#some long ass ramble idek ok
celestie0 · 28 days
Girl I was balls deep in my attempt to make fanart for u a couple months ago
Like I had the reference pictures collated and I sat my ass down and picked up an pencil with the intention of actually drawing something after ages
cause basically I became a lil sad cause I felt like I forgot to draw bc last year in school I took an external art subject and it didn’t occur to me that doing a hands on subject through distance study wasn’t the brightest idea
anyway that fucked me over and led to me dropping and taking up fucking legal studies 😭
Even though I’m a bit more STEM based I can still fw the wordy subjects but not this someone pls save me why am I being assessed on the bi cameral structure of parliament
saur yh I’m super lazy as is with anything so that situation just put me off drawing and art completely
congrats to me setting every world record for yip yapping and going off track
ummm yh for context it was like my 10th read through of the kickoff chapter 6 scene that compelled me to collate a bunch of reference pics that ranged from twitter smut comics to bathroom sinks and eventually I gave up because anatomy is a bitch
I changed into a dress with the same type of neckline I think reader was wearing bc of the way it tucks under her boobies and I was this close to just shamelessly positioning myself in front of the mirror to make my own references
then ofc I got distracted by a half baked portrait of Rose from titanic that I drew when I was like 15 and ended up drawing a two hour long remake of the same picture
only for my friend to tell me it looks like Mary Shelly’s ghost
Should I know who that is
To be fair it looked nothing like her but I mean it was an improvement from thinking all my ability just went poof and I drew better when I was 15
never the less I was somewhat disappointed with the product and I haven’t drawn since
wait I wanna show u actually lemme try
the Mary Shelly in question
do these links work I’m scared I’m gonna accidentally leak personal details or my whole camera roll lol
also IM NOT AN ARTIST don’t judge me peeps I’m just a girl idek how to drive yet
I feel bad every time I send an ask I feel like I’m force feeding u Ellie babes u have the patience and commitment of a saint
I want to 😞🫶 but alas prospect of fanart from me will most likely never see the light of day
that crack scene in ihm was tempting tho everything u write is just so visual
♥️ mwah my gorgeous gorgeous writer wifey
hellooo my dear PLS the ramble of this ask is legendary and i found it very entertaining xD
ouuu the dress that reader wears in ch6 of kickoff is actually based on a dress that i own, here's some pictures of it!! i'm curious if the dress you have is similar!! but yea this is the official outfit reference hahah
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looking at it now it's kind of a mild sweetheart neckline lol n yea def tucks under the boobs very nicely xd i was actually gonna sell it on depop a couple months ago when i did a closet cleanout but i was like nahhh i gotta keep it bc it inspired that scene
taking your OWN reference pictures sounds so badass. and its ok babe it's the thought that counts haha <3 i feel u about the losing passion/talent in art thooo aaa i used to draw too but ehh hobbies fizzle
ahh i can't see the cloud photos :(( but anywho thanks for the yap my dear!! i ate it up. also side note but i'm so glad my writing comes off visual to you!! i always worry there's not enough description in my scenes so that's reassuring to hear. much love!
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ofmanywiles · 5 years
tbh ive been simultaneously distracting myself and trying to gather my thoughts and feelings for the past couple of days
i was already emotional over the fact that sj were finally coming back ~as a whole after their ‘military hiatus’, and idk in a way her death made me appreciate that theyre back and that theyre even still going after 14 years. even though i didnt have like .... ~emotional attachment to her (in that she wasnt exactly a ~bias and ngl i hadnt really been following kpop for the past few years, let alone her career esp after she left f(x)), the fact that f(x) were the first girl group that i followed right from their pre-debut kinda just really hit me. idk how to separate my thoughts. ive just been listening to sj’s album on repeat for the past two days, just enjoying the fact theyre back but at the same time worrying about how theyre coping. im glad they still have each other and theyre as close as they are. but it still worries me esp since teuk has spoken about his depression before, but also his tendency to keep his struggles to himself. but hopefully the members will be able to help each other through this difficult time.
i hope they can still feel the fans support for them. it hurts to hear that teuk had thought this would be their last comeback while preparing for the album because they seemed to be losing fans and people were moving onto younger newer bands and their last couple of releases hadnt been great successes. i guess that’s why there’s all the nostalgic references throughout the album and the whole ~newtro concept. and im glad that his mind was changed after seeing the support at ss8, but it still hurts. i mean, fine, yeah, i hadnt really been into kpop that much since maybe around 2014?? and i didnt keep up to date with their music tbch but they were one of the few groups id actually bother to think about and go back and catch up on every few months.
simply because of the fact that they were the ones who got me into kpop.
and theyre the ones who brought me back.
(well... kyu returning from military to be accurate lmao)
man.... personally its been over a decade. probably around 12 years?? all i can definitely remember is that u was the mv that really introduced me to sj and kpop, that chul in dont don reminded me of reno in ff7:advent children lmfao, but it was defo before sjm debuted, so yeah late 2007-early 2008 was when i got into kpop.
tbh the anticipation this comeback takes me back most clearly to sorry sorry. the first album i really ~waited for, the first album i bought (with multiple versions lmfao rip pocket money). a decade later, i had the same feelings of following all the build up, the teasers. obviously theres a lot More this time round, what w social media and sj returns lmao but just simply the feelings of looking forward to a comeback are the same, with an extra hit of nostalgia, and the thoughts of what ifs, couldve beens ......
actually thinking back to sorry sorry era kinda makes my heart ache. that song and album really pushed them to the forefront of kpop - not my favourite sj song but it is special simply for the success it brought them. but also it was the last time really all of them were together. maybe thats why it is so special. yeah it is overplayed, and it’s not exactly a musical masterpiece, and we mock how it was basically remade into miina and mr simple.
but the memories it holds. of the making of hallyu kings. of ot13.
and ten years later now theyre back as whole as they can be again.
and i hope that, even though the promotions aren’t going smoothly, they can have that feeling of success again, in whatever sense of the word it may be for them. it’s not been easy, these fourteen years. we still believe in u. ur fans are still here. thank you for brightening my days, with your chaos and with your music. thank you for even bringing me into kpop, despite the misgivings i have about the fandom and the industry. maybe ur not perfect, but thank you for being people, idols, a group, for others to look up to. despite all the setbacks and everything that’s been chucked at you, metaphorically, uhh literally, thank you for showing us ur perseverence and loyalty. thank you for giving me the opportunity to be ur fan, whether you are 12, 13, 15, 10, or 9, or less.
thank you for being super junior though maybe not so junior now
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unsettledink · 4 years
A while back I made up a list of fics I had ideas for/wanted to write, mostly to try and drum up bids for Marvel Trumps Hate.
Since then I have, of course, had approximately five million new ideas and keeping track of them has gotten a bit out of hand, so i thought I’d try and put them all in one place that I could come back to and also update more easily. Also possibly some sort of… accountability thing? Like if I put them out into the universe I’m more likely to actually write them? Well I can dream.
There’s going to be a couple of these, divided up by pairings. Feel free to ignore, it’s mostly housekeeping!
(This one’s just for spiderio and polyspiderio ideas.)
(* for the new ideas)
Gotcha - Quentin’s willing to play out a long con to gain Peter’s trust and EDITH. He’s not going to catch feelings, don’t be ridiculous. These... these aren’t feelings! He can’t stand Peter! (Oh shit they’re SO MANY FEELINGS.)
Soulmates turn good plans into disasters – a 5+1 structured fic of different takes on how Peter and Quentin could discover that whoops, they’re soulmates
Just watched him die – something that might be a bit meandering about how Peter got from running into fire to save vulture to not even attempting to keep Beck from dying, and how the guilt eventually comes crashing down (and Beck’s probably not dead, will probably take advantage of said guilt)
ABO hooker fic – for Reasons(tm), omega!Peter is selling himself while hiding, taking risks he shouldn’t be. Ends up with alpha!Beck as a regular client and things progress into ~feelings~. Somehow slots into place after endgame and keeps a lot of the EDITH plot? Yeah I’m working out the details; it’s going to be a long one.
Yet another fun with illusions fic – Beck messes with Peter’s head on the trip, convincing him that the illusions he’s using are actually dreams where Peter’s subconscious is trying to convince him giving up EDITH is the right choice, via sex dreams featuring Tony and/or Beck. Gets in deep enough to mess things up in the bridge confrontation; not a happy ending.
Baby’s first d/s attempt – Peter getting curious and trying to find someone online, obviously turning out to be Beck. They Should Not but Do have all the kinky sex. At some point Tony discovers and does not approve, and then endgame. (There’s going to be some messing around with ages in this.) Beck is not snapped, Peter is, Tony is an asshole about it: gameplan Mysterio is still on– wait, what do you mean Peter’s alive again? I am still up in the air about happy vs sad ending here.
Continuation of Causality – that mind control drug was pretty fun for Beck, so why not use it again? Who cares if it’s screwing with Peter’s head and he’s literally losing his mind? Featuring slightly worrying sex, asshole Beck, and unsure if he’s turned on or miserable Peter.
Hanahaki & sequel – Why does Peter have such a thing for assholes that will absolutely not love him back? Why is Peter’s enhanced body a nightmare and not allowing him to be cured or die from this? Why does he keep hallucinating Beck alive and showing up at night to mock him and have sex? (I know why.)
Nicknames - (kind of cracky) Quentin was to busy going ‘oh no, he’s cute’ to catch Peter’s name. So he’ll just call him increasingly ridiculous nicknames and confuse the hell out of everyone.
Egg kink - what’s that, another ‘Peter DOES lay eggs’ fic? Yes! In which Quentin is not nearly as freaked out as Peter, and really enjoying winding Peter up. Right up to the point where they both realize this is hotter than they thought.
Groundhog Day collab with the_me09 - Quentin gets stuck in a loop and takes a long, long time to get out of it. Long enough for him to stop dying, stop killing Peter, stop winning, and start falling for that stupid kid.
Secondhand verse – following after this, things growing steadily worse, hotter, and more complex between Peter, Beck, and Tony. Bad decisions all around! Unexpected feelings all around! General unhappiness at having feelings that can be hurt all around! Probably a series of fics.
12:00 - follow up to 11:59, Tony and Peter finally getting it on and Beck being an ass in the background. Also the prequel that’s primarily Peter/Quentin, and possibly a sequel where Tony decides that maybe it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, watching Beck fuck Peter - and Peter liked it, right? Everyone’s down for a totally uncomplicated round two, right? Or three, or four…
Aegis outside POV – ok I know no one wants this but me, lol. The events of Aegis, seen through William’s pov; Quentin in all his unhinged glory.
*Aegis, the happy ending – the version of Aegis where Quentin has one moment of trust and things go... not great, but no one dies at least. (I can’t seem to let go of this verse idek.)
*Test Subject continuation – so what IS in the rest of those vials? (a lot)
*Blackmail take two - Quentin’s noticed that Peter is into Tony, and he’s going to take advantage of that with some illusions. And then take advantage of Tony with the tape he made of ‘Tony’ fucking this clearly underage boy rough.
*Alley sex - instead of getting a drink, Quentin convincing Peter to have a quickie in some dark corner.
* Are those eggs?? - for Reasons, spider bite has done something to Peter that means he produces eggs. Quentin is being a dick and teasing him about it during sex, only whoops, that’s actually kind of hot? For both of them? What is happening? Guess they’ve got an egg kink.
(And feel free to talk to me about anything here, I love an excuse to ramble. Also, if something grabs your attention, have fun writing it - the more the merrier!)
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xoruffitup · 5 years
Adam Driver on SNL: 1/25 Dress Rehearsal Recap
I’m having dejavu of the best kind. I’m sitting here on the bus on my way back from NYC in hungover euphoria and overjoyed disbelief at everything I just experienced, texting new friends and old, recounting everything in my head and smiling so hard. The September 2018 weekend of Adam’s last SNL show lives in my memory in unmatched infamy, so my excitement was off the charts to do it all again. And because this show was absolutely fucking INCREDIBLE, this weekend delivered in every way all over again!! Seriously, my face aches from how I can’t stop smiling aksnksj HELP :’)
My friends and I were in the Dress Rehearsal, so below the cut are retellings of ALLLL the skits including those cut from the Live show - and no small amount of helpless emotional flailing.
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I had an idea of what to expect after attending Adam’s 2018 show, but I nevertheless felt sky-high levels of anxiety when Sarah and we arrived at the NBC shop at 6:30. I knew rationally that our chances of getting into Dress were good with numbers #12 - 14, but every now and then there’s the occasional oddity of only a handful of Standby people getting in. Though even without any uncertainty in the equation, my entire being goes on Hyped/Anxious Overdrive anyway whenever I’m about to be in the same space as Adam sO really there’s nothing for it. :’)
They lined us up by numbers, I did a lot of emotional wobbling like “I can’t believe we’re here again together guys waaaah” (have I mentioned I met these girls at Adam’s last show? Full circle moment of the highest and most beautiful caliber and it had me hella verklempt), and thennnn - drumroll and hushed silence please - the main security guy comes up to the giant line and asks the first 20 people to come with him.
As they constantly remind you throughout this thoroughly nerve-wracking process, there is no guarantee you’ll actually get into the show until you’re physically in the seat. It’s a long, harrowing trip from the NBC store where the line gathers, up stairs, elevators, and through hallways to reach the studio, and you can still be cut even as far as the very last checkpoint if all seats fill up with the people ahead of you. So as you get closer, the excitement spikes higher and higher but so does the worry! We went through security, and then I clung to our new Standby line friend Catherine’s arm as they lined us up two-by-two on the first staircase, with Sarah and @reylonly right behind. I was likely extremely annoying as I couldn’t help being rambly and weird in my nerves and compulsively hugging my girls’ arms. @reylonly did her very best to calm my hot mess down, bless her.
About 45 minutes later (Maybe? I had no idea what time was, lbr) we reached the final point of the elevator and last hallway, and were held just outside the studio. THEN - the woman there instructed the next 4 to follow her in (thank GOD because we were terrified of being split up), WE WENT INTO THE STUDIO WHEW YAYAY OMFG WE WERE THERE!!! - but then oh no it happened so fast that she pointed @reylonly down to a single seat in the center and then the other 3 of us to seats towards the left side of the stage. They were all single seats, but thank GOSH they were all end seats of rows right next to each other. So Sarah was right in front of me and I could grab her shoulder (which I would do a lot in increasingly desperate excitement over the next 2 hours), and Catherine and I could reach across the aisle to cling to each other’s hands! @reylonly was on her own but in an incredible seat, and during commercial breaks we would lean forward to wave and blow kisses to each other and mime flailing or crying as one incredible sketch after another played out in front of us. I made sure to be friendly and talk to the people sitting next to me so they wouldn’t be too annoyed with me and Sarah always grabbing at each other, but LOL they probably thought I was at least a little insane. I mean, maybe for the moment alone when I saw a girl I’d made friends with in line but then lost track of in a seat not too far from me, and we started waving and dabbing at each other. Once we were seated there in the studio, all the anxiety gave way to surging excitement and I was practically bouncing in my seat, so overjoyed to be there and see my dear fandom friends there with me!
Michael Che warmed up the audience with some standup, the House band jammed, and Sarah and I momentarily got Extremely Excited when we saw them setting up the hell backdrop set for the cold open and thought at the time it was supposed to be Tattooine for a Star Wars skit, lolol. But then the actual show started, and with our Adam-eagle eyes Catherine reached out to whisper “there he is! In the blonde wig!” And, heart in my throat no matter how many times I see this man in person, I frantically squinted at all the people waiting just off to the side of the set until I saw that unmistakably Tol Broad back, and then he stepped onto the set and into the lighted camera’s view and I was cheering and clapping so hard for his first appearance that I couldn’t hear who he was supposed to be playing. xD I was just tapping Sarah’s shoulder in front of me, bouncing in my seat a little, and trying not to start levitating with the sheer force of my excitement and joy to be there.
OKAY from here I’ll break this up by skit! Anything that was different or missing from the Live show I put in bold font if you want to skip to that! Starting with...
Intro Monologue
So when he dropped the bomb of “I’m a husband and a FATHER” I clapped Sarah’s shoulder SO HARD, then he made he joke “I’ve made it very clear to my son that he’s second in everything” and I could not bELIEVE the wonder of what I was hearing omfg. I heard the words “my son” come out of his mouth with my own ears WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED, SURE AS HELL NOT ME????
Then he went into the audience to demonstrate how “approachable” he is and was so awk/weird/hilarious I was just losing it, then took his time meandering around the stage and making weird faces into the camera and I was just LOSING IT. And AKSKSJA after that he wandered over to another camera that was lower and kind of hummed as he lifted his shirt and put it over the camera so we got a full on belly button view for 2 unbelievable glorious seconds!! He looked up at the monitors as he was doing it and went “oh you can’t see anything” so that’s probably why he sadly didn’t flash his belly in the Live show.
“Cheer” with Adam as one of the team coaches
I’m going by the skit order in Dress, and this one was first after the monologue. Best part for me was the accent reminiscent of Clyde Logan. :3 But tbh, of the 6 skits they did for the Live show, I kind of wish this one had been swapped for the one performed last in Dress that was sO Wild and would have made fandom absolutely lose its shit aksnksal more to come on that.
Honestly, I cannot even properly describe my reaction when the Undercover Boss intro logo appeared on all the monitors oHMYLoRDDD. I nearly leapt out of my seat, like my heart nearly jumped clear out of my chest oh my fuck and I was legit holding onto Sarah so much I almost slid out of my seat - I just couldn’t believe it and I cheered SO LOUD. The entire audience erupted with this “HOLY SHIT” vibe outburst and I was SO happy to be there in that moment - knowing that our entire fandom was only hours away from this!! I honestly didn’t expect it at all - after they didn’t do one of these the second time Adam was on, I thought there was no chance. But IT HAPPENED AND IT WAS SO QUALITY HILARIOUS WE ARE SO BLESSED - THANK YOU TO RANDY’S LIL BEANIE AND VEST AND HIPSTER PANTS.
Pretty sure I like half curled up on myself laughing so hard my feet left the floor at OK BOOMER. And at the part with “will Rey take his hand?” I swear MY SOUL NEAR LEFT MY BODY I MEAN IS THIS THE REAL LIFE IS THIS JUST FANTASYYYY
..... Can someone come promise me we really didn’t just collectively hallucinate that??
SAG Awards Fashion Red Carpet
I’m not too disappointed this one was cut. Of all the amazing skits performed, I would have ranked this one lower. Adam and Kenan Thompson were fashion critics talking about celebs’ looks on the SAG red carpet. A minute in Adam says, “We should be paying more attention to the kids!” Kenan: *nervous laugh* “uh, should we??” Adam starts talking about/admiring the outfits for like Finn Wolfhard etc, with hilarious but bordering creepy descriptions like “masculine but not quite fully grown,” until Kenan is like “umm maybe we shouldn’t be talking about kids this much?”
They interview a girl who’s supposed to be Jojo Siwa and Adam’s like “you should know I think you’re beautiful. Kids need to hear more often that they’re beautiful.” Kenan panics, going “alRIGHT we’re gonna cut back to the studio now!” The skit ended with Adam: “I got a ticket to the Nickelodeon afterparty and I’m gonna swipe one of those kids in my pocket!”
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“Slow” Digital Short
HONESTLY, this competes with Undercover Boss for my favorite skit of the night. I can’t even tell you - I had literal tears running down my face I was laughing SO fucking hard during this entire thing. From the first moment we heard Adam’s deep-ass voice I absolutely and entirely lost my shit oh my GOD. We’d been so pumped for Adam in some kind of rap sketch when we saw the photos of him and Kenan filming the day before, but it was SO FUCKING GOOD. I will never ever in all my days not bust out laughing at “Bring that ass here” and “In a 65 hour lane going 2” aksnskns I’m on the bus struggling to fight back laughter just thinking about it SEND HELP!!!
It’s just brilliant. The turtle next to his expensive loafers. His cheesy sunglasses. That shot of his glorious bare arms. His deep voice “Baby” when they’re at the door and “But I brought ice cream” oh my god I love it so much BLESS YOU SNL BLESS YOU. I never in all my days thought I’d get Adam rapping but it’s every single thing I never knew I needed.
Del Taco Commercial / “Aw Man I’m All Outta Cash!”
ADAM’S SLEAZY LOOKING LONG WIG LMAO. This one was a wild and funny time once you got into it and just let it go. Once Kyle, Beck, and Adam were all yelling the line and Adam went “You don’t want to kill yourself, you just want a taco, Jesus” everyone was ROLLING. I think the only difference (is this even worth color coding lol) was that after Kyle took his pants off Adam kept slapping his thigh during Dress bahaha.
“Hot Dad” Adam dealing with a clogged toilet at a teenaged girls’ sleepover
Adam and Kate McKinnon comedy together YES PLEASE. This one was all the same as far as I can remember, but I will say that a woop/cheer rose from the people sitting near the set for this one at the line about Adam being a “hot Dad.” Yep sounds about right.
(Halsey’s first song, Weekend Update)
Medieval Renaissance Fair
You can’t have Adam host SNL without giving him some ridiculous character skit ala Oil Baron Parnassus. I absolutely loved how intense and deep he was for this kind of nonsense xD We can thank this skit for giving us footage of Adam yelling “Whore!” and spitting, lmao. Also.... I’ll just say in that outfit and wig he looked even Extra Big in comparison to everyone around him.
Courtroom Trial / Sinbad on Cameo
I’m also okay with this one being cut, but I was biased to enjoy the hell out of it live because the set was right in front of where I was sitting and I had such a perfect view of him. <3
Adam was supposed to be the defendant in a case where a female coworker claims he harassed her by sending “threatening” videos. Adam goes up on the stand and the prosecutor asks “are you familiar with these videos?” Cut over to Kenan Thompson, who’s pretending to be Sinbad on the app Cameo, making videos for the woman that are like “Hey you better give Mark a chance! Otherwise he might come after you!” Adam responds with disbelief: “I have no idea who this Sinbad person is and frankly, your honor, this is pissing me off.” Kenan acts a few more videos which keep getting funnier because he keeps eating things or being in crowded public places while filming them. But in the final video he references Adam’s character’s name so it’s clear he was the one requesting the videos. Adam gets all sad on the stand: “It doesn’t matter. No one likes me anyway!” It ends with Kenan as Sinbad crashing into the courtroom in person.
This was more Kenan’s skit as he really was hilarious, but someone had to explain to me afterwards who Sinbad is and how the Cameo app works so I didn’t quite ~get it while watching. BUT more importantly - Adam looked great despite the weird brown wig he had on. During the second of Kenan’s videos when the cameras were on Kenan instead, Adam’s face definitely started quivering with suppressed laughter until he visibly locked it down like NO FOCUS ADAM. Most of my attention stayed fixed on the buttons of his shirt because hOOo boy were they straining! Without me even saying anything, Catherine reached across the aisle for me immediately afterwards and whispered, “That shirt did /not/ fit well.” OH YES I NOTICED >:33
PBS Science Show
Another one which was performed right directly in front of us!! I already knew this was going to be a good one because Adam went right over to the skeleton mannequin when he came on set and started playing with it, like making the arm and wrist wiggle around. The biggest dork cutie you’ll ever see.
He was standing right under me, which meant once he started handling the balloon I got mighty distracted watching his MASSIVE hands around that tiny-looking balloon. >:)) Then I cracked up so hard when he got exasperated and threw something back against the window. WE GOT TO SEE HIM SMASH SOMETHING IN PERSON YESSSS
Ketchup bottles
Oh my GOD EVERYTHING WAS AMAZING ABOUT THIS ONE FROM START TO FINISH. The best part though might have been the prep beforehand. Someone carried the giant Ketchup and hot sauce bottles onto the set before the actors came on and we were like wtf? (For a minute I was triggered remembering Kanye coming on in his Perrier bottle during the 2018 show) But THEN Adam and Cecily Strong came on in big red shirts and people started lifting the giant plastic bottles over them and LOL we realized where this was going. They definitely struggled for a minute getting Adam’s bottle up over his head because of his height xD People in the audience were already laughing just watching this costume set up, and once Adam got the bottle on a WOOT cheer rose which I later learned was none other than @reylonly aka my hero. It was followed by someone yelling “THATS HOT”, which akndosjan made Adam laugh and raise his arms with a hilarious little shimmy in the bottle. He really seemed to be enjoying himself during the whole show, but during this ridiculous and incredibly hilarious skit especially so.
Game Night / Movie Quote Competition
OKAY this is the skit it’s a real tragedy didn’t make it on air! There were lines in this I couldn’t beLiEvE my ears were hearing, and if we ever get a recording I’m pretty sure the fandom would basically implode. 
Three couples are sitting around a living room having a game night. Adam is sitting with Kate McKinnon with his arm around her. After they finish playing Settlers of Catan, Heidi Gardner suggests they play a movie quote game where one of them says a line from a movie and the rest have to guess the movie. She is clearly very into it, and the others reluctantly agree. It quickly becomes clear that Adam is just as good at the game as she is, and they immediately start becoming competitive. They reach the point where they quote three lines from Captain Phillips in a row, trying to trick each other. As the game gets more heated, they exchange aggressive flirty banter such as:
Heidi: You really know your movie quotes, huh? Adam: Yeah I do. Heidi: And with some BDE over there. Adam: Yeah, I got that too.
AND !!!!!!!!!!
Heidi: You’re quite the movie flick daddy. Adam: I’m the world’s biggest flick daddy.
The game keeps escalating until Kate tries to calm Adam down and he brushes her off. Everyone else tries to tell Heidi to relax, and she responds “What?! I’m supposed to lie back and let (Kate’s character’s name)’s hot husband rail me??”
I WAS FLOATING ON THE CEILING BY THIS POINT, I literally couldn’t believe what my ears were hearing alsdfjsldafjlsdkfj!
It gets to the point where they’re both standing, shouting completely vague snippets of lines at each other while the other continues to guess correctly. Until finally Adam exclaims, “I got a good one!” He grabs her and fULL ON kisses her. 
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(Pictures from The Adam Driver Files twitter.)
Immediately afterwards she goes, “I know! That was the kiss from (Movie X - I can’t remember the exact title).” Adam: “HOW DID YOU KNOW?!” Heidi: “From how you moved your tongue!”
I’m still reeling from this one. Adam calling himself a daddy, talk of “getting railed” by him, and intense kissing?! Oh my lORDDDD. I’m still trying to keep it playing on a loop in my ears. I’m not sure if we as a fandom could collectively survive a full video of this, but GOD I hope we get the chance to test ourselves. RELEASE THE UNAIRED VIDEO, YOU NBC COWARDS!!!
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...Aaaaaaand that was a wrap! After 10 skits and nearly 2.5 hours, it literally felt like I had run a marathon at a full sprint. I was just trying to process everything I’d just witnessed, while trying to focus on committing every single thing to memory. I just couldn’t believe the range of amazing and hilarious things I’d just seen Adam doing: Play a talking ketchup bottle, call himself a daddy, awkwardly talk about feminine products clogging his toilet, yell “WHORE” then spit and swing a medieval mace around, rap hilariously, and yell about umami?? It was all almost TOO MUCH. 
For full-circle and emotional fulfillment reasons, I wore my Save Ben Solo shirt to the show just like I did at the 2018 show. I had debated beforehand whether it would be too bittersweet to wear it after TROS, but now I’m so glad I did. All these hilarious and zany skits were just what we all needed to continue the cycle of fandom excitement and positivity despite the last month. I’m so incredibly grateful to SNL for such great material for Adam to work with and us to laugh at, and for giving us the perfect reminder that there’s still so much to whole-heartedly appreciate and love. Most of all, Adam himself. <3
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sitaaronkepaar · 7 years
Daily Rikara Ramblings
Oh helloz bts wala precap! Damn, today’s epi gon be lit! 😻😻😻😻
Lmao, plane me bhi ghatiya shers ne Shivaay ka peecha nahi choda. 😂😂😂
Annika’s like wtf. 😂😂😂😂
Wow, this is too much. And I thought I’d seen everything when Shaadiwala show celebrated haldi on a plane. Rofl. Imma ffwd, this too stooooopid for me. ⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩
Hi Dillu!! 💝💝
Wah, Abhi se running errands. Good boy, Dillu! 😘
Kis cheez ki payment matlab? 😐
Hain, yeh kaunsa rule hai? Jab pehle ka maal nahi bika toh aur kyu order kiya? Woh bhi ek raat me? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Awww, hubby fighting for Gauri rights tho. 😍😍😍
Lol, I knew it. Yeh apna bhanda khud hi phod dega. A la, kya rishta hai tumhara is ladki se and he’ll say pati in anger? Anyway, that’s my headcanon. Maybe that creepy dude’s interest might egg him on too.
Back to the epi, Damn calm down omki. Wow. 😁😁
Lol, both of them showing tadi. Tu jaanta nahi main kaun hu 😂😂😂😂
This air hostess is so rude. Yeh kaunsi ghatiya airlines hai. 😑
Ugh, Gauri looks so prettayyy!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍 Thank god her lime green suit is back! Mere Dil ki saari muraadein poori ho gayi. 😭😭😭😭
Man, Dillu be so extra. Lmao 😂😂😂😂😂
Omg isne pakka apne paise diye hai. This is so gonna come back to bite him in the ass. Gauri’s gonna question him about this. I just know it. Poor Dillu. 😧😧😧😧
Paise bach bhi gaye? LMAFOOO. Omkara Dilpreet pls. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Kunal’s acting is cracking me up though. Rofl. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Uff Dillu bhi kitni philosophy jhadta hai. 🙄😂
“zindagi bhar har ladayi humne akele hi ladi hai”
Aww, she brought up the fighting alone thing again. My bby’s lived a tough life. 😖😖😖 And Omkara didn’t make it any easier for her either. 😢 😢😢😢
Haha, maine pyar kiya toh dekhni hi padi hogi. Ghatiya lip sync jo karna tha. 🙄 How is gauri not traumatised at the mere mention of the name?Poora klpd ho gya tha bichari ka 😢😢
Such a lame save Omkie Dillu. 🙄
“Bahut haste hai aap”
ROFLLLLL 😂😂😂😂😂😂����😂😂😂😂😂😂
Omkara LMFAOOOOOOO. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I bet he’s gonna think rakhi bhandne wali hai. 😂😂
He did. LOL. His panicked reaction cracks me up every single time. I watched the prev one like 5 times. Lmaoooo. 😂😂😂😂
Aww man, it’s so good to see Gauri back to her happy chirpy self again. Sad face don’t suit mah bby. 😘 😘 😘
Omkara regretting every single time he rejected Gauri. Yes, regret it till the day you die. 😏😏😏😏😏
I love this friendship track tbh. Giving me Chulkara teas.
They’re.each.other’s.bffs.now. let me just cry in a corner. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
“Ek waqt tha jab main tumhe apni patni man ne se inkar kar raha tha, par koi na ab main sabak seekh gaya hun, ab acha pati nahi toh kya accha hua, accha dost ban ne ki koshish toh karunga hi, aur banunga bhi. Aur shayad agar mera naseeb accha hua, aur is rab ne saath diya toh dubara accha pati bhi banunga”
I’m literally flailing and crying, like idek what to say anymore. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Ek toh his pov, which is rare af.
Upar se him regretting his actions.
Upar se him cherishing her friendship.
Him touching his heart while saying this just did things to me. I just……….sigh, why be so sweet dillu. 😢😢😢
And him holding his ears in apology every time she leaves the room just makes my stupid heard melt. Why, Omkara, why? I wanted to hate you for eternity. No fair. 😢😢
Haha, yes bitch. Omkie be right. Aisa kam queenie k siva aur koi ni kar sakta tha. 😍😍
Awww, look @ Gauri’s genuine smile. 😍 Just like Chulbul brought smiles and happiness to Omkara during his darkest of times, Dilpreet is doing the same for Gauri. For the first time since forever, I’m loving how Rikara’s story is shaping up. 💖
Creepy dude looks legit smitten lmao. Can ya blame him tho? Queenie looks like a million bucks 👸👸👸👸
Is he blind though? Itna bada mangalsutra nahi dikh raha? 😐😐😐
Omg dude stop staring at Gauri, it’s so creepy. 😫😫
Kuch bhi kar sakte hai? Guy, chill. Ladke wale ho, bhagwan nahi. But some people do have this ghatiya mentality in India. Ugh.😡😡😡😡
Omg Omkara Dilpreet stop saying, “sardar naal pangaji, not changaji”. You’re not an actual sardar ok. 😒😒😒😒😒
This tashan scene is so long and drawn out, I’m already getting bored. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Anyway, now I’m 💯% sure iska bhanda creepy dude ki wajah se hi phootega.
I know ib me logic lagana is plain silly but WHY THE FUCK IS BHAVYA JUST STANDING THERE? Like, I’ve had to hold my pee for several hours cause of turbulence before. You’re not fucking allowed to just stand on a flight. Wtf is this fuckery. Ughhh, my head hurts 🤕🤕🤕
And why does this baby want some action? Dafuq she thinks this is? Why didn’t you just bring your earphones bitch? It’s the 21st century, bring your own entertainment. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ugh, no more torture, I’m ffwding. ⏩⏩⏩⏩
Oh my god they’re dancing to oonchi hai building. W.T.F is this mental retardation? Head, meet desk 🤕.
Oh god wtf just happened. this is fuckin stupid. Lol. 😂😂😂
Awww DilRi are suh qyut!! 😍😍😍😍
Shadi ki Tarik Bina pandit se consult kiye? 😕
Oh they already have. Ok.👍 👍👍
Ugh, kya bakwas hai. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Mukesh ji ka face ekdum rone wala ho gaya hai. Apne bhai ko bhi dekh lo ek min o creepo. 😂
Creepy guy is legit creeping me out.😖😖😖😖😖
Omkara ka toh accha khasa padha chad raha hai. 🌡️🌡️🌡️🌡️🌡️🌡️
Ewww www ewwwww. He’s so so creepy. EWWWWWW.  😖😖😖😖😖
He’s legit making my skin crawl ugh. 😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖
Omkara Dilpreet’s legit staring daggers at this dude. 🗡️🗡️🗡️🗡️🗡️ I can literally see the murder in his eyes. Aankhiyon se goli maarna band karo Omkie. 😳😳😳😳😳
My eyes still can’t believe they’re looking at a normal shaadi function in Ib lmao. 😂😂😂😂
Ugh, why can’t this dude keep his hands to himself?! Check yo self, before you wreck yo'self, bitch. 😡😡
Omkara Dilpreet looks like he’s planning the creeps murder without getting caught. 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫
Who’s this guy, Joey?Joey used to open bras by just staring and he’s opening dori’s with the power of his creepy stare. 😂😂😂
Omkara Dilpreet looks like his head is about to explode. 💣💣💥💥💥💥💥💥
Awww, yissss, the famous Dori scene. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
The way Gauri's looking at him makes me feel like she’s already recognized him. No? Idk. 😂😂😂
Will they ever get close to each other knowing who the other is? Like ever? These are the questions that haunt a Rikara fangirl. 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥
Ok, No need to be so extra Omkara Dilpreet, you can just tell her that her dori’s open. So dramatic. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Btw remember when he actually asked for permission before tying her dori? And ab full haq jama raha hai. 😏😏😏😏😏😏
Hahahhahhaha, Omkara Dilpreet bhi maidaan-e-jang me utar hi gaya. 😂😂😂😂😂
Look at this guy, he’s doing everything he hated for Gauri. Lying, making sweets and now fucking dancing for her. I’m not saying Gauri should, but I’d totes give him another chance. It helps he looks like an actual angel ofc. Sigh, them beautiful eyes. 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Like I bet if it weren’t for patnidharam, Gauri would’ve already fallen for Dilpreet, he’s such a nice, wholesome guy! 💜💜💜💜💜
LOL look at this extra, desi dance-off. I’m dead. 😂😂😂
Chalo ho gaya, the sentiment, every single desi person feels after a big function is over lol. 😂😂😂😂
The creep’s back. Dear god, he’s so creepy, even I feel uncomfortable looking at his advances. Baat toh kya, I don’t even want him to stand near her Gauri, heck, I don’t even want him to breathe the same air as her. 10ft ki doori pe reh bhai. I bet Omkara shares this sentiment too. MAKE HIM OMKIE. MAKE.HIM. 😡😡😡😡
Fuck. Nooooooo. Don’t leave the room Omkara. 😧😧😧😧
Is he doing what I think he’s doing? He’s trying to propose? 😲😲😲😲
Lol, Gauri trying to deflect him. Good try sis. 👏👏
He did. OMG BITCH ARE YOU BLIND? Mangalsutra nahi dikh raha hai? 😡😡😡😡😡
At least he’s upfront about it.
Naam ki shaadi? He knows it’s invalid? 🤔🤔🤔
It wasn’t a bad proposal until he started threatening Richa's marriage. Fuck outta here with your blackmail boi! 😡😡😡😡
Man, Gauri is PISSED. Omkara se pehle kahin yeh hi uska murder na kar de. 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫
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punkfistfights · 8 years
ok so i talked with @weekend-conspiracy-theorist about this awhile ago, but y’all don’t understand i have so many real, intense Feelings about the ot6 (bitty/jack/shitty/lardo/holster/ransom). like??? it’s such a fucking pure ship and idek if anyone else ships it but I Do and that’s all that matters??????? but also i need to,,,release my hcs to the world. so, here’s some barely coherent ramblings about them (also frog farmer will probs be mentioned bc Yes)
1) ok, so all the separate components got together first, right? zimbits, holsom, shitty/lardo. they formed the way everyone expects them to
2) idk if shitty/lardo or holsom started exploring polyamory first i Just Don’t bc like??? lardo is queer af and def interested in girls & i can see her & shitty having an open relationship but??? ransom is literally so in love with march and with holster and he’s really just,,,anxious abt it???? he feels like he’s doing something wrong, he feels like he’s cheating on holster emotionally and he’s just so stuck in a vvv monogamous view of the world and it makes me sad
3) anYWAYS but yea so zimbits is the last to do anything polyam related bc they’re just so grossly in love
4) and idk what even happens but shitty and jack end up kissing and jack freaks tf out, but when he tells bitty, bitty’s all “I FUCKING KNEW Y’ALL WERE IN LOVE. I CALLED THAT SHIT” and jack is,,,,confused to Say The Least but yeah ot4 happens (bitty and lardo are the cutest fucking qpp ever, it’s honestly unfair, how are these Tiny Assholes so fuckign adorable?????? what is this shit?? - shitty, at some point)
5) and then one day bitty’s just like,,,,,guys i think i’m into ransom too??? and at this point they’re in a somewhat open relash (bc lardo needs her gfs ok???? she has a vvvv constant stream of gfs and enbyfriends and she has an on-off relationship with camilla) so his signifs tell him to go for it and bitty talks to holsom and long story short in ends with a threesome and an open invitation to join the ot4 whenever they want
6) and they all kinda congregated to the boston/providence area and are vvvv happy and decide to get a giant ass house together (bitty runs his vlog still but now he gets paid for it bc he managed to get a incredibly lucrative sponsorship ntm lardo’s p damn popular & gets lots of commissions & this is STILL ignoring jack’s nhl money)
7) they help ransom through med school and make it so shitty can go pro bono, as well as getting holster to open his own small business (idk what he does but he’s p successful too)
7.5) the frogs and farmer are all in cali and are also in a vvv happy polyam relationship & they’re hella cute and randomly send selfies to the ot6, bc why the hell not??
8) march & holsom have a long distance relationship and she’s with april. she & ransom end up having a daughter together!! march isn’t really interested in raising a kid though and april never wanted children, so she lives with the ot6
9) while the ot6 are all in one big relationship, they def have their primary relationships. so ransom’s daughter calls him papa and holster daddy, but calls the rest of them uncle (or auntie in lardo’s case)
10) eventually bitty & jack decide they want kids too and they have two through a surrogate
10.5) camilla is their surrogate!!
11) while lardo adores her partners’ kids, she doesn’t want any of her own, even a little bit and is perfectly happy to be auntie
12) bitty & jack’s kids (one daughter & one son) consider shitty their third dad (jack is papa, bitty is daddy, & shitty’s pops)
13) jack has def hooked up with tater on more than one roadie. everyone’s vvvv cool w/ it
14) ransom & tater have hooked up too, lbr
15) just,,,everyone is happy and fulfilled and it’s a gr9 relationship with everyone with hella communications and lots of visits from the frogs & farmer (even though they live on the other side of the country)
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incaseofjeon · 8 years
hellooo i just finished reading lucky strike and i really like your writing!!! it's the second thing of yours i've read :) for some reason i can relate a lot to JK?? in his decision to run away i mean HAHA really interesting style too especially at the beginning, when i was starting to get into the plot. i look forward to reading your other stuff! :) a few questions though (and i'm sorry if this has been asked) but 1. what was jimin's power?? 2. what are your fav books? yay! thanks!! -c
omgg THANK YOU SO MUCH ;A; im so so so happy that you read that fic and enjoyed it ahhhhdhsfjds ;__; though ohh i wonder what the first of my fics you read was 👀? hahfbds
and im glad you found his character relatable ;;;; when writing it his story was also the one sort of closest to me personally? so im really glad that other people found him relatable too ahhfjddsj so jUST. thank you!!! thank you so much, for reading and for taking the time to tell me this T–T im really happyy
as for your questions! here ill put them under a read-more bc i just know im gonna get rambly omfgdf
ok so, jimin’s power - I’M ACTUALLY SO GLAD YOU ASKED, because it’s a part of the story that almost no one’s asked about even though it’s kind of a big deal for jimin. which is….jimin doesn’t have a power lmaO. almost everyone in that au has superpowers; its the norm to have one, but fic!jimin just..doesn’t. it’s something he’s probably felt odd about growing up; in his growing years he probably tended to feel like he had to work extra hard to be sort of special or noticed and stuff T-T that’s also part of the reason he originally was drawn to jeongguk in school after the dictionary incident - by that age he’d kind of started to guess that he wasn’t going to develop a power, since it’s really rare for it to develop any later than teenage years, and jeongguk was the first person he’d known to not like his own power ;; so to jimin it was kind of eye-opening to realise that the power he’d always been upset about not having could possibly bring harm as well as good ahjsbdsjhd..so yeAH!! im so so glad you asked this omdfd i feel like..im finally doing fic!jimin justice in telling his unwritten story T–T
and MY FAVOURITE BOOKS. omfg there’s so so many im just going to list as many as i can think of off the top of my head:
1. The Raw Shark Texts (by Steven Hall)
this one is one of my all time favourites, and a HUGE huge huge inspiration in writing that’s left an impact on me for a really long time ;; IT’S SO UNDERRATED but it’s super gripping and interesting and experimentally fresh, and has really well-written themes of like love and loss and unfaithful memories and losing memories and a lot of cool internal/mental things like that! the ending is super cool to me, too ;;; the writing style is like nothing ive ever really seen anywhere else and is just super compelling in the way the author selects and arranges certain simple words in un-simple ways? and there are many parts of this book that are ambiguous in what exactly happened; that’s exactly why i love it? idk i jsut - i get super super excited about this book pleasE READ IT 
2. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake (by Aimee Bender)
actually, i have loved about every single thing by aimee bender that i’ve read, but this is the only novel of hers ive read so far so i’ll go with that hjsbdjhsf…her short story collections are super lovely too, some of my favourite short stories by her are Job’s Jobs, Appleless, Death Watch, Motherfucker, I Will Pick Out Your Ribs (from My Teeth), and Faces. Aimee Bender is really one of my favourite authors ever, she has a really distinctive style and flavour thats creative and poetic and charmingly matter-of-fact all at once, that makes the most mundane stuff seem magical and the most magical stuff seem mundane. like. idk. IM REALLY IN LOVE with her writing ;;;;; ahdsbfjhbfds please check her out if you can!!!
3. A Wrinkle in Time & its sequels (by Madeleine L’Engle)
this whole series is just..really lovely in its ideas and hopeful and really gave me a huge sense of wonder the first time i read it? and there are some scenes in it that were just so beautifully magical (even though it’s actually sci-fi) and moving that i’ve never forgotten them to this day ;___; even though i first read it when i was 11 lmaO. but really, this is so soso osos o lovely idk if youve ever read it but i hope you have/get to read it some day abfdf
4. The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo
jhasgfjhs kate dicamillo is another of my all time favourite writers, i grew up hunting library shelves for her name lmao her writing is just..really beautiful in its ideology and style? there’s something very pure and innocent and whimsical and so so poetic about the things she writes and the way she tells stories, i always tend to read her stuff in one sitting bc it’s just so hard to stop ;;; i love her work so so much 
5. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
i actually…can’t remember the exact story of this anymore BUT I DO remember that when i read it, i was completely blown away by the power of the writing style? bradbury’s writing is just…really distinctive in a heavier kind of way? like it’s poetic but kind of grips you around the heart idK im not sure how to explain it. i’m always stunned at the way he chooses his words and crafted his world in this book ajhsfbjd i love it sooo much ;;; i want to reread soon sdhfds
6. The Monstrumologist series (by Rick Yancey)
THIS ONE IS SO UNDERRATED i love it omg..it’s more gory and dark than most the things ive mentioned but the gore never feels like..needless? idk. i just love it so much and the kinds of ideas like the blurring of lines between man and monster, as well as the changing relationships of growing up - the book series just handles that so so well and with a really exciting gripping plot too ahdgsd i love it i love iiit. my fav book in the series is probably the lsle of Blood; there’s a line in there about a plate that haunTS ME ALWAYS 
7. Skellig and Kit’s Wilderness by David Almond
david almond is another writer i grew up reading ahhHH it’s honestly been too long for me to exactly remember what i loved about these 2 books - BUT I LOVE THEM
8. The Seas by Samantha Hunt
i actually am reading this book literally right now, so i havent reached the ending and im not sure if ill still love it as much as i currently do by that point, but so far i definitely am loving it SO much!! the writing and metaphors and characterisation are so damn beautiful and interesting and the writer has a lovely flow and really fresh way of arranging words and delivering ideas ;; it’s just really prettily and freshly and creatively written ;A; plus, i have this…Thing for the ocean so i love that a central part of this book is about the sea ahhH 
9. Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami 
I WISH I HAD MORE HARUKI MURAKAMI THINGS TO TALK ABOUT but this is the only of his books ive found so far - and I LOVE IT TO DEATH. i actually read norwegian wood and the particular sadness of lemon cake in the time period when i wrote my latest fic (thought you knew) and they really ;;; damn, a double whammy of inspiration omfg. norwegian wood is just…really really interesting and deep and real without being too heavy-hearted in the way it talks about things like relationships, devotion, alienation and loss? idk, it’s just- i love it so so so much, especially the ending paragraph ahhhh
10. Cathedral and A Small, Good Thing (by Raymond Carver)
THESE ARE TECHNICALLY SHORT STORIES, not books. but i just love them so much i have to mention them ;;; i honestly love raymond carver and his way of writing a lot, he just..he says so much with so little? he’s a huge inspiration i look up to like crazy especially when it comes to crafting dialogue ahhh. i also really love his poem Hummingbird!
11. The Devotion of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino
idek where to start with this one..THE PLOT IS JUST. FUCKING BRILLIANT and it’s a really interesting take on the idea of devotion, especially devotion to..um..unhealthy kinds of levels? idk. it’s just….so well thought through and super cool i was Mind Blown™ when i read it kasjndskdf
12. Bunker 10 by J.A. Henderson
this is another one in team BLEW MY FUCKIGN MIND ahhh ;; i read it super super long ago but the plot is so so good? it’s the kind that’s a bit confusing at first, but then everything gets revealed and i’m completely shook and eye-opened and want to read it again with the new knowledge, you know what i mean? just- i cant remember what the writing style was like but the PLOT and setting was soo so so cool T—T
and that’s…all i can think of at the moment ajhbfjsdhf IM SORRY YOU PROBABLY DIDNT EXPECT ME TO BE SO EXTRA AS TO GIVE SUCH A LONG ASS REPLY but im just…..very very very passionate and invested in the books i love, ok. im so. akjsfbjhdsf
anyway yeah!! thank you so soso soso SO much for reading my writing and liking it and making the effort to let me know ;;;; im really so happy reading and replying to your message, it means so much to me T-T i hope you have a great great day ilY anon c!!!
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