#soccer player x oc
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peachhcs · 4 months ago
a trip to van
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
samy spends a weekend in van with her two favorite people
4.5k words
hiii here's this that i've been working on for a few days. i thought this idea was super cutie and wanted to write more quinn and samy dynamic. also lowkey predicting that sjs vs. van game in a week so lol this won't be accurate but anyways let me know if u guys like these longer fics or not bc i think they're fun to write sometimes!! (also i imagine samy taking these pics of quinn and will)
au masterlist
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"i actually can't believe you convinced me to let you stay for a whole weekend," the oldest hughes brother teased samy as they climbed into the car once her stuff was in the back.
"oh shut up. you've been begging to spend more time with me. plus, i haven't been to van in years," the younger sibling countered as they shared a laugh.
"yeah, you're right. you're right. it's good to see you, squirt," quinn squeezed her arm across the armrest as they pulled out of the pickup line.
it was thursday night and samy was in vancouver for the weekend to watch her brother and will play one another on saturday. she was ecstatic to say the least to be spending some time with quinn and getting to see will. it wasn't often that the oldest and youngest sibling spent 1 on 1 time together—in the summer if they were lucky, but even then, quinn had things keeping him busy and so did samy.
"mom told me you need to take me to a hundred different places while i'm here. she sent me a whole list," the brunette chuckled.
"oh really? like where?"
"apparently this bakery that sells really good bagels. there's an italian restaurant in downtown mom really liked that she wants me to try. i dunno, i'll send you the list," samy clicked around to add quinn to the note.
"alright, i'll have to check it out. is she expecting me to pay for all your meals this weekend?" the older boy hummed, amusement on his features.
"i mean i won't complain if you do. i am a broke college student," the younger brunette grinned.
"good thing i make millions," samy hit her brother's arm for that comment making quinn laugh out loud.
"you better stay humble for someone making 8.6 million a year," the girl mumbled, still unbelievable that her brothers were that rich for doing something they genuinely loved doing. she knew she'd never make anywhere close to that even if she did put in the same amount of work.
either way, she secretly enjoyed bugging and asking her brothers for things knowing how much money they had and that they could definitely swing helping her out with groceries here and there.
"plus, you got your boyfriend making a good couple hundred thousand. you're in good hands," quinn added and samy just flushed, rolling her eyes slightly.
"don't worry, i know. i've been told many times that i should just drop out of college and move to san jose because will can support us," he poked at her every time about it and sometimes samy also still couldn't believe her childhood best friend now boyfriend was rich enough to support her and she didn't have to do a thing. "don't worry, i got you, squirt. welcome to luxury for the weekend," quinn grinned as he leaned back in his seat and really embraced his millionaire status inside his expensive car and fancy sunglasses atop his nose.
later that night, samy sat in quinn's apartment on facetime with their parents plus jack and luke so they could see she made it in safely.
"i'm so happy you had a safe flight! how is it so far?" ellen wondered with a bright smile while quinn slipped into frame.
"it's been really good. quinn's been a really great host," she pinched her brother's cheeks making him push her hands away.
"damn, i'm so jealous i'm not in vancouver right now. it could've been a reunion!" jack exclaimed.
"hey you get to see will in like a week when he plays you guys in jersey," samy smiled a bit, sad that she couldn't fly out for that reunion.
"yeah, i guess. how's quinn's? has he made you his weird protein shake yet?" the middle hughes wondered while luke snickered.
"dude, it's not that bad, i swear. it gets me up in the morning," quinn rolled his eyes.
"oh it's bad, don't try gaslighting yourself. if he does make it, don't drink it. it had me on the toilet for an hour," jack mumbled while samy laughed and ellen and jim just shook their heads.
"well, i'm glad you've been having a good time so far. it's rare that i see my kids getting along on their own," ellen chimed in.
"hey! we get along! what are you taking about?" luke defended himself.
"mhm, yeah, sure you do," jim chuckled.
"we do! i swear. at least jack and i kind of get along better," the second to youngest sibling patted jack's arm and the two boys gave their most convincing smile.
"key word: kind of," samy chirped.
"oh shut up," luke rolled his eyes at his sister.
"there it is," quinn mumbled, concealing his laughter so their parents or luke wouldn't see.
"well, anyway, it's good to see my kids sort of together. you two have fun in van this weekend! i want lots of pictures and tell will we said hi!" ellen cheered, breaking up the bickering before it got worse. her kids smiled, all nodding.
"will do. love you guys," samy waved before disconnecting from the call.
quinn jumped up from the couch to continue making dinner. the siblings sat in comfortable silence for a moment until the older boy decided to keep talking, "so how have you and will been doing? okay?"
"yeah, we're good. we talk like every night. it's good," the brunette nodded.
"good, i'm glad. i'm happy you guys worked things out," quinn nodded in approval.
"yeah, me too. we're still..readjusting, but it's been easy i think now that will's had time to settle into california and the team."
"that's good. i mean it'll take time, but i'm glad to hear it's been easy," samy appreciated her brother's words knowing some may think she took him back way too soon and way too easily.
"thanks. what about you? have you found anyone or been seeing anyone?" she loved poking into her brothers' lives. it wasn't easy with quinn considering how closed off he was and how easy it was for him to hide things because he lived in a different country.
"funny, but no. i haven't really been seeing anyone," the older boy hummed.
"lameee, we need to get you someone. i mean don't you have like girls lined at your feet?" samy giggled, thinking about all the edits she saw about her brothers on tiktok.
"very funny. i'm just trying to work on myself. is that a crime?"
"of course not, but i feel like mom's looking for another daughter," the younger brunette teased a bit.
"she'll find one in jack's girlfriend. i have a feeling he's getting married first out of all of us," it wasn't too out of character for jack since he was the middle child and all.
"you think so?"
"i mean i don't know, but yeah. he likes jumping into those things," quinn chuckled.
"yeah, i could see it. i think it will be jack, you, me, then luke. or luke and i are switched and i'm last."
"you last? that's surprising."
"well will and i aren't getting married anytime soon. we wanna live a bit and establish ourselves before anything serious," samy nodded. she wasn't too big on getting engaged so soon anyways. it was probably the only thing she wanted to take her time with other than having kids. that was a way later thing.
"alright, fair. i guess i could say the same. i'm not looking for anything," quinn shrugged. he wasn't huge on any of those life milestones knowing he'd find his person when he was ready.
"do you think you're gonna stay in van forever?" samy changed the subject, leaning her arm across the back of the couch and resting her head down.
"i mean probably. i've got a good few years left in me. plus, i like it here. it reminds me of being a kid and growing up in toronto," the older brunette smiled.
"i kind of miss living in toronto. i basically grew up there, you know?" a good 12 years of samy's life was spent in toronto and they were probably some of the best years.
"yeah, i know. they were good years for sure. you could always go back, you know. move back up there," it was definitely something quinn thought a lot about whenever he did decide to retire from the ice. even though he loved michigan, those times in toronto would always call back to him.
it called back to all of the hughes siblings.
"yeah, maybe when i'm like forty and will's retired," the girl grinned and quinn nodded in agreement.
the rest of the night, the two watched some hockey highlights and then a movie before calling it a night. samy excitedly awaited will's arrival tomorrow afternoon where he was able to pull a few strings and fly out early to spend a bit more time with her and quinn.
the two siblings rode back to the airport to gather will while samy continuously checked his flight to see if he had landed yet.
"the plane's not getting any closer every minute you look at it," the older boy laughed, watching the way his sister constantly looked at the website.
"i know, i'm just excited," the genuine happiness was a good look on samy that quinn enjoyed seeing. he hated seeing her so sad this past summer, so he was glad her spirits were back up and she was her usual, bubbly self.
"does this mean i'm gonna be third wheel for the rest of the weekend?"
"no, i promise. we'll just be all gross and kiss when you aren't looking," the girl laughed to herself while quinn rolled his eyes.
"great, great. thanks for having some decency," the boy mumbled but he was secretly smiling.
they pulled back into the airport pickup line where quinn started getting serious deja vu from yesterday. the two of them sat in comfortable silence on their phones and listening to the soft hum of the radio in the background. a few minutes passed when samy began hitting her brother's arm repeatedly, her face glowing.
"his plane landed! he should be coming out," she squealed, jumping out of the car. quinn followed after, the two of them leaning against the side waiting for the blonde.
the younger brunette was bouncing on her heels, scanning every face that came through the doors knowing will was bound to walk through them any second.
finally, will came through, his big hockey bag slung over his shoulder, backpack strapped to his back and sharks hat to cover his messy hair. samy jumped up, running to greet her boyfriend in the middle where quinn couldn't help the smile on his lips.
will dropped his bag so he could lift samy into his arms, the couple spinning around in their bone crushing hug. "missed you," the brunette hummed, pulling back a bit once her feet were back on the ground.
"i missed you, too. its so good to see you," will's hold on her waist drew her in closer, admiring all of her features up close after only seeing them through a screen for months.
"i'm so excited you're here. this is gonna be so fun," samy grinned and pulled her boyfriend down for a kiss, not caring that they were in public or who was watching.
they melted into one another, lips and bodies molding together. quinn, who was watching the entire exchange, pretended to act disgusted which pulled the two apart.
"sorry to break up this reunion, but maybe save that for back at the apartment?" he raised his eyebrow. samy rolled his eyes while will flushed, letting the girl go.
"good to see ya, smitty. it's been awhile," quinn opened his arms for a quick hug.
"it's good to see you, too, quinn. thanks for letting me stay for the weekend," the blonde smiled.
"my apartment is your apartment. although the ice will be a different story tomorrow," the older boy teased a bit, laughing when he saw will pale a bit.
"just kidding. it's gonna be a good game tomorrow. i'm excited to play you and see what you got," quinn smacked will's shoulder and a bit of a nervous chuckle left the blonde's lips.
"alright, don't scare him. let's get back," samy broke them up, tugging them back to the car so they could stop taking up a spot.
once quinn and samy helped will get settled in, the oldest hughes brother let the couple have some time to themselves. they sat out on the balcony curdled up together enjoying the nice weather and city below. it was nice de-stressor for will before the game, too.
"so how do you like it so far? be honest," samy wondered, referring to will's time in the nhl so far.
"i really like it. it's like a dream come true," will said honestly which made the girl smile.
"i'm really glad. you look like you've been thriving."
"i do miss boston and the guys and my family and michigan and you though. it's not the same not having all of you an arm's length away," the blonde frowned briefly, thinking of the boys and his parents on the other side of the country from him.
"i get it. we miss you, too, but i'm glad you've been loving it so far. you've got a pretty big name to yourself now," samy giggled while will rolled his eyes a bit.
"just so you know, i'm only thinking of you when i do those press interviews," his words made the youngest hughes blush, burying her face into his shoulder.
"i actually can't believe all of you are in the nhl now. it still feels like yesterday listening to you guys talk about that dream in our living room, or pretending you were playing a real game back on our rink in toronto," all of those memories were still so fresh in their minds, it was hard to believe it was nearly 10 years ago.
"wow, i remember those days. i was always so excited to fly to canada to visit you guys because i knew i'd get to play hockey," will chuckled.
"back when you were more interested in seeing my brothers than me," samy teased.
"only because we were like nine and thought we were gross and had cooties," the blonde countered and the two shared a laugh.
"i was telling quinn yesterday that i miss being out there. i spent my whole childhood there."
"yeah, toronto holds a lot of good memories for us. i miss it too. maybe we can go back one day?" will raised his eyebrows while a little grin appeared on his girlfriend's lips.
"i had the same thought. i said maybe when you're retired and we're like forty or something," they both laughed again.
"forty? i don't know if i'll be playing for that long. i'll probably be done at around 30 or so."
"so thirty. we'll set our plan now," samy determined and will squeezed his arm tighter around her torso, kissing the top of her head.
"sounds like a great plan."
the next morning the apartment was buzzing with excitement mixed with nerves and adrenaline. quinn had to be at the rink in the late afternoon and will needed to meet up with his team, so the three spent the morning getting themselves ready. samy was a bit torn trying to figure out what to wear, wanting to support both will and quinn.
"what do you think?" she stepped out of the bathroom to show off her outfit—a jean mini skirt paired with one of will's sharks shirts that had his name on the back and one of quinn's many canucks hats.
will fell silent as he took in her appearance when she did a full spin. the gears in his head started turning and a feeling he hadn't felt in a while bubbled in his chest.
the whole idea of playing in the nhl was something will dreamed of forever. dating his best friend was another unimaginable dream and now the two were colliding and knowing samy would be in the arena wearing his number and his name so everyone would know she was his...the blonde's brain nearly stopped working.
"will?" samy snapped will from his daze.
"huh? sorry. you look..wow.." he mumbled, losing his train of thought as he snaked his hands around her waist, drinking in her outfit even more.
"what's that mean?" the girl chuckled, noticing her boyfriend's lustful expression.
"i just..i'm so lucky. you look good wearing my name," will dipped his head down to place a kiss to samy's lips.
he pulled her flush against his chest, hands wandering with a mind of their own. samy fiddled with will's loosely buttoned undershirt and other hand dancing into his curls. the hockey player's hands drifted further down her hips until he grabbed ahold of her ass and squeezed. she giggled at the action.
they pulled back for a second, panting into one another's mouths. will wanted more. he craved more and so did samy, so they reattached their lips. a soft moan escaped will when samy pulled particularly hard on his hair. her lips felt so good against his own.
"god, you're so gorgeous," will pulled back, lips tinted from samy's pink lip gloss.
"right back at ya, hot stuff," the brunette winked and will couldn't stop himself. he dove back in for more, the desire burning from his head to the tips of his toes.
he backed her against the wall of the bedroom where his lips started dipping further down onto her neck. samy moaned when will found her sweet spot almost immediately, tugging harder at the base of his curls.
"will...people are gonna see," she said but she didn't make any move to pull him away.
"good, let them see," he said, the possession clear in his voice and fuck, if samy didn't find that super attractive.
"we should stop. you have to go soon," she tried knowing he was due to see his team in thirty minutes.
"how soon?" the blonde mumbled, still attacking samy's neck.
"like thirty minutes."
"i can do it in ten," his words sent a rush of heat down the girl's spine, but she knew they couldn't. not now anyways.
"will, not now. later, i promise," she finally found the courage to pull him away from her. he looked back up, breath heavy and lips swollen in pink. he was such a sight to see that had samy wishing they didn't have to go.
"i'm keeping you to that promise then," will smirked.
a quick knock on the door caught their attention, the two of them tensing slightly. "yeah?"
"leaving in fifteen!" quinn called.
"be out soon!" samy yelled back, returning her gaze to her boyfriend's burning stare, placing one last kiss to his lips.
"you're gonna do amazing out there. don't be nervous. you know how quinn plays."
"i know, i know. just scared he'll rip me to shreds," the blonde mumbled with a low chuckle, samy going to help him get himself together as she buttoned up his shirt. 
"even if he does, know he's trying to push you and help you get better," samy knew quinn wasn't going easy on will tonight, but she also knew he was gonna use all the tactics he knew that would push the blonde out of his comfort zone a little to get him to play harder. 
it was how luke played on will too whenever they went head to head back in michigan. 
the two finished getting ready, slipping out of the bedroom as quinn was making sure he had everything and everything was turned off before they left. 
"nice touch," the older boy noticed his sister's hat, smiling a bit as he flicked it up. 
"don't worry, i didn't forget about you," she cheesed as the three of them headed down to the garage. 
quinn dropped will off around the back of the rink where the sharks were gathering in the locker room. the siblings wished the blonde luck before they drove back around to the front and the cameras and media were waiting for them. 
"good luck, quinn. i'll see you later," samy smiled as she climbed out of the car. 
"thanks, squirt. text me if you need anything before we get on," the two departed as samy headed to the doors and quinn headed towards the cameras to capture the player's game day outfits and walk up. 
rogers arena was electric leading up to the game. samy had her spot just behind the canucks bench behind the glass where quinn wanted her incase she needed his attention or something—always looking out for his baby sister even during the game. the two waved to one another before samy searched for will doing his warmups. the black and dark teal was a nice addition to the away game jeresey's and she spotted her boyfriend a little bit further down. 
the fans were excited for this matchup, canucks fans loud and eager to get the game underway against the two newest rookies on the sharks. macklin skated by, quickly waving to the brunette. she grinned, waving back and giving two thumbs up indicating good luck. 
the game revved up quickly as quinn took to the ice against will in the first period. samy saw how much the sharks were improving with each game, but she knew the canucks still had the upper hand with their older players and more experience. she was on the edge of her seat watching her boyfriend and bother race towards the puck sliding across the ice. 
quinn was up in will's business, pushing and shoving the younger boy for the puck, so will pushed back harder. the two were basically dancing with one another, the older hughes brother making will work for it. 
some of the other canucks players bumped against the blonde and then in the next second, he was on the ground from a hit. the whistle blew, but will bounced back up, a little flustered but okay. it was a clean hit, so no penalties. samy sighed and then made eye contact with her brother as he skated towards the bench. cool off a bit her look said while quinn just shrugged, but he understood. 
at the end of the first, canucks were up 2-0. samy texted her parents updates even though they were also probably watching. she sent quick messages to gabe and ryan as well as hannah. 
ur brother's got killer aim
tell me about it
he's making will work for it
during every intermission, the cameras always panned to the players' family members if they were in the stands. when the jumbotron showed samy she quickly waved and pointed to her canucks hat. the fans cheered, always excited to see quinn's siblings or parents in attendance. 
the second and third periods played out almost the same as the first. the guys were fast on the ice for the puck and scoring goals. canucks led now by 5-3 and samy knew this would be another loss on the sharks side. she knew it'd discourage the boys, but there was definitely improvement from last game. will got his stick on the puck a few times, passing to his line, but still not enough to over power the older guys on the canucks team. 
when the game ended the fans cheered loudly for quinn's team. samy cheered for her brother too while also giving will and macklin a smile for trying their best. she knew press would take some time, so the girl mingled with fans as they left the rink and back into the lobby. 
she enjoyed getting to talk to girls who looked up to her and parents who congratulated her on having a good soccer season so far, asking questions about conference games and the national title coming up soon. 
will came out before quinn now showered and back in his suit. samy made her way over to him, giving him a loving hug and kiss on the cheek, "sorry you lost, but you played well." 
"thanks, it's okay. i knew we would against quinn. he definitely pushed me though," the blonde chuckled. 
"see, i told you. not too bad," samy grinned, squeezing his arm as the couple waited for quinn. 
he came out a few minutes later, waving to the two. "press wants some pics of all of us around back. is that okay?" the older boy wondered while samy and will nodded. 
they followed the older boy around the back where the media snapped a few pictures of the siblings and will together to share online later. once those were done, the three climbed back into the car to head back to the apartment, feeling exhausted from the long night. 
quinn's ringtone started playing through the car as ellen's name lit up the screen. the older brunette answered, "hi mom." 
"hey quinny, great game! you guys back at the apartment in once piece?" the older woman said. 
"we're on our way back right now. samy and will are here." 
"hi mom," the younger girl called. 
"hi ellen," will said too. 
"hi guys. sorry you guys lost, willie. you played really well, though. it can be tough with these big, old nhl players," ellen chuckled. 
"mom, are you calling me old?" quinn cut in as samy giggled too. 
"yeah, i am. just wanted to check in with you guys and make sure everyone had fun. any plans for tonight?" 
the three exchanged a glance, the silence taken as probably nothing since the late game tired all of them out. "probably a movie or something. kind of beat," quinn answered. 
"i bet. well, have fun guys! i'll talk to you soon. love you." 
"love you too, mom," samy and quinn said in unison, giggles escaping both of their lips. 
once they got back into the apartment, samy collapsed onto the couch, glad to be back in a warm temperatures and not on a frozen metal bench. will copied her movements, falling down beside her while quinn chuckled at their behavior. 
"you guys can pick out whatever movie. want anything to eat?" the older boy wondered as he started shedding himself of his tie. 
"whatever you wanna make, we'll eat," samy said. 
"got it," quinn disappeared into his room. 
"so one day this really could be our life," will hummed, breaking the small silence that had filled between the couple. 
"it really could," the brunette agreed as her eyes flicked around her brother's apartment. 
"only...2 more years?" the blonde raised his eyebrow. 
"possibly depending on what career path i choose," samy reached up to mess with some of the misplaced curls hanging off will's forehead. 
"sounds like a dream," the boy smiled warmly, moving so their heads were touching. 
"yeah, for real." 
will went in to press a sweet kiss to samy's lips, all the love in his chest feeling full and abundant. they pulled apart knowing quinn would come back out any second. 
"also i think ryan and gabe wanted to facetime to say hey and talk about the game," samy giggled while the blonde playfully rolled his eyes. 
"of course they did. don't forget about that promise you made to me earlier," the boy grinned as samy stood up to change into something more comfortable. 
"oh, don't worry. i didn't forget," she winked, heading into the guest room leaving will to quickly follow after her. 
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cialovesklopp · 2 years ago
𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 ➺ k.mbappé
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — hiding from paparazzis by dyeing your hair and visiting your boyfriend’s match as well as meeting his found family is always fun
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — kylian mbappé x amara imani (oc)
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 9.1k
𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 — king of my heart [taylor swift], bébé [dadju]
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — this chapter contains misogyny, sexual harassment, verbal abuse, cheating, mental health issues, toxic relationship, gaslighting, physical abuse (don’t really sure if it really counts as that but i think it does)
𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — for anyone experiencing anything similar than what amara did, no matter how bad it is, i always have an ear free and there are several organizations that help people in situations like this. just remember that you’re not alone in this 🫶🏾
i also apologize for the timeline but beginner’s mistake: i forgot to install a timeline so some time marks shouldn’t make sense, just ignore it ☺️ and the ending feels a bit rushed because i was scared of it becoming too long
taglist: @lorarri @locedes @aechii
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she was tired of waiting. sitting on the couch, her phone in her hand while the other was busy nervously tapping on the white furniture, another yawn escaped her lips.
the dim yellow light shone on her, highlighting the eye rings underneath her eyelids. that certainly did not help keeping her awake when even her mirror reflection was screaming fatigue. yet she stayed awake.
even if she wanted to go to bed, she knew her mind wouldn’t let her sleep. she would be destined for another sleepless night, spend with her rolling and turning around in her bed. why couldn’t he just send her a message, small text that he was fine?
she was used to him not answering her calls sometimes or ignoring her on purpose. but evan had never left her that long without a sign of life. and that definitely worried her. especially because she didn’t want to fight with him.
another attempt to reach him failed as she was sent again straight to voicemail, the lump in her throat only getting bigger. she leaned back, her head making contact with the soft pillow as she let out another sigh. she didn’t even remark her eyelids closing or her hand letting go of the phone in her hand as she fell asleep. exhausting had taken her over.
although she didn’t sleep long. the turning of the doorknob and a person stumbling in instantly woke her up from her light sleep. her view was still a bit foggy as she blinked rapidly to get a clear view on the scene in front of her.
a quick glance at her phone told her it was one o’clock, reminding her that she had spent four hours waiting for her boyfriend to come home. four hours without any sign of life.
finally accustoming to the light, she was met with the view of her boyfriend, completely drunk, as he grabbed the commode next to him for stability. the long midi dress hung on her heavily as she stood up, walking towards him.
“where were you?” she demanded, anger mixing his worry as she took in the sight of him. “i was worried, you didn’t call. not even a little text so i know you’re alive. who knows maybe you were hit by a car or something. one life sign was all i needed from you!”
“just leave me alone amara,” he drunkenly slurred, slapping her hand away from his chest. “we were at a party. you know how john can be sometimes, he was in a mood to party.”
“and you couldn’t be bothered to tell me that? instead i had to sit here and wait because my mind was so worried about you. don’t you see how fucked up that is?”
“i’m sorry, just let it go.” he muttered, trying to move past her but amara was adamant on not letting him leave till they finished this conversation. especially because it was occurring so often those last few weeks. why was he so determined to go to bed though? why was he in such a hurry to get to the bedroom?
as he tried to move past her, amara felt her heart sink at the sight of his untucked shirt. she felt it break when the lingering scent of perfume she didn’t recognize made it to her nose and knew it belonged to a woman. but what shattered her heart into pieces, where she thought she’d never be able to glue them together was the significance of her realization. what it truly meant.
“you slept with someone again, didn’t you?” she asked him quietly, trying to maintain her composure.
the way he avoided her gaze was enough of an answer for her. she didn’t need to know more. no words could describe the disgust she felt when she met his eyes full of guilt.
“it wasn’t supposed to happen. i just had a lot to drink and john was telling us to let loose so i did, but i swear i didn’t mean to end up with her —.” he stammered, his voice slightly faltering.
“in bed?” amara inquired sarcastically, a pit of burning anger building up in her stomach. “no, instead you probably fucked her in the bathroom.” she retorted, swallowing heavily. “you promised to me! i can’t believe you would humiliate me like this again!”
she truly wanted to believe he could change. that his casanova days were over but she was met way too often with disappointment. and even though she could see the weight of his actions in his eyes, it had happened too often for amara to believe that his emotions were truly real. “i didn't mean to hurt you," he whispered, his voice low.
“you promised the last time that you wouldn’t cheat on me again. you said it was the last time.” she cried out, not able to hold her anger back any longer. “they think i’m stupid because of you. because of the way you painted me — that i’m the stupid girlfriend who is too weak to leave her cheating boyfriend. you made me… made me look like some dumb bimbo. again.” she yelled at him, her voice quivered with pain and trauma. “i can’t believe you would hurt me like this again.”
there was a heavy silence as amara brushed her tears away. “i’m leaving,” she said quietly, blinking away her tears. “i can’t do this anymore. i forgave each time, i accepted your promises, believed in them but this is not continuing. i’ll be leaving in the morning. i just… can’t do this anymore. i gave you so many chances and my heart can’t anymore.”
she tried to move past him, brush him off as she was about to walk past him but something held her up, more specifically evan grabbing her hand violently.
“evan stop it and let go of me.” she demanded swiftly, “you’re hurting me.”
“then start listening to me,” he replied to her, only tightening the grip on her hand. “i said i’m sorry about cheating. you’re just overreacting and playing miss diva again.
“i’m not overreacting evan. i waited the entire day, i called, i texted and you couldn’t even give me one sign of life. instead i find out you cheated on me and god knows how many times you have done that already. and everytime i forgave you but i can’t anymore. i don’t wanna be that stupid girlfriend anymore. all i ever needed was your support, not your constant humiliation.” amara croaked, her voice full of emotion.
he didn’t let go of her wrist but he didn’t apply more force to it either. and as amara looked into his eyes, she was surprised by how much she couldn’t recognize him.
“i only cheated because you made me, gave me no other choice,” he said dismissively, staring her into the eyes. “i love you so much and all you do is push me away. always so distant and putting your career over me. i never cheated because i don’t love you but because i’m desperate.”
her heart was beating quickly as she listened to him. she wasn’t sure what she was hearing. how could he possibly justify his actions by blaming her? the accusations left her feeling defenseless, tears of frustration welling in her eyes.
“i loved you and you knew that. don’t you dare pin this on me. i can’t anymore. all this disloyalty is too much for me.”
she hoped he would let her go now but he had other plans. though amara wasn’t sure whether he would even remember this conversation the next morning with the amount of alcohol he probably must have drunk. but he didn't back down; instead, he continued to pile on the guilt, especially because he just knew what to say. "you pushed me away," he insisted, his tone accusatory. "i was just looking for someone who would appreciate me because you never gave me your time. maybe if you had spent more time with me, i wouldn’t have cheated on you all those times.”
this must be a dream or at least she wished it was. how could he blame her for his mistakes when all she ever did was love him. be loyal to him. had she truly failed him that much?
“no one will take your side if you leave me,” he muttered, his voice making amara shiver. “i’m the reason they know you. who knows amara imani? but they know evan henderson. so who do you think they will believe?” he asked her, his free hand brushing over her cheek. “the white man who has been in the society his whole life long or his black little slut who’s just a bland copy of Beyoncé and Taylor swift? why do you wanna make it so hard for you? you have everything you need with me, love, money, success.”
“i love you and i know you love me too. why do you want to destroy this?” he whispered, playing even more into his manipulation. he knew all her weaknesses, how to manipulate and gaslight her and he seemed pretty satisfied with him when it seemed to work on her. all he needed was just a bit of self-doubt to win her back. and he had always known the right words. “i promise you, this will never happen again.” he let go of her wrist and even though it wasn’t very recognizable on her skin, it was clear that there would be a bruise. he lifted her hand, pressing soft kisses onto the bruised skin, his thumb brushing gently over it. “i didn’t meant for this to happen. you know that right? it was a stupid mistake.”
she swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, nodding as she tried to keep her tears down. it was a mistake, she repeatedly told herself, trying to calm herself down. he didn’t mean to.
it wasn’t the first time he had hurt her but he had been doing so good since the last time. it hadn’t been long enough ago for her to forget it but enough time had passed for her to put herself together. it should have been a sign for her, a sign to leave when her mind was glad, it wasn’t as bad as the last time. that this time it had just been her wrist. and in addition, she loved him.
“we can fix this, put ourselves together again.” he continued to whisper, his hand looking to intertwine with amara’s. “i’m all you need. just me. and you don’t want to lose me, do you? we can work through this, you and me.”
looking at him incredulously, she pulled her hand back and walked quickly past him, brushing his shoulder in the process. her feet had a mind of her own as they brought her to the guest room, amara knowing that she couldn’t sleep in the same bed next to him. even breathing became hard when they were in the same room. how was she supposed to stay here? it was a mistake, she continued to tell herself as she climbed into bed, the pillow getting wet due to her tears that were rolling unstoppable. he won’t do it again.
she searched for solitude, hiding in the guest room though she wasn’t alone for long. her eyes closed instantly as she heard evan’s footsteps approaching the door to the guest room. she couldn’t talk to him anymore, she wouldn’t make it. she turned around, her body facing the wall as she tried to act as if she was sleeping. she would confront evan tomorrow, if he even remembered what had happened tonight.
her body tensed as he let himself fall into the bed, joining her.
“i told you i was sorry,” he slurred drunkenly. “amara please.” he begged again, his words clearer now. his hand brushed down her cheek and amara begged he wouldn’t remark the wet surface of her face or her tears that were still rolling down. “you know that wasn’t me. you just provoked me and i snapped but i promise this was the last time.”
“please just leave evan. you probably won’t even remember this tomorrow.” amara murmured tiredly. “we’ll talk about this tomorrow.”
but instead of leaving and going to bed, he started to press sloppy kisses on her neck, moving up and down.
“evan go,” amara demanded, trying to push the male away but he wouldn’t budge. instead his hand travelled down further her body, stopping just above her thigh. “please stop. i’m not in the mood.”
“i just wanna apologize,” he muttered into her hair, his kissing moving up to her cheek. she struggled to push him off of her, disgust in her eyes as she felt the budge in his pants growing bigger.
when his hand was about to slip under her sweatpants, amara saw red, taking every of her strength and willpower to push him off of her. “i said stop evan. leave now.” she demanded him angrily.
his eyes grew dark again, amara watching as his expression grew cold. “this is exactly the reason why i cheated on you. you always push me off.” he yelled at her, ignoring the way her body flinched. “why won’t you sleep with me anymore?”
“all i want is to apologize to my girlfriend and she won’t even let me touch her.” he began, purposely hoping on making amara feel bad. “i know i messed up and i’m really trying my best but you have to let me.”
he leaned close to her. “i love you. you know that right?” he asked her softly, amara nodding. she truly loved him. as naive as she was, she of course believed every word he said, falling down into his trap again. “and you don’t want to lose me, do you?” he whispered into her ear, his hot breath making contact with her skin. he started pressing kisses down her neck again as she spoke words into her mind, knowing exactly just how to manipulate her. and nearly everytime it seemed to work.
“… you’re my girlfriend. you’re supposed to make me feel good. and then i’ll never have to look somewhere else again. because you’re all i’ll ever need.” he told her sweetly, a sort of guilt rushing through her heart.
so when he started to slip his hand under her sweatpants again, she just let it happen. he was all she had.
amara.imani posted for close friends only
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liked by k.mbappe, liyah_clark and 121 others
amara.imani went red for the day, those paps are never gonna catch me 💋
view all 56 comments
liyah_clark slayyyy bestie
k.mbappe that meme 💀
amara.imani i was tempted to use one of you and a turtle but i decided against it
k.mbappe and i thought you were nice. I’m keeping your tacos now
amara.imani i’m sorry. please bring me tacos
graceywood take care of you and please come back home in one piece
amara.imani yes mama
iamcardib you go girl, those paps will never see it coming
kyliejenner omg i love the red on you, i might dye mine too
amara.imani you def should, king kylie era returning?
justineskye how could you dye your hair without me? where was my invite?
hudson_music does that mean i get the day free since you’re not here?
amara.imani sure, just don’t get too drunk. i’m at the studio tomorrow
charles_leclerc wearing the right color. have i actually managed to make you a tifosi?
amara.imani a proud teamlh supporter till i die, try to convince liyah
charles_leclerc i asked her and she told me if i ever tried to make her switch on lewis again, she’d dump me
amara.imani the only right response
liyah_clark i just said that i support you and only you but i will never become a tifosi, sorry babe
liyah_clark but you could always change to merc if you want to see me so badly in your colors
730 days had passed since that accident. 730 days ago she had made the worst decision of her life by staying with him. giving him the knowledge that she believed everything he said. two years had passed since she had allowed evan to take her sparkle away.
at first, amara didn’t even know why she thought of that memory today. it had been months that she hadn’t thought back of evan and their toxic relationship. and then she had thrown a glance at her phone and knew the reason why. it had happened on this date, two years ago. two years ago, he had managed to take a part away from her.
no one truly knows how hard it is to get out of a toxic relationship till they are caught in one themselves. outsiders will say, ‘just leave,’ not knowing how hard that can be. because no one truly knows how to escape that situation.
books with instructions to that don’t exist. so how is one supposed to know what to do? no one tells you what to do when your boyfriend lays his hand on you for the first time. the rational side of your brain will tell you to leave but do you listen? of course not. instead you try to justify the action because you’re telling yourself, why else would he lay his hand on you unless you had done something wrong?
and that’s the way the circle begins. he won’t lay his hand on you but small gestures are enough to know that he was close to hurting you again. grabbing your wrist a bit too tight, his fist almost making contact with your skin… soon you’ll find yourself happy that it was only your wrist that suffered under his anger.
no one tells you what to do when you don’t know how to leave him. you expect friends to notice your changed behavior but they’re all too busy, profiting from your misery. encouraging you to stay in that toxic relationship because it was good for them. they don’t care about the abuse you receive, whether it’s physical or mental. and the friends you know would have probably helped you, they are already gone because you pushed them away. so now you find yourself alone in an abusive and toxic relationship with nowhere to go and no escape system.
of course, the abuse is always equated with some good or else leaving would be too easy, wouldn’t it? for every mean word, a bouquet of flowers. for every wrist held too tight, a nice diamond necklace would find itself in front of you along with a smile, a smile promising that it would never happen again and yet both know that it was a lie. but still, your brain starts to forget the bad side. and whenever you find yourself close to leaving, your brain will ask you “why are you leaving when it’s good at the moment. he didn’t mean to. he loves you”.
amara had quickly realized how easy it was for an outsider to judge an abusive marriage, relationship, friendship. but they didn’t know the work that hid behind it. the exhaustion and manipulation. the betrayal of trust your brain won’t want to admit. it was a whole cycle and finding a loophole in it took more strength than one would ever admit.
as humiliated and betrayed as she had felt in that moment, amara was glad he had left her. had cheated on her publicly. it had given her the loophole she had been looking for the entire time. and it had come at a good moment too, one where he wouldn’t be able to manipulate her into staying like he had done so many time. but she still preferred to never talk about that period of her life again. it was over.
today she would be focusing on kylian the entire day. the reason she was even here. if someone had told her one year ago that she would be standing here, excited to watch a psg match, she would have called the psychiatry to inform them that they were most likely missing a patient. and yet here she was, ready to cheer on her boyfriend. her excitement was palpable as she sat in the vip lounge, eager to witness him playing in action on the field.
she had been so keen on finally watching him play live that she had even dyed her hair red and donned a stylish pair of sunglasses to not be recognized by any cameras or paparazzis that were present. even though the two were clear where they stood with each other, they did not want to share their bliss with the press yet, preferring to just live in their own bubble before any articles caught up to them.
the stadium buzzed with an electrifying atmosphere, fans donning their team's colors and waving flags with passionate fervor as screams were heard from everywhere, overtoning the commentator of the match. kylian had not exaggerated when he had told her that playing at home was always another vibe. the energy was contagious and amara found herself close to singing with the commentators but she refrained herself from doing so, not wanting to stand out. she was also impressed by the dedication of the supporters who poured their entire heart and souls into cheering for their beloved team, some even making huge trips just to come support their team. needless to say, this would not be her last match.
sure, maybe paris didn’t have as much of an history as liverpool had, and maybe they didn’t have their own fan song that had carried through the history of their club but they had supporters amara guessed. and she loved the atmosphere here.
lost in her phone, checking messages and replying to some instagram messages, amara only looked up again when the crowd erupted into a thunderous roar, announcing the arrival of the players who came walking out from the tunnel. her eyes were fixed on him though.
despite thousands of fans around her, yelling and chanting his names she managed to drown out the noise around her as her eyes searched his. the way he looked at his fans, standing majestically on the ground and the way he held himself, so confident and mesmerizing — she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming surge of pride knowing that she was there to support him.
even though he wouldn’t recognize her, amara drew kylian a discreet air kiss from stands, her way of wishing him good luck which he acknowledged with his typical smirk. it was her secret way of letting him know she was there, supporting him wholeheartedly. she felt connected to him in another way today. last time he was in her world and this time she was a visitor in his.
watching the match, amara couldn’t contain herself from yelling along the fans for every foal or occasion the blue players had, her heart pounding with each near missed chance for a goal. she cheered with unrestrained joy when kylian opened the score with a beautiful volley that landed immediately in the net, the goalkeeper having no chance. and even though she facepalmed seeing his new celebration, her grin grew wider as she watched him draw a heart with his fingers and then fire an arrow in her direction. of course the crowd went wild, looking around frantically to find the person he had just dedicated a goal to.
the crowd calmed down again when the whistle blew, indicating the break and amara was able to get away from all the screams for a quick pause. as much as she enjoyed the game, it had been a long time that she hadn’t been out again in public and even less to a big event like this. but she couldn’t have known that the second half contained just as much surprises as the first one.
sitting down again, this time armed with a bottle of coke, she watched with excitement the second part of the game, hoping for it to be just as thrilling as the first one— even more, she was hoping for another goal of him. and amara was not disappointed. fifteen minutes into the second half, the ball found kylian again who put it again into the net, dribbling his way into the surface for a quick finish. she braced herself again for another of his ridiculous celebrations, surprised when all he did was just lift his shirt so the public could read what was written on it. and upon reading it, amara was glad she had finished her drink a long time ago because the french striker had written boldly across his shirt: told you so. and she knew it was directed at her. she wanted to hide behind one of the chairs, smiling hardly but she was also painfully aware that if she acted different now, everyone would know it was for her and she wouldn’t dare to imagine how that could turn out for her.
as the final whistle blew, amara felt happy and kind of sad. for the two hours that she had been here, she had been able to drown out everything. forget about her problems because here they didn’t matter. she clapped happily as the crowd began to disperse, knowing her day was long from being over. she waited a few minutes before standing up, thanking the security men for escorting her to the changing rooms. of course only after showing him her badge that kylian had gotten her for vips.
she grew a bit self-conscious as she received several weird stares while walking towards the players changing rooms but she tried to ignore them all, focusing instead on kylian’s amazing match and all the things she’d tell him.
amara hesitated at first, unsure whether she should enter immediately as her worries took over her thoughts but she was able to block them out quickly. with all her confidence, she strutted over to the door, knocking three times before opening it and entering. taking a few steps, she was instantly met with kylian, currently changing as he took off his jersey.
“hey superstar. how does it feel to be mvp?” she teased, flashing him a playful grin as she made her way towards him.
he turned towards her with a cheeky smile, amara’s eyes not leaving his defined abs. his arms immediately engulfed her as he pulled her in for a hug, savoring the scent of cherry and vanilla that was immediately picked up by his nose. “amara? i can’t believe you actually came. and your hair? why did you dye it red?”
she laughed, throwing her head back in joy and twirled one of her extensions. “i promised you i’d be there, didn’t i? and as for my hair, told you those paps aren’t gonna catch me.” she replied sassily.
he chuckled playfully, shaking his head at her sass. “so, what did you think of the match? don’t even try to lie, i know you enjoyed it. especially my two goals,” he smirked. “comment t'as trouvé mes célébrations? kinda cool, don’t you think?” — what did you think of my celebrations?
she rolled her eyes, matching his sarcasm. “i loved them,” she retorted. “you just had to do it, didn’t you? because of you, gracey will scold me tomorrow since your new celebration,” she trailed off, looking at him pointedly, “will attire a lot of media attention. especially that second one.”
he shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "didn’t you say that any publicity is good publicity? besides they’ll probably forget it in a week.”
she laughed again, knowing he had a point but that still didn’t make her any less annoyed. “fine but don’t say i didn’t want you when the paps start camping in front of your apartment.”
“i already spend more time at yours than at my own so it’s fine.” he replied sarcastically. “that way, you won’t steal any secret tactics.”
she faked a dramatic expression, putting a hand on her chest. “oh my gosh, you discovered my plan. the only reason i actually dated you was to steal all the secret tactics and sell them to the highest bidder. but then again, your tactics aren’t really worth much.” she joked, shrieking when kylian attacked her hips, tickling her there.
“i dare you to say that again,” he demanded jokingly, resting his hands lastly around her waist, pulling her closer. “we talked about this amara.”
“i know, i know.” she repeated, rolling her eyes. “we don’t compare psg with liverpool. i know that. now come here,” she said, purposely annoying him before pulling him in for a kiss.
they were immediately caught in a passionate kiss as amara wrapped her hands around his neck. every kiss still felt like their first one, fireworks still exploding in her stomach whenever their lips met.
“you were great,” amara whispered against his lips, smiling as she leaned in to connect them again. though they never made it since the door suddenly opened and the couple was caught like a deer in headlights when the rest of his teammates came in. there was a moment of silence before one of his teammates (amara didn’t know who) started to yell.
“MAIS LE GARS, C’EST KYLIAN AVEC UNE MEUF!” on of them yelled and amara stared down, luckily not blushing. — guys, it’s kylian with a girl
“and she actually seems nice. remember when he dated chloe, that stuck-up bitch.” another one commented, his teammates agreeing.
“eh, je suis toujours la.” kylian retorted annoyingly. — hey, i’m still here
“COME ON KYLIAN, PRESENT HER TO US!” several of his teammates screamed, some even jumping up and down which made amara smile. it warmed her heart to see how thrilled they were to meet her.
“le gars, this is amara imani, the singer, you—“ he began but amara cut him off immediately, rolling her eyes.
she arched an eyebrow, looking at him incredulously. “bro, they didn’t ask you for a cv of me.” she cut him off sassily before looking at the boys who were watching them confusingly. “i’m his girlfriend.”
“what?” all of them exclaimed which made kylian smirk, probably boosting his ego.
neymar (amara immediately recognized him because of liyah’s huge footballer crush phase) was the first to grin widely and to approach her. “hah, i already knew. i was the first person he told,” he bragged. “it’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person. eu sou um grande fã de sua música.” — i’m a big fan of your music.
“obrigado. i’m a big fan of your skills too.” she replied, her accent standing out as she replied to him in portuguese.
“you speak portuguese?” another of his teammates asked (amara hating herself for her short memory because she was sure she had seen him play today).
she nodded, smiling shyly. “i speak several languages. next to english and french, i also speak spanish, igbo and a bit portuguese but mine is a bit rusty.”
“that’s still more than his last girlfriend.” another one hollered. “sergio ramos, delighted to meet you. it’s a good thing you speak spanish, now we can bitch about kylian behind his back whenever we want.”
a mischievous grin appeared on her face while this time, kylian rolled his eyes. “you do know i speak spanish fluently right?” he asked them but they both waved dismissively.
the next one to present himself was marco and even he had some difficulties, believing that kylian had actually gotten the girl. “it’s kinda weird having you standing right here. who would’ve thought kylian’s game was that good? never in thousand years i’d have believed that. also my wife is a big fan of yours. even dragged me to one of your concerts.”
she just laughed, sending kylian a playful wink before turning her attention back to marco.
one by one they introduced themselves, some not able to contain their excitement due to them being big fans while others had difficulties with believing that had actually managed to get himself a girlfriend who was none other than amara. and since this were incredible news, presnel (as amara had learned) couldn’t keep himself from facetiming the whole french national team just to keep them up with the happenings. it didn’t ring long before several faces started to pop up on the screen of presnel’s phone.
“MES FRÈRES, NOTRE BÉBÉ A ENFIN UNE COPINE!” presnel announced excitingly, waking everybody’s interest and capturing their attention. — my brothers, our baby finally has a girlfriend
“ATTEND, KYLIAN A KEN AVEC UNE MEUF?” antoine retorted confusingly, probably speaking out loud what the other members of the french team were thinking. instead of answering, presnel just shoved the phone in amara’s face who smiled awkwardly. “EH, MAIS C’EST AMARA IMANI.” — wait, kylian bagged someone?
— eh, but that’s amara imani
there was a shockwave growing through the participants of the call, all too stunned to speak.
“where is amara? i wanna see her too,” a little voice said in the background and a girl showed up next to antoine which amara assumed was his daughter. she waved shyly at the screen, causing even more chaos.
"KYKY SORT AVEC AMARA IMANI! Comment il a réussi avec sa grosse tête de tortue?” paul exclaimed amusingly as amara laughed too, nearly choking. — kylian is going out with amara imani! how did he manage that with his big head of a turtle?
“QUI S'INTÉRESSE QUELLE TÊTE IL A? IL A PÉCHO AMARA IMANI!” ousmane disregarded his friend’s comment quickly and looked at amara who had taken pleasure in watching the team react to the news. “can i have tickets for your next tour? the last one was sold out way too quick before i even had a chance." — who cares what head he has? he pulled amara imani!
“kylian, if you don't bring her to the next team event, don't even bother showing up.” aurelien threatened jokingly.
amara nudged him slightly to catch his attention. “your friends are funny. i didn’t know they were such big fans of me.”
he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “i told you, they were going to love you.”
“AMARA, JE T’AIME. JE T’AI TOUJOURS SUPPORTER, MÈME QUAND TON EX DE MERDE RACONTAIS DE CONNERIES SUR TOI!” jules then yelled over the phone making amara’s heart even warmer. — amara, i love you. i’ve always supported you even when that shitty ex was saying bullshit about you.
“je suis tellement ravie de faire connaissance avec vous et ça me tient à cœur que vous êtes de si gros supporter.” amara told them happily, genuinely touched by their warm welcome. — it’s been a pleasure getting to meet you and I’m touched that you’re such big fans of me.
kylian, who had finished changing and had finally dressed up, placed himself next to amara, his hand instantly wrapping around her waist. he placed a few soft kisses on her neck which sent tickles down her entire spine.
“stop that,” she muttered under her breath, smiling as she tried to hold kylian’s head away from her neck though that turned out to be very complicated as he had his arms wrapped around her waist.
“fine,” he replied, his lips pressed to a pout. taking a bit pity on him, she turned his head, pressing a soft peck on his lips.
“heh, il y’a des enfants ici.” yelled presnel and neymar amusingly put his hands over marco’s eyes while the couple separated quickly making everybody present laugh. — hey, there are children there
“j’ai toujours cru que le vrai amour de kylian, c’est le foot honnêtement.” paul revealed jokingly. “c’était la seule chose qu’il faisait.” — i always thought football was kylian’s true love — it’s the only thing he ever talked about
“bah apparemment, tout ce qu’il faut faire c’est ressemble à un ninja turtle pour draguer des meufs célèbre.” jules replied in the same tone as paul and amara wasn’t able to retain her giggle watching kylian’s face scrunch up. — apparently all you need for famous girls to come after you is to resemble a ninja turtle
“vous êtes chiante,” the french international striker pouted again, wanting to hide his face in amara’s neck again but she pushed him off. — you’re all pain in the asses
the entire team erupted in laughter, taking joy in watching his demise and him being all embarrassed. but of course they all meant it well. and amara understood quickly that they were a bunch of adults with the mindset of children, wondering truly how their coach was able to keep up with them.
“soo… how long have you two been dating?” aurelien asked them curiously, amara and kylian exchanging some looks.
“we’ve known each other for about seven to eight months but we started seeing each other a month and a half ago and have been officially dating for two weeks.” replied amara.
“si ça dépendait de moi, on devrait sortir ensemble pour sept mois maintenant.” kylian threw in jokingly. — if it were up to me we’d be dating for seven months now
“donc tu la fais attendre un peu?” presnel inquired, mischievous glint sparkling in his eyes as amara nodded proudly. “ça va le gars, il est complètement parti. un vrai simp.” — so you made him wait for a while? — guys, it’s official. he’s completely gone, a true simp
“wesh, ta gueule,” kylian retorted sassily, blushing slightly. — shut up
“est-ce que kylian t’embêtes de fois avec tout son bavardage de foot?” jules asked next. — does kylian annoy you sometimes with his constant talk about football
amara nodded swiftly, a loud sigh following. “yes he does. il y a des fois où je suis fatiguée et je veux seulement rentrer me coucher mais monsieur a décidé de mettre un match. et il commente toujours à côté.” amara complained. “but i love that about him.” — there are times where I’m just tired and all i want to do is sleep but mister here decided to put on match. and he always comments on it on the side
“you can never stay mad at me,” kylian whispered seductively into her ear and amara hummed, the two losing themselves in their own world again.
“eh, les amoureux on a pas encore fini.” presnel reminded them loudly. — hey lovebirds, we haven’t finished yet.
“j'espère que tu lui a appris quelques pas de danse parce que ton copain est tellement nul en danse…” paul trailed off making amara laugh. — i hope you taught some dance moves because your boyfriend is so bad at dancing…
kind of embarrassed, she admitted shyly. “ce même lui qui m’a appris à danser le slow. donc je peux te rassurer.” — actually, it’s him who taught me how to dance a slow so I can reassure you he definitely got better
“you don’t have to be embarrassed amara. we have tons of embarrassing stories about kylian. like one time” ousmane trailed off, thinking of the best example. his face brightened up immediately. “LE GARS, VOUS VOUS RAPPELER QUAND KYLIAN NOUS A FORCER À ÉCOUTER TOUS SES CHANSONS?” he yelled excitingly. — guys remember when kylian forced us to listen to all her songs
“ah oui, on se réveillait avec ta voix et on s’endormait avec ta voix.” — yes, we always woke up with her voice and fell asleep to her voice
“t’as toujours était son crush célébrité. donc on a rien dit quand il nous forçait à écouter tes chansons.” antoine explained to her and amara looked at kylian who tried to hide his embarrassment. — you’ve always been his celebrity crush. so we never said anything when he forced us to listen to your songs
“hey, don’t be shy. i find it adorable that you had a crush on me.” she replied sweetly. “that’ll be great leverage in the future.”
they started wooing, leaving some teasing side marks that guaranteedly boosted his ego. as if it needed any more growing.
“well, i have a question.” said antoine, already looking forward to teasing his teammate. “est-ce que kylian a aussi d’endurance au lit qu’au terrain?” — does kylian have as much stamina in bed as on the field?
nearly choking on his saliva, amara patted kylian’s back hard and reached for his water bottle so he could calm down.
“how do you answer that question?” amara inquired slowly.
“bah, nous on veut savoir comment est il est au lit. est-ce qu’il se vente des ses talents comme il l’aime faire souvent ou c’est vrai?” ousmane inquired. — well we want to know how he is in bed. does he exaggerate about his talents like he often does or is it true?
“i…” she looked at her boyfriend for some help but he just smirked, pointing at the screen where his friends / teammates were all looking for an answer. “oh my god, i don’t know how to answer that.”
“it’s a simple yes or no question.”
she sighed, glaring at kylian for leaving her in this situation before answering, “well, we’re fine off the pitch. ça ne manque de riens.” — we’re not missing anything
“eh mais attends. donc c’était toi qui lui a sucée le cou quand il est arrivé à l'entraînement avec un grand suçon?” presnel exclaimed shockingly. — wait a minute, so it was you who sucked his neck when he arrived at training with that huge hickey?
she shrugged dismissively. “je viens de dire que rien nous manque au lit.” she retorted sassily, sending them a playful wink that made his teammates yell again while kylian pulled her closer to him. — i just told you, we’re not missing anything
“kylian t’a intérêt à ne pas la perdre.” antoine threatened him lightly. — kylian, you better not lose her
“don’t worry, i don’t plan on doing so.”
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it was loud and crowded in the club. even though neymar had rented the vip space for them, they were still able to feel the excitement and atmosphere of the crowd downstairs. the music was good though and amara found herself enjoying the mix the dj had put on as she watched the people dance.
the initial thought had actually been to go home but the team decided to go out and celebrate together after such a hard-fought victory where they had played beautifully for the first time in a long time. after the call amara had wanted to go home but when the team had invited her to tag alone to celebrate their victory and also get to know the others (such as the wags) she had accepted immediately, wanting to be integrated as quickly as possible.
they had gone home quickly to change before joining the squad outside of some fancy parisian club that they had apparently frequented very often and were fond of. amara had traded the red-blue jersey kylian had gifted her for a simple gray silk dress that sparkled in the light with every step that she took. how they had managed to escape the paparazzis, she’d never know. but she looked pretty so actually she wouldn’t mind being photographed right now.
kylian had immediately complimented her when she had come out of her bedroom, sporting the gray dress with her red hair tied up in a high ponytail. he was in awe of how she let the most simplistic things look beautiful, even when she put minimal effort into it. the entire night his eyes had not left her even when he was talking to one of his friends, his eyes had not left his girlfriend which amused his friends greatly.
he was also very happy of how well she got along with the other girlfriends and wives. he knew her friendship circle wasn’t very big and the only real friends she actually had were liyah and grace (where she always assured him that they were enough) but yet she was willing to put herself out there and make new contacts. perhaps he hadn’t given her enough credit when she had announced to him that she was coming back.
with the excuse of wanting to get himself another drink he was able to leave the conversation and rejoin his girlfriend that was waiting at the bar for her own drink. he surprised her from behind, putting his hands around her neck which startled amara at first but she relaxed quickly once seeing that it was kylian.
“t’es tellement belle,” kylian whispered in her ear, intertwining their fingers and amara leaned into his body. “i hope you’re having fun.” — you’re so beautiful
she nodded, taking a sip from her drink that had just arrived. “merci mon cœur.” she replied softly. “and i am having fun. jessica and sarah are sooo nice.” she replied, pointing to the two women who sat a bit away from the dance floor and were talking. “we have even planned some shopping dates already.”
“that’s amazing ma belle.”
the two stayed in their own bubble for a while, the comfort of the other being enough. amara had never truly realized how safe kylian made her feel especially when they were somewhere that was out of her comfort zone. he made sure she felt welcomed, safe. he didn’t abandon her like she was used to when she was dating evan and hung out with some influencer barbies.
talking with his teammates had also shown her what kind of supporting system kylian had, which she found was a privilege. talking from experience, she knew exactly how hard it could be when you were left all alone without any kind of support and how hard it would be in some difficult situations. and the french national team had immediately accepted her, welcomed her the moment she had introduced herself as kylian’s girlfriend.
truthfully, that she was someone’s girlfriend again felt a bit weird to her in the beginning. after finally learning to be alone, she was again someone’s girl. but this time she had said because she wanted to and not because someone had coerced her into accepting. and the way kylian had asked her whether she wanted to take another step. so calm, patient and genuine — she’d have been a fool to say no.
“do you get flashbacks?” she asked him, her eyes traveling across the club. “from the first time we met?”
“a bit. just that it wasn’t a club and you’re not as drunk as you were that night.” he laughed.
the two seemed inseparable with their bond evident to everyone around them. they didn’t even go back to their friends they had left with the excuse to get a drink. instead they stayed at the bar, laughing and talking while watching the people around them. only when the tones of dadju’s bébé came out from the speakers did the two leave their places to join the dance floor. kylian less willingly but then again he would do anything to see her smile.
as they swayed to the rhythm of the song, the rest of the the group couldn’t help but be marveled by how much in love they actually were.
“look at them,” presnel said to the group, pointing to the couple dancing to the song. “one could think they’ve been dating for a year. there’s no way they’ve been dating for only a month.” he exclaimed, the group watching as kylian muttered something into her ear and amara threw her head back laughing.
“wouldn’t be surprised if kylian got down on his knee right now,” marco added, grinning widely, “just watching them is enough to make someone sick. they’re acting like a couple on their honeymoon.”
“well, she was his celebrity crush,” neymar added, matching marco’s expression. “our boy has game. he’s definitely head over heels for her.”
“and she is for him.” sarah chimed in, taking place next to her husband.
the group watched with fond smiles as the couple danced on the dance floor. they probably didn’t even notice people staring at her, that much they were caught in their own world. they stared into each other's eyes, smiling as they swayed to the music. the song they had originally got up for had finished long ago but the two couldn’t bring themselves to sit down again. except quick drinking pauses (that mostly consisted of amara ordering a drink while kylian announced himself as the dd) their feet were glued to the crowd. and in addition to that,
as the night wore on, the number of drinks amara had downed became higher too. luckily for her, this time she wasn’t an emotional drunk but more like a fun and energetic drunk. she would be lying if she said that she didn’t enjoy kylian whispering sweet things into her ear the entire night or dancing with her new friends the moment the dj put on some quicker music.
knowing his girlfriend was tired though after some time, he made his way over to her, pulling her closer as he inhaled her scent.
“we should go home now, don’t you think?” kylian muttered softly into her ear. “tu n’arrives même plus à tenir,” he laughed, watching his girlfriend’s drunken state. — you can’t even stand properly anymore
“but my new friends… i haven’t finished dancing with them yet.” she pouted. “sarah was telling me a story.” she slurred him drunkenly.
“je te promets que sarah va venir demain pour te raconter le reste de l’histoire,” he tried to compromise, already bidding goodbye to the group who had immediately understood after seeing amara’s state. and they weren’t the only ones. marco and jessica had also already left, jessica having drunk just as much as marco. — i promise you sarah is coming tomorrow to tell you the rest of the story.
wearing a grumpy expression, she intertwined her hands and followed kylian outside, who had already called his driver. as kylian led amara to the car where his chauffeur was waiting for them he couldn’t help but reminisce about the night they had met for the first time. it felt nostalgic remembering how similar this situation was to how they first met. only difference was that this time, instead of nearly falling asleep, amara was full of energy, happily skipping around as they marched towards the car.
as they settled into the car, amara’s head rested on kylian’s shoulder, her gaze wandering out the window into the city lights that blurred past. his eyes were filled with love, watching her snuggle against him.
“you remember that night?” amara’s voice broke the silence, her words slightly slurred yet laced with fondness. "when you saved me from probably being kidnapped even though i was such a bitch to you. and now we’re here again.”
he nodded, pressing a gentle kiss on her temple. “i had to google myself to prove to you that i didn’t have any bad intentions. and you were so sarcastic that night.”
“well, it’s a good thing that you’re so stubborn,” she replied cheekily. “imagine if you had actually walked away.”
“i probably wouldn’t have been able to do this,” he leaned in and softly pecked her lips.
as they arrived at amara’s place, kylian carefully helped her out of the car, he walked her through the door as her laughter echoed in the night air, not able to stop himself from falling for her all over again. walking through the gate, they continued their playful banter and inside jokes, kylian enjoying her funny drunk-self.
the only moment where silence was present was when the couple found themselves in the elevator, standing face to face. that was also where the alcohol truly kicked in, not only for amara but also for kylian. before they even knew, the couple was making out, and only stopped when the elevator rang, signaling them that they had finally arrived at her apartment.
she stumbled through the room, her words slurred and laughter infectious as she entertained him with drunken anecdotes and witty remarks. while amara told kylian a drunken story about her first time on tour, the french striker helped the singer change into her pajama and carefully tried to do her skincare. (and kylian will forever brag to anyone who’ll hear that he perfectly applied moisturizer and toner.)
it would probably count as one of kylian’s biggest achievements that he managed to not only put a drunken woman to bed but also have her occupied enough that she didn’t recognize that he had left to change himself. he slipped secretly into her bed, getting comfortable next to her as amara cuddled into his chest continuing her rambling about god and the world while kylian found his comfort just listening to her.
all of sudden, a brilliant idea struck her as she listened to kylian’s heartbeat.
“omg kylian i have an idea for a song!” she exclaimed loudly, giggling. “quick, i need paper, please. avant que ça ne quitte ma tête.” — before it slips away from my head
her boyfriend chuckled affectionately, a wide smile plastered across his lips as he stood up to get her some paper. for some people it would seem stupid to listen to a drunk person but she could ask him to do the most dumb thing ever and he'd do it as long as it puts a smile on her face. that was love — sacrificing yourself in the most stupid ways just to see a smile on your partner’s face.
he hurriedly fetched a notepad and pen which she grabbed from him and even though she lacked any other surface to put the paper on, she started scribbling the lyrics on the paper.
“so you’re just going to write a song now.”
“in your state?”
the room filled with a poignant silence as she wrote the lyrics to the song. in the end it turned out to be a process of not only her but also kylian. he gave advice and listened to her while she sang some of the verses to him she was insecure about or when she didn’t find a word that fit enough to describe a feeling. he felt a profound sense of admiration and love for her as he watched her work.
finding comfort in his warmth that his body extended to hers, she looked him deeply into the eyes, staring behind his pupils and into his soul. "well, you know you kind of own my heart. you’re actually the king of my heart."
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liked by beyoncé, liyah.clark and 32.732.195 others
amara.imani mon amour, je t’aime — my third studio album, i spent hours and hours trying to be the best version of myself to not only give you my most proudest work but also to make myself proud. this album is the result of love, passion and devotion, endless love that i received and that fueled me to write this album. thank you to my fans, who stood by me during the highs and lows — this album is also for you
view all 104.078 comments
liyah.clark YOU OUTDID YOURSELF, it’s so much better than what i could have imagined, i’m crying happy tears 🫶🏾
graceywood this was all you, you put everything into this album and it paid off so much, it’s beautiful and i couldn’t have been prouder to be your agent
beyoncé this album is an entire masterpiece, very happy that i was able to be a part of this
cardi_b girl, you slayed, one of the tops this year
username amara imani really took a pause, came back and dropped a musical masterpiece
username the way this album has me on a chokehold, been listening to it the entire day
username this album is a work of art, a true album, the renaissance of good music after all this shit people bring out today
charles_leclerc congratulations amara (liyah forced the entire grid to listen to it the entire day)
amara.imani thx charles 🤎 (omggg, lewis hamilton listened to my music)
charles_leclerc should i be worried about this obsession you and amara have over lewis?
liyah.clark babe, it’s lewis hamilton, please stay in your lane
username why did this album bring me to tears, like she sounds so in love it made me cry
username she never sang about evan like that, that man must be really special to her
versace the entire versace family congratulated you to the release of your new album, you did amazing — donatella
113 notes · View notes
bueckersstuff · 21 days ago
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Pairing: Paige Bueckers x OC
Genre: competition for dominance, long overdue desire, uconn royalties, angst, enemies to lovers, mad in love but denial paige, happy ending yayy
Authors Note: Hi guys, so this is a one - shot but I think it's too long to be called that. I wrote this in one sitting afraid I'll lose the plot if I chose to post it in chapters. Enjoy!
Present Day
The bass pulsed through the walls of The Tavern, a heartbeat that thrummed beneath the floorboards. Paige had barely stepped inside when she spotted her friend, Taylor, waving her over from a booth packed with soccer players.
"Finally, you made it! Where’s your teammates?" Taylor greeted, tipping her beer toward Paige. "C’mon, meet my squad."
Paige approached, her six-foot frame moving effortlessly through the crowd. She had barely scanned the faces when she spotted her.
Legs crossed, draped over the couch like she owned the place, a sly smile playing on her lips as she leaned toward a wide-eyed brunette, some fan hanging onto her every word. Xena’s fingers twirled a loose strand of the girl's hair, her voice low and smooth.
Something twisted in Paige’s chest. Annoyance? Interest? She wasn’t sure, but it was enough to make her jaw clench.
“Xen, stop corrupting the fans,” Taylor joked, nudging the girl playfully. "Paige, meet the legend herself—Xena. Team’s best striker."
Xena’s head lifted slowly, her dark gaze locking onto Paige’s. A slow, knowing smile curled her lips, like she’d been expecting this moment.
"Paige." Xena’s voice was honeyed, edged with something unspoken.
Paige’s brows lifted slightly. "You know me?"
Xena hummed, sipping her drink. "Who doesn’t know the pride of UConn basketball?" Her tone was casual, but there was something beneath it. Something pointed.
Paige smirked, tilting her head. "And yet, I don’t know you." She lied.
A flicker. Barely there, but Paige caught it—the briefest shadow of something in Xena’s eyes before she covered it up with a laugh. "Guess I’m not that memorable."
The air between them thickened. The team chatted around them, but the moment belonged to just them—silent, taut. Then, as if breaking a spell, Xena turned back to her fan, dismissing Paige with an easy flick of her attention.
Paige exhaled sharply, tearing her gaze away. What the hell was that?
The night bled on, filled with cheap liquor, stolen glances, and conversations Paige wasn’t listening to. Xena had disappeared at some point, but Paige hadn’t missed the way she’d moved through the club—fluid, confident, untouchable.
When Paige finally spotted her again, she was slipping through the back door, a hand running through her hair, her head tilting back as she inhaled the cold night air. Paige’s fingers twitched against her glass. Go.
She didn’t think—just acted.
The moment she stepped outside, the door swinging shut behind her, Xena was already turning back toward the entrance.
They collided.
Hands—Xena’s at Paige’s waist, steadying. Paige’s at Xena’s back, pressing. The contact was electric, an unspoken challenge sparking between them.
Xena’s breath hitched first.
“Following me, UConn?” Xena’s voice was soft but taunting, her fingers tightening just a fraction at Paige’s hip.
Paige scoffed, but she didn’t step away. "I don’t chase."
Xena’s lips parted slightly, just for a second, before she smirked. "Good. Because you’d never catch me."
Paige’s grip on her back flexed, just enough to let Xena feel the strength beneath her fingertips. "That so?"
Xena’s thumb traced over the hem of Paige’s shirt, barely noticeable. Barely innocent. "Mm," she murmured, eyes flickering between Paige’s lips and her gaze. "You don’t strike me as the kind to play fair."
Paige swallowed, her mind clouding with heat, confusion, and something deeply dangerous. "Depends on the game."
Xena exhaled a soft laugh, shaking her head. "You have no idea what you just walked into."
Paige tilted her head, eyes darkening. "Then show me."
For a moment, it felt like something was going to break.
Then—Xena stepped back.
Not a retreat. A warning.
"Careful what you wish for, UConn."
Then she was gone, slipping past Paige, leaving behind only the ghost of her touch and a storm in Paige’s chest.
Paige stood there, fists clenching and unclenching, lips tingling with words she didn’t say.
This wasn’t over. Not even close.
1 Year Ago, The Tavern
The music was different that night—slower, sultrier, drowning in red neon haze. Paige wasn’t supposed to be there. It was offseason, and she had workouts early, but something about the buzz in her veins had made her reckless.
She had been waiting for her drink at the bar when she felt it—someone moving close, just close enough to set her nerves on fire.
"Didn’t take you for the type to party on a Tuesday," a voice murmured at her ear, smooth, familiar.
Paige turned her head slightly, enough to catch dark eyes, a teasing smirk, and the scent of something warm and intoxicating. She knew this girl—Xena. Some soccer player, quick on her feet and sharper with her words.
"Didn’t take you for the type to be watching me," Paige shot back.
Xena chuckled, resting a casual elbow on the bar beside her. "Hard not to when you walk in like you own the place."
Paige smirked. "I usually do."
The bartender slid Paige’s drink across the bar, and before she could reach for it, Xena was there, fingers brushing against hers as she stole the glass.
Paige raised a brow. "That mine?"
Xena took a slow sip, tongue flicking out to taste the rim before handing it back. "Now it is."
Heat coiled low in Paige’s stomach, something dangerous curling in her chest. She took the glass back, mirroring Xena’s movement, deliberately placing her lips where hers had just been. Xena watched, eyes dark and full of something unspoken.
That night had blurred after that. A challenge in the way they danced—Xena pressing close, Paige pulling back, both of them waiting for the other to break. And then outside, against the alley wall, lips hovering but never touching, breaths tangled between them.
Paige had wanted it. Fuck, she had wanted it.
But Xena had just smirked, fingers ghosting over the pulse at Paige’s throat.
"Not tonight, UConn."
And then she had walked away. No explanation. No promise of later. Just gone.
Paige had stood there, burning, furious, confused.
She had told herself she forgot about it. But now, standing outside The Tavern with Xena’s voice still lingering in her ears, she knew that was a lie.
Paige pushed off the wall, exhaling hard.
Careful what you wish for, UConn.
She turned and walked back inside, shoulders rolling with tension. The night went on, drinks passed between hands, conversations shallow and meaningless. But Paige felt it—the weight of Xena’s presence still lingering, even though she was nowhere in sight.
When she finally left, she told herself it meant nothing.
The week that followed, Paige drowned herself in the familiar rhythm of morning workouts and late-night shooting drills. She let Nika and the rest of her teammates pull her into study sessions and casual nights out.
But every now and then, when she wasn’t paying attention, she found herself looking. Searching.
Xena didn’t show.
On the other side of campus, Xena pretended she didn’t care.
She went about her days the same way—practices, classes, the occasional night out with her teammates. But in the quiet moments, she found herself gripping her phone too tightly, resisting the urge to check if Paige had posted something, if their paths would cross again.
She told herself it was nothing. That Paige was nothing.
But she had always been a bad liar.
Three Years Ago
Xena had always been protective of her little brother, Leo. He was only twelve at the time, still in that reckless stage where he thought he was invincible. Their family had come to visit UConn that weekend, walking through campus while their parents gushed over her scholarship and upcoming freshman season.
Xena had been distracted, half-listening, her cleats slung over her shoulder, when it happened.
Leo had been messing around, running ahead, pretending the sidewalk was a balance beam. Then, in a split second, he tripped.
Straight into the street.
Xena’s heart shot to her throat, her feet frozen. She tried to scream, to lunge forward, but before she could move, someone else did.
A tall girl in a UConn basketball hoodie—blonde ponytail swinging, reflexes sharp as a blade—had stepped off the curb without hesitation. One second, Leo was in danger. The next, he was yanked back by the scruff of his hoodie, landing hard against the girl’s chest as a car sped past, missing him by inches.
Leo gasped, his hands fisting in the stranger’s sweatshirt.
"Hey, you good?" her voice had been firm, steady, like she’d done this a hundred times.
Leo nodded frantically, eyes wide as saucers.
Xena’s parents rushed forward, thanking the girl, fussing over Leo, but Xena… she just stood there.
She should’ve spoken. Should’ve said something, anything.
But she didn’t.
She just watched as the girl gave Leo a reassuring pat on the back, smiled faintly, then walked away before Xena could even catch her name.
Later that night, when her parents kept talking about how grateful they were, how it was a miracle, Xena found herself searching online. UConn women’s basketball—blonde, tall, fast reflexes.
That’s when she found her.
From that day forward, she kept tabs. Not obsessively, not in a way she’d admit, but enough. Enough to see the articles, the highlight reels, the moments where Paige Bueckers owned the court like she was born for it.
Enough to wonder what it would’ve been like to say thank you.
The first time she saw Paige in person again was at The Tavern.
She hadn’t expected it. Hadn’t planned it. But the moment she spotted her at the bar, standing under the red glow of neon lights, it was like something in her tilted.
She hadn’t even thought.
She moved toward her, pulse thrumming, intentions clear. Say thank you. Make it quick.
But when Paige turned, locking eyes with her, everything shifted.
Up close, she was more. More intense, more magnetic, more everything.
Xena’s throat went dry. Fuck.
"Didn’t take you for the type to party on a Tuesday," she murmured instead.
It wasn’t what she had meant to say. But it was what came out.
Paige arched a brow, unimpressed. "Didn’t take you for the type to be watching me."
Xena almost laughed, almost said, I’ve been watching you for three years.
Instead, she leaned closer, let herself feel the heat rolling off Paige’s skin. "Hard not to when you walk in like you own the place."
Paige smirked. "I usually do."
Xena wanted to say something smart. Witty. Playful.
But all she could think about was that day—Paige’s hand gripping Leo’s hoodie, pulling him to safety. How effortless it had been for her to save him.
The words tangled in her throat.
Before she could stop herself, she reached for Paige’s drink, fingers brushing hers as she lifted it to her lips.
"That mine?" Paige asked, voice edged with challenge.
Xena held her gaze, lips parting just slightly as she took a slow sip. Fuck, she tastes good. "Now it is."
Something dark flickered in Paige’s eyes, something hot and unfamiliar. Xena should’ve backed off, should’ve turned the conversation back to what she had meant to say.
But instead, the moment spiraled—dancing, touches that lingered too long, breathless almost-kisses.
Xena had gotten so close, felt the warmth of Paige’s body pressing against hers, so fucking close.
She wanted it. God, she wanted it.
But her throat tightened with something that felt too much like guilt. This hadn’t started as a game.
So she did the only thing she knew how to do when things got too real.
She pulled back.
"Not tonight, UConn." And she walked away.
Paige had stared after her, something raw in her expression, and Xena had clenched her fists, forcing herself not to turn back.
Later that night, she had stared at her ceiling, cursing herself. Why didn’t you just say thank you?
Present Day
The stadium was packed. Paige thrived under the pressure, under the roar of the crowd, the weight of expectation. She moved like she always did—smooth, lethal, untouchable.
Until she saw them.
A cluster of soccer players just a few rows back from the court. And at the center of them—Xena, sprawled out like she had all the time in the world, watching her.
Paige nearly faltered mid-dribble.
Kk noticed. "You good?"
"Fine," Paige muttered, setting her jaw.
The game resumed, but Xena wasn’t done.
Every time Paige glanced up, there was something new—a mocking little wave, a slow, exaggerated clap when she scored, a smirk around the straw of her drink.
When the final buzzer rang, Paige had barely stepped off the court when she heard it.
"Nice work, UConn."
She turned, her pulse still thrumming from the game, sweat cooling against her skin.
Xena was waiting just outside the tunnel, leaning against the wall like she had all the time in the world.
Paige rolled her eyes, yanking at the towel around her neck. "What, here to recruit me for your fan club?"
Xena grinned. "You’d look good in our colors."
Paige scoffed. "Don’t need the distraction."
Xena’s gaze flickered over her, slow and deliberate. "Funny, ‘cause you looked pretty distracted back there."
Paige took a step closer, ignoring the way her skin tingled with every inch that closed between them. "If you think you got in my head, you’re delusional."
Xena tilted her head, smug and infuriating. "That so?"
Paige’s fingers twitched. She wanted—fuck, she didn’t even know what she wanted. To shut Xena up? To wipe that smirk off her face? Or to do something else entirely?
Xena must have seen it. Because she leaned in, voice dropping just enough to make Paige’s breath hitch.
"Tell me, UConn," she murmured, lips almost brushing her ear. "Are you mad ‘cause I was watching… or ‘cause I know you liked it that I’m here?"
Paige’s stomach dropped.
She opened her mouth, but Xena was already stepping back, a satisfied little smirk on her lips.
"See you around," she said, like it was inevitable.
And maybe it was.
The moment Xena stepped into the basketball arena, she knew she was playing with fire. But that was the point, wasn’t it?
If she couldn’t have Paige’s attention one way, she’d get it another.
So she leaned back, smirking, making sure Paige saw her. The little waves, the slow claps—it was all intentional.
And it worked.
Paige’s movements were sharp but just a little off. The thought sent a thrill through Xena’s chest.
And when the game was over, when Paige finally stormed toward the tunnel, Xena was already waiting.
"Nice work, UConn."
Paige barely slowed, wiping sweat from her face. "What, here to recruit me for your fan club?"
Xena grinned. "You’d look good in our colors."
Paige scoffed, but Xena saw the way her shoulders tensed. "Don’t need the distraction."
Xena tilted her head, drinking in the sight of her—messy hair, flushed skin, sharp edges softened just slightly by exhaustion. She wanted to touch her.
Instead, she let her words do the damage. "Funny, ‘cause you looked pretty distracted back there."
Paige’s jaw tightened.
Xena stepped closer, lowering her voice. "Tell me, UConn. Are you mad ‘cause I was watching… or ‘cause I know you liked it that I’m here?"
She felt it, the shift in Paige’s breathing. The way she sucked in a sharp inhale, her composure cracking for just a second. Xena had expected a sharp retort, a push back. Instead, Paige just stared at her, something unreadable in her expression.
For the first time, Xena felt uneasy.
Then Paige scoffed, rolling her eyes, and the moment passed.
"See you around," Xena teased, flashing her signature smirk before turning to walk away.
But as she disappeared into the crowd, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had just fucked up.
Because for the first time, Paige actually looked lost.
And Xena doesn’t know what to do with that.
So she walked away, again.
Days after, she tried to push it from her mind. The way Paige had held her gaze like she wanted to rip her apart and pull her closer all at once. The way Xena had almost expected her to chase after her in the tunnel, to demand an answer, to call her out for whatever the hell was happening between them.
But Paige hadn’t chased her.
She had just watched.
And that was somehow worse.
Xena wasn’t expecting to see her again so soon.
The week had been normal, or as normal as things could be. Soccer practice, classes, casual flirting with girls she didn’t care about. She had almost convinced herself that the tension at the game had been nothing. That Paige wasn’t actually affecting her.
But then—fate, or maybe just bad luck.
Xena was heading out of the student center, earbuds in, mind half-focused on her phone when—
A solid, unmoving force. A warm body against hers. Hands catching her waist.
Paige Bueckers.
The realization hit Xena half a second after impact, but by then, her hands had already found purchase on Paige’s hoodie, gripping the fabric out of instinct.
Paige had caught her. Held her steady.
For a beat, neither of them moved.
Xena’s breath stalled in her chest, the proximity too much, too sudden. The smell of Paige—something clean, something faintly like sweat and mint—wrapped around her like a noose.
Then Paige’s hands flexed against her waist, just a little, before she let go.
Xena forced herself to step back, straightening, masking the split-second of unbalance with a smirk. "You should watch where you’re going, Bueckers."
Paige raised a brow. "Funny. I was thinking the same thing."
Her voice was calm, unreadable, but there was something in the way she looked at Xena—something new. The frustration from the tunnel? Gone. Replaced by something smoother, more deliberate.
Xena tilted her head, studying her. "So, what, you just happen to run into me? You following me now?"
Paige exhaled a quiet laugh, shaking her head. "Not everything’s about you, Xena Blackwood."
That shouldn’t have affected Xena. It shouldn’t have sent a sharp thrill through her spine.
But the way Paige said it—so effortlessly dismissive, so unbothered. Fucking hell.
Xena wasn’t used to that.
She stepped closer, testing the space between them. "You sure? You seemed pretty locked in on me back at the game."
Paige’s smirk didn’t falter. She just hummed, tilting her head slightly. "Did I?"
Xena opened her mouth, ready to push, ready to find the crack in Paige’s armor.
But Paige? Paige moved first.
Not away. Not back. But forward.
The shift was so subtle, so precise that Xena almost didn’t register it until she felt the whisper of Paige’s breath near her jaw.
She stilled.
And Paige fucking knew it.
"You talk a lot," Paige murmured, her voice so low Xena barely caught it. "Always trying to get under my skin. Wonder why that is."
Xena swallowed. "Maybe I just like seeing you flustered."
Paige huffed a quiet laugh, one that vibrated in Xena’s chest. Then, just as quickly as she had closed the space, she pulled back.
And that—that control, that command of the moment—left Xena pissed.
She should have been the one leading this push-and-pull. She should have had Paige stumbling, not the other way around.
But Paige just patted Xena’s shoulder, fucking patted her, before stepping around her like this was nothing more than a casual run-in.
"See you around," Paige said over her shoulder, voice laced with quiet amusement.
Xena turned, watching her go, jaw clenched.
Paige had played the game differently this time. And for the first time in a long time, Xena wasn’t sure if she was winning.
Paige almost didn’t go.
She had excuses lined up, perfectly reasonable ones. Practice had been brutal. She had an assignment due. She didn’t care about soccer.
But then Nika had grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the dorm before she could finish a sentence.
"Come on, twin," Nika had grinned. "You need to touch grass. Literally."
So now she was here, sitting in the stands with half the basketball team, watching UConn’s women’s soccer squad take the field.
And then she saw her.
The sight of her sent a sharp jolt through Paige’s stomach—unexpected, unwelcome.
She wasn’t even doing anything special. Just standing there, one hand on her hip, eyes locked ahead, but fuck. She looked different out here.
Paige was used to seeing her in dimly lit clubs, draped over some girl with a smirk that dared you to want her.
But here, under the bright stadium lights, hair tied back, uniform clinging to her body, expression sharp with focus—this was a different Xena.
Paige leaned forward, elbows on her knees, watching as the game started.
She hadn’t realized how physical soccer was.
Basketball was fast-paced, sure, but this? This was relentless. A nonstop fight for possession, bodies colliding, elbows flying. The stamina alone was insane.
And Xena?
She was fucking electric.
Paige tracked her movements without meaning to. The way she cut through defenders like they weren’t even there. The way she anticipated plays before they happened. The sheer force of her presence.
This is what she looks like when she’s serious.
Paige had seen glimpses of it before—the sharpness in Xena’s eyes when she was taunting her, the edge in her voice when she was trying to get under her skin.
But now, this version of Xena wasn’t playing games.
And Paige felt it.
She hated that she felt it.
Hated that it made something tighten in her chest.
She hated it even more when things started to go wrong.
It started small.
A late tackle here, an extra shove there. The other team was losing, and frustration was creeping into their movements.
Xena was still controlling the game, but Paige could see the shift—the rising tension, the way the opposing players were getting reckless.
And then it happened.
A loose ball. A collision.
Xena went down hard.
Paige barely had time to register it before a second impact came—a knee to the ribs, a cleat clipping against her thigh. The whistle blew, but it was too late, and the damage was done.
Xena didn’t get up.
She rolled onto her side, a sharp, pained gasp slipping from her lips, one hand clutching her ribs.
And then Paige saw the blood.
Her brain barely kept up with her body.
One second, she was sitting in the stands, and the next, she was moving.
Nika shouted after her, but Paige didn’t stop.
She was on the field before she could think twice, shoving past staff, past trainers, past everyone, until she was right there—right in front of Xena.
Xena was trying to push herself up, but she barely made it an inch before her body gave up.
"Fuck," she hissed, dropping her head back onto the grass. "That hurt."
Paige stared, frozen.
Xena’s lip was split. A bruise was already forming along her cheekbone. Blood smeared down the side of her thigh where the cleat had caught her.
She looked wrecked.
And for some reason, Paige couldn’t fucking breathe.
"Goddamn it, Xena," she managed, voice tight.
Xena blinked up at her, dazed. Then—because of course she fucking would—she smirked.
"Didn’t know you cared, Bueckers."
Paige’s jaw clenched. "Shut up."
She dropped to her knees beside her, hands hovering uselessly. What the fuck was she supposed to do?
Xena winced as she shifted, sucking in a sharp breath. "I’m fine."
"You’re bleeding," Paige snapped.
Xena’s smirk didn’t fade. If anything, it deepened, eyes flickering over Paige’s face like she was committing every second of this to memory.
"You’re mad," she murmured.
Paige exhaled sharply, shaking her head. "No, I’m—" She stopped, grinding her teeth. "Fuck, Xena, yeah. Yeah, I’m mad."
Xena hummed, head tilting slightly. "Why?"
Paige opened her mouth, then shut it.
Because she didn’t know.
Because this was supposed to be Xena’s thing—getting under her skin, making her feel off-balance.
But now Paige was the one sitting here, angry and scared over someone she had sworn she wasn’t supposed to care about.
The medical team finally pushed through, kneeling beside her.
Paige started to move back, but -
A hand wrapped around her wrist.
She looked down.
Xena’s grip was weak but intentional.
"Paige," she murmured.
And for the first time, there was no teasing in her voice. No smirk. No walls.
Just her.
Paige swallowed hard. "Yeah?"
Xena’s fingers tightened slightly.
Then, so quietly Paige almost didn’t catch it—
"You came."
Paige felt those words.
A lump rose in her throat, and she wanted to look away, wanted to not feel the way Xena’s voice had softened just for her.
But she couldn’t.
So she just curled her fingers around Xena’s hand—just for a second, just long enough to anchor them both.
Then she let go.
Xena’s eyes tracked her as the medics lifted her onto a stretcher, the connection breaking as they started moving.
Paige sat there, in the middle of the field, hands curling into fists.
She had no idea what the fuck had just happened.
But she knew one thing.
She wasn’t walking away from this the same.
The moment Paige stepped off the field, the questions started.
First, from her teammates. Nika was the loudest, of course. "What the fuck was that, Paige? Since when do you care about soccer?"
Paige ignored her, pushing past them, heading straight home.
Then came the media.
She saw her name already trending on Twitter before she even left the stadium. “Paige Bueckers rushes onto the soccer field—concern or controversy?”
Clips were circulating. People were asking why she —a basketball player, someone who had no business in that game—had reacted like that.
And Paige didn’t have an answer. Because she didn’t know either.
Paige couldn’t sleep. She had tried. She had laid in bed, stared at the ceiling, turned her phone on Do Not Disturb.
But every time she closed her eyes, she saw Xena.
On the ground. Bleeding.
The look in her eyes when she had reached for Paige’s wrist. You came.
Paige exhaled sharply, rolling onto her side, clenching her jaw. Why the fuck did it bother her this much? Why did she feel like she had taken a hit just watching Xena go down?
Frustrated, she grabbed her phone, unlocking it without thinking.
Her fingers hovered over Instagram.
She had never searched Xena before. Not once. But now?
Now she was pulling up her profile before she could talk herself out of it.
And fuck, she hated how easy it was to find her. Hated how her username popped up immediately like Paige had been meant to do this.
Her page was a mix of game clips, candid locker room moments, and too many fucking thirst traps.
Paige scrolled mindlessly, stopping on a video from last season.
The caption was simple: “One of my best games.”
Paige clicked it.
The clip played.
Xena—fucking hell, Xena was dominant.
Paige had watched her play earlier, had seen how good she was, but watching it now—raw, unfiltered, no distractions—was different.
She was fast. Calculated. Ruthless.
Paige clenched her jaw.
She had known Xena was good. But this? This was something else.
And that made the anger creep in again.
Because this was the girl who had been knocked to the ground tonight. This was the girl who had been targeted.
Paige scrolled back up to the top of Xena’s page, biting the inside of her cheek.
Then she saw it.
A recent post. A photo dump.
Most of it was random—locker room pictures, city views—but the last slide caught her attention.
A spread of food. A simple caption: “My favorites.”
Paige stared at it.
An idea started forming before she could stop it.
She sat up, rubbing a hand over her face. What the fuck are you doing, Paige?
She didn’t know.
She didn’t want to know.
But somehow, she was already grabbing her jacket, slipping on sneakers, and heading for the door.
Paige didn’t ask where Xena was.
Not directly.
Instead, she messaged someone she knew from the soccer team, throwing in a casual, “Hey, is Xena okay?”
The response came back fast.
“She’s fine. Got stitched up. Why?”
Paige hesitated. Then—
"Just wondering. Heard she got hit bad."
The reply came almost immediately.
"You could just ask her yourself, you know."
Paige ignored that.
Instead, she sent a quick, “Where is she staying?”
There was a pause. Then—
Paige clenched her jaw. Then, before she could overthink it, she typed,
"Coach asked me to check in."
A lie. A stupid, unnecessary lie.
But it worked.
A minute later, she had an address. And before she could think, before she could stop herself—Paige was already on her way.
The apartment door looked normal. Paige had no idea what she had expected. She stood there for a second, bag in hand, shifting her weight.
Then she knocked.
A few seconds passed.
The door opened, and there she was.
Freshly stitched, bandaged, but still looking at Paige like she was the biggest surprise of the night.
Paige stared.
Xena arched a brow. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
Paige clenched her jaw, lifting the bag. "Brought food."
Xena’s eyes flickered to it, then back to Paige.
For a beat, she said nothing.
Then—slow, taunting, amused—she leaned against the doorframe.
"You stalked my Instagram, didn’t you?"
Paige hated how hot her face felt.
"Shut up," she muttered, shoving the bag into Xena’s hands.
Xena took it, still watching her, still smirking.
Then she opened the bag.
Paige saw the exact moment she recognized the food.
The smirk faded. And for the first time tonight, Xena looked at her softly.
Paige’s stomach twisted.
She hated it. Hated it because she didn’t know why she had done this. Didn’t know why Xena’s face, battered and bruised, made her want to do something, anything to fix it.
Xena studied her for a second longer.
Then she sighed, stepping back, opening the door wider.
"You coming in or what?"
Paige hesitated.
Then—before she could change her mind—she stepped inside.
The first thing Paige noticed about Xena’s room was the smell. It was clean. Not in a clinical way, but fresh—like vanilla and something warm she couldn’t place.
The second thing she noticed?
It was small. Smaller than she expected, considering how big Xena’s presence always felt.
And the third thing? Xena was struggling.
She had the bag of food clutched in one hand while the other pressed against her ribs as she limped toward her bed.
Paige rolled her eyes, stepping forward before she could stop herself. "Jesus, just sit down."
Xena let out a breathy chuckle, plopping onto the mattress with an exaggerated wince. "Damn, Bueckers. Didn’t know you were so bossy."
Paige ignored the way that sent heat down her spine.
"Didn’t know you were so bad at getting your ass kicked," she shot back.
Xena smirked up at her, eyes sharp despite the bruises forming along her jaw. "It's soccer. Shit happens. "
Paige crossed her arms. "Who was the one who tackled you?"
Xena waved a hand, tearing open the takeout container. "Some frustrated defender. It happens."
Paige frowned. "Yeah, well, it shouldn’t happen."
Xena arched a brow. "What, you gonna fight them for me, Bueckers?"
Paige scowled. "Maybe."
The smirk on Xena's lips deepened, and Paige immediately regretted saying anything.
Xena balanced the food container on her lap, shifting slightly—only to wince when the movement pulled at her ribs.
Paige sighed, stepping forward without thinking.
"Here, idiot." She grabbed the container before Xena could drop it, sitting down at the edge of the bed and placing it on the nightstand instead.
Xena blinked at her.
Paige blinked back.
And suddenly, the space between them felt very small. Too small.
Paige’s pulse hammered against her ribs, but she kept her face neutral.
Xena, on the other hand? She knew.
Paige could see it in her eyes—the slow realization, the way her lips curled up like she was about to say something dangerous.
Paige needed to change the subject. Fast.
"So, when can you play again?"
Xena leaned back on her elbows, smirk still intact. "Couple weeks. Maybe less if I can sneak past the trainers."
Paige rolled her eyes. "Yeah, ‘cause that’s a smart idea."
Xena shrugged. "Gotta do what I gotta do."
Paige narrowed her eyes. "You’re an idiot."
"And yet," Xena mused, gaze dropping—slowly, deliberately—to Paige’s mouth. "You’re here."
Paige swallowed.
Her brain short-circuited for a full three seconds before she forced herself to look away.
Bad idea.
Her eyes landed on Xena’s thigh—bruised, but still strong, still—fuck.
She shot to her feet, clearing her throat. "I should go."
Xena tilted her head, amused. "Already?"
"Yeah," Paige muttered, suddenly needing distance. "You need to rest."
Xena didn’t look convinced. "You sure you don’t wanna stay?"
The words were innocent enough, but the look in her eyes?
Not so much.
Paige clenched her jaw.
She wanted to. God, did she want to.
But Xena was injured, and Paige was too wired, too restless, too fucking tempted.
She needed to leave before she does something stupid.
So instead, she dug her phone out of her pocket and handed it to Xena. "Here."
She raised a brow. "What’s this for?"
"Your number," Paige said flatly. "In case you need anything."
She hummed, taking the phone. "So thoughtful, Bueckers."
Paige ignored her and waited as she typed, fingers moving lazily across the screen. After a moment, she handed the phone back.
Paige glanced at the contact name.
Xena - Hot Soccer Star
Paige huffed, shoving her phone into her pocket. "Really?"
Xena grinned. "Accurate, though."
Paige rolled her eyes and made her way to the door, pausing with her hand on the handle. For a second, she considered saying something else—something normal, like rest up or see you later.
But she didn’t trust her mouth not to betray her. So she just nodded and walked out.
Paige barely made it back to her dorm before her phone vibrated. She pulled it out, expecting Nika or one of her teammates.
But instead—
Xena - Hot Soccer Star: Appreciate the food, Bueckers. Didn't know you had a soft side.
Paige stared at the screen, thumb hovering over the keyboard.
For a moment, she considered ignoring it.
But then—
Paige: Don’t get used to it.
A beat passed.
Xena - Hot Soccer Star: No promises.
Paige groaned, flopping onto her bed.
This was a bad idea. A really bad idea. So why the fuck did she already want to see her again?
Paige hadn’t seen Xena in two weeks. Not on campus. Not at the gym. Nowhere. But the texts? Those hadn’t stopped.
Xena - Hot Soccer Star: Do you always take care of your enemies like this? Or am I special?
Paige: Enemies? You flatter yourself.
Xena - Hot Soccer Star: I tend to have that effect on people.
Paige: Delusional.
Xena - Hot Soccer Star: Are you thinking about me right now?
Paige: No.
Xena - Hot Soccer Star: Liar.
Paige had stared at her screen way too long after that one.
Xena - Hot Soccer Star: Send me a pic.
Paige: Of what?
Xena - Hot Soccer Star: Of you. What else?
Paige had scoffed, rolling her eyes. Not happening. But the heat crawling up her neck had been undeniable.
Paige: Why do you even have my number?
Xena - Hot Soccer Star: You gave it to me.
Paige: Biggest mistake of my life.
Xena - Hot Soccer Star: But you’re still texting me.
Paige had shut her phone off after that one.
Two Weeks Later
Paige was leaving class, one hand adjusting the strap of her bag, the other pulling out her phone.
And then—
It started ringing. She frowned at the screen.
She hesitated, then swiped to answer. "What—"
"Look right."
Paige froze. Her head turned instinctively.
And there she was.
Leaning against the wall, phone in one hand, a smug fucking smirk playing on her lips.
Paige’s breath hitched.
Because Xena wasn’t just here—she's fine now.
No limping. No injuries. Just standing there, grinning like she hadn’t just made Paige’s heart nearly combust.
"You’re—" Paige started, words failing. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
Xena pushed off the wall, pocketing her phone. "Came to see you, obviously."
Paige narrowed her eyes. "Why?"
Xena stepped closer. "Because I owe you dinner."
Paige blinked. "What?"
"For last week." Xena shrugged. "Consider it a thank-you."
Paige crossed her arms. "You don’t owe me anything."
Xena tilted her head, eyes flickering down Paige’s body slowly, deliberately. "Let me take you out, Bueckers."
Paige swallowed. "You’re impossible."
Xena grinned. "And you like it."
Paige hated how true that was.
Xena drove them to some lowkey spot just outside campus—a hole-in-the-wall diner with neon lights and a too-good smell wafting through the air.
Paige raised a brow. "This is where you’re taking me?"
Xena smirked. "What, you too fancy for greasy food?"
Paige rolled her eyes. "I just didn’t take you for the type."
"And what type am I?" Xena challenged, opening the door for her.
Paige stepped inside, glancing at her. "Annoying."
Xena chuckled. "You say that like it’s a bad thing."
They sat in a booth, menus in hand. Xena didn’t even look at hers. "You should get the cheeseburger."
Paige raised a brow. "And why’s that?"
"Because it’s the best thing here," she said simply. "And you look like someone who needs to be impressed."
Paige rolled her eyes. "Cocky."
"Fine." Paige sighed, closing the menu. "But if it’s shit, I’m never listening to you again."
Xena grinned. "Deal."
Food came fast. Conversation flowed faster.
Somewhere between bites of what was, unfortunately, the best cheeseburger Paige had ever had, and Xena's teasing remarks about how she should "listen to her more," something shifted.
It wasn’t just banter anymore. It was easy.
It was Xena asking about her upcoming game and actually listening when Paige answered.
It was Paige asking about Xena's s recovery, about how she really felt after the injury.
It was Xena admitting, after a beat of hesitation, "It fucked me up, Bueckers."
And Paige, without thinking, reaching across the table, thumb brushing over Xena’s wrist. "You’ll be back."
Xena holding her gaze, softer than ever. "You think so?"
Paige nodding. "I know so."
And then—
The moment broke.
Xena smirked, pulling her hand back. "Careful, Bueckers. You’re starting to sound like you care."
Paige rolled her eyes, heat creeping up her neck. "Shut up and eat your food."
The drive back in the car was quiet. Not awkward. Just charged.
Xena drummed her fingers on the steering wheel, throwing her a glance. "Did you have fun?"
Paige sighed dramatically. "Shockingly, yes."
She grinned. "Knew it."
They pulled up outside Paige’s dorm.
Paige unbuckled, hesitating. "Guess I’ll see you around."
Xena smirked. "You will."
Paige went to open the door. But then—
She turned back. "What—"
Xena leaned over, voice dropping. "What if I don’t wanna wait another two weeks?"
Paige’s breath hitched.
Xena’s gaze flickered to her lips—brief, intentional, dangerous.
Paige’s pulse spiked. "Then don’t."
Xena exhaled sharply, fingers tapping against the wheel. "Fuck, Bueckers."
Paige smirked. "Goodnight, Xena."
And with that, she stepped out, closing the door behind her.
Her phone buzzed before she even reached the door.
Xena - Hot Soccer Star: Goodnight, Paige.
It had been a week.
A whole week since that night at the diner. Since the teasing, the eye contact, and the electricity humming between them.
A whole week since Paige had last heard from Xena.
At first, she ignored the nagging feeling in her chest. Maybe Xena was busy. Maybe practice was brutal. Maybe—
But then, nothing. No texts. No calls.
Paige had tried.
Paige: Yo, ghosting me already?
Paige: Xena?
Paige: Seriously, what’s up?
Paige: Fine. Fuck this.
She wasn’t one to chase. And she sure as hell wasn’t about to start now. But then she saw her.
Paige was walking past towards the athlete's center when her breath hitched.
There, standing against the glass windows, was Xena.
And she wasn’t alone.
Some girl stood close—too close—smiling up at her.
Paige watched as the girl reached out, fingers trailing along Xena’s wrist before moving up to touch her cheek.
Xena just stood there, smiling softly, nodding at whatever the girl was saying.
Something inside Paige snapped.
Before she could stop herself, she walked inside, straight past them.
Xena’s voice cut through the air, sharp, urgent. But Paige didn’t stop.
Didn’t look.
Didn’t care.
Not when her chest was burning. Not when her throat felt tight. Not when she knew damn well that she had no right to feel like this but couldn’t help it.
She stormed into their locker room, hands bracing against the cool metal, taking deep breaths.
Get it together.
She wasn’t yours.
Xena could do whatever the fuck she wanted.
Paige clenched her fists, swallowing hard.
So why the hell did it feel like she’d just been punched in the gut?
Her teammates noticed. Nika nudged her as they laced up. "You good, dude?"
Paige forced a smirk. "Always."
Azzi shot her a look. "You’ve been weird all practice."
"I’m fine," Paige snapped, harsher than she meant to.
Her teammates shared glances but didn’t push.
After practice, as they packed up, Nika tossed an arm over Paige’s shoulder. "We’re hitting the Tavern tonight. You in?"
Paige barely hesitated. "Fuck yeah."
She wasn’t about to sit in her dorm thinking about Xena.
She needed a distraction.
And if that distraction came in the form of loud music and shots of tequila, so be it.
The Tavern
The energy hit her the moment they stepped inside.
Music thrummed through the air, bodies swaying, laughter echoing across the dimly lit space.
Paige let herself relax, let the atmosphere dull the sharp edges of her thoughts—until she saw her.
Xena was sitting in a booth, with her teammates.
A drink in hand, eyes distant, lost in thought.
No girl.
No soft smiles.
Just her.
Paige’s stomach twisted.
She wanted to go to her.
She wanted to demand an explanation, to yell at her, to—
She reminded herself of what she saw earlier. Instead, she headed for the bar. She had barely ordered when—
"Déjà vu, huh?"
Paige stiffened.
That voice. Low. Amused. Fucking dangerous.
She turned her head.
Xena had slid onto the stool beside her, close enough that Paige could feel the heat radiating off her.
Paige narrowed her eyes ahead. "What do you want?"
Xena answers softly. "To talk."
Paige didn’t turn. "Not in the mood."
Xena tilted her head, studying her. "You sure? Because I think you’re always in the mood to fight with me."
Paige finally looked at her, and fuck, there was fire in her eyes. Not that she can help it at this point. "You think this is a game?"
Xena sighed, leaning in. "No. But I think you miss me."
Paige’s jaw clenched. "You disappeared."
Xena sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Paige—"
"Don’t fucking Paige me!" she snapped, turning in her seat. "You disappear for a week. No texts, no calls. And then I see you, all smiles, letting some girl fucking touch you I —" and Paige stopped herself, exhaling hard. "It doesn’t fucking matter."
Paige was willing herself to cool the fuck down because people are already staring.
"Can you let me explain?" Xena was trying to hold her arm but Paige kept swatting it away.
"Fuck off, Xena." Paige was hurt, though she had no right. But still, she thought they are on the same page. She felt betrayed.
Xena stilled, maybe she felt herself on the verge of also losing it. She stand beside Paige, who's still sitting.
"Come outside. Let's talk." Xena wasn't about to make them a spectacle in front of their schoolmates.
"Oh, so now you want to talk?" Paige bit back hard. She wasn't about to lose to this godforsaken woman who's making her absolutely mad.
Xena sighed deeply, and loudly before looking at her eyes again. The lights passed through it, and although it was just a moment, Paige clearly saw the look on Xena's eyes.
Red-rimmed, troubled, hurt, lost, almost pleading eyes.
So before she says something stupid again, she stands up, grabbed Xena by the hand towards the back of the pub.
"Now what? I'm giving you two minutes to talk and then I'm done here." Paige deadpanned.
Xena hesitated, jaw clenching. "I lost my phone."
Paige frowned. "What?"
"Someone took it at the gym. Or I misplaced it. I don’t fucking know." Xena looked away, exhaling sharply. "And between training, school, and therapy, I just—I didn’t have time to explain."
Xena continues, eyes glassy, frustrated. "And then I see you today, and you just walk past me like I meant nothing."
Paige was about to crumble, but the thing that ticked her off still lingers. "You were happily smiling with some girl — "
"She’s my fucking therapist."
Paige stopped.
Her heart pounded. "What?"
Xena exhaled sharply, running her hands through her hair. "She’s my therapist. She was checking in on me, okay? My stitches, my wrist, my fucking cheekbones. She was happy my bruises are gone, that I’m good now."
Paige swallowed hard.
Her throat burned. Her anger cracked, giving way to new emotions.
Fucking everything at once.
Paige exhaled, voice softer now. "I’m sorry."
Xena scoffed. "Yeah? Didn’t fucking seem like it when you were out here losing your shit on me."
Paige clenched her jaw. "I thought—" She cut herself off, hands balling into fists. "Fuck, Xena."
Xena looked at her, deeply, daring her to do much worse. "You're so hot when you're jealous, did you know that?"
And suddenly, there wasn’t any space between them anymore.
Paige surged forward.
Their lips crashed together, months of tension exploding between them.
Xena groaned, fingers tangling in Paige’s hoodie, pulling her in harder.
Paige pushed her against the wall, deepening the kiss, teeth scraping, hands gripping hips—fuck, fuck, fuck.
It was all heat, all fire, all fucking want.
People started filtering out of the bar, their voices pulling them apart, but Xena wasn’t done.
She grabbed Paige’s wrist, pulling her toward the parking lot.
"Come with me."
Paige didn’t hesitate.
They reached Xena’s car, and the moment the doors shut—
They were on each other again.
Xena straddled Paige in the passenger’s seat, hands in her hair, kissing her senseless.
Paige groaned into her mouth, nails digging into Xena’s thighs. "Fuck, you drive me insane."
Xena panted, lips swollen. "Right back at you."
Paige’s hands wandered, Xena’s breath hitched—
But then—
A voice outside.
They both froze.
People walking past.
Paige swallowed hard, forehead resting against Xena’s. "We should stop."
Xena exhaled sharply, hands still gripping her waist. "Yeah."
Neither of them moved.
Xena smirked. "You’re not letting me go."
Paige chuckled, eyes dark. "Not a chance."
"Come back with me," Xena offered, voice low, edged with something undeniable.
Paige stared at her.
This wasn’t a question. It was a challenge. A dare.
Her body screamed yes.
Her mind? Dangerous. Stupid.
Xena smirked, reading her hesitation. "Scared?"
Paige’s jaw ticked. "Drive."
Xena’s grin was pure fucking sin.
The second the door shut behind them, it was over.
Paige shoved Xena against it, her mouth crashing onto hers, hands tangling in her hoodie, hungry.
Xena groaned, pulling her in, her grip rough, her touch possessive.
The air was thick, charged, fucking unbearable.
Paige barely registered the room, only that the back of her legs hit the bed, and then they were falling into it.
Xena pinned her down, lips trailing down her neck, teeth grazing, teasing.
Paige sucked in a sharp breath, gripping Xena’s waist, pulling her closer, needing more, needing everything—
A pause.
Xena hovered above her, breathless, eyes scanning Paige’s face.
A silent question.
Paige swallowed, heartbeat hammering against her ribs.
Then she reached up, fingers curling into Xena’s shirt, pulling her back down.
"Shut up and keep going."
Xena’s grin was the last thing Paige saw before she stopped thinking entirely.
Paige had spent too much time fighting this.
Fighting Xena.
Fighting herself.
But there were only so many nights she could lie awake, replaying every look, every touch, every fucking feeling that Xena made her feel.
So, standing outside the athlete dorms, hands stuffed in her hoodie pocket, heart pounding like a goddamn drum, Paige inhaled deeply and knocked.
It only took three seconds for the door to swing open.
Xena stood there in sweats and a cropped UConn soccer tee, hair damp like she’d just showered, eyes widening at the sight of her.
No teasing. No smirking. Just genuine surprise.
Paige swallowed. "Can I come in?"
Xena hesitated for a second before stepping aside. "Yeah, of course."
Paige walked in, pacing once before stopping, turning to face her. "Okay, look."
Xena crossed her arms, leaning against the door. "Should I be worried?"
Paige exhaled sharply, shaking her head. "No. I mean—fuck, I don’t know." She ran a hand through her hair, huffing. "This is—"
"Spit it out, P," Xena said softly.
Paige locked eyes with her. "Be mine."
Xena’s breath hitched.
Silence hung between them—thick, heavy, waiting to crack.
"No, listen," Paige interrupted, stepping closer, voice firm now. "I don’t want anyone else. I don’t want the games, or the push and pull. I don’t want to spend another fucking second pretending like I don’t think about you all the time. I just want you."
Xena just stared at her, like she wasn’t sure if this was real.
"So be mine," Paige repeated, softer this time.
Xena let out a small, breathless laugh, running a hand through her hair. "You make it sound so easy."
Paige tilted her head. "Isn’t it?"
Xena looked at her, searching, feeling.
And then she was closing the distance, grabbing Paige’s hoodie, pulling her in until their lips met, slow and deep, nothing like before—
This wasn’t fire or recklessness or anger.
This was certainty.
This was everything Paige had been waiting for.
Xena pulled back just enough to whisper, "Yeah. Okay. I’m yours."
Paige grinned, feeling light, victorious, complete.
"Damn right you are."
The world didn't change overnight.
But they did. And maybe that was enough.
The days passed, filled with stolen kisses in hallways, late-night talks in Xena’s dorm, meeting both their families. Imagine Paige's surprise when she finally learns about Leo, and how Xena has been plotting about her. Damn, the butterflies on Paige's stomach were indescribable.
Paige sat front row at Xena’s next game, arms crossed, locked in.
When Xena scored, she ran past the stands, pointing at Paige with a cocky smirk.
Paige only shook her head, smirking right back.
Xena came to every basketball game she could, watching Paige dominate.
One night after a win, Paige found Xena waiting by the locker room doors, arms crossed.
"You were a little off in the third quarter," Xena teased.
Paige rolled her eyes. "Shut up."
Xena leaned in, lips brushing her ear. "Come over tonight?"
Paige smirked. "You don’t even have to ask."
They weren’t perfect.
They bickered. They teased. They pushed each other’s buttons.
But they also made each other better.
Stronger. Happier.
And maybe they didn’t have it all figured out yet—
But Paige knew one thing for sure.
Whatever this was?
She wasn’t letting go.
Not now.
Not ever.
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honeyhoshi · 9 months ago
raise the stakes pt. 1
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summary: you and soonyoung have been in each other’s orbits for years. you’ve watched him go from a grassroots player to receiving the captain’s armband—a sign of trust and acknowledging his loyalty to his team.
but he’s loyal to you too.
this a part of the man of the match universe and set in the 2022-2023 season.
genre: professional footballer (soccer) soonyoung, coach's daughter oc, (sort of) childhood friends to lovers, slight angst, smut
wordcount: 24,969, pt. 2 coming soon
pairing: soonyoung x afab!reader (named cho jiae)
warnings: oral (m & f receiving), spit kink (bec i wrote it), tit fucking, titty obsessed soonyoung, cum play, cum eating, fingering, squirting, brief embarrassment over squirting, brief impact play (soonyoung slaps her ass ONCE), unprotected sex (NOT RECOMMENDED IN REAL LIFE), creampie (again, bec i wrote it), soonyoung calls her baby, overwhelmed but HAPPY and SATISFIED tears
author's notes: i wrote this while recalling a lot of my own harrowing experiences with boys growing up and had a lot of embarrassing fun with it. i hope you all fall in love with this soonyoung the way i did.
There’s something to be said about how you’re hiding in your neighbor’s bush right now but you’re not interested in dealing with it at the moment.
You had been pulled from the comfort of your bed by the smiling, panting, hunk of hair known as your dog Ddalgi. He had been startled awake by the film you were watching and despite the ungodly hour, he had demanded to be taken out for a walk. If he had just closed his eyes and fallen back asleep, you wouldn’t be in such a predicament.
On most nights your neighborhood is dead quiet and pretty much abandoned at 1AM, everyone having retreated into the comfort of their homes. But tonight is an exception and the only other person outside makes you swear something unladylike. It’s Soonyoung.
It’s Soonyoung who had moved into the neighborhood three months ago. Soonyoung who you were able to successfully evade for all those weeks. Soonyoung who had just put a pretty lady into a taxi, his wishes of safety and to let him know when she’s made it home audible just as you rounded the corner from the Jang’s.
You try to stay as still and as quiet as you can, willing him to walk back up his stupid driveway and into his house so you and Ddalgi can make a run for it to your dog’s favorite stop just past his property. Had you been alone you’d be successful, but your Golden Retriever's bladder is ready to burst and his whines and antsy tippy tapping toes are enough to sell you out.
Then comes a call of your name, “Is that you?”
There’s no use in hiding now and you make a face before trying to compose yourself, moving behind the bush and sending a tentative wave his way.
“Evening, Hosh!” You wave from your spots.
You curse every god you can name at the top of your head because of course it had to be Soonyoung.
He waves back tentatively and turns his wrist to look at the time on his watch and you can see him furrowing his eyebrows, probably not believing the time.
Ddalgi is having none of it, by the way, and tugs at you impatiently at the sight of someone new. He’s wagging his tail ferrociously as you two make your way to Soonyoung – your dog excitedly, and you begrudging.
All questions fall from Soonyoung’s lips as he greets Ddalgi with open arms allowing your dog to lick at his face. You’ll forever remember this night as your dog getting further with your teenage crush in his two years of life than you have in all twenty eight of yours.
You start cursing gods again.
You will have to admit that the two of them are cute and you wish you could snap a picture of the sweet moment, Soonyoung’s love for animals still ever present. You have to keep the smile down when he looks up to you from where he’s kneeled down to play with Ddalgi.
Once he’s had enough of your dog’s wet, slobbery love, he gets up, dusts off the imaginary dust from his pants and looks to you expectantly. As always, Soonyoung looks fresh and young and bright. You wonder if you should shield your eyes from his natural brilliance. 
Ddalgi busies himself by sniffing at Soonyoung’s bushes, no doubt ready to unleash his bladder, while you kind of sway there in your ratty sweater and sleep shorts. 
“So!” You start, flashing him a cheesy smile.
“Soooo…” Soonyoung replies with a laugh, shoving his hands into his pockets.
You’re saved by the bell when you hear the telltale sound of your dog going and you can’t help but make a face, “Sorry about that, he really needed to go.”
Soonyoung himself can’t help when he lets out a laugh and you want to melt.
“It’s no bother, really–”
“Also uh, sorry about uh, you know–”
You’re both cutting each other off and when you meet his eyes you both can’t help the genuine laughter that spills out of both your mouths. Ddalgi can’t help it either when he lets out a gleeful bark, wanting to join in on the fun.
When you’ve caught your breath, you can’t help that a smile stays on your face.
“What I was trying to say,” You finally get out, “is uh, sorry for walking in on you and your uhh, ya know, lady friend–”
Soonyoung tries to butt in with a “No, it really–”
You stop him with a hand on his chest and a playful, overexaggerated wink.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell dad you’re still up this late or whatever arcane rule of his you’ve broken,” with a slight tug of his leash, you start to lead Ddalgi towards the direction of your house.
Soonyoung gapes at you and you send him a thumbs up.
As you’re walking away he seems to get a hold of his bearings and yells out, disrupting the calm evening, “It wasn’t like that, I swear!”
You turn to him, walking backwards, “Don’t worry, Hosh! I can keep a secret!”
And keep this secret you will. You’d take it to the grave if you have to. Because it was mortifying.
The mere idea that Soonyoung was going to be caught in a dating scandal had been your personal nightmare for years. Harboring a crush was brutal in and of itself, but harboring a crush on a world-renowned football player who you sort of spent your childhood around and is now a  professional playing under your dad’s guidance is a wholly unique experience that very few would be able to relate to.
Your history with Soonyoung started when you were twelve and realized with utmost alarm that boys can be cute. 
You had grown up with an older brother and just that experience alone made you think that boys sucked. But having spent a good chunk of your after-school schedule at the HYBE training facilities meant you were always surrounded by rowdy football players (who smelled and were loud and annoying).
Soonyoung was all of those things, of course. 
But he was also cute.
The realization was quite unwelcome because you liked turning your nose up at the gaggle of teenage boys who barrelled their way into your dad’s office after training, asking for photos and autographs, going on about a new play they wanted to try, and if he’d let them play forward for the next scrimmage.
Such was the life of the head coach for an Under-18 league team.
But none were as consistent as Soonyoung had been. He was in that office after every single practice; hounding your dad about how he had played, and if your dad saw how he improved, and if your dad could teach him that move from the 2005 cup final.
At first it had baffled you. Soonyoung didn’t even play under your dad's guidance. He was just as old as you were and wouldn't be part of your dad's team for another three or so years. One day you gave him a real good look and your eyes hone in on the gloves he had under his arm.
He was a goal keeper.
Playing keeper wasn't a particularly flashy position for most kids—the glamor of scoring goals was usually at the top of most's heads. Kids who were put in front of the goal usually groaned and kicked the dirt at the little ball possession they'd get, and of course, not being able to score any goals.
Even you had preferred to play, during your brief football career, what you then considered a more active position of right back.
But Soonyoung wore his keeper’s gloves like a badge of honor and looked at your dad like the second coming of Christ. Which made sense as your dad had been one of the most prolific goal keepers in the Korean league. You don’t fault Soonyoung for looking up to your dad like a hero, he was yours as well.
While most of the players leave you be to work on whatever homework you brought to kill time, Soonyoung always bade you goodbye after his little consultation session, always a little rushed and mumbling how he might miss his train back home.
Admittedly now it seems a little bare minimum but you were twelve and no other boy really paid you any mind. Soonyoung’s bright eye smile and sweaty face had been tattooed in your brain since then and you looked forward to his rushed, sweaty, and sweet goodbye almost every day.
All of this comes to mind as you faceplant onto your bed and leave Ddalgi to his own devices. Your convoluted past with Soonyoung swims before your eyes like a movie montage and you can’t help but squeeze your eyes shut at your mistakes, lapses, and missed chances. You survived eight years of his professional career without the worry of a WAG coming into the picture but all of that may be at an end at 2AM on a random Sunday.
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Sleep had evaded you in the early hours of the morning and what little sleep you did get was subpar.
There’s a frown on your face when you jog down the stairs, opting to join your dad in the dining room for breakfast.             
“Good morning, sweet peach. There’s strawberries and croissants on the table,” your dad greets, briefly looking up from the game of Candy Crush on his iPad. 
Your squinted eyes finally focus on what’s in front of you and you perk up.
“Ooh my favorite!” You press a kiss to his cheek and observe the simple breakfast spread before you.
There’s an open box of strawberries you recognize from the weekend market you visited a few weeks ago. They always run out before you’re able to wipe the sleep from your eyes to try them again.
“Where’s Ddalgi?” You say, staring at a wall, still a bit dazed as you reach for and bite into a strawberry.
“He’s outside with Soonyoung,” You stop chewing.
“Oh,” you start. Now you’re waking up, “So I guess the strawberries and the croissants are—“
“Yup, Soonyoung’s brought them over.” The way your dad says this all so casually makes you want to scream. He hasn’t even looked up from his game. 
You’re still bleary-eyed, but you slide open the side door and find Soonyoung and your Golden Retriever on the patio. They turn their heads to you at the same time, both happily munching on something.
“Kwon, what are you feeding my dog?” Your heart is racing, your mind suddenly going to the possibility of Ddalgi having eaten something he isn’t allowed.
“Strawberries!” Soonyoung gleefully exclaims, raising one in the air, “I found out that they were quite good for them! Whitens their teeth and they have a really healthy enzyme or something.”
“That’s cannibalism,” you frown as Ddalgi sniffles at Soonyoung’s hand, asking to eat another of his namesake. 
“But look, he likes them so much,” You can’t help but roll your eyes as you watch Ddalgi charm yet another guest.
You make soft cooing noises at your dog, but he refuses to separate himself from Soonyoung, who is happily plucking the leaves off of the strawberries, popping them into his mouth, and offering them to Ddalgi.
You frown again. Your dog wasn’t there when you woke up, meaning you were deprived of your routinary 30 minutes of giving him sleepy kisses and cuddling before mustering enough strength to get out of bed.
You sigh and drop yourself onto a sunchair, crossing your arms over your chest. You weren’t wearing a bra.
“What are you doing here Soonyoung?”
He’s trying to avoid your eyes, pretending to squint at the distance, “I was just in the neighborhood and decided to drop off some breakfast.”
“You live like 10 houses down, you’re always in the neighborhood.”
“They’re big houses,” He says in all seriousness, finally meeting your eye.
You try to hold it in, but the second he breaks out in laughter, you can’t help but join in. 
When he catches his breath he says, “I just wanted to make up for last night.”
“Last night?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to say that what you saw… wasn’t what you saw,” he explains poorly.
You nod playfully, putting on a faux smirk, “What I saw doesn’t matter,” You say, “Your business is your business.”
The reality is that you want to make it your business. 
Sleep had come with much difficulty the night prior, your heart reminding your head of all the silly interactions you’d had with Soonyoung growing up. You tossed and turned, thinking of how you could have used them to your advantage. To maybe charm him all those years ago. Maybe then you would have been the pretty thing on his arm during team dinners or wearing his jersey during games.
“Why were you even out that late?” Soonyoung questions, knocking you out of your reverie.
“Woke Ddalgi up while watching a movie,” you explain.
“New one for The Log?”
The Log was the unofficial horror film log you had started on your Instagram a few years back. You didn’t think anyone really paid any attention to that but some of your film buff girlfriends.
“You keep up with The Log?” You ask, genuinely surprised.
“Hell yeah,” He says, eyes lighting up, “I don’t have the time to always watch the movies but I like to know what they’re about. Vernon made us watch that one where they made that girl play Hide and Seek, at the last team dinner.”
“Ready Or Not,” you say, providing him with the title. 
“Yeah, that one!”
“It’s a pretty good one. Good choice.” You nod in acknowledgement at his teammate’s superb film taste. 
“So do you and Ddalgi always do that?” Soonyoung asks, circling back to the previous topic.
“What, 2AM walks? Yup.”
Soonyoung gapes at you then looks to Ddalgi as if he’d understand Soonyoung’s disbelief.
“Yeah! All the time, even!” You begin to explain, “He always has to go out once he’s woken up. It doesn’t even matter what time it is.”
You can hear your dad calling for him from inside the house, catching your attention.
“You should text me,” Soonyoung says all of a sudden.
“What?” You’re genuinely taken aback. You don’t even have his number.
“If you two are going for a walk,” He says earnestly, looking you dead in the eyes, “You should text me.”
You’re stunned speechless. Before you even muster up enough courage to say something, he stands up, gives Ddalgi a pat on the head, and goes inside. 
You’re too much of a coward to do anything. Too afraid to go inside, knowing he’s in there talking with your dad. You wait until you hear him bid your dad goodbye before you and Ddalgi go back inside to eat the strawberries.
Upstairs there’s an unread message on your phone waiting to give you the surprise of your life.
Unknown Sender Today 3:49AM
Hey, I'm sorry about earlier!!! It really wasn't what you think bec That was my cousin 😩
Pls the thought of people thinking the two of us are dating makes me sickkkk
R u there
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One day you’re going to get told off for just walking about the HYBE Training Center as you pleased but that day will not be today. The perks of having pretty much grown up in this building meant that you almost knew it inside out and upside down. The promotion from “A Coach’s Daughter” to “The Manager's Daughter” is a big one and one you never really thought of taking full advantage of. 
As you grew a bit older you found your own interests and opted for after school extracurriculars, taking the train home with your friends, and soon, time spent walking through these halls in your school uniform dwindled down to zero.
It makes what you’re doing now a little awkward.
While you weren’t skulking around like a creep, this was far from what it used to be. You’ve completely run out of your childish charm that made being a menace around the center cute. Now you were just Mr. Cho’s temporary stay at home daughter, much too old to be bringing her old man lunch.
You remember walking next to your father, acting self important and snooty, thinking you were far better than the silly boys who spent hours kicking a ball around a pitch only to net one or two goals a game, and celebrating those goals as if they were playing in the San Siro in Italy. You were all just in Gangnam. Of course this was all to veil the poorly hidden enthusiasm you yourself had for the game. And the players. A player.
It isn’t uncommon for players to start of their careers in bottom or midrank teams, make a name for themselves, then get transferred to teams in the upper rungs. Several of the Diamonds’ players had such histories. 
But not Soonyoung. 
Soonyoung had grown up in these halls probably more than you did. You don’t know when exactly he joined the Diamonds but he’s one of the few players on the first team that’s been here since his grass roots days. Aside from his dedication to the sport, he was without a question, dedicated to the Diamonds.
You suppose some twenty or so years have led to this.
You’re standing in front of a wall-sized photo of this year’s squad. Soonyoung is standing proudly at the center with his arms folded over his chest and the Captain’s armband wrapped around his bicep. After the shock and upset that wracked the city upon Seungcheol’s retirement and subsequent abdication from the post of captain, Soonyoung had a heavy burden on his shoulders to get the Diamonds back in action.
It was impressive what he’s done in three years.
“You never texted me ba–”
“Oh my fucking GOD!”
You were a second away from caressing poster Soonyoung’s face on the wall when the voice of the real Soonyoung knocked you out of your reverie. You can’t see your face but you know you’re beet red and frazzled when you turn to look at Soonyoung who has a jolly smile on his face, eyes forming crescents.
He’s dressed in training gear, a simplified version of the home kit with the number 1 on the middle of the shirt. He’s slightly flushed from what may be exertion from the session, hands free of the gloves he’s usually wearing.
“You can’t just do that!” You cry, a hand on your chest to ease your rapid heartbeat.
“Sorry, peaches,” He says, the nickname making your ears perk up.
“Please, not that tiredass nickname.” You can’t help but roll your eyes.
Peaches was a family nickname that originated from way back when you were born with no hair on your head but peach fuzz. Your dad had a particular affinity for it and had used it up until now. Everyone else from his close friends to co-workers had taken to the nickname as well and it had become your unofficial Diamonds title.
Now even his players were calling you Peaches.
“It’s a cute name,” Soonyoung says.
“My dad has a penchant for nicknames, truly,” You begin, “Peaches for me, Hoshi for you.”
Hoshi, Soonyoung’s nickname, had been a moniker bestowed upon him by your father some time in the 2010s. Tiger’s gaze, it had meant. An apt description for how Soonyoung’s eyes sharpen when he’s on the pitch. 
He’s become known for it, how he shifts from Soonyoung to Hoshi when the whistle blows, signaling the start of a match. You’ve fallen down a TikTok rabbit hole of these Soonyoung to Hoshi transformation compilations one too many times before. Not that that’s anyone’s business but your own.
“What’re you doing here? Haven’t seen you around here in ages,” Soonyoung says, scratching the back of his head and ruffling his hair. It’s longer than you remember it being, like he hasn’t cut it since the end of the last season.
It looks good.
You hold up the paperbag in your hand, “Wanted to surprise my dad with some lunch, but uh, I haven’t done this in a while, so I kind of forgot to check his schedule before heading over.”
Soonyoung nods in understanding.
“He’s skipping the start of morning practice for a meeting of some sort with Seungcheol. He should be back in maybe twenty for the second half,” Soonyoung explains, ”We’re starting back in a while. You should come watch while you wait.”
Watching training sessions had been a weekend pastime. Getting through morning sessions on Saturdays meant lunch out, heading to the mall, or your favorite, seeing a matinee show afterwards. You’d spent hours sitting around the pitch dedicated for the under-18 team’s coaching staff with a book in your hands (a mere prop, really), secretly eyeing the cute older boys and, when the fates would permit, the under-15 team playing on the adjacent pitch.
You can picture it in your mind’s eye – Soonyoung and Wonwoo, the two members of the Diamond’s current team who were in the same batch of grassroots players, shoving each other as they walked from the dugout to their team’s pitch. They’d offer a polite nod to your father and his staff, and a small wave to you. The memory makes you smile slightly as you nod at Soonyoung and let him lead you to the main pitch.
Throughout the years, the constant exposure to one another led you to befriend the players that stuck around. It was surface level, but the familiarity is welcome as you really take in how long its been since you’ve involved yourself with the Diamonds on a personal level. Despite the teenage angst and the mostly made up agony from those years, you hold them all in your silly little heart dearly.
You suppose its only fair that things have changed since then. When Soonyoung leads you to the main pitch, it’s far bigger than the ones he and Wonwoo used to play on, back when you’d eye them doing drills and blushing when they’d pull their shirts up to clear their eyes of sweat. Now Soonyoung strides onto the pitch with confidence that comes with years of experience and success under his belt. It looks good on him. It looks right, even.
When you turn to the spectator seats you find yourself met with familiar faces. You can't help the excitement that courses through you as pigtails and pink ribbons run towards you.
“Seunghee-ya!” You squeal as a little girl launches herself into your arms.
Seungcheol, your father’s assistant manager and an ex-captain of the Diamonds, had blessed the team with their own little princess four years ago. In no time she had taken to the attention of her uncles and their respective partners like a fish to water. She’s what you imagine you were like at four years old and stomping around the pitch in pink cleats and a mini version of the home kit on.
She peppers your face with kisses and you press a big one to her cheek in response and you carry her on your hip. You turn to Soonyoung and find him grinning at the exchange between the two of you.
You can’t help but blush before saying, “Sorry, its just been so long since I’ve gotten to babysit her.”
The smile on Soonyoung’s face just grows, “Nah, it’s fine. I get it. It’s cute. You both are.”
The flush on your cheeks feels downright painful now as you try to pretend you didn’t hear anything Soonyoung had said and instead head towards where Seunghee’s mom is seated with a few other spectators. Soonyoung just follows behind you, not saying a word.
You go up to Seunghee’s mom, Sunhee, and pass her daughter along as you exchange hellos and how are yous. When you meet her eye, she raises a well manicured eyebrow at you then quickly flicks her eyes over at Soonyoung before eyeing you again.
You make a face as if asking her to drop it, but a smile threatens her lips and you cut her off before she says something that might embarrass you further.
“I was going to bring my dad some lunch, but he wasn’t in his office and I kind of just ended up wandering around. Hoshi found me is all,” You explain.
“Sure.” Is Sunhee’s only acknowledgement before sitting back down with her daughter.
“You’ll be okay hanging out here, right?” Soonyoung says, gesturing to the seats in front of you.
“Yup, I’ll be fine. I’ve been sitting at the WAG bench forever,” You joke, before realizing how it sounded and quickly correcting yourself, “I mean, because of my mom! Like, you know, WAG for over twenty five years, and all of that haha! Not that I’ve ever been a WAG? Like imagine that, haha! I wish!”
You want to scream.
Soonyoung just nods and you bite the smile threatening your lips as sit yourself down next to Sunhee.
“That was like watching a car crash, I couldn’t look awa–”
“Stooop,” You whine, dropping your head onto her shoulder as Soonyoung walks away. 
You had been sitting at the WAG bench for ages. Just like little Seunghee is right now, you had accompanied your mother to many of your dad’s training sessions and matches, both when he was an active player and then later on when he became a part of the coaching staff. It’s only really hitting you now that you were sitting at the WAG bench with no real purpose.
Sunhee and her daughter were her for Seungcheol, and up a few rows you spotted Bang Ahreum sitting in her boyfriend’s lap, giggling. If it were the weekend, and not a random Thursday, you’re sure a few more ladies would fill the seats.
“You’d make a really cute WAG,” Sunhee says with a giggle, “Soonyoung would agree.”
You can’t help the small smile of appreciation at Sunhee’s words, indulging at the little fantasy, but turning towards the slight commotion coming from the players on the pitch as they greet the newcomers of Seungcheol and your father.
You send a big wave towards your dad, catching his attention and seeing him wave and smile back and he walks to you. You fix the little snacks you’d put together in your paperbag and pull one out to hand over to Sunhee with a little wink before standing and dusting off your jeans. You greet your dad with a hug and a kiss to his cheek. He leaves training in Seungcheol’s capable hands, wanting to enjoy the surprise of having you back at HYBE like the old days. 
The players all wave and bid you two goodbye when a loud, “BYE PEACHES!” comes from the chorus of Jun, Woozi, and Wonwoo by the goal at the far end of the pitch. You turn with a laugh and wave goodbye and catch Soonyoung’s eye from behind his teammates.
He sends a small wave and smile before he makes a phone with his gloved hand and brings it up to his ear, quirking his eyebrow, as if in challenge.
You shake your head and offer a little nod, hoping he sees from where he’s watching you.
“What was that about?” Your dad asks with a laugh as well.
You aren’t sure and tell him just as much.
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If there was ever a time you thought your dad must’ve been clued in in your debilitating crush on Soonyoung, it was when you were sixteen and in need of a date. Being sent to a stuffy all girls school meant you had to deal with all the annoying ceremonials and traditions like classes spent on ladylike dancing and good manners in front of boys.
That was all to be put into practical use in your 10th year, where those in your year were allowed to take part in a charity dinner. It was really just some lame version of American dances that your school had pirated and you had dreaded since entering high school. While it was really a family and friends thing, people really mostly paid attention to two things: what you wore and who your date was.
Most students played it safe by bringing their parents and wearing their mom’s jewelry, but it was the perfect opportunity for the upper grades to bring their boyfriends and show off to everyone that they were so cool and mature. You want to say you’re unaffected, but upon hearing that most of your friends were brining people other than their dads, you were starting to sweat.
Despite having been around boys your whole life thanks to your dad’s work, it wasn’t like that ever took fruit in any way, shape, or form. At sixteen you had never had anyone show any interest in you aside from asking about your dad or if they could somehow get into the club through your connections.
Your dad had likely warned away any interested guys or set a rule of ‘hands off my daughter!’ from an early age. It wasn’t until recently did you find out that your suspicions were somewhat true and the team had a long standing rule that family was off limits, all thanks to Jeonghan’s girlfriend cluing you in.
In addition to that, after you’d started putting more time into your extra curriculars and found hobbies you could be passionate about. Your interest in meeting boys and finding romantic connections simply just didn’t register. At this age even Soonyoung was just sitting at the corner of your mind, your crush only making itself known if your dad mentions him in passing.
With the charity dinner coming closer and closer, you were running out of time to look for someone to take you. Your brother and any of his friends were out of the picture, all off to college and too busy to take you to what he’d deem a silly little dance. You had no cousins your age that lived around the area, so that was out of the picture. And unlike your friends, you had zero to no male friends to ring in a favor to.
The realization had dawned over you slowly and torturously–were you so undesirable that no boy would look your way if not for the man you called your dad? Was the only time you could interact with the male species through your after school drama club? It was all so mortifying.
You had explained as such to your mother as you faceplanted onto your parents’ bed, dumping onto her the woes of being a teenager and the troubles of girlhood that you were merely at the cusp of.
“You can ask your dad if he has any players who can take you,” She had suggested offhandedly.
You’d already considered that weeks prior. You knew that some of his players were already making names for themselves in the juvenile leagues and Under-18 National Team. Surely bringing one of those players would have you as the Belle of the Ball. But you quickly shut that down because the only way that would happen was if you asked your dad. That in itself was an embarrassing enough idea that you want to die just thinking about it.
With your mother bringing it up again, you can’t help but partially entertain the idea. If she brought it up, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
During dinner that evening the topic of the Charity Dinner is brought up in the middle of one of your dad’s training stories. He was going on about how close he had gotten with this crop of Under-18s, watching them grow since he became part of the club’s training staff after his retirement from professional playing.
Soonyoung in particular was growing up to be quite the goal keeper.
You tried to keep your eyes down and trained to your quickly cooling Samgyetang, avoiding either of your parents’ eyes but it was to no avail as your mom joyfully mentioned the school activity. You didn’t need a mirror to know how red your ears had gotten.
“Do you think Soonyoung would mind taking her to the Charity dinner?”
You wanted to drown yourself in the soup when you brother laughed and your dad had coughed.
“You’re thinking of asking the starting Keeper of the U-18 National Team to take this loser to her pseudo-prom?” Your brother mocked.
You sent him a scathing look as your mother said his name as a warning, “It’d be a good idea! Soonyoung’s a really good boy.”
“I–uh, I’ll check with him,” Your dad had said and that was that.
The days that followed that were torturous but you were hopeful. You couldn’t help yourself when you had daydreamed about what kind of night the Charity Dinner would be with Soonyoung on your arm, and you were unable to stop yourself from gushing to your friends about the possibility of a teenage celebrity coming as your date.
Your date.
Your date.
You were over the moon with the realization that your crush was going to be escorting you to this event and that it could possibly a kicking off point for you two to get closer and maybe become something more.
papa 💛 Today 1:28PM
were you able to asksoonyoung?
I’ll ask him later.
That Monday you had texted your dad.
Training was every day except Fridays and weekends, so you had known they’d see each other.
Not wanting to sound too eager, you had dropped the subject and thought that you’d allow your dad to his task.
On Tuesday, you had heard nothing.
On Wednesday, you were going out of your mind in anticipation. More and more people were talking about the dinner and your big talk about your date had started to taste ashen in your mouth.
After school you couldn’t help yourself as you sent a “Did you ask Soonyoung yet? What did he say?” off to your dad’s number, unable to focus as you mess up the lines in a monologue you knew by heart just last week.
After rehearsals you had felt your heart lodge itself in your throat at you took in the words on your phone, trying to keep the pressure building in your temples at bay.
papa 💛 Today 2:04PM
did u ask soonyoung yet? what did he say?
I am your dad, not one of your friends. You still need to talk to me with respect.
Soonyoung has a prior commitment on that day and can’t attend the dinner.
You felt hot tears well at your eyes as you blinked rapidly to shoo them away and wiped at your face to avoid any questions from your peers.
It didn’t help that your dad had picked you up that day, the car ride tense and completely awkward for both of you, you’re sure. You had grasped at straws to make sure the topic of the dinner or of Soonyoung did not come up, your usual How did training go? out of the question. Instead you had lied about how good rehearsals had gone and how happy your moderator was with your performance.
Once you got home you had skipped dinner and cried in the shower while Taylor Swift blared from your iPod Touch.
Drama really was the perfect club for you.
With Soonyoung unavailable, you had decided to go stag—which was a perfectly acceptable decision. Still, you felt the sting of rejection as it burned deep in your heart. Your dress was gray, a perfect match for the heavy raincloud that hung over your head, you thought. And though it swayed and flounced perfectly when you twirled, you couldn’t help the dissatisfaction painted on your face.
When you had dragged yourself down the stairs, you were already bemoaning how you didn’t want to take any photos, but was surprised to see your dad standing at the foot of the stairs, fixing his cufflinks while your mom adjusted his tie. A gray that matched your dress perfectly. You took his arm proudly and smiled for all the photos your mom directed your brother to take.
That night your dad drove to your school in his flashiest car, made a jaw dropping donation, and pretended like he could dance. On his suggestion, you had left the dinner earlier and stopped by a Lotteria instead. You rested your chin on his shoulder while he ordered your usuals and you ate and laughed before heading home.
That night he had pressed a long kiss to your forehead before sending you off to bed.
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Mustering enough courage to finally text Soonyoung takes about a week. 
His number is saved as a conservative Kwon Soonyoung (Diamonds) as if he was a business associate you didn't want to get mixed up with your regular contacts. You stare at the conversation window for longer than than deemed normal, though. You haven’t been this nervous to message a boy since you were a freshman in university, that by the time you actually send the message, Ddlagi is whining and anxious to get going.
kwon soonyoung (diamonds) Today 2:04PM
would u happen to be awake ?
Soonyoung’s swift reply almost gives you whiplash because you hadn’t expected it to come so soon, or for it to come at all.
kwon soonyoung (diamonds) Today 11:04PM
would u happen to be awake ?
You bet I am
When you look at yourself in the mirror, you find that you're far from what you deem as “Soonyoung worthy.” But when your phone pings with another message, you find that you don’t have the luxury of time. 
It also wouldn’t make any sense if Soonyoung ever caught you outside and your “just woke up like this” couture was inconsistent. Right. Baggy hoodie and pajama shorts will definitely have to do.
                                                                                                                                                   You’re kind of at a loss when you read the message as you clip on Ddlagi’s leash and put on a pair of outdoor shoes. Soonyoung becoming your neighbor in the year of our Lord 2023 was not something you considered, and definitely not something you thought would ever lead to tandem dog walking.
But when you open your door, it kind of takes your breath away when you see him, soft and barefaced in his own ratty hoodie and sweats combo, smiling at you from behind the garden gate. This image of him almost rewrites the last ten or so years of his semi-absence in your life, offering a chance to relive some teenage fantasies you’d set aside as impossibilities.
“Hi,” comes your small, hesitant whisper of a greeting when you’re standing face to face.
“Hi,” he replies simply, a hint of hesitation as well, but he’s smiling, still.
Ddalgi is a bundle of excitement when he sees the newest addition to your night walk and tugs at your arm impatiently, wanting to shower Soonyoung with kisses, the gate between them be damned. It makes Soonyong let out that little laugh that makes you want to die and the small smile he gives you spreads on his face wider at Ddalgi’s joy.
Your delay in texting him had come from the fear of not having anything to talk about. Despite all the years together you weren’t always actually together. You worried that the initial connection of being in your dad’s office or within the halls of HYBE has withered away any possible topic for you to broach without it being forced or awkward.
God, you always hated the talking stage. And while that’s obviously not what this is (you think), you don’t want to mess up at least being friends with Soonyoung. And you should have known that would be enough to break the tension with Soonyoung. Conversation comes easily between the two of you with him as a natural people person and you as a natural yapper.
“You managed to catch the game today?” He starts.
“I managed to catch it in my free time,” You answer coyly.
Partially true. Being in between jobs meant nearly every minute of the day was ‘free time.’
“And?” He goads.
“And what?”
“What’d you think!”
“That late game save was insane,” It seems like you’re laying it on thick but the way Soonyoung preens makes it worth it.
“Nah, it was nothi—“
“But!” You interject.
Soonyoung gives you an incredulous look, “BUT?”
“But you challenged it too late,” you start, “You could have definitely gone for the tackle while he was a ways away from the goal.”
“No way, Kang would’ve made that shot!” He argues back, he’s amused by your argument but doesn’t believe you.
“He wouldn’t have!” You laugh at how badly he isn’t taking your criticism. “Kang is a right foot kicker, he was coming at you from the far left, the angle was all wrong for him!”
“What! How can you do that?” He accuses.
“Do what?”
“Say exactly what coach did,” Soonyoung says as you two walk past the Jang’s and the bush you so unceremoniously hid behind that night.
“No way,” You say in slight disbelief, “But that just means I’m right!”
“I–” Soonyoung starts, “That’s not the point!”
“Sure it wasn’t, Captain,” You smirk and let Ddalgi drag you over to the patch of grass by Soonyoung’s own gated property.
“You should come see the game in person next time you’re free,” He suggests, shoving his hands deep into his hoodie pockets and avoiding your eyes.
His eyes look a little pink from the cold.
“I don’t know…” Just as it was with the training center, you haven’t really been as present at the Gangnam stadium as you did when you were much younger.
“Oh come on, you used to go all the time when your dad was first made manager!”
You blush at that. You try not to read into it, but there’s a little bit of a rush that comes over you at the idea of Soonyoung taking notice of you back then, even if it was some 8 years ago and you were probably a completely different person.
“I don’t know…” You say, not wanting to commit to anything, “It’s just been so long and I’m worried it’ll feel a bit awkward just popping up like I did back at HYBE.”
“No way! You’ve been Diamonds family since like, conception!” He argues.
You give him a pointed look.
“Sunhee and Seunghee come a lot, Ahreum tries to make it to just about every game too,” Soonyoung lists down faces you’re familiar with, “And I mean, you can’t beat the home crowd.”
You can’t help the smile that blooms on your face then, “That’s very true, Captain. You drive a hard bargain.”
He smirks as if to say well, what can I say!
Then he says, eyes trained to the sky, “If it means anything, I’d want you to be there too.”
There’s a beat of silence.
“Yeah?” You ask and he finally looks back.
“Okay. I’ll come to the next home game.”
You’re standing by the path that leads straight to Soonyoung’s garden gate and you tut at Ddalgi to head back towards your house as he’s relieved himself while you were conversing with Soonyoung.
“I guess this is where we say goodnight?” You say, walking backward.
“What, no way,” Soonyoung says, following you, “I’ll walk you home.”
“Soonyoung, we’re literally at your house,” You deadpan.
“Yeah, so what?” He waves it off and jogs next to you and following your stride, “I want to walk you home.”
kwon soonyoung (diamonds) Today 10:42PM
Meet you at your gate
This text becomes Soonyoung’s go-to on nights and early mornings when he joins you and Ddalgi for short walks around the neighborhood. Even with the football season on going and your job hunting taking up both of your daytime schedules, you’ve found these walks to be the most sought after moments of your day.
Having these twenty or so minutes with Soonyoung almost everyday feels like some kind of silly dream come true. His presence feels less like something out of the ordinary, and you feel yourself beginning to feel less like you’re fumbling for something everytime you and your dog step out to meet him.
kwon soonyoung (diamonds) Today 9:36PM
No walk tonight?
had his monthly checkups today he's out like a light sorry 😔
Nah its cool You still down for a walk though?
Without Ddalgi there to serve as the focal point of your walk, you’re left with little choice but to put all your attention on him. And for someone who's been doing that for most of their pre-teen years, as a twenty eight year old it serves as quite the struggle. Despite your newfound confidence in spending time with him here and there, somehow the air feels a little different this evening.
Soonyoung is set to take off for international duty in a few days and you’re loathe to admit that you’re a little sad that this little growing habit of late night walks was taking a little bit of a break. You’re lost in your thoughts when Soonyoung, expectedly, breaks the silence.
“I’m happy we’re becoming good friends,” He says.
A little goofy smile comes onto your face. You know it’s a little silly looking because you can feel the corners of your lips twitching as you keep your cool.
“We are friends, Soonyoung,” You say, “Unless, I’ve been reading things wrong these past like, fifteen years.”
“No, I mean real friends,” He insists with a bright smile, “Like friends who do stuff together and talk about their interests and stuff.”
He’s right. You’ve always just been in each other’s peripheries, but up until recently, you had never really had any real conversations or interactions with each other.
“We were around each other so much growing up,” He reminisces, “I remember you were always doing homework in your dad’s office or like, reading a book on the pitch. How you could focus, I have no idea. We were so fucking loud.”
You flush at the belated attention. Back then you had done your best to seem aloof and above it all, but the idea that Soonyoung had somehow still seen you is a lot to take in so many years later.
“I guess when you put it like that,” You start, “It is nice being friends with you after all these years.”
Friends is just the start of what you want with Soonyoung. But at this point you feel like it would be a disservice and dishonest to seek something more from him. You can’t imagine what his life must be like, if Soonyoung from sixteen years ago would have ever thought this would be his reality. So you ask him as much.
“Is it hard?”
“What is?” He clarifies.
“Making friends?”
He gives you a funny look, as if he’s not quite sure what you’re getting at.
“I mean as you, you know? Captain of the Cheongdam Diamonds, part of the World Cup team last year, and like, just being a professional player and all of that.” 
Soonyoung hums for a bit, considering his answer, “I guess it’s easy for Hoshi.” 
Now it’s your turn to give him a confused look.
“Every season we get new members on the squad and as captain, I become friends with them. Meeting new people at events or work engagements, I’m able to build good bonds and stuff like that. But I think that’s Hoshi who's good at it.”
“And Soonyoung?” You suggest.
“I think Soonyoung is a little shy,” He laughs, blowing at his hands to keep them warm. You feel your fingers twitch at your sides, wondering what his hands would feel like clasped between your own, your breath warming them up.
“Sometimes I’m still a little shocked and like, astounded that this is my life,” The two of you have gotten to his house now and he takes a moment to take the property in.
Just as many of the other houses and properties in the neighborhood, its quite a house. More modern than those on your street due to how newly developed it is. It’s definitely something he should be proud of. As the daughter of an ex-professional player, you’re aware of the economic benefits that come with the job.
And Soonyoung is very good at his job.
“Did you always know you’d make it?” You prod, joining him in marveling at his home of just four months.
He lets out a bark of a laugh, “I think I ran towards this dream like I had no other choice. I think I would have rather died than be anything other than me now.”
You turn to look at him and smile, “Well if anyone deserves it, it's you.”
“Oh come on, now you’re just laying it on thick.” He says.
“No way!” You argue, “I’ve seen every step you’ve taken to get here, Captain. You deserve it.”
“Don’t remind me, you’ve seen me through just about every goddamn phase I’ve ever been through,” He whines, rubbing at his face in embarrassment, “My academy days were brutal. Fucking Wonwoo cruised through that shit so smooth.”
You can’t help but laugh at the memory of the two of them. While Wonwoo wasn’t as permanent a fixture in your father’s office as Soonyoung was, you still saw him quite often, with him and Soonyoung stuck at the hip for years.
The left-back had always been tall and lean even as a pre-teen with black hair swooping across his forehead in what was a then-fashionable mop. There were always girls giggling in the stands talking and gushing about Wonwoo. Then you remember Soonyoung who stood next to him with his braces and choppy mullet and soft round cheeks and you can’t help but smile fondly at the days gone by.
“I think you did fine on your own.”
Soonyoung shakes his head as if there was no way you’d understand his boyhood woes, “Still, I think twelve year old me would piss himself if he ever found out we’d made it pro, we live in this house, we’re friends with you.”
Your ears perk up at that but you bite the smile threatening your lips, “Yeah, why’s that?”
“Oh come on, don’t make me say it,” He says, cheeks tinged pink.
“No! You already said it so I might as well come out with it!” You laugh.
He gapes at you for a second before shutting his mouth, shutting his eyes in embarrassment, then turning to look at you again.
“Okay, for a lot of the guys in my crop of players back then, you were kind of like the first girl we ever knew and wanted to impress, you know? It didn’t help that your dad was an actual living legend.” He says, the flush on his face seemingly contagious as you feel a warmth in your face as well.
“Shut up, now you’re just gassing me up.”
“Now you can’t take the heat?” He laughs as you two continue walking, your heart at ease as you walk past his house and not back towards your own, your walk far from over.
“Well they can all rest easy, I’m not much to fight over now,” You say lightly.
“Why not?” Soonyoung says, almost dead serious.
The atmosphere around you feels a little heavier now and you feel as though you must have said the wrong thing. You want to smack your head for feeling a bit too comfortable around Soonyoung to let the thing in the back of your mind rear its ugly head. 
You always knew your self deprecation was going to kick you in the ass one day.
“It’s nothing!” You panic, “I’m just saying, I’m nothing to write home about, is all!”
“Why would you say that?” Soonyoung says, genuinely confused.
“I–it’s nothing, Soonyoung,” You fight to get out, “Can we drop it?”
Soonyoung only nods and allows you the comfort of a change in topic. He talks about their upcoming match against Croatia; how he wishes one day he’ll be able to captain at the national level, talking about how well his nickname matches the white Tiger logo of the National team.
You’re thankful he doesn’t bring anything up for the rest of the walk, but it should come as no surprise when he walks you to your gate he speaks up on it.
“If it's worth anything, I think there’s something to write home about. Tons. Paragraphs, even.” He says it lightly, jokingly even.
The smile on his face is so radiant that it tickles that little spot in your heart that triggers a smile of your own.
“Goodnight, Soonyoung.”
“Sweet dreams!” He shouts as he walks backwards, heading to his own house, as if not wanting to turn away from you until he sees you smile.
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Unknown Sender Today 8:19AM
hi hi since the boys are out on international duty u wanna lunch w sunhee n meeee oh!!! this is ahreum btw 🩷 i amsked gyu to ask soonie oppa for ur number but ur meanie bf wouldnt give it to me
so i asked coach cho hihi hope u dont mind!!
save my num pls!!! 🩷🩰🫧
WE 🩷 WAGS @KFAWAGs • may 8 New photo of #BANGAHREUM from the Fred Jewelry event! #KimMingyu #K9M #CDFC
ahreum (omg) 🩷🩰🫧 Today 8:19AM
save my num pls!!! 🩷🩰🫧
ahreum hi! uhhh idk how to say this but soonyoung and i arent dating
girl what
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“That makes absolutely no sense,” Ahreum says, her pretty eyelashes fluttering as she blinks at you in disbelief.
“Ahreum,” Sunhee warns as she takes a sip of her coffee.
“But the lovestagrams!” She cries out.
You don’t know what to tell her that won’t disappoint her. It’s 3PM on a Friday and you’ve spent about three hours convincing two extremely well known WAGs that you are not in fact dating Kwon Soonyoung.
Grabbing lunch with Sunhee and Ahreum is more intimidating in theory than practice. While worlds apart in their daily lives, they were probably the two most publicized WAGs of their respective generations. 
Back when Seungcheol had been front and center for the Diamonds, Sunhee had been a permanent fixture at games. She was the WAG for ages with how long she and Seungcheol have been together. She was basically like a cool, funny older sister to you and much of the current squad.
Ahreum on the other hand was an enigma of her own. It should come as no surprise that the Diamonds’ flashiest player would have a girlfriend that matched him in renown. Mingyu’s girlfriend may stand at just five feet tall, but she commanded the room easily with her light presence and sometimes overly excitable energy. 
Must come with the job of being a top female K-Pop idol.
It should come as no shock that after your brief exchange over text, Ahreum had insisted you change into a cute little springtime dress and took a cab to a lunch spot in Garosu-gil within the hour. She had dragged you away from the maître d’ the second you arrived to sit you down in front of her and Sunhee. She’s been trying to pull out every single sordid detail of your debilitating childhood crush on the Diamonds’ captain and keeper all afternoon. 
“They aren’t lovestagrams,” You try to argue, “They’re just regular, you know, posts!”
“But they matched!” She cries out, “I was so close to turning on notifications for both of you in case you updated while I was at practice or something!”
“I guess it just happened. We went to some nice places, that's all.” You wished there was something there, but Soonyoung has had a wealth of opportunities if he was interested in you. He’s had them since you were like, twelve.
“Maybe he’s just shy,” Sunhee offers, “I saw you two at training a few weeks back. There was something there.”
“Something! Something is good,” Ahreum nods, excitedly, “I can definitely work with something!”
“Noooo,” You whine, “No working on anything!”
Ahreum flashes you an overly exaggerated frown, “Why not. You two are so cute.”
You aren’t blind to what's been happening. How you once distantly existed to Soonyoung and how rapidly that had grown into this budding friendship. And while it was fun (and at times lovely) to fantasize about what it would be like if it grew into something more, Soonyoung’s admittance that this friendship is something he appreciated keeps you grounded.
“He just doesn't like me like that,” You say, trying not to sound defeated.
“This doesn’t make sense with my fantasy.”
“I’m perfectly okay with how we are right now,” Lie. “It took years for me to befriend him like this, so I really appreciate it for what it is.” Truth.
“Years? What!” Now it was Sunhee who was shocked.
“What do you mean what!”
“Have you and Soonyoung seriously been, you know, skirting around each other for years?”
You roll your eyes playfully, “We weren’t skirting around each other, Sunhee.”
She gives you a dead serious look.
“It just–it just never happened!” You blurt out, “I had a silly little teenage crush on him and was too socially inept to do anything about it.”
Speaking it out into the world feels pathetic but it’s also been a while since you were able to let it out. You consider keeping your cards to your chest, but when you look at Sunhee and Ahreum who are both lovely and just want to chitchat, you think it shouldn’t hurt to lend your stupid teen years to today’s gossip session.
So you tell them about your disastrous attempt to have Soonyoung escort you to your Year 10 Charity Dinner and find yourself being able to smile at how melodramatic you were about it. They listen with rapt attention, coo at your antics, and can’t help the visceral melting when you retell your dad’s knight in shining armor moment.
“That shouldn’t have kept you away from Soons for so long!” Sunhee considers.
 “It didn’t! Not really,” You start, “I think I kind of just had to wake up a bit after that.”
And wake up you did.
After the Charity Dinner you realized you could never show your face back at the HYBE training center, or at least in front of Soonyoung’s squad. There was no way you could sit on the pitch and be perceived by him as Coach Cho’s daughter who couldn’t get a date and had to pull strings with her dad to get one. And all things considered, even with the nepo baby connections you still showed up with your dad on your arm.
“If I’m not mistaken, Soonyoung started playing for my dad that year,” You reminisce, “I was just too embarrassed to be in front of him, you know?”
“Soonie must have hated that,” Ahreum pouts, picking at the croissant on her plate.
You doubt it, really.
“I think,” You start, “I think I never considered being friends with Soonyoung because I was so fixated on like, liking him, even if it was probably just a silly crush, you know?”
“Oh come on, it wasn’t silly. We all have crushes! It’s a teen girl thing!” Sunhee comforts.
It is a teen girl thing, you agree. But when you look at the two women in front of you, you can’t help but marvel at how they probably cruised through their teen girl crushes. Ahreum had probably just turned twenty when she and Mingyu got together while Sunhee was literally married to her teen crush, having been Seungcheol’s childhood love, their love story a favorite among Diamonds fans.
“Well, silly or not, I was sure he didn’t like me back then,” You laugh at the bitterness of years gone by suddenly making itself known, “He showed up at my school’s charity dinner the following year.”
If his rejection of your invite was the final nail on the coffin, showing up with someone else the following year buried you six feet under.
In your 11th year, you and your friends had all decided to go stag and be each other’s dates, buying matching flowers to pin to your hair and making a whole day out of getting ready together. It was such an exciting way to look at an event that was so bittersweet to you, the unnecessary burn of humiliation still there whenever you thought about the previous year’s failed attempt to get a date.
The joy lasted for maybe three hours. After all the formalities of a fancy dinner and a charity auction for the parents in attendance, the event turns into a run of the mill dance with a subpar DJ and a makeshift dance floor. You’d skipped this part the year prior and dancing like a crazy person screaming the lyrics to Best Coast’s Boyfriend to your friends was something you were looking forward to.
You don’t get to do either because first of all, you put too much trust in the DJ to play anything other than A Thousand Years and Enchanted. Second would be that, in the midst of all the people in attendance, a face you never thought you’d see in your school gym is suddenly right in front of yours.
Soonyoung was standing there in an ill fitting blue suit and his hair haphazardly gelled down and he was your every silly daydream come to life.
You remember opening your mouth to say something to him, maybe a greeting, a question on why he was there, but you quickly shut it when his attention is pulled away by an upperclassman you weren’t familiar with.
When your gazes break, the silence that seemingly engulfed you disappears and you remember where you are and the implications of Soonyoung being there.
Boys were prohibited from campus except on select days you could count on one hand. He had to be there with someone. And that someone wasn’t you.
Your hands had grown clammy at the realization and you scramble to get your bearings. When you turn around to run off to the bathroom to maybe cry in frustration, you find yourself face to face with a boy who offers you his hand and a friendly smile.
Your poor self esteem had taken such a beating from that mere shared look with Soonyoung that this hand in front of you had felt like such a kindness. So you graciously took his hand as the opening beats of Boyfriend had come on the shitty gym speakers.
kwon soonyoung (diamonds) Today 11:37PM
Heard you had lunch out with the girls
??? howd u know
Ahreum posted on her burner
SHE HAS A BURNER??? whatd she post :(( UR SUCH A GOSSIP!!
Me??? For all I know you talked shit about me with Ahreum and Sunhee all afternoon
what happens at girl lunch stays at girl lunch
That just about confirms it! You guys were talking about me!
all bad things i promise
And here i was buying your and ddlagi gifts
oh my god soonyoung u shouldnt have
Nah its cool I just saw something and picked it up
well thank u ddalgi and i eagerly await your arrival
Is this your way of saying you miss me?
i said no such thing also!! what doin
Just got back to my room from dinner Feels weird not to go on a walk right now
well rest assured ddlagi has gone on an ill timed walk already he's down
You should take his lead then Sweet dreams, peaches
goodnight soonyoung 🤍
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Mingyu’s surprise birthday party was being held at this swanky private speakeasy that was a favorite of the Diamonds’ striker according to Ahreum.
Initially you had felt discomfort when you arrived. You had come down the stairs and was immediately greeted by the smiling face of Ha Yves. You didn’t know who would be considered as party guests for people as popular and famous as Ahreum and Mingyu, but you shouldn’t have been surprised if they were all celebrities or A-Listers.
The room was filled with the members of AM♡RE still scuttling around, adding finishing touches to the long table in the middle of the room. Despite the burning feeling of being out of place, you couldn’t help the smile that had spread on your face watching these celebrities put on a surprise for a friend’s birthday.
You suddenly feel unprepared for the evening, your usual extroverted flourish having diminished quite a bit lately. 
The group is quick to greet you with a squeal of “Unnie!” and Choi Yena, who you’re familiar with, gives you a quick squeeze of a hug. The warm welcome eases your mind, introductions are given and you tell them you’re at their disposal with the decorating.
You quickly learn that this evening is a private affair of friends and family as more of Mingyu’s friends arrive, players from other teams that you’re familiar with, Ahreum’s brother being one of them. The implication of you being a part of that classification makes the pleasant feeling in your stomach grow, and the weight of imposition lifts from your shoulders.
You’re standing on a chair and holding up a gold foil balloon, helping Yves decide on the best placement when a bellowing “AMOOOOOOREEEE” cuts through the music playing through the speakers.
You bite your lip to stop the smile attempting to split your face in two.
Yves abandons you to go on and play the good leader and greets the members of the squad who were able to come, giving fist bumps and quick high fives. After the typical niceties, Soonyoung catches your eye, and laughs.
“What’re you doing all the way up there, Peaches?” He walks up to you, eyeing you from head to toe, and sending warmth throughout your body following the same path, “If you fall from there, you’ll be out for the rest of the season.”
The smile wins this round. You roll your eyes as he offers you a hand to help you down.
You pray your hand isn’t sweaty as you take his hand in yours, trying to step down as gracefully as you can without flashing the whole room. Your skirt much too short for standing on chairs even with the stockings you (thankfully) decided on last minute. You steady yourself with a quick grip on Soonyoung’s shoulder with your other hand.
Once you’re safely on the ground you flash him a thankful smile as you let go of his hand and shoulder.
“You good?” He asks, voice now a little quieter, only for you to hear.
You offer him a small nod, “Yeah, all good now. Better now.”
The rest of the night goes according to, if not better than, planned. Mingyu had jogged down the stairs with Ahreum and played the part of shocked boyfriend perfectly, beaming at her as she pulled the string of a party popper. He planted the biggest kiss onto her awaiting lips as you and the rest of the guests hooted at their PDA.
Mingyu flipped everyone off mid-kiss, of course.
You found yourself seated shoulder to shoulder with Soonyoung on your left and Vernon to your right, while Wonwoo sat in front of you. You’d spent the majority of the evening discussing films with the two of them while Soonyoung remarked about ones he’d yet to see, saying, “We should add that to our list.”
The list being an ever growing shared note on the Notes app on both your phones with a working list of movies you think he needs to watch.
“Dude, just get a Letterboxd account,” Vernon suggests.
“I said that too!” You laugh.
“Haha, okay laugh all you guys want,” Soonyoung says, attempting to stand up for himself, “But I just figured that shared note thing out and that works just fine for us, thank you!”
You elbow him playfully and he sticks his tongue out in retaliation.
“I’m getting another Coke, Wons you want one?” Soonyoung asks as he downs the last of his soda.
“Nah, I’m good. I’ll get another later.”
He turns to you, “Another daiquiri, passenger princess?”
You flush as he pretty much announces to everyone who was paying attention that you were coming home with him. Well, technically just riding his car to his house then walking on foot to yours as has become your routine from nights out.
“No, I think I’m good for tonight.” The realization that you were going to be seated next to him on the way home quickly sobers you up. There was no way you could get sloshed now.
He nods in understanding as he undrapes his arm from around the back of your chair and gets up.
Vernon has been pulled into a conversation by the other end of the table and you find yourself sitting in comfortable silence with Wonwoo.
Soonyoung’s best friend has become a more familiar presence in your life just as much as Soonyoung himself. It’s nice, you think, getting to know the quieter half of this duo you’ve known for so long.
You learned that Wonwoo’s not really all that quiet when Soonyoung is there to prod and pick on him, and that Soonyoung is so much more easily humbled with the keeper of all his secrets present.
“You two look like a couple,” Wonwoo says after a while.
You gawk at him, unable to think of a quick enough retort.
“Just say, ‘thank you, Wonwoo’”” He says with an easy laugh, quoting himself from a few days ago.
Now you scowl, “Take that back, Wonwoo!”
“Why? It’s the truth!” He argues, “I don’t think either of you notice how close you two always are.”
“We are not!”
“You can’t tell because you’re too busy ogling my best friend. I can because you guys keep asking me to come hang out with you two so it seems like you’re not out on a date!” There’s a smile on his face and while he’s accusatory, Wonwoo seems to get some joy out of pointing out your glaringly obvious crush on Soonyoung.
“You’re delusional,” you attempt to argue and Wonwoo can only sputter at you.
“Takes one to know one?” He retaliates. 
Before you can stick your tongue out at him, pulling a card from Soonyoung’s repertoire of moves, the far end of the table starts to sing Happy Birthday.
Soonyoung is precariously carrying a two tier birthday cake and a beer pint filled to the brim with ice and Coke as he yells out the words to Happy Birthday. He’s beaming as he presents the cake to Mingyu and Ahreum urges Mingyu to make a wish.
He closes his eyes quickly, makes quick work of blowing out all the candles and giving Ahreum a kiss on the cheek.
Soonyoung cheers the loudest again and almost drops the cake as he sets it down on the table. His antics makes the rest of the guests laugh but next to him Yves, playfully whacks him on the shoulder and chastises him with a litany you can’t hear from where you’re seated.
Soonyoung bats his eyes at her and pouts cutely, no doubt attempting to ease her annoyance. You feel the blood draining from cheeks as the green monster of jealousy creeps up behind you and you avert your eyes from the scene. 
When you turn back to your drink, now more water than strawberry daiquiri, you catch the look on Wonwoo’s face.
There’s a devious little smirk on his silly little cat boy face and you want to slap it off of him.
“Quit it, Jeon.”
“I don’t know what you mean, Cho.”
“I mean that look on your face,” You say with an index finger wagging in front of his glasses, “I don’t like it.”
“I don’t have a look on my face,” He laughs as he sips on his glass of Coke.
“Yes, you do! It's a sneaky little face,” you pout, “Don’t you have your own love life to worry about?”
His smirk grows into a full on grin, his teeth on full display, “First of all, no I don’t. And second, so you admit it? You’re in love with Soonyoung.”
Your heart is pounding in your ears. You don’t dare to say anything out loud for fear of who might hear because you don’t know what to say.
“Wonwoo I—“
“You know, you don’t have to worry about that,” he says, “You don’t have to worry about anything. Not with Soonyoung. Never with Soonyoung.”
Not long after everyone had their fill of the cake Ahreum lovingly baked for the occasion, people started splitting off into their own little groups around the bar to talk or have more drinks. Still, you were seated next to Soonyoung, but this time making a conscious effort to keep a comfortable distance between you two. His arm may still be draped around your chair, but this time you rested your crossed arms on the table in front of you, trying your best to stay focused on the story Heejin was telling.
You almost jolt in shock at the warm hand that rests on your knee and the breath at your ear when Soonyoung whispers, “Let’s go ahead?”
When you turn to him and try not to flinch at the close proximity between the two of you.
“You look like you’re about to nod off,” he chuckles.
Humming and nodding in agreement with him, Soonyoung clears his throat and announces, “You guys keep going but we’re headed out.”
There’s a chorus of disappointed “awws” that follow as the two of you stand and Soonyoung helps you into the coat you brought for the cold. When you turn to wave goodbye to everyone still at the party, you see Wonwoo giving you a shit eating grin and you fail to stop yourself from sticking your tongue out at him one last time that night.
“D’you have fun tonight?” Soonyoung asks, eyes flicking over to you for a second before turning back to the road before you.
“Hhm, yeah. I’m glad I went,” You say, “I almost bailed for a second.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
You consider for a moment if you should tell Soonyoung about your afternoon before the party.  But you worry that maybe trauma dumping on him after having had such a good evening with his friends and teammates would sour the day. So you keep your mouth shut and try to wrack your brain for an acceptable reason to turn down an invite.
“I bombed at practice today,” He says out of nowhere but lightly, with a bit of a chuckle, and you know that a corner of his lip is upturned.
The focus you put in trying not to turn your head and watch him drive is commendable. You try your utmost best not just keep your eyes on him as he does the most mundane of things.
“Got into trouble for it, your dad yelled at me and all. Said I wasn’t focused.” He clicks his tongue, shakes his head and continues telling you about his day. “It didn’t get better of course, ‘cause I started overthinking it and I got worse. But you know what?”
“What?” You ask, finally looking over at him as he pulls to a stop at a busy intersection.
The red glow of the traffic light streams in through the car’s windshield despite the heavy tint and washes Soonyoung in a moody glow, only cut by the flashing lights of the LED billboards that are so commonplace in Gangnam.
“It ended,” He says as he turns to you as well, the red light offering him a respite, “Training ended and I got in my car and drove over to that speakeasy. I celebrated my teammate’s birthday, had a bunch of laughs with my friends, and now I’m driving you home.”
“Tomorrow, I’ll go back to training and try again. And if it doesn’t work out, I’ll talk to your dad again and ask for his help. And when that ends, I’ll come home and I’ll probably ask you if you want to go for a walk.”
He ends all of that with a big, bright, beautiful smile that makes your lower lip wobble. Soonyoung is so wonderful and your heart feels so vulnerable. You’re worried that you might end up going off on a litany about how your school girl crush from nearly sixteen years ago had awoken from its dormant slumber on a chilly evening in March, and was wreaking havoc in your heart and brain as it fed on every right and perfect thing Soonyoung had said to you since then.
But you keep it in. 
Instead you let out a shudder of a breath and tell Soonyoung about your day.
“I feel like I’m running out of time,” You start, “Which is stupid because I’m like, twenty eight and probably not dying soon, and I know you probably won’t get it because you’ve had a career since you were like, nineteen, and that’s why I don’t think I wanted to get into it with you but also because I don’t want you to think about how pathetic I am.”
Saying all of that in one breath almost has you panting, but more than anything, it’s that worry you’ve been trying to bury in your chest all these weeks, pretending you were above it all, that’s been weighing you down.
“You know how I’ve been trying to get a new job right?”
He makes a sound of agreement, not wanting to cut you off while you were clearly in the middle of a tirade.
“Well, I feel like I’ve been floundering, you know? I put in all these applications and I do the interviews, and I do great because I know I can turn it on when I have to but it’s just such a fucking drag!” 
You know you’re whining but you’ve already started and everything is coming out like a tidal wave from your mouth.
“I’ve been at this for months and today I got an email that sounds really promising but I still haven’t really gotten hired and I feel like I’m going around in circles with these companies, trying to convince them I’m the shit but it’s not like I really care all that much about them, really.”
“I just don’t want to keep wasting my time doing nothing and being no one.”
Silence. Breathe in, breathe out.
“Then I kind of got into it with my dad this afternoon,” You finally let out, “I was… I was planning to come see you at practice today. And he kind of, I don’t know… He kind of told me I couldn’t be there. That it was private practice today and that none of the girls were going to be there either and that… that maybe I was overstaying my welcome when I had no affiliation with the Diamonds.”
Soonyoung’s gripping the steering wheel firmer, from what you can tell and you want to ease his mind, but your own was aflame with the indignation you had felt that afternoon.
“I thought about skipping on Ahreum’s invite because well, I didn’t know who would be there, but I knew Ahreum and I kind of know Mingyu, and I knew that place was going to be chock full of beautiful, famous, successful people, and I just didn’t know if I could handle that after everything, you know?”
You don’t realize that you’ve made it all the way home throughout your tiny meltdown and Soonyoung has been idling in front of your family’s garden gate for a minute or two.
“Then?” Soonyoung prompts.
“What do you mean?” You’re confused.
“Then what happened?” He clarifies.
“What do you mean ‘then what happened?’ Soonyoung you were there,” You point out with an arched brow. You’re a little peeved.
“Just play along, Peaches. Don’t be a soil sport,” He encourages.
“Fine. Then I got dressed and went straight to Mingyu’s party. I helped set up, and then you guys arrived, and we had dinner and drinks, and talked about movies, and… we got in your car, and we talked, and now you’re dropping me off at home.”
“I think our days turned out pretty okay in the end,” Soonyoung says with a gentle smile.
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soonyoung 🥅 Today 1:47PM
ddalgi misses you ig :/ come back from jeju fasterrrrr
Yes maam! And I'll make sure we win too Don't want to upset Ddalgi with a poor showing
of course he'd be so upset
This weeks feels like its going by sooooo slowly Will you be at the gala?
hate to say it but ya
I'll see you then :)
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The gala Soonyoung had mentioned was the Gangnam District Arts Gala. The exclusive gala was to be televised live and the guestlist was filled with brand execs, celebrity performers, and A-List socialites. 
The press release was that they were pledging obscenely large donations to uplift the arts and encourage the young, creative minds of students in schools with underdeveloped arts programs. It was a fairly new development and was something that you felt was just an excuse for rich people to dress up, drink, and bask in each other’s wealth.
Initially the idea of an entire sports team and their managers and staff being a part of such an event was uncommon. You understood if a handful of the first team was present, personalities that were instantly affiliated with big name brands like Mingyu, Minghao, Jeonghan, and even at times, Soonyoung. All the connections with the Diamonds instantly made sense when you found out the brains behind the operation.
The whole thing was planned under the watchful eye of Choi Seoah, Seungcheol’s business-mogul younger sister and Jeonghan’s girlfriend. 
If you paid more attention to local entertainment news you’d be more aware of how Seoah wanted this gala to be a “family affair” and having her childhood team and Gangnam representatives, the Cheongdam Diamonds, to not only attend but also co-host the event was her goal.
You hated it as soon as you heard about it, only to somehow be roped into it last minute.
All of that led to you sitting next to your dad at the dinner table, waiting for the team to arrive from their red carpet appearance. As your dad’s (begrudging) plus one, you were free from being in front of the public eye, with the coaching staff opting to come through a different entrance. But with the first team being the event’s hosts, they were considered one of the highlights of the evening.
There was a commotion as soon as they stepped inside the venue, and rightfully so. You knew these events were always somehow about the fashion, and even you weren’t exempted from the frills and frivolities of looking good for an evening. But nothing could have prepared you for how Soonyoung would be dressed this evening.
If there was ever an expert at having their breath being taken away at the sight of Soonyoung, you would certainly be a credible candidate. Soonyoung was dressed in smart pinstripe pants and a blazer speckled with sparkling gems, but the focal point of his look had been the sheer black tank top he was wearing underneath. You had felt your throat go dry and the hairs on your arms raise when he came through the doors and the team was led to their seats.
You spend much of the night willing Soonyoung to look your way, but with him being the captain of the team meant to be the figureheads of the event, he’s got his hands full speaking to other honored guests and VIPs wanting to get a chance to meet him. 
There’s a pit in your stomach where jealousy collects and starts to overflow everytime a beautiful, statuesque woman comes close to him, whispers in his ear for him to hear her better, and laughs at his jokes. You know they’re funny, and whatever joke it is, you’re sure you’ve heard it before and laughed harder.
The silliness of your mindset looms over your head like an angry cloud and you can’t help as it sours your mood even when Ahreum’s girl group comes on to perform their latest song. When it ends she forgoes sitting back with her group and you catch her slipping away with Mingyu as you had excused yourself to go to the lady’s room.
Your neck feels stiff from having to crane it to get a decent view of Soonyoung’s table the whole night but being outside of the main venue gives you a second to breathe and for you to ease your mind. When you spot a line leading out of the closest bathroom, you decide it and opt to look around the intricately designed foyer. You empty your mind as you run your gloved finger along the edge of a gilded art frame, glistening under the flickering light of a nearby decorative candle.
“I told you I’d find you,” comes a voice from behind you that spooks you so bad, you tip the decoration you were toying with off the edge of the table.
His years of practice honing his reflexes kick in and Soonyoung’s able to catch the frame before it crashes to the ground. He places it back on the table carefully, no one the wiser about its almost demise.
“What did I say about coming up behind me like that, Soonyoung!” You chastise raising a hand to slap him playfully on the chest. You stop short when your eyes catch his outfit once again and how you could see his skin so clearly even through the opaque black fabric.
Soonyoung catches your hand mid air and brings it to his lips, pressing them lightly against the silky fabric of your gloves and looks down at you, “You clean up good, peaches.”
Your skin burns so hot you feel sweat start to dot the back of your neck and you tear your hand away from him. You pretend to be unaffected, giving him a playful roll of your eyes, “You haven’t even seen the half of it yet, Kwon.”
The two of you have found yourselves in a quieter hallway, away from prying eyes and smartphones with a million megapixel cameras. It’s been about a week since you’ve seen each other and the weight of the albeit short time away from each other lifts from your mind.
“Have you been good?”
“Mmhhm,” You hum, “Better now.”
As much as you wish you could whisk him away from the party forever, you know you have to give him back to his teammates. To your surprise, Soonyoung pulls up a chair from a vacant table next to theirs and situates it right next to where he sits down.
You gawk at him for a second, unsure if you could fuck up the seating arrangement at a whim, but before he says anything, a tall elegant woman situates herself on Jeonghan’s lap and drapes a slender arm around his shoulders.
“Seoah, this is Mr. Cho’s daughter,” Jeonghan says and you straighten up with a start, offering your name and hand for his girlfriend to shake.
“Finally, we meet properly!” She says with a tinkling laugh, “Hannie’s told me all about you and Soonie. Come, sit!”
Upon her insistence you situate yourself on the chair Soonyoung had pulled up just as Ahreum and Mingyu arrive at the table, panting, and Ahreum having changed out of her performance costume into a pretty pale pink dress, her hair flowing down her back in pretty waves.
When she notices you seated at the table, she lets go of Mingyu’s hand to run over to you with a hug and a squeal of “Unnie, you’re here!”
Had Seungcheol and Sunhee been in attendance, there’s no doubt they would be seated at this table with the rest of you, and it comes to you belatedly that you were seated at the WAG table. Weeks earlier and you might have been uncomfortable at that fact, displeased with being out of place, but the longer you think about it, the more you wished that it could be the norm for you.
You’d been toying with the idea in your mind for a few days now, that maybe, just maybe, you did want to be a WAG. Maybe what’s been going on between you and Soonyoung wasn’t just a friendship that was long delayed. 
Maybe, just maybe, it was okay to indulge in the prospect of Soonyoung reciprocating your feelings, and that this long standing crush was no longer unreciprocated.
The conversation between you and the rest of the table’s occupants was light and fun and with Seoah calling for more champagne every so often, you felt the tension at your shoulders melt away. Even when your father had dropped by, asking if you’d be riding back home with him, you smiled at him brightly, saying you’d find your own ride back.
You don’t miss the nod and salute Soonyoung gives him from beside you.
When you let out an unintentional yawn, the alcohol making your eyelids droop slightly, Soonyoung pushes back the sleeve of his blazer to check the time.
“We can head out if you want,” He says, “I’m sure Ddlagi’s waiting for us.”
Your heart soars at his words. You nod at him and stand as he holds his hand out to pull you up.
“Alright, that’s a wrap for the two of us,” He says, tugging off his blazer jacket, “I’ll see you guys on Monday. Ahreum, Seoah, lovely as always.”
Alarm bells are ringing and sirens are blaring in your head as Soonyoung’s bare arms come into view and you can see how the muscles of his back and stomach move beneath his skin as he waves and motions for you to follow him.
Soonyoung goes up behind you, steadying you in your heels, and places his blazer over your bare shoulders—the heat from his clothing warming you up in a split second. Ahreum’s giggle from behind you catches your attention and you manage to see her wink from the corner of your eye.
“Bye, everyone!” You greet, “Thanks for letting me crash your table.”
“Any time, lovely!” Seoah says with a flippant wave of her hand, “I’ll try to make it to lunch with you girls next time, please be there!”
“Have fun, unnie!” Ahreum calls out and you don’t know whether to smile or curse her as you and Soonyoung walk away.
“I like sitting with the WAGs,” You say kind of mindlessly as you stare out of the window, watching as Gangnam passes you and Soonyoung by.
“Yeah?” He says, encouraging you to go on.
“Yup,” You say with a pop, “It feels like I’m part of a sisterhood or something when I’m with them.”
“Yeah, they all got really close in no time, especially when Tiny came into the picture,” Soonyoung recalls, “Seoah and Sunhee are pretty much sisters now, so it was exciting for them to have someone new join in.”
“I hope they’ll welcome me as warmly,” You blurt out.
Fuck. Idiot.
There’s a beat of silence and you feel yourself floundering as if you were underwater. 
“What do you mean?” Soonyoung asks, cutting into the silence.
You keep your eyes trained out of the window, willing him to let it the fuck go, but you know he won’t.
He’s about to turn to your street and you consider for a split second if it’d be feasible for you to jump out of his Maserati right this very second and hide under your sheets. Soonyoung does you a kindness by not saying anything until he pulls up in front of your house, saving you the awkwardness of having to walk home with him from his house like you usually do.
You try to quickly unbuckle your seatbelt but the second you turn your head to look for the button to press, Soonyoung gently takes your chin in between his fingers and brings your face closer to his.
In this position there’s no way for you to escape his gaze and under it you feel like you’re on fire.
“I’ll ask again,” Soonyoung starts in a whisper, as if he spoke any louder that bubble that surrounded you would pop and shatter this very moment, “What did you mean?”
This close and you can take him in, really look at him, smell him, breathe him.
“I mean,” you say slowly, gathering all the nerves you can muster, “That I want to sit on the WAG bench and cheer your name during games. I want to wear your jersey and have you dedicate saves for me.”
You gulp as you feel yourself grow in conviction, “I want to hold your trophies with you at the end of the season and bad mouth refs who give out shitty calls when you have to deal with a penalty. I want it all, Soonyoung. I want it with you.”
There it was, laid out in front of him, plain as day and no way to misinterpret. Your silly teenage fantasies had followed you into adulthood and had grown into real life yearning, hoping that the boy you had watched grow up into the most wonderful man would just take you out of your misery and say yes, that he too had felt the same tugging at his heart when he was around you. 
Soonyoung’s silence was killing you as the seconds felt like hours but when his fingers twitched beneath your chin, your heart gave off a thunderous thump, and he pulled you in closer, and your eyes slipped shut.
You let out a breath through parted lips and you feel the warmth of Soonyoung’s own shaky exhale on your lower lip. Just as you feel his lip press against your own–
“I’m sorry, I can’t.”
In a flash your eyes fly open and you pull yourself away from him. Soonyoung is shellshocked at the speed at which you put distance between the two of you and how you scramble to successfully free yourself from his presence.
“Wait–wait a second, listen to me!” He tries to say, but everything sounds like a garbled mess to you.
You feel like you’re underwater again, your nose flaring as you try to get as much air into your lungs. You can feel your lips turning downwards and the telltale wobble of your lower lip. The heat and sting from behind your eyes tell you that you’re seconds away from falling apart.
How stupid. How stupid to think that after all this time he would see you as anything other than his coach’s daughter. His coach’s stupid, pathetic daughter who couldn’t do anything right, couldn’t achieve anything even after all this time.
When you free yourself from the mess of the seatbelts and you’re able to wrangle the door of his car open, you stomp out, nearly tripping over yourself in your stupid heels. Soonyoung gets out as well and tries to call out to you without causing a scene.
You’re about to open the gate to your house when you realize you’re still wearing his blazer. You’ve grown comfortable in it and the warmth of him, and it's agony as you rip it off, turn around and throw it in his face.
“Go fuck yourself, Soonyoung.”
You expect your anger and grief to fuel a tirade but you find yourself moving so slowly and so cautiously around your own home. You had guided the front door shut so that only the clicking of the locks and the springs in the knob disturbed the silence. You pressed your back against the door and held your breath as you watched the shadows move on the walls as Soonyoung pulled out of your family’s driveway. 
Only when you were doused in darkness could you slowly exhale.
You feel so much smaller than you are as you tiptoe up the stairs, clutching your heels to your chest, and lifting the skirt of your dress. You had felt so beautiful tonight, only to come home feeling more rotten and ugly than you ever have in your life.
When you close your bedroom door behind you, you turn to the Golden Retriever curled up by your pillows and you sniffle. Then the first tear drops when you think of how you’re supposed to let Ddlagi know that Soonyoung won’t be coming over anymore. You bury your face into Ddalgi’s coat and allow the sobs to wrack your body.
You had always thought it would be beneath you to cry over a boy. 
Feeling disappointment, anger, or sadness you would understand, it would only be normal to do so. But you felt like your body was caving in on you, the embarrassment of his rejection, the idea that you had misread all the queues, that you were deluded this whole time, thinking that maybe after all these, you would finally be worth a second thought to Soonyoung.
While the thought of losing him as a lover hurt you, the idea that you may lose him as a friend forever after what you had done has you shedding more tears. You took bits and pieces of every walk you’d been on, every movie you watched, the dinners you ate, and hid them away in your heart because you had longed for Soonyoung for so long, that all these moments were truly treasured.
But you’re also angry.
You’re angry because you know there must have been something. Sunhee had seen it that day when you came to practice, Ahreum had thought you were a couple just from photos, and Wonwoo, Wonwoo had reassured you that with Soonyoung you hadn’t a thing to worry about.
Have you all misunderstood? It couldn’t have all been in your head. Some part of it must have been true, and maybe still is. 
Your anger sets you into motion. Despite having been the one to walk away in anger, you feel like maybe you were entitled to an explanation. If you were going to cut Soonyoung off from your life from here on out, you wanted to do it on your own terms.
In the shower, you worry that you were speedrunning through the stages of grief. From how immensely you felt for Soonyoung and for just how long you’ve been carrying a torch for him. For the chance that he’d look your way and think of you as someone more than just your father’s daughter who had watched him from where she sat doing her homework.
You want to yell at him. You want to curse him and shove him and tell him how much you felt for him. Maybe that way he would understand how much he hurt you.
You dress quickly and haphazardly, not caring how you look, because you’ve let him see you look worse in the past weeks, grown so comfortable in his presence to truly be yourself around him. All your past actions feel like double edged swords. On one hand you were elated, so taken with how things had panned out before this evening and on the other, you felt the dread of regret, of sharing so much of yourself, and so willingly, to someone who could walk away without a second thought.
As you rush down the stairs you childishly you wonder if your father could kick him off the team for breaking your heart.
You make a conscious effort to close up after yourself quietly, guiding the door shut gently, just as you had earlier that evening. When you turn around, your heart falls to your stomach at the sight before you.
Soonyoung stands in front of your gate looking just as he did that first night he walked with you and Ddalgi. Soft, barefaced, and dressed in a ratty hoodie and sweats, you find your false bravado whittling away in his presence. His ability to render you speechless felt so unfair but you can’t help but acquiesce to it as you always do.
You loved him like this, just him, the him you had grown so used to and so comfortable around, and so in love with.
You love him, you love him, you love him.
And that’s why you don’t stop him when he unlatches the gate and walks up towards you. You don’t stop him when he goes to stand right in front of you, towering over you and bowing his head to be closer to you. You don’t stop him when he takes your face into his hands, tilting it ever so slightly so your eyes are locked. You don’t stop him when he uses his thumb to wipe away at a stray tear that betrays the strong front you wanted to put on.
You don’t stop him when he says, “I’m sorry for what I did. And I’m sorry if this is selfish, but I’ll never forgive myself if you think I don’t want you, that you don’t fill my every fucking waking moment, that I could let you walk away like you did.”
Your chin is trembling with the effort of keeping yourself together but a ragged sob escapes your mouth as you try to make sense of what Soonyoung’s saying.
Your chin is trembling with the effort of keeping yourself together but a ragged sob escapes your mouth as you try to make sense of what Soonyoung’s saying.
The hard look of determination on his face softens at your reaction and he shushes you, tries to ease your thundering heart but how can you when he says, “I have wanted you for so long. How could you not have known?” and finally presses his lips to yours.
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Soonyoung was fifteen when he got the shock of his life
He was in the middle of a scrimmage game against the other members of his squad when he caught Coach Cho Woonjae coming down from the second pitch. His hands were already sweating in his gloves but he felt flames lick at his feet, willing himself to move quicker, react faster, anything to catch the attention of the living legend that was walking his way.
They wrapped up the game with his team managing a 1-0 win, extending his scrimmage clean sheet record. He made a show of cheering his team on, clapping them on the back and showering them in praises.
Wonwoo had raised a skeptical brow at him, clearly having noticed his odd behavior.
“You’re scaring me,” Wonwoo commented as he rubbed the sweat from his eyes.
“Fuck off,” Soonyoung laughed, “Coach Cho is watching.”
Soonyoung was eager for their coach to wrap up their training, he had wanted to go up to his idol so badly, to ask him if he saw how he played, if he had improved in any way, or if he had any wisdom to impart from one goalkeeper to another.
It turned out that Soonyoung didn’t have to do anything at all. Once the final team huddle had dispersed, Coach Cho had come over to Soonyoung himself, clapping him on the back and greeting him with a “Good job today, Kwon.”
Soonyoung tried his best not to sputter, gave him a curt bow of his head and said, “Thank you so much, Coach. I learned from the best. I meant from you! Because, you know, you’re the best.”
I’m a fucking idiot, Soonyoung thought to himself.
Coach Cho could only laugh at his blunder and offered him a thanks, son, so at the very least Soonyoung could take pride in having been funny. But when his laughter died down, he had affixed Soonyoung with a look that had been, at that time, unreadable.
Then, with no preamble, Coach Cho asked him if he could take his daughter to a school dance.
When he stumbled into the locker room, the rest of his teammates were already undressing, pulling out toiletries from their lockers and a fresh change of clothes. Soonyoung was still shell shocked when he sat down next to Wonwoo, body moving on autopilot as he dodged gangly elbows and stray towels being tossed around.
“What’d Coach Cho say to you?” Wonwoo asked in a hushed voice.
“He asked me if I could take Jiae to a dance. I-if I could be her date.”
Wonwoo’s jaw had dropped comically, not having expected that.
“Well?” He had urged.
Soonyoung’s eyebrows furrow, “What do you mean well?”
“Well what did you say, dumbass?” He asked with a flick to Soonyoung’s to ear.
“I–” Soonyoung had trouble voicing it out, because now that he was repeating it, it sounded even more stupid than when he had blurted it out to Coach Cho, “I said I couldn’t.”
“What?!” Wonwoo had yelled, pulling the attention of some of the players sitting by them.
“I can’t go that day,” Soonyoung had tried to reason out, but the more he thought about it, the more he regretted saying no so quickly. 
“What could you possibly be doing that is somehow more important than taking Coach Cho’s daughter to a dance?”
Soonyoung drops his head into his hands, groaning out an answer.
“What was that?” Wonwoo taunted.
“I said, I’m getting my braces out.”
Word of Coach Cho’s request had spread amongst the Under-18 and Under-15 team like wildfire and Soonyoung had never felt so embarrassed in his life. Not because it was embarrassing to have been asked, but because he had said no. 
But for many of those he had called teammates, it had become a running joke that maybe they too would be tapped to take you to this school dance, and it made Soonyoung’s blood boil at how crass the thoughts of some of his teammates were.
“I still can’t believe you said no,” Youngho had said to Soonyoung when he had dropped his backpack onto the bench in front of his locker. 
Soonyoung’s shoulders were heavy with the fatigue from his commute from school and this was the last thing he wanted to deal with. He wanted to run a few laps, do a few drills, then pummel whoever his team was playing against during the scrimmage to the ground.
His teammate’s thoughts and comments were far from what he wanted to deal with that day.
Wonwoo had given him a warning look, to just ignore it and move on, and against his usual instinct, Soonyoung followed his best friend’s advice.
“Dude, imagine if you had said yes and like, impressed her or whatever.” Youngho had started up again, “You’d probably make it all the way to the first team on Cho’s good graces alone.”
But there was only so much that Soonyoung could stomach.
“Anyway, I’m sure Cho’ll ask someone else after practice tonight,” Youngho continued, “She must really want to fuck a footballer or something.”
He doesn’t think he’d ever moved so fast in his life, but within seconds Soonyoung had Youngho up against a locker, his body hit the metal and alerted everyone in the room that a fight was about to break out. 
Soonyoung had no intention of actually hurting anyone, it wasn’t in his nature, but his blood had boiled at how something so innocent as an invite to a dance was suddenly being used to dirty your name without you even knowing.
“You’re disgusting,” Soonyoung had said through gritted teeth, “Even if that was the case, I’m sure she wouldn’t stoop as low as you.”
Even as one of the tallest players on the team, that day Youngho looked small under the fire of Soonyoung’s rage.
Shortly after the confrontation in the lockers and both Soonyoung and Youngho’s one week suspension from training, any talk of dances and daughters had died down just as all topics of locker room discussion did. 
But it lived in Soonyoung’s brain incessantly.
From the moment Coach Cho had asked him, he had rewinded back to every single memory of you he could recall. Soonyoung had considered you a permanent fixture at the HYBE training center. He could recall that very first time he came into Coach Cho’s office after training, and you were seated by the coffee table with your nose in something or another. 
Back then you had been so intimidating and snooty that he never dared to talk to you even as he waited for his turn to talk to your dad.
As he grew more comfortable in his place at the training center, no longer gobsmacked at every shiny trophy or starstruck at every first team player that passed him in the hallways, you had started to look more warm towards him too. He was proud to have gotten a smile at the very least, when he would wave to you goodbye.
The years that followed were spent relentlessly chasing his dream, spending every minute that he could to prove his mettle at his sport, and that left him with very little time for anything else.
It wasn’t that Soonyoung never had anyone catch his eye, he just never really did anything about it. Well, that and no one had ever expressed any interest in him. He tries not to focus on that, despite how he enjoys the spoils of the wars waged between the girls vying for Wonwoo’s affections. He never longed for that kind of attention.
But when he received it from you, despite how it was through that awkward conversation of an invite from your father, he considered it, even if it was just for a smidge of a second.
The smidge of a second grew into minutes, then hours, then days. When Soonyoung found himself wondering why you hadn’t visited the training center in weeks, he started to worry.
“What if she thinks I don’t like her?” Soonyoung said to Wonwoo.
“What are you talking about?” Wonwoo asked as he strapped his shin guards on.
“Jiae,” Soonyoung whispered, “What if she thinks I don’t like her.”
Wonwoo could only snort, “You bet she thinks you don’t like her, you said no to her dad.”
Soonyoung groaned as he hit himself in the face with his gloves.
“Why does it matter,” Wonwoo pushed, “You like her?”
Soonyoung could only blush.
“Soonyoung, please don’t tell me you have a crush on your idol’s daughter?” 
The silence was deafening.
Soonyoung keeps his crush on you like a dirty secret.
It was probably the world’s worst kept dirty secret, but nevertheless, Soonyoung persisted. 
After having blown the chance to take you to a school dance with the blessing of your father, he had been hoping to get the chance to make it up to you. He just wanted to know, did you like him like that? Why hadn’t anyone else on the squad gotten asked to take you to the dance but him? Why him?
Your presence at the training center had gone from few and far in between to once in a blue moon. And as much as Soonyoung hated to say it, it made him sad. He doesn’t want to assume that it was because of him, but just not being able to see you at all for weeks and eventually months at a time was a departure from what he was so used to.
Sometimes he went into Coach Cho’s office just in the hopes that he'd see you seated by the coffee table, reading a book, and he could just wave hi.
After about a year of your scarce training visits, Soonyoung realizes he may have underestimated his crush on you. While there was little he could actually do in between school, training, and hagwon, that didn’t stop him from silly little daydreams and fantasies of seeing you in the stands at one of their official league matches.
That year Soonyoung and Wonwoo had officially joined the U-18 team that Coach Cho personally handled and it was the start of the most grueling period of football growth of Soonyoung’s life. With a defensive expert leading the team, there were suddenly more eyes on him, greater expectations, and the added pressure of playing in front of his hero almost every single day.
There were many nights that Soonyoung thought training would end on a much lighter note if you were watching.
The first time Soonyoung saw you in months was on a random Wednesday evening when he was on clean up duty. He was trailing behind the rest of the guys, wheeling the cart of training balls to the correct storage rooms when he saw you leaning against the wall by your father’s office.
He doesn’t know if you had seen him, but he ducked into the storage room regardless, self conscious of how he looked post-training with grass stains on his white kit and his hair stuck haphazardly to his face.
From where he was hiding he simply appreciated seeing you in the flesh again after so long. He tried to make a mental tally of things that may have changed since he last saw you, maybe your hair was a little longer, or your lips were colored a different shade by a new lip gloss. Soonyong didn’t know, he was always bad at those things, all he knew at that time was that you were the prettiest girl he’d ever seen and that he had missed you.
Wonwoo thought it was a horrible idea. And in hindsight, he was right—but hindsight was always 20/20 and Soonyoung believed back then that Wonwoo was almost laughably blind. So, being Soonyoung, he had ignored his best friend’s wise words and jumped head straight into his plan.
The plan being to surprise you and woo you at your school dance. Soonyoung had thanked his lucky stars when his cousin had mentioned it off hand that she was going to dress shopping for a school event that was coming up. Soonyoung usually tuned this kind of talk out when he spent weekends with his extended family, but the mention of a school dance had perked up his ears and suddenly he was begging on his hands and knees for his cousin to take him as her designated plus one.
Very rarely did Soonyoung use his placement in the Cheongdam Diamonds’ U-18 team as leverage, but even his cousin couldn’t deny how impressive it would look to take him to the dance.
What he didn’t expect was having to fend off everyone that assumed he was dating his snooty older cousin.
He didn’t expect coming face to face with you before he was ready to sweep you off of your feet.
He didn’t expect that you’d turn your back at him instantly, and take another boy’s hand in your own.
He didn’t expect how badly it would hurt to have been rejected without even getting to say a word.
He tried. He tried to keep away, to be satisfied having that brief teenage crush on you. He had fallen into bed with the most beautiful models and some of the most promising rising actresses, but found himself going home thinking about that seventeen year old girl who had turned away from him and danced with another boy.
Soonyoung supposes, after a while, that maybe he doesn’t deserve you. He was a far cry from what your father was at his age and having been raised in the game, the lifestyle that he now had, it was possible that you would be far from impressed. 
On particularly bad nights, Soonyoung thinks of the worst: that maybe you despised him and what he stood for as a professional athlete. Maybe you had sworn to absolutely never be with an athlete, that they were all good for nothing playboys and tricksters. On those nights Soonyoung tried to think of the positive: You’d probably never date any of his teammates.
The spark that set off a wildfire in his heart that night he came across you and Ddalgi had been warming his body for weeks. He’s never felt as weightless in his life as when he had managed to place himself in your life after so many years. He tried to stay satisfied, happy to be your friend and to stay by your side in any way, shape, or form you preferred.
But it was so difficult.
Every time he got close to you, he could feel the way his heart thumped louder, faster, telling him that you were here, just out of reach, but if he just put out his hand and took your own, then maybe you could calm it, satisfy it.
But Soonyoung’s made nearly a million and one mistakes when it came to you. And this evening was the worst. Despite his best efforts, he almost always seemed to fuck it up with you, and he couldn’t believe he had managed to hurt you to the point of tears.
He’d spend every second, minute, hour of every day making it up to you if he could, to lavish you in words that would put your mind at ease, make your heart race, and set your skin aflame.
Soonyoung’s made nearly a million and one mistakes when it came to you, but pressing his lips to your throat, and holding you down onto his bed to hear you sigh out his name, would not be one of them.
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This evening felt like a dream, Soonyoung thought. In his rational mind there was no way any of it could have happened outside of his imagination. From the second he had pressed his lips to yours, he thought that he was on borrowed time, that just as easily as he had gotten you, you could slip away, change your mind, turn him away.
But when you had pulled away from him and your eyes had met for the first time since the revelation that there were so many years of yearning between you both, your gaze had set his blood aflame.
There was no other way about it. He had to have you.
It was a bold move to take your hand, something he had been longing to do for ages, and tug you towards the direction of his own house. It seemed awfully presumptuous but the way you gripped onto his arm, wrapping your fingers around his bicep and nodded in agreement was all the confirmation he needed.
While your first kiss was wistful, misty, and so long delayed, Soonyoung had made sure that the following kiss was the exact opposite. The second he had closed the door behind the two of you, he had pressed you against it, held the back of your head, tilted it backward just slightly and kissed you breathless. When you had groaned into the kiss, Soonyoung had taken the opportunity to lick into your mouth, his tongue a welcome intrusion in your own. Soonyoung’s head was spinning as he let out a breathy moan of his own.
You tasted of toothpaste and smelled of coconut conditioner, your hair still slightly damp and cold from your recent shower and Soonyoung wanted to be wrapped in it, in all of you.
At the very back of Soonyoung’s brain he wondered if he was being too eager, if it was so fucking uncool for him to want you so badly. But this evening was no longer about rationality. It was about finally giving in, it was finally time for you to both let out the breaths you’d been holding in for far too long.
Soonyoung wanted you to know that he was here and he would be here for as long as you wanted him. If that meant until next week, two years from now, forever, or even if just for tonight, he would gladly accept it.
“More, Soonyoung,” You had whispered in between small, softer kisses, and stuck out your lower lip in a pout. He couldn’t resist you.
He had playfully bit on the fullness of your lip, licked at it with his tongue, then brought it into his mouth to suck. He watched as your eyelids fluttered shut and you wrapped your arms around his head, elbows hooked over his shoulders. It was easy work for him to lift you up by your thighs and carry you up the stairs.
You asked for more so more you would get. Every kiss that followed felt bruising, when Soonyoung felt that you were short of breath, he’d pull away just to press his lips to your pulse instead, and when that wasn’t enough, he licked a hot strip onto your pulse and pressed the softest of bites, eliciting a broken moan from your lips.
He wanted to be everywhere, touch everything, hear every desperate gasp, swallow every hungry groan.
Hungry. That’s what you were.
And that’s what he’s always been.
The heat coursing through his body is almost too much for him to take, so Soonyoung quickly pulls away from you with a displeased sigh. He grabs at the bottom of his hoodie to pull it up and over his head before diving back in to press his lips to yours. He refuses to have his mouth parted from yours for too long now that he finally knows what you taste like. 
His fingers itch to feel your skin and while your thighs had been soft, smooth, and pliant in his hands when he carried you up to his room, he needed more. He needed to know how your skin would feel pressed against his own, how your thighs would feel wrapped around his waist.
You must want the same thing because you follow his lead and pull your own hoodie up and off.
In the locker rooms, there are plenty of mindless and stupid questions thrown about. It wasn’t too long ago that the conversation of “ass or tits” was brought up. It was met with loud jeering and playfully scandalized hooting.
Soonyoung had very cheekily said, “Her heart” and was met with boos and fuck yous from his teammates. If you asked him again today, he’d finally have a proper answer.
“You’re not in a bra,” Soonyoung says in a whisper, eyes zoning onto your chest.
“I’m undressing for you, Soonyoung. That’s kind of the point.”
“I-i-yeah, I get that but. That whole time? You weren’t in a bra?”
“Well, yeah,” you start leaning back on your elbows, “I was planning on going to bed straight after yelling at you, but… well, here we are.”
His mind goes back to all those weeks prior to tonight when he had greeted you at your front gate and you were wearing this exact same outfit.
When his eyes meet yours it seems you’ve come to the same realization as him.
“Do you like them, Soonyoung?” You ask, one hand coming to grasp at the fullness of your left breast and barely fitting in your palm, and the other hand traces your right nipple with a finger slowly; teasing.
“Fuck yes,” He says, unable to hold it in, “Were you walking around me these last few weeks without a bra on? Tits just out of my reach?”
The fake coy look on your face makes him so painfully hard but he tries to play it cool, “Yes, captain. Won’t you like to give them a touch?”
He shakes his head no, and you’re almost confused until he says, “Let me have a taste of you, baby.”
Soonyoung’s pulling all these moves he’s been too terrified to try, despite all the times he’s been openly flirtatious and he’s tried to push the boundaries between friendship and that something more.
But he’s always wanted to try and call you baby.
He doesn’t see what your reaction is like because just as he says it, he leans down to lick a broad stripe onto your breast and captures your right nipple between his teeth, the tip of his tongue playing with the stiffening bud.
The sigh you let out fills his head and it’s then that Soonyoung decides that he wants to draw every possible sound of pleasure he can from your mouth. Soonyoung knows he’s loud, mouthy, and just short of talkative in bed, but he wants to know how loud you can get, if he can have you screaming his name too.
He’s determined to make every second from here on out as pleasurable as he can but he’s been painfully hard since he had you pressed up against his front door. In an attempt to get you as riled up as he can, he switches his hand and mouth, making sure to lavish both of your breasts in licks and kisses, litter them with small nips and love bites, fit them in his hands almost painfully, so the memory of his hands on you sticks. 
Soonyoung could spend hours praising your chest, but your litany of his name, growing breathless by the second, and the way you’re undulating your hips, trying your best to get some kind of relief finally pulls him away from where he’s be stuck in his own heady cloud of lust.
“Soonyoung, I want to make you feel good,” is what you say when he pulls away from your chest with an obscene pop, moving to press kisses on the valley between your breasts.
You almost make his brain go offline when you grab him by the long, scruffy locks of hair by his nape to lock eyes with him.
You are a vision.
The heady look in your eyes and the way you bite on your plush lower lip is just so much to Soonyoung. Its enough of a distraction that he lets you maneuver him any which way you want and he settles comfortably on his back and against the plush pillows at the head of his bed.
You stand on your knees between his legs and make quick work of untying the drawstrings of his sweats and his hands instantly fly down to yours to help you pull them off along with his underwear. He kicks them to the floor unceremoniously and you push his shoulder back lightly to have him fall back to his pillows. 
“Oh fuck!” is all he can comprehend to say when you drag your tongue from his balls to the tip of his cock, swiping at the precum that’s started to leak from his slit. Without giving him a second to recover from your initial onslaught, you sink your mouth onto his cock, holding his hip down with a firm hand to support yourself as you give way in your throat for him to slip all the way in.
Soonyoung tries to keep himself from slipping into his baser instincts, to cant his hips upward and have your nose press against his abdomen, fucking himself into your mouth. He lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding through his nose just as you groan around him, eyes slipping shut, and your throat clenching around the head of his cock.
Your mouth was so fucking warm and wet and your throat so tight he wonders if he’ll make it out alive from this blowjob to fuck your pussy.
You pull off him with a slight gag and a cough, but you deal with it like champ and slip your mouth over him again, this time your mouth in a perfect ‘O’ to suck on him quickly, your head bobbing and your spit spilling onto the sides of your lips and down the length of him.
The sounds are filthy and the gasp that you let out when you pull off of him to sit up slightly straighter could make a lesser man cum untouched.
Your fingers are wrapped around him by his base, staving off his impending orgasm, when you decide to blow Soonyoung’s mind again. You press your puckered lips against the side of his cock, dragging them from top to bottom repeatedly. 
When you’ve gotten him sufficiently wet with your spit, you suck on the tip of him again, collecting his precum only to pull off slightly. You lock eyes with him, part your lips, and let your tongue loll out to let a filthy mix of his precum and your spit dribble out of your mouth and onto his cock.
“You’re fucking insane,” Soonyoung breathes out with an upturned mouth.
You pump his cock once, twice, before saying, “We’re just getting started, Captain.”
He can only groan happily and let his head fall to his pillows. He’s going to have to unpack how that title coming from your mouth has him close to orgasming.
Soonyoung keeps getting surprised by the little tricks you’re pulling from thin air, but this definitely takes the top spot.
Once you’ve deemed him sufficiently wet, lubricated by your spit and his precum, you start to crawl back up his body while pressing kisses onto the prominent veins on his lower stomach. In no time he can feel himself pressing against your chest, and it becomes clear what you’re about to do.
“You’re going to let me fuck your tits?”
The smirk that spreads across your lips has him shaking his head in amusement, “You seemed to be quite taken by them.”
You were a fucking dream come true.
If Soonyoung is only ever going to have you tonight, he needs to make the most out of it. He takes the reins and switches your positions smoothly so you’re on your back in the middle of his humongous bed. He cages your body between his legs and lets his cock settle between your breasts.
You move your hands down to grasp at the sides of each breast when Soonyoung swats one away and takes another into his, pressing your fingers to his lips for a quick kiss then says, “Hands off, baby.”
He grasps a breast in each hand and squeezes, plays with each nipple with his thumbs before pressing them together to create a tight, wet heat to fuck into. Your skin is so soft and pliant as he continues to push his cock between your tits that it's starting to mess with his head.
As much as people want to put him onto a pedestal for his footballing accolades and successes, at the end of the day he’s just a guy who’s finally in bed with the girl he’s had a crush on for ages. The fucked out look on your face just from pleasuring him with your mouth and tits has him biting his tongue to keep from cumming.
Each thrust of his hips has Soonyoung closer and closer to the edge. He wants to make this last as long as he can but it never crossed his mind how you’d be able to play him like an instrument, know which strings to pluck, chords to play, to pull the most pleasure from him.
“Fuck, I want to cum on your tits,” He breathes out with a laugh. He’s done a lot of growing up, but Soonyoung feels like a teenager as he confesses this to you, “You’ll let me cum on your tits right, baby?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out with a dumb nod of your head, “Cum on my tits, Soonyoung. Make them yours, yeah?”
Soonyoung’s always liked to fuck messy. Plenty sweat, spit, squirt, and cum is par the course when he fucked, but that was mostly for his enjoyment. When you agree to let him spill over you, to cast the assumption of ownership of your body, Soonyoung thinks you’re made for him.
After one, two, three thrusts between your breasts, Soonyoung pulls back, and grasps his cock to jerk himself off to completion, hot spurts of his sticky white cum falling onto your breasts.
You must truly be made for him because as he tries to catch his breath, kneeling over you still and pumping his cock to get hard again, you trace your fingers over your chest to collect his cum. You catch his eye as you bring your sticky fingers to your mouth and suck them clean.
You groan around two fingers and Soonyoung lets out a dark chuckle as you stick out your tongue to show him how you’ve swallowed his spend. He does the same, swiping his fingers through the mess on your tits and shoving three fingers into your awaiting mouth. Your tongue presses against them and you go to suck each one, your tongue dancing between them, not letting a single drop of him go to waste.
He can’t help it, he has to kiss you.
And Soonyoung is a master kisser.
Each time he pressed his mouth to yours, you felt your head go blurry around the edges and every thought that isn’t him simply fades away. The taste of him was addicting and the slip of his tongue against yours had you gushing despite his hands holding you by the back of the head innocently. But you didn’t want innocent, you wanted desperate, you wanted depraved, you wanted disgusting, if he would give it to you.
It doesn’t take long for him to move down your body, paying copious amounts of attention to your sensitive nipples and marked up tits, and eventually pulling down your sleep shorts.
If it was anyone else, it would be embarrassing how wet you’d gotten, but this is Soonyoung. This is Soonyoung who you’d wanted for so long, Soonyoung who had felt the same and just as strongly, Soonyoung whose touch could set you ablaze and whose one word could give you release.
You want him to know. You want him to see and taste just how riled up he’s gotten you, that maybe from this day forward, only he could press his mouth between your thighs, only his tongue could press into your hole, only his lips could wrap around your clit to make you cry out for God.
“Fuck, you taste so good,” He breathed, pressing kisses to the mound of your pubic bone, “I knew you’d taste so good.”
Just his praise has you keening, eyes slipping shut as you feel him spread your legs. He uses his fingers to part your folds and that action is enough to have you clenching around nothing, wanting so badly to be filled, with his tongue, fingers, cock, anything just as long as he could grant you some relief.
“Soonyoung, please,” You manage to whisper.
“Please what?” comes his voice, it’s almost playful, and maybe you want to kick him, but it’s so fucking hot you can feel how badly it gets to you, a sudden wave of arousal making itself known as it starts to trickle out of you.
You let out a frustrated groan, canting your hips upward uselessly as Soonyoung uses his strength to keep you in position. He moves to spread you even further with one leg hoisted over his shoulder and the other pressed flat against the bed. There was no hiding in this position, you were displayed for him, ready and open for whatever it was he wanted to do to you.
“Here’s what I’ll do,” He says, placing kisses onto your knee, moving down to your thigh slowly, “I want to taste this delicious pussy some more, get you all nice and wet, hmm? Then I want to fuck you open with my fingers.”
You nod stupidly as he speaks and you think that you may just agree to anything he says, happy to take anything he wants to give you.
“Will one be enough?” He teases, running one finger along one of your lower lips.
You open your eyes to communicate what your mouth can’t, rendered speechless by his tone of voice alone.
“No? How about two then?” Another finger joins the onslaught in framing your hole but his touch is feather-light and offers no relief whatsoever.
“Soonyoung,” is the only thing you can get out and it comes out as more of a whine. 
“Fine, seems like my girl can take three then? How greedy.”
You bite your lip and nod before saying, “I can take four, Soonyoung. You’ll give me four, right?”
There’s a mean glint in his eye as he says, “You’re perfect.”
Soonyoung eats pussy like he kisses. It’s messy and it’s deep and you’ve never had it this good. He fucks his tongue into your hole with no hesitation, licking deep and lapping at your folds like you’re the best damn thing he’s ever tasted. When he pulls away it’s only so he can move to sucking on your clit. After having teased you with his fingers earlier, it’s like he’s decided fuck that and just thought to ruin you with as much pleasure as he could pull from your body.
Moans and whimpers pour out of your mouth freely. The knowledge that there are no nosey neighbors to disturb means you can be as loud as you want. You want Soonyoung to know how well he’s pleasuring you, that he can pull these ragged breaths and pleasured sighs from you so easily just because it’s him.
When you feel the prod of two fingers at your entrance you bite your lip but a scream breaks through when you feel a third finger push into you as well. Soonyoung had gotten you so wet and prepared for him with his mouth and his tongue that you welcomed the stretch. It was incredible how each of his touches could make you feel this good.
With his fingers inside of you pumping steadily, he peppered your thighs with kisses, moving upwards towards your clit. He flattens his tongue against it and shakes his head to heighten the sensation. On instinct you want to shut your legs closed but he still has you spread open for him and the position has you twitching as you feel yourself about to cum.
“You’ll give me everything, won’t you?” He says, finally pulling away from your clit, “I want to see how hard you can cum.”
Soonyoung sits back onto his knees so he can watch when he pushes four of his fingers into you. Four fingers is a tight fit but you take it like a champ, enjoying how he stretches you open. You watch him watching you and the look of determination and the way his chest heaves has you impossibly turned on. You never thought you’d be in this position, but he is every lonely night fantasy come to life and more.
He is everything.
You enjoy how his arms look, one wrapped around your thigh to hold you open and the other flexing as he pushes his fingers into you repeatedly, gaining speed as the seconds pass. You clench around his fingers as the heat envelopes you and you feel the pressure slowly take over.
“Soonyoung,” You start as a warning, “Soonyoung, I’m gonna–I’m gonna cum!”
He says nothing but instead hastens his actions, plunging his fingers even deeper, hooking his fingers just right to press into that spot inside you that’ll have you exploding in no time.
Your own fingers scramble on his bedsheets, looking for something to keep you anchored as your hips start to buck and you can feel yourself dripping around his fingers inside you.
“Soonyoung, please please, I’m serious. I can’t hold it in,” You cry out.
“I know baby,” He says with a smirk, “Give it to me. I want it.”
It’s like he flipped a switch inside of you and in the same moment he demands you to come, that thread in your stomach snaps and you gush all over his hand and forearm. Tears slip from your eyes in relief but also shame at the mess you made of yourself, his arm, and the bed.
He pulls his fingers out of you gently and you jerk in his hold, the sensitivity starting from your cunt and spreading to your arms and legs. You let Soonyoung rearrange you on his bed but the heat simmering beneath your skin continues to fuel your lust-addled brain. 
“God, you’re fucking perfect,” Soonyoung says, pressing kisses onto your stomach, onto your left breast, then the right, and taking your nipple between his teeth with a gentle tug, “I’ve never had anyone cum as beautiful as you.”
You hate the idea of Soonyoung being with someone that isn’t you. It’s stupid and immature but his confession earlier sets you at ease. Just as you had been with others with the assumption that being with Soonyoung was a far and unreachable dream, he too might feel the same pang of jealousy.
That jealousy rears its ugly head even now. But this time you can do something about it.
You confirm your suspicions about how much he enjoys when you thread your fingers into his hair, so you tug at his locks to bring his mouth to yours. When he licks into your mouth you think that you can taste yourself on his lips and you can’t help but press your lips to his even more.
“That was so fucking embarrassing, Soonyoung,” You sigh out when you manage to get your breathing somewhat back to normal.
Soonyoung refuses to part from you, lips sucking a bruise high on your neck, a love bite that you know will be hard to hide.
“Don’t fucking say that again,” He says between licks, sucks, and kisses, “I want to make all your orgasms that insane. Hottest woman I’ve ever been with, I’ll ever be with.”
You want to roll your eyes at him. It’s an exaggeration if not an outright bold faced lie. But you can’t help but think about it as well. You doubt anyone will ever come close to how Soonyoung has made you feel in the last few hours. The rage, the sadness, the confusion, the joy, the elation, and the euphoria–all of that had stemmed from how much you’ve longed and loved him. You fear you will never feel as strongly for anyone ever again.
You want him so much.
You want him so much that despite how sensitive you still feel, you had to have more of him.
So you push him onto his back and straddle his hips. Your center is still wet, stretched out so nicely by his fingers, and when you lower yourself to glide over his cock, you can feel how he’s recovered, already hard. 
He sits up to catch your lips in a heated kiss, riling you both up as you cover him with your wetness, “I have condoms in the drawer,” He whispers when he pulls away from you by just a fraction.
“Don’t be stupid,” You say as you grind down on him, “I wouldn’t fuck you if I wasn’t clean.”
“And I know you’d be off the squad if you didn’t pass your monthlies,” You continue, now gripping him by the base of his cock.
“And I’m on the pill,” You say with a slight falter in your bravado as the head of his cock catches at your entrance, “So don’t you want to fuck me raw?”
You should have known not to challenge Soonyoung because there was never a challenge he stood down from. He pushes into you at the same time you begin to sink down on him and it causes him to slip all the way in, his cock filling you completely and the stretch leaving you speechless.
The feeling of his cock driving into you at once has the hair all over your body standing and you feel the electric shock of pleasure racing up your spine to the very top of your head.
The noise you let out is nearly demonic.
Despite the position, there’s no mistaking who is calling the shots. Just his first thrust into you had your brain turning into mush, so when Soonyoung continued to fuck up into the heat of your cunt, you had grown useless on top of him. There was no way to decipher the nonsense you were spewing, just that they were surely words of praise for how thoroughly Soonyoung was fucking you.
It should have come as no surprise that fucking a footballer meant that your stamina would be put to the test. But still, you’re wholly unprepared for how long and how hard Soonyoung could go when it came to fucking. When you had fallen into his arms, unable to hold yourself up as he fucked into you from below, he had pushed you onto your back to fuck you while he had both of your legs over one shoulder.
By then he could match you with how he could hardly keep himself shut, groaning out praises about how tight you were around him with your legs pressed together.
“On your hands and knees, baby,” He instructs as he pulls out and lets your legs fall to the bed, you don’t miss how breathless he’s beginning to sound and you revel in how wreaked you’ve gotten him as well.
You quickly position yourself as he has requested but take it further by pressing your chest onto the bed, arching your back and folding your arms behind you. In a brief moment of tenderness, Soonyoung takes one of your hands in his and intertwines your fingers.
Of course he matches it with filth when he spanks your backside then grabs the meat of your buttcheek to spread you open for him, “Look at this wrecked pussy.”
You preen under his attention and smile even if he can’t see your face in this position.
He collects the wetness of your pussy to lubricate himself before pushing into you and you swear the world stops spinning for a minute. Soonyoung was big, long enough to curve into you nicely, and his girth enough to have you gritting your teeth at the initial thrust into you.
But the position he had you in let him into you so much deeper, you swear you can feel him up to your throat, and you know you’re clenching around him with a vice grip. He felt so perfect inside of you that you could only wish he felt as good.
“You’re so deep, Soonyoung,” You say shakily, as he stills you with a hand on your hip.
“Fuck your pussy’s perfect,” He says as he presses even deeper, “Look at you stretched out for me. Making space for me inside of you. No one else can fuck you like this.”
No one can. No one will.
He slips out of you slightly just to press back in harshly with a jolt of his hips and soon he begins an almost punishing pace. He cock presses into the spot inside you incessantly and the feeling of his hands gripping tightly onto the meat of ass is the perfect mix of pain and pleasure that has you gasping out his name in a sinful litany as you cum, unintentionally tightening around him.
The groan he lets out tells you he’s close to coming and when his thrusts start to grow sloppy he pulls out of you suddenly, to wrap a fist around his cock, pulling at himself to cum onto your backside. You know from his first orgasm that Soonyoung can cum a lot and when he spills all over you again now, it lands everywhere, some of it dripping into your hole, still gaping and clenching around nothing when he had pulled out of you.
You whine, a frown making itself present on your face as you turn to face him.
“I thought you were going to cum inside me,” You say, squirming at the cum quickly cooling on your ass and the few drops that had made it inside you keeping you sticky between your thighs. 
“Fuck, you’re going to kill me,” is all Soonyoung can say as he moves to sit up against the headboard and his pillows.
Your eyes follow his hand that’s wrapped around his still hard cock and you push it aside to take over, wanting him back in your mouth. You lay in front of him for a while, letting your tongue lap at him, and leisurely bobbing your head to get him fully hard and wet again.
In no time Soonyoung pulls you up to lay on his chest and slips back inside of you.
You sigh as your body grows boneless against him and he does all the work, hips undulating and pushing his cock into you just right so that you see stars and you gasp into each sloppy kiss. There is not even a millimeter between you two and if someone asked, you’d want to stay this way forever.
Even without the pleasure of fucking, you wished to never part from Soonyoung again.
The realization is jarring at this very moment but you let yourself ride the wave as it makes your orgasm so overwhelming tears fall from your eyes.
When Soonyoung sees the tear stains he moves his lips to kiss them away and whispers words of reassurance before he himself groans, spilling into you and finally filling you with his cum.
You can’t contain the fullness in your heart as Soonyoung lays you on your back, and drapes himself over you. You wrap a leg around his waist, not wanting him to pull away just yet.
Then he smiles.
“I’ve wanted you for so long,” You whisper, afraid that saying this now would shatter the moment. But you have to tell him again. Remind him that this cannot just be for one night.
“You have me, you have me, you have me,” He says. 
-`✮´- if you've come this far, thank you and it'd mean the world to get a reblog or to hear your thoughts on my first fic long fic on here!
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xoxorealitygalore · 27 days ago
Plan B MasterList
Jey Uso x Afro-Brazilian OC
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Summary: In her thirties and single after a breakup, Hamisa decides she wants to become a mother, despite her friends' and family's objections. Unable to wait any longer, she chooses to have a baby on her own. However, she unknowingly ends up using her ex-boyfriend sperm after he drunkenly swapped her donor’s sample for his own. As Hamisa raises her child, she starts noticing striking similarities between her ex-boyfriend and her baby, leading to questions about the true origins of her child's conception.
Hamisa Janeisha Woo
February 14, 1989
Miami, FL
35 years old
Soccer player �� entrepreneur • sports broadcaster • wrestler
She is a retired soccer player who was a regular on the U.S. women's national soccer team from 2008 to 2016. Became the CEO of Hamisa Boutique, an online clothing outlet that caters to teens and women. And she is a sports broadcaster and part time wrestler for WWE. She has over nineteen million Instagram followers.
She was an All-American while playing college soccer.
She attended Georgia Tech University and competed in track and field and soccer. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Literature, Media, and Communication (LMC) degree.
She is Afro-Brazilian. Her mother is from Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro state. She is recently gave birth to a baby girl, eight months ago.
hamisawoo ✓
550 posts 19.7M followers 100 following
Hamisa Janeisha Woo
Public Figure
Tik tok: hamisawoo
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Liked by rhearipley_wwe, cmpunk, trinity_fatu, and 2,315,914 others
hamisawoo Twenty days into 2025, I sit in awe, reflecting on the miracle that is my daughter. Eight months ago, I gave birth to the most beautiful little soul, and the gratitude I feel is beyond words. Glory to God for this precious gift, this life that’s brought so much joy, growth, and love into my world.
To my incredible birth team, thank you from the depths of my heart for supporting me in bringing her into this world safely, in the comfort of our home, surrounded by love. We did it—unmedicated, and it was more than just a birth. It was a rebirth for me, a process of transformation that reshaped my mind, body, and soul.
I always imagined birth as just the physical arrival of a baby, but what I experienced was so much more profound. It wasn’t just the miracle of life; it was a journey of silencing the mind, letting go of every fear, every doubt, and surrendering to the natural power within. The woman I once was stepped aside to make space for the mother I was becoming. There is something sacred in that space, where pain and love intertwine, where you realize just how strong you truly are.
In those moments, I wasn’t just giving birth to a baby—I was becoming a mother, in the truest sense of the word. Thank you, my sweet girl, for showing me strength I never knew I had. Thank you for teaching me that surrender isn’t weakness; it’s the ultimate form of trust.
Here’s to the journey of motherhood—a lifelong process of growth, learning, and unconditional love. I am forever grateful for the path that brought me to you, and for the new chapters still to be written. 💕
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Updated February 23, 2025
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slut4celebs · 2 months ago
Good Luck Charm
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Sabrina Carpenter x Soccer!Reader
Word Count: 1,012
Trigger Warning: N/A
Synopsis/Request: The Reader claims that Sabrina Carpenter is her good luck charm. "i'd die for some more sabrina and footballer!reader🤭"
Hello, hello, hello! If you'd like to drop a request you can do it: here.
Quick Ad: If you're over the age of 18, and looking for a fun and welcoming roleplay server consider Kennedy University. This is an OC-only server based on a fictional university in Dallas. Here you can roleplay as the students, professors, and even teacher aids. We want YOU to join us. :)
Sweat dripped down her forehead, her heart racing erratically. (Y/n) watched the other team throw in the ball and her teammate raced to intercept the ball, kicking it away from its intended player. There was no time for celebration, just mental excitement that caused the adrenaline to pump through her veins. She automatically made a break for the right when she saw the signal for the play her teammate was trying to accomplish. Rushing into the zone where her teammate could pass the ball, she received the pass gracefully. The crowd was going wild as (Y/n) kicked it to another teammate to throw off the opposite team.
The defense from the other team was good. But her team’s offense was better. The plays were practiced and memorized perfectly. Even through their exhaustion, they were playing as if their life depended on it. Of course, (Y/n) had something that many people didn’t have. She had a good luck charm in the shape of a five foot human with blonde curtain bangs. Currently, that good luck charm is screaming at her to run and kick the ball that was just passed her way. And (Y/n) learned to be really good at listening to her instructions. As she kicked the ball past her way, she sent the ball into the ball, the goalie unable to stop it.
The crowd went wild and the score changed. 3-2. It was the game-winning goal. (Y/n) and her team hugged tightly, and (Y/n) looked up at the stands, making eye contact with her good luck charm, Sabrina Carpenter. She grinned victoriously as Sabrina blew her a kiss, that she could make out even from the distance from the stands. (Y/n) held up her heart with her hands before placing a hand on her chest, above her heart. Something she did after every game, to let Sabrina know that her win was dedicated to her girlfriend. That her win was because of her.
“(Y/n), (Y/n)! That last goal was amazing. You and your team work so well together. Like a well-oiled machine, even.” A Sports Illustrator interviewer approached when (Y/n) finally made her way over to the sidelines for water. They were young, clearly knew, and it made her smile a little to herself over the excitement they had as they approached her. (Y/n) wiped the sweat from her face with a white towel, placing her hands on her hips. “Please, you have to tell us, what helped you clutch that win tonight? That play looked incredible. And what about you? What inspires your game?”
(Y/n) looked up at the interview, a small smile playing on her lips. “We practice really hard. Our plays are memorized, and you’re right. We are a well-oiled machine. I can say that as a team, we work really good together, it’s like we can read each other’s mind. As for me, what inspires my game, apart from my amazing team, is my girlfriend. She’s my good luck charm. If I ever feel too into my head, her shouts of support and her chants for me to keep going inspire me to work my hardest on and off the field.” (Y/n) stated confidently. Her grin widened when she saw Sabrina approaching behind the interviewer. “Excuse me, it was lovely talking to you.” She made her way over to her girlfriend, kissing her softly.
“You did amazing out there. I’m so proud of you.” Sabrina stated, cupping (Y/n)’s cheeks as they separated. Moments like this always made (Y/n) feel like she was flying. Being able to kiss her beautiful girlfriend after winning a game, not to mention the praise she received when her team won a game. Sabrina kissed her again, and (Y/n) immediately reciprocated. She couldn’t help but feel eager to kiss her back. “That last kick, babe. I knew you could do it. You are such a talented soccer player. How do you feel?”
Before dating, Sabrina knew nothing about soccer. She just thought this one girl that was hitting her up in her DMs and telling the world that she was her celebrity crush was attractive. Now, she learned a couple terms here and there. Not to mention, she found a new and sudden interest in sports that wasn’t necessarily there before, but it had her gripping the edge of her seat and had her heart pounding out of her chest. Watching (Y/n) play was always something to behold, and that’s exactly how (Y/n) felt watching her perform. So, moments like these, after Sabrina watched (Y/n) passionately make her way across the soccer field and score a goal, made her feel like she was watching the stars align. 
“I feel like I’m flying.” (Y/n) admitted. This must have been how Rose felt in the Titanic, only instead of Jack holding her, it was Sabrina. “I feel so grateful to have you by my side. You make me a better player. You make me want to be exceptional. On the field and off. You’re my good luck charm, Sabrina.” (Y/n) said, causing Sabrina’s smile to only grow. (Y/n) always made her feel like they were the only girls in the world. Sabrina wrapped (Y/n) into a hug, despite how sweaty she was and kissed her cheek as she pulled away.
As they parted, a couple of (Y/n)’s teammates came over, nudging her shoulder, letting her know it was time to go get their post-game showers so they could debrief about the game with their coach. “See you in thirty minutes?” She questioned, causing Sabrina to nod. (Y/n) walked off with her teammates, looking back to blow Sabrina a kiss. Sabrina couldn’t help but feel so grateful that she took a chance on the attractive girl in her DMs, that she listened to her sisters and Joey’s words of encouragement. Because now, she was deemed as (Y/n)’s good luck charm, and it made her heart soar.
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nochukoo97 · 2 years ago
photobooth kisses
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Pairing: Soccer Player!Jungkook x Sprinter!OC
Summary: You find yourself getting into a fight, but Jungkook is there to get you out of it and bandage up all your wounds for you. You also don’t want to admit it but the boy in front of you has made you feel certain feelings for him, but you’re far from even admitting to them, but somehow in one night, thanks to a photobooth, Jungkook earns himself a well-deserved title of being your boyfriend.
Word count: 2.4k+
“No I don’t think-” Jimin cuts off mid-sentence as he gasps, shooting up from his seat. Everyone else at the table whipped their heads in the direction of where the commotion was coming from, and Jungkook mutters under his breath before speed walking over, “Shit,”
You were currently pulling at Minchae’s hair as she did the same to yours, “Let go of me,” You grit at her through your teeth, eyes narrowing at the girl before you, but she only snarkily replies, “You let go first you bitch,” Minchae tightens her grip on you as you snarl at her. Obviously neither of you want to give in, both are too stubborn to let go, yet you don’t want to lose this battle, so you resort to kicking at her legs in an attempt to get her to stumble. But yet she manages to retaliate.
How did you end up in this situation? The answer was, you and Minchae had been training with each other for the upcoming seasonal competitions for sprints, but you were so convinced that while you were running with her, Minchae had purposefully knocked down a cone sitting at the corner of the track, to cause you to trip and fall at the last stretch of the run, and you definitely weren’t going to let it slide.
“Let go, ___” You suddenly hear Jungkook’s deep voice beside your ear as his arms attempt to pry yours off Minchae. You spot Jimin doing the same to her. Even with you trying your best to hold your grip on Minchae’s arm, leaving a few scratches here and there, the much stronger boy behind you manages to get you off the poor girl.
“Jungkook, let go, I need to-” You grit as you try to wiggle out of his hold, to no avail, Jungkook does not budge one bit at your ministrations. “No, you need to calm down,” He strains as he drags you far away from Minchae and Jimin, you struggle against his hold but he manages to drag you to sit on the side benches with little effort.
You can only sigh in defeat when he pushes you gently on your shoulders to get you to sit on the wooden bench.
“What did you think you were doing?” Jungkook sighs as he cards his fingers through his hair. This wasn’t the first time he had broken you off from a fight, and only after you had calmed down, you began to feel a little bit ashamed of your actions, but was far too stubborn to admit to it.
“It wasn’t my fault! She literally made me trip and fall! Look at my knee!” You complain as you lift your knee to let Jungkook see, blood dripping down from the open wound caused by the track’s hard ground. Jungkook looks down from his towering stance over you, eyes softening as he looks at the bleeding wound.
“Let’s go and get you cleaned up first,” He says, and you push yourself off from the bench and begin to limp for a few steps towards the nurse’s office, before Jungkook grabs your wrist, preventing you from going any further.
“Get on”, you turn around confused, only to see Jungkook kneeling down as his head signals for you to get on his back. “I can walk you know,” You say but you comply with his instructions, hopping around him to climb on his muscular back as you wrap your hands around his neck.
“You were limping on the first few steps you took, and you expected yourself to walk all the way here?” Jungkook grumbles as he adjusts his grip on your legs, before letting you down when you reach the bed in the nurse’s office.
“I would have been able to anyways, just would’ve taken a longer time, I’m strong you know?” You taunted, as Jungkook tsks at your comment, searching through the drawers for a bandage before he clicks his tongue when he finds it.
Jungkook kneels down in front of you as he dabs the cotton ball with alcohol, “You and Minchae need to sort things out, you can’t always be fighting with her all the time, what if I’m not here to stop you, huh?” You only sigh at his comment, not wanting to admit he was right.
You stare at the boy before you as his eyes are focused on cleaning the wound with the alcohol swab. You’ve always known Jungkook was good-looking, he often had girls from all over the campus chasing after him, but he was never one to pay attention to them. You observe as his brown eyes squint ever so slightly, focused on perfectly cleaning up the wound, how his hair slightly fell over his eyes, and his arms tensed, showing his muscles.
“Ow,” you wince, jumping slightly as the pain breaks your train of thought.
Jungkook glances up at you for the first time since he had started cleaning the wound, his gaze softening slightly as he watches you wince in pain.
“Almost there, bear a bit more, yeah?” He whispers as you feel his warm calloused hand brush over yours, tightening his grip on your hand for reassurance.
Soon, Jungkook has perfectly bandaged your wound, he cleans up and keeps the materials back where he had found them as you can only stare at him, and when he meets your gaze you feel this tingling sensation in your stomach.
“Come on, go and apologise to her and you’ll ask her to apologise back too,” Jungkook leads you to stand from the bed as he guides you back to the field.
Although it takes a bit of your ego and pride, you end up apologising to the girl, and she reluctantly does the same.
Fast forward two weeks later, it’s the competition season and your school has come to watch the track team run. Luckily, this round you and Minchae are competing in separate events, so you won’t have to worry about her for the time being.
However, that’s not what's on your mind at the moment as you hear the whistle blow, your legs taking off as fast as you can as you sprint, eyes trained to focus on the finish line. You hear the cheers of your school as you push yourself to go faster, you breeze past three other contestants next to you who’s eyes widen slightly at your sudden burst of speed.
When you’re the first to cross the finish line, for the third time that day of all events you were in, the crowd goes wild and you spot your friends screaming, jumping up and down at your win.
You shake hands with the third and second placers as you climb onto the podium, eyes locking with Jungkook, smiling proudly as he mouths an “Atta girl” at you, you feel your chest swell with this indescribable feeling. Shit, you cannot fall for your friend right now. No, don’t think about it.
Luckily the presenter hands you the three gold medals as he slots them over your neck, and you stay at the podium for another good five minutes as the photo taking session takes place.
You approach your friends, Yeji and Chaeyoung running up to hug you as you stumble a bit from the impact, laughing as you hug them back.
“Geez! ___ today you were on fire! What was that! You placed first for all your events!” Yeji squealed as she hugged you tighter, “We should go grab dinner, everyone in?” Taehyung suggested as the rest of them approached you, to which everyone agreed.
You all part your ways to go home and get ready for dinner, and Jungkook decides to fetch you back home to your apartment, or perhaps he also used it as an excuse to crash at your place for the time being.
You and Jungkook almost did everything together, after Jimin had introduced you to his other friends, you and the boy clicked immediately, from watching movies, to playing games, to doing the most random activities together, somehow doing even the most mundane things with Jungkook made it seem like the most fun thing in the world. But even if you’ve been having a teeny tiny crush on the boy, there was no way he would reciprocate your feelings, or so you thought, so you never once brought it up, afraid to ruin the friendship between the two of you.
“It’s nice to be back here,” Jungkook sighs as he plops himself on your couch, you roll your eyes at his statement, “It’s been three days since you last came here, don’t be so dramatic,” You take off your shoes as you announce to him that you were going to take a shower, and Jungkook only hums at your announcement as he lays back on your couch, browsing through your Netflix account.
After you’re done with your shower, you change into a hoodie and shorts first, or maybe Jungkook’s hoodie, but that didn’t matter, the boy stayed over so often he had his clothes, toothbrush, towels and other random belongings in your apartment.
You settle yourself down in front of your vanity, ready to do some skincare since you still had two hours before you have to leave the house, when you hear a knock on your bedroom door.
It was obviously Jungkook, you could tell not only because he was the only other person in your apartment, but he always knocked with this rhythm.
“Come in,” you said as you watched through your mirror, Jungkook coming inside and closing the door behind him.
“What-cha doing?” he questioned as he plops himself on your bed, looking at you through the vanity mirror.
“Skincare, gonna do a face mask,” you mumble as you dig through your drawer, finding the packet before pausing, “Can you let me do skin care on you too?”
You smile playfully at the boy who is now frowning at you, “Please, I promise it’ll be nice!” you wave the packet in front of his face before he sighs in defeat, “Okay fine,”
Soon you're giggling as both you and Jungkook have matching sheet masks donning your faces, you whip out your phone to take a selfie before posting it on your Instagram, tagging him in the story.
Jungkook drives the both of you to the dinner place after getting ready, and you are soon reunited with your friends as everyone settles down, finding a seat around the table.
Jungkook sits on the right side of you as you squeal with Yeji over her new boyfriend, telling you all the details of the past dates she went on with him. The food arrives but you and Yeji are far too caught up in her love stories that the both of you totally ignore the fact that the food has arrived.
Obviously Jungkook then fills your plate up with food before pushing it in front of you, you give him a sweet smile at his thoughtful actions but you only hold your fork, not picking up any food because you get distracted by more of Yeji’s love tales.
After a few minutes, everyone’s eating and is talking amongst themselves, everyone participating and switching to different conversations here and then.
Suddenly the fork in your grip is being taken away as you whip your head towards Jungkook, frowning, “Why did you take-”
“Open,” He brings the fork, now loaded with food, to your mouth, you frown further but comply, now chewing as you grumble, “I can feed myself thank you very much,”
“___ the food has been sitting on your plate for like ten minutes, and don’t talk with your mouth full,” Jungkook reaches for your chin and shuts your mouth.
Yeji, who has now taken full observation of the situation unfolding before her very eyes, raises an eyebrow at you before you wave her off and ask her to continue your conversations.
It’s now 10pm and you and Jungkook are walking to the car park where he had parked his car.
You gasp when you see a lighted photo booth at the side of pavement, tugging on Jungkook’s sleeve to get his attention.
“Oh my gosh, Gguk you have to do this with me!” You squeal as you bring him towards the booth, “It’s gonna be so cuteee”
Jungkook smiles at your excited figure as he lets himself get dragged into the cramped photobooth, half sitting on the bench inside to let you have most of the seat.
The timer starts and there's three poses you both need to do to get the shot.
The first pose you both decide on a simple peace sign, you cheekily put your bunny ears behind Jungkook’s head right before the shot.
The second pose you squish your heads together, it’s a cute pose, maybe a little couple-y but you couldn’t care less.
The third pose, you’re out of ideas, but the timer is ticking, damn it, three seconds left, you turn to Jungkook to see if he has any idea, he very well does.
Just as the timer goes off, Jungkook’s lips are pressed against yours.
He just kissed you.
Jeon Jungkook just kissed you in a photobooth and you caught it on camera.
Your eyes widen in shock as he pulls back, face now full on smirking at your flustered state.
Before you can say anything Jungkook pulls the curtain of the booth and heads out to retrieve the now printed photos, tearing along the perforated to give you one copy.
Your cheeks turn into a darker shade of red when your eyes trail to the last photo on the photostrip.
You slap Jungkook’s arm, still extremely flustered as he laughs at your state, mumbles a “cute” under his breath but you don’t catch it.
“You-you can’t just-” you stutter as you find yourself shying away from his smirking gaze, Jungkook takes a step closer to you as you step backwards, now finding yourself trapped between the wall of the photobooth and the boy’s muscular figure.
He leans down right in front of you, face inches away from yours as he whispers, “I can’t what? Did you not like it?” He taunts as he stares at your expression, smiling when your mouth opens but nothing comes out.
Then something comes over you, something possesses you to do what you do next.
You wrap your hands around Jungkook’s neck and kiss him back.
All you can say is that what came out of that night was now you had kissed Jungkook, he had stayed over at your house, and he had earned the title of “boyfriend”. All in one night. Lucky man, you thought.
The next day at college, all of your friends gathered around Jungkook’s phone, spotting his phone case now displaying the photo strip the both of you had taken last night, everyone gasping and squealing while you smile as Yeji and Chaeyoung bombard you with endless questions.
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nickssidewitch · 10 months ago
Is It Destiny?
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Destiny, an upcoming YouTuber, meets Matt Sturniolo in a café in New York City. They part ways after their brief encounter there, but keep up with each other online. What will happen when they meet up in person again for the first time in months?
Warnings: Fluff, Meet-Cute, Smut (SoftDom!Matt x Sub!OC), First Orgasm, dry-humping/grinding, Oral (Male-Receiving) w/ deepthroating
(And yes, the Layla in this fic is the same Layla of my previous fic, “Chris’s Dilemma” as this is technically a chapter 2 of a series I plan on writing!! 🥰)
New York’s colder than what Destiny remembered of it. The gray, fuzzy sky blew a sharp, chilly breeze that pricked the skin of her face every time it brushed against her.
She was there from Florida– a big difference in climate to New York– for a Creator Summit that YouTube was hosting, one that she had attended for a few years now. It proved to be a great networking event for her and many other creators. She’d already met so many good friends and coworkers there, so she decided she should give this year a go.
Among those she had met was her best friend Layla, who has been a close companion of hers since the very first time she went to the Creator Summit.
Layla at the time was a creator on the rise, gaining popularity with her makeup tutorials, travel vlogs, and fashion hauls, while Destiny was simply a consumer of Layla and other creators’ content, deliberating on whether or not she should join the industry as well. While walking through the streets of Miami, where her first Creator’s Summit was held, she stumbled upon Layla vlogging her own experience for her channel. And after the two shared their greetings, they’d become inseparable since.
The second Summit that Destiny attended was where she met two other friends, Dawn and Malia. Dawn was a full-time musician and part-time YouTuber, and she was set to perform for both days of the Summit, which was why Destiny was there a week earlier. Malia, a sports journalist who was the wife of one of the biggest soccer players in the world, occasionally made her own Youtube videos as well. They all would hang out together from then on, forming their own little group that not only they loved, but the fans loved as well.
As she walked down the bustling pavements of the loud and proud city, she came across a little coffee shop. It was genuinely little: not more than 20 chairs, two at each table, and some content patrons enjoying their drinks as they sat at each one. Some were on their computers, a couple of what looked like college or highschool students were probably having small conversations about the latest school gossip, and a cute elderly couple sat with what Des believed to be their granddaughter. It was such a small and intimate community in this café, and Des was happy to join them, even if only for about 15 minutes, to escape the chilly autumn winds and the rush hour of the city.
She walked up to the line and waited her turn, looking up at the menu options to figure out what drink best suited her mood for now. The problem, however, was that Destiny was quite an indecisive person. Whenever she was presented with options of anything, she never had any idea to come up with a final answer, and would usually depend on someone else’s response. A curse, indeed.
Almost as if they could sense this exhausting personality trait of Des’s, a voice spoke up beside her. “I personally like the cinnamon cappuccino,” it suggested.
Destiny looked over at where the voice was coming from; it was a young man, seemingly around the same age as her, with short brunette hair, striking blue eyes that laid under hooded eyelids. His thin lips were a cute shade of baby pink that arched in a warm smile at her. She looked down at his hands— his attractive, veiny hands adorned with the prettiest rings and tattoos— and noticed him holding a small cup of what she would assume was the cappuccino he suggested to her.
“Oh, th- thank you,” was all that Des could manage to reply with. Her brain was still processing what was happening. That man is too pretty to be interacting with me, she thought to herself. She truly didn’t believe it.
“No problem!” He said with the same warm and pretty smile on his lips. His voice was subtle in his suggestion– not overenthusiastic or pushy– yet it was so charming and approachable. He took a sip of his beverage and licked his lips before speaking again. “It seemed like it was your first time here, so I just wanted to help you out somehow.”
“Oh, well, thank you for that,” Des chuckled and continued, “It is my first time here actually. I lived in New York for a little bit, but relocated to Florida with my family. Last time I was here was around 10 years ago, and this café wasn’t here at the time.” She walked up one spot in the line as it was nearing her time to place her order, but the man walked up with her, almost as if he came to the café with her. Usually Des would have an issue with this— some random man walking up to her out of nowhere and starting a random conversation— but something about this man made her feel comfortable. He intrigued her, not just appearance-wise, but something about his aura. So, she didn’t mind his actions at all.
“Oh, Florida? The weather must be a huge shock for you, then,” The man laughed to himself. “Why come to New York in the winter? The aesthetics? Or you wanted to do some free cryotherapy?”
Des laughed and made another step closer to the café employee. “Nah, I’m here for…” She paused as she thought about how to word this– she didn't want to seem like another one of those pompous influencer girls. As the lightbulb lit up in her head, she smiled and continued with her answer, “For a work event.”
“A work event, huh?” The man inquired. Des noticed a smile creep up on his lips and she swore she could hear a small chuckle escape. Did he catch onto her vagueness? “I don’t wanna seem like a creep, but does it have to do with YouTube stuff?”
Shit. He got me.
Des responded, “Um, yeah. It’s YouTube stuff. A little summit for creators”.
“Oh, I’m aware of the event,” he reassured her with a slyness to his voice, almost like he was familiar with the event (he was, obviously). “I’m Matt,” the boy introduced himself, extending his hand for Des to shake it. The warm and welcoming smile never left his lips. “I noticed I didn’t really introduce myself. My bad.”
Des shook Matt’s hand, but the moment their hands touched, it felt like her knees started to wobble. His hand… wow. The skin was so soft and warm. She could finally feel the veins that she noticed when she first looked at them. The rings adorned on his fingers were cold to the touch, causing her to wince internally. Her mind started to wander into places it probably shouldn’t wander the first time you meet someone— things of a rather erotic nature— but she quickly caught herself and managed to utter, “My name’s Destiny, but people call me Des for short.”
He repeated her name to himself, “Destiny?”, and a smile appeared on his lips. “I love that name. It suits you. Really pretty.”
Des’s cheeks grew warm and a tinted darker brown as her brain processed Matt calling both her and her name pretty. Did he know he was a pretty boy? She should tell him? Should she? Would that be weird? Who cares? Maybe he would be flattered. Or maybe he wouldn’t? Maybe he-
“So, you mentioned you were here for the Creator Summit?” He asked, interrupting her thoughts. Des nodded, and Matt chuckled to himself before continuing. “I’ve been there with my brothers, since we’re creators. It’s a good event. Lots of nice people there. You can meet creators old and new. It’s a great way to network.”
“Yeah, it’s not my first time going there actually,” a smile began to beam on her face as she thought of her first two times there, and memories of her, Layla, Dawn, and Malia meeting popped up in her mind. “I met some of my closest friends there a couple of years ago.”
“Aw, that’s really sweet,” Matt took a sip of his own hot cocoa before continuing, “Maybe you’ll make more friends this year.”
There was a beat of silence between the two of them as they both took their respective times deliberating on what to say next. And then Matt offered something that Des would have never believed.
“Maybe we can be friends?” He asked, before his brain caught up with what he was saying, causing him to clear his throat and follow with a nervous chuckle. He clarified, “Not just ‘creator friends’, but maybe something more?”
Des’s heart didn’t skip beats this time; she could have sworn it fully stopped beating for 5 seconds. She noticed a blush appear on Matt’s face before she averted her eyes from him.
Matt noticed her look away for a bit, and he made his eyes travel to find hers again, wanting to decipher if she was weirded out by the question or if she was just thinking about it. He did word it kind of weirdly, but maybe she didn’t take it that way.
Her next words confirmed the latter. “Sure. We can be friends,” she finally answered with a smile on her face, and Matt was relieved.
The more Matt studied her face, the more he noticed how cute of a nervous wreck she was. The way her cheeks seemed to grow more of a rosy undertone, the slight tremble of her hand as she held her coffee cup, the way she would never give him direct eye contact unless he manually brought his eyes to hers. He could understand it though; meeting new people is always difficult.
“Cool!” He said, and with that, it was time for Des to order her drink. “One medium cup of your cinnamon cappuccino, please,” Matt could hear her order, and he was warmed by her actually taking up his suggestion.
Des finally finished with her order and stood by the side of the counter as she waited for her drink. “So, ‘friends’,” She uttered to herself and looked towards Matt, who heard what she said and nodded in agreement.
“Yep, friends,” he returned. “And since we’re friends, maybe we can keep in touch?” Matt caught his words and realized how weird he must have sounded. So, he followed it up by saying, “I mean, you don’t have to give me your number or anything. E-mail is fine. Or something else; I don’t know,” all followed by a nervous laugh and trembling hands.
Des chuckled for a bit before she silenced herself, not wanting to seem like she was laughing at him or his obvious nervousness (she knew she probably came across as obviously nervous in his eyes). “Well, I never heard of friends exchanging emails; that’s more of an associate or coworker thing.” She heard Matt start to laugh, which gave her an okay to release the chuckles she kept to herself aloud alongside him. It was cute to see him flustered, but she appreciated him not wanting to seem too forward.
“Oh yeah, true. I just didn’t want to seem like I was pressuring you to give me your number or contacts or anything. I know how that could feel,” Matt reassured her, but he could tell by her body language that she seemed comfortable at the moment. Her smile was soft and warm, not forcing any teeth to fake her happiness. She wasn’t a loud talker, similar to him, and their auras just seemed to mesh so well together.
“I’ll give you my number and my Instagram,” she said as she pulled her phone out from her backpack.
Des took a sip of her cappuccino. The smooth and decadent flavor of the drink mixed with the presence of Matt as this moment soothed her in the midst of the New York pandemonium.
“So, where’re you going after this?” Matt asked her curiously.
Destiny took another sip of her drink. “I’m going back to my hotel,” she answered. “I heard it’s gonna rain later, and I know New York gets dark and kinda hectic when it rains.”
Matt laughed, “Yeah, it’s kinda like Massachusetts, where I’m from.” He drank his coffee and continued, “Everyone’s just in a rush to escape the weather.” Another minute of silence passed before he spoke up again. “Do you want me to walk you back to your hotel? I’m not busy right now, and I know the streets can kinda get confusing with the crowds and everything.”
Des blushed and stammered as her brain processed his question. “Um, well, I mean I don’t know- I don’t want to put you in the middle of all of that, too.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m kind of used to it by now, trust me,” he insisted, and he was indeed used to it, his mind flashing images of the crowds of fans that would follow him and his brothers in big cities like this. “I can help you carry your bag.” He directed his eyes to her backpack sitting on the chair next to hers.
Des blushed. “Oh, well, thanks so much, Matt,” she said with a genuine smile. She didn’t expect him to be so… chivalrous. It was attractive, but just not she was used to when it came to men.
The two got up from their seats, Matt lifting up the bag and her carrying her coffee, and left the small shop. He held the door open for her, as he knew a gentleman should.
Matt adjusted the strap of Destiny’s backpack as the weight tensed on his shoulder. He really didn’t mind carrying it for her though; she was worth the hassle. Des walked in front of him, leading the way as he happily followed. As he continued to walk behind her, he could smell sweet fragrances passing him by; the scents of the oils in her hair mixed with her perfume blended well together.
They both finally stopped and looked up at the marquee of the building which read “The Maximilian”. “Well, this is my hotel,” Des said.
Matt smiled and handed her the backpack. Their hands brushed against each other’s, causing Matt’s heart to skip a beat and Des’s breath to hitch. They weren’t expecting that brief touch, but it seemed as if it was fate’s doing, as if the divine had used invisible magnets in the pair’s hands that attracted them to each other.
Des let out a small chuckle as she regained her composure. “It was nice meeting you, Matt!” She said with a smile, and the man could have sworn his knees were nearly jelly as he heard her goodbye.
Matt smiled back. “You, too. I’ll text you, trust me,” he added the last part with the utmost sincerity. He hoped that she trusted him with that.
“I know you will,” Des said as her mouth just went with the flow of the moment, flirting with the man without even consulting with her brain first. Matt chuckled and began to wave goodbye as she walked into the hotel.
Des rushed to her room and quickly shut the door as she jumped onto her bed. She was like a giddy, giggly nerdy kid who just got the cool, popular boy’s attention at school, flailing her legs around excitedly and screaming into her pillow. Was she excited about talking to a cute boy? Yes. Was she also fighting for her life and having a lowkey panic attack because she spoke to a cute boy? Also yes. Was the screaming and kicking her feet up a mixture of the two emotions? Absolutely. And what happened a few minutes later set her off even more.
Ding! An unsaved number texted her, and the text read, “Hey, it’s me, Matt! It was nice to talk to you today! Enjoy that coffee. Hopefully we can talk again soon!” followed by a smiley face.
“Fuck me,” Des uttered to herself in disbelief of what she had gotten herself into.
Throughout the next 5 months, Matt and Des had been talking to each other on and off, sometimes about their growing Youtube careers, other times about casual things like their hobbies and their families. They would mainly text each other, but as they got more comfortable with each other, texts turned to Discord calls while playing Fortnite or silly little Roblox horror games, and silly littles games became late-night Facetime calls while doing their nighttime routines or while snuggled up in their beds. There were some nights where one would catch the other fallen asleep during the call. You know, the stuff friends do.
Matt would usually talk to her at night, but throughout the day he would find himself sending her little memes or even photos of things that reminded him of her. His brothers didn’t really know all the details. In fact, they virtually didn’t know anything other than the fact that they’d notice Matt sneaking texts underneath the table whenever they would eat together, that he’d get distracted on his phone when they filmed car videos, or that Matt was a bit more enthusiastic about waking up in the morning, sometimes even waking up earlier than the two of them, which was uncommon for him. It was weird, but at least they could acknowledge he seemed more up in spirits.
Destiny’s friends would ask her about the guy she was talking to, but she wouldn’t make it a big deal. “We’re not even dating,” she would say as an excuse, which was reasonable, of course. She didn’t feel it was appropriate to introduce them to someone she wasn’t even sure she would be romantically involved with. She didn’t want to get her hopes up to the point where a rejection would physically and mentally destroy her. She would, however, give them little details about him such as how he was a YouTuber, or that he had siblings, or how they met at the Creator’s Summit in New York. They would have little investigations (especially Layla) about who the mystery man could be. But up to this point, they still haven’t figured him out, which was great for Des.
Des and Matt’s friendship was working very well, even with the physical distances between them; Destiny living in Florida and Matt constantly traveling between California and Massachusetts. But that’s the thing: their relationship was long distance, and long-distance relationships can only go so far before the proximity becomes a problem. Des decided to bring it up one night during one of their FaceTime calls, stuttering her way through her part of the conversation as she tried to find the best wording for her suggestion to reunite with him in person. She was going to LA anyway to stay with her friends for a half-vlog-half-vacation trip, so she thought it would be nice to meet up with him, even just for a day or two.
Matt laid in bed as he received the information, seemingly calm if one looked at him from a distance, but his heart was actually pounding out of his chest. A heap of questions began to rush through his brain. She wanted to meet up with me? Oh my god, what does that mean? As friends or like… Oh gosh.
He simply nodded his head and gave her a promising smile. “Of course. I think it’s about time we hung out in real life again. We said we’d be more than just content or online friends, right?” His cheeks heated up as he heard Des’s cute little giggle from across the screen.
“Yeah, you’re right,” she replied. “So, I’ll text you all the details of my flight and my schedule and everything.”
“Okay, sure,” he said. As his anxiety grew, there were more thoughts. Fuck, is she coming to my house? Do I have to go to where she’s staying?
“It’s 2 AM already? Damn, I’m gonna go to sleep. I’m supposed to go to the nail salon with Dawn tomorrow.”
“Aw, okay. It was nice talking to you. Goodnight! Love y-” Matt quickly bit his lip as he heard the last two words about to slip from his mouth. Hopefully, she didn’t hear me.
“What’d you say?” Des asked. Thank God she had a genuine look of confusion on her face, and Matt mentally wiped the sweat from his forehead.
“I was saying ‘Goodnight and sweet dreams’”, he answered as he played off his Freudian slip. “The phone must’ve glitched.”
Des smiled. “Oh okay! Goodnight to you, too, Matt.” And the call ended.
And even more thoughts rolled in. Oh my God, what if I embarrass myself around her like I almost did? Does she even really wanna see me, or is she just saying that to be nice? What clothes do I wea-
“Matt!” A voice said, and a knock coming from his door snapped Matt back to reality. He realized it was Nick.
“Yeah?” he called back out.
“Is my charger in your room?” Nick opened Matt’s door a bit to speak to him more directly. “I texted you about it, but you didn’t answer, so I had to make this long ass, unnecessary trip all the way from my room to yours to ask you.”
Matt brushed off the shade and jolted to look around his bedroom and grabbed Nick’s charger as he noticed it on his nightstand. “Yeah, I got it. Hold on,” he said as he got up and walked over to his bedroom door, handing Nick the charger through the crack he had open.
“Thanks,” Nick expressed, before he saw the look on Matt’s face. “Are you good? You look pale… paler than usual,” he continued. He was joking with him, but there was a genuine concern there.
Matt raised his eyebrow at his brother. He knew why Nick would say that, but he had to deflect somehow. “I’m good! Don’t worry about it.” He feigned a smile.
“Well, that makes me worry.” Nick refuted.
“Well, I said don’t worry about it,” Matt snapped back, before sighing as he realized he was getting tense. “Trust me, I’m fine, Nick.”
“Okay…” Nick said with a hint of hesitation. “Well, goodnight. And keep your notifications on, please? I hate walking back and forth.”
Matt nodded and watched Nick walk off before shutting his door. A wave of relief caused him to sigh before walking towards his closet and taking a look inside. He analyzed each shirt and pants on the hangers and racks, leaving him with just one thought.
I guess I gotta prepare from now…
The door to Des’s place swung open and she looked around, taking in the view of the interior of the house she was staying in for the week. She was finally in LA for her little vacation trip with her friends, and thank God she was able to rent her own place for the time being.
As she finished getting herself settled in (and by finished I mean putting her luggage to the side until she remembers to unpack later), she decided to let everyone know of her arrival, including Matt. She laid onto her bed and texted him “I’m in LA right now! Just arrived this morning” with a little heart face emoji as the cherry on top. She placed her phone on her nightstand and connected it to her charger as she went into the bathroom for a quick shower to wash herself off.
Matt looked at his phone as it sat on the stand attached to the Desboard of his car, the ding interrupting his focus as he continued to drive home. He had just finished having a meeting about a book he was working on, one that discussed anxiety and mental health from both a personal and professional perspective. He had been working on this book as a secret kept from his fans for about ten months now, constantly holding meetings with co-writers and editors, as well as doing interviews with therapists of all kinds.
Matt tapped onto his phone and it revealed a message from Destiny which read “I’m in LA right now! Just arrived this morning” with a smiley heart face emoji. His heart jumped as he started to think about what his life will be like this week with her finally being in close proximity to him. They made a promise that they would hang out for some time while she was here for the rest of the month, he just had to figure out when and where exactly.
Luckily, he had some days where he wouldn’t be having book meetings. But, he had to figure out how to designate time away from Nick and Chris. He really didn’t want to, but he felt that he had to. He and Des weren’t technically dating, technically not even real-life friends outside of the half-hour they spent in that coffee shop in New York. Bringing her up out of nowhere to his brothers would make them confused, but hiding her from them also felt like a crime. He couldn’t risk it though.
As Matt arrived home, he quickly texted Des his itinerary for the week and called her, a smile never leaving his face as he began to suggest things that the two of them could do together. He told her about a cute crêperia where they had “the best crêpes he has ever had”, and about a little botanical garden that he recently went to with his brothers and his friend Madi. In the back of his mind, he could get her a special flower there? He chuckled as he thought of the millions of ways to express his gratitude for her coming all the way to LA wanting to spend time with him in the midst of her busy schedule. But… were they dates? Honestly…
He wasn’t even sure yet. Here came the self-doubt.
Today was their first day meeting in-person since their time at the café in New York.
Matt waited outside of a brunch place he had suggested for the two of them to eat. He kept his eyes peeled for Destiny; he didn’t want to miss a second with her.
After a few minutes of aimlessly scrolling through his phone to pass the time, he finally heard a familiar cute voice from his right side. “Hey!!” Matt turned and looked at Des holding her hand out for a shake. Almost as if his body reacted involuntarily, his arms wrapped around her body for a hug.
Des was startled at first, but his touch and the warmth of his body instantly calmed her. The two shared a tight embrace before Matt pulled away to look at her, all of her. “How’ve you been?”
She noticed his eyes on her, almost like he was examining her, which would make sense since their first time seeing their whole bodies in person after a while. “I’ve been well!” she answered with a smile, the same smile that almost made Matt want to fall to his knees back at the coffee shop where they first met.
“Yeah?” Matt asked rhetorically. But, the way he said it… something about it made Des’s heart jump. And not only her heart had that reaction; Des shifted her position a bit as she felt the bundle of nerves between her legs pulse. Her brain did its best to shove those nasty thoughts in a vault and lock it as she nodded her head and asked back, “How’ve you been?”
Matt answered, “I’m good. But, even better now that you’re here.” He smiled, causing Des to let out a small titter, not knowing how to really respond to that. The Generation Z jumped out and came to her rescue, following the small nervous chuckle with a “same”.
Matt chuckled back and said, “Well, we should head inside. I hope you’re hungry, ‘cause you’re gonna want to eat everything off this place’s menu.” Matt’s face lit up as he saw Des laugh at his joke. This girl really knew how to make his heart flutter without even trying. And with that, he placed his hand on her upper back, swung the door open, and escorted her into the building. He swore he could feel her breath hitch as he touched her.
Their little date went well. They spoke to each other with the same energy as they would usually do over the phone. It was face-to-face now though, which added an extra layer of intimacy amongst them. They started to notice things about each other, especially in their body language, that they had never noticed before, since those months on FaceTime they pretty much always saw each other from the chest up with the usual “fit checks” being the only full-body exceptions.
Every moment Des would glance up at him, he would already have his eyes on her, then would quickly look away as he realized she caught him. She noticed that he never looked at his phone other than to check a phone call from his brother Chris, giving her the green flag that he actually paid full attention to her. She saw how he would bite his lip every time she shifted herself in her seat, and how he would stroke his hand through his hair whenever she complimented him, a sort of nervous tick. It was cute.
Matt was just as observant. He would watch the way she ate her food from the moment she picked it up with a fork, to the way she would chew, to the way she would swallow and wipe her mouth in case anything was on her lips. He noticed her fidget in her seat, especially when she was being complimented or praised. She would even shift sometimes when he would crack a little teasing joke at her. It was cute.
How the fuck would they both get through the rest of the week if they kept studying each other like this?
To answer the question, it went pretty well despite Des and Matt being in their heads about it. They checked off every box they had planned in their joint itinerary, with Matt showing her in some of his favorite places in LA, and Des happily following along, happy to learn more about the area, Matt himself, and their personal dynamics together.
The final stop for this week was Matt’s office where he’d met up with book editors and publishers before. He had a meeting earlier that day and everyone had left, so he knew he could take her here. It would be perfect: no distractions, no people walking in to disturb the flow, he could show her around and give her the inside scoop about his project, and he didn’t have to worry about being around her with fans or anyone watching their every move. And the added bonus of him still wearing his semi-professional office clothes. Just perfect.
He walked her around the office, showing her concept boards and first drafts, and told her about his book. As he spoke, he noticed the way her face would light up. Did she like the book that much? Or did she like the fact that he liked making it?
They finally finished the tour, and now they’re sitting on the gray couch in the room together, wondering what to do next.
“It’s been nice to spend this week hanging out with you,” Matt said, the satisfaction in his tone aligning with the words he spoke. “I just really love your energy.”
Des’s heart skipped a beat as she registered his words. Love my energy? she asked herself. “We only met in person for at most 30 minutes in that café,” she said with a laugh, and then continued, “And now we’ve only spent a week sneaking around together. What’s there to love?”
Matt’s body shifted, spreading his legs in a more relaxed stance as he felt himself get a bit tense. She was right, he could admit to himself. It’s only been a week of talking to someone face to face for the second time ever and he’s making such a bold claim. But, he meant what he said, and explained, “I mean, you’re just such a sweetheart for one. You actually sit and listen when I speak, compared to other influencers I’ve met. With a lot of them, you can just see them thinking about how to turn a conversation we’re having into content for their next TikTok or YouTube video.” He paused as he noticed her doe-like eyes looking right at him, taking in every word, before continuing, “You can see it in their eyes: just ideas and thoughts flooding their brains, blurring their vision. But with you, when I look at your eyes, they’re so big and bright and clear. It’s like you’re listening not only with your ears, but with your eyes, too. They’re so… so beautiful.”
Des’s heart stopped. Literally stopped. Beautiful?...
She quickly mentally slapped herself to get back to reality after that word stopped her in her tracks. “Oh, um, thank you, Matt.” She smiled anxiously, and she noticed Matt glance down at her lips.
Matt’s legs spread a bit more as he could feel something coming on (more like something turning on…). He watched as Des bit her lip and shifted herself on her side of the couch. She was having the same reaction as him.
“Des, I’m serious,” he added onto his previous statements. “You’re beautiful. Not just looks-wise. Your personality… I just-” he bit his lip, his brain stopping him from continuing.
It was like his brain and his heart were fighting for dominance. Would it be logical for him to express his deeper feelings to her now? Or does he say “fuck logic– I’m just gonna tell her I love her”?
But there was a third opponent in this internal battle– and it wasn’t even internal. Matt kept his legs spread, trying his best to make his dick comfortable. He wasn’t getting a boner on purpose (he swears!), but Destiny was just too gorgeous. Her aura and her presence around him just made him get flustered, and ultimately, sexually frustrated.
He was just a man. Insert shrug here.
Matt patted the spot on the couch next to him and gestured over at Des for her to come beside him, and Des obliged, scooting up next to him until their thighs met.
At this point, they were looking into each other’s eyes, as if some force made them physically bound to stare at each other. Matt continued his confession telling Des, “I just wanna let you know, I really like you. I know we said we would be more than creator friends– which we are!” He paused to think about his next words. He absolutely did not want to fuck up this moment because of his anxious, misspeaking tongue. He sighed to relieve himself a bit and spoke again, “I know we’re friends and we’ve only been friends for some months now, and we’ve only hung out in person for a week and a day in total, but I feel something with you. It’s not just platonic.” He stopped himself from saying anything more for the moment because he really wanted to study her reaction. He knew that actions spoke louder than words, and that was very true in his and Des’s circumstances since they were both not the most outspoken people. The best way for him to really gauge Des’s thoughts was just by watching her.
He could see Des’s eyes wide and trance-like. They were staring into his own, but not actually looking at him at the moment. She was listening to him— the same way he told her that she truly listened to him with her eyes. And she was processing everything. Well, he did just admit his wholehearted more than platonic feelings for her, so it would make sense. He continued his admission, adding “I think I’m in love with you. I’m falling for you pretty hard. And it’s confusing since it’s so sudden, but I really wanna… try things out with you.”
Des bit her lip and shifted in her seat. Another nervous snicker, followed by an “Um..” made the somewhat hopeful look on Matt’s face start to dissolve. Did she not like what he said? Was she weirded out by him? Fuck… what if the feelings weren’t mutual? Or worse- what if she didn’t want to be his friend anymore?
“Matt?” Des’s voice interrupted the man’s thoughts. His eyebrows rose as his eyes jumped between her lips and her eyes, in some way to decipher what she was going to say next.
Des herself was also trying to decipher what she would say next. She wanted to immediately jump in Matt’s lap and kiss him. She wanted to just say “yes, yes, yes!” with pure excitement. She wanted to even satisfy him with her body, sealing the deal of any sort of romantic and sexual relationship. She wished she was just that type of spontaneous girl who could just love and accept him– all of him– with open arms.
But, she wasn’t. And she was well aware of it. All of her thoughts and feelings began to flood her brain, her mouth didn’t even know what words to form next. So, her eyes decided to take the reins.
Tears formed at the corner of her eyes, which juxtaposed the smile on her face. Were they tears of joy? She wished they were simply that: tears of joy. But, they weren’t. They were a mix of different feelings: a culmination of anxiety, fear, embarrassment, and joy that overwhelmed her. And her body just decided to release them all in the form of crying.
Matt saw her begin to sob, watched as her chest heaved in excess, how the tears just ran down her face without any force or strain, how little whimpers escaped her throat, and it absolutely devastated him. Des wasn’t just crying, she was having a nervous breakdown, a panic attack, a reaction his body was familiar with. He instantly coiled his arms around her, rubbing on her back to bring her back to some sort of tranquility. He let go of her after a few seconds, not wanting to make her feel claustrophobic, and placed his forehead against hers. It was like his body didn’t want to fully let go of her– it wanted to stay close and help her feel better. So, he began to start breathing, 4 seconds of an inhale, 4 seconds to hold his breath, 4 seconds of an exhale, and 4 seconds to hold once again, repeating the process intentionally to let Des follow at some point.
Des picked up on his breathing technique as her arms around him felt his respiration through his back. She began to follow his process, and after some time, it calmed her down. Matt and Destiny’s eyes met again as she looked up at him, and that’s when she wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. It was her way of showing gratitude without a “thank you”, for words were not needed in that moment. All they needed was serenity. All they needed was each other; they were each other’s serenity.
As the moment continued and their comfort levels increased, Matt noticed Des getting closer to him, like she was trying to get on top of him. He helped her with this motion, getting her on top of his lap, and held her. His body cradled hers, not wanting to let go. If he could hold her like this forever, he would. Her aura, what he imagined was a light, fairy pink, blended with his sky blue to create the most beautiful shade of lavender. It looked like the way the sky would have a purple hue whenever the sun went down. A sunset— that’s what they were. She was the sun; shining more brightly than any other star in the universe. His world seemed to revolve around her. He was the Moon— one would only notice him if they looked up at the sky, and even then they probably wouldn’t see him at his full potential. Those mere, almost fleeting moments where the Sun and Moon would meet in the sky— their first meeting at the café in New York, the phone calls and texts they shared, and this whole full week of them being together in-person— created these beautiful colors of red, orange, and purple. And that’s what this blooming relationship between Matt and Des was: the purple hue of the sunset, where the Sun and Moon would enjoy each other’s company before they bid adieu to one another. The Sun’s light would still bask on him in the night, and on some days one could point out the glow that the Sun left on him even on their busiest days.
Des clung to Matt like a koala, with her legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms around his neck. The two enjoyed each other’s warmth for a few more moments, truly engraving this moment in their bodies and minds. Des took it upon herself to make the next big move, to hammer a nail in their relationship.
Her lips pressed against his suddenly. Whether it was out of passion, comfort, or anything else, she didn’t quite know. But something about Matt helping her out of that state of vulnerability allowed her to break open her seal and release the spontaneity that she didn’t even know she had within herself.
Matt didn’t hesitate to reciprocate, following the movements of her lips with his own. She tasted the way he expected her to taste– like the mocha-flavored lip gloss she applied onto her lips after every meal they shared. It was divine and matched with her sweet, decadent composure. He knew at that moment that he wanted more of her, right here, right now.
Matt released his mouth from hers before any further actions– before a tongue slipped in, before a nip at a lip, before a whimper or moan could be emitted. He needed some sort of rite of passage, so he gazed into her eyes to ask his next question. Or rather, suggest something to her. “Des, I wanna do more with you… I wanna make you feel good.”
Destiny smiled softly at his disclosure, and nodded her head slowly. “O-Okay,” she stuttered. She knew what he meant, of course. He wanted to shift this to a more passionate atmosphere. She wanted it too, she couldn’t lie, and her desire rose as Matt leaned in to kiss her forehead.
The man’s arms massaged her shoulders a bit before starting to slowly inch down the sides of her body. His hands stopped above her hips, and he looked into her eyes again for a subtle consent to touch her there. Des nodded and smiled before looking down to figure out what he would do next.
His hands finally placed themselves on her pelvis and began to massage her. He wanted her to feel comfortable with this new boundary being crossed, and by the way she started to lean into his body and place her head in the crook of his neck, he could tell that she was.
That’s when he began to guide her hips to rock back and forth on top of him. The instant relief flowed through his body, causing Matt to sigh. He could hear a small whimper come from Destiny’s mouth as she, too, began to feel him against her.
He continued to guide her, keeping the pace slow, yet pressed her into his lap more to increase the friction. Matt swore he could feel Des’s mound through her pants, which motivated him to please her. Grunts and moans were all Matt could let out at the moment; the dirty talk would have to come later once he was out of his trance.
Des’s head was fully in between Matt’s neck and shoulder. She kept her arms around his neck to stabilize her upper body, while her lower half was being fully controlled by him. She began to spill moans from her mouth as he pressed her into him more, and the best part was that she didn’t feel the need to conceal them. She loved this feeling, not only because he was pleasing himself and her, but because he felt comfortable enough in the relationship to want to try something like this. They were on the same page, and this was just the cherry on top.
Matt’s grip onto Des’s hips suddenly loosened, and the grinding stopped. He was getting close, but he didn’t want to just use her body like a toy (at least not so early in their sexual relationship). He wanted to really feel her. He wanted her to use him for her own pleasure. “You wanna ride me, pretty girl?”
Gulp. Des removed her head from the crook of his neck and looked at him. She swallowed a lump in her throat before nodding her head, trying to fix herself onto Matt’s lap in a way she thought would help her perform to the best of her abilities. The thing is, her abilities… weren’t quite able. It’s not like she hadn’t ridden something before– if the pillow adjacent to hers on her bed counted as something. But, an actual human man? Not a part of her resumé. She finally sat herself down, but hesitated with commencing her next moves.
“Have you ever done this before?” Matt asked curiously, although by the lack of movement she gave from her end and the awkward position she sat in on his lap, he could already tell the answer.
Confirming his suspicions, Des shook her head and lowered it. Was she ashamed?
Matt placed his fingers on her jaw and brought her head back up to face him, making sure her eyes were aligned with his. His lips curved to form a smile, one that was hopefully reassuring for her. “It’s alright, Des. It’s normal. It’s okay. If you ever wanna stop, just pinch me or bite me or just say no. I’ll be fine,” he paused to kiss her forehead, “We will be fine. Okay, pretty girl?”
A blush appeared on Des’s cheeks, and she nodded, giving him a kiss back onto his cheek. Matt then helped to adjust the girl on his lap, making sure both him and her were comfortable with their positions. He grasped her hips and then her ass, but made sure to keep eye contact with her, studying the microexpressions on her face in case she ever gave a sign of discomfort. Then, Des began to rock her hips back and forth, mimicking Matt’s earlier guidance. The pleasure between her legs came back again as she felt him through his pants, rubbing against her sweet spot.
Matt bit his lip and threw his head back as the pleasure he felt shot up his spine. His Destiny, his gorgeous girl, was on his lap, riding him through his pants.
He groaned as Destiny continued her movements, the urge of throwing his head back again quickly diminishing as he began to plant kisses against her ear and the back of it. He could hear her little sweet whimpers of ecstasy in his own ear, and it drove him to lift his own hips up to collide with her rotating hips. His groin met with hers with such force that the vibrations of impact flowed through the two of their bodies, causing their soft pants and whimpers to grow into louder moans. If dry-humping caused them to have these sorts of reactions, one could only imagine what penetration would make them feel like.
Matt knew that the sounds of friction against their clothing mixed with their moans wasn’t enough to complete the symphony. He needed to add one more piece. So, his lips began to twitch as his brain transferred sweet-nothings to whisper to the girl on his lap. “There you go, baby… That feels good?” He murmured, the softness of his voice contrasting with some undertone of a rasp that sent shockwaves through Des’s ear all the way to her pussy. The pulse at her clit quickened and the wet spot in her panties quickly flooded the entire area. She nodded and threw her head back, making Matt lean over and grab her to keep her from falling backward. This new position created a delicious angle for Matt to begin thrusting his hips with more intention, almost to the point where he looked like he was actually fucking her. “I know, baby, you’re feeling good. Good girl…”, he stated while he stared into her eyes, furrowing his eyebrows as his own stomach started to churn with pleasure.
Des’s moans started to become more sporadic the closer she got to her orgasm. Matt took the opportunity to reach one of his hands down to her mound and begin rubbing at it, his finger doing its best to find where he believed her clit to be. He felt something, similar to the feeling of the tip of a nose, and knew that he hit the jackpot, so he began to rub at that spot the best he could through her pants.
The feeling of the moment finally caught up to Des and she felt herself begin to unravel. Her body began to shake as she orgasmed, almost making her fall out of Matt’s grasp.
Matt pulled her body close, wrapping his arms around her waist with a grip tight enough to contain her trembling, but soft enough to give her some sort of comfort. He softly cooed at her, whispering small shushes and giving her small pecks of his lips by the temple of her head. “It’s okay, honey,” he whispered into her ear. “You’re okay. I’m right here. It’s just me, okay?”
Des brought her head between his neck and his shoulder as her body shook with the intensity of her orgasm. It was embarrassing for her. She knew it shouldn’t have been. Matt probably wouldn’t care if that’s how her body reacted to pleasure. But what if he did?
Almost as if he had heard her worries through telepathy, he uttered, “No, no, no it’s okay to shake. Shaking’s normal.”
“I’ve never done that before,” Des admitted, causing Matt to cock his head. She clarified, “I’ve never cum before… especially not with someone else.”
Matt kissed her temple and began to rub her back. He didn’t have a problem with her admission at all. “You feel good though, right?” She nodded, and he continued. “That’s all that matters,” he stated with a sincere and heartwarming smile.
Her warm chestnut eyes looked into his icy blues, the contrast between them being highlighted by the bright sparks of ecstasy that they now both shared post-orgasm. Des was normally intimidated by eye contact, but with Matt she felt… comfortable. Safe. Trust.
And that trust is what gave her the confidence to make this request.
“Matt… if you’re still up for it,” she paused to swallow the lump of saliva that nearly stopped her from getting her words out then continued, “Can I suck you off?”
Matt was indeed up for it. He didn’t have an orgasm from their grinding session, which he was initially thankful for because he didn’t ruin his pants. But with Des’s request, he was now double-thankful for not cumming. He could now enjoy a blowjob from his favorite person without the fear of him (or his dick) being overstimulated or overwhelmed.
“It’s okay, you can do whatever you want. Whatever feels comfortable. I wouldn’t ever force you to do anything,” He replied. In his own mind he added, I could force my dick down your throat… with consent though-
His thoughts were stopped as he watched Des get on her knees between his legs, looking up at him with those doe-eyes. Those same fucking doe-eyes that got him hard in the first place were now looking up at him, yearning for his dick.
“Fuck,” He mumbled, and he pulled his pants down to help her get started. Her soft, warm hands pulled down his boxers, causing his erection to spring out in its precum-coated, red-tipped glory. It was desperate for some relief, something more than just a couple rubs through fabric— it needed a warm and wet cavern to dump its release inside of.
The way her eyes looked at his dick could have cum right then. But he held his composure, and pet her head as he watched one of her hands wrap around his shaft. Matt chuckled as he noticed her trying to jerk him off. “You have to lube it up; I don’t have any foreskin, sweetheart,” he said with a laugh.
Des laughed as well as she realized her mistake. “Oh, right,” she told him. Noticing the pre-cum began to slide from his tip, she used some to wipe onto him, and Matt winced at the contact. He bit his lip as he watched her stroke his cock, and when her eyes met his, he, again, did his best not to cum all over her face.
Des finally knew it was time to do what she yearned for. So, she bent her head down and released some saliva onto his tip, then used her hand to coat it all around his dick. When she was ready, she wrapped her lips around him, and began to suck.
“Ah, shit..,” Matt groaned. He leaned his head into the back of the couch, truly living in this moment– the moment that his girl Destiny was finally making direct contact with his dick. It was purely heaven.
Des brought her head up and down his length, doing her best to get as much surface area as she could. When she got comfortable and noticed Matt’s face of bliss, she brought herself as far down his dick as she could and began to suck from there.
Matt’s hand grabbed the back of her head, however he didn’t tug on her hair; he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable or in any sort of pain. He wanted his girl to truly enjoy herself— He knew he was. “Your lips… oh, shit,” was all that he could even conjure out of his own lips.
Des chuckled, causing vibrations to move through his cock all the way up his spine, making his brain receive all the pleasure from those feelings. The girl continued to do her best to suck him deeply, not quite deepthroating, but still getting deep enough to feel him at the back of her throat. It was surprisingly pleasurable for her, and the proof was in her panties as her clit throbbed the way it did when she rode him.
“Fuck, you feel so good, Destiny,” he moaned out, jutting his hips. He tried his best not to overpower her— he really did.
But, she just felt too damn good.
“Des, I want to go deeper, are you okay with that, sweetheart?”
He heard (and felt) an “Uh-huh” come from her mouth, and he immediately took action.
His hips bucked in her mouth with haste, the tip hitting the back of her throat which caused her to make the most disgustingly beautiful noises. “Good girl,” he stated through grunts, “good fucking girl. You’re taking me so well, baby.” He stopped speaking to listen to her noises. They were cute gags with little gaps in between each stroke of his cock, both from the impact of his dick’s rhythm inside of her, but also from her trying to keep herself alive with short and quick breaths through her nose. He had heard those sounds in porn before, yes. But with Des? That was something else. She wasn’t just some personal pornstar for him, she was like his doll. And although this was their first time together, he loved to play with her, and he anticipated the many more times he could play with her again, the many more possibilities of getting nastier with her, the many more times be could be romantic and soft with her, the many more times he could just simply be with her.
“Fuck, Destiny, I’m so close,” he moaned out, and his feet planted themselves on the ground as he did his best to restrain himself from cumming too early while still thrusting into her mouth.
Des didn’t respond simply because her throat was occupied with being thrusted into. Her hands held onto his thighs as his thrusts got faster, and she knew he was getting closer to an orgasm.
And finally, with a couple more thrusts and some praises, he finally released, closing his eyes and groaning proudly. But, he noticed that she might not be comfortable with him ejaculating inside of her mouth, so he pulled out to minimize the chances. He looked down at her and noticed that some did end up in her mouth, while the rest landed on her cheeks and nose.
But, Des didn’t care about any of that. She fully accepted it all, and leaned her mouth back onto his dick to suck the residue from his tip. This stunned Matt, but he didn’t question it since she looked too damn good doing it. Des smiled and licked her lips as she finished. “You taste nice,” she complimented him.
Matt laughed and petted her head and brought his hand down to hold her jaw and caress her cheek. “Oh yeah? I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”
Des cocked her head to the side as she questioned what he meant mentally. Matt noticed and continued, “For when I taste you!” He grinned as he continued, “I know you’re probably gonna taste better than me.”
Des smiled and blushed. He wanted to taste me? She asked herself.
Yes, he wanted to taste her! And not only taste her– he wanted to touch her, tease her, make her cum around him, choke, gag, bite, kiss, spit, swallow, everything. He wanted to do every single damn thing to her.
But, that would have to be for next time.
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crazychaoticizzy · 8 months ago
an event by honeymoon @cinnamon-girl-writes & izzy @crazychaoticizzy
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invitations were sent out on 7/7 to select authors that we enjoy the writing of & mutuals who we wanted to be part of our event! if you received an ask with an invitation, respond to the ask or message us to confirm your spot and reserve the character you'd like to write from the following list. !!one author per character!! and it will be first come first serve! include at least two backup characters in your reservation in case of repeats. please view the specific rules for this segment down below :)
starting july 9, anyone can join and write for our event! please send us an ask to let us know what you're writing, who for, and the details so we can add it to the masterlist. please view the 'overtime rules' section below for details :)
locker room!
starting july 17, izzy @crazychaoticizzy and honeymoon @cinnamon-girl-writes will be accepting requests for this event! please send us an ask with the character, sport, and any details you'd like.
**note: izzy prefers to write for armin and erwin. honeymoon prefers to write for reiner, bertholdt, and jean
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cause you know i love the PLAYERS! - masterlist
*red text indicates that the character slot has been taken. the author will be tagged beside their selected character.
baseball player!eren @arlerts-angel
figure skater!armin @chaotic-on-main
lacrosse player!jean
soccer player!connie @kingkonoha
rugby player!reiner @verxca
swimmer!bertholdt @tender-hearteddd
f1 driver!porco @saturnzheart
tennis player!floch
hockey player!colt
football player!onyankopon
coach!erwin @erwinsmithsmissingleftarm
coach!levi @lacyohlacyyy
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+ one author per character (listed above). first come first serve, so please let us know your backup characters in case the person you'd like is reserved. deadline for sign ups is july 14
+ in this event, we're specifically looking for pieces of writing, not just headcanons/bullet points. please keep your pieces over 700 words (no maximum)
+ aot characters only, no oc's
+ this is an x reader event. gn! or fem! reader welcome, but please no male reader
+ nsfw writing allowed; please tag it properly
+ absolutely no dark content, including but not limited to: yandere, p3dophilia, r4pe/inc3st
+ of course, you should post your writing on your own personal masterlist as well and promote this event!!
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+ aot characters only
+ this is primarily an x reader event, but ship content is permitted (no problematic ships, i.e. age gaps like eren/levi or you will be blocked)
+ no restrictions for what character/sport you write for
+ headcanons, moodboards, fanart, and any other mediums allowed and encouraged!
+ nsfw writing allowed; please tag it properly
+ absolutely no dark content, including but not limited to: yandere, p3dophilia, r4pe/inc3st
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locker room! RULES/GUIDELINES (requests)
+ only x fem! reader or gn! reader, no oc's or ships please
+ please be specific with what you want including the character and the sport; if not, we'll take creative liberty
+ absolutely no dark content, including but not limited to: yandere, p3dophilia, r4pe/inc3st
+ hard deadline for this event on august 17 (8/17/24) but you can send your requests to our personal accounts if we're accepting atm
+ understand that we are also human and this is just a hobby w/ real lives outside of fandom! pls be kind :)
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we are so excited for this event!! if you have questions or concerns, please message izzy @crazychaoticizzy🤍
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groupiegallagher · 1 month ago
hola i have a question! ⚡
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might probably try to write stuff that is mostly smut for all the following people/concepts, like one-shots or something
noel gallagher x female OC football soccer player • 90s
liam gallagher x robbie williams x female groupie/muse/music journalist OC • 90s
liam gallagher x patsy kensit x OC female groupie • 90s
old or 90s liam gallagher x OC female stripper • 90s or late 2010s
90s liam gallagher x OC female model x OC female groupie smut threesome filth fun • 90s.
old soccer team director!noel gallagher x younger female OC football soccer player • 2010s - 2020s
mid 90s or 00s robbie williams x female OC pop singer • 90s or 00s
00s robbie williams x dancer female OC • 00s
old or 90s liam gallagher x drummer female OC • 90s, 00s or 2010s.
old liam gallagher x younger playmate female OC • 00s, 2010s or 2020s
early 00s damon albarn x photographer female OC • 00S
late 90s damon albarn x female groupie OC x female groupie OC smut filth • 90s
mid 90s liam gallagher & damon albarn x two or one OC female groupie filth • 90s
i can not promise i'll get them right away as at the moment i don't have a laptop yet. but if i get it i'd love to know how many of y'all would be interested on these.
byeee xo
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peachhcs · 3 months ago
samy at will’s family skate!
STOPP i saw the picture of him with the marleau family and i just think it's so adorable. he looks so cozy.
au masterlist
"so like should i pretend to not know what i'm doing so you can look like you're helping me?" samy teased a bit as she laced her skates up. the other families were heading onto the ice after their players, some of them wobbling as soon as they touched the ice while others flew on with no problem.
"maybe pretend for five minutes for the pictures," macklin chimed in from beside the girl. both of them snickered while will, who stood in front of them waiting, flushed.
"i don't know, i think it would be kind of hot seeing you know what you're doing and beat my ass," the blonde shrugged, a cocky smile on his lips. samy pushed herself off the bench, quickly squeezing her boyfriend's chin and admiring the way he blushed at her affection.
"wow, looks like i know what turns you on. i don't think i could fake it anyway with these people knowing i can skate. i'll hold your hand for the pictures though," the brunette kissed the boy's cheek before pushing past him to get on the ice.
will watched the way macklin winked at him having heard the entire exchange and the poor blonde was never going to get rid of his blush. he followed after his girlfriend, sticks in hand. she did half a lap of the rink to get her bearings before meeting will in the middle. his smile was wide with love and so was samy's.
anytime she got back on the ice it looked like she never left in the first place.
"now that we've actually got you on the ice, i wanna see you whipping this one's butt after hearing about it so many times," macklin joined the couple with his own stick.
"aw, i wouldn't wanna completely embarrass will at his own family skate," the brunette hummed, eyeing her boyfriend who just couldn't stop blushing this morning. "plus, i don't wanna run over any of the moms or anything," they glanced at the families crowding the ice now and it definitely wouldn't end well if one of them knocked into someone going too hard in a 1v1.
"how about we use that half down there? no one's down there yet," macklin motioned towards the left end of the rink where an open net sat.
"i'm all for it, but it's up to will," samy looked over at the blonde. his gaze found hers, the bright smile on her lips never failing to make will smile either. he didn't really care that she'd whip his ass because he accepted a long time ago that she'd always be better than him.
"let's do it. i'm sure some of these people will enjoy a little friendly fire," the blonde agreed. macklin and samy quickly cheered before skating towards the net.
brody, jagger, and caleb caught wind of the small match happening and immediately wanted in on the fun as they skated towards the older kids. "looks like we've got a whole team now!" macklin exclaimed, urging the younger boys over.
"oh no, i'm getting deja vu all over again," samy giggled.
they split themselves off into a 3v3. samy let will have macklin and jagger on his team while she took brody and caleb figuring having his co-dependent rookie would boost his performance and possibly beat her for once. the youngest hughes's team played defense first.
her and the marleau boys actually made a really great team. they were quick trying to block will or macklin's passes and even when will thought he was getting close to scoring, just like in soccer, the blonde took the puck back from right under his nose.
"dude," macklin said as will came around the net again after failing to score.
"i told you she's good," will mumbled while samy just chuckled.
"i can see. maybe we should switch it up," the younger brunette suggested so they did. will, macklin, and jagger took up the defense while samy, brody, and caleb got ready to score.
they began drawing a bit of a crowd. patrick and christinia watched their kids have fun while some of the other players gathered to see the youngest hughes in action. it was safe to say many of the sharks were impressed with the girl's skill and they could definitely tell she was a hughes.
samy passed the puck towards brody while she skated to the back of the net. will was hot on her tail until caleb came around and with him being so little still, he tripped will up and the girl was able to easily put the puck in. she pumped her arms in victory while looks of defeat washed over the other boys.
"wow, looks like our rookies have some serious competition," eklund cut in, going to high five the girl.
"she sure is a hughes," macklin grinned, roughing up samy's shoulders while she just chuckled.
"was that too hard on you," she asked when will came back around. the blonde flushed but shook his head.
"i think i accepted my defeat a long time ago," he admitted and pressed a quick kiss to the side of her head. his affection earned samy's own blush for the first time today on her cheeks.
"well, i want a rematch. you didn't even give us a chance," macklin determined and the others laughed.
"okay, deal. let's rematch and i'll whip your ass again," the girl skated back towards the net where the others quickly followed.
the rest of the morning was spent on the ice and samy quickly proving how much skill she possessed on the ice all thanks to her brothers and parents. at least her and will managed to get a cute photo together before they left where samy held up three fingers to show the 3 points she scored against her boyfriend while he got none.
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cookie-crumblr · 5 months ago
⭐️✨Soccer Star⭐️✨
Jock-ish M!Reader x F!Yandere OC
Part 1?
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CW: Jock-ish(a little more shy than a regular jock, is also a professional college player)M!reader, Reader has a penis, reader referred to as he/him, reader has hair(not described), boob job, oral on m, NOT PROOF READ like at al
Disclaimer: fuck real regulations on trophy’s and stuff for fifa, honestly players should get trophy’s (is that a hot take? i’m sorry if it is honestly tell me XD)
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Song rec: FIFAe Theme by FIFA sound …. teeheee~😘✨
Cheers from the crowd and your team defen you, confetti falls from somewhere above.
Below you feel the many arms holding you up, as you hoist the trophy over your head.
You’re filled with the adrenaline left over from the game, so your hands are shaking against the gold, but nobody will notice that.
The audience roars and stomps in the stands around you, the very earth rumbles to applaud your victory.
As you’re paraded back to the locker rooms, a news reported stops the crowd beneath you, and gets them to let you down.
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Before they begin recording they pat your face dry with a fresh towel and give you a water bottle, you hand the trophy to a team member to hold, when they stop you from actually letting it go.
“Wait, you should def’ be holding the trophy for the interview.”
“Right, sorry, hah” You apologize out of habit probably(am i the only one? i cant be. XD)
“Sall good, now, roll!” they say to the cameras behind them.
“Today we’re here with Y/N, Y/L/N, after he’s won the cup! First question of course, is how are you feeling after dominating the field today?” they hold out the mic for you to speak in.
“Elated.” You beam at them and into the camera, a smile envelops every aspect of your face. This is your time.
“I bet! You had an amazing game! Now onto the question everyone wants to know…” They pause, and hold an earpiece, listening intently at the other end, for a second, then, they nod and say: “So, what’s the real secrete behind that collar?”
Your heart, and face fall.
For a brief second you freeze, stuttering and blubbering nonsense before your brain’s wires finally reconnect, “It used to be my dog’s, and uh now it’s my good luck charm.”
You managed to save it, the reporter puts a hand over their heart and “Awww’s” at the camera, “Now that is so sweet, isn’t it everyone at home?”
Thankfully, you’ve made it into the safety of the locker room, and most everyone has already changed and was waiting for you to get back there.
An eerie silence falls over them all when you do however.
You feel it in your bones that now they’re going to ask. That’s why they hushed up, and are all quietly staring at you.
Before you can take no more anticipation and almost turn around to shout at them to just ask the damn question already, you feel a hand come down hard on your shoulder.
Your eyes fly open wide in fear.
Behind you, your teammate’s voice comes out more light hearted than you expected, “Congrats on the game today man! You did awesome!”
“Hey!” You smile back, “It was a team effort!” Your hand comes up to meet his as you turn around and bring him into a shoulder bump.
He broke the tension that was making the air in the room stale and unbearable. He saved you from further embarrassment.
“Okay now what’s the real deal with the fuckin collar” a mate with a medal asks.
You let out a shakey breath,
“Uh, It’s uh… Um…. Lu—!!!!” You flinch as the coach startled you now, his hand suddenly clasped almost too tightly on your shoulder, you think he’s trying to be reassuring, but your heart is pounding in your ears.
“Alright lads, move on out. I need a word with our star.” His baritone is somewhat calming, and the fact that he’s stopping that conversation from happening…
“Thanks coach,”you grin sheepishly.
he looks at you like a good father would, caringly, “listen, son, I don’t really care that you wear it, but i won’t be able to help everytime, just like with that interview. Ya did good,” he sighs in a drained pause, “i just don’t know about your girlfriend.”
At first you’re offended, you know she’s a little unorthodox, but she’s so sweet! in more ways than one.
Your face feels hot for a second and you reach up to ruffle your hair as a distraction. Cant pop a boner in front of your coach now, c’mon man! “I don’t know what t’say, coach…”
“Just, take care of yourself.”
Her manor is the most picturesque autumn scene you could ever see. Pumpkins now sit atop hay ales, and her wild flowers are now all shades of orange and gold. The vines that had grown up the trellis and up the white bricks of her home are now sporting blood red leaves.
inside her room, she lays on her bed stomach down, idly playing with your hair as you sit on the floor in front of her. She has a projector playing old youtube videos, but you don’t mind as much as you thought you would with her around.
“You did so good today, you were so hot out on the field and in your interview.
You turn fast enough to give yourself whiplash, “You aren’t mad?” You heart thrums to life, a slight pain squeezes it.
“Nope! I’m proud of you, Y/N!”
You feel the mattress flex against your back as Lucy starts to get up.
She grabs your hands, entwinand guides you up to your feet, spinning you both around so that you’re in between her and the bed.
Her tiny hand lays flat on your chest, and gently pushes you down onto the fluffy pink covered mattress. Her other hand cups your crotch, and rubs you through your jeans.
Your face is already hot, even just from the look in her eyes. the way she keeps glancing down at your lips, and back up to your eyes.
She’s blushing as she starts lowering herself seductively, trailing her hands down your body, eliciting shivers. Her teeth pull her bottom lip up slightly, she can barley contain herself.
She takes her time popping open your pants button, and she’s even more painfully slow when unzipping your pants.
Your hips push up, trying to get some friction where you’re desperate for it.
She bites her lip harder watching you, and pulls her hands away.
“Next time tell the news the real reason” She smiles deviously.
“What?” She mimics with a shrug. “You’re Mine. Now let me take care of you~”
In a millisecond your cock is out, half chub standing it up with a tilt, and almost ready for her.
She licks her lips, and her eyes widen, like she’s sizing up a delicious meal.
What to taste first?
Well she decides fast, her mouth in a relaxed and cute “o” as she brings her hot tongue to your tip.
Licking, before lightly hollowing her cheeks and sucking gently on you.
When she pulls back her lips are already glistening.
She picks it up in her hand, and looks up at you as she licks a stripe up from the base back up to the tip. After that she plunges you all the way into her throat, gagging a little, and spitting around you, she pulls back and starts bobbing her head.
Then she pulls her top down and rests her voluptuous tits on your lap, her pink nipples are perked up, and the urge to touch them is almost too much to bear.
Her hands are on your hips to keep you in place but you struggle against her.
Your fists ball up in the blankets at your sides. “Mmf! haah! Lucy! please!”
She gags again around you, her throat contracts and you can feel her tongue swirling around your shaft, when she pulls away she keeps just your head in her mouth, keeping you inside her for as long as she can always.
Her mouth opens wider around you with her tongue lolling under you, so that you just lay there in her mouth for a second as she gasps for air.
Her hot breaths cover you in hot intervals with the frigid air that mix and give you chills.
Her big brown eyes are teary now, you reach out to wipe one, and she lets you with a soft, giddy smile.
She spreads your legs wider so that she can get closer, you look at her quizzically until she lifts her chest and puts your cock between her bosom.
It’s a whole new feeling, now the underside of you is being stimulated in a nice way, her chest is so soft and squishy. Her mouth remains firmly around your tip, sucking and licking as she fucks you with her chest.
Her tits look so good around your cock. Your hips buck as you get closer, and now she can’t hold you down since her hands are occupied.
You start to fuck her back, chasing your imminent high. She squeezes and sucks harder and harder until you release and she swallows most of it, until she pulls away and lets some of your cum drip down her chin.
Do you want to paint her?
You definitely can’t wait to be stuffed inside her pretty pink pussy again. Thinking about it might even keep you hard.
Especially that she’s using her breasts now to pump and milk all that was left inside you, and it’s dribbling down to her nipples making the most amazingly indecent scene before you.
(A/N, i hope this is still decent!!! i am depressed and dying and idek hope ya had fun!!!! 🙈✨)
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ereardon · 6 months ago
Golden Hour || Ch. 11
[Bob Floyd x Bradley Bradshaw x OC]
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A Bob Floyd & Bradley Bradshaw AU [Hart of Dixie inspired]
Synopsis: Willow, Georgia. Barely even a town, just a speck on a map that you tried to wipe off, mistaking it for a crumb. You’re the outsider: a fancy New York doctor, fresh out of a failed engagement, with zero primary care experience. You’re also the new town doctor, taking over for a recent retiree who was beloved. His son, Bob Floyd, is the other physician at the practice, and takes an immediate dislike to you. But you were looking for a fresh start, and Willow doesn’t seem all that bad if you can get past the fact that there's only one restaurant in town. It helps that you've caught the eye of Bradley Bradshaw, the town attorney, despite the fact that you vowed to take a break from dating. How long until you start to make friends in a town where social circles have been set in stone since elementary school? And what will it take to make Bob Floyd see you’re not as bad as he wants to believe you are?
Pairing: Bob Floyd x OC; Bradley Bradshaw x OC
Tropes: Love triangle, enemies to lovers
Warnings: Angst, cursing
Chapter summary: Bob and Olive deal with the fallout of their kiss; Olive lets Phoenix in on her love triangle
WC: 1.3K
Masterlist here; previous chapter here
“What are we going to do?” 
You flopped back against the mound of pillows on Bob’s bed. He turned his head to the side, both hands folded behind his head, unfazed. “About what?” 
You rolled your eyes as he smirked. 
“Olive,” he said, morning voice even rougher than normal, and a shiver of excitement snuck down your spine. “We did nothing wrong. We’re both adults.” He paused. “We didn’t even sleep together, for God’s sake.” 
“We slept together,” you corrected. 
Bob sighed. “Sleep. That’s all we did. Talk and sleep.” 
And kiss, you thought. The memory of Bob’s lips on yours was burned into your brain. 
“God, what about Bradley?” You shot up in bed, eyes wide. “My car. He’s going to wake up and see my car is still here.” 
“I moved it.” You frowned. “Once you fell asleep, I parked it in the garage around the back.” 
“Thank God.” 
“Olive.” Bob’s voice was husky. “What are we doing here?” 
You turned to him. “I don’t know,” you confessed. 
Bob got out of bed, pulling on his pajama pants. “Before anything else happens, I want you to think about what you want. I need you to be sure.” 
“How can I be sure about anything? Ten minutes ago, you hated me.” 
“Did you ever stop to think maybe I never hated you at all?” 
“We have a problem.” Your legs dangled against the white wooden cabinets, heels thumping rhythmically, as Phoenix stood near the large kitchen island chopping strawberries. 
“What problem?” she asked. 
You groaned. “I did something bad.” 
She turned, paring knife in the air. “Do I need to stab you?” 
“I kissed Bob.” 
Shock slipped across her entire face. She set the knife down, both hands slamming against the granite countertop. “Shut the actual fuck up.” 
“Well, twice,” you said. “He kissed me. Both times.” 
“And I, uh, I kind of slept over at his house last night.” 
She took a step back, hands above her head like a soccer player in shock over a missed goal. “Did you fuck him?” 
“No!” It came out rushed, like a lie. She frowned. “I’m telling the truth. We just talked and fell asleep.” 
“And what about Bradshaw?” 
You groaned. “That’s the problem. I like Bradley too. I like them both.” 
“You’re going to have to choose,” she said, picking the knife back up. “I don’t think they’d be down for a threesome.” 
You rolled your eyes. 
Phoenix shrugged. “But hey, what do I know, they might be down.” 
“Leave it to me to come to town and get everything all fucked up.” 
Phoenix’s eyes went wide. “Wait, what about Caroline?” 
“What about her?” 
“I thought they were like back together after that party her parents hosted.” 
“He didn’t mention her at all.” 
“Well what did you guys discuss?” 
You frowned. The truth was, you hadn’t discussed anything. You had spent the entire night talking about medicine and all of the things the two of you had in common that you had buried down for the first few months of knowing each other. 
“Is it too late to leave?” you whispered after a moment. “Just run back to New York with my tail between my legs and act like I’m not about to be the catalyst for some feud between two best friends.” 
Phoenix slid a bowl of yogurt with fresh fruit on top toward you. “Is it too late now to say sorry?” 
“Did you just quote Justin Beiber to me?” 
“I’m a bartender not a shrink,” she said, mouth full of yogurt and granola. “Besides, they’re big boys. I think whoever you don’t pick can take it.” 
You leaned back against the cabinet with a sigh. The question was – who would that be?
“Doc, my toe. I think it’s right about to fall off!” 
You sighed, pulling down Mr. Larry’s sock. As expected, he had an ingrown toenail. Back in New York you would have scoffed at this in the ER and sent him to an intern. Someone five minutes out of medical school. 
In Willow, you were the intern. And the charge nurse and the bedside attendant and the surgery attending all rolled into one. You lanced boils and sewed up split foreheads and did bedside ultrasounds and set broken bones. Sometimes it startled you, how vast your occupation was. How everyone walked through those oak doors and turned over their lives to you. If you said they needed medicine, they didn't question you. They never once asked about how the dosage or concentration was confirmed, or what the half-life of the medication was, or whether or not there were side effects. They took it blindly. Willingly. 
The way Willow had come to accept you. 
The leaves were crisp and so was the air. Unlike New York at Christmas, where Cartier on Fifth was wrapped in a larger-than-life red bow and snow danced along the roofs of brownstones in the West Village and Saks lit up its window displays at night and you would drink hot chocolate and walk through Central Park, winter in Willow was entirely different. 
It felt like a brisk fall, at the most. You stepped out of the car, a pair of straight jeans hugging your butt, a wrap sweater that Lina had given you two years before for a birthday – the softest white cashmere known to mankind. 
“Lookin’ good, Doc.” You looked up, just as Bradley crossed the road and landed on the sidewalk next to you, a sweet smile spread across his handsome face. He was wearing a pair of jeans with a faded green corduroy shirt tucked into it, a pair of boots on the bottom. 
“You show up to court in boots?” you asked. 
He laughed, wiggling his toes in the ostrich skin boots. “Helping out at the house,” he replied. You frowned. “My parents' house,” he clarified.
“House like that, I thought there’d be an army of men fixing it up at any given point.” 
“Well, I like to take a break every now and then. Cut some trees. Do something constructive.” 
“So you’re telling me you’re a lumberjack.” 
He grinned. “Yes, ma’am, that’s exactly what I’m saying.” 
“Well don’t let me keep you,” you said. “I was just getting a coffee and then I was planning on driving over to Atlanta to do some Christmas shopping.” 
“Atlanta.” Bradley widened his stance, marginally. He was warm and musky, you could practically feel him from a foot away. “That’s a long way. Need a ride?” 
“Oh, no, I have my car. And you have wood to chop.” 
“Olive.” His fucking voice. God, it was like velvet. “Let me drive you to Atlanta. We can buy overpriced crap that no one will even care about. And drink those horrific lattes you like and listen to cheesy Christmas music.” 
You frowned. “Why?” 
Bradley cocked his head. “Olive, you’re a smart girl.” 
���Book smart. Street stupid.” 
He laughed. It was rich, like if mahogany wood were a sound. “Then I’ll spell it out for you, Doc. I like you, Olive James. A lot. I want to be where you are. So if that means being your driver or carrying about your massive purse while you walk through the aisles of a department store, so be it.” 
“Bradley,” you whispered. Across the town square, you spotted Bob speaking to an elderly man at a picnic table outside the market. 
“Allow me.” Bradley opened the passenger door of your car. You stared out the large windshield as he slipped into the driver’s side, tall body thunking down on the leather seat. He flicked the car on as you looked up, Bob’s eyes trapped on yours as he watched the two of you drive away. 
Tag list or follow my library page @ereardonlibrary:
@eli2447 @cool-ultra-nerd @teacupsandtopgun @shanimallina87 @xoxabs88xox @clancycucumber230 @djs8891
@blue-aconite @wkndwlff @taytaylala12
@double-j @topguncultleader @momc95 @hangmandruigandmav @minamisulemisa @shawnsblue @seresinhangmanjake @brehonodea @babyminghao @crthurston @angelbabyangee @secretsicanthideanymorey
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vampire-club · 4 months ago
Heroes | November 8th, 1983
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steve harrington x oc
(this entry contains: pining, yearning, slow burn, teen angst, unrequited love, childhood best friends, best friends, friends with benefits, sex, drugs, rock-n-roll, smoking, drinking, david bowie, vampires, potentially erotic soccer playing, dungeons, dragons, and the incurable desire to be known)
word count: 2.5k
series masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter
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from the diary of Sara Henderson: writer, actor, biter, striker, team player, good with kids
dedicated to her brother, Dustin, and her best friend, Steve. may they never, ever read this!
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that’s where you’ll find me
November 8th, 1983
I didn't feel conscious until we ran into Nancy in the hallway. Tragically, where Steve goes, Tommy and Carol will follow. People who live in glass houses or whatever, I know. But at least Steve actually likes me. Maybe I’m just projecting but I don’t think he likes hanging out with them much. I don’t. Not really. 
Steve snatches the flashcards from Barb’s hands, bringing me back to reality.
“I don’t know, I think you’ve studied enough, Nance.” That’s what they were doing last night. Studying. It took two hours for him to fully convince me that’s all that happened. He must really like her if he’s really this thrilled about not having sex.
“Steve-” Nancy starts.
“I’m telling you, you know, you got this. Don’t worry. Now, onto more important matters. My dad has left town on a conference and my mom’s gone with him cause, you know, she doesn’t trust him.” Steve explains.
“Good call.” Tommy says.
“I wouldn’t either.” I add.
“So are you in?” Mr. and Mrs. Harrington are noted for being out of town often. Steve and I were usually the ones in charge of watching over the house. One of the many mistakes his parents have made. We would abide by their rules. No friends and no parties. That’s it. How stupid could they be? Or it could be asked: How stupid am I? Having the house to just the two of us used to mean something. Not anymore. Obviously. Am I bitter? Obviously. Still, a party is a party. An excuse for me to drink in the middle of the week instead of being alone drinking in the middle of the week.
“In for what?” Nancy asked.
“No parents? Big house?” Carol tries to drive the point further. 
“A party?” Nancy realizes. 
“Ding, ding, ding!” Carol says. Tommys laugh covers my own. I hope Nancy didn’t notice. Mostly for my sake considering it wasn’t funny.
“It’s Tuesday.” Nancy says.
“It’s Tuesday! Oh my god!” Tommy mocks.
“Come on. It’ll be low key. It’ll just be us. What do you say? Are you in or are you out?” Steve says and Nancy looks at me. Me? Don’t look at me like I make good decisions.
“Um…” She hesitates. There are two outcomes. She comes and I have to deal with Steve being a lovesick fool or she doesn’t come and I have to deal with Steve being a lovesick fool AND deal with Tommy and Carol on my own. At least if she’s there I have someone else to fall back on.
“Oh god. Look” Carol diverts all of our attention. Jonathan.
“Oh, god, that’s depressing” Steve says as we watch Jonathan hang up a poster.
“Should we say something?” Nancy asks.
“I don’t think that would help much.” I say. 
“How much you want to bet he killed him?” I’m not sure if Tommy is attempting a joke or if he’s serious. Regardless, I scoff.
“Shut up.” Steve says.
And then, Nancy walks over to him. We can’t hear any of what they are saying. Seems like Nancy is doing most of the talking. His face doesn’t change at all really. I can’t imagine. I mean, I’d be a mess if I were him. If I couldn’t find Dustin? God… They look over at us. What a sight we must be. I offer him a small smile. The bell rings and Jonathan leaves quickly as everyone else starts to head to class.
“I’ll see you later.” Steve taps my back as he walks off. “And I’m sure you won’t be empty handed.” He smirks.
“Of course not.” I say shortly. I give him the same small smile I gave Jonathan. Then he’s gone. Empty handed. That’s one of our many deals. He provides an empty house, so I bring the… party favors.
There’s an announcement over the intercom but I inadvertently tune it out. I’m left standing there alone, looking towards where Jonathan just stood. And for the first time, I wonder if this is my fault. I offered to take him home. I should have taken him home. It was late. I was supposed to take Dustin home too. If I had taken Will, would everything be okay? 
Before he left this morning, Dustin passed along a message to me. The Wheelers, namely, Karen, invited Dustin and I over for dinner tonight. Something about how it’s better to be together with all of this happening. I’m not one to turn down dinner. That just means that I don’t have to cook. And I know where my brother will be when I leave for Steve’s house afterwards. He heads straight to their house after school but I make a quick pit stop at our house on my way. Men are simple. When one asks you for a favor, there’s always another that will do it for you. With one call, I have two 12-packs of beer waiting in my garage when I get home. He even threw in some weed for good measure. A little something for me to get through dinner and a little something else to get me through a party. Simple.
Dinner is less awkward than expected. Politely, I just sit there and take bites of the meatloaf. Eight of us fill the table. I sit across from Nancy and next to Karen. Though I’m respectful and typically call her Mrs. Wheeler, she insists I call her Karen. The pedestal I get to be on since I’m almost motherly. How thrilling my life is. At least, this version of my life. Chaperoning my brother to his friend's house, having banter with mothers. At least I’m not in charge tonight. 
It’s quiet, which is not normal for this group of boys. I don’t have the ability to focus until I hear Nancy speak up. 
“So there’s this… special assembly thing tonight for Will at the school field. Barb’s driving. Sara’s going, too.” Karen turns to me right as I take a bite. I try to chew and smile at the same time. Idiot. She turns to Nancy. I turn to Karen
“Why am I just hearing about this?” I turn to Nancy.
“I thought you knew.” I turn to Karen.
“I told you. I don’t want you out after dark until Will is found.” It’s like watching tennis.
“Since we’re going together it's like…safety in numbers” I chime in, trying to help Nancy out. I don’t know how much she likes me. It seems that with Steve’s plans, we’re gonna be spending a lot more time together so I better start trying to win some credibility with her. We are two incredibly different people, but let’s hope that, in some ways, opposites do attract.
“And it’d be weird if I’m not there. I mean, everyone’s going.” Nancy says. I nod.
“Just… be back by 10:00.” She gave in. Win. “Why don’t you take the boys, too” Absolutely not.
A cacophony of “No” “Nope” and “Nuh uh” erupts at the table.
“Car’s… too small” I throw out softly and immediately hope no one hears me.
“Don’t you think you should be there? For Will?” She asks.
Suddenly, Mike coughs into his milk. What’s his problem? Then Dustin slams his fists on the table. What the hell?
“Dustin!” I refrain from yelling but I shoot daggers at him.
“Sorry. Spasm.” He apologizes. I turn and give Karen a reassuring smile. Mike is now covered in milk and his little sister Holly seems to be frightened by Dustin. Dinner pretty much wrapped up there. Instinctively, I help Karen clear the table. Who am I? Soon enough, I’m bidding everyone a goodnight and head out the door.
I know when to go out
I pull right into Steve’s driveway. As soon as I’m parked, I change out of my nice, mother approved, dinner clothes before grabbing my stuff. My home away from home. Only moments after I ring the doorbell does Steve open the door. Seems like he was anxiously waiting for someone. By the look on his face, it isn’t me.
“What? Not happy to see me?” I pout.
“I’m thrilled.” He looks right at the beer.
“Funny.” I say dryly. “I may not be Nancy, but I’ve got the next best thing.” I push one of the boxes into his arms and move past him into the house.
“Yeah, your winning personality.” I scoff as he closes the door behind us. “Seems you left your sense of humor at home though, babe.”
“Good thing I keep a spare on me.” I grab a joint from my bag. “And there’s enough for two.”
“I knew I could count on you.” 
I know when to stay in
I get through two drinks before Nancy and Barb show up. As they walk out towards us, Carol leans over to me. I reach for my third.
“Don’t get jealous.” She teases. So, that is exactly how the rest of the night is going to be. Great.
When I see Nancy, I notice she had the same idea to change. Maybe we’re not as different as I imagined.
“Glad you could make it.” I say as Nancy claims the chair across from me.
“Yeah. Thanks for helping me convince my mom.” She says.
“I am a natural liar.” I smile because it’s true. I hope that didn’t come across as bitchy. Did I mean for it to be bitchy? I could have been way more of a bitch. But why would I do that? She hasn’t done anything wrong. I am a bitch, but I don’t want to be one to her. What’s that about?
“Here ya go, babe.” Steve hands me a flask. Just what I’ve been needing. Wait. I hope Nancy doesn’t misinterpret that. The fact that he called me babe. That’s just what he calls me. He’s done that for a long time. She’s talking to Barb so maybe she didn’t even hear it. Why does it feel like I’m walking on eggshells? What is my problem? 
Looking through the trees, I can see the treehouse Steve and I made together. It’s astonishing that it’s withstood this many years. The leaves sway gently and my shirt moves with the wind. I feel the breeze on my stomach. It’s a nice enough night. It’s equally nice to not be worried about Dustin. I thought after last night I’d be on my guard even more. With Will still missing, I should be. But I’m not. Selfishly, I’m more worried about myself. 
Completely unprompted, Steve grabs a beer and shotguns it in no time before pulling the cigarette from behind his ear. He would make an excellent court jester. And, I guess, I’d be right there next to him.
“Is that supposed to impress me?” Nancy asks.
“You’re not?” He mumbles with the cigarette in his mouth, lighting it. I roll my eyes and cough out a small laugh after taking a drag from my own cigarette.
“Uh oh. That didn’t seem to do it for your girlfriend.” Carol says.
“Oh- I’m not-” Nancy stutters. Man, I can’t possibly imagine this ending poorly.
“I don’t think she was talking about you.” Tommy chimes in, gesturing to me. Everyone's heads turn in my direction. Here we go. Fuck. Me.
“I didn’t know you guys were-” Nancy starts.
“Oh, don’t worry Nancy. They’re not together. Anymore.” Carol says smiling. I turn my head slowly to look at her and she winks at me. This seems to be the funniest thing for her and Tommy. He’s trying so hard not to laugh as I turn back to look at Nancy and Steve. I look at him first, hoping he’ll say something. No dice. Really helpful, Steve. If she liked me before, she definitely doesn’t now. Looking at Nancy, I try to spit out a sentence to calm all of this down.
“I wouldn’t say we were ever together, it's just… It’s nothing. Really.” Eloquent. But it’s the best I’ve got right now with everything that is hitting my brain. It’s the truth. But I just proudly proclaimed that I’m a liar so I wouldn’t believe me either.
“She’s right Nance. It was nothing.” Ouch. “These two just like to start shit.” Steve reassures her. I could use some reassurance right about now, too.
“What would you guys call it then?” I could cry. Right here. I could fall to the ground and drown in a puddle of my own tears. But that’s a little dramatic.
“Carol! Seriously, cut it out.” Steve all but yells at her. I take another drag from my cigarette before standing. 
“I’m gonna get something else to drink. Steve, do you still have the-” I look over at him and Nancy. If looks could kill, Nancy Wheeler would have just sent me to an early grave. Why did I have to keep talking? I turn and walk into the house without another word. I walk straight into the kitchen and grab a glass of water. In true Carol fashion, she just had to ruin the night for everyone. Or maybe just for me. Looking out the window it doesn’t look like I am terribly missed. Barb is still sitting alone and the rest of them look how they did before I left. Business as usual. 
It was nothing.
After only a few minutes, Barb walks in, her hand bloody.
“Shit, do you need help? Are you ok?” I ask.
“Yeah, I just need the bathroom.” She says.
“Down that way.” I point down the hall.
“Thanks.” She rushes off. What is happening out there? As I look out the window again, I see that the rest of them have ended up in the pool. I think that’s my cue to call it a night. I’m not stupid enough to drive right now considering the state I’m in. I’ll just sleep it off for a bit, get home before the sun rises. But when my back hits the couch, the last thing I can imagine doing is sleeping. My thoughts keep me awake. All I do is worry about Dustin. I think through all of the possible outcomes of his life. I used to do the same for myself. Planning for anything and everything. This wasn’t exactly something that I thought of, though. Lying on Steve’s couch, sad, drunk, and pathetic. Something like that.
Unsure. That’s the word. I am unsure. A feeling I’m surprisingly unfamiliar with. I pride myself on knowing a lot, and being confident in what I know. But at this current moment, I can’t help but feel the opposite. It’s him. Steve is the only person who can make me feel unsure of myself. The idea of that is almost… comforting. At least it’s in his hands. I wouldn’t trust anyone else with that amount of power over me.
but you never told me ‘bout the fire
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mamirhodessxox · 10 months ago
Hey There Delilah pt 12
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Cody Rhodes x Fem Reader!OC (Delilah Jones)
Storyline: Delilah was born and raised by the beach in L.A and grew up in a home where her parents expected her to go to Harvard & become a well known woman who marry’s a man who is a lawyer after high school. But that’s not what she wanted, She always wanted to own a boutique/flower shop & she did, once her parents discovered she wouldn’t attend college they left her to fend for herself but allowed her little sister Kinsley to visit or sleep over whenever, Her little sister always had an eye for WWE but Delilah never understood why but little did either of them know one of Delilah’s customers would become well acquainted. (Creds to @alyyaanna for helping me w the storyline)
Contents: Toxic parents, Angst, Fluff, Smut in later chapters, Based in May 2024, Alcohol, Violence, Corruption Kink, Size Kink, Daddy Kink, Crying Kink, Hand Kink, Praise Kink, Fingering, Smutty smut, Mentions of a Custody Battle.
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa @kabloswrld @claymoresofinfamy23
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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For most of April things went amazingly smooth, Cody won his first ever Wrestle Mania Championship, Kinsley had a girls soccer game and won with the graces of Mira, It was finally May, it was Kinsley’s last week of school and then the summer would start off with Cody & Delilah’s wedding.
Delilah sat in the principals office with Cody at her old girls only k-12 school she attended for the early years of elementary and middle school, This is where Kinsley was also attending, why are they at the principals office you may ask? “Mrs Jon-“ “Rhodes.” Cody coughed out and snickered when Lilah nudged his knee “Mrs Rhodes…I haven’t seen you since your graduation, I’m pleased to see you, as I know your little sister is attending this school I had high expectations of her given the fact she is related to you, but I suppose not..” Delilah raised a brow and turned to look at Cody but he placed a hand on her stomach “Lilah n-“ Delilah shook her head patting his shoulder as a way of telling him to let her say her peace “Who are you addressing right now? I’ll have you know Kinsley is a goddamn genius compared to half of the kids in this school. She has all A’s and a damn good soccer player so what the hell could she have done to be spoken about like this?” The principal sighed removing his glasses “Kinsley fought another student, she claims this girl has been bullying her and hit her first so she fought back but you know we don’t tolerate violence.”
“So why is she being punished and not the other girl bullying her?” Cody questioned with a confused expression “Well Sir, She uhm..Before she began fighting the little girl it was confirmed that she told her and I quote ‘I’m gonna RKO your pasty ass’ and you know we just can’t tolerate tha-“ Lilah snorted and covered her mouth followed by Cody as he cleared his throat “She’s a um..a big wrestling fan.” The room went silent & eventually Kinsley was requested to come into the office “That teaches her violence Mr Rhodes we suggest you control what she wat-“She’s doing perfectly fine thank you. She hasn’t ever been violent unless it comes to self defense & second off, You do realize the man you are addressing right now IS in wwe correct? She looks up to him & watches him 24/7 just to be his biggest supporter”Delilah chirped back in trying to keep herself calm for her & the baby’s health & decided to take the suspension papers that laid on the desk & sign away “Well maybe his career choice in life has taken an impact and influence on he-“
“Okay so she got in a fight with a bully..did you win?” Kinsley nodded while the principal glared “Mr Rhodes that is a very inappropriate question.” The blonde shrugged and looked over at his Fiancé who was busy signing off suspension papers “So what? She got bullied, whoever the little asshole was hit her first so she fought back. It’s called self defense, back in my day we handled conflict with beating the hell out of each other.” The principle let out a sigh while Delilah pushed the papers aside “Look we know Kinsley may have gotten viol-“ Cody interrupted “Kinsley is justified. And I know this is the same school Delilah went too which means I know someone who went here as well and boy does she have a large track record of being a pain in your guy’s ass”
The principle raised an eyebrow as he had a puzzled face expression before the doors opened making him quickly realize Cody & Delilah came with backup “I knew I’d see your old wrinkly ass again one day.” Mira spoke as she walked in with Randy before making Cody get up out of a seat so she could sit down while Kinsley just stood awkwardly “Look I can just take the suspen-“ Mira shot her a look “Let me handle it.” The elderly man stared at the 4 sitting in his office and shook his head “Ms Mirabella, This does not concern y-“ “It absolutely does. I don’t understand how you let a bully freely go back to class but your screwing over Kinsleys education by suspending her for SELF DEFENSE.”
“That is because she should have reported it to a tea-“ “Bullshit.” Delilah, Randy, Cody & Mira spoke in unison before Randy took the lead “Your going to suspend the one who has been bullying Kinsley & your going to do it immediately.” Delilah got involved again and spoke with a serious tone, Mira nodded in agreement and spoke up once mode “I would suggest this happens after we leave this nasty ass office otherwise I will key your car again like before & smash your windows in? Got it? Awesome, cool, Let’s go.”
Delilah smiled politely & gently scooted a sticky note to the older principle which showed to be a doodle of a middle finger that she made with all of the time she had while Mira and Randy come to Kinsley’s defense.
“I think we did really good in there what about you!” Cody held up a high-five in Mira’s direction making her glare “Get your hand away from my face before I end the chances of you having anymore children.” She spoke blandly before turning to Kinsley “Did you win?” The little girl stood in silence before nodding “Good girl. Maybe when we get you home you can beat Cody’s ass.” Delilah placed her hands against her stomach “Mira..n-” “Oh my god what he could teach her self defense or something and she can beat him up” Cody scratched his neck “I’d rather not get my ass beat by a child.” Mira grabbed a clump of dirt once they made it outside of the school “Nobody asked you.” She spoke before throwing the dirt at his head.
Cody signed and turned to Delilah & smiled at her as he admired her beauty until she walked closer towards him and swiped the dirt off of him & smiled “You’re gonna have to take a shower when we get back home.” He hummed in agreement “Are you gonna help me get washed up?” She smiled and kissed his cheek “Nope. I have bridal duties to take care of” he chuckled “Do these bridal duties include you going to target when I’m not paying attention so you could buy 10000 more baby clothes?” Mira turned around after speaking with Randy & watched the couple and smiled to herself as she saw the glimmer in Delilahs eyes everytime Cody brought up the word “baby”
Two days later they all agreed on having a bachelor & bachelorette party together instead of separately since they both wouldn’t function without each other. It was a small party at the flower & boutique shop, miraculously made her famous fruit crepes, Randy grilled some steak since the shop was still in front of the beach. Kinsley was running around with Seth playing tag, but Cody & Delilah snuck off walking around in the sand hand in hand “What’s on your mind love?” Cody blurted out after noticing her calm silence “just reminiscing” she smiled and stopped walking just to wrap herself around his embrace “Your just the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen” Cody grinned ear to ear before pulling her in for a kiss & mumbling against her lips “I have a surprise for you after our wedding” Delilah tilted her head and smiled “I don’t need any surprises marrying you is already enough”
May 10th 2018
Delilah and Mira were at an after party for their recent high-school graduation, Lilah had a few drinks along with Mira and the two partied for hours.
Throughout the night they would go up and dance or drink but now all they wanted to do was relax, so they did, they found a guest bedroom and sat talking about life and their parents
“What do you want your wedding to be like lils?”
Delilah smiled at the thought “Well, I always wanted my wedding held in a floral garden with a gazebo to get married in during the reception, I want a white dress with a corset top and the ends of the dress shades with a light pink with fake pink roses sewn into it and the veil that covers my face..the groom will choose whatever cake he wants, I want the wedding song for when I walk down the isle as Paris, Texas by Lana Del Rey, a-and I walk kinsley to be the flower girl and if they are well bonded I want my husband to have a dance with her..the colors need to be white and light shades of floral colors when it comes to decorations”
Mira smiled and knew Delilah was set and stone for this whenever she gets married
“I believe that whoever my husband is, God brought him to me, because I pray that when I find that man he & Kinsley will be two peas in a pod. What do you want for your wedding?”
Mira sat & thought before smiling to herself “I don’t know, I guess I never really thought about it, maybe something like a beach wedding, like tropical-ish, I would want the kiss to fall at a sunset type of thing after the vows, I want a white thin mermaid wedding dress with a slit on the side of my thigh, I’d want my cake to be vanilla but with some sort of fruity icing in the middles y’know?”
Delilah smiled and held her best-friend’s hand “I’ll make it happen Mira.”
3 Weeks Later, May 25th, Present time
Delilah stood in the dressing room staring at herself in the mirror as Mira helped tie the white floral print corset that was attached to the wedding dress that had the pink ombre at the bottom with pink roses sewn into it, Mira decided not to make it too tight, she smiled as she pulled her hair back a bit before placing the veil with pink roses that were also sewn in, Mira felt a tear drop onto her cheek as she saw her bestfriend in the full look
“Cody is a lucky man Delilah.” Mira spoke Lilah smiled and turned around to face her bestfriend that would be officiating the wedding between Cody & Delilah
“Thank You, Mira, for making my dreams come true and just being here for me, You’ve been my best-friend for so many years, because you’ve done so much for me I have a surprise for you later tonight, It’s my turn to make your dreams come true.” Delilah smiled along with Mira before pulling her in for a hug “You’re like my sister Delilah. Y’know I’d do anything for you.”
An hour later 30 minutes before the reception started Delilah pulled Randy in a private area to discuss his relationship with Mira.
“How long have you two been dating?” Randy sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets “since the cabin vacation, I-I really love Mira I just don’t know how to show i-“ “then learn Randy, she would drop everything to do anything for or with you and you know it”
Randy nodded and fiddled with something in his pocket “I want to uhm..Marry her lilah, I have the ring with me everyday but I’m just- I’m scared shitless.” Delilah smiled “I’m aware, I won’t tell you how I know but I will tell you how you’ll propose..”
Meanwhile Randy & Delilah plotted, Mira stood in Cody’s dressing room and helped him adjust the tie on his suit and do any double takes “Aside of me fuckin’ with you I just want to say you’re actually pretty cool, thank you for coming into Delilah & Kinsey’s life” Cody grinned and gave her a hug “Of course, Thank you for helping me with the proposal, the wedding, everything. You’re amazing Mira, I wouldn’t be getting married if it weren’t for your help.” The two smiled and hugged.
Once it was time Randy walked Delilah down the isle as the soft harmony of Paris, Texas by lana del ray surrounded everyone’s ears, kinsley followed behind her gently tossing flower petals as many butterflies flew through until Delilah & Cody were face to face as Mira spoke up
“Welcome family, friends and loved ones. We are gathered today to celebrate the union of Cody and Delilah, We are all here to support this commitment of love and to share the joy of one another and the love as they choose to spend their lives together. Cody and Delilah your marriage will be a lifelong promise to love, respect, trust and honor each other through the good, the bad and the unexpected. This union represents your commitment to support one another as individual beings but share your joys, sorrows, and dreams as one. Today, you gain an equal partner that will be your confidant, your defender and your motivator through all of your aspirations and goals. You will celebrate each accomplishment, provide peace through every setback and most importantly, give love in life’s both big and little moments. If you two have any vows to say please share them now.”
Cody cleared his throat as he gently held Delilah’s hand while he stared at her through the veil that covered her face, “Delilah, When i first met you in the flower shop something told me that I needed to keep visiting that shop, and after I got to know you more I then realized I needed you in my life, I knew immediately we would have a story to build together along with a future, I’m more than grateful that you & Kinsley were brought into my life. I love you to the moon and saturn.”
Delilah smiled ear to ear at his loving words before taking a deep breath “Cody when you met me I was in the most difficult place of my life, and so soon you were already willing to help me and guide me through every curve and bump on the road but You have been so impactful for Kinsley & I, you showed me that love is the most magical thing in the world, You treat Kinsley as if she was yours & you give her a safe place to express herself, after weeks of talking I just knew you would be my husband one day, And I am so grateful to say that my dream came true & I get to call myself your wife today.”
Mira smiled as she wiped the tears off her face “Cody I now ask that you repeat after me, I Cody take you Delilah as you are, I promise from this day forward to love and treasure you for the rest of my life, to be your rock when things get tough, to be your number one fan in all of your accomplishments, to be grateful for all that you are and for choosing to spend the rest of your journey with me, to be patient and kind, to build a safe and loving home with you, to fill your days with laughter, to inspire you to pursue your dreams, to be faithful, to grow old with you and live a fulfilled life. This I promise you.
Cody grinned and tightened his Grip on her hands “I Cody take you Delilah as you are, I promise from this day forward to love and treasure you for the rest of my life, to be your rock when things get tough, to be your number one fan in all of your accomplishments, to be grateful for all that you are and for choosing to spend the rest of your journey with me, to be patient and kind, to build a safe and loving home with you, to fill your days with laughter, to inspire you to pursue your dreams, to be faithful, to grow old with you and live a fulfilled life. This I promise you.”
“Delilah, please repeat after me.”
Mira repeated the speech as she turned towards her head towards Delilah “I Delilah take you Cody as you are, I promise from this day forward to love and treasure you for the rest of my life, to be your rock when things get tough, to be your number one fan in all of your accomplishments, to be grateful for all that you are and for choosing to spend the rest of your journey with me, to be patient and kind, to build a safe and loving home with you, to fill your days with laughter, to inspire you to pursue your dreams, to be faithful, to grow old with you and live a fulfilled life. This I promise you.”
Delilah smiled widely as soft tears drifted down her cheeks while Cody caressed her hand with his thumb
“I Delilah take you Cody as you are, I promise from this day forward to love and treasure you for the rest of my life, to be your rock when things get tough, to be your number one fan in all of your accomplishments, to be grateful for all that you are and for choosing to spend the rest of your journey with me, to be patient and kind, to build a safe and loving home with you, to fill your days with laughter, to inspire you to pursue your dreams, to be faithful, to grow old with you and live a fulfilled life. This I promise you.”
Mira sighed out in relief and nodded her head as Seth pulled out the wedding rings and handed them too her
Cosy take this ring and place it on Delilah’s finger. Repeat after me:
Delilah I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today.”
Cody repeated Mira’s words to delilah and as he placed the ring on her finger he pressed a soft kiss against the ring as Delilah repeated after Mira and placed the ring on his finger.
“Having pledged your love and promise to one another today in front of all of your friends and family and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Cody immediately pushed the vail over Delilah’s face and pulled her in by the waist as he pressed his lips against hers and stroked her lower back before she pulled away to hold the side of his face as the two let out a cry of happiness
“Congratulations! Friends and family, it is my honor to introduce to you: Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes”
Later that night everyone attended the after party, Delilah gathered everyone around as she spun around to throw the bouquet, the ladies stepped aside as Mira quickly caught it while Cody tosses a small black box towards Randy
Everyone cheered for Mira as she laughed a hit and held the flowers and while she spun around she stopped immediately as she noticed Randy infront of her on his knees holding a small black box revealing a beautiful saphire blue ring “Mira I know that at times I can be a total dick & I know that we tend to bicker a lot but, I love you more than one could imagine babygirl & I want to thank you for showing me your love, your care & your loyalty, Your a drop dead gorgeous woman & you are so charismatic and funny and I love you so fucking much for being the person you are” Mira covered her mouth as she let out a small cry followed with a smile on her face “After months of being with You I slowly realized you were the one I’ll he marrying one day so I ask you now..Will you give me the privilege of making me your husband?” She let out a rushed out “Yes!” Before putting the ring on and hugging him tightly as she pressed kisses all over His face, Cody & Delilah smiled together as they watched the couple infront of them celebrate each other.
Moments later He & Delilah cut the cake & revealed the pregnancy & shared a slow dance together, Delilah eventually pulled Kinsley on the floor as she shared a dance with him & just had fun bouncing around.
Seth approached Delilah from the side lines of the dance floor “Congratulations Delilah, I’m happy for the both of you.” She smiled and pulled him in for a hug “Thank you seth, That means a lot to me.”
For last 30 minutes Delilah & Mira danced with each other, Jey shared his excitement on being an uncle to the baby. Cody admired his wife
Many hours into the party Delilah stood on a balcony as she admired the flowers and sunset before realizing Cody was approaching her with a smile “Hi gorgeous.” She hummed softly and wrapped her arms around him as the wind caused her dress to start flowing “Hi handsome” Cody smiled as his fingers dragged through her subtle curls before pressing a kiss against her lips and holding her close.
“I love you to the moon and beyond Delilah.”
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Manirhodessxox’s Masterlist
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slut4celebs · 2 months ago
Collision Course
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Gracie Abrams x Soccer!Reader
Word Count: 1,110
Trigger Warning: N/A
Synopsis/Request: I would say that this was just a long blurb of headcanons based on this request: "can i request something for gracie like maybe soccer player reader x gracie" I will be very honest and say I'm not much of a soccer girlie, but I tried my very best. I love you!
If you're looking to make any fic requests, please drop them here.
Quick Ad: If you're over the age of 18, and looking for a fun and welcoming roleplay server consider Kennedy University. This is an OC-only server based on a fictional university in Dallas. Here you can roleplay as the students, professors, and even teacher aids. We want YOU to join us. :)
Every day, people come into our lives and change the course of our realities. For (Y/n), it was Gracie. She met her at a party hosted by one of her UCLA soccer teammates. The craziest part about going to any UCLA party is that there is always a chance a celebrity or child of a celebrity will be there. Gracie Abrams was both. As the daughter of JJ Abrams and an up-and-coming singer, she was one of the “VIP guests.” Out of everyone at the party she could’ve chosen to speak to, however; she chose (Y/n). The freshest face of UCLA soccer team, a new starter that no one knew too well yet as the school year just began.
When imagining her life three years later, (Y/n) only imagined her senior year filled with stressful classes to be finished and last games to be played. What wasn’t originally in her deck of cards designated for her future was living with a beautiful girl she would call her girlfriend while being actively scouted and training for the US Olympics Women’s Soccer Team, but here she was; doing all of those things. If it wasn’t for her beautiful girlfriend, Gracie, she would’ve been completely burnt out. However, Gracie was the kind of girlfriend who helped keep her organized and made sure she ate three meals a day while getting the proper water intake. She even slipped daily protein bars in (Y/n)’s book bag and gym bag, which she always appreciated.
In a sense, Gracie Abrams wasn’t just (Y/n)’s amazing and talented girlfriend, she had made herself (Y/n)’s watergirl, cheerleader, and biggest supporter (and occasionally, nurse). Vice versa, (Y/n) was Gracie’s biggest supporter, attending every concert and traveling with her any chance she could. (Y/n) made sure Gracie drank water, ate food, practiced her vocal rest and warmups before and in-between shows.
They wouldn’t say their relationship was easy. In fact, at times, it could be really difficult. With their schedules not always on the same path, leaving them separated more often than they would like. Additionally, being in a public relationship made everything a little harder. They were constantly being picked on and prodded about their relationship, whether they were on or off, which they always made it a point to say they were still together without divulging too many private details that were just not the reporters’ business.
Despite the consistent pressure, their collision course towards each other was no mere accident, and the two of them came to learn that. They were fated to be together. Destined to be in each other’s life, cheering each other on from the crowd. Gracie, in (Y/n)’s jersey, making sure to show all the love and support she could. Gracie wearing (Y/n)’s number on her cheeks, cheering the loudest on the sidelines. (Y/n) wearing all of Gracie’s merch, sharing all of her songs. (Y/n) with her unlimited praise and compliments. The both of them make sure to send good morning and goodnight texts on busy days, with ‘I love you’s, making sure that they both know they’re thinking about each other, even though they can’t talk.
The acts of service shared between the two are very important to each other. It doesn’t end on the little texts or selfies when they can’t talk. It doesn’t end when they’re cheering each other on during games and shows. It extended far beyond that for them, into their home life. They make sure to provide constant support for each other at home and away from home.
For starters, on game days, Gracie will prepare protein heavy meals for (Y/n). Eggs, turkey bacon, and avocado toast. Then, she will fill her water bottle. She will make sure to double check her girlfriend’s jersey is cleaned and that her cleats are in her gym bag. On concert days, (Y/n) will make sure that Gracie has a quiet morning that starts off with some tea, yogurt with berries, and some water for when the tea is finished. She will make sure that Gracie’s day goes as smoothly as possible.
Gracie will be the first to admit that dating a soccer player isn’t the easiest task. Mostly because of all the bumps and bruises that (Y/n) comes home with. This means that she is always prepared for first aid, kits being in her purse, car, and in their apartment. It doesn’t help that (Y/n) is generally a very clumsy person. This means that she often comes home with scraped knees just from a jog. However, a plus for Gracie would be how toned her girlfriend is. (Y/n) does a lot of weight training with the team, and Gracie is in love with her strength. Another plus, she genuinely enjoys watching her girlfriend play soccer, the giant grin on her face when she kicks a goal, the way she’ll look into the crowd, for Gracie, and blow her kisses.
As for (Y/n), the biggest struggle for dating a singer were the fans, unfortunately. They were amazing and she loved them, but some took it too far. The hate comments always got to her, but she tried not to discuss it too much with Gracie. However, the brown-eyed girl wasn’t blind and could see how they affected her girlfriend. (Y/n) wouldn’t give up Gracie for anything though. She loved that Gracie was following her passions. She loved the excitement on Gracie’s face after she writes a song and shows her. Not to mention, the way her girlfriend absolutely lights up on stage. It’s magical to (Y/n), and she could get lost in the girl’s grin as she performs. 
(Y/n) and Gracie collided together and they formed a bond in the universe, sharing one galaxy full of the stars they created. Despite all of the outside noise and commotion, they were lost in their own universe. They were made for each other, fated and destined to be together. (Y/n) knew this to be true because every time Gracie looked at her, she could only see the stars in her eyes and the way that every time they touched, it felt like it was only them in their own space. They had far surpassed any basic form of love, falling deeply into each other, being absolutely enamored in each other. They were in love, and nothing could or would ever change that. They had crashed into each other way too hard for anyone to ruin that for them.
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