#somatosensory carpet
fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
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blue-opossum · 2 years
        2 minutes to read.
        Saturday morning, 25 February 2023.
        Dream #: 20,522-02.
        Resurrection has been a regular theme in my dreams since childhood. It corresponds with my intuitive (or metacognitive, depending on my depth of sleep) association with gaining consciousness and eventually exiting the dream state. In this instance, it also follows the doll feature that sometimes accompanies my thoughts of immobility (as do statues every sleep cycle) and the dream state's artificial physicality.
        In this dream, an imaginary unfamiliar girl exists that I perceive as special to me. The setting takes me back to Cubitis (irrelevant since 1978).
        In the Cubitis house's living room, three boys are talking, and one calls me Claudius, finding "my" name something to deride, but they pronounce it wrong.
        About four people go into the Cubitis shed. It seems the girl dies in an accident caused by a young male. At first, I am unsure if it was her or another girl.
        I look in the shed for her. I find a Barbie doll in a hollowed-out area of the ground (south to north orientation), about three times bigger than a real-world Barbie doll (partly because of the zooming-in attribute of dreaming - along with a dream's content often not being the correct real-world scale), that I briefly think might be her. I soon realize it is not.
         Somatosensory response (usual timeline integration):
        I feel the outside of a carpet bag sitting on the shed's dirt floor (as my sense of touch becomes more present and realistic). Someone told an unfamiliar boy that he must carry it around - because her death was his fault. I can tell there are parts of a body inside (though unrealistically small). I open the bag, and her remains are inside. She seems about two feet tall but with the proportions of an adult. I move her head to see if she is alive. My dream becomes exponentially more vivid.
        Animated images come out of my fingertips. They resemble sideways snare drum waveforms or white cartoon tornadoes. Eventually, the girl is alive and healthy from my efforts to resurrect her.
        I walk with her and a few unfamiliar people to an outdoor picnic area in daylight. A woman (the one who gave the boy the carpet bag) is in shock the girl is alive again.
        From here, proto-cognizance and physicality (mobility) become the themes. Regarding proto-cognizance, I read the name Corina on a computer screen, yet I am unsure if this is the girl's name. (Being "unable to read" in dreams is an asinine misconception, as is most dream lore.)
        The woman is now seated to my right (in the next row over) in my 9th-grade homeroom class. She vocalizes an irritating rap, but I pretend it is good.
        On my left, a chubby man presents a spoken advertisement for mobile homes. I tell him I will knock him over. He thinks he can beat me up, but I push him (arm mobility factor), and he tumbles backward into a corner, slumping down.
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leiyuxin-blog · 5 years
What the types of outdoor playground equipment
Nowadays, outdoor play equipment has gradually occupied a place in parks, playgrounds, plazas, etc., and has been widely welcomed by many children. It has even become a way for most children to have fun in their spare time or weekend time. So let's take a look at some of the fun outdoor play equipment.
 Content lists:
1,The brief introduction of outdoor playground equipment
2,The main types of outdoor playground equipment
3,The applications for outdoor playground equipment
 The brief introduction of outdoor playground equipment
Outdoor play equipment is also called outdoor play equipment, which is mainly classified according to structure and sports form. According to the current variety of children's play facilities and children's play equipment, in addition to traditional horse-riding, swinging machines, coin-operated amusement machines, Scooters, gyros, flying towers, racing cars, self-controlled aircraft, viewing vehicles, small trains, overhead tour vehicles, water rides, bumper cars, battery cars, somatosensory games, bungee jumping, Classification of slides, ziplines, etc., as well as unpowered facilities that have been very hot in the last year or two. Because of their diverse play styles, exquisite style, high safety, low maintenance cost, low cost, and exercise of children's physical strength and courage, The advantages of cultivating parent-child relationships, learning and learning are well recognized by customers. Let's take a look at the outdoor play equipment.
 The main types of outdoor playground equipment
1. Turning horse equipment
Structural motion characteristics: The cockpit is mounted on a rotating disc or support arm, and rotates around a vertical axis or a tilting axis, or a small swing while rotating around a vertical axis. There are small swinging amusement facilities that rotate around the vertical axis, such as: aerospace vehicles, big green worms, and large apple machines. 2. Scooter type equipment Structure movement characteristics: The vehicle itself has no power, and after being lifted to a certain height by the lifting device, it runs along the track by inertia; or the vehicle itself has power and runs on the undulating track. Such as: roller coaster, crazy mouse, sliding dragon, rapids, meniscus, mining vehicles.
 2. Scooter equipment
Structural motion characteristics: The vehicle itself has no power. After being lifted to a certain height by the lifting device, it runs along the track by inertia; or the vehicle itself has power to run on the undulating track. Such as: roller coaster, crazy mouse, sliding dragon, rapids, meniscus, mining vehicles.
 3. Gyro equipment
Structural movement characteristics:
The cockpit is swivelled around a variable angle axis.
Most of the spindles are mounted on the boom that can be lifted and lowered. Such as: gyro, double flying, brave turntable, flying arm, football, etc.
 4,Flight tower equipment
Structural movement characteristics: Hanging pods and swinging movements while lifting, the pods are suspended with flexible parts. Such as: flight tower, aerial swivel chair, PHS, viewing tower, gliding flying wing, frog jumping, sounding shuttle.
 5. Racing equipment
Structural motion characteristics: operation along the designated line on the ground. Such as: racing cars, small sports cars, high speed racing.
 6. Self-controlled aircraft equipment
Structural movement characteristics: The passenger part rotates around the central axis and performs the lifting movement. Most of the passengers are mounted on the swing arm. Such as: self-controlled aircraft, self-controlled flying saucer, goldfish playing, octopus, sea and land, wave swing. There are amusement machines with lifting and swinging multi-dimensional movements, such as: time and space shuttle, dynamic movie platform.
 7. Viewing car equipment Structure movement characteristics: the passenger part rotates or swings around the horizontal axis. Such as: viewing cars, windmills, space ships, pirate ships, flying carpets, meteors. Eight. Unpowered children's play facilities such as: large drill net, theme modeling equipment, large crawling, trampoline, stainless steel slide, Shachi Paradise, jungle leap, physical development.
 The safety of outdoor playground equipment is very important. When choosing the outdoor playground equipment manufacturer, you must choose a regular manufacturer with many successful cases.
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blue-opossum · 4 years
Alan Brady's Desk
        Morning of May 9, 2020. Saturday.
        Dream #: 19,500-03. Reading time: 1 min 50 sec.
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        This dream occurred near the middle of my sleep cycle in a deeper state. I was surprised to find an article yesterday that claimed researchers have found what I had already known for over fifty years. It is that dream content tends to correlate with the depth of sleep (for example, less conflict in a deeper sleep and more social impositions in lighter sleep, the way my dreams have worked every sleep cycle, and the fundamental foundation for the waking transition and reticular activating system dynamics).
        In this dream, there is no recall of my current waking life or the world's status. I am in Alan Brady's office, as on "The Dick Van Dyke Show" (that I have not seen or thought about for some time). The only characters from the television show in my dream are Jerry and Millie Helper.
        I look in boxes on Alan Brady's desk when I am not supposed to be here. It is a typical sorting dream, where I keep finding many different features over a long period. There are several packages and a manilla envelope as well as books (some science-fiction). There are several checks, but I do not think I could cash them, though I briefly consider it.
        I find a small worn cardboard box with a piccolo used in a movie Alan Brady (Carl Reiner) starred. It has leaf motifs amateurishly painted on it (with thick paint) in various colors. The lip plate with the appearance of the Nutcracker soldier is missing. I first feel it (somatosensory phasing). (The situation is false memory from the "I Am a Fine Musician" act on "The Dick Van Dyke Show." Mary Tyler Moore played the imaginary piccolo, and the four actors dressed as the Nutcracker soldier.)
        There is a surveillance camera in Alan's office in a corner near the ceiling. I move stuff around on his desk, but I sit on the floor out of its range at other times. When I put stacks of materials back into the largest box, I consider it is not the original way they were stored, but I am unconcerned.
        I think of telling Millie Helper about the piccolo, but I do not. Still, Jerry and Millie do not seem to think I am doing anything wrong and remain cheerful. Looking at the carpet, I see a multi-colored splash of ink or paint in the form of a mandala. Although I am unsure whether I had caused the carpet's changes, I start instinctually enhancing the somatosensory illusion. As I move my hand, I pull long strands of yellow yarn from the carpet, noticing narrow gaps revealing the floor. It is my usual liminality modulation, though horizontal instead of vertical, stemming from my sleeping position (my head being more downward).
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blue-opossum · 4 years
Celebrities in Sleep Atonia Processing, random index i
        Afternoon of July 26, 2020. Sunday.
        Reading time (optimized): 3 min.
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        For a look at random celebrity personifications of the fundamental dreaming processes, in this instance, the usual compensation for sleep atonia to myoclonus, I am studying the order of cortical handshakes and their predictable correlations with dream content. I have learned so much about dreams I can map most of them to their causal factors and co-occurrence with the dream state.
1966. Tina Louise (American actress), vestibular; aircraft and staircase plus somatosensory. I stand on a descending escalator while Tina holds my hand. I hold a toy airplane that she had bought me.
1967. Amelia Earhart (American aviator), witnessing falling. I stand on the ground while Amelia casually talks about her problematic airplane in the distance that is heading downward, leaving a trail of smoke. Her presumed double is simultaneously in the aircraft.
1968. Erin Moran (American actress), vestibular. I am in a jeep (with the Jenny character from "Daktari") traveling with a vivid sense of movement while a rhino charges, occasionally bumping the back of the vehicle.
1969. Mary Grace Canfield (American actress), flight. As her Ralph Monroe character (on "Green Acres"), she hammers on my bed (presumably to perform maintenance) that is simultaneously a wooden airplane that is (ambiguously) flying elsewhere.
1973. Desi Arnaz, Jr. and Lucie Arnaz, flying. I ride with them on a flying carpet high in the sky.
1990. Don Knotts (American actor), denial of vestibular system ambiguity. While we are inside the ruins of a building, Don hears an airplane outside in the sky and nervously says, "Can't be...There aren't any airplanes anymore."
1997. Nichelle Nichols (American actress), vestibular. Nichelle bounces about in the featureless interior of a small rocket, remaining wary but uninjured.
2014. Barbara Bain (American actress), imaginary physicality, vestibular. Barbara is first in a robotic suit that has internal hypodermic needles (implied melatonin/dream state reinduction). She teleports out of it onto a neighbor's roof.
2015. Dick Van Dyke (American actor), flight. Dick is seemingly alone on a hovering flying saucer, overlooking his city at night. There is an enhanced sense of peace and happiness.
2015. Saul Rubinek (Canadian actor), witnessing falling. I stand on the ground while an airplane crashes into a house. Saul is cheerful as federal agents lead him from the crash (as no one is injured) that he supposedly caused with a bomb. I wave, and he smiles and waves back.
2015. Jordan Gavaris (Canadian actor), high elevation. I am on stage (though not directly involved) during an unusual production of "Swan Lake." The performance is on a platform impossibly high above the audience.
2016. Terry O'Quinn (American actor), phasing, and flight. I phase through the body of a commercial jet airliner in flight while Terry remains onboard, watching me through his window. There is an idea I have become his guardian angel.
2016. Pierce Brosnan (Irish-American actor), anticipated flight. A miniaturized version of Pierce, only about five inches high, comes to pick me up from a tall building. I place a small effigy of myself asleep in bed inside his little helicopter.
2017. Grant Williams (American actor), falling. I am Grant Williams as Scott Carey in the 1957 movie "The Incredible Shrinking Man," running on a "giant" shelf with a female partner. I (he) falls to the floor below, matching my sleeping position afterward.
2017. Gregory Hines (American dancer), falling/sliding. There are two versions of Gregory in this segment. One falls/slides along an outer wall of a miniaturized building that has the essence of a disco ball. The other, I throw over my shoulder as he kicks his legs (instinctual anticipatory myoclonus).
2017. Richard Thomas (American actor), vestibular, flight. John-Boy is sitting atop a train that is moving towards the viewer. A couple of little dragons, one purple and one yellow, land on each of his shoulders.
2018. Silas Weir Mitchell (American actor), witnessing falling. Silas is pushing a shopping cart (containing my family's groceries) but falls off the edge of the curb (at an intersection) to another street below. He is uninjured, but I reset my dream as before the event.
2018. Ralph Waite (American actor), flight. Ralph steps through a window onto a giant sparrow and flies away on it.
2019. Kurt Russell (American actor), flight, falling. Kurt falls from a hang glider (that remains in flight) but lands in a standing position, uninjured.
2020. Jackie Gleason (American actor), anticipated flight. While standing inside ruins, Jackie stares down a big pterodactyl that is of no threat, but it does not carry him away (in his service) as expected.
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blue-opossum · 5 years
Celebrity Occurrences in Sleep-Wake Mediation, 1
Afternoon of February 16, 2020. Sunday.
Reading time: 3 min 32 sec.
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My instinctual summoning of celebrities as personifications of the final sleep-wake mediation processes of a sleep cycle has been well-established since childhood. As well as an unknown person otherwise in this role, they exist to prevent any associations (or confusion) with my waking life, more so in increasing liminality, when vividness becomes exponentially more distinct than previous renderings (as a result of emerging consciousness and reestablishing viable waking-life memory and cognizance that usually does not exist in the dream state). It is uncommon for the same celebrity to occur more than once in my dreams, even over 50 years.
My series will include raw data in the following format: Date of dream, celebrity's name (and level of my dream's self's recognition of him or her in parentheses), and the type of sleep-wake mediation, with any interesting details. (Additional details are online in my original entries.)
July 2, 2019. Ken Curtis, born on July 2, 1916. (I recognize him as the actor with a lesser association as Festus Haggen on "Gunsmoke.") Somatosensory. I gaze at my right hand and move my fingers for a few minutes in a rolling motion from right to left. My bone and flesh are exposed, and bandages cover some of it, but I have no concern. (Instinctual awareness of the dream state and its mediatory processes typically prevents genuine fear).
February 7, 2018. Ian Somerhalder. (I recognize him as the actor.) Virtual exit point of the dream state (as a doorway); Wall mediation. As I go back into a version of our present house, Ian (sitting on our back steps) says, "Yes, you used just the right amount of physical strength and force" (after I say, regarding someone else, "I did not want to be too violent, I just wanted to get the message across"). As I am reaching higher liminality, I am aware I am making him say this.
September 7, 2016. Kate Capshaw. (I am directing her as the actress in "my" movie.) RAS (Reticular Activating System). Sleep Simulacrum. There is the anticipation a lion will reach over her bed and paw her abdomen, though this does not occur. (This sleep personification is partly a result of my subliminal association with her role as Jane DeVries in "Dreamscape.")
June 26, 2016. David Boreanaz. (I recognize him as the actor playing a role in a fictitious remake of "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.") Virtual exit point of the dream state (as a doorway); Wall mediation. After appearing near a doorway when Zsuzsanna and I go closer to and into a television, teleporting to the studio, David eventually comes out from a different door, and cautions, "There are no cell phones here." (This may imply the inability of verbal communication while sleeping, though may also be a reference to no cell phones on flights as an association with vestibular system ambiguity or lesser sleep start anticipation.)
August 4, 2015. Dick Van Dyke. (I recognize him as being in a fictitious variation of the "Uhny Uftz" episode of "The Dick Van Dyke Show.") Vestibular system ambiguity (sleep start anticipation). He is seemingly alone on a flying saucer, overlooking his city at night. There is an enhanced sense of peace.
June 1, 2015. Jordan Gavaris. (I recognize him as the actor, though additionally as a dancer in a fictitious production of "Swan Lake" on a stage elevated extremely high above the audience.) Vestibular system ambiguity (sleep start anticipation). Drop anticipation (and RAS function) is also personified as a possible serial killer, but I remain without concern. Exhilaration is a factor as with many flying dreams.
September 20, 2014. Tom Welling. (He acts as a fictitious character, a composite of Clark Kent and a detective, in what mostly begins as a fantasy-driven dreaming event.) Final role: RAS. Sleep Simulacrum. He ends up in a costume influenced by Batman, but (as he lies on his back in a bed), he is "disintegrating" in a similar manner as the monsters in "Little Monsters" do when exposed to light.
August 22, 2014. Barbara Bain (who shares Zsuzsanna's birthday). (I recognize her as the actress but also as associated with her character in "Space: 1999.") RAS. Sleep Simulacrum. The processes here are combined at several levels; one, the imaginary physicality of dreaming (robotic suit she is in for a time until disappearing and reappearing on a neighbor's roof that represents precursory cognitive arousal), the inability of the physical body to move while sleeping, and melatonin mediation (hypodermic needles inside suit).
March 8, 1997. Nichelle Nichols (as on "Star Trek"). Vestibular system ambiguity (sleep start anticipation). Nichelle bounces around in the interior of a small rocket without getting injured.
March 24, 1973. Desi Arnaz, Jr. Lucie Arnaz. (Lucille Ball seems present at times, more like an offset dream or reset.) Vestibular system ambiguity (sleep start anticipation). I stand on a flying carpet, traveling high in the sky with the others. Eventually, there is an implied crash landing (with no concern, as I transition to being incorporeal during cognitive arousal) with a sketch (somewhat like an X-ray) of how it is now integrated into the ground (anticipation of returning to slow-wave sleep in the same rendering type as in "Helicopter Digger" from August 23, 1987). Main influence from Steppenwolf's "Magic Carpet Ride." The first line is, "I like to dream."
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blue-opossum · 4 years
Pulling Sandspurs from a Wolf's Fur
        Morning of May 2, 2020. Saturday.
        Dream #: 19,493-02. Reading time (optimized): 2 min 30 sec.
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        I am sitting on the floor in the living room of a unique variation of the Loomis Street house near the front door. An unfamiliar man is present to my right (closest to the door). I am stroking the fur of a wolf that is lying on his left side. For a time, everything is relaxing and uneventful.
        Somehow, I get sandspurs stuck on me, and they immediately form at least two lines on the wolf's fur, closest to his back. I determine that they had come from an area on the carpeted floor to my left. I become annoyed, as now I have to pull each sandspur from the wolf's fur. As I do this, I complain to the man that I had not been outside recently, so they could not have come from me.
        As a result of my sense of touch increasing exponentially for a few minutes and establishing a higher level of (somatosensory) cortical arousal, my dream processing changes to a scene where I look out at a parking lot setting from a doorway. A few unknown people are walking around, but a man with an unrealistically big head appears and dances about irritatingly. Using a combination of telekinesis and mentally willing more sandspurs into existence, I cover his body with sandspurs from more than ten feet away as I wake.
        Get the truth about my dream and some of its familiar causal factors here:
        My dream's first scene is a unique but familiar form of a process that occurs at least once every sleep cycle. Often, the first discernible rendering is a result of my instinctual awareness I am dreaming. For example, the wolf is resting on his left side, co-occurrent with my sleeping orientation. The unknown man is to my right, co-occurrent with (in this case, subliminal) environmental monitoring (as my right side is more exposed to my real environment).
        Wolves, bears, lions, and most other kinds of animals still occur in my dreams regularly, often as an animal semblance of my reticular activating system as here. However, their nature typically correlates with the ultradian rhythm curve of my sleep cycle. (For example, I had this dream after sunrise, and wolves are nocturnal, and that is how I perceive them.)
        Despite my waking-life identity being absent from my dream, there are incidental compartmentalized associations with the coronavirus. (Even so, I have not yet had a dreaming experience with a viable recall of the pandemic. The processing factors of my dreams have not changed at all.) For example, although I have dreamt of cenchrus (sandspurs) before, they have vague visual similarity with the coronavirus. Removing sandspurs from the wolf's fur also stems from a distortion of Zsuzsanna removing them from one of our cats (a typical synthesized distortion to prevent confusing dream content with waking life).
        A parking lot usually only occurs in the last scene of a dream in the last dream of a sleep cycle as liminality begins to increase during the waking transition, and it signifies the status of awareness between dream space and precursory waking space. One association is parked vehicles (the body being motionless in bed). In the real world, a parking lot also represents liminal space.
        The man with the big head is a liminal association with a YouTube video I saw yesterday, supposedly featuring a caricature of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson in bed with the virus (with doctors and nurses dancing around) even though it was part of the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony. The character is "out of bed" in my dream as signifying me getting out of bed after waking.
        Ultimately, despite my dreams likely seeming surreal to the average person, they are almost always extraordinarily easy for me to decode and resolve.
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leiyuxin-blog · 5 years
What the types of outdoor playground equipment
Nowadays, outdoor play equipment has gradually occupied a place in parks, playgrounds, plazas, etc., and has been widely welcomed by many children. It has even become a way for most children to have fun in their spare time or weekend time. So let's take a look at some of the fun outdoor play equipment.
 Content lists:
1,The brief introduction of outdoor playground equipment
2,The main types of outdoor playground equipment
3,The applications for outdoor playground equipment
 The brief introduction of outdoor playground equipment
Outdoor play equipment is also called outdoor play equipment, which is mainly classified according to structure and sports form. According to the current variety of children's play facilities and children's play equipment, in addition to traditional horse-riding, swinging machines, coin-operated amusement machines, Scooters, gyros, flying towers, racing cars, self-controlled aircraft, viewing vehicles, small trains, overhead tour vehicles, water rides, bumper cars, battery cars, somatosensory games, bungee jumping, Classification of slides, ziplines, etc., as well as unpowered facilities that have been very hot in the last year or two. Because of their diverse play styles, exquisite style, high safety, low maintenance cost, low cost, and exercise of children's physical strength and courage, The advantages of cultivating parent-child relationships, learning and learning are well recognized by customers. Let's take a look at the outdoor play equipment.
 The main types of outdoor playground equipment
1. Turning horse equipment
Structural motion characteristics: The cockpit is mounted on a rotating disc or support arm, and rotates around a vertical axis or a tilting axis, or a small swing while rotating around a vertical axis. There are small swinging amusement facilities that rotate around the vertical axis, such as: aerospace vehicles, big green worms, and large apple machines. 2. Scooter type equipment Structure movement characteristics: The vehicle itself has no power, and after being lifted to a certain height by the lifting device, it runs along the track by inertia; or the vehicle itself has power and runs on the undulating track. Such as: roller coaster, crazy mouse, sliding dragon, rapids, meniscus, mining vehicles.
 2. Scooter equipment
Structural motion characteristics: The vehicle itself has no power. After being lifted to a certain height by the lifting device, it runs along the track by inertia; or the vehicle itself has power to run on the undulating track. Such as: roller coaster, crazy mouse, sliding dragon, rapids, meniscus, mining vehicles.
 3. Gyro equipment
Structural movement characteristics:
The cockpit is swivelled around a variable angle axis.
Most of the spindles are mounted on the boom that can be lifted and lowered. Such as: gyro, double flying, brave turntable, flying arm, football, etc.
 4,Flight tower equipment
Structural movement characteristics: Hanging pods and swinging movements while lifting, the pods are suspended with flexible parts. Such as: flight tower, aerial swivel chair, PHS, viewing tower, gliding flying wing, frog jumping, sounding shuttle.
 5. Racing equipment
Structural motion characteristics: operation along the designated line on the ground. Such as: racing cars, small sports cars, high speed racing.
 6. Self-controlled aircraft equipment
Structural movement characteristics: The passenger part rotates around the central axis and performs the lifting movement. Most of the passengers are mounted on the swing arm. Such as: self-controlled aircraft, self-controlled flying saucer, goldfish playing, octopus, sea and land, wave swing. There are amusement machines with lifting and swinging multi-dimensional movements, such as: time and space shuttle, dynamic movie platform.
 7. Viewing car equipment Structure movement characteristics: the passenger part rotates or swings around the horizontal axis. Such as: viewing cars, windmills, space ships, pirate ships, flying carpets, meteors. Eight. Unpowered children's play facilities such as: large drill net, theme modeling equipment, large crawling, trampoline, stainless steel slide, Shachi Paradise, jungle leap, physical development.
 The safety of outdoor playground equipment is very important. When choosing the outdoor playground equipment manufacturer, you must choose a regular manufacturer with many successful cases.
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