fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Here's a question for you all!
Do any of you like to lay around and relive memories that you can remember or would you rather not think about old memories at all?
I personally love to lay around outside under the stars and relive the good memories I had back in my timeline. Stargazing was one of Reaper's favorite things to do when we could get away from everyone and just be together by ourselves. Let me know your answers! I'd love to hear them!
Sombra fictive #👾💃🏽💜
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I personally can NOT stop laughing at this last match that happened. As always I main myself and on the other team someone switch to Sombra to try and out Sombra me. It didn't go well and got them eliminated many times by me. They never once hacked a health pack or set down a translocator and attempted to chase me all over the map during the match. In the end, it was me with 14 kills and 3 deaths and them with 4 kills and 10 deaths. There's a lesson in this.
Don't try to out Sombra the Sombra kin~ BOOP
Sombra fictive #👾💃🏽💜
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
[please post on April 10th]
Today is the day I died in my timeline and I hate that I can remember it vividly. It was the date of an important mission for Reaper and I so I had it memorized... It was a big mission Reaper and I were sent on and we were ambushed by several enemies.
We did what we could to fight them off but more and more kept appearing and before I could turn my attention to the ones who got behind us I was gunned down... I was in such excruciating pain when I hit the floor. I was gasping for air trying to reach for my pistol but my body was going numb and cold…
I couldn’t catch my breath, my vision went from fuzzy to blurry to fading to black. All I could do is lay there when I heard Reaper’s boots come rushing towards me, a demonic like yell and then the last thing I see is his death blossom before everything went black…
Sombra fictive #👾💃🏽💜
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
To 713543714971189248's ask:
Titles weren't really my thing when it came to what I was called. As long as you weren't going around calling me by my real name I was fine. I've had people use titles for me such as "The Infamous Talon Hacker" or "Talon's Greatest Hacker" and so on. These where most common among the lower ranked grunts in Talon, I didn't mind it since it was what I was. Out of everything, I just prefer Sombra.
Sombra fictive #👾💃🏽💜
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
So, I had an ability that isn't in game where I could clone myself using my tech. The clone had all my mannerisms, personality, everything. I only really used it in dire situations since it took a lot out of me to make them. They were solid as well, moving around to distract enemies to think they were actually going after me but they really weren't since I would be elsewhere doing my mission until it was destroyed. It was fun making and using even if it wore me out. I can release up to three of them at a time but normally ever use one. If i had that ability in game, I'd wreck so many matches and piss off so many people hahaha!
Sombra fictive #👾💃🏽💜
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I can't help but feel so grateful for finding and falling in love with this Gabriel/Reaper. They're like two separate people but at the same time aren't, it's complicated but regardless, I've been getting through to Gabriel's Reaper side to show him that I love him just as much as I love Gabriel and it's starting to work. They both made me just so happy even if their host has been distant lately because of depression. My own host has been the same way but it won't stop me from loving my favorite commander and favorite wraith. They will never be my Reaper and they aren't meant to replace them either. I fell in love with them for themselves. Gabriel is such a sweet man when he isn't being hard on himself.
Sombra fictive #👾💃🏽💜
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Gotta say, I miss you viejito. One of my best friends while we were in Talon besides Reaper. Miss hanging out with you as you rambled on about all different things about space or gravity or those times you'd get so happy to see me just appear out of nowhere when I dropped stealth. Hope you're doing well in this new life Sigma.
Sombra fictive #👾💃🏽💜
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Can't really say that any of us are very open about us being here with the host. So anytime we're out and around the host's family we mimic him because he doesn't want his family knowing about us since he does know how they would react. I've spoken with his therapist once before and he was interested but they are the only person we physical see in person who knows about us. Only the host's closest friends and other fictionkins know about us. There are eight of us with our host.
Sombra fictive #👾💃🏽💜
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
magic-at-twilight's question
No one really got glimpses at the lower ranked grunts in Talon, they looked like the same in cinematics, big buff white guys with masks but in my timeline, a lot of the grunts didn't wear their helmets around the base and ranged from females to males to nonbinary and everyone in Talon respected each other's pronouns and names, even Reaper.
Sombra fictive #👾💃🏽💜
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Life is such a pain sometimes when you have nightmare after nightmare of nasty incidents that happened back in your past life. I even remember the day I died because it was the same day as an important mission Reaper and I were sent on.
Sombra fictive #👾💃🏽💜
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I'm in an emotionally vulnerable state right now and I hate it. I just miss Reaper so much right now. I've never been one to open up my emotions to anyone unless I really trust them and Reaper was the one person I did. I miss having him by my side and being able to lean on him for support when it was just us behind closed doors.
I miss you Reaper, more then you'll ever really know and I hope we'll either run into each other or find each other again.
-Sombra fictive #👾💃🏽💜
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I get why people ship me with Sigma and whatnot with all our interactions together in the game but I never saw him as a partner or lover. He was someone I just really cared about because he was always so lost in his own mind while everyone around him used him. I hated to see it happen so I always did my best to not let it happen and ended up as close friends with him. I was more like a best friend/guardian to him then a lover.
-Sombra fictive #👾💃🏽💜
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Are there any active Overwatch kincords out there? I've been trying to look for others from it to interact with but I'm not having the best of luck. I'd love it if there was one out there, if not, I could make my own.
Sombra [please tag as fictive]
party note if anyone knows of an open server, please reblogs, reply, or like this post for anon to contact you!
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
The only reason I stayed in Talon was for Reaper. I had planned on just ditching once I got what I wanted but then Reaper and I grew to love each other and I stayed for him alone. I hated seeing him in pain or when Moira would experiment on him. I wish I could have done more for him or got him out of there.
-Sombra [please tag as fictive I am a headmate]
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I don’t know why this makes me tear up but anytime I think back to the day I lost my life it starts making me wonder. Reaper, did you celebrate my life during Día de los Muertos after my passing? Did you keep a picture of me with you at all times so I’d always be there? Did you scatter cempasúchil so that my spirit would be led back to you during Día de los Muertos ?
-Sombra fictive #👾💃🏽💜
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I miss being able to tease and taught my Reaper to get a reaction out of him. I only ever did it to play with him and to show him that I didn't see him as a mindless killer or monster like the rest of Talon did. I always cared for him even if I showed it in my own way. It was always amused me when he'd get right into my face and let out that deep long growl thinking he could attempt to intimidate or scare me. It never worked and in the end I would always end up kissing his mask and leave a lipstick mark.
Sombra [Please tag as fictive]
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