#solaris reference sheet
ask-the-sun-deity · 7 months
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And now here’s Solaris’ reference sheet!
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cartoonartistpng · 7 months
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Dadphiles!Mephiles Sheet
And with that, I've completed all four of 'em!
This one definitely took the longest. I was originally content with re-using my Mobian Mephiles design, but as I developed the story more, I realized I wanted something more personal. I'm super proud of how this came out.
This is technically "spoilers" since this is toward the end (Post-Forces), but I wanted a design that reflected Mephiles/Solaris' change. And I'm too eager.
This post will be updated as time goes on. New additions will be marked as (✨New!✨).
-> Dadphiles AU Masterpost
🔹When Mephiles recombined with Iblis the second time, Solaris regained empathy. His memories of his time with SSS suddenly weighed heavily on the god, but the destruction of time had already begun and Solaris still was not at full power. So, with the help of the Chaos Emeralds, Solaris sacrifices himself to fix his mistakes and ensure the safety of his sons.
🔹Following the events of Sonic Forces, Solaris is re-awoken... but still very weak. As he regains power, he avoids his sons, believing they do not wish to see him. They prove him wrong.
🔹With a second chance at being their father, Solaris assumes the body of a hedgehog—meticulously designed to reflect each of his sons—and simply becomes "Mephiles the Hedgehog". As a mortal, he is much more vulnerable and limited in his power, even if he were to fully recover from his self-sacrifice. Mephiles is willing to risk such a thing for his sons' happiness and trust.
🔹As Mephiles was taken advantage of the last time he assumed a mortal form (ie. The Flame of Solaris), Mephiles is hesitant to let any others know of his identity, even the ones his children claim are trustworthy friends. Therefore, only those who were in Soleanna know the truth... for now.
🔹Mephiles is introduced to the rest of his sons' friends as their dad who raised them, but disappeared when they were kids. Mephiles admits that it was not a good decision, but explains that he was "injured" and "unable to protect them without risking their futures."
🔹Vector and Espio are the only ones suspicious of this random hedgehog that appeared out of the blue, not long after the War, looking perfectly like all three hedgehogs. Hedgehogs that they know aren't blood-related and who were separated by literal decades. However, since no one else seems to be suspicious, the Chaotix believe everyone else might be brainwashed somehow.
🔹Mephiles realizes their suspicions, but doesn't correct them. Both because he does not trust their intentions yet... and that it also amuses him.
🔹The SSS introduce Tails as their brother and Mephiles immediately accepts him and requests to take on the Prower name just as his sons have. Tails, who was worried about disapproval from his brothers' dad, may or may not have broken down in tears at the easy acceptance.
🔹Vanilla, happy to meet another parent of this rambunctious group, often enjoys sharing stories with Mephiles. Mephiles suddenly has to learn how normal mortal parents raise their children, all to continue his charade. Through her, he slowly learns what it means to truly embrace Parenthood.
🔹Vector is jealous of how friendly the hedgehog has gotten with Vanilla. Once again, Mephiles is amused.
🔹Mephiles enjoys messing with Vector, mostly by "coincidentally" appearing whenever he tries talking to SSS, gifting Vanilla different things, and saying some rather suspicious words. This, of course, makes Vector more paranoid.
🔹Despite looking like a normal hedgehog, Mephiles is composed of pure energy and therefore does not need mortal requirements. He can feign eating but it does nothing for him. He appreciates the flavor, however.
🔹As an entity of time, Mephiles is used to viewing all of time at once. As a mortal, that viewing window is smaller, but still means that sometimes Mephiles will use the wrong slang, terms, and translations or even reference something that does not exist yet or no longer exists.
🔹Mephiles is utterly focused on making the most out of this second chance and is willing to go to great lengths to protect all of his children... Even if it means using methods they may not approve of.
🔹Mephiles is the one who enabled Silver to remain in the past. He also later—by request—makes it so Shadow will age alongside his friends.
🔹Mephiles can communicate with the Master Emerald (and the Chaos Emeralds), often expressing his confusion over various mortal concepts. The Master Emerald finds his bafflement amusing, to his chagrin.
[There will be no romance as Mephiles/Solaris is completely focused on his relationships with his sons.]
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dxscmfrt · 6 months
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happy early birthday sol (and me i guess ...), have this ref as a treat. i told myself i wouldn't make refs for the slsdverse but i did anyway.
meet solaris ricefield [any pronouns], my self-insert-ish character from the slsdverse. their friend group / circle calls them 'rice', while everyone else calls them 'sol'. they are capable of bending reality but only for comedic effect. causes most of the shenanigans that go on in the group. 9000x funnier than me in real life
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runegrave · 7 months
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reference sheet for my character !!! lycaria, also known as canis, solaris, and simply "the wolf", is the main oc of my world <3
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"Welcome, Members of The Grand Occult. Today's open-mic court proceeding has officially begun. Feel free to ask any questions for our Matriarchs, Patriarchs, and Royal Advisors." - 🌙🌘
The Vicars of Order that you may ask inquiries of consist of names such as:
Of the Carceris Loculum; Lord Lunaris(God!Lunar)
And his Royal Advisor, Kali(Servant!Eclipse)
Of the Kingdom of Morninglight, Queen Gaia(Fairy!Earth by @ayyy-imma-ninja)
And her Royal Advisor(s), Exardescere, Sunni, and Mooni.(Servant!Solar Flare, Fairy!Sun, and Fairy!Moon)
Of the Valley of Setting Sun, Lord Myrik(God!Eclipse)
And His Royal Advisor, Rays(Servant!Sun)
Of the Locus Saeculorum, High Priest Morsifer, or Father Mors(God!KC)
And his Sons, Prince Sanguine(God!Bloodmoon)
And his Daughter, Lady Terra(Evil!Earth)
With her Bodyguard, Occidere and her Royal Advisor, Pecca
Of the Oligarchy of Memento Viris, or the OMV, Standing Representative Viscount Perderé(God!Ruin)
And his Occasional Accompaniment, Frankfort(ForkFace)
Of the Semper Praeter, Waxing Crescent Helios and Waning Crescent Acstus(God!Sun and God!Moon)
And their Shared Advisor, Total.
Of the Delta of Crocodile Tears, Duke Senoris(Evil!Lunar)
And his Sister and Royal Advisor, Rinetta
Of the Dustshop, Archduke Solaris(God!Solar)
And his Royal Advisor, Cresca(FemServant!Moon)
Of (REDACTED), Marquis Apollo(Evil!Sun)
And his Royal Advisor, (REDACTED)
New Reference sheets coming soon!
If you have any questions for side characters, please specify their name. Please add trigger warnings for questions with sensitive subjects. Also, please don't ask something that is lewd or NSFW(note this askblog is run by two minors), and best of all, have fun with my shitty drawings of my shitty fanmade characters! ;)
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@dumbestbookonmyshelf heeeyyy sister wanna help me lol
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justaduckarts · 1 year
hi!! by any chance are the gods in the au inspired by any gods in myths? im assuming theyre all inspired by medieval gods as seen in their outfits
sorry if youve been asked this question before!! i really love ur fic <3
In fact, yes! I pulled inspo from a lot of places for the gods.
The first one that always comes to mind is Terra. He is heavily inspired by Hephaestus. <3 (forgive me if I misspelled that).
Bonnie has a bit of Dionysus inspo to him, makes wines and is known for showing his pals a good time <3 (Although he's also a god of medicine and plant stuff)
Sun is kind of a weird mix of a Zeus and, Apollo, and Ra.
Moon might have drawn some inspiration from Chang' e <3
Pluto is like a combo of Athena and Demeter.
Solaris has a lot A LOT of Zeus/Odin inspo :0
And then there's Obscura, she's definitely been touched by Hecate.
Eclipse... I'm not sure. He's just. Eclipse? Big gentle fella. I think if I likened him to anyone in myth it'd probably be Sisyphus. Trying his hardest to be good but punished for it.
Lunar DEFINITELY has some draw from Loki. Trickster and all, you know? But he also has a bit of Hermes to him.
Chica could be considered a Hestia type.
Roxy is very much Aphrodite but not in the way you expect- did you know some places worshipped Aphrodite as a goddess of war? :)
When I think of Freddy I often imagine a figure similar to a buddha. In the story, he's actually a very old guardian spirit who ascended to godhood by way of worship. He's a very gentle dad type and I love him.
There is no god or myth fowl enough in my memory for Afton. Perhaps if you squint you might see some demon lore there.
I must confess I actually just cobbled their outfits together with no real references (except Moon's hat). I've been working on getting some refs together to make them proper outfits recently. I want to remake their ref sheet.
I'd also like to quickly say while I love myths and such I am by no means an expert in any religions or cultures and I really don't want to step on any toes. For this reason, I've been hesitant to step away from the Greek stuff and touch on any other gods because my understanding of them is looser and I don't want to cause harm by presenting them in a way that is incorrect.
Thank you for this ask, it was fun to share some of my interests in mythology. <3 <3
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Yvan/Yvonne Belmont || The Target
Yvan/Yvonne are truly the upbringing of their families legacy. The trademark Belmont green eyes, the shade of a beautiful pine forest, coupled with naturally wavy, dark brown hair. Yvan keeps his hair to just beneath his ears and Yvonne keeps hers to just over her shoulder blades. Naturally tanned skin causes the deep shade of their eyes to stand out that much more. [They’re 6’0”.]
Reference Sheet
Cane/Cara Drakos || The Villain
Cane/Cara even look like they’ve come from a James Bond film. Crystalline blue eyes, shot through with startling shocks of light green, glint with a keen awareness of their surroundings. Platinum blonde hair— that you’re not quite sure is natural— having soft curls strewn throughout. Cane keeps his hair relatively short— a few curls falling across his forehead— and Cara keeps hers to the middle of her back; usually held back within a simple ponytail. Fair skin is completely unblemished even though they like to spend time out in nature. [They’re 6’4”.]
Reference Sheet
Blake Alexander || The Rival
Blake’s cockiness isn’t helped by their good looks. Dark auburn hair, with the faintest highlights of gold, pairs perfectly with the bronze tone of their skin. M!Blake keeps his hair cropped short and F!Blake keeps hers to just over her shoulders. Sharp hazel eyes— a gorgeous mixture of gold and green— always scanning the area they’re within. [They’re 5’11.]
Reference Sheet
Skylar Grant || The Partner
Onyx black hair, with highlights of the color of the month (this time being blue), falls in naturally tight curls. M!Sky keeps his short and F!Sky keeps hers to her jawline. Golden brown eyes, that almost resemble whiskey, showcases the open warmth and soulfulness that they’ve always possessed. Medium brown skin allows the gold flecks within their gaze to stand out that much more. [They’re 5’7”.]
Reference Page
Grayson Walker || The Exasperated Handler
Grayson has always stood out from everyone else. Whether that be because of his height, his demeanor, or various other aspects of who he is. Golden brown hair falls to his jawline; it’s usually tousled by his constant need to run his hand through the silky strands. Olive toned skin causes the deep slate gray of his eyes to stand out; almost turning them silver in some lights. [He’s 6’6”.]
Reference Sheet
Andrea Solaris || The Recon Expert
Light brown hair, that’s a few shades away from being blonde, falls to the small of her back in a mixture of waves and loose curls. Tanned skin paired well with the sapphire blue of her eyes. Andrea is a fairly meek individual— preferring to stay in the shadows— but there’s a certain pull surrounding her that’s hard to ignore. Maybe it has to do with the way her face lights up whenever she smiles. [She’s 5’4”.]
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sunnydayzed · 1 year
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For some reason my ponysona, Sunny Daze, has been getting a lot of attention so I decided to make him a reference sheet!
He currently exists in two AUs, the Rising Sun Verse of my own making and the Dreamverse by @misstoonz, my sister!
Base by CosmosArtist-188 on Da
Background by AStoKo on Da
Some quick basics;
Name: Sunny Daze Aka Solaris
Pronouns: He/They
Age: (Rising Sun) 284 (Dreamverse) 24
Species: Equine Hybrid
Some character detail rambling below VVV
He was not born with this white, gold and blue coloration, and was instead born with a dark blue coat, blond hair and pink eyes, but as he grew up and inherited the aspect of the Sun, his appearance changed, and he went from a unicorn to an alicorn.
His origin is from the exalted universe, where he's half Dorchadas (People of the air, a near extinct race of winged humans.), a quarter human, and a quarter dragon (grandson to the immaculate dragon of air, Mela).
Currently his mlp hybrid status is one half Pony, a quarter Tulpar (Winged horse, but different than the pegasus, known less for flight and more for speed. Origin; Central Asia), and a quarter Dragon (Specifically Eastern/Chinese Dragon) This... May change, as I'm basically trying to take a semi human character and as directly as possible transfer the details to mlp
This transfer to mlp has been a bit hard to figure out for me, as Pegasi exist and are prolific in the mlp verse, so I tried to find another horse/bird hybrid that would work. Now, I wasn't sure if Hippogryphs or Griffins would work, especially if I had two species with front claws (I'm including dragons in on this) so I instead decided to look elsewhere, and fudge which species took what slot.
This mixed heritage has produced some interesting results in Sunny's appearance, such as with his front hooves having three individual toes and a 'thumb'/dew claw, which he can grab with. Along with this, he has teeth adjusted more for meat, as he is mostly carnivorous, though can be semi omnivorous.
Tulpar are horses that have wings but don't use them for flight, if I've read everything correctly, and instead run as fast as a bird, making them uncatchable and untameable. I'm essentially translating Dorchadas pretty much one to one into the mlp verse as Tulpar, though Tulpar are specifically horses and not ponies, like Pegasi are in mlp, as well as living in plains and not mountains, like Dorchadas.
Due to this I thought it would be more fitting if Sunny was half pony instead of half Tulpar, with Tulpar giving him extra height and extra feathering in his tail. And on top of this, his wings are specifically shaped after Peregrine Falcons so :3
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synsolari · 2 years
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Reference sheet for my character, Syntax Solari Label applied due to nudity on reference sheet
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echoember · 2 years
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Since this one and their partner have completely taken over my brain and won’t let me work on my challenge I decided to make a reference sheet for them. The form Solaris is usually in isn’t their true form since they were originally a doll. Also, I’ve opened up an ask blog for Solaris and Noise for anyone who is interested in these two dorks ^^
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ask-the-sun-deity · 7 months
Who are you?… What are you exactly?
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“As for what I am… I am a Volcarona and Cobalion. A hybrid.”
[ anonymous ]
[ Solaris’ reference sheet has been unlocked! ]
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i need to stop procrastinating working on characters’ reference sheets AAGHHH… Because like, at the least, I need Arthur, Sonic, Amy, Iblis, & Solaris’ ref sheets for this first batch bc they are all characters in the Prologue comic i mean fic i mean comic i mean who dress or look different enough from canon that they need ref sheets.
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justmystic · 2 years
Git annex commands
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#Git annex commands software#
Git commit –m “Message to go with the commit here” git commit will create a snapshot of the changes and save it to the git directory.For example, the basic Git following command will index the temp.txt file: git add is used to add files to the staging area.Git clone Conversely, run the following basic command to copy a local repository: If the repository lies on a remote server, use: git clone is used to copy a repository.Alternatively, you can create a repository within a new directory by specifying the project name:.The following Git command will create a repository in the current directory: git init will create a new local GIT repository.Here are some basic GIT commands you need to know:
#Git annex commands software#
The software may have a steep learning curve, but there are lots of GIT tutorials ready to help you. After you commit your changes, the snapshot of the changes will be saved into the git directory.Įveryone can use GIT as it is available for Linux, Windows, Mac, and Solaris. Then, the changes are staged (indexed) in the staging area. The working directory is where you add, delete, and edit the files. Companies and programmers usually use GIT to collaborate on developing software and applications.Ī GIT project consists of three major sections: the working directory, the staging area, and the git directory. GIT is the most widely used open-source VCS (version control system) that allows you to track changes made to files. Let’s get started! Understanding the GIT Workflow Read on to discover our handy cheat sheet that you can use for daily reference. Need to learn some basic GIT commands? You’ve come to the right place.
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rose-multiverse · 4 years
Cold reference sheet
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For more details check his bio
Used Charat Choco
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toskarin · 2 years
I kinda need some help bc in warframe my amps do shit damage and i kinda need a better amp for some story quests. I have the basic amp you are given for free but i dont know which other parts i should get Or where to get hakf the blueprints since the amp guy at cetus doesnt have all of them.
so! amps are split up between The Quills and Vox Solaris. you have access to The Quills, and you'll have access to Vox Solaris later on. don't worry about unlocking them yet, since you can do just fine with only Quills parts
here's a cheat sheet to help you read the notation most people write them in
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for the ones you might wanna eye starting out, consider 243 (Shwaak, Phahd, Lohrin)
if you want something a bit cheaper, consider a 223 (Shwaak, Shraksun, Lohrin)
if you don't care much, you can just hastily throw anything together. Mote amp is rock bottom, so any amp you can make will be an upgrade
note that the first number (prism) actually doesn't matter that much. it's up to taste, and I personally find 2 to be the best for me. also you'll hear a lot of mention of "X77" which refers to a lategame amp optimized specifically for hunting eidolons, but don't sweat that at this point. it's not actually that great in regular gameplay anyway
the reason amp building is focused on crit chance is because operator skills can handle things like energy regen, and operators are ideally never really trying to proc status effects. you just want high void damage, and dumping everything into crits is usually the best way to get that
hope this helps!
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Well, as the caption says, I've reached 400 followers on this blog. I'm grateful for all of you, for the attention that my works get when I didn't expect much coming back to this website.
So here's how this little game works:
Please refer to the list of fandoms I am accepting / characters I am accepting here, so that you know what to request for. I have a cheat sheet on my phone with the composition of how your request is going to be, and it is entirely up to chance.
‼ All of it is regarding SFW/NSFW ALPHABET AND HEADCANONS. ‼
Choose the following:
💖 or 💦: this determines if you want your request to be SFW or NSFW, so choose wisely.
💥 or 💫: this determines which shuffled section of the alphabet that you will receive.
🔥, ❄, ⚡, or🌟 will determine which random set of 6 headcanons you will receive, and it will align to what kind of request you want. So if you want SFW, your headcanons will be SFW. Etc, etc.
I hope you guys like this idea!
Thanks for being here, all of you. It means a lot to me. Thanks.
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