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talishere · 2 years ago
So glad hand me my shovel is number one on Spotify ww and not I/me/myself
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riyajain455455 · 5 months ago
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nephiieatsuranium · 5 months ago
unholy trinity of soluses
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shadowknightapologist · 1 month ago
i'm gonna be kinda freaking dead for the next week (if i actually lock in) sooo hc before i go to war /silly
i looove the ro'maeve brother symbolism with the head coverings so consider:
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see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
WARNINGS FOR: religion (briefly mentioned), child abuse, injury, murder.
in addition to this, i think all three of them actually have a disability/injury related to the above concept.
vylad was strangled/had his neck snapped, so talking is usually painful for him. as a result, he's selectively mute and prefers to communicate through sign language, if at all.
zane was half-blinded in an accident, as we know (though i'll mention again that in my rewrite, garroth isn't the one to blind him). i'm thinking that, potentially, zianna sought out a magik healer to heal zane's injury and instead it healed wack and looks creepy asf. once he leans back into eirene and solusism, he starts calling it the "eye of eirene" and even shows it off during trials and executions.
garroth was hit in the head too many times/too hard and suffered either a large perforation or a traumatic brain injury, either of which went unhealed and became permanent. if i go with a TBI, garroth's symptoms lie largely within cognitive (difficulty learning and remembering), sensory (changes in hearing and vision), communication (difficulty speaking, reading, and explaining thoughts/feelings), and emotional (depression, mood swings, irritability, generally more emotional).
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"Do you have any other stories of the primes?"
- @tf-ore
Well... prima once killed a small battalion of quintessons single servodly, onyx would constantly break soluses stuff.
The servos down, funniest one i can think would be Micronus managing to accidentally hit his head on the top of a doorframe twice his height.
None of us would let him live that... down...
*snaps back to the reality that they no longer live*
They... they fought to protect you who can not fight back well... and they died because of it...
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cursi4do · 5 months ago
los problemas/trastornos sekzuales indibiduales(d adiccion, precosidad, impotensia o etc) no son algo en lo k deberia sikiera considerarse involukrar a una pareja como "solusion"
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digitalmarketingterbaik · 1 year ago
cicilan perumahan murah di katapang soreang bandung Perumahan Cilejit DIGITOR HARGA TERENDAH, 089652854278
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cicilan perumahan murah di katapang soreang bandung KLIK https://wa.me/6289652854278, perumahan murah rengasdengklok karawang , dp perumahan murah bandung barat , lokasi perumahan murah di salatiga , perumahan villa murah di batu malang , perumahan murah lampung selatan
PT. WINS PROPERTY adalah Perusahaan Developer dan Solusion Of Property yang memiliki berbagai projek Properti di seluruh Indonesia.
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arhtant · 2 years ago
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halah wacana!
kenapa banyak sekali wacana melintasi perjalanan hidupku
sekedar wacana dan belum jadi jalan ninjaku 😅😂
tapi kuharap, semua berujung lebih jelas saat bersama kamu😉
🥲 halah koweki sopo ? (pertanyaan untuk aku dan kamu, dari diriku ataupun dirimu)
kapankah kesempatan itu ada, atau kamu memang menyempatkannya?
bercerita berbagaimacam hal, saling mendengar dan berbagi opini yang dipunya. walau kadang kita memang seenaknya saja!
kapan kan merasa enak di kamu, enak di aku? 🤣 kita saling mengenakkan
(cok! bahasamu fulgar)(heh! sing tak maksud i, win win solusion)
tapi bersiaplah juga dengan tangisan, 🤣
..... aku i pancen embuh kok lek.....
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please, open your board horizon (open minded) !!!
walau seringkali-juga kutemukan diriku masih sebagai orang yang picik.
picik iku adine picek
lan picek iku kancane wuto
dan mari kita membahas "buta"
seringkali kita tidak mampu memahami bahasa verbal ataupun unverbal, yang eksplisit dan implisit
gagal memahami keadaan, posisi serta konsequensi disana.
gak pinter melihat apa yang ada diluar, bahkan malah apa yang ada didalam atau ada pada dirikita sendiri.
kalau Nkau berkenan semakin terpukaunya aku denganMu
tapi alhamdulillah aku juga masih kau beri ingat atas ucapan tentang hidup dan mati
ziyadatan min kulli khoirin au rohatan min kulli syarr
tapi aku yo pingin rabi sik sakdurunge mati😅 😂 ra kok gara gara gur video iki
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sumbarlivetv · 2 years ago
Ketua DPRD Pariyanto DH Hadiri Avanza Xenia Solusion Family Gathering.
Ketua DPRD Pariyanto DH Hadiri Avanza Xenia Solusion Family Gathering. Dharmasraya, sumbarliveTV — Family Gathering bersama komunitas perkumpulan mobil Avanza dan Xenia di Pelangi Garden Nagari Sungai Duo kecamatan Sitiung, diapresiasi oleh ketua DPRD kabupaten Dharmasraya Pariyanto, SH. Hal itu sampaikan Pariyanto, SH saat menghadiri acara bertajuk Anniversary Avanza Xenia Solution ke 3 yang di…
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sigmasolveinc · 2 years ago
Nowadays organizations and small businesses required great need of the best ecommerce solutions for their e-business so we provide the best services to customers. Sigma Solve provides best-in-class ecommerce solution. They give best services such as ecommerce solution, shopping cart integration, ecommerce website development with content management solutions for your dynamic business.
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baliportalnews · 2 years ago
Professional IT Bali Gelar Annual Gathering Ke-13, Ajak Anggota ‘Grow Up Together’
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BADUNG – Memasuki usia ke-13, Professional IT Bali (ProfIT Bali) kembali menggelar pertemuan tahunan (annual gathering) bersama anggota dan mitra kerja pada Sabtu (25/2/2023) di Harris Hotel & Residences Sunset Road. Kegiatan yang mengambil tema ‘Hospitality 5.0 Grow up Together’ tersebut, diikuti ratusan anggota Professional IT Bali dari berbagai sektor indusri serta diisi presentasi dari beberapa mitra kerja, seperti HPE Aruba - PT. SiSTECH Kharisma, PT. Haier Sales Indonesia (AQUA), Alcatel-Lucent Entreprise, Hypernet, PT. ASTEL Sistem Teknologi, ZEBRA x ACS Group,  HYTERA x ACS Group,  PT. Hotware Indonesia, PT. Anega Sarana Grafika (ASG), PT. Awan Integrasi Sandidata (Vibicloud), Magnum Solusion X LS Cable, CV Artha Mitra Charisma, AMK Tech x PT Furukawa Electric Indonesia, Magnum Solusion X Eset Antivirus, HRS Hospitality & Retail Systems, PT. KAAS Vingcard serta Calpadia. Chief Executive Office Professional IT Bali, Armika Jaya mengatakan, dengan adanya konsep Hospitality 5.0 ini, pihaknya ingin teknologi dapat membuat lebih humanize untuk IT Hospitality. Selama ini terlalu banyak administrasi dalam proses check in maupun check out, sehingga tamu menjadi sibuk untuk melengkapi banyak proses. “Kita ingin proses itu lebih otomatis seperti saat berada di pesawat, segala administrasi lebih banyak ke arah teknologi,” jelas Armika. Armika mengungkapkan, perkembangan teknologi saat ini sangat pesat, terutama saat pandemi kemarin. Mulai dari banyak SOP yang dipangkas sehingga beberapa proses bisa lebih cepat, sehingga saat tamu berada di hotel, mereka akan lebih banyak ‘ngobrol’ dengan Front Office tentang apa saja keinginannya selama menginap di hotel tanpa harus sibuk melengkapi administrasi yang begitu banyak. “Administrasi itu harus diselesaikan sebelum tamu sampai di hotel,” kata Armika. Terkait untuk meningkatkan skill anggota, kata Armika, Professional IT Bali akan rutin menggelar workshop terkait produk desktop dan program wellness. “Kedepannya akan sering ada workshop, karena tujuan awal lahirny komunitas Professional IT Bali adalah sharing ilmu dan meningkatkan skill dari masing-masing anggota,” ungkap Armika. Ditemui di sela-sela acara, Chairman Professional IT Bali, Eka Kunindra Jaya menambahkan, gathering kali ini tercatat 512 orang melakukan registrasi yang berasal dari pekerja IT berbagai sektor industri, meliputi hospitality, government, rumah sakit, sekolah, univesitas, dan profesional lainnya. “Gathering kali ini, kami mengajak seluruh anggota dan mitra kerja untuk grow up together, bahu membahu, saling tolong menolong karena selama pandemi kemarin, kami sangat berdampak terutama yang dari industi hospitality,” ucap Eka KJ sapaan akrabnya.
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Professional IT Bali Gelar Annual Gathering Ke-13, Ajak Anggota ‘Grow Up Together’. Sumber Foto : tis/bpn Lebih lanjut Eka KJ mengatakan, terbentuknya Professional IT Bali bertujuan untuk menciptakan Professional di bidang teknologi dan informasi dengan kesetaraan pemikiran, pemahaman dan pengetahuan dimana seluruh naggota yang tergabung memiliki latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman serta pengetahuan yang sangat beragam. “Untuk menjadi anggota Professional IT Bali, bisa join melalui grup Telegram Professional IT Bali dan mengikuti berbagai kegiatan yang diadakan. Di sini kita belajar bersama sesuai visi misi dibentuknya Professional IT Bali,” ujar Eka KJ. Eka berharap, di usia ke-13 ini Professional IT Bali semakin solid, banyak pekerja IT yang bergabung sehingga pengalaman jadi lebih beragam. “Selain merayakan hari ulang tahun, gathering ini juga sebagai temu kangen antar anggota dan wadah diskusi bersama mitra kerja tentang produk-produk teknologi terbaru yang akan beredar di pasaran,” tutup Eka KJ. Setelah presentasi dari mitra kerja, acara dilanjutkan dengan pengundian puluhan doorprize menarik.(tis/bpn) Read the full article
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andytheoverthinker · 1 year ago
my delusions are the solusions ❤️
and may yours come trululu as well
“we live in a society” my ass, you all may live in society, but i live in delusion
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years ago
@solused ❤'d for a starter
Amber held out a hand, nails glittering like freshly spilled blood.  A smile curled her painted lips, though fell just short of her piercing blue eyes.  “Captain Peter Lukas, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”  Perhaps this will be the time to scoop the Lukas family out from underneath that Magnus Institute - old-fashioned academics who couldn’t see that the future would leave them well behind.
Then again, all the data suggested that Peter was the worst one to leverage for that task.
“A shame about your foray into housing development, but we’ve all made unwise investments, have we not?  Perhaps our services here in Scio Inc. could ensure your next venture will be a shining success.”
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shadowknightapologist · 2 months ago
how would your mystreet rewrite be impacted by your mcd rewrite? you said they’re in the same universe right
your writing is really cool :))))
thank you so much!!
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(tragic how huge this thing is, but i guess that's the price i pay for self expression.)
also i'm so sorry this is late, i forgot i started this ask </3
WARNINGS FOR: potential inaccuracies, a lot of this is probably subject to change but it's a general idea!
GWGFGD (MCD) spans entirely over two eras in myverse history—"B.P" and "D.D"—and then a very small portion of the current era, "A.G". currently, GWGFGD contains at least 850 years of history, as well as a number of crucial developments within geography, religion, government, society, and of course, the final defeat of the true king/shadrach. a lot of these changes were done or at least started by eurydice and co., including:
de-stigmatization of magik and its users;
reduction of species-based stigma/discrimination;
reduction of religious dominance;
actual abolishment of monarchy and development of democratic systems;
development of states, cities, etc. and infrastructure;
genuine unity between countries;
because of this and magik enhancing technological advancements, the beginning of A.G is about the 18th/19th century in real world equivalents (i say this because the current world year when the MCD storyline is over is 1350). politics at any point are largely underdeveloped but i feel i can solidly say about a century after GWGWGD, people are not going to war. bc actually i don't like war and i think it's largely, if not entirely, unnecessary. but anyway.
at this point, everyone knows that the divine warriors existed and most are also aware that massive portions of their mythology is incorrect (i have an eventual religion post that'll explain this more). because of this, religions surrounding the divine warriors become less about the warriors themselves and more about the themes and ideals people associated with them. for example, "solusism" during GWGFGD is about worshipping eirene as the sole goddess—and even creator—of the world, while solusism in myverse is centered more around the belief that all creatures deserve to live uninterrupted from start to finish (so a solusist may practice vegetarianism/veganism to uphold this idea).
now presently, things aren't awful, but there are some misconceptions, flaws, or gaps in the history that would still have the GWGFGD cast rolling in their graves, like:
shadow knights being rebranded as demon subtypes (like imps, succubi/incubi, etc.), and eventually completely replaced by those subtypes (only the most dutiful of history/theology nerds can find information on shadow knights; trying to explain the difference to the masses usually kills the soul, though).
many characters, especially shadow knights, are forgotten or removed from most historical accounts despite eurydice and co.'s best attempts. this includes characters like vylad, dante, lucinda (who's only known as "the White Witch"), several of the lords eurydice befriended, etc. essentially, anyone dubbed "unimportant". this is a persistent issue with myverse history, as they did this with the divine warriors as well. maybe one day they'll learn.
relic holders are assumed to have been reincarnations of the divine warriors, which is almost entirely false.
eurydice gets "mother, maiden, crone"-d and largely stripped of the individuality she fought very hard for. later, in the actual myverse roleplays, aphmau also ends up struggling with this and is believed to represent the maiden (eirene = crone, eurydice = mother).
lastly, i'll discuss some of the bigger changes to the myverse roleplays.
the biggest one is probably going to be names. a majority of the myverse cast will be descended from GWGFGD, so instead they more "represent" the OGs rather than being them. this means almost no one has the same name because it would make me tweak. the exceptions to this are the shadow knights and travis.
an example that's already come up is aphmau. she's actually born with the name "elissa", but adapts "aphmau" from final fantasy and eventually it catches and it becomes her preferred name.
the myverse cast is also supposed to look different—probably still recognizable, but individual. once again, the only exception to this is shadow knights, but this is because (as briefly stated before), shadow knights are sentenced to an automatic, reincarnation-adjacent fate. i say adjacent because instead of being reborn as something new, shadow knights are always reborn as, well, shadow knights due to the way their soul is corrupted. their reincarnations are supposed to be opportunities to live as they should have been, but there's always a chance they'll end up the same as they did in their first life (that is, a frightful husk of heated armor, boiling with fury all the time). afterlife never is and never will be an option for them. they're reborn again and again, filling in the holes where their soul belongs, and when they die they do it all again.
(how aging and death work for reincarnated shadow knights, i don't know yet.)
(the only shadow knight who doesn't follow this system is shadrach. after GWGFGD, he's employed as "judgement". when his time is served, he'll join the rest of the divine warriors, save one, in the afterlife, where they will never be reincarnated.)
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pastelsentry · 4 years ago
Fanmade ship children for Solusion ship!
Solusion ship(Delusion x Solar/DS x SD)
Art by me
Solusion ship by Glexie Pie on Youtube.
Ship children in the picture by me.
The girl:Delight(Older sister)
The boy:Vision(Younger brother)
Bad english...Sorry...
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riverscrow · 4 years ago
Carpenter quirked an eyebrow at the man's strange demeanour. His words about minding her joining were rude (not that that bothered Carpenter - it would only have made her feel worse about what she was about to do to him if he'd been too polite) and his cheer obviously false, but the relief in his eyes looked real. She could only hope it was relief at having company - this would all go down much more smoothly if he wanted to go with her.
"You could see for yourself, since we're sitting here," Carpenter suggested. "I'm going to."
Her gaze drifted to the ring the man was fiddling with. She didn't recognise those prayer marks. For half a moment, she thought to wonder if he might have more in common with her than she'd first estimated - but the thought was quickly dismissed. No follower of an unsanctioned god would dare display its marks so openly, down here in the city. More likely it was just some minor corporate god from further north than she'd know of. A sailor's talisman, maybe, going by the rest of his appearance. They sold a lot of those - though most not quite as ornate or expensive looking as this one.
Carpenter nursed the spark of resentment that she felt thinking of some corporate god claiming it could grant safe passage on her river. This was why she was doing this, she reminded herself. To claim back her river from those who sought ownership over it without ever truly understanding it. Her own talisman bearing the mark of the Trawlerman hung on a cord around her neck, tucked safely beneath her coat and out of view. The reminder eased her guilt a little, settling her nerves. If Nana Glass could see me now...
"For now," she responded. "I'm supposed to meet my uncle further downriver. You're free to join me until then, if you need a guide," she added hesitantly. She needed him to join her, in truth, since she could hardly drag him with her by force, but she couldn't come across as too eager without putting him off, or worse, arousing his suspicion. The fact that she would honestly much rather have continued her journey alone with the quiet tranquility of her river if she weren't in need of a sacrifice went a long way to keeping any undue excess of enthusiasm out of her tone.
Mallory - no, she reminded herself firmly, it was Carpenter now - had been trawling the town for days in search of someone she might lure in, and was just about ready to throw in the towel. Everyone was either traveling in too large a group, making it suspicious for her to approach them and try to get them alone, or clearly uninterested in being approached at all.
If she were to be completely honest with herself, Carpenter might admit that part of her failure was the result of reluctance to succeed. Nana Glass’ sacrifices had always been her least favorite part of the faith, growing up. But she wasn’t a child now, and she had a task to complete. She could only imagine Mason’s disappointment if she returned empty-handed.
The heavy, bitter feeling of failure was just beginning to settle in her stomach when, as if by miracle, her gaze landed on a young man tucked away in the corner of the coffeehouse. Well, thank the Trawlerman. He couldn’t be much older than her, with the look of a tourist about him - probably the kind of backpacker who could easily get lost in these parts, and no one would think twice of it - and, most blessedly, traveling alone. If she didn’t take this shot, she’d never find another as good.
Now resolved, Carpenter slid into a seat across from the man. “Mind if I join you?” She prayed he couldn’t sense her discomfort; Carpenter didn’t particularly enjoy having to approach strangers, and her intentions for him certainly didn’t ease the awkwardness. “I’ve heard great things about their cappuccinos here.”
“I do, actually, but far be it from me to stop you!” Peter smiled brightly over the table, pale eyes awash in something like relief. “I can’t say that I know anything about this place, I’ll have to take your word for it.”
There was something in his voice that suggests that maybe he would prefer to keep on knowing nothing. It’s in the way that he glances at the early morning mist though the window and rolls his ring, a heavy, cloudy white thing engraved with dozens of minuscule prayer marks, back and forth on his finger.
It’s a rich man’s ring, although he was not dressed as a rich man, his coat is travel-worn, lacking adornment save for the dampness left by the aforementioned mist. It’s only half disguise, Peter’s never had a desire to stand out in a crowd, perfecting the layered, plain dress of a sailor. Not, of course, that he ever laid his hands on rope or wheel.
“You’re traveling alone, then?” He tilted his head slightly, raising his eyebrows questioningly. She didn’t have to be, to be fed to his god, but it did suggest the right temperament for an easy sacrifice. 
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