#social media marketing at asia pacific university
takeoffphilippines · 4 months
Over 120 partner suppliers cement support for Puregold & MSMEs at the Sari-Sari Store Negosyo Convention 2024
Manila, Philippines - Key multi-channel retailer Puregold has again solidified its positioning as the country’s go-to retailer for micro, small, and medium enterprise owners.
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Susan Co Chairman of Puregold Price Club, Inc. and Ferdinand Vincent Co President of Puregold Price Club, Inc. with partner suppliers
The highly anticipated Negosyo Convention 2024, currently taking place at the World Trade Center in Pasay City until May 18, has welcomed a record-breaking number of over 12,000 members of the Tindahan ni Aling Puring program, now celebrating its 20th anniversary.
“This year we are commemorating significant milestones, because first, we are just four (4) doors away from reaching 500 Puregold stores. And second, because 2024 marks the 20th year of our Tindahan Ni Aling Puring program! Mga Ka-Asenso, dalawampung taon na tayong magkasama sa ‘Always Panalo’ na pagne-negosyo!” said Susan Co, Chairman of Puregold Price Club, Inc.  
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Ferdinand Vincent Co President of Puregold Price Club, Inc.
The annual convention stands as a testament to Puregold's dedication to supporting and empowering its nearly one million MSME members, who own small businesses such as sari-sari stores, karinderyas, bakeries, mini groceries, food catering services, and other food service enterprises.
“‘Panalo’ is not just a goal to be achieved, but a mindset to live by. Be assured that Puregold will continue to innovate and inspire all Ka-Asensos in the next decades to come,” Susan concluded.
Supported by more than 120 partner brands, including Monde Nissin, Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Universal Robina, Alaska Milk, Century Pacific Food, Coca-Cola Beverages, Colgate-Palmolive, GCash, Nutri-Asia and Rebisco, the Puregold Sari-Sari Store Negosyo Convention is a must-attend event for Aling Puring members. Commodities and goods are offered in exclusive value deals and bulk promotions, allowing business owners to maximize their budgets and enhance their operations.
"The solid participation of global and local brand partners, along with the impressive turnout of Aling Puring members at our annual Sari-Sari Store Convention, reflects the trust and confidence our suppliers and members place in us," said Ferdinand Vincent Co, President of Puregold Price Club, Inc. 
"We will aggressively equip and supply our Aling Puring members with the best prices and assortment of goods so they can serve their communities better," Vincent added. Through aggressive cost-saving initiatives and first-to-market programs, Puregold remains true to its promise to help Pinoys across the country grow their businesses every step of the way.
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warningsine · 5 months
SINGAPORE, May 15 (Reuters) - Lawrence Wong, 51, will take over as prime minister of Singapore on Wednesday, becoming the fourth leader of the Asian financial hub since its independence in 1965.
Wong succeeds Lee Hsien Loong, the son of the founding father of modern Singapore Lee Kuan Yew, after two decades at the helm.
Wong was born on 18 December 1972 to a family he described as ordinary. His father worked in a sales job and his mother taught in a primary school that Wong and his elder brother attended.
Wong and his family lived in a public housing estate in Eastern Singapore called Marine Parade.
While many politicians in Singapore have tended to come from top-ranked British universities such as Oxford or Cambridge, Wong did not attend elite schools. He went to local schools regarded as ordinary and in an interview said it was very natural for him to study near home where his friends were.
He studied economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has said he picked the United States because it was home to his favourite musicians.
Wong has a Master's degree in Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School.
Wong is a government scholar and started his career as an economist at the trade ministry.
He has occupied some of the biggest jobs in Singapore's bureaucracy, including chief executive of the Energy Market Authority and the prestigious post of Principal Private Secretary to the prime minister.
He entered politics in 2011 and was appointed to the board of directors of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, the central bank. He later held the culture, national development, and education portfolios.
In 2020, he catapulted into the spotlight as co-chair of the COVID-19 taskforce and won favour for his unflappable demeanour when explaining tough pandemic restrictions to Singaporeans.
Wong was named finance minister in 2021. The following year he was appointed deputy prime minister and successor to Lee, after winning over his peers to receive their backing to become "first among equals" - a term Singapore's top politicians use to describe their chosen leader. He served as chairman of the central bank board since 2023.
Wong's social media is replete with videos of him strumming a guitar - including one of Taylor Swift's Love Story posted during the height of Swift-craze when the star performed in Singapore.
He is a music lover who was gifted a guitar from his father at age 8. Wong put his skills to good use and busked while studying in the United States. He also describes himself as a bookworm and a dog-lover.
Wong married in his 20s and was divorced due to what he said were incompatibility issues. The former wife's identity is not widely known.
Wong has since remarried. His wife, Loo Tze Lui, works in wealth management and the couple has no children. Wong is a Methodist Christian
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sociologyontherock · 6 months
Towards a Sociology of Failure
By Katherine Pendakis and Elisabeth Rondinelli
Katherine Pendakis, PhD York University, teaches in the Department of Social and Cultural Studies at the Grenfell campus of Memorial University. Her previous research as an ethnographer has been about migration, diasporic identity, and kinship in Greece, Vietnam, and Canada. Publications by Katherine Pendakis have appeared in Citizenship Studies, Journal of Refugee Studies, The Asia-Pacific Journal, and Surveillance & Society.
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Professor Katherine Pendakis.
Elisabeth Rondinelli, PhD York University, is an ethnographer and cultural sociologist. She teaches in the Department of Sociology at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax. Topics of her research include the sociology of emotions and gender-based online violence.
As Millennial scholars born into the Canadian working class, we (Liz and Kate) were raised on a standard diet of “work hard, get ahead” at a time when it still felt possible to meet the traditional markers of adulthood: graduating with a college or university education; getting a job with a stable income; buying a home; building a family with partners, pets, and maybe children. But as Silva (2013) has shown, this trajectory has become less possible for young adults today. As neoliberalism has reduced state supports, well-paying union jobs have disappeared, and students have become heavily indebted, Millennials, and more recently Gen Z, are searching for alternative ways of claiming self-worth.
We have been researching an emerging “culture of failure” in North American society. This culture is mainly aimed at, concerned with, and produced by Gen Z and Millennials, and is expressed in mainstream media and social media ranging from observations of changes in the labour market (like the “great resignation” and “quiet quitting”) to reflections on the mundane failures of everyday life (like “goblin mode” and “bed rotting”). At the centre of our analysis is an examination of how discourses of failure convey a critical and lucid understanding of the limitations of our contemporary social systems as well as traditional markers of adulthood. This departs in striking ways from dominant approaches to failure.
Traditional narratives of failure tell us that it is best thought of as something from which to learn and a necessary stepping stone on the way to success and self-development. A simple Google search will yield hundreds of motivational quotes by entrepreneurs, athletes, political personalities, and influencers – living and dead – that frame failure as an unlikely teacher, urging us to keep trying. Similar aspirational sentiments are reproduced everywhere, from schools and workplaces, to pillows, kitchen walls, and coffee mugs: “Fail again. Fail better!” From this perspective, chronic failure that does not yield identifiable self-development is consequently seen as evidence of an individual’s lack of grit, perseverance, work ethic, or self- discipline. 
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Professor Elisabeth Rondinelli.
Certainly, there are many sociological analyses that tell us about the power of this framing. In fact, critical sociologists have long been preoccupied with the power and pervasiveness of individualistic discourses that encourage people to take personal responsibility for their circumstances and status. Working with theoretical contributions from key critical social and political theorists like Bauman (2000), Beck (1992), Bourdieu (1977, 1986), Brown (1995), Foucault (1997), and Rose (1990, 1999), studies have explored the diverse manifestation of these discourses, tracking how individualism shows up, for instance, in entrepreneurial subjectivity (Bröckling 2015), the meritocratic myth (Calarco et al. 2022; Mijs 2021), moral or flexible citizenship (Ong 1999; Valverde 1991), and therapeutic and self-help narratives (Illouz 2007, 2008; Silva 2013). Each of these discourses frames one’s experiences and position in social life as a consequence of one’s own individual behaviour and decision-making. At the centre of each is the self: wealth, prestige, strong relationships, and good health are manifestations of one’s will; financial precarity, divorce, and illness reflect poor decision-making and a lack of self-discipline. We have found that for critical sociologists, self-blame and talk of failure is simply a reflection of these discourses – one that ultimately serves to reproduce social inequality by blocking the possibility of collective awareness and critique of social structures.
A notable example of this tradition is Silva’s treatment of working-class Millennials’ reliance on therapeutic narratives to come to terms with their sense of failure. With the assistance of self-help books and media, therapists and support groups, Millennials develop a therapeutic narrative through which they position themselves as having succeeded in overcoming their personal demons (like pathological family relationships, bad habits, learning challenges, mental illness, and addiction). At the same time, however, Silva interprets this tendency as a depoliticizing force, turning young people inward and “hardening” them against themselves and others. Silva documents instances in which interviewees blame themselves or others for failing to achieve traditional markers of adulthood or for not having more success in their journey of self-development. Failure and therapeutic narratives thus go hand in hand. 
While Gen Z has inherited this now well-entrenched therapeutic narrative and the self-help culture that goes along with it, we argue that there is also evidence of an emerging generational disenchantment with the allure of perpetual self-improvement. Against hustle culture, against “the grind,” against performative productivity, and burning the candle on both ends, Gen Z has at their disposal a new framework through which they can understand these norms to be “toxic” remnants of an outdated work-obsessed culture. Foregoing the fantasies of meritocratic social mobility and reward, Gen Z can now appeal to slowness, staying put, and opting out. 
Arguably, generational divides have been well-documented, characterized by mutual disdain, hostility or suspicion: the young consider the old to be out of touch; the old call the young idealistic and irresponsible, naive to the ways of the world. But we claim that what marks this generation – Gen Z in particular – is the historically specific set of tools they have to articulate their shared condition. This shared condition includes having been born into internet culture and digital practice, the mainstream acknowledgement that it may be too late to do anything about climate change, the widespread forecasting of declining quality of life, and the discourses of mental health crises and isolation wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is in this context that a “culture of failure” begins to make sense. 
As sociologists, what tools do we have to make sense of this emerging culture of failure? In the absence of an existing “sociology of failure,” we are currently conducting a systematic overview of the discipline’s implicit attempts to understand failure, with an aim to developing methodological and conceptual tools for a more expansive treatment of failure. Framing our overview in terms of the promises and limitations of these attempts, we examine contributions from both critical and cultural sociology. We show that critical sociologists’ preoccupation with how ideologies justify inequality leads them to treat failure as evidence of internalized individualism, false-consciousness, or neoliberal subjectivity. Since our interest is precisely in the critical capacities that are evident in contemporary discourses of failure, we argue that the critical sociological tradition requires considerable intervention if it is to recognize and explore how a culture of failure can also be a culture of critique.
We then turn to cultural sociology. We show that cultural sociologists’ focus on agentic forms of meaning-making activity position them to offer a more expansive analysis of discourses of failure. While we do indeed discover these, we argue that, in practice, cultural sociologists tend to avoid taking up failure as a social fact requiring careful theoretical elaboration and detailed empirical investigation. Indeed, the closer cultural sociologists come to investigating failure, the more they rely on analyses from critical sociology that reduce actors’ talk of failure to evidence that they lack critical capacity and an understanding of the conditions that shape their lives. 
Ultimately, our project tracks a generational impulse that seems to be wresting failure from the therapeutic narrative and deploying it instead to advance a collective critique of social systems and the contemporary moment. To meet the emergence of this collective critique, we argue that sociology must reckon with its reductive treatments of failure.
Bauman, Zygmunt (2000) Liquid Modernity. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Beck, Ulrich (1992) Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity. London: Sage.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1977) Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1986) “The Forms of Capital.” In John G. Richardson (Ed.) Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. New York: Greenwood, 241-258.
Bröckling, Ulrich (2016) The Entrepreneurial Self: Fabricating a new type of Subject. London: Sage.
Brown, Wendy (1995) States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Calarco, Jessica M., Ilana Horn, and Grace A. Chen (2022) “You need to be more Responsible: The Myth of Meritocracy and Teachers’ Accounts of Homework Inequalities,” Educational Researcher 51(8), 515-523.
Foucault, Michel (1997) “Technologies of the Self.” In Paul Rabinow (Ed.) Ethics, Subjectivity and Truth: The Essential Works. New York: The New Press, 223-251.
Illouz, Eva (2007) Cold Intimacies: The Making of Emotional Capitalism. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Illouz, Eva (2008) Saving the Modern Soul: Therapy, Emotions, and the Culture of Self-help. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Mijs, Jonathan (2021) “The Paradox of Inequality: Income Inequality and Belief in Meritocracy go Hand in Hand,” Socio-economic Review 19(1), 7-35.
Ong, Aihwa (1999) Flexible Citizenship: The Cultural Logics of Transnationality. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Rose, Nikolas (1999) Governing the Soul: The Shaping of the Private Self. New York: Routledge.
Rose, Nikolas (1999) Powers of Freedom: Reframing Political Thought. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Silva, Jennifer M. (2013) Coming up short: Working Class Adulthood in an Age of Uncertainty. New York: Oxford University Press.
Valverde, Mariana (1991) The Age of Light, Soap, and Water: Moral Reform in English Canada, 1885-1925. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart.
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thesecrettimes · 1 year
Hackvolution: BNB Chain kicks off Hackathon to Drive Innovation and Collaboration
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PRESS RELEASE. BNB Chain, the world’s largest smart contract blockchain in terms of daily active users, has today announced Hackvolution, its global 7-week Hackathon, starting on July 13th and running until September 1st. Hackvolution gets support from COMBO, Google Cloud, CyberConnect, Hooked Protocol, and Ultiverse as key partners with mentors joining from leading universities. Interested participants can register here to take part in the upcoming hackathon. The hackathon aims to bring the Web3 community, developers, researchers and scientists together to contribute to the advancement of blockchain technology. The core focus will be on opBNB and BNB Greenfield within the BNB Chain ecosystem, whereby developers will have the opportunity to build decentralized applications (dApps) that leverage the functionality and modularity of these platforms. To bolster innovation across a diverse set of sectors, dApps will be categorized into four domains including, Infra, DeFi, Gaming, and AI. In addition, this event also opens up potential opportunities to access grants and the Most Valuable Builder (MVB) program under Binance Labs incubation. All applicants can expect four days of online workshops and an opportunity to engage with the BNB Chain developer community of 10,000+ developers. They will also receive 24/7 tech support, early access to BNB Chain updates and and exclusive access to the BNB Chain team A panel of judges made up of experts from the Web3 media, community and education sector will evaluate projects based on five key aspects: Technical innovation, Business model and Team configuration. The best 12 projects s from four domains will be selected to participate in the demo day and be eligible for rewards including: $10000 prize for 1st place winners of each track Bonuses based on ranking 1-month trial participation in the BNB Chain Gas Grant program A tailored marketing support package with BNB Chain Access to the discounted tools and services from the BNB Chain Kickstart program ● $2000 worth of credits and a POC trial coupon valued at $5000 from Google Cloud and Alibaba Cloud There will also be a separate $7500 prize pool for winners of the Local Hacker Stars awards. The hackathon will have a global reach, with offline meet-ups planned across different regions, including Asia-Pacific, CIS, Europe, Middle East & North Africa and Latin America. “We are thrilled to invite participants from all over the world to join us in the BNB Chain Hackvolution,” said Victor Genin, Senior Solution Architect at BNB Chain. “This hackathon is a fantastic opportunity to not only benefit from the rewards on offer but to play a part in shaping the future of blockchain technology and contribute to the growth of the BNB Chain ecosystem.” The key dates for the BNB Chain Hackvolution are as follows: Launch Date: July 13 Registration Period: July 13 – August 22 Greenfield Code Demo: July 21 and July 25 opBNB Code Demo: July 24 Online Workshops: July 28, 31, August 1, and 2 Submission Period: August 2 – August 22 Local Offline Meetups: Dates will be announced on BNB Chain’s social media channels ● Reviewing Period: August 22 – August 27 Winner Confirmation: August 28 12 Best Projects Demo Day: September 1 To learn more about the hackathon and to register to take part, please visit here. Join us for the BNB Chain Hackvolution and let your ideas, skills, and passion ignite while leveraging the potential of opBNB and BNB Greenfield to create meaningful dApps. ——-END—— About BNB Chain BNB Chain is a community-driven and decentralized blockchain, powered by BNB. It consists of BNB Beacon Chain, its staking and governance layer, BNB Smart Chain (BSC), which is EVM compatible and facilitates a multi-chain ecosystem with its Layer-2 solutions, and BNB Greenfield, its decentralized data storage network. It is the world’s largest smart contract blockchain by daily active users. It has processed 3 billion transactions to date from 232 Million unique addresses making it the largest layer 1 blockchain globally and bringing developers massive user access with ultra-low gas fees, higher transactions per second and has experienced zero crashes since its inception. The ecosystem has more than 1,500 estimated active dApps at any given time across multiple categories such as DeFi, Metaverse, Blockchain Gaming, SocialFi, NFT, Infrastructure, and more. There are numerous programs available to support the Web3 ecosystem including the Gas Grant, Builder Grant, Kickstart, Most Valuable Builder (MVB) and AvengerDAO.       This is a press release. Readers should do their own due diligence before taking any actions related to the promoted company or any of its affiliates or services. Bitcoin.com is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in the press release. Read the full article
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efrost · 1 year
Patient Engagement Solutions Market Detailed Strategies, Competitive Landscaping and Developments for next 5 years
A Latest intelligence report published by AMA Research with title "Global Patient Engagement Solutions Market Outlook to 2027. This detailed report on Patient Engagement Solutions Market provides a detailed overview of key factors in the Global Patient Engagement Solutions Market and factors such as driver, restraint, past and current trends, regulatory scenarios and technology development.
Patient engagement solution is designed to help patients manage their healthcare data and improves financial and operations efficiency. Market players are focusing on technological development. For instance, Heathered a Patient Engagement Management platform provider launched a new Heathered Life Portfolio’ (HELIO), a beta version of a new blockchain-based mobile app for patients. Further, growing healthcare infrastructure in emerging economies and increasing patient pool driving the demand for patient engagement solutions.
Major Players in this Report Include are
McKesson Corporation (United States)
Cerner Corporation (United States)
Allscripts (United States)
IBM (United States)
Allina Health (United States)
Orion Health (New Zealand) (United States)
Getwell Network (United States)
Lincor Solutions (Ireland)
Yourcare Universe (United States)
WelVU (United States)
Get Real Health (United States)
Oneview Healthcare (United States) Market Drivers: Rise in Aging Population
Rising Demand for Mobile Health Solutions
Increasing Government Initiatives to Promote Digitization in Healthcare Sector 
Market Trend: Emphasizing On Big Data Analytics, Block Chain, and Cloud-Based Technology for Designing Patient Engagement Solutions
Development of Omni-Channel Tool for Patient Engagement
Opportunities: Rising Demand of Patient Specific Solution
Growing Demand for Wearable Healthcare Technology
Increasing Demand from Emerging Economies Owing to Growing Healthcare Infrastructure 
he Global Patient Engagement Solutions Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Application (Health Management, Social and Behavioral Management, Home Health Management, Financial Health Management), End User (Providers, Payers, Patients, Others), Component (Hardware, Software (Standalone Software, Integrated Software), Services), Therapeutic Area (Chronic Diseases, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, Obesity, Dental, Women’s Health, Fitness, Others), Delivery Mode (On–Premise Solutions, Cloud-Based Solutions) Geographically World Patient Engagement Solutions markets can be classified as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa and Latin America. North America has gained a leading position in the global market and is expected to remain in place for years to come. The growing demand for Global Patient Engagement Solutions markets will drive growth in the North American market over the next few years.
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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sudeepkedar · 1 year
Data Annotation Tools Market Growth Potential & Forecast, 2032
As per a recent research report, Data Annotation Tools Market surpass USD 25 Bn by 2032.
The widespread use of wearable health devices and the explosion of digital medical information has made it difficult for data scientists to identify data manually. Data annotation technologies aid healthcare institutions in addressing these difficulties by delivering accurate, high-quality, labeled medical data with minimal input from medical specialists. This, in turn, has contributed to the high adoption rate of data annotation for medical imaging data, thus, favoring market growth.
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Furthermore, market players are maximizing their efforts to introduce innovative data annotation tools to address the rising consumer demand. Citing an instance, In January 2023, CloudFactory, a prominent provider of human-in-the-loop AI technologies, introduced Accelerated Annotation. This revolutionary Vision AI product combines CloudFactory's skilled workforce with AI-assisted labeling technology to expedite the data labeling process. Technological breakthroughs such as these will help strengthen the industry outlook through 2032.
 The data annotation tools market is categorized per annotation approach, data, application, and region.
By annotation approach, the automated data annotation tools market is set to exhibit a commendable CAGR from 2023 to 2032. With the growing usage of computer vision across several industry verticals, the demand for precise and quick picture annotation tools has increased. Manual picture annotation is time-consuming and error-prone, which has increased the acceptance of automatic image annotation technologies. As a result, its use in an array of applications, including healthcare, e-commerce, and social media, is expected to stimulate industry revenue streams until 2032.
As per data, the data annotation tools market from the text segment is poised to register substantial revenue growth owing to the rising usage of text annotation for document classification. The segment growth can also be attributed to the growing popularity of text annotation software among organizations dealing with massive amounts of textual content, such as media houses and research universities, which allow users to assign one or more categories to documents.
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The data annotation tools market from the automotive applications segment is poised to witness steady growth between 2023 and 2032. Accurate data annotation for self-driving automobiles has become essential in training a driverless ML model utilizing supervised techniques. Poor data labeling practices in autonomous driving may lead to major delays in the research and manufacturing stages. Driverless vehicles have gained substantial popularity in recent years and have even been mandatory in certain nations for environmental purposes, which may augment segment share.
Asia Pacific data annotation tools market was worth more than USD 450 million in 2022 and is estimated to record substantial growth through 2032, owing to the proliferation of IoT and AI technologies across multiple industries. Furthermore, the expanding automotive sector and the rising adoption of autonomous cars across the region will stimulate regional industry growth through 2032.
Partial chapters of report table of contents (TOC):
Chapter 2   Executive Summary
2.1    Data annotation tools industry 3600 synopsis, 2018 - 2032
2.2    Business trends
2.3    Regional trends
2.4    Data type trends
2.5    Annotation approach trends
2.6    Application trends
Chapter 3   Data Annotation Tools Industry Insights
3.1    Impact of COVID-19 outbreak
3.1.1    North America
3.1.2    Europe
3.1.3    Asia Pacific
3.1.4    Latin America
3.1.5    MEA
3.2    Impacts of the Russia-Ukraine war
3.3    Data annotation tools industry ecosystem analysis
3.3.1    Data annotation software vendors
3.3.2    Cloud service providers
3.3.3    Distributors and resellers
3.3.4    Third party service providers
3.3.5    End-user
3.3.6    Vendor matrix
3.4    Technology & Innovation landscape
3.4.1    Pseudo labelling
3.4.2    Online content moderation
3.5    Patent analysis
3.6    Key news & initiatives
3.7    Regulatory landscape
3.8    Industry impact forces
3.8.1    Growth drivers   Rising demand for annotated data to improve machine learning models   Increasing investments in the development of autonomous driving technologies   Growing adoption of data annotation for medical imaging data   Surging uptake of text annotation for document classification
3.8.2    Industry pitfalls & challenges   Inaccurate data labelling due to poor content quality   Lack of skilled professionals   High costs associated with manual data annotation
3.9    Growth potential analysis
3.10    Porter’s analysis
3.11    PESTEL analysis
 About Global Market Insights:
Global Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.
Contact us:
Aashit Tiwari Corporate Sales, USA Global Market Insights Inc. Toll Free: +1-888-689-0688 USA: +1-302-846-7766 Europe: +44-742-759-8484 APAC: +65-3129-7718 Email: [email protected]  
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emaanderson · 1 year
Multichannel Networks Market Competitive Analysis, Growth Factors and Key Players Till 2027
The global multichannel networks market is segmented by services and tools as Monetization Assistance, Cross Promotion, Production & Editing Tools, Funding and Digital Rights Management. Among these segments, Monetization Assistance segment is anticipated to dominate the global multichannel networks market. The increasing penetration of mobile devices and internet manifests significant growth in the above segment.
The global multichannel networks market is perceived to maintain a constant CAGR during the forecast period. Bolstering number of internet users is the major attribute responsible for catalyzing the growth of the multi-channel network market. Increased application of video platforms and social media platforms such as YouTube, IBM Cloud Video, Amazon Prime, Wistia, Netflix, and others are also responsible for the propelling of multichannel networks market across the globe.
North America is anticipated to exist as the largest market in multichannel networks on the account of increase in online video viewership and digital transformation.
The channels such as hulu and Netflix are broadening the Multichannel network market. The Asia Pacific region delineates maximum growth owing to the low cost internet to the general use in China and India. The increasing per capita income coupled with major youth population heeds the increased views and subscription of multichannel networks.
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Amongst Middle East and African market, North African market manifests significant rise in multichannel network market on the account of existence of wide film and entertainment industry in countries such as Algeria, Egypt and Nigeria.
High Penetration of Internet
It has inculcated that major Multichannel networks are partnering with several advertisers providing them with a platform to an appropriate time on target audience. On the account of bolstering usage of internet on mobile and other devices evince the rise in demand for multichannel networks across the globe.
Boost in the online and mobile video viewership manifests platform diversification and the rise in business on YouTube due to the growth in number of content creator’s manifests significant improvement in multichannel networks market worldwide.
The low price internet amongst the Asia pacific region mostly in China and India coupled with increasing disposable income manifest significant growth in multichannel network market in the region. Increasing penetration of mobile devices in China, India and various South East Asian countries manifest significant increase in the multichannel network market in the region.
However, rise in the investment, increasing in the prevalence of cyber security threats and complexity in integration of video platforms various hindrances to multichannel networks market.
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Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth drivers, restraints, supply and demand risk, market attractiveness, BPS analysis and Porter’s five force model.
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global multichannel networks market which includes company profiling of Machinima, Inc., Maker Studios, Inc., Fullscreen, Inc., Culture Machine Media Pvt. Ltd, Qyuki Digital Media Private Limited, Vevo LLC, ZEFR, Inc., Warner Music, Inc., Universal Music Group, Inc., Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. and The Orchard Enterprises, Inc..
The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of the global multichannel networks market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.
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sueheaven · 2 years
Online Education Service Market Is Likely to Experience a Tremendous Growth in Near Future
A Latest intelligence report published by AMA Research with title "Global Online Education Service Market Outlook to 2027. This detailed report on Online Education Service Market provides a detailed overview of key factors in the Global Online Education Service Market and factors such as driver, restraint, past and current trends, regulatory scenarios and technology development.
Online education is a form of education where students join the course by using their home computers through the internet. For many nontraditional students, among them all those who want to endure working full time or raising families, online graduations and courses have become popular in the past decade. Often online graduation and course programmers, some of which are led using digital technologies, are providing through the online learning portal of the host university. Many online institutions partner with universities on campus to develop and provide online programs. The partnership enables an online service while providing validated course studies through the brick-and-mortar institution, to get an advantage from the advanced expertise and technology that an online provider provides.
Major Players in this Report Include are:
Tencent (China)
Lynda.Com (United States)
Pearson PLC (United Kingdom)
McGraw-Hill Education (United States)
Blackboard Inc. (United States)
Aptara Inc. (United States)
Adobe Systems Inc. (United States)
Docebo (Canada)
Edmodo (United States)
PowerSchool Group LLC (United States)
Tata Interactive Systems (India)
K12 Inc. (United States)
Udacity, Inc. (United States)
Classteacher Learning Systems (India) Market Drivers: Increasing Internet Penetration across the Globe
Rising Demand for Digital Education Market Trend: Technological Advancement Associated with the Online Education Service
The Rise in Deployments of Online Platform in Educational Institutions
Opportunities: Evolving New Opportunities for Traditional Educational Institutions
Increasing Perspective in Emerging Nations
The Global Online Education Service Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Application (K-12, Higher Education, Industry and Professional, Others), Online Education Programs (100% Online Education, Hybrid Education, Online Courses, MOOCs), Technology (Synchronous (Chat, Voice, Video and Live Streaming), Asynchronous (Digital Curriculum Material, e-Mail, Discussion Boards, Social Networking)), Servicers (Primary and Secondary Supplementary Education, Test Preparation, Online Certification, Higher Education & Language, Others)
Geographically World Online Education Service markets can be classified as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa and Latin America. North America has gained a leading position in the global market and is expected to remain in place for years to come. The growing demand for Global Online Education Service markets will drive growth in the North American market over the next few years.
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AMA Research & Media LLP
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erasamuel · 2 years
Nursing Education Market is set for a Potential Growth Worldwide: Excellent Technology Trends with Business Analysis
A Latest intelligence report published by AMA Research with title Global Nursing Education Market Outlook to 2027. This detailed report on Nursing Education Market provides a detailed overview of key factors in the Global Nursing Education Market and factors such as driver, restraint, past and current trends, regulatory scenarios and technology development.
With the growing number of aging population requiring patient care and the retiring nursing workforce, retirement of trained nurses is giving rise to the need for training, educating, and hiring new nurses. Also there is a continuous technological evolution influencing the need for trained and skilled nurses with the adequate qualifications. These factors are driving the Global Nursing education market. The Nursing education industry is transforming the healthcare segment. Nursing Education includes both post graduate and undergraduate courses offered by the universities and colleges worldwide. The mandatory nursing education for increasing number of students taking up nursing as profession has improvised the patient caring and monitoring status globally. This is eventually boosting the Global Nursing Education market.
Major Players in this Report Include are:
Duke University (United States)
Johns Hopkins University (United States)
University of Pennsylvania (United States)
University of California (United States)
Columbia University (United States)
Emory University (United States)
Louisiana State University Health (United States)
School of Education Northcentral University (United States)
New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing (United States)
Market Drivers: Growing geriatric population and chronic illness worldwide
Increasing demand of nurses in the hospitals
Rising number of nursing colleges and institutes worldwide
Need of certification and degree among learners to gain a competitive edge.
Market Trend: Adoption of social media to learn and create communities
Increasing motivation to advance professional knowledge among younger generations
Continuous change in healthcare technology and patient care
Opportunities: The increasing number of students opting for nursing courses every year is providing an opportunity for the market
Continuous technological evolutions influencing the need for trained and skilled nurses with adequate qualifications.
The Global Nursing Education Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Baccalaureate Degree (BS), Associate Degree (AD), Diploma), Application (Conventional Universities, Nursing Programs in Colleges), Mode of Education (On-Campus, Distance, Online), Courses (Post Graduate, Graduate), End user (Hospitals, Home Healthcare services)
Geographically World Nursing Education markets can be classified as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa and Latin America. North America has gained a leading position in the global market and is expected to remain in place for years to come. The growing demand for Global Nursing Education markets will drive growth in the North American market over the next few years.
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AMA Research & Media LLP
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desaletushki · 2 years
Smart Toys Market Size, Share, Trends And Forecast 2030
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The global smart toys market size is expected to reach USD 34.13 billion by 2028, based on a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. It is expected to expand at a CAGR of 16.5% from 2021 to 2028. The rise in disposable income, coupled with the growing demand for coding skills, is fueling the growth of the market. The growing importance of coding and STEM learning in schools and other organizations is propelling the demand for smart toys. The use of educational robots in classrooms for storytelling and play-to-learn interactive tablet toys help in delivering superior gaming and learning experience to students and players.
Key players in the market are utilizing TV media and famous cartoon characters to capitalize on branded content to improve the entertainment value. The inclusion of social media and OTT platforms provides companies in the market to garner a larger consumer base in the market. Dora the Explorer and Sesame Street are some of the famous cartoons that are interactive.
Further, key players like Mattel Inc. and Hasbro Inc. have reported an increase of 4% increase in revenue in the last quarter of 2020. The lockdown orders in several parts of the world led to the majority of time spent with family, thereby increasing the sales of board games and cards. Companies in the market optimized the use of online retailing by providing discounts and offers to consumers to increase revenue. For instance, as per Spielwarenmesse, a fair organizer has reported that several independent retailers during the pandemic shifted to online operations to survive during the pandemic.
Browse Full Report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/smart-toys-market-report
Smart Toys Market Report Highlights
Based on product, the interactive games segment held the largest revenue share in 2020 due to the increasing internet penetration worldwide
In terms of distribution channel, the offline segment held the largest revenue share in 2020 owing to the large presence of local manufactures and toy producers
In 2020, North America held the largest revenue share owing to the increasing disposable income and rising demand for educational toys in classrooms
Asia Pacific is anticipated to witness the fastest growth from 2021 to 2028. Rapid urbanization, rise in flexible income, and a promising demographic base are increasing the demand for toys in the region
Key Players & Market Share Insights
The key players in the smart toy industry depict a strong geographical presence. Key players in the industry are adopting e-commerce and social media platforms to expand their consumer base. Recent developments in the market primarily include new product launches, mergers and acquisitions, and the opening of new stores to increase customer reach. For instance, in 2020, Mattel Inc. partnered with Universal Brand Development to launch Netflix TV series based on Spirit Riding Free. The partnership is expected to aid Mattel to extend their range of toys in the Spirit Riding Free category.
In another instance, in February 2018, Hasbro entered into an agreement with Netflix to create play experiences for kids based on the Netflix show super monster. The agreement will help the company to produce a wide range of toys under the Playskool brand. In December 2020, Lego Group announced to open its first Lego retail store in Salt Lake City in Utah, the U.S. The store provides immersive experiences for the customers with the inclusion of a wide range of toys. Some prominent players in the global smart toys market include: Playmobil, Pillar Learning, Sega Toys Co. Ltd., LeapFrog Enterprises Inc., Mattel Inc., Hasbro Inc., Lego System A/S, Robofi LLC, Tomy Co. Ltd., Doctor's Associates Inc.
Request Free Sample Report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/smart-toys-market-report
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jurassicparkpodcast · 3 years
Dinosaur Challenge Game and AR Content Coming from Fresh Del Monte and Dreamworks Animation
A fun way to promote healthy eating and Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous is on the way from Fresh Del Monte and Dreamworks Animation! Throughout September and October, Jurassic fans will have the chance to buy products from Fresh Del Monte which will include QR codes that reveal a fun new game - Dinosaur Challenge! This team-up sounds like a lot of fun and we’re very interested to see what is involved in the Augmented Reality content. Here’s a few details on the campaign:
"Players scan and play using different product QR codes on produce tags to unlock special skills and boosters to help escape the game’s island. Users can also unlock augmented reality (AR) content and social media filters for a limited time by obtaining badges and medals through the game. Participating Fresh Del Monte produce items include: Del Monte Gold® Pineapple Honeyglow® Pineapple Del Monte® Bananas Various Del Monte® Fresh Cut containers"
Be sure to hit the stores to track down the latest products to play along, but that’s not all they have in store for Jurassic fans! Once the challenge goes live, you’ll have the chance to enter to win a trip to Universal Orlando Resort! “Winners will win a four-day, three-night trip with hotel, theme park tickets for winner plus three guests, and ground transportation between airport and hotel.” Wow! Be sure to enter the contest once it goes live at www.DinosaurChallenge.com.
Be sure to scan the QR code and also check out the full press release below for more information!
"Prehistoric Produce: Fresh Del Monte and “Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous” Products to Hit Supermarket Shelves This Fall Produce brand works with DreamWorks Animation and Universal to offer promotions, launch AR game, and giveaway trip to Universal Orlando Resort. Coral Gables, FL (September 1, 2021) – Today, Fresh Del Monte announced its collaboration with “Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous,” a Netflix series created by Universal Pictures, DreamWorks Animation, and Amblin Entertainment. This new partnership allows the produce giant and studio to join forces in promoting the series which is now streaming on Netflix. The collaboration allows Fresh Del Monte to add an adventurous twist to the packaging of its nutritious produce lineup, which will introduce consumers of all generations to “Jurassic World” and fresh produce in a creative way. Throughout September and October of this year, consumers can purchase select Fresh Del Monte produce items to access an all-new Dinosaur Challenge game. Players scan and play using different product QR codes on produce tags to unlock special skills and boosters to help escape the game’s island. Users can also unlock augmented reality (AR) content and social media filters for a limited time by obtaining badges and medals through the game. Participating Fresh Del Monte produce items include: Del Monte Gold® Pineapple Honeyglow® Pineapple Del Monte® Bananas Various Del Monte® Fresh Cut containers “At Fresh Del Monte, we seek strategic brand partnerships to help encourage kids to eat more fruits and vegetables,” said Pablo Rivero, Vice President Marketing North America, Fresh Del Monte. “Therefore, we could not be more excited to partner with the Jurassic World franchise to bring these fun products and adventures to families in the United States and Canada. We look forward to getting more fruits and vegetables in kids’ hands and hope this is the first of many future partnerships with DreamWorks and Universal.” To further sweeten the deal, consumers in the United States and Canada* can enter for a chance to win a trip to experience Universal Orlando Resort’s three amazing theme parks in Orlando, Florida. Winners will win a four-day, three-night trip with hotel, theme park tickets for winner plus three guests, and ground transportation between airport and hotel. Full terms and conditions can be found by visiting www.DinosaurChallenge.com. For more information on the Del Monte Fresh Produce brand, including products, recipes and promotions, please visit DelMonteFresh.com, or keep up with the brand on Instagram or YouTube @delmontefresh. *Excludes Quebec **No purchase required ABOUT FRESH DEL MONTE Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. is one of the world's leading vertically integrated producers, marketers and distributors of high-quality fresh and fresh-cut fruit and vegetables, as well as a leading producer and distributor of prepared food in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Fresh Del Monte markets its products worldwide under the DEL MONTE® brand (under license from Del Monte Foods, Inc.), a symbol of product innovation, quality, freshness, and reliability for over 135 years. The Company also markets its products under the MANN™ brand and other related trademarks. Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. is not affiliated with certain other Del Monte companies around the world, including Del Monte Foods, Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of Del Monte Pacific Limited, Del Monte Canada, or Del Monte Asia Pte. Ltd. Fresh Del Monte is the first global marketer of fruits and vegetables to commit to the “Science Based Targets” initiative. Fresh Del Monte Produce is traded on the NYSE under the symbol FDP. "
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congvienmuidendo · 4 years
Con Số 6 Tỷ USD cho siêu dự án công viên mũi đèn đỏ 2020
Dự án Công viên Mũi Đèn Đỏ và nhà ở thành phố hay gọi là Saigon Peninsula được chính thức khởi động với sô vốn là 6 tỷ đô. Lễ ký kế được diễn ra ngày 3.8.2016 tại tòa nhà Times Square – The Reverie Saigon Hote giữa Công ty cổ phần Tập đoàn Vạn Thịnh Phát của Trương mỹ Lan của sở hữu những nhà đầu tư nước ngoại trừ gồm Pavilion Group và Genting Group để lớn mạnh dự án “Khu công viên Mũi Đèn Đỏ và nhà ở đô thị” (“Saigon Peninsula”) tại P.Phú Thuận, Q.7, TP.HCM.
Tụ hội những kiến trúc quốc tế độc đáo. Dự án Saigon Peninsula mang quy mô 118 ha đã được chính quyền TP.HCM chấp nhận cho Công ty cổ phần Tập đoàn Sài Gòn Peninsula làm cho chủ đầu tư và đã được chuẩn y quy hoạch tỷ lệ 1/500 sở hữu những hạng mục công trình: công viên đa chức năng, bến cảng du thuyền quốc tế, văn phòng, khu biệt thự, căn hộ, khách sạn, các khu chức năng khác cùng phổ biến hạng mục công trình hạ tầng kỹ thuật.
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Dự án công viên mũi đèn đỏ 2019 được khởi công số voond 6 tỷ USD
Sài Gòn Peninsula 2020 ,Với tổng vốn đầu tư dự kiến 6 tỉ USD, các nhà đầu tư sẽ biến dự án công viên Mũi Đèn Đỏ thành nơi tụ tập của những nét kiến trúc độc đáo với tầm cỡ quốc tế và là “lá phổi xanh” hòa quyện vào không gian sông nước sinh thái hoàn hảo mang vị trí đặc thù của dự án ngay ngã ba sông Sài Gòn và sông Nhà Bè.
Pavilion Group, có Chủ tịch điều hành Desmond Lim, là người sáng lập song song là chủ có của Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, đã và đang là đơn vị mang tầm nhìn xa trong ngành bất động sản Malaysia với thành tích khai triển phổ biến công trình xây dựng đa lĩnh vực, quản lý dự án và đầu tư dài hạn đều rất thành công. Pavilion Group sẽ giữ vai trò chủ đạo trong quy hoạch khái quát và triển khai xây dựng công trình điểm nhấn gồm trung tâm thương mại bán lẻ chất lượng cao kết hợp sở hữu khách sạn 5 sao, khu căn hộ cao cấp và villa nghỉ dưỡng sang trọng cùng những cao ốc văn phòng hạng A tại dự án Saigon Peninsula.
Thiet ke va quy hoach cong vien mui den do quan quan 7 Sài Gòn Peninsula
Phối cảnh dự án tiến độ cảu dự án công viên Mũi Đèn Đỏ – Khu thành thị Saigon Peninsula
Xây dựng cảng tàu khách quốc tế Genting Group, dưới sự lãnh đạo của ông Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay, sẽ tham dự vào việc xây dựng cảng tàu khách quốc tế của dự án. Sau lúc hoàn thành, cảng tàu khách quốc tế 200.000 GRT này sẽ là cảng tàu khách to nhất tại VN để đưa và đón du khách. Ngoài ra, hai siêu thị cơ khí và xây dựng bậc nhất của Hàn Quốc là Posco E&C và Hyundai E&C cũng đã chuẩn bị sẵn sàng tham gia thi công dự án. Các bên sẽ cộng góp kinh nghiệm, tiềm lực, tài chính đầu tư từng hạng mục lớn của dự án và cộng chung mục tiêu triển khai đồng bộ dự án.
Ngoài việc hợp tác vào Saigon Peninsula, các nhà đầu tư to kể trên hiện vẫn đang tiếp tục nghiên cứu đầu tư vào các dự án hàng tỉ USD khác tại TP.HCM, đặc biệt trong lĩnh vực hạ tầng đô thị trong thời gian tới. Sự kiện hợp tác trên sẽ đem đến 1 dung mạo mới cho ngành du lịch VN cũng như tạo thêm nguồn thu nhập và hơn 30.000 việc khiến cho mới cho người dân. Hy vọng rằng, đây cũng là bước đệm để lôi kéo các nhà đầu tư lớn khác vào đầu tư để góp phần xây dựng và vững mạnh Thành phố Ho Chi Minh city cũng như đất nước việt nam
Source :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ho_Chi_Minh_City
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vietnam, State of Vietnam, South Vietnam, Đồng Nai Province, Nguyễn dynasty, Viet Minh, Tan Son Nhat International Airport, Human activities, Viet Cong, People's Army of Vietnam, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Bảo Đại, North Vietnam, Hoa people, Names of Ho Chi Minh City, Mass media in Vietnam, French Indochina, Vietnam War, Hanoi, Thống Nhất Stadium, Quang Trung, Gross domestic product, Long Thanh International Airport, Cambodia, Fall of Saigon, Mekong Delta, Trần dynasty, Independence Palace, Bến Thành Market, Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu Province, Chợ Lớn, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnamese people, Bình Dương Province, Southeast Asia, VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Champa, 1954 Geneva Conference, Lê Hồng Phong High School, Ngo Dinh Diem, RMIT University Vietnam, Teochew dialect, Telecommunications in Vietnam, Public transport, Bitexco Financial Tower, Tuổi Trẻ, Bus, Foreign direct investment, Municipal Theatre, Ho Chi Minh City, Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Rain, Chams, Flood, Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone, High School for the Gifted, Mekong, Communist states, Vietnam Railways, Transport, Nam tiến, RMIT University, North–South railway (Vietnam), Vietnam Television, Mai Thục, Nguyễn Khuyến, Tet Offensive, Communist Party of Vietnam, Saigon River, Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chi Minh City Television, Vinh, Pacific Airlines, Grab (company), Provinces of Vietnam, Taxicab, Bình Chánh District, Pétrus Ky, Asia, Citadel of Saigon, Viettel, Climate, France, Nguyễn Thiện Nhân, Communism, Economy of Vietnam, Wet season, Economy, V.League 1, Newspaper, Pho, History of writing in Vietnam, Trịnh lords, Motorcycle taxi, Haiphong, University, Han Chinese, The Saigon International University, French assistance to Nguyễn Ánh, China, Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon, Culture, Tây Ninh Province, Chu Văn An High School (Hanoi), Trưng Sisters, Government of Vietnam, Rail transport, Rapid transit, Gò Vấp District, Funan, Thủ Đức District, Telecommunication, Hóc Môn District, Public transport bus service, Ho Chi Minh, Internet, Intercity bus service, Tropical climate, Vũng Tàu, Vietnamese independence movement, Sihanoukville (city), Ho Chi Minh City Metro, Ho Chi Minh City FC, Gia Long Palace, Phú Thọ Province, Tropics, Overseas Vietnamese, Tân Phú District, Ho Chi Minh City, Tân Bình District, Laos, Train station, National Assembly (Vietnam), Thailand, Tiền Giang Province, Cargo, Lê Lợi, Chey Chettha II, Private university, Cycle rickshaw, Overseas Chinese, Saigon Heat, Crescent Mall, Service industries, Investment, Military of Vietnam, Religion, Hokkien, Nguyễn Thượng Hiền, Saigon Port, Ho Chi Minh City Metro (Earlier proposals), Construction, Bình Thạnh District, Tourism, Nguyễn Trãi, North–South expressway (Vietnam), Agriculture, History of Vietnam, United States, Indochina Wars, Huế, Politics, Phnom Penh, Khmer people, Vietnamese name, Cần Giờ District, Passenger, Colonialism, Tomb of Lê Văn Duyệt, Vietnamese đồng, Varieties of Chinese,  Vietnamese cuisine, Hồng Bàng dynasty, South Vietnam, First Indochina War, Cochinchina, Music of Vietnam, Lê dynasty, French Indochina, North Vietnam, Âu Lạc, 1954 Geneva Conference, Viet Minh, National Assembly (Vietnam), Names of Vietnam, Đổi Mới, Nanyue, Religion in Vietnam, Đại Việt, Tonkin, Hanoi, Ngo Dinh Diem, An Dương Vương, Southeast Asia, Tuberculosis, Gia Long, Pho, Spring roll, Sport in Vietnam, Hoa people, HIV/AIDS, Communist Party of Vietnam, Bánh mì, Water supply, Nguyễn dynasty, Köppen climate classification, Vietnamese people, Vietnam War, Da Nang, War in Vietnam (1945–1946), Urbanization, Empire of Vietnam, Pollution, Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Mid-Autumn Festival, Tan Son Nhat International Airport, People's Army of Vietnam, 1955 State of Vietnam referendum, Chữ Nôm, Water pollution, Haiphong, Communist states, Protestantism, North–South railway (Vietnam), Chả giò, Cambodia, Economic growth, Sanitation, Operation Passage to Freedom, High-speed rail, Economy of Vietnam, Missionary, Nguyễn Phú Trọng, History of Vietnam, Wastewater, Water, Dong Son culture, Economic inequality, Sauce, Hưng Yên Province, China, Khmer Rouge, Hydroelectricity, Empire of Japan, Nam tiến, Cambodian–Vietnamese War, Malaria, Early Lý dynasty, Agent Orange, V-pop, Vietnamese alphabet, South Central Coast, Tết, Asia, Việt Nam Quốc Dân Đảng, Áo dài, History of writing in Vietnam, French colonial empire, Allies of World War II, French Indochina in World War II, Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, Gỏi cuốn, Vinh, Viet Cong, Noi Bai International Airport, Public health, Liquefied petroleum gas, Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone, Nuclear power, Hải Dương, Socialist-oriented market economy, Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu Province, Chams, Climate, Transport in Vietnam, Culture of Vietnam, People's Republic of Kampuchea, Human activities, The Tale of Kieu, Nguyễn Cao Kỳ, Bảo Đại, Rail transport, Lạng Sơn Province, Zhao Tuo, Re-education camp (Vietnam), Tiến Quân Ca, Nha Trang, Montagnard (Vietnam), Nguyễn lords, Mongol invasions of Vietnam, Petroleum, France, Thừa Thiên-Huế Province, Hội An, Lê Duẩn, Income distribution, Battle of Bạch Đằng (938), Poverty, Renewable energy, Lào Cai Province, Huế, Health, Cuisine, Mạc dynasty, Northeast (Vietnam), Vietnamese language, Tourism, Trưng Sisters, Great Recession, Infection, French Cochinchina, Gross domestic product, Climate of Vietnam, Paris Foreign Missions Society, Phan Bội Châu, Qui Nhơn, Vietnamese poetry, Chinese calendar, Energy development, Train, 6th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Trần dynasty, Long Thanh International Airport, Hạ Long, Cao Bằng Province, Politics of Vietnam, Music, Religion, Baiyue, Hùng king, Internet censorship in Vietnam, Mekong Delta, Yên Bái Province, Mekong, Olympic Games, Xẩm, Laos, Household income in the United States, Operation Ranch Hand, Wildlife of Vietnam, Central Highlands (Vietnam), Recession, Ngô Đình Nhu, K-pop, Drinking water, Bắc Giang Province, Economy, United States, Infant mortality, Lạc Việt, Fish sauce, 1997 Asian financial crisis, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Quảng Ninh Province, Taste, Shrimp paste, Hospital, Lê Thánh Tông, Indochina Wars, Wildlife conservation, Vietnamese independence movement, Supreme court, Caodaism, Government of Vietnam, Commander-in-chief, Buddhism, Viettel, Vietnamese nationalism, Vietnamese famine of 1945, Immunodeficiency, Politics, Disease, Road, Asian conical hat, BP, Water supply network, Alexandre de Rhodes, University, Chèo, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Hòa Hảo, Temple of Literature, Hanoi, Fansipan, Catholic Church, VietJet Air, Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park, Paris Peace Accords, Phú Thọ Province, Income, Hong River, Vietnamese calligraphy, Thailand, Phú Quốc, Environmental issues in Vietnam, Rice noodle roll, Tây Sơn dynasty, Education, Ming–Hồ War, Vietnamese clothing, Hòa Bình Province, Transport, Court, Biodiversity, Watt, Ca trù, Thái Nguyên Province, Le Cong Dinh, Da Nang International Airport, Sino-French War, Unexploded ordnance, Cát Tiên National Park, Cần Thơ, Health care, Han Chinese, French Far East Expeditionary Corps, Religious conversion, Han conquest of Nanyue, Market economy, Science, Coriander, Hồ dynasty, Vietnam Airlines, Austroasiatic languages, Khánh Hòa Province, Human rights in Vietnam, Christian mission, Military of Vietnam, Yếm, Vũng Tàu, Spice, Nguyễn Văn Linh, Trịnh lords, Triệu dynasty, Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư, Folk music, Vietnamese literature, Yên Bái mutiny, Phan Đình Phùng, Nùng people, Bánh chưng, Cần Vương movement, Arsenic contamination of groundwater, Gini coefficient, Vietnamese folk religion, Nghệ An Province, Growth of religion, Health system, Mỹ Đình National Stadium, Mountain, Soviet Union, Provisional Government of the French Republic, Waste, Shinkansen, Bình Định Province, Communism, South China Sea, Bánh cuốn, Spain, Economic liberalisation in India, Dong Son drum, Diplomacy, Member states of the United Nations, Quảng Ngãi Province, Fuel, Chiang Kai-shek, Power station, Port, Aid, Tuyên Quang Province, Đồng Tháp Province, Đồng Nai Province, Ho Chi Minh trail, Tonkin campaign, Thermal power station, Culture, Rail transport in Vietnam, Soy sauce, Bình Ngô đại cáo, Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân, Ho Chi Minh City–Long Thanh–Dau Giay Expressway, Champa, China–Vietnam relations, Asian Games, Tropics, Cochinchina Campaign, Battle of Dien Bien Phu, Japan, Tet Offensive, Food, Homo, Water supply and sanitation in Vietnam, Khmer Krom, Chairperson, Sport, Rice vermicelli, Malaysia, Philippines, Rex Tillerson, Pacific Airlines, Bến Tre Province, Calligraphy, Surrender of Japan, Water treatment, Literature, Provinces of Vietnam, Divided regions, Agriculture, Âu Việt, Singapore, Vermicelli, World War II, Annam (French protectorate), Chợ Lớn, Ho Chi Minh City, Drink, Devaluation, Tay people, Tropical savanna climate, Population, Military justice, ASEAN, Hà Giang Province, Vietnamization (Vietnam War), War, East Asia, Lantern Festival, Festival, Puppet state, Mortality rate, Wind power, Lime (fruit), Paddy field, Persicaria odorata, Nondenominational Christianity, Ginger, River, Vietnamese đồng, Thái Nguyên, Siege of Tourane, Long Xuyên, Head of state, Muong people, Rice, Fossil fuel, Ngô Bảo Châu, Quảng Bình Province, Lê Lợi, Religious denomination, Indigenous peoples, South Korea, Lý dynasty, Nguyễn Du, Soup, Taiwan, Francisco de Pina, Herbicidal warfare, Bình Dương Province, Judge, HIV, Freedom of religion, Inflation, Đại Việt sử ký, President of Vietnam, Diplomatic mission, Thái Nguyên uprising, Socialism, Infrastructure, Dessert, Hong River Delta, Southern United States, Tourist attraction, Sukhoi Su-27, Street food, Ngô Quyền, Malnutrition, Workforce, Imperialism, Dejima, Industrial waste, Ming dynasty, Municipal solid waste, Army, Ngô Sĩ Liên, Nationalism, Foreign direct investment, Evangelicalism, Indonesia, Urban area, Hạ Long Bay, Vladimir Putin, Human rights, Annamite Range, Theravada, Season, Catholic missions, Islam, Republic, Minister (government), Saola, Waste management, Eastern Bloc, International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, Head of government, Cửa Lò, Confucianism, Collective farming, Sex trafficking in Vietnam, Censorship, Airline, Syncretism, Herbicide, Flag of Vietnam, Salad, Former polities of the Indochina Wars, Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group, Water resources, Formal wear, Groundwater, Portugal, Controlled-access highway, Military, Rhinoceros, S-Fone, Trade, Court of Appeal of Singapore, World Trade Organization, Cooking, Nursing, Lạc Long Quân, Plateau, Antimalarial medication, Bún riêu, History, Fall of Saigon, Bình Thuận Province, Traffic, Marxism–Leninism, Emperor, Corps, Witchcraft, Globalization, Colonialism, School uniform, Mangrove, Noodle, Herb, Jurisdiction, Nguyễn Trãi, Tourism in Vietnam, RMIT University, Petrovietnam, Re-education through labor, Public transport, Quảng Nam Province, Wind, Korean idol, Sea, Oral literature, Phan Chu Trinh, Han dynasty, Municipal Theatre, Ho Chi Minh City, Air Mekong, Khmer Empire, Lake, Chili pepper, Effects of Agent Orange on the Vietnamese people, Economic sanctions, Basil, Cu Lao Cham Marine Park, Hà Tĩnh Province, Capital punishment, Human trafficking, Technology, Summer Olympic Games, Planned economy, FIFA World Cup, Emerging market, Paleolithic, Dominican Order, land, natural
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mysilentmemory · 5 years
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7 Times Super Junior Changed The Game For K-Pop FEATURES
Nov 6, 2019
Super Junior is one of the most respected groups of the second generation of K-pop, and for good reason. The group is one of the first of that era and is also one of the longest-running ones to date. Ever since their debut in 2005, our beloved idols have contributed a lot to the Hallyu wave and have brought so much originality to the music industry as a whole.
When it comes to musicality, there isn’t a genre that these talented men haven’t experimented with. From bubblegum pop and alternative rock to contemporary R&B and EDM, they have done it all. Yet, it seems that Latin-infused music suits them best, and they have released a handful of songs that solidifies this claim.
All in all, Super Junior has led 14 years of incredible achievements that have drastically changed the game. Here are some of their most impactful K-pop moments throughout the years.
1. Being the first idol group to promote in China -------------------------------------------------------------------------
It is no news that the sub-unit concept came with Super Junior, with Super Junior-M (SJ-M) being their Chinese sub-unit. At the time, on top of Han Geng, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook,and Kyuhyun, the lineup also included Henry and Zhou Mi who were exclusively signed to SJ-M. The newly founded Super Junior-M was the first international music group in China that featured members of both Chinese and Korean descent. This allowed them a smooth entry into the Chinese market, as they debuted with the Chinese version of their song “U.”
2. Winning Favorite Artist Korea at the 2008 MTV Asia Awards -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Super Junior’s popularity kept growing by the second with every song they brought to the scene. In 2008, they were the first and last idol group of the second-generation era to win the Favorite Artist Korea award at the MTV Asia Awards, as the ceremony was canceled later on.
3. “Sorry Sorry” going viral worldwide -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Super Junior had their international breakthrough thanks to their viral hit “Sorry Sorry” from their third studio album of the same name. On top of its critical and commercial success, the song was also the reason behind a dance craze on social media. This was without a doubt a stepping stone in the group’s road to global stardom and their role in introducing K-pop to the rest of the world.
4. Giving a special lecture at Oxford University -------------------------------------------------------------------------
In 2013, Super Junior received an invitation from Oxford’s Asian Pacific Association and the Korean Student Council where they held a lecture titled, “Super Junior: The Last Man Standing.” At the time, Eunhyuk, Siwon, Kyuhyun, and Kangin attended the prestigious England-based university as guest lecturers. They discussed their success as artists as well as their own thoughts on K-pop and Hallyu.
5. Winning Choice International Artist at the 2015 Teen Choice Awards -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Another first for our boys was their nomination and win for two newly added categories, Choice International Artist and Choice Fandom, at the 2015 Teen Choice Awards. This shows that Super Junior has fans from all over the world who support them every step of the way, thus taking part in their worldwide success.
6. Becoming the first K-pop artist to enter Billboard’s Latin Songs chart -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Previously ranked at Billboard’s Latin Digital Song Sales chart at No. 13 and Billboard’s World Digital Song Sales chart at No. 2, “Lo Siento” is considered an incredible feat and a meaningful recognition for Super Junior’s musical legacy since Billboard stated they’re the first Korean act to enter the Latin Digital Song Sales chart. This track implements yet again Latin vibes following their previous release “Mamacita.”
[Watch the VIDEO HERE]
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7. Being the first foreign-language artist to win Artist of the Year at the KKBOX Music Awards -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Super Junior is no stranger to the Taiwanese music awards show, as they had previously won Best Korean Singer of the Year in 2012 and Best Korean Artist in 2013 and 2015. This year, the group came back to make history as the first foreign-language recipient of the Artist of the Year award. If anything, this shows that Super Junior is still representing the genre to the best of their ability, all while snatching many more firsts along the way.
[Watch the VIDEO HERE]
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 Economic Development of the Philippines during Aquino III and Duterte Administration
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     The Philippines is considered one of the countries in East Asia Pacific region having the most vibrant and dynamic economy. Its economy has been changing and growing steadily over these past decades. The Philippines has transition in its economy, from being one based on agriculture to more on services and manufacturing in which it is primarily considered now as newly industrialized country. Its economic dynamism is rooted in strong consumer demand supported by its robust remittances, vibrant labor market where business activities are booming with notable performance in the services sector.
     Timely measures are indeed important to cushion against the crisis and economic shocks that might affect the country’s economic growth. This is why state leadership styles and strategies contribute a big factor in making Philippines as a country, a better one. Different administrations have past and ruled during their terms just like the former President Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III and the current President Rodrigo Roa Duterte. Comparatively, these two have their distinct advocacies and leadership approach.
President Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III Administration
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       Under Benigno Aquino’s administration, the gains of good governance are being translated into the development of the quality of life of the Filipinos, specifically the poor and the vulnerable. The Human Development Index is a summary measure for assessing long-term growth in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living. During his term, Philippines’ HDI value reached 0.702 and the cornerstone of the Aquino administration’s inclusive growth agenda has always been investing in the Filipino people, such as the social services, education system and the goal of universal healthcare is what it has always been pursuing. Under Aquino’s presidency, he signed an Act Amending the National Health Insurance Act of 1995 or the RA 10606, which mandates the provision of comprehensive health care services to all Filipinos and the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, institutionalizing the K to 12 Basic Education Program that provides sufficient time, readiness for tertiary education and preparation for future specific career options.
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     The purchasing power of the citizens during Aquino’s administration wasn’t quite favorable to the consumers or the citizens since Philippines faced crisis that time. Inflation has more than doubled in less than a year after the Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) hit the country in November 2013. It damaged crops, have devastated livelihoods and an expanded truck ban in Manila delayed shipments which leads to price hike. The said inflation was also due to the increased price of rice which caused a toll to the purchasing power of the citizens.
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     There were number of significant commitments with regards to supporting entrepreneurship, innovation and attaining free and open trade and investment among member economies during President Aquino’s administration. Through the Access of Small Enterprises to Sound Lending Opportunities, this has the acronym of ASENSO, which means progress in Tagalog, had helped enterprises by providing assistance to them. The Magna Carta implementation for MSMEs has also played a significant role in their microfinance. One of the most significant areas in which government had done during his presidency term was educating MSMEs about  Doing Business in Free Trade Areas, which aids them get relevant or proper market information and avail of preferential tariffs. In addition, the administration institutionalized efforts through the Go Negosyo Act of 2013, which has the objective of promoting ease of doing business and assisting MSME’s forward access to services.
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte Administration
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        President Rodrigo Roa Duterte became the 16th President of the Republic of the Philippines after a landslide victory with 16.6 million votes. He is the first president from Mindanao, and also the first local chief executive to get elected straight to the Office of the President. President Duterte has constantly guaranteed the Fiipino people of his promise to continue and sustain the previous administration’s momentum for social development as well as to confront the challenges it failed to address by introducing radical or progressive changes. During his administration, Philippines’ HDI value reached 0.712— which put the country in the high human development category— positioning it at 106 over 189 countries and territories. According to UNDP, between 1990 and 2018, the country’s HDI value increased from 0.590 to 0.712, an increase of 20.6%.
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          Education was made affordable and accessible with the “University Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act” or known as the Republic Act (RA) 10931 and the education budget was increased, registering a 32% growth increase from the previous year. Also, the health budget increased by 19% with more than 50 billion budget allocated to expand health financing under Philhealth, providing Filipinos free access to healthcare services. Duterte’s administration emphasizes that through social development and infrastructure, he can provide decent and dignified future for the Filipinos. He was able to boost the Filipino consumers’ purchasing power through the implementation of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law, believing that improving the income tax system would be fairer and more efficient as it put more amount of money in the pockets of the consumers and guaranteed strong domestic demand in the economy, while also raising the needed resources to boost economic activity.
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           President Duterte vows to support entrepreneurship and innovation through the Philippine Innovation Act he has signed which aims to help micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) become part of the global market. Republic Act No. 11293, aims to takeout obstacles to innovation by “suppressing bureaucratic hurdles,” and stimulate the entrepreneurial attitude to revitalize growth of local businesses. To attain the country’s innovation goals, the law requires the government to have innovation centers, technology programs, technology platforms, innovation networks, cluster policies, and human capacity-building programs. For good measure, the National Innovation Council (NIC) was formed and is tasked to develop and advance the country’s innovation goals and priorities.
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     The previous and present administration has their different ideology, advocacy and definitely a league of their own, the promised straight path by the former and the promised change and end of poverty by the current. Past administration indeed left or turned over a growing stabilized economy and somehow, the current administration benefited from it. But in my perspective, President Duterte’s administration comparatively had brought more economic development than the former administration. Aside from the fact of Manila’s sliding corruption ranking due to his fight against corruption to end poverty, the Philippines' per-capita GDP reached an all-time high under his administration demonstrating competence in protecting and sustaining health of the economy. Though President Rodrigo Duterte is usually being portrayed by media as barbaric and has a terrible human rights record yet, there is no denying that the average Filipino is doing better under President Duterte’s administration.
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csrgood · 4 years
Sustainable Cotton Farming Showcased in Episode 2 of HanesBrands' Behind-the-Scenes Documentary “Crop to Campus”
In the second episode of filmmaker Rod Murphy’s “Crop to Campus” apparel sustainability minidocumentary, college students exploring T-shirt manufacturing visit the operations of a fifth-generation cotton farmer in North Carolina.
Episodes of the seven-part documentary commissioned by HanesBrands that follows three North Carolina State University students throughout the T-shirt supply chain drop every Tuesday and may be viewed at www.CropToCampus.com.
In episode 2, the Wilson College of Textiles students visit Grant Farms in Garysburg, North Carolina, owned by fifth-generation cotton farmer David Grant. The students learn that sustainability starts early in the production process – before a seed for the raw material that goes into a Hanes ComfortWash T-shirt has even been planted.
Grant Farms uses sustainable farming techniques and natural rainfall to grow its cotton without irrigation by taking advantage of its location in the southeast United States.
“HanesBrands has made a significant commitment to sound water management, which is especially important when it comes to a water-intensive crop like cotton,” said Chris Fox, HanesBrands’ vice president of corporate social responsibility. “Raw cotton is the beginning of our entire production process, so it’s important we work with growers like Grant Farms, whose responsibly grown and harvested cotton serves as an integral first step in our supply chain. The cotton field is the beginning of the many important efforts we make to reduce our ecological footprint and social impact in manufacturing a wardrobe staple like T-shirts.”
The company is a member of Cotton LEADS, which advocates for responsible raw material production. HanesBrands, which has reduced water use by 25% since 2007, sources the vast majority of its cotton from areas of the southeastern United States, where annual rainfall generally exceeds a cotton plant’s water requirements and crop irrigation is not needed.
HanesBrands commissioned Murphy, a filmmaker from Asheville, North Carolina, who has won 14 awards for his first four documentary feature films, to make the documentary to assess how well the company’s corporate social responsibility efforts resonate with the expectations of millennials and Generation-Z youth.
In the first episode released Sept. 8, the students – Mamie Trigg of Austin, Texas; Katy Powers of Charlotte, North Carolina; and Sydney Parker of Raleigh, North Carolina – discussed their different interpretations of what sustainability means to them.
In future “Crop to Campus” episodes, the students travel throughout the southeastern United States and El Salvador to visit communities that rely on responsible yarn spinning, fabric production, and T-shirt sewing operations.
The next episode release dates and topics are:
Sept. 22: “Yarn Spinning in the U.S.A.”
Sept. 29: “El Salvador Production: Stitch by Stitch”
Oct. 6: “Community: It’s About the People”
Oct. 13: “Back to Campus: Tee Party”
Oct. 20: “Takeaways: How important is responsible manufacturing?”
Visit www.CropToCampus.com to learn more about the documentary series, or www.HanesForGood.com for more information about Hanes’ responsible manufacturing practices.
HanesBrands HanesBrands, based in Winston-Salem, N.C., is a socially responsible leading marketer of everyday basic innerwear and activewear apparel in the Americas, Europe, Australia and Asia-Pacific. The company sells its products under some of the world’s strongest apparel brands, including Hanes, Champion, Bonds, DIM, Maidenform, Bali, Playtex, Lovable, Bras N Things, Nur Die/Nur Der, Alternative, L’eggs, JMS/Just My Size, Wonderbra, Berlei, and Gear for Sports. The company sells T-shirts, bras, panties, shapewear, underwear, socks, hosiery, and activewear produced in the company’s low-cost global supply chain. A Fortune 500 company and member of the S&P 500 stock index (NYSE: HBI), Hanes has approximately 63,000 employees in more than 40 countries. For more information, visit the company’s corporate website at www.Hanes.com/corporate and newsroom at https://newsroom.hanesbrands.com/. Connect with the company via social media: Twitter (@hanesbrands), Facebook (www.facebook.com/hanesbrandsinc), Instagram (@hanesbrands_careers), and LinkedIn (@Hanesbrandsinc).
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/45773-Sustainable-Cotton-Farming-Showcased-in-Episode-2-of-HanesBrands-Behind-the-Scenes-Documentary-Crop-to-Campus-?tracking_source=rss
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sarjanamuda5-blog · 4 years
Discover Why to review in Major Schools in Singapore
Analyze in Singapore
Singapore Instruction is actually a multi-government company initiative introduced by the Singapore Govt in 2003 to ascertain and boost Singapore like a leading instruction hub and support worldwide pupils make an knowledgeable selection on researching in Singapore. This initiative is led by the Singapore Economic Progress Board and supported with the Singapore Tourism Board, SPRING Singapore as well as Ministry of Training.
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Tuition fees are reasonably priced and the price of dwelling in Singapore remains to be considerably lower than of numerous made nations. With Singapore's custom of meritocracy gifted learners who require fiscal assistance can discover the assistance they need to have in type of scholarships, bursaries and research financial loans.
Why review while in the Top Schools in Singapore?
1. Hub of training excellence: Within an ecosystem which is inspiring and conductive instruction, Singapore offers premium quality of training and research. More than sixteen international universities has their campuses in Singapore.
2. Reasonably priced quality education and learning: Tuition service fees are very affordable in Singapore and still drastically decrease than several of the formulated international locations.
3. Infrastructure: Singapore is perfectly related by using sea, air and telecommunication to all elements of the earth.
4. Global business enterprise hub: Singapore is continuously acknowledged to generally be a global business enterprise hub with its created infrastructure, political balance and open organization policy. More than 7000 MNC together with one hundred thousand modest and medium enterprises have set up their foundation in Singapore with quite a few deciding on Singapore as their regional hub and start pad to dynamic market of Asia.
five. Vivid and cosmopolitan setting: Singapore may seem similar to a modest dot around the entire world map, though the island condition bustles all over with attractions and actives. The nation's loaded multicultural living jointly.
Intakes for Studying in Singapore
The most important intakes of Singaporean major universities are August, September and January
Entrance Exams for Researching in Singapore:
The public university of Singapore have to have SAT at under graduate stage. Plus the MBA or other Masters study course in the community university in Singapore would call for GMAT or GRE based on the course.
Nonetheless the private universities of Singapore would demand an IELTS / TOEFL which happens to be optional when the pupil presents a Medium of Instruction letter (English) from his former higher education.
Top five Faculties in Singapore
one. Nationwide College Of Singapore - The National University of Singapore is Singapore's oldest college. It's the major college inside the state regarding pupil enrolment and curriculum offered. The Countrywide College of Singapore was fashioned along with the merger of the College of Singapore and Nanyang University in 1980.
two. Singapore Administration College - Singapore Administration College (SMU) is household to about seven,000 students and comprises 6 universities: the school of Accountancy; Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Small business; School of Economics; College of knowledge Units; Faculty of Regulation; and faculty of Social Sciences.
SMU offers 6 bachelor's degree programmes in Accountancy, Business enterprise Management, Economics, Information Techniques Administration, Regulation, and Social Sciences; twelve Master's programmes in Used Economics, Used Finance, Utilized Finance (China), Small business Administration, Economics, Finance, Professional Accounting, Information and facts Systems, IT in Enterprise (Economic Services), Administration, Functions Administration and Prosperity Management; a Juris Medical doctor programme; and 5 PhD programmes in Enterprise (Finance), Small business (Organisational Behaviour and Human Assets), EcGlobal Range.
3. LASALLE Faculty from the Arts - Launched in 1984 by De La Salle educator, Brother Joseph McNally, LASALLE Higher education on the Arts is usually a specialist tertiary establishment major modern arts training in high-quality artwork, style and design, media and accomplishing arts from the Asia Pacific
LASALLE offers essentially the most comprehensive array of 26 diploma and diploma awards in design, fine arts, film, media arts, fashion, dance, new music, theatre, art record, artwork treatment and arts management in the location. Being an accredited institution in the Open College, the United Kingdom's greatest university, the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes supplied by LASALLE are benchmarked towards the ideal universities in the united kingdom, making them internationally recognised and comparable to British isles MA, BA (Hons) and DipHE skills.
four. Nanyang Technological College - Nanyang Technological University is surely an internationally reputed research-intensive tertiary institution. Its broad-based education and learning handles science and technologies, company along with the arts, entrepreneurial and management expertise to organize learners with the world working earth.
Nanyang Technological Institute (NTI) was established around the identical campus in 1981 with authorities funding to coach practice-oriented engineers with the burgeoning Singapore financial system. In 1991, NTI grew to become Nanyang Technological University along with the absorption in the Countrywide Institute of Education. The alumni rolls with the previous Nanyang University were transferred to NTU in 1996.
five. German Institute of Science & Technologies - TUM Asia - Pioneering the globalization of German college education and learning, in 2001, TUM chose the Republic of Singapore as its strategic partner to initiate the first German academic venture abroad. German Institute of Science and Technology - TUM Asia
("TUM Asia") was recognized as being a 100 % subsidiary of TUM, offering various joint master degree programmes in close collaboration with Singapore's primary universities the Countrywide University of Singapore ("NUS"), the Nanyang Technological College ("NTU") hence supported by numerous industry partners eg Infineon, Texas Instruments, Siemens. GIST-TUM Asia runs selective TUM Master and /or Bachelor of Science programmes
Popular courses in Prime Schools in Singapore for Undergraduate and Postgraduate
At undergraduate's amount the popular courses are:
Engineering Enterprise Programs (Enterprise Management, Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Economics, etc) Interior layout
At Postgraduates level, the popular courses are:
Masters in Company Administration Masters in Finance Masters in Hospitality and tourism Masters in Information and facts technologies.
Singapore University student Visa process
The visa process of Singapore doesn't involve any interviews or going to visa officers.
The visa application form is to get filled by the university student and given to the university; the university applies with the scholar visas.
In this process, the student needs to fill visa variety 16A and form 36. All the universities provide visa kind to the student offer letter and the makes the 1st installement payment.
Singapore Scholarships
Usually the scholarship is provided to the students with exceptional academic records.
There are personal universities in Singapore who would conduct scholarship test in different components in the environment to offer scholarship to potential and deserving learners, based mostly on their capabilities and capabilities.
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