watersplxsh · 5 years
// Hey, I know it’s been a long while since I’ve been on hiatus but I realized while taking a break from Kouta that I outright no longer have muse for him.. I’m really sorry to anyone that had threads with him, but I think I’ll be retiring him outright. I’ve kinda fallen a bit more out of the bnha fandom as well so I don’t think I’ve got the inspiration to really write anyone else rip;;
Writing Kouta was fun while it lasted though, so thank you for everyone that did write with him! I had a blast- //
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watersplxsh · 6 years
floatsaver replied to your post: Update
( don’t be sorry !! take all the time you need off to collect your muse back. breaks definitely do help. take care of yourself ! )
// thank you so much! hopefully kouta comes back soon lskdf
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watersplxsh · 6 years
// Sorry for my recent absence, but my muse hasn’t been the greatest unfortunately. So I think I’ll take a bit of a hiatus from Kouta. Not sure how long to put it for yet so I’ll just try and see if I get muse for him and come back then, maybe on a semi-hiatus. Sorry again! //
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watersplxsh · 6 years
“Exactly right. When I found out, I could hardly believe it. They were quite a lot to handle for me being the big brother. They’re…. all 7 now. They’re starting to get a little heavy for my tail to hold up so easily.”
He loves them to no end. They were special, and there was no one in the world he would trade them for. 
Ojiro looks a bit distressed at the fact that Kouta’s fallen off a cliff before. 
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“I’m glad you’re alive to tell the tale but… that’s pretty dangerous. Did you break anything after falling down that far?”
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His cheeks puffed slightly as instead of seeming impressed, Ojiro was just worried about what happened. He was just trying to show off how cool he was. He crossed his arms. “Well, it wasn’t that big of a cliff..” He motioned with one hand that said cliff had a sloped incline, on which he had tumbled down. “I just tumbled a lot and got some scrapes. I didn’t break anything..” He got close a couple times when he fell out of trees and twisted his ankle, but thankfully hasn’t actually broken a bone.
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watersplxsh · 6 years
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                        ♥ ·•( Aria used a boulder on the beach to lift himself up to stand for the first time. His legs were wobbly and he felt uneasy. Walking was going to be a hassle but he’d figure it out. After all he was a strong siren and there was nothing he couldn’t accomplish.  Very slowly he walked, using the boulder as a crutch until he was confident enough. Footsteps were still kind of shakey but he eventually got it to where he wasn’t going to fall over. 
“Don’t worry about explaining me, I can do that myself. What did you call those things… quirks? Perhaps I can use that as an excuse.” Aria suggested already starting to walk further into the land. “…Does all of the land smell so strange?” He asked, smelling land flowers he’d never seen before. It also smelled like something was burning in the distance but not like a ship burning.  “That isn’t the smell of burning wood.”   )•· ♥
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He’s just kind of taken aback by what was even happening right now. Well.. if he went and got his phone from Mandalay, maybe he could just call Midoriya to the beach. That’d be way easier than anything else.. Looked like he was still getting used to walking. He must not do this turning his tail into legs thing very often. “Yeah they’re called quirks. Either way, I have an idea but you gotta stay here ‘til I get back. Get used to walking until then, or whatever.”
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He’s about to head off when Aria made a strange comment about a smell. “Huh? That’s just a cookout--they’re cooking food. Everything smells fine, you’re probably just too used to all the salt. Anyways, I’ll be right back.” He heads back to the hero agency his aunt was at and went to find her. After a request for his phone and a quick excuse as to why he was so wet, he came back to Aria. However, Mandalay insisted if he was going to be near the water again that he wear a life jacket just in case so he had one of those on too. “I’ll just ask Midoriya if he can come here instead of you going to him,” he explained, pulling up Midoriya’s contact information on the phone.
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watersplxsh · 6 years
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                         🕸 “Unfortunately, most people. Not all share our views on heroes and so as a result we are bombarded by all of this. Personally I believe it is an eyesore.” Kikai replied, noting the passive kick to the shelf. “Meeting you was refreshing, Kouta. These days I don’t meet many people who dislike heroes. and the society around them… you’re a smart kid.”   The spider villain nodded. He hoped Kouta wouldn’t end up as a villain like he did, and he doubted that would be the case anyway.  “I only wandered in here because I used to want to be a hero…  so I guess just for the memories.. pretty stupid honestly.. but I’m glad this trip wasn’t a waste because I ran into you again and I’m glad you’re doing well.”  🕸
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He glared at the bookshelf, mostly just because it was the one thing right in front of him at the moment. “All heroes do is show off and get themselves killed. It’s dumb.” He kept lightly nudging the bookshelf with his foot. So far the only heros he really liked was his aunt and Midoriya, though he wasn’t an actual hero yet. If all heroes were like him though.. it might be a different story. Maybe. He looked over to Kikai, his brows furrowed. “You don’t like heroes either?” He paused. “You’re not a villain right?”
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watersplxsh · 6 years
Following behind, Izuku couldn’t help but feel he’d done something wrong. Keeping his hands close, he looked around. This place looked very nice, much like a summer camp like he’d seen on TV. Part of him was still excited to meet real pro heroes, but now he had an icky feeling in his chest.
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There was something else, though. For some reason, he couldn’t help but feel like he knows this other kid. Maybe his personality? It kinda reminded him of Kacchan, but a lot less mean. Not his hair or his hat… Nothing. Staying behind the other, he simply kept quiet.
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He felt as though he should feel guilty for building his walls back up for Midoriya just because he doesn’t remember him at all.. It’s still Midoriya even if he’s just little right now. He’s just.. bad at this. It’s hard to talk to others. Before heading inside to fetch one of the Pussycats to take Midoriya home, he turned to face the other child.
“Sorry if I said something bad,” he said bluntly. “.. My aunt told me to make friends but I’m not good at it. So.. I guess if you wanted, we can be friends. You can come here whenever you want, and I could show you my secret hideout.” He couldn’t help looking dead serious as he extended his hand to Midoriya, though he averted his gaze soon after. His asking was so brazen, but he wasn’t sure of any other way to just ask someone to be your friend. “After you go home, I don’t think I’ll see you for a while. This place is pretty far from the city. So.. I wanted to ask before then.”
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watersplxsh · 6 years
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                         ♛ With a sigh Viessa knelt down to Kouta’s level. “If you do not wish to explore now, then I will guide you to your room. Please remember that I am here for you if you need anything or just want to talk.”  He spoke quietly and softly as to not make this more difficult than it probably already was. Figuring the boy must’ve been hungry because of the long horse back ride he stood up and got the attention of a cook. 
He told them to make everything they could. Since Viessa didn’t know what the young prince enjoyed to eat, they had to make everything available and hoped something stuck.  “Do you want me to lead you to your room or would you like to find it on your own?”  ♛
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As Viessa knelt down to his level, he turned his head away stubbornly. He didn’t want to face anyone right now especially with how emotional and vulnerable he’s been right now. He avoided eye contact like it was the last thing he wanted to do. He really just wanted to be alone for a while so people could stop seeing him be like this.
He puffed his cheeks as he thought on that decision. He didn’t really want help, but even now he knew if he just wandered around on his own he’d probably get lost and get even more upset. He didn’t know this castle like the back of his hand--not like his home. “..I want you to take me,” he muttered reluctantly.
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watersplxsh · 6 years
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                         ☁ Kiiri couldn’t help but laugh as he watched the boy walk away, confused about the mention of kings and the sort. Clearly this place didn’t have any royalty and that meant perhaps this society was weak. For sure he would make this a second home. He kept laughing as he turned away from his cave, exited it, walked into the ocean. Legs once again turning into black tentacles and then under the water he started to change into his true form. 
His true form being a kraken, a giant kraken. Bigger than any building he had seen from the shore line, size unbelievable by most measuring standards. The ocean here seemed to have enough room for him, so that was a plus. One of his now massive tentacles breached the surface, towering over the beach like a sky scraper but larger. The dark mass that was his body only shadowed under the surface of the water.   ☁
He had found a few cool shells in the shallow water’s sand, holding them in his arms as he dug around for more. He had almost forgotten about the weird guy that came out of the ocean and made weird threats. He could do whatever he wanted, it didn’t matter to him. If the adults didn’t like him there, they’d deal with him.
His brow furrowed as it seemed like the ocean itself had become darker. Taking a glance over to where he was last, he didn’t see the weird octopus guy anymore. There was the loud sound of water splashing and a shadow overhead and when he looked back there was a massive tentacle protruding from the surface of the ocean. 
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His eyes were wide as he stared up at it, much like a deer caught in headlights. All the shells fell from his arm as he stood there stunned and frightened. Finally, he screamed.
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watersplxsh · 6 years
Leia couldn’t help but giggle lowly as he was all grumbly when talking about his aunts quirk, more so annoyed he can’t respond back to her the same way. “That would make it a lot easier, do you sometimes text or call her when she does? Least you can respond that way”
“It is a really awesome quirk! Though… I think all quirks are really awesome.” She nodded with a big smile, even if she wasn’t as sure about her own after her talk with her grandpa recently. “But it’s okay if you don’t want to be a hero and umm it is up to you in the end what you want to do. Do you have any ideas what you want to be yet?” She was a bit curious if maybe he had something else in mind. 
“Mmm! Sounds good to me.” Leia grinned, bouncing on her toes slightly. She was excited that he agreed on pinky promising with her and the fact it’ll be how she sees how strong his quirk by how much of a tingle it gives her hand. 
Carefully she checked her corgi change purse to count how much change she had as Kouta was choosing what he wanted from the machine. Just as she finished counting he was finished and turned to face her with his hand out with his pinky extended for her. 
“I pinky swear not to tell anyone what you told me.” Leia grinned wide, wrapping her own pinky around his and moved their hands up and down a little in the process. 
Immediately after she wrapped her pinky around his, her little finger got tingly and the feeling traveled down to her wrist. Making the palm of her hand and her ring finger get tingly as well “Oh…! My two fingers went tingly with the palm of my hand and it stopped at my wrist” She moved her free hand to point where the tingly feeling stopped on her wrist. 
“Yeah, it’s the only way I can sometimes. But there’s sometimes I don’t have it with me and that’s when its annoying.” He’s lucky that he has a phone, since the one he got he had received as a gift from a guy that knew his aunt. He mostly used it to play games like angry birds, but Mandalay liked it because it was good for him to have in emergencies just in case.
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“Yeah? I don’t get to see many too often since I stay at Mandalay’s lodge a lot.” He didn’t have much of an interest in quirks, due to his experiences. Though it is interesting to see lots of people with different sorts of quirks. Even though he hated them being there, he was kind of interested in watching the hero students train for the summer camp.. He shook his head at the question. “I dunno. Lots of people tell me there’s loads of other things to do besides being a hero, but I haven’t found one yet that I wanna be. I just know I don’t wanna be a hero, that’s all.”
After holding out his pinky, he gripped his snack and drink in his other arm. He wasn’t sure if he’d feel the tingling too, now that he thought about it? He still didn’t hesitate as he hooked his pinkie in hers though. He did puff his cheeks and give a firm nod at the promise she was making, as if to silently say ‘good.’ He moved his hand with the up and down motion too, noting that he indeed didn’t also feel the tingling sensation.
He leaned over to look at their two hands a bit closer, especially as she pointed to her wrist where she said the tingling went to. “Is that good? Does that mean it’s strong..?” he asked. Would she be able to tell he’d been training it, he wondered? Hopefully not, since that was a secret to everyone--even his aunt and Midoriya.
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watersplxsh · 6 years
Soda’s Milestone Bias List
I just wanna say thanks for giving my blog and my portrayal of Tetsutetsu a chance. I never thought I’d have this many followers when I first joined the BNHA RPC and I’m so grateful for the friends and mutuals I’ve made in the process.
@unsuccesscr: You were one of the first people I started really interacting with back on my OC and now we’re like, BRAIN TWINS. I love all of the ideas and songs for our dumb boyos we exchange, but I’m also just so thankful that you’re one of my most treasured friends. Your Izuku is a blessing on this hellsite.
@bakvhatsv: Uhm, what can I even say without like screaming passionately about it? I never thought we’d get so invested in our hellish rarepair, but I’m so glad it just happened to develop so naturally and unexpectedly. It’s always a joy and pleasure to see you on my dashboard and I’ll always be ready to write, share artwork, songs, and just TALK about life with you. Anytime, anywhere.
@aemulo: We hit it off so quickly and it’s been such a wild ride- It’s never a dull moment with you and always feels inducing. I was excited to have a Neito to plot with and I still get emotional over our old threads and interactions just as much as the newer stuff we excitedly scream about on Discord.
@theabandonedones: You’re one of my dear friends I love talking to on a daily basis and every muse you take on is so rich and full of life. It’s so inspiring to read your work and get an opportunity to write with you. I hope we can continue to interact in the years to come, no matter the fandom. P.S. thanks for all the ideas for silly doodles and comics, I love turning the concepts we share into little gifts we can laugh over.
@superrncva: My dear, my love??? I stg your Bakugo energy is off the charts and it’s never a dull moment whether IC or OOC. I look forward to continue making you laugh and cry with ideas and lots of love for your star-boy and how brightly he’s going to shine as he grows as a person and hero.
@obliterus: I always love your creative portrayals of canon muses and your amazing OCs, there is such a wealth of information and freshness to the muses you take on- It’s really great motivation to work on my own meta and headcanons just to share with you.
@tikkvn & @pyrrhe: You both are amazing people and amazing writers. I love reading your threads on my dash and it is such a joy to see your muses blossom and develop even more than they already are. I really would love to interact with you two more now that I’m back and making more time for writing and artwork. 
More writers/mutuals I have big creative crushes on:
@mindlesspurplegaze, @grcnadier, @invisiquirk, @stcnebled, @bloodsrule, @smcsh, @gyrater, @herosname, @manicvoice, @watersplxsh, @amplifyingtrace, @leftoverquirks, @portation, @yuugxn, @dad-for-one, @snake-oiled-chief, @xerantic, @xcrematedx, @ksri, @karitxriki, @neuroaltered, @quirkgifter, @oneshockyboi
and others I’ve more than likely forgotten, I apologize for that… I love you all and thank you so much.
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watersplxsh · 6 years
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Funny how the kid was actually pretty adorable when he was trying to be tough.
Katsuki left the kid be for the night and went to sleep himself.
The next morning he went to the kid with a bowl of porridge in one hand and a small cloak in the other for the kid to take with him.
“Oi, Kouta. You awake?”
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After a surprisingly deep sleep, he was mostly awoken by the smell of food. Therefore when Katsuki came to speak to him, he was already somewhat awake and just rolled over to look at him. “I am now..” he stated bluntly, rubbing his eyes. His hair was all over the place as it normally was, as he never really felt the need to make it look nice. Who’d care about something like that anyways?
 He eyed the bowl of porridge and sat up quickly so he could accept the food. He also noticed the small cloak the other had and his eyes got a little glint in them as he made grabby hands at both of the items.
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watersplxsh · 6 years
The expressions of discomfort were not lost on her. It was clear he wasnt happy about something, but what was unclear. Still, her curious nature would not let up.
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“You live in the mountains? At a hero agency??” Kouta was living the dream! A life of adventure with a group of heroes, one of which was his aunt! “I’ve never really been outside the city before. I went to Hosu once!” Not very impressive comparatively. “Up there, I bet you get to go on all kinds of adventures! And catch tons of bugs! And climb rocks and trees!”
Aquanna hugged her fish tighter. “My brother is Midoriya Izuku! Bakugo Katsuki is kinda my brother, too!” It was nice having so many big brothers.
“Yeah, they do rescue stuff in the forest and mountains. So that’s why the hero agency is there. The best part about it is it has a hot spring in it.” She hadn’t left the city at all? That seemed weird to him, but he supposed her situation was the opposite of his. “If you like nature, you’d like it out there because it’s right in the middle of a big forest. The trees are really big.” He gave a nod, his eyes lighting up ever so slightly. “Yeah I explore a lot in the forest, and there’s lots of rocks and cliffs to climb up on. And one time I found a really big beetle and I caught it all on my own, it was like this big-” He held his fingers about two inches apart to show how big it was. 
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His eyes widened out of surprise and he jumped to his feet. “Wha- no way, your brother is Midoriya??” Midoriya didn’t mention having a sister before. Though maybe it was just that he didn’t actually see Midoriya as often as he would like to. Bakugo sounded familiar too.. the exploding guy? He realized he overreacted and crossed his arms. He wasn’t sure what to say about it though, as he wasn’t fond of talking about the particular incident that happened the night Midoriya saved his life. “..Midoriya was at my aunt’s hero team’s training camp a while ago. And that Bakugo guy too.”
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watersplxsh · 6 years
                       • How Saichi had gotten here, his father’s sidekick dropping him off at the camp ground, was a normal story. His father was going to be very busy for the next few days and he needed a baby sitter. Usually the sidekick would do it but his father needed him too. So his father had reached out to the pro heroes Wild Wild pussy cats. 
With the sidekicks’ help he hopped out of the van, backpack on his back, looking around the area. It was clean and very campy, though it looked set up for many students. This was his first time here, and he was understandably a little nervous and he fiddled with the cloth wrappings on his arms.   •
Mandalay had told him there was going to be another kid staying with them for a few days, though he wasn’t entirely happy about it. He usually didn’t talk to kids at school and so having another kid he didn’t know enter a space that was his and his alone didn’t sit well with him. He liked his time alone too much. Of course Mandalay would expect him to play with the other kid too.. how dumb.
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As the car pulled up dropping him off, he was standing off to the side of the lodge and watching from a good distance. Mandalay came out then to greet the other kid and welcome him to the lodge. Of course, she knew Kouta was there and tried to wave him over. He grimaced, but eventually sauntered over with his hands tucked deep in his pockets. Mandalay urged him to introduce himself, which he reluctantly obliged. “..It’s Kouta.”
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watersplxsh · 6 years
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Our Hero.
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watersplxsh · 6 years
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Finally finished this. I think.
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watersplxsh · 6 years
i accidentally showed some weakness earlier today it was disgusting i would not recommend it 
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