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Alec light of my life wood 20/∞
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lightwoodclan · 7 years
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Magnus was not having it
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jamescarstairz · 7 years
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lesbianfr0gs · 7 years
It was one of those rare nights where they had time to themselves. They had time to sit, talk, laugh, and not worry about anything else around them. Magnus’ schedule was cleared and Alec’s phone was on silent and left on the end table, far enough away that it wouldn’t distract him. Tonight was just about them.
The night started out with the two of them ordering in food, choosing to stay in, dressed in sweatpants and pyjamas. They had their feet up, sat on opposite sides of the sofa, their legs tangled in the middle under a blanket that Magnus had summoned from the bedroom. As the hours went by, and they finished their food, they moved closer and closer together, till Alec was pressed against Magnus’ side, practically in his lap.
They had lost themselves in conversation and wine and cocktails. It didn’t take long for the alcohol for get to Alec’s head. Only a few drinks in and he was giggling into Magnus’ shoulder about almost anything, Magnus joining him though Alec knew in the back of his mind that Magnus was nowhere near as drunk as he was, but he enjoyed the weightless feeling of laughing with his boyfriend.
“Magnus, have I ever told you how pretty you are.” Magnus froze; his hand in the air from where he was telling a story. Alec was staring at him, honesty in his eyes and a grin on his face. He leaned forward to press a kiss to Magnus’ cheek, not giving him enough time to process what Alec had just said.
“You’re very pretty. And I love you very much Magnus. You’re the best boyfriend ever! I’m so lucky, I have the prettiest boyfriend.” Alec didn’t stop, didn’t really know how to stop the words that were flowing from him. Though the look on Magnus’ face made him never want to stop complimenting him. He grabbed Magnus’ hand, flipping it round in his own, admiring and getting distracted by the way their hands looked together.
“I love you too, Alexander.” Alec grinned as Magnus pressed a kiss to his cheek, turning his head to capture his lips. They got lost in the feel of their lips moving together, Magnus moving to run his hands along Alec’s hips. Which in any other situation would have given the moment more heat, but tonight, it just made Alec laugh. He couldn’t seem to contain himself as he laughed against Magnus’ lips.
Alec collapsed, his head falling into Magnus lap as he continued to laugh, loudly and unashamed.
“I didn’t know you were ticklish, Alexander.”
“Neither did I.” Alec opened his eyes, his laughter fading as he reached up to stroke Magnus’ face.
“You’re so beautiful.”
“As are you, my love.” The couple smiled at each other as Alec continued to run his hand across Magnus’ face, and Magnus’ hand massaging Alec’s scalp causing him to hum in appreciation and slowly fall asleep.
When Alec woke up the next morning with Magnus pressed to his side, the pair still on the sofa, he couldn’t help but wish for more nights where it was just the two of them. Hangover be damned.
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elizabethmasen · 7 years
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jaskiersbeloved · 7 years
Not to be rude or something but... You've said once you are straight but on this "let me say how hot a charachter is' you talk about girls and usually you use gorgoues or something like this and... Isn't straight boys or bi/les/pan girls be the judge? You should stay with judgung boys?
OMG. I’m laughing so, so HARD. You know that straight girl can see a girl’s beauty, right? :p To  prove it…
Peggy Carter is the best thing that happened in 50s.
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@howisalexander is so pretty omg
Ahsoka Tano is a fire
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@larlarinlalaland is so adorable OMGGG
Padme Amidala *.*
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@alecbaene is gorgoeus
Clara Oswalad is bae
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@softshumjr is someone that gave me the beauty genes
Gamora is just simply beautiful
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@gayndsoft is like SUPER cute
Kat mcnamara (Clary Fray) is so pretty that I can’t even
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@prettywarlockk reminds me of my friend and they are both beautiful
Hermione Granger is the defination of cute nerd girls
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@lightbanes is so, so adorable *.*
Not to mention Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow
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@hail-andfarewell is the beauty queen
And Spencer Hastings… Oh God…
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@high-warlock-mb has so cute short hair omg
And OMG, have you SEEN Janel Parrish (Mona Vandervall)?!
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@rooawesome is stunning
Oh and will you just tkae a moment to appritiate Shelby Rabara?
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@shadowhuntersseries is outstanding
And Sarah Hylland aka our Seelie Queen?
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And OMG look at @omg-daddario!!!
And sorry Esther haters I CAN’T HEAR YOU, SHE IS SO, SO PRETTY!
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So, Anon… No offence but
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hail-andfarewell · 7 years
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your face, it haunts my once pleasant dreams
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bussanbaby · 7 years
The Institute is calm, lulled into stillness; its usually dark and somber walls are painted with blues, reds and pinks from the stained glass windows and the sun dipping low enough to peek through them. Out in the main OPS room, there is maybe a dozen of black-clad Shadowhunters, their fingers lazily swiping across futuristic screens and carding through mission files as they exchange random comments about their days.
  But Alec is alone, sat behind the large desk in his office, far away from everyone else; as the Head of the Institute (while the novelty of it has worn off already, thinking about it still sends a spark of satisfaction through his spine), most of his time is taken up by paperwork, diplomatic business and occasional field missions, but significantly less than Alec would like. He misses daily patrols and bickering with his siblings while they kill demons with little to no effort. After a while, staring at the dark walls and the elegant furniture becomes boring and when it feels like the horsehead statue over on the mantelpiece is watching him, Alec puts his pen down and presses the heels of his palms against his eyes.
  He sighs deeply, rustling the papers before him – new laws that need a bit of tweaking, because after a consultation with the Downworld Cabinet, the feedback has been decidedly positive, but some wording was advised to be changed and so here he is, mulling over this lawyerly gibberish, while his mind is drifting to places and people he’d rather be with. Alec leans back in the chair and pulls out his phone with the intention of calling Magnus just to hear his voice, but decides against it as he’s staring at the new message he received an hour ago and was not aware of.
  An impromptu meeting with other High Warlocks, I’ll be home an hour late. I love you and miss you dearly.
Alec can’t help but smile at all of the affection contained in a simple text, how their most basic communication is still laced with love. His thumbs hover over the screen for a moment before he types up his reply, a soft grin still stuck to his face.
  It’s okay, hope all goes well. I can pick up dinner on the way home? And I love and miss you too, more than you can imagine x
  Just as he slides the phone back into his pocket, the lights turn red and a siren echoes between the Institute walls. Amongst the noise, quick and heavy footfalls ring out down the hall, closer and closer until they come to a halt under Alec’s door and one of the Shadowhunters hastily opens the door, big glasses halfway down her nose in the rush and brown hair tussled.
  “Mr. Lightwood, there’s an intruder in the main hall and they’re demanding to see you.”
  Alec stands and follows Lindsey – while she talks, they cross the labyrinth of corridors and he pulls free the Seraph blade attached to his thigh, ready to take on anything and his heart already picking up the rhythm in anticipation.
  “Suddenly a portal opened by the entrances and there was this warlock girl and she asked for you.” She explains and soon Alec is able to confirm his suspicions that this is not an attack and instead just a simple misunderstanding.
  After they round the last corner, he stops abruptly at the sight of Madzie surrounded by his people – blades and arrows aimed at her unmoving, scared form. She looks tiny, a spot of color in her flowery dress amongst the sea of dark charcoal and navy and black. He puts his own weapon in the holster back where it belongs and rushes to stand in front of her, arms outstretched.
  “Everyone stand down! She is not a threat.“ Some Shadowhunters hesitate, looking at one another in confusion, but another glance at Alec’s authoritative and stone-cold expression is all it takes for everyone to lower their weapons. It’s obvious he will not allow anyone to hurt her.
  “That warlock kid broke the law!” There’s an anonymous complaint from the crowd and Alec registers the voice as perhaps belonging to Duncan, someone not too keen on both Alec’s promotion and personal life.
  A kid with incredible powers able to end their lives in less than a minute, but Alec doesn’t mention that; most of the personnel doesn’t even know Madzie was the one forcibly helping Valentine, as together with Magnus, they decided it would be best to omit certain details for her safety.
  Alec straightens his back and tips his chin up just the smallest bit, his hands now clasped behind his back in a soldier stance. “Everyone, please go back to your previous tasks. I will take care of this situation accordingly and send appropriate notices to the Clave.”
  Most of the gathering seems satisfied with that answer, weapons put away and noise dispersing until they’re just the two left even after a few more curious souls linger behind. The siren cuts out and everything returns to the languid silence from before, like the moments before simply didn’t exist. Timid hands grasp at the edge of Alec’s jacket - he turns and crouches down before Madzie with one knee on the cold tiles. He gently takes her by the shoulders, thumbs rubbing circles meant to soothe her nerves, as he smiles at her and she smiles back.
  “Madzie, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be with aunt Catarina?” After Valentine’s massacre, Magnus and Cat decided it would be best that she takes care of the girl – of course, Alec and Magnus have visited her multiple times, with each next one being more fun and open than the last, especially after they managed to make Madzie laugh. She seems to have taken to all three of them, loving them in the loyal way a child can. Lately, with everything going on, they haven’t had nearly enough time to keep up with the schedule and now guilt is weighing down at the bottom of Alec’s chest.
  “I wanted to see you. So when aunt Cat left for a moment, I portaled here.” Her voice is quiet, but there’s a glimmer of mischievousness in her eyes and Alec can’t help but roll his own.
 “You’re gonna give us all a heart attack one day, you little troublemaker.” He tries for his voice to sound chastising, but it comes out with a clear undercurrent of laughter that makes Madzie’s smile so much brighter. She wraps her arms around his neck and buries her face in the shirt Magnus picked for him that morning, so Alec has no choice, but to pick her up and set her against his hip. As he starts making his way back to his office, back warm with all of the stares he doesn’t care about, he fishes his phone back out and singlehandedly types out two short messages.
  The one to Catarina says: Madzie’s safe, she portaled to me, don’t worry.
  The one he sends to Magnus reads: You won’t believe what just happened.  
 As he reaches the door to his office, he presses a small kiss against Madzie’s hair and sends another short text:
  We might have guests over for dinner.
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deansuxx · 7 years
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Malec holding hands in 2x18 “Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen”
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anthony-kate · 7 years
softshumjr replied to your post: Me, wanting to call Alec “husband” in an upcoming...
you should definitely go for husband, just my humble opinion
I did. But I am still so.... omg... lol
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Alec Light of my life wood 18/∞
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lightwoodclan · 7 years
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The tension!!
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jamescarstairz · 7 years
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Malec Playlist // Spotify // Youtube
Hold me close through the night Don’t let me go, we’ll be alright Touch my soul and hold it tight I’ve been waiting all my life
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lesbianfr0gs · 7 years
for @softshumjr - happy belated birthday marta! i hope you had a wonderful day, you’re a wonderful person and a great friend to have (and also the thirstiest harry stan i know) i love you lots! 
Alec had a dilemma.
Compared to most dilemmas that he seemed to have of late, Alec supposed that this one isn’t as life threatening. And yet, in that very moment, lying on the couch with Magnus snuggled into his side, this dilemma seemed to be the most important thing in his life.
Magnus had fallen asleep about an hour ago, and Alec, unable to contain himself, had curled his arms around his boyfriend and pressed a kiss to his hairline. Now, however, Alec was berating himself for being unable to want to cuddle with Magnus.
His arm was numb.
He tried to ignore it, but after a while the numbing spread from the tips of his fingers to the crease of his elbow and was slowly sneaking up towards his shoulder. He could move. If Magnus didn’t look so peaceful and downright adorable while he was asleep. His head was tucked into the crook of Alec’s neck, his warm body against Alec’s, an arm and a leg draped over Alec’s own. He looked at peace for the first time in weeks, and Alec didn’t want to disrupt that just because his arm was losing all feeling.
They had been through a lot, the both of them, and they finally had a moment of peace to themselves, a moment to be able to actually curl up on the sofa together and actually sleep. But the feeling going from his arm was becoming too uncomfortable. He tried to dislodge his arm as carefully as he could as to not wake Magnus, but apparently he was a light sleeper and the small movement caused his eyes to flicker open.
“Alexander, what’s wrong?” Alec inwardly cursed himself as he ran his hand along Magnus’ back.
“Nothing, my arm was just going numb. Go back to sleep babe.” Magnus looked up at Alec, a softness coating over his face as he felt a strong sense of fond for this man.
“Alexander, how long has your arm been numb?”
“Not long.”
“Not long as in just now, or not long as in the past twenty minutes?” Alec avoided Magnus’ gaze, his cheeks burning at the smirk on Magnus’ lips, knowing full well that his boyfriend was taunting him.
“If your arm was numb darling, you should have just moved. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” Magnus turned in his arms so that he was leaning on his chest.
“I didn’t want to wake you. You looked peaceful, and you haven’t been sleeping much lately. You need your sleep.” The smirk fell from Magnus’ face as he looked in astonishment at his boyfriend. Before Alec could ask what was wrong, Magnus leaned forward and captured his lips in a soft kiss. Alec felt himself melt into the feel of their lips slowly moving together, drowning in the feel of their languid movements.
Magnus pulled back enough to press their foreheads together, Alec’s hands gripping around his waist and a hand carding through Alec’s hair.
“You truly are something else, Alexander Lightwood.” Alec turned them round so they were lying on their sides and the pair got lost in the maps of the others eyes, and eventually got lost in the lull of sleep.
Alec supposed some dilemmas were worth it.
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jamesvaldez · 7 years
I was tagged by @softshumjr :)
1st rule: tag 9 mutuals you would like to get to know better
@downworlder-bane @atouchofmagic @blissfullybane @patronuass @princeofedom @maghnvsbane @cat-loss @bane-magnus @alexandersbne
2nd rule: bold the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling (probably) I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend (or i thought i’ve had)
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
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passionpitobsession · 7 years
Naughty Little Rascal
Rating: General Audience
WC & Status: 2710 & complete
Summary: The school day was pretty much over and he still had no idea how he'd get it back, and what would happen if he didn't? Alec shook his head and tried to focus on his last lesson of the day as much as possible. He tried to cool it and not glare as much at the miniature him, for, in other people's eyes, it seemed like he was glaring at Magnus.
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