#some deity gonna smite me for this post
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catgirlbussy · 2 years ago
(if applicable they can be halal chicken strips those taste gr8 too)
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asterial-wishes · 1 year ago
Hello and welcome to Asterial!
My name is Elysia (she/her), and I’m going to be your guide through the wonderful world of Asterial.
Let’s get you started with some of the basics!
What is Asterial?
Asterial is a side realm connected to the human realm, where all magical beings reside.
Your history textbooks won’t tell you this, but we used to share a realm! We split off from you humans after The Great War… now the barrier is blocked off via magic, so the average human can’t even see the entrances hiding around the world.
Asterial is actually a rather new development, only being about a hundred years old, so don’t worry, there’s not a lot of major history to catch you up on!
Who am I?
You know my name, but let me tell you a little more about me!
Once again, my name is Elysia, I go by she/her pronouns. I’m a nature fairy (not a fae, that is a different species entirely!). I have two familiars, both being cats—Jazzmin (who is a brown and white main coon) and Gizmo (I have no idea what she is other than grey).
I live in the outskirts of the Celestial Pine forest, near one of the major Asterial cities. I’m not all that social, but I do occasionally visit the city for shopping purposes… I suppose.
I’m actually a deity’s aid, too! I work for Time Itself. My job is to share the unspoken truths. Believe me, you’ll never see me lie! I physically can’t. At least, not well…
Blog Rules
So with those introductions out of the way, allow me to set some ground rules for any wanderers who pass through here. I’ll keep it simple!
Show kindness! We all exist in this world together, divided by a barrier or not. I’m a person, you’re a person… be nice to each other!
No discrimination. Going off the above rule, I don’t wanna see any homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, nothing of the sort.
Keep NSFW on the low. I just don’t generally like talking about it, but I’m not gonna smite you or anything lol
That’s it! Literally pls just be nice
Asks are totally welcomed! Ask questions, talk to me about whatever… that’s what I’m here for!
Important Links and Tags
I promise all of these links are safe! They all go to other Tumblr posts.
People of Note (Masterlist) (WIP)
History Lessons (Masterlist) (WIP)
More to come! New blog and all.
Now for tags!
#Elysia’s Asterial — General tag!
#Elysia speaks — Textposts, for when I answer questions, whatever else.
#Ask Elysia — Specifically for any asks you all send me!
#reblog time — For reblogs <3
#Asterial History — Mwahahaha you can’t escape history class /j
#Asterial Art — I do a lot of drawings to convey thoughts, you’ll find those here!
#Asterial Biology — For when I talk about specific species!
#Charles Duras — This guy runs Perzion City. Believe me, there’s A LOT to talk about with him.
Phew! I think that’s everything? Thanks for joining me!
You can also find me on @elysia-nsimp!
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raijinhasverybigpecs · 4 years ago
What are your thoughts (if you have any) on more of the “historic” characters like King Arthur being added? I think they could make Cleopatra a cool character, maybe you play as her post-death in smite where she’s partially mummified? Idk there’s a lot of mixed opinions on these types of characters being included
i think @off-with-there-heads (tag isn’t working rip 😔) talked about it a while ago or put the idea of cleopatra in smite in my head at some point and i think i was okay with the idea 🙏 i love cleopatra but i don’t trust hi-rez with her at all, she’s gonna be like hera or morgan and lack any real nuance lol.
i also don’t super love the idea of cleopatra being half mummified, like that point you may as well portray her with an asp biting her. if achilles can be in the game alive with no questions then cleopatra deserves that as well lol 🥴 she could also have a fun kit charming enemies, politically scheming by setting up traps or something and getting minions to fight for her lol. cleopatra as a support summoner... kinda sickening and her ult can be her giant fancy boat that got antony Horny... love love love that. kinda wanna explore that more, let’s put in a pin in that for now
anyways i was famously against the arthurian pantheon when they arrived but they’re p beloved additions to the smite roster so it’s totally fine. a good god can come from anywhere, guan yu from what i remember was a real dude who became a god so i’m not one to gatekeep additions to the smite cast who have those stories told about them and as much as i rag on hi-rez for the addition of mulan i did like her joining the cast even if hi-rez fucked up her appearance 😳
for me my limit was at racist octopus bc that’s too recent for me and no one’s praying to that so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i prefer to see Gods with a capital g who were properly worshipped and i prefer the addition of ancient gods over more modern figures in general. i certainly don’t want to see something like the god of the internet or something like that in-game but i think those could make interesting skins 🤔
but yeah. ‘historic’ god/deity additions are cool by me 😌🙏 love this checklist of different types of possible god additions to smite tho, who’s next for judgement lol
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hiccup-is-left-handed · 6 years ago
fjord’s next steps (spoilers c2e72)
okay okay okay
so i have a lot of thoughts about where fjord could go next, class-wise. after talks tonight, we know that travis currently has very little agency in this choice. i fully expect matt to homebrew something better than i could ever think of. conjecturing is fun tho so i guarantee this post will be long. i’ll organize it as best i can. here we go
1. travis said early on that he picked warlock so he could stay a melee fighter while starting to get used to magic–he specifically mentioned going full math lady while looking at the sorcerer page on an early talks episode. given the current absence of yasha, i can’t see travis “tactics” willingham leaving beau alone on the front lines. this eliminates sorcerer and (sadly) bard.
2. paladin. im currently rolling my own paladin for the first time so i’ve been doing a lot of research. there are a bajillion homebrew paladin oaths, but the player’s handbook details three: devotion, ancients, and vengeance. let’s take those in reverse.
it’s not gonna be the oath of vengeance. travis seems committed to fjord’s lawful good alignment, and the oath of vengeance basically says that nothing comes between you and hunting down your enemy, not even your friends or another evil threat. despite the fact that uk’otoa (((uk’otoa))) has really messed with fjord, i don’t think he hates his old deity enough to swear an oath of vengeance.
it could be the oath of ancients, but something about it doesn’t quite fit fjord. the aesthetic of this oath is very nature-based, which fits right in with the wildmother. but the tenets of this oath involve loving and defending everything that is good and beautiful in the world, and that’s what rubs me wrong about it. he loves things that are good and beautiful (coughJestercough) but it doesn’t feel important enough to him that he would swear an undying oath in the name of protecting the light. jester might, but not fjord.
of these options, the oath of devotion feels like the best fit. paladins of devotion swear an oath to uphold and act with utmost honesty, courage, compassion, honor, and duty, all of which are things we know fjord values. the spell list would allow him to protect himself and his friends, and the options for channeling divinity would allow him to add his charisma mod to his weapon attacks for a minute, in addition to whatever divine smite he added. 
so fjord could definitely be a paladin of devotion for the wildmother. but even though there’s an oath option that fits him, it’s still an undying oath that carries serious consequences if violated or broken, and i don’t feel like fjord will want that much responsibility so soon after being freed from his old pact. he’s still trying to be accepted by his friends, let alone a god. if he does become a paladin, i’d hope that it would take some time (which works out given that fjord needs to increase his strength score by 2 before he can legally be a paladin). but there’s another option, and it’s honestly my favorite.
3. celestial warlock!!!!!!! this feels like the best fit for fjord as he is now, even if it’s an interim thing while he’s gaining the strength necessary for paladin. as a celestial warlock, fjord would have the opportunity to heal a creature within 60 feet as a bonus action using d6s, which is better than the healing word spell. he’d have access to spells like flaming sphere, daylight, flamestrike, and guardian of faith (or matt’s homebrew equivalent). if matt gives him a 10th level in warlock, he’ll be able to give himself and up to 5 others temporary hit points after any rest, short or long. it’d change his role in the party from straight DPS to something like a combat medic, but given the seriousness of the threats they’re facing now and fjord’s recent near-death experience at the hands of yasha, i doubt anyone would say no to guaranteed temporary hit points. 
so there you have it, my way too detailed thoughts on fjord. we'll see what happens friday 
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joicthestoic · 2 years ago
Paladins x D&D 2
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Makoa, everyone’s favorite big tortoise tank with an ankor. Nobody dares challenge Makoa. So let’s ask the question, what would Makoa be in a D&D context.
Once again, I’m gonna go ahead and say race is pretty easy to guess here. Obviously, being a big tanky tortoise, he would be a Tortle, despite his he technically is a deity of sorts. Since he is said to be a “turtle deity” (despite not being a turtle since he has legs for land) he would likely be some sort of divine being. The classes most befitting of Makoa would be either Paladin, Barbarian or Druid. I’ll go into detail about it later in the post, and he might end up multiclassing.
Tortles do not have subraces, so he would be a regular Tortle so we can remain RAW with this. Even so, I should point out that Shell Defense is not his shield ability, as in D&D it does not summon a big shield around him. However, he would likely use it when using Shell Spin. Makoa being 108 (at least) is a bit troubling since Tortles only live up to 50, but we can mark this down as him being some sort of deity.
Next, his class, he first needs access to his Shell Shield, and since neither Paladins nor Druids have any of the necessary spells, we have to get creative. Because of its round shape, Globe of Invulnerability and Wall of Force are the only options. Since neither Druids or Paladins have this spell by default, we must turn to Barbarian, picking the Ancestral Guardian subclass at level 3 and going up to level 6 for the Spirit Shield. Technically it reduces damage, but in this case we’re assuming it nullifies all damage. Next, the Dredge Ancor must be some sort of magic item. We’ll be using the SRD and use the Dragon Hook, which will allow to grapple and pull the opponent, as well as being used for melee combat with the ult. Like with Barik, we’re ignoring the main weapon, in this case his cannon, because of them being built on the Paladins universe’s materials and therefore not having much options for D&D equivalents. Lastly, the question remains. YOU CHALLENGE MAKOA?! His Ancient Rage will not just be a simple Barbarian rage, though it will function with the rage abilities. First we increase our Barbarian level to 9 for Brutal Critical, which will explain the high damage chance. We’ll take 3 levels into Paladin, with an Oath of the Ancients so that you have access to Divine Smite, and you can use Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless which is simply there for flavor of when you utter the phrase “You challenge Makoa?!” they will be affected. 
Now I had thought Makoa would be a higher level, considering he’s a deity and all. While his pure damage potential with this build might be much higher than Barok, he can only ult once considering the rules of D&D. Still, he would only need to be a 12th level Barbaladin to have all of his abilities, with 9 levels in Ancestral Guardian Barbarian and 3 in Ancients Paladin. I did mention Druid earlier, but after looking through their spell list, I found nothing that would help them get a more accurate Makoa. So, with that being said, Makoa build fresh for the taking. Let me know what you think and feel free to yell at me for using an SRD magic item. If you feel you have some better alternatives to abilities or weapons, let me know, I’d love to hear back from anyone who reads through these. Have a lovely day lads.
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funkii4-blog · 3 years ago
This isn't a Beyblade post as usual but im laughing my ass off rn
So HiRez fed its fans quite well today with a bunch of showcases for its games, and since I'm a player of both Smite and Paladins it left me very satisfied
For Smite, the info we got was simple; we finally got a major Hindu deity that we've been asking for for a while and its the first Hindu rep in quite some time. That's about it, like we got more information for competitive season 9 but the addition of Shiva was the big thing.
For Paladins though? Here's where the LMAO comes in.
Willo got a new skin for the first time in like four years!!!
Ying and Maeve got new skins,, yay... /s
Super badass looking new flank was revealed,
I was a little confused on his name so I went diving for information. When it was clarified to me his intimidation factor instantly vanished for me. I don't think I'll ever get over it because
his name is a fucking number.
his name is seven, like VII. w...WHAT THE SHIT
I don't understand it and I likely never will, if you're gonna give a badass mysterious assassin/vigilante a codename at least make it something cool
TLDR: evil mojo needs to get better character names /hj
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New Post has been published on Side Quest Fitness
New Post has been published on https://sidequestfitness.com/alternative-exercises-for-bench-pressing/
Alternative Exercises for Bench Pressing that Build Size and Strength
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I’m gonna need you to take your hands and put them under your ass right now. Because what I’m about to say is going to make you want to slap the shit out of your computer and make you question why you even clicked on this link.
The barbell bench press is the most overrated exercise in the history of the universe.
What? Oh my God, did he just say that? Did this nerdy ginger douche-canoe just blaspheme the almighty bench press? Yes, yes I did. And if the Gods of Gains feel the need to smite me, may they do it swiftly.
Those PS2 graphics don’t age well.
Since they have not thrown lightning bolts at me as of hitting publish on this article, I’m gonna assume I’m safe. And now I shall enlighten you with the reasons as to why the bench press won’t give you that deity-esque chest you’ve always dreamed of.
When it comes to building a larger and stronger chest the barbell bench press is considered sacrosanct. And for decades, every bro who’s ever stepped foot in a gym undoubtedly heads to the bench press to prove to the rest of the pack that he’s worthy of being in their space. Unless you’re a competitive powerlifter, the barbell bench press is only useful as a dick measuring contest.
Now, if your goal isn’t to swing your dick around like some mindless Neanderthal and you want to build a chest that would make Captain America jealous, keep reading. Because here’re a handful of exercises that will make your chesticles pop off your chest and damn near out of your shirt.
The 5 Best Alternative Exercises for Bench Pressing
*Before we dive into the best exercises for your chest, do you even know how to feel your chest? And I don’t mean feeling it when you touch yourself. I mean, can you feel your pecs engage when do a bench press? Or do you feel it more in your shoulders?
So first up, make sure you understand how to isolate your chest while bench pressing. Toss a few of those exercises into your warm-up to engage more of your pecs. Because the more pecs you engage, the more muscle you’ll build long-term in yo’ titties. Now onto the fun stuff.
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
One of my online coaching clients asked me why I wasn’t programming flat barbell bench press in his program. One of my goals as an online coach is to educate my clients on what they’re doing so that someday in the future, like a little baby bird, they can fly off on their own. My client who happens to be a basketball player, and I explained to him that one of the biggest pitfalls of the barbell bench press is that it places a ton of strain on your shoulder.
Instead of the flat barbell bench press, I what I consider one of the best alternative exercises for bench pressing, the incline bench press. Here’s why you should prioritize incline bench pressing over flat:
Superior Range of Motion – you get a better stretch on your pecs and thus more potential for gains.
Better Upper Chest Development – Chris Evans made thousands of dudes rush to the gym after Captain America in hopes to build a body like Cap. And his physique dropped jaws due in part to his ridiculous upper chest development. Incline bench pressing is what creates that 3D-pop-off-your-clavicle look.
Less Strain on Your Front Delts – this is the main problem with flat bench pressing: too much deltoid recruitment. And for an overhead athlete like my client, bench pressing isn’t always ideal as he already uses his shoulders more than most of us. But incline bench pressing helps you to lock your shoulders down and back and into the bench, thus allowing you more use of your pecs.
It seems so ridiculous that in an article about the best alternative exercises for bench pressing that the first option is, in fact, a bench press. But incline pressing helps to take more pressure off your shoulders and places that tension on your pecs. And if you want to build a 3D chest that damn near pops off your body, of all the alternative exercises for bench pressing you could choose, the incline bench press should be number one.
*There is one more muscle you need to train to improve your bench press and shoulder health as well.*
Dumbbell Floor Press
Shoulder injuries are the most common reported mishap with bench pressing. But the floor press damn near eliminates that issue. By laying on your back, you limit your range of motion and you place a bit more emphasis on your triceps with this variation. However, with a wee tweak to this exercise, you can hit more of your inner chest than you can with a barbell bench press.
Lie on the ground between two dumbbells. Your knees should remain bent with your feet flat on the floor. Grab the dumbbells and move them into the starting position, they should be shoulder width apart with your palms facing inward, and your elbows bent.
Now, extend your arms, pressing the weight over your chest. But as you get to the top of the motion, think about shoving your elbow join into your opposing armpit. You’ll feel a massive squeeze in your inner pecs. Pause for 1-2 seconds, and then slowly lower the weight back down until your triceps are flush with the floor.
Perform three to four sets of eight to 12 repetitions of floor presses.
Off-Set Push-Ups
Ah, push-ups. For some, they’re a goal they work hard towards achieving. For others, hammering out 20 push-ups is as easy as walking to the mailbox. Push-ups are the original bench press. Except, in this case, the bench is the Earth. But push-ups are one of the best ways to build strength and size in your chest.
So if you’re looking for alternative exercises for bench pressing, don’t overlook the classic push-up. But there are a couple of tweaks you’ll want to make to your push-ups to make them more effective than the bench press.
Have you ever increased your range of motion with push-ups by using handles or dumbbells? Did you know you can do that one side at a time? Off-set push-ups will challenge your body in ways you’ve never imagined, mostly because you’ll be doing reps on each side. That means you’ll essentially be doubling up on your push-up reps. Did someone say DOMS?
The other minor tweak you can use to make push-ups harder is changing the positions of your hands. The wider your hand placement, the more you challenge your pecs. And the more narrow your hand placement, the more intense the movement is for your triceps.
Or you can change the angle of your push-ups. Decline push-ups will challenge even the most seasoned lifter. And if you can’t perform a regular push-up or even knee push-ups, incline push-ups are an excellent substitution for building upper body strength.
Crossbody Single Arm Chest Press
If your gym has a Hammer Strength Machine, you’ve got one of the best alternative exercises for bench pressing in the world. Hammer Strength Machines replicate the natural motion of your body. But they can also be used to isolate your pecs in a way that bench pressing can’t accomplish.
From a seated position, grab the machines handles with one hand. These handles may be angled or parallel. Whatever the angle of the handles, your hand should remain around chest height. From this position, press the handle across the midline of your body, extending your arms as far as you can. Once you’ve reached the end of your range of motion, slowly lower the weight stack back to the starting position.
Perform three to four sets of 8-10 reps per side.
If you are new to the gym or have not trained consistently for at least a year, you do not need to attempt dips. To perform them properly, you need sufficient scapular (shoulder blades) mobility, stability, and strength. Without it, you could be increasing your risk of injury.
That being said, my favorite bodybuilder of all time (sorry Arnold) is the legendary Vince Gironda. And Vince hated the bench press. So when it came to alternative exercises for bench pressing, Vince had one exercise he considered supreme above all: dips.
Vince was a stickler for how dips should be performed. Your gym probably has parallel dip bars. But that’s no how Vince performed them. Gironda wanted your hands 32 inches apart. He believed this was the best distance for engaging and recruiting the most of your pecs. And if you look at his barrel chest, I’d venture to say he had a point.
Dips are a phenomenal chest building exercise. And in regards to alternative exercises for bench pressing, dips are my second favorite behind incline pressing. And since dips also recruit your triceps and shoulders, this an all-around great exercise for building upper body strength and size.
To maximize this exercise, perform dips at the beginning of your workout and perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps. Don’t leave these for the end as you’ll want to be at your freshest for these.
If you’re a powerlifter, you need to bench. It’s a basic component of your sport. But if you’re goal is to build more upper body strength and add more lean muscle to your chesticles, leave the bench press alone. In fact, you could stop bench pressing entirely. Use the exercises above for the rest of your life and watch your shoulders stay happier and healthier, and see your chest grow to proportions you never thought possible.
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read-mida · 7 years ago
Chapter 8 / An Eye For A Leg
It was early morning, with the sun still hours away. Though despite the time, Ade was awake. It had been a rough night- just after getting Desta settled in at the dojo, Sydney's students had arrived. They had been out all night looking for them, but it only took minutes for them to return to their rooms and fall straight to sleep. Though, as the children slept, Ade took Desta aside, and told her what she had found out. Neither had a specific opinion or an idea of what to do, and rather, were stuck in limbo between leaving the island or killing La Croix. Now they sat in silent darkness, both thinking off into space, until Desta broke their trance.
“Isn't it a poison lake?” She asked.
“Yeah… but Clem told me it was more of a sleeping thing. It puts you to sleep and then drags you under.”
Silence again, but only briefly.
“Hey how come you didn't fall asleep?”
“I don't know. Maybe I just have a resistance to it?”
“I guess so… but, La Croix is a witch, and it's a sleeping potion… if it's magic, wouldn't you have to perform your own magic to counter it? Or something?”
Ade thought for a moment, “Yeah, you're right… but, the only magic I know is how to see things. I didn't do anything to resist it. I don't know how or why, but I am, and I guess that's all we really need to know.”
There was silence again. Desta was cozied up in her blankets, while Ade was sitting on a stool beside the bed. The dark room was comfortable and warm around them.
Just then, footsteps could be heard echoing from down the hall. Ade turned towards the door while Desta started intently. They slowly became closer and closer, until their bedroom door opened slowly. From behind it, Jude peered inside.
He sighed, “Oh, hey, you're awake.”
“Yeah.” Ade replied
He spotted Desta staring back at him, “Oh, hello. Glad to see you awake, too.”
Desta smiled and chuckled from beneath the covers.
“But, um,” Jude was nervous and shifting around anxiously, “I um, need to tell you something…”
“What is it?”
“Okay, um, don't freak out… but, I can't find Deity anywhere. I checked around and in her room ‘n stuff but I can't find her? I don't know if she's outside or if she went back to fight on her own, but I'm kinda scared, y’know, and I wanna make sure she’s okay… I’m worried.”
* * *
In the lake, Jude was right, as Deity was balancing along the stubby posts that stood from the water. The tide had changed them; now the poles barely crept above the water line. Though Deity could actually balance on them quite well, jumping from post to post, hopping across the lake. Her intentions were pure, to rescue Sydney and perhaps even defeat La Croix, but she knew it would be difficult, especially because she didn’t even know what the other side of the lake looked like.
She slipped up a bit, and her heel dipped down into the water. She stopped and balanced stiffly; the ripples she made were the only ones in the entire lake, and to any onlooker, were like blaring horns on such a silent night. Deity scanned the horizon looking for enemies, when her eyes locked up with another pair on the beach. Shimmering, yellow eyes that glowed through the night stared into her soul as the little woman’s body slinked into the water. Deity couldn’t see it, but the girl was morphing and curdling beneath the water, her flesh turning into scales and her hands becoming unkempt, mutated claws.
Deity was hopping across the posts, faster now, almost frantically but trying desperately to keep her posture. She quickly established a rhythm as she bounced across the water and kept her eyes on the suspiciously unmoving horizon. There was an eerie silence, as though the whole world was soundless, no birds and no stream to be heard of for what felt like an eternity. A minute of nothing, when from the lake, sprouted a head. Then an arm, then a body. It flung itself from the water, an enormous, elongated beast, scaled and gnarl toothed and out for blood. It forced Deity down into the murky depths of the water, entangling her in the brush while all the while the crocodile creature pressed and heaved against her. Deity was pushing, breaking through the sticks, but the weeds and brush were too overwhelming. They consumed her as she struggled, and Deity slowly became more and more lethargic. Her fighting weakened; she couldn’t keep her eyes open beneath the surface. Deity’s air was running thin, she was terrified, but her body wouldn’t cooperate. The animal had disappeared, and Deity found herself drifting off into nothing.
* * *
A large room, considerably empty, save for a small station off to the side where a bookshelf, desk and chair were tucked away. There was something lined up on the walls. Across every edge; statues? Coats? No, she looked closer. These were people. Young? Or just short? It didn’t matter, there was an army of them. Pushed back against the walls, unmoving, unspeaking. Their faces hidden in the dark, their black clothes almost camouflaging them, but they were, indeed, there, and watching her. At the back of the room was some sort of staircase. From it, a figure descended from the steps to appear in the doorframe. Their face was no face at all; it was a mask, a skull. Only black gaping holes to stare back at her. It walked towards her with ease. Deity slid back, and realized she really was sliding. She was… wet? Drenched in something oily, something sticky. It wasn’t water, whatever it was.
“I know who you are. Do you know who I am?” It spoke.
Deity swallowed, “You’re La Croix.”
La Croix was different, here. Much different than with Desta and Ade. The mood was different, their aura was heavier and more unforgiving.
“I’m… tired,” He sighed, “Tired of you. And her. I can’t do this anymore. So I’ve decided. I’m going to turn you into a familiar. Teach her a lesson, get you off my back… hopefully end things.”
“What? What is that? Are… are you gonna kill me?”
“Um. Sort of? The first step is to turn you to ashes, and from that I can morph you into whatever I want. So I guess… yeah, sort of killing you? But not really, because I’m going to revive you right after.”
La Croix split apart their hands and each one formed a small spark within them, eventually growing into small flames they held steadily in each palm. Deity screamed, and tried to scramble away, but something was holding her in place. Her arms were tied behind her, chained to something in the ground, preventing her from moving. She thrashed about, kicking her legs, wiggling her body and trying with all her might to confuse or at least distract La Croix. She contorted herself in all sorts of unsightly positions, but her captor was keen to her tricks, and simply lit one of her legs before retreating to the darkness. Deity screamed, her right foot aflame, as she threw herself against the earth in pain. Through her agony, she realized something; her wrists were slicked by the flammable substance that engrossed her. Deity used her other foot to propel her forwards, leaning away from the restraints, and instantaneously her hands flew through them and she was free.
She slid through the room, limping and uneven through the door, and hobbled into the lake- though it was done with such speed that La Croix nor the familiars had time to act. Deity threw herself into the water, dousing the flame, but she was unable to move. Not out of pain- there was no pain- but out of shock. She sat in the water for a long moment before crawling onto the shore. She was careful only to use her knees, so that she wouldn’t yet have to face the fact that her foot was now mangled. But sitting in the sand, back against a tree, she couldn’t avoid it. Her leg, from mid calf and below, was gone. Disintegrated, and turned to ash. What enveloped her was something of magical proportions, that would instantly turn her to dust when lit aflame, so this casualty had left her in stable condition. There was no blood, no gore. Her leg was sealed and fine, just missing a few parts. Nevertheless, her foot was gone. Deity had been mutilated by this stranger, and the fear of the encounter still shook her to the core.
Trembling and unkept, Deity held in her shaky breaths- something was tearing through the bushes behind her. It was walking with a purpose, and made no effort to stop. Deity found a branch, small but sturdy, and held it against her like a knife. She was preparing herself for the upcoming fight, and decided to stand up. Leaning against the tree like a crutch, she turned the corner. But there in front of her was no monster. It was Ade, who looked at her with scared, sad eyes. They both yelled, but after realizing who it was, Ade grabbed her in close for a hug. Deity held her in return, throwing away the stick and softly crying into her shoulder.
“D… Did you see my-”
The eye on her forehead disappeared, “Yes, yes. I know.”
They embraced for a moment, Ade’s strong arms confirming that she was safe, before Clem appeared from behind them.
“Deity! Your leg!”
“I… yeah.”
Clem removed his top and gave it to her, which Deity gladly wrapped around herself. He put an arm around her to help her walk as Ade escorted them back inside La Croix’s home. Now there was a loud ruckus going on inside; Ade opened the door to reveal that Desta, Jude and Eli had already arrived and were taking on La Croix’s corrupted familiars. There were animals of all sorts- bears, birds, snakes, even a human-sized rat-  scuttling around the room, knocking objects over, making a mess of the house and all in an attempt to smite the students. But combined they put up a stable fight, punching the animals and knocking them away with bars or wood or whatever they found around the house. Chaos filled the floor as a multitude of battles all took place simultaneously.
Above them on the second floor, La Croix was in their private quarters. But they were accompanied by someone. Sydney, chained to the wall and incredibly weak. She was beaten down, and probably bleeding somewhere. She did not speak, but La Croix did,
“Your friends are here, ruining my work,” They said, “I’m going to leave tomorrow. This is too much. I can’t…” they sighed, “I can’t do this anymore. Okay? You win.”
La Croix came over to Sydney, a key in hand, “I’m going to let you go, Sydney. Go home. Take your friends and leave, and I’ll do the same.” They unclasped Sydney’s right hand, then her left. She was dizzy, and fell back into the wall as she stood upright, holding her wrists.
“No,” Sydney croaked, her throat dry and her voice tired, “I haven’t won.”
“What do you mean? You’re alive. I’m leaving. Isn’t that what you want?”
“No…” She said, wobbling across the room, looking at all the wonderful, encrusted objects hung on the wall. Sydney was eyeing a metallic knife that hung in a jeweled sheath beside the door.
“…I want… your eye!” She screamed, tearing the knife from its cover and swinging it directly at La Croix.
His familiars were distracted, and couldn’t come to their aid as the struggle ensued. Sydney flipped the dagger around to the hilt, and bashed it against the skull that protected La Croix’s face. They screamed in horror, trying to push Sydney away, but Sydney threw back the knife to leave gashes in La Croix’s hands and arms. She threw La Croix to the ground, sitting on their chest and continuing to shatter the skull. It broke into shards that chipped away and fell to the floor, revealing La Croix’s true flesh. All that could be seen were pieces of deep red hair and a single, terrified, glowing eye. Sydney swung the knife around, blade aimed down, and against the pleas and cries of La Croix, began the dissection of their face. Sydney worked through the tears that fell from her own eyes, caused by the ugly remorse she felt for her actions. She didn’t want this; the cries of her victim filled her ears and Sydney could barely stand it. Her hands trembled but she continued anyways, and eventually, through the blood, sweat, tears and commotion, lifted up her hand to see a glowing orb resting betwixt her fingers; La Croix’s eye.
She stood up and turned away from La Croix’s writhing, crying mess. Sydney wiped away at her face, but the tears fell faster than she could catch them. Through her sniffling, Sydney stuttered, though slowly grew into a yell,
“Go… get out of here!” She screamed, “Leave! Get out!”
La Croix, still sobbing, still bleeding, slid away. They melted themselves into the ground, disappeared into the floor, and transmitted away from here never to return.
She took a few minutes to compose herself, repeatedly wiping away at her face, before walking down the stairs to view the commotion. Her students were still scuffling with the familiars. Sydney walked a bit into the room, before being noticed.
“Sydney!” They yelled.
They approached her, but Ade stood somewhat behind them. She saw what she held. Sydney showed off the eye; it was somewhat stained with blood, but it had hardened into a crystal ball complete with a slitted pupil that stared back endlessly. By now the group noticed that the familiars had stopped moving. They were no longer animals, as well. They had all reverted to their humane forms and had pushed themselves back against the wall, every single one with eyes on Sydney. She noticed this, and slowly approached them. They cowered in fear at her hand, each one rushing away from her, trying to distance themselves, and yet, not attacking. They were afraid. Sydney eventually caught one by their coat, and they screamed, but all that came out of their mouth were squawks and caws, as the girl tried to escape. On a hunch, Sydney touched the eye against the familiar, and instantly their body twisted, morphed and formed into a chicken. A regular, simple minded chicken. And, unlike before, it didn’t try to attack anyone. It walked along, pecking the ground and acted, well, normal.
Sydney understood now, as did the rest of her class. Soon everyone was rounding up the girls, and Sydney would run by, tapping each one with the eye. Their bodies disappeared and they reverted back to their regular animal selves. They hushed out every bat, cat, horse and spider into the woods, shooing them out with brooms or their voices, until the entire house was empty… besides the chicken.
* * *
Across the ocean, miles upon miles away, there was a secluded island. It was only large enough to support a single building, which stretched five floors high. It was old, and the paint along the sides were crumbling away. The oak window sills were weak and moldy. A wooden sign was nailed above the main entrance, which read, “GRISANDOLE”.
On the top floor, someone was working. Their back was turned to the window, as they were enveloped in whatever was on the desk in front of them. The woman did not sit in a chair of any sort- she hovered above the floor, crystals floating in front of her, piled around the room, and it was her job to organize them. Her chest was peculiar, as it wasn’t there; a gaping hole took up most of her torso, and within it, hovering gently, was a single crystal that hummed softly in the room.
But there was a break in the silence, as something appeared from the ground. Behind her, a body transmuted from the planks, and let out a gut-wrenching scream. It was La Croix, clutching their eye, yelling and moaning.
“Pomona…” They groaned, “Pomona, help me. Help…”
The woman flew from the desk, “La Croix!” She breathed, ripping the gem from her chest. Pomona was immediately thrown to the ground as she quickly searched the shelves for the correct crystal. She threw it into her body and was then allowed to fly again. But with this particular one, her hands formed a glowing coating over them, like a set of translucent gloves. She kneeled next to La Croix, and softly hushed them as she ran her hands across their mutilated face. Slowly it began to mend itself, but La Croix still gasped and winced at the process. Around their neck hung a green diamond, which Pomona ripped from its leather strap. She put it down where their eye used to be, and mended the skin around it. The room became still once more, warm and dark like on a hot summer day, and La Croix was finally able to calm down.
“I’m… sorry, Pomona.”
“Sorry?” she said, “You’re bleeding, your eye is gone… why are you sorry?”
“I… don’t know. Because I lost the shipment?”
Pomona sighed, “La Croix… just. Don’t worry about that right now. It’s more important that you’re alive.”
“I- Yeah. I guess you’re right...”
And with that, they remained silent.
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metalpiratequeen · 8 years ago
Godformers Chat
Currently writing up a whole bunch of "meet the godformer" memes. Just got to Lazarette and I'm not sure whether to go with mermaid persona
Entirely made out of water
or giant ass woman
they're all so pretty and perfect ;-;
OMGG SDJKFJKDSFHJKI agree with Katie. ;-; They all look good!
Calypso reminding me of Eris from Sinbad
Part of me is a little tempted to take part, but I also know that I wouldn't do anything with it so there's no point asdfghjk
gently nudges gives us the war/liberator god and blue sky goddess
Could always do what I'm doing? I just made it its separate verse for anytime
stop tempting meeeee
that could also work ;-;
I'm making them seperate verses because I want to keep these going.
maybe I'll doodle a couple things when I get home uwu
sdkjhsdfhjk oh god ;-;
-excited for both-
I've been practicing muscular males lately so Megatron can be one of my guinea pigs xD
Muscled warlord u-u good, good stuff
yeah im probs gonna make this a seperate verse also cause i love god formers
Sweet. Has everyone made a godformer then?
shake head no
Julius says he might make Tetta into a tiny fairy that accompanies Gravitas. (We otherwise are abstaining from Cyclonus, Galvatron, and Scourge having godforms. For Cyclonus, he already has two 'god' verses, and he's from a god in our targetmaster verse. I'm pretty much maxed out with Cyclonus and his herald-self xD)
Cyclonus-deity whore
But tiny fairy Tetta sounds so cute ;3;
Or an imp. Lazarette sees her as a mischievous I'mp. :p
Fae folk are not nice8'D
Fae folk kill people for fun, no need for imps
Grimmjow muse was also very interested in Gravitas' godformers bio, btw uwu
I've no idea if she's a killer. I just know that she puts new flowers in his hair and sleeps in some of the larger blooms strung up on his antlers. She might be nice to him, but for all I know, she could absolutely be this evil thing to everyone else.
omg, was he?? -grins- Come give him a bowl of berries at one of his shrines/alters, and he'll come out to associate with you~
Tetta using Gravitas's antlers to nestle sounds adorable asf
He's a greedy fuck. You leave him an offering, he's there
But I am too cautious about actual medieval fairies to try to approach if it were rl xD
when you start thinking of your OC in godformers AU but end up accidentally dragging another two of your OCs into it alongside her ;-;
I started with goddess of wind and rain and now I've ended up with god of thunder and goddess of lightning too
Loool, ikr
Weather deities!
be nice to them or they will flood your village, or start a fire. whatever they feel like
I want to do godformer bug but I’m procrastinating
It took me, like, four days to complete the "meet the godformer" thing, so don't feel bad u-u
What does my Godformer wear? ....nothing
Instantly the most popular among their peers
I'm thinking Electron's Godformer can't/doesn't ever touch the ground, instead hovering on a breeze
I haven't decided yet that when Gravitas takes human form, if he bothers 'magicking' clothes onto himself. He feels like the sort of uncivilized guy to walk around, naked and proud. "Your cultural's obsession with the need to hide the beauty of one's body is not welcome in my presence. I will not humour it."
omg, Katie
Maybe Electron is a breeze. Like a literal wind with a human outline.You could see a whirlwind inside her. Or a hurricane
I was going to go for super flowy clothes but that sounds so beautiful too ;-;
(Also be warned. LS is a demigod going around demanding quests from gods, Hercules style, so she may obtain godhood and finally meet her father, the god of time. While Lazarette is a vengeful god who hates humans for occupying her domain and rarely ever joins in on deity affairs and politics. Haven't quite decided where the bros stand. Might make Oil Slick a satyr.
Megatron sits around, counting down the days until the next war when he's suddenly needed again xD
God of war gets a lot if holidays xD
I have two big questions: 1. How buff do I make him and 2. How much of it do I actually bother to cover with armour
Gravitas actually enjoys humans, preferring to be in the forest, watching them/helping them/revealing himself to them than hanging around the Ethereal Realm (Olympus/Heaven/whatever LOL)), so he pretty much skimps out on most festivities and politics. But fuck, LS. ;-; I love that take you did. It gives her such a good reason to interact with any god she comes across. Fuck, I can't wait to see, man xD
LOL, Katie. Conan arms!
Go the opposite route and give Megs as little armour as possible. Hell, how about an old collesium match where he battles butt naked!
lmao, I actually agree about the naked part. If you gotta go to war naked to startle the enemy, then more reason to!
all these naked gods, how scandalous <3
They're gods. All they do is fight and have sex anyway.
...you have a very good pointwhy not do both at once and save time?
(Normal verse: Gravitas and Lazarette have a ton of sex. Godformer au: Gravitas and Lazarette have a ton of sex. Only now with bestiality)
Horse cock
Well, not really. Maybe I should still give him his double-cock. Sounds like a god-thing. So fertile he's got two
yes, give him the double dick
Well, fish don't really have holes, so they're kinda at a crossroad here. Unless she can also have human legs.
My poor girl. Gravitas could only frack her valve as a robot, but now he can actually double penetrate her xD
Already married.
Omfg xD
Everyone hears the argument and just rolls their eyes. Another day as all-powerful gods; another fight between two vastly proud deities, refusing to change form for the other as they try to figure out a solution to have sex
-Megatron sits and waits for it to turn into a war-
So he can come charging it, naked and swords drawn (not just two in this case)
His third sword, this time
-pictures Gravitas, mad at Lazarette, exiting a forest to the beach line, and just stomps his hooves and splashes and kicks at the water, knowing it's her domain-
"Fish pee in you- all day! So... hmph"
Thanks Moana
- for God!Gravitas
Electron is friends with all birds, but her animal form would be a peregrine falcon <3
Aaaahh beautiful forest ;v;
that's awesomeI can even see her in the design of that bird (had to google that xD)
Beautiful sky goddess ;_;
LS is gonna pester her for a quest. (Or at the very least a free ride)
It's an unintentional likeness but I run with it xD
please do <3
Welp now I wanna godformer too
(Lazarette brings s tidal wave down on Gravitas)
Good!Please join us!
Oh my god 8'D
What do I have to do, I mean I’m not really gonna do anything with it for the event but maybe to keep it as au
Clearcut should be the god/protector of orphaned or abandoned kids. Since he has that in his history, poor baby
He's more of a knight than insect, so maybe god of honor instead. God of honor AND insects maybe xD
True LOL
honor would do, he is all about the honor
He should take after traits of herbivore insects that fight each other for mates
Aka rhino and stag beetles, and earwigs. Maybe something else
In any case bugs known to 'duel for honor' :'D
*huge grin
// lmao.. Lazarette. Coughing, sputtering stagtaur, hair all over his face as he curses her name(edited)
Lol, just this huge rhino beetle with earwig cerci, gilded in gold and jewels. Maybe give him a humanoid face but otherwise he's just a massive damn beetle pursuing evildoers....kind of like khepri from smite, actually
sounds gorgeous
-gets home in an hour- -really wants to draw her godformers- ;-;
Just add browns to that and earwig cerci, and pretty close
I love how the gods could so easily be interconnected and know one another (or know about one another)? CC and his insects in Gravitas' forests; the forest lining against Lazarette's oceans; Electron the air they breathe, the wind that carries in the rain from Lazaratte's seas to Gravitas' forests, to give nourishment for the insects (both as water and healthy foliage to eat) CC's insects are what keep the ecosystem of the forests thriving and healthy
They also feed Electron's bird friends <3
Everything is connected. Hence why most gods are related. It would be nice that each one keeps an eye on the other. Like Electron flying over Lazarette’s domain, keeping watch. Or communicating which each domain’s animals just to hear what is going on
-grins- Always getting into disputes with one another, too. Domain rivalries
*throws tiny fairy Tettares around Gravitas' antlersthere's my contribution
“Your ocean is submerging my land!”
“Well, the ice is stealing my water!”
“Well, the ice is killing my insects!”
Omg yes, if she flooded the forest or her trine mate set fire to it with her lightning ;-;
Omg yes. Theres so much capacity for interaction and strife
oh my god, I'm sure CC and Gravitas would be so angry if a forest caught fire 'cause of a lightening strike.
And then they'd be snarling at Electron, "IT WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED IF YOU HAD BROUGHT MORE RAIN FROM THE SEAS" Then they're off courting their Champions to then go to war and 'win' against the champions of the Electron and her trine mates. That's how they ultimately settle disputes. Bringing in mortals'cause they're immortal so nothing gets settled. In comes LS
Megatron rubbing his hands in the distance. Yes good, he's been waiting for a good war
Oh man, that would awesome. When they all fucked up when they wake up the God of War
I'm pretty sure all Olympus meetings are just awkward family reunions where the father and mother god tell their kids to grow up...and as an opportunity to show off their new Demi-god offspring. "Look it's a nominator!” “Well, mine’s a Cyclops.” “Mine are daemon.” “Mines a kraken.”
Gives help to whoever gives him the best offerings
(Now I can't stop imagining LS wielding a giant axe and running into batlle. "I will vanquish the evil naked war god and finally shed my human shell!!!”
Galvatron is proud. *hands her his axe* "You can borrow this for now but give it back or Cyclonus will be cross."// or cyclonus will gives me sucha frown
gladly accepts the battle axe..and instantly collapses under its weight.
Cyclonus of Tetrahex-Today at 5:47 PM
// Make me think of the comment I made a while back, now that it's so relevant to all this god stuff; Galvatron a war god, Scourge and Cyclonus his Valkyries
lmao Charl
This fantastic demigod everyone wants her as their champion. They see that fire in her
Galvatron winces and picks her up, "There, there, you will endure."
Meanwhile Maccadam, her deadbeat dad is seeing every possible future and drinking himself plastered. "Daughter. Please, stop."
I think Gravitas' trial to become his champion ultimate leads to them to hunt /him/; 'cause I wanted that in his bio. That he welcomes the bravest hunter coming to take his antlers as the trophy
*Intrigued mortal noises.*
No sweetie. No. There are easier trials.
lmaoI haven't decided if he would use his magic or not (like those who cheat often in the greek lore, making the trials /so/ much harder). I like to think he would put away his signalling horn and broadsword. He /makes/ himself the prey. But he keeps his dagger
LS gets her offering list out. "Alright then. Skinned fur from a successful hunt? Check. Vanilla scented candles. Check. Bowl or berries mixed with chunks of red meat from successful hunt? Check. Night if untamed passion and dominance?...where's auntie Lazarette when you need her?"
LMAO I can already hear her balking at the request. Not wanting to lie down with a flea-bitten, dirty man-deer
Well, not twice in one week. XD
-tries to shut him up- He's just smirking and crossing his arms, a hoof pawing idly at the ground. "Back for more already?"
*throws a squid at him*
She loves him really.
-grins- That feeling is absolutely mutual
Oil Slick is gonna be a god of decay. :3 wearing his goat skull and cloaks. A satyr, and loving all things that rot and grow fungus.
Holy shit. All of the fantastic aestheticism I can already picture ;-; He's easily going to be the prettiest god to me
I was just gonna say, well Oil Slick hits all my spots, so I'm sold
Normal verse Oil Slick would greatly disapprove of his nonchalant to hygiene. His flower symbol is a mushroom (and he also might delve in hallucinations and acid trips xD) He's gonna love a potential war. So many bodies dropping to the floor. So much disease and death
If he enjoys everything decay, maybe one of his offerings could be the Corpse Flower xDLure that god down with the beautiful smell of nasty(edited)
Pup reminds me of baby Gravitasalso when I look at that puppy I think "cute" and then I think "pain in my ass"
LOL.. when he tries to roar for the first time in his beastmode?
he prolly has a lot of vocalizations though I believe his twin wins out on that. voidmonster who somehow is translated into fairy god.
-grins-His little fairy sister ;-;
God of nagging
LOLGravitas scowling and waving his hand at her, like she's a fly when she's nagging him
"Hey, listen. Hey, listen. Hey, listen."
Tiny glowing ball trying to talk to Lazarette, fish jumps out of water and eats her thinking she's a glowbug. Gravitas standing on the shore, all color leaves his face, "GAH!"
OH godGravitas, eyes wide, galloping frantically into the water. "Veritas!"
Explodes on Lazarette when he manages to capture the fish and free her; cuddling her close as he barks, "CONTROL YOUR BLOODTHIRSTY FAUNA!"
"Where does she live?" 
"On my head, pretty much."
Currently on the other side of the world, Lazarette projects a watery image of her head rising out from the ocean, "Get off my lawn."
God she seriously could live on his head, he could hang a small lantern-style object from an antler like jewerly, when he has to do anything serious, takes her tiny house from him and hangs it on a tree, comes back for her later.
.. omgThat's perfect!
she's pretty much the forest gossip queen, collects all the dirt and going-ons, then brings all the chatter back to him
Oh my god
He already has all kinds of other things thrown across his antlers. That would be /perfect/ ;-;"Who is talking shit about me today, sister? Whose people shall I starve today as punishment?"
xD I love it
has a mental image of somebody putting festive flags or christmas tree-esque ornaments all over his antlers. There is even a star over his skull. Bloody murder is screamed. It's a bad time to be a mortal in the forest.
that would be hilarious
Entire nearby village endures the god's wrath
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