#some REAL nonsense today sorry sorry remember that first tag is the one to block!
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muirmarie · 1 day ago
thinking about my bad things happen bingo card....thinking about compelling voice - whatever is happening on the ship, mccoy isn't affected because mirror!spock started a bond w/ him, and when the mental attack starts mccoy's brain reaches out to spock and spock feels it and immediately shields him with the broken bond, but like maybe.....has to finish the bond to do so? maybe spock isn't physically near mccoy? maybe it's actually pre-existing mckirk? maybe spock is say on a landing party with KIRK when it happens, and he has to explain what he just felt/what he just did to kirk? and mccoy is hmmm not having a good time of it, but he's at least not being compelled/remote-controlled like the rest of the ship is maybe? and spock and kirk have to find a way to get back onto the ship with mccoy's assistance? perhaps with kirk pushing for spock to do the same bond with him to ensure he won't get mind-jacked, and spock being like......so.......this is an uh................mating bond....................
also still trying to decide on a good villain for terms of endangerment. I'd say khan but I'm already using him for the scarpia ultimatum one. i keep going back to gary mitchell, but i'd really have to wibbly-wobbly timeframes, OR I'd have to bring him back. but the idea of him being kirk's ex and fucking with mccoy to hurt kirk is.......something, maybe.
[usual more ramblings under the cut, as i do]
or it could just be an entirely new villain, too, i could run with that. i don't wanna make it a bad guy from mccoy's past per se because i'm already doing that with tongue-tied.......god what if i actually started finishing some of these fics, would that be wild or what lmao....../sobs
listen, i like to rotate things in the back of my brain sometimes, and sometimes i do that for, uh, [checks calendar] months and months, evidently! but i can't do that for terms of endangerment unless i have a bad guy lmao. okay. okay i can just. not. rotate that one. for now. sorry i've been thinking a lot about A Bad Guy kissing the inside of mccoy's wrist, but it's a faceless Bad Guy, and i was just trying to give him a face.
would actually kind of love to have it be a bad guy from spock's past, but then i'd have to come up with a bad guy from spock's past. also to be clear i do not care about snw so please do not give me an snw bad guy, i'm sorry, i love that you love it, i love that for you, but it's just not for me.
i just need someone to kiss the inside of mccoy's wrist, and tell him he's doing so well, and then push the knife a little deeper into mccoy's side.
honestly i think i might have to run with mitchell.
sorry i'm once more having a bad pain day because life is a joke and i don't think i'm in actual writing shape today just rotating things in my mind and rambling away shape lmao sorryyyy luv u byeeeeeeee
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smcc212 · 5 years ago
In Debt Again- part 4
Pairings- Tommy Shelby x (platonic!)reader, a little Tommy x Lizzie,
Warnings- fluff, mentions of child mistreatment, I think that’s all but let me know if I missed any.
Word count- 1,579
A/N- sorry this took so long, my writers block is fucking horrible right now, but I’m trying to push through it. With that being said, I really hope you enjoy!
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You woke to Tommy asleep in a chair next to your bed. You didn’t know what to do so you just lay there staring at the ceiling thinking about what happened the night before. You weren’t shocked your father found you, but you were shocked by the Shelby’s reaction. The unadulterated anger on Arthur and John face, the concerned look on Polly’s face, but above all, the pained look on Tommy’s face. The way he held onto you so tightly. The way you imagined a good father would. You’d never forget how safe you felt in his arms.
As you thought Tommy had woken up, and quickly made sure you were okay.
“(Y/N), are alright?” His voice was soft as he spoke to you. It was weird to hear such a kind voice from a gangster like him.
“Yeah, you?” You replied out of habit.
“I’m fine,” He chuckled slightly. “Well, I’ll leave you to get ready. If you need anything just ask one of the maids, okay?” You nodded, waiting until he left to get up, clean and dressed, before making your way downstairs.
“Morning,” Lizzie greeted, kindly. You smiled at her before sitting down next to her.
“G’morning,” You chirped back. The breakfast was taking a while, not that you minded, so you decided to make small talk. “So, what’re you doing today?” The question wasn’t directed at anyone, you just threw out there.
“I’m going to take the kids out for a bit with Emse and Linda,” Lizzie replied.
“Sounds fun.”
“Tom, what about you?” Lizzie asked, keeping the conversation going.
“I took the day off, I was wondering if maybe (Y/N) would like to come on a ride with me?” Tommy’s voice, as usual, held no emotion but you were still faltered.
“I’d love to, but I don’t know how to ride a horse,” You mumbled back.
“I could teach, if you want?” A huge smile spread across your face; you’d also wanted to learn how to ride a horse.
“Really?!” You asked, excitedly.
“Yeah, really.” Tommy smiled a little seeing how excited you were.
Tommy took today off as he felt he owed you time to relax, and have a little fun after last night. Of course, he’d never tell anyone that, but he felt bad for you... no...he felt pained after what you’d gone through. He’d let you down. He didn’t think he’d feel as bad as he did about, but he felt he had to make it up to you. After you feel asleep, Tommy remembered the conversation the two of you had the first night you stayed with him, when you both went to check on the horses.
“Majestic, aren’t they?” Tommy said.
“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to learn to ride one, but my father hated them.”
As you lay asleep that night, Tommy made some phone calls; he had to make sure the business would run smoothly while he was with you.
After breakfast, Lizzie took Charlie and Ruby to get ready for their day out, while you went outside with Tommy.
“You know, we’re gonna have to get you some nicer suits if you’re gonna be living here,” Tommy said as the two of you walked to the stables.
“Oh...okay... but I can’t get a job to pay for them, I was ‘homeschooled’-“ You did air-quotations as you said it. “-so I don’t have the qualifications.” You felt deeply embarrassed having to admit that, but Tommy had done so much for that you had to admit it.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take you to my tailor.”
“No, I-I can’t have you spending your money on me, you’ve already done so much for me.” You looked at Tommy to work out his reaction, but, as always, his face showed no emotion. Tommy was just about to speak, but you continued. “B-but, I’ll work for you, you don’t have to pay me, but I’ll do whatever task you set me... if you want,” You spoke quickly.
“Nonsense. You don’t need to pay me for suits, I’ll pay for them, you don’t need to do anything.”
“Thank you, thank you so much, Tommy!” You exclaimed, excitedly. A sad smile graced Tommy’s lips at your reaction. No one should be that excited over a suit.
“No need to thank me, it’s the same as your da- father buying the suits you already have,” He replied nonchalantly.
“My father never bought me suits, he bought the few dresses I own but that’s all. He never let me wear suits.” You shrugged, walking into the stables. Tommy felt a pang or hurt in his heart for you. He was getting too attached to you, but he didn’t what it to stop. He was starting to feel like you were his own child, as crazy as it sounded considering you hadn’t been around for long, he want to protect you, look after you... love you... like a dad should.
After saddling you the horse, he helped you get on it.
“Woah, this higher than I thought it would be,” you breathed out, making Tommy chuckle.
“Don’t worry I won’t let you fall.” Tommy smiled, genuinely smiled as he took ahold of the reins and got the horse to walk along side him.
The two of you spend two hours out with the horses. Every time Tommy handed the reins to you, a pang of fear hit you. Although, you had a lot of fun, spending time with Tommy and talking about nothing.
Afterwards, you went inside and you started heading to your room before you heard Tommy speak.
“I’m going to get changed and go on that ride, you can still come, if you want?” Tommy asked, smiling slightly at you. “I mean, I know you can’t ride, but you can just ride with me,” He added.
“Yeah, okay. Thank you.”
“No problem, just give me a minute, eh?” He said, walking up stairs. You smiled to yourself; maybe your life won’t be so bad after all. Thomas Michael Shelby, the most feared man in Birmingham, perhaps, the whole of England, smiling at you. After those hours with the horses you started to see him as more of parental figure in your life; like he was the loving father you’d always wanted, but never had.
You and Tommy went out on the ride together, through the countryside.
“So... apart from hanging out with your friends, what else do you do for fun?” Tommy asked. He brought you out this ride to get to know you better, but you were marvelling at the sights around you instead of taking to him.
“Erm... Not much, I guess...reading? Sometimes writing or drawing, but that’s really all I do.” You couldn’t help but feel a little insecure knowing how exciting his life was and boring yours was in comparison.
“What do you write about?”
“Criminals, usually real ones, but occasionally I’ll make them up,” You mumbled, silently praying that he didn’t take offence to that. Being in the middle of the countryside, alone with Thomas Shelby and offended him, didn’t seem like a smart thing to do.
“I hope you’re not writing about the Peaky Blinders,” He joked, smiling down at you. ‘It’s weird to see him smile’ You thought, sending him a slight smile back.
“N-no, I’m not.” You mentally cursed yourself for stuttering.
“It’s fine if you are, just don’t publish it.” He mockingly put on a serious voice before a small chuckle left his lips. Making you giggle.
When the two of you got back to Arrow house, you headed upstairs for a bath. Tommy went into his office, just because he’d taken the day off didn’t there wasn’t still work to catch up on.
As he worked, Tommy couldn’t help but think about you; how attached he’d become to you. You hadn’t been with with for a long time, but he already wanted to protect and look after you as if you were his own child. If he was being honest, it scared him how attached he’d gotten to you in such a short amount of time.
Of course, Tommy never knew you were the same. You’d become attached to him in the short time you’d been living with him; he was so kind to you, as was his family. It was hard to not wish you were apart of his family. It was your dream family-apart from the crime, but you could deal with that- they’d gone through so much, but they still loved each other. You wanted nothing more than to loved be someone. Your mother didn’t even love you to stick around after you were born, and your father never loved; he’d tell you so. ‘You’re just a bastard Nobody wanted and I’m stuck with you.” He’d tell you, but he’d also tell you: ‘I love you, that’s why I treat you the way I do.’ When you were younger you never understood, but now, you realised he didn’t love you- he never had. You were just there for him to use as a punching bag. For most of your life you believed that’s all you were good for, until you meet the Shelby’s, Thomas, mainly.
You finally felt like you matter, that your father couldn’t get to you and fuck your life up like he had before.
But Tommy... Tommy wasn’t convinced your father was gone. He knew he’d continue searching for you and all Tommy want was to protect you. But could he...
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mermaidxatxheart · 5 years ago
Dream a Little Dream of Me {1}
Ok. So, this is my long overdue post for @cake-writes and her 1940′s challenge. I suck so bad and I”m so sorry it’s late Bri. This bullshit writer’s block hit at the worst possible time. Anyway. I hope you like it. I’ve decided to break this one up into parts as well because tackling it as a whole was just too overwhelming. 
*Disclaimer* I don’t own Marvel, Bucky Barnes, only my reader character. Also, I know there’s another story by this title, I have nothing to do with that one. If I remember correctly with my gold fish memory, it’s @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan ? maybe? I haven’t read it, although I’m sure it’s amazing. This story is my own idea.
Prompt: Dream a little dream of me- Ella Fitzgerald. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader.
Word Count: 1779
Summary: Bucky’s world shifts on it’s head and he finds himself daydreaming, and really dreaming, about a beautiful mystery girl. Is she real? Or is his head in the clouds?
Warnings: I don’t think there are any. I don’t even think I swore. Just a little shock at the faces. 
(A/N: I have a old story that I’m dusting off and editing to keep my mind busy while I sort through this nonsense I’m dealing with. It’s a Teen Wolf story, but it goes beyond that. If anyone would be interested in being added to a tag list for it, just let me know. Since it doesn’t run along the lines of what I normally post (Marvel) I won’t be using my everything tag list, since that’s not what you guys signed up for. Just send me an ask if you’re interested in reading it)
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The dancehall is loud, pulsing with the beat that the band is playing. Just the way Bucky likes it. That way, he can hold his dame close, can feel her nails against his neck. 
So, naturally, his dream would follow his waking preference. Only in his dream this time, he can’t feel her nails rasping against his scalp, he can’t feel her body heat against him. He almost doesn’t notice at first, too wrapped up in everything else overwhelming his senses. It’s not until her lips are almost on his that he realizes something’s wrong. 
 He pulls back and looks at her, confused. Her pretty face starts to get blurry, eyes and nose smudging together. Her mouth rubs away at the edges until her entire face is detail-less. 
 Bucky tilts his head as he looks at her. She’s not panicking that she doesn’t have a face, so he doesn’t panic, either. It’s strange. When the dance started, he thought she was pretty, probably one of the prettiest girls in the hall. But now, as he looks around at the other people crowding him, he realizes she’s just like everyone else. 
 Plain, holding no interest for him. 
 There’s an empty feeling in his chest where his heart should be. It’s as if an echo of a heartbeat is there-faint, fading fast. 
 He wanders through the crowd, searching for some kind of face that stands out. Faces follow him, but everyone he sees is the same as that girl, blank as if they’ve ceased to exist anymore. He pushes the front doors open to step into the lobby and there you are. 
 Your face is full of exquisite details and the room fades away. He doesn’t feel the hardwood beneath his dress shoes. He can’t hear the band anymore, or the endless, pointless chatter of the crowd. All he can see is you. 
 You in that gorgeous blue dress, your soft hair curled delicately around your face. Your makeup is sharp and crisp, even more so in contrast to the empty faces.
 “Hi.” You say softly, fondly, like you’ve known him for years and he’s your favorite person in the world-not just some stranger. 
 “Hey, doll.” He says, a warm familiar feeling wrapping around him. You’re quite possibly the most beautiful person he’s ever seen in his entire life. 
 In fact, he can’t remember any other girl he’s ever laid eyes on-but he knows they pale in comparison. He can’t stop staring at you. 
 “Are we going to stand here all night? Or are you going to ask me to dance?” You ask, a playful smirk tugging at your red lips. 
 He’s an idiot, an idiot who’s forgotten all the manners his ma taught him. He nods like a buffoon and holds out his hand. You places your hand in his and you’re soft and delicate as he pulls you close, leading you back into the crowded hall. 
 The band plays a slow song and you step effortlessly into his arms. Now he can feel everything that was missing before, the heat of you, the breath on his skin, your heartbeat matching his echo of one. You rest your head against his chest like you’ve done it a million times. 
 “You got a name, handsome?” You prompt, fingers twisting slowly into the hair on the back of his neck. 
 “Bucky.” He mumbles into the crown of your head, his arms tightening around your waist. 
 “Bucky.” You repeat with a soft sight and he could listen to that all night. “I’m Y/N.” You tell him and he whispers it softly.
 The dance passes far too quickly for Bucky’s liking. He doesn’t want to let you go, wants to hold you in his arms for the rest of forever. He would gladly sleep his life away for another five minutes with you.
 The rest of the audience applauds the band and he reluctantly steps back from you. You’re slow to open your pretty eyes at him, smiling the sweetest smile he’s ever seen.
 “You won’t leave me with just one dance, will ya?” You ask, leaving your hand in his.
 “Course not. I’m a gentleman.” He promises and you laugh, stepping back into the circle of his arms. 
 “Good answer.” You give another contented sigh as he pulls you close. The feel of you warms him all over. You smell like apples, a whole orchard of fresh, crisp, mouth-watering apples. 
 Dance after dance pass the night and he hardly steps away from you. 
 “I think I have to go.” You say softly, pulling back from him.
 “So soon?” He pouts and you smile wide. 
 “Don’t worry, handsome. I’ll see you back here tomorrow night.” You promise, curling your fingers into his shirt and rising up to kiss his cheek. “Thanks for the dance.”
 He opens his eyes to look at you, but you’re fading away, becoming invisible and he already misses you. “Bye.” He mumbles.
 “What’s got you in such a good mood, jerk?” Steve asks Bucky as they walk through the park. 
 “Nothin.” Bucky shrugs, but he can’t keep the smile off his face. 
 “You’re a terrible liar, Buck.” Steve sighs. “It’s amazing that you can ever win at poker.” He shakes his head in dismay at his best friend.
 “I just had a good dream last night. That’s all. And I’m a great poker player.”
 “What was the dream about? Another girl?”
 “The only girl who will ever matter.” Bucky sighs dreamily. 
 “Wow. That’s a big statement from you.” Steve says, his voice dripping with snark.
 “You’re so mean to me.”
 “C’mon. You’ll forget all about her by the end of the day.” Steve promises. 
 He doesn’t want to forget about her. He wants to see her again. 
 Work is agony. From the second he punches in, he wants nothing more than to go home. He knows it’s probably pointless, but he wants to sleep, to see her again. He’s aching to hold her close, to smell her sweet perfume. But what are the chances of having the same dream two nights in a row? 
 “Pay attention, will ya?” Steve snaps, yanking his arm out of the way of one of the big machines. Bucky stumbles back, jerking out of a day dream. “Are you tryina get yourself killed?” Steve shoots a furtive glance towards the floor foreman before stepping back to his position. 
 Bucky tries to focus after that, but slipping back to that dance hall is so easy. He finds himself humming along with the song, still so fresh in his mind. 
 More than once he catches himself just in time to avoid getting hurt. Steve is mad at him, doesn’t talk to him the whole way home. Bucky tries to see it from his perspective, what if he hadn’t woken up from his daydream in time? Who else would have gotten hurt? Or worse? Probably Steve as he tries to save Bucky. 
 Bucky would never forgive himself if Steve got hurt because of him. 
 He pushes open the front door and pecks his mom on the cheek. She’s already making dinner and he wants to be hungry, knows he should eat; but all he can think about is getting up to his room and falling asleep. He wants to see Y/N again. Something deep in his bones tells him he will, that he can see that beautiful vision every night if he wants to. 
 And Lord Almighty does he want to. 
 “How was work, honey?” His mom asks as she stirs the sauce on the stove. 
 “It was work.” He shrugs. “I couldn’t focus today, so Steve’s a little miffed at me.” He scrubs his hands in the sink, getting rid of all the grime and muck from the factory before touching his mother’s beautiful china. 
 “He’s your best friend, I’m sure he’ll be over it by tomorrow.” She says helpfully. “Everything alright? Why couldn’t you focus?” She asks, turning to face him.
 “Just too many thoughts, ma. I’m fine.” He promises. 
 “Good. Now, set the table and then you can go bathe before dinner. You look a mess.” She tells him and he grins. 
 “You don’t want a hug first?” He opens his arms wide and moves towards her.
 “Don’t you dare.” She warns, pointing the wooden spoon at him. He steps closer. “James Buchanan Barnes!” 
 He laughs and drops his arms. “Alright, ma. Settle down. Where Becky?” He asks.
 “Upstairs, doing her homework. Check on her when you go up there.”
 “Sure.” He climbs the steps and knocks on his little sister’s door.
 “No boys allowed! Can’t you read?” She calls from inside and he chuckles.
 “Can you make an exception for your big brother?” He asks through the thick wood.
 “No! They’re even worse!”
 “Becks, let me in.” He says. “Two minutes to check on your homework and then I’ll leave.” He promises.
 “Fine.” She huffs and he can hear her scrambling to the door. She yanks it open, her dark hair a mess, cheeks rosy and flushed. 
 “Hey, little monster. What happened to you today?” He asks, brushing her hair back. 
 “Not part of the deal, Bucky.” She pouts. 
 “Alright. But just so you know, big brothers are really good listeners.” He lifts her up onto her bed and pulls her papers towards him. “If you need to talk, that is.” 
 She opens her mouth but he puts his finger to his lips with a conspiratorial look. “I’m doing homework.” He tells her and she sticks her tongue out at him. He looks over all her math problems, always correct. She probably knows more than the teacher does. He checks her history and her science, all looking good
 “Just spelling left, huh?” He asks and she nods. “Alright. You keep working on that, I’ll check it after dinner and then I’ll braid your hair before bed.”
 “You don’t know how to braid.” She tells him, rolling her little eyes exaggeratedly. 
 “Sure, I do. I’m the best hair braider there ever was.” He says, puffing up his chest. But she laughs, so it’s worth it.
 As it turns out, Bucky can’t braid for shit. Strands are sticking out everywhere, one side is bigger than the other; but Rebecca loves it. Or rather, loves having it done. 
 Then it’s a quick quiz on her spelling before bed. Bucky cleans up the kitchen, absolutely itching to go to sleep. He makes sure to set an alarm for the morning, because he knows he won’t want to wake up once he’s in his dream.
 He gets comfortable in his bed, lights off, covered up against the chill. He’s asleep almost instantly. 
 Everything Tag List:
@everythingisoverrated @psyched2b @shreddedparchment @bitsandbobsandstuff @after-avenging-hours @alexblrus @thinkingsofamadwoman @i-dont-want-to-be-called @thefridgeismybestie @fortheloveofallthatsholy @crazychaotic @pleasureoftheguiltiestvariety @redstarstan @justreadingfics @themistsofmyavalon @sebastianstanslefteyebrow @wkemeup @thiccbinch @glide-thru @elliee1497 @ellaenchanted91 @part-time-patronus @janeyboo @scarlettwitcher @thirstybitchqueen​ @xxloki81xx​ @stuckonjbbarnes​ @browngirlmagic​ @geeksareunique​ @nicoleplacee​ @lexshead​ @gambitsqueen​ @sebbbystaaan​ @lokisironthrone​ @imanuglywombat​ @also-fangirlinsweden​ @ravenesque​ @murdermornings​
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babysprouseisart · 4 years ago
My eyes are buening everytime i come across your blog...stop posing diagnostic for real people and take care of your obsession issues
Oh, damn what a vile person I am... ...except that I've never diagnosed anyone, it's not my prerogative, it's not my business and I'm nobody in this world to do it. 
If you saw on my feed something related to diagnoses and health - it most likely was not from my mouth, but I could have just kept someone's posts to myself, because in general I agree with the opinion, or almost everything. Sometimes I close my eyes to some phrases or expressions, do not take some little things into account. 
Also, if you use common sense and think abstractly, in general terms, you can draw certain conclusions about the state of a particular person. You don't have to be a professional. Even an inexperienced doctor or a simple person understands simple signs, cause a lot of this is taught even in school, especially first aid for any manifestations. 
And what's more, I understand perfectly well that it is wrong to draw conclusions without seeing a person nearby, without touching him/her, without being with him/her for some time. The Internet does not fully reflect reality, maybe even practically does not reflect the actual reality at all, and to believe pictures or random coincidences is wrong. But I also do not rule out the fact that there are hypotheses, assumptions, guesses, whatever they may be, and if you are afraid to assume or put forward theories, you think that this is utter nonsense and is the shame or the sin - this is on you. 
Just remember that many discoveries were based on the first assumptions, people did not touch, for example, the Moon or the Sun, did not see the location of the planets, did not see God or Allah, but still a lot of us believe, there are a thousand assumptions in religion, science, fiction and other things, and there is nothing wrong with this and with moderate speculation that does not harm people, phenomena, that are discussed, especially popular ones. Especially, when neither I nor the other people, whose posts I share, publish any materials about diagnoses, do not claim one hundred percent or share with the tags, do not leak anything personal, do not mock, nothing, just discuss the probabilities and the consequences of these probabilities.
I am an adequate person, I was never going to poke someone in the face with my guesses, I am just an independent observer, I look, read, take into account the objective and subjective side, weigh it, analyze, make mistakes, analyze again and draw my own conclusions, express my opinions, or just keep those posts that seemed to me personally correct in one way or another, purely theoretically, according to assumptions. Sometimes, I admit, I can take things on faith, frivolously, without understanding, and only then I think, consult and see what others think, discuss and form my opinion, decision, but nothing is perfect and nothing can be done perfectly, and we all have the right to make mistakes.
A little off topic, but the point is that in case if we do not take into account the mention of a particular diagnosis or whatever it was, I share what I think makes sense, even if half of it is speculation, if I think it is necessary to share something - I share. 
I am a very flexible person in this regard, today I think this way, tomorrow differently, depending on how much argument, facts I see. The more it seems to me that this is at least part of the truth the more is the the probability that I can agree, and I can not agree, if it seems to me too harsh or too vague. 
This is my blog, I publish or save what I think is acceptable in any way. And honestly, firstly, so much depends on perception, it's the Internet, how many people so many views, opinions, and secondly, not everything I can post, or do reblog is a reflection of my feelings, we all carry some kind of image on the Internet anyway, although I try to be fair and equitable. There are situations where people are clearly trying to assert something, are incredibly sure of it, but I often doubt and don't think the same as they do and would never have thought in the first place, although I take it calmly because I can imagine this situation and keep in mind a big IF, what means that in certain conditions if it turned out to be true I would accept this point of view. You can disagree with me or with the people I talk to, or from who I reblog posts. But, why come to so regularly if you are so infuriated? If you think it's your duty to poke me like a kitten in a poop and tell me I'm wrong? If you are not indifferent to the topic, agree or not, express an opinion, and not just like that. I don't understand this logic.
So, to come here, and unreasonably dust me with your poison without understanding anything, without knowing me as a person, making your own conclusions and believing that I am obsessed, is not worth it. You will still be rejected.
I don't care how poisonous your words are, I am a free person and I do what I want, how I want and where I want, except for the forbidden and violating the freedoms and rights of other people. 
I don't know, maybe when I grow up, because I'm only 17 years old, maybe I'll think very differently, speak differently or something, but I'm sure that I won't be like you, or one of a lot of people like you, like poisonous snake.
I'm sorry, but today is not your day. At least you were good at not being anonymous, thank you for that, I really appreciate it, so it will be easier for me to find you the next annoying time when I'm in a bad mood and will be going to block you. Do me a favor, go away, and don't come back here again without a good reason. Have a nice day, don't slip on your own bile on the way back!
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bluejaytaco · 6 years ago
Superhero AU(12)
I comepletely forgot to post this here... Better late than never, I guess.
Remember, you can find this AU here on AO3 or check out the Superhero AU tag!
Sugoroku remembered the first day he met Yugi.
It was two years after Anubis was dropped off and put in his care. Seeing the subject out of his mask was a shock all on its own. The boy was so small and innocent looking. He had the type of lost eyes that would melt even the most stubborn of hearts.
It was too bad for his 'attack to kill' quirk. It really put a damper on the whole thing.
Anubis was slowly introduced to animals first. He took to them well. Sugoroku took that as a good sign; the boy wouldn't try to kill something so small and innocent. He had to remember; baby steps.
The plan fell apart when it came to introducing him to people and children. While a lot of kids went by unscathed, anyone who was even close to resembling a bully was on the chopping block. Kids in the park learned to stay away and left Anubis to play alone.
Sugoroku started checking Anubis for anything that could be a weapon. Even something as basic as a virtual pet came into question. Later, it became imperative that he make sure his nails were kept short and blunt. Anything could be dangerous was stripped from the boy. There was a firm rule of never using his powers in public or around other children; a rule that was broken only once. Sugoroku had to be especially harsh on that; he couldn't help but feel guilty when Anubis actually began to cry.
And for a while, that was good. He thought Anubis was learning. Sugoroku began feeling comfortable enough to take him out on errands to try and get him acclimated to the real world.
But then, Anubis encountered his first true target.
Sugoroku had turned his back for just a moment. He only moved to pay for some ingredients for dinner. He turned back to see no Anubis in sight.
Panic didn't set in right away. He thought, hoped, maybe the boy got distracted by some kind of sweets or saw some children and thought it was time to play. Sugoroku realized later it was an older man who had another idea of 'play.'
The moment he found Anubis, the man was bleeding profusely, babbling nonsense, and crying at the blank look on the child's face. A broken taser laid on the ground near the boy's feet. He could only imagine what the man had planned for his victim.
Sugoroku carefully walked up to the little boy. In response, Anubis turned and looked at him. His eyes widened.
And immediately filled with tears. “G-Gampa.” It was the very first time Anubis spoke.
Sugoroku was reminded of the labs. Back when Horus and Anubis were forced to interact for the second time and Horus sobbed in fear. Just like back then, he scooped the boy into his arms.
“Shhh, it's okay. You're safe.”
He thought for a while, Anubis had found a new game to play. A fun game where he pretended to be someone else. Someone soft and more like the other children. Sugoroku began calling the identity 'Yugi' in homage to that.
But Yugi never went away. He wondered now if Yugi would ever come back.
His eyes fell to Atem as the wind from a helicopter tossed his hair around. His eyes stayed on Anubis -Yugi- in disbelief as men in black suits jumped off the helicopter and grabbed Ryo and Bakura.
Atem didn't let them take the last unconscious form. He lifted the other and marched back to the helicopter.
“I can't let you take him,” Sugoroku shouted over the sound of the blades.
“No need to worry.” Atem looked up at Sugoroku. “You're both coming with me.” His eye glowed as he glared at the old man. The eye contact broke when Atem continued his stride to the helicopter, right behind the man in the suit carrying the Anubis mask.
Sugoroku felt a tremor in his gut as he followed behind Atem. There was no avoiding this anymore.
It wasn't often he allowed himself to sleep. And when he did, it was extremely rare for him to remember his dreams. Occasionally they would be so warped, he wouldn't even know where to begin to explain it.
Other times it was a nightmare of memories with pieces thrown in that hadn't been there before.
He was eight when he was first brought into the lab. Their new father told his brother it was only a few tests. Nothing to worry about. It wasn't that he was lying but he wasn't exactly telling the truth either.
“It will only take a few injections. If an infantile immune system can take it without worry, I'm sure you'll be fine.”
“How many infants died because of this?”
Mr. Kaiba didn't acknowledge the question. He just allowed his assistants to take his adopted son into one of the lab's rooms. The one with a tank where a boy about his age was floating in a little ball.
He stared at the boy and, in this dream, the boy stared back.
“Seto, look this way.”
He turned to look at the assistant. It was the woman who started this mess. He felt himself begin to wake up.
Kaiba felt as though his chest were on fire. Sharp pains shot through his whole body. His eyelids were heavy.
Still, he opened them slowly and stared up at the ceiling of his own bedroom. His last memory involved the taste of blood and falling to his death. Who or what saved him?
“Thought you'd rather be here than at a hospital. A few less questions to answer.”
He looked to his right. Jounouchi was sitting in a chair right next to his bed.
“You see, I only have one question: the fuck is going on?”
Kaiba looked back at the ceiling. He wondered how long he could just lay in silence. But he knew better than most just how tenacious Jou could be. And, despite what might be the hardest thing he could ever admit, the blond deserved an explanation.
“I never wanted you to get dragged into these problems.”
Jou watched him and tried to cover his surprise for how quickly the answer came.
“Becoming a Kaiba wasn't everything I imagined... And a lot of people were hurt in the name of some asinine science project. I was the last person to get those powers.”
“...Who was the first?”
Kaiba glanced at Jounouchi.
The blond just stared for a moment before he spoke again. “Atem's not really your cousin, is he?”
“Mokuba had me free him from the labs. That in itself... was a fight. He wasn't the same person you see now. We had to make sacrifices.”
“The night... we broke up.”
“That light you saw was him. He was still mostly instinct at that point and had somehow managed to get out of the labs. I imagine he was only trying to protect his food source. Like a stray cat.”
“...I remember blood on my hand.”
“You were probably still mostly asleep. You reacted by punching him and broke his nose. The reason I reacted like I did was I wanted to stop him before he could retaliate.”
“So... your response to all of this was to break up with me?”
His eyes slipped closed. “It was the only way to guarantee the safety of both of you. I didn't know him well yet. For all I knew, he would attempt to kill you for the broken nose. Keyword being 'attempt.'”
Jou snorted.
“It turns out that was one memory that didn't stick as hard as I thought. Atem's memory is of the situation, not the people involved. Even if he did remember, I doubt he would harbor any ill will.”
The room filled with a deafening silence.
“Guess an apology would be meaningless.”
“For him? Yes. The bleeding had already stopped by the time I got to him. But-”
“I ain't apologizing to y-”
“I'm sorry.”
Jounouchi stopped short.
“I didn't want it to end the way it did. I thought it would be for the best to have you as far away from here as possible. You... didn't need this.”
Jounouchi stared at Kaiba for a moment. A smile twitched onto his lips and let a soft chuckle slip out. “Seto Kaiba; the all-caring altruist.”
Kaiba's lips turned up into a smile all his own as his eyes slipped closed. “Shut up.”
“Love you too.”
“I don't know for certain which one he'll be when he wakes up. I've only had to use the collar one time before today. He missed a week of school because of it.”
Mokuba glanced at Sugoroku before he looked back at Yugi. The collar had been removed to make sure there were no burns on his neck. While he was covered in his own share of scrapes, there was nothing caused by the collar itself.
He looked down at the mask in his hands. “After all this time of searching, Anubis was right under our noses.” In the most unassuming form. How would Seto react?
Mokuba glanced at Atem. He'd been completely silent from the moment he carried Yugi onto the helicopter. He didn't acknowledge anyone passed a short nod or head shake. His eyes stayed on Yugi. Mokuba couldn't tell what was going through Atem's mind; there was too much to decipher in his face.
He turned back to Sugoroku. “Last time, when he missed that week, did he wake up as Yugi?”
Sugoroku nodded. “It was as if nothing happened. It was almost concerning how easy he shrugged off the loss of time. Anyone else in his position would be panic-stricken.”
“You kept this a secret from him.”
Both turned and looked at Atem. He still hadn't broken his eyes away from Yugi.
“All this time, he could have become this killer. He could have been hurt with no recollection of ever doing anything deserving.”
Sugoroku frowned. “I did what I could to protect him.”
Atem glared at him. “You failed!”
Mokuba stared at his 'cousin.' He wanted to say something to calm the rage bubbling inside. Just by looking at him, he could tell it hurt. His eyes were tearing up again. “Atem...”
“Master Kaiba? Anzu Mazaki and Honda Hiroto are at the front gate.”
Mokuba turned to the woman. “Oh. Thank you.” This was a surprise. He didn't call them. And he knew Seto was currently incapable of that. Jounouchi may have, but he would have no reason to if he didn't know Yugi was here.
Mokuba gave Atem another glance. He didn't look back and just kept his stare down with Sugoroku as the boy trotted out of the room.
Sugoroku continued to stare at Atem. The small child they left behind in those labs could have easily become bitter and angry at the world. Instead, he did what he could with his abilities. He was honorable.
“Sugoroku, this lie has gone on long enough. If you don't tell him, I will.”
Sugoroku didn't get a chance to reply. Atem was out the door right before Anzu and Honda burst in. Surely, they would demand answers.
He didn't know what he would tell them.
He couldn't tell the moment he took his last breath. Everything was very hazy for a second as he tried his best to claw his way out of the abyss. He remembered not being able to breathe and pain in just about every part of his body. He remembered Ryo's scream. He remembered rain.
Then... nothing.
He still tried his hardest to wake up. He could see his body in the bed as Kaiba's best doctors tried to bring him back. He could see Ryo's tight grip on his hand. He could hear the other begging him to wake up. To make this all some kind of morbid joke. To roll his eyes at how worried he was.
Bakura couldn't do anything. He couldn't feel the touches. He reached out for Ryo.
And was immediately consumed by the darkness he knew all too well. He could feel a mask on his face and a presence behind him.
“Welcome, Kuk.”
If he didn't turn around, it wouldn't be real. If he just stared at the spot where he'd seen Ryo last, he would wake up and be in the worst pain of his life.
'Life' being the keyword. At least he would be alive. Not here with the ghosts who are chained to this fucked up limbo.
“Kuk... You can't stand there forever.” Hathor spoke to him in that sweet, calm tone. He hated how clear she sounded.
“Watch me,” he snarled and continued to stare. He could open it before, maybe he could open it again.
“We can trust that Ra and Horus can take this from here.” Thoth's voice was near his shoulder.
Still, Bakura didn't look. “We can barely trust Horus to do anything. He's the idiot who fucked Anubis without even knowing it was him!” His fists clenched at his sides. “I'm the only one who can properly protect Ryo from that psycho.”
Thoth hissed and prepared for what would definitely be a harshly worded comment. But then Osiris spoke from his post.
“We can't force him to let go so easily. Leave Kuk be for now, you two.”
They did so.
And Bakura just stared at the shadowy abyss and wondered how Bast was able to connect herself to Jounouchi. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try.
But how was Bast so easily able to leave the others behind? Was it even that easy?
Bakura took a step.
“Kuk, it would be best to stay here and wait for Ra to connect with us again.”
Hathor nodded. “With you here, there's no doubt he'll be back.”
Bakura growled. “You idiots. The only reason he was able to contact you in the first place was because I could get here. Not all of our abilities were created equal.”
“We all know.” Thoth crossed his arms. “And you decided to run off to face the one who benefitted the most from the project.”
Bakura finally turned to face him. “Don't be talking shit, Bird Boy. You and I could be stuck here together for a very long time. And I tend to hold grudges.”
A thick silence flooded the room. It locked on and refused to let go. Hathor looked between the two before she turned to Osiris.
Osiris just glanced back at her and subtly shook his head. The two would have to work this out themselves. At least according to Osiris.
Hathor didn't agree. “Kuk.”
“Stop calling me that!” His glare snapped to Hathor.
She tensed but didn't back down. “You should go. Bast was able to do it and she didn't get to live the life you did. So you must have a better handle on how this works on the physical world, right?”
Thoth turned to look at her in surprise. “He could get hurt.”
“I'm dead, Thoth. How much more 'hurt' could I get?” Bakura ripped the mask from his face and tossed it to the ground.
“You'd be surprised.”
Everyone turned and looked at Osiris. The man in the green mask wasn't looking at any of them, he just stared down at the nonexistent floor, mind far away from everything. He slowly began to turn to the other three. “Besides, we're not only worried about your pain in this situation.”
Thoth nodded at Osiris and turned back to Bakura. “Ra will no doubt suffer in this. Not to mention the reaction sure to befall Anubis when he finally wakes and becomes aware of his abilities.”
“It's not only that.” Osiris piped up once again, “I feel as though there is something more. Something worse than Anubis brews just beneath the surface.”
“I'm callin' bullshit on that.” What could be worse than the arsenic-laced lollipop that was Yugi Mutou?
Both Hathor and Thoth ignored Bakura as the woman tilted her head. “What else could possibly be out there?”
Osiris shook his head. “I'm unsure. Let's hope I'm as wrong as Kuk thinks.”
It wasn't often she was able to get Isis out of the house. She mostly had to convince the other woman there was an errand she had to run that would require an extra set of hands. She knew the reason was the people who watched her. While the abilities were kept under control, everyone still had a vague memory of the years back when the Ishtars were something to be feared. When they put the oldest to death for terrorizing a large portion of Egypt.
Malik and Isis never forgave themselves for that. And that regret just ran into another.
“You know, I think we should travel more,” Mai said as she watched a man eye Isis and whisper a prayer under his breath. “Maybe take a trip to America. Or Europe.”
Isis eyed Mai. “Just say it.”
“...Or maybe Japan.”
Isis sighed.
“I know you said you'd think about it but it's more than just, you know. It's getting away from all of this,” she gestured vaguely to the streets, “if only for a few weeks.”
“As beautiful as that sounds, I have a moral debt to pay here.”
Mai's eyes hardened and she opened her mouth to speak only to be interrupted by her phone. She pulled it from her pocket and watched as the screen twitched and glitched before showing her a Japanese phone number she didn't know.
She didn't need to know it. The glitch from before was enough of a caller ID. “So, you were able to crack my little code. Clever boy.”
Isis snapped her head around. Mai was holding the phone away from her ear and between the two of them.
There was an intake of breath from the other end. “So, it is a phone number.” The deep voice was almost hard to hear with the noises around the two women.
Still, Isis knew who was speaking. Her throat closed up as a lump formed that she couldn't swallow.
Mai smiled. “Indeed, it is. How are you, sweetie?”
“I would like to know why you left me your number in such an odd fashion.”
“Well, I didn't want Kaiba to find it and try to call me.”
“... How did you know I live with him?”
“I know so much about you. Horus.” Her eyes darted to Isis. She knew the boy on the other end would take her bait.
The woman stared intently at the phone and covered her mouth. Her eyes were welling up.
The line was silent. It was possible the one on the other end was stunned. Then, “My name is Atem.”
Isis sucked in a sharp breath.
Mai fought the urge to try and comfort her partner. “Sorry. Atem.”
Atem shifted slightly. “If you knew both names surely you know...” He trailed off as if he were debating on what to call Isis.
Mai chuckled. “Yeah, you could say I know her.”
“Is she there now?”
The blonde looked at Isis as the woman shook her head and clasped her hands in front of her mouth.
But the option to answer was soon taken away as Atem snorted. “I should assume so, considering you have me on speaker.”
Isis shut her eyes. The boy was more clever than she thought.
“Either way, I'd like her to know that... there's little more I want more in my life than to meet her. I feel that we're coming to a time where none of us should be separated like this. It's... it's becoming too much.” His voice sounded thick with emotion.
Mai frowned. “Atem, is everything okay?”
There was a shift again and long, shaky breath before he spoke. “I... k-zztch.. vvrckkk!” The phone let out a high pitch shriek before a garbled voice picked up.
“Horus is no longer your concern.” The line went dead.
Mai and Isis both stared at the phone with wide eyes. A stunned silence fell between the two.
Then, Isis's eyes narrowed. “I think it's time we take a vacation.”
Atem couldn't be sure what happened. One minute he was ready to spill everything to the woman he just met, then next his signal became corrupt and his eye picked up on something else.
It was like a projection meant for only him. A boy possibly ten years younger than him stared a little too close and smiled slightly too wide. He looked like Kaiba, with eyes decades older and hair a strange shade of blue-green.
Atem tried to back away, but the projection followed.
“Ah, so you are still alive. Pretty healthy looking too.”
“Who...? What..?”
The projection smiled even wider. “This must be all very confusing for you. I'd say 'sorry' but that'd be a lie. I'm not the least bit sorry!” He shrugged and pulled back just a little. “It's a shame I couldn't find a way into your head. Gaining powers at the source and all that. Plus, I was hoping for something a little... older than this. But, we're falling on desperate times now. We must purge everything.”
Atem blinked and shifted back again.
“I could just let Anubis take care of it but I don't know. We can't really trust a mad dog, can we? Either way; one down, four to go!” The projection blinked out and left Atem on the roof wondering what he just witnessed.
Yugi woke up with a start.
He wasn't sure what happened. He remembered Anubis in his room. The jackal had been gentle and pretty non-threatening as far as crazed killers go. He remembered feeling tired. And now he was in a large bed that just screamed 'Seto Kaiba Guest Room.' But that couldn't be right. His grandfather was there.
He sat right next to Anzu and Honda. All three of them looked worried. He pulled himself up and rubbed at his pounding head. “Hey, guys. What happened?”
“You... don't remember anything?” Honda frowned. “You've been gone for a week.”
Yugi blinked. “A week?!”
Anzu nodded and threw her arms around the other. “We were so worried about you!”
Yugi returned the affection with a frown. What did Anubis do to him? How was it possible so much time had gone by? Was truly he unconscious for that long?
Sugoroku cleared his throat. “Anzu... Honda... could you give us a moment? I would like to talk to Yugi alone.”
Anzu reluctantly pulled back and gave the old man a nod.
Sensing her reluctance to let him out of her sight, Yugi smiled. “It's okay. I'm not going anywhere again. I promise.”
Sugoroku clenched his jaw at that as he silently walked the two to the door. Once it was shut, Yugi's smile fell and he gripped the blanket tightly. “I guess I was a target of Anubis. Does it have something to do with being too close to Atem?”
Sugoroku turned and frowned. “You really don't remember anything?”
Yugi looked up and shook his head.
Sugoroku moved slowly and silently. He returned to his seat next to the bed and eyed his grandson. “Yugi, I wasn't... completely honest with you. I thought keeping this secret would allow you to live the rest of your life happy and without worry but... but I was just fooling us both.”
Yugi frowned. “... Grandpa?”
“Maybe there's a reason you're so attracted to Horus and why he's so infatuated with you. Because you two are cut from the same cloth.”
Yugi stared at his grandfather. His stomach dropped and his blood ran cold at what he was implying. He didn't need it said aloud. He didn't want that hanging in the air. “...What have I been doing this past week?” He barely managed to speak above a whisper.
Sugoroku took a deep breath. “I can only say what you've done in the past few days.”
The details of the situation made Yugi tremble. He didn't want to believe he was capable of something so dark. Yet... he could feel the rain and smell the blood. He couldn't see it; some part of him wouldn't let him see it.
He killed someone.
The truth of it hit him hard. His grandfather wouldn't say the words but he knew in his heart of hearts it was true. Someone was dead because of him. Someone with powers like his own. He held them in his hand and...
“Where's Atem?”
Sugoroku stopped speaking, hardly realizing Yugi hadn't been listening. “Yugi-”
Words continued to fall on deaf ears as Yugi launched himself from the bed. He threw open the door, heart thundering in his ears as he ran down the hall. He could barely hear himself shouting for Atem, much less his friends chasing after him and calling out to him.
Yugi remembered the door to Atem's room. He didn't knock; his fears largely outweighing any manners hammered into his head at a young age. His eyes landed on the other as Atem climbed back in through his window. There were bandages on his arms and around his neck. But the other just blinked in surprise. “Yugi...?”
Yugi's eyes teared up as he strode across the room and wrapped his arms tightly around Atem. “You're alive.”
Atem tensed at the contact before he remembered himself and slowly hugged Yugi back. “So are you.” He glanced up as everyone crowded in his doorway. It would seem Yugi's cries alerted both Kaibas and Jounouchi to the room as well.
Atem kept his arms tight around Yugi as he looked at Kaiba. While the taller man could walk, he was still covered in bandages, moreso than himself.
Judging by Yugi's reaction, he knew he had something to do with the injuries. Atem couldn't be sure how to let him know about Bakura.
It wouldn't matter. As soon as Ryo appeared in the doorway, realization struck and all the color faded from Yugi's skin. He'd done the headcount and noticed the absent member. He noticed how worn and distraught Ryo looked.
He felt sick. He could hear his own heartbeat and the distant sounds of sirens in his memories. He felt shadows with glowing eyes engulf him. He would drown in them. And he deserved to do so.
Bakura... Bakura had smiled at him just before dying. He whispered something his brain could not process. The smile had faded when the light left his eyes. They were glassy and bloodshot when he fell still.
How could he do that? Bakura. He didn't deserve that. No one deserved that!
“Yugi...” Atem's gentle voice tried to pull him back to reality. Fingertips brushed against Yugi's shoulder as he stumbled away from the group and to the bathroom attached to Atem's room. There, his body began trying to reject the contents of his nearly empty stomach.
The group outside just stood by with a mix of concern and confusion.
Ryo and Atem looked at each other. A second later, Ryo walked into the bathroom. “Yugi?”
He shook and sat back on his legs as he stared into nothing. His arms wrapped around himself. “I... I... I...”
Ryo bit his lip. This whole situation left him with mixed feelings. He should harbor nothing but hatred for his friend right now. The moment he saw Bakura collapse, all he wanted to do was avenge him. But...
Sugoroku filled them all in on what happened and why Anubis stayed inactive. The appearance of the mask was most likely what set him off. Yugi couldn't stop it any more than any of them. Hell, he didn't know Anubis existed up until a few days ago.
And now he sat on the floor, staring off as his mind tried to process everything. Kind, gentle Yugi Mutou had blood on his hands. The blood of a friend.
Yugi sucked in a shaky breath and became to sob. “Ry-Ryo... Bakura... I-I'm so sor-sorry. I couldn't... I..”
Ryo moved in closer. He gently put a hand on his friend's shoulder. “Come on. We have a lot to talk about.”
Yugi nodded but continued to look off into the distance as he was guided out of the bathroom and back to where everyone waited.
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thorne93 · 8 years ago
Lost and Found (Part 7)
Prompt: Imagine finding a lost dog, but it’s not just anyone’s lost dog. Who will show up at your door to claim the pup?
Warnings: maybe language, lost dog…
Word Count: 1519
Note: My precious doggie went missing on 6/10 and no one has spotted her or turned her in to the local shelters or anything. I miss her so much, but it inspired this fic. Texts are in italics. Thanks to my darling beta @like-a-bag-of-potatoes​
Tags: @amarvelouswritings​ @blackwidow-romanoff​ @cocosierra94​ @firstgal34​ @harleyquinnandscarletwitch @sebstan01 @camigt1999 @elleatrixlestrange​ @bittersweetunicorm
At 5:30, there was a knock on your door.
 “Who in the fuck is bothering me on a Saturday?” you groaned out loud. As you were waking up, you realized it was Seb waiting for you. “Shit!” you exclaimed as you jumped out of bed. You didn’t want to leave him standing in the hallway so you ran and let him in.
“I look like complete shit, I’m so sorry,” you apologized as you tried to make sure your morning breath and knotted hair didn’t totally appall him. He stepped in with two coffees in hand before making his way to your sitting area.
 “Nonsense,” he responded with a laugh. “You look stunning. But we do need to hit the road. Think you can clean up in fifteen minutes or less?”
 “I’ll be as fast as Quicksilver,” you said before realizing how nerdy that sounded. “Uh, I’ll be out in a jiffy.”
 “Haha, okay,” he responded.
 You raced around, found your generic Marvel shirt, threw on jeans, ran a brush through your hair and threw it in a clip and zipped up your boots and met Seb back in your living room.
 “How did I do?!” you wondered as you slid into the room.
 “You’d give Pietro a run for his money, pun fully intended,” he said with a grin.
 “Here’s your coffee, let's get going!” he cheered.
After a 30 minute luxury ride through NYC, you arrived on set.
“Jesus, what do I do or not do? I don’t want to get in anyone’s way! I’m not about to fuck up Infinity War,” you said in a whisper as you walked up, people working on lights, sound, monitors, cameras, wires being laid.
 “Just stand here, I’ll introduce you to everyone,” he said before running off. This was the most nervous you’d ever been in your entire life. You were sweating bullets and shaking. Your anxiety was flaring out as Seb came back with a whole tribe of actors.
 “Y/N, meet Chris Evans, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Benedict Cumberbatch, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Tom Holland, Chadwick Boseman, Anthony Mackie, Jeremy Renner, and Paul Rudd.”
 As he named everyone off, you shook their hands. Except for Elizabeth, you just had to hug her. She was like your idol. This was like a dream come true beyond your wildest imagination.
 “Cool shirt,” Jeremy noted at your shirt.
 “Oh, wow, thanks. This is...amazing. I can’t believe I’m here. This is...Just...wow.”
 Everyone laughed a little at you and he introduced you.
 “Everyone, this is Y/F/N, CEO and founder of Intercorp Tech.”
 “Oh, wow. That giant computer corporation?” Chris questioned.
 “Yeah, that’s the one,” you said, trying to remember how to breathe. You’d seen these people a hundred times on screen, in theater, in interviews. You felt as if you knew them but they had no idea who you were.
 “So you’re like a real life me,” Robert noted, smirking.
 “Don’t flatter yourself,” Anthony said with an eyeroll.
 “Are you going to be hanging around onset today?” Scarlett asked.
 “Yeah, I hope so, if I don’t destroy anything,” you noted, looking around at all the expensive equipment.
 “You can’t do any more damage than Robert,” Paul noted with a sneer.
 “Hey, I’m just making sure we always get the latest and greatest. If I have to smash a few cameras to do that, I’m willing to take one for the team.”
 Everyone laughed a little before being called back to make up or had to leave to read their lines. They each bid you a kind farewell to go do their jobs.
 “Oh my God, Seb, this is so perfect. I’ve loved Marvel since I was little. Getting to watch this come to life is...it’s...it’s a dream come true. Thank you so much.”
 “Anything for you. I gotta get in makeup. Just sit here. The director is over there and he’ll tell you to move if you need to, okay?”
 You nodded as he left, grinning at you.
 Watching them work was so amazing that at several points a tear was brought to your eye. They were all so talented, funny, and sweet. Seeing this come to life was making you nearly burst with joy. Whenever one of them was done with their scene or part, they would make their way over to you and joke and talk to you. Meanwhile, you were fangirling the fuck out. Each one was special and you couldn’t help but just stare at them while they talked to you. Anthony was a sweetheart who was easy going. Benedict was a smart ass. Robert was...well, Robert. You wanted to adopt Tom, he was so adorable it made you sick. You also got to completely geek out over him as Spiderman and you two swapped favorite scenes and lines from your favorite Spiderman movies. Paul was an absolute delight and yet again, you fan girled over him as Vision and poured on the compliments of him in other roles and he was a patient gentleman with you.
 The girls were hilarious and amazing. It seemed like you really clicked with each one in some way or another, all of them asking about your company and congratulating you on your success at such a young age.
 When lunch came, you offered to spring for it. Everyone kept telling you they had people for that but you were happy to do it. After taking several orders, most of them picky, you went to a restaurant just two blocks over and picked up the food, verifying that everything was there before bringing it back. The team seemed impressed.
 At the end of a long day of shooting, you told everyone goodbye (even though it killed you to leave their side). Sebastian took you home.
 “Do you wanna stay a little bit? I can order take out and we could hang out or…?” you offered, praying he said yes.
 “Sorry, not tonight. I’m beat. I should go home.”
 “Alright. That’s cool. You did great today,” you informed.
 “Yeah?” he asked. “Thanks, I’m glad you thought so.”
 “And your suit really helped where your acting failed,” you teased as you elbowed him lightly. He balked a fake offense and grinned at you.
“Is that so?”
 “Hey, I call ‘em as I see ‘em,” you stated.
 “Goodnight, Y/N,” he noted politely.
 “Night, Seb…”
 It was only 10, so you assumed Ida would be up. You gave her a ring.
 “Guess what I did all day?!” you said as you flopped on your Spiderman comforter.
 “Even better! I went on the set of Infinity War!”
 “Holy shit, you did not!” she said, excited. “That’s amazing!”
 “Yeah,” you mused. “Ida, it was so dreamy and perfect and fun!”
 You proceeded to tell her all about the actors, watching them, interacting with them, seeing the most awaited film for you come to life.
 “I’m so happy for you.”
 “So what about you, what’d you do?”
 “Well...I spent the day with Chris.”
 “What?!” you exclaimed. “What the hell, Ida!”
 She chuckled on the other end of the phone. “What?”
 “Well, did you guys do it or what?”
 “No, nothing like that. Chris went home last night and showed up this morning saying they didn’t need him for the shots today and asked if I wanted to hang out. We grabbed breakfast, walked in the park, went shopping. It was amazing, Y/N.”
 You turned your mouth to the side. “I still think I had the better time,” you said.
 She laughed. “I bet you think you did. So how is Mr. Stan? Have you two sealed the deal or anything yet?”
 “No, not yet. But...last night, he did this weird thing. We were in the moment, about to kiss, and he just...dodged it.”
 “He dodged it?”
 “Yeah. He initiated everything and right as I thought he was about to commit to it, he just went to the side and hugged me.”
 “Wonder what that's about.”
 “I don’t know, but honestly, I’m not sure if I can keep this up.”
 “So just tell him.”
 You sighed as you laid on your bed. “I can’t. I don’t want to ruin this.”
 “So wait.”
 “I don’t want to wait.”
 “So end the friendship.”
 “I don’t want that either. You’re not very helpful!” you chastised angrily.
 “Chick, you’ve got to do something. It’s clear he’s not going to make the first move. Maybe he doesn’t think you’re into him and he’s waiting on you to give the greenlight.”
 “Maybe,” you agreed, but not fully accepting that.
 “Look, you’ve got three options. Tell him how you feel, wait for him, or end the friendship.”
 “That much is clear, captain obvious.”
 “I’m saying you need to act on one.”
 You groaned. “Why is life so hard? I’m in IT because I don’t like being around people…”
 Laughing, she said, “Well, you have to put on your big girl pants and deal with this one.”
 You didn’t respond for a while. Trying to figure this out. “I’ll think of something.”
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unorthodoxsavvy · 8 years ago
Wowie so I got tagged by my friend Ginny, or @dead-nightingale to answer these 92 truths about yourself (myself). And at the end I’m going to tag 25 people.
Here we go!!
1. Drink: Hot Chocolate
2. Phone Call: My boyfriend last night
3. Text Message: “When I was trying to fall asleep last night, Cece was walking on my side and trying to find a spot to lay down on me. And then this morning she laid down on my stomach and I was petting her.” from my boyfriend.
4. Song You Listened To: I’m listening to “Wanting More” by Memphis May Fire.
5. Time You Cried: Sunday. 
6. Dated Someone Twice: No, haha, no one makes that mistake twice
7. Been Cheated On: No
8. Kissed Someone And Regretted It: No.
9. Lost Someone Special: Yeah. On my birthday.
10. Been Depressed: My entire life??? Okay, kidding. But yes, I have PDD.
11. Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up: No, I don’t drink.
12. Metallic silvery-blue.
13. Black
14. Aqua
15. Made New Friends: Only like 50, give or take.
16. Fallen Out of Love: Yeah, but not completely, and I was still willing to try and right myself because I know it was all just because of the amount of confusing things going on at the time.
17. Laughed Until You Cried: Probably?
18. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: Yeah, and I thought it was fucking hilarious.
19. Met Someone Who Changed You: Yeah................................. let’s not talk about that right now
20. Found Out Who Your True Friends Are: This year was the year of finding out who my true friends are lmao. And sometimes I was wrong. I’m glad my real friends pulled through despite my doubts about them.
21. Kissed Someone On Your Facebook: The day I own a Facebook is the day I’ll send myself to a Nunnery. 
22. How Many of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know in Real Life: Seriously? Let Facebook burn in the pits of hell.
23. Do You Have Any Pets: Yeah, I temporarily have a pet cat, I have an old doggo some of you might know named Bailey, I have Marian, of course, my gecko, and a fish named Vic. We used to also have Kellin but we don’t have Kellin anymore.
24. Do You Want To Change Your Name: Yes. My middle name can burn in the puts of hell next to Facebook. 
25. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday: Shit what did I do? Uhhhhhhhh.... let me ask my boyfriend. Well he doesn’t know either. OH! I remember: I made a weird cake with cookie dough and stuff and we had other cake and I went to Boston for a Teen Author convention and also my mom’s best friend died and I cried on my boyfriend a lot. I think I kind of blocked that day out of my memory.
26. What Time Did You Wake Up: 8:30ish
27. What Were You Doing at Midnight Last Night: Watching Gintama lmao
28. Name Something You Cannot Wait For: WARPED TOUR, PRIDE, and LOCAL AGRICULTURE FAIRS! And for me to actually get a job.
29. When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mother: Between 10-11 last night.
30. What is One Thing You Wish You Could Change About Your Life: Getting a job :’) plz someone hire me :’) I know I’ve only applied like 2 places but like c’mon
31. What Are You Listening To Right Now: Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides
32. Have You Ever Talked To a Person Named Tom: Yes, I have. 
33. Something That Is Getting On Your Nerves: People flirting with other people and me whoops. Me flirting with other people. Myself. People. Trump. The not-so-slow decline of humanity. My own saltiness rn.
34. Most Visited Website: Google
35. Elementary: Like elementary school? There was cool art on the pillars outside the office. I met my best friend there and had my first kiss in elementary school. Someone threw a brick at my friend’s head. I was smol and had long blonde hair. Someone who I’m now friends with pushed me and I fractured my wrist and the school told me I was exaggerating and didn’t even tell my mom what had happened and she said that when she reached for my arm to like help me out of the car I would pull away and finally she took me to the doctor’s and found out and she was pissed at the school. I got stuck in the playground. Field Day was fun. I miss the sketch playground they had.
36. High School: 
Freshman Year
What to heck I actually have friends, I’m popularish? People don’t treat me like shit? Boys are flirting with me? I have drama? What? I’m so confused. I’m going to just stick with playing with the animals in the barn and crying over the fact I forgot to put my seatbelt on the first time on the tractor. The Golden Trio. 
Sophomore Year
First real boyfriend
Traumatic experiences ----->emo
Junior Year
I’m emo
I LIKE GIRLS??????????
Wow that fanfiction though
Wow I have a crush on a Trans Guy? Guess I really am bi
Wow I’m dating a Trans Guy (it needs to be caps in my head, sorry lol) Guess I am bi but also can we appreciate what a cute fucking bean he is???
Omg! Full time Natural Resources Student! The Dream Come True!
Senior Year
I hate you all
I hate you too Emory
If you don’t want to hang out with me that’s fine but don’t expect me to hang out with you.
Wow all my friends desserted me.
What friends
Oh those friends
Yeah they aren’t my friends today
Wow I’m some elite choir student
My choir teacher is still sketchy af
My natural resources teacher is actually letting us pick him out an outfit to buy at GAP.
My natural resources teacher’s wife is actually letting us browse for like an hour and 45 minutes in Barnes and Nobels looking for That Gay Shit
We didn’t find That Gay Shit but I bought a Fun. album and DAPGO so that’s pretty much the same thing
I’m pretty sure we all just outted ourselves to our teacher’s wives
Wow I’m making an album
Wow I’m not taking any real classes I’m just passing the time cuddling dogs
Wow friends from Freshman Year throwback
California is Gay
Boston wasn’t supposed to be Gay but we snuck into Pride
I cried a lot during graduation because at that point a bunch of people were horrible to me and I couldn’t take it anymore but then also my teacher got me a scholarship and I cried during that too
Let’s party and stay up at school until 5:30am
37. College/University: What’s college
38. Hair Color: 50 shades of cool colors but not green
39. Long Hair or Short Hair: Shorter than a Corgi’s tail
40. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Yeah, and I really wish I didn’t.
41. What Do You Like About Yourself: Gay
42. Piercings: Over my needlephobic body
43. Blood Type: Does anyone actually know this? I’d kill someone before I’d let them near enough to me to find out
44. Nickname: Savvy
45. Relationship Status: (If you didn’t get this by now, I’m dating @ancient-hero)
46. Zodiac Sign: Libra af
47. Pronouns: She/her
48. Favorite TV Show: Fairy Tail
49. Tattoos: I waaaaaaant but neeeeeeeeedles
50. Right or Left Hand: Righty
51. Surgery: None
52. Piercing: Ears in 3rd grade
54. Sport: Dance
55. Vacation: Gosh idk I was probably still in the womb
56. Pair of Trainers: What? How about first pair of Converse? I like that better. My first pair of Converse was in like 6th grade and my friend was like “ohmigod, how have you never owned a pair of Converse before? They’re your shoe.”
57. Eating: What does this even mean?????? How about this: the first time I ate blueberry pie, it was heavenly and I was in Maine and now I love blueberry pie.
58. Drinking: Let’s talk alcohol.I said I don’t drink, and that’s true. My first alcohol was this year, my mom gave us champagne. That doesn’t count as drinking, we all know that.
59. I’m About To: Keep writing this post. And doing all the other tags I’ve been tagged in, and then try and schedule them so I don’t flood people with useless info about me. I might take a break though because I’ve been here almost an hour.
60. Listening To: Bulls in the Bronx.
61. Waiting For: A Sign A Job Me to stop catching feelings Warped Tour
62. Want: Warped Tour!!! (And more specifically to actually know bands and songs playing more than I do now. I’m trying to crash course myself in bands like a week before again)
63. Get Married: YES YES YES
64. Career: Music Video Producer and Storyboarder and Filmer
65. Hugs or Kisses: Hugs
66. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
67. Shorter or Taller: Ahhhhhhh I’ve had a bit of both idk which one I like better maybe shorter cause I’m short anyone “tall” towers over me
68. Older of Younger: Older 
70. Nice Arms or Nice Stomach: ??? A girl is a girl?? A boy is a boy?? I don’t like buff people? I like squishy people??
71. Sensitive or Loud: Both! I want both, dammit! I can’t take just one or the other, it won’t work.
72. Hook Up or Relationship: I wouldn’t know.
73. Troublemaker or Hesitant: Once again, both. Either of a lot is too much. I feel like most people I’m comparing are polar opposites and that’s why things haven’t/aren’t working.
74. Kissed a Stranger: NO BUT I WANT TO (just not while dating anyone)
75. Drank Hard Liquor: Still no
76. Lost Glasses/Contact Lenses: Who owns a pair who hasn’t? If you own either you have.
77. Turned Someone Down: Lmao no
78. Sex on First Date: Nooooooooo
79. Broken Someone’s Heart: Once again, hasn’t everyone? And if they haven’t, they will.
80. Had Your Heart Broken: Once again, hasn’t everyone? And if they haven’t, they will.
81. Been Arrested: No, but had the cops called on me, yes.
82. Cried When Someone Died: Yes, on my birthday, in my kitchen, on my boyfriend.
83. Fallen For a Friend: I don’t fall for anyone seriously who isn’t a friend.
84. Yourself: Yes.
85. Miracles: Yes.
86. Love at First Sight: It’s called lust, look it up.
87. Santa Claus: No, sorry.
88. Kiss on First Date: Sure, that’s cute.
89. Angels: No
90. Current Best Friend’s Name: Olivia. Best friends since Kindergarten. Just with a few gaps and rough patches.
91. Eye Color: Blue
92. Favorite Movie: Stand By Me
Wow I need a break before I even tag anyone.
Okay, so after everyone’s read through all this nonsense, here is to whome I bestow this task:
First off I probably owe @ancient-hero to be tagged since he’s mentioned so much.
@articulate-mess, @teatowelhowell, @sleepyphil, @danisthirsty, @weirdkidstories, @fondan, @pocketcow, @memory--ghost, @mymagnificentself, @gods-not-on-a-flatbread, @cushionstaxk, @xloonaticbloodx, @liabilitylester, @kendellisnotonfire, @smoltheatrekid, @softcharizard, @vgetables, @thebookofmadison, @infidany, @i-craft-ladders, @alecdoesnotmakepie, @astonishowell, @deadpan-trashcan @smolphaniel
Wow, okay, cool. Obviously if you don’t want to do it I’m not going to fly to you and kick down your door and make you. So, have fun, do the thing if you want, sorry if not, and have a nice day!
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weareallfallengods · 5 years ago
Reposting because I'm a disaster and don't know how to pin posts.
Inspiration: If you’re over 25 and haven’t done something remarkable, you are hunted down and killed. Some people invent things. Some make cures for diseases. Others become established members of their community. You’re pushing 30, and somehow not dead yet, even though you cant think of a single thing you’ve done thats remarkable in any way. Why aren’t you dead?
I write for adults about adult themes with adult language. I try to tag possible triggers (but I know I'm not going to get all of them), so if violence or implied death or cussing bothers you, you'll probably want to find a different author.
Somehow, that date came up again. Not quite sure how, but somehow, the number circled on my shitty wall calendar with the coffee splatter on it managed to be today. Again. It's been doing that for 5 years now.
At first I wanted to be a surgeon- save people's lives, make a difference, all that shit. Yeah, I was caught up in the hype for a while too. Just like everyone. Thought I'd make some ground-breaking discovery and change the world. Just like everyone. And then, at 22, I flunked out of med school. That was it. Dream over, kaput, fin.
When I opened my termination letter, it was like reading a death sentence. 10 years of prep and study down the drain. 3 years left. 3 years, and no idea what to do. No clue what I could do to save my own life after all those years learning how to save others.I drank for a solid month. I dont even remember that month now. My only memento from it is an entire skip of liquor bottles. It's a miracle I didn't die from alcohol poisoning. Not that I didn't try.
See, I was afraid. Scared, actually. Terrified would be more accurate, if I'm honest. I knew I only had 3 years left until they came for me. Unless I managed to do something extraordinary within the next 3 years, they'd come for me, and the only thing that would remain is a 2 paragraph obituary in the local paper, followed by a vacancy announcement. When you're suddenly forced to confront your own imminent demise, and see every dream, hope and aspiration you'd had evaporate, right in front of your eyes, its perfectly natural to drown that in a swimming pool of vodka.
But then, after a month of drowning, and a week of curing a hangover that would make Satan shudder, I got angry. Like Bruce Banner angry. As I was leaving an all night diner, the notice board caught my eye. Having nothing better to do with my life, I stood there for a while just reading every single card in detail, every single lost cat, every used car, every 5k charity run. And then I saw it. And I thought, "You know what? Fuck it, why not. I've spent all this time trying to do one thing that I've never actually done just whatever I feel like, had hobbies, anything really. Why the fuck not."
And that's how I ended up 2 days later in some shity warehouse district, rolling around on a mat with some dude I didnt even know, sweating and swearing profusely and having the time of my life. "Sasha's Self Defense" it said on the small, weathered and rusted sign on the brick wall out front, next to a door that looked like it had been transported straight from the proverbial gulag.
I'd naively thought this was going to be one of those Karate Kid knock offs for some reason when I first arrived. Sasha soon disabused me of that notion. In fact, when he saw I'd brought a new gi in a duffle bag, he laughed so hard he had to slap his ass down on a rickety folding chair just to keep breathing. Once he calmed his mirth at my expense, he let me know in a no-nonsense, 'I'm an old-timer and seen some shit in my day' heavily accented tone that this would be a class that focused on survival at all costs. "No bullshit wax on-wax off," were his exact words I believe.
And boy was he right. When I told him I'd set aside my year's tuition for lesson payments, well, wouldn't you know it, I became his most prized pupil; I quickly learned this was not a good thing. It meant 14 hours a day of the most humiliatingly punishing activity ever dreamed up by Moscow's Finest. I couldnt even move the morning after my first day. But somehow I limped my battered frame down to the bus stop and was only an hour late. Ha, only. Sasha seemed to take it as a personal insult. The only thing he hated less than sloppiness was tardiness it seemed. Apparently the 10th Circle of Hell was reserved for those who dared be late. And he made you earn your way out of that circle.
His only saving grace was fairness. If I had to suffer, at least I wasnt alone. Well, at first anyway. The few other students that suffered his wrath along side me doing slavic folk dances with wrist and ankle weights very quickly learned that this wasn't the type of class they had thought it was and soon I was alone with Sasha.
On the days I did well, I got treated to pierogies. Oh man, I lived for those pierogies. They were made by angels and served by someone I can only describe as if Jesus came back as a woman. Who was Russian. And spoke even less english than Sasha, if that was possible. His sister was as completely opposite to that sadistic maniac as it was possible to be and still be a human being. Where he was loud, she was soft. Where he was tough, she was gentle. Where he was strict, she was generous, even indulgent. Blonde to his brunette. Slim to his barrel chest. Cousin by marriage, I think they said. Well, relatives of some kind anyway. And she was the only one who could make him laugh. And when he laughed, the whole block knew! He was just that loud, that boisterous, with everything he did.
But I loved his little Anya. Just like everyone. But like in a wholesome, mom-ish kind of way. I loved her because I got to sit for an hour when she was around. Because she"d always tuck a to-go container of pierogies into my bag. Because she'd chide Sasha for pushing me too hard. In short, she was an angel.
But I have to hand it Sasha- in 4 months, he took a scrawny bookworm into someone who could pose for Men's Health. In 6 months, I could beat Ivan, his partner, in 5/10 sparring matches. In 7 months, I ran a marathon. In 9, he had me enter a triathalon. And I made it into the top 50 out of 500 entrants. Not too bad if I say so myself. In 12 months, I was beating Ivan almost every time.
And that's when the other Ivan showed up. After a year, Sasha decided it was time I learned weaponry. After all, no real fight was fair, he said. And Ivan (another cousin? Sasha had one heck of an extended family) instructed me on everything from broken beer bottles, to knives and pool cues. And my medical training paid off, because more often than not, I was the one stitching myself up if training got a little rough that day.
Eventually, I moved into the gym. Not sure how it happened, but I think I just got too tired to leave one day and never really left. Sasha didnt seem to mind since it meant I wasnt ever late again. Plus the coffee he imported was the best thing ever. Like it was so good that's probably the Extraordinary Thing he did to live as long as he had.
The days just melted together, into one long symphony of beautiful exhaustion and physical torment, as I poured myself into the first activity I could remember doing purely because I wanted to, something that numbed the dread of the finality of my life expectancy.
But then one day, one specific day, the one I'd been dreading in the back of my mind for a year came around.
They found me.
I guess they were a little slow in finding me, not surprising since I'd basically just disappeared from my old life, no forwarding address type thing. It wasnt intentional, it just sort of happened, what with me diving head first into something purely for me, without the thought of doing it for someone else. But they found me. Just like they find everybody.
See, it doesnt matter if you try to run, if you move, or change your name. They always find you eventually. I just hadn't thought about it in a long while. That year was the first time since I was probably 14 that I'm hadn't thought about the Gardeners. I guess that's why it surprised me so much.
Yeah, Gardeners. I dont know who came up with the name, in guess some misguided attempt at a positive PR spin bullshit to pass off squads of government assassins who's only job was to track down the NCs of the world and eliminate them. Sorry, NCs- Non-Contributors; the people who hit their expiration date without doing something noteworthy, something that was deemed to "advance or bolster the Human Condition" to borrow a phrase from the civics classes we had to take every fucking year of school. A cutesy sounding name that was supposed to make the government sound like a benevolent old couple pulling weeds from their garden of humanity. The worst lies always sound the sweetest, dont they?
And I was now 25.
It happened a few weeks after my birthday. Just another routine day for me, going for a light 5k run after my soak in a mineral bath. Light rain, most of the streetlights out, the few lights on in the warehouse district reflected beautifully off the streets. That's why I ran at night, all the colors changed that normally bleak neighborhood into something beautiful. It was just one little thing to balance out the harshness of reality, and I reveled in it.
I don't actually remember what happened exactly. I do recall seeing a suspiciously conspicuous homeless guy huddled under a loading dock awning, and then just a flash of movement from the corner of my eye. I think it happened really quickly; at least that's what Sasha said the next morning as he was making arrangements for me to visit another cousin of his "back in the old country". It could have been. God, after seeing the bodies around me in the aftermath, I hope, for their sake, that it was fast. 5 bodies. All still. I still remember my breath turning to blue fog, blurring the details of them. Helping me to be able to pretend I didn't see the blood mixing with the rain and oil, spreading out over the concrete like a macabre inversion of the cloudy sky above.
I'm glad they wore masks. It's bad enough having that scene burned into my brain forever, without specific people's faces being etched there as well. I'm glad I dont see their faces in my mind every time I close my eyes. I just wish I could still enjoy the rain. They managed to take that from me, even if I'm still breathing, so I guess they didnt completely fail. They just killed a part of my soul instead. But hey, there's plenty of people that don't like the rain, right? But I bet they don't smell blood when it does though.
And that was pretty much it. No sirens, no manhunt, nothing. Before I could process what was happening, I was on a bus, headed for "the old country", which, as near as I could tell, looked an awful lot like Pittsburg. Sasha's 'cousin' met me at the bus depot there, a man of very few words. Not as loud as his cousin, Zhena tended to communicate with looks, grunts and shrugs mostly. Same work ethic though.
And then the cycle repeated- 14 months this time before they caught up with me. Too bad that Zhena got caught up in it, he was a great guy. He and I didn't really become close or buddies or anything, but it still hurt to see what happened to him. To what was left of him anyway. The Gardeners definitely were trying to send a message with that. To quote an old wise man, "I didnt want to know, but now I do, and I'm telling you, you dont want to know." And that's coming from someone who was training to become a surgeon, so just trust me on this one.
This time, they were waiting for me. I think they'd planned on Zhena being enough of a distraction that they'd be able to take me out easily, but since since I woke up the next day on the floor of the sparring ring in a too large pool of blood that wasnt my own, I'd say they failed. The difference this time was I was on my own. No 'cousins' to call in favors from. No family I could call because I didnt want them getting a visit from the Gardeners either. I was alone this time.
Weirdly, I was actually OK with that. I'd been surrounded by family, teachers, advisors, tutors for so long that solitude was actually kind of nice. I could hear myself think my own thoughts for the first time in what seemed like forever.
I'm not ashamed to say that I took what little of value there was from Zhena's gym (I knew him well enough to know that Sasha was his only family) so that I could get a seedy hotel for a while. I did at least have the decency to let Sasha know, and that that would be the last he ever heard from me, to keep him out of trouble. Bad enough that 10 people were already dead, I didn't want Sasha or Anya's name added to that list because of me.
And so I vanished. Completely. Sure I travelled, kept studying and training like I had been, but never staying longer than a few months, never using the same name, copying other random people's habits and patterns so I didnt have one of my own for them to track down. Yeah it was cliche, but hey, I figured my dad watching all those spy flicks when I was young had to be good for something, right?
Sometimes I was a baker, sometimes a delivery driver, even a dock hand. Whatever it took to make a buck so I could eat.
I got really good at other things too. Like disposing of bodies. Not really a skill I ever thought I'd want or need, but Necessity is a harsh and demanding teacher. Sadly, my skill as a surgeon came in handy- bodies are easier to get rid of when they're in smaller pieces. And people are easier to turn into bodies when you know how they're put together intimately. Not what I had in mind for my life, but since it was the choice between this or dying, well, I guess I can put up with it.
I suppose that catches us all up to the present, more or less. OK yeah theres a lot that's gone down between Pittsburg and now, but it was all pretty much the same: lather, rinse, repeat. Literally sometimes. Those were the days it felt like there wasnt enough soap in the world to get all the blood off.
So here I am, I'm my single room in Kandahar, staring at the date that had somehow come up again. Every year, they send someone. Usually a team. And I survive. No matter how they come at me, or when or how many. I survive.
And I'm sitting here, staring at the calendar, steaming cup of espresso, just staring, as a light breeze fluttered the corner of the calendar page, sending the orchids dancing in the vase next to it. All I could think is, "How? How does this keep happening? I'm not even supposed to be here, not supposed to be alive."
As I raised my cup of espresso, something slid under my door. "OK that's weird," I said aloud as I stood.
The chair made an ungodly screech as I pushed it back and made my way over to where a small, cream colored envelope sat on the floor, a couple inches from the bottom of the door. It was heavy for it's size, but not because anything was in it, just the paper was that thick. Probably hand-made. It's odd the little things you notice in times of stress. Heavy, rough paper, no postmark, nothing written on the outside, just the flap tucked in, not even sealed. Reminded me of how my mother used to give out birthday cards. I always thought that was a little weird, but it was just one of her quirks that made her even more endearing to everyone.
I sat down a little heavier than I had planned and felt the chair crack a little. There was a single sheet of paper inside, folded in half; I was right- handmade paper. But that wasnt important, what was important was the heavy, blocky hand-written message it contained.
"We've been looking for you for a long time. It has come to my attention that you may have something unique to contribute after all. We may have been too hasty in judging your Ability to be a Contributor. I believe you do actually have a remarkable Ability to Survive. I'd like to speak to you this afternoon in the plaza outside the Blue Mosque. I will be alone, and you can approach me, so as to allay your justifiable suspicions. I will have a silver coffee set on the table in front of me.
I believe we can help each other, if you're willing to listen to my proposition.
Well, this is interesting.
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