#sombra x mercy
nickeverdeen · 7 months
Overwatch characters and their PDA
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Given Genji’s reserved nature and background as a disciplined ninja, his enjoyment of public displays of affection (PDA) would likely be moderate.
Hand Holding: Genji would intertwine his fingers with yours, showing a secure and intimate connection between you two while walking together
Hand on Lower Back: While navigating through crowds or walking side by side, Genji would place his hand gently on his lover’s lower back, offering subtle guidance and protection
Forehead Kiss: In a moment of tenderness, Genji would lean in to press a soft kiss to your forehead, conveying affection and care in a discreet yet meaningful way
Cheek or Temple Touch: Genji would lightly brush his lips against his partner’s cheek or temple, showing affection in a gentle and respectful manner
Arm Around Shoulder: During moments of closeness or comfort, Genji would drape his arm lightly around your shoulder, offering support and solidarity while maintaining a sense of respect for your personal space
These gestures reflect Genji’s reserved yet caring demeanor, emphasizing his desire to express love and connection to his partner in a subtle and respectful manner, even in public settings
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She appreciates opportunities to express her love and affection for her partner openly, but she also values maintaining a level of respect and consideration for others’ comfort in public settings. Therefore, while she enjoys showing affection, she may do so in a tasteful and mindful manner.
Hand Holding: Mei would happily hold your hand, intertwining their fingers as they walk together, symbolizing unity and closeness
Hugs: Mei’s warm and nurturing nature would lead her to readily give you hugs, wrapping her arms around you in a tight and comforting embrace
Cheek Kisses: Mei would affectionately kiss you on the cheek, expressing her love and fondness for you in a sweet and gentle manner
Arm Linking: Mei might loop her arm through yours arm or link elbows while walking, showing a sense of intimacy and companionship
Shoulder Lean: When standing or sitting together, Mei might lean her head or shoulder against lover’s, seeking closeness and physical contact
These gestures reflect Mei’s affectionate and caring nature, as she expresses her love openly and warmly in public settings with her partner
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Sombra appreciates the opportunity to show affection for her partner openly and boldly, and she enjoys the playful and flirtatious interactions that come with it. However, she also values maintaining a level of control and discretion, so she may not engage in PDA excessively or in situations where it could attract unwanted attention.
Arm Wrapping: Sombra confidently wraps her arm around your waist or shoulder, pulling you close as you walk together, showing a sense of possession and intimacy
Playful Shoulder Bump: Sombra playfully bumps her shoulder against yours as you walk, adding a touch of flirtation and playfulness to your interaction
Hip Touch: Sombra assertively places her hand on your hip, guiding you or pulling you closer in a confident and affectionate gesture
Quick Kisses: Sombra steals quick kisses from her lover, whether it’s a peck on the lips or a playful kiss on the cheek, adding spontaneity and excitement to their interactions
Hair Play: Sombra playfully runs her fingers through her partner’s hair or tucks a strand behind their ear, adding a flirtatious and intimate touch to their interaction
These gestures reflect Sombra’s confident and assertive personality, as she shows her affection for her partner in bold and playful ways that suit her.
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Given Tracer’s lively and outgoing personality, she likely enjoys public displays of affection (PDA) to a considerable extent. Tracer’s enthusiasm and warmth make her naturally inclined to engage in PDA, but she also respects boundaries and would adjust her behavior based on her girlfriend’s comfort level and the situation.
Hand Holding: Tracer enthusiastically holds her girlfriend’s hand, intertwining their fingers as they walk together, radiating joy and affection
Quick Kisses: Tracer frequently steals quick kisses from you, whether it’s a peck on the lips or a playful kiss on the cheek, adding spontaneity and warmth to your interactions
Hugs: Tracer enthusiastically embraces you in tight and energetic hugs, lifting you off the ground or spinning you around in a joyful display of affection
Shoulder Bumps: Tracer playfully bumps her shoulder against you as you walk, adding a touch of playful intimacy to your interaction
Back Pats: Tracer affectionately pats her girlfriend’s back or shoulders in a friendly and reassuring manner, showing her support and affection openly
These gestures reflect Tracer’s spirited and affectionate nature, as she shows her love and affection for her girlfriend in a lively, enthusiastic, and playful manner that I’d personally say suits her
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While she appreciates opportunities to express her affection for her partner openly, she also values professionalism and may prefer to keep displays of affection subtle and understated, especially in certain settings. Overall, while she enjoys showing her love openly, she may do so in a more reserved and considerate manner.
Hand Holding: Mercy gently holds her partner’s hand, intertwining their fingers as they walk together, symbolizing unity and support
Arm Around Shoulder: Mercy might place her arm around your shoulder or waist while walking, offering comfort and closeness in a protective gesture
Forehead Kiss: In moments of tenderness, Mercy leans in to give you a soft kiss on the forehead, conveying affection and care
Cheek Caress: Mercy affectionately caresses her your cheek with her fingertips, expressing warmth and love in a gentle manner
Hugs: Mercy embraces her lover in warm and comforting hugs, wrapping her arms around them in a nurturing display of affection
These gestures reflect Mercy’s nurturing and compassionate nature, as she expresses her love and affection for her partner in gentle and caring ways that provide comfort and support.
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While he appreciates opportunities to express his affection for his partner openly, he also values his personal space and may prefer to keep displays of affection relatively subtle and understated, especially in certain settings. Additionally, McCree’s enjoyment of PDA may vary depending on the situation and his partner’s comfort level, as he respects boundaries and prioritizes mutual respect in his relationships.
Hand Holding: McCree casually holds your hand, intertwining your fingers as you walk together, showing a sense of unity and closeness
Arm Around Shoulder: Cassidy may drape his arm around your shoulder or waist while walking, offering a protective and comforting gesture
Quick Kisses: He steals quick kisses from you, whether it’s a peck on the lips or a playful kiss on the cheek, adding a touch of affection and spontaneity to your interactions
Shoulder Lean: While standing or sitting together, Cassidy leans his shoulder against yours, seeking physical contact and closeness in a relaxed and casual manner
Hand on Lower Back: McCree places his hand on your lower back while navigating through a crowd or entering a room, guiding you with a gentle touch while showing a sense of protectiveness
These gestures reflect McCree’s laid-back and affectionate nature, as he shows his love and affection for his partner in a casual, supportive, and playful manner that suits his cowboy persona
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While he may appreciate moments of intimacy with his partner, he values privacy and may prefer to keep displays of affection relatively subtle and reserved, especially in public settings. Additionally, Hanzo’s enjoyment of PDA may vary depending on the situation and his partner’s comfort level, as he respects boundaries and values mutual respect in his relationships.
Hand Holding: Hanzo gently holds your hand, showing a subtle yet meaningful connection as you walk together
Arm Around Waist: Hanzo may place his arm around your waist while standing or walking, offering a protective and comforting gesture
Forehead Rest: In moments of intimacy, Hanzo may rest his forehead against yours, conveying a sense of closeness and trust
Shoulder Touch: Hanzo lightly touches his lover’s shoulder in a gesture of support or reassurance, showing his affection in a subtle and understated manner
Quick Kisses: Hanzo may offer quick and discreet kisses to his partner, whether it’s a soft peck on the cheek or a brief kiss on the lips, adding a touch of affection in a reserved manner
These gestures reflect Hanzo’s reserved yet genuine affection for his partner, as he shows his love and care in subtle and understated ways that reflect his stoic demeanor.
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Mercy, Moira, Kiriko, Junker Queen and Sombra relationship hc’s
- reader is kept gender neutral
-warnings: fluff, some angst, nsfw
-I am very gay for these women so why not write about them:) This post is also gonna be a long one so hop in fellas
-Sombra’s is a little longer due for backstory reasons
-part 2!
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- ah yes, the earth angel herself who has had my heart since 2016 <3
-Angela is very loyal and loving to you but her role as a medic gets in the way most of the time. She feels bad every time she has to leave during the night (especially after making love to you, she doesn’t see it as just sex), during date nights, or even on her days off that you planned for her to de-stress
-but even with all that, you stay by her side and help get rid of that fear. You love how she is dedicated to her job and how amazing she is at it
- I could imagine from the crazy hours she works, she is sleep deprived. She gets maybe 3 hours of sleep at most. When she comes home to see you on the couch, she slips off her shoes and coat to come lay on top of you and sleep.
-She loves when you come and visit her at work!!! Whether you work for overwatch or not, spending her lunch break with you, with food that you bring for her, always puts a smile on her face
-Though you love her, you do find yourself sad or disappointed a lot because of her work. You know this isn’t her fault and she always makes it up to you, but you do get lonely. You would find yourself crying to sleep at night. Yes, you’re not hero, but a regular person who was lucky enough to get with this angel of a woman, but at what price?
-Every relationship has their arguments, yours doesn’t get too heated cause you both are rational, but you two do find yourself arguing in the beginning of her always work and how you feel lonely in a place you both share and call home. When she first saw you cry during an argument due to this problem, Angela felt her stomach sink. She never intended to make you cry or be upset. She’s able to calm you down, also expressing her fear of you leaving her
- You both come to an agreement to always let the other know how you feel and try to understand where they are coming from. Angela actually starts looking for assistants to train! She would like to have help around the office to get work done faster but also means she can spend time you with.
-She also wants you to become well acquainted with them as well in case you ever needed help from them and vice versa. A huge strain was lifted off of your relationship and she found herself more at home with you <3
-Pulling away from the topic of work, Angela loves to cook meals with you! Specially if they meals are from her home country.
-Whenever you made a traditional swiss dishes for your anniversary, she teared up and thanked you over and over again. It’s hard to get a meal from home whenever your work is crazy, she’s thankful you thought of her love for her country
-Spa day!!! She loves when you run her a warm bath with her favorite scented candles of pomegranate, red berries, and patchouli (totally not the candle I have in my room)
-Angela loves doing face masks with you to detox <3
-Idk why I see her as a handy person??? Oh you got a new desk?? Oh s/o let her build it for you. Got a new shelf? Don’t worry, Angela can do it
-Angela loves to show you off to her coworkers. You’re the light of her life, her loving s/o. She would go to the ends of the earth for you
-Doesn’t matter what you identify as, she tops. End of story. There are a few occasions she bottoms. 
-She always has to take care of people but whenever she takes care of you sexually, she feels the same fulfillment after a days of work
-Doesn’t mean she sees sex as a chore or job!!! she just loves being able to take care of her baby <3
- Event though she wears a strap, she loves to watch you suck the dildo that’s in the harness. She can’t feel anything but just seeing you looking up at her with your sweet eyes her mind goes blank and can only think of how beautiful you are. Loves to receive and give oral <3
-Will absolutely play doctor with you but she slips in medical terms you don’t understand lol
-Her breast is definitely sensitive- so when you are relaxing on the couch and you slip your hands up her shirt to massage her chest, she’s putty in your hands. Holding onto your wrists and she leans her head back and moans for you
-Loves when you ride her- when she looks up at you, you look absolutely ethereal riding her strap
-When the few times she does bottom, she finds herself slipping into her native language, switching from english to german, especially when she’s getting close. Even if you don’t understand german, you picked up on a few phrases yourself
-Like I said, my gal is sensitive, so vibrators are a good friend to have! She loves when you look her in her eyes when you control the vibrator, making her look into your eyes when she cums <3
-my favorite “un-ethical” genetic engineer (aka my lesbian lover)
-Moira is definitely hard person to come around due to her intimidating presence. But that didn’t stop you from pinning for her
-When she notices people, she takes subtle mental notes. When she first met you, she isn’t thought how cute you are, adorable even
-The first few times she interacted with you it was strictly about work, But over time you noticed how she would make little jokes to you like:
“did you also notice how that guy is wearing his tie wrong?’
“Hello y/n, did sombra contact you today about lunch plans? Are you going to her little...festivity?” (she prayed you would say yes)
“Y/n, would you like to come get coffee with me?”
-That was her first time asking you out and you loved it! She took you to her favorite cafe that happened to be anime themed and slowly she would tell you how her drink inspired from Naruto was the best and the plot line of the show
-When your relationship starts, Moira will put her work above you. Sorry not sorry, it’s the truth. Science is her entire life, she cares and adores you, but her first love is science
-It does pain you she chooses science over you. Date night? Oops sorry, I forgot, I was caught up with work. You cooked dinner? Sorry my love, I’m caught up at work right now so don’t stay up for me. Sometimes you find yourself crying to sleep and when you wake up with puffy eyes, Moira points them out but you brush it off.
-One night it came to a halt. You were getting ready to leave for the day and went to go grab your lover for home time. When you called her name she didn’t answer, You repeated yourself and she snapped for you to leave her alone and that she’s busy. You tell Moira that you’ll be cooking dinner tonight and she went on with her favorite sentence, “Sorry my love, I’m staying late tonight, you don’t have to wait up for me okay?”
-Something snapped, you started to yell how she gives all her attention to her work and never you. How at this point you were just someone she could have company with. Moira scoffed, “Why do you have to act so childish? I already told you from the beginning what your place is,”
-Childish? Your place...? Without saying another word, you slammed her door, storming to the car to get home. As soon as you arrive you burst into tears crying while getting undressed to go to bed. The sheets and blanket smelled like her, which made you cry harder. You decided to take an old shirt of hers and put it on a pillow, grab a round throw pillow, and made a makeshift model of Moira. You kissed the pillows cheek and whispered a goodnight.
-She come home that night upset, mad at you and herself, why couldn’t you understand her work? Why couldn’t she be a better girlfriend? She quietly reheated leftovers you made and eat in silence. God she hates this silence.
-When she came into your shared room her heart ached. Were you so deprived of her you had to make a makeshift version of her? Now she understands how lonely you truly feel. She changed and climbed into bed, removing the pillows from your grasp. You woke up a bit and she shush you to go back to sleep. She held you to her chest as she confessed how bad she felt from earlier, how she was wrong for underestimating your feelings and how she was in the wrong, not you. You began to cry softly at her words, and she shushed you, kissing your forehead and reassuring she loved you.
-That morning you woke up in her arms, but she was already awake watching you sleep. She kissed you good morning and told you she called the next few days off to be with you and make up for lost time. She apologized once again but this time you kissed her to let her know you forgive her.
-all right let’s move onto happy stuff!!
-When she is at her apartment with you, she loves to watch anime with you. If you’re an anime fan, good, she loves that! You two can talk about your favorite shows, compare theories, and even show each other new animes to talk about
-At times, she catches herself feeling embarrassed since anime is typically “for kids and young adults”, she’s an older woman and feels a bit insecure about it. Please comfort her!! Tell her it’s okay to have interests
-She has little figures of her favorite characters on a shelf in her room idc- definitely cosplayed once or twice and will cosplay with you!
-Since Moira is busy, take-out and delivery services are your best friends!
-Moira has never felt this much of a connection with someone before and she doesn’t want to lose it. She loves when you kiss the knuckles of her corrupted arm, showing love to the science she has done. That arms also tends to hurt from time to time so heat packs!! Loves the lay in bed with you with you hold the heat pad to her arm to help her relax
-Moira is a sucker for being a little spoon but won’t admit it, please hold her too!!
-Another top! Moira needs to dominant everything she does, including you <3 but she does bottom is you beg nicely
-another proud strap user, isn’t one for receiving oral but loves to use her mouth on you. She also loves to look at you while doing so to make you shy
-loves missionary! she loves to see all your facial reaction whenever she goes fast, rough, slow, or soft
-a secret of hers is she wants you to dress up as her favorite character for her <3 and if you do she is caught off guard but enjoys herself either way and will thank you after (maybe ask you to do it again some time)
-Moira isn’t above of dragging you into her empty lab and fingering you (don’t worry her middle and index fingernails are press on and can be removed) The risk of getting caught excites her, but she always keeps a hand over your mouth just incase
-I see her as the type to have a flogger or whip, she loves to see how your body reacts to the slight pain and how you vocal you are when you have your ass and thighs slapped by her
-latex lady. I won’t elaborate 
-I am part of the “calling hot woman ‘daddy’ committee. She feels powerful when that word slips out of your mouth. She does lean to the androgynous side, she does expect to hear ‘mommy’ at most, which you have called her, but she actually prefers daddy
-play with her breast and suck her nipples. Small boobs are the best and always melts when you play with her. She gets sensitive and lets out breathy moans which makes you go wild <3
-When she bottoms, praise her! She isn’t well liked among her colleuges or really anyone at Talon, so when you tell her she’s amazing and doing a great job, she will cover her face (uncover her beautiful face )
-totally down for you to finger her while she reads her books <3
- my little fox hehe <3
-Kiriko is definitely an outgoing person! She’s involved with her community, and you admired her for that!
-She met you at a festival and couldn’t help but stop and stare when she saw you. How beautiful and cheerful you were made her turn her head
-Though she is outgoing, doesn’t mean she’s confident when it comes to asking people out. She feels super shy and she definitely doesn’t want to mess up at all
-When you two are on a date and you see how almost everyone knows who she is and is all smiles when Kiriko passes by, you knew she was a good person to be around
-Kiriko knows sign language and will teach you if you ask! If you are deaf, it wouldn’t faze her. She just sees you as another person, not your disability. 
-You love to see how she interacts with kids. If you ever want kids in the future of your relationship, she would be all for it. Kiriko also loves to see you interact with the little girl in her cinematic! Seeing you interact with the child makes her heartbeat faster (in a good way)
-Since you’re with Kiriko, be prepared for her mother and the Shimada brothers. Her mother wants nothing but the best for her, you need to prove that you are strong enough physically and mentally. You never know what can happen.
-Hanzo and Genji are the other ones you have to look at out. Genji is more laid back, a “cool older brother” figure who only wants you to prove you are always going to be there for Kiriko. Hanzo on the other hand is the protective older brother figure who agrees with her mother. He silently judges you with her mother, like he does most people, but with you it feels more frequent, and you can’t help but snap after built up tension
-This pressure from people outside of your relationship builds on you. You admitted to Kiriko about this, and she felt conflicted. Yes, she trusts you and knows you care about her, but she will always listen and respect her elders and defend them at first
-You felt bad for being upset, knowing this is her family worrying about her but there is only so much criticism you can handle, specially from people you want to make a good impression on. You tell this to her and she understands completely where you’re coming from. She doesn’t want to upset you more, but this is her mother we are talking about. You cry to her how you don’t feel good enough for her and constantly worried of doing the wrong thing, knowing her mother or brothers are waiting till you slip up to point it out.
-The two of you go back and forth on this multiple times till you come to an agreement. You train with her mother and Hanzo but they have to take it easy on you and let you prove that you are just right for her. Though she is an adult, she’ll always be her mother’s baby and Hanzo’s little sister
-Kiriko loves going on rides on her bike (as a voice line indicates) and will take you on a ride! Either if you have your own or if you hop on hers. She loves taking you to different places on her bike hehe <3
-It’s definitely your job to help her eat REAL meals, not just donuts and junk food. (which her mother praises you for)
-Will tell you all the stories of the fox spirit and her personally experiences <3 specially likes it when she can lay her head in your lap and go on and on about her stories
-she will be more than happy to teach any martial art moves to help you in combat! She is your number one supporter and will always be there to cheer you on
-she can’t wait for the night where her mother invites you over for dinner and talks to you, not giving you glancing or make subtle comments on your lack of fighting skills
-A switch but I can def see her leaning towards being a bottom, but more of a bossy bottom
-She loves to receive oral but she always returns the favor, she always whines whenever you when use your tongue
-Definitely a hair pulling. Either it be when you give her head or if she if pulling your hair back when she is fucking you
-Since she is blessed by the fox spirit, I know she has sharp canines and I know she loves to bite and mark you for others to see. After your session, she always treats your bites and make sure you’re okay
-will be down to fuck after training, especially if the two of you were sparring and being physical with each other. She will be on top for these sessions, her adrenaline is already running and wants to be rough with you
-will keep going till she out of energy, she’s an all nighter while the others on this list can go for 2-3 rounds
-She loves to play soft music in the background while you two fuck, it enhances the atmosphere, and she loves to be fucked by you to her favorite songs
-favorite position would be cuddle fucking, she can’t place her finger on it but having you close to her while you slowly grind into her, filling her up, she feels so hot and bothered.
- She loves the way you whisper into her ear as you lift her leg up to fuck her deeper, you always manage to take her breath away. Kiriko really love this position for morning sex as well
Junker Queen
-waaaa my muscular wife
-Odessa loved being the queen of Junker Town-she’s a strong ruler, knows what’s best, and can handle her own...but it does get lonely at the top
-Doesn’t matter if you’re a junker or an outsider that happened to stumble across to Junker Town, you catch her eye immediately. You stand out to her, even if she is fighting again in the reckoning to keep her title as queen
-She would come stop you were ever you were and talk to you. Of course, you were intimidated by the 7-foot-tall woman in front of you, but you were able to keep your composure for the conversation
-Odessa was blunt with you and told you that you caught her attention, in a good way of course, and how she wanted to get to know you better. Though she is tough as steel, she still gets a bit nervous of fear of being rejected
-Once she has made things official with you, she introduces you to her people as the other queen of Junker Town. Of course people were surprised she dated but they show you the same amount of respect. 
-They know if they were to ever hurt, disobey, or disrespect you in any, not Odessa, but Junker Queen will personally beat the shit out of them and toss them to the wastelands 
-Though you appreciate her standing up for you, the violence to you is too much after some time. when you try to talk to her about this she yells how she does it for you, it’s all for you. She makes into a one-man screaming battle, but she’s a lover by heart and will come to you after a few hours and apologize. She gets on her knees and hugs you by your waist, head resting on your chest
-At this point she opens up to you about her time in the Wastelands and how they have forever changed her. She cares for you like she cared for family, fighting every day to live in the harsh outside world of Junker Town. She admits she is scared to death to lose you and fights for you like how she fought for her loved ones. Odessa also admits to having nightmares in your shared bed but never wakes you up because she needs to have strong image and doesn’t want to be seen as weak
-By the end of this confession she is crying into your chest. You rub the top of her back and you comfort her. You remind her that you may be with the Junker Queen, you’re also with Odessa Stone
-She now is rational with her decision making and you tell her to ask for your help when need be, you told her it’s okay to ask for help. Hell, everyone her people noticed an attitude change when you came around, you’re great for her!
-Odessa loves sharing everything she has with you, especially music! She loves to blast her rock music in her chambers with you, jumping on the bed you two share and going into laughing fits together
-Your girlfriend is a very handy and resourceful person, you have to be to live in Junker Town. She will make you special weaponry and armor <3 always craving her and your initials into the metal
-I feel Odessa can do your hair! From cutting it to dying it, your girlfriend will do anything to help you feel beautiful with your appearance, even though you’re already so beautiful to her <3
-You are also in LOVE with her accent, she already a pretty rough girl and her voice is *chef’s kiss*. Sometimes when she’s mad and goes full aussie you can’t really understand her unless you yourself are aussie
-She’s a total dom, no bottoming for her. She loves when “you please your queen”
-the only thing she’ll really “bottom” for is receiving oral. She loves how tiny you look compared to her and think you look sweet when you eat her out. She loves to eat you out but LOVES when you sit on her face. None of that hovering shit, she wants the full thing. She’s a big girl and can handle it!
-Odessa loves when you sit in her lap and bounce on her strap, she has a size kink and plans to utilize it. Not even just sexually, she loves how small you are and because of your size, she will fuck you standing up. She loves the amount of power she holds outside and in the bedroom.
-She also plays music during sex! But she plays music from time to time when you guys have sex unlike Kiriko who plays music during sex pretty often. there’s something about fucking you hard to the beat of her favorite songs, since her favs are metal, be prepared to be banged to the drum rhythm 
-she will bring in Gracie from time to time. She mostly uses her to cut your clothes off your body but if you are comfortable with it, she will carve in her name into your thigh. She always makes sure to clean up and clean your cuts effectively, so they don’t get infected 
-Throne sex! Throne sex! Throne sex! She doesn’t even care if people see or not, she finds it so hot that you are so willing to please her in a chair that represents her power and dominance over you and her people
-Her favorite position is doggy style. The way you look back at Odessa and moan her name like a prayer always does it for her. Slapping your ass to watch it jiggle, making you look back at her, pulling you by your hair...all of the things she loves other than you as a person <3
- my silly hacker who also has had my heart since 2016<3
-Oliva kept herself in the shadows, she needed to so she can protect her identity as Sombra. She always needed to know everything about everyone, no matter what.
-As another night passes, another person’s skeletons in their closet are found by Sombra. She looks through the picture of the businessman she planned on exploiting next, but something caught her eye. In the picture of what it seems to be a faculty group photo, she spotted you in the back row. She zoomed in and couldn’t help but admire how pretty you are, now her focus was on you. For the next few days she tries her best to find everything about you. Where you live, your childhood, the college you went to, hell even your internet browsing history. And she wasn’t doing this for her own benefit to expose you, she was obsessed with you
-For the next Talon mission, they were able to break into the companies building and she was able to have a chat about ‘business matters’ with your boss. As a deal, he transferred some employees, including you, for ‘business opportunities’ to work for Talon in fear of his dirty deeds going public
-You were comforted to know that you fellow employees were there with you to comfort you in with this change. You’ve heard of Talon and what they stand for and feel like you have to walk on eggshells there. Though you didn’t interact too much with the head council, Sombra seem to have an eye on you
-Yes, she would mess with your co workers but never seem to do that with you. With them there was some malicious factor behind it but when Sombra teased it you it was like you two have been friends for years. After a while, Sombra was finally close enough to you to ask you out, which you accepted. She was super happy to know that the efforts worked out in her favor, they always did
-She would come visit you when you would work and keep you entertained while you slaved away to the paperwork in front of you. Massaging your shoulders, whispering compliments into your ear, and kissing your cheeks were her favorite thing to distract you with while you worked.
-You were close with your old boss and kept in contact with him. After a long phone call, he had admitted that Sombra threated him to give him employees or else he would be exposed to the public. He mentioned how Sombra was very adamite about you coming with her more than the others, saying it was like she knew you, wanted you, and had done this to get you.
-You felt frozen, was this true? Was this whole shift in not just your career life but your social life due to the fact your girlfriend just wanted you this whole time? This whole thing was planned out? 
-On a war path, you stormed to her room and started to yell at her of how she could be so selfish and how you were just like a pretty china doll she could keep for fun. Sombra was so use on never being called out on her manipulative behavior. She couldn’t really defend herself know that you knew the truth. it was worse when you began to cry, sobbing into your hands.
-”What was this for huh?! You just wanted a “pretty girl” to call yours because you thought I was good looking?! YOU have changed and put my life in danger for YOUR benefit!”
-Not Sombra, but Olivia sat you down and confessed. For the first time she admitted her wrongs and she didn’t know how to do it. She tried her hardest, but you kept crying harder and left. After a few days, Olivia came to your room and wanted to talk, you agreed. She confessed you she was wrong for only seeing you as a pretty girl, not thinking about what being apart of Talon means for your life. By the end, she was crying though tried not to. You sighed and gave her a hug where she cried harder. When her crying stopped, you pulled back and gave her a kiss on the lips, which she happily accepted. 
-You made Olivia promise to only stay by her side if she could protect from anything that came your way. You really did like her and honestly didn’t want to leave her. Olivia accepted and from that day on she has been 1000% honest with everything with you
-Now with the sadness out of the way, let’s focus on happy stuff!
-Sombra loves to cook with you! As Mercy, she loves when you cook meals that are home to her country. You always apologize in advance if it doesn’t taste like the “real thing” but she doesn’t care, she loves your cooking and your meals bring back memories of Dorado
-In a voice line interaction with Moira, she talks about the carpel tunnel in her wrists. When you two are laying down together, you always rub her wrists and fingers to drain the fluid build-up in her hands. She loves these soft, caring moments with you
-I bet her posture is really bad (just like mine) so whenever she is sitting in a chair, you always put a pillow between her back and the chair. She already had messed up hands, you can’t let your girlfriend have a messed up back too!
-Olivia loves to play with your hair, you let her try different style but do you trust her giving you a haircut?...not so much. Sorry Olivia, but Amélie has told your s/o of the time she cut her hair as a “prank”...which didn’t end well
-speaking of Amélie- her, Gaberial, and Moira asks you constantly how you can put up with her shenanigans. You shrug, they wouldn’t understand how you understand Olivia’s charm
-Dating Olivia you also become good friends with Siebren! Olivia makes it her job to watch out for him so he isn’t tested on, so if she isn’t around, you can watch over him! To some it seems like babysitting, but you end up really close to him! Olivia is happy to know that <3
-my girl is a switch, 50/50
-Olivia loves watching you give her head, she thinks you look perfect between her legs. She also loves to eat you out, maybe one of her favorite things about sex with you tbh, she just loves watching you enjoy yourself and feel good
-With your permission, she has recorded some sessions with you. Whenever she goes away for missions and you aren’t around, she fingers herself to videos of her fucking you. she has also gave you videos to keep for yourself whenever you feel lonely with he gone.
-Olivia loves risky sex. Unlike Moira, she doesn’t cover your mouth and does it in a spot anyone can walk in. If someone happens to walk in and try to tell other people? Their social security and credit card numbers are already leaked for other hackers in the world to use
-Like Angela, if she is bottoming, she will start speaking to you in spanish but with her she will continue to speak in spanish until she is finished <3
-Olivia works with her fingers all day, you know her fingering game is good
-She is a hair puller when she’s on top, not so much for her when she is on bottom cause of the wires in her hair, have to be careful. So instead, she prefers it when you put her face into the mattress 
-Favorite position is lotus. It’s a very intimate position and she loves to hold you in her arms as you ride her strap or vice versa. She loves to take her time and show you how much you mean to her. Her life is filled with craziness, but this sharing a moment like this with you will always be her favorite.
Thank you so much for reading!! I had a lot of fun writing this :00
likes and reblogs are always appreciated ! <3
part 2 coming!
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kiwi-on-ice · 2 months
Fluffy ashe head-cannons👁️👁️(fem reader por favor)
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First date headcannons with Ashe, Kiriko, Sombra and Mercy with fem!reader
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: Just fluff really, Sombra's is a little suggestive but nothing overt. prefer boys? check here.
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Notes: was originally just going to just do Ashe first date headcannons but it got me thinking about some of the other girls.
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She's most likely the one who's asked you out. After realising that you care about her more than just physically, she'd want to prove to you how dedicated she can be. While she's very emotionally closed off, she really wants to push herself to treat you how she knows a pretty girl like you should be treated.
Don't be surprised if you find sent to your door a surprisingly large stack of cash with a note attached telling you to buy yourself something nice to wear for the date.
She's been around wealth all her life, with most of the romance she'd been told about being flashy spending. So she'll take you to a fancy high end restaurant for dinner.
She'd be a 'gentleman', pulling your chair out for you, holding doors for you, leading you with a hand on the small of your back gently.
Flirting with you comes quite easily to her, but it hides something deeper. How she's caught off guard by how much her chest feels fuzzy when you laugh at something she says, or how she almost feels lightheaded when you brush against her as you two walk. Despite how confident she appears, she's worrying about coming off as too forward physically with something as simple as holding your hand.
If you hold hers first, she'll feel the tension leave her shoulders.
Don't bother asking to split the bill, she won't let you. She's paying.
She'll take you home, giving you a kiss on the cheek at the door. She's happy to leave it there, but her self restraint disappears if you ask if she wants to come inside.
Pulling your chair out, she gives you a smile as you sit down before walking around and taking a seat herself. Her red eyes look you up and down appreciatively, the smooth rhythm of the piano player in the room setting quite the romantic atmosphere.
"Well well, don't you look like the belle of the ball, huh?" she says smoothly, reveling in your slightly flustered reaction as you glance down to look at the menu.
"Anythin' you want sugar, it's all on me." she affirms, and smirks a little when you try and protest. "I insist."
Get ready for a FUN date
She's pretty confident, so don't be surprised if she's the one who asked you out with a charming smile.
Wants a date with activities, so she'll invite you to an arcade with a bowling alley. Pretty cheesy, sure, but she's excited so that's what matters.
She's absolutely gonna beat your ass at bowling, it isn't even fair. She's also quite competitive, so she'll definitely playfully tease you about losing. Sticking her tongue out at you, whooping and cheering etc.
The arcade though...that's a different story. She's surprisingly not the best at video games, which means you have the opportunity to one up her. Still, she's just as giggly even when she's losing.
She'll ask you loads of questions, wanting to find out as much about you as possible, especially in the downtime between games.
Her way of flirting while on the date is to make up silly games for you two to play. Winner of the next arcade machine has to give the other a kiss on the cheek. Suddenly, her performance gets suspiciously worse.
Afterwards, she doesn't really want the night to end. She might offer the idea of going for drinks, or perhaps going back to her place. She makes it clear she doesn't expect anything, she'll even sleep on the sofa if you want to turn the night into a sleepover!
Comes the loud speaker as Kiriko scores another perfect ten in bowling. She jumps up and down and laughs, before turning to you with a wink.
"Think you can still beat me?" she teases, causing you to scoff playfully.
"You bet."
"Try it babe." she challenges, getting closer to you. She leans in, and your breath catches, before she reaches behind you and grabs a bowling ball. Handing it to you with a smirk, she can't wait to keep winning against you (and make you blush more in the process).
Olivia is pretty laid back, so she'll ask you out quite casually; she might even do it over text, with a few winky face emojis.
Most likely to suggest getting drinks, going to some sort of themed bar. If you don't drink, she'll make sure to look into bars that have good mocktail options for you.
Will offer to pick you up and take you, and when you go outside she'll be waiting on her motorcycle with a grin.
Was it all an excuse so she can feel your hands around her waist clinging on to her as she speeds through the city? Maybe.
While there, she's on full analyze mode. She tests your reactions to things she says/does/calls you, collecting all the data on what you seem to like and not like. But she's so smooth and easy going, you won't even realise what she's doing.
She'll ask you lots of questions about yourself, smiling and seeming interested as you speak. The truth is, she knows pretty much everything about you from hacking your various devices, but she still loves hearing it all from your lips.
Like Ashe, she'll insist on paying for your drinks. It's not like she can't afford it after all.
She's pretty touchy, but not in a pervy way. When she compliments you, she'll play with a strand of your hair or trace small circles on the back of your hand.
She'll also hack your music apps and see the type of music you like, so she can hack the speaker in the bar and occasionally play a song she knows you like.
Afterwards, she'll smoothly suggest going back to hers. She won't be offended if you say no, but she can't deny the rush it gives her if you say yes.
"That's fascinating conejita." Sombra says, having listened to you speak about your friends and family. Barely repressing a smirk, she watches your facial expression as you react to her nickname. So you like her calling you things in Spanish...that information is useful.
"So what else, any pets?" she asks, and as you speak she gently brushes her foot against your ankle. You stumble over your words a little as she smiles innocently. Oh she's going to have fun with you...
She's quite a traditional woman, so most likely she'll take you for dinner.
It might be late though, having to stay after hours at work causing her to push back the date and time. She feels awful, no matter how much you reassure her that you understand.
When she arrives at your home, she'll have a bouquet of red roses in her hands as an apology.
She's sweet the whole time, preferring to ask you questions rather than the other way round. She'd rather not talk about work, wanting to switch off and relax.
Definitely the type to order a nice bottle of wine for you both.
Also definitely the type to suggest you both share a dessert, she thinks it's very cute and intimate. Might even playfully offer a spoonful for you to bite.
Will gently hold your hand across the table, but apart from that she isn't particularly touchy that early on.
Absolutely will offer to pay, but also won't mind if you insist on splitting the bill.
Afterwards, she'll take you home but most likely won't come inside. But she will give you a kiss on the cheek that you swear you can feel linger for hours.
As the plates are taken away, Angela smiles softly before glancing at the dessert menu.
"Do you have a sweet tooth darling?" she asks, as you both look at the selection of delicacies. Her eyes trace over the choices, before another smile tugs at her features.
"How about we share one?" she offers, and the image that pops in your head of her feeding you dessert makes your head nod before your brain could even hope to catch up.
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mananak07 · 5 months
a bit older stuff
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from knacoyahh acc + commissions
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wisteriaiswriting · 5 months
𝕊/𝕆 𝕌𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℕ𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤
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Words: 289
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She's actually interested in the small devices.
Not that she’ll let anyone know.
But when she’s on missions she’ll watch you through her sniper.
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It’s Sombra, she already knows almost anything about them nearly instantly.
She doesn’t really care for the reason you use them.
If it’s possible she’ll look into enhancing them even more.
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Believes them to be similar to her nanobiology.
She will ask about them, wanting to learn as much as possible.
If you indulge her, she’ll be writing everything down, wanting to get everything correct.
But if not, she won’t bother you about it but will look it up later.
Likely meaning you won’t need as much healing, but she’ll still hang around.
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She’ll openly show you her interest about them.
Just, don’t let her get her hands on any of them.
Please don’t.
So you’ll need to talk about them almost constantly just to temporarily sate her.
Although later she’ll have Sombra give her every piece of information on them.
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For the first while she might not actually realise what the nanomachines are.
But if she does, she doesn’t make it obvious.
Prioriting you in battle and your healing, even if you can do it yourself.
Stays close to you most of the time.
When she does make it known she knows, she’ll ask about them.
Want to know everything they can do / help you with.
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Likely you’re with Talon, and he’s proud of your use of them.
He will want to know more about them.
Whether it’s just him wanting the general knowledge or too use them in the future.
If you don’t feel like telling him, he’ll ask Sombra about them.
Will put money into the process to better them if possible.
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nyctophiliq · 2 years
Hi mossy! requesting again but this time just comfort,, any sort of comfort with the ow agents,, anyone you want <33 just need a little comfort in my life atm,,
feel free to ignore if you don't feel up to writing! and pls remember to take care of yourself 🫶🏽
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✮ — CUDDLING WITH THEM ; widowmaker, kiriko, d.va, moira, mercy, brigitte, sombra, ashe, 
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content warning; afab/gn reader. sfw ! — lowercase writing intended, no content warning applies
moss' notes; back from death !!! enjoy this fluffy little collection of drabbles and thank you for requesting celeste
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— widowmaker˖⁠♡
widowmaker is not a woman who lets you cuddle her, no matter your reasonings, she cannot protect you if her arms are wrapped around you because she cannot reach for her gun like that, and having a third body like that in bed wouldn’t be comfortable for you. she refuses every single time but she will settle for letting you take her hand, lace your fingers with hers so you would stop demanding. you are happy and she is happy, perfect compromise.
“you keep your side of the bed, i keep mine… the hand is fine yes, it is… convenient.”
amélie however has a soft spot for holding you in her arms whenever she can, either in the bed or while watching tv and spending time together on the couch. she rarely sleeps on nights like that, she is trying to savor every moment that she can while being her true self. she doesn’t want to waste any minute while she can be with you when she can be outside so she pulls you as close as she can, enjoying the warmth of your skin against her cold body as you peacefully sleep.
“i can move if it’s uncomfortable for you, it’s just… i don’t often get to be this close and comfortable with you.”
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— kiriko ˖⁠♡
most of the times, kiriko probably asks you to cuddle her or cuddles up with you when she is stressed. she likes whatever position, but half-spooning really is the thing that does it for her. kiriko enjoys holding your hand and playing with your fingers while her other hand is looped around you, circling either your back or arm. she can be a sort of menace, putting her cold hands under your shirt, telling you that they are cold and need to be warmed up.
“come here hanii, i need to cuddle you, hm? i am already laying down, come on now!”
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— d.va ˖⁠♡
cuddling with hana is both good and bad. when it is a movie night and both of you ought to stay up, actively talk about what is happening and her little outbursts when somebody does something stupid keeps her up. at those times she is a really good cuddling partner, she likes holding onto you in any way she can cuddle up with your arm, or your chest, have you done the same to her or forced you to sit down on the floor, back against the back of the bed so she can loop around your neck and rest her head on your shoulder. but when it’s time to sleep and the two of you cuddle up, then she falls asleep, then she starts flopping around like a fish that ended up on the shore, stripped of water. she moves around, kicks, hogs the blanket, and takes up all the space on the bed! you cannot be mad at her, she is just so cute, but she is annoying.
“i am sorry nae sarang, it gets chaotic, gotta stay in the game at all times! let me make it up to you, please?”
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— moira ˖⁠♡
physical affection doesn’t come to her naturally, she is always willing to comply with your request, experiment if you say that hugs in bed will make you happy. she will be eager to test your hypothesis. she finds it strange as you tighten your arms around her, how your heartbeat starts to fasten a little then calms down when you squeeze her a little stronger. she is just laying there like a dead body, her mind going at a speed of light, thinking of how it could be then her arms just wrap around you, her nails dragging along your skin. she once again picks up on your pulse racing a little before calming down and with all this over analyzing she is missing out the comfort that stirs in her, that her own heart is a little crazy as you lay so close to her.
“such a strange occurrence, your pulse seems to be all over the place my darling. my hand? i do not know… it just happened.”
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— mercy ˖⁠♡
angela is a hopeless romantic and very affectionate, her love language varies between physical touch and words of affirmation. cuddling with her is like a fever dream, it’s the warmth that we all crave on a winter night. she likes to be face to face with you, brushing your noses together or with either your head in the crook of her head as she listens to how your day was, what you did, and what you plan on doing the next day. she progressively tightens her arms around your body, pulling you closer before sleep takes over her. she can hardly be coerced into taking breaks during the day so you gotta have to do with when she finally decides to come and lay in bed.
“liebling, your arms are my safe space, so that’s where i’ll be sleeping tonight, and you too, in mine! no safer than in the arms of a doctor.”
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— brigitte ˖⁠♡
brigitte is a really good cuddling partner if not the best. she likes to be the big spoon and honestly who can deny her? but she wouldn’t mind you backpacking her, or would not object to it. she is estimated to be about 6 feet 3 inches tall, you bet she is gonna give the best bear hugs and cuddles. her strong arms looping around your frame, the breath of her sweet words hitting the top of your head before she plants a couple of kisses. there are times that she enjoys having your full body laying on her, literally, you are on top of her! she can’t really explain why it makes her so happy, but the plus weight on top of her is very comfortable for her, like a weighted blanket! it is embarrassing, she handles you like a baby at times like that, calls you one to tease you a little.
“you’re honestly the cutest when you’re all flustered and red. come on, don’t look so disappointed! you are the sweetest pie.”
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— sombra ˖⁠♡
she is a bit awkward with it at first, slightly embarrassed to admit how much she needed physical comfort like this. she doesn’t know where to put her hands, where she can hold you and cannot, how to place her head or what would feel right for her so she just leans on you to show her. she really likes it when you cuddle her from behind, or the both of you are on your sides and you cuddle up to her chest. it is hard to believe someone like her would be at a loss of words yet could go on and on about how content she fills when being close to you like this. olivia is very shy to ask for such a simple thing, always needs to start all over again when she tries to ask for it.
“wanna, like- i mean, if you’re not busy… we could cuddle? or just hug that last a little while longer than it should, you know...”
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— ashe ˖⁠♡
oh, how she loves cuddling after a long day between her gang members, having your head lay on top of her chest with her arms around your back, thumb slowly circling little shapes on the fabric of your shirt while she tells you all about what went down before the two of you got into bed for cuddling. elizabeth enjoys the feeling and knowing that she is protecting you as you are in her arms, safe from whatever might come. if you fall asleep she will just stare at you, no matter how her neck might hurt later, silently race her eyes around your face and study all your features. she can get a little cocky, and tell you all about how good it feels for her, the pressure on her tits, ask you if it’s the best pair of pillows you have ever had. of course she won’t tease you for too long if you find it too flustering or is not interested in talking about things like that. if you wanna enjoy the moment then be it, she will too, silently or while listening to you rant about what happened to you.
“you know you love me sugar, my wild heart, cuz i am wild at heart, that’s why you love me. don’t lie to me now, my favorite girl.”
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tag list; @darlingmisa @soffisalive @sevikasangel @pixiegirlz @gonegonethankyouuu @xthescarletbitch @wolfheartsstuff
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froggibus · 8 months
Hi there! If requests are still open, would it be alright if I requested HC’s for D.Va, Mei, Sombra, and Mercy with an S/O who’s a writer?
Thank you!! You rock! Keep up the amazing work!
Writer S/O Headcanons - D.Va, Mercy, Mei & Sombra
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Genre: fluff!
Pairing: D.Va x gn! reader, Mercy x gn! reader, Mei x gn! reader, Sombra x gn! reader
CW: mostly fluff, some canon/implied canon things (we love our doctor/science women), i'm horrible at writing sombra (sorry)
been a while since i did an OW request, haven't touched the game since the beginning of Dec since i don't play for a team rn & hate the direction the game is going :( but i love the characters so its a dilemma lol anyway enjoy!!!
(also!!! i am once again bothering you guys to vote in this poll if you haven't already. your input matters to me vv much & would love to hear about what you want for our valentines event this year!)
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literally your biggest fan
she always supports your writing no matter what & definitely shares it on her stream
will probably just game while you’re writing 
she gets loud sometimes but she tries her best to stay quiet so you can focus
does her best to read your writing but she has such a short attention span she just can’t sometimes
will write little hearts and stars on her favorite passages in your writing 
brings you lots of snacks and drinks!! makes sure you’re always hydrated and that you don’t work too long
honestly probably gets really distracting sometimes
like reading your writing over your shoulder or tapping her nails on the desk really loudly
“sorry,” she’ll say sheepishly. “you just have me on the edge of my seat.”
your proofreader/beta reader
she LOVES to read so you know she’ll pick up anything you write and devour it
will lay on the couch with you after work while you write and listen to the taps of your laptop 
“hey, Ang, do you know the word? like the one—the word for—ugh”
you’re not sure how she does it but she always manages to read your mind & know exactly what word you’re looking for
also super helpful when you have random medical questions
she’ll break down exactly how you treat a stab wound in a dingy motel for you without batting an eyelash
queen of overworking so she won’t judge you too harshly if you work all night 
but will definitely be there to chastise you with a glass of water in one hand and some plain toast in the other 
literally the sweetest ever
always tells you how amazing your work is & recommends it to all her friends
working in the science field she’s always reading scientific journals so your work is a breath of fresh air 
she’ll have a glass of rosé and settle down with your book after a long day
NEVER critiques your work because she thinks you’re the best ever 
probably annotates it with her thoughts while reading it and voices her excitement about it 
asks you a million questions about your work and nods along while you give long winded explanations 
cooks you yummy food & brings you 5 spice hot chocolate to keep your energy up 
snuggled up to you on the couch and listens to you think outloud 
absolute best research buddy
you open your mouth to ask her a writing question and she already has it pulled up in four different browsers 
thoroughly explains everything to you too
through her work she knows a lot about violence and other things
so she’s always willing to answer questions—especially spy + stealth related things 
if anyone ever tries to criticize your work online she’ll literally doxx them
probably hasn’t read much of your work but she makes it up for it in undying support 
you could be writing about murdering a public official and she’d support it 
lets you sit at her desk with her while she works and hums soft songs to you
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(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
masterlist | overwatch masterlist
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leorawright · 2 years
please how about talon and Overwatch members with a mute Reader who's super stealthy the members love/hate how stealthy he is
I have a limit of 9 characters so I only did a few Overwatch members
Overwatch with mute s/o
You always scare the crap out of him and he hates it
But he loves you so it balances out
He also knows your skill is useful in battle so that's a plus
Reaper will act like he doesn't care your mute but when he's alone he studies sign language books so you don't have to write everything down
You two are the ultimate stealth masters
It's hard to sneak up on her but only you've managed it
During battle shelves running around with you especially since you can see her and follow her
She definitely learns sign language and sometimes uses it to talk to you without Reaper butting in
Widowmaker is extremely hard to scare due to her slow heartbeat
But seeing you scare Reaper makes her smile
She knows sign language from when she was younger so it's easy for her to converse with you
She does like your silence compared to Sombra and Reaper most days
She's offered to give you a voice but she'll (grudgingly) respect your wishes if you decline
She obviously finds it hilarious when you scare the other Talon members
During battle she'll often follow your path with her eyes since you're quieter than anyone else and she doesn't want to lose you in the fight
To him, you're an enigma
He'll always claim that even though you can't speak he hears the most pleasant melody when you're around
Your quietness doesn't affect him for this reason since he'll always hear what he's dubbed "The Y/N melody"
Soldier 76
You can easily scare him half to his second death by sneaking up on him
He's normally pretty alert but your basically silent
He's known sign language a long time but with you he can put that skill to use
It's hard to sneak up on her
Her 'mom' senses make it really hard
She does know sign language so she's happy to converse with you like that instead of writing everything out
She offers to try and fix your voice but understands if you decline
It's hard to sneak up on a ninja but somehow you've done it
You're the only person that can scare Genji now congratulations
He's almost never met someone mute so he'll definitely learn some sign language to understand you
She finds your sneakyness really intriguing
She can't sneak around well due to her armor but if she doesn't have it on she's near silent just like you!
She's eager to learn sign language and she loves how it feels like you two are having a secret conversation
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duney-looney · 11 days
I found this thingy and got bored and decided to fill it out lol
(with a little found family category bc I have a LOT of found family hcs)
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If youre curious abt anything feel free to ask i love yapping
I do not mind if you personally ship anything in the 'hate' category. These are my silly opinions on stupid little ships. If you dont like smth about any of these, scroll along
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ornii · 10 months
The Soldier of Fortune
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The Omnic Crisis
Twenty eight years ago, the world faced its first true ultimate threat. Omnics, created by humans, rebelled against their creators and plunged the world into a war that would only last two years but cause irreparable damage to society. But the entire crisis was halted in the final days of the end, by a single Soldier.
Overwatch Base, 28 Years Ago.
A Single soldier was taking a few jabs at a punching machine, delivering powerful but heavy blows to the sack of sand. One final swing knocks the bag back almost off its chain. The soldier was in his late twenties, nearly the age of 29. He gripped the bag to keep it from swinging. He was your average soldier built, strong, well built and tall. What made him different was his left arm, from the elbow down it was entirely cybernetics. Losing his arm serving his country turned him into a Hero. But why join overwatch if everyone already adores him? Simple, the adventure, the potential fortune, that’s who he is: The S.O.F.
“Finally done?” A Voice asks him, he sighed and turns around, a lean, beautiful figure was standing in the doorway of the training Hall. Long black hair, gorgeous bronze skin, an illustrious Egyptian tattoo right under her eye. Ana Amari.
“Well if it isn’t Miss Crackshot, having fun with them butting heads?” He says, and begins to unwrap his arm. Ana sighed and scowled.
“No, they’re still going on about the plan, guess you’re the Tiebreaker.” She admits, (Y/n) smirks and walks over.
“Really? Reinhardt and Torbjorn are at heads? What about you?” He asks her, Ana kept a stern face.
“You know my thoughts on it.” She responds, (Y/n) smirks. “That I do…” he trails off, (Y/n) breaks the awkward silence and walks off, “Well. Let’s go join the circus.” He heads down the hall, past soldiers and recruits to the officers deck, and can hear arguing from the door.
“I sometimes wonder if that armor slows your brain down!”
“And I sometimes wonder if your height is why you’re always in a bad mood!!”
Reinhardt and Torbjörn are arguing about armor schematics, but more importantly was Reyas and Jack.
“This plans a suicide missions!” Jack said.
“We’re soldiers Jack, it’s what we do! We have a chance to put the crisis on ice permanently and you won’t take it!” Reyas yells at Jack.
“I won’t ask soldiers to die for what could or couldn’t work!” Jack argues, the two turn to see the soldier.
“Having fun?” He smugly approaches and the two get a bit more professional.
“No, Jack won’t green light the operation. This is our change to rid the Omnics of a primary factory and halt their invasion.” Reyas explains, (Y/n) ignores him and walks to the table. Pressing a button on the display it shows the schematics and blueprints for their plan.
“So, run it by me again?” (Y/n) asks. Reyas goes first.
“One of the Omnics biggest factories was deep in the heart of the North Pole, a perfect place for them. Little heat to avoid melting, a perfectly cold place to produce mass machines, but there’s one thing. The factory was built on a large foundation of ice, and its slowly melted away.” Reyas explains, (Y/n) rubs his chin looking at it all.
“So, we sink it.” He said, “Precisely.” Reyas said. “We plant thermal charges on weak points in the foundation, it explodes with enough force to crack the ice under it send it plunging into the ice.”
“And we’d put an end to their Plan.” (Y/n) nods, “So, why haven’t we?” He asks.
“Ask Jack.” Reyas prods, Jack swaps the display to the explosives.
“The power needed to blow the foundation isn’t your normal thermal charge, the ice needs to be absolutely thrashed in order to force it to collapse. We have the power but we’d need to get someone to carry it, get it to the heart, set the charge and escape in time, it’s suicide, too many things could go wrong that could result in a needless death.”
“I can do it.” (Y/n) said, which caught everyone off guard. Ana turns to him, shocked.
“You can’t be serious…” she says. Even Reinhardt and Torbjörn were taken aback.
“You’d agree? It’s suicide! You’d be walking into a cold death! Torbjorn said.
“Possibly, but we could also put an end to the Omnic crisis before it could take any more lives, I say my life is worth that.” (Y/n) turns to the exit, “I’ll be prepping for launch then.”
“You aren’t going alone!” Reinhardt storms over, “We finish this! As brothers!” He said proudly, Ana quickly chimes in, “Me too.. I refuse to allow you to do this yourself.”
“Then I have a three man Cell, Jack?” He turns to the leader, the determination on the three heroes was more than he could handle.
“…Fine.. no heroics this time. Get the job done and that’s it.” He orders, and Operation Silver Ice, was ago.
(Y/n) entered his quarters to suit up, dawning the overwatch tactical suit and uniform, his classic Tactical Ion energy Rifle and ammo to pack, his ears pick up to the sound of footsteps at his door and it opening. Ana was awaiting once more. This time with a much less enthusiastic look.
“Already packed?” He asks, lacing up his boots.
“No, I’m telling you what Jack Said, no Heroics.”
“I heard him.”
“Doesn’t mean that you’ll listen… for me, please.” She said, (Y/n) stopped and turned to her, he saw the desperate look in her eye, Ana has lost too many people, too much of her life she spent killing and watching others die.
“I could never say no to you, fine… after this, you’ll finally stop rejecting me and let me take you somewhere nice? Italy? France? Germany?” He winks, Ana’s cold demeanor melts to a sly grin.
“Fine, we can put this all behind us, now finish up, this’ll be the last one.” She walks off, and the trio prepare for Operation Grey Ice.
The trio trudge up a frozen taundra of ice and snow, the blinding polar night with the biting wind made travel hard for the trio, but eventually the darkenss looms even closer as red begins to fill their visors.
“Heat signatures located, we’re here… remember the plan?” He asks the Two Reinhardt laughs. “Of course! We sneak in and plunge their little factory into ice! First we need, distraction!”
“Uh huh, alright.. after we do, follow me.” (Y/n) said, he aims his arm, and the Nanotechnology begins to form the arm into a hand cannon, with one shot he lobs a Molotov like explosive near the base, it flies over the large wall and explodes in the lower corner of the building, the Omnics soon begin to clamber to stop it from causing any damage to the base, the trio then take the front entrance and rush in, avoiding detection and entering the base, somehow, even with Reinhardt clunking around, reaching the lowest depths they entered the core or the “Heart” of the factory. A large reactor with multiple heat sinks that lead to exits all around the base. Reinhardt drops the large bomb and (Y/n) and Ana begin to prep the explosives.
“How much time with the distraction give us?”
“Should be more than enough to—“
“It’s not enough!” Reinhardt yells, (Y/n) turns around to see Omnics tracing their snowy footsteps.
“Damn. Ana finish up the explosive! Reinhardt?” (Y/n) ordered
“You need not ask Friend! Let’s crush them!” Reinhardt charges in with his Hammer and swings, each hit turning Omnics into scrap metal! (Y/n) loads his rifle and begins to mow Omnics down. His arm opens up And rockets fly from it. They continue to keep the Omnics off guard. Allowing Ana to finish up the touches, until a laser blast from an Omnic shatters a device on the bomb!
“(Y/n)! We have a problem! The timer it’s..”
before she can speak she rolls and aims her rifle, blasting a hole though an Omnic. (Y/n) and Reinhardt leap behind cover and the trio come up with a plan.
“Bombs not going to go off now… unless we trigger a manual override. Reinhardt, Get Ana out of Here..” (Y/n) smug attitude turns dead cold as he begins to pick off Omnics. Reinhard nods and picks Ana up, putting her under his massive arm.
“Reinhardt?! What are you doing?!” She yells, he runs off and kicks the grate to one of the large Heat sinks and the rush off. (Y/n) rushes go the bomb and begins to override it, lasers and bullets fly around and near him. He keeps his head down to avoid it getting blown off.
Reinhardt Carries a fighting Ana in his arm.
“Let go of me! Dammit Reinhardt I have to save him!” She yells, Reinhardt keeps a stern face under his helmet.
“Let him go, don’t you see Ana? This is him, a soldier risking his life. If you go and die saving him. You’re spitting on his name, to risk your life, in order to save millions, that’s a true soldier! Do not sully his name.” He said, Ana was actually taken aback by his words, and could only look back at the base.
(Y/n) finally was preparing the charge before a blast hits him right in the back, he falls forward behind cover and is in bad shape, feeling the Omnics close in, he only has one plan left.
“Overwatch, activate override code 04-N11, Clearance level Omega.” He leans against a wall, and the bomb pings.
“Vocal activate code Required to engage bomb… please speak the activation code.” They ask, (Y/n) sighs and reveals it.
“Code… Ana.” He said, the code was authorized and the bomb was already triggered, Ana watches she feels the ground shake, and the factory itself begins to cave in on itself, and sink into the darkness of the water. (Y/n) plunged into the dark, never seen again.
28 Years Later.
My eyes slowly awoken, I felt the stiffness in my bones, my body. My vision slowly began to repair itself and my eyes focused on the figure before me. For whatever reason, a giant Gorilla with glasses was looking at me.
“You’re awake, tremendous!” He said with glee, he talks too.
“Am I, dead?” You ask, he shook his head.
“No, Far from it.. my Names Winston, and you’re very much alive. In fact you were part of a project to be found, thanks to Ana.”
“Ana? How is she?!” You ask hurriedly.
“She’s nearby, you should rest, you have been gone for 28 years.”
“28?!” You yell, The Gorilla attempts to quell your confusion.
“I know, I know, you have many questions and I plan to answer them But introductions are in plan here, my name is Winston.. Welcome, to Overwatch.”
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astarlow · 1 year
I'm currently unmotivated to write anything long and especially after the devs did us so dirty for the PVE announcement so here are some headcanons, imagines- whatever you want to call this to comfort me from the fact we're not getting the PVE we were promised 4 years ago
Overwatch crews
Slumber party whenever a mission is accomplished. Don't matter if everyone's weary as hell, with Lena and Hana running around you are sure to get yourself a slumber party every month. If said mission isn't a success though, it's more of  a chill hangout with the members of the team Hana, Satya and Angela will bring your ass to a shopping spree. Whether you like it or not so be prepared because with them, you're gonna spend the whole day out there. Honestly though, if you don't like it Lena, Fareeha and Brigitte are by the arcades or the sport terrain near the shopping alley. So whenever you feel like it, you can go there to play with them There’s another tradition going around, twice a month, a member of the team cooks for the rest of the crew. It started with Mei, Aleksandra and you talking about your culture’s food. Mei offered to cook for you two to taste Chinese cuisine which you gladly accepted. In return, you two would also cook your culture’s food. With time passing by, other members joined the tradition and now, Echo chooses who would cook for this month’s tasting food session It turned into a competition when Lena decided to vote for the best month’s food Mei, Ana and Brigitte for the moment are on the podium sharing the first place Lena and Hana have zero points. Lena almost burnt the kitchen once. Luckily, you were there to put out the fire She doesn’t have the patience to wait for things to cook For Hana, ever since she entered MEKA, she didn’t have the time to prepare food. The best she could do is boil water and put it on her noodles. Though, ever since she joined Overwatch, she has had a little bit more time so she takes lessons from Mei and Brigitte. Lena watches but never fully join because else, it’ll turn into a mess Every week, Vivian holds a shooting session training. The best shooter of the week gets a gift from her and is exempted from chores for the week Ana has been exempted from participating in this shooting session ever since she won five times in a row
Talon crews
Olivia doesn't stop her pranks, so either you decide to team up with her to prank the others or you go against her. If you prank her, she will at least remind you this once a  week. "Amigo/amiga, how could you do this to your best friend in the world?" sighs dramatically while placing an arm on her forehead "Can you believe this? My best friend, betraying me..." Or "oh no, the betrayal. Who could have foreseen  such an event?" Amelie is more often than not the victim of Olivia's pranks. It's gotten so bad one time Olivia and you couldn't set a foot near the base or she would snipe you from afar She's "kind" Enough to not use real bullets but let's say you had bruises for the following weeks Moira is a target you two don't prank because you've been under her wrath and let's just say, it's not pleasant at all Olivia does try to get all of you to enjoy some vacation time. She does separate Amelie and  Moira, because she knows Amelie is showing more and more emotions and she doesn't want her to return to that cold emotionless assassin Talon turned her into. So for her sake, she keeps Moira away from her When Olivia, Amelie and yourself are out for a mission or a vacation, Amelie will make sure to make at least one comment on the food. She grew up with the finest food so she knows what good food is or not. You once bought her a baguette from a supermarket, she did not appreciate it. She could have stopped if not for  Olivia's intervention "It's just a baguette, how bad can it be?" And that's how you all three didn't get any sleep because of Amelie's monologue on baguette Olivia is a lot more laid back so she takes you sightseeing and if she trusts you enough, she takes you to her hometown. She even lets you meet up with Baptiste.
No-faction Ladies
Kiriko is dragging your ass across the city and showing you the finest spots If you're dating, it's one of your monthly dates to walk around the city and discover new paths or stands/shops. Even if she knows her city like the back of her hand, she's still pleased you're enjoying showing her shops you like She also practices her kunai throwing with you. It’s a lot of fun for her to see you mess up so many times. Although, you get closer to the target with each training session and she holds great pride in seeing your progress She trusts you enough after some time spent together, as well as some missions done together, to show you the group in which she belongs: The Yōkai You spend some fun times with them and seeing as they all have some masks, you decided to craft one for Kiriko. Of course, it’s a fox one. Kiriko loves it so much she doesn’t wear it, in fear she breaks it but she places it in her apartment.
Junker Queen
Odessa doesn't get out of Junkertown a lot, if not at all since she got her Junker Queen title. So if you're travelling fairly often, you give her pictures of your travels. "Oi! You should take me out here, sounds lots of fun!" "I tried, you say you were too busy ruling things around here." "Ey, doesn't mean I can't get to travel from time to time with me partner." Every time you come back from your travels, whether it is for business or for yourself, you always tell how you trip went down. Of course, with pictures to accompany your story. Odessa finds it easier to follow if she has pictures in front of her
Liz loves to experiment with her outfits, if you have any good idea she’s going to bring it to life. If one of your ideas doesn’t please her, she’s going to give you interesting feedback. She is a firm believer in constructive criticism She often asks BOB to watch over you when she’s gone for a heist but sometimes, it does seem like you’re the babysitter You teach BOB about some customs he might not have been aware of. It’s a lot of fun watching him learn new things
ps: i still have a lot of asks from the 700 celebration event, I'll try to get to it as soon as i am a little bit more free
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truessences · 11 months
I don't ship anyone really in Overwatch 2 but one day while playing Sombra, there was a Cassidy on my team and they had an interaction... same one I've heard many times but for some reason, my brain said "CLICK" and now I'm like... I ship it lol. So the only ship I technically ship in Overwatch is Cassombra, Colbra, HackNoon, whatever their ship name is lol.
I see that some people see them as siblings and sure lol but I see that for Sombra and Baptiste for sure but Cassidy and Sombra... hmm yeah lol.
I think Mercy/Genji is cute and probably the only ship I'm like "yeah, that's cute" lol. OH and Ana/Reinhardt.
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mercyswife · 3 months
Erm, drop some overwatch female story requests in the comments. Im also a lesbian and cant write male readers so its MOSTLY gna be fem readers but specify if u want gn! Also im on vacation atm so ill start writing requests when im back
Ill write for Mercy (if it wasnt obvious enough), Tracer, Dva, Widowmaker, Ana (only parent or young Ana, like before pharah) Sombra, and ashe
Nsfw allowed but no fucked up shit please 🙏🙏 i cant control who reads these so of ur under 18 beware, i will put warnings atop the chapters and before it starts, ill try to make it skipable.
No fucked up shit like incest or r@pe, idk if i would feel comfy writing like hard yandere but i can try
If requested a oneshot, it might take a while as i have like random bursts of ideas so bare w me pls🙏🙏🙏
Give a scenario, lile what you want me to write!!!!
Drop the questions in the comments, its most likely i will see it there, and go ham, feel free to request as many as u want, idc, GIVE ME SMT TO WRITE
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mananak07 · 1 year
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wisteriaiswriting · 7 months
can you do headcannons for sombra, tracer and mercy handling a drunk reader?
𝔻𝕣𝕦𝕟𝕜 𝕊/𝕆
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Words: 223
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Will encourage you to keep drinking, remembering your limits so you don’t go past them.
Throughout your time drinking she’s making sure you stay safe.
Constantly laughing at you and the dumb stuff you do.
Will ‘convince’ you to do some of the dumbest shit just to record to blackmail you later. (It’s going in her ‘drunk s/o’ file)
There’s no need to walk back to base when she can just teleport you both, which she does without complaints.
If you wear makeup she’ll carefully wipe it all off, otherwise anything else stays on until the morning.
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Since you’re drinking it’s likely she was also drinking, but only tipsy.
Constantly touching you in some way, you won’t be leaving her arms.
Only slightly encourages you to do stuff, never shouting it.
It takes forever to get back to base, as you both are stumbling.
In the end nothing is removed, both falling asleep in everything you left in.
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She stays completely sober throughout the night, unlike you.
Makes sure you don’t go wandering off, never leaving her sight, barely arms length.
Watches over you to stay safe, do the same for herself.
Doesn’t let you do anything embarrassing or harmful in any way.
Makes sure you both quickly yet safely return back to base.
Removing anything remotely uncomfortable is removed before bed.
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dawnthefox24 · 5 months
Doomfist:*is talking to Sombra*My crush isn’t picking up on my hints. Sombra:*looks at him knowing looks at What hints have you given them? Doomfist: Well, I think about them a lot. Doomfist: And sometimes I even think about talking to them. Sombra:*sighs*Boss just talk to Cole Doomfist:....No Sombra: *coughs but smirks* Coward! Doomfist: *glares at her*Excuse me!? Sombra: I didn't say anything ~~~~ Cole:*sneezes a bit* Dammit Mercy: Oh that means someone is talking about you Cole: I don't believe in that shit Angie Mercy: Well you've been sneezing none stop Cole: I need a damn coffee....
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