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Target your potential clients!
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maaamarketing-blog · 7 years
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Grow your network with the best social media marketing strategy.
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Awesome contents get the most likes!
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Make sure you execute your services in the best way possible
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5 Best Social Media Management Tools
 Businesses become more successful using social media these days. The brands are easily introduced to the world with the help of social media. There are social media tools that makes it easy to manage the content of these brands. Here are our top 5 picks for the best social media management tools.
HootSuite is the most popular social media management tool for people and businesses to collaboratively execute campaigns across multiple social networks like Facebook and Twitter from one web-based dashboard. Hootsuite has become an essential tool for managing social media, tracking conversations and measuring campaign results via the web or mobile devices. Hootsuite offers a free, pro and enterprise solution for managing unlimited social profiles, enhanced analytics, advanced message scheduling, Google Analytics and Facebook insights integration.
 2. SocialOomph
  SocialOomph is a neat web tool that provides a host of free and paid productivity enhancements for social media. You can do a lot with the site which includes functions for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Plurk and your blog. There are a ton of useful Twitter features like scheduling tweets, tracking keyword, viewing mentions and retweets, DM inbox cleanup, auto-follow and auto-DM features for new followers. 
Social Oomph will auto-follow any new follower of yours on Twitter if you like, which could save you a ton of time if you normally like to reciprocate follows. Social Oomph is so effective at increasing social media productivity that I use the site every day but haven’t had any reason to actually log in there since last year!
3. Sproutsocial
 Sproutsocial is a powerful management and engagement platform for social business. Sprout Social offers a single stream inbox designed to help you never miss a message, and tools to seamlessly post, colloborate and schedule messages to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. The platform also has monitoring tools and rich analytics to help you visualize important metrics.
4. Tweepi
Tweepi is a unique management tool for Twitter that lets you flush unfollowers, cleanup inactives, reciprocate following and follow interesting new tweeps! The pro version allows you to do bulk follow/unfollow actions of up to 200 users at a time making it a pretty powerful tool for Twitter management.
5. Buffer
Buffer If you’re looking for software that is easy to navigate, looks simple, and can make your team more efficient, then Buffer is definitely your key to managing social media. Once you create your account, you can choose the social networks you want to add to it. 
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Always market your business right.
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Law is a very addictive profession. 
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The future of Legal Industry
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Top 5 Benefits of Social Media Marketing
         Social media marketing has expanded so much in the past few years; it can easily be considered as an essential skill for everyone working within digital media. It is especially essential for marketers who wish to optimize their online presence and increase their sales.
         Businesses around the globe are discovering methods through which social media can contribute to their success. A successful internet marketing strategy can help you grow your business.
Here are the top 5 benefits of Social Media Marketing:
Richer Customer Experiences.
Social media, at its core, is a communication channel like email or phone calls. Every customer interaction you have on social media is an opportunity to publicly demonstrate your customer service level and enrich your relationship with your customers. For example, if a customer complains about your product on Twitter, you can immediately address the comment, apologize publicly, and take action to make it right. Or, if a customer compliments you, you can thank them and recommend additional products. It’s a personal experience that lets customers know you care about them.
2.   Improved Customer Insights.
Social media also gives you an opportunity to gain valuable information about what your customers are interested in and how they behave, via social listening. For example, you can monitor user comments to see what people think of your business directly. You can segment your content syndication lists based on topic and see which types of content generate the most interest—and then produce more of that type of content. You can measure conversions based on different promotions posted on various social media channels and eventually find a perfect combination to generate revenue.
3. Increases brand recognition
Implementing a social media strategy will significantly increase the engagement with your audience along with your business visibility. By investing a few hours a week updating and posting on your social channels over 91% of marketers claimed that it had increased their brand exposure.
There’s no question that having a presence on social media benefits your brand. More often than not however, companies try to do too much online and would typically set up various channels which they fail to maintain and ultimately lack the quality a social media profile should show.
4. Social media marketing records higher conversion rates
Think about it this way, we live in an era where literally everybody is on social media. So why not take advantage of this? Social media allows you to convert your brand from being a bland corporation, into a more humanising group which people can actually relate to. It’s a given fact; people prefer to do business with other people, rather than with organisations.
Digital interaction is key in today’s world, so you better make the most of it! Every post and status you share is an opportunity for users to convert into customers. So there you have it; portray a positive brand image, listen to your consumers and release relevant content which your audience want to be associated with. This in return will boost social sharing, drive more traffic and most importantly; increase conversions!
5. Reach Your Target Audience
Each social media marketing channel has the advantage to reach a specific audience. By focusing your efforts towards the possibility each channel holds, you can reach the consumers you aim for with a wide variety of content.  Through the use of graphics, video and engaging reads, you can have your consumers coming back for more.
Another effective way to send your message out to a specific audience is geo-targeting. Certain mainstream social networks like Facebook and Twitter have built-in tools that help you to communicate the right kind of content to your audience. For example, you can send messages from Facebook pages to specific groups based on geographical and demographic parameters. Twitter also allows you to target messages to followers in specific countries.
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Always satisfy your client’s needs.
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Your attitude will go a long way in determining your success, your recognition, your reputation and your enjoyment in being a lawyer.
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“A good lawyer is a great salesman.”
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5 Ways to Find Business Prospects Online
   Finding prospects for your business and then nurturing them into leads are the building blocks of a sales cycle. Without prospects, there would be no leads, and without leads coming in at the top of your sales pipeline, you can’t expect sales at the bottom. Prospects are the first key ingredient to business success and here is how to accumulate more of them.
 1. Target Audience
Find out the attributes of your target customer and focus your prospecting on this target audience. These attributes can involve certain types of demographics and psychographics.
 It’s not enough to say your customer is a certain gender, age group and income bracket. You’ll be more successful when you also know the type of lifestyle and purchase decision making behaviors your customers have in common to identify prospects you should target.
 Create a target list of prospects that meet your customer attributes. The better the quality of this list as it relates to the attribute of your target audience, the more likely you can convert your prospects into customers.
 2. Influencers
Connect with influencers on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ and communicate with them. Share some of their content and by the law of reciprocity, they will share some of yours. This way they will be showing your business and ultimately recommending your brand and your product to their entire audience.
Once your message has had the seal of approval from an expert influencer in your industry, potential customer would feel so much more confident to go ahead and follow you, share your content, subscribe to your newsletter and potentially purchase from you.
3. Content
Good content is one of the easiest and most effective ways to finding prospects for your business. Good content that is relevant to your target market is the key to people subscribing to communications from you, sharing your content with others and ultimately helping you build a loyal audience. And this loyal audience is your prospective future clients that could potentially be nurtured to become your loyal customers.
4. Email Marketing
Use emails, follow ups and automated communications to keep in touch with your prospects and turn them into solid leads. Expand your audience and get your message across to more and more people; nurture leads and navigate them through the sales funnel using targeted content distributed via email. The best thing about email is that it can be used together with other tools such as social media (add a sign up form to your Facebook page for example) or networking events (collect emails and add them to your database).
 5.  Website Optimization
Chances are that your website will be the first point of contact between a prospective customer and your business. So make sure that your website (and I mean every single page, not just the landing page) live up to the task. Make the whole experience user friendly, check if it is easy to find information and the navigation on the website is good, use keywords and don’t forget the signup form! Make sure every page gives the option to the visitor to sign up to receiving your content.
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Always dream big!
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