#social justice comedy
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sjbattleangel · 2 years ago
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sjbattleangel · 2 years ago
White people: Taking credit for people of color's inventions since, well forever.
(See also: Rock music, Dance music, Electronic music, Pop music, Wall art, delicious food, great fashion and human civilization itself.)
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alwaysbewoke · 1 year ago
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whereserpentswalk · 6 months ago
It’s fascinating that you think trans people’s names come to them like wands in Harry Potter, you can’t just culturally appropriate bc you’re trans
Ok, this is about comments I made like a year ago on a comedy bit. While I stand by my feelings that the bit was bad and transphobic, my reasons why are a lot diffrent.
When I first wrote the comments my arguments were very thermian. I treated the story the comic was telling as if it was real and objective. Which feels right for most people, because stand up comedy is often presented like conversation, where we do treat stories like that as real things. But that's not how comedy works, comedians don't tell stories the way we do in conversation, they're creatives, the stories they tell are basically fictional, the art form might look like real conversations but it's not.
Comedians want to make you laugh, and sometimes want to send a message or make you think about things in a new way, but they have no reason to want to portray events accurately. They might be basing some things off of real experiences, but that's true for everyone, Tolkien might have chosen to explore his experience in world war one in lord of things, that doesn't mean we have to argue about orcs as if they're real entities when we're talking about if those books were racist.
So let's actually look at the skit, and analyze its outlook on trans people keeping in mind its a story that a cis man is telling, and not actual events: So the summery of the skit is that a white trans man comes out to his to his family, and he picked a name you'd expect a black person to have. He has older black relatives (who are implied to fully accept him, which would make him possibly the only trans person on earth with a fully accepting family) who refuse to use this name, and instead call him "the boy". The sketch ends with the comedian saying he should pick a name like Kevin, because even if he's trans he's not interesting (keep your thoughts on that last one).
Now, ignoring how this would play out in real life, what does this as a peice of fiction say about trans people:
First off: it's creating a plausible but unlikely situation where the woke thing to do is to not respect a trans person's identity. A lot of political humor exists to call ideas into question with hypotheticals, and the idea being questioned here is the idea that trans people's identities deserve respect.
Second off: it's creating a situation where a trans person is entitled and arogent for wanting his identity respected. In the fiction this trans person is that. But it's promoting the idea that they are in real life. Transphobes will show you a lot of spooky examples of trans identities that are unreasonable to respect, but that's not useally ever what it's like in real life. (An otherkin robotgirl isn't going to demand you communicate with her through beeps and boops, she probably just wants you not to laugh at her.)
Third off: it's pitting minorities agaisnt eachother. Conservatives love this, but it's super common when people try to convince progressives to a specific group from their advocacy. It shows us a world where trans rights and poc rights are at odds with eachother, in the real world they aren't, in the real world they're part of one larger struggle and diminishing one is diminishing the other. A lot of people do this with different identities, lgb types do it with gayness, terfs do it with womanhood, class reductionists do it with class, trscum do it between trans people. But it doesn't help one oppressed group when you shit on a diffrent oppressed group in their name. It's white conservatives who love it the most when trans people and poc at pit agaisnt eachother, and it's trans poc who suffer the most.
Fourth off: it's feeds into a very old myth amoung queerphobic progressives, which is the idea that queer people are privileged people looking to pose as the marginalized to get special rights. This is a myth we really have to get over, because its been internalized by a lot of people, and we get these hunts for fake minorities. This is why the "you're not interesting" line sticks out to me. Most trans people don't give themselves inappropriative names, but trans people as a group constantly get accused of trying to steal other people's struggles. This is a myth that preys on the fact that white skined white colar queer people are more visible, and its one that is based on treating that disparity in visibility as a fact. We have to cut this out, nobody fakes minority status to get privileges because minorities aren't privileged. It's not true for queer people, even the queer people other queer people hate like bi people and ace people. It's not true about mentally ill and ND people, or converts to non Christian religions, or East Asian people, or anyone who gets accused of this. Stop it dearly.
Fifth off: this entire sketch is based in the idea that families can accept their trans kids, but only conditionally, only if they prove themselves to be doing it for the right reasons, and they please their family's whims. This is a transphobic idea, it's a transphobic idea most neolibs hold. Comedy bits are a lot like story books (no shade at either) where a problem is presented at the beginning, and a solution at the end, that the audience is expected to take for their own problems. And the solution here is a form of transphobia, the idea that trans people aren't owned acceptance, they need to earn it. I've seen a lot of trans people tormented by their families over that idea. And when a person of color goes and stage and wraps that idea in racial justice, it's young trans poc who get hurt by it the most.
Sixth off: not a huge point, but I feel like a cis black man, of all cis people, should be the most likely to understand that calling a trans man a boy is dehumanizing and insulting. I guess this goes to show he's not interested in thinking about how trans people's struggles are like his, he stands alongside a lot of marginalized trans people there.
Finally I kind of don't know how to end this. This is long. Really long. I don't know whose going to read this, because its a lot. Hopefully you got a bit of media literacy from reading all of this. Early on in my tumblr career, when I had just moved from Brooklyn to Manhattan, I had read an essay by @wifelinkmtg about a concept called the ditch. The idea was we often argue about media wrong, talking about things in hyper literal cannon obsessed terms, and that was the ditch, the ditch we dig for ourselves when we ignore things like themes and audience experiences. Hopefully this series of words dug less of a ditch than my words did a year ago. Sorry I don't have the actual sketch on hand. Mabye I'm wrong, but if someone wants to prove me wrong I'd rather they do it outside of a ditch. Mabye the ask wasn't even about that post. Mabye I'm tired. Maybe you should be tired too.
Sorry for the long post. Media literacy matters. Black trans lives matter. Goodbye, enjoy your night well.
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myfandomrealitea · 8 months ago
Ive been watching this drama over the last few days and I thought I'd create a hyperbolic representation of it
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I can't believe we're on season three already.
(I'd like you to know this made me inhale half my burrito and there is now mince meat coming out of my nose. 10/10 entertainment thank you very much.)
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sjbattleangel · 4 months ago
"Satire is meant to ridicule power. If you are laughing at people who are hurting, it's not satire, it's bullying."
-Sir Terry Pratchett.
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curiositysavesthecat · 5 months ago
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*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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dangerouslyco-dependent · 1 year ago
I made it almost 10 years without creating a Buzzfeed post, but I need more people to be talking about this, because none of it is okay.
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radioregine · 2 months ago
anyway remembering this old mutual in law who, bc they don't like weird al, went on this huge rant about how all comedy music is unfunny and the genre all annoying untalented white guys. then when someone brought up zack fox they got angrier and said 'zack fox is a rapper don't insult his craft' and they were dead serious. it was so strange like just say you find comedy music grating bc clearly you don't have the range to discuss the actual racist shit in comedy circles
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americasonlylibertybell · 11 months ago
“polarization” “echo chamber” “confirmation bias machine” aye aye aye my head hurts
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historyafterdark · 2 years ago
Welcome to the blog!
General format:
Historical dates derived from the balance of my gas station receipts (always past midnight of course).
If possible, historical events will be narrowed down to the exact date (month and day) of the purchase, if not, the year only.
General rule:
All historical events are researched through vetted historical archives and literature.
Example: Receipt balance - $14.22, April 15th = April 15th, 1422.
My inbox is open to any and all feedback, as well as asks!
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sjbattleangel · 2 years ago
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Lady Moldy-Butt in real life.
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cowboylikedean · 26 days ago
you know what tho that abc family's Interesting Diversity shows like the fosters and switched at birth are like one of my favorite type of things. they are both serious and good as well as silly and mid. early gay rep is in this same category. like ally mcbeal and xwp's trans women arcs. they were both super importantly progressive and deeply unserious. i just love that kind of juxtaposition
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alwaysbewoke · 1 year ago
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moonlovesskunks · 4 months ago
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pacificpulseplus · 7 months ago
Black-ish - Season 4
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