#solas spirit
corseque · 10 days
(video) Trick Weekes describes another rule they follow when writing Solas (which explains why players have had completely opposite reactions to him)(x)
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willeminaaa · 4 months
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I am READY for SUMMER you guys
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mrs-gauche · 3 months
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"It can be argued that an immortal would have to be distant, or eventually all it would know is loss. What would our world look like to such a creature? What actions would they be capable of when everything except themselves is fleeting and therefore of little relevance to eternity? If we as elvhen discover a path back to what we were, we must be sure that the path is wide enough for all. For the individual who stumbles into that journey, who endures when all else is dust, can only be alone." - Keeper Ilan'ta
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sammakesart · 2 months
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Solas sure is enamored with Lavellan’s spirit for a guy who wasn’t once a spirit himself.
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mythalism · 2 months
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just thinking about this poem and solas
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felassan · 3 months
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ancient meta from the dawn of time and by that I mean pre-DA:I's release in 2014 [edited for brevity] [the Hermit card].
"The Inquisitor’s Edition of DA: Inquisition comes with a deck of 72 tarot cards, both major and minor arcana, with custom artwork Solas - The Hermit The Hermit, set against a barren landscape, leans on his staff and holds a lamp in front of him to light the way in the darkness. Let’s start with the obvious: Solas is literally a hermit. The card speaks of retreat, wandering, distance, reclusion, solitude and (when reversed) loneliness. In the story of the Tarot, the Hermit heads out at night, peering at and examining whatever takes his fancy. In the same way, Solas walks the Fade while asleep, finding brilliant unimaginable lights, only to smile in delight and move in for a closer look. The Hermit’s lantern illuminates animals that only come out at night, flowers that only open in moonlight or starlight - Solas sees things in the Fade that can only be found if you go in without fear, without preconceptions, your way illuminated by the knowledge. The Hermit wants the truth at all costs - Solas values freedom of thought above all else. In readings, the Hermit can symbolize a wise person with a philosophical attitude. The person may also be someone older, like the old man the Hermit is usually portrayed as. The person may be someone the querent meets who will give them the insight, tools or training needed to overcome an obstacle - someone who can shine a light on things that were previously mysterious or confusing. This comes from an interpretation of the Hermit: he has internalized the lessons of life to the point that he is the lesson. Now he returns from isolation to bestow boons on his fellow man and share the knowledge he has gained. Now he is like his lantern, illuminated from within by all that he is, capable of penetrating the darkness. He helps, acts as a mentor and offers wise counsel. In the knowledge he offers the Inquisitor, Solas embodies one of the meanings of the card - guidance. The Hermit is ruled by Virgo. if anyone is going to take a lantern into a dark place to see what’s going on, it’s a Virgo. Solas reflects key themes of the card such as going on a personal, solitary quest." </end 2014 rambling>
[emphasis added rn]
Light is a super common metaphor for knowledge, wisdom, insight and guidance. Cole says "He wants to give wisdom, not orders". The riddles in Lateral Thinker, in which we have to light a series of braziers with Veilfire torches, go:
"The Dread Wolf keeps its gaze on the one light that illuminates the way forward. // Where the Dread Wolf's gaze blazes, paths are brought to light. // When the Dread Wolf's gaze is bright, light burns in a ring of the dead. // One sees the hunter, one flees from it, one hunts it in turn, one outwits them all."
A lighthouse is a tower-like structure designed to emit light and act as a beacon. The Game Informer article calls Solas' Lighthouse a "towering" structure. this magical realm in the Fade is his lair, his inner sanctum, his home base; it reflects him (and his hermitty isolation). the article kind of likens it to visiting your friend's bedroom, it's not a showy place like Skyhold or a fortress, it's something realer and more intimate than that. you could read it as, Solas' personal home in the magical Fade is called a lighthouse because Solas, like the Hermit with his lantern or little flame in his hand, is like a lighthouse, a beacon in the dark - as if the "flaming Rook" emblem on the front of the 'red book' isn't just a fiery rook as in the chess piece or Tower card with Fen'Harel above it, but a tower-like structure, a lighthouse, and at its top blazes a bright fire, a beacon of light like those atop a lighthouse, where Solas himself resides, lighting the way.
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itseghost · 3 months
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more warden!! his name is kelwyn. im PLANNING spirit healer/blood mage for him but havent unlocked blood mage yet (but i did drink the tainted blood potion avernus made)
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Love how Varric is all “damn thing probably sensed Solas’ ego” as if he himself isn’t strolling in to stop a god with the power of dozens of Tevinter mages.
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yarpharp · 5 months
I think one of the key things to consider when discussing Solas as a character is that his life is heavily... Conceptual?
The Elvhen Empire had a language where meaning was extremely interpretive based on every set conversation. They lived side by side with Spirits and Demons, so they reflected an equally fluid yet painfully rigid world. Solas bears a name that means Pride, with plenty of referenced or hinted at evidence that he was once a Spirit of Wisdom turned from his purpose. Specifically by Mythal, in fact.
But the thing is about this... What if naming him Pride was actually far more complex? Pride in what, exactly? Pride in having a body, pride in knowledge and skill, pride to the point of actionable hubris? Maybe that is part of it.
Yet what is Pride for someone who never was allowed Personal Pride? Or more specifically, embodied pride in service? He HAD been tattooed with vallaslin like the rest of Mythal 's slaves. He had been drawn to form a tangible body to serve her. He must have accomplished so many things for her, in wars, advising, political ploys. Was he named Pride for being so proud to serve the one whom he viewed as "the best" of the Gods?
Ironically, it still suits him even when he decides to reject it. He burns off the vallaslin and slightly scars his face, but isn't he truly proud now? Proud and clean-faced, an individual who serves no one now but himself?
Idk I'm just ruminating on that simple little name of his. It makes him such a conceptual fellow. It leaves me endlessly contemplating the layers.
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robotslenderman · 3 months
Sudden thought: If Solas is playing an advisory role (as opposed to losing his shit at Rook for fucking shit up so epicly and having a tantrum) then he's basically going from being in a position of Pride to being in a position of Wisdom.
If Solas really is a spirit like Cole then that has interesting implications.
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biowho · 3 months
I’m reading Tevinter Nights and one of the short stories is called Callback. In it Skyhold has basically been turned into a memorial and somebody was trying to finish Solas’ fresco but a spirit possessed/resided in them and got really angry when that happened
When asked what it is (by Sutherland) it says ‘I am the heart of what was here’ and my heartbroken ass gasped and out loud said oh it’s Regret right before I got to the part where it says that it is in fact, Regret
A spirit of Happiness – Joy, that has been corrupted into regret…. My question is is that the regret of Solas, Lavellan, or both?
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corseque · 2 months
(video) Every time Fen'Harel/the Dread Wolf is mentioned in DA:O
I learned how to search the talktable in DA:O, and immediately found out (by searching for "Fen'Harel" and "Dread Wolf") that there are a few lines that have to do with Fen'Harel that I had not heard before. I searched the internet and some of the lines don't even appear on google. Many of them are soundset lines, meaning (I think) they don't fire unless the character is in your party or unless you're fighting them.
"May Fen'Harel chase your spirit across the Beyond forever!" "Fen'Harel's teeth!" (+1 line unrecorded) "Fen'Harel take you!" "By Fen'Harel!" "Don't let the Dread Wolf catch you!" "May you avoid the eye of the Dread Wolf."
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tortoise-teapot · 3 months
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#1 on my wishlist is queer solas retcon. bioware let me love him as a man
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My Rook keeping an eye on Neve, Emmrich and Bellara after three games of being betrayed by a mage companion like:
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That's right! I'm talking about you morrigan, anders and solas
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nerd-elf · 4 months
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If took me a REALLY long time, but heres another one! Hope you’ll like it XD
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mrs-gauche · 1 month
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I wonder if the sword and the eye symbol on the new artbook cover are a reference to DA2 and DAI (as in, it looks exactly like Meredith's sword Certainty and the eye on the Inquisition's symbol?) since we had both Meredith and Corypheus on the 2020 teaser mural, too... but how exactly do they tie into the narrative of Veilguard? 🤔
Like the 2020 mural, is it another hint at both the red lyrium idol and the orb, maybe? Both of these artifacts did kinda set the events of each game in motion (less so in DA2 but it was still a big plot device). AND they both belong to Solas after all... 👀👀 Also....
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There is the flippin dagger again. 😂 I've seen people speculating that maybe our choices might have an influence on the dagger somehow and that it could become corrupted (again? Since there's still a chance that this is the red lyrium idol but "purified". So maybe Solas cleansed it somehow, but without him, it transforms again?).
To me, the dagger on the artbook cover looks almost like it's covered in vines or roots? And that in turn reminds me of the vinyl cover with the tree branches and the dragon (Mythal?) and how Mythal's vallaslin looks also like tree branches and all that mention of vegetation and flora in the visions about Mythal's war against the Titans in Trespasser..
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Or, speaking of "roots", Titans and Mythal, we might as well look at all these "lyrium veins" in The Descent again (the dagger is likely made of lyrium after all)...
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And doesn't THAT in turn remind you of the new design of the demons we've seen so far in DA4 and that "nervous system", and how the devs just recently confirmed that there's a lore reason for that redesign?? 👀👀👀
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"They made bodies from the Earth, and the Earth was afraid."
Hmmmmmm. 👀👀👀👀👀
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