#some fucking clowns on the internet. screams into a pillow.
kkoraki · 1 year
i am at my limit with rl stuff and i don’t care that i am an adult with bills taxes & a successful career, if i see another piece of character hate this week i am going to freak the fuck out
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Summary: a reddie x daughter where she has powers? maybe that when IT died his powers went to her in the form of like maybe telekinesis or sum and she tells them when all the losers are together and they don’t believe her at first so she shows them? kinda lame but i thought it’d be cool
Another book, another disappointment, another opportunity wasted. Mike’s library was empty, both from it being after-hours as it being located in Derry, and the only light Rachel has is the obstructed street lights, eluding to an eerie feeling of impending doom and death, a real life horror movie.
The lights inside the building had to be turned off, because Rachel’s parents, Eddie and Richie, were not allowed to have any clue that she’s in here in the first place. Unlike last time she snuck into the place and got nabbed on by the woman taking over Mike’s job while he’s away on holidays, she was now determined to emerge herself in every book hidden in the smallest gap until she found a solution to her problem.
See, coming to Derry, roughly two years ago now, had unveiled a lot of things about her dads. Those nights as a child fearfully disclosing that a monster housed under her bed, a little child’s imagination, but her dads reacted so fierce without them assimilating why suddenly made a lot more sense. Their monster, a clown hellbent on destroying their lives and everything they had built, using incomprehensible powers and abilities to do so, defeated on its own turve, wasted away on the perspective that no one wasn’t afraid of it any longer, withered away with one last trick up its sleeve. A last gift to the youngest member of the losers club.
Her hands curl around the pages with upmost precision, attentive not to rip the age-old pages from the rug. The typing circulates, switching letters in front of her until the words all lose their meaning and Rachel rests her eyes for a brief second. She’s been at it for hours, exchanging book after book, futile. The pages provided no more research then the internet had, the only search result being that of movies with ‘mutant powers’, or stories about the mentally deranged.
Rachel yells out in frustration, and the current book she’s devouring soars across the room, the book disintegrating and several pages scattering around.
‘Ow come on. But when I actually try to make something happen you don’t do anything.’
Discovering you have supernatural abilities, more specifically telekinesis in her case, is not as cracked up as the movies portray it, Rachel’s disclosing herself. After leaving Derry she didn’t even notice something off about her, hyped up on adrenaline, the real shock only showed when she dropped a photo frame and extended her hand, stopping it midair without touching the picture in any way.
She’d conjured the experience to a trick of the light, and paranoia embedded after Pennywise, but then the same thing occurred again but a few days later, a painting skidding from its nail in the wall and cracking the floor. The experience was bizarre, as Rachel vibrated with indignation the moment it happened, worked up on an assignment for school and as she reached for a pillow to muffle her screams of vexation, the painting bustled and sank down.
Then she knew for sure that something was going on. The first trip to Mike’s library, the only place Rachel could think off holding any of the answers she was desperate to find, forlorn as it might be, ended up unavailing, caught to fast to locate any books in the subject matter in the first place, but it made Rachel just more committed. So what if she’s technically not allowed to be in here? She’s sure that if she asked uncle Mike for his keys he would hand them over without a sliver of hesitation.
‘There has to be a book about this stuff right? How in the world did uncle Mike found the artifact from the 1800 if there was no book telling him where to go?’
Rachel sits up from her position on the floor, alleviating the strain on her legs, too unbothered and eager for information to keep going back and forth from the table to the shelf's and stretches, her joints popping and sliding back in place. She idly traces the spines of the ancient old books, pondering to herself about the titles.
She’d have to come back here someday, when she’s no longer pursued by the strange things she’s capable of doing out of the blue, because some of these books really peek her interest. But no book on the subject she’s looking for.
‘Okay please universe. You fucked me over enough already can you give me a break?’ If the universe is listening, it’s doing nothing but mocking her.
‘Rachel Maggie Kaspbrak-Tozier. What do you think you’re doing young lady? We told you to stay at the Inn while we cleaned up pops house. Now all the losers are are the hunt for you.’ Her dad’s low pitched voice criticized, belonging to a ticked off Eddie Kaspbrak, accompanied by Richie, of course Rachel can never only get in trouble with one parent, and Mike, the keys dangling from his hand.
Richie mounts the words; ‘Oeh someone’s in trouble’, face half pinched in stress and the other in pure and uninhabited mirth.
Fingers flipping her pops off, their own love languages, Eddie scowl turns up a notch, and Rachel abandons ship, changing her course and demonstrating her most conniving angel face.
Eddie and Richie near her, hugging her so tight her ribs creak, their labored breath only now picked up on by their daughter.
‘Don’t you ever’, Eddie threatens, dislodging himself away from their bear pile to survey Rachel with full conviction. ‘Do that to us again. Not anywhere, but especially not in Derry.’
Richie dots a kiss on her forehead, his arm capturing Eddie back into a clasp, the memory of Pennywise nearly swallowing his daughter whole tattooed in his brain.
‘What are you even doing in here? Don’t tell me my genes created someone who likes to learn? School stuff?’ Richie spits the words school like they leave a bad taste in his mouth, ‘Eddie, love of my life, did you have an affair on me?’
‘Richie focus, that’s so not the point. And no you idiot. I’d never do that to you.’
‘I’m hunting for a book’, Rachel informs, withholding part of truth as there’s no way she’s adding her problems on the pile of stress stacked upon Richie and Eddie’s lives.
Her pops trial only recently ended and her dad found a new job doing something he actually likes to do, and their lives are starting to clear up for once. Rachel was not about to add another card to the card house and watch it spring apart.
‘On what?’ Eddie asks suspiciously, one eyebrow creased as he observes his daughter, on the lookout for her telltale sign that’s she’s lying.
‘Witchcraft? It’s for school.’ Rachel trails off, her voice sounding questioningly to her own ears. Richie scrutinizes her, much more on guard and attentive then he gives himself credit for, but Mike, sickly sweet but  a little tone deaf on the vibe in the room says; ‘Those books are upstairs in my special cabinet because they kept getting stolen, do you want me to go get them?’
Rachel’s flicks her eyes to the ceiling, grumbling under her breath with all the time that went to waste, then glancing back at Mike and kindly nodding her head. ‘That would be great, thank you uncle Mike.’
As he takes off to find the books, Richie and Eddie exchange puzzling peeks, doing their silent communication that drives Rachel crazy not being able to figure out what they’re saying.
‘Why would you need to write an assignment on witchcraft? Since when is  that in the curriculum these days? Hey Eds we would have rocked that, we knew all about it.’ Richie inquires, excitingly jolting Eddie to go along with his story.
‘Since I got a new teacher who’s very interested in that stuff.’
‘Are you sure everything is okay? You’ve been acting weird for the past few weeks and I didn’t want to say anything or push you but I’m worried.’ Eddie asks, troubled trying to balance things in his life. He wants to keep prodding his daughter to know what’s wrong with her and to help her, but he’d rather die then turn out like his mother, and sometimes Eddie fears his lines are blurred.
‘Yeah, I’ve noticed it too’, Richie agrees, serious as the topic calls for it. ‘Whatever it is that’s bothering you, you can tell us.’
‘No I can’t, you won’t believe me.’
‘Sweetheart, we murdered a clown eating little kids and feeding off their fears, there’s nothing in the world that you can say that will prevent us from believe you.’
‘Okay fair,’ Rachel trails off apprehensive still, ‘but I don’t want to force additional stress on you guys, we’ve already had so much of that lately.’
‘Little me, if this is about the trial I’m really fucking sorry for putting you through that, but hoeza’, he jazzed hands towards himself, ‘I’m not going anywhere. I’ll never go anywhere either.’
Bursting into tears, Rachel inches closer to her pops and eases herself under his chin, her dad crams up against her side. ‘It’s not, but I’m really grateful for that pops. Promise you’ll believe me and won’t ship me off anywhere?’
‘What? Never. Nothing you’ll confess will ever make us regret you being born.’ Eddie says with vindication. ‘Absolutely nothing.’ The truth is Rachel is getting really tired of the secret she’s storing away, and she’s scared too. Terrified that someday she might accidentally hurt someone, or scared that she’s going to wake up one day and not perceive who she is.
‘I have telekinesis and I think it’s because of IT,’ she breathes out, tensing in her parents grasp as she waits for their reaction. It’s a peculiar statement to preach, but Rachel didn’t think her pops would flat out laugh at her, a reserved giggle that stops abruptly when Eddie mimes his lips shut.
‘What do you mean?’ Eddie asks cautiously.
‘You don’t believe me do you?’
‘It’s not about believing you sweetheart, it’s just where is this is all coming from? Wait, is this a prank you and Richie did to trick me? If so Pennywise is off limits so knock it off.’
‘Eds no-‘
‘No it’s not a prank, I’m serious.’ Rachel underscores, schlepping away from the both of them.
‘Bug, I don’t-‘
‘No, I’ll prove it.’
‘Okay’, Richie agrees trepidation, same as Eddie.
Rachel tries really hard, focusing all her energy and mind on levitating the same book she send flying across the room mere minutes ago, her fist balling and her face blushing in effort, but nothing occurs. Previous times this was the case too, it only happens when she’s focusing on something else, not the task at hand.
Richie snorts, assured that it’s a prank and he’s played by his own daughter, which usually wouldn’t be so far off, but this time it boils rage up under Rachels skin.
‘Stop laughing, I’ve been struggling with this for so long and all you do is laugh at me?’ Rachel grounds out, genuinely hurt that neither of her fathers take the time to listen to her.
Three things follow each other in rapid speed. The first is that Mike descends down the stairs, carrying two books, dustier than the town of Derry itself, and waving them around proudly. ‘I found them, I hope two is enough?’
The second is that the door to the library jingles, and the remaining pack of the losers walks in, and the third is the table starts vibrating, anger pulsing in Rachel’s veins having her focused on something else.
Eddie and Richie stare at the table in shock, their mouths agape as they switch to look between the table and their daughter.
The table is ripped from the handles and jets over two shelf's of the library, landing right in front of the losers’ feet, all of them staring in bewilderment.
‘What the hell is going on in here?’
‘Mike, I think we’re going to need a lot more books.’
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lx-5point0-blog · 8 years
Nameless Enemy, Secrets Never Hide
ENEMY NAMELESS, SECRETS NEVER LAST. 022317 9am 5fwy south at Avery pkwy An enemy which is nameless, does not have a uniform, but vigilant, and organized, as if it were a MOB, is the most dangerous form of “predatory terrorist” you can face in battle. The ability to hide in plain sight under the cloak of a “false identity” and a DISGUISE of normal citizen with a license or a certificate empowers them to commit criminal acts without any obstacles.-John Lober I was given the DV-100 on LiLi Garcia. Made some phone calls to her phone and Marisa Garcia answered and said,”what makes you think I'm going to give YOU any information on that?” I replied,”thank you.” Proceeded to calm the remaining numbers I had written down on my list, then they began to roll over and forward to appear that I was receiving an incoming call from the previous number. It would hang up immediately upon picking up the call. These women are efficient at manipulating internet phone numbers to appear that they are legit businesses. OP ROM: ENEMY ANA L MEN DOZA aka Ana LiLia Garcia DV-100 We connected on TINDER. ANA insisted on giving oral pleasure. She became enraged and aggressive when I told her we are not a match. Stalked me to Kennesaw GA and back to Menifee and Huntington Beach, Orange County. Threatened to kill me, assaulted me and my current wife with a deadly vehicle. Follies my wife who is disabled, and is aggressive shooting pics of her and mocking her disability in a hateful manner. Disperses flyers with my pic and false lurid accusations of obscenities with minors. Fires gun on Facebook and tags my name. Her roommate threatened me and my wife as well with a baseball bat, a gun and a child-130. I have been in constant fear for my life for 7 months. But who knows, I could be mistaken about the Tinder connection. It's just safe to assume that. Attack by Ana Garcia aka LiLi Garcia Ana Mendoza SECURITY GUARD GREATFULfoundation CA.breeze.com: https://youtu.be/4nq84GijtOM Ana Garcia and her minors create a problem that was not real: https://youtu.be/9VRauLrpWmk After I was supposedly issued a misdemeanor for proximity, I was informed my TRO had not been served on Mario. He would not answer the door when I schooled the deputy on the letter the law, because he had knowledge of the TRO, he MUST enforce it and just serve him. Because Mario was hiding from Police, I came to Kepler at 1am and honked my horn. Mario appeared with a shit eating grin and the phone to his ear. It was cute in the black of night. The cops rolled in deep. I recorded the incident. Ana threw a fit and demanded I be arrested. They told her to stfu because they saw the video of her driving Reckless and Mario with a bat. Now to serve this bitch a DV. She cannot be within 100yards of Lisa's home . 022817 @9:30am Starbucks FV. Sick as fuck yesterday at noon til right now. Slept in my car at Raquetballworld world and Black Anus. An enemy which is nameless, does not have a uniform, but vigilant, and organized, as if it were a MOB, is the most dangerous form of “predatory terrorist” you can face in battle. The ability to hide in plain sight under the cloak of a “false identity” and a DISGUISE of normal citizen with a license or a certificate empowers them to commit criminal acts without any obstacles.-John Lober The Commander, Al Garza, is a vigilante, Minute-Man. Now, Evangelist. Mario and LiLie Garcia are at the last resort , and are having the minors attempt to create an confrontation. LiLie is efficient with the numerous phone lines she possesses and has the ability to roll them over and connect them in ways that convinces me that that stinky bubble butt skank slut but his observing the way my exceptionally and optimimally functioning and problem solving infrastructure, that's my Brain, dip ship, operates. She has compromised the iPhone 6 Plus. That being stated to the enemy, be prepared to know where I am stating fact or fiction from here . And sat down and took a shit. Forgetting anything that ever had to do with a little slut fuck like the cunt scycle on Kepler street. It. Ever even happened, but it did. And my digitally enhanced and visually modified memory bank, and an emotionally intelligent spirit never forgets the way you made me feel. It forgives. It forgives so easy. It just without any conscious effort always recalls how and why it was felled upon at the moment of it. And my battle planner has diagnosed the response from an action of reaction to an ability to just act. Act as if it has no idea what the fuck to do. It confuses the opponent. “He is chuckling. It's a laff? He is. It afraid, he is laffing.” Wrong. I am laughing because I have already done all of the thinking. “Snap!” Quicker than that. The energy has traveled a 45 years light speed highway in only a fracta-second of light switching on and off. So rapidly it appears to be traveling in reverse. So, epically close, that one single more coat of paint, and it would be a 99 car pile up on the 99 north to Fresno in the fog. So, Ana, LiLie, or Bend Oza. I am going to dip the penile punisher in Vaseline, and then, flour it with large grain Huntington Beach sand, just before your gushing pussy hole believes it's gonna receive it. And then I'm gonna jam it into Mario’s spinchter with Love Force. He is gonna scream like a lady. You with receive a great big box of disappoint and a jail cell without a pillow, and a salad bar serving carpet and upside down scissoring with a fat yeasting pig named,”Natasha.” Okay, enough fucking around. Al Garza is a fucking clown. It's what is NOT said tells me it all. I'm gonna send that white haired devil fuck the audio of Willie admitting to know of Pat, or at least being a characterless pos. We will see what his reaction is to the audio. The enemy knows. The enemy knows now, that Lober is a cagey mutherfucker, but, Patrick told us he is a goddamn Jellyfish. He is brainless and has survived a million years. How does he do it. Study closely you fucking butt nutt with bad roots. FYI I know you are growing it out so you can chop it then dye the dark into red.sneaky little pussy hole. The only shafting that will happen here is the elevator shaft of the cut hole like yours. With a windy odor of vastness blowing up and in through my hair of my nares. When, the subconsciousness captures the actual dynamic energy, and I have no idea how to decipher the data, it is when the silly guy begins ranting the most outrageous and obnoxiousness word smithing conjures by even a rap god. Pussy Money Weed… and, BLEED. I do not want bloodshed. I am avoiding shedding your families bloodline at all costs. Not the words I hear uttered from the stretch marked lips of a cunt, but the intent of malicious and sinister clowning of a Mexican Latina hot blooded stink Clit, I am inspired by. The collective cognitive of the “nameless” familia, is absolutely granite. You have crossed the line of no return. The fall to grace is bottomless for all who step into the fake room is cozy comfort. You have tricked yourself. He has Lie to the liar. The SHIT-EATING GRIN of getting over on the master of deception, has been dick-slapped off the wet slutty porno face of the enemy. The excited pleasure of a seven layered flavored bukkaki on the whore that you were, is not the great white face of complete and utter loss and deception. The tactics have been whittled down to using a couple of fuck-tards that so dearly need CPS involvement and real adult supervision, but nonetheless, voice disrespectful diarrhea to a warrior of bright laser death strokes, and repeating what they have heard from the parent.(Boomerang) Hold on… who is this little Popeye with his armpit in my face. He is trying to open the blinds behind me. I offer my help and he declines determined to get the string pulled. I poke him in the armpit. Looksyits your armpit bee booop! Haha we laff. He says I am Paul. I am blind. I reply, me too, Paul. Colorblind. Did you go to high school here in fountain valley? No. I am from Armenia. I retired as a government and aerospace engineer. I have three grandchildren and I have a sailboat. What is it that you do? What is your name? I reply I am Mike, and I am a writer. He replies, I read a lot. What do you write about. I replied, when people do things that are unbelievable to others, but are actually happening, I attempt to explain them so that it may help them be better. Black magic . Yes, Black OPS. Operations. Namelesss a concept that is explainable. Have you heard of Kabbalah? The difference between right and wrong Take responsibility for everything you do Subconscious thought rules us more than we think. We are all connected. Paul 8184142426 sail boat Politically correct simply means to be liar. Politics and Religion. There is absolutely no connection. Christ is a lifestyle- Christyle. I do not go to the church. Religion is a business. It's bad. Have you heard of the child abuse crimes within apostle church? No. I mean yes. Well, Paul. Everybody is up to something. He replies,”Yes.” John 9:01 it is not his fault. It is the fault of the third party. A boomerang effect. It always comes back to you. The other religions say do this, and do that, to save yourself. Christianality says believe me and I will save you. Space is expanding. Dynamic. Humans are like a universe and ever expanding. Paul says,”I must go now. For me it's time to go now. (Referring to the grandkids coming home from school. Not dying.) It was good to be talking to you. Let's keep in touch. Goodbye, Mike.” Wow. I feel like a hypocrite. So, how does Mario and Ana feel? Their hearts pump piss through opaque black rubber surgical tubing. It saturates to their children. I witnessed first hand the “Clan” at work. I really wanted to become violent. I applied discretion . Let's let these blind people babble through the name calling. Let's hear what they are saying. • I'm 17. How old are you? Yo’ Mama! • A washed up MMA fighter. • Harassing minors. Pedophile. • My minors children. • Delusion you have associates with us • I don't even live here • You are abashed up fucking bitch. Fuck you These individuals appear to very familiar with John Driver yet, I have never seen them before. Or, maybe I have. Or, they are all sitting around the YouTube and mimicking me because they all want to be me. They certainly are not concerned with a piece of trash or a karate chop to Maria's neck. They kept a dime between each other as if they were traditionally trained in this skit. They did that to not be photographed together. And, also to appear to occupy a greater amount of space. You fucking rookies are not on the realm of ability you believe you are in. You have kids and women doing the job. They are the brains or you are a coward, or vice Vera's and both. Enemies for life. By: JOHN DRIVER LUBRX brand SMASHSHATTER-obliterator Edition License Cover design by OP ROM Book design by LX-5.0 All rights reserved.© No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review. This ebook is licensed for personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy. *DISCLAIMER. Please excuse any and all spelling, and grammatical errors, vocabulary misusage, flow or redundancy, ramping or un-ramping of vocabulary, BAD WORDS, fouls language, bad words used as punctuation, or bad words that sound like obscenity unintentionally, mistaken words for FIGHTING WORDS, they are not, accusations, are only hypothetical theories based on actual experiences, and or hard copy evidence provided, and all are considered a REAL THREAT to my freedom, until evidence is discovered, or uncovered, not sure which is first, that discredits the REAL THREAT. ATTENTION CONTENT DISCLAIMER COPYRIGHT LAWS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CREATIVE COLLECTIVE ™LUBR X brand channel and John Driver® The views and opinions expressed in this media or video or comments on this channel are those of the artists that provided us with that f*eked up idea and we were lazy enough to accept it, we thought it was funny, but doesn't necessarily represent the beliefs of the ®LUBR X brand channel ©2016-17 Due to the social satire of this channel it may contain content that has been copyrighted, but we took extra care in f@*k in it up, so you won't notice it was poached. The owner of this channel claims no responsibility to the creative collective and its thoughts and ideas contributed to the broadcast and therefore, can not be held accountable for liable. LUBRX brand™
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tilikum-riches · 7 years
prepare to prepare
My phone has been preparing to install updates for about an hour and a half. Not installing, just preparing. I think this is just something my phone says to make me think it’s doing something and isn’t the semi dog-shit burner that is “popular in developing countries” as many reviews said.
So I had to delete most of my apps but who cares to make space for these updates which won’t happen and then i guess redownload them and who cares who cares who cares.
I’m also wearing a neck pillow. It is not mine. I also had to adjust the zoom on my browser. I recently had to renew my license by mail (and by recently I mean it was coming up on a year overdue) and I’m not due in for a vision check for another like 8 years. Joke’s on them. and pedestrians. Jk maybe I’ll get frameless glasses for my friendless life. 
My car is in the shop. Because of the thing from last post and because my car is older than most youtube stars and is probably safest in the shop. I went through insurance for the other woman’s car and as far as I can tell it was a relatively painless process. That is of course before I start sending her clown emojis and like 9/11 truther videos at 430 every morning.
Neck pillow is itchy and constrictive. Not my forte. Got hbo free for a month. Thrones is great Silicon Valley is meh to good, but now I’m stuck, what I am not going to watch it, for free, legally? I dunno what else is on there. I think I’ve seen all the little girl murderer docs and really what else is there.
Update failed for a fifth time. I cannot delete anything else. I deleted an app called “phone” on my phone for this. This is the sum total of my life. I’ll try again. Lord willin and the crick don’t rise.
There was a fight this weekend. A biggie, the last biggie for awhile.(May-Mac is garbage for dumb people, but I’ll watch that too maybe) I sort of didn't appreciate it in the way I would of liked to because with a big thing there’s more people and more excitement and more booze etc. So it turns into more of like a party or the pregame to a party. But since I decided I wanted to roll with a DD because I like my own bed and do not want to talk slurry life philosophies  at 3 am I kinda crammed everything into whatever it ends up being like 4 hours and then it’s just a shitshow and some loud people bring more loud people and somebody’s girlfriend knows all these fighters personally somehow but not their names and so it becomes like “no, the big black one” and suddenly there’s some big dude name mike who I’ve never seen before standing directly behind me giving what I can’t even decipher as good or trash fight commentary. Then it’s sudddenly time to go and I leave my beer behind and I’ll never see it again. 
It was fun but like I like to watch the fights and not be screaming back and forth with dudes named mike about some facts he may have just made up. My own fault. Moderation is not my forte-either.
Updates are at 12%. Things are looking grim. I think once they gave me some shit about well “phone needs a 60 percent charge to blerh dee blew” so of course you burn battery downloading these fairy dust updates and then haven't enough juice to blerh dee blew.
Speaking of phones and beer and things that make me fat-still am rockin it. I’ve been running for likeeeee. jogging,,,,likkkkke I dunno 4 months maybe. Longer than that but then in between I randomly quit for like 3 weeks. But I’ve hit a wall sort of. I’ve unfatted myself a fair amount but not like I am no longer a fat. So I gotta change my diet or quit drinking or both which I should probably do, but then, what’s left?  furreal. People? fuck that
So instead of being rational I’ve decide just to add other old person ineffective work out routines to my repertoire I dunno how that is spelled. I’ve been doing a beginner weights youtube thing for like 6 months so maybe I could bump that up. I also did yoga for the first time in a very long time and it was very much a lot of me crashing to the floor. But it is interesting and engaging in ways that runnning often isn’t
Also tbh my running game is weak. I’m up to like a 4 mile run slowly like once a week and I say I had a “fast” mile one other day. But that’s down from like 3, whatever maybe 2 or 1 1/2s a week. Listen man it’s been fuckin 800 degrees and the sun goes down at 10pm what do you what from me and my chapped thighs.
fuckin givin me a hard time.
Been reading a lot of chandler. I think I’m almost through his original works (there aren’t alot) and I read this book called true crime addict which was probably my favorite book this year. I have some other shit on hold at the library but as I said car is in the shop and this is at the library in the wrong part of town so I dunno how I feel about huffin it. Is that what people say? huffin it? heelin it?
I got meditation tapes too. I’m primed to be the fittest most literate zened out boring maniac who yells into the internet void perpetually ever.
the dog days. the ides of july, the doldrums. 
94% so now I just have to prepare to prepare to install
0 notes
loveandra0314-blog · 8 years
All my tweets since August 29th, 2016
Currently renewing my unhealthy obsession with Harry Styles. Seniors- have a fun year knowing that all the people older than you in school get to sleep in on Mondays If it comes in rose gold, I own it Lol @ seniors who think they're the shit All of my stories start with "well first of all, bitch" I love myself. Thought you ought to know. When your roommate is THE SAME DISNEY PRINCESS AS YOU My mom keeps sending me pictures of her food Still in summer mode Drew some nice pics of myself getting electrocuted in math today I can literally find someone on the Internet in .002 secs with just a first name, but tell me to hand in my assignment online and I'll die LOOK AT THE LITTLE HEART #GreysAnatomy GREYS FOOTBALL AND HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT If you live tweet next weeks Criminal Minds season premiere, I'll report you for emotional abuse I have not lost my voice, my voice just doesn't like me so she moved out. I send my parents paragraphs and hundreds of pictures of school and I am repaid with one word sentences and blurry pictures of my dog. I come home to find that my parents literally did everything they could to conceal everything that has anything to do with me in my room ALSO MY BATHROOM SMELLS LIKE CLEANING FLUID AND I KNOW DAMN WELL IT SMELLED LIKE "sweet peony" WHEN I LEFT Anthony's favorite hobby is absolutely roasting people on the Hudl app MUZZ WAS SO EXCITED TO SEE ANTHONY THAT HE PEED ON THE COUCH On a scale from 1-10 of brokenness, I'm a $34.72. I'm really proud of myself because I finished 1/8 of an essay that's due on Thursday #overachiever Btw, Anthony replied to my hint with pictures of his papa I know it's the law... But could the train maybe not blow the whistle 6 times through a campus of sleep deprived college kids????? Spagetting to know you Julia and I are in bed watching a movie and wondering why it's so loud... ITS 8:00 PM But how the f is it October in like 2 days We're over here acting like its the damn ice age I've been coughing all over everyone and everything and IM A TERRIBLE ROOMMATE IM SO SORRY WTF "5 Crazy" I love you, SVU Women before us fought to have the right to vote - don't take that for granted #VOTE My bed is absolutely COVERED in pillows, blankets, wires, school supplies, clothes and Tide pods etc… This woman started vaping and then another woman told her to stop, and now they are full on screaming at each other. ON THE COMMUTER RAIL. Guys, this clown thing is REAL I'm having a hard enough time sleeping without all these inconsiderately loud people outside my building clown hunting The dangerous part about college is going back to your bed in between classes WORDS LITERALLY CANT DESCRIBE HOW EXCITED I AM FOR BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Belle is my Disney princess and Emma Watson is my all time favorite actress I'm crying Constantly waiting for the 12th of each month so I can have some data You can now get a life sentence for animal abuse. Justice. When your roommates make fun of you for complimenting an absolute FIRE selfie of yourself <<<< SUNDAY SHOPPING SPREE I fcking love candy corn You don't understand... our school and social lives have to fit around the voice and grey's. Sometimes my hand slips and I accidentally share something to my Facebook page We're gonna miss you #ThanksPapi It would be fun to me Harley Quinn for Halloween, but I refuse to be one of "those girls" Never be afraid to be yourself!! Happy National Coming Out Day everyone Julia and I have been watching Netflix in bed for 5 hours. COME BE OUR FRIENDS OMG Tmlt I fcking love Evan Peters and AHS Netflix for dayyyyyyzzzz May god bless you and may your eyebrows be forever on point Dear very high people in the hall, please talk even louder! And continue to walk around in your underwear! Please! I'm DYING. As soon as josh got home he immediately told everyone not to ask any questions about the dance My baby brother is almost 14 and he's like a foot taller than me and his voice is deeper than my dad's My little brother got a 30 yrd touchdown and 40 yrd run Mo and Julia are asleep and I'm just laying here laughing my ass off Literally the worst thing in the world is realizing you have a hole in your leggings Backless dresses are just so incredibly beautiful I love them The girls are asleep and I am laughing like a fcking psycho. What's new? Sorry that I retweet a lot, I just feel like sharing the things I find awesome or funny are worth making your day too I love reconnecting I have heart failure walking to class when I start to hear a longboarder behind me Cookies and Gilmore Girls with my babes It's 11:00 and we're trying to sleep pls enforce quiet hour or I will Julia and I suck at life so we put it on the internet. #relatable "Omg have you seen @JeffreeStar new black highlighter?" "Isn't that just a sharpie?" NO JULIA IT IS NOT A SHARPIE I love late night phone calls with my man Rewatching greys is my fave thing to do Meeting guy friends at college is easy until you bring up your boyfriend I told everyone in my kindergarten class that I was a boy. So, surprise everyone idk what that was about Life update: the heater in our room is making loud, evil noises. This started yesterday and has not stopped. This heater needs medical attention I am honestly concerned for this heater's health. She's clearly leaking or dying or something College is not being able to afford a stapler and the professor refusing to collect unstapled papers. Derek Shepherd has been setting unrealistic expectations since 2005. Feliz Dia de Los Muertes! I'm so excited for Beauty and the Beast I'm actually crying. Real tears. I'm seeing it MINIMUM 10 times in theaters "THIS MEAT IS SO RAW A GOOD VET COULD SAVE IT" Anthony wutttttttt No Makeup November JULIA AND I ARE CRYING (not happy tears) The sun rose this morning and it will rise tomorrow morning My dad has had a variation of the same car since 1995 "You are SO loud" "I just don't care" lol k Anthony Scooby doo I cried twice today, first because I watched the Beauty and the Beast trailer, the second time was when I re-watched the trailer. My dream job is when it's always Friday Also no makeup November is going swimmingly, I may never wear makeup everyday ever again All the bathrooms on my floor are being cleaned and I've been holding my pee for an hour and a half. Can I be someone's creepy older prom date this year? I had some real good coffee this morning and I feel absolutely fantastic, this may be a new me Anthony is snapchatting me live from his room where his roommate is keeping him captive and asking deep questions about life College is being awake at 11pm which is just enough time to squeeze in a few more episodes of greys before 12 COLLEGE IS BEING AWAKE AT 12:30am BUT THERES ONLY ONE MORE EPISODE IN THE SEASON Hobbies include: coughing loudly and rudely when I pass people who are smoking When I'm actively trying to not laugh my ass off at stupid stuff because roommate Just a reminder to be careful and safe this holiday season I want a pretty case because the life proof one is too much but I can't afford a new phone sooo.... TMI: I threw up all over a bathroom stall today. I warned you. My professor shaded me in front of the whole class. I don't have room for embarrassment because I high key gained so much respect. Savagery Hahaha at least my eyebrows are fleeky The weather today is less than ideal. Julia made a tinder and then promptly deleted it when she saw an attractive man. THIS IS WHY. THIS IS WHY. True friends snapchat from across the room If the wifi would stay connected, I wouldn't run out of data every month The temperature was in the single digits today and I honestly don't know how I've ever been able to live like this for so long There is a full on absolutely raging party down the hall from my room. 24 hour quiet hours what College made me addicted to tums Sleep is great, but have you ever watched Netflix? Prof almost made us stay past the two hours like... fuck you thought?? Oh annnnnnd I woke my ass up at 7:00 this morning to get a waffle AND THEY HADNT PUT THE STATION OUT YET Why does my brother constantly ask what we got him for xmas?? Like we're not telling you and if we did your xmas would be ruined Trying to save up...but Sephora I can't even put into words how sad I am about Carrie Fishers passing. Rest In Peace. Someone get me on the slopes Can't stop won't stop crying at the Beauty and the Beast trailer. What did I do to deserve this Every time I lose a snapchat streak, I die a little on the inside I'm such a daddy's girl tbh Setting that 4 am alarm is absolutely killer Hey at least the Cubs won the World Series in 2016 Thought about making a resolution to go to the gym and eat green stuff, but I'm just gonna do me, eat cookies and walk occasionally Tmlt- moral: be happy, and do what makes you happy I really just slept until 5pm Traveling through Hoth in my damn Jetta was fun I should have just skied home from work smh These are the days that I wish my dad's Outback was automatic. Smh I share a bathroom w two teenage boys. There is a pile of underwear in the corner that grows +2 every day.
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