#solar project quotes
banga-solar · 6 months
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socksandbuttons · 11 months
Also interesting they do use their 'feralty' as some cover. However ruins weird so we'll see if he figures that out right away or not.
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triaelf9 · 1 year
This article makes me SO MAD
some choice quotes:
"Webtoons are low-cost to produce - one person can make them with a tablet and stylus." I'M SORRY WHAT?? THE ONLY REASON IT'S LOW COST IS BECAUSE YOU UNDERPAY YOUR CREATORS
Webtoon Entertainment and its subsidiary have run amateur artists' debut programmes for years, generating 1.6 million titles from 900,000 creators as of January." generating from creators ah yes, just like solar panels generate energy from the sun that we can use up, WOW what a gross way to put this
"'If big tech is serious about this IP-creating business, they'd have to buy us out,' Kim said." OH CEO, you don't say? Sound like this article with tons of unverified numbers & projections is more you all advertising yourself FOR a buyout
"deep bank of content and creators" OH COOL WE'RE JUST MONEY TO USE AND TRADE. you could have used any other anaology, a LIBRARY comes to mind "a collection of outstanding creators" maybe, but the use of the term DEEP BANK here is very telling.
Especially given THIS is more the truth of the situation for webcomic creators in Korea rn: https://www.cbr.com/korea-occupational-agency-report-tragic-picture-health-webtoon-artist/
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Solar Aether “For the wild nature was not yet overcome, and light and darkness wrestled so long the one with the other, till the sun arose, and with its heat forced this tree, so that it did bear pleasant sweet fruit; that is, till there came the Prince of Light, out of the heart of God, and became man in nature, and wrestled in his human body, in the power of the divine light, in the wild nature.” ― Jakob Böhme
The Ethers and the Spiritual Worlds
“What we call chemical action is projected into the physical world from the world of Devachan — the realm of the Harmony of the Spheres. In the combination of two substances according to their atomic weights, we have a reflection of two tones of the Harmony of the Spheres. The chemical affinity between two substances in the physical world is like a reflection from the realm of the Harmony of the Spheres. The numerical ratios in chemistry are an expression of the numerical ratios of the Harmony of the Spheres, which has become dumb and silent owing to the densification of matter. If man were able to etherealize material substance and to perceive the atomic numbers the inner formative principle thereof, he would be hearing the Harmony of the Spheres.” --Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz, Lecture 6, 1 October 1911
But what of the other ethers, are they also bearers of different ‘realms’ of the spiritual world?
In the lecture quoted above, there follows a diagram indicating that a relationship exists between light ether and the astral world, tone ether and lower Devachan, also called the Harmony of the Spheres, and life ether and higher Devachan.
These ‘layers’ of the spiritual world interpenetrate; they are not spatially separate. In Anthroposophy, the names for these worlds changes depending on the perspective from which they are described (see CW17 The Threshold of the Spiritual World, Chapter 16). The astral world is the closest realm to the world we ordinarily perceive, it is also called the soul world or the elemental world. Devachan is the pure spiritual world – called Spiritland in Theosophy (CW9), the realm of archetypes. These realms are accessible to different forms of spiritual cognition and from this perspective are also called the worlds of Imagination (astral world), Inspiration (lower Devachan) and Intuition (higher Devachan). We can examine the nature of these three spiritual worlds to gain a better understanding of what is meant by light, tone and life.
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 5 months
More SAMS incorrect quotes from Mithzan out of context stuff
(Playing NHIE incorrectly) Lunar: Never have I ever been a test subject for a mind control project  Killcode: Yo sameeee
Moon: Yay everybody has a collective braincell, and they’re actually using it! It’s a miracle! 
Lunar, to Eclipse: All I’m hearing here are just empty claims, you have no proof. And you know, counter point? I just really want to kill you Earth: Hey can we do role call?  Eclipse gets shot Earth: Nevermind Lunar: We did it everybody!
Lunar: Is someone paying you to say this? Monty: No Lunar: They should because this is fucking stupid
Sun, about Bloodmoon: I dont know what he saw but he’s seeing hell now
Eclipse: I’d want you at the funeral laughing
Eclipse: I’m the common denominator Lunar: Of what? People suffering? Then yes
Moon: Everyone is alive that’s pretty good Earth: Monty died Moon: Everyone who’s important is alive, that’s pretty good
Sun: Were you behind Solar? Lunar: No Sun: How did you get here? Lunar: Random act of god
Bloodmoon: I did not shoot. I stabbed multiple times
Puppet, to Sun: Your sister just annihilated Monty Sun: I think Monty might be into that 
Ruin: I’m sorry Moon: You need to sound less British when you apologize I don’t believe you
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the-golden-comet · 6 days
🏴‍☠️✨Fanart Friday Saturday: Peter Hart Moodboard 🏴‍☠️✨
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It may be past Friday, but this fanart just has to be shared!! 💛✨
Another fantastic moodboard by the talented @wyked-ao3 !! The quotes are so accurate and well picked out here! These quotes are most definitely Peter, especially the first ones. Benjamin’s are also fantastic and made me laugh like a hyena 😂✨
The, “I hope you’re proud of me dad” quote hit me right in the solar plexus. Very wonderful work here, Wyked!! Thank you so, so much!! 🫂✨
Check out Peter Hart for free at the link below (Mind the tags. This book is explicit!) 🏴‍☠️💛✨
Make sure you check out Wyked’s works as well, and keep an eye out for their pirate novel: TPKODR!! 🏴‍☠️✨
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puppet-strung-moon · 1 month
Projecting my Transformers Nerdiness onto TSAMS/LAES/EAPS Characters:
Sun: I think he’d TFA Bulkhead because he’s a gentle giant and loves painting
(Old) Moon: He’d probably like Knightverse Bumblebee, simply because that BB is silly but a MENACE.
Lunar: I feel as though he’d like TFA Bumblebee because he finds him relatable at times
Eclipse: Overlord- I’M JOKING! It’s IDW Megatron due to the interesting complexity of his story
Solar: Almost any version of Ratchet because he relates sometimes to Ratchet and might even say random quotes from the docbot
Earth: Toss up between Arcee and RID15 Grimlock. She thinks Arcee is cool, likes her pink color palette and Grimlock is a silly goofy boy
Jack: His favorite would change up a lot but one of his favorite would definitely be Wreck-Gar
Dazzle: She’s a youngin’ so I feel like she’d only watch Rescue Bots and Rescue Bots Academy. I think she’d like Boulder
Monty: Swindle. I don’t think I need to elaborate.
Foxy: I think he’d like IDW Drift because Swords
FC: He’d like TFP Megatron… because he’s strong and built different
Puppet: Beast Wars BlackArachnia because she was sick of almost everyone the moment she woke up and the redemption arc
Ruin: I’m going to say KnockOut because he finds his character funny and interesting
Bloodmoon: Twin 1(Calm One) likes IDW Overlord and Twin 2 likes TFP HardShell. Both like Sunder because of Cannibalism
Killcode: He likes TFP Megatron because of his complexity as a character Dark Sun/Solstice: IDW Shockwave. I am not elaborating.
New Moon/Nexus: At first it was Thundercracker, specifically IDW but then it changed to TFA Waspinator because of relatability but he says it’s IDW Tarn to be edgy (and also relatability)
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margoteve · 8 months
Character Thoughts on Lawrence Limburger.
I had some thoughts about Lawrence Limburger from Biker Mice from Mars. I have finished watching first season and IDK it got me thinking how vile the man is.
So he's a really good business man and politician in the worst way possible. If he was human villain he would be quoting Sun Tzu or some modern age Steve Jobs I bet. Because all those pretentious villains do.
His schemes most of the time appear to be acts of good will and philantropy which is the worst kind of villain. To public he is benevolent if not awfully stinky and ridiculous man. His company most likely has an excellent working conditions as he tries to maintain a certain image with the human public. Plus the constant destruction of his tower he HAS to have great bonuses to keep people from quitting. Like in the episode introducing the Loogi Brothers, he took time to personally answer the calls from angry office workers. Illusions of good persona are so importat to him, otherwise how else will you steal Earth right from under humanity's nose?
I mean I am certain he must have bribed his way into ruining Chicago to the state it is now to a certain degree but I doubt anyone would be able to track it to him directly or if they did they probably got disposed of. I would have loved an episode with a news reporter doing an investigation on some suspicious activity and finding Limburger got his fingers in it and then running into Mice while running for their life.
I bet while some in Chi-Town, those who worked with Biker Mice in the past, would see them as heroes those who don't see them as menaces most likely, frequent destruction of property is certainly a reason to dislike them. I bet construction companies love them tho lol. The constant rebuilding of Limburger Tower must be making them a bank.
I think it's interesting how the show must look to the regular Chicago person from the outside. We only see Mice as heroes bc that's how the show presents it.
Great Cheese is cunning, two face and slimy, villain that if not for the rules of the genre of the show would be a serious threat which explains and gives chilling insight on just how easily Mars got stripped mined in the first place. Just look at all the social projects evil schemes he presented to the public:
solar power plant in exchange of the outdated (?) sewage system/cleaning plant
free services for evacuating the city during earthquakes
free cleanup from a toxic spill (nevermind it was destroying the park in the process and the toxins were his inventions - the public didn't know that or other options of how to deal with it)
a new subway tunnel
This is what the public knows of him. We have the knowledge of Limburger being a land stealing intergalactic oligarch (regular American businessman LOL) because the show wants us to know this. To a regular person who only hears about him from the news he's next best thing in the world. No surprise he managed to stay on top in Chicago until Biker Mice came bc they are the only ones with first hand experience of his "benevolence" always having a flip side. If not for his cartoonish looks and behaviour in the show he could have been on Xanatos level of villain but he is played more for gags rather than serious tone of Gargoyles.
But he keeps losing (thankfully). The difference here between the villain and heroes is the most classic one. His closest employees have no loyalty to him unlike Biker Mice who rely heavily on their loyalty to each other and trust each other (the famous Power of Friendship and unspeakable voilence lmao). Like the Great Cheese himself often states - "it's so hard to find good help these days".
To sum it up - Limburger is skilled politician/business man and if the show had any other tone than parody he would have destroyed Earth in like a month (exaggerating here). Fortunately for the show's world Mice are the Mongols to Limburger's Roman Empire and firmly thwarth all of his schemes.
Because Friendship and unspeakbable violence LOL.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Also I am really curious how the Ryan Reynolds reboot gonna portray the Stinky Cheese.
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dyedfrog · 1 year
the ULTIMATE OMORI fanfic recs because one of my favs just ended and it deserves more recognition!!
Okay lets start this off with the one in question (also not in any particular order)
These Days Without You by Smitty1899. absolutely beautiful, please read it this fanfic needs more of a community around it
By Your Side Once More, or, How Sunny Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Occult by Keltikknight. the suzuki siblings and their immaculate sense of humour. thats all i have to say
A New Dawn In Sunless Skies by letos. i wish this one would update again its got such a cool premise.
Sinking and Heroism by TenPes. linking them together because they're not part of a series.
The Faraway Event by kinemortomoli. me putting this here is actually a cry for help. i dont think this fanfic is dead but i cant suffer alone
Tired by Sunburner. this is pretty short and sweet (more like sad, depending on your ending preference)
DEADSPACE by Es_Novels. this one is so eerie as many zombie fanfics are, but i think the imagery makes this one take the cake
Car Trouble by Smitty1899. oh my god
Birthday Picnic by ToxicPineapple. poor kel. he saw mari like a big sister
stuck on one day for the rest of my life by lowbatteryhealth. we as a fandom need more hero angst
Reciting Wrongly by JonRightBackAtcha. not gonna say anything, just read it
Other Half of The Whole by JonRightBackAtcha. did not realise this and 11 were written by the same person. huh.
Fates of Damnation by Anonymous. oh my got two electric boogaloo
heat haze by crowcinthus. as someone who knows nothing about kagerou project wow
The Healing Properties of Reading a Book Out Loud to Your Loved Ones, and Other Domestic Bullshit by Prince_Enby. this ones good even if it hasnt updated in a while
In Which Sunny Is Bad At Naming Things by Prince_Enby. let me introduce you to the chatfic ever
I'll Cherish You Forever by phoeberrie. tiny bit hesitant to recommend this one bc of the themes but there is another fanfic later on this list with similar themes that is basically on every omori rec list ever so just a warning for stalking, obsession and gore. also, heed the tags. its good but not everyone will be comfortable with it.
Sorry as Can Be, For Whatever That Means by JonRightBackAtcha. quite a few fanfics by this author on here. but what can i say, they're great.
sinking. by marlkarx1. this is really good, also pretty dark. heed the tags.
Despite everything by Aisenic_Warrior. another legendary fic with no updates for over a year.
Sometimes a Knife Fight at 3am Can Mend Any Friendship by Shrimp_fry_rice. i dont believe it. you're telling me a shrimp frying rice wrote this fic?
Overwatered Garden by otomerson. rip flower boy lmao (im crying)
Picnic with Mari AU by Gornkleschnitzer. just gonna recommend the whole au
One More Time by GalileoGalilei. think of a 'watching the show' fanfic but its omori post-bad ending. now that i think about it, a version of this fic but they're watching an unserious playthrough on youtube would be kind of funny.
Sometimes Goodbye is a Second Chance by Smitty1899. whatever you're expecting to happen, you're wrong.
Amusia by JonRightBackAtcha. the legend. i wonder how many times this author has appeared on this list.
Kel kicks Sunny's door down by otomerson. attempted hikkikomori route
The Everyday Shenanigans of Something by Practicallyunethical. obsessed with the references in here.
Reality Check, Please by Paramocks. this fanfic has the kind of humour that could kill a christian grandmother.
Endless Dreaming by otomerson. this fanfiction is so beautiful it can make a grown man cry and thats okay (i dont know the quote dont kill me) please read it
Their Time by ShardOfHope. man this fanfic HURTS. you better read it.
The House That Breathes by Shifting_Walls. THIS IS SO GOOD
Broken Space by SpoonusBoius. yes, this fanfic is dark, but i feel people greatly exaggerate it. its not darker than pursuit, don't worry.
The Sun in Another Solar System by TellThemNaegi. if you look through this entire list while only reading one fanfic from here, please let it be this one. i have been totally fixated on this one and it deserves a mini-community of its own just like some other aus.
You're back, Mari by Anonymous. i hope you all expected this one. this is the mentioned one on no.17. im not sure how many trigger warnings i need considering this entire fic is so infamous i'd be shocked if someone didn't know. i don't want to risk spoiling it so just look at the tags. i was debating putting the sequel on here but decided against it. after all, the absolutely visceral reaction the pursuit au can garner from the fandom after just being mentioned probably has enough potential for a case study.
And there it is. the ultimate omori fanfic rec list consisting of 35 fanfic recs (I was originally gonna put way more on here but i got lazy near the end and put only my all time favourites)
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defectivegembrain · 6 months
I just know Abed had a phase of being utterly obsessed with the River Tam quote "day is a vestigial mode of time measurement based on solar cycles, it's not applicable" I am totally not projecting or anything
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amity206 · 1 year
Sky Theories: The Shattering Diamond
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In this post I’ll be going over various theories on the Shattering Diamond, and evidences to support (or not support) then. This is probably going to get a bit long, so the rest will be below the cut. If you have any theories you’d like to add or flaws you’ve noticed in what I’ve written, please let me know!
I also ended up going into the aftermath of the explosion so tw for discussion of nuclear fallout
We can be pretty confident that the Shattering Diamond was a massive darkstone / artificial star. It seems to have consumed a lot of light and had some sort of purpose, so what was it supposed to be used for?
Theory One: it was meant to levitate Eden into the sky, like some sort of spaceship (sort of a modified Ark plan like we saw in concepts) - that being the reason part of Eden is now levitating. We know that darkstone can levitate things, see the platforms in the Vault of Knowledge.
This could have been a sort of Planet B project, as the ancestors realized their world was dying. It could have also been a plan to reach Megabird as sort of a religious journey (I remember one user comparing the structure of Eden’s city to the Tower of Babel). It could also have been a plan to OVERTHROW Megabird. But the massive ark (which seems to have been scrapped, in 7 Days of Sky they said (my emphasis on certain words) “in ONE ITERATION of Sky’s story, they built a massive ark to survive the apocalypse) would have been much more efficient at all of these things. Which brings us to the next theory.
Theory Two: it was meant to be an unlimited power supply, tapping into Eden’s light beacon to provide sustainable energy for the Sky Kingdom.
I’ve been seeing this theory a lot more lately, and I think it makes sense - with light getting scarcer in the Sky Kingdom and increasing protests against the use of light creatures for power, the King could have turned to Eden’s light beacon - a seemingly unlimited power source - for power. That could possibly explain why everyone is praying beneath it (though not entirely, I mean I’m not going around worshipping solar panels, so probably it’s the King they’re worshipping, with the Diamond seen as a symbol of his power).
This could have run into two problems - first of all, the light creatures needed that beacon for migration purposes. They might have been drawn to it - only to be absorbed - or attacked to keep their migrations safe. Second, that was a LOT of power.
I’m going to pull up the quotes from four of the six Shattering memories (if you’re hanging trouble reading them, you can find these on the Season of Shattering page of the Sky Wiki):
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It’s possible that some of these could refer to light creatures being drawn to the Shattering Diamond, or just to artificial beacons set up to capture them. This could also point to the Shattering Diamond actually holding the souls of these light creatures, and that being how we can view them inside these “frozen memories”. So perhaps when the Shattering Diamond started to absorb the beacons power, for a while it glowed brighter than the beacon and the light creatures were instantly drawn to it - and as a result, absorbed by it. Since this meant their souls couldn’t rejoin Megabird, it further weakened the light in the universe, possibly causing the stars to start falling as we see in “The Seed” from the Aurora Concert.
It also had another consequence - the Shattering Diamond couldn’t hold that much light. Something was going wrong with it, and it was getting unstable. Let’s look at the final two Shattering memories:
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This points to a massive explosion of the Shattering Diamond - as it absorbed too much light, it, well, shattered. Somehow the Elders were all there when that happened - the concept timeline says they gathered to curse the King in Eden (trapping him forever), so maybe they were doing that? (Maybe the King is the dark star thing at the very top of the Diamond?)
In Light Awaits, there was a note on them trapping the resulting storm behind the Gate, so maybe they were trying to stabilize / contain it?
The explosion also created the just mentioned storm of darkness from all the light it had absorbed, warped, and released (I believe someone in TGC referred to the red as a warped flame and @/lelanida theorized that red presented darkness mixed with light). The storm corrupted light creatures caught in it, turning them into the krill (“a distorted reflection” of light creatures).
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(Images from Aurora Concert and Seed of Hope quest)
We know from the Seed of Hope and Stealthy Survivor’s memories that ancestors encountered krill, so the blast didn’t kill everyone in Wasteland and beyond - it might have done so in Eden, however.
It might have been similar to a nuclear bomb, and krill creatures created by “radiation” poisoning - many people would have survived the initial blast, only to be crushed under falling buildings, die later of their burns, or die days or months later (maybe even years) of radiation / darkness poisoning.
Life would have very difficult for ancestors that did survive, especially in Wasteland - the water was polluted, krill searched for any light they could consume, and they had little light left to power the darkstone boats they could have used to escape. Darkness pollution would have sickened and killed many, especially children.
Vault accepted some refugees (as seen in Season of Remembrance), but probably shut their doors to keep the corruption at bay. This was probably the era of the Abyss spirits - concept art has Cackling Cannoneer wearing trophies that represent their battles with krill, and the spirit’s search for resources would fit in with this era.
Other areas faced a lot less of a threat from the explosion, but no longer having light to power their boats they would have lost contact with each other. The Elders had died in the Storm and they had no one to lead them. The animation trailer points to the falling of the stars as the reason Isle became a desert - meaning the people there would have starved (of course, they could have gotten food from the sea, but a lack of light probably also meant a lack of fish).
Prairie’s farms might have suffered, but they probably still had food for a while - we do see darkness growing on their bell towers and out of pots, so perhaps their farms became contaminated. Maybe the storm used to be a lot bigger, and affected all the realms a lot more.
Forest probably would have suffered due to the polluted rain and lack of food. Valley likely relied on imported food as well, so they would have starved.
The Lightseekers would have become very important, as they searched for the last traces of fallen light the ancestors could use for power.
Slowly, the last survivors died. The explosions around the Shattering Diamond continued to maintain the storm, as the beacon was still an infinite source of power. Eventually, it would start erupting again - triggering the start of Season of Shattering.
The shards we get are referred to as “pieces of frozen memory from the Eye of Eden”, again connecting all these memories to the theory that every one of them (not just the obvious ones) takes place in Eden.
It’s possible Eden started erupting again because of excess light brought to it by skykids, or due to the Megabird and therefore the beacon getting stronger. The fact they’re referred to as “eruptions” links Eden to volcanoes - other links include the way the fallen look like the bodies at Pompeii and the possibility that the storm contains volcanic lighting - but instead of being a regular volcano, it would be a volcano of darkness.
Anyway that’s all I have for now! Please share your thoughts / theories / things I might have missed, I’d love to hear them! (And please if you think I got something wrong don’t hesitate to tell me why and what your theory is, I want to make sure my understanding of the lore and the big lore blog(s) I have on the sky wiki is as accurate as possible)
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voidingintotheshout · 2 years
A great explanation of why Rick & Morty fired Justin Roiland before he was even found guilty. Honestly? Justin sounds like the Chevy Chase of animation. I wouldn't want to work with him either. He seems like the worst person to have in a group project at school.
Here's my favorite quote, regarding seasons three through six:
"Roiland had become such a distant presence at Rick and Morty that many writers staffers reported that they had never actually met the co-creator and voice star – even on Zoom calls. Sources from Roiland’s other animated shows – such as Hulu’s Koala Man and Solar Opposites – reported similar behavior wherein Roiland would record his voice roles from home and separate himself from any other responsibilities on the projects. “He knew the power of being the voices,” said one source close to Roiland who claimed that Roiland considered his key voice roles to be his safeguard against future firings. / Clearly, Roiland was mistaken in his belief that his unique voice was a valuable enough asset to protect him from being ousted – all three of his animated shows are now in the process of recasting his roles after cutting ties."
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quietbluejay · 11 days
The Solar War One
tldr: if you like florid descriptions of preparations for space battles, space battles, and the aftermath of space battles, this is your book
Emperor POV oh right I was thinking about doing The Master of Mankind and seeing what all the fuss was about at some point
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yeah this is French all right …the author
okay i know we're supposed to be like "ooo horus evil" but lmao
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also look i love cheese as much as the next person, probably more, but I cannot take this seriously
truly the primarchs inherited the emperor's braincells
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ok anyways
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i dunno if it's just because I'm in a bad mood and have a headache but this is not doing it for me
why do we need this long worldbuilding digression about timekeeping
augh Mersadie :(
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this is getting better
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i mean writing wise not…for her man solitary confinement is pretty brutal to the brain
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french im going to lightly gnaw on you for that dream fakeout
oh hey it's another moment where you can tell what the writer was listening to
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hello darkness my old friend
ooo dramatic a space hulk i think this is the first time one has shown up in a book
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a pearl of sorrow? really i mean overall the prose isn't bad but still
AUGH FRENCH WHY ALWAYS WITH THE HUMAN TALLOW CANDLES ALWAYS it's always French!!! with the human tallow candles!!! does anyone else use them!!! NO man i forgot to add that to my bingo card, i had blissfully forgotten about them until this moment oh hi Ahriman, been a while who else would quote poetry at this meeting
I'm 14% of the way in and most of this has felt like padding
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i gotta say, if they have to sacrifice this many like every time they do anything (and it seems like they do lol…) i do wonder how they don't run out oh wild I guess Euphrati's new powers allow her to dreamwalk Euphrati is giving Mersadie a warning though we had to spend like half a page talking about astrology to get there
okay this is actually kind of interesting
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the child soldiers are even more child soldiers than usual however it'd be nice if we didn't have one sentence of plot for every 3 paragraphs of background their first battle and one dude dies immediately this is actually kinda reminding me of that MTMTE flashback with Getaway's first time on the battlefield it's the same kind of idea OKAY finally something as Mersadie escapes the prison ship this is actually good Mersadie and a Navigator
oh we get to see the admiral lady again she's got a birb
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i love him rip Su-Kassen in her 2 hours of rest she is being visited by Jaghatai
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jaghatai, is this really the time
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ah some context: she and Dorn worked on the plans together
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I feel like Su-Kassen would have preferred to meditate with her spice tea okay i mean that's some insight into Dorn I guess but I'm still a bit hmm
I'm a quarter of the way through the book and barely anything has happened was this man paid by the word was he possessed by Victor Hugo
oh it's the famous Jubal Khan SIgismund is still being haunted by that conversation with Dorn, huh I don't know if Layak stalking Abaddon is meant to be funny, but it is
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yeah I don't know if I'm in a bad mood but like I think I'd normally be fine with this? but the entire book has been like this i dunno it kind of feels like an iteration of what ADB was doing with the World Eaters okay the biggest problem with this book is how remote it is from the human element most of it has just been like…florid descriptions of ships moving and setting description
oh hi Forrix! Perturabo is worried things are going a bit too well
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this really just is Forrix's life, isn't it but also Perturabo I think you might be projecting a bit there back to the Mersadie subplot at least that's probably the most exciting thing in this book
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as usual for a French side character, I like Nilus I liked the admiral too lol
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he's a fun dude
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why couldn't we have a nice book about this
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not a bad line but french do you need to start every chapter like this every. chapter. oh hi little horus
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THE TRIUMPHANT RETURN OF ANDROMEDA-17 so a repeated element is that Dorn Just Does Not Get Warp Stuff
this is using a lot of pretty words to describe something only slightly more advanced than human wave tactics Sigismund blew up a moon! okay that's fun ah the admiral found out that her daughter, who was with Horus' forces…
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it's a good moment and scene
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we spend about 2 paragraphs describing how Sigismund doesn't really do emotions before finally getting to
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if you like florid descriptions of preparations for space battles, space battles, and the aftermath of space battles, this is your book
okay some of the fight scenes have rights Sigismund vs the Sons of Horus is one huh abaddon is getting a lot of flashbacks to his childhood
hot take i don't think the siege of terra series was handled well and yes i know i'm less than halfway through this book okay i guess it's not really a hot take ^_^;
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also huh i guess abaddon kept his name
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simplyclary · 9 months
You Made My Life Immensely Better
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(Edit by yours truly)
[To be completely honest and somewhat candid, this is just a product of me thinking how the heck am I gonna beat the sentiments I wrote in the Thanksgiving letter and not sound repetitive]
To my dearest TZP Squad,
Here's a letter...
As 2023 draws to a close, I find myself thinking about this rollercoaster of a journey we've shared over the few months that I've been in this beautiful fandom. To each and every one of you who has become a part of my year, I want to express my deepest gratitude.
This year, especially the last 4-5 months, has been a wild ride with ups and downs in between, and in those moments, you have given me warmth, laughter, and a profound sense of connection. From shared smiles to small but lovely interactions, you have brightened the latter part of my year with your presence.
To quote our dearest Alex Claremont-Diaz: "You have made my life immeasurably better".
My dearest TZP Squad, thank you for being the the source of my smile during both the sunny days and stormy nights. Like I said before, if Taylor is the sunshine, you guys are the solar energy. You simply further ignite the positive energy that Taylor gives and I love you all for that.
To those who let me speak my unfiltered thoughts, big or small, know that your support has warmed my heart and your short and sweet replies have made it more meaningful. I am grateful for the shared joy in our collective achievements as a fandom, and what we've achieved this year (a.k.a Taylor seeing the birthday project) is only just the beginning of a beautiful fandom journey.
For the moments of solace and comfort and the unspoken reassurances, thank you. Your empathy and virtual love always melts my heart, and I'll always cherish the sanctuary of this little positive corner on the messy world of the internet.
To the people that I've been interacting with recently and since I joined this lovely fandom family (Josie, Nae, Kay, Lee, Bia, Kate, the admins behind my dearest @/InfoTZP and @/tzpsquads Mari and May), thank you for the meaningful insights, the unexpected laughter, and the undying support and love. You've added yourselves to the fandom chapters of my life story and I am forever thankful for each of you. I may not see your faces, but know that I see you and I appreciate you and everything that you do for the fandom, whether that is organizing projects or providing updates. It's the little things and gestures that matter the most.
Special mentions to @/InfoTZP and @/tzpsquads for sending me DMs after I sent out that Thanksgiving letter last month. Those DMs will forever hold a special place in my heart.
As a new year approaches, I'll carry forward the memories that I've created with you. May we continue to laugh and smile despite the troubles that came our way and will probably continue to come our way.
In a world that can feel chaotic and uncertain, your presence has been and will continue to be a constant source of light and love. December has been a mix of the light and the dark, but I'm glad that we stuck together and united against the dark forces. To quote one of my favorite literary characters (who shares the same name as me), Clary Fairchild: Alone, we're strong. Together, we're unstoppable.
Here's to the moments we've shared, the memories we've created, and the bonds that have made the latter part of this year truly unforgettable.
My dears, all I can really say is thank you! In the many years that I have been in multiple fandoms, I have never been in such a beautiful fandom like this. This is probably the one fandom that I'll forever treasure until time ends. I am lucky to have you (as virtual friends) and for sure, Taylor is lucky to have you who is always there to love, support, cherish and defend him.
Let's continue to share and express the mutual love we have for TZP, whether that be by simply appreciating how good he looks or thirsting over him on a feral level (oh yeah, I see TZP thirst posts daily), let's just continue to do it because it's one of my most favorite things about this little fandom family of ours.
The fandom is just as special as Taylor and I’m excited to spend the future loving and supporting him with you guys. The TZP squad is one of the best fandoms with the sweetest people and I’m just having a pleasant ride with you. I’m here for the long run and I promise to stand by Taylor and you guys until time tells me that it is already time to stop.
Wishing you all a new year filled with love, laughter, and the continued warmth of cherished connections.
I'll (virtually) see you at the fashion weeks, movie premieres and magazine photoshoots in 2024 ;)
All my love,
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nxtgenenergyltd · 3 months
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🌟 June was another busy month for NXTGEN Energy! 🌟
We’re thrilled to share some of the glowing reviews from our customers. Your feedback fuels our passion for delivering top-notch solar energy solutions. 🌞💡
“If you are considering installing a solar panel and battery system you should definitely give this company ago. My faith in getting great service has been restored when I used NXTGEN energy.” says Graham. We’re over the moon to have met your high expectations! 🤝
Ian said "We had pretty much written off the hope that we could have Solar PV installed on our residential Park Home after being let down by the " Solar Together" scheme and their chosen installer. I had done my research but as soon as I mentioned "Park Home " all the companies i contacted effectively said it couldn't be done! NXTGEN energy. was recommended to us recently. We, as many other park home owners are resold our (very expensive ) electricity by the park owner at a commercial tariff ( so no Ofgem price cap for us ) The fact that we were resold our electricity was the stumbling block we met with pretty every company we contacted. I contacted NXTGEN energy. and Bobby Barnes at Nxtgen reassured us that our installation could be done and done economically. He very quickly produced an excellent quotation that met our needs with easy to understand realistic predictions on the performance of the system. Four weeks after our first contact our solar PV and battery system is installed and generating our electricity. The scaffolding for the installation was done in house and the installation team were both knowledgeable and professional. I can unreservedly recommend NXTGEN energy. for your solar PV project and particularly recommend them for Park Home owners who often pay much more than other households for their electricity. This fact makes the installation of solar PV on park homes an even greater, cost effective solution to high energy bills." We’re happy that we could make your solar journey seamless and stress free! 🤝
“Solar panels, inverter and battery were installed quickly and all people involved were very professional. All was done at a competitive price. The team went as far as setting up an export MPAN, which could have taken up to 4 weeks with the energy supplier.” says PD. We’re happy that we could help you join the solar revolution. 🤝
Read the full reviews here: NXTGEN Energy Reviews June 2024
Ready to harness the power of the sun? ☀️
Contact us for a free no-obligation quote and let’s design a solar PV system that’s perfect for you. 📈
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sophia-sol · 5 months
five things: third-person dialogue, sewing project, zoom theatre, mdzs quote, total solar eclipse
I remember years ago, before I got into any cmedia fandom, the first time I attempted to read a fanfic for a cnovel. and the fic had dialogue written in that relatively formal way of speaking to someone in the third person, and I found it so alienating and unnatural a construction that I couldn't even finish the fic! and now...I love it.
I don't know why this just struck me now, but it's funny how much your opinions on something can change just by familiarizing yourself with it
red jeans alteration project complete! these jeans were too wide in the waist and too narrow in the thigh. (my thighs are almost universally more magnificent than pants manufacturers know how to accommodate.) I did the following:
1. removed the waistband so I could get some matching fabric from the inner side, to expand the thighs
2. unpicked the back seam and the inner leg seams
3. added the inner waistband fabric into the seams inside the legs, from the top of the seam to my knees
4. sewed up the back seam to take in fabric heading up to the waist
5. sewed the original waistband back on, with a tuck at the back to make up for how the back of the pants were taken in
6. sewed in some sturdy grey fabric scavenged from a dead pair of pants to cover the raw inside of the waistband
7. mended a small hole in the inner thigh
I maintained all the fabric in the seam at the back so that if I ever need to expand my waist again I have room to do that, instead of trimming the seams closely
and they're done! very pleased with myself. the pants work so much better for me now!
review of my playing of caesar in zoom theatre Julius Caesar: "please take this with the best possible spirit. I have never wanted to murder you more than in this role."
AWW YEAH I KILLED IT. (and then was killed. :D)
I just. need to bring up this quote from mdzs. because I feel like it's a moment that's glossed over FAR too quickly. wwx feeding his own blood to spirits he's called to help him, as a reward for their good work! what the fuck wwx!!!
Wei Wuxian brushed the finger with the cut near each of their lips as awards. With crimson tongues made of paper, the Nether Brawlers slowly licked the blood beside their lips, as if they truly cherished the delicacy.
total eclipse is a totally wild phenomenon, I'm so glad I got to see that, holy shit
and also it's like. if I lived in a time before we knew what was happening, I would absolutely be like, that is a powerful omen portending SOMETHING for sure
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