#some mikey healing
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stranger-writing-danger · 9 months ago
You are buzzing. Mind racing, leg bouncing, eyes dilating. You are moving at a speed no one can keep up with. your brain moving moving moving. but you are stuck.
Fixed to your bed. The process of moving feels impossible. It should just happen. no thoughts needed but every time you try nothing happens. If you didn't already know you were corporeal you would assume you were a ghost, floating above yourself unable to move it, trapped screaming behind your eyes. You want to move you want to work, do chores, you want to do something so why cant you? Why cant you just go do it. Its easy. JUST MOVE!
But your body remains tethered to your bed. Your leg still bouncing as you stare out your room. Your face blank and unreadable as you rot underneath your own skin. You see Mikey working away in a corner. He is doing something with pastels today. experimenting with them to see if he likes em or not, He looked so pleased when you gifted them to him. You knew it was not his preferred medium, he's always been more into paint then anything else. But you remembered how he was looking at them in the supply store. The gears in his head turning, You could see they inspired him in some way. So you sneakily bought them. As any good partner should. You remember the smile he gave you as he opened the package. The little gap in his teeth charming and making him look youthful. Pretty, you thought. You fought the urge to kiss him. Now you just fight the urge to call out. Not that you think there is anything he can really even do for you here. And why would you want to bother him anyway... He's in his artistic flow, and you would mess him up if you said anything, you don't want to be a bother, no need to call for help, If your going to be a lazy idiot you can be one in silence. You feel yourself let out a whine, your hands balling into fists as you curl in on yourself. Relax your mind screams. He is going to know. YOU ARE GOING TO MESS HIM UP, JUST BE QUIET
the word feel foreign as you roll it around in your brain repeatedly. quiet, quiet quiet quiet. be quiet, be quiet, why cant you be quiet. lazy and quiet lazy, lazy , lazy lazylazylazyalzyalzayLAZY- "Hey."
You blink as you turn to look at him. You barely noticed him approach you, due to ninja skills or you being distracted you cant tell. but now you see him, and he see's you. You ruined it, the one thing you were suppose to do for him and you ruined it! But, he doesn't look angry, if anything he looks sad, worried even, and he is touching your hand so firmly. Letting you know he's here. He's with you. You wanna let him know you are ok. You want him to know your fine and he doesn't need to be with you. But you remain still. looking at him as he rubs his thumb across the back of your hand. Tears welling in your eyes at the frustration of it all. You should be able to talk, just talk, just speak, why cant you do this?! Why cant you just do this?!
"Hey, hey, come back... I'm here. It's ok." Once again you are pulled back from the brink as your eyes focus back on his. His eye's look softer, gentler, the worry he had now refocused as empathy for you and your situation. You shift your eyes down to his cheek. It feel's more comfortable there. He hums and squeezes your hand in response. "What's the matter? " You still cant speak, you squeeze his hand instead. " Ah," he nods as if he understands. "bad brain day?"
You nod and shift your eyes further from his down to his chin, and he stills the soothing rub on the back of your hand. You fight the whine in the back of your throat, needing it to continue. "Is touch ok?"
You nod squeezing his hand, and the touch resumes. You feel relief hit you again, even if the motion is starting to erode the back of your hand a little. The raw feeling still feels good, reminds you of him.
"Do you want me to keep talking?" You still on that, both hating and loving the idea. You want him to leave you back out as sea. you want him to thrive without you, for you to fade into the turmoil of your mind...but sense he is here...You nod you head. Mikey nods back and leans against you his hand still applying that soothing sting. "So, I'm using those pastels you gave me. Its going pretty well, they are a bit different from crayons. I like how melty they are. You can mix em a lot easer and they make some interesting textures as a result." And on he goes. Mikey is one of those gifted people that can just talk. It has to be a form of stimming for him, you think as you slump against his shoulder. You body is still buzzing and occasionally you drift away. His hand squeezing yours's bringing you back again and again.
You feel sleepy, and that too, he keeps from you. jostling you every so often. This was at your own request, not now of course. you still cant string a sentence together, But a more stable version of yourself requested this. "Sleeping after a high anxiety event is another form of dissociation." your therapist had told you. "You should try to stay awake when you can. help to regulate yourself using one of the grounding methods we talked about instead." It's a little fucked up that Mikey became one of those so called grounding methods. You do your best to not be reliant, its not fair to him to be reliant. you should be able to take care of yourself too. but today your to tired to protest. To drawn by his voice to care. He feels warm from where you have plastered to his side. You close your eyes to the feeling. A moment later you are shaken but your eyes remain closed and your body still. You feel a pat on your cheek. "Stay awake gorgeous, come on stay with me." You groan. " Five more minutes." He huffs and leans against you. "Its not good for you remember. Got to stay awake so you can get that therapy gold star." "Dont wanna, wanna sleep." He makes a noise that sounds like he disapproves but lays back with you all the same. maneuvering you so your leaning on plastron. "fine." "Keep talking?" And he does. His hand still nestled in yours and his other hand smoothing your hair. And you drift, numbly through a half sleep. Tethered safely to him in the ways that matter.
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dr-lizortecho · 1 year ago
love the implication that the podsquad just stumbled upon the fact acetone numbs their pain and then by the age of twenty-six they were all morphine addicts
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enidtwd · 4 months ago
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hey rarl nation. i'm alive. very busy but alive and writing a ron lives AU that i'm sure has been done a million and one times before but i have cool plans. trust
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i really appreciate how almost every last ronin fic is a fix-it where he doesn't die
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charcoaldustonmyfingers · 8 months ago
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Donnie skeletal anatomy! Click for better quality
Alright so softshell turtles right. They funky. It’s a lot more obvious that their shells are part of their ribs, as you can actually see the faint outline of their fused vertebrae and ribs on their shells. The reason their shells are so soft is because the edges and much of the lower half of their shell is actually all just cartilage and skin. Their plastron are weird, because the bone plates are largely separate and pointy, held together by harder cartilage the same way human ribs are attached around the sternum.
Donnie was weird to figure out on account of the cartilage lower half of his softshell, but I tried to compromise with his lower back vertebrae being unfused to still allow for the higher mobility required for his waist. Another fun fact about softshell is that they don’t actually have scutes or scales, but because of the look of his plastron and consistency with his brothers in the show, I’m just going to pretend that Draxum mixed in some DNA to let him grow scales for extra protection even if he has less coverage than his brothers. He can “breathe” water by absorbing oxygen through the skin of his throat, not actually by inhaling it. While most turtles can do this to a point, soft shells can stay quite active while doing so.
Personally I like to think of Donnie’s softshell as both a weakness and a strength depending on the situation! While more vulnerable, his skin can heal faster than scutes, and if he sustains blunt damage to his shell he can more easily disperse the force of it because of the give to his cartilage, rather than have the force crack his shell and cause a much more traumatic injury. Kind of like how seatbelts have some give to them to ease into a stop instead of giving someone whiplash.
Just some personal head canons! Feel free to disagree or expand upon :)
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kathaynesart · 2 days ago
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While the first UPDATE of the new arc went up just a few weeks ago, we'll now be jumping back into the thick of the main storyline so figured a little refresh was in order! I'll be posting the next update probably tomorrow, so here's a quick rundown on all the important points before we dive right back into it (TW: blood and character death mention):
In the previous arcs we see recordings of Donnie's final hours infiltrating the Technodrome. He is forced to cut off Leo's arm to save him from becoming infested by the Krang (and more importantly to keep the bomb planted in his head from going off, a safeguard so his memories can't be read by the Krang).
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While the others escape Donnie stays behind against Leo's orders and manages to plant two pieces of purple-looking krang tech within the Technodrome. One appears to a probe which allow Shelldon to tap into the Krang mainframe and secretly spy on them. The other... we don't know. Captured and confronted by Krang Prime, Donnie choses to trigger the bomb in his own head so that his knowledge cannot be used by the Krang.
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Omega decides to reveal what he can to April, explaining that the two pieces are part of a secret plan of Donnie's known as "Project Shield and Spear." Both are pieces of new hybrid krang tech he created using krang matter and Draxum's bioengineering. "Shield" is the probe they all knew about, but what "Spear" does he refuses to say. Whatever it is, he says it will only act as a last resort should the Krang win the war and will guarantee that they never attack another planet... and Omega is the only one who can pull the trigger.
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Elsewhere, while Mikey had managed to awaken some of his old power within him, it feels like his Ninpo is not back to normal. He can do things he couldn't do before, like healing magic, but it all makes him very tired. Draxum explains that it's likely because he hasn't completely unlocked his ninpo and is using up his life force instead. Mikey decides to attempt to unlock his ninpo by using the powers he currently has.
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He nearly achieves this but comes across another being that also seems to be reaching for the ninpo. Instead he chases after the voices he hears which sounds like Donnie's and is exposed to flashes of the new timeline created in the movie.
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Back in the real world, it's not looking good as Mikey suddenly bursts with a rush of intense energy. He loses consciousness but gains a painful new hairdo.
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While this is happening, Omega accidentally comes upon the coordinates where it seems Raph's body might have fallen in the Central Park Colony ruins. We end the arc with two familiar looking agents being sent out into the field to find and retrieve him...
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And that's it! A lot of other things happened in Arc 4 and 5, but these are the major talking points you'll need to keep in mind! Hope that helps, I should probably have it up by tomorrow!
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luv4arinn · 12 days ago
Bayverse!Raph as a Boyfriend Headcanons <3 (but I psychoanalyzed him way too much)
Parenting: Raph x Female Reader
Warnings: Low self-esteem, body dysphoria, this is more serious, sorry, yeah nsfw
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This man is the definition of “I’m a mess, but if someone even looks at you, they’re dead.”
In the Bayverse movies, Raph carries a deep-seated resentment toward himself. It’s not just his aggressive attitude or his constant need to fight—deep down, he’s convinced that he doesn’t deserve anything good. And when it comes to love… God, it’s even worse.
In his mind, it’s impossible for someone to see him as anything other than a monster. Not a mutant, not a warrior, not a man—a monster. And even though he’d never say it out loud (because, to him, admitting it would give it power), every time he sees you—every time you smile at him, every time you talk to him like he’s not some freak of nature—his brain just short-circuits.
Because what could he possibly offer you?
Donnie has intelligence and could talk to you about a million fascinating things. Mikey would make you laugh and shower you with love without hesitation. Leo… well, Leo has always been the strong one, the one who makes the right decisions, the one who is everything he isn’t.
But him? He’s just Raph. Impulsive, hot-headed, stubborn, and with a track record of messing up at the worst possible moment.
And the worst part is that even though he loves you in silence, even though he wants you more than he’d ever admit, he would never dare to do anything about it. Because… what if you realize he’s not worth it? What if you snap out of it and realize you could have someone better? What if one day you look at him and see what he sees in the mirror?
That’s why Raph would never make the first move. He’d never stare for too long, never dare to cross that line. But his possessiveness would betray him. The way his brow furrows when you talk to someone else. How his jaw clenches when someone gets too close. How his knuckles go white when he feels like someone else has what he’ll never be able to have.
And if you do return his feelings… God, Raph won’t process it. He won’t believe it. He’ll convince himself it’s a mistake. That he’s going to ruin it. That he doesn’t deserve this—that you deserve better.
But if you prove him wrong—if you stay, if you choose him every single day—he’ll be the most fiercely loyal and protective person you could ever have by your side.
Because even if he never says it out loud, even if he never fully admits it, even if he still doesn’t quite believe it himself… knowing that someone sees him as more than a monster is the only thing that could ever heal the wounds he’s carried his entire life.
Raph doesn’t know how to love halfway. He doesn’t know how to be lukewarm, how to be indifferent. His love is a wildfire—one that consumes and leaves scars if left unchecked. And that’s exactly why he hides it. Because he’s afraid that if he lets it out completely, he’ll end up burning the thing he loves the most.
He’s a passionate lover. But not the kind who sweetens his words or whispers promises in hushed tones. No. Raph loves through actions. He loves by protecting, by holding on, by remembering every little detail, by always being there even when you don’t ask. His love is something you feel in the tension of his muscles when someone gets too close, in the way his gaze darkens when someone makes you laugh a little too much, in the way his hand—his massive hands—grip your waist as if you might disappear at any moment.
But as fiery as his love is, his insecurity is just as cold as a bucket of ice water. He’s not the type to throw tantrums or make a scene just because someone else talked to you. No. His jealousy is quiet, internal, corrosive. Not because he doesn’t trust you, but because he doesn’t trust himself.
Every time he looks at you, every time his eyes land on you, his mind is flooded with the same whirlwind of thoughts:
“God, she’s so beautiful.”
“I love her.”
“I don’t know how she chose me.”
“She could have anyone else.”
“I don’t know how she chose me.”
“There are better men than me.”
That last thought is the one that hurts the most. Because no matter how many times you prove him wrong, no matter how many times you stay, no matter how many times you choose him over and over again—deep down, the idea that you could leave never fully leaves him.
That’s why he holds on, even if you don’t notice. Not in a desperate way, not in an obvious way. But it’s there. In how he always walks in a way that keeps his body between you and any other man. In how his fingers sometimes grip the fabric of your clothes just a little too tightly when you’re around others. In how his gaze turns sharp and lethal, even without saying a word.
Because Raph is a warrior. A soldier. A fighter.
But when it comes to love, he doesn’t fight with the same confidence.
Not because he doesn’t want to—
But because he doesn’t believe he has the right to.
Raph isn’t afraid of many things. Not of pain, not of fighting, not of facing an enemy who could kill him at any moment.
But he’s afraid of heights.
And he’s afraid of himself.
Sometimes, on the darkest nights, when the world is silent and there are no distractions to keep him occupied, that fear eats him alive. It burns through his chest like acid. Because he knows what he is. He knows he’s not like Leo, who can think before he acts. He knows he’s not like Donnie, who can analyze things without letting emotions cloud his judgment. He’s not like Mikey, who can let things go with a smile.
He is rage.
He is fire.
He is violence contained within a body too big and a mind too tormented.
And if that rage were ever directed at you…
That thought alone is enough to make his stomach twist. It sickens him, makes him want to throw up, to punch something just to distract himself from the possibility. Because Raph knows what it’s like to lose control. He knows what it’s like to feel his vision go red, to not realize what he’s doing until it’s too late.
But never, never could he allow that to happen to you.
And yet… he’s human. (Well, as close as he can be.) And he makes mistakes.
If you ever fight—if his emotions ignite like an uncontrollable wildfire, if the heat of the argument blinds him, if his voice rises until it becomes a roar—God, he doesn’t even realize what he’s saying. The words spill out like daggers, sharp and unfiltered, filled with frustration and things he doesn’t mean. And deep down, as every syllable poisons the air between you, his throat tightens, his tongue tastes foul, like he’s chewing on something rotten.
But that’s not the worst part.
The worst part is when, in an impulsive act—because he’s always impulsive—his fist slams into the wall right beside you.
The sound echoes. A sharp, heavy thud.
Loud. Too loud.
And when the dust settles, when the echo of his own fury stops ringing in his ears, that’s when he sees it.
Your eyes.
Wide open. Shocked. Scared.
Shit, shit, shit.
That fear in your gaze hits him harder than any enemy he’s ever faced. It’s like a punch to the chest, a bullet straight to the heart. His breath catches. His entire body freezes, and the fire inside him—the one that fuels him, the one that’s always raging—suddenly dies out.
There are no words to describe what he feels in that moment.
Shame. Guilt. Self-loathing.
He’s not afraid that you’ll hate him. He’s afraid that you’d be right to.
That you’ll finally see what he’s always known: that he’s not good for you. That he’s dangerous. That no matter how much he loves you, his own nature will always be his worst enemy.
And if he ever loses you because of that…
He doesn’t even know if he’d be able to keep breathing.
Your footsteps fade into the distance, echoing against the damp concrete of the sewers, and Raph stays right where he is.
Not moving.
Not doing what every fiber of his being is screaming at him to do—run after you, stop you, grab you, tell you he’s sorry, that he didn’t mean to scare you, that he didn’t mean to make you cry.
But he doesn’t.
Because he can still see it in his mind. Your expression, that look in your eyes that wasn’t anger, wasn’t sadness—
It was fear.
He clenches his fists and lowers his gaze. He wants to convince himself that he’s not following you because he’s too proud to apologize, because he hates admitting when he’s wrong (and he was wrong—he always is when it comes to these arguments). He wants to tell himself that it’s because he was already in a shitty mood from arguing with Leo earlier, that it’s not his fault his temper is a ticking time bomb.
But deep down, he knows the truth.
He doesn’t follow you because he’s scared.
Because what the hell is he supposed to say? What words could erase what just happened? How could he possibly fix this without making it worse?
So he does the only thing he knows how to do—
He hits.
His fist collides with the wall again, pain shooting through his knuckles like a reminder of what he is.
Of what he can’t change.
And yet, hours later, there he is.
Standing outside your window.
From out here, he can hear you. Not loud sobs, not heart-wrenching cries, but enough. Shaky breaths, the faint sound of your sniffles. And he—he almost turns around right then, almost runs because he doesn’t know if he can take it.
But he doesn’t.
Because he fucked up. And if anyone deserves to carry the weight of this, it’s him.
Slowly, he opens your window (locked, but you gave him a key). He makes no sound as he climbs inside, though the floor creaks slightly beneath his weight. He finds you sitting on your bed, gaze lowered. And when you finally lift your head and your eyes meet his—
It’s like the air is knocked right out of his lungs.
He doesn’t know what to say.
He’s never been good with words. Never known how to express what he feels without his tongue getting tied, without his voice betraying what he really means to say.
So when he finally speaks, his words are clumsy, short—
A failed attempt at explaining the unexplainable.
But you see it.
You see the way his shoulders slump, the way his eyes avoid yours like he’s not worthy of looking at you. You see the tension in his jaw, the war between his pride and his regret.
And then—he does it.
A step forward. Then another. And another.
Until he’s right in front of you.
His massive hands take hold of you with an impossible gentleness, and in one swift motion, he pulls you against his chest.
It’s firm. Warm. Encompassing.
There are no words that could say what this says.
His breathing is heavy, his heartbeat pounds against your ear. One arm wraps around you completely, the other cradles your head against his neck—like he’s making sure you can’t leave, like he can’t lose you again.
And then you feel it.
A faint touch against your hair.
A kiss.
He doesn’t say “I’m sorry” out loud. He doesn’t need to.
His actions say it all.
And you know it.
So yeah. Reconciliation.
But as he holds you, his forehead pressed against yours, his hand still gripping onto you like he’s terrified to let go—
Raph can only think one thing:
“I just hope I don’t fuck this up again. And if I do… God, please let her forgive me.”
Loving Raph is complicated.
Not because he isn’t worth it, but because he makes it difficult. Because every day is a battle against his own fears, against the thought that maybe—just maybe—he’s not enough for you.
But if you’re wondering about the… intimate side of things.
We all know Raph isn’t exactly innocent.
In his mind, he’s already had you in every way possible. He’s already imagined you gasping his name, cheeks flushed, breath ragged, looking at him like he’s the only thing that exists. He’s lost count of how many times he’s had to slip away, lock himself in the bathroom, and let his hand do the work while his mind recreates you in vivid detail—every little thing he’s memorized about you.
And when he really can’t take it, when the need is unbearable and his body begs for any kind of release, he just tells Mikey to sleep on the couch.
It’s selfish. He knows that. But he doesn’t care.
Because that night, he needs his space.
He needs your scent still lingering on his pillow, needs to bury his face in it and close his eyes while his hand moves at a frantic pace—imagining it’s your skin he’s touching, your mouth around him instead.
But outside of his mind, outside of his most desperate fantasies—
Things are… different.
So far, the farthest you’ve gone is mutual masturbation. And God.
He thought he was going to die when he felt your lips around his length, when your tongue slid along his shaft and your eyes met his. His back hit the wall, and he let out a groan so deep he swore someone in the lair must have heard him.
And when he had you riding his fingers, gripping onto his arm as you unraveled in his hand, he swore his self-control was hanging by a thread.
But he always stops there.
Because Raph is big.
Not just in size, but in strength, in intensity, in everything. And no matter how much you want him, no matter how many times you assure him that he would never hurt you on purpose, that fear is still there.
That damn fear of hurting you.
Because if he were human, he already would’ve had you. He would’ve taken you the way he’s supposed to, given you everything you want—everything he craves with every fiber of his being.
But he’s not human.
And even though his hands were made to protect you, he can’t stop thinking about what would happen if he ever slipped up. If he ever lost control.
Loving him is complicated, huh?
But if there’s one thing for sure—it’s that you could never get bored of him.
Because there’s something incredible about the way he holds you when he jumps across rooftops, the cold air hitting your face and the night sky reflecting in his golden eyes. There’s something addictive about the feeling of being in his arms, adrenaline rushing through your veins as he moves with lethal precision, like the city belongs to him.
And if you train with him… well, that’s a whole different story.
Because Raph loves seeing you strong, seeing you challenge him, seeing you throw punches at him with all the determination in the world. And even though he’d never admit it out loud, he enjoys it way too much when you sit on his shell while he does push-ups.
Not just because he likes the weight of you on him, but because every time he pushes up and down, he can feel your laughter against his neck, your presence wrapping around him like a second skin.
And God knows—there’s nothing in the world that makes him feel more complete than that.
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frozenmoonshine · 9 months ago
TR boys' unexpected/random red flags headcanon:
Just some crack and slander for the humor purposes. As always, don't take it too seriously, and have fun with it at least half as much as I did writing it!
Since I obviously need to spell this out for some of you, even though it's literally in the title of the post - these are the red flags you wouldn't normally expect from them! That's the whole point of them being unexpected. So don't go telling me how I missed the mark with some characters, or how their red flags are something else. Yeah, we all know the obvious ones, but why would I state the obvious?!
TW: F!reader; implied mysogyny; mentions of DV, cheating, and general toxic behavior.
🚩Mikey - proposes on the second date.
🚩Draken - never talks about himself whatsoever. Even when you directly ask him to open up about what's troubling him, he's still difficult and avoids conversation.
🚩Baji - mama's boy. At first, it looks sweet, how he cares about and respects his mother, but soon you realize that he is dependant on her, and cannot make any decisions bigger than what to eat on his own, without "consulting with his mom". Silver lining is that Ryouko is an amazing, lovely woman, but you don't exactly want to date both the mother and the son at the same time, do you?
🚩Chifuyu - overromanticizes everything, then gets mad at you if things don't turn out irl the same they were in his imagination.
🚩Mitsuya - really damn cheap. Like, ok, I know you grew up poor, but going out once a month won't bankrupt you! (You're not even asking him to pay for you or anything like that, but he just refuses to step even one milimeter out of his frugal ways!)
🚩Hakkai - aside from the obvious red flag (you get a package deal of Yuzuha and Mitsuya as well, if you are dating Hakkai), he can also be incredibly self-absorbed and condescending sometimes, thinking he's so much better than you, etc.
🚩Pah-chin & 🚩Peh-yan - putting them together cause they have the same red flag - if you date one of them, the other one will third wheel all of your dates, no exeptions. Might as well just go poly and date them both at this point!
🚩Smiley - refers to women as "females".
🚩Angry - doesn't let you do anything on your own/overprotective. Look, Souya, it's nice that you're being a gentleman, but do you really think I'm incapable of getting a glass of water for myself?! His behaviour can be incredibly stifling and suffocating.
🚩Mucho - won't ever let you pick a date spot cause he's convinced he knows the best. You always end up doing what he wants for dates, or you don't go on a date at all.
🚩Haruchiyo - yeah, sure, he's got more red flags than China, but the not so expected one is that he's incredibly fussy and naggy about the smallest of things. "That's not how you put the trash bag in the can!" "You folded the laundry wrong! Look how I do it!" "Wipe the counter with this, not that!" "Don't leave your hair everywhere! I don't wanna live with a cat!" And so on and so forth, it feels like you are living with your parent(s) all over again!
🚩Hanma - another one with enough red flags to call it a carnival, sure, but the one that catches you off guard is just how jealous and possessive he is. "Where are you going?" "Why is your dress so short?" "You can't go out with male company wearing your tits out!" "Why are you hiding your phone?" "Who's that?" and so on and so forth, you get the idea.
🚩Kazutora - yet another walking red flag in a row (at least his unhealed self), but even as an adult (healed) he still retains that aggression from his teens and gets into random street/bar fights semi-regularly. Him coming back home bloody and bruised is not a rare occurrence at all.
🚩Kisaki - cheats. No idea how he manages to, provided that he looks like... well, that, but he still does.
🚩Taiju - a religious freak prone to domestic violence... what more red flags can you even ask for? None, indeed. But what you don't expect on top of all that is his complete lack of manners and just how loud and embarrassing he can be in public.
🚩Inupi - rude to the waitstaff.
🚩Koko - never got over his ex, stuck on her forever, and cannot ever be fully present in his current relationship. Compares you to his ex all the time, every other person he dated after her was just an unsuccessful rebound.
🚩Izana - does he even have any green ones? Likely not. But what you wouldn't exactly expect from him right away, given all the other red flags that come into front upon the first contact - is that he's a bad mansplainer. "You probably don't know how the betta fish do this thing where..." - Izana, I'm literally a marine biologist.
🚩Kakuchou - breaks up with you over the smallest things. He missed your call cause he didn't hear his phone ring while in the traffic? - He's not good enough for you and you two should break up. He was late 5 minutes to your date because Izana needed his help with something? - He's lowkey ready to commit seppuku, and of course, dramatically breaks up with you. It's tiring, honestly.
🚩Ran - gaslighter and manipulator par exellence! Undiagnozed NPD, but the symptoms are everywhere.
🚩Rindou - loves the gym more than you. Obsessed with working out and body building, won't eat normal food, spends all time in front of the mirror flexing and "checking his gains". Will either try to "get you into fitness" (force you to act the same way he does) or constantly tell you that you "don't understand" just how important it is to him. Is your 10th workout this week really more important than our anniversary, tho, Rindou?
🚩Mocchi - manspreads all the time, and manspreads badly. He's also that type that won't move away from the sidewalk if a woman is coming the opposite way.
🚩Madarame - probably not unexpected, but he's the biggest, worst incel of all. Lives in the manosphere and inhales the alpha bro bullshit podcasts.
🚩South - judges and publicly makes fun of your music taste. It doesn't matter what you listen to, unless it's 101% exactly the same as his taste, he'll be a real bitch about it. Of course, don't even dream about getting a hold of the aux cord!
🚩Shinichiro - doesn't shower regularly. Idk Shin, maybe your lack of personal hygiene was the reason for all those rejections so far? Just some food for thought...
🚩Takeomi - yet another one that's redder than the red army, but what you don't expect is how much he infantilizes you, especially if you are younger than him! Even if it's just one year age difference between you, he'll act all patronizing and constantly emphasise his "rich life experience" and tell you how "you don't understand some things because you are (too) young".
🚩Wakasa - secretly insecure about his height and gets super jealous if he sees you talking to a tall guy. Doesn't even matter if it's your blood relative or a random stranger asking directions in the street - Waka isn't having any of that. He'll sulk and jab at you for the whole day, never saying what the actual problem is.
🚩Benkei - Cannot find/keep a proper job to save his life! Got into some kind of beef with every single potential employer, so he's doomed to working at the gym for the rest of his days.
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djpachipikachu · 9 months ago
doodle dump of unreleased aus that r still actively in my Brain Often but i dont post shit about them
⚠️warning for old art and blood and injury drawn and death mentions⚠️
magic lily au:
main theme -
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summary is that leo is transported to the samurai rabbit universe instead of his family’s arms through a trifecta of his ninpo, mikey’s mystics that begged for him to be safe, and the ki stone sensing a hero in need
when leo lands in the world, he doesnt know any japanese aside from simple phrases he grew up with; “thank you”, “please”, “excuse me”, “help me”, “i love you”, etc
him and yuichi fall in love and he remains there for a few years ! however . theyve all known since the beginning that the ki stone would take leo back once he was healed. she was clear on the fact he was only there to be helped , not to live there . so yuichi and leo hold off the inevitable, despite leo missing his family horribly and knowinf they think hes dead , despite knowing how selfish it was to have one more day with each other , they avoided the ki stone until they go to the temple together and leo is ripped from the world without even a chance to reallt say goodbye to everyone
uhhh etc etc they were their first and last loves as they were both on the aro spec and didnt have a need to find that kinda love again they just . wanted each other and blehhh
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i have a playlist for it as well ! my oldest au , started since i got into the fandom
[temp name]
my original usagi/tmnt iteration with miyamoto usagi as the main protag ! i still want to create a comic and really officially send this out so i wont spoil a lot, but !
the basis is that usagi lives in a post apocolyptic solarpunk society and is forcibly sent back in time to a cyberpunk city where the seeds of a war have begun to sprout, dropped in the middle of the highest tensions between three turtles and their eldest brother who is on the enemy side
doomed siblings, doomed toxic yaoi, doomed Everything, its inspired by idw and 2003 so what else is there to expect
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only showing the beta design for usagi ! i have a lot of other drawings for this but again, spoilers
historical graves au:
this one is the most recent of the bunch, just putting my version of yuichi for rise into a more usagi yojimbo styled setting ! the story is entirely different from the fanfic and im still working on it But
yuichi is the great grandchild of miyamoto usagi instead of a distant ancestor , so the debt of the shogun’s assassination is that much heavier and Far more dangerous to hold. yuichi and his adoptive little sister, hana, have recently escaped the mass murder and pillaging of their rabbit village (the same one that mariko and kenichi and usagi grew up in) and are on a journey to find their aunt for sanctuary
along the way, they run into a lot of familiar faces, such as the hamato clan , who has karai as their jōnin ! also yuichi gets possessed by jei at some point
hes trans too so he “disguises” himself as a boy to be more hidden as they travel
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ive got one more original iteration but theres like . nothing i want to share from it rn lmao
SOOO THATS IT basicallt !!umm if anyone wants to know more about any of these aus id be happy to answer ! u can request doodles of them too !
if u read this far ily and im kissing you
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taleeater · 8 months ago
Fragile Part 9
Generation: Bayverse TMNT
Tmnt x Reader Fanfic
Pronouns: Gender Neutral (except ‘babe’ and ‘princess’)
Warnings: injury, fluff, not proof read
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
When you awoke, you felt a heavy weight across your chest. You blinked your eyes open and looked around. 
The sight that greeted you made you grin. Mikey was sprawled like a starfish across your queen sized bed, snoring away with an arm thrown over your midsection. Poor Donnie was confined to huddle up on his side on the very edge of your bed, in his attempt to be closer to you. Leonardo, when you looked, was sitting on the floor fast asleep with his shell resting against the side of the bed.
All that was left was-
“You awake, shortie?” Raphael was standing in the doorway with a towel around his shoulders. A soft expression on his face that he reserved for just the two of you. 
You didn’t want to wake up the rest of his brothers so you nodded silently at him. He extended his arm out above you for you to grab onto, and he slowly pulled you up out from underneath Mikey without disturbing him, careful not to bonk anyone with your cast. You were left dangling above your bed while you clung onto Raph’s arm like you weighed nothing. Raph chuckled quietly and swung you over to a vacant spot on the floor where you stretched out and touched down gently onto the fluffy rug. 
Raphael nodded in the direction of the door, a silent invitation to join him for his morning workout. You quietly grabbed some clothes from your drawers and trudged out to change in the bathroom as he went ahead of you to the gym. When you joined him a few minutes later, he was doing stretches. 
“How’s the arm?” He asked you in a hushed tone. Not wanting to sound too loud in the quiet of the empty gym. 
“Better!” You said gratefully stretching out your shoulders with your arms above your head. “Donnie said I should be able to get the casts off by the end of the week.”
”Wow, that was fast. I guess you heal like us now, huh.” Raph said with a grin, hiding his relief. “Wanna work on your physical therapy first?” 
“Mh!” You nodded enthusiastically. 
These quiet mornings working out with Raph had become the norm in the past 2 weeks since you had woken up. At first it started as an escape from the insomnia, when you woke up early and couldn’t sleep. Bad dreams and flashbacks from the tank plaguing your mind. Raph would come in and scoop you up and take you with him while he worked out. Not allowing you to be alone with your thoughts. You would lay on his back while he did pushups, and sit in his lap while he did reps. ‘For motivation’ he would say.
After a long hour and a half, and a playful but careful wrestling match that turned into a tickle fight, you collapsed limp onto Raph’s chest out of breath. 
“You’re getting harder to pin down, shortie.” Raph’s chest rumbled with his chuckle.
”Is that so? I think you’re still going too easy on me.” You said with sly eyes and propped your head up on your arm cast to look down at his face.
”So what if I’m going easy on ya? You can try and kick my ass once you’re all healed up, Princess.” He met your sly grin, hands coming up to grab your sides.
You giggled and squirmed in his hold, still feeling sensitive as he moved to sit up with you sat in his lap. You reached up and looped your arms around his neck and hugged him, body flesh against his chest. The big turtle froze a moment then relaxed and wrapped his big arms around you gently. He took in a long deep breath and exhaled in a long huff against your shoulder.
After a long pause, you quipped, “At least I can still throw you on your back whenever I want~”
Raph grinned and started to lightly tickle your sides again, making you squeal and giggle as you tried to escape his hold. “Just because you’ve got mutant strength all the time now doesn’t mean you’ll always have the drop on me!” He whisper yelled as he continued to torture you.
Donnie cleared his throat from the doorway where he was casually leaning against the frame, sipping a fresh cup of coffee. 
“He’s ticklish under his arms.” Donnie said loud enough for you to hear, grinning into his mug.
Raph’s eyes went wide with horror. ”Traitor!” 
Your hands dove for his exposed skin, but before you could reach, Raph grabbed your sides and held you away at arm’s length like a cat. “No fair!” You laughed, calming down from the excitement.
Donnie set down his coffee cup and strolled into the room. He scooped you up and tossed you over his shoulder, rescuing Raph from your attack. The red turtle made an exaggerated sigh of relief, but he was betrayed by his playful grin.
“My turn.” 
Donnie strolled out of the room with you in tow as you waved a goodbye to Raph, and retrieved his cup of coffee as he left.
They had waited for weeks.
They were not able to prevent you from falling into a medically induced coma, but with the blood transfusion you received from Leonardo, your blood pressure had returned to safe levels. With the new medications Donnie was feeding you through your IV, it was expected you would wake up in only a few days. But there were…. complications.
It began as a small rash at the spot of the IV, rough dry skin turning into green scales. After 3 days, small hints of animalistic qualities started to morph your body in strange ways. Your fever only got worse with the changes. But along with the destabilized mutations, your body began to heal the overwhelming damage at amazing speeds. Your blackened bruises changed to green, then yellow, and slowly started to fade, your broken bones were set and mending, and your pallid complexion slowly started to improve. 
Donatello was closely monitoring your body as you healed, but he was also amazed at documenting the changes. Your mutation fluctuated and changed the structure of your muscles, improved bone strength, and appeared to enhance your senses. Changes that before were fleeting and temporary. Any fleeting changes to appearance came and went in waves as your body fought over whether you were more human or mutant.
Leonardo sat by your bedside just as he had during the blood transfusion. But you remained motionless in a deep sleep. By now your body was almost completely healed. So why hadn’t you woken up?
Leo held your hand and stroked your wrist with his thumb. Your hand was so small in his. 
Mikey was sitting at the foot of your bed playing on his Switch, picking weeds in your Animal Crossing save file so when you woke up it wouldn’t be a mess. 
April had been helping to make sure the boys and Master Splinter were all still eating well without you to cook meals for them. She had been by the lair earlier that day to deliver boxes of chinese stir fry and Mikey’s favorite orange chicken. 
Some rustling could be heard from the kitchen as empty paper take out boxes were thrown in the trash, and Raph soon entered the room. 
“How are they doin’?” Raph had worked the past week with Casey as a team to covertly uncover the Foot agent in the NYPD, and discovered some other officers selling their information to the gang under the table. Casey was given a promotion by the commissioner, and the rest of the uncorrupt police department came together to buy Raphael his own motorcycle as a thank-you present.
“Fever hasn’t gone down. No changes yet. Their vitals are still stable and the scales appear to be discoloring.” Donatello updated from his chair he had practically lived in since they returned with you.
Mikey had spent days with his eyes glued to the spot on your arm. As the green started to fade to match your skin tone and flake off he seemed to become more relaxed.
“Do you think they’re going to end up like us?” Mikey said solemnly.
Leo half smiled at his little brother. “It’s possible… and if they do, we’ll be here for them.”
Mikey hummed in response. 
“Shouldn’t we be like, talking to them to pull them out of the coma?”
“This isn’t one of those cheesy hospital soap operas you watch with Master Splinter, Mikey.” Raph gruffed. He took up his usual seat by the door, picking up his whittling knife and resumed his project of shaping the wood block into a dainty flower. 
“Well, technically research shows that speaking with a coma patient can stimulate brain activity and draw them into consciousness. So it’s worth a shot.” Donnie shrugged and returned his attention to his computer station. He had rigged up 3 open laptops that he used to monitor your vitals next to police radio chatter and the updates on Stockman and Bebop and Rocksteady’s whereabouts. 
After all, they still had a score to settle.
“Hey (y/n)…” Leo started. “We’d really like it if you’d wake up now… It’s too quiet around here without you.”
“Yeah! It’s not the same without you.” Mikey folded his arms on your bed and rested his chin. “You still haven’t taught me how to make your lasagna! And I need your help to beat my game!”
“You need to wake up so you can eat something! It’s not good for your body to be stagnant this long. Usually you’re the one bugging me about my health… And… I miss the way you make coffee. It just tastes better when you make it.”
Raph paused in his whittling and looked at you for a long moment, seemingly looking for any sign of movement. His brothers were all looking at him expectantly. He looked away and blushed.
“...You know you don’t gotta do nothin’… to have our attention, I mean. We just want you back safe and sound. Wake up soon shortstack, don’t keep us waitin’.”
An alert sounded on Donnie’s computer, drawing the boys’ attention. 
Donatello fumbled around to grab his keyboard and started typing into the console to pull up the news Casey was forwarding them.
“It’s Stockman. It looks like he’s made more mutants.”
“More mutants?! I thought he used up all of (y/n’s) mutagen on himself!” Leo exclaimed. He walked over to stand behind Donatello and peer over his shoulder.
“There’s a possibility that the puddle left behind in the lab was just enough to use on some small animals, but not enough for a human. The police report reads that 4 frog-like mutants have appeared trying to rob a bank. Luckily the police didn’t mistake them for us.” Donnie rubbed a hand down his face and straightened up.
“Yooooo, frog mutants? You think they might be friendly?” Mikey suddenly looked excited.
“What are we gonna do about (y/n)? We can’t just leave them behind. They’re still sick.” Raph folded his arms looking worried.
“Leave (y/n) in mine and April’s care. She is due to arrive soon, is she not?” Master Splinter entered the room. He stroked his beard thoughtfully. “We can care for them in your place until you boys return.” 
Donatello looked nervous as he fussed with his hands. He looked between Splinter and your resting form, and the location flashing on his computer. 
“Will you be able to monitor their temperature okay? I can stay behind if-“
Leo placed a hand on Donnie’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, dad’s got this. If anything happens he can give us a call.” Leo reasoned with him.
Donnie still looked unsure but he nodded anyway.
Mikey whooped in excitement and headed for the lair’s exit, followed by Leo.
Raph approached Donnie, his gaze trailing back to the med bay door. “....Any sign of Bebop and Rocksteady?” He asked in a low voice.
Donnie shared the dark look in Raph’s eyes and double checked the report on his wrist.
“Not yet. But with Stockman involved, they shouldn’t be far behind.”
“They better be.”
Donnie grabbed his staff and him and Raphel jogged to catch up to Leo and Mikey. Master Splinter watched the retreating form of his sons from the door, his eyes traveled over to the blinking red light on the screen as the police chatter continued over the radio. The words “armed” and “dangerous” followed the descriptions of the kung-fu wielding amphibians, making the old rat sigh.
He prayed for their safety, and that you would be well and waiting for them upon their return.
Attila the Frog, Genghis Frog, Napoleon Bonafrog, and Rasputin the Mad Frog turned out to be a group of mild-mannered mutants. They were well meaning and naively followed Stockman’s orders thinking that the turtles were the bad guys. With Mikey’s help, they quickly discovered that the amphibians had no intention of helping Stockman take over New York. With some persuasion, Casey agreed to help arrange for the frog mutants to leave New York, and move down to the Florida Everglades away from the city. 
But their fight was not yet over. 
The Punk Frogs, as they called themselves, had offered their assistance in taking down Bebop and Rocksteady. They knew of the location where Stockman and the two henchmen were hiding, and led them to an abandoned sewage plant at the edge of the city. 
There, with the help of the frog mutants, they were able to defeat the mutated Stockman. And no doubt, Bebop and Rocksteady appeared. With the help of the amphibious mutants, the 8 of them managed to subdue the tough duo. The four brothers tried to take it a step farther and beat the living shell out of Stockman and the two, but the peace-loving Punk frogs stepped in and convinced them to rethink their actions and let go of their pent up rage.
That didn’t mean they had to like it.
With Stockman, Bebop, and Rocksteady safely behind bars, they returned home feeling dejected. No matter what they did to Stockman, Bebop, and Rocksteady, it wasn’t going to make you wake up.
The four trudged in through the entrance of the lair, and were met by April running up to them from the med bay. 
“It’s (y/n)-!” There was no time to explain as the boys immediately rushed past her and burst through the doors. They were met with the sight of Splinter by your side, holding your hand with a relieved smile on his face as he chatted with you, sitting up in bed.
The turtles held their breath as your vibrant eyes turned to them, and your face lit up with a smile and welcomed them home. Mikey broke down blubbering in tears and the boys all rushed to you. Embracing you in a crowded desperate hug proclaiming how much they missed you. Even Raph shed a few tears of relief.
Since then, they boys only left you alone to bathe and use the toilet without their constant supervision. Strangely enough it became a routine around the lair, the brothers taking turns spending time with you. You could almost call it suffocating, if you didn’t love spending time with them as much as you did. You knew they needed your attention after the scare you gave them being unconscious for so long.
This was just their way of showing you how much they missed you.
Donnie had abducted you to give you a detailed health check up, as usual, making sure everything was healing right and to test your now permanent mutant reflexes. 
“How would you say you’re adjusting to the change in strength and reaction time?”
”Good! I haven’t broken anything since Tuesday!” You said proudly.
”…That was only 2 days ago.”
“So…. I haven’t broken anything in two whole days!”
Donnie pinched the bridge of his snoot under his glasses and sighed. Ever the optimist.
Later you joined him at his computer station while he ran simulations on a new program. You parallel played on a free computer until you got bored with what you were doing, and wormed your way into his lap.
You nuzzled your nose under Donnie’s chin. He chuckled at the ticklish sensation before looking down at you and giving you a quick kiss on the head. 
“You are not helping my productivity.”
“No, but you could say this is a different kind of productive.”
“And what kind is that?”
“Taking a break.” You smiled at him.
He sighed. 
“Okay, you win.” He clicked away from his programming project and changed the window to a website you were streaming Cowboy Bebop from. Donnie hit play on your current episode and snaked his arms around your waist before relaxing back in his chair.
You were beaming, delighted you had won in convincing the overworked turtle to take a break, and relaxed against his chest.
He switched from drinking coffee to water (which he only did on your regulated ‘breaks’), and turned the brightness down on his screen to give his eyes a break.
After 2 episodes, Leo passed by. He paused behind Donnie’s chair for a moment before exiting to the kitchen. A few minutes later he passed by again and loitered around by the computers, pretending to look busy checking the local news reports running on one of the screens. 
Donnie groaned and you chuckled. 
“I think it’s Leo’s turn to borrow you.” Donnie bemused before releasing you to stand up from your spot on his lap. 
Leo perked up and smiled at you, looking a bit bashful at being caught and muttered a quick apology to Donnie for stealing you away. Then he scooped you up and carried you in the direction of the dojo.
“How is your physical therapy going?” He asked casually. 
“Good! My shoulder is all better, and I can do sit-ups without any pain now. Though once I get these casts off I can really test my new strength.” You said kicking your leg out emphasizing the cast. 
Leo chuckled. He set you down in the dojo where he had prepared a pot of tea for the two of you to share, steam still wafting off the lid.
You sat down on the pillow across the table from him, and began your afternoon chat. He talked about his recent training, what they saw on patrol the night before. And you talked about your life from before. Before you were kidnapped. Before you worked for Stockman. About your life in Japan, where you had been, where else you had traveled to. Leo hung on your every word as you described the different cultures and vibrant cities beyond the glow of New York City. He loved listening to you talk.
“You’ve been to Brazil before, right? What was it like?” You were beaming.
Leo blushed as he straightened up, realizing he was leaning across the table as he listened to you. He fake coughed into his fist to clear his head and center himself again.
“Well, we didn’t exactly get to go sightseeing or anything- but we did get to hike through the Amazon rainforest! There were… a lot of bugs.” He said sheepishly, trying to think of a better way to describe it. 
“How big were the bugs? Did you see any snakes?!” Even though Leonardo couldn’t describe things as colorfully as you did, you still ate up everything he said with equal enthusiasm.
Leo’s expression softened. This is why he enjoyed chatting with you so much. His brothers often called him ‘boring’ but you had a way of making him feel unique and interesting. Your change in perspective always kept him guessing and brought new life to things that to him were old and tired.
“Well, actually Mikey thought he had tripped over a tree root, but it was actually an anaconda! He screamed so loud it drew the attention of a nearby research team and we had to hide in the trees when they came to investigate. They thought it was the shriek of some new species of monkey-“ 
You laughed along with Leo as he continued his story. Your chat lasted well over 2 hours, and eventually Master Splinter came by to remind him that he needed to complete his meditation before nightfall. Leo was a little bashful when he realized how late it was getting. 
“Would you like to join me in meditation for a while?” 
“Of course!” Leo lended you a hand and pulled you to your feet, then led you over to the tatami mats covering the dojo floor. He took up his usual spot cross legged on the mats, and before he could protest you sat right in his lap. 
Leo rested his chin on the crown of your head and mumbled, “Do you think you can concentrate like this?”
You adjusted to sit comfortably with your back straight so you weren’t leaning your weight against Leo’s plastron. “Yup!” You answered comfortably. You closed your eyes and rested your hands in your lap.
Leo chuckled and straightened his posture, rested his hands on his knees, and closed his eyes. Master Splinter passed by and smiled at the antics, shaking his head at the bold youth.
No more than 20 minutes had passed when the sound of Mikey’s rocket board starting up sounded across the lair. Everyone out in the common space ran for cover, and soon the hoots and hollers of the orange ninja echoed down the tunnels. 
Leo groaned as he tried to remain focused, while you cracked open a curious eye. 
“Woooo hoooo! Surf’s up dudes!” Mikey circled the living room a few times before Donnie got fed up ducking and bumped the bottom of his board with his bo staff as he passed. Mikey flailed his arms correcting his weight and ended up flying into the dojo.
“Incoming!” Mikey hollered as you and Leo easily ducked as his board passed by overhead, undisturbed. 
Mikey collided with the weapons rack and caused a loud clatter as the contents crashed to the floor. 
“Duuuude…” Mikey was left laying on his shell slightly teetering from side to side. He tilted his head back and looked over to you and Leo, and scrambled to his feet.
“(Y/n)! Did you see me? I totally landed that heel flip! Well- before I crashed. Do you wanna go play Street Fighter with me?” He rambled sliding onto the floor in front of you, posing dramatically on his side. 
“Mikey…” Leo started, his tone threatening as he continued to keep his eyes shut. You giggled.
“Okay! Okay! Buuut hear me out! I just unlocked this new character and-”
Leo sighed long and loud. That was your cue to take Mikey and get outta there. 
You got up and pecked Leo’s cheek, which immediately extinguished any frustration he was feeling and melted his face into a grin. 
“Thanks Leo! Come on Mikey, let's go play games.” You let the orange turtle excitedly tackle your midsection, carrying you over his shoulder and rushing you both out of the dojo leaving the mess behind.
“So Donnie unlocked this new character for me using some cheat codes and he has some sick combos I wanna show you!” He rambled as he flopped you down onto the big couch and started setting up his controllers.
He came back over around the coffee table and handed you your controller before sliding into the seat next to you. 
“No going easy on me, okay? I think I finally have the buttons down!” You warned as you prepared yourself to focus on the TV.
Mikey smiled brightly, and selected the new character. His inexperience with the character was his secret handicap. 
“You’re on!” He started the match and when the game announced ‘Fight!’, the sound of button mashing echoed throughout the high ceilings. 
You fought a few rounds. You hadn’t won any yet but you were starting to come close. Right before Mikey’s character could lock you in a hit combo you nudged him in his side, making him fumbled his buttons. He squawked in protest and leaned into you, trying to push away your controller as you giggled. Some more button mashing and a few well timed strikes later, you managed to defeat Mikey’s fighter.
“Noooooooo!” Mikey lamented as you cheered. He dramatically laid his weight on top of you, smushing you against the couch cushions as you squealed and tried to push him off of you with your good arm. Even with mutant strength it didn’t do you much good.
“Ey (y/n), what’s for dinner?” Raph called over from the kitchen. He was drinking his post workout shake by the fridge, fresh out of the shower. 
Mikey and you both quickly sat up on the couch and looked at each other in excitement.
“Pasta and meatballs or raviolis?” You asked Mikey.
“MEATBALLS!!!!” Mikey jumped up onto the couch and cheered.
You laughed at his antics until he suddenly swooped in and grabbed you from underneath your arms and lifted you up, making you squeak in surprise. 
“To the kitchen!” He announced to the lair, posing dramatically with you tucked under his arm. 
Mikey leapt from the back of the couch, and jogged to the kitchen. He then set you down next to the fridge and opened it.
“Let’s see. We got ground beef, carrots, tomato sauce, ….what else do we need?” Mikey said as he pulled out the ingredients from the fridge.
“Bread crumbs, parmesan, and I’ll add some zucchini for some extra vegetables.” You listed off, pulling out the seasonings you would need from the spice cabinet. When you tried to reach the mixing bowl on a high shelf, Mikey’s plastron pressed against your back as he reached up behind you to grab it. 
“Thanks Mikey!” You grinned as he handed it to you.
“No problem babe!”
Mikey gave you a mischievous grin over your shoulder and snuck his hands around your waist. You got a bad feeling and set down what you were holding before Mikey suddenly hoisted you up.
“MIKEY!!!” You hollered as you were spun around the kitchen. 
Donnie took notice from where he was relaxing in his computer chair and flipped open his phone to connect his music to the bluetooth speaker. The song “When It Feels Right” by Chase White started playing on the speaker as Mikey obnoxiously mouthed the words. You squealed and started to giggle at the antics. He twirled you around and led you to dance into the lounge. The rest of the boys started to emerge from their corners of the lair, drawn out by the music. 
Leo stepped up to politely tap Mikey on the shoulder, and the orange turtle let his older brother cut in. Leonardo let you stand on his feet as he led you confidently in a little waltz around the room. 
Next, Donnie swooped in and stole you away. Since he was so tall he held up your legs for you to sit on his forearm while you looked down at him. Donatello held your hand in his as he spun with you romantically in a dizzying dance. 
Raph came in last to snatch you away, grabbing your waist to pull you away from Donnie. He didn’t care so much for dancing, so he let you lead. You held his hands, and giggled as you rocked and stepped side to side. He smiled, and when he felt confident, Raphael lifted your hand and gave you a little spin.
When the song finally came to an end, the dream-like state didn’t cease. The music was turned down a little quieter, and all the boys came to sit around the kitchen table as you and Mikey worked together to prepare dinner. The lively conversation floating in the air drew out Master Splinter who joined his sons at the table. You held out the wooden spoon to give Mikey a taste of the sauce, who gave his approval. And dinner was served. 
Spaghetti and meatballs. 
And a new happy family.
The End :]  
@itsberrydreemurstuff @thecreat0r64 @eli-chris @kurlyfrasier @autisticnutcase @drenix004 @donniesgirlie @cherryp-op @foggyturtleknightangel @blackrockshooter780 @l-n-g-t @peachesdabunny @silverwatergalaxy @willy-the-witch @caeliasaida @veri-varily @xnorthstar3x @leonardo-dabitchy @sh1ga-to3s @thehighlordishere @bowbeforeyourphrogness @raphies1wife @mythirdlife235 @truths33k3r4 @aweleyirene @horniergirl @glitterystarfishfestival @rozencorpse
Thank you everyone for joining me on this journey!! I deeply enjoyed reading everyone’s kind comments, and I look forward to sharing other stories with you in the future! 😄💖
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meggahamicide · 1 year ago
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Okay, i've decided that i'm just gonna drop/dump some lore on Vermin, so if you're interested, read below! It's really long!
Like canon-Leo's head-cannons, Vermin hides his true emotions behind a smile, but their differences are in the execution. Vermin's smiles are more wicked, more cruel, and he find amusement in making people fear him, having experience in getting people to listen to him by intimidating them.
He pretends to be indifferent to how the brothers act around him, but always keeps an eye out for any signs that they aren't as they say they are. Donnie specifically.
Big emotions are a no-no, so he hides them behind a passive face, empty of anything he's feeling so he can convince those he's talking with that he feels nothing, that he is unaffected by any stressors and anxiety. If anything get's too overwhelming, he retreats to a hidden corner to wait it out and tries not to remember how Draxum treated him when he let his emotions get the better of him.
Because he was raise without certain privileges, he gets extremely giddy around new experiences, such as sampling new foods and trying out video games and skateboarding. It's probably the only time he lets his guard down because he's so entranced by whatever is happening he forgets that he's not supposed to be showing emotion.
With Raph, Vermin just doesn't know how to deal with him. An injury brings Vermin to the lair and Raph is the one who heals him, but Vermin in uncertain whether or not he can trust someone with such obvious strength he can easily use to harm Vermin. He doesn't understand why Raph is so kind nervous when he could dominate his enemies.
Mikey is the one Vermin accepts the easiest other than April. Mikey has a way to handle Vermin without being too invasive and without threatening the slider in any way shape or form and eventually shows Vermin that there is kindness that is not expected to be repaid. He also helps Vermin lean into his chaotic mindset without it becoming harmful to others, like teaching him how to prank the other brothers.
And of course, Vermin loves trying his food, so Mikey basically tempts the slider like he might a feral cat.
Donnie is the one Vermin has the hardest time accepting. He's convinced he can easily beat the soft-shell in a fight, but once he discovers that Donnie is a scientist, he becomes wary of him, skittish and uncomfortable whenever he's around. He knows that there are other ways to get someone to obey than simply fighting.
It takes Donnie being patient and showing him that he means no harm over time that earns his trust. The softshell just has to break through the notion that all scientist are evil and only seek to destroy that which is closest to them. Donnie even goes as far as to promise to never let anything happen to Vermin ever again.
April O'Neil:
The first one to show kindness when Vermin leaves Draxum's lab. She shows the slider a side of society that he was being deprived of when he was with Draxum, helping him see that there is a place for everyone, that things don't need to hurt to be beneficial. She pretty much forcefully adopts him as her little brother and is even protective of him when he interacts with her other brothers.
Baron Draxum:
Was raised by Draxum. More info in the timeline.
Content Warnings: blood and injury, references to child abuse, loss of limb, needles, non-consensual drug use (kind of), non-consensual experimentation and surgery.
It gets dark, so be cautious of the warnings!
Age 0-4:
In the beginning, Lou Jitsu, later known as Splinter, only rescues three of the turtles, who eventually go by the name Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo. The remaining turtle, identified by his red markings, is picked up by Baron Draxum before the lab explodes, destroying his life work. The only remaining bit of his research is the tiny creature small enough in the palm of his hand.
Quick to find a place to stay and recover, the Baron begins working to piece together his research using his subject. He starts a book, scribbling down anything worth noting and refraining from any larger tests besides bloodwork and skin-scraping until the subject is larger, better able to withstand any more intrusive tests.
He begins raising the creature, claiming it as his own.
Age 5-8:
Called by the title Red, the slider reaches acceptable cognizance to begin training by the age of five. He is small, just below the Baron's knee, but he is intelligent enough to understand complex problem solving and language. Weapons training is less successful than desired, but that could be related to the subject's weaker limbs and child-like nature.
Baron Draxum is relentless in his education, always prepared to deliver swift punishment should Red be unable to comply with his desires. Red hates the punishment, often times covered in bruises from the extra training or with a headache from spending his nights in 'The Room,' but he is just as stubborn as his guardian, if not more so. He always seeks to make his boss proud, ignoring the voice that always tells him he's not strong enough, not good enough. Baron Draxum always has a reason for saying things like that, so Red knows he just has to try harder.
He's not exactly sure what a human is, but the Baron is convinced that he needs to kill them all.
Every other week, the Baron brings Red to another room where he 'collects samples.' Red doesn't know what they're for, but he's seen the elder gather some of his freshly peeled chutes and teeth when they fall off, always writing in that journal with a little turtle drawn on the front.
One night, when he's just turned eight, Baron Draxum leaves in a hurry. He's gone for hours, leaving Red to his own devices and wondering if maybe the yokai had finally got bored of him, wondering if he just left him behind because he couldn't satisfy him. Red tries not to listen to the little voice in his head that says maybe that's a good thing, maybe it's better if he stays gone.
Red doesn't see him until the next day, well into the night, and suddenly, he regrets ever thinking those nasty things of his guardian. The yokai is hunched by the door, missing an arm and looking very tired. Red runs to him, but the Baron doesn't even acknowledge him, holding a towel to his stump.
Red is crying. He knows he shouldn't, knows that tears mean weakness, but he's afraid for his boss, afraid of what is happening, because that's a lot of blood. He feels something well up in his chest as he sits next to his guardian, the feeling swelling into his lungs and arms, weaving through his bones and into his fingers, bright, blue light zapping over his fingers. Something guides his hand, pressing them against the yokai's injury and forcing the light into him.
He heals Baron Draxum.
Baron Draxum looks at him like he's solved the world's problems.
Age 9-10:
Test after test after test. Red is sure he's never been through so many tests, but he finally sees the Baron's pride and he wants to impress him, so he doesn't complain when the needle digs too far, or when the scalpel scrapes a little to much skin. This new power is good, that's all he knows. Baron Draxum calls it mystic energy, says that it was a power he was seeking all along, so Red doesn't complain when all of the test make him tired enough to pass out, or make him cry himself to sleep because his chest aches from how long he had to work. Baron Draxum is proud, proud enough to give him a portal sword and teach him how to use it, proud enough to hand him a pair of tonfa and guide him through the motions of building a shield, proud enough to smile when Red uses the kusari-fundo for the first time.
Red trains his new skill until he's sick, until he can't stand, until he can't feel the first time Baron Draxum uses that strange, green liquid on him.
Baron Draxum was proud.
Age 11-13:
Red is pretty sure his name isn't Red any more. It's Vermin. At least, that's what the Baron has started to call him.
Ever since he stopped being able to use mystic energy without fainting, Baron Draxum has stopped using that old name. Now he was a pest, a creature incapable of healing, or portaling, or simply making things float. He is weak.
Baron did something while he was sedated; took apart his plastron and looked around inside. Vermin thinks he was looking for what was so wrong with him, why everything the slider does ends up in failure. He now has a shiny new plate of metal on his chest and a paranoia of falling asleep.
He lost count the amount of times he was put to sleep, but every time he woke to something different, and injection of mutagen transforming his body while he was so out of it he couldn't even open his eyes. His toes and fingers become more flexible, grow sharp talons attributed to some sort of owl. His tongue becomes forked, able to scent things by merely breathing. His hearing and eyesight become sharper, a fox's DNA granting him night vision. He becomes stronger, faster, more agile, but it's never enough.
Vermin's starting to think that it never was going to be enough.
Vermin is awake when Baran Draxum puts in the ports, ignoring how painful it is and preferring to strap Vermin to a table while he digs into the slider's neck and arms, leaving six, shiny new devices embedded in his skin. The Baron has Vermin carry around a canister of green liquid on his back, a 'empyrean variant' he said, and with a click of a button, the canister sprouts tubes that dig into his ports, releasing the substance into his bloodstream. It hurts, floods his system with fire, but Vermin was used to pain. Now he just has a few more scars to show for it.
The substance grants him more power, more strength, more speed. His senses, already sharp, become that much more, overwhelming his sensory intake, but he learns how to fight past the side-effects. Missions outside of the lab become easier, training obstacles the Baron create become simple to dispatch, he always hurts but there is no other option.
It's always been the Baron and him, but maybe... maybe it doesn't have to be.
He's tired of hurting, tired to running himself to the ground, tired of covert missions that paint Baron Draxum as the ultimate threat when he's doing all the work, tired to sneaking around New York City in a futile attempt of gathering information that will likely never be useful. He tired of being compared to the experiments that didn't live through the first test, he tired of living up to a trio of dead beings that weren't even strong enough to compete with him. He tired to the punishments, of the bruises, of the empty room, of the nightmares, of the expectations.
He's just tired.
On the morning of his fourteenth year, Vermin comes to the conclusion that Baron Draxum isn't the be-all-end-all, that his ideals do not have to be his own. It fills him with a giddiness that leaves him trembling, his heart pounding.
In the middle of his fourteenth year, Vermin leaves.
Age 14:
The first person Vermin officially meets a human named April O'Neil.
Age 16:
...Vermin is starting to think his name was meant to be Leonardo all along.
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tangledinink · 2 years ago
Ignore this.
What would happen if Swanatello was badly injured, like either doing his usual guardian things or some sort of late flare up injury from the invasion, and needed immediate treatment?
Like, in a life threatening situation, would Raph Leo and Mikey risk sending Swanatello into a panic/fury in order to save his life? Could they even manage dragging him to the med bay?
((Or does Swannie have some Magical girl powers of healing?))
*Scurries away*
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swanatello. ->
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imababblekat · 1 year ago
TmnT Boy's Reaction To April's Roomie Dressing Nice; Hc's
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Anon request, "Hey so I have a quick request- but first ima say that I love your writing style and your spider-person/tmnt AU! It’s so fun to read your work and I say it again, I love it! Anyway tho, can I pls request on how the turtles react to our sleepy roommate, actually looking their best. Such as in a nice outfit and they freshened up. Please don’t feel like you have to write this. And you can skip it if you want. But ya, amazing work! ✨✨✨"
A/N: Aw thank you! sorry i've been dead lately, hopefully i'll be able to get to it tho ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
◍ Previous/Mentioned Post◍
◌ (c,c) = chosen color ◌
100% whistles when he comes to pick you and April up for a special NYPD ceremony and gets a look at your nightly outfit
It’s not even anything super sexy; a (c,c) long sleeved, v neck jumper with a simple floral design down one of the open pent legs accompanied with a pair of (c,c) block heals and simple but stylish jewelry
The outfit and your styled up looks are just so different from what Mikey is used to seeing you in, which is usually either comfy sweats or casual clothing depending on the location
He lets you know how stunning you look and doesn’t miss the way you shyly try to hide your blush at his compliments, which only spurs him on some more
At one point in the night he makes a slightly flirtatious comment about how he’s not surprised you pulled off such a look, because he thinks you’re gorgeous in anything, and is promptly met with your very flustered response of shoving your matching orange purse in his face (he regrets nothing!)
This poor turt feels his stomach fluttering when lays eyes upon your outfit for the nights celebration
Accentuating your appearance is a soft (c,c) dress with a sewn on silk cape that covers your upper arms, frilly tights cover your legs and adorable (c,c) flats support your feet, and to top it all off is a simple but very cute pastel purple bow clipped neatly to your hair to pull it all together
Donnie nearly chokes up on his words trying to think of the right thing to say, as he’s so used to seeing you wearing anything else but this type of style
Eventually he settles for just offering you his arm to walk with him into the rented convention center the NYPD is hosting in, to which you appreciatingly take
You’re just so pretty and to be frank the purple bow is definitely throwing him off in the best of ways
Of course, Donnie being too smart for his own good, has a sneaking suspicion the accessory was a purposeful choice based on your little smirk and glinting gaze
All the impatience Raphael felt waiting for you and April to finish getting ready dissipates like water in the Sahara when his golden eyes lay witness to your get up
Enveloping you is a beautiful (c,c) asymmetrical cloak sleeved top that cascades diagonally down your form and to match are a pair of equally flowing wide leg trousers and (c,c) coned heels
The accessory picked to match is a very pretty necklace with a glimmering ruby, a detail that does not escape Raphael’s notice
Speaking of notice, it does not escape you the slightly awkward silence you and April are greeted with from the burly ninja
Raph is quick to fix himself when April ask if he’s okay, hoping no one notices the deep blush upon his cheeks, and he jokingly pretends to not recognize you, saying he’s just focused on trying to see where you’re at
You of course roll your eyes at his antics and smack his arm, Raphael chuckling at your slight feistiness he adores, and commits your un-characteristic appearance to the catalog of memories he has of you
Much like Raphael, Leonardo is left speechless when the balcony window to your and April’s apartment opens to reveal your chosen attire for the NYPD ceremony
A (c,c) suit blazer tops a neatly ironed dress shirt that’s tucked into matching (c,c) slacks held up by a fastened belt and to match are a pair of (c,c) oxfords to offer your feet comfort as well as added fanciness
The blue tie around your collared shirt is what catches Leo’s eyes, a grin spreading across his face as he steps inside and makes a comment about how the outfit suits you
Ignoring his punny compliment you simply say thanks before adding that you just wish you could get the tie to not be crooked and if he would be okay lending a hand
Leonardo has no issue helping especially when it comes to you and as he closes the gap between you to adjust said troublesome tie, it takes all of his willpower to not get completely enraptured by the deepening blush upon your soft cheeks, that of which always seems to make him equally flush
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goodlucktai · 6 months ago
29 with Mikey and Leo please!
29. “Tell me where it hurts, and be specific.”
It really was his own fault. If Mikey didn’t want to be babied, he shouldn’t have broken his wrist. 
He was mostly just annoyed it happened in such a boring way, catching himself wrong falling off his skateboard.
Yes he’d decided to sneak off and find a sewer tunnel to attempt the full pipe loop a full two weeks before Draxum said the gross mystic mandrake tea would finish running its course, but he felt fine! His hands barely shook anymore, only when he overworked himself or let himself get too tired or too excited.
But from the look on everyone’s faces when he slunk home ungraciously dragging his board behind him, you’d think he was at death’s door. 
What was worse, Donnie wheeled him by the shoulders into the infirmary and deposited him right in front of Leonardo, the only person Mikey couldn’t out-stubborn, whose affable smile faded at once into that serious look that made all of his siblings straighten their spines and pay attention.  
If the skateboarding accident had happened pre-almost-apocalypse, Dr. Leo would have probably led with a joke instead of, “Tell me where it hurts, and be specific.”
Mikey resigned himself to a ridiculous amount of mother-henning for the duration his arm was stuck in its short cast. His brothers took his newly fragile hands so personally, like they were the ones who couldn’t hold an inking pen or color inside the lines or even cook a meal more complicated than lasagna without having to give up in the middle and have someone else take over. Like they were the ones who woke up shaking in the middle of the night from some distant, half-forgotten dream of disappearing into fragments of light, arms radiating pain like it was their job, a confused jumble of grief and fear and farewell on his tongue until he went and climbed into bed with papa or Raphie and let them hug it all away. 
Leo said Mikey’s wrist wouldn’t need the full six-to-twelve weeks that a baseline human’s would due to their genetic modifications—“Thank you, Barry,” they had chorused in varying degrees of sincerity (Mikey, Raph and Casey) and sarcasm (Leo, Donnie and Splinter)—but that he still needed to give it time to heal.
“You’re the toughest guy I know,” Leo had said, poking Mikey on the beak to stall the inevitable whine, “but you gotta give yourself a break, Miguelito.” 
He said it like his skin wasn’t still bruised like a peach and his shell all wired together from going one-on-one with an actual living nightmare even as he found the energy to take care of someone else. 
He sat there in the doctor’s seat, pressing carefully around the wet fiberglass to mold it to Mikey’s wrist, all his attention bent to the task. He always tended to his brothers’ hurts the same way, as if it was the most important and remarkable thing he’d ever do. 
Leo’s own casts had only been removed last month, and he was usually very good about following his own medical advice, if only because he knew his siblings would cite his behavior in a heartbeat if it meant they could loophole around doctor’s orders. So Mikey really had no choice but to sulk and accept the distant cousin of scolding he received. 
“It’s not a race,” Leo said, smiling at him. “No one’s gonna run off without you. Where would we go that’s half as good as where you’re at?” 
It was his knee-jerk reaction to smile at Mikey, like his day got better automatically when Mikey was in it, and it soothed that jangling, frustrated thing inside of Mikey’s chest that only got loud when no one took him seriously. Leo always took him seriously, was always the first of their siblings to believe he could do anything he said he could do, and that meant taking Mikey’s injuries seriously, too. 
He’d seen the way Leo had to run himself ragged making sure Donnie kept up with the treatments to his shell and Raph followed instructions on taking care of his eye to the letter. They were trying to spare Leo additional stress, but if they knew they were only compounding the stress he was already in and making it ten times worse, Mikey was pretty sure they’d shut up and take their medicine. 
Mikey wanted to be on Leo’s team, not playing against him. So he put his sulk away and put on his best listening face instead, rewarded when some nearly-invisible line of tension in Leo’s shoulders relaxed until it was gone.
Besides, it wasn’t all bad. He got to pick what color cast he wanted, and got everyone to sign it. And it wasn’t the most horrible thing in the world not to have to do any chores. 
And when Leo announced to the lair as a whole that he was going to visit his tío Hueso and bring back pizzas for dinner—in a tone that made it very clear he was not asking for permission or inviting any worrywart older siblings along—he followed it up with, “You coming, Angie?” 
Maybe because he had been under the scrutiny of worrywart older siblings, too, and understood better than anybody how close Mikey was to biting the next person who tried to baby him. Or maybe because Mikey was the exception to Leo’s rules and he always had been—always invited and always welcome and always wanted. 
In another place, in another time, Leo asked Mikey to die for him, and Mikey died for him. 
In this kinder one, Mikey jumped to his feet with a grin and said, “I’m with you!” and it didn’t cost him anything.
It should have been silly to say something out loud that they both knew was true, but sometimes it was nice to hear it.
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victiamai · 6 months ago
Tokyo Revengers Interactions - Part 2(motorcycle rides and other things)
⚠️Inappropriate language and some obscenities ⚠️
🦋Visit me on Instagram 🦋
✨Personal Instagram: @vic_m.d✨
✨Arts Instagram: @vic_tia_mai ✨
⚠️English is not my first language, so forgive me for any mistakes in this story ⚠️
💋Female reader 💋
💜Happy reading! 💜
⭐ characters: Hakkai Shiba, Takemichi Hanagaki, Chifuyu Matsuno, Shuji Hanma, Takashi Mitsuya, Souya Kawata (Angry), Nahoya Kawata (Smiley), South Terano (Bonus)⭐
Hakkai Shiba:
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•He's trying to overcome his shyness around you. But even so, he can't stop blushing when you hug his waist.
•Motorcycle rides are frequent.
•He was taking you to your parents' house.
•You slowly got off when he stopped the bike. You hugged his neck or kissed him. "Are you sure you don't want to stay, my love?" You asked looking into his eyes. "I'm sorry princess, I really can't today... Gang stuff..." You made him promise to stay next time.
•You kissed him one more time and he left on the motorcycle.
Takemichi Hanagaki:
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•Your idiot childhood best friend Hanagaki Takemichi
•You almost regretted asking him to take you home after school.
•He got the "twin" of Mikey's bike not long ago. Takemichi didn't seem to be very experienced with bikes.
•"Takemichi, for the love of God... DON'T LEAN SO MUCH WITH THAT BIKE!" you shouted in complete despair.
•Hanagaki took a turn so fast that you were forced to lean over to avoid falling with the bike, you and everything. "TAKEMICHI!" You screamed as your leg scraped on the asphalt.
•Get ready to give him a lot of slaps and get a lot of apologies.
Chifuyu Matsuno:
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•"Hey Chifuyu?" He looks at you over his shoulder. "Yeah, Y/N?" You lightly fix your hair. "I need to be home early today... I thought you could drive me there. Well, you have a motorcycle right?" He healed violently at her request. "Of course y/n..." You hear his friends celebrating.
•He is worshipping your body close to his.
•My God, how he wants you to hug him!
•He took great care while riding with you on the back of his motorcycle.
•He is 100% fulfilled with the event.
•When he dropped you off in front of your house, he felt light as feathers, ready to fly away.
•You can be sure he will tell Baji everything, This one will be extremely happy and proud of his friend.
Shuji Hanma:
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•Being Hanma's companion has its challenges. But it also has countless advantages.
•"Hey y/n, sweetie" his voice is so sweet today that you even found it strange.
•Hanma drags you up and down to his gang meetings. And there you were once again.
•You had to fight your way through the various delinquents to get to him. When you got to the front with him, his face was grim.
•"Let's go!" Something very serious had happened soon but you didn't dare to ask.
•Hanma joining the Tokyo Manji gang was quite a surprise for you.Mad you're a good girl, you're a good girlfriend, and good girls and good girlfriends don't ask their evil boyfriend questions.
•Hanma was "asked to leave the gang" another big surprise for you. And once again you didn't ask anything.
•That night, he took his anger out on you. Hanma thrust in and out of you with a murderous fury. His eyes flashed as you grabbed his back with your sharp nails. And that only made him more excited.
• "Do you like that? Is that right baby girl?" Good luck walking the next day.
Takashi Mitsuya:
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•Mitsuya is your best friend. You call him that, although Mitsuya doesn't like that title very much.
•He made a beautiful new outfit for you. 'She's going to look hot in that outfit...' he thought, unable to contain himself, as far as his imagination went.
•Mitsuya imagined what you would look like in the outfit he made. You and your beautiful body covered in the soft fabric he chose especially for you.
•Mitsuya picked you up from your school that afternoon. He offered you his helmet and you sat behind him. As usual, you hugged his waist to keep from falling off the bike.
• "y/n... I made something for you" he said fixing shyness.
•It was clear that it was a new outfit, you hugged him and rested your face on his shoulder.
•"You must have looked beautiful, Suya" and you really did look beautiful, you looked beautiful. And Mitsuya let it show.
•That night, Mitsuya stopped being your best friend, although he still remains just your.
Souya Kawata (Angry):
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•Angry is completely different from his smiley twin brother. Anyone can easily see that.
•The other twins are childhood best friends, and this has generated countless virtues for you.
•You never walked again, for example. You didn't have to worry about your own safety, and that was wonderful for you.
•You love the twins. And they love you. Although in different ways.
•Smiley you just a little sister. As for Angry... Ah... He worships you like a true goddess.
•You were going to the market when the twins passed you on their motorcycles.
•"Hey y/n" shouted the smiley "get on the bike girl, I'll give you a ride!" You were happy until the pink-haired twin. Until Until you noticed the blue-haired twins staring at you with those sad eyes. Although he maintained his usual furious expression.
•"Sorry Nahoya, but I'm going with your brother this time..." Smiley whispered whatever. Smiling as he watched you go to his brother.
•You held on to him tightly as the two bikes rode side by side down the street.
•When you got off the bike, Nahoya looked at you smiling "go on girl, we'll be waiting for you outside."Souya looked at you desperately and said, "And please choose me again."
Nahoya Kawata (Smiley):
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•(lots of sex between you two.) He loves fucking his childhood friend.
•Make no mistake, in this part of the story it is Smiley who is in love with you. And Angry to see you as a younger sister.
•Smiley is fast. One minute you're talking about high school, and the next you're having sex for the first time.
•Grind your ass on his cock, he loves it when you do that. "Fuck baby girl... You're gonna make me cum like that!"
South Terano (bonus):
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•Please your man. He deserves it. South grabs your hair, pushing your head against his body. You choke, relax your throat and try again.
•He makes a huge effort not to be too rough with you. After all, you are his precious and favorite rag doll.
•Come on girl, get that dick down your throat nice and tight. He'll reward you in no time.
💋Hey, did you like the story? Suggest me more characters for part 3💋
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phecdasolar · 7 months ago
Tumblr I need your help I am in dire need of feral/unhinged Disaster Twins fics pleaseeee (and maybe Mikey as a bonus) I’m just in love with the idea of Raph being the impulse control for once with this iteration, and just the second he’s out of commission the other three go insane.
Weapons of War, Bioengineered Killing Machines, Manufactured Supersoldiers Rottmnt turtles my BELOVEDS
And maybe just like,,, set Leo and Donnie loose on one of the other dimensions and have them absolutely horrifically annihilate their counterparts’ villains while they watch on in horror
(B.E.A.S.T. was SUCH a good fic you guys oh my GOSH go read it I’m begging you-)
I NEED to have it addressed in fic form that the Rise turtles are fundamentally different than all their other counterparts, because their counterparts? They were accidents. Just a couple of turtles splashed with mutagen and oh look now they’re people but Green. (Huge oversimplification I’m aware but hear me out okay-)
But the Rise boys were created. They were specifically designed to be weapons of mass destruction. They were built with the intent to cause harm which means they were bioengineered to be stronger, smarter(?), faster, to heal quicker, to have the capacity to take hard hits while dishing out even harder ones, they were literally forged with a purpose to kill.
Add on their mystic powers? Then their unlocked Ninpo? You can’t honestly tell me that these four aren’t the strongest and potentially deadliest version of themselves out there.
Yes they still had to learn things, as did the other iterations, they weren’t immediately good (that much is obvious, like c’mon it’s IN the name) but I don’t think the other iterations possess the same instincts as these guys do. They’re just so. Unhinged. They’ve all had their moments in the show I think where it’s obvious they’re not really,,, stable. I love them.
In a plain fists only, maybe weapons, no powers fight, I do think some of the other iterations would win, but purely because they have way more experience than these guys do. (If I did any crossovers I’d say 2003 and 2012 are definitely older than these guys, especially if we’re basing this at the end of their shows) But put them against each other when they’re still at the same level? Rise is whooping butt, I know where I’m placing my bets. It’s called RISE of the TMNT for a reasonnnnnn they’re not there yet but they WILL BE, and as of the end of s2 and the movie I say they’re finally THERE.
I have no idea how this turned into a headcanon rant this was just supposed to be me asking for fic recs hsgdjdjdk it’s almost 3 am tho so whatever sorry if none or only some of this is incoherent o7 o/
Editing this with a list of fics I have been graciously recommended below the cut:
Firefight by remrose [43/43 chapters 222k words] (edit: JUST FINISHED READING ch38-42 WATCH ME BAWL MY EYES OUT I was rotating them in my brain all morning at work) less on the feral side, more on the gut-wrenching angst side, still Disaster Twins and still super good
In Which Donnie and Leo Make Themselves Everyone Else's Problem in an NYC That Isn't Even Their Own by YukiSkyes [7/? chapters, 18k words] the CLASSIC “the Disaster Twins are unapologetically causing chaos” fic, always a delight to read
The Lemon Leak by TurtleSoupSwimmer [27/37 chapters, 143k words] I’m being told it’s very true to the theme here, and it’s very angsty, a suspenseful psychological thriller, and will make you scream at your phone. I for one am very intrigued
Eschatology by aenor_llelo, Alderous, ConcoctionsFromHell, izziel_galaxy, Jaybird314, Otakuforlife19, and Rocket999 [17/17 chapters, 344k words] “HEAVY on the boys being biologically engineered to destroy the world, it also delves into so much character building and worldbuilding that we never got in canon, and it gives even super minor characters the chance to shine” Sounds intriguing, AND it’s a BNHA crossover which I am a big fan of :D
The Hunter’s Bible also by TurtleSoupSwimmer [2/2 chapters, 15k words] Rated Mature, contains themes of SA and c@nnibalism so PLEASE keep that in mind!! Not a fic for the faint of heart this is a Dead Dove: Do Not Eat! The SA is only attempted, and never shown, only implied, and it’s only in ch 1, but the other stuff is fairly descriptive and takes place in ch 2. All that being said, flipping UNHINGED, just about lost my mind in ch 2, it was entertaining in a surreal kinda way if you get what I mean. Funky little feral creatures
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