#solji soft
whoreteen · 2 years
in her shadow (chapter II)
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➸ pairing: jeonghan x reader. ➸ word count: 5,4K. ➸ status: ongoing. (series masterlist!) ➸ genre: angst, slow burn, romance, idol!au, strangers to lovers, fluff, humor, forbidden relationship!au, mutual pining, (+ smut in upcoming chapters!) ➸ summary: you never were the one to fall in love but, just when you think you might’ve found the one, he turns out to be your estranged bitch of a sister’s fiancé. you and jeonghan both know better but, he can’t help but wish he’d met you first, thinking you’re a far better match for him than she’d ever be.
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“You look pretty,” Jay teases as he watched you fix your dress, a scowl etched onto your face. You hate it, the tight fitting monstrosity that Nina had bought for you, but you know you have to wear it. She’d never let you hear the end of it if you didn’t.
“I look like a cheap hooker,” you return.
“I think that’s the idea,” Jay pokes.
You’re headed for a dinner which your sister had set up, something which only meant it would be bad. Her dinners were horrid and, with the new addition of Jeonghan, they were only to get worse. Nina uses her dinners to brag, and being engaged to a handsome and successful idol is something she’ll never tire of bragging about, especially to you. You have never dated a man quite like Jeonghan and, your sister is insistent on reminding you over and over of the fact.
“We should get going,” Jay muses as he checks his watch. “We have to pick Solji up on the way,” he adds.
You nod your head and move to adjust your dress once more, pulling it over your chest at the expense of a little covering on your legs. “Nina hates me,” you cry as your brother offers you another laugh before he guides you out of the house.
“Y/N, oh my god, you look so pretty!” Nina fawns as she greets you. She knows the dress she’d given you is snug; it’s short and skimpy, but it’s the sort of thing she thought you desperately needed, just because you haven't had a boyfriend since you were eighteen and, in her words; ‘needed someone new in your life’, something the dress was sure to aid you in, according to her.
You offer your sister a forced smile before you walk past her, greeting a few of the other people that she’d invited. You honestly don’t want to be here at all, her friends are so insufferable, but you know you have to play the doting sister. Your mother and father would never accept anything less and neither would your sister.
“Y/N,” You lift your head a little, your eyes shining at the sight of Jeonghan. He offers you a soft smile before he moves towards you, pressing a friendly kiss to your cheek. “I didn’t think you would make it,” he says as he allows his eyes to scan your frame. He smiles to himself, it’s so clear to him that Nina had given you the dress you’re wearing.
“If my parents weren’t over there glaring at me, I wouldn’t have done,” you return playfully. He peeks over his shoulder at your parents for a moment before he turns back to you.
“A few of my friends are in the lounge. You and Jay should go and join them,” he smiles softly.
You smile at him gratefully before you grab Jay’s arm, leading him away from Nina who was twittering incessantly into his ear.
“Thank you so much, Y/N,” he says, offering you a smile as he and his girlfriend, Solji, follow you into Jeonghan’s vast living room.
“You don’t have to thank me,” you smile. You’re sure he would have done the same thing for you if you’d been in his place, it’s almost an unwritten pact between you two.
“Y/N, over here,” Joshua beams, beckoning you towards him.
You smile at him softly before stepping towards him and, embracing him in a friendly manner. “Y/N, this is Miyeon, my girlfriend,” he says, offering you a smile as you separate. “Miyeon, this is Y/N. She’s Nina’s little sister,” he explains.
Miyeon offers you a look, her mouth agape. “You’re seriously related to her?”
You nod your head. “Yeah. Sadly,” you return, causing her to laugh.
“I feel bad for you, she’s not pleasant,” she quips lightly, her nose wrinkling a little. You bet she doesn’t even know your sister well, but she knows enough to know that she’s awful. Nina’s stuck up and so obsessed with herself and, appears to have very little time for anything or anyone else.
“I get that a lot,” you muse.
“I can imagine. How’d she end up with a sweetheart like Jeonghan?”
You shrug. “That’s a good question.”
You honestly have no idea what it is that Jeonghan sees in your sister, but you’re not about to question it. He loves her even if no one else can fathom why and, quite frankly, it’s none of your business.
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“Come on Y/N, he’s sweet, go and flirt with him,” Nina slurs as she nudges your ribs, egging you on.
“He’s with someone Nina, I don’t intend to make him cheat on her,” you scoff, your eyes staring ahead of you at the man she wants you to approach. He’s a group member of Jeonghan’s, Hoshi, but you know very well he’s taken and you’re not stupid enough to try and convince him to cheat.
“But he’s so cute!” she pouts, nudging you once more.
“If he’s so cute, you go and flirt with him.”
She scoffs instantly. “He’s cute for you Y/N, he’s nowhere near being in my league,” she notes, her hand flicking some of her hair over her shoulder.
You roll your eyes. “I need some air,” you mutter. She watches you for a second before wandering away in search of another drink. Stepping out onto the patio, you sigh to yourself, your hand nestling in the front of your hair. You love your sister, you have to, but sometimes you wish it was simply you and Jay. God, things would’ve been so much easier that way.
“Are you alright?” Jeonghan’s voice quips, his hand moving to close the sliding door behind himself. You watch him carefully before you nod, forcing a smile. “I’m so sorry for her. She gets worse with alcohol,” he says apologetically, his lean figure sitting beside you on the sun lounger you’re perched on.
“I know…” you mutter, “I just wish it wasn’t me she got worse with. She’s rude at the best of times.”
He nods his head softly. “Why does she think you need to be set up?“
You offer him a shrug before you run a hand through your hair. “For some reason, she seems to think the only way to be happy is to have some pretty boy on your arm. No offence,” you say lightly. He lifts his hand, signalling that he isn’t offended. “She wants me to be like her.”
“You’re perfect the way you are,” he says earnestly.
“Sure I am,” you scoff sarcastically, “That’s why you’re with her, because I am so perfect, right?” You’re a little drunk, but not drunk enough to not know what you’re saying. You know exactly what you’re saying, and you also know damn well it’s wrong but the words escaped your lips before you even had the time to stop them.
“Wait, what? Do you like me that way?” he asks, his brown eyes boring holes into your soul.
You sigh a little before pushing yourself up, your eyes staring at anything but him. “It’s hard not to,” you reply after a moment of thought.
He pushes himself up tentatively and places a hand against your hip, turning your body to face him. Allowing your eyes to study his handsome face, you take in each and every gorgeous aspect of it.
“Why did I meet her first?” he whispers to himself, his other hand brushing the hair away from your eyes.
You spare a little ironic laugh. It’s such a cliché and you can’t help but laugh. “You should get back inside. Nina is probably looking for you,” you say, your stare drifting from his eyes across his tempting lips.
Jeonghan shifts the hand in your hair a little more before he ducks his head, his breath brushing against your lips. He smells like vanilla and strawberries, thanks to the sickly dessert that your sister had served, but it only makes him more tempting to you. Vanilla and strawberries are your favorite things.
Leaning up a little, you feel the skin of his lips brush past yours, making you close your eyes in anticipation and Jeonghan’s eyes are quick to follow. I’m going to kiss him. That’s the only thought that runs through your head. At least it was, until you hear the screeching of the sliding door echoing, causing you to jerk away from each other, your eyes fixed on the figure that stands in the doorway.
“Jeonghan, Nina’s looking for you,” Jay says with his eyebrows furrowed. Jeonghan nods and moves away, leaving Jay alone with you.
“What the fuck was that?” your brother says angrily, pulling the door closed. You’re blushing like crazy at this point and, all you can do is shake your head slowly, not quite sure what to say. You don’t know what it was, whether it was intentional or a mistake, but it’s sure to only make things worse. You’re already struggling with your crush as it is.
“You need to get your head straight. That’s Nina’s fiancé, are you crazy?” he hisses. “Imagine what would have happened if it was her instead of me.”
You sigh a little and nod, knowing that he’s right. You absolutely do need to get your head straight, but after the almost moment you’d shared, you’re sure it was only going to get harder.
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“Hey, Where’s Y/N?” Chan asks as Jeonghan steps into the dressing room. It’s already become normal for you to attend all their dance practices and, to see that you weren’t there was a little bit of a surprise, Chan had rather been looking forwards to going over his solo dance performance with you.
Truthfully, Jeonghan isn’t surprised, you’ve been keeping your distance since you’d almost kissed and, he’s actually grateful. He has no idea how he’d react to you now that you’ve shared that moment.
“She’s out on a date,” Nina says as she steps towards Jeonghan, a smile etched onto her face.
“A date?” he says as he raises an eyebrow, trying his absolute hardest to keep the bitterness out of his voice. He has no right to be upset, you’re a single girl who’s more than entitled to go out, and meet men, but still the idea hurt him. He really thought that you liked him.
“Yes, a writer from the magazine she works for asked her out. He’s SO adorable!” Nina fawns before her phone buzzes, causing Jeonghan to roll his eyes.
“Let me guess…” he mutters, his brown eyes watching as the apologetic expression spills across her face. “You have to go?”
She nods her head shyly before she pressed a kiss to his lips, mumbling about making it up to him. He shakes his head, watching her leave before he lets out a little groan.
“Are you alright there, hyung?” Chan asks.
He flicks his stare towards him and sighs, shaking his head a little. He’s growing tired of it, Nina’s behavior, your presence, it’s all starting to become a little irksome, but he knows there’s nothing he can do. Nina is hardly going to let him go without a fight and, she sure as hell isn’t going to give him up for you.
“Is it about Y/N?” Chan asks, his brown eyes surveying the room around them. “I’m not an idiot, I’ve seen the way that you behave around her and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that something happened. Plus, her disappearance coincides with the emergence of your shitty moods.”
Jeonghan arches an eyebrow. “Did you honestly think no one noticed?” Chan says chuckling and Jeonghan merely glares at him in response. “If you’re so messed up over her, how come you’re still engaged to her sister?”
At this point, it’s clear to everyone around him that he feels something for you; his face lights up when you walk into a room and, he knows why it makes his members curious. He clearly doesn’t love Mina, not anymore; at least, not enough to keep him from falling for her sister.
“Because I love her okay?” he snaps all of a sudden, causing Chan to jump a little as he holds his hands up in surrender. “Why can no one get it into their heads that I want to be with Y/N? She might not fit your standards but she’s perfect to me and I want her,” he grumbles before stepping out of the room.
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“I’m so glad we decided to do this,” you smile as you and your date wander back towards your home. You know for a fact it’s wrong, to accept the other boy’s invitation when you’re still crushing on Jeonghan, but you’d been left with no choice. You needed something, anything to distract you from him and Taehyung, a boy you work with, seemed as good as anything.
You have a lot in common, and he’s funny and cute, and you really do like him as he’s a welcome change from the airhead celebrities that your sister keeps setting you up with.
“Me too, I never thought you’d say yes,” he smiles as he squeezes your hand a little. He has liked you for a while, but he’s always been worried that you’d turn him down.
You offer him a little smile before you stop at the top of the path which leads back to your apartment complex.
“I guess this is goodnight,” he says, dropping your hand.
“Indeed it is. I had a lovely time Tae, we should do it again,” you smile earnestly. He nods eagerly before he leans over, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. You smile a little at the contact and, turn your head a little, pressing a soft kiss against his lips.
He smiles into it for a second before he draws back and speaks, “Sweet dreams, beautiful.”
You offer him another smile before you turn to your apartment building, making your way inside.
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After tossing beneath the covers for a while, Jeonghan turns to glare at the space beside him, one that still remains empty despite the late hour. It isn’t uncommon, Nina often stays with her boss over night so she can get an early start, but he’s slowly coming to resent it. She’s his fiancée for gods sake, she should be at his side every night, not when it suits her. It doesn’t make sense to him, nothing does.
Tossing once more, he allows his brown eyes to stare at the ceiling, his stomach aching at the thought of you. It has been nearly a month since your almost moment and, he hasn’t seen you since, something which makes his heart ache a little. You were fun to be around and, you made his days so much better and, now you were gone.
He missed you.
You weren’t like Nina, you weren’t as fake as your sister and, he misses your honesty, he misses your smile, your laugh. He misses you. God, he misses you so much.
Shaking his head, he squeezes his eyes shut, trying with all his might to swallow the lump that has grown in his throat at the mere thought of you. It’s ridiculous, that he’d care for you so much already, but he does, even despite his better judgement, he cares about you.
Jeonghan shakes his head again, tossing the comforter away from his frame before moving to get himself dressed. He knows it’s stupid, going to see you is a fucking stupid idea, but with a serge of confidence pushing through him, he has no choice.
He needs to look at you once more.
Pulling his shirt over his head, he moves to leave the room, only to pause as Nina strolls towards him, a flirtatious look perched on her features.
“You’re home,” he splutters out.
She nods, smiling. “Of course I am baby.”
Jeonghan can smell the alcohol on her, the unfamiliar aftershave and the sweat, but as she presses her lips to his, he forgets all about it.
Nina smiles into the kiss and lowers her hands, tugging at the shirt he’s wearing. He backs away from her a little and allows her to pull it over his head, tossing it to the floor without a care. “Were you going somewhere, Hannie?” she pants between kisses.
He looks at her before shaking his head. “Nowhere important,” he mumbles before lifting her up, carrying her back towards their room.
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“Why do I have to go with you?” you complain as you sit on Nina’s couch, your arms crossed over your chest.
“Because my friends are busy,” your sister replies, “And besides, you could really use a shopping trip, you’re hardly going to impress your new boyfriend dressed like this,” she adds, her nose wrinkling a little.
You want to roll your eyes, to fire back some sarcastic comment, but you know better. She’ll only serve to make your life worse if you offend her.
“Where’s Jeonghan?” you ask. You don’t want to see him, things were still far too awkward between you two, but you’re still curious as to why he can’t take your sister out. You’re certain he’d be better company than you.
“He’s out with Seungcheol and Jisoo,” she says dismissively, rolling her eyes.
You cock an eyebrow, but nod. “Okay cool, we’ll go, but I’m picking my own stuff.”
Nina instantly squeals and claps her hands together, grateful that you’d agreed to accompany her. She had always hated being on her own and you can see that she’s grateful for the company.
“What exactly is it you need to buy anyway?” you ask as you tie the laces on your shoes. Your sister has literally everything, designer clothes, bags, accessories, you honestly don’t see what else she could need.
She offers a little smirk before she shoulders her bag. “I need lingerie,” she replies with a little nonchalant shrug and winks at you. “It’s Hannie and I’s anniversary.”
You shudder at the thought.
“Please, Nina, can we get out here?” you whine after a while as you stand outside of the changing room, your arms crossed awkwardly across your chest. You hate it, the stuffy little shop and, you want to leave as soon as you can. Watching her try on lingerie for thirty minutes straight or in general was not in your job description as her little sister.
“We will, when I find the right one for tonight.”
You roll your eyes a little and move to sit down, your hands propping up your face as your elbows rest on your knees.
“Instead of looking so miserable, you could look for something for yourself,” she says as she steps out of the changing room.
You instantly shake your head. Lingerie has never really been your thing, you’re a little awkward when it comes to sex and it’s always apparent. You blush at the mere mention of the topic, causing Mina to roll her eyes a little. “Weirdo,” she mutters under her breath. “You’re so fucking strange,” she comments as she rifles through yet another rack of expensive bras.
“I’m just a little awkward. Sorry for not being blessed with the famed Y/L/N confidence,” you scoff, rolling your eyes at her.
She draws her eyes away and offers you a look, raising one of her eyebrows. “Have you always resented me so much?”
You want to nod so bad, to explain all the grievances you had with your older sister, but you merely refrain, offering nothing more than an obedient shake of your head. “I don’t resent you Nini, I’m just not like you. You’re the famous actress slash model with the successful celebrity boyfriend. I’m nothing more than your Plain Jane little sister,” you explain.
You’ve always been in your sister’s shadow, it isn’t anything new.
She offers you a smile before she grabs another bra from the rack, making her way back into the changing room.
You glare after her. In her mind, there’s nothing for you to complain about. She’ll never comprehend that there’s a problem, as far as she’s concerned, being Nina Y/L/N’s little sister is a great thing. Amazing in fact.
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“Babe, is that you?” Jeonghan calls curiously, his eyes turning to the doorway. He thought Nina was spending the day at home, but when he’d returned from hanging out with the boys to find her absent, he hasn’t been overly surprised. He has learnt that his fiancée very rarely kept to her word.
“Not Nina,” you mutter as you step into the living room, your arms weighting down with your sister’s shopping bags.
“Y/N,” he whispers, his voice a little breathless in surprise. You can tell he hasn’t been expecting you, you were still keeping your distance from him, but you can also tell he’s glad to see you. Jeonghan smiles, thinking you looked even more beautiful than the last time he’d seen you. “What are you doing here? Where’s Nina?” he asks.
“Teddy called her while we were out, she had to go into work and insisted that I drop these here,” you say, setting the bags down beside the doorway.
“Did she spend much?” he asks, knowing that it’s his credit card that would’ve funded his fiancé’s purchases.
“For her?” you tease awkwardly. Jeonghan notes the tone of your voice and sighs a little, his hand pushing back into his hair.
“We need to talk…”
“What is there to say, Jeonghan?” you sigh, your eyes fixed on your feet. “You had a moment of weakness, I was just the one who was there.”
“It wasn’t like that,” he softly returns. “You know it’s not like that.”
“Of course it wasn’t,” you scoff. “You really wanted to kiss me,” you add sarcastically.
Jeonghan rolls his eyes and steps towards you, his hand moving beneath your chin, causing you to swallow a little at the contact, but you still don’t move away from it.
“I really did want to kiss you Y/N,” he admits softly, his skin warmed by the familiar feel of your skin against his.
You shake your head. “No, you didn’t, Jeonghan. You had a lot to drink, I did too. Let’s not make more of this than necessary,” you explain before moving to collect your own bag.
He watches you, smirking a little at the logo that’s marked on the bag. “Victoria’s Secret,” he whispers, his voice evoking a shiver from your body. Jeonghan smiles a little at the shiver and moves to take the bag from your hand, his own taking out the lace underwear set you’d bought. “Damn, I didn’t have you down for bustier,” he chuckles.
Your cheeks flush before you move to snatch the clothes back from him, tossing them back into the bag.
Jeonghan offers you another smirk as he ducks his head down, his lips skimming over yours. “I really do like you, Y/N,” he whispers, his lips kissing the side of yours, teasing you. You hum a little at the contact, not quite sure what to do.
He smirks at your reaction and presses a real kiss to your lips, causing you to gasp a little in surprise. The kiss is slow, steady, but it’s exactly how he’d imagined it. How you both imagined it.
Humming a little, you move your hands, steadily nestling them in his long hair, tugging on it a little as you kiss him back just as passionately. Jeonghan lowers his hands to your hips and, holds you close, savouring the feel of your breath on his skin. Tugging your bottom lip with the two of his, he lets out a little sigh as his heart pounds in his chest. His heart can’t go much faster, there’s a breaking point somewhere, but he just doesn’t want to find it.
The kiss could’ve lasted forever, it could’ve led anywhere, but as the sound of a key in a lock echoes, he’s quick to end it, his head jerking away from you.
“Y-you should go,” he splutters, averting his gaze from you.
You glare at him for a moment before you take your bag up from the floor, storming out of the room as your sister moves into it, a smirk fixed on her face. “Well she seemed to be in a rush,” she laughs, watching after you.
Jeonghan scratches his head awkwardly and nods, still trying to soothe his talking heart.
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“I’m an awful person,” you complain as you flop onto Yeejin’s couch, your hand wrapped around a pot of cookie dough ice cream. It hasn’t been long since you and Jeonghan had kissed, but instead of heading home you’d opted to visit Yeejin and Minhyuk, desperate for someone to confide in.
“We know that,” Minhyuk chuckles, his hand stealing the tub of ice cream. “But what makes you say it out loud?” he adds, sticking a spoonful into his mouth.
You steal the pot back and sigh before muttering, “I kissed Jeonghan.”
Yeejin, who’s been pouring wine into three glasses, looks up, her eyes wide both in surprise and excitement. “Jeonghan? As in Nina’s Jeonghan?”
You spare an anxious look before nodding. You know that it’s wrong, kissing him is perhaps the worst thing you’d ever done, but at the same time, it’s… the best thing. You’d never felt something quite like it and you don’t know how to describe it.
“I told you it would happen!” Minhyuk yells, being extra as always.
You jump a little and spare your friends a look, noting the smug smile that he wore. “Told her what would happen?” you enquire meekly.
He offers you a wide smile, his body practically shaking in excitement. “I had a conversation with Jeonghan when he had lunch with us that time and he told me that he liked you,” he squeaks, his actions mimicking a teenage girl.
You roll your eyes a little but fail to keep the blush from your cheeks, something which makes Yeejin giggle. “Wait a minute… you like him too?!” she exclaims, taking a sip of her wine.
You want to deny it, to say that the mere idea is idiotic, but you can’t lie to them, they had been your friends since your childhood and were sure to see right through you.
“I might do,” you murmur as you blush a little.
Minhyuk lets out another squeak. “You guys would be so cute together!”
You shake your head before grumbling, “It doesn’t matter how cute we would be. He’s my sister’s fiancé, I couldn’t do anything even if I wanted to.”
“What makes you think Nina would actually marry this one? She didn’t marry Hyunsuk or Minho or Jinyoung, he might just be another fling,” he explains, trying to buoy your spirits, but you merely shake your head in response, knowing this time is different. Nina has finally landed a man who matches her fame and, now that she has her claws into Jeonghan, she isn’t going to let him go, especially not for you. She’s selfish like that - you can’t blame her though. He’s her man and you know, unless something awful happened, she wasn’t going to let him go.
“Because he’s what she always wanted,” you finally say as they both share a look. “Nina was the type of little girl who dreamed of being an it girl and having a celebrity boyfriend. She knew a successful idol could bank roll her life and now she has Jeonghan, she definitely isn’t going to let him go.”
“What about him? Does he love her that much?” Yeejin asks softly.
You shrug. You honestly don’t know if he’s in love with your sister, but you guess he must be. Only a man in love would put up with all of her bullshit.
“Why did I have to pick the one man I can’t have?” you groan, sticking another spoonful of ice cream into your mouth.
“We don’t choose who we fall for, Y/N, it just sort of happens,” Yeejin says, trying to make you feel better about your predicament. You close your eyes a little and sigh to yourself, wishing that you had fallen for anyone but Jeonghan. Like, why the fuck couldn’t you just fall for Mark? What the hell is wrong with me?, you think to yourself. There’s only one outcome to your story and, it’s definitely not one that favors you, because honestly, what sane man would chose you over your perfect sister?
You run a hair through your head before deciding to head home. A few minutes later, you’re pulling your jacket closer to your body as you step into the lobby of your apartment building, your little frame trembling a little with the chill from the rain outside. It’s unseasonable, it rarely rains in the Seoul summer, but the weather seems fitting to you. The grey clouds seems to be the perfect metaphor for the state of your head.
“You should have worn a warmer coat,” Jeonghan comments, his lean frame perched against the series of mailboxes that stands against the far wall.
“And you should be miles away from here,” you reply sharply.
He lets a melodic laugh escape his lips before taking a pace towards you, his 5'10 frame looming over you. “We had a moment earlier, I thought you’d want to talk about it,” he says, his face held in a half smirk and half earnest smile.
You merely glare at him. “You said that earlier. We ended up kissing. I hardly think it’s a good idea for you to come inside my apartment,” you say before you move to step past him.
“Are you scared, Y/N?” he teases, his brown eyes following the movement of your hips.
“Scared?” you return as you arch an eyebrow.
“Can you not control yourself around me?” he nods, his eyelids battering innocently.
You roll your eyes before saying, “You’re the one intent on making their move.”
He laughs a little. “I swear, no funny business, I just want to talk about what happened earlier,” he muses, smiling earnestly, his hands held up in surrender.
You offer him a little look before you nod, allowing him to follow you towards the elevator.
“You have a nice place, Y/N,” he comments politely as he steps into your apartment. It’s smaller than he expected, a little cramped for him, but he liked it. It seemed very you.
You ignore his compliment, tossing your coat and keys onto the table and turning to face him, your arms folded across you chest. “Speak,” you command.
Jeonghan pushes his hand back through his hair a little, not quite sure what to say.
“You keep trying to kiss me, Jeonghan, there must be a reason for that,” you prompt.
He nods his head. “There’s a reason, but it’s not one you’re going to like.”
“Whatever it is, we need to get it out in the open. We need to decide what we’re going to do,” you say, running a hand through your hair.
He nods softly before taking a few paces towards you, his brown eyes guiding shyly towards yours. “I like you, Y/N,” he mutters, “I mean really, really like you.“
You shake your head a little. “You can’t be serious.”
He eyes you once more before he nods his head. He wished that it wasn’t true, that he hadn’t come to like the sister of his fiancée, but he had. You were everything your sister wasn’t and, he couldn’t help but like you. To fall in love with you. You’re a far better match for him than Nina would ever be.
“Jeonghan, I’m not going to take you from my sister,” you mutter after a moment of thought. It’s tempting, you know you like him back and that you want to be with him, but you also know it’ll ruin your relationship with your already estranged sister. There’s just no way you’d do that to her, it’s not your character.
“Why?” he quips curiously, licking his bottom lip as his forehead crinkles a little.
“Because she’s still my sister and I really think that she may love you. I don’t want to be the reason she gets hurt.”
“But I thought you hated her?”
You shake your head. “It just isn’t going to happen, Jeonghan. You’re her fiancée and that’s all that needs to be said,” you mutter before you move towards him, your lips pressing to his cheek softly.
“You should go home, Hannie, my sister will start wondering where you are,” you say before leaving the room. He watches after you, his cheek tingling from the soft touch of his lips, his heart slowly breaking into tiny pieces.
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taglist: @hanihans @sofijaeger @bsshjsjsn @soundershreya @heelariousx @woohoney @veruwu @kayleeshinee @yoonabeo @awkwardnesshabitat @shuatm (send an ask or comment if you wanna be added!)
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My top 10 korean OSTs of 2022.
Hope you had a great time celebrating the new year! I was supposed to post this last week but last year I really was the worst at keeping up with my tumblr. I guess the whole working adult thing is draining me already of my hobbies. Anyway, hopefully I'll do a better job this year. Here's my favorite OSTs of last year.
10. Suzy- Inevitable. Extraordinary Attorney Woo Young Woo was one of the most popular dramas last year and this soft cute ballad by Suzy was such a joy to listen to.
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9. MINO ft Gaeko- City+++. So I usually only include OSTs from korean dramas but I really loved the korean movie Seoul vibe. I don't know why I wasn't expecting much of Mino's debut as an actor and he really delievered as the courky nemesis of Yoo Ah In's character in the movie. He also co-wrote this OST and the song is so much fun.
8. Sole- La vie. This is such a cool song in english with crazy vocals and was my favorite Little Women OST.
7. Minhyun-Tree. So technically this song is from Alchemy of the Souls Part 1 and 2 but since it was released as the soundtrack of Part 2 I'll give myself and pass and add it as my favorite song of Part 2. I loved Part 1 and I am enjoying Part 2 of this epic drama. The OSTs are all so great but this one is one of my faves for sure. Minhyun's sweet vocals are just so beautiful. Ailee's I'm sorry was recently released and it's a great listen.
6. Melomance-Love Maybe. Business Proposal was a hilarious drama to watch. I've always loved Melomance's vocals so it was great to listen to this song over and over in the drama (Kim Sejong's acoustic version is also great). Bam bam's Melting is also a fun listen.
5. TAEYEON- By my side. The drama Our Blues was not really for me. It's well done though. The lyrics and Taeyeon's voice hits you right in the feels. By the way there were several songs from this drama that are amazing including Jimin's and Ha Sung Won's With you, Heize's The Last, NINGNING and Winter's Once Again, 10 cm's For Love, Punch's Bye bye and Davichi's Remember me.
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4. SOHYANG-Luminous. I have to confess I only watched the first two episodes of Poong, the Joseon psychiatrist however the OSTs were so good. Sohyang has such an outstanding voice and it's so well suited for a historical drama so it was no surprised I loved this ballad. Make sure to check out Solji's By Your Side and Standing Egg's She.
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3. CHEN-An unfamiliar day. Chen came back from the military on april of 2022 and by june he had already released an OST he's such an OST king! He also released another in november but it was this one from the drama Doctor Lawyer that I really loved. The drama was intense for sure and so were the OSTs. Make sure to listen to Freedom by Lee Changsub.
2. DOYOUNG-Unable to love. I was watching the web drama Dear X Who Doesn't Love Me, a slow burn friend to lovers drama with a supernatural spin to it, and I was really into Doyoung's portrayal of the unrequited love he has for main character and I was really emotional envolved so when I went and listen to the full live song I was overwhelmed by his delievery of this song and it really became one of my most listned OSTs of the year.
1. JEONG SEOWOON-Just watching you. This was the most iconic OST of Alchemy of the Souls and I think we have stablished by now just how much I loved the drama so this became my favorite OST of the year for sure. The epic feel of the drama was perfectly portrayed by Seowoon's vocals and the beat. Please check out the rest of the songs for this drama because there's so many great ones like Scars leave beautiful trace by Car, the garden, Aching by Kassy, Raindops by Gummy and Breath by Kim Na Young.
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misswoozi · 2 years
Does Jihyo spank Solji hard, or does she start soft?
Jihyo is a "start off slow" kind of dom DEFINITELY
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fairyeunji · 1 year
A very long list of all the groups/soloists I stan along with my biases for each group (as of June 12th, 2024):
Aespa - Ning Ning
Alice/Elris - Do-A/Sohee
AOA - Chanmi
Apink - Hayoung/Bomi
ARTMS - Kim Lip/Choerry
BABYMONSTER (more casual) - Rami
BADVILLAIN - Unsure of my bias yet
Billlie - Suhyeon/Moon Sua
Blackpink (I don’t really stan, but anyway) - Jennie
Blackswan - Fatou
bugAboo - Choyeon
BVNDIT - Seungeun
Cherry Bullet - Bora/Remi
Choi Yoojung
Chung Ha
CLASS:y - Hyeju/Boeun
CLC - Seungyeon
CSR - Duna/Geumhee
Dia - Chaeyeon
Dreamcatcher - Siyeon/Dami
Dreamnote - Miso
EL7Z-UP - Yuki/Yeeun
Everglow - Mia/OT6 (tbh my bias changes every five seconds, but Mia was my first Everglow bias so I will always have a soft spot for her)
EXID - Solji
Fifty Fifty - Uh.... it was Keena, but I can’t support her with a good conscience. I still love her, but considering the company she’s under, I won’t be keeping up with or streaming any new music. I will support 3jeong with whatever they do, however.
Fromis_9 - Hayoung/Saerom
(G)I-DLE - Soyeon
Geenius - Currently undecided, I feel like I need a comeback before I can really dive into seriously stanning, but I definitely have high hopes.
Gfriend - Yuju
Girl’s Day - Minah
Girls Generation - Taeyeon/Hyoyeon
GOT the Beat - Taeyeon/Seulgi
gugudan - Sejeong/Mina
GWSN - Anne/Lena
H1-KEY - Yel
Hot Issue - Mayna/Hyeongshin
Huh Yunjin
IOI - Doyeon/Yoojung/Sejeong
ILLIT - Moka/Yunah
Itzy - Lia/Yeji
IVE - Liz
Iz*One - Sakura/Eunbi/Chaeyeon
Jeon Somi
Jeon Soyeon
Jo Yuri
K/DA - I don’t have a bias lol, but it would be Miyeon/Soyeon’s avatars I guess
Kang Hyewon
KARA - Nicole
KARD - Jiwoo
Kep1er - Huening Bahiyyih//Yeseo
Kim Namjoo
Kiss of Life - Haneul/Julie
Kwon Eunbi
Le sserafim - Sakura <3 but also OT5
Lee Chaeyeon
Lee Hi
Lightsum - Chowon/Juhyeon 
Loona - Yves, Yeojin, Chuu
Loossemble - Yeojin/Hyeju
Lovelyz - Kei
Lunarsolar - Eseo
Mamamoo - Solar
Mamamoo+ - Solar
MAVE: - No bias tbh OT4
ME:I - Again, I haven’t decided yet
MiSaMo - Momo
Momoland - Nancy/JooE
NewJeans - Hanni
NMIXX - Haewon/Kyujin
Odd Eye Circle - Kim Lip
Oh My Girl - YooA
Pixy - Dajeong/Ella 
Pristin - Kyulkyung/Kayla
Purple Kiss - Yuki/Chaein
Red Velvet - Seulgi but OT5
Rocket Punch - Juri/Suyun
Rolling Quartz - Iree
Secret Number - Zuu
StayC - Sieun/J
Stray Kids (Again, don’t really stan, more of a casual fan): Bang Chan/Hyunjin
TXT - Yeonjun
Tri.be - Kelly
tripleS - Kotone
Twice - Jihyo/Nayeon
VCHA - Savanna
Viviz - SinB
Weeekly - Monday
Weki Meki - Doyeon/Yoojung/Rina
WJSN - Exy/Dayoung
WJSN Chocome - Dayoung
WJSN The Black - Exy
Woo!Ah! - Nana
XG - Jurin/Cocona
2NE1 - Dara
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satturneedy · 5 years
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₍💌₎ ⟬▓ 。。⌗͢.◦ ̥◌ 𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗷𝗶 𝗲𝘅𝗶𝗱 ᵎᵎ ▓ ⬚
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ/ | \
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ✧ . ° ๑ ° . ✧
ㅤㅤ⏜ ⏜ ⏜ ⏜ ⏜ ⏜ ⏜
ㅤ ( @𝘀𝗮𝘁𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱𝘆.▒᪶᪼ˀˀ↵๋
ㅤ ( 𝕤𝕠𝕗𝕥_𝕤𝕠𝕗𝕥_𝕞𝕡𝟛˙ ̼ ͝!!១ꜝ
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ㅤ ( 𖧷 ཿ ᥣ૭ᳬᦸ เຮ ᥑ꧙ᥑʑเꪕᧁ · はちみつ ↻᪼
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ.     .      ° 𖧷  ·  
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ . ° · °  . ° · . 〇
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luviedits-blog · 7 years
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꒰ exid solji's layouts ꒱ ↳ like or reblog if you save/use! 🌱
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witchyelin · 4 years
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fav/repost if you save pls 😷
exid lq icons
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hellobacon · 4 years
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│New Icons For You! By @hellobacon
│황▚ Kpop Blonde Idols (female)!
╰ ─  ─ ─ ─  ─ ─ ─  ─
Like Or Reblog If You Use
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mi-nju · 5 years
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꒰♯䨻䨻❟ soljin and hyelin icons 䨻䨻ᩡ᭡͡ଡ଼ིٝ. 🥕䨻ⵓ���᳕҇ psd by: @dixxsoft ░䨻䨻䨻; [ꕤ.䨻䨻:䨻.save and repost ♡'
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panzitooh · 5 years
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exid layouts : 𝖒𝖊 & 𝖞𝖔𝖚 mv.
ㅤㅤㅤlike or reblog if you saved. ꜜ🏹᠀
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yogyurtt · 5 years
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brindilledits · 5 years
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❝ ۵ heo solji (っ◔◡◔)っ icons ۵ ❞
༄ fav or reblog please ༄
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misswoozi · 2 years
Omg parched exo anon here, just saw your jeno HCs, and damn I must say... I can kinda see him running into xiumin by chance and xiumin is the most polite yet aggressively dom guy he's ever been with
As for older ladies, perhaps Sana? Or solji? Feel like he'd greatly appreciate an elegant, mature lady who seems gentle and demure but likes to be in control while being bratty as hell and leaves him blindfolded and tied up while she plays with a vibrator next to him 😳
PARCHED EXO ANON. that is your name. that is who you are. my new best friend omg okay
Jeno riding Xiumin while Xiumin marks up his chest? yes
Solji having Jeno lay on his back with his hands bound so she can ride him and he cant touch her
as for Sana/Jeno, I picture soft dom!Jeno edging Sana (even if it's just by fucking her as slowly as possible) because he likes how whiny and vocal she gets (basically he's just hoping she'll beg -- he lives for that shit)
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yakultsstuff · 5 years
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ㅤㅤㅤ⠀⠀=͟͟͞͞♥︎ :: 복숭아 ' 𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵
ㅤㅤㅤ⠀⠀⠀ㅤsolji ▒᪶⃞⃯‼🌼 𝘴𝘰𝘧𝘵 𝘪𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴
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heesu-s · 5 years
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◺࣪࣪ 🍨⸼᪳ ⋅⋅ ɢɪʀʟs ɪᴄᴏɴs ♡¡
• psd's by: @glitterpsd and @chaerysstuff
~`like or reblog if you save/use
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scmultdef · 5 years
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ㅤꕤ︴solji icons. ₎
ㅤㅤㅤ!¡䨻䨻䨻✼ ͜͡ reblog/like if you save.
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