#sofia shevchenko
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sanctaignorantia · 2 years ago
I made this huuuuge post about all the actors we know so far that will be in the second season. Of course, I must have forgotten some, so if anyone wants to add names, feel free!
-> Bally Gill as Rashid - born 28/07/1992
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-> Jan Hofman - born 14/08/1986
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-> Matej Metodej Strunc - born 12/05/1996
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-> Jake Cecil as Gustave
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-> Khetphet "Kp" Phagnasay - born 01/02/1973
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-> Andrew Van Wilpe - 1993
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-> Jennie May Dunne
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-> Not sure: Suzanne Andrade, and Esme Appleton
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There are actors that were tagged in the teaser that Andrew and Roxane posted on ig or Delainey is following, but I didn't recognize them in the teaser so I'll just put the names and pictures here.
Yana Shevchenko and Arthur MacBain
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Joseph Potter (as Nicolas de Lenfent but no confirmation) and Jan Janca
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Christopher Geary, Sinead Phelps as Annika Rooman and Gleb Kuchuk.
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These are the ones we found recently but don't forget the others that were discovered earlier this year.
source: here | here | here | here and I made a compilation here
Nikita Petrosian as Levan | Petras Šimonis as Sasha(?)
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Filip Finkelstejn as Maxim | Diana Giubernea as Sofia
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Elander Moore as Malik | Blake Ritson as Morgan Ward
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Raul Olteanu as Andrei without any information or photos.
Fun facts: -> Luke Brandon Field and Elander Moore were already following Bally Gill before we even found out about him. -> Petras has been following Filip since the time he emerged as part of the cast and is now following Andrew.
There are those questions, some actors may be part of the cast in episode one with Morgan (Blake Ritson). They could be military or someone who will cross Louis and Claudia's path before they get to Paris (or military in Paris) or they could be more vampires from Paris, or they could be someone from Dubai. Or I don't know, because I'm so anxious.
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sorrynoroomsavailable · 2 years ago
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Там була якась історія Резиденція Вибачте Номерів Немає Галерея Коридор, 1 липня - 20 серпня, 2023 року Кураторка Наталія Лісова
Учасники: Віталіна Бойків, Габріел Булеца, Софія Голубєва, Світлана Заприлюк, Райвіс Капілінскіс, Анастасія Колібаба, Кус Іштван, Наталія Лісова, Інна Лук’янець, Марина Малютіна, Михайло Мельниченко, Марія Пелішенко , Віктор Покиданець, Петро Ряска, Андрій Стегура, Роберт Саллер, Габріелла Федяєва, Павло Фулей, Вадим Харабарук, Наталія Шевченко
Резиденція Вибачте Номерів Немає представляє в галереї Коридор праці колективного проєкту “Художні дії в довкіллі: “Вправи з лендарту”, кураторки Наталії Лісової. Художні дії відбувалися щосуботи впродож з 27 травня по 24 червня, 2023 року на заздалеідь визначених місцях, а саме: на березі водойму Карєру, на березі озера Цегельне, в Боздоському парку, на Ботанічній наб��режній та на Набережній незалежності річки Уж
Резиденція Наталії Лісової, проект та групова виставка стали можливими завдяки підтримці: European Cultural Foundation The beaux-arts Academy in Paris
There was a story there Residence Sorry No Rooms Available Korydor Gallery, July 1 - August 20, 2023 Curator Natalia Lisova
Participants: Vitalina Boykiv, Habriel Buletsa, Sofia Holubeva, Svitlana Zaprylyuk, Raivis Kapilinskis, Anastasia Kolibaba, Kus Istvan, Nataliya Lisova, Inna Lukyanets, Marina Malyutina, Mykhailo Melnychenko, Maria Pelishenko, Viktor Pokydanets, Petro Ryaska, Andriy Stehura, Robert Saller, Habriella Fedyaieva, Pavlo Fuley, Vadym Kharabaruk, Natalia Shevchenko
Sorry No Rooms Available residence presents in the Korydor gallery works of the collective project “artistic activities in the environment: LENDART EXERCISES”, curated by Nataliya Lisova. Artistic actions took place every Saturday continuously from May 27 to June 24, 2023 at predetermined locations, namely: on the banks of the Quarry reservoir, on the shore of Lake Tsegelne, in Bozdos Park, on the Botanical Embankment and on the Independence Embankment of the Uzh River
Natalia Lisova’s residence, the project and the group exhibition were made possible thanks to the support of: European Cultural Foundation The beaux-arts Academy in Paris
Exhibition documentation: photo credit: Petro Ryaska
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prelude-numero-2 · 3 years ago
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Time of Firsts and their captain, Evgenia Medvedeva presenting themselves at the Channel 1 Cup 2021.
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anewbeginningagain · 3 years ago
Sofia Shevchenko gave a very open and candid interview where she discussed her decision to retire and her relationship with her coaches. Some parts really grabbed my attention:
About Svinin/Zhuk reaction to her decision to take a pause following NHK:
“In our situation, of course, it turned out that I was bad. But I've never been good for coaches, to be honest (laughs). What can I say. Igor is an amazing athlete. Probably, they wanted to keep him and put him with another girl. But when I said about the pause, the coaches didn’t even think about trying to keep us together. Like, go away - go away.”
About Russian nationals 2022:
“The Russian Championship was held with intrigues, scandals, investigations. Who is going to the Olympics, who is not going ... Honestly, I looked at it all and was glad that I was not a part of it. Otherwise, being there, I would be very worried.”
About her coaches clearly putting other teams first and investing more time in them:
“The question is not that there is a first couple - Sasha and Vanya. We have never competed with them. We accepted it, respected the guys, understood that this was the face of our group. We saw how hard they work and were very supportive. We absolutely agreed that more attention is being paid to them. The time they spent with the coaches is a huge milestone that we have not yet passed. And they deserve that time and attention. The question is that there were couples with whom we competed on an equal footing. We were not ready to constantly get under them just because it was profitable. Because this is a reserve for the future for other couples. Several times, of course, you can endure it and you need to go through it, everyone goes through it. But over the course of several years, the situation begins to put pressure, and you generally cease to understand where your place really is. We are not small and understood what was happening, but we could never openly say about it: “Guys, now we are leading the first pair, and you will be patient. You have such a role for now. Then we will take care of you. Now we need to stand here, in the future There are plans for you. You deserve medals, and you don't lose because you're disgusting."
About her coaches (and likely federation) sabotaging them:
“When the fans asked us questions about places and points, we stood, nodded and smiled politely. What else to do? Then the judges came up after the competition and said: "Your coaches asked to put you behind such and such." And you have a complete dissonance in your head. You think: "Why am I skating in this group then, if this happens?"Okay, so be it, if we are a team and then compensate for all this. But when the judges tell you that...”
About coaches reaction to skaters leaving:
“In our group it has always been like this: if you leave somewhere, this is a betrayal”
About wanting to train overseas:
“Of course, there was such a desire. But this has always been interpreted not as development, but as a betrayal. And, being a part of this system, you have to accept it.”
The entire article is worth a read and is a great reminder of just how fucked up Russian skating culture is. Sigh.
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aleksandra-ivan · 3 years ago
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This time last year 💫
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figureskatingcostumes · 5 years ago
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Sofia Shevchenko and Igor Eremenko skating their free dance at the 2019 Skate America.
(Sources: Melanie Heaney and David W. Carmichael)
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ravensburgerwaltz · 5 years ago
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alexandra stepanova & ivan bukin || sofia shevchenko & igor eremenko
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teatimefoxtrot · 5 years ago
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sofia and igor doing sasha and ivan's signature twizzles
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icedancearchive · 5 years ago
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Free Dance || Skate America 2019
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shevchenko-eremenko · 5 years ago
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rhythm dance || 2018-19
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sorrynoroomsavailable · 1 year ago
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Там була якась історія Презентація відео та фільмів Резиденція Вибачте Номерів Немає Галерея Коридор, 27 липня, 2023 року Кураторка Наталія Лісова
Учасники: Віталіна Бойків, Габріел Булеца, Софія Голубєва, Світлана Заприлюк, Райвіс Капілінскіс, Анастасія Колібаба, Кус Іштван, Наталія Лісова, Інна Лук’янець, Марина Малютіна, Михайло Мельниченко, Марія Пелішенко , Віктор Покиданець, Петро Ряска, Андрій Стегура, Роберт Саллер, Габріелла Федяєва, Павло Фулей, Вадим Харабарук, Наталія Шевченко
Резиденція Вибачте Номерів Немає представляє в часі тривання групової виставки “Там була якась історія” в галереї Коридор відео праці з колективного проєкту “Художні дії в довкіллі: “Вправи з лендарту” кураторки Наталії Лісової. Художні дії відбувалися щосуботи впродож з 27 травня по 24 червня, 2023 року на заздалегідь визначених місцях, а саме: на березі водойми Кар`єру, на березі озера Цегельне, в Боздоському парку, на Ботанічній набережній та на Набережній Незалежності річки Уж.
Групова виставки “Там була якась історія” триває зараз і відкрита для відвідування в галереї Коридор.
Резиденція Наталії Лісової та Групова виставка стали можливими завдяки підтримці: European Cultural Foundation The beaux-arts Academy in Paris
There was a story Presentation videos and movies Residence Sorry No rooms available Korydor Gallery, July 27, 2023 Curator Natalia Lisova
Participants: Vitalina Boykiv, Habriel Buletsa, Sofia Golubeva, Svitlana Zaprylyuk, Raivis Kapilinskis, Anastasia Kolibaba, Kus Istvan, Natalia Lisova, Inna Lukyanets, Maryna Malyutina, Mykhailo Melnychenko, Maria Pelishenko, Viktor Pokydanets, Petro Ryaska, Andriy Stehura, Robert Saller, Habriela Fedyaeva, Pavlo Fuley, Vadym Harabaruk, Nataliya Shevchenko
During the duration of the group exhibition “There was a story” in the Korydor gallery, the Sorry No Rooms Available residence presents a video of work from the collective project “artistic activities in the environment: LENDART EXERCISES”, curated by Nataliya Lisova. Artistic actions took place every Saturday continuously from May 27 to June 24, 2023 at predetermined locations, namely: on the banks of the Quarry reservoir, on the shore of Lake Tsegelne, in Bozdos Park, on the Botanical Embankment and on the Independence Embankment of the Uzh River.
The group exhibition “There was a story” is ongoing and is open to the public in the Korydor gallery.
Natalia Lisova’s residence and the Group Exhibition were made possible thanks to the support of: European Cultural Foundation The beaux-arts Academy in Paris
Photo credit Petro Ryaska
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kicksaddictny · 2 years ago
Lotto Announces USWNT Star Sofia Huerta & DICK's Sporting Goods Partnerships
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WHP Global, owner of Lotto®, announced today a breakthrough partnership with DICK’S Sporting Goods to bring the iconic Italian sports brand Lotto to American athletes.  As Lotto celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, a robust collection of Lotto soccer and tennis footwear will be available at the leading omnichannel sporting goods retailer in the United States. DICK’S will serve as the U.S. anchor retail partner for Lotto’s soccer and tennis products, which launch July 22 in select DICK’S retail locations and online at DICKS.com/Lotto. 
DICK’S athletes will be able to purchase official Lotto performance cleats and tennis footwear designed and developed in Italy by Lotto Sport Italia S.p.A.. Lotto also offers a full range of Lotto racquet sports performance products, plus lifestyle footwear and apparel under the Lotto Life’s and Lotto Leggenda trademarks.
To coincide with the new DICK’S partnership, Lotto announced the addition of U.S. Women’s National Team and 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup member Sofia Huerta as a brand ambassador, adding to its roster of athletes, which includes over 300 soccer players globally. Huerta has competed in 30 career games with the USWNT and recorded four assists. She hails from Boise, Idaho, currently plays for the OL Reign in the National Women’s Soccer League and is the first Idahoan named to a World Cup roster. Huerta will wear Lotto footwear during all on-field competition and will appear in Lotto’s campaign creative at DICK’S Sporting Goods, as well as promote the brand through social media and appearances.
“I am honored to represent Lotto on and off the field. The brand is legendary and brings years of soccer history and product innovation,” shared Sofia. “Their values and vision are parallel with my goals and the support they have given to grow the game of soccer aligns with my hope to leave the game better than I found it.”
Lotto, a premier Italian sports brand established in 1973, is world-renowned for its innovative performance-driven footwear, apparel, and accessories which feature the signature double diamond logo. Rich with history in soccer, Lotto has been worn by professional soccer teams A.C. Milan and Juventus F.C. and elite soccer players Dino Zoff, Ruud Gullit and Andriy Shevchenko. Today, Lotto is distributed in over 100 countries. The brand is currently worn by more than 40 soccer teams, over 300 professional soccer players, and more than 200 professional tennis players, including multi-time Grand Slam finalist, Ons Jabeur.
Yehuda Shmidman, Chairman & CEO of WHP Global, owner of the Lotto brand, commented, “We’re thrilled to bring the Lotto brand to U.S. athletes in partnership with DICK’S, the largest and most trusted sporting goods retailer in the country. This breakthrough collaboration not only ensures a new generation of Lotto athletes and customers but also charts an exciting new path as we continue to grow this legendary brand around the globe.”
For more information visit DICKS.com/Lotto and Lotto at LottoSport.com and on Instagram
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papciz-gram · 5 years ago
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10.05.2020: from Gabriella Papadakis’s instagram stories
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alena-kostornaia · 5 years ago
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a_gallyam: Closing banquet 🇯🇵
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aleksandra-ivan · 4 years ago
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Dream team! ✨
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figureskatingcostumes · 5 years ago
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Sofia Shevchenko and Igor Eremenko skating to music from Burlesque for their rhythm dance at the 2019 Skate America.
(Sources: Melanie Hoyt and David W. Carmichael)
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