go a bit overboard but please understand he’s writing it down to keep you safe and healthy.
* His affection is going to increased to the max, if you stop and stare at a model during you two’s date. He’ll stop and look at the before kissing your cheek. “You don’t even compare to them, you’re way better than them.”
* God, He’s going to express himself through sex. Every mark, hickey, bruise, and more on your body will be a constant reminder of how much he loves you. Every time he touches it, your body just flashes that memory of him whispering every little amazing fact about you that he has in his book.
* Those anger bursts, depressive nights, the days when you can’t get up or even get dressed, just know he’s going to be there.
* I don’t doubt, he’d ask All Might what would he recommend for this situation or even recommend counseling for you so you can become that smiling beckon that kept him going again.
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Katsuki Bakugo
* He ALREADY knew something was up.
* The moment he brought you his shirt and it didn’t fit like it normally would, he immediately suspected something.
* His suspicions were confirmed when you, him and the Baku-Squad were out at a restaurant. Mina, being the observant gal she is, asked if you were losing weight. The nail was in the coffin when you didn’t eat either, claiming you weren’t hungry though he was with you all day and you hadn’t eaten a single bite.
* Once you two leave the restaurant and we’re walking home, he just asks.
* “Do you have a problem with eating or somethin?” He’d ask, making you freeze on the sidewalk.
* Don’t try to lie to him either, it’ll make him even angrier than he was already.
* He’s not angry at you, he’s angry at himself. He’s ticked that he didn’t avoid this from happening to you. Was his insults too much? What can he do to fix the damage he thinks he’s caused to you?
* Once you two are home, please expect to have THOROUGH CLEAN home. I mean everything, Laxatives, diet pills, magazines. YEP, MAGAZINES. They’re the reason for some of the issues.
* His insults will be less frequent and he might act like a softie more around you. He's going to be a bit more affectionate too.
* I FUCKING DARE YOU to TRY and say something negative about yourself.
* You will experience the wrath of Ground Zero deep in you, you’ll become a whimpering mess underneath his hold until you cry out and say how great you are.
* He’s cooking every meal, no matter how tired he is. THIS MAN MIGHT HAVE A CAST ON HIS LEG AND HE WILL BE COOKING IN THAT KITCHEN STILL.
* He’s going to track your weight every night until he feels as if he can trust you a bit more. He never lost trust in you, he knows you were swallowed by the depression that blinded you and wants you to be better again.
* He’s going to try to be patient with you, but with him it’s a three strike system. Once you’re at the third, you’re going to have to make a sacrifice. Him or your problem.
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Shoto Todoroki
* Please know, Shoto’s not obvious to things. Of course, he noticed how different you were acting, how small your body was becoming, how you often were cold and many others.
* He just simply thought you were training harder to be better or something. He wouldn’t even bother you while you trained.
* That was until you just passed out. You passed out in front of him and his family at a family gathering and wouldn’t wake up.
* That honestly triggered the poor man.
* His brother discovered in your records, that the last normal weight you had was months back.
* His heart shattered into a thousand pieces as he starts to blame himself completely until his sister calms him down.
* While you’re still in the hospital recovering, him and Midoriya are cleaning up the home. Every last item that reminded you of the body you wanted to strive for or the imperfections that you thought you had was gone.
* When you were released, you were immediately placed on a strict diet placed from his brother and the family physician. Shoto normally doesn’t be the pushy type in these situations but..he doesn’t want to see you like that ever again.
* “I never...want to see you like that again, I thought I lost you.”
* He’s going to watch every item you eat, so you won’t either binge out or anything.
* ...the locks in the bathroom may be..gone. BUT JUST KNOW HE CARES OKAY?!
* Shoto might be a bit more affectionate with you as well, always holding you, reminding you every single day just how much you mean to him.
* This may include a SIGNIFICANT increase in sexual activities which includes him whispering in your ear about how much you mean to him and how amazing you are.
* This poor peppermint’s been through a lot.
* He’s going to be patient, All he wants is to see you well again.
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Eijiro Kirishima
* This man’s attention to you IS ON FUCKING POINT.
* You have to realize, he dealt with confidence issues too. So when he notices how you degrade yourself in a joking way at first. He’ll try to boost you up with his love for you.
* But when he notices how much smaller you were and how your clothes seemed to be baggy items on your body. He’s going to push you right back into your home, holding your shoulders as he stared deeply into your eyes.
* “Don’t lie to me okay? Do you have an eating disorder or something? Are you sick? Is there something you’re not telling me?”
* The questions were frequently and blunt, very unlike him. Your silence was an absolute confirmation for him.
* He’s going to beat himself up and call him unmanly for not even being able to help you through this. He was so blind! So oblivious to you and your needs.
* He’s going to cry and hold you as tightly as he could, his arms holding you as tight as he could. He’s going apologize for all those nights you slept alone, those days you hid your feelings from him, those moments when you probably needed him and never called.
* After you two confided, he’s going through every item. Now, the difference with this. He’s making you trash every item you use. I mean every single one. Dumping each pill, rip each magazine and everything.
* Afterwards, he’ll lead you to a secluded area where he often came to when he was younger. There, you two pour your feelings out until you two are laughing at the insecurities you have from a different point of view.
* You two are going to switch when you make meals though. Like for instance, he may have one week and you have the other. When he feels as if you don’t have enough to eat, he’ll feed you.
* If you ever feel depressed, sad, or anything. Just call him, because he’s going to come as soon as you even dial his number. Before the phone can even ring, he’s at your door.
* He’s going to CONSTANTLY REMIND you of just how amazing, sexy, and everything you are. He’s expressing it in more ways than anyone can expect.
* Honestly, Kirishima would probably wait to see results. He won’t be over your shoulder to check your weight constantly but rather to see you gain some a bit.
* Just know he’s not going to give up on you. He’s going to be patient with you because you’re his Beauty Cool.
* Don’t disappoint him please, I’d hate for anyone to experience a distant Kirishima. It’s like having a day without sunshine nor rain.
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icollectyoursins · 4 years
Kitsune!Kakyoin nsfw
Anon asked for “ I can only think of Kitsune Kakyoin-... Oooh, spicy for Kakyoin.”
Yesss. Little bit of trickery, little bit of cute fluffy tails? We love that. Writing this game me so much serotonin. It also took a lot of words and time, so I hope you enjoy.
I learned a lot about kitsunes while writing this, but the things that come into play are tails and human forms/magic/”paranormal abilities.” From what I’ve read, they only have 9 tails if they’re over 1,000. They gain 1 tail after 100 years which is around the same time that they get their ✨magic✨. Though there are some sources that say they get their abilities after 50, I’m going with the typical 100. That being said, Kakyoin has 2 tails, making him 200ish. The more you know!
Also, I am aware his name is Noriaki, but I’m used to the sub anime where last names come first, so that’s how I wrote it. Also, everyone called him Kakyoin and that’s what I’m used to.
Your family had always warned you about the trickster who lived in the woods by your town. Your friends, however, thought it would be funny to try and mess with said trickster spirit which, after a mess of rituals and a little bit of drinking on your friend’s side, you got lost. Suddenly, you find yourself face to face with a rather handsome trickster, who is willing to help, for a price.
Have a character, but no idea? Prompt list here!
Looking for more? Master post here!
WARNINGS: “dream” sex, light stalking, grandma’s talking about things that live in the woods that can probably kill you, deals with things you probably shouldn’t make deals with, sexy deals, claws, making out, marking/hickies, nipple play, cunnilingus, fingering, marking with teeth, knotting, breeding, creampie.
Word Count: 3121
     The soft ground littered with leaves and branches crunches beneath your feet. The air was starting to cool as the night approached. Damn it. Where the hell were your friends? You had come out here for a little fun, maybe some spooky stories, maybe a round of truth or dare, but things got a little out of hand and suddenly, you were being dared to walk through the woods in the middle of the night to try to find the so-called trickster spirit, the Kitsune.
     None of your friends believed in it, but you did. A few years ago, you saw him standing at the edge of the forest, deep violet eyes staring into your soul as you walked by him. His red hair curled around his face, framing it. He was wearing a long green coat with matching pants, two long tails swishing behind him. The contrast of his red fur on the green of the forest was beautiful. You wanted to go to him then, touch his face and hold him. Thank god your friends stopped you, nudging out of your fantasy. But then came the dreams.
     Dreams of him crawling into your bed oh, so sweetly, curling himself around you and kissing every mark on your body. Dreams of him rolling you over, trailing his lips across your shoulder, down your sternum, down your stomach until he met with your sweet honey pot, already wet and waiting for him. He'd fill you until you thought you were going to burst. Over and over again, he’d mark you skin lightly, claws digging into your flesh. He was always gentle with you, careful, but there was something in his eyes that read dangerous. He would always reassure you, regardless of that stare.
     Such sweet dreams he gave you and yet you were afraid. You had overheard your grandmother talking about what the trickster would do if he caught you. You would be his slave. Just a little puppet for him to capture more people with. You would never feel his touch again. The body would ache and burn, screaming in pain until he gave you even the smallest of caresses, then he would leave again. The pain would be worse than before until finally, when he never came back, you would die of natural causes or kill yourself. He seduces his victims, gives them a taste of what they want, then leaves them in the woods, searching for him until they died. You would never go into the woods again.
     Until now. Here you were, completing some kind of stupid prophecy, hoping you wouldn't see him again. You would just turn around, find your friends again and that would be the end of it. Though, you couldn't deny the little tingle; that tiny sliver of hope that he would show up. That he would smile and take you into his arms, vowing to never leave you. Ugh, you needed to get laid. This was just your horniness talking. Right?
     You rested against a tree, catching your breath. You had been walking for longer than you anticipated. What did they even dare you with, anyway? A walk in the woods seemed kind of lame.
     A loud snap over your shoulder made you turn around quickly. Your eyes scanned the tree line for anything dangerous. There was nothing, but that didn’t start your heart from pounding. If anything, it made it worse. Maybe a walk in the woods wasn’t lame after all. You checked your phone. It was almost dead and your friends made no effort to make sure you were okay.
     Unbeknownst to you, there was something there. Well, someone. A certain trickster who had been waiting for this day since he saw you. His name was Kakyoin Noriaki, not that you would know that, but he would tell you eventually. He knew about every “dream” you had about him, knew every inch of your body, every freckle. But, late night visits weren’t enough for him anymore. He wanted you to be his. Actually his, not just a feast for when he felt lonely.
     Everything was ready for you. He had gotten your favourite teas, coffees, drinks. The decor was suited to your tastes and colours. All he was missing was you. There were many days leading up to this where he would sit in his bed, imagining your weight next to him and your warmth. It all made him feel so lonely, yet so... satisfied. How could you say no to this?
     Of course, the final decision would be up to you but he wasn’t going to make it easy. Charm would do most of the work gaining your trust, but some magic wouldn’t hurt, right? 
     You strode around the forest, completely unaware of what he has set up. After all, it was his idea to dare you to go for a walk through your fear. Mimicking your friend’s voice was easy and everyone else was inebriated enough to agree. All he had to do was wait for you to get a little closer to his den and he’d reveal himself to you.
     You continued to walk aimlessly, hoping you would be able to find your way back by sheer luck. The light was starting to fade and it was getting colder. You swore, if your friends didn’t find you before you froze to death it would be the last time they ever-
     A small log cabin that you are fairly sure had never been there before broke you from your thoughts. A plume of smoke billowed from the chimney. Please, let who ever lived here be nice enough to let you in. You approached the door, tentatively knocking on it. There was shuffling on the other side, then it was opened. The person was tall, slender with red hair framing their face...
     You couldn’t believe your eyes. It was him! Really him! So many emotions flooded your senses. Should you run or go in? Would baring the cold be safer than a night with your sweet trickster? Does he know about the dreams? No, he couldn’t!
     “Is everything alright?” His voice rang through your ears pleasantly. 
     “Yeah, yeah uh... I’m fine,” you stuttered, taking in a breath to calm yourself.
     “Would you like to come in? It’s freezing out there.” His smooth voice had you weak. You nodded your head, carefully walking in. The smell of the house made you dizzy in the best way possible. A sweet, rich fragrance filled your nose, your favourite scent, actually. You didn’t notice, but he was watching your reactions, making sure you liked everything he had done for you. He found himself staring at you too long, entranced by your beauty. “Would you like a blanket or something to warm you up? A drink, perhaps?”
     You turned around, holding your arms to keep you warm. “Yes, please, thank you.” He smiled at you, walking to what you assume was the bedroom, returning with a large, fuzzy blanket which he then wrapped around you. Then, he went to work preparing you some hot chocolate.
     “My name is Kakyoin Noriaki, thought most call me Kakyoin,” he says next to your shoulder, handing you the mug. You’re lead to a very comfortable couch that you just melted into. You weren’t even aware of Kakyoin wrapping the blanket around you more as he sat next to you or the way he leaned in a little too close to you. 
     “I’m (Y/N),” you said, taking a small sip of the hot chocolate. You looked around the room. It wasn’t very big. Kitchen in one corner, living room in another, bathroom, bedroom. The basics. All of the decor matched with what your idea of your dream house was. Cozy. Maybe you should ask where he got everything from.
     “Why are you here?” He asked. “I don’t usually get visitors, pardon my suspicion. Did something happen? Are you lost?”
     “Yeah, uh,” you thought for a minute, trying to word this in a way that wouldn’t be offensive. “My friends thought it would be funny to dare me to walk into the woods.”
     His face scrunched up in false confusion, not that you noticed. “Why would they do that?”
     “I’m uh... afraid of them.”
     Kakyoin was quiet for a minute. That’s not what he wanted to hear, though he sort of understood why. He didn’t want you to be afraid, he wanted you to be safe. With him. No one else. Just him. “Why?”
     “It’s a... long story.” He hummed in response, not wanting to push you further despite knowing why you were so afraid. After a few minutes of warming up, he spoke up again, as gently as he could be.
     “May I... touch you?” You shot him a shocked look. What did he mean touch you? “Your hair looks so soft.”
     “Oh, um, sure. I guess?” Just your hair, that was fine, right? He hasn’t given you a reason to not trust him and you couldn’t deny that those dreams you had made you want him in the most carnal way possible. His fingers delicately brushed through your hair in a way that was almost soothing to you. You sighed, relaxing into his touch. His heart skipped a beat. You were so close.
     “(Y/N)... I know where your friends are.” You turned to look at him, surprised. “I can lead you to them, but... I have a request.” Kakyoin took the mug from your hands and then grabbed your hands softly, looking you in the eyes. “Stay with me. For one night. Stay here for one night and then you can leave.”
     You go to protest, but are stopped. “I know how much you dream about me, (Y/N) and I will admit that I often dream about you in the same way. Don’t try to deny it. Look at me, please.” You did, staring into his soft blue/violet eyes, finding yourself drawn into them, enraptured by their beauty. The next words he says are slow and soothing. “I do not wish to hurt you or hold you against your will. I only want one night. You may leave when you wish.” If you wish, he thought.
     Your body moves on it’s own, leaning into him, faces getting closer and closer until finally, you were able to touch his lips. Or, you would have, if he hadn’t lifted a clawed finger to your mouth, holding you there. You had half a mind to question if you had noticed claws before, but didn’t really care. As much as he wanted to kiss you, he needed your words; your permission. He slid his hand to your cheek, cupping it sweetly.
     “I want to hear you say yes, (Y/N),” he whispers, low and soft. He hadn’t even realized that he’d dropped his magic keeping his form relatively human. Red ears peek out from his hair and his tails unfurled from under his green top. It was hard for him to hold back a low growl as you leaned into his touch, cheeks growing hot. So, so close.
     “Yes,” you said dreamily. “Yeah, I’ll stay with you, Kakyoin.” He let out a needy sigh. Finally, yes. Instantly, he pulled you into an aggressive kiss, teeth biting at your lower lip, then smothering you. You slowly lied down as he crawled over you. You noticed his ears then, reaching a hand up to touch them. They flicked at the feeling, but soon he was leaning into your hand, breathing heavily; needy.
     His eyes locked with yours, then he dove in for a kiss, easily slipping his tongue into your mouth, exploring the new area. You moaned, lightly sucking on the smooth appendage. Sharp claws dug into the cushions to keep from harming you. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer until his body was pressed against yours. Still caught up in the kiss, he ground his hips into you relishing in the way you moan around his tongue. 
     Kakyoin breaks the kiss, moving towards your neck and marking you with deep purple marks down your neck. You arch up into him, crying out. The feel of his lips on your pulse drives your lust into over drive, matching his thrusts with your clothed sex. He growls, sharp canines grazing where your shoulder meets your neck.
     “I need you,” his voice is strained, clearly holding back. 
     You kiss his cheek then whisper: “Then, take me, Kakyoin.”
     That was his tipping point. In an instant, his claws were ripping your clothes starting with the top and under garment. He discards the torn cloth, replacing it with his hands, moulding over your mounts, squeezing and pinching your nipples. You could feel him getting harder, as if he wasn’t already hard enough. You were shocked that there was more to it, but it was not entirely unwelcome. You’re drawn out of your fantasizing when his tongue flicked your nipple, then his warm mouth wrapping around it. 
     “Ah!~” You clawed your hands through his hair which he seemed to like because his sucking became more enthusiastic. You tit was thoroughly bruised when he was finished, pulling off with a loud pop before moving onto the next one. Meanwhile, one of his hands was moving towards your lower half, nimbly tearing a line down, then tossing that away, breaking away from your breast for a moment then returning again.
     Kakyoin’s fingers dipped into your already soaked labia, feeling their way up and down your sweet entrance. You rocked your hips into them, encouraging him to do more. He pulled his lips away from your nipple again, making eye contact with you while making his way down to your folds. His eyes rolled back into his head as his tongue flicked out to taste your slick. He had waited so long for this, having only his memories of pleasing you to keep him sated, but now he finally had you. And he was going to milk you for every drop you had.
     Lips wrapped around your clit as his finger teased your entrance, just barely entering you. He alternated between sucking your clit and leaving long, hard licks along your whole slit. Eyes flicked to yours again as he delved his tongue into you, relishing the way you keened, hips jerking up, wanting him to go deeper. Had he been in a different mood, he would have denied you that, but all he wanted was to devour you. 
     Over and over again, he dove his tongue into you adding his fingers which gently dipped into you. You could feel your orgasm growing closer, movements becoming less and less controlled. Kakyoin watched with adoration as your face grew more red contorting with pleasure. Your voice was gradually getting higher in pitch until you finally let out a high cry with your release hips lifting off the couch as you gushed onto his face and cushions. 
     He came up with, surprisingly, an even hungrier stare than before. Something feral flickered in him as he threw off his clothes, jumping back onto your body, attacking your neck more with his teeth. You couldn’t help arching into him again as he dug his canines into your shoulder, marking you. His member pulsed between your legs. You reached a hand down to stroke making him gasp and groan. He couldn’t wait anymore.
     Without moving his head, the tip of his cock caught your entrance. He waited until you had taken a breath to prepare yourself, then crashed his pelvis into yours, filling you in one thrust. The feeling left your breathless, mouth hanging slack with ecstasy. 
     “I missed this,” he thought aloud, not even noticing he’d said anything. You did though and you were confused.
     “What?” You said groggily. 
     “Nothing, don’t worry about it.” With that he started to get into a rhythm which made you forget everything, just completely head over heels with lust. You voice started climbing again, getting higher with each time his tip his the furthest part of your cunt. Kakyoin’s lips continued to attack your neck, being sure to leave dark marks that would last for weeks. He grunted with each hard thrust. 
     You couldn’t do anything other than hold on while he brought you closer to your second release. There was something growing at the base of his cock, pushing against your entrance. He growled in your ear: “~nnn gonna knot you. Aaahmmm~ need to breed you.”
     Knot? Uh, what? You screamed as he pressed the bulb into your pussy slowly. The protrusion made your orgasm wash over you quicker than anticipated making you gush over his cock again. He leaned back, watching your face, checking in to make sure you were okay. When it became too much for you, he pulled back, letting you breathe, then trying again. He got further in this time, then pulled back. 
     The process repeated until you were sufficiently stretched open for him. With one final sweet kiss on your forehead, he pushed his entire knot inside you. Even with all the prep, nothing prepared you for the full feeling he left. He gave a few small, desperate thrusts and then came, loose, spilling his seed inside you leaving you feeling hot, warm and utterly used. 
     The world around you was fuzzy as he kissed your face, slowly bringing you back to consciousness. His knot was still inside you, feeling larger than before. Kakyoin wrapped his arms around you, then pulled you up with him so you were sitting on his lap. He rubbed your back, soothing you. Every minute movement either one of you made pushed his bulge around making you whimper. 
     “Do you want to leave, (Y/N)?” He asked, knowing full well that his mark, pooling with his magic, would confuse your mind into staying with him more than having you feel better than ever before. Like he said, if you really didn’t want to stay, the magic couldn’t stop you from leaving, but it would act as more of a nudge towards his desired outcome.
     “Uunhh~ No, I’ll stayyyaaahh!~” His hips gently gyrated into you a few more times causing you to brokenly scream. 
     “Good, I’m glad.” He kissed your temple, silently pleased with himself. Kakyoin felt you slowly falling to sleep on his chest. You could take all the time to rest now, he had all the time in the world to make sure you were full of his pups if this session hadn’t worked. He chuckled quietly to himself. The dreams of you swelling with his offspring would finally be real. His cock twitched again. Hopefully you would be ready for more rounds after you woke up from this one. He was nowhere near done tonight.
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Holy Rivers {Jon Snow x Reader Oneshot}
Requested by: Anonymous Wordcount: 3117 Summary: You really don’t like the attention that your lover, Jon, has been getting from the Dragon Queen. You intend to make sure he knows that he’s yours. TW: Pretty much all smut below honestly. NSFW.
You always loved the sea, and a part of that was because your father, Davos Seaworth, was very much a man of it. It was even in your surname! But this had to be the gloomiest voyage that you had ever been a part of. Many of the people on these ships were heading for death. Hope of survival was slim in these days in any war, but one against the incoming dead? You stood on the bow of the ship, looking out at all that was ahead, trying only to see the good side of things. You had your father here, and he was still a good fellow to have during a fight despite his disfigurement. And you had your lover, Jon. And circling above the ship in the grey skies were two dragons, which was some pretty good arsenal in your opinion. 
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Yes - you were sailing with Daenerys, and the weight of all of her other titles. She surprisingly liked you, admired your lack of servitude towards men, that you didn’t put up with any sexism, that you were even tougher than some of the men in your own army. That you refused to slink back and act like a helpless woman when things got tough. When she wasn’t demanding people bend the knee or going on her ten minute rant of all of the names that she had, she wasn’t all that bad. But she had done something tonight which had pinched a nerve in you, and made you think of her as an entitled brat - not for the last time either.
During dinner, which she had invited you two to have in her cabin, she had been giving Jon some looks. Now, she could definitely not say that she did not know about the two of you since you were always together. Just because there was no wedding doesn’t mean that you two weren’t practically married already. Everyone knew that - even your father, though he didn’t fully appreciate that you two hadn’t had the ceremony yet. And yet, she had rested her hand upon Jon’s arm, and probably more under the table that you could not see.
You kept your calm during dinner, keeping your eyes on the plate to avoid shooting dirty looks at the ‘Queen’. You didn’t trust anyone with that title these days. Cersei was bad enough. Now you had this to contend with up close and personal. After the meal, once you and Jon were back in your own shared cabin, you were really able to let loose with your thoughts.
“Yes, I’m grateful that she had brought her dragons to fight our cause, and yes, I think it’s great that she has a whole army of people who are obviously devoted to her but my god, do I have to lose you to her in order for us to have a chance to live another a couple of years?” You asked, pacing the floor with your arms crossed in front of you. Jon was sitting on the bed, undoing his boots, saying nothing. He’d learned the value of silence when it came to your anger since arguing back had disastrous consequences. “And you just let her!”
“What do you think I should have done then?” He asked when there was a lull between your words.
“Not look at her like you were going to pick up your fork and feed her!” You said, opening up the window just to have something to do with your hands. You were feeling hot, your blood boiling. “I know we are not wed and your life is still your own but I never want to see another woman put her hand on you like that.”
“Some might say that you’re jealous,” He said, attempting to hide a little smile but you had caught sight of it. It just made you feel all the more passionate about the situation.
“Jealous?” You asked, turning on him, your whole body standing over him now. “You think that I am jealous of that white-haired woman? I would not trade places with her for any ship in the sea. Jealous - as if.”
“She was just trying to be friendly, and gain our trust.” Jon insisted, looking at you, completely undaunted.
“Well, she lost some of mine,” You scowled. “Are you trying to make me seem like the bad guy here? Because if that’s really what you want, I can become that.”
“I don’t know if you can,” He said. His words had flipped a switch in your mind. You were angry before, but now - now you were downright possessive. You had to make sure that he knew that it was you who would be there for him, you who would fight at his side, you who would love him until death. With the war coming, the two of you had not wasted much time. The relationship had developed quickly, and feeling that your time was coming near, you’d been making the most of it. There was not an inch in this cabin that had not been explored by the two of you during sex, nor were the kitchens or the deck truly clean. It would make your father disgusted to know that ships had been used this way by you. But you didn’t care if he knew - you were in love.
“You really think,” You asked, hopping yourself on his lap, wrapping your legs around his abdomen while he sat up straight. “-that you’re going to be able to distract me from that with sex?”
“I don’t have another choice,” He said, leaning forward to press a kiss on your chin. “I can’t have you killing her before we fight the war.”
“I guess that’s a fair point,” You sighed, tangling your fingers up in the curls of his hair. It was a sweet spot for him, causing his eyes to close and a mouth come out of his slightly parted lips. It was a beautiful sight. You wouldn’t trade him for any ship in the world either.
The playing with his hair went on for another moment before you yanked your hand away, causing him to groan rather than moan. His eyes shot open and he looked at you pleadingly to continue but you tutted and shook your head. “I’m the bad guy, Snow, you’re not always going to get exactly what you want.”
You hopped back to your feet and turned your back towards him, knowing that it would only tease him more. You lifted your tunic up from over your head and let it land on the floor near him. Your back was exposed to him, and you knew how much he loved it. Many a night he had fallen asleep while running his fingers up and down your spine. You turned your head over your shoulder and blew him a kiss, your hair falling over your shoulders to cover whatever might have been in view.
You abandoned wearing dresses whenever you were on a ship. Such a little thing as tripping on one’s long skirts could easily mean death when you could fall overboard and into the freezing water of the Narrow Sea. As well, you were rather proactive in the upkeep of the ship, even ascending the nets to get to the Crows Nest and take a turn looking out for land. That sort of climbing was not something that you could do in a dress. So now, in front of Jon, you were attired only in your trousers, your stockings to keep the cool air out, and your shoes.
A benefit of being a part of the ship was the muscle tone that you had, that you were proud of. You could arm-wrestle with the best of them, even beating Tormund once. The same arm that you used untied the laces of your shoes so you could kick them off - always the least sexy of the undressing processes. But then you were at your trousers, tied up with a corset-like front with a strong knot. Your fingers worked nimbly with it, undoing it slightly, pulling the thin piece of rope out so that Jon could tell what you were doing.
“You’re not being bad, you’re just being a tease,” Jon said, leaning backwards, balancing himself on his elbows. He was taking in the show, though. He would be crazy not to be enjoying it. He longed to kiss your shoulders, work his way down your back, down down down until he reached where your pants lingered -
But those soon disappeared, much like the top that you had thrown away. You had taken the stockings with you, stepping out of them with care. Now you were nude in front of him, but still with your back towards him. His eyes took in the most prevalent thing he could see - your ass, which was just the perfect size for him. He never cared much for looks - not caring about the whores the way that Theon did. But you - you were blessed with both looks and a personality that he had fallen for so quickly it nearly gave him whiplash.
You ran your fingers through your own hair now, cocking one hip up and then another in a dance that seemed very much like it was Dornish in origin. You hummed a song that you recalled from one of the ports you had stopped in many moons ago when you were helping your father with smuggling, and danced to it. “I don’t think you’re much of a good guy yourself, Jon. Letting her touch you like that in front of me. Putting me into this rage just to get a reaction out of me. I think you deserve to be teased.”
“Is that how it’s going to be?” He asked. You turned to the side, still rotating your hips, back to humming, and nodded. “The Queen is very beautiful, isn’t she?”
You avoided looking at him, knowing that he had a smug expression on his face. He enjoyed testing you, getting your mood up. Things always got rather heated that way. You slowed your dance down to a tantalizing pace, spinning around so that he could see your full front, a scene that always took his breath away. “Do you want to say that again?” You asked. He shook his head quickly, eyes transfixed on your chest.
“Didn’t think so,” You said. You leaned forward, moving in closer and closer to him, before tugging violently at his trousers. He lost his balance due to the force that you used and fell back upon the bed. Good - that was a good place to have him. You undid those trousers and pushed them down over his feet until they fell on the floor beside yours. This room was infamous for having discarded clothing all over the place.
His cock sprung out, freed from the fabric cage that they had been locked into all day. It was already as hard as a rock. You teased him further by licking the tip, making him grab onto your shoulders. His hastily trimmed nails dug into the skin, leaving little pink crescent marks. You would be sure to return the favor later. You kissed the tip, then licked up and down the sides in the same painfully slow pace you had taken with your dancing.
“Do you think that the Queen would do this?” You asked, sucking about half of his cock down your throat. Now, he wasn’t a giant in that department, but he was a nice size. Still, you were able to get all the way down if you wanted to, but right now he didn’t deserve that. He moaned at that, but didn’t give you an answer. Instead he just squeezed you once more, lightly attempting to push you down but you didn’t budge. Your tongue played against his split, then licked the underside of his cock before you released, the cold air bringing goosebumps to his pelvic region after being in your warm mouth.
“You’re thinking about her way more than I am,” Jon said, raising his head up to look at you. You shook your head, resenting the idea of that. Before you could make another move, Jon grabbed onto you and pulled you onto the bed. He was strong, and able to move you like you were a child’s doll made of fabric and sheep’s wool. His face was now buried in between your legs, and he started to lick at you as if your pussy was the fountain of youth.
“You’re so focused on thinking about her face that you can’t even remember her name?” You asked, biting down on your lower lip to keep from squealing. His beard always ended up tickling you, making you squirm. You didn’t grab at his shoulders like he did, but rather, grabbed onto the sheets for support. Your head was so close to knocking against the headboard but that was the least of your concerns at this moment. He was sucking on your clit, bringing you to a high far more quickly than you had anticipated. You struggled against him, then raised your feet under him to push him off. He looked up at you, lips moist and glistening, caught your eye then rolled his.
“That doesn’t even make any sense,” He said, looking exasperated. He tried to grab at you again so that he could return to his feast but you kicked him off of the bed, making him land on the floor. You smirked as he got up onto his feet, but that didn’t stay for very long. He picked you right up off of the bed before you could protest, slamming you down onto the desk, which was covered in maps and letters from ravens.
“I just think you liked the attention, Jon. Do you like her more than me? Do you think she’s better than me?” As you were asking these questions, you were trying to get off the desk. There were little figures on the map to help with strategy and they were digging into your bare back. As you flailed, Jon took the opportunity to step between your open legs and thrust his hard cock right into you. It was so quick that it hurt, causing an immediate discomfort but it slowly eased into pleasure. That didn’t mean, though, that you were done being irritated.
Jon held onto the back of your neck, forcing your head up to look at him as he thrust in and out, keeping eye contact the entire time. “Does it seem like I think she’s better than you?” He asked in disbelief.
“Can’t tell with you sometimes,” You muttered, pushing his hand away from you and leaned your head back against the wall. He instead grabbed onto your ankle and your thigh, keeping your legs spread as you struggled to find a way to keep yourself from being shaken too much. “Are you thinking of her right now?”
“I’m trying not to, but you keep bringing her up!” He growled. “Are you done with your jealous fit?”
You thought for a moment, which was hard because you could nearly feel yourself reaching a climax. You didn’t want to - that would mean that Jon won the argument. But you had a plan. Finally getting your arms underneath you, you pushed yourself up off of the desk, quite a few of the little figures sticking into your back but you didn’t care, and wrapped your arms around Jon’s shoulders. He was in a standing position while you were holding onto him like a reverse piggy back. Using your strength, you raised yourself up so only his tip was inside of you, then clenched your inner muscles to tease him all the more. Milk him.
“Almost,” You told him, resisting when he tried to drop you down little by little. “Who is your Queen?”
Jon froze entirely at that question. “What?”
“Not the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, not the Queen of Slave-Freeing, none of that. Your Queen. Whisper it if you are afraid of treason, but if you do not give me the answer that I want, I’m walking out that door.”
Jon didn’t hesitate after that. “You are,” He said softly, whispering it into your ear. “My Queen.”
You released your hold on him, sinking down onto him until he was fully inside you. He carried you back to the bed, where instead of throwing each other around, you made what you would call love. However, you still felt the need to be in control of him. To make sure that you were the only one that he was thinking about during these pleasurable moments.
You went on top, straddling him, bouncing yourself up and down in a quick pace. That didn’t however, mean that he could slack off. He thrust upward to meet with your bounces, and his hand went to your clit where he started to rub it slowly at first, then picking up speed. Since he only had experience with one other woman before you, you had to teach him some things. The value of pleasure in that little bundle of nerves was lesson number one and oh how he had learned. His other hand went to your breast, holding it in place rather than letting it go up and down with you, your nipple getting caught between his thumb and his index finger.
You looked down at him throughout, keeping up the eye contact. “I love you, Jon Snow. My true King.”
“I love you, y/n,” He said in return. The words seemed to have a physical effect because before he could even warn you, he cum up inside of you, thrusting hard against his own control.
You rode him out, only slightly disappointed that you weren’t able to finish at the same time. After his moment of pleasure had past, and the sensitivity began did you roll off of him and lay down on the bed, sweaty and tired. “I take that back,” You groaned. “A King would be a gentleman and let their Queen finish.”
“I’m sorry,” Jon breathed, rolling over on his side to kiss your shoulder. “I’ll just make you finish twice next time.”
“Keep this up and there won’t be a next time.”
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stxvercgersslut · 4 years
Finally A Happy Ending
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Pairing: Hayden (Harvard Hottie) x female! Reader
Description: You’ve never had the greatest luck when it comes to love but that all changes when you bump into Hayden
Warnings: Tone of fluff, language, Smut towards end but it’s really fluffy and nothing too raunchy.
A/n: Gif is not mine! Bits in at Italics means that it’s a flash back. THIS HAS NO BUSINESS BEING THIS LONG 😂
It didn’t seem real, in fact none of this felt real. How on Earth did you ever get to this moment without screwing everything up for yourself like you usually did? Was this a miracle? It had to be right? It had to be some sign that God didn’t hate your live life after all.
Well miracle or not, you were still sat in a hotel room getting ready for the big day. Thats right. You were getting married to the most amazing human in the world. The love of your life. Never had you ever thought that you would get so lucky, especially like this. In fact you hadn’t even expected to ever find love, let alone get married. Yet here you were, being assisted into your gorgous white wedding dress by your two best friends, Annie and Emily. This was most certainly a dream come true.
“Babe are you sure you haven’t gotten the wrong size? Or the seamstress just hasn’t done the correct measurements? Because this dress doesn’t look right nor does it fit right. It’s practically suffocating your rib cage and We haven’t even managed to zip it up yet!” Your bridesmaid Emily commented as she struggled to completely zip up your dress since it haulted just below where the hem of your white lacy panties ended. Probably from the slight weight gain after your expensive trip to Brazil with Hayden a few weeks before your wedding. You guys had never eaten so much food in your life.
“No! I’m positive I got the right size!” Still completely in shock. Why the hell were things so difficult on what was supposed to be the best day of your life?
“Well either you’re got fat or someone shrunk your dress without you even realising because there is no way this dress is getting past your stomach unless you really breath in.”
“Just keep trying!” You replied before completely falling silent desperately trying to suck in your slightly swollen belly as much as physically possible, still in shock. Whilst you’re bridesmaids continued to help you get your somehow ridiculously tight dress to close, you couldn’t help but begin to daydream about that one writers evening that just so happened to be the luckiest night of your life. The day everything fell into place and reminded you that maybe life wasn’t always full of disappointments and that it’s actually full of good times too.
“You have got to be kidding me!” You groan as you plunge your hand back into your ridiculously expensive Chanel bag for what felt like the hundredth time tonight in search for your purse. But unfortunately, still no damn purse. Where the hell could it have gone? And to make matters worse you were literally in the back of a cab right now with no money to pay the driver. “No no no.....this can’t be happening! Not tonight of all fucking nights! Where the hell is it?!?” You sob quietly to yourself, a few fustrated tears trickeling their way down your cheeks, praying to any god that was listening that you’d find your purse. But still no luck what so ever. Great...now you were completely stuck in a cab that was most likely going to kick you out once the driver finally realised that you weren’t going to be able to pay him back. Unfortunately, you had another hour until your destination. How could you just stay there in the back seat riddled with guilt. You had to say something! So that’s exactly what you did,
“I.....I’m so sorry...” you began, swallowing thickly before continuing once you had been sure that the cab driver was actually listening to you. “My...purse....I must have forgotten it at home when I left....I’m so sorry...” you rambled, already beginning to allow tears to fall from your eyes once again. This was already the worst night of your life. Of course it was.
A loud screech echoed through the cab as it came to a sudden stop. “You’ve got to be kidding me! I just drove 2 fucking hours thinking I was getting my $400 and now you tell me you can’t pay me? Don’t act like you didn’t know what you were doing!” The driver yelled angrily as he yanked his seatbelt off before literally getting out of the car, opening the back door and literally yanking you out of the veichel in one clean swoop, sending fear shooting down your veins.
“I didn’t know! I’m so sorry please just.....if you take me back I can pay....I’ll even pay you more!” You tried to reason, knowing that your begging probably wouldn’t get you anywhere but it was worth a shot right?
“Don’t lie to me bitch! I’ve been round your type before! Greedy little stuck up princesses who think that everything in life comes free. Well it won’t work with me Princess and I’m sure as hell not driving you 2 hours back home! You can get lost!” The man spat, as he took hold of your arm, causing sparks of fear to jolt through your spine. This couldn’t end well could it?
“HEY! Get the fuck off of her! She doesn’t owe you shit!” A males voice echoed, ripping you from your fearful state and sending an over whelming sense of relief to flood you.
“Oh is that so? This bitch made me drive 2 hours out of town and then tells me she hasn’t even got her fucking purse! That’s not a coincidence” the cab driver bit back.
“How much has this cost you?” The mysterious man questioned, sending a quick sympathetic look your way before looking back towards the other male who still had a piercing grip on your wrist.
“What?” The cab driving questioned totally taken aback by the mans kindness.
“Oh sorry are you deaf?! How much has the drive cost you? I won’t ask again” this time the blue eyes beauty stepped forward, a threatening look replacing his kinder side.
“$400” He snarled still not letting go of your wrist.
“$400?!?” Now the kind strangers eyes were buldged so wide that he could have sworn that they would pop out of his head if he wasn’t careful. “I don’t carry that amount of money on me...do you do card?” He asked, taking out his wallet and beginning to rummage for his card, almost instantly finding it.
“What? No no you can’t do that! I couldn’t possibly ask that of you. You don’t know me....” you spoke, eyes widening as he placed his card against the machine watching as it processed his information and took the $400 from it in an instance. “Too late” he spoke jokingly, placing his card back into his wallet before practically yanking the drivers hand away from yours causing a sigh of relief to run through your body. Thankfully.
“Now you have your money so I expect to never see you around here again! And if I so much as see you picking on another women like you did just now then I will not hesitate to report you to your boss got it?” The Male asked with a angry smirk on his eyes. Clearly he wasn’t lying. Not when it came to scumbags like him. It wasn’t fair! Not at all.
The driver didn’t say another word, just scurrying back to his cab before eagerly driving off back to wherever the hell he came from. As long as it was far away from you you didn’t give a shit.
“Thank you!! Thank you thank you thank you so much Erm....”
“Hayden...thank you...I really can’t thank you enough. I promise I will pay you back when I get home.....” you spoke trying hard to keep your cool since you were literally standing in front of who you thought was most certainly the sexiest man alive. No one could be cuter then him right?
Hayden laughed sympathetically once more before shaking his head over exaggerating each movement to further prove he was serious. “Nonsense. A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be treated the way he treated you. Are you okay? Because if you’re not you know you can sue for physically abuse and threatening behaviour him right? In fact if you wanted to you could literally sue the entire company for everything that it’s worth! You shouldn’t let him get away with it. It’s not fair” as the Male continued to ramble on about every possible way you could take legal action on the taxi ferm you couldn’t help but realise how handsome he truely was. The kindness just making him even more sexy. “I guess I just don’t want the trouble...” you spoke with a weak smile. Beginning to shake due to the cold air beginning to seep it’s way into your thin jacket. Wasn’t the best of choices but you didn’t seek to care.
Hayden sighed, taking in a deep breath as he watched your skin turn a slightly blue due to the cold. His heart beginning to throb when he noticed your shivers. How could he just leave you out here cold and alone with nowhere to go? If he was a decent guy, which he was, then he had to do something. Maybe he could drive you home? Take you back to his apartment? Pay for your hotel? Get you another taxi and pay for it? Just anything to make sure that you were safe and not stuck out in the cold all night where you’d probably freeze to death. And without a purse? Well you’d end up stuck out here till at least the morning. Just wasn’t fair.
Without a second though he shrugged off his jacket, instantly draping it over your shoulders not even caring if you shrugged it off. But you didn’t, which for some reason seemed to just hold it closer, placing your arms through the sleeves and grasping the zipper on each side to pull it closer around your body. Clinging to it like you were scared that it wasn’t real, like all of it wasn’t real. Like HE wasn’t real.
“Look....” he began, pressing his right hand to the back of his neck in though, desperate to help you in any physical way that he could. “Is there anything that I can? Where were you heading? Maybe I can drive you there? Or just take you home? I could even pay for another ca—“
You stoped him, you had to! Of course you did. Hearing him even so much as offer to pay another $400 in order to get you home. That just wasn’t fair. “No no I can’t ask that if you! Besides it’s 2 hours back that way...it wouldn’t be fair ...” you argued, pressing your palm against his chest as he walks further. Clearly he was reach for the hem of his jacket that you were wearing but you didn’t care. You still took it as an opportunity to feel at his chest. And me oh my how you were happy you did. He seriously was built like a fucking god! “I was going to my mothers.....but she’d probably have gone to sleep now. Plus I need my purse anyway....” you explained. Taking a deep breath whilst continuing to feel at his chest. Surprisingly he wasn’t pushing you away. So you just took that as a sign that he didn’t want you to stop. In that case you wouldn’t.
You were driving him crazy, no actually you were intoxicating. Drawing him in closer and closer with ever word. Causing him to beg and pleas to be with know you, to feel you close and kiss you. God how he wanted to kiss you and he’d only just met you. “Alright....then where do you live? I’m not leaving you out here on your with nowhere to go! Let me drive you home? It’s the least I could do to ensure your safety. It’s almost midnight and it’s pitch black. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you. Please?” Now he was begging, pleading and whining. Pretty much losing every scrap of dignity that he had left. Not caring how he sounded. As long as you were safe then he didn’t care.
He waited, and waited and waited for what felt like hours until you finally answered, replying with a simple thank you and a boss as to show that you were accepting his offer. Thank god for that. It was like a rush of relief flooded through him once you accepted his offered. Knowing that your be safe with him until you got home. So that was exactly what he did. He drove you home. And later, stayed the night to keep you company in your empty apartment. Of course, the pair of you exchanged number rather quickly before he left in the morning. This was the beginning of what was about to be the most romantic 4 years of your life.
The sound of you dress zipper finally giving up and actually going the entire way up, no matter how tight it was, had been enough to tear you from your romantic daydream. Causing you to realise exactly we’re you were. You were really marrying Hayden right now? How? How on Earth was that happening right now? How had your relationship lasted 4 years already? Oh you were a lucky girl.
“Y/n/n you ready?” Annie asked as she placed a hand on your shoulder, a soft smile laced in her features. Both of your bridesmaids were just so sweet, clearly excited to even watch their best friend get married to then man that you loved with you entire heart. Nothing would change that. Not one thing.
Slowly you were fully revived from your dreamlike state, actually now completely comprehending what they said “Hmm? Oh yeah....I’m as ready as I’ll ever be...wow is it really time already? That’s strange. Thought I had 3 hours left? God that’s gone quickly. Well time to get married I guess” you spoke shakily, a little panic begining to deep through as you slowly began to strut your way out of your hotel room and down to the main hall. Thankfully everyone had already been seated in the grand garden outside where the wedding would be held. So you had time to sneak your way out into the hall, narrowly avoiding being seen by your husband to be and the rest of the guests through the large glass windows right in front of the garden.
Neither of you had many guests. Hayden had a couple of his good friends from college, his father (although he didn’t seem to actually want to be there) and a few other people but in all fairness he only had 15 guests. Where as you didn’t have any parents, your father sadly passed away before you’d gotten to the age of 17. And your mother? Well she had died 5 weeks before the wedding. So you only had Emily, Annie, your 3 friends from college and your uncle. So in total you only had 21 guests. Not that you wanted too many anyway. A small gathering of people was more then enough for the both of you.
Emily quickly ducked her head out to the garden, giving the band and the wedding planner a thumbs up before sneaking back inside and behind you to hold onto your train. It wasn’t too long but still if you attempted to walk without aid right now then that would be sure to end in disaster.
“Let’s get you married” she spoke, kissing your cheek before giving you an almighty shove to force you out of the door. Not that you even needed the shove right now. Especially since you were more then willing to walk out there to Hayden in a heartbeat. He was the love of you life after all. That much had been clear from your very first date.
A week later He’d barely gotten a chance to ask you on a date before you were accepting his invitation to go out to a rather expensive restaurants near his apartment block. How he’s managed to book a table somewhere that was usually completely booked up was beyond you. Yet you still accepted the offer. Excited for what was awaiting you.
Saturday night was your date night, and you’d spent almost 5 and a half hours getting yourself ready. Curling you h/c silky smooth hair into gorgous beach waves, carefully and somewhat shakily applying your makeup (practically packing it on to make yourself presentable for one night that was bound to be the best night ever) and standing at the mirror having a mini fashion show in front of it as you tried on several outfits, before finally landing on a beautiful silk short sleeved red dress that rested at your knees. Pairing it with some slightly darker red heals before finally just sitting on your couch and nervously waiting for to turn up at your door.
You practically bolted out of the house the second that you’d seen his car pull up outside of your house, running in heals over to him and pulling him into a tight hug. What? You just couldn’t help it. In some weird way you’d actually seriously missed him and it had literally only been a week since he had quite honestly saved you from being thrown into jail for refusal to pay your cab fee. Not that you could have.
“Woah, hello to you too” he laughed, wrapping his arms around your waist equally as fast as he inhaled your cinnamon scented perfume whilst closing his eyes. “What’s brought the hug on beautiful?” He pondered.
Beautiful? He’d never called you beautiful. Well you’d only known him a week so he hadn’t exactly had the chance to. The nickname instantly causing a peachy blush to pierce its way through you what felt like seven layers of foundation. “Nothing, think of it as my way of saying thank you”
“Thank me?”
“Thank you for what sweetheart?” yet again another new nickname.
“For everything that you’ve done for me...and this...it’s just....I’ve never actually been with a guy that actually cared..most just wanted sex. So thank you for not being like those me” you admitted. Smiling weakly as you patted down your dress and patiently waited for his reply. Although what he did next actually surprised you.
Slowly Hayden lifted one of his hands, placing it delicately on your cheek as if he was terrified of breaking you. Like you were made of porcelain. “Well I’m not like any other guy....I’d never treat you like any of those idiots ever did! You’re a beautiful women who deeerves to have men worship the ground you walk on, not sleep with you and leave.” His voice no more then a whisper as he leaned in closer and closer towards you, barely even an inche away from your lips now. Oh he really was different. Especially since he didn’t kiss you, he stayed right where he was, not wanting to force you to kiss him if you didn’t want you.
But owe you so wanted to. Ever since you’d met him last week you’d thought of nothing more then to press your greedy lips against his and kiss him. Maybe that was your virginity trying to tell you something, that it was time to let go and divulge. But not yet. So instead you just wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, yanking him insanely close and soon pressing your lips to his.
The kiss was short and sweet, his lips gliding along yours whilst your hands were now carded in his hair. Messing up the soft wisps of hair. Neither of you wanted to pull away but when a large spray of rain came shooting down from the sky, practically beginning to shoak you already, it was evident that you had to pull away. Unless you wanted to get hypothermia.
“Wow..how romantic..” he begun, smiling like a big dork as he literally dragged you into his car to shelter from the rain. “I’ve never done that before...” he admitted, shying away a little.
“Never what? Kissed a girl?” You wondered a little puzzled by his words.
As if it was even possible Hayden’s cheeks began to burn a much darker shade of red. Almost covering his entire face before actually speaking. How was he so nervous? What was it about you that seemed to draw him in closer? “Well yeah I’ve kissed girls before....of course I have....but I’ve never...kissed them right before the first date...it was nice. If the rain hadn’t began to pour then I would have kept kissing you” he admitted that sweet dorky smile soon coming back.
“Well...who says we have to stop?” You asked suggestively. A cheeky little smirk landing there on your face.
“Our 8:30 dinner reservation actually.”
“Oh shit....I forgot about the date part”
Once again, you’d been dragged from yet another day dream by the studden feel of Hayden’s hands pressed against yours, dragging you closer so that you were only a small foot away from him and the sound of the Priests voice beginging to echo through the room God he wanted to kiss you right, both of you just half drowning out the Priests voice as you stared into each others eyes with love burning inside of you. However, your heard the priest gesture towards Hayden you actually began to listen. Now it was finally time for the vows, something you were more then excited about since you’d both decided to write your own vows.
Haydens hands were shaking as he took the piece of paper from his father, trying his hardest to calm down his nerves but it wasn’t working. So instead he just began to speak. “Y/n....ever since I met you those 4 years ago, I knew that we would be together. Everything about you was perfect back then and it’s still perfect now! Seriously how do you stay so perfect?” He asked with a happy wife smile on his face, causing all your guest, apart from a few, to burst out into laughter. “You’re not only the love of my life but you’re also my best friend, my partner and my soulmate. I promise to love you with all my heart, to respect you every single second, to never argue with you when you’re clearly going to win” once again the guest burst out into laughter, calming his nerves ever so slightly “I promise to never ever buy you that awful take out food ever again” more laughter “and most of all, I promise to be the best husband that you will ever have. No matter what happens on the future, what obsticals we both face, I will always be by your side. We will face life head on together because baby? You’re never getting rid of me, you can try but trust me baby, you won’t.”
And with that Hayden took the ring from his best man, slowly taking your ring finger and slowly sliding it onto it. “With this ring, I promise to love and respect you for the rest of my life” now he really was calm, having now gotten everything that he wanted to say out into the open he heart had stopped pounding. So now he was just staring at you. Patiently waiting for you to begin.
“You know....I had so many things that I wanted to say to you! But nothing on this sheet would ever be able to describe how much I love and care about you. From our first date, to our first kiss, to our first fight, to our first house and now to our wedding I have loved you the entire way. And that’s never going to stop I hope you know that!” The room fell silent now, everyone watching to engrossed in listening to your vows to even so much as laugh since yours were so much calmer and more serious then Hayden’s. “I promise to be a good wife and treat you right, to try and stop getting jealous every time you talk to another girl, to go with you to bars when you ask me to and actually have fun for once” finally the crowd began to laugh, most so mesmerised by how two people could love each other so dearly to completely take in everything that you had said. “And most of all I promise to not get mad at you about everything when I’m only actually mad at you about one thing” with that you laughed softly along with Hayden before slowly taking the wedding band given to you by Annie and slipping it onto his finger. The most adorable smile gracing your face as you did. “With I promise that everything I have vowed to you is true. I will live and respect you for as long as I live”
The part of you barely managed to get through the I dos with out crying tears of joy. But finally once the priest had announced that he could now kid the bride he just couldn’t help himself, he had to kiss you. Pulling you close to his chest and just pressing the most humongous kiss to your lips. So full of love that you literally forgot about everyone around you. They all faded away, none of them seeming to feel to important to either of you right now.
The night Hayden had proposed to you had coincidentally been the exact night of your first fight.
You’d been so distraught after that you’d literally stormed out of your shared apartment. Not really caring where you went, just wanting to get as far away from Hayden as humanly possible.
He’d hurt you, yelling at you at your weakest point and continuing to shoot you down and accidentally insulting you twice over some pathetic reason that neither of you could actually remember. So deep into the fight that he’d barely noticed you’d left until he heard the front door violently slamming shut.
That night, when you finally got home, he tried his hardest to make it up to you. Holding you close when you finally let him finally touch you, leaving little kisses all over your body whilst whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
He even went as far as to eat you out after a few hours of kissing you. Eating your pussy like it was his favourite meal in the world. Which to be perfectly honest you were his favourite. He sucked at your clit, nibbling on it ever so often before sucking it into his mouth, sucking hard on it until you were practically screaming. Making you cum 5 times until you finally forgave him. It was a long 5 times but who were you to complain?
He just wanted to make it up to you, especially after accusing you of cheating only to find out that the man you were with wasn’t only homosexual, but he was your uncle. His friend had clearly gotten it wrong, so of course he needed to ensure that you knew he was sorry. Clearly Hayden was jealous but he hadn’t exactly expected to feel so strongly towards you. Especially like this.
“Marry me” he’d whispered as he began nibbling at your folds, it wasn’t exactly the greatest time to ask, but it had just slipped out. Half way through eating you out. God what a way to ask.
“Wh—what?...” you asked, still practically fucked out from the firth orgasm he’d ripped from you just a few seconds ago.
“Marry me” he repeated, still keeping his tongue pressed against your clit. Each one of his words causing a wave of pleasure to shoot down your spine.
You couldn’t take it, couldn’t talk whilst he was attached to your pussy. It was way too difficult to concentrate. “S....stop bab....y” you spoke, gripping onto his hair and yanking him away from your cunt. Thankfully he obliged and kissed up your body back to your lips. Letting you taste yourself on his lips making you moan gently before he pulled away completely to let you speak. “Do you really mean what you said?”
“What do you mean? Of course I meant it. I wanna marry you. We’ve been together for 3 years already baby girl, it’s time for the next step don’t you think baby?”
“Yes what baby girl? What are you agreeing to?” He asked, a slight smirk on his face as he finger slide down to your pussy, making you yelp as he began to play with your already swollen and sore clit. He really did wanna push you to the limit. Especially since you were waiting for your wedding day to actually have sex.
“Yes—I will....m—marry you..” you moaned out.
“I love you” he replied whilst strumming at your clit.
“I love you too” was the last thing you moans before cumming for the 6th time that night.
“Earth to Y/n!” Hayden spoke as he ran his hand through your hair, placing a kiss to your forehead before finally getting your attention “Are you okay baby? You’ve been quite for a while. Everything okay?” He asked worriedly whilst swaying the two of you back and forth, enjoying your first dance as a married couple.
“Hmm?” You asked. Still a little dazed from your third daydream of the day. “Oh yeah....yeah I’m fine just remincing on our relastionship. The good times..” you explained whilst slowly placing your forehead against his, being extra careful not to transfer any of your foundation to his face. “Oh really baby? And what are thought good times? Anything in particular?” He asked with a slight raise of his eyebrows, placing a soft kiss to your nose before allowing you to speak “memories like the day we met, our first date, the night you proposed.” You teased gently pulling away a little as you placed your lips against his. God he adored you, in fact he adored everything about you.
“Oh really? Well how about we escape from here and go to our suit? It’s almost midnight anyway baby, wanna go recreate our engagement night? With a twist?” He asked with a smirk on his lips. Not giving you enough time to reply before he was dragging you off the dance floor and through the hotel.
The pair of you had barely made it to your honeymoon suit by the time that you’d began making out in the hallway, both too engrossed in each other’s love that you didn’t even begin to care that there was an elderly couple ogling the pair of you as you attacked eavhither with your mouths. The pair Laughing and muttering something along the lines of ‘clearly newly weds about to seal the deal’ before walking past you to leave the pair of you to it. If you weren’t both careful then you’d most certainly end up having sex right in that very hallway. Not that that would be a bad thing, apart from the fact that this was going to be your very first time. Not just with Hayden but over all.
“Hayden.....stop baby.....” you muted against his lips, whining a little as he nibbles on your bottom lip with a small bit of pressure before completely letting go after your plea. His eyes so wide with list that he didn’t even need you to expand on why you’d stoped him. He just somehow knew.
So without another word, he dragged you over to the honeymoon suit, opening the door quickly. Egarly tearing the dress from your body and ridding himself of his suit until the pair of you were left in his boxers and your panties, before picking you up and throwing you onto the bed rather brutally.
“Hey!” You whined “be careful! You’ll hurt the baby.” That made him stop in his tracks. Questioning everything that he never knew.
“Wait what? What baby? Y/n/n you’re a virgin. How can you be pregnant? Are you lying to me? Have you not been a virgin this entire time?” He asked, worry seeping through his voice.
“No silly, I’d never lie to you. I mean the baby I want you to put inside me” you spoke the words in themselves causing your nose to crinkle up. Okay maybe you’d had a little bit too much to drink. Well yes of course you had, it was your wedding night you couldn’t not drink.
“Oh is that so? But this is your first time...”
“We’ve already establishes that...what’s your point?”
“My point is, that don’t you want your first time to be special and memorable instead of having your first time be trying for a baby?”
“But your my husband? And married couples try for children. You’d die you wanted a baby. Did that change?” You pondered, wondering exactly what was going on inside his head. If only inside out was an actual real thing that you could see.
With that Hayden pressed a sloppy kiss to you forehead, scattering time little kisses to you cheeks, chin, eyes and finally you lips. Trying to call you down before he began to explain. Once he was satisfied, he finally pulled away from your kiss swollen lips. “No no of course not y/n...I just.....didn’t expect you to want to try for a baby straight away.” He explain, stroking his hand along your cheek.
“Do you want to?” You asked.
“Of course. If you want to start right away then I’m more then happy to oblige my love” he replied.
“Then let’s get down to business lover boy” you teased, slowly pressing your hand against his boxers as soon as you got the chance.
“No baby, that’s not fair, my girl deserves the lovin tonight. I can wait. Just want you to feel good” he spoke lovingly, prying you’re warm hand away from his boxers before slowly making his way down your half naked body, taking he sweet time showing appreciation to each little part of your body, making sure nothing goes without his appreciation. But after a while of just listening to your whimpers and begs for him to finally touch you where you needed him the most he finally got down to your white lacy panties.
“These are beautiful baby, but their Gonna have to go” You giggled as he slid them down your legs slowly, revealing your already aching and throbbing core to him. Something felt different about this. But it was a good different.Kissing every inch of them. Shivers raced down your spine as the inevitable neared closer. Sure you've done stuff with him but it's never ended in sex. No, you've been saving that for tonight and now it was here you felt nervous. But even with the nerves, you craved his mouth on your heat. You needed to feel his tongue all over you.
“God....always so wet for me baby, haven’t even really touched you yet.” he groand causing you to cover your face with your hands, hiding your cheeks as they heated up.
However, he was right. You’d always been so responsive to Hayden’s touch. Even if you both hadn’t experienced sex with each other yet. you still being a complete virgin just made this so much better.
He moved them away almost as soon as they were there, his eyes locked on yours "I want you to watch as i eat this pussy baby, don't go all shy on me now" he ordered, his smile growing each time you felt his breath fan against your already puffy folds. God how you needed him more then you had ever needed him before.
Your back arched at the all too familiar feeling of his mouth on your bundle of nerves. You griped onto his hair, messing it up in the process as you tugged. His fingers circled your tight hole before he slowly sliped one in. You winced at the stretch, he'd never done this before but he did promise to prepare you for the big moment.
He knew it’d been something that'd lived in your head rent free. He knew you're scared to fully give yourself up to him. But he was going to make sure that he prepared you as well as he ever could. Stretching you until his fingers would move painlessly through you with precision, then AND only then would he finally slip into you inch by inch letting you feel every inch of him. But for now, he’d settle for eating you out until his heart was content whilst his finger stayed still inside you for now, feeling every little quiver of your pussy as he sucked visiously on your clit whilst a second finger poked and proded at your entrance before sliding in beside his over. Slowly beginning to move them in a scissor like formation which cause you to hiss in pain. It wasn’t the most painful thing in the world but it was still uncomfortable of course it was.
“Shhh baby, it’s okay I’ve got you. Just relax. Everything will be okay” he hummed against your clit, twisting and pulling at it with his teeth before slowly but surly pulling it into his mouth, sucking harshly as he continued to make you sing with his fingers, curling them delicately against your fluttering walls. Listening to each moan and each curse that you made.
“Always so verbal my love, and always so delicious. Taste like honey” he informed whilst licking at your clit. Never once letting go whilst his fingers began to speed up inside you. Stretching you out until you no longer felt the pain each time he curled them up to your g-stop. And that was your downfall. With one last curl of his fin he ran and one last suck of your clit you were cumming, moaning his name loudly whilst tugging hard at his hair.
But he didn’t stop. Not until he was completely satisfied that you were ready for him. Beckoning 2 more delicious orgasms out of you before he was satisfied that you had suffered enough from the fourplay. It was time to finally give in. Already rock hard in his pants he pulled his boxers down. Letting out a moan as he felt the relief of finally releasing the pressure. But still he longed to be inside of you.
“Now I’ll ask you one last time baby, are you sure you don’t want me to wear a condom baby? This is a big deal” he spoke softly, clearly worrying for his new wife more then you’d realised. This man really was the kindest Male you’d met. “Yes....I’m ready baby, I want a child with you” you whispered lovingly as you mumbled against his lips.
Needing to feel him once more before of course feeling him beginning to push into you. Hissing in pain as he fully stretched you out further then his fingers had. A small line of tears slowly leaving your eyes as you tried to calm yourself, small trickles of blood visible. But of course he didn’t let you look, he never would. Instead he kissed your lips. Giving you as much time as you needed to get used to the usual fullness of his cock inside of you. Finally becoming his.
“Hayden.....please....move” you begged after 10 minutes of just feeling him inside of you. Your entrance raw as he finally began to thrust carefully into your aching pussy. Moans and grains filling the room. This wasn’t fucking, this wasn’t just sex. No in fact this was truely making love. And from that moment on you’d be forever his.
2 years later
The years leading to this very moment had been perfectly normal, little to no disturbances. In fact the pair of you led a pretty normal life together.
“Y/n love? Can you help me please? I need to feed Lilah but Maisie and Kaden won’t stop clinging at my legs.” Your husband of 2 years now begged as you wandered into the kitchen, laughing as you saw your 1 year old twins Kaden and Maisie grabbing at Hayden’s legs.
“Alright you two little minx’s get off of daddy shall we?” You spoke, softly scooping the little one up off of the floor and into your arms as they giggled, happily his curling into your arms. Allowing your husband enough time to feed your new born little baby Lilah. “Thank you gorgeous” he spoke, slowly kissing your neck lovingly before pulling away. This was the life you’d made for yourselves and you loved it.
Tag list: @jtargaryen18 @et-lesailes @chuckbass-love @cevans-fics
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woogurl · 4 years
i’ve been meaning to make this post a while ago, but i was uncertain if now was the right time to do it, it’s something that’s extremely controversial, but yes...
i decided to make a post regarding what i think woosan’s sexuality is, now i figured it was bad to just assume their sexuality but people assume all or at least most of the male/female kpop idols are straight anyway by default. which i don’t think is bad or illogical, seeing as most people are straight statistically. 
not gonna lie, ateez is one of those groups that give me mad gay vibes tho. however, i won’t be analyzing the others as i don’t really watch much of their individual behavior or content, i think you should only make these when you’ve watched enough of their behavior. 
as you know, i’m a woosan enthusiast, and a woo stan, but i’m not gonna just analyze their relationship, which i think is sufficient proof enough, but i’ve compiled everything that has led me to the conclusion that san is either bi(with male preference) or gay, and woo is bi.
lastly, i want to say just because someone is homophobic or really opposed to skinship with the same sex does not mean they’re automatically straight. sometimes it’s a coping mechanism, and just because they’re feminine, comfortable with their masculinity, support LGBT+, or okay with skinship with the same sex doesn’t mean their gay. 
sometimes there really are NO signs. 
just look at all of the idols people assumed were gay. momo/heechul, baekhyun/taeyeon, hani, kai(though mostly considered him to be bi). anyhow, my point is you just never know. lol 
now, i’ll stop my rambling and get started. first let’s start with 
now, i’ll be honest, i’ve always thought san was gay because how reserved he was and how shy and sweet he was around the members during their predebut days. i just felt like he was maybe shy because he hadn’t come to terms with he sexuality. i mean when i look at san during predebut, he literally was like a baby, and his mannerisms was so small and reserved. even his body was so tiny and fragile. however, this was because san was naturally skinny and it had always been a complex for him. in which he said he had a tough time gaining weight.
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what we know about san’s former lifestyle is that he was a church boy, a farmer, a wannabe gamer and a freaking black belt in taekwondo and his dad was an owner of a taekwondo studio, he was one of the most popular kids, he had a pretty good relationship with his parents or at least now he does and his grandparents took good care of him when his parents didn’t. 
but san still had low self-esteem. why? i really don’t know, but i would hazard a guess that it was because of his sexuality(this is just an assumption guys, not a fact). now remember san was part of the church, and he joined because a friend asked him too. they probably asked him because they figured he liked to sing and dance. although i think san was shy and self-conscious, i don’t that he was self-conscious about his abilities as you could see he did go to the church to sing and dance in front of a bunch of people. i think he had low-self esteem because of who he may have realized that he was.
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here are some examples of what i mean.
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there’s something that san continuously repeats and that is to learn to love himself, know his worth, and just simply love who he is. and i think that’s one of the reasons that san didn’t like church is because it went against who he was and is. if you watch videos of him in the church he really looks like he doesn’t want to be there. he looks so uncomfortable. he doesn’t just look like “ah, this is boring there’s nothing to do” but he looks more like he’s displaced. like he’s NOT supposed to be there. we learn later that san isn’t religious instead.
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don’t you find it interesting that he made a direct correlation to his belief in god to his belief in himself. it was like he was saying, even though i don’t believe in god i believe in who i am. like i trust that who i am is correct. 
another part of this video that i find interesting is the moment that they talk about how much they value each other(woo and san).
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S: You’re cool and
S: I honestly
S: Now I can sincerely
S: To the people around me or my relatives
S: I can proudly say that my friend is Wooyoung!
S: You're that kind of friend
S: To that point where I'm not embarrassed
S: Or rather say you're my friend that's worth showing off!
S: I think this is more than enough!
a lot of people in the comments of this video said that they felt like this was a confession and i agree. i remember feeling odd at how san worded this, the first time his sexuality didn’t even cross my mind. i was just like oh, he’s probably embarrassed because woo’s so loud and shit. lol. but now it doesn’t make much since to me. the vibes here are very serious, and we all know that even though woo can be loud and noisy many atiny’s forget that he is also extremely mature. especially when he needs to be. not only that but san has said woo is very respecful to his elders, so i don’t think he would of been embarrassed by woo’s on camera behavior. i noticed before san said this he hesitated a bit, like should i say this or how should i word this. it was super sweet.
now, let’s talk about san describing his ideal type. in which he says the outside doesn’t matter and that he wants someone who is kind-hearted and warm. he wants someone who’s good to him.
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there are a lot of moments translated where he used feminine pronouns, but others have clarified and said he did not mention any pronouns. 
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let’s also talk about that conversation he had with wooyoung where they talked about what kind of guys they liked. where woo was like, “i like cool guys” and san was like, “i like both cool and sweet guys” then there’s silence because they probably realize that it’s considered “weird”. then san says, “i’ll be quiet”. i honestly felt bad like ;c. he probably felt the need to stop talking about it because he realized that people would prob think that it was gay.
he also sang troye sivan my youth, but i honestly don’t think that it’s too relevant seeing as many kpop idols appreciate troye sivan. but it’s worth noting i suppose.
lastly, body language there’s just a lot of moments that can’t be explained. now i completely understand that korea is tote fine with males being close with one another but there are just some moments, that i believe, i don’t care how comfy you are with the same sex is questionable. lmfao. 
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mind you seconds before this san was just minding his own business but his expression completely changed when he saw woo seduc---i mean dancing in front of him. idc what anyone says, a straight man would never eye fuck another man like this. lmfao. there’s lust in those eyes and you can’t tell me there isn’t. san was literally checking him out.
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san being completely comfortable with having his no-no on woo’s ass, these are both very intimate parts of the body. honestly, the simple fact that san likes spooning woo from behind all the time is suspect to me. lol. especially with the expressions he gives at times. 
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san’s reaction when woo gets too close to his face, he doesn’t flinch. he’s also clearly looking at woo’s lips. there’s also another moment like this where san becomes so flustered that he has to look away for a second. lmfao.
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when i think two of the other members(i don’t remember who) had to do a couple dance. what they did was completely tame, but woosan over here took it up several notches and started dancing like they were at a gay bar. no one told them to do it, they just did. 
next i want to point out how comfortable they are with the shipping. i already mentioned this in my woosan relationship post but they’re comfortable with the shipping, then i figured it was because they were comfortable with the relationship that they had. but now, i think they don’t mind it because they’re proud of who they are. it’s not just them being comfortable with woosan, but with their sexuality as well. so they’re like telling us we’re woosan but we’re also okay with our sexuality kind of thing. 
lastly, i want to point out body language again for san, and this is honestly the ONLY reason why i believe he is somewhat bi and not completely gay. the way he interacts with fans. i know you’re all gonna say well, that’s his job. but, he seems to want to impress his fans or look good for them. san’s confidence has changed quite a bit and as yeosang once said, san’s kind of like a tough guy now, as mingi said he’s changed the most since debut. i think the reason satan--i mean san has become so powerful, and a sexy demon on stage is because he’s confident in who he is now and it really shows. i think san wanted to break those stereotypes of who he was and show people that he wasn’t weak or shy, but manly and sexy and the best in bed. but on stage he loves showing off his muscles and how flexible his hips are and even on vlive. most of the fans are women and i think to myself why would he do this if he was completely gay? 
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i just don’t think a completely gay man would not want to appeal to women all that much. then again it could possibly be because he enjoys getting those compliments and that’s what fuels his self esteem. it could be the compliments from the women and not the women themselves. i’m not completely sure, but the reason why he does this does matter. he likes receiving compliments not just from the fans but from anyone really. so i don’t know if the reason he shows off his manliness to fans is because he wants to appeal to women OR if he just wants to appeal to his self esteem. which is possible. you guys let me know what you think.
there really isn’t as much content for me to work with when it comes to woo because he refuses to post, but i’m so confident that this boy is bi that it’s not even funny. there’s not much predebut info, there’s not much info about his ideal type. 
yo girl will work with what she’s got. now, woo has only playfully mentioned his ideal type. in which he usually automatically answers yunho. do i actually believe that? no. lmfao. i think woo was smart enough to have yunho as his default answer for this question really. instead of actually being attracted to yunho i think woo just admires yunho because he always answers yunho for a member he would switch bodies with as well. he always says yunho because he’s tall, fun, funny, handsome and has a nice figure. 
but as you’ve all probably noticed he doesn’t really seem physically attracted to yunho, but you know(HAHA) who he is definitely physically attracted to? 
seonghwa, without a doubt, i’m saying this with my whole fucking chest, okay? i have no doubt in my mind that woo is or at least was physically attracted to seonghwa. 
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that full post i made with woo trying to kiss seonghwa for the 100th time is all the evidence you need, but i’ll keep y’all entertained. i want you all to understand that seonghwa has said that woo kisses him so much off camera that he’s used to it, the fact that the members gasped so hard that they almost caught flies was mehmehable. 
now you all will probably say that woo just loves kisses and that’s fine but he seems to want to kiss on the mouth too and that’s pretty gay. lol. 
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he literally looked at seonghwa’s mouth before he dived in for a kiss. cheek kisses and mouth kisses are two whole different vibes. not to mention he tried to kiss him again during this vlive and san. woo has literally tried kissing all of the members okay? lmfao. he’s just way too comfortable with it in my opinion. 
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woo has been hungry for seonghwa, and he knows it, we can also talk about how he has said twice that seonghwa has a pretty ass. which he isn’t wrong about. lmfao. we could also talk about that moment where woo literally looked down seonghwa’s shirt.
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anyway, while i do think woo was physically attracted to him, i’m pretty sure he has some kind of intimate relationship with san now. i don’t wanna add those moments because it would just me repeated what i wrote for woosan relationship analyzes, woo has also shown a lot of interest in women during their america tour and he’s repeatedly gone to the same fancam of some women. it’s important to mention woo is naturally a flirt but he seems to flirt with the members as well, according to yeosang who said this during their christmas vlive. jongho has also said he wanted woo’s ability to flirt. so my best guess is that he probably flirted with the members in the past. 
there’s also the clip of him telling a fanboy to go after the guy that he likes, and he was also surprised to hear that he had fanboys, and he seemed interested to know this information other than that i don’t have much evidence, but i think woo’s body language off camera with the members is plenty evidence really. lol. there’s just not many straight men i know who would be inclined to cling to another male as much as woo does. 
anyway, i’m tired this was my woosan sexuality post. remember these aren’t facts just observations and opinions. ;)
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Survey #395
“suicide? i’ve already died  /  it’s just the funeral i’ve been waiting for”
Have you ever met a famous political figure? No. Have you slept for longer than usual today? Ugh, no. I officially have my APAP mask for my sleep apnea, and I chose the one that covers my nose and mouth considering it varies which I breathe from when I sleep depending on congestion. It is very hard to get used to. When is the last time that you experienced rejection–literal or imagined? Hm. Is there an artist or celebrity whom you admire for their craft but take issue with their personality or politics? Yeah, such as Marilyn Manson. He's a pretty gross person but by god do I love his music. What’s the last thing you made out of clay? An anatomically correct heart. Do you like bacon bits on your salad? Yes. What do you do to celebrate Earth Day? Nothing. :/ I wish I could think of something to do for it. Have you ever had someone try to intentionally bully you to suicide? Bro what the actual fuck. No. Who are your favorite kids that you’ve babysat? My nephew Ryder. Would you feel funny if you kissed somebody of the same sex? I've kissed a girl and it felt pretty great, so. Name three things in your room that others probably don’t have in theirs: 1.) a snake; 2.) a huge meerkat collection; and 3.) an APAP machine. Besides furniture, what’s the biggest thing in your bedroom? My snake, I think. Describe your feet: Ugh, the worst. My feet are horribly callused from when I used to walk all the time. I have small toes. What’s a pretty bird? Peacocks. Besides sleeping, what do you do in bed? Just about everything. .-. How do you like your hoodies? Loose/oversized. Can grills be sexy on a guy? They're hideous, if you want my honest opinion. Have you ever been in a Catholic confessional? Yes. How fucked up are those, honestly... I really hate the concept of teaching children that they have to tell some random guy things they feel bad about and let him ask God to forgive you or else you're going to Hell. What color was the hair of the last person you kissed? Brown. Can you do a backflip? No. Where are the last three places you went? The TMS office, a gas station, and my sister's house. Do you consider yourself a flirt? No. How old is the oldest person you’ve dated? I actually don't know, but at least close to 30 now for sure. I just know we were both in high school, but he failed I think two years. What’s something that makes you feel more creative? Music. Who has the best personality on YouTube? Guess who, lmao. Which YouTuber seems uber-confident? Mark is a very confident person. I envy 'im for that. What is the funniest YouTube video you have ever seen? I watch YouTube like... constantly, so I've seen thousands upon thousands by now. I really don't know. Have you ever been inside a Victorian mansion? No, but that's like a dream marriage venue for me. What was the most boring field trip you ever want on? I don't think I ever had a boring one. Man, I miss those. Do you enjoy watching videos of babies being born? NO FUCKING THANK YOU. Does ANYBODY? Are you a hoarder? No. If you were rich, what things would you get done cosmetically? I would say liposuction, but I honestly want to lose the weight myself. If/when I lose the weight I want to, I am 110% getting loose skin removal at LEAST on my stomach because I feel hideous with it. Also if I achieve my weight loss goals, I want to get a breast lift. Weight loss-related things aside, I'm pretty serious about getting laser hair removal on my legs because I HATE shaving and my legs are VERY hairy, and the hair is dark, so I'm extremely self-conscious about it. Are you the type of person who asks a lot of questions? It depends on who I'm asking. With some people, I'm afraid to look stupid if I ask too many. How many states have you visited in your lifetime? If you're excluding the ones I've merely driven through as well as lived in (which is only one), I've visited Ohio, New York, Florida, Virginia, Tennessee, and Illinois, so six. I MAY have been to Michigan as a baby, but I don't remember. What is your biggest fear for the future? Ending up homeless after Mom passes. I'm scared my family will give up on me, which is completely unrealistic, but I'm terrified of living on the streets. Do you like seafood, or not so much? I only like shrimp. Have you ever cried from being so nervous? Oh, certainly. What is your favorite book series, if you have one? Hm... of all series I've ever read, probably the Shiloh trilogy. I adored the books and the movies. Have you ever had a parasite before? NO NO NO NO NO, DON'T MAKE ME IMAGINE THIS. I am PETRIFIED of parasites. Do you have a big heart when it comes to animals? Absolutely! Have you ever put your pets in a kennel for a while? I actually don't remember? It's possible when we've gone on an extended vacation, but I'm unsure. Whenever we've gone somewhere, friends have normally taken care of our animals. Where is your favorite place to buy clothing? Hot Topic or Rebel's Market. Do you enjoy listening to older music? I love classic rock and metal. What do you think is the most stupid song out there right now? "WAP" for fucking sure. I haven't even heard the whole thing, and I don't EVER want to. As a child, did you ever want to become a mermaid? Nah. Ariel was my favorite princess, but I wasn't obsessed with mermaids or anything. Can you compose sentences in any other language than your own? Some German, yes. Mainly just the basics. Have you ever met someone who was really racist before? Yes, many. -_- Do you have any celebrity autographs? No. If you could be a Disney character for a day, who would you be? Maybe Kiara from TLK. What is your favorite color of clothing to wear? Black. Did you ever build furniture forts as a child? Oh yeah, lots of times! I sometimes even pretended they were burrows and I was a meerkat, ha ha. What kind of dog is your favorite? I have a beagle bias. Do you prefer water or land? Land. Have you ever had a seizure? No. Do you plan on losing weight any time soon? Hunny, I've been trying to since 2016. -_- I lost like 70-ish pounds through 2017-2018, but recently I've gained almost like... all the weight back and it is upsetting beyond words. Have you ever been in a heated pool? Uh, a hot tub? Yes. Are you looking forward to anything? Getting Venus' terrarium, finishing TMS so I can maybe get a job, visiting Sara again... What was your GPA in high school? Over 4.0. Do you require a lot of private time? OH yes. What do you plan on doing with the rest of your life? I hope achieving a sense of accomplishment and becoming content with my hopeful career, marrying a fantastic partner, and having a family of lovely pets. If you have a favorite television show, who’s your favorite character? I'll go through the very few I deeply enjoy: 1.) Mozart in Meerkat Manor; 2.) probably Hyde from That '70s Show; 3.) perhaps Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist; 4.) Jerome from Ginga Densetsu Weed; and 5.) Shiro from Deadman Wonderland. Did you use to watch Blue's Clues? OH yes. I loved that show as a kid. Do you stutter when you get nervous? BADLY. Your lunch consisted of...? What DID I have... uhhh OH leftover pizza. What is your favorite kind of chips? Hot, crunchy Cheetos. What is the best way to tell someone that they stink? I wouldn't. Do you have any embarrassing usernames? Some from the past, yeah. Do you have a backpack in a shape of an animal? No. I found a meerkat one once, but it was way too small for me to use in school. :( I was so disappointed. Have you ever waxed your legs? No. I've waxed my upper lip and eyebrows, but especially with how long and thick my leg hair is, I think waxing there would be excruciating, so no thanks. Do you own any shirts with a peace symbol on it? No, but I would if it had a cool design. Have you ever taught a little kid to flick people off? No, and I wouldn't. Children generally don't have a strong enough grasp on when profanity is appropriate and not. Have you ever itched yourself until your skin was raw? This is VERY common. Like right now, my right arm is the Sahara with how dry and raw it is. Do you always clear your history after using the computer? Nah, got no reason to. Have you ever eaten a Big Mac? No, because I know I wouldn't like it; I don't like lettuce on my burgers. Do you feel like you’re judged for your looks? For my weight, yes. Name one world issue that upsets you. Just one? Poverty is high on the list. Just... no one should have to live like that. Do you like Wendy’s frosties? After they thaw a little bit, oh yeah. It's physically impossible to drink them for a good few minutes because they're so damn thick.
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tarithenurse · 5 years
If I succeed - 3
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x fem!Reader (eventually/sorta/you’ll see) Content: Jealousy, pining, mentions of sexy times, stubborn people, feels. A/N: If I ever advertise for a new slowburn: hit me hard with a chair or something, ‘cause I’m testing my own patience despite knowing what’s going to happen. Want a tag? Send an ask or reblog! I’d love comments and feedback – even if it’s corrections on language or whatever - I’m not picky as long as I know my work brings joy too.
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3 – You won’t change
...  Reader  ...
Even with Geralt of Rivia to explain the severity of the situation, and Jaskier to serve as witness, very few of the villagers are willing to abandon their homes at the potential threat.
“You’re the Witcher,” they object, “the White Wolf, the Butcher of Blaviken. Can’t you do something?”
Probably better than the man in question, you understand their reasoning: this is their home. The only safe place they have. Furthermore, if it was just a single person leaving (maybe to pursue their fate in the capital) it would not be a problem whereas an entire village on the run would be met with hostility anywhere they were to go. The summer is drawing to an end and with autumn, the cold days will come with rain, sleet, and eventually snow. How would they feed so many? What would happen to them?
“Witcher or not, I’m just one person.”
You know Geralt well enough to see the frustration hidden in the tight draw of the lips. He is not as callous as he pretends, often forfeiting payment by sending a saved person home rather than follow them and claim what was promised. It is only because of Jaskier that they have money to spend on shelter.
Speaking of the bard, you glimpse a shimmer of his blue doublet in a corner where several young women are gathered, undoubtedly to shower him with attention in the hopes of wooing him – a fate he will bravely accept.
“Some of you have horses,” you pipe up, focus once more back on the attending villagers, “ride to Beauclair. Warn them!”
But already, the audience is turning away, tired of the meddling outsiders and a woman’s views on the problem. Most of them have little respect for the Ducal Guard who is supposed to protect the borders and roads, finding that the men sporting the Toussaint colours rarely bother about the well being of the common folk.
“Don’t waste your breath on them, [Y/N].” Geralt’s heavy hand squeezes your shoulder softly, sending shivers racing. “They’ll talk, then they’ll come to offer me money to sort it. They all do.”
He is tired, the venom still potent in his blood though the fever has diminished somewhat. With only a grunt as thanks, he takes the tankard of ale offered by a pretty blonde before reclaiming his seat with a sigh. Though the wench's job is done, she hovers nearby with a hungry look in her eyes that sends your skin crawling and your brain reeling for something to distract the swell of unwelcome emotions.
“What if they do? You’re still just one man...and you’re recovering.”
He has the gall to roll his eyes. “At least I can get proof, seeing the carcass of a monster sends most running.”
“So?” Anger is rising rapidly in your chest even if this is not the time nor the place to let it out. “We’ve seen wyverns before...know they’re th-”
“Who’s talking about the wyverns?” Half the sentence is spoken into the wooden tankard, only loud enough for you to hear. “There’s...something else.”
Oh, the anger is gone immediately all right, replaced by a new, creeping unrest. The people capturing the wyverns...aren’t people?
Looking around the place, you see familiar faces who now are in danger. Friends who have helped you, whose kids you have taught or family members you have tended to during illness or labour. When you and your parents first arrived, it took a while before you were no longer treated as the strange city-girl but once people did accept you...you have never felt alone since. You see the smith and his apprentice by the bar, and over by the window is Audette (seamstress who worked with your mother before eventually taking over) with her gossiping friends, two tables are filled with sons and daughters strong enough to work at the biggest vineyard in the valley. You could go on, naming each and every single person. Then again, there’s less than hundred in the village.
There are more than usual at the small inn. Undoubtedly, the rumour of the Witcher being in attendance has spread like wildfire thanks to Jaskier’s strumming on the walk here. Jaskier. He, however, is nowhere to be found. Where he was, some of the hopeful women are sitting with disappointed pouts. He’ll be back for breakfast.
You turn back to continue the conversation only to find the annoying barmaid nearly crawling onto the White Wolf’s lap without any complaints from him. Biting back curses, it is all you manage to hiss at Geralt to deal with the villagers’ threat as he sees fit before you march out.
Pebbles crunch under your boots. A newly waning moon bathes the bumpy road and the path leading off towards your cottage in a blueish glow, the inky shadows beneath any obstacle the better how late the hour is. Gonna go home, clean up, go to sleep. In my OWN bed! Though the air is cool and soothing, it is unable to dull the rage boiling your blood. An inner dialog plays in your head with alternating reasons for and against your reaction: you have no claim; the Witcher can make (or choose) his own bed and lie in it, yes sir; typical men!
On and on, your mind protests, until a dry crack snaps you back to the present. Nothing is in sight, though it is uncannily difficult to ascertain whether something is hiding in the underbrush of the glade to your right. If only you had paused to bring and light the little lantern – a lantern which is standing by the seat Geralt had claimed – then you could have seen more. Even such a little light would be useful for you in other ways, keeping you safer than most would think. All you have is the glow of the moon so you wait and listen. As no other sounds disturb the silence, you deem it wiser to continue home. Hurrying slightly.
Once indoors, a shaky breath wriggles past teeth worrying into the bottom lip. Silly me. It was probably just a critter too focused on you to watch its step.
You sense it rather than hear it, a presence nearing from behind like a thunderstorm crawling over the mountains. There is barely time to reach towards your father’s old walking staff, less so to turn and raise it before your wrists are pinned on either side of your head against the closed door and the Witcher is looming over you with his broad shoulders. At least he does not have to tell you to drop the staff with a clatter (what good would it do, anyway?). He is so close! The formidable chest rising as he attempts to regain his breath. Did he run here? Brows are knitted as those magical eyes sweep over your form once before scrutinizing every detail of your face. I’m pissed at him, yet the reminder does little else than school your features. Within this proximity, it is possible to smell the musk and the bitterness from the venom-laced sweat – the last inkling of honeyed soap would be unnoticeable for anyone but those who knew of it. The heat. By the Prophet! The heat emanating from the man can only be compared to the smith’s furnace...or the sinful need in your core.
“I believe we were talking, [Y/N].”
“Your attention was elsewhere so I decided we were done,” you bite back.
Tearing yourself free (or rather: he lets you free), you slide past him to reclaim your own alcove. Seeing as Jaskier undoubtedly will be gone all night, it makes sense for Geralt to sleep there instead...and if not, then the two guys will have to bunk up.
“[Y/N]...” His voice is softer now.
Yours is not. “What?”
There is no answer, merely a thud and a slight quiver in the floorboards prompting you to whip around. Geralt lies in a heap on the floor. Fuck. Undoubtedly, his rush to reach home before you has pumped the venom through his body at a quicker pace than even he can withstand, pushing his recovery back and draining what little energy he still had left.
You act swiftly, finding the last of the old vials of antidote as well as one of the new ones you have prepared during the day – they aught to settle before administration, but you might not have a choice now. Then (less swiftly), you drag blankets onto the floor near the fireplace and roll the meat mountain onto them before swathing him almost like a child and dragging his shoulders and head onto your lap. Embers are still crackling, casting a red glow onto the chiselled face to soften the edges.
“Come on,” you coo, knowing full well that he cannot hear you, “open your mouth.”
It is relatively simple to gain access to pour the remedy into him. Pushing the jaw up, you pinch his nose shut and pray that his body will react accordingly. Under the black shirt and leather, his chest stutters in protest for a moment longer than you like. Come now. Miraculously, you hear him swallow, clearing the liquid away to free the airways, gasping hungrily but never once regaining consciousness.
He is handsome, the White Wolf, though few see past the fierce facade to discover the gentle strokes in his appearance. As the dim glow flickers and sends the shadows dancing and jumping, you find yourself staring at the femininely long lashes, and the perfect curve of his lips that you once had the joy of claiming.
But the weight of the man is impressive too, quickly robbing any feeling from your legs. Pushing Geralt, with little remorse as to the harshness, you regain freedom and rub your limbs to get life back into them. What to do? Peeling off boots and, well, anything but his breeches is done quickly despite the dead weight because years of dealing with injured and sick people have proved to be a one-person-task most of the time. So far, so good, idle fingers ghost through the hairs on his chest.
And now...though he probably would not care, you do not like the idea of leaving him on the floor and so retort once more to dragging him towards the nearest bed – you own. Once at there, a cold cloth wakes him up enough to get him onto his feet and you are able to pull him up after crawling into the alcove first, reaching over and pulling him by the waist of his breeches.
By the time Geralt passes out again, he is sprawled diagonally across the bed with you pinned under his arm. Trying to move only results in him subconsciously dragging you into a tight embrace with your back against his chest. Fuck!
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spikebhm · 4 years
❌ ✔️ 💗 💞 🌓 🧸 🏃‍♀️ 🦸 ↩️
So I asked a few...
👀 Yes. Yes you did. That’s quite the assignment! Are you per chance a teacher that likes to torture kids with loads of homework before the weekend? LOL Ok, let’s get those joints loose, nice cup of lemon tea and here. we. go! ❌ = What feedist related kinks do you not enjoy? A disclaimer: Even though I don’t like a kink doesn’t mean I disagree with you and your feelings towards a certain topic. Everyone is free to do what they want and express themselves but please approach everyone with the same respect as I would do. Thank you. ♥ I tend to dislike most of the ones that have something in common with lack of hygiene, inflation type stuff (atlhough I bloat often times when I overeat on pastries and then chug down a soda), unnatural type of weight gain like through padding (even if it is convincing!) or digestive sounds. A belly gurgling or someone swallowing heavily is one thing (and I do like it) but burps and farting aren’t sexy at all to me! Also health-play is something that makes me scuttle away under a cupboard because I am a bit of a fainter lol. D: Like not being able to see my own blood. My brain is weird. (I know that seeing blood is not part of the thing but anything about body disfunctionality is just kinda eeeeeh to me!) ✔️ = What feedist related kinks (force feeding, vore, inflation, etc) do you enjoy? Ooooh, that is a looong, looong list. Over the years of lurking and exposure, I refined my taste to “almost anything that surrounds feedism.” I love force feeding, belly rubs, STRETCHMARKS, rapid wg, immobility (love me a blob on occasion 😩), being uncomfortably full, public stuffing and teasing, approval and praise, FUNNEL FEEDING ... Fat shaming and exercise + ex-athlete, denial of weight gain, TIGHT CLOTHES, mutual and contrast are both super endearing to me, squashing ... Oh and BELLY BUTTONS. Especially the squished ones. And deep ones. Oh lord, the deep ones! 🥵 💗  = Do you prefer a slender or larger feeder/partner? No preference! Slim, Fit, Average, Chubby, Fat, Obese - All good in my book! 💞  = Do you prefer soft belly worship or rough belly play? I would say I’m 70% on the soft belly worship but if the chemistry is right, the consent is there with lots of trust, I can have my belly played rough with ♥ 🌓  = Do you prefer to be a submissive feedee or a dominant feedee? I prefer to be the submissive type for sure. Although I can be bratty and of course use my body to get what I want, I almost always prefer to be the submissive feedee as I tend to blush quickly, turning myself into a flustered mess of a bear lol. 🧸  = What's your favorite way to soothe a stuffed tummy? Aaah, I developed a lot of techniques over the years to get my tummy soothed and found some helpful things to help the process. Whenever I’m too full to move, I give it my best shot to stand up. Whenver I sit down, my stomach is bunched up and by standing up I feel a lot of relief. I also like to take a shower after a stuffing - the feeling of water on my skin takes my mind away.  If I have an upset stomach, I will take a tea spoon of iberoghast. It helps with digestion and immediately soothes my tummy aches. Also, belly rubs and playing with my hair is a good method I found out to help me a lot. Also makes me more hungry too - truly a vicious cycle from which I know no escape from! 🏃‍♀️ = Is there anything you used to do that is harder now that you've gained weight? Oh wow, yeah. I don’t have a drivers license and whenever I need to do groceries, I have to go out and go to the market by walking. Now that in itself is no problem, I like physical activities. But the problem is, if you are as fat as me, going up a hill to get to the super market is so incredibly ardeous. I feel like carrying bags of groceries up the hill to the market and back lol. So yeah, that became difficult. Also I get out of breath easily now when I do laundry as I live in the topmost part of a very old building and my washing machine and dryer are all the way down in the basement and there is no elevator. 🦸 = Who's your favorite superhero? Why? Oh snap! What a cool question to ask. I will divide the question into two parts, one will be a more western look and the other part will be a more eastern look at a super hero! So, my favourite western hero is probably Captain America. I love to see a struggling hero from a different time, to fight for something that lost its meaning over the time he was frozen. I loved this characters depiction in all the Marvel Movies, Captain America: Winter Soldier is still my favourite superhero movie ever. Just a heads up: I’m a HUGE weeb. Like, incredibly so. I don’t watch that much anime and manga as I did before but my heart is still with all these great animations and amazingly fun stories and characters. My favourite eastern hero is probably a tie between Kouta Kazuraba aka Kamen Rider Gaim and Shinnosuke Tomari aka Kamen Rider Drive. Both of them had some very satisfying arcs in both of their stories in which they played their parts. Kouta had to realize that becoming an adult meant more then taking responsibility for your owns actions. The way he progressed in the story to understand his role in the greater scheme of things was very inspirational. On the other hand, Tomari faced a traumatizing event and had a hard time to find “a drive” to move on with his life. It was interesting to see a superhero with a depression and how he handles his daily “up’s” and “down’s”. ↩️ = If you could have one "do-over" in life, what would it be? I think I would make my parents listen to me what I have to say. Yeah. That would’ve been helpful with a lot of things! Thank you SO so much for the questions! I think I deserve a nice snack break. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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Warlords React to Skinny S/O
anon:  Hello! Was wondering if you could write about how the ikesen warlords deal with an mc insecure about her super skinny body, like her flat chest, showing ribs, lack of curves, twiggy limbs? She eats a lot though so her skinnyness frustrates her even more. Maybe Nobunaga and Masamune if you feel like it. Thank you!
Note: So this one is much shorter than usual because I don’t think the warlords would act differently towards their S/O based on their body type. The thing that would change would probably be the way that they navigate through their intimate life (which I sadly don’t write for). But nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this! Also, to anyone with this type of body type, just know that y’all are cute too ;)’
Nobunaga Oda
The warlord has never had an issue with their S/O’s body type. He fell in love with them for their feisty attitude (not to mention that they are his good luck charm).  However, when it comes to the body, he enjoys its firm, silk-like texture as his finger glides down their legs. The fact that he can hold their entire arm in his fist is pretty cool and hot.
He does grow concerned when he watches his S/O become frustrated with their body.  The warlord will approach them, curious as to why they’re so spiteful about it. Throughout the conversation, his goal will be to have his S/O see themselves from his eyes: nothing less than perfection. If that doesn’t work, maybe he can show them through other means.......
The fact that his S/O doesn’t gain weight willing eating lots of food is definitely a good thing in his eyes. There have been far too many nobles who sacrificed their healthy bodies for an extra plate of rice. Now look more like dumplings than humans. Sometimes the warlord will point out these dumplings to his S/O, sneaking a few good chuckles here and there.
He gets the best kimonos that are tailored to flatter your body. While he’s no genius at fashion, there are other seamstresses that could definitely create the most gorgeous kimono for his S/O. And the best thing about it? It would only be available in their size, reminding them that their body is special. 
Masaumune Date
Although Masamune’s eyes constantly wander around his S/O’s frame, there’s nothing less than love and affection in them. So what if there’s a little less fat? Just as curves are sexy, his S/O’s narrow waist is also something that drives him crazy.
His S/O’s thin frame makes it so much easier for him to pick them up and carry them around. They may be in a conversation with another warlord and Masamune will spring from the middle of nowhere, scoop them in his arms, and carry them around town. It’s super embarrassing, but Masamune loves anything that makes his S/O flush.
It also makes horseback-riding less worrisome. He’ll have them sit in front of him (instead of behind) as he wraps his arms around their waist. This way, he has access to both the reins of the horse’s ropes and the loving touch of his S/O. But his S/O might wanna cling onto him if they want to stay on top of that horse.
Masamune sees no need for his S/O to constantly stuff themselves. With his knowledge about the culinary arts, he knew that some people had a harder time gaining weight (regardless of their dietary habits). Instead, he’d focus on providing them with the tastiest meals. That way, they can stuff themselves because they enjoy the meal, not because of their perception of their body.
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voidingintotheshout · 4 years
December 2nd: Two Sizes Too Small
“Gavin’s annual 12.12 Halloween party is starting in a half an hour babe, you just have to accept that you’re just not going to be able to fit into your Christmas suit this year.” Every year for Gavin’s annual party that was on December 12 every year, regardless of where that date fell on the calendar, Trevor would wear a pinkish-red suit with understated pastel green accents that always served to highlight all of the time he had spent at the gym. Unfortunately, over the last year Trevor had been spending more time at the dinner table, So that suit was far from fitting.
Jack felt a sense of pride and ownership over Trevor’s filled-out physique as his husband struggled to get his slim fit suit pants over his tree trunk thighs and seemingly ignoring the fact that even if he could get his pants up past his thighs, they were never going to be able to contain his thick, round ass. “I just don’t get it. It shouldn’t be this small. Are you sure you didn’t do something to it?”
Jack burst out laughing. “The only thing I did to that suit was feed you seconds at dinner every night. You have never looked hotter babe, but you need to accept that you have just gotten a little too round to be able to fit into that suit this year. You’re just gonna have to go in something else. Why don’t you wear those reddish orange pants you got a couple of weeks ago with your green polo shirt and you can throw on a red ascot, the one that you wore for your Valentine’s Day Cupid costume? The wild west themed one?”
“God, why don’t I just wear a red sweatshirt and green sweat pants. Maybe they’ll still fit.”
“Don’t be so dramatic. That other outfit I suggested will totally fit. Well, at least I don’t think you’ve gotten too fat for that ascot.”
Trevor laughed so bright & free that his laughter lit up the room. “Oh my God babe, would you stop?!?” Trevor said, throwing his hands in the air and frustration at his needling husband. In doing, so he was expecting the pants to fall down around his ankles but they were wedged tight on his thick frame.
“It’s time to give up on that suit. We need to leave for the party soon and we’re definitely going, because we’re bringing a dish.” Jack looked at his chunky, manly husband, belly spilling out of a shirt that had no hope of being able to fit. He was only able to get the buttons around his pectorals button and even then, the fabric was stretching quite a bit, below his sternum, the buttons weren’t able to come within two or 3 inches of each other and his jacket look like it would never be able to even get past his lovehandles, let alone be able to button. He had already complained last year when he had bulked up and gained a lot of muscle that the very thinly cut suit jacket was already starting to really constrict. That along with all the weight he put on this year, there was no way that jacket was going to get across his middle.
Jack saw his husband huff and puff ever so slightly as he struggled to get the suit off as quickly as possible. He sat there, in only a somewhat tight pair of underwear as Jack heard the timer in the kitchen ding, announcing their dish was ready. Brownies, à la mode. he looked guiltily at the kitchen and then back at his husband. “It’s OK.” Trevor said, sitting on the bed, slumped forward ever so slightly, hands on his stomach. I did promise to try one of your Brownies, à la mode before the party. I’m honestly looking forward to it. That suit is in the past. We can get another one that’s in my size for next year.”
You mean it?!? It’s okay?“
“Yeah.” He got up off the bed instructed towards Jack, eyes smoky with desire. “I was a big sexy man before when I had muscles and abs and I’m a big sexy man now with my extra size and curves. I know I’m sexy, you always make me feel that way. It’s just clothes. Now I’m going to get dressed while you take care of the food. That way, you can get dressed while you’re watching me eat my sundae.”
“Oh my God! I totally forgot to get myself ready! I don’t have anything as nice as what you’re wearing.” Jack seemed to remember some thing and rummaged around the back of the closet “I was going to give this to you soon, but I think now is a better time. I got you some underwear in the next size up so you’ll have a little bit more room under what you’re wearing. I hope you’re not mad.”
“I’m guessing you were waiting until I figured out that I’ve been fattened up?”
“Fattened up? I don’t know what you—”
“Come on. All the fattening food? Always bringing me snacks and desserts? I figured out what you were doing,  but I liked being pampered and I found that I didn’t mind putting on weight… but being reminded of how much weight I’ve put on, can be tough sometimes. Besides, I already have the perfect thing for you to wear at the party. Nobody will be able to keep their eyes off of you. You’re going to be the talk of the party.”
Jack’s eyes grew wide as he looked at his sexy, thick husband, grateful that their daughter was with relatives so they could just focus on getting ready. “Am I going to regret agreeing to this?”
“I hope you don’t regret it any more than I’m going to regret asking for a double portion of that sundae before we even leave for a party that is going to be buried in food.”
“I see a belly rub in your future.“
“You better. Because I see a belly in my future.”
“Future? I see a belly in your present!” Jack said, and motioning to Trevor’s midsection.
“Bitch! How dare you imply that I am getting fat, now hurry up and get me that serving- platter- sized portion of dessert that I can wolf down before I spend the next three hours eating. The nerve.” Trevor muttered in mock-outrage as he grabbed his clothes for the party, including the larger size underwear which he smiled slightly at the thoughtfulness of, as Jack made his way to the kitchen to get the food out of the oven before it became too dry, as well as the other things he needed to get ready for the party.
He pulled the two trays of brownies out of the oven. They were Ghirardelli’s Triple Chocolate brownies. He had to quadruple the recipe so that there were enough brownies for Trevor and the guests at the party. He let’s letting one tray cool on the oven with some tin foil loosely placed on top and from the other one, he cut a block of brownie the size of a paperback and grabbed one of the two gallon containers of vanilla bean ice cream from the freezer and put two generous scoops of vanilla ice cream on top. He then grabbed one of the two containers of hot fudge, microwaved it for about 20 seconds just to soften it and drizzled it all over the top. He smelled it and it smelled delicious.
He then turned to get ready. He put the unopened ice cream, hot fudge, walnuts, and the six-pack of their favorite beer into one of the bags and he left the uncut tray of brownies to cool on the stove. He took the tray of brownies that had the giant block cut out of it and wrapped it in tinfoil and put it in the fridge, making a note to encourage Trevor to eat more leftovers between meals to make some room. “I’m ready honey! I’m dressed! You need to get ready. We have to leave in five minutes. Even if we are fashionably late we still need to leave in 10 minutes and you’re not even dressed yet.”
“Not till after the party. We’re running late.”
“Funny.” Jack grabbed Trevor’s pre-dinner dessert, needing to double back halfway out of the kitchen to get a fork with which he would eat it. There was a time in the future where it might get sexy to see Trevor eating with his hands because he was just so hungry but that day was not today. Jack brought the desert into the bedroom in there, on the bed next to his beautiful husband outfitted in a gorgeous suit, complete with the red ascot with Valentine’s Day hearts on it— was Trevor’s Christmas Suit. “What—what is this? You always wear this.”
Well, I’m glad to see that I’m still just as good an actor now as I was all those years ago back in college. I took one look at that suit two weeks ago and when I realized there was no way I was ever going to be able to fit my fat ass into that, but then I realized that you’ve been working out a lot and you now have the muscles to be able to wear that thing. While you were in the kitchen taking care of the food, I did a quick and dirty cuffing of the pants, to make up for the fact that you’re a couple of inches shorter than I am so the whole thing should fit you really well.”
“But it was always too small for me. I was never as toned as you.” Jack said, as the reality of their new situation dawned on him.
“It was, but you have been working out consistently over the last year as I have been, well, pigging out on your food. You are now the lean, trim one in the relationship and I’m becoming the fat one. I have so many amazing clothes in that closet that are made for someone with your exact physique and I don’t want them to just sit in the closet collecting dust until I eventually I donate them. I’ll feel a lot less bad about all of this weight that I’m probably going to be putting on over the next year if I know that someone is at least enjoying all of those amazing clothes that I’ve collected over the years. I want you to wear my Christmas suit this year and, probably next year because, if I can’t be the one everyone is staring at because I’m the hottest guy at the party, then I want everyone to be staring at me because of how lucky I am to have that hot piece of arm candy next to me. Now give me that damn dessert so I can eat it while watching you slip into that sexy suit.”
Jack watched as Trevor dived into the desert with gusto, a small way of saying that Jack should do the same and so Jack, fearlessly shucked his clothes and gingerly put himself into the Christmas suit which, did fit slightly differently, being more snug in some places and looser in others but it was a custom tailored suit with Trevor’s exact measurements in mind, but when Jack got dressed and looked at himself in the mirror, he was surprised that he didn’t see that chunky dude he remembered in the mirror. He saw a hot guy looking back at him.
He heard a fork clatter on a now empty plate and he glanced behind him to see his chunky husband using a finger to lick up the last of the chocolate sauce as he got up off the bed the stand near him at the mirror. “You’ve got to remember babe. I fell for you in that bar all of those years ago because I thought you were cute, the jelly roll around your waist didn’t matter any more than the jelly roll around my waist matters now. We love each other for who we are. I’m proud to have you be the one getting all of the stares and hungry looks because it makes me feel really good to have such an awesome and hot dude coming home to me every night. Think you’re you ready to go to this party? I just got a message that the Uber’s going to be here in two minutes.”
“I’m definitely ready. I’ll get the food, you get the doors?”
Good plan, I can’t eat doors on the way to the party.”
“Unless they’re made of gingerbread.”
“If only!” Trevor replied, laughing as they made their way into the kitchen to leave for the party.
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"Come on! Another round!" and "God, we stink"
do the thing - send in all the prompts.
Thanks for the prompt, nonnie! I took this in a weird direction, I hope that’s okay! 
warnings: mention of a vehicular accident & pain
Tony didn’t like to think about the accident. It was hard to imagine what his life was like before he crushed his right leg. All of the things he took for granted were now things he missed so very dearly – like walking without trouble to the kitchen or driving the many cars that sat waiting for him in his extensive garage. Getting onto that motorcycle was one of the stupidest things he could have done – but then again, it wouldn’t have been that big of a deal if he wasn’t an actual idiot.
Every time he thought about it, Tony got a little green around the gills. He’d been drinking whiskey neats all night, even he understood that consuming too much alcohol and trying to operate any machinery wasn’t a good idea. He’d almost cut his hand off too many times to be perfectly aware of that. Despite that, he got onto the bike, anyway. There’d been a man in the cluster of people at the party that he wanted to impress. It didn’t matter that being a dumbass wasn’t sexy, his brain was addled, and he was running on instinct.
In the end, it was probably lucky that he was alive. The tech he built into his watch picked up on his body’s distress and got an ambulance to his location as quickly as the public medical transportation possibly could. There’d been a lot of black time for Tony, so he didn’t remember much of anything other than waking up in pain every now and again. While taking a dive into the concrete, he landed heavily on his right leg and did some pretty terrible damage to it. Torn ligaments, fractured bones, and nerve damage waited for him when he finally came to.
Three surgeries and a lot of pain medication later, Tony was finally able to get back into the bedroom in his own home. It didn’t take long for Pepper to demand he let her hire an in-home professional, the doctor’s orders of getting up and moving still fresh in both of their minds. Although they weren’t a couple any longer, she still took care of him when she could. The need to mother him would never go away – Pepper spent too much time doing day to day things for him to simply drop that because they weren’t romantically inclined.
The very next day, Tony was woken by a soft voice – his eyes blinking a couple of times before he saw the figure in the door. “Sorry to wake you, Mr. Stark. Your door just opened automatically when I walked up to it. Which was wicked, by the way.” Tony sat up a little, the last comment almost getting a smile to pull at his cheeks.
“Yeah, that’s Jarvis. Say hi, buddy.” Tony said, his voice still pretty scraggly from the depth of sleep he’d been in.
“Good morning, Mr. Stark – Mr. Parker.” Jarvis responded promptly, the voice never ceasing to bring a warmth to Tony’s gut. He missed the human Jarvis very much – the imitation of him was almost good enough.
“Mr. Parker, huh. Do you have a first name?” Tony finally let himself smile, his eyes taking in the little smirk on the brunette’s face. Now that he was awake more, Tony could see brown eyes, red cheeks, and plump lips. The man couldn’t be any older than 25, his youth still sitting like a beacon in his features and stature.
Watching the boy smile was enough to make him want to actually get out of bed – the thought making him cringe a little. It felt nice to be motivated, but he knew the second that he started to move, all of the pain would come flooding back. “I’m Peter, sir. Everyone usually just calls me Pete, though.” He let a hand run down the doorframe a little, the man obviously used to the constant pace of moving around all day.
“Okay, Pete. What kind of torture do you have in store for me? And can I get some water on my face before this fun begins?” Tony asked the questions with as much sass and sarcasm as he could pack into them – the tone enough to pull another smile out of Peter.
And so, it began. At first, it was hard just to get out of bed and into the bathroom. Every morning, Peter would wake him up, sometimes earlier than he was used to, and help him up and off the mattress. He wasn’t supposed to put too much weight on the leg – but even the littlest of movements was complicated with a limb that didn’t understand what movement was in its injured state.
Slowly, Tony started to gain a little bit of strength back. Once the bog of the pain medication slipped away, he was better able to get his feet under him. His brain was one of his biggest assets and he used it to his advantage. He’d always been an overachiever and he didn’t let the fact that his leg was physically unable to do some of the things he was demanding from it stop him from trying.
All the while, Peter stood by him and helped him through all of the shitty days that made him want to slam the crutches down and give up completely. One such day, Tony fell to the floor in defeat – his leg throbbing and his mind totally fed up with the pep talks and chanted words. That day, he couldn’t do it – he didn’t want to push past the pain.
Peter crouched down before him, Tony rolling his eyes with jealousy at the younger man’s movements and the ease in which he could perform them. “That it? Giving up, Mr. Stark?” Peter questioned bluntly; his eyes boring into Tony’s.
Blinking, Tony wanted to use his nonexistent strength to kick the kid in the face – the smugness of his words probably funny any other time, but not today. “Fuck you, Pete. My leg hurts,” Tony mumbled, the words lacking the heat he wanted them to have. He clenched his right hand, the tremor in it only coming around when he let himself lose control. Fuck it all, he thought.
The other man wasn’t deterred – Tony’s words bounced off of him like he didn’t even hear them. Offering up a hand, Peter helped him to his feet. “Come on. Another round. I’ll help you.” Peter’s voice was gentle this time, the joking atmosphere gone with the snap of Tony’s words. “Take one of the crutches and hold onto my arm with the other hand – we’ll transfer some of the weight to me and still get the reps done.”
Tony grit his teeth and leaned heavily into Peter’s side – his body trying to rebel against him. Taking in a deep breath, Tony got himself under control and focused on the sound of Peter’s shoe hitting the floor and the transfer of his weight from the good leg over to the bad. They did another couple of lengths before Peter guided him into a chair – Tony reluctant to let go of Peter’s arm.
With all of the time they’d been spending together, Tony found himself drawn to the other man. When they weren’t doing laps of his hallway or working with some of the equipment Peter brought with him, they sat around and talked. Tony hadn’t been this idle in his entire life and it was nice to get some stimulation outside of the shitty thoughts in his head. He came to rely on the other’s presence, not just because of the way he was healing his body, either.
A bottle of water was thrust into his hand, Peter taking the seat across from him a couple of moments later. “Thanks, Pete. Sorry, y’know – about what I said. I didn’t mean that. You’re great – I’m just a grumpy old man.” Tony muttered his apology, the man covering it up a little by lifting the water bottle to his mouth, the cooling slug of water a nice way to douse the flame starting to climb within him.
“It’s okay. I don’t take any of the stuff you say when you’re in a pain cycle to heart. I get it. I’ve never experienced your level of pain, so I can only imagine what a punk like me pushing you more than you want to be pushed might feel like. You’re good, Tony,” Peter answered, his hand reaching across the space between them to squeeze Tony’s shoulder.
Something changed in Tony that day. He stopped trying to push himself and just went with what his body wanted from him. When he could, he went – and when he couldn’t, he didn’t. Peter was very good at his job and had lots of alternatives to replace the walking during the times when Tony knew he wasn’t going to be able to get up, let alone walk around.
Little by little, Tony finally started to feel better. All of his pins were out, all of his stitches were healed, and he was actually able to put his entire body weight on both of his legs. When Peter asked him to go for laps, he did them with the slightest limp, a smile on his face every time his steps got a little straighter.
One day about eight months after the accident, Peter tossed his shoes at him, a happy look on his face. “We’re taking it outside today. Put those on and grab your cane – I want you to have it just in case,” Peter spoke with such clarity, Tony could do nothing but comply. His stomach felt like it was in knots, he hadn’t been outside of his apartment in a long time – he couldn’t bear to be unable to do things on his own, so he locked himself away.
Standing out in the warm sunshine, Tony let all of his worries disappear – the air was crisp and Peter’s hair caught the sunlight in a way that made it shine like a halo on top of his head. His silly crush evolved the longer they were in each other’s presence – the vision in front of him felt just as exciting as the prospect of being outside and actually moving around. Peter offered up his arm for Tony to slip his own through and started a leisurely pace.
It took a lot more effort than he figured it would, but they made it a couple of blocks down the road and back. He felt like he might die from the effort – his brow completely soaked, the clothes on his back sticking to him from the wetness. On the other hand, it was nice, to be out and about – to be able to walk when not that long ago, the prospect of it wasn’t very likely.
They got back up to the apartment, Peter helping him a lot more than he did when they left the apartment. By the time they got back up to the penthouse, they were both sweating profusely – Peter could only do so much with the slackness of Tony’s body the last 200 meters of ground they needed to cover. “God! We stink!” he panted out when they crashed against the couch in a heap. The other man leaned into the cushion and closed his eyes, his face scrunching with a laugh.
“Yeah, well – you’re not light by any means. And it’s hot as hell outside. I didn’t know New York got this warm,” Peter replied, his hands running through the curls on his head, sweat brushing from the ends of his hair and down his neck, some of it flinging into the air. “I’m proud of you, though. I can’t believe you’ve come as far as you have.” He smiled then, the look on his face genuine.
Without much thought, Tony narrowed the gap between them. He left the slightest bit of room for Peter to close the final bit of distance, Tony unwilling to ruin their professional relationship if Peter wasn’t in the same head space. “Means a lot, Pete. I couldn’t have done it without you.” Tony tilted his face a bit, the brush of Peter’s breath against his face making him want to move in and take what he’d been wanting for a while now.
A soft hand cupped his cheek, Peter’s nose brushing against his own. Tony held his breath, the seconds between the touch of Peter’s hand and the softness of his lips on his own made his heart hammer against his chest – the anticipation of it making him feel like a kid again. He let out a muffled breath against Peter’s lips and pressed into the contact. The immediate feeling of rightness pulled him closer and before either knew it, they were sucking face on the couch – their sweat and body heat tangling together in the excitement.
Peter pulled back first – a groan leaving his lip. “You’ve been the most frustrating client I’ve ever had – and none of it has been because of your leg,” Peter admitted. Tony laughed at the comment, his lips pressing against Peter’s again briefly.
“Yeah, well – I’m a pain in the ass.” Tony shrugged his shoulders, a shit eating grin on his face.
Peter patted his cheek, the smack of it sounding around the room. “Oh, I know. I can’t wait to see what else you’re going to throw my way.”
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pigeontheoneandonly · 4 years
From the Scrap Pile
Tagged for this by @kauriart​ and @amarmeme​.  Thank you!  Very seriously thank you, actually, because I hadn’t read through my “scrap” document (which is more like “scenes I wrote out of order and need homes”) in quite awhile, and I forgot how much stuff I’m looking forward to in the fic.
Tagging @citadelsushi​, @swaps55​, @laurelsofhighever​, @ljandersen​, and @1esk19​!
This is a scene from Labyrinth that hasn’t found that home yet, and I don’t think it really will.  It’s also rated E, so consider yourselves duly warned. ;)
The credits were running.  Shepard instinctively tightened her arms around Kaidan.  His fingers knotted in her hair, not seeming to mind how short it was.  Beneath her cheek, his heart beat warm and steady.  There was a solidity to him as they lay on the couch that she’d lacked since waking up.  Her soul ached for it.  
“You don’t have to go,” he said.  
“This isn’t real.”  She slumped against his chest.  There wasn’t any fight left in her.  She was sore and tired and so lonely that her resolve, to not go this far, to not dip so deeply into this illusion that she touched shame, was nearly eroded.  “This is just some kind of deep hallucination induced by uncontrolled and poorly understood biotic capability.”
“You probably always had it, you know.”  He shrugged, his fingers winding through her hair. She shut her eyes and concentrated on the gentle rumble of his voice.  “Cerberus couldn’t give you that.  It must’ve been all the crappy first-gen ships your mom tooled around on. Leaky as hell, spewing eezo.  Those cybernetic implants are acting as surrogate amplifiers.”
“Maybe,” she said, uncertain.
“You’ve always had terrible dreams.  Much worse, much more memorable and visceral than most people.  It could’ve been latent all this time.”
“It’s an asari thing though.  Who the hell ever heard of a non-asari with… mental biotics?”
“It’s all mental,” he protested, sitting up a bit and forcing her to look at him.  “And look— we fixate so much on physical ability in how we identify and train new biotics, telekinesis and shields and so forth, that maybe we’re overlooking this whole other area.  Would you have ever suspected if you hadn’t gotten the implants?  A bad dream is just a bad dream, right?”
“The relay monument made my head buzz.”  Shepard was dubious, but it had no strength of conviction. “Anyway, that’s a different argument. This is… I can’t stay.”
“Why not?  Nobody would know.”
“I’d know.”  She licked her lips and dug her fingers into his shirt.  It was bad enough that she came here willingly each night to talk to her own imagination without crossing that final line, admitting she was so desperate for him that she’d lie to herself to gain a little peace.
He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her fingertips slowly, one by one, curling his lips ever so slightly around each.  Her breath caught.  A sharp stab of desire skewered her from chest to groin.  She closed her eyes.
“What’s so wrong about it?” he asked softly.  “Why should this need be any less real or any more embarrassing because it’s happening inside your head?  Why should you be denied a little respite when everything out there is so hard right now?”
“It’s not real,” she said again, her voice nearly breaking, she wanted him so badly.
“It will be someday.”  He raised her chin to look at her.  “Things are rough now.  But I can’t imagine any circumstances in any universe where I wouldn’t love you.”
It was too much.  She surged forward and buried her mouth against his.  
He gripped her ass and rolled her over.  She straddled him, her hands around his head, in his hair, his lips just as hungry for hers, warm breath mingling between them. His fingers slid up the skin of her back and lifted her shirt from her body.  Shepard shrugged it off onto the floor and bent back to him.
Kaidan’s arms tied her to him.  His mouth left hers and moved down her jaw to her neck.  Her eyes squeezed shut at the suddenness of it. Her hips pushed into his.  He gasped and arced his back towards her.  
“Fuck clothes,” he said into her ear, raggedly.
In a flash she jumped off him and peeled her pants and shorts away in one long gesture.  It wasn’t sexy, but at that moment, sexiness took a back seat to expediency.  Caught off guard, he was a bit slower to follow.  Shepard fell back on the couch and pulled him after with his jeans still about his knees.
Skin met skin in a scorching flash.  Their eyes met.  They were done fucking around.
Shepard pushed up against the couch arm and locked her legs around him.  At the same time Kaidan shifted his weight and bent towards her.  She pulled his mouth down to hers.  He thrust into her in one hard stroke.  Her head tilted back in long, satisfied moan.  This was exactly what she needed, what she’d been pining away for three excruciating months and two damn years…
Their groans were buried in their kisses.  Her legs held him so tightly that short and hard was the only way, but it was what they both wanted, their motions together hitting every note perfectly.  She felt him thick inside her while his pelvic bone ground into her most sensitive spot, and left her panting.  So much sweat ran between them Shepard was certain the couch was done for.
His hands on her shoulders pressed her down, forcing them harder together, as tightly as two people could be.  Her nails dug into his back.  She couldn’t take much more of this.  She mumbled something to him but wasn’t sure herself she was even using words.
It swelled up within her, that haunting, exquisite, stolen feeling that blacked out every other thought and sensation-
Shepard came so hard that she started awake in the cold dim of her cabin, the sheets a soaked tangle beneath her and her breath loud in the abrupt silence.  So disoriented that it took the better part of several minutes for her brain to sort out what had happened.  And then her face heated so thoroughly she was shocked the air didn’t catch fire, outmatched only by the hollowing void in the pit of her stomach expressing in exacting detail the furthest extent of her loneliness.
She checked that EDI’s switch was off and was gratified that at least this moment was private.  She scooted over to the other side of the bed, unspoiled by her stupid dream, curled up on the clean, cool pillow, and stared a long time into the dark until morning came.
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loki-hargreeves · 5 years
For the blurb thingy: Loki x reader where they still haven't realized they're head over heels for each other. Loki starts tickling Reader, and it's all game and laughter until they accidentally get too close™ and then Loki kisses reader. 😇❤
Warnings: fluff, implied smut ⚠️
Word Count: 2,2K This was supposed to be a drabble but I got excited
Author’s Note: Thanks for sending something, love! I hope it’s okay :)
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Imagine Loki tickling you and then kissing youYour POV
After a long and tiring mission, I was delighted by the idea of returning to the compound with the rest of the Avengers and take a hot bath. I was practically dragging myself to my personal space and I headed right to my own bedroom, ready to toss my clothes off until I noticed I wasn’t alone. Loki was sitting on my bed, legs crossed with a book in his elegant hands. He was minding his own business on my bed. Not that I minded his presence, I just wondered why he chose my bed out of all the places in this huge compound. 
He looked up from the inked pages and smiled at me, shamelessly checking me out. I didn’t want to get my hopes high so I told myself he checked if I was wounded or not. By now, I wasn’t even surprised anymore but it didn’t mean his gaze didn’t do anything to me - not that he would ever know. We were just friends, really close friends, and he was comfortable around me. The rest had no idea how cheeky and cocky Loki truly was. “Well? Mission report? Did anyone die?”
There it was, his wit clear as day which just happened to curl the corners of my mouth up a little bit. “No one died but I sure feel like it. My back is killing me!” I complained to him and only then began to undress from my combat gear. Loki had seen a lot of my exposed skin before so I didn’t care if he saw. I took off my heavy armour, tearing the leather and metal off on the floor until I was left in leggings and a white, tight tank top. I nearly stumbled when I took off my socks, making Loki chuckle at me.
“Come here before you stumble on your own feet. I’m sure you’ll pass out soon. You look exhausted”, Loki sighed and tried to get me to join him on the soft bed. His suggestion was tempting so I didn’t hesitate as I made my way to him. It's not like we hadn't been like this before. I had lost count on how many times I had fallen asleep on his lap or had him tailing me when we were around people. We were comfortable with closeness unlike many others. Loki seemed pleased with that as he set his book away on my nightstand, nearly knocking down a glass of water that he caught with his magic just before it would’ve hit the floor. Seeing how quickly he acted impressed me.
“That was amazing!” I let him know as I plopped down beside him, hugging a pillow as I lay on my stomach. Loki shifted so he was on his side, resting his weight on his arm so he could look at me. 
“Oh, Y/N, I could do so much more.”
I knew he meant something entirely different but my mind jumped straight to the dirtier thoughts. Damn, I felt like a 15-year-old that had a dumb crush on someone out of my league sometimes. As if Loki was actually ever interested in me, a normal human. I brushed my thoughts away so I wouldn’t make things between us awkward. “Such as?” I raised my eyebrow, feeling like I just challenged the God of Mischief to prove his skills to me. He smirked and I knew that he got an idea of some sort. 
“Are you doubting my words, Y/N?” Loki wondered and pretended to be offended. 
A sly smile decorated my face as I turned to look at him. He was so cute and hot at the same time. “I’d rather be the judge of that myself.”
“Aren’t you a diverting, little girl”, Loki teased me and suddenly sat up straight. I watched as he glanced at my back and then cracked his knuckles. “You said your back was killing you?”
“It’s sucking the soul out of me!” I confirmed with a tad of dramatics on top. Loki rolled his eyes.
“I can’t let something as simple as back pain take away my only entertainment on this godforsaken realm”, Loki was just as dramatic. I knew he wasn’t rude when he called me entertainment nor did I believe he genuinely despised earth. This was just how we talked. That’s when I felt his soft, cool fingers touching my back, holding onto the edge of my top. That alone made my core shake with anticipation. I knew we were just friends but I was dangerously into him and I couldn’t stop it. “May I?” 
I realized I had been holding my breath. “S-sure. If you can make my back feel better, you’re officially earth’s mightiest wizard”, I decided to make things playful again. 
He hated when I called him a wizard but I had a feeling he secretly enjoyed it. “Call me a wizard again, I dare you.”
“Wizard”, I giggled, my tired body making me drowsy and honestly foolish. He didn’t do anything about it and I knew we were good. He mumbled something underneath his breath but I didn’t quite catch what he was saying. Perhaps he spoke old norse or one of the seemingly unlimited amount of languages he knew.
Loki lifted my shirt all the way up to my neck, leaving my back exposed for him. I told him to unstrap my bra too, which he did hesitantly, probably because now, one wrong move would expose my breasts for him. He made sure I was comfortable as he began working on my aching back. His fingers traced my skin lightly and I felt goosebumps rising already. Then the weirdest thing happened, I felt something warm radiating on my back and an electrifying feeling sinking into my flesh, forcing my muscles to relax. It took me a second to realize Loki was using his magic and goddamn it felt good! Loki’s hands massaged my sore muscles and his magic radiated all across me, making me curl my toes. It was mind-blowing and I failed to hold back a moan. I was in a state euphoria by now so I didn’t actually care too much, although it was slightly embarrassing. 
“You like that?” Loki asked me after a while. I could’ve fallen asleep if it wasn’t for his deep, raspy, sexy voice pulling me back to reality. 
“I do! It feels so good, Loki. Right there!” I cried out as he reached the worst spot. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I tensed the rest of my body because I expected it to hurt. 
“Relax”, Loki demanded and I tried my best. Once I was limp beneath his touch, he added pressure on that spot and to my surprise, it didn’t hurt. His magic did wonders on me and my mind. Keeping my sinful thoughts at bay right now was impossible. How could I when my back was completely exposed to him and his hands caressed all over my tender skin? How could I not let my mind wander when his tone got demanding? When did I get lucky enough to befriend a god who knows how to instantly kill back pain? I was convinced I was going to need a cold shower after this and definitely some alone time. He was destined to leave me hot and bothered after this.
Loki’s hands reached the side of my ribcage and then it happened, it tickled a lot. The moment I felt his touch there, I flinched and a laugh left my mouth, probably startling him. “S-stop! Stop…it tickles!” I giggled and desperately tried to wiggle free but his magic basically paralyzed me, kept me from moving away. Immediately, Loki stopped and I caught my breath, only for a moment.
“You’re ticklish?” Loki wondered and I saw a spark in his blue eyes. Oh no…
“You just witnessed it, Loki.”
He put his hands back on my skin and caressed his finger on my ticklish spot. Before I could escape, Loki attacked me. “Perfect”, He revealed his pearly white teeth in a devilish smile as he began tickling me. My poor heart jumped to my throat and I tried to push him off as reflex, laughter erupting from my stomach and filling my room with noise. For outsiders, it probably sounded wrong.
“L-Loki!” I howled with giggles and squirmed underneath the god. He wasn’t using his magic this time so it should’ve been fair, only he was sitting on my legs now and I was tired. 
“Who did you call a wizard?” Loki tried to keep a conversation going although I was barely able to talk. A part of me wanted him to stop so I wouldn’t cry laughing but I also liked it. I loved it when Loki put his guard down and got silly, but I was also really ticklish and it got hard to control my body.
Tears of joy gathered in my eyes as I tried to speak. He stopped tickling me for only a second, allowing me to speak. “You, I called you a wizard, wizard”, I took a deep breath and turned around a little bit, just so I could face him somehow. That’s when I remembered I was topless and I flashed some proper side boob to him. I was quick to pull the blanket to cover myself up and Loki looked to the side, trying not to stare. Wordlessly, I pulled my top on again and sat up, sliding away from Loki’s grasp. He faced me again but this time it was different. I could tell but I had something else in mind.
“Are you ticklish?” I questioned Loki.
“Don’t you dare, Y/N-” He tried to stop me but it was too late. I leapt at the god, aiming for his stomach so I could tickle him too but he was quick, really quick. Before I could try to make Loki cackle, which would probably be adorable, he caught my wrists and pushed me on my back. Before I knew it, Loki was on top of me and our faces mere inches away. Seeing him like this, so close, made my heart beat faster. I could feel his breath on my chest and the feeling of his hands on my wrists seemed to intensify. Our eyes locked and I swear, it felt tempting to get lost in the pure blue wonderland of his eyes. 
Why didn’t he move? 
Why didn’t I move?
“So you are ticklish? Good to know, wizard”, I decided to say something and oddly, I felt confident. The goofy atmosphere around us morphed into something more adult, more fiery. I didn’t mind being underneath him and honestly, I doubted his minded being on top. Telling was easy because I could swear I felt something poking my leg. It was a miracle I wasn't freaking out with excitement yet.
“Congratulations on gaining this knowledge. Unfortunately, you’ll never get to see that for yourself, little one”, He let me know mischievously, almost like he challenged me to try. Then he used that nickname which made my stomach tighter. Fuck, he was driving me crazy!
“I can always try. Challenge accepted, Loki”, I smiled and took a glance at his rosy lips. He noticed and got closer so our noses touched. Was this happening? Was I dreaming? Or were we about to lock lips like fools in love? 
“Don’t be upset when you realize you’ve lost.”
“Screw you”, I spat at him and threw all my doubts and fears away. I closed my eyes and wrapped my legs around his body. Loki reacted to that and he was the one to close the distance between our bodies that were yearning for affection by now. Our lips collided like to oceans meeting, two powerful sources merging together which was overwhelming in the best, possible way. I had imagined kissing Loki before but never had I dared to think it would feel or taste this fantastic. Kissing him felt more satisfactionary than getting water after thirst, it tasted better than food after a long mission, it felt better than a cool breeze on a hot summer day. My mind nearly short-circuited by the passion I felt. Loki nibbled on my bottom lip, forcing me to open my mouth so he could explore me further. I moaned at the feeling of him dominating me so easily and how my body melted to his touch like magic. I could’ve stayed like this forever…
but I had to breathe. As we broke our kiss that cascaded a spell on both of us, we just stared at each other in awe for a moment. We were both stunned and we wanted more, which was painfully obvious now. I wanted the warm feeling of our lips together back and I wished to explore it more. “Woah”, Loki breathed out after a while. His grip on my wrists loosened and I could move my arms around his neck. I pulled him back to my face.
“Kiss me again, Loki. I know you want to”, I encouraged him to continue. Although we could be silly and fun together, I knew Loki had walls and I felt the urge to remind him that things were fine. The last thing I wanted to happen now was for him to startle and leave.
“With pleasure, dear.” 
Tonight, he wasn’t going anywhere…
💚 Feedback would be nice 💚
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