#sobbing why does no one else have team red ocs
the-cs-oc-archives · 2 years
Please tell me about Kei and Deepa! What is their backstory? How did they meet? What is their role in VILE? What are their pronouns, sexuality and nationality? Im curious about the seemingly sapphics. (:
ok so basic info first:
Name: Deepa Pronouns: she/her Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual Nationality: Indian Age: HhHh same as Zack how old is he Alignment: Team Red Skill/'Thing': disguise, blending in, being inconspicuous/ignored basically, shes innocent i swear. oh and also she got some skillz with a stick Summary of backstory: parents unknown, indulged in petty thievery before she met Zack and Ivy, joined their team as Ivy's assistant/helper, helped Zack and Ivy with the boston tea party caper because she was the only one who kinda sorta knew what she was doing, basically WHAT if there were TWO mechanics on team red instead of one
Name: Kei Codename: Shadow Pronouns: she/her Nationality: Japanese Sexuality: Lesbian Age: same as Deepa bye Alignment: VILE Skill/'Thing': Stealth + The Stick (TM) Summary of Backstory: parents died at young age, petty thievery at first but with no anchor it kept getting grander and grander, until a certain museum heist caught the attention of VILE, the rest is history
how they met? I'm not gonna elaborate much but here goes (vaguely shitposty ig) (i am well aware zack and ivy don't usually face off against VILE operatives however. this is extremely funny to me): Deepa: oh I haven't seen you before. who are you? Kei, dramatically: you can call me,,,,,, s h a d o w Deepa and Zack, instantly: LIKE THE ONE FROM SONIC?! Kei: NO??? Carmen in the background: not what I intended for a distraction but I guess?????? it works?????
and yes. they are gay for each other. next question
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Rock ‘N’ Roll People In A Disco World
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Part 2- Panic At The Disco
Intro: You head to the hospital as Paul’s life hangs in the balance and as you wait for news, you start to reflect on the early days of your relationship.
Pairing: Paul Diskant x Reader
Warnings: Bad language, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar the reader and any other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: So, you migh recognise a few familiar names/faces in this as well- I can assure you this isn’t an Avengers/Diskant AU, just a way for me to pay tribute to a few of our faves…because, why not!
Rock ‘n’ Roll People Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 1
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"All units, we have a possible 2-4-5 in progress at 4223 E Palm, South of Figueroa and 1st. Unit responding is requesting back up, 11-9-9, Code 3."
"Unit 613 responding, Code 3."
The call went out over dispatch and you felt a slight relief at the fact support was on its way. You took a deep breath, held firm, your weapon poised as your partner stood next to you. 
"LAPD, drop the weapon and come out with your hands up. We will fire." Officer Barton, a long time veteran on beat called out. "Panny, hit the porch."
You nodded and walked the short steps, bracing yourself against the stucco near the jam. 
"Come on Garcia, your old lady called it in, I have back up coming, bro. You don't want this to go down worse than it is," Barton shouted. "Don't make my Rookie work hard today, man."
Lights and sirens filled your ears and soon a second unit had arrived on scene. The suspect, now surrounded, soon surrendered, his weapon dropped to the ground as he came out of his home with his hands up. 
The second unit to respond to the call was helping Barton with the arrest while you headed inside to check on the girlfriend who'd called it in. She was beat up and bloodied, a bullet graze across her upper left arm. Paramedics were treating her as you wrote down everything she could tell you for the report to be filed later. 
You gave the woman’s hand a little squeeze as you promised her you’d be right back and headed outside where you saw Barton stood talking to one of the duty sergeants from the second unit and another officer who you hadn’t seen before.
"She's requesting an escort, both medics are male," You said to Barton.
“Okay.” Barton nodded. “You good to take it or do you want me to call back and request someone take over?”
You shook your head, “Nah, I’m good, I could use the overtime. It’s no problem.”
"Rookies, always looking for the pay out," Barton laughed at you and you snorted before you looked back at the house.
“Well, to be honest I wanna make sure she’s okay, she’s beat up pretty bad.”
"Yeah, well this isn't their first 240 but now, it's bumping to a 273D, if she keeps the chargers." Barton nodded. “Okay, go with her and I’ll file the initial report when I get back. You can add your details to it later.”
“See, we’re not always money grabbing assholes.” The officer you’d never met before turned his eyes to the sergeant who met his look with one of his own. “Some of us rookies are simply driven by our social conscience.”
As the two men looked at one another it was clear that the statement meant something, and you could probably take a good guess that the officer in question had also had his fair share of rookie jokes at his expense. It was part and parcel of being a newbie.
“Oooh I’m sensing a little bit of tension there, Barnes!” Barton looked at the sergeant who scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“He’s a wise guy, thinks he’s funny.”
“I don’t think it, I know it.” The buzz cut man shrugged. “Why else does everyone laugh at me when I walk into a room?”
At that you couldn’t help a little chuckle of laughter as your eyes looked over the hood of Sargent Barnes' black and white and caught the name plate of the wise ass, before your eyes flicked up to his face. A pair of shades were pushed up on top of his shorn light brown hair, revealing a pair of blue eyes which were twinkling slightly with good humour. He was clean shaven with a strong jawline, and a pretty handsome profile with high cheekbones and a smattering of freckles over his nose. Two strong arms folded over a broad chest, as he stood tall, a good inch or so above Sergeant Barnes and a fair few over you. 
His eyes caught yours, a smirk curling in his lips as he clearly thought you’d been checking him out.
Which, to be fair, you had, and all in all, he was pretty damned hot.
"Don't I know you?" He asked, his hands unfolding from across his chest and coming to rest on his utility belt, either side of the buck.
“I don’t think so.” You shook your head.
“I’m sure I do. I never forget a pretty face.”
You laughed at the blatant pick up line and looked at Barton who was watching, his eyebrow raised. You shook your head and turned back to make some sly quip of your own before the medic interrupted the exchange, telling you they were ready for transport. You nodded before once more switching your attention back to the three men around you.
“It’s been a pleasure, gents.” You smiled, nodding to both Barton and Sergeant Barnes before you turned to look at the other man. "Diskant.”
He feigns a pain to his chest with a hard slap of his right hand over his heart. "Uh, you do know me! That hurts."
“Read your name tag.” You shrugged and with that you turned and left.
The red and blue lights of the black and white bouncing off the concrete exterior of UCLA Medical Centre as you arrived brought you out of your memory. Officer Weiss opened the door for you and escorted you inside where the waiting room had been cleared and you were met with the somber faces of not only Captain Biggs, but Paul's Captain, Sam Wilson. But what brought your world crashing down on you for the second time that night was seeing your own Captain, Steve Rogers, waiting for you. Wilson had to have called him in.
"Steve," your voice quivered as your Captain and friend wrapped an arm around you. Sam, too, pulling you close. "What...." you couldn't even get the words out, each syllable choked back by the closing of your throat, sobs threatening to escape. 
"We don't know, not yet. The call came in as an officer down, unit in pursuit. Medics arrived and called in code blue, 10-45C GSW to the neck. As soon as they arrived he was wheeled into emergency surgery," Captain Biggs explained. 
The air left your lungs at the news and you near hit the floor, both Rogers and Wilson catching an arm, and had you been more with it, you’d have clocked the worried look that your Captain shot Sam. He'd known you since your training at the academy, his eye on you for SWAT from the get go, and never had he seen your lose control in such a way. You hadn’t on the job, not once. It was something you prided yourself on.
Biggs grabbed a chair from the wall behind him, where a dozen lined the sterile white space, and allowed you to flop into it. Your hands were shaking, legs bouncing on the balls of your feet, the tore up converse you’d slipped on squeaking a little on the clinical floor. You’d dressed in such a haste, your skinny jeans being grabbed straight back off the top of the hamper for you to put on, one of Paul’s hoodies being pulled on over a tight camisole. Whilst you hadn’t given a single thought to what you were wearing, clearly your subconscious had wanted to be near him, and you were glad as you pulled the dark grey item round you tighter, breathing in his smell. And you were reminded of the first time you were able to really be close enough to smell his cologne or deodorant, a smell that was uniquely Paul Diskant. 
It was Friday and your shift had just finished. It was the first time your rest days had fallen over a Saturday and Sunday, and you were making the most of it. A few from your team were heading to Jack's Bar for a few beers and, you suspected, a lot of shots and probably karaoke later, apparently that’s how your team nights went down.
You’d been there a few hours and your rounds had all gotten out of sync, as was always the case when everyone had had a few, so you stood up to head to the bar to get yourself a refill, cringing at the cat-screeching masquerading as singing which was ringing around the room. You found a space, placing your empty glass on the smooth wood of the bar and stood waiting for the bar tender. You hadn’t been there long when someone sidled in next to you, their elbow lightly brushing your arm and you glanced up to see the handsome, buzz-cut officer that had attended the 273D you’d dealt with in the week.
“Did you bring your cuffs?” He asked and you frowned, looking at him.
“What? Why?”
He jerked his head over his shoulder in the direction of the woman singing, “because she’s murdering Shania Twain and whilst she may feel like a woman, personally I feel that as police officers, it’s our duty to prevent crimes of this nature.”
You groaned out a laugh, “Jesus, you’re terrible”
“My name isn’t Jesus, but give me a chance and I’ll make you say ‘Oh God’,” he shot you a wink, “how’s that for terrible?”
You laughed and shook your head, cocking it slightly to one side as you studied him for a second. And then, you decided on a little joke of your own. “It’s Disco, right?”
He groaned, dropping his head in a dramatic sigh. “Diskant. Come on, you read my name tag, remember?”
"Diskant."  You shrugged, "Close enough."
He chuckled, nodding to your drink that was down to the foam at the bottom of the glass, "what are you drinking?"
"Beer," you replied.
"Any beer? Or..."
"The Heff," you nod to the taps.
Diskant waved the bartender over, "Jack, can we get another round, one for me and one for Officer...."
"Officer Y/L/N. Whatever she's drinking."
"It's Paul by the way," he smirked at you while dropping some cash on the bar top as Jack returned your beers.
"Thanks for the beer, Disco," You winked and walked off to join your partner and the rest of the shift team.
“Woah, it’s like that? I buy you a drink and you bail, without even telling me your name?” He scoffed and you turned to look at him over your shoulder, giving him a smirk.
“Yeah," you shrugged, and when you turned away you could feel his eyes burning into your back.
Later, you saw him laughing in a full body tilt, eyes crinkled and his smile exploding. His partner, whom you'd recognized again as Barnes, had said something ridiculous causing the table to erupt.
You headed to the bar and ordered a round of shots for your team and another beer to chase it. But sent one over Paul's way, with a note on the napkin.
When the waitress took the beer to him, she placed the napkin down first, making sure he saw the scribbled note.
'Now we're even. - Y/N'
You watched as he read the note, a huge smile breaking over his handsome face and he turned, bright eyes searching the bar. When they fell on you, he arched his brow and raised his beer in thanks. You gave a sharp jerk of your head to show you’d seen and turned back to your team.
From then on, he was a persistent little shit. He'd somehow figured out your shift patterns, catching you in and out of the doors to the station as you'd be coming off shift and he starting his. Barton liked to give you shit for it as he'd always walk with you out, calling Diskant "your lost, little puppy-dog" and the unit were quick to catch on. It was all in good fun, until one day, you'd worked a tough shift; chasing down a couple of suspects and catching yourself up on a fence, gashing your arm good. Medics treated you at the scene, but told you that it required stitches. You finished you shift anyway and like clockwork, there he was walking in as you were out.
"Hey Y/N, you okay?" He'd expressed concern as your face was blatantly displaying your discomfort and mood which wasn’t great.
You were tired, irritated and in pain, now that the day was over, you wanted to just go home, so you seemed to snap in reply, "What the hell is it gonna take for you to just go away?"
Your response took him back a bit as he raised his hands in defense."Whoa, relax," his voice was soft and careful.
You sighed and stepped out of the way of the different people coming in and out the doors. He followed. "I'm sorry, that was shitty. It's just been a really long day."
"It’s okay, I get it. Look, I'm off today, I was coming in to get some stuff I left in my locker. I'm sorry if I've crossed a line somehow."
You thought to yourself for a moment. He hadn't crossed any line, not one that made you uncomfortable. You had your own reservations about dating someone from work, but it wasn’t like no one else did it, hell, half the entire force seemed to be married to one another, and if you were honest, you were actually kind of attracted to him and you found his flirty way of things to be fun and you liked it.
“No, you didn’t, like I said, bad day.” You shook your head. “I gotta head to the clinic for some stitches, and if I’m honest, I’m not a huge fan of needles so...."
He frowned “you hurt yourself?”
"Got hung up on a chain link chasing a perp through an alley. Finished the shift with the bandages from the medics, now I gotta take care of it."
"Do you... errr...", he moved out of the way of someone leaving the building and scratched the back of his neck, "do you need a lift up there or something, I got nothing else on."
"I could use a ride, sure," you shrugged, a small smirk tugging at the corner of your lips.
“Okay, well gimme two minutes to grab something out of my locker and I’ll be with you in a second.”
You headed out of the way of the various traffic in and out of the station and perched on the low wall that surrounded the parking lot. True to his word, Diskant emerged a few minutes later, sliding his shades down from his head to his eyes, a bright pink gift bag in his hand and for some inexplicable reason, you felt your heart sink at the sight of the item in his hand, it was clearly for a woman.
“Who’s the lucky girl?” You asked, nodding to it as he stopped in front of you. A smirk crossed his face and a brow arched over the top of his wraparounds.
“Is that your way of asking me if I have a girlfriend?” He quipped and you hastily shook your head, lying through your teeth.
“No, I was just…making conversation. Besides, you might be gay for all I know.” You finished lamely and he snorted.
“Well, I’m not, and it’s for my Mom. It’s her birthday tomorrow and she’s a pain in the ass for finding her presents in my room or wherever I hide them. That and I actually only picked it up yesterday and forgot about it.”
"None of my business." You shrugged and at that he sighed, looking down before he glanced at you, chuckling.
"You asked, sweetheart."
The pet name had you feeling a little warm around your neck. Thankfully, Diskant then led you to his car, the conversation moving swiftly onwards as you explained in a little more detail how you’d gotten your injury. By the time you’d finished you were out of the parking lot and had joined the steady stream of traffic on the main road.
“You should count yourself lucky that it was only your arm.” Paul mused, his thumb tapping the steering wheel. “One of the first shifts I ever did ended with the guy I’d been partnered with straddling a piece of razor-wire.”
“Ouch.” You winced and Paul wrinkled his nose.
“Lot of blood and screaming.” He sniffed. “Mind you, every cloud and all that, he said it would save him and his wife a fortune on a vasectomy.”
You blinked before your mouth fell open in disbelief and you scoffed, shaking your head. “Bullshit.”
“I swear down…”
“Don’t believe you, Disco.”
“Well, I’m offended on two counts. First that you think I’m untrustworthy and second you know that’s not my name.” He shook his head, hanging a right.
You shrugged, “I like it, it suits you.”
“I used to get that all the time at school.” He shrugged, “fucking everyone used to sing that damned D-I-S-C-O song in the halls.”
“Okay, now that’s in my head.” You smirked, and you opened your mouth to sing but he cut you off.
“Just, no.”
You laughed and took a deep breath. “Well, if it makes you feel any better my team call me Panny, short for Panic. On account of the fact I never seem to.”
At that he snorted, “yeah, I’m not calling you that, that’s, fucking awful!”
You let out a low chuckle, “Y/N’s fine.”
“Mind you,” he stole a quick glance at you before his eyes went back to the road. “Panic at the Disco, not a bad band.”
You rolled your eyes and chuckled a little. The conversation flowed with little interruption or awkwardness and once you arrived, your time at the clinic seemed relatively fast. You'd figured he'd left as you'd said goodbye to one another when you'd entered the clinic but to your surprise, and catching you a bit off guard, he was still waiting. 
"You didn't have to wait." You smiled at him and he shrugged.
“How else you gonna get back for your car?" His eyes flicked down, noting the clean wound and stitches in your forearm.
“Uber?” You shrugged and he paused, before he took a deep breath.
“Okay, you could have but my mom taught me never to leave a lady in need of help.”
"I was in there for an hour," You chuckled.
“Yeah, and now I’m kinda hungry, are you hungry?"
"There's a little place I know where we get some great quick food."
"And if I say no?"
"I'm a gentleman and no is no, I’ll take you back to the lot and you get in your car.” He paused, "and then I'll go home and weep into my pillow as I deal with your rejection."
You laugh loudly, genuinely amused, "fine, take me to dinner."
"Woah, I didn't say anything about dinner. I said food."
"Fine, food, let's get some food."
With a grin he gestured for you to lead the way and you headed out of the medical centre back to his car.
It turns out the place he’d been meaning was the Santa Monica Pier. And the food he had in mind was hot dogs and fries, which suited you absolutely fine.
"Alright, I gotta hand it to you, this is a pretty good hot dog and the beer isn't half bad," You tilted back the drink and smiled. "But, it doesn't beat Coney Island."
"Never been," he shrugged, "so I'll have to take you at your word."
"What else do you take me for? Obviously, you're swindling your way into something."
"I resent that accusation, Y/N."
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you just suckered me into a date." You teased and he paused, turning to face you. “And, seeing as you said that was what it would take to get you to leave me alone…” “No, this is not a date.” He cut you off, shaking his head.
 “Hmm, just the two of us, you bought me food, pretty sure it counts as a date.” You wrinkled your nose, your tone flirty and Paul shook his head once more.
“Nope. Absolutely not. There’s a vital element missing.”
“I haven’t kissed you.” He signed dramatically. “So, I’m afraid that if you want me to count this as a date then you’re gonna have to lay one on me.”
“Oh my God-“ You burst out laughing, “You are-“
“Hey, I don’t make the rules, Y/N!”
“So, to be absolutely clear, if I kiss you this counts as a date?”
“Yes.” He nodded.
“Well,” You popped a shoulder, stepping a little closer to him, your eyes flicking from his to his lips, “what the hell.”
You brought your lips to his, a littler firmer than you'd thought but the feel of his mouth against yours was soft and in a way delicate and as you began to pull away, his arm looped around your rib cage and pulled you back in for a longer, deeper kiss that if you'd been honest with yourself, made your stomach tilt and your toes curl. The way his tongue dipped into your mouth was delightful, the salty hoppy taste of the beer and fries you were sharing still an essence in his mouth. 
Breathless, you pulled away, “You gonna leave me alone now?”
“Not a chance.” He chuckled and leaned in again for a third kiss. 
"Y/N..." the voice calling out to you was familiar but your head was pounding and nothing but a fog had filtered over you. Tearfully coming out of your memory, you looked up to see Dorothy, Paul's mom standing before you, her husband Jim in the background talking to Sam. 
"Hi," you croaked and stood from your chair. She immediately wrapped her arms around you in a tight embrace. "I'm sorry... I didn't..."
"Its okay, Jimmy called us after Sam had called us both." She tearfully explained. "We came as soon we'd heard." She nodded to James Barnes, Paul's former beat partner who was talking with Jim, Sam and now Steve. 
"Dotty, I... I'm scared." You cried and she took hold of you again. Together you cried until Jim came and hugged you both, his eyes tearful but his demeanour strong. As a force veteran himself, Big Jim Diskant knew all too well how these things could happen but never did he want to believe it'd be his own son wounded in the line of duty. 
Barnes was quick to hand you a tissue and you accepted with a sad, soft smile in thanks. "He's gonna pull through, doll. Just you watch. You can't get rid of him that easy."
Your quivering lip turned to a wobble until you saw the doctor emerge from the double doors that led into the body of the hospital. His scrubs were bloodied and you feared the worst as he called out, "family of Paul Diskant."
The world around you felt like it was moving at a snail's pace, your stomach in your throat as you, Dotty, Jim and those there to comfort you all made their way to the doctor. 
"We've moved him into the ICU. He's critical, however, I'm hard pressed to say stable. He's not out of the woods yet. The bullet hit his carotid artery which supplies the brain, face and neck and while we were able to remove it, he's lost a lot of blood and I feel it's best to keep him medically sedated until some real healing takes place. That's all up to him on how long that will take and how his body works. Unfortunately, until he wakes up, we won’t be able to determine if there will be any long lasting damage due to the loss of blood to the brain. You should know, we nearly lost him once during the procedure and I know he coded twice before arrival. He's a fighter, that's for sure. For now, he just needs time."
"Can we see him?" Dotty asked, the words not able to leave your lips. 
"You can. One at a time," the doctor replied. "ICU rules. I can take the first of you up with me now."
Dotty very quickly turned to you, "go on." You looked at her like a deer in headlights. Jim nodded in agreement with his wife. 
"Follow me," the doctor nodded to go with him and as he did, he handed you a small plastic bag. "We had to cut it off. I'm sorry."
He placed the bag containing Paul's St. Christopher medal in your hand. It was covered in blood, no doubt from what had happened and the weight of it felt heavier than it ever had before in your hand as you joined the good doctor on the lift up.
It had been a month into your relationship when your parents decided to head out for a week trip to New York, your dad making good on his promise to treat your mom for their anniversary. That meant that you and Paul were playing house for the week.
After seeing them off, you'd proudly tidied up and made sure you pampered yourself before your date night to kick the week off. Fridays post shift were usually spent at Jack's but, you were off and Paul and Barnes were already day shift, as if the stars had perfectly aligned for tonight. Your gut was telling you that after a month of heavy, very heavy petting, absolutely breath-taking make out sessions and a few down the pants moments, tonight just might be the night things would change for the two of you. And if not tonight, then hopefully while the two of you were shacked up for the next five days.
A few hours of primping, preening and a ridiculously relaxing bath, setting fire to that very diamonds and pearls side of you, you picked out your nicest lingerie, a little all black set of bra and panties that hid lines well in your selected sleek black dress. Paul had said the two of you were going for a nice dinner, and he promised it was truly a nice dinner, not like the last he'd said was nice and you two laughed your way through burgers at the Beach Hut. He was going to pick you up at five, and you needed to be ready.
Punctual as always, your doorbell rang and there he was, duffle in one hand, flowers for you in the other. He always brought you flowers on your dates and you loved the old fashioned in him that clearly was a product of his parents love story.
You smiled at him from behind red lips and smoky eyes, your hair down and straight. "Hey! Thank you!" You took the outstretched flowers and welcomed him in. 
"Wow," he whispered, getting the full view of you as he stepped inside the doorway. "Sweetheart, you..., wow."
“You said nice... so if you’re taking me to some dive, Disco, when I’m dressed like this there’s gonna be trouble.”
"I promise, it's nice." Dropping his overnight bag next to the stairs, he followed you into the kitchen as you put the flowers in a vase. You turned from the island and his lips were on yours. "You do look beautiful, but if you want to get into trouble, I've got my cuffs in the car." 
You didn't miss the fire in his eyes and the feeling between your legs. “I thought only bad girls get the cuffs?”
"Maybe we should see how bad you can get."
"You're gonna have to feed me first."
“Damn, you drive a hard bargain.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss, fingers scratching at the nape of his neck, "You think that's hard, you should..."
His finger covered your lips, "don't, don't finish that sentence or we'll never make dinner. THAT I can promise."
You smirked and pulled away from him fully, grabbing your hand bag off the entry table, "I'm ready, let's go."
The meal was divine, expensive and rich in place and taste, you dined on steaks and lobsters, Paul pulling out all the stops for such a new relationship and start of a fun weekend. You didn't mind, but you also knew that you'd have been fine with something simple too. 
"You know you didn’t have to spend so much, I’d have laid on my back for a sub," you sighed contently as he drove you two back to yours. 
"Well, in that case, fuck it, next time it's Subway."
"Is that what this was? You buttering me up so I'd sleep with you, Disco?"
“No, that’s...” he stopped and shrugged, “did it work?”
All you did was smirk back at him. From then, until tires skidded into the driveway, Paul drove at lightspeed, making a snarky comment about needing a red light for the dash or wishing he was in his squad car because he couldn't get you home fast enough. You were barely in the door before he was all over you, hands tangled through your hair, you kicking your shoes off at the bottom of the stairs. His strong arms and big hands lifted you off your feet as you clawed at him, your legs wrapping around his slender waist while he carried you up the stairs. It was a mix of breathy sounds and lots of tongue until your back hit the lamp at the landing stair, causing it to tilt, and the bulb to break. 
Shit," Paul cursed against your lips. 
"I'll get that later," you replied, continuing to fight for dominance in your kiss. 
He managed to get you to your room, but your pace slowed down as you entered, the heat lowering to a simmer unlike the two horny teenagers you’d both been in the stairs and hall. Your toes curled into your plush carpet as he set you down. Breathless and chests heaving, you kissed each other softly and slowly as your fingers unbuttoned his shirt, trying to hide your nerves. Your nails raked down the chest of his crisp white tee he wore underneath. You could feel his heart under your palm. 
Your eyes looked into his and you saw deep and beautiful blue pools staring back at you, a soft twitch of a smirk at the corner of his mouth. He took a half breath and his lips covered yours, his tongue slowly rolling over your top lip to pull you in. It made your stomach drop in need, and you wrapped your arms around his neck to close the space between you. 
His big hand splayed over your right ass cheek and held you there against him while the other hand cupped your face. If anyone were to walk in, they'd think you were one person, the two of you were so close to one another. Then you felt his hand trail over the curve of your backside, closer and closer to the start of your zipper. You felt your dress grow looser as he pulled the little metal piece over the teeth of its track. 
His lips trailed over your skin, and you could feel his heart now racing through his pulse point in his neck. Your eyes met his as he pulled away a second, "me too," You whispered.
A breathy chuckle left his lips and you pulled your dress away from your body, allowing the fabric to hit the floor. You felt naked despite the bra and panty set, his gaze taking all of you in. By no means was this your first time with a man, but it was your first time with Paul, and so far, you'd never felt or experienced anything like this and he wasn't even inside you yet. It was like your skin was on fire from the inside out, all of your nerves firing at once, causing everything to tingle and your breath to catch as your heart threatened to leap from your chest. 
His foot stepped between yours and he placed his hands on your hips, gently backing you into the bed, his lips sealing with yours, your hands holding his forearms to steady yourself. His hands cradled you as the two of you fell into the mattress, his body covering yours, his lips traveling down your neck and nipping at that sensitive spot that made your panties pool and your thighs clench. Your hands shoved the material of his button down over his shoulders and, as his lips carried on toward the swell of your breasts, he flung the shirt wherever it landed.
You smirked as he figured out the bra you had on was front closure and with a snap your breasts were freed. 
"Fuck, sweetheart," he said with a tone you'd never heard from him before.
He had his mouth on you before you could reply, your skin flushing and that twist of stomach igniting with pleasure. His hot tongue lolled around your nipple before suckling it between his teeth and giving it a little pull. You moaned as he pulled away, your fingers scratching at his neck. He smirked against your other breast as you arched into him, his free hand running over your hip and behind you to palm your ass as your leg lifted and bent a knee at his hip.
"I....oh God," you purred as his tongue licked and his mouth sucked, alternating between your breasts. "Fuck, I... Paul, please."
He sat back and ripped his shirt over his head, adding it to the pile. You could see he was solid from your foreplay and you knew the size he was packing. Your stomach twisted in anticipation. 
"Please... What?" He said softly as he left hot, wet kisses up the inside of your thigh. "You know, for a trained police officer I would expect you to have a little more self-control, Baby.”
"Shut up..."
He nipped at your thigh, and you moaned obscenely, your muscles twitching. "You gonna tell me what you want?" He nipped again, higher this time. "Or.."
"I need you."
“I asked what you want...”
"Fuck me."
Quickly he was standing, undoing his belt and pants while pulling a condom from his back pocket. You laid there amazed and in awe of the thick muscles of his entire body, the bare chest and tight abs he had on display. You'd seen his thick and full length before, hell, you'd even put your mouth around it but now, all you can think of is how it would feel deep inside you. Your eyes watched him with a hunger you could feel coursing all through you, the way he rolled the latex circle down his shaft and kneeled toward you on the bed. 
He pulled at your panties, peeling them away from your body, your legs lifting to remove them fully. You were soaked as he tested your folds, slicking the head of his cock. It felt so good already, you were squirming by the time his head dipped inside you. He caged you in with his body as he pressed into you little by little until you were both moaning at the perfect fit as he became fully seated inside you. His St. Christopher medal dangled between the two of you as it ghosted across your chest. 
Your hand gripped the medallion as you gave a gentle pull, his lips barely touching yours, "I said fuck me, Diskant." You sealed your words with a hard kiss, nothing but tongue inside his mouth and his hips snapped, again the two of you making lewd sounds as your bodies joined together.
He broke away from your kiss and thrust his hips forward again, slowly pulling out and snapping back in. It was blissful torture, your body experiencing each movement as if it were new. Your walls continuously contracted around him, giving him a pressure around his cock. It was a tight fit, but not painful, not uncomfortable in any way. Your eyes and his never broke away from each other, only lashes kissing cheeks as you would close your eyes for a kiss. 
With a deep, intentional roll of his hips, his lips moved across your jaw and neck, settling near your ear. "I love you," he whispered. 
You gasped as you felt your body react, "Oh fuck!" You moaned, your orgasm coming out of nowhere, tightening around him hard. 
"Fucking hell," Paul moaned as his hips sped up, until he was spasming inside you, his seed filling the barrier. 
He stilled while inside you, pulling out and slipping away with a soft kiss, only to come back cleaned up and pulling the sheet over the two of you. He curled his body around yours, your bare skin against his chest, his hand entwined with yours as his lips kissed your tousled head. "You're amazing."
You turned to look at him with your tired but happy eyes, "did you mean it?" 
A soft smile splayed over his features as his eyes twinkled a bit, understanding exactly what you were referring to. "I was being ironic, as I was, literally loving you." He took a pause and leaned in for a sweet, all lip kiss. "But hypothetically... if I did mean it..." 
You grinned, “then, hypothetically I’d say I love you to."
He chuckled and quickly pecked you again before settling in behind you for sleep. "Good to know."
The bell to the lift beeped and the doors loudly opened, bringing you to the present. It felt like everything took forever since you'd received Captain Biggs' call. You followed the doctor down the hall and after a sharp left, he showed you the doorway to Paul's room. 
As you stepped inside, your heart shattered. The first thing you noticed was how small and pale he looked there in his bed. Paul wasn't a small guy, in fact he was six feet of thick muscle and hard strength. A built frame that loved to wrap itself around you any chance he could. Your firm and well taught body fitting like the perfect piece to him. You swallowed hard as you stepped forward, closer to the edge of his bed. There were so many wires, so many leads hooked up to the various machines that ensured he stayed in his medicinal sleep and keeping him alive. A tube for the ventilator was in his mouth and down his throat while monitoring equipment measured his vitals, IV lines and pumps full of medication surrounded him, a feeding tube was stuck in his nose, and not to mention the various drains and catheters. You found yourself cursing all the episodes of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ the pair of you had watched as you weren't sure if you'd rather not fucking know what the hell they all were. 
Despite the sick symphony of beeps and blips on the screens, the only sound you heard was the sound of his heart rate on its own monitor. A steady, morbid mantra reminding you that he was there but not really there with you. 
Gone were those beautiful blue eyes you loved waking up to each morning or staring deeply into as his pupils, lust blown with deep passion, love and desire stared back you while you made love. Hiding behind an ugly plastic tube were those pearly whites you loved seeing when he smiled or laughed with his whole body, his cheeky grin missing. Silent was the voice that would make your heart skip its beats, your body ignite, that would meet your voice in reply, 'sugar'. 
You held back the sob that was choking you breathless and you sat in the chair beside his bed, facing him. Your warm and soft hand took hold of his, and you were broken at how cold he felt. 
As you looked up for some form of help to the heavens above, your eyes looked back at him and you gave a breathy, shaky sigh, "hey, Stud."
***** Part 3
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My girl
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Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan & Cory Reid (OC), Spencer Reid & Cory Reid (OC)
(Song fic based on “my girl” by Elvie Shane) 
Authors note/background- Spencer Reid never joins the FBI, he’s a professor at Georgetown university. Derek Morgan is still in the BAU and the BAU members do pop up.Cory is the result of a past “relationship” Spencer was in, her mother is never mentioned because she abandons Cory and Spencer right after Cory is born.He meets Derek at the coffee shop they both happen to frequent. Cory looks like her mother (it’s why she has red hair and blue eyes, although again it’s never mentioned)
She ain’t got my smile that don’t bother me a bit and she’s got somebody else’s eyes I’m seeing myself in.
The red haired, Hazel eye little girl holds tightly onto Spencer’s hand. He had explained to her (the best he could, seeing that she is only four) that he had someone he wanted her to meet.
I’m holding onto every moment god knows I’ve missed a few the day we meant I knew I had some catching up to do.
The first time they meet Cory is a little hesitant, eyeing him with a look that reminds him so much of Spencer. He’s worried for a while that she won’t like him.
“She’ll warm up to you.”
He gives her a small stuffed dog and when the night ends she hugs him before she runs off to bed.
“Told you she'd warm up to you.” Spencer remarks later that night.
“Yeah, I guess you did.” Derek agrees, kissing Spencer temple.
“Did you just admit that I was right?” The mischievous smile that works its way onto Spencer’s face is honestly terrifying.
“Yes and I’m already regretting it.”
She ain’t my blood, ain’t got my name but if she did I’d feel the same I wasn’t there for her first steps but I ain’t missed a moment yet and,
They’ve met four times when Cory decides that Derek must have hung the stars when he lets her ride on his shoulders at the carnival, something Spencer ever so careful would never do.
“Papa, I'm so tall!” She exclaims giggling wildly when Derek pretends to almost drop her.
“Derek be careful-!”
“Relax pretty boy. I’m not actually going to drop her, right Cory?”
“Mhm! Relax papa!” They both laugh at that.
By the end of the day Cory had been completely tuckered out and Derek had moved her down from his shoulder to his hip.
That ain’t ever gonna change I could never walk away yeah she’s my baby my whole world.
“Cory’s asking about you.” Spencer tells Derek over lunch. “I don’t think she understands your job.”
“You could bring her to mine tonight, Clooney’s a general giant who loves kids.”
Cory falls in love with Clooney the moment she meets him, nicknaming him ‘cloon’ because she can’t pronounce Clooney and it’s too adorable to correct.
“Night night cloon night night Derek.” She mumbles that night patting Derek’s chest tiredly, a familiar small stuffed dog gripped tightly in her hand. Derek hadn’t even realised she’d brought it with her.
“She has dragged it everywhere since you left on that case two weeks ago.” Spencer murmurs with an amused smile.
“Huh.” Derek responds with a smile on his face.
She ain’t my blood but she’s my girl, Yeah she’s my girl.
He’s known Cory for seven months the first time he watches her alone for longer than an hour. Spencer was asked to give a lecture at a college in New York and her normal sitter was sick.
The day went easily, having taken her to the park and then for ice cream before retiring for the day. If you’d told him eight months ago he’d know the lyrics to just about every Disney song very soon he’d have called you crazy but… here he is.
Thumb in mouth Cory curls up with Derek her head against his shoulder. “Papa smile more.” She tells him and he’s confused. “You.” She says. “Him smile more.” And or doesn’t make much sense or maybe it doesn’t. “Good.” He doesn’t get the chance to question her because she drops off to sleep shortly after.
He carries her to the the guest bedroom that isn’t much of a guest bedroom anymore considering the toys, blue blankets and child clothes that can now be seen.
It hit me like a train the first time she called me dad (pops) in a three stick figure crayon picture with all of us holding hands.
Her mama (papa) said I understand if it’s too soon for this oh I didn’t let her (him) finish I took it to the kitchen and stuck it right on the fridge.
It's been almost a year when she goes to Derek’s house from school with a scribbled picture and bright smile. She places the picture next to Derek before running off down the hall in search of her stuffed dog and action figures.
Derek picks it up and freezes for a moment staring at the page with an unreadable expression. Spencer sees him from the corner of his eye and crosses the room looking over Derek’s shoulder.
It’s the three of them at the park, she’s standing between them holding each of their hands. That however isn’t the part that caused them to pause, it was what she’d written. They are labeled, ‘me’ , ‘papa’ , ‘pops’ the top of the page dawned with the words ‘my family’
“Oh.” Spencer breathes out. “Look I understand if…” Derek shakes his head standing up with a small smile, sticking the picture among the many others that now littered his fridge.
From that day on he’s pops.
She ain’t my blood, ain’t got my name but if she did I’d feel the same I wasn’t there for her first steps but I ain’t missed a moment yet and that ain’t ever gonna change I could never walk away,
The first time she sees him in a hospital is heartbreaking, her eyes full up with tears. “Pops.” She calls out sobbing when her comatose pops doesn’t respond.
“He’ll wake up.” Spencer says though he isn’t sure who he’s reassuring by that point.
“He was hit hard but he should wake up.” David Rossi, Derek’s team member who Spencer has come to know over the past year and two months. “Always has to play hero.” Rossi adds with a head shake before leaving the two alone.
It’s six hours later when Derek does wake up. “Spence?” He croaks out.
“You're awake! Oh thank god. Don’t you ever think about doing anything like that ever again Derek Morgan or so help me-“
“Move in with me. Both of you, move in with me.”
“What?” Spencer is dumbfounded.
“You heard me.” And Spencer almost laughs at the oddity of the situation.
“I’ll move in with you if you promise never to leave me. Us.” He motions over to where Cory is sleeping.
“Never gonna leave you.” Derek promises.
When Cory wakes she ends up crawling into the hospital bed with Derek (screw protocol) and refuses to let go of his shirt until he’s discharged four days later.
Yeah she’s my baby my whole world she ain’t by blood but she’s my girl.
The Reid’s official move in a month later, waving goodbye to their small D.C apartment with no tears shred.
“Pops. Papa.” Cory says wiggling her way between them on the couch.
“What are you doing up Angel?” Derek asks.
They laugh at the sheer honesty but don’t send her away letting her fall asleep with them. Spencer eventually carried her to bed, making sure not to forget her stuffed dog.
She’s Saturday morning cartoons.
The sound of hysterical laughter is heard throughout the house rousing Spencer from his sleep and prompting him to pad into the living room.
Derek is sitting on the couch half asleep, Cory sat on his lap intently watching ‘bubble guppies’ and petting Clooney.
Spencer smiles and if he snaps a picture, no one needs to know.
She’s hey can I sleep in your room?
Cory learns to hate when Derek leaves for cases, sometimes going as far as throwing tantrums when he tries to say goodbye but that never changes her response to him coming home. No matter how mad she was at him for leaving.
Derek comes home close to midnight and doesn’t expect to see Cory until morning but is mistaken as she’s sitting up on the couch in the living room when he enters the house. “I made the mistake of telling her that you were on your way home.” Spencer explains, which cues Cory in on Derek’s arrival.
“Pops!” She turns around standing on the couch and reaching out insistently. “Your home.”
“Hey Princess, of course I am. I always come home.” Spencer smiles fondly.
“Can I sleep with yous?” She asks looking between Derek and Spencer innocently.
“Of course you can Cory.” Spencer says walking over to kiss Derek.
“Yuck!” They both laugh loudly.
She’s bigger than the plans I ever had. She's making me a better man.
“I never thought I’d get this.” Derek tells Spencer one night.
“Hmm?” Spencer prompts wrapping himself around Derek.
“This.” He motions around. “You and Cory.”
“I thought it would always just be me and Cory.” Spencer admits. “No one wants to date a single dad who’s a college professor with a past off… expect you did.”
“You're not your past Spencer.”
“And you're not yours.” They don’t address the true meaning of the sentence instead Derek smiles, lifting a sleeping Cory into his arms and heading down the hall.
She ain’t my blood, ain’t got my name but if she did I’d feel the same I wasn’t there for her first steps but I ain’t missed a moment yet and that ain’t ever gonna change I could never walk.
The wedding is in June, they’d been together for two and a half years when they decided to get married.
Cory is the flower girl, Henry the ring barrier.
Derek’s team is there, his mother and sisters too.
Spencer mom is there, along with a few of his professor friends.
Hotch is Derek’s best man, his groomsmen and woman being Penelope and James.
Reid’s best woman is JJ, his groomsmen and woman being Emily and Rossi.
It’s a small thing really.
There’s a party afterwards.
“Papa lap.”
“Cory I’m eating.” He tells her with a stern look.
“Pops lap.”
“I’m eating too princess.” He responds. Still not deterred she pushes Derek’s arm out of the way and climbs into his lap successfully seeing as Penelope had changed her out of her suit before dinner. (She had refused a dress and neither of her fathers saw it necessary to force her into clothes she doesn’t want.) “Alright fine.” Derek huffs although there’s no heat in his voice.
“Pushover.” Spencer mummers into his wine glass ignoring the glare his husband shot him. “Cory, do you want your own plate of food?” Spencer asked and got his answer when she shook her head instead picking food off of their plates.
Yeah she’s my baby my whole world, she ain’t my blood but she’s my girl.
It’s six months later when they all sit in a family court room, their friends and family sitting on the public benches behind them.
They sign the papers in front of everyone and then the judge announces loudly, “I hereby declare Cory Reid-Morgan adopted.”
They go out for ice cream as a large group to celebrate, Cory happily running around with Jack and Henry afterwards.
When it’s time for everyone to leave Cory demands to be picked up by Derek who complies. She rests her head on his shoulder and quietly murmurs. “I love you.”
“I love you too princess.”
“To the moon and back?”
“A million times.” Spencer comes up from behind wrapping his arms around Derek's waist and resting his chin on the shoulder not occupied by Cory’s head.
“Love you Derek.”
“Love you too Spencer.”
Yeah she’s my girl.
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nelapanela94 · 3 years
Of Love and Other Misunderstandings
Kenya Oshitari x Fem!OC
will they be able to confess their feelings without leaving victims along the way?
Warnings: None
Sorry for grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.
Tanaka Sora was standing before her black spiky haired kohai. Her head tilted to the side as she blinked twice waiting for him to speak. The Tensai of Shitenhouji shut his eyes closed and let out a heavy sigh. She noticed his strange behavior. Zaizen Hikaru, the second-year tennis regular, who was always calm and collected, was acting out of character. He avoided her gaze and his cheeks turned slightly pink.
“Ano, Hikaru-kun" she intervened. “Why did you ask me to meet you here?” The girl asked for a second time. “If you’re not telling, I’ll take my leave. Nakamura-buchou will make me run laps if I’m late again”
She whirled around to leave, but the boy's grip around her wrist stopped her.
“I like you Tanaka-sempai" he confessed. “I do like you”
Sora froze. Her eyes widened and she pressed her lips into a thin line. She was left speechless, but got the courage to face the boy and turned around.
“I…I don’t know what to say Hikaru-kun“ she stuttered. She had rejected other boys who had previously confessed to her, but Zaizen was a good friend and she wasn’t ready to break his heart. “You know…” she looked down. “I…”
“You like someone else" he completed her sentence.
Sora lifted her gaze to meet his.
“Then why…?”
“…did I confess to you?” Sora slightly frowned at the second interruption. “I just needed to let it off my chest” He bit his lower lip and shrugged.
“I’m sorry Hikaru-kun” she shook her head.
“There’s nothing to apologize for sempai. I knew the outcome beforehand”
An apologetic smile drew on her face.
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship nor make things awkward between us”
“Neither do I” she replied. “And I’ve told you hundreds of times to call me Sora"
“Alright Sora-sempai" he mockingly grinned as she rolled her eyes. “If you want me to call you Sora, call me Hikaru then”
“Deal, Hi-ka-ru" she extended her hand.
“Deal, So-ra" they shook hands in agreement.
Sora took a glance at her watch and sighed. “I guess I’m running a hundred laps around the field again”
“Me too" he added. “What a bother"
“Let’s go then" she positioned herself next to him and linked arms with the boy. To get to the football field she had to pass by the tennis courts first. “I’ll drop you at the courts"
“Ja-ne! Hikaru”
The boy simply waved and headed to the club house to change into his tennis uniform.
“Why late today, Zaizen?” kenya Oshitari asked his kohai as he closed his locker.
“I was with Sora" the bleach haired boy scowled. “We were to organize the movie selection of the month”
“Sora?” The second year was sometimes disrespectful to his sempais, but he always addressed them with the proper honorific.
“She asked me to call her by her given name" he bluntly answered. “And she calls me by mine”
Zaizen enjoyed annoying his short-tempered sempai.
The baka pair was eavesdropping while changing into their green and yellow uniforms and mischievously grinned.
“Ne-ne Yuu-kun, don’t you think Sora-chan and Hikaru-chan are getting closer since they joined the library committee?”
The boy with the headband nodded in agreement. “you’re right Koharu, they even use their first names"
Kenya’s jaw tightened.
“Aho! You should address her as sempai"
“I can’t. We made a deal"
Suddenly their captain, Shiraishi Kuranosuke, entered. An irritated look drawn on his face. “Practice began ten minutes ago. What’s going on?”
“Kurarin~” Koharu began. “Our Hikaru is growing closer to Sora-chan and Kenya is getting jealous”
“I’m not!" the bleached haired boy snapped.
The captain lifted a brow. “Mind to explain"
“They’re on first name basis and they were walking together to the courts" Hitouji explained.
“Is that so?” Shiraishi addressed the second year, who indifferently shrugged.
The tennis regulars were totally aware of Oshitari's and Shiraishi's feelings for Tanaka Sora. The trio had been in the same class since freshman year and had become good friends. Nobody knew about whom she liked back, though.
“Zaizen" the black haired glanced at his captain while unbuttoning his shirt. “Fifty laps!”
Zaizen Hikaru deeply sighed. Stupid sempaitachi.
The baka pair left the clubhouse giggling at the war scenario they had just created.
“Ano, Kura" Sora turned her head towards the boy sitting next to her. “Can I borrow your biology notes? I fell asleep yesterday during class" she sheepishly smiled.
“You should pay more attention or you’ll fail again" he replied.
The girl frowned. “Are you on your moon days or what?” she rolled her eyes. “Sorry for not being perfect in everything like you. I don’t get what’s wrong with you and Kenya. You’ve been out of character since last week.” She hissed. “I´ll find another way"
“Ask Zaizen, he's a tensai after all" he didn’t bother to look at her.
“Hikaru? What does he have to do with this?” she sighed in defeat. Sora didn’t feel like arguing with one of her best friends. “Let me know when you get back to normal" she finished putting her things in her backpack and left the room.
If only she knew how perfect she is.
Sora had her mind buried in the biology book when the second-year genius took a seat in front of her. “hey" she greeted.
She closed the book and looked at the boy. “Do you know what’s wrong with Kura and Kenya? They've been distant to me since last week"
He shook his head.
“It hurts, you know? They being so indifferent" her eyes emanated sadness. “And they don’t even tell what I did wrong”
“Sora" Zaizen changed the topic. “Who is the one you like?”
Her eyes went wide at the sudden question. “Why are you asking?”
“mmmmm, I’m not telling"
“Give me a hint”
“I won’t stop pestering then"
Tanaka Sora sighed.
“It seems I don’t have a choice" she muttered. “he’s in my class, plays tennis and he’s fun to be with"
Zaizen narrowed the eyes. “Is the health freak or the one that collects weird erasers?”
“it’s a secret" she placed her index finger on her lips. “Fun fact, I’ve had a hard crush on this guy since first year"
“And why don’t you just tell him? You’re always saying we have to be honest with our feelings.” He mimicked her.
“Collateral damage. I don’t want to ruin a good friendship" she leaned back and looked at the ceiling, then back at the boy. “Why the sudden interest in my love life? What about yours?”
“The girl I like rejected me last week"
“What a heartless bitch!"
“Don’t be selfish to yourself sempai” he said interlacing his fingers and stretching his hands in front of him with the palms facing outwards. “You'll end up hurting yourself”
The third year stood up and leaned forward flicking her kohai on the forehead. “Stop saying no sense” she swirled around. “I need fresh air” she looked down. “Can you cover up for me?”
Sora found herself near the broadcasting room. She claimed that the water fountain in that hall had the best tasting water of the school. She pressed the button and took some sips. Then she rubbed her lips with the back of her hand.
“Sora” she heard someone calling her name from behind and turned around.
“Hey, Kenya” she gave a forced smile.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in committee duty now?”
“Hikaru is covering up for me”
The boy irked.
Sora studied his face. “Did I say something wrong?”
The Speed star of Naniwa took a deep breath in order to constrain his annoyance.
“Are you dating Zaizen?” he shot the question without anesthesia.
The girl in front of him raised her brows.
“What are you talking about?”
Kenya looked away after the realization of what he had just asked. His cheeks were turning red.
“Hikaru and I are just friends. I actually see him as a younger brother.” Her eyes saddened. “Hikaru and Kin-chan remind me of my late baby brother, that’s why I’m always spoiling them. It makes me nostalgic when Kin-chan calls me nee-chan” the ends of her lips lifted.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know”
“It’s ok Kenya. I never told you, and it’s been a while already”
He felt sorry for the girl. She had lost her mother recently due to a car accident. A drunk driver; and the bastard only got a few scratches.
Sora was about to swirled around; she didn’t want him to see her crying. But a sudden embrace stopped her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to his chest.
“it’s ok to cry Sora” he whispered as he patted her head. The girl hugged back and buried her face on his chest as tears began to form in her eyes. Kenya remained in silence. All he could hear were the girl’s sobs. His chest felt warm and wet, but he didn’t mind.
“You always go around giving hugs away and comforting people.” He rested his chin on her head. “Let’s change roles for a while”
The Oshitari loved having her petite body so close to him. He yearned for every second he could be near her ever since first year.  Her positive aura, her scent, her smile, her eyes, her soft skin under his touch. He wanted her to be his, but he was aware that his best friend and captain of the tennis team had feelings for her as well. In fact, he was jealous of Shiraishi for sitting next to her in class and having her near almost all the time. And confessing his feelings for her would ruin his friendship with the silver haired boy, and might bring trouble among the tennis club members. That is why he decided keep it to himself.
The sobs faded and the girl finally pulled away. “Thank you, Kenya” She rubbed her swollen eyes. “I feel better now”
“iie” He looked at her in the eye, then he gently kissed her on the forehead. “You’re very welcome Sora” His action made her cheeks heat up. The girl swallowed hard.
“I must go back to the library Kenya” She nervously said. “Our bratty Kohai is waiting for me”
“Waiting for a couple of minutes won’t kill him”
She lifted a brow. “You have no right to say that. You can´t tolerate a single second of waiting time” Sora gently hit him on the shoulder. He rubbed the back of his neck.
“See you tomorrow then” She finally said with a smile. “And I’m sorry for your blazer”
“Nah, don’t worry” he carefreely said.
Kenya walked back to the broadcasting room. He placed his hand on his chest where Sora had buried her tears and clutched the fabric tightly. He was dying inside. Locking up his heart like Yuushi advised was not working at all. He felt he was about to explode anytime soon.
“Oi, Sora, you have to cover up for me tomorrow” Zaizen nonchalantly said.
“Ne, ne, Hikaru, it’s Ok” she happily replied while putting her texts inside her bag. Her kohai threw an inquiry look at her.
“Takoyaki no nee-chan!!!!” The wild redhead first-year cheerfully waved at her from the tennis courts. Sora waved back with a big smile. He ran towards her and threw his arms around her, almost making her lose her balance. “Wow Kin-chan" She patted her beloved Kohai’s head. “I’ll take you to Akaoni this Friday after practice, ok?”
“Hooray!” The boy happily celebrated by jumping and throwing fists to the air. “Ne, ne Shiraishi” He called his captain. “Isn’t Takoyaki no nee-chan the best?”
“She is, Kin-chan" he muttered to himself as his eyes followed the girl. “Jaa ne, Kin-chan, I gotta go” She swirled around and her gaze locked with Kenya’s for seconds. They didn’t say a word and she continued her way.
When football practice was over, Sora showered and changed into her school uniform. She said goodbye to the club members and left the clubroom, walking to the rhythm of her favorite song. She mumbled the lyrics with her eyes closed as she headed towards the main gate.
“gomen” she opened her eyes and pulled the earphones off of her ears when she bumped into someone. “Kura, I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking” she bowed and continued her way.
“Wait, Sora” Shiraishi took her by the wrist.
She turned around and looked at him wide eyed. “What can I do for you?”
He let go and sighed. “I wanted to apologize for the way I’d been treating you lately” he confessed.
“It’s ok” she faked a smile. “I’ll get going, dad is waiting for me to do groceries. See you tomorrow” Shitty excuse she came up with.
“Listen, I know I’ve been a …”
“Jerk?” she scowled. “you’d better tell me why because I don’t recall doing anything wrong!”
Shiraishi’s face reddened. He knew he owed her an explanation, but telling the truth would expose his feelings for her. If he didn’t, however, she'd still be mad at him, and that may be worse.
“So…” she interrupted his thoughts. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she took it out.
'Is the one with a beetle or the one with the pet iguana?’
She rolled her eyes and texted back.
‘Stop bugging me'
“Can you make Hikaru run a thousand laps tomorrow?” she asked with a wry look on her face.
Shiraishi startled at the question.
“What did he do?”
“He’s been a pain in the ass lately” she put her phone back in her bag. “Anyway, do you have an answer already?”
His hands cupped her cheeks and his eyes held her gaze. He wasn’t sure about what he was about to do, but he had to give it a try. He was in love with the girl who sit next to him in class. The one whose hair smell like strawberries. Whenever she was distracted, he would pass close to her to feel her sweet scent.
Without a second thought he leaned pressing his lips on hers. Sora's eyes widened, then she closed her eyes and gave in the kiss. Shiraishi’s lips were soft and gentle. His lips brushed hers delicately, long enough that he could taste the vanilla of her lipstick. Sora’s lips were warm and sweet, just like he had imagined they would be. He had longed for that moment since summer of their sophomore year.
For Sora, the kiss didn’t feel awkward; but didn’t feel right either. She didn’t feel butterflies in her stomach like it was supposed to be according to the books Kenya’s cousin used to read. They broke the kiss and locked their gazes. “Kura” she began. “I’m sorry, but…” before she could finish her sentence, he embraced her.
“I know, you don’t have to say it” he wasn’t ready to hear those words. He closed his eyes and rested his chin in her head. Sadness clouded his features and he didn’t want her to see him heartbroken.
“I was jealous of Zaizen” he explained without letting go. She had her head pressed on his chest.
“Hikaru?” she slightly narrowed her eyes. “he’s like a brother to me” she stated.
He finally released her. “Wait a second. You don’t like Zaizen?” she shook her head. “Then, who…” he stopped at the realization. “Oh!”
“I have a hard crush on him since first year, but I knew that confessing my feelings would ruin our friendship and I didn’t want to cause trouble”
“You should tell him before it’s too late”
“I know it won’t be easy, but I’ll get over it” he gave a half smile. “I don’t want to see my closest friends suffering, Sora”
Kenya had received his first drum set when he was three as a birthday present from his grandfather.
Genji Oshitari, a well-known pediatric doctor in the Kansai area, was very fond of Classical music. He dreamed of his grandchildren to master an instrument of the beloved genre. Erina, his only grandaughter had inclined for the Harp. Her younger brother, Yuushi, began to play the violin at the age of four. Shouta, the youngest Oshitari grandchild, was still learning how to play the flute. However, with Kenya was a different story. The Oshitari Grandfather noticed that the boy needed an instrument to channel all his hyperactive energy. That is why he opted for the percussion set.
Kenya cherished his drum set. His mother not too much, though. The Oshitaris had received many noise complaints from their neighbors; therefore, his father built a soundproof room at home.
“Shouta, where is your brother?” Mariko Oshitari asked when she took her place at the table. Her youngest boy nonchalantly shrugged.
“He locked himself in the music room. He was upset when he got home, I didn’t dare to ask”
“Don’t worry, he'll eventually come out” her husband added.
The bleached haired boy had been practicing Bleed by Meshuggah, one of the hardest songs to play on drums. He still wondered how Tomas Haake was able to play the whole thing live. It was virtually impossible for any mortal being, even for the Speed Star of Naniwa. Yet he wasn’t quitting. Playing drums was Kenya's therapy. He used it as a relieving tool that allowed him release his towering rage. He needed vast concentration to forget the scene that involved his best friend kissing the girl he died for.
He had witnessed the confession and felt a wrenching pain consuming his heart. If only had he told Sora about his feelings for her. If only had he been brave enough. If only, if only, if only. ‘if only’ didn’t exist. He hated himself for being a coward.
When his arms and legs could not keep the rhythm any longer, he called it a day.
Kenya took a cold shower and went straight to bed. He laid on his back, staring at an imaginary point on the ceiling. Tears formed in his eyes and he shut them closed, covering them with his forearm when he heard knocks from his door. The knob turned revealing his brother.
“Nii-san” Shouta worriedly asked. “Are you ok?” He didn’t get any reply. “If there’s anything I can do let me know” and with that he closed the door.
What hurt the most was that he had to see Sora and Shiraishi everyday in school. He wasn’t sure about how to deal with it.
Kenya exhaled before sliding the door open. He rapidly scanned his classroom before entering. His classmates were chitchatting. He heard girls’ conversations about make up and random stuff, while boys were discussing about the latest video games. His eyes darted towards the tennis captain. He and Sora were sitting together at her desk. Shiraishi had dragged his chair next to her. Their eyes were focused on her iPad screen and the two shared earphones.
The Speed Star of Naniwa headed towards his desk, placed his bag on the side and took a seat. He crossed his arms on the desk surface and rested his head.
“I swear if they don’t end up together, I will sue everyone involved in this drama” Sora annoyedly slammed her hand on her desk.
“Wow, calm down” Shiraishi Kuranosuke was Sora’s Korean drama partner. They would meet up on the weekends to watch the series together.
She pressed paused.
“What’s wrong with Kenya? he didn’t say hi” The girl tore a page from her notebook and formed a ball, then threw it hitting the Oshitari’s back. Kenya turned around with a wry look on his face. Sora and Shiraishi waved at him, but he just ignored them. The Korean drama freaks exchanged glances and shrugged.
When the lunch time bell rang Kenya stood up and left. He wasn’t hungry at all and holing up in the broadcasting room sounded good. He had to do the noon broadcast after all.
Sora followed him, but keeping Kenya’s pace was impossible. She carried a paper bag with her with a cute drawing of the Oshitari chibi version. It also had a handmade card that had “arigatou” written on it. The girl was awake all night baking pain au chocolat for the bleach haired boy.
She entered the broadcasting room and scanned the place with her eyes until they landed in the boy she was looking for. He was sitting on a chair leaning back with his eyes nailed on the ceiling. Sora closed the door behind her.
“There must be something interesting up there” she broke the silence. She grabbed a chair and took a seat in front of him. He accommodated, sitting tall to face her.
“You look terrible” he carelessly said. It didn’t bother her though. He was right.
“I stayed up all night making this for you” she handed him the bag. “I know you like them. It’s my way to say thank you for yesterday.” She warmly smiled.
He looked at the chibi drawing of him and half smiled.
“wouldn’t Shiraishi be upset with you for giving away baking goods to other guys?”
She tilted her head. “Why would he?”
“don’t play dumb with me Sora!” he snapped. “I saw you two yesterday near the school gate. At least you could have found a more private place”
Realization hit her. “Oh! You mean that”
“Are you jealous Kenya?” her giggles irritated him.
“Stop laughing!”
“I’m not dating Kura, nor anyone else” she finally admitted.
Before he could say another word, she leaned forward. Her lips met his in a quick peck. “you’re the one I like. The one and only” she sweetly whispered before brushing her lips against his one more time.
She pulled apart and locked gazes with the boy for few seconds, that seemed an eternity for him.
“Enjoy your pain au chocolat” she smiled and stood up. Before she could turn around Kenya grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to him.
“Tell me I’m not delusional” he asked under his breath. He stood up and cupped her cheeks, caressing her smooth skin with his thumbs.
“This is real” she muttered.
There was nothing left to say. Sora didn’t have time to react before Kenya slammed his lips against hers. The moment she was yearning for so long. She hungrily kissed back.
It was rough, the good kind that turned her on. Her arms reached up and tangled around his strong neck. She felt fire igniting inside and consuming her entire body. His lips were warm. His Acqua di Gio fragrance was so addictive she didn’t have any intention to let go. She was doubtless Kenya was the right one.
The boy's insistent mouth parted her lips. Sora pushed Kenya making him fall on the chair behind him with her on top. Without taking a break from each other’s lips, she accommodated her knees on each side of his legs. Kenya’s hands slid down until they found her hips and pulled her closer. A sweet moan escaped her lips when she felt something hard right there.
They broke the kiss before it was too late, resting their foreheads on each other’s. Their gazes interlocked as they tried to catch their breaths. “I…ah, we can continue later” her voice was trembling. “I mean, only if you want to. Dad is out of town…”
He suddenly embraced her and buried his face on her neck, inhaling her fragrance. He wanted to memorize it.
“Only if you’re certain you want it" he whispered.
“Daisuki, Kenya" she softly said.
He leaned back, meeting her eyes one more time. “Daisuki, Sora"
Three figures from the outside were peeking through the door. They could hardly see anything, though.
“Hikaru-chan, you’re too young to witness this" Koharu said to his Kohai.
“Koharu is right" Hitouji covered Zaizen’s eyes, who immediately snapped his sempai’s hands off.
“Yuuji-sempai, Koharu-sempai" Zaizen extended his hands in front of him, palms facing upwards. “It’s my win” the kohai triumphally smirked.
His sempais wryly took the money out of their wallets.
Damn Zaizen.
“Congratulations Hikaru-kun” Sora opened the door; a mocking smile grew on her lips. “Sorry guys, but the show is already over”
“We were just passing by, right Yuu-kun?”
“Hai, Hai, Koharu”
“Jaa-ne, Sora-chan" they waved at her and left before they got murdered.
“Get me some chocolate and I’ll spare your life” She addressed the spiky haired boy.
“Oi, Zaizen” Kenya stood behind the girl. “I want chocolate too”
“No” The youngest nonchalantly replied. “And Kenya-Sempai, don’t make her cry”
“Stupid brat” The bleach haired boy hissed as the black haired walked away.
“Let’s cuddle on the couch, Kenya” She smiled at him, and took his calloused hand in hers. The boy followed with a blush on his face.
Thanks for reading!
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generalfoolish · 4 years
We Go Together
General Dameron!AU
Chapter 1: A Welcome Party of One | Chapter 2
Rating: General for now! It gets more spicy later, and I’ll update accordingly.
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Summary: OC character starts flying with the resistance, and happens to meet General Poe Dameron. Eventually, they'll do more than just talk and badly flirt.
A/N: Hey guys! This is my fic from AO3, and I wanted to add it to my master list. It’s a work in progress! Also, we deviate a bit from the actual story of the sequels, but I try to stay pretty close to the lore of the SW universe. 
The explosion burned too bright against Darial’s eyes. The darkness of space enveloped the blinding whites, and glanced sharply against her radiation shield. A red laser shooting from the wreckage jerked her back to life; and in seconds she was maneuvering away from the burning ship behind her.
Dary heard the crackling in her ear piece, and she breathed deeply to steady herself. The casualties would be many. They were increasing ten-fold after each mission. This re-con had gone sideways, fast. She cursed under her breath and banked a hard left against a Tie Fighter shooting near her rear. Her eyes followed the green beams coming from her own X-wing, and smiled when they found their mark.
“Green Two!” The static garbled the words, but she made her call name out.
“Green Two responding,” She grimaced at her own croaky voice. She needed water, and badly.
“Green Two, disengage. Pulling back.” The words were more chewed up this time, her commander getting lost in the static.
“Pulling back, Green Leader.”
“Settle for Base.”
“Base bound, Green Two off.” She eased off the thrusters and checked the nav. Deftly, she punched in the coordinates for Ajan Kloss, and rolled her neck as hyperspace engaged.
She had enough time to glance around and see her team doing the same, before she was flung into the dazzling rush of white jets of light. She could never get over hyperspace. The urge to jerk out of the tunnel, she realized dimly, had never gone away either. Dary knew that the only reason she preferred hyper was that space was too inky black for her comfort. In her years as a pilot, she had never found comfort amongst the stars. She was always unsettled in the darkness, and felt uneasy in the absence of any celestial bodies.
“Something to keep my mind off the dead, at least.” She murmured to herself. In the brightly lit cockpit, there was nowhere to hide those dark thoughts. Her orange jumpsuit glowed, nearly reflective, as if to prove her point.
The nav system started beeping, and gave her the respite she needed to ignore the deep seated survivor’s guilt building in her stomach. She punched a few buttons, flicked a few switches, and dropped out of hyperspace. She found herself laughing, and wished flying was as easy as dropping out of hyper. She nosed her X towards the green moon.
Dary hadn’t had the opportunity to see Ajan Kloss yet, and she had heard it was a beautiful moon. The landscape rushing up to greet her after her descent into the atmosphere was a welcome sight. The rumors weren’t true, though. They left too much unsaid. The whispers of a jungle had missed the devastation of how mesmerizing the moon was. It was so alive, that Dary felt a sob stick in her chest. She shook her head slightly, and focused on the landing pattern.
“Green Two, requesting landing.” She breathed into her mic; still moved by the beauty of the greenery around her. A welcome sight after days of barren space.
“Green Two, welcome home. Head to bay 4.” The gruff voice told her. She was glad to hear Basic in a friendly tone, and never happier to get rid of the undertone of urgency or panic. She docked down in Bay 4, and noted that it looked like every other bay in the resistance, before switching her engines off.
The astromech popped the radiation shield for her, and she pulled her helmet off.
“Thanks R6.” Dary smiled warmly at her droid. He beeped in response. She left him for now, and knew he was in good hands. The Resistance loved their droids, and pilots doubly so. She had left her helmet in the cockpit, and climbed down the ladders a mechanic had pushed, over after she had touched down. The mech was nowhere to be found now, and she decided not to take it personally. She wasn’t anyone special, and the mission had been a failure to be sure. Plus, she didn’t know anyone on this moon. She rolled her eyes at herself.
“What? You expectin’ a welcome party, Dary? A full roll out?” A hardness settled in her chest, and she screwed her eyes up as she jerked the zipper of the flight suit down. She had just stepped out of the suit, focusing singularly on her muddy boots, when she heard the throat clearing cough come from behind her. She turned slowly, making a mental note to clean her shoes later. She was annoyed. She wanted to cry in the shower. She wanted to find her new quarters.
“Yes?” She was sharper than she meant to be, but she was tired.
“Yes, sir.” He said, a smirk dancing on his lips. She raised an eyebrow, but didn’t echo his request. “Because I’m Poe. General Poe Dameron.” He continued, and she realized he had expected her to know him.
“General Dameron!” She exclaimed with as much forced enthusiasm as she could muster. “What can I do for you, sir?” She asked, snapping to attention. Her flight suit still bundled around her boots. He dropped his smirk.
“You’re Green Two, right? Ardan?” His voice had lost nearly all traces of the humor from before.
“Yes, sir.” Dary answered quickly, not wanting to get into real trouble. She held his eyes for a moment, before stooping to grab her flight suit. “How can I help you, sir?” She asked genuinely, folding her suit as she talked. He smiled again, and she couldn’t help but notice he was that much more handsome for it. He was slim, but muscular beneath his loosely fitted button up. The light material really made his tanned skin glow in the bright sun.
“They tell me you saved a lot of lives doing something very dangerous and very reckless.” Her mouth fell open, and she snapped it shut with enough force to rattle her back teeth.
“Sir, I was taking calculated risks to ensure that my fellow pilots made it back in one piece.”
“You were outmanned and outgunned, why would you try to take down a Starfighter alone?”
“I reasoned that if I were successful, then it would be a great advantage for my team.”
“What if you weren’t?” She couldn’t read him, and so she tried pleading her case earnestly.
“Then I would have done everything in my power to make sure that I at least bought my team a few minutes for a retreat.” She swallowed painfully; her throat was tight and dry.
“Good work out there today, Ardan. That kind of honest fighting is how we’ll win.” He took her by the shoulder, and simply held it for a moment. It wasn’t lost on her that his palm devoured her shoulder, and engulfed her more than she thought possible. His words filled in her a sense of pride, and her heart hammered against her ribs.
“Thanks, sir.” She squeaked out, and immediately regretted how she sounded. He only smiled, and opened his other hand in a gesture. He swept his arm back, indicating she was to move that way, and somehow her brain registered the signal and started walking. Her steps felt as clumsy as a newborn banthas.
“Have you been to the base before?” He asked, his hands swinging lazily by his side. She struggled to match his long stride, although he seemed to be moving at a leisurely pace.
“No, but the view flying in was something else.” She told him, shyly moving her hair behind her ears.
“It always reminds me of Yavin.” He told her, a small smile lifting to his eyes.
“I’ve never been,” She admitted freely, “It must be lovely to be comparable to here. Is Yavin another base?” He chuckled a little, and studied her face.
“I was born on Yavin, but it does have a...rich history involving resistances. Look, not to be forward, but I was on my way to dinner. The brass has me doing some drills at an unbelievably early kriffing hour, and so I plan to turn in early. You can say no, but you’d be doing me a pretty big favor. We don’t get a lot of new faces, especially pretty faces. Whaddya say, take another risk?” He laughed, and any doubts she had were gone. If it was inappropriate, surely he wouldn’t ask.
“That sounds lovely.” She told him before she could reconsider. Her eyes trained on her boots as they walked forward. She didn’t know how her boots had gotten so dirty. There isn’t mud in space, she breathed out her nose in a sort of snort laugh, and caught Poe’s eyes. He raised an eyebrow at her.
“Something funny?” He asked, amused
“Just...well it’s dumb, but my boots are filthy. No idea how, I’ve been in space for days. No mud in the cockpit.” She told him aimlessly, the words falling out easily. She couldn’t help it; he was impossibly easy to talk to. He grinned at her, nodding along.
“Forget being clean. The first rule of the Resistance is to be as dirty as possible, but also you must always be absolutely presentable.” He laughed, pointing a finger at her in a menacing way. She liked this. She hadn’t really fit in on her last post.
“Let me stash my suit,” She managed between laughing fits. His stories were coming more freely, and the long walk to the end of the terminal was almost over. She jogged to a locker and found her code name. Green Two. Impersonal, but perfect. Especially, she grimaced, in the heat of battle. It was a precaution, just in case the First Order happened to tap the comms. She stashed her suit quickly, and turned on her heel to find Poe just waiting for her. Patiently, he was watching her. Her breath caught, and before she could let that color her face she forced her legs to close the distance between them.
“Hungry?” She groaned.
“So, what happened after you got caught?” She asked, picking up the last thread of conversation easily, as they started the last leg of the walk to the commissary.
“Well, what you need to know is how to confuse a bageraset--I escaped, of course.” He shrugged, throwing her a smirk. She could smell the stew now, and knew that it would be just edible. Her stomach growled in anticipation, though. Which earned her a shoulder nudge from her companion.
“Starving, actually. I wasn’t joking about being in space for days. All I’ve had are those dreadful ration bars.” He laughed in response.
“That won’t do. The food here isn’t as bad as some of the posts. The cook is trained, so he does alright.” He opened the right side of the double swinging doors with one arm, and gestured her in with the other. The bustle of the canteen hit her right away.
Laughing, yelling, eating, drinking, and just a general buzz of life. She normally prefered the quiet, but the energy was contagious. She turned a quick grin to Poe before ducking past him.
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AssClass OC
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Trying to replicate the Lerche style was...painful and took forever lmao
I’m just gonna info-dump a lot about her under the cut! Honestly less than half of this is relevant, but I figured I’d include as much as I can so you can get to know her.
I’m not making a fanfic for her or anything: but she will pop up a lot in mini drabbles, art pieces, etc.
Kamiya Mai (神谷舞) - Possessing charisma and a knack for navigating around any type of terrain; Class E’s Investigator
“Bravery doesn’t come from nowhere. You have to be scared first to have courage.”
One of the class moodmakers, Mai is fun, witty, and cares deeply for her peers. She puts her all into everything she does and isn’t afraid to stand up for others.
She has an extremely strong photogenic memory and a natural knack for exploring new places, gathering information and memorizing routes with ease.
She’s a skilled athlete as well, very quick, agile and able to use it to her advantage in assassinations.
Codename: Honeybee (ミツバチ/Mitsubachi), Sugino’s Idea
He’s been struck with disbelief after having breakfast at her house once and finding out she puts honey on her pancakes instead of syrup. Also the name is fitting overall, as her short temper and cute looks remind him of a honeybee.
Birthday: April 2nd
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Bust Size: C
Blood Type: B
Favorite Subjects: Art, Biology, History
Worst Subjects: Classical and Modern Japanese, Math
Interests and Special Skills: Skateboarding and exploring new places
Former Club: Calligraphy Club
Treasured Items: Her hat collection and art journal
Favorite Food: Iced Coffee
Bento or Snacks: Snacks
Physical Ability: 4
Mobility: 4.5
Close-Range Assassination: 4
Long-Range Assassination: 2
Academic Prowess: 3.5
Characteristic Skill (Spy-in-Training): 4
Karasuma’s Assassination Aptitude
Strategy/Planning: 2
Commanding/Leadership: 3
Execution (ability to carry out plans): 4
Technique (traps, weapons, preparations, etc): 1
Scouting/Intelligence Gathering: 6
Politics/Negotiations: 5
Bitch-sensei’s Fashion Check
Mai has a very tomboyish, soft grunge style. She seems to be equally fond of pants and skirts, although prefers the former for the sake of mobility. Overall her style is street-savvy, and she’s most fond of pink, white, black, red, and gray tones.
School Uniform
With summer being the exception, Mai wears thigh-high black stockings with her uniform. She wears the uniform with little change besides that. Mai changes her hair up very often, but some common styles are space buns, pigtails, or half-up. She’s quite fond of hair clips and wear them everyday.
Street Clothes
Mai wears hats very often, and it drives me crazy. Why cover up that cute face of hers all the time?? She’s very fond of Doc Martens, and usually pairs those with leggings. On her girlier side, skater skirts are a good look for her. And paired with whatever, she seems to really like hoodies.
(All of these have so much depth, I’m gonna have to make a separate post o_o)
- Sugino Tomohito (addressed as Tomohito)
He was the first friend she made once she joined Kunugigaoka. They’re best friends and stick to each other often. She greatly supported him during the baseball game against the main campus, to the point that she joined it herself to keep an eye on him.
- Okano Hinata (addressed as Hinata or Lesser Hina)
They hit it off instantly, but upon learning they shared the same birthday, Mai joyfully declared them sisters. They’re very close and bond over a lot, especially sports and thrill-seeking. They can clash at times with their similar temperaments.
- Kanzaki Yukiko (addressed as Yukiko)
Their relationship had a very rocky start. Neither of them liked each other and had very differing natures. It wasn’t until the Kyoto Trip that they began to understand each other. After that, their friendship steadily grew and they became very close. They balance each other as opposites.
- Asano Gakushuu (addressed as Asano or President-kun)
After the first semester mid-term exams, Mai’s family decided to request tutoring for her, so her grades could stay fine/rise. Who else was assigned to her but Asano Gakushuu? It’s a challenge keeping 3-E a secret, but Mai enjoys teasing him and having conversations about anything. And Gakushuu won’t admit it but he does enjoy her company. They grow to have a friendship over the course of the year.
- Kurahashi Hinano (addressed as Hinano or Superior Hina)
They started out as casual friends for a while, but still got along super well. Then summer break began and they found each other to be great bug-catching partners. They have a lot in common, being excitable and chatty. Their conversations never end. Mai is glad there’s a biology nerd besides herself.
- Akabane Karma (addressed as Karma or Satan)
They’re very good friends, and surprisingly clicked fast! They have a lot of similar interests and occasionally, Mai will volunteer to help him in pranks. Karma loves to ruffle/mess up her hair, half out of fondness and half genuine enjoyment at her ire. He calls her “May-chan” in an exaggerated American accent to make fun of her. They can disagree at times but when push comes to shove, they’re there for each other.
-Kayano Kaede (addressed as Kaede, later Akari)
They’re definitely close friends and it’s just so obvious to everyone how much Mai adores her. She’s constantly hugging her, getting her pudding, etc. But more than that, Kayano was someone she could confide in and felt comfortable around. The reveal hits Mai hard, and she needs a while away from her. Once her anger fades, she feels more empathy towards Kayano than anything else. Their friendship repairs and grows stronger afterwards.
Members of the Kamiya family:
Mother: Professional Choreographer
Mai gets along with her mom and they’re quite close, being each other’s only immediate family. But they don’t have much in common and her mother’s demanding job doesn’t allow them to spend much time together. Mai has grown relying on outside friends more for company.
A hidden side of Mai Kamiya
She loves biology...but anatomy and anything human body-related makes her very squeamish. She especially can’t handle the sight of blood or needles before feeling dizzy.
Extra notes:
^^ Actually that ties into a lot about her. She has really awful test anxiety, which is how she dropped down to 3-E. She either did poorly in the exams for her worst subjects...or in the final exam of 2nd year, she skipped school to avoid the test all together. That’s how scared she was.
She gets very nauseous and feels sick under a lot of academic pressure, especially in exams.
She’ll never admit this though. No, in every other aspect of her life, she tries her hardest to keep a brave face, look independent and strong and everything she doesn’t feel she truly is.
Before I forget to mention this, she transferred to Kunugigaoka in her second year! She met Sugino since they were in the same class, and he was the first friend she made. 
She has a lot of pride in things she is good at (sports, art) and it can push to the point of arrogance sometimes.
Will take any chance to prove herself, even if it’s reckless or stupid or ruin things. For someone who’s a moodmaker and loves people, she’s not the best team player but that improves over time.
Generally is easygoing and goes with the flow of the mood...but she can have a short temper, and go from 0-100 fast. Only if someone is insulting her or her loved ones though.
She’s pretty confrontational, but don’t be fooled: she’s more bark than bite. She’s a sweetheart deep down, and all her classmates know it.
She’s bubbly, cute, and a total chatterbox once she gets comfortable around people, and can drop her “cool rebel” facade
Very creative and resourceful UwU. Super quick-witted too.
But she also can be incredibly ambitious and has big aspirations for the future. She’s fairly realistic though.
Her biggest flaws are that she can be self-centered, very stubborn, rash, short-tempered, overdramatic, and slightly arrogant. She has little confidence in herself.
Her name “Mai” means “dance” and it was given by her mother, a professional dancer. She wanted to name her daughter after her greatest passion. Even though Mai grows to have absolutely no interest in dance lmfao. She complains about this but stops when she learns of poor Kimura’s plight.
She grew up speaking a lot of English within her family since her mother used to live in America so her language skills are great...but she is far from perfect at literature. She mostly just lacks the patience to analyze it and finds it boring.
And...that’s it UwU. Also just gonna drop this transparent version because I worked really hard on drawing her and I’m proud 💜
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basiccortez · 4 years
Defenseless Ch. 3
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synopsis: CJ Jackson, looks like she has it all. Fancy car, fancy house, name brand clothing. Her parents, top boosters to Beverly, with money to make all sorts of situations go away. As well as the Jackson family looks put together, past secrets haunt them. With the new transfer student catching the eye of CJ Jackson, can old friendships be fixed. Or are somethings just meant to stay broken.
“I told you, as long as I live, no one would know."
pairing: Jordan Baker x OC (CJ Jackson) 
word count: 3.1k
warning: language, talk of a teen being arrested, talk about a car accident, mentions of death, panic attack 
tag list: @thevelvetseries
Tears ran down CJ's face as she held the picture frame in her hands. She had dug through the box, something she hadn't done since she packed everything up about 3 months ago. The smiling boy looked up at her, and CJ's heart was broken all over again. It was like she was reliving that day all over again, and she hated it. ------------------------------------------------------------
"Where is he? Where is he at?" CJ said, shooting up from the bed she was in. The nurses quickly walked over to her and tried to calm her down, "No! Don't touch me! Where is he?! Where is Kordell!? Someone tell me where Kordell is at!?"
"Hun, you need to calm down." A female nurse said.
"BP rising." Another nurse said.
"No! No! What happened!? Where the hell am I?!" CJ screamed.
"You were in an accident, your parents on the way. Christine, did you take anything? Are you on anything currently?" The female nurse asked again.
"No, no! I need to see Kordell!" CJ asked again, as she pulled the oxygen canula at of her nose and caught a glimpse of a familiar person, "Jordan?" The lightskin boy turned and looked at his friend in a hospital bed, cuts and bruises all over her face, and a cast on her left arm, "Where is Kordell!?"
"CJ. . . Kordell, he-" Jordan spoke, but a police officer came into CJ's room, and blocked the view of Jordan Baker.
"Christine Jackson? You are under arrest for the vehicular murder of Kordell Morgan, and driving under the influence of illegal narcotics." The officer said and placed a pair of handcuffs to CJ's free wrist
It was like a nightmare. CJ stood in front of her mirror in her dance uniform, ready for her first game. The navy blue uniform looked good against her tan skin, and her mother had done her hair. CJ took a deep breath and grabbed her bag, before heading downstairs. Carver and Roman were both waiting for her, so she could ride with them together. After the accident, CJ had her license suspended for a whole year. It sucked being a high schooler with out a car, but she understood why she didn't have the car.
"You ready for this? First game, in front of a big crowd." Roman asked the Jackson girl.
"Ready as I'll ever be. As long as Emily doesn't try to make me look like a fool." CJ answered. ------------------------------------------------------------
The field was lights were bright, as CJ stepped on to the track for the first time in almost a year. The Beverly football team wore their navy blue jerseys and were already starting to warm up for tonight's battle on the gridiron. The dancers were on one side of the track, while the cheerleaders were on another. CJ could feel the glares of fellow students in the stands as she made her way towards her team.
"Hey! First game! You ready!?" Hadley asked her with a bright smile on her painted red lips.
"As ready as I can be standing in front of a whole school who hates me." CJ said sitting down her bag. Hadley just smiled and sighed.
"Coach put you in the middle, just thought you should know. She wants you calling shots. She knows Emily can't do it."
"I'm not even on the team yet, and they're making me shot caller?" CJ asked as she slipped on her white high top Nike Air Force One's.
"It's cause we want your mom back, Miss Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader Pauline Jackson." Hadley laughed and CJ rolled her eyes.
"She hates Beverly, only reason we are still here is because they kiss our ass and get on their knees to suck our cocks when we try to pull money out of the school." CJ said frankly.
Before Hadley could respond, their coach called all the girls together, to get ready for the boys to run out. CJ was instructed to tumble across the field as the boys were getting announced, something she used to do at every game. The girls stood on the field and danced along to the hype song before the boys ran out. CJ did as told and did what she could and flipped her way across the field. ------------------------------------------------------------
It was a terrible game. Beverly looked terrible, and the other team was running circles around them. CJ did her best to keep her spirit high as the team would dance along to the music over the loud speaker, or what the band would play. She also did her best to ignore the glares of various students and parents in the crowd. Pauline and Anthony had sat right in front of her, to give her some positivity to look at.
"She looks just like her mama." Anthony said smiling at his wife.
"Of course she does, she got her talent from me." Pauline sassed back. Anthony faked hurt and held his hand to his heart. Pauline laughed and gently shoved her husband, "Oh shush, Carver is just like you. Out there being a tank."
Beverly had turned it around, trying their hardest to match up to the opponent. Spencer was working as hard as he could to make his name. They were all working hard, CJ could smell the sweat rolling all off of them as they walked to the sideline.
Spencer was running back on the field, which confused CJ, knowing that he was a defensive player. The boys broke their huddle and got on the line of scrimmage. Jordan hung in the shotgun for as long as he could, as his teammates scattered around the field. Spencer ran wide to the right, getting in the line way of number 54. As the player was running towards Jordan, Spencer dropped his shoulder into the player. Jordan held on to the ball and ran down the sideline, his teammates protecting him as he made a clear drive to the end zone.
CJ let out a loud scream as Beverly won the game. The crowd was cheering loud, and the whole football team ran out on the field. Carver took his helmet off and pointed to his parents and then to his sister. CJ blew her brother a kiss, and waved to him. Jordan took his helmet off and looked over to where his mother and sister were, but also to where CJ stood cheering on the boys victory. CJ caught his glance and smiled brightly at him. Jordan nodded and then turned to greet his dad, who just ignored him and hugged Spencer.
"Hey, man, can I talk to you for a second?" Jordan asked number 40 for the other team.
Spencer took a deep breath as he was walking off the field. He stood in front of CJ and smiled at her. She was about to congratulate him, when Leila jumped in. CJ just nodded to Spencer and walked over to where her bag was. She changed out of her shoes, and zipped up her blue dance team jacket, before going over to where her parents were talking to Carver and Roman.
"CJ," Her dance team coach said stopping her in her tracks, "I want to officially welcome you back to the dance team. We are looking for you to be a co-captain."
"Thank you, coach." CJ smiled.
The ride home for the Jacksons' was an exciting one. Talk of the game filled the car as the siblings all rode with Carver and Roman. CJ sat in the back of the SUV and watched the cars as they passed by. She wasn't surprised when they pulled up to Hadley's house for the after game party.
"Hey, we don't have to stay, Carv said I can take the car home if you don't want to stay." Colton said to his twin sister. CJ took a deep breath and looked at her brother.
"I know how bad you want to be here, but I just. . .it's been enough high school interaction for one day." CJ said honestly.
"That's okay C, let's head home ight?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ couldn't sleep that night. She sat on the roof outside her window and held a picture in her hand, and had a bottle of pills sitting next to her. She just wanted to swallow them and forget the images replaying in her mind, but she knew she couldn't. His bright smile looked up at her, and she felt guilt drown her. She quietly climbed back into her room, and headed down the stairs. She knew she her ass was grass if she got caught, but she couldn't sleep.
CJ prayed that her parents or brothers hadn't heard her start her car. It had sat idle in the garage for months since she was sent to juvie. The streets of Beverly Hills were almost abandoned at 3 in the morning. CJ drove effortlessly, her mind on autopilot as she navigated through the down town streets, on to winding side streets until she saw the big black gate. She wasn't surprised not to see a car in sight, who else visited a cemetery at 3 am?
Tears flooded down her face, as she parked her car, her head lights beaming on the grey stone in front of her. The name seemed to jump off and stab her in the heart. More memories of that tragic night in her mind. The screaming sounds, the breaking glass, the bending of metal, and the metallic smell of blood in the air.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I told you not to! I told you, I told you!" CJ screamed as she pounded her fists against her steering wheel. "It wasn't my fucking fault! I told you! It wasn't my fault!"
CJ could feel her lungs feeling tighter and tighter, as it seemed the car was caving in on itself. She put her hands on the glass and the roof, as she was trying to keep it from coming in on her. Before she realized what she was doing, she pushed her door open and ran out of the car. She ran to the grey stone and fell to her knees in front of it.
"You did this! It was all you! You told me to get in that car! You knew what would happen to me!" She screamed as sobs racked her body. CJ hadn't cried like this, she hadn't allowed herself a moment to break. She was thrown around from place to place, to treatment centers and juvenile detention center, and now back in the same school that her beloved boyfriend walked the halls of.
CJ looked up, and saw the same smiling picture of the boy she loved. She gently ran her fingers over the picture and closed her eyes. She picked herself up off the ground and staggered back to the car. She grabbed her phone and called the one person who wouldn't judge her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Olivia Baker wrapped her jacket around her, as she walked over to CJ sat in her car. Jordan watched as her sister bravely faced the one person she hated more than herself.
"Hey. . ." Olivia said quietly. She looked at CJ, who's cheeks were red with tear stains, "I had the same reaction, my first time out here. It just felt. . . too real being here, and seeing. . .that" She said pointing to the headstone. CJ didn't say anything, but stare straight a head, "Listen, if you're fucking high right now, I can't be here-"
"He was driving that night." CJ answered, "Everyone thought it was me, thanks to your brother, Aiyden, Asher, and Leila. Kordell, he would've told the truth, taken the blame, but he wasn't there."
"That doesn't make any sense. If he was driving he would've been... he was thrown from the car." Olivia said in realization, "Why didn't you tell anyone!?"
"Everyone already saw me as the trouble maker sense that night at Asher's party. I was so overcome by guilt for making Kordell drive me home after..." CJ paused as her voice cracked and Olivia hugged the broke girl. CJ cried into Olivias shoulder, as the Baker girl tried to comfort her.
"You could've plead not guilty, could've explained what actually happened." Olivia said, "Your truth deserves to be heard."
"How do you explain what the most popular guy in school did to you? I am nobody, but the girl who deserves to be locked in a prison cell for the rest of her life."
Olivia sighed and looked around the quiet cemetery, "At least let us take you to our house. You can spend the night-"
"Your mother sees me as the girl who killed someone and almost killed her daughter and son within a 12 hour time period. It doesn't take a genius to know I'm not welcome at your house anymore."
"Then let Jordan take you home. Please CJ, you're in no shape to drive home." Olivia pleaded. CJ reluctantly agreed and Olivia nodded. She walked back to her car and opened the door to tell her brother the new change of plans, "Hey, can you drive her home?"
"What? No." Jordan said looking at the white mustang in front of him.
"Jordan, she's a mess. She can't drive home." Olivia pleaded with her twin. Jordan shook his head, and got out of the car.
"You owe me." He grumbled as he walked up to CJ's car. The Jackson girl was already sitting in the passenger seat, when Jordan climbed in the driver's seat. He didn't even look at her, but started up the car, and began to leave the cemetery.
"There a reason for this mess?" Jordan asked her. CJ didn't say anything, but let the silent tears run down her face. Jordan sighed, realizing how harsh his words were, "Listen, I'm sorry."
"It's okay." CJ whispered. The rest of the drive to CJ's house was quiet. When they arrived at the Beverly Hills mansion, her parents ran out into the driveway, still in their pajamas. Her mother had pulled on her pink silk robe, and still had her silk wrap over her hair.
CJ had barely gotten out of the car, when Pauline wrapped her daughter in a tight hug. Anthony sighed and looked over at Jordan Baker who climbed out of the Mustang. The Jackson brothers, and Roman were standing in the front doorway, watching their parents dote over CJ.
"Thank god," Pauline sighed, and released her daughter from the hug, "You're grounded, so fucking grounded."
CJ looked at her orange Nike Jordan 1's. Pauline was pissed, and they all could tell. She never cursed in front of her children.
"Inside. Please." Pauline said to her daughter and CJ nodded. She quietly moved past her mother and into the house. Colton pulled his sister into a hug, when she walked through the door.
"Are you okay? Under anything?" Cobe asked CJ.
"No. I promise you guys, I'm not on anything. I just want a bath, and go to bed." CJ said and all the boys backed off, letting her walk up to her room.
"Why is Baker here?" Carver commented, seeing his mom and dad talking to Jordan.
"Who even knows. Let's go." Roman said, grabbing his boyfriend's hand and leading him away from the window.
Cobe and Colton stood still, watching Jordan talk to their parents. They didn't trust Jordan, not after all their sister had gone through. Cobe and Colton were basically security for CJ, they were not going to let Jordan Baker waltz back into their lives so easily.
Pauline watched her daughter walk into the house, and then turned around to talk to Jordan. The young man stood with his hands in his pockets, nervous to be back in the presence of the Jackson family.
"Thank you, Jordan, for driving my daughter home." Pauline said, folding her arms across her chest, "Where was she?"
"Cemetery. She actually called Olivia, and Olivia wanted me to come, for back up. She was worried CJ was high. . ."
"Was she? Did you see anything?" Anthony asked, pressing the young man.
"No, sir, I didn't. Olivia said she didn't see anything either." Jordan responded.
Anthony sighed and looked around, "It's pretty late. Why don't you stay here tonight? The boys wouldn't mind having you here."
"Thank you Mr. Jackson." Jordan said and walked behind Anthony and Pauline into the house.
When Cobe and Colton saw their parents and Jordan walk towards the house, they took off running into the living room, to seem like they weren't spying. Cobe turned the TV on and Colton pulled a blanket over his head. Pauline looked at her boys and crossed her arms over her chest, she did not believe for a second that those boys weren't spying.
"Uhem!" Pauline cleared her throat, and both boys looked up at her, "Jordan is staying the night, and I don't want to hear any grief from you two. He's staying in the guest house, Colton, you'll show him the-"
"No! Mom, I can't, abosuletly can't!" Colton said standing up and arguing with his mother. He couldn't be around Jordan, He hated Jordan Baker. Pauline gave him a glare and Colton stood down, "Fine. But no promises the Baker's won't put a target on me next."
Jordan stood awkwardly in the kitchen, hearing every word that came out of Colton's mouth. Chris instructed Colton to walk Jordan over to the guest house, and show him around. Colton didn't say a word but turned towards the door. Jordan thanked the Jacksons before following the twin boy. Colton opened the white barn-style cottage house and flipped the light on. A bright chandelier lit the living room.
"You've been here, and don't act like you haven't. I know the shit you and my sister used to do here. I'm too disgusted to take a black light and look around." Colton sneered and set the keys to the cottage on the marble counter top. "Whatever room you use, just tell me and I'll fix it."
"Hey, thanks Colton, I know you don't like me-"
"No, I fucking hate you. If it was up to me, I'd kick your ass to the curb and not think twice. You, Jordan Baker, are scum on the bottom of my shoe, you can fool a lot of people but you can't fool me." Colton said and pushed past Jordan towards the door, "Hope you sleep well."
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Bring Me the Horizon
(Two ANBU OCs get thrown into the FF7 verse, basically. Enjoy!
@secret-engima @vice-virtue @wolfsrainrules)
WARNINGS; Death, murder, Canablisim. 
Hound has never been particularly interesting in any aspect, at least that was what she would tell you if anyone had ever thought to ask her but as it was what it is it was rare for one to ask her. Of course, that might have something to do with her barely ever speaking unless it was life-or-death.
 Selectively mute, the medics had whispered. Annoyance and Disgrace, her uncles and aunts had muttered amongst themselves when they thought she couldn’t hear. Even when a few of them had even known her hearing was sharper than normal, even when she was just a few feet away from them and could hear them clear as day. 
It had never bothered her. Their options and thoughts were their own and her’s were hers. But her body, of course, could not follow the same thought process as her mind. It was instincts and brain chemistry, she knew, that made her flinch away and freeze in the face of raised voices and quick movements. She hated it, hated the satisfaction it gave them when they saw. 
She hated a lot of things actually. She hated her relatives for their disgust and disregard they had when they had contact with her as if she was diseased and filthy. She hated that they had shunned her father—her wonderful, soft-spoken and so so very gentle father—so much that he took his own life right in front of her. She hated the feeling that would stir in her stomach at her thoughts, that swelled and swelled so much that her body couldn’t take it and burst from her in violent, angry gold-red sparks—almost crystals really. 
She had never actually remembered a time where she hadn’t had that small flame of anger underneath her skin, maybe it was when her father had been alive and had held her close and whispered tales of history and story mixed into one, maybe it was never. The point was that she had never felt anything but anger. (even if underneath all that anger is a lake full of self-hatred and loathing so deep she could drown in it without ever touching the bottom.)
In the end, she enters the Shinobi Academy at six, graduates at seven and after two years in the general shinobi ranks was quickly snatched up and shunted into the ANBU corps. She is one of the youngest to ever enter the ANBU corps and although they don’t like it, they can’t deny she’s good at what she does, nor that she was practically shanghaied into it.
She is given the name Hound and all but throws away her birth name. She all but drowns in her orders and hidden behind her mask no one knows her—no one knows her of the bastard Uchiha, the disgraced Uchiha. What they know of her, is that she is a great tracking, almost second to none bar Sakumo Hatake (Until the man’s suicide that is,) and a stealth specialist that has near enough no equal. Underneath her mask, hidden from sight and no one knowing her clan and sins—her sin of being born—she is a new person. Reborn into something new, something great. Almost like one of the legends that spoke of a bird capable of rebirth. It makes her feel alive, makes her feel something other than anger.
She meets Hyena, Her lifelong partner (Not that she knew it then,) in the middle of a mission gone wrong that he inserts himself into without any care of her thoughts of feelings, (then again, she had never vocalised her feelings before, if ever, and even in ANBU she wasn’t about to start then.)
She hates him at first like she does everything else at that point in her life. He is swift, smooth and charming but for all that she lacks social experience and skills, she has never been blind nor stupid. The man—for he is a man, for all his lanky frame and awkward limbs, he is a man for a shinobi is no child when they are first weapons and people second—is charming and smooth, like a politician there is no doubt. The man is no wallflower, nor a buttercup waiting to be picked at the slightest movement. No—the man is a wolf through and through. His mask—Hyena—fit him perfectly in more than one way. His movements are too smooth and his actions are collared behind a leash of barely concealed violence and glee, bloodthirsty in almost every single move he makes and hidden in his tone when he speaks.
If Hyena was a fool, then Hound loved her clan more than anything.
The mission finishes and they both go their separate ways and Hound hopes they don’t meet again. (Even if a small—very small—part of her cries out for even just a small bit of his joy and happiness. Just the smallest bit.)
It doesn’t work, unfortunately. They end up put in a team with three others, Spider, Goat and Bat. She hates it at first, even if Spider is sarcastic and makes her laugh silently. Even if Goat is careful of his strength around them and so so very gentle(—Father why did you leave—) with them. Even if Bat is a silent presence at her back when she needs it most. Even if Hyena is almost glued to her side that she’d have needed a crowbar to pry him free if he was any closer. They grow on her, of course, they do. They grow on her like a fungus that can’t—won’t—be scraped away.
It is, of course, the moment that she gets comfortable with them, the moment she wavers between speaking to them—speaking for the first time in years—that it all goes to hell. 
A mission gone straight to hell almost as soon as they passed Mist’s borders. It happens near enough instantly, Spider goes down with a knife to the nape and it cleaved in half vertically. Goat is next despite his attempts to dodge and back away. They get his fingers first then his hands, they chop him up bits by bits as he tries to get away from them and Hound can only look in horror and sick kind of fascination as the man dies and they don’t stop. Hyena is pressed against her back, clutching at her shoulders and his fingers are trembling and his breath hitching at every CHOP that fills the clearing. Hound can’t stop, she can’t seem to look away and the picture is BURNED into her brain and she knows if she survives this it will haunt her dreams and waking moments forever.  
Its a scramble, not even a battle, to get away from the monsters—and they are monsters, she thinks, watching numbly, frozen down to her core when one of them begins to EAT her teammate’s corpse and the others with them don’t seem to notice or care.
Bat goes mad, hysterically screaming as he throws himself at them and begins to just wail in grief at the one eating Spiders flesh. The grief is so chilling that it sends a shiver down her spine and it’s as Hyena is grabbing her by the back of her harness and hauling her away that she sees Bat’s mask go flying off and sees his red sharingan eyes that her breath catches in her throat and her heart seems to squeeze painfully tight in her chest. 
Even if she wanted to think about it. Think about the fact that one of her relative—one of the people who hated her—was one of the few people she cared for. She can’t. Hyena is practically screaming in her face to wise the fuck up and get her shit together or else they’re gonna end up dead. And she can’t, she can’t lose anyone else to those monsters, to this terrible war and to anybody. She won’t survive it, that she knows. She’ll break and shatter into a million pieces and fly away like dust on the wind.
 So she gathers her sanity, gathers all she has left and puts her back together as much as she can and it’s on. Its a race again both time and stamina. Bat’s—Uchiha—screams of grief quickly turning into ones of pain and agony. She thinks they get ganged on by some bandits somewhere along the way, she thinks they get ambushed as well at someone only she can’t remember. It’s a blur of motion and fire and ice in her veins and her heart in her throat then—
Hyena is in front of her—protecting her from something—she doesn’t know what from or why only that he’s gonna get hurt and she can’t—there’s screaming and it takes it a few minutes for it sink in that it’s her screaming herself hoarse for the first time in so long.
Something happens, something great and powerful, something terrible and sinister as something bursts from her in sparks—crystal-like—and swallow them both whole and then suddenly they aren’t in the same forest anymore but she doesn’t care about that. She throws herself at Hyena and grabs at his clothes and chokes and sobs into his shitty kevlar ANBU vest and clings to him. 
“Don’t leave me alone!” She sobs in a voice that hasn’t been used in years, but she can’t sign this—she can’t just look him in the eyes and hopes she is understood. He needs to understand, needs to know that if he leaves she will die in every way but actual death. “You can’t—!! Don’t go and leave me here by myself! Don’t go where I can’t follow you!”
She can’t remember much after that, only that there’s a lot of sobbing and hushing from Hyena and all the stress—all the emotional uphill and grief crashes over her and knocks her out.
      Hyena stills, his arms full of the bastard Uchiha in his arms. Her mask is gone, knocked off in one of their fights while running and he doesn’t think she’s noticed yet but what does trip him up is that she spoke. He also doesn’t think she’s noticed that they’ve somehow been aged down to tinies. 
She’s cute, not his type sure, but cute enough. Her hair, free of the hairnet and mask that held it in, is fire red and short, almost bob-like in that it ends at her chin and puffs out a bit. Her jaw is sharp and angular and her skin is pale. She would have looked like a classic Uchiha if it weren’t for her wild Uzumaki hair. 
He also can’t get over the fact that she spoke. After so long in silence if what her hoarse and cracking voice told him and to him. Right enough, they both just watched their teammates being horribly killed and then eaten right in front of them so he guessed she was right with the tears and the speaking and almost-breakdown. Almost like the breakdown Hyena is starving off by not thinking about it. 
They’re in foreign lands (even when it’s not necessarily land they actually landed on—more like a small pond of green water that stings and burns), somewhere that isn’t safe when he doesn’t know the surrounding and Hyena doesn’t know how they got there or how Hound did it but he really doesn’t have the mental strength to look the gift horse in the face right now, he’s exhausted and injured from the fighting and the running. 
Hyena hasn’t always been very smart. He’s not a genius, like his clan heir nor their elders with their experience. 
He’s the example of a union born of a Nara and Inuzuka, more instincts and impulse even when he can play it smart with the best of them and with how tired he is he doubts he has the mental capabilities to seduce someone into giving them shelter—never mind the fact that he’s ten instead of eighteen. 
It takes less than half a day for Hound to wake up and even less than that for him to realise that they’re not in their world anymore. The first sign, there is no Konoha, nor Land of Fire. it gets him strange looks right enough when he asks and no one has seen his forehead protector before. They coo at his looks and express his concern over his ‘friend’ that easily makes him both annoyed and irritated in equal measure. He also finds out that the small marble-like balls he picked up are called Materia and seem to be able to do what Jutsu’s normally do. He guesses he’s lucky he picked them up, even if he only did it to see if he could make some quick money with it as he quickly learns that 1) Chakra doesn’t exist wherever they are and 2) neither of them have Chakra anymore.
Which is great, absolutely fantastic.
There’s not much to do when they get into reading everything they get their hands-on about this new world of theirs. They practice both their ANBU training in their new and younger bodies and study and practice with Materia just as much—if not more with. 
They also learn about ShinRa which well not really the worse thing they’ve seen it isn’t really on their radar much but as a place that they could go and get a job when they’ve finally gotten this whole New-world New-Body thing figured out. 
Its also around this time that they meet the Turks and well—sign them up. It’s like being ANBU but much more open and without the masks. Which does admittedly confuse them for a while because What? If they're the Shadows everyone's scared off, why do they show their faces?? Right enough, it's not their world so—whatever goes, goes they both guess. 
They meet Veld after being introduced into the Turks. It’s normal of course, introduce the newbies to the boss and intimidate and awe them. At least that’s what Hyena thinks is gonna happen when they first step into the office in newly given suits that Hyena already hates, he misses his old ANBU uniform and the kevlar vest that Hound both hated and loved.
 The bossman looks them over and then without thinking, double-takes at Hound and just stares. It makes something in him bristle and his instincts fire off all at the same time and its only his ANBU control that allows him to keep his cool and not go ballistic at the man. 
It’s subtle and if he was any less experienced and not actually a green rookie they all think he is he might have missed it. Velds eyes shift from Hound’s face, taking in her features carefully and then slowly, almost as if he’s dreading what he’s gonna find, he looks at the small picture frame on his desk. 
 Its a picture of Veld, younger of course and another man besides him. He’s tall and lanky, dressed in the common Turk suit and silky black hair and red eyes. He has a sharp jawline and almond eyes that if Hyena didn’t know better he’d have thought they were Hounds but no—for one, Hound is a female not a male and two, she has red hair not black but—
 It’s there. The features in the unknown man’s face and the way he seems to stand, graceful and tall that seems to mirror his partner. 
Hmm, he thinks, staring at the frame then looking over at Hound. How interesting.
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eerythingisshaka · 5 years
Will the Bell Ring?  Pt. 5
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[Erik Killmonger x Black OC]
Word Count 5.3k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
The speed in which Kimara peeled out of the parking lot of the Korean BBQ place gave any witness whiplash as she channeled her anger through the accelerator.  Kimara cursed out the air and any driver in her way as she rode around the streets of midtown.  It’s a damn miracle no cops were around to pull her over or they would’ve caught some serious heat from her their damn self.  Not long after running her fifth yellow light turning red, Kimara began to feel her tears well over profusely.  Her whole body shook as the sobs came more powerfully and she couldn’t control the car properly anymore.  
Pulling over, Kimara puts her car in park as she lays onto the wheel causing it to honk one time before she unloads her emotions completely.  This isn’t what she expected, which is an outcome that is actually more common throughout this fertility process than she’d care to look back on.  She’s exhausted with all the waiting and trying and disappointment, Kimara just wants an answer or some quick fix that’ll give her what she needs.
*knock knock*
Kimara jumps at the sharp sound on her passenger side window, breathing out with relief once she recognizes the kind face.
“T’Challa!  What are you doing here?”  She sniffles as he opens the door to sit inside looking at her with pity.
“It’s not so taboo to be here shopping around as it is to sit in a car and cry.” He quips.
Kimara chuckles gruffly before getting caught with a hiccup from her weeping.  “I don’t do this all the time, I swear.”
T’Challa studies your face appearing suspicious.  “Are you…”
She stares at him trying to catch on until she rolls her eyes.  “Not every emotional moment with a woman is attributable to hormones man, damn!  I’m not pregnant, not on my period.  I’m just dealing with fuckboy bullshit.”
T’Challa melts in his seat with embarrassment.  Just two minutes with her and he’s already regretting making his presence known.  “How are things with Erik?”
“Terrible.”  Kimara mutters.
She wipes her face, crossing her arms.  “You know he can be such a damn idiot sometimes.”
“Specifically?”  T’Challa draws out.
Kimara tuts at him, throwing up her hands.  “I thought you didn’t want details on our shit.  TMI and whatever.”
“I want details on what is going on with you.  Good or bad.”  T’Challa says softly, waiting patiently for her response.  
Kimara drops her attitude, playing with her nails anxiously.  “I had a doctor’s appointment today with Erik.  Nothing’s wrong with him.”
“That is good, right?”  
She lays back on the headrest, looking out the window.  “It is, health is always good.  Just...what else could it be now?  I thought that would give me my answer.”
“Does Erik know you are here?”
Kimara shakes her head.  “I left him at a Korean spot.  He was picking up his car anyway but I was tired of him too.”
“Did you like that place?”  T’Challa voice rises an octave in anticipation.
She nods, smirking.  “It was very nice.  Erik told me you picked it.”  Kimara looks over at T’Challa.  “Thank you for having good taste.”
T’Challa smiles softly.  “It is not something one can learn, I told you.”
Kimara tuts at him before looking away wordlessly.
“But why are you crying alone from your husband?”
“I don’t know.  I’m regretting what I said, or at least how I said it.  But Erik started off blaming the doctor and not taking the positive notes she gave us.  The whole appointment it was like he was stewing, ready for a fight or something.  I don’t know what came over him then but he flipped out.”
“That may be his way of accepting the news himself.  He is probably just as over the process as you are.”  T’Challa says.
“I know, I know.  But it’s like...what does he know?  How can he come in here blaming anybody for this when he’s barely wanted to follow instructions on how to better our chances.  He flip flops so much, then there’s work.  I’ve seen him act like this before.  When he wants something, he goes for it.  But this?  He’s in a whole other world. And I’m this close to done, I cant take his childish behavior anymore.”
“Have you told him?”
“No, this just happened.”
“I mean from before.  Your shame: did you tell him?”
Kimara goes quiet.  That said everything.
“I know!  I should.  But this isn’t the time.  Not when we’re rocky like this.”
T’Challa grows impatient with her.  “It has to be now!  You are not over that time in life and if he does not know you are harboring, your emotional duress appears out of the blue.  He will feel attacked.”
“Well he should!  I gave up a huge part of me for him and I don’t know if he could do the same.  He hasn’t proven that yet!”  
T’Challa grabs Kimara’s hand.  “Give him a little credit for what he’s been through.  Look.  Until you talk with him this is all speculative.”
“Well I have a right.”
“Do not be stubborn.  Remember this situation before?  I knew where Erik was, but you were not ready to let go of your anger to let clarity come through.  You must seek him out on this, be truthful.  If you do not, I cannot see this ending well, Bast forbid.”
Kimara holds his hand tightly before resting in his shoulder.  “I remember...I get that.  I don’t wanna leave him like that.  He doesn’t deserve that if he doesn’t know.  I’ll...trust the process.”
T’challa nods.  “That sounds familiar.  So you were listening to me.  You are a special woman, I just hate to see you go through this without all of the facts being known on his side.  The only way I can comfort you is because I know everything.  Whether I like it or not.”
They chuckle a moment as they held it together quietly, grazing their knuckles in small circles with their thumbs.  Kimara remember a lot about those times when Erik recovered from his combat brainwashing, how much coaxing it took T’Challa to see him through a new lens.  T’Challa never let Kimara down.  His word is always his truth and she appreciated that.  She didn’t give it a serious thought until just now.
T’Challa kisses the top of her head with a small peck, making her look up at him with a faint smile.  His eyes draw her into the features of his face, different from Erik’s but just as handsome.  She felt a dip in the pit of her stomach as her eyes fell over the bow of his top lip-
*brrrring!  brrrrring!*
Kimara’s phone breaks the trance as she nearly hops out of herself to stop the maddening noise.
“Hey Erik?  Yeah, I’m just over by the shops on 48th?  I needed some...I know…..It’s ok, really.  We’ll talk when I get home, don’t worry.  I’ll be there soon.  Love you too.”
She hangs up, growing timid.  “Sooo if you’re good I’m gonna head home.  Talk to this boy about stuff.”
T’Challa has his elbow on the passenger window, balling his fist up but with a calm expression.  His face reads a multitude of words just hanging from the cliff of his mind but his jaw is too tight to speak them.
He nods, snapping out of his mind to give a tight smile.  “Of course.  Drive safely.”
Erik’s been working with his team at Boeing for a few weeks now trying to get some ideas off the ground.  He prides himself on being a superstar of the company, earning them easily millions and it’s all lightwork for his IQ.  But they were turning more commercial driven, and that doesn’t vibe with him.  And now that he works with Bryan, being the son of his boss, his wings are nubs at this point.
“Listen.  We have competition out there that are able to carry more passengers on longer flights.  We gotta keep up or we will be left in the dust!”  Edward exclaims.
Erik rubs his eyes as he leans back in the conference room chair.  “I’m not going rounds with you over this.  That’s the last thing we need to be focusing on right now.”
“Profits?  Profitability is never last Erik, it scares me how often I have to remind you of that.”
“Hey guys?”  Bryan says.
Erik tunes him out.  “When profit hunting cuts into innovation, TRUE innovation, that betters the product in the long run and sets an example for others in the industry, we fail!  And in your case we already are!  The Russians landed on the moon first bruh!”
“Guys!”  Bryan interjects.
Edward holds up a finger.  “One second son.  Listen here, I’ve been in this business for 30 years now, you think-”
“I think your father shoulda taught you better than this, yeah.”  Erik quips.
“GUYS!  I have a fucking idea, can you stop to hear it?”
Erik and Edward fume, looking at one another before going back to their respective corners.
“Sure son, and please speak with common sense.”  Edward says rolling his eyes as he sips some bourbon.
“How about we just knock out on engine on each side of the aircraft, so that gives room for the extra passenger space to be added?”
Erik’s face screws up “BOY THAT’S THE DUMBEST-”
Edward stops Erik.  “Hang on.  There are no wrong answers here.  Keep talking, what do you mean by that?”
Erik is incredulous.  “There are literally very wrong answers that can be given when discussing the composition of an aircraft!”
Bryan clears his throat.  “Well, of course we have to map out the logistics of it all.  But that’s the difference between us and our competitors.  They have constructed their aircrafts to be able to accommodate the extra passenger space by having the bodymore elevated from the ground.  The only thing blocking ours is the extra engines.”
“There are so many things wrong with what you just said, it’s hilarious honestly.  But you have a good time figuring it out.”  Erik gets up to leave.
“Oh actually, if you have space in your schedule, we need you to help with this one.  I really wanna get the ball rolling on this so we can be prepared to roll out by next spring at the latest.”
“Why the fuck would I work on something that ain’t my damn idea?  Your boy said it, let him handle it.  I don’t need no credit for this.”
Edward scoffs.  “That’s fine.  You can do the work and get none of the credit.  How’s that?”
He pats Erik’s shoulder.  “We have a father son golf tournament we wanna get some practice in for anyhow.  Erik, I trust you.  You’re my most senior person in this department, and at your age, that is incredible.  I’d love to see you running this place one day, but to do that, you have-”
“I don’t like sports, I don’t do teams, and the only player I am has nothing to do with this company.”
Edward smiles amused at Erik’s tenacity.  “That is good!  I love that enthusiasm.  So I need something, anything crossing my office floor by month’s end or you know, we’ll talk.”
“That’s some bullshit, you know it.”
“Oh, don’t worry.  I did get you some help to soften the blow.  They should be waiting in your office.”
Erik rolls his eyes.  If he has to see one more white person giving him orders, he was gonna make the 5 o’clock news in no time.  He makes his way down the hall and around the corner to trudge his way to his office, checking his pockets for his phone.  He sees a text from Kimara and starts to open it as he walks in.
“Well how you, handsome?”
Erik’s feet make tracks on the tiles as he screeches to a halt.  Looking up he starts to turn warm, eyes widening as he catches a glimpse of a familiar figure.  
“My, my.  I guess you do recognize me.  I’m a lot different outside my work clothes.”  She says, rubbing the back of her neck as she clutches her leather satchel.  She does look a lot different than their first encounter, but the curves can’t hide under her tailor navy blazer with gold piping along the collar and sides, with matching pencil skirt to boot.  The only thing that didn’t change is the heels, that had to be flirting with workplace dress code etiquette for height.
Erik tucks his phone in his pocket.  “Uh, you, uh…Chanel, right?”
She rolls her eyes, fighting an embarrassed smile.  “Whatever I told you that night was a lie.  I never tell dudes I barely know my real name.  It’s Alaina.”
Erik walks across the way offering a hand.  “You didn’t seem too bothered with me being a stranger though.”
She shakes his hand firmly, still smiling slyly.  “Well, that was then.  And I was off the clock.  I can’t be held responsible for what happens after hours.”
“Mhm, if I wasn’t with my boy, you would’ve given me some trouble.  That wasn’t a meat market ma’am, I wasn’t lookin to cut either.”
She raises her hands.  “Hey, I get it.  Especially now.  You have my word I will behave myself.  God blockedt it!”
Erik takes a seat behind his desk as Alaina sits in the chair across from him.  “So you are the secret weapon to getting this bullshit idea off the ground, huh?”
Alaina shrugs.  “I’m here to get a paycheck and possibly a promotion.  I’m here on contract, I gotta make my moves while I can.”
“Ok, that’s cool.  It’s funny how he got all the Black folks working this together for him, but I won’t get into that today.”
She rubs her forehead.  “Please, refrain.  I don’t need a lecture on corporate politics from Brother Erik today.”
Erik chuckles, impressed with her wittiness.  Chanel, or Alaina, was more than just a fat ass in some FashionNova, but a brain on top to boot.  
“You right  Listen, Edward got you here close to my clock out time, so I was gonna go to my bar spot up the street, let off some steam.”
“The Magnolia?  Ooh, I love their martinis at happy hour!”
“And it just started too.”  Erik pulls out his keys and gets up to leave.  “So that’s where I’m headed.  We can pick this up tomorrow, if you not up for martinis.”
“When am I not up for a martini, is the real question.  One drink can’t hurt, I’ll treat you.  And don’t worry about what I said earlier.  I’ll be on my best behavior after hours too.”
Kimara comes home to the house dark and empty yet again.  Erik has been taking a lot of time to work after hours and it’s been killing her vibe lately.  When she comes home from the studio, she’d love to see her man welcome her home, but he hasn’t been available.
Phone calls from the fertility specialist urging her to start considering IVF as an option is stressing her out.  Erik isn’t getting the calls, nor is he there when they come.  The most he can give is a hurried, ‘oh what’d they say?  What you wanna do then?  Look I gotta go!’
Kimara was not keen on even thinking about trying to get fertility treatments yet.  One day she invited Lia over, a friend she’s gained from her recent sessions at the studio.  
Over a bottle of wine and junk food, Kimara opened up about her situation as of lately.  It’s hard to avoid as a topic since it’s been consuming her all this time.  
“Sheesh, it’s been that long?”  She exclaims taking a strong sip of her glass.
Kimara nods emphatically.  “I wish I was lying but yeah.  We are closing in on a year pretty soon, and I’m not getting any younger, so I may have to look into this pretty soon.  It’s not like we are having a whole lot of sex these days anyway.  He’s at work constantly.”
“Girl, fix that ASAP!  Nothing makes me more jaded than not busting one every so often.”
“No one said I wasn’t busting, I would like to have my man in on it too, every once in a while.  I need a new charge cord for my shit now!”
Lia guffaws.  “So who’s ignoring who though in this situation?  I know he can’t resist our fine ass.”
Kimara scratches her head.  “Well…”
“Oh!  Now we don’t have much to say!”
“I mean!  He comes in late as hell.  I’m in my bonnet, got on my mask, knee deep in Blue Bell watching my shows when he comes in.  By the time I’m in bed and he takes a shower, he tries to get handsy.  But I don’t wanna just be devoured and tossed aside, I want some damn communication!”
“Well at least you know he wants it still.”
“Yeah yeah, but when I call him on the bullshit he turns his ass back over real quick.  He won’t talk to me and I’m getting so damn tired of trying.”
Lia looks at her phone.  “Shit, I gotta go girl.  The sitter won’t hesitate to charge me extra for being late.  But girl, just take some deep breaths.”
Kimara does.  “Will air give me a baby and my hot and horny relationship back?”
“No but it’ll give some blood flow to that crowded ass brain of yours so you don't get to talking foolish.”
Kimara hugs her and walks her out the door when she sees some headlights pull into the driveway.  Lia looks back.
“Be nice, but stand your ground.”  She winks before walking on, waving wildly at Erik’s car.  He waves back nonchalantly as he walks in after you.
“Who was that?”   Erik asks.
“A friend from the studio.  Just keeping me company.”  You say, discarding you glasses.
Erik tosses his keys on the counter, taking his shoes off.  
“You want something to eat?”  You ask at the kitchen sink.
“Nah, you good.  I already ate.”
“This late?  So work came with dinner today?”
“You could say that.”  Erik sas in a monotone as he takes his jacket off.
Kimara stans there tapping her foot impatiently.  “Well, what do you say?”
“...you forgot to clean the dishes again?”
He laughs.  “I’m just kidding!  Damn, how’s your day?  Love you.  Thanks for everything.  I’m takin a shower.”He kisses a fuming Kimara quickly sensing his job being done.
Erik heads upstairs to the master bathroom as she loads the dishwasher, which has become like a part time job for her.  Erik used to try and pull doing the ‘traditional’ household tasks mess on her.  But Kimara snapped him up quick with some facts, ultimatums, and peppered threats to get her point across that that was not how things would go down.  But he’s fallen off the wagon this month.  Kimara sets the washer on and rinses her hands with fury before bounding up stairs.  She hears the water running and open the door.  Erik’s silhouette is frosted and murky behind the foggy glass of the shower door.  The scent of his body wash fills her nostrils, lighting up her senses.  Kimara loves the soap he uses and can’t resist when he’s cleaned up to get him dirty all over again.  But like she told Lia, she hasn’t been in the mood as of late he didn’t earn that ass yet.  
Kimara sits on the toilet lid.  “Erik, what’s been going on?”
Erik opens the door a crack and peeks his head out, sudsy bubbles speckle his skin as he grins.  “Yo, what’s it look like I’m doin?  You tryna join me?”
She shakes her head.  “I wanna know where my husband has been spending his time.”  
Erik’s smile fades as he closes the door again talking over the water.  “I haven’t done nothing but work.  And trust me, I don’t like it no more than you.”
Kimara makes face of frustration.  “So what changed?  This isn’t normal for you still.”
“I mean...there’s nothing to talk about now, but I got this project on my head that had a strict deadline and me and this partner have just been…..you know, hammering it out.”
Kimara sighs.  “It’s not the same not having you here.  I don’t like it, it’s not fair to me.”
Erik shuts off the shower, getting out with his body glistening wet and clean, grabbing a towel across the way to dry off.  “I ain’t no fan either, but I’m tryna do some big things here that will hopefully make some history and that takes a lotta time and energy.”
“So does a relationship!  I been having dinner by myself, sleeping by myself.  I get calls from the doctor asking for us when there is no US to consider.”
Erik peaks from behind the towel on his face. “Hey hey!  We still us, don’t trip!  Like I said, I-”
“BUSY!  Sure Erik, whatever fits your conscience.  This project better have a break time, cuz WE have things to do too, remember?  So you and your boy, whoever your project partner is are gonna have to work something out.”
Erik wraps his towel around his waist before kneeling in front of Kimara.  “I know you think I forgot but I haven’t.”
Kimara’s eyes shift from him.  “What?”
Erik smirks.  “Now you gonna hurt my feelings if you forgot.  Tomorrow…..our anniversary?”
Kimara tears well up instantly.  Of course she thought he had forgotten.  He hasn’t said a damn thing leading up to today, what else would she think.
“I don’t want you crying on the happiest day of my life, you hear me?  We in that year three, third times the charm right?”
Kimara really starts to ugly cry now.  “Why you makin me cry if you don’t want me too?”
Erik kisses her hands.  “You are my life.  My one, my baby.   One thing we learned together no matter how far I go, we come back together as one, you know?”
Kimara sniffles, leaning her forehead against Erik’s thinking over their years together.  That statement didn’t always ring true to her, but in a small way he has been right.
“No decision I make goes without thinking of you, our family.  I got us reservations tomorrow, and tickets to that comic you love on the Boulevard.  We got the whole day to do what we wanna do, don’t trip.”
“Don’t scare me like this.”  Kimara says with an exhausted tone.  “Even for surprises, don’t.”
Erik’s eyes met hers.  “Nothing is keeping me from you.  Tomorrow let’s make that appointment with the doctor too.  I’m feeling pretty lucky right now, we are gonna get our shot.”
“You feelin lucky to get lucky?”  Kimara says stifling a laugh.
Erik pulls her closer to him by her hips.  “No lottery better in the world.”
They kissed sweetly at first, feeling a familiar urge that makes her legs tighten up.  Kimara pulls away first.  “I thought about something you said though before, about a different doctor.  My friend knows a fertility specialist that may be worth looking into, maybe we can them next.”
Erik nods, looking lost in her face, running his thumb along her cheek.  “Sure, I’m up for whatever.”
“Also, while you been busy, I’ve been looking at spots for a vacation.  I’m; narrowing it down to the DR, PR, Turks and Caicos, or Belize.”
Erik buries his face in her chest, kissing the softness of her skin.  “I trust your judgement.”
Kimara defends herself against his ticklish lips.  “But I want your opinion too!  And since things been going good with T’Challa and his lady, they should join us officially.  We can have dinner with them next week to get acquainted and start talking about it.”
“Ok!  You gonna help me cook?”
Erik scoffs.  “Who said that?  We cookin now?  Why don’t we do like them damn Koreans and just say bring your meat and here’s the stove. Ge to it!”
She rolls her eyes.  “I’m am so sick and damn tired of that smart mouth of yours.”
He cocks an eyebrow, giving your thighs a squeeze.  “It knows what to do when you need it to.”
They smile into each others mouth as their lips come together in an embrace.  Kimara’s hands play in Erik’s locs, carefully rubbing his scalp as he moans under the sensation.  Her knees rub around him causing his towel to fall.  
Erik picks her up, kissing at her neck with neediness.  “I know you not tryna fuck on this toilet?”
Kimara sighs erotically rolling her head back to take in his mouth.  “Like I give a shit where I get it right now…”
Eight Years Ago
Kimara sits in the studio after hours, playing around with the keys on a keyboard.  The day was done but she had plans to meet with someone so she was just biding her time.  In the distance she could hear the bells jingle on the front door of the studio as someone walks in.  She checks her phone for an ‘on the way’ text but there is none, and curses herself for forgetting to lock the door.  
She slowly comes out from the back room.  “Uh, sorry but we’re clo-”
The jean jacket he loves, little locs bound atop his head, and a pair of broad shoulders hunched looking through framed photos of musicians spanning decades in a display case told Kimara all she needed to know for identification.  Her heart lurches into her throat, cutting off her breath to produce sound as Erik slowly turns to look at her.
“Wassup?”  He says with a casual grin.  
“H-hey.  How did you-”
“Find you?”  She shakes his head looking back at the photos.  “It ain’t that hard to figure out.  Not as hard as getting to Wakanda to see me I guess.”
Kimara folds her arms walking slowly towards him.  “Erik, I couldn’t go all the way over there.  For what?  Your cousin told me you were safe, and frankly that’s all I was worried about.”
He nods, turning to face you with his hands in his pockets.  You take a deep breath looking him over.  Still as big as ever, and looking good to have gone through and done all T’Challa told her happened in Wakanda.  And in a small way his eyes seemed different and familiar, not like the night he left.  But like the friend she once knew.
“I’m glad he filled you in on that.  Yeah, it took a lotta counselling with my demons, but...I figured out what I needed to let go and change for the better.”
“Good.  I’m glad, really.”  Silence comes between the both of them.  Him just standing there looking at Kimara made her feel shy all of a sudden.  She thought about this day often: what she would say or do if she caught him out here after all he put her through on her own.  But now that spirit just isn’t in her.  She felt stagnate, like her whole system shut down and is preparing for a reboot.
“How have you been?”  He asks, scratching his beard humbly as his eyes drop a second from her face.  “You look nice by the way.”
Kimara shrugs.  “I haven’t been up to much recently.  I teach music to school kids and...since you found me here maybe you heard I do backup for artists sometimes.”
Erik shakes his head.  “Nah, I hadn’t heard that actually.  Congratulations!  You deserve that, your talent is outta this world, Mara.”
She gives him a weak smile.  “And we’re closed now,so I mean if you want to meet up another time, I gotta-”
“Did you miss me?”  Erik asks.
Kimara stammers.  “Uh…”
Erik leans on the case hanging his head low.  “I know I shouldn’t have come by your place that night.  I don’t know what has gotten into me but I promise you I hadn’t planned for any of it.”
“I know that now.  You came to me confused and left me just as such.  I thought you were staying with me.”
“I know, and I was.  I just wasn’t ready-”
“To be a man? To be grown enough to take responsibility head on?”
Erik shrugs looking slightly bewildered.  “Possibly, I don’t know!  I didn’t want to hurt you and leave you without me seeing you one more time but that night made it even harder for me to want to go.”
“Then why did you?  Why did my body become your test of ‘should I stay or should I go?’  You were planning to leave regardless, you just said!  So why weren’t you upfront with me?!”
“Because I love you and didn’t want you to get hurt!”
“But you hurt me Erik!  You did!  You came over feeling big and bold, I softened you up but a minute before you peaced out on me.  Like that shit didn’t matter?  Like that’s even something we did before.”
Erik’s eye hang low.  “I didn’t mean for the first to be the last.”
“I don’t give a fuck about the sex Erik.  I was just another in a line of females you wouldn’t look twice at.  You ain’t my first to do that, I don’t give a shit.  But if you weren’t interested in being my man, you could’ve at least been my friend and thought for one second how leaving to do a homicide suicide mission with who knows and where and leaving me high and dry!  I was a MESS!  I was inconsolable, Erik we practically grew up together and you just that easily forgot what all that shit meant?”
Erik shakes his head emphatically, walking slowly over to her with outstretched hands.  “Mara I’m sorry.”
Kimara gulps for air between sobs, feeling herself go weak.  “No!  Don’t do that.  I’m sick of you.”
Erik wipes his face eyes turning red, looking sorrowful.   “I been sick of my damn self.”
Kimara grabs Erik by the collar of his jacket.  “I’m so sick of you bringing this tye of shit outta me.  I was over you, I swear I was.”
Erik’s arms wrap around Kimara tightly as she burrows her face into his chest.  They shake with emotion together, swaying side to side and letting go on one another.  Kimara hugs Erik as tightly as she can, feeling rubbing his back, caressing his head to make sure he isn’t a dream.  But it’s real.  Erik’s hads travel the length of your back before finding either side of your face to pull your gaze to his.
“I won’t put that pressure on you again.  I’m not leaving your side either.  I don’t even care if you got a nigga, I got your back when he fuck up.”
Kimara makes a noise that’s a combo of a sob and a laugh while holding the back of his hands in his.  “You still a damn fool.”
When Erik’s eyes meet Kimara’s, there’s an energy that kept accelerating, building between the two of them.  It was tortuous, almost irritating how lonely her lips felt when she looked at his, and Erik definitely felt the same.  
God’s hand seemed to keep twirling around their heads, bringing them closer bit by bit until their mouths met.  Kimara’s body felt like a whole piece again once connected with his.  She had found a peaceful existence without him but she had no clue she missed him so much until he was right in front of him.  
When they parted for air Kimara rested her forehead on his chin.  “Erik, I can’t just jump into this.  I’m still not there.”
Erik pats her head gently.  “Mara, I ain’t worried bout that.  You here, I’m here.  I don’t need nothing else.  Imma work on my situation, get myself stable.  And you just live your life like you was.  Just this time you can call me.  For whatever.”
Kimara hugs Erik tightly, breathing him in when she feels a vibration in her back pocket.  
“Sorry, hang on.”  Kimara reaches for it, looking to see T’Challa’s name flashing as an incoming call.  She declines it, texting him back to cancel their night together.
Part 6
@chaneajoyyy @sarcastic-sunshines @muse-of-mbaku@dameshaemonique  @fonville-designs@destinio1@bakarisangel@wakanda-inspired@klaine15689 @savageiz@nickidub718@yoyolovesbucky @alexundefined @forbeautyandlife@bakarisangel
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The One Where Garrett Loses His Husband
Have another snippet from one on my OC’s lives: Garrett Thomas. This writing is about exactly what the title says, you get to see how Garrett, a Brotherhood Knight, loses his husband Andrew.
TW: character death
The transformation starts slowly, and at first Garrett just thinks that his husband is sick. The fatigue and sore throat can be explained away easy enough using that assumption, and his worry is satiated. When Andrew’s hair begins to thin and then fall out, they worry it’s radiation poisoning, and Garrett secretly steals a few radaways from Dr. Cade’s medical supplies. No amount of medicine seems to help, however, and Andrew makes a joke that he’s just getting old.
It’s only when helping his husband change one night that he realizes exactly what’s happening.
There’s a patch of skin starting from Andrew’s lower back that snakes its way across his left side before coming to rest right below his shoulder blade. It’s dry and patchy, a deep reddish purple in color, and feels like leather to the touch.
Andrew is turning into a ghoul.
In the back of his mind, Garrett always knew that this was a possibility. His husband works down in the kitchen, working with raw food and wasteland creatures, that put out rads at higher than recommended levels. Every time they cook anything Andrew is exposed to radiated and mutated meat and contaminated, irradiated water. People that work on Andrew’s team and in his section are more likely than others to experience the adverse effects of long term exposure to radiation. Garrett always just assumed he’d get rad poisoning… not this.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” Garrett realizes that he’s frozen, fingers still hovering over the edge of his husband’s skin. He’s not sure what to do, does he tell him? Does he keep it a secret? Brotherhood protocol states that he must report this development to his superior officer, but this is Andrew, the man who saved him from himself, the love of his life. Could he really just turn him in? He pictures Andrew being taken away from the compound, dragged into some dirty alley, shot, killed, body left for the scavvers.
No. The answer is no.
“Nothing, love,” he punctuates his words with a gentle kiss to his husband’s shoulder, prays that his voice is steady, “I just forget how handsome you are sometimes.” It’s not technically a lie, but the words taste bitter on his tongue anyways.
He must not be shaking enough for his husband to notice because that gets him a laugh. Andrew spins in his embrace and loops his arms around his neck. “How can you say that when I look like this now?” The question is asked with humor, but Garrett can read sadness behind his eyes.
He leans down and kisses Andrew, feels something inside his chest shift when his husband sighs into his mouth, realizes that it’s his heart. When he pulls back the doubt is gone, replaced by adoration. “I don’t care if all your hair falls out and never comes back. You’ll always be handsome to me.” Garrett loves the blush that slides across Andrew’s face, it always happens when he gives a genuine compliment, or bares his honest feelings.
“I love you, you know? Forever and always.” Andrew mutters against his lips as he leans in for another kiss.
“I love you, too.” Garrett refuses to think about how long their forever will be.
It’s two weeks later when Andrew learns the truth.
Garrett is just coming off of his shift in the belly of the Brotherhood’s newest technological feat: The Prydwen. He’s tired, sore, and hungry, but all of that fades when he opens the door to his and Andrew’s room and find his husband sitting on the edge of their bed, head in his hands. All is silent in the room except for two things: the low hum of the machinery that can be heard all over the compound, and his husband’s hiccuping cries.
He doesn’t think, just drops his goggles onto the floor and drops down next to Andrew, sliding into the space between his legs and lifting his head with his hands. “Andrew, what’s wrong?” There are tear tracks down both of his cheeks and his eyes are red and puffy, clearly he’s been crying for a while. Twice Andrew goes to speak, but nothing comes out but another sob. Garrett turns his body so that he can hold him tighter before running a hand up and down Andrew’s back, trying to soothe him with the gentle touch. He has no idea how long he kneels there, holding his husband and trying to think of some way to help, but it’s long enough that his back cracks and his knees ache when Andrew finally pulls back.
There’s no eye contact between them when he gets an answer, even though Garrett tries to catch his husband’s eye. “It’ll be easier to show you.”
Garrett rises from the floor and takes a step back, giving Andrew room to maneuver. Wordlessly he watches as Andrew lifts up his shirt, exposing his upper body. Garrett’s mouth goes dry as his husband turns, showing off his back. The patch of ghoulified skin has spread, now spanning the entire bottom half of Andrew’s back, half of his left side, and stops at the very base of his neck. The sight sends dread through his entire body, did Andrew figure this out on his own, or did someone else spot it?
It’s only when the shirt falls back into place and Andrew turns around that he realizes that he never responded. Something in his face must give away that he knew because the devastation on Andrew’s face turns into scrutiny and confusion.
“Did you… did you already know?”
After a moment of hesitation, he nods his head, once, quick. Anger sparks behind Andrew’s eyes and he stalks forward until he’s right in front of Garrett.
“Why the hell would you keep this from me?” His voice is tainted with venom and Garrett can feel it begin to poison him from the inside out. Andrew has never spoken to him like that before, full of anger, hate, betrayal, and pain. He knows the only way to explain himself is with the truth.
“Because I was scared.” His voice cracks on the final word and Garrett lets out a shuddering breath. “I was terrified that if I told you that you’d want to turn yourself in, that somehow they’d find out,” tears prick at his eyes but he doesn’t move to stop them as they begin to slide down his face, “that they’d take you away and I’d never see you again.”
He reaches up to grasp at Andrew’s face, needing to feel him. “I know I should have told you, I shouldn’t have let you find out alone,” Andrew no longer looks half a second away from shooting him, more like he’s a breath away from collapsing instead, “but I wanted to live in denial a little longer, pretend that you were going to be okay.”
Andrew collapses into his chest and immediately Garrett raises his hand to hold him. They’re both quiet for a very long time, no words are spoken as the reality of their situation swirls in the air around them, squeezing at Garrett’s lungs. He takes a deep breath, trying to fight the panic that is creeping across his throat, tightening against his skin. He needs to stay calm, if not for himself then for Andrew. At least one of them needs to keep a level head, and he can’t expect the man who’s turning into a ghoul to hold that responsibility.
The silence breaks, cracks in half with two words, spoken against Garrett’s chest and muffled by his shirt. “What now?”
“I don’t know.” He answers honestly. “Our choices aren’t great.”
There aren’t many options before them, each one less appealing than the previous. They could run away, try and fall in with the people of the Capitol, and spend the rest of their lives on the run from the Brotherhood. They could keep Andrew’s condition a secret, run the risk of getting caught, both of them executed or, even worse, Garrett could be banished while Andrew is killed. Or, they could go to their leadership, beg to be released from duty, pray that they’ll let Andrew leave, and that they’ll let Garrett go with him. None of these appeal to the couple.
One look at his husband’s face and Garrett can tell that Andrew doesn’t want to make this decision. Anything he does potentially puts them both in danger and he would never make a decision that would put Garrett in harm’s way. So, he makes the choice for Andrew.
“We’ll keep it a secret, for now. Until I can get a feel for what Paladin Fenris might do or say.” He pulls back so he can make eye contact. “I won’t say anything to him if I think he might try to take you away. I’m not leaving you to go through this alone.” He leans down to press their foreheads together. “I’m with you until the end.”
Their end, their forever, comes sooner than either expected.
Garrett is working on fixing a leaky compressor, when Paladin Fenris approaches him. “Knight Thomas, your presence is requested. You are to report to Paladin Hopson at once.” Once he responds in the affirmative his leader turns and makes his exit. He’s gone quick enough that he doesn’t see the way Garrett’s hands begin to shake or the way his breathing picks up. Paladin Hopson is in charge of Andrew. Garrett can only hope that it’s not his worst nightmare comes to life, although he wouldn’t be surprised.
As he walks, he notices that his legs feel both like rubber and steal at the same time. Both like they can’t support his weight and like, they themselves, weigh hundreds of pounds. He’s not walking in the proper rhythm, his cadence is off, but no one makes mention of it as he walks down the docking line and towards the Vertibird that is waiting for him. His arms shake as he lifts himself into the belly of the bird and he can’t bring himself to make eye contact with the Scribe who’s flying him down when she asks if he’s okay. Something comes out of his mouth, but the muttering statement he gives her isn’t heard by himself, so he can’t be positive he actually spoke.
It feels like he’s being marched to his own execution, but he knows it’s worse. It’s Andrew’s. He’s received no confirmation that he’s being taken down because of the ghoulification process, but there’s no other reason for the secrecy, the direct order, or the other Knight that follows him down, pistol cocked and ready to fire. One wrong move and he’ll be a puddle of goo.
Garrett finds himself praying that someone will attack them, distract everyone for long enough that he can find Andrew and escape, even though no one in the Capital would be stupid enough to attack a Brotherhod compound. No such thing happens, and far too quickly the Vertibird lands, and he’s escorted off.
People watch him as he walks by, their faces filled with different emotions: sadness, fear, anger, disgust, sympathy. That alone is confirmation enough for him, they know why he’s here. They know why a Knight who spent his entire career in the bottom of different ships and planes would be outside, down on the ground, walking slowly. Word spreads quickly through the Brotherhood that has been chosen to break off to go to the Commonwealth, so he’s not surprised that everyone knows and that everyone can’t stop looking.
He follows the other Kight, Henderson he thinks, to one of the very last buildings in Brotherhood territory. Every step he takes feels like a betrayal to his husband. He should be fighting back, he should attempt to overpower his escort, steal his weapon, storm into the building, take out all the guards waiting, and rescue Andrew. But he’s not that fast, he’s not that good with a weapon, and he’s more likely to get them both killed than do any good. Still, his heart pounds as his body floods with adrenaline and goosebumps pop up across his skin as his anxiety increases.
His breakfast threatens to make an appearance as he enters the metal structure. The sounds of his footsteps ring loudly in his ear, and he slows both an attempt to lower the sound and delay the inevitable. The other Knight doesn’t let him pause, instead he’s shoved through a nondescript door and into a room.
It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust and when they do he goes to step forward. Andrew is tied to a chair, bleeding from his lower lip, eyes trained on the floor. Before he can move even one step Knight Henderson grips him by the arm. The power armor digs into his flesh, forcing a small cry of pain out of him. The sound must alert Andrew to his presence because the man looks up, fear is written all over his face and it takes everything in Garrett to keep himself from fighting back and rushing to Andrew’s side.
Everyone in the room is watching him, looking for his response. He goes for ignorance. “What the hell is going on here. Why is my husband tied to a fucking chair?”
At that Andrew’s eyes light up. “I told you he didn’t know. I kept it a secret from everyone.”
And just like that Garrett feels the floor slip out from under his feet. They know. It wasn’t like he didn’t suspect the reasoning behind his appearance, but now he’s got confirmation, and it makes him sick. However, Andrew is looking at him like his play is the right one, which means he has to keep playing along.
“What don’t I know, what secret?” He asks it to Andrew, playing the part of a confused husband, but he glances up to the others in the room, a Paladin, and an officer of Elder Maxon’s table. Garrett glances back down. “Andrew, what didn’t you tell me?”
“Knight Thomas, Scribe Thomas has begun the transformation into a ghoul.” Garrett knows that they’re looking for his reaction, so he plays the part.
He takes a step back, eyes wide in shock, like the news physically hurts him, and raises a hand over his chest. “What?” The word comes out strangled as he attempts to lace it with the same fear he felt the first day he discovered the ghoulified skin creeping across his husband’s back. Then, he switches tactics, he lets his hands ball into fist, channeling the anger that he has at the whole situation. “No that’s not possible,” his gaze drops to meet his husband’s eye, “Andrew tell me that’s not true.”
Instead of responding Andrew drops his head down to his chest and refuses to look at him. The Paladin speaks for him.
“Unfortunately, it is true. However,” he glances at the officer who nods once, “your reaction seems genuine. While it is unfortunate that you had to find out this way, the Brotherhood has strict rules in regards to ghouls.”
“He’s not a ghoul.” Garrett argues. “Not… not yet at least.”
He thinks he might see sympathy flash for a moment across the Paladin’s face. “While we understand your hesitation, your loyalties are still in question, Knight. You have two options. Perform your duties as the Brotherhood directs, or be charged with treason.”
At that Andrew’s head snaps up, panic floating over his features. “No, no, he didn’t know. You can’t honestly expect him to-”
“Quiet, abomination!” The officer’s voice is commanding, and leaves no room for argument. The man steps forward, producing a 10mm pistol from his side holster and holding towards him. “Knight Thomas, make your decision.”
Garrett can feel tears welling up behind his eyes, threatening to spill down. He refuses to let them fall, he has to stay strong, he can’t let them see weakness, he can’t let Andrew see him falter.
Still, he doesn’t know what to do. He never expected the Brotherhood to make him execute his own husband. How is he supposed to do that? There’s no way, he’ll refuse and take the courts-martial. But even if he does that Andrew will still die, by his hand or another’s Andrew won’t be making it out of this room. One look at his husband’s face and he can read the answer there. Better to die at the hands of the one you know, understanding that they do it out of love and compassion, rather than put down by someone who sees you as little more than a dog.
He takes the gun.
“Don’t I get to say goodbye?” It’s Garrett’s last protest, his only request.
Andrew’s face is full of understanding, he nods once, a silent ‘it’s okay, go ahead’. Never before has a weapon felt this heavy in Garrett’s hands. Then again, he’s never had to shoot someone he cared about before. The room is silent as he steps forward and raises the pistol.
“I love you. I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
Neither one of them feels embarrassment at the conversation, too busy reassuring the other.
Andrew closes his eyes.
Gunfire rings in Garrett’s ears for days after, filling the silence where Andrew’s voice would normally be.
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dat-town · 5 years
carpe diem
Characters: Mark & OC (Honey)
Setting: paranormal abilities au (~Tomorrow People)
Genre: fluff with a hint of angst
Summary: They have their own safe haven but when a boy with stars in his eyes says he misses something, Honey would like to know what that is.
Words: 2.6k
The day after tomorrow spin-off, set after the 2nd part. @restlessmaknae ♥  
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Despite her name, Honey didn't have a sweet life at all.
It's not a sob story though, she just doesn't like to tell it anybody. Her past is a carefully hidden closet deep in her heart with the key thrown away. Nobody knows exactly who she is, not even the nation since she has no social security number or ID. According to the government she doesn't even exist, or at least shouldn't. That's why she uses her forged name and glares at everybody who asks about her real one. This one is as real as it could get.
Originally she had no intention of joining any group, she was more of a loner even with Johnny on her side. The elder definitely had some crazy brotherly instinct and that was why he stuck with her through the beginning even when she insisted on not needing anyone.
“We all need someone in our life. It doesn’t make you weaker that you do, too,” he said and reluctantly Honey agreed.
As time went by she learnt that Johnny actually had a sister on the other coast of the States but he left his family when he turned out to be dangerous in the government’s eyes, so that made him a threat to his own family and he wasn’t willing to risk their well-being. Maybe she reminded him of his own sister and Honey didn’t actually mind. A brother would have been nice to have in her life. So if she couldn’t have a real one, she was happy with what she got. Not to mention that the whole underground group started to feel a bit like family. As their number grew and they all took care of each other more their bond also strengthened.
They all shared two things besides being homo superiors, blessed with powers humans were incapable of such as telekinesis, teleportation and telepathy: they all hated Ultra, the organization ought to make their lives difficult by hunting them and the need for some friends, a family because most of them lost or left their owns behind so they wouldn't put them in danger with their abilities. Honey would have never admitted it out loud but joining the so-called Avengers of Tomorrow - the recent name is the courtesy of Yukhei - was one of the best decisions they could have made. Before the team, the two of them, she and Johnny, wandered from city to city at the first chance of getting caught when they accidently used their powers or agents seemed to find them. However, living in fear and uncertainty wasn't the ideal kind of life. But with a whole dysfunctional little family around them, living in a cool underground place where they could use their powers freely was almost living the life to the fullest. Especially because now they had a purpose.
It had been three weeks since their break-in to Ultra's laboratories. They helped almost a dozen of superiors escape from those cages. Some left the city, maybe even the country, trying to find a safe, peaceful place but some stayed and joined them. The original team, Yukhei, (his almost but not really girlfriend) Ariadne, Ten, Johnny, Mark and Honey who helped them nurture their powers and taught them how to fight physically when they can't use them. But now, weeks into their training watching them fight was somewhat satisfying because they all could see how much they improved and how they would be able to protect themselves next time when Ultra wants to cage them.
“You're good with the new ones,” a guy with boyish features sits down next to her on the couch. Then they both watch the two newest addition to the team circling around watch other in their madeshaft ring. Winwin was a quick learner, he excelled in telekinesis while Jeffrey was more of a teleporting talent.
“We were new once, too. They will get better,” Honey sighed and fell back onto the couch to find a more comfortable position next to the boy. It wasn't on purpose, the way she avoided contact. It was her nature to keep distance from everybody on instinct. Of course, she knew that nobody here would have hurt her but the memories faded too slowly for her liking, she couldn't kill off those reflexes that saved her life once.
“I’m still pretty new to this,” the boy shrugged not mentioning her sudden movements and kept his eyes on the new trainees. It’s true that he was the last addition to the original team before attacking Ultra but he behaved pretty professionally back then even if he had no choice but to support the whole mission from behind a camera. Without him and the electricity shortage he created in the building, they all would have stuck there for sure. 
“You’re a veteran rookie, Mark, don’t kid me. That telekinetic shield you used against Yukhei last practice was really cool,” Honey smiled at him and she found it adorable when the boy’s cheeks gotten red after her comment.
“Thanks,” he mumbled and ruffled his hair not knowing what else to say. They sat there side by side in silence just watching the practice from afar. The noises of the fight and Yukhei’s advice to both involved parties dissolved into nothingness as their thoughts seemed to be louder than words. Honey had a feeling they were both lost in their own mind deeply until Mark broke the silence. “Don’t you ever miss the surface?”
The girl looked at him nonchalantly and shrugged. “What’s there to miss?” She wasn’t used to moving out and she had not been allowed in the past. So maybe it was just old habits dying hard. She was rather familiar with the four walls and maybe that’s why she was so good at telepathy. She had been alone enough with her own thoughts to perfect that skill. Let's just say she had experience about being experimented on. That was something Johnny knew too, the only thing she could let slip when he found her behind a garbage truck after she ran away.
"I don't know. Everything. The sky. The fresh smell of spring. The breeze in your hair. The animals. I miss dogs," the boy pouted and with his doe eyes and pouty lips he was like a kid at Christmas who didn’t get the gift he wanted.
"You are being melancholic," Honey reminded him but her voice wasn’t cold or scolding. The way he felt was perfectly reasonable. Being locked into a place with no natural light could do funny things the person’s brain.
"Maybe I am. Don't get me wrong, I'm really grateful that we have this place where we don't have to hide who we are or we don't have to fear but it's like we locked ourselves in willingly," Mark whispered, words falling from his lips so tentatively as if she was the first one he dared to tell all this. Maybe she was which was ridiculous considering how close they all were. Of course they all had their own secrets but they talked about this kind of stuff normally. "Maybe I'm just complaining because it's been a while since I have been out. Yukhei said not to leave alone after what happened to Hendery."
They both remembered the panic of the recent event clearly. They were so very close to lose this place, or at least being exclusive in knowing about it. Some agents had been following the young boy back to the place and it was only thanks to Ten’s special skills that they realized what was going on in time, so they could trick them without getting caught. But it was a warning sign that Ultra had new methods and they became smarter too, so they had to be even more careful. 
"Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so negative. I just... I feel like I'm going crazy stuck in here," Mark sighed after the pang moment of silence and Honey didn’t know what came over her, it might have been the sadness or the longing in the guy’s voice that she could resonate with, but she blurted out:
"Then let's go out."
"But..." Mark’s doe eyes went even wider as he seemed absolutely taken aback.
"No buts. Nobody needs to know. We just come and go. A bit change of atmosphere," she turned to the other with her body, eyes fierce and confident. She might have not wanted to leave before but seeing how the guy missed whatever he missed up there, it made her curious: maybe there were things up there worth of missing after all.
"Look, we need you to be in your right state of mind when we demolish Ultra," she reminded  Mark firmly because she believed that if he had these internal turmoils, all these vulnerable thoughts, he needed to get rid of those before Ultra could get them and mess with his or anyone’s head.
"You say that like it's so sure it happens," Mark gaped at her, eyes wide and curious like he admired her but what for?
"If enough people believe in it, it will," Honey answered confidently and flashed a smile at the boy, one of her rare, genuine ones, the ones of the girl behind the fighter. Mark had to blink as he caught himself staring but then he tried not to stumble with his words as he nodded.
"Okay, let's do it," he agreed with a hint of smile on his face.
They didn't talk about details, they didn't plan anything further, they just got their wallets and phones and met up at the hallway. Honey merely left a note for Johnny that they have gone out because she knew the guy would have worried more if he didn't know where she was rather than if he knew for sure that she willingly went outside and not alone on the top of that.
As soon as they teleported outside, the chilliness of the late evening caught Honey by surprise. One thing about living in a place with no windows that you couldn't tell the time nor the weather just by looking out. A swear word slipped from her mouth as goosebumps dressed her skin.
“You curse like a pirate,” Mark laughed and she rolled her eyes. But the boy was too cute for his own good to be mad at especially with his explanation. “My mom used to tell me this whenever I cursed even if it wast something trivial, she scolded me like this jokingly.”
“She sounds like the typical loving mom.”
“She was better,” Mark smiled fondly nostalgic and Honey knew she wasn’t supposed to ask more because they had all lost something. Probably it wouldn’t have been the best to rub salt into the wounds of the past, so she stayed silent looking around for any suspicious movement around them but the dark alley seemed empty.
"Speaking of which I guess it wasn't your mom who named you like this so why Honey?" the boy blurted out the obvious question most people asked right after she introduced herself. As long as they didn’t insist on knowing her birth name, she let them be but didn't bother with a detailed answer. Though, with Mark it was a bit different. He was so open-minded and kind to anyone that she felt like he would have understood anything she told him. So she shrugged before telling him the truth.
"Johnny gave me the name. He said I was sweet and sticky, at least with him," she rolled her eyes in disapprovement but didn't comment on it. She remembered that day all too clearly, when she had met the brother-figure of her life and he had asked about her name, all she could think about was not wanting to be a bunch of numbers anymore. It took a few days of getting used to each other when Johnny decided to call her Honey because it seemed fitting. And it stuck with her.
"You are pretty sweet with me, too," Mark's thoughts echoed barely audible in the air but Honey heard him anyway, telepathic superior powers and stuff. She wasn’t sure Mark knew he failed to hide his thoughts but since she couldn't really handle compliments, she didn’t say anything to that. Instead clearing her throat she went straight to the point.
"Don't make me regret I came out with you," she shook her head instead of downright objecting the fact. "Instead show me something you love up here, so that I know it's worth the risk."
Mark's eyes sparkled as soon as an idea came to his mind and watching the smile spread on his mouth was like watching the sun rise.
"There's this adorable dog café I used to go. You will love it!" he exclaimed and they dived into the city looking for that special place.
In the meantime Mark couldn't shut up, he kept talking about what he liked up here and what he missed down there. He kept telling stories of him tripping by that corner, having his first, super-awkward date at that cinema, going to high school on the other side of that bridge and so on. Honey was used to the quietness, so all this was a bit fuzzy and a lot for her but listening to Mark was easy, it eased her nerves.
The boy was also right about the dog café. Both the food and drinks were good, not to mention the adorable dogs all around. They must have seen pretty comfy around each other because the waitress commenting on them looking cute together and neither of them could handle the situation accordingly. Honey just shook her head while Mark blushed, a good look on him, definitely.
Then they visited a PC room where Mark showed her his favourite game - in which she quickly beated him - and then they went for the walk on the riverbank. By that point even Honey started doubting it was merely friends hanging out and not a date but she was sure Mark didn't do this on purpose. He wasn't that sneaky.
But all good things had to come to an end eventually. They noticed they were being followed by some time and in such a crowded area teleporting would have been too risky. They kept talking through telepathy trying to get rid of the stalker, most likely an Ultra agent but in vain, he was like a leech.
“What if we make a run for it?” Mark suggested as they were already walking in ridiculous speed, so Honey quickly agreed.
“Yeah, let's show them,” she thought and without counting, they started running.
Adrenaline pumped the blood in their veins faster and the breeze in their face gave the full experience. Even though being chased wasn't part of the original plan, they handled it with care. They only teleported when they got to a secluded area but in the rush or the thrill of the moment, they stumbled right after getting back to the couch where it all started. Falling brought painful yelps and tangled limbs but surprisingly genuine laughter.
"This was..." Mark laughed, still panting, out of breath as he pulled away, tentatively looking in Honey's eyes as if he could find the answer there.
"Fun. We should do it again," she finished it instead of him. Still laughing while looking at each other she knew they had the very same thought. 
From then on they started living for the day too and not only for the tomorrow.
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lizartgurl · 5 years
“Back To You” (Aqualad x OC)
(part one) (part two) (part three) (part four) (part five) (part six)(part seven) (part eight) (part nine) (part ten) (part eleven) (part twelve) (part thirteen) (part fourteen) (part fifteen) (part sixteen) (part seventeen)
@flamebiirds​ @the-shadow-of-atlantis​ @super-spoiler​ @keanureevesislesbian​ @princes-jasmine​ @sapphicstargirl​
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“Manta must’ve helped them get these guys back too,” Superboy’s fist went through the gooey form of a Whitago, but it reformed just a moment later.
“How kind of him,” Emma growled. She leaped into the air as if to fly over a gunman’s head, but quickly turned it into a flip and kicked him in the back of the head.
“Where’s Miiyah?” Heather asked, setting a group of Whitago on fire as another girl froze one.
Miiyahbin was launching as many balls of ice as she could summon at the very unfortunate and red-faced Rhodes, who dove from house to house to try and find shelter from the swarm of heroes he had inadvertently helped create.
“Equinox look out!” Nightingale shouted. She leaped as high as she could to get a good angle, launching a lightning bolt at the sidearm Rhodes was aiming at her protege.
Miiyahbin all but ignored the warning, continuing her barrage as if she hadn’t heard it.
“You killed my father, you steal our people, you poison our land, and you think you can just get away with it!?” The teenage girl screamed, a giant ball of snow and ice suspended in the air above her head. Her arms were shaking trying to hold it there.
Rhodes grinned cockily, anything would set her off. “That’s usually how it works, innit dearie? White man can get away with anything these days.”
Miiyahbin launched her ice at Rhodes with a scream of fury. It would have hit Hannah’s house, which Rhodes had backed up against, had Kaldur not diverted it at the last second.
“Why did you do that!?” Miiyahbin screamed at Kaldur and Emma, both of them running towards her, “I had him right there, I could have gotten rid of him for good!”
Rhodes’ eyes widened, just now realizing that the girl of the people he’d traumatized was actually very close to killing him, and the way Aqualad and Nightingale were looking at him, they might just let her get away with it.
But Nightingale shook her head. “We don’t get to decide who lives and who dies.”
“Then who does? Because he certainly thinks he has that power!”
As Rhodes tried to scuttle away, Kaldur formed thick bonds out of the ice, pinning him to the frozen ground.
“And that’s what separates us from the bad guys.” Emma said, placing a hand on Miiyahbin’s shoulder. “There’s a very fine line when it comes to being a hero with powers like ours. It’s hard to not use it however we want.”
“Just ask Superman,” Kaldur smiled. Miiyahbin glanced between them doubtfully.
“That’s why every superhero needs help, they need a team,” Emma said.
“They need people they can rely on, people they can trust.” Kaldur glanced at Emma with a shy smile.
“You’ve got us, you’ve got your grandmother, and you’ve got this whole island community relying on you for help that you can turn to.”
Miiyahbin groaned, “Gee, thanks for the reminder.”
With a roar, the remains of Miiyahbin’s father rushed past, breaking Rhodes’ bonds, throwing Aqualad and Nightingale into a snowbank, and snatching up Equinox.
“Miiyahbin!” Emma screamed, throwing herself back onto her feet. She ran after the Whitago, while Kaldur and Superboy locked down Rhodes and his remaining men.
Artemis handed off a couple foam arrows to the other girls like Heather to trap the Whitago while those with water and air powers worked together to freeze a few at a time. With a shout of strength, one of the girls with earth manipulation fashioned an arrow out of stone, launching it through the frozen creatures and completely shattering them. Heather raised a fist of fire to stop the last one, but caught sight of Nightingale waving her arms.
“Don’t! He’s got Miiyahbin!”
“Miiyah,” Grandmother gasped. Recognizing the glint in that particular Whitago’s eyes, she dropped her shotgun in the snow. She’d run out of bullets and resorted to using it as a club to fend off the Whitago from her store. But now, she ran for the ghost of her son unarmed, hoping that she could stop him from hurting his daughter.
“Miiyah! Use your light!” Shannon advised as she caught up with Emma.
Miiyahbin grunted, writhing in the Whitgo’s grip with her eyes squeezed shut.
“I- I can’t!” She screamed, fear seizing her voice. Emma keenly recognized that fear, and realized that Miiyahbin’s Midayo clothing had disappeared, replaced by her jacket and jeans.
Shannon and Emma had Miiyahbin and her father backed up against a crop of trees. He could run if he wanted, but he didn’t focusing on his mother, and on his daughter, breathing heavily in his giant hands.
“Miiyahbin,” Emma said quietly, “It’s going to be okay.”
“I- I can’t kill them, I can’t stop them.” Miiyahbin almost sobbed. “How do we stop them?”
“Miiyah,” Shannon said gently, “There will always be darkness fighting against the light, the light of Cree life that you embody.
“Say it with me, my dear: Love, Humility, Bravery...”
“Truth, Respect, Wisdom, and Honesty,” Miiyahbin’s voice shook with her eyes shut tight to keep from looking straight ahead at the Whitago, but she could still smell its decaying breath on her face. She said the words all the same. Even the Whitago creature grunted along with her.
“You cannot destroy the Whitago, but you can keep it from hurting anyone else, from continuing to hurt your father.”
“But how?” Miiyahbin begged.
“Granny, I’m scared. Emma and Kaldur were right, I’m not ready! I’m scared, I never want to see a Whitago ever again.”
Emma bit her lip, heart aching.
“Miiyahbin, I’m scared too.” She said.
It was like hearing a pin drop in a silent room.
“You are?” Miiyahbin asked. Emma could see the stars reflected in Miiyahbin’s wide, pleading eyes as she finally looked up at Emma.
Emma nodded. “I am terrified. There is so much that can go wrong, so much that has gone wrong, some of it because of me.”
“How...how do you do it then? Again and again?”
Emma shrugged, thinking. “It’s hard, I know that, but I think most of it is that I can’t let myself watch terrible things happen without trying, without knowing that I tried.”
“Fear is the power of darkness, Miiyahbin,” Grandmother counseled, “You can combat it with bravery, drown the darkness in light, keep it locked away, so it cannot hurt anyone else.”
The Whitago grunted, a low, crooning sound, like a sad moose.
“”Daddy?” Miiyahbin looked up at the creature with moose antlers, patches of beaver fur, and half the face of a kind man’s, torn by anger and vengeance.
The Whitago winced as a white light sparked in its hands, Miiyahbin was floating before him, dressed as the Midayo.
“Daddy, it’s me,” she plead.
“I- I’m not going to run away this time,” She promised, “I’m not going to fight you, daddy. Let me help you.
The Whitago’s head tilted back and forth, examining the Midayo in front of him.
Miiyahbin slowly raised her hands, and the Whitago braced itself for an attack.
“Don’t be scared, there’s no need to be scared anymore.” Emma couldn’t tell if Miiyahbin was talking to herself, to the Whitago, or to everyone else, but she had never felt prouder.
White light sparked between the two eternal rivals, swirling and connecting them, obeying Miiyahbin’s command.
“Let me take the darkness, I can put it away, I can keep it where it belongs.
“I’ve got you.”
With one last flash of white, the dark appearance of the creature vanished, echoing out like a ripple in the pond to every Whitago in the area.
Miiyahbin caught her father’s body as it fell.
“I’ve got you, Daddy,” She promised.
Shannon rushed forward to embrace her son and granddaughter. Emma sank to her knees in the snow in relief.
“Miiyah,” He whispered, brushing back her hair, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s better now, Daddy,” Miiyahbin told him, “You’re better now, you don’t need to be sorry.”
“Miiyahbin smiled up at her grandmother, who kissed her forehead. “I know who I am now, I know what I am.
“I am a Midayo, just like you.”
Her father smiled weakly, holding his mother’s hand to his chest. “I have to go now,” He apologized.
Miiyahbin nodded stoically, even as her father’s body began to fade into the morning mists. “I know, don’t worry. I’m not alone anymore, and neither are you.”
Emma followed Miiyahbin and Shannon’s gazes as she mist of all the former Whitago- now at peace- faded off into the sunrise.
Kaldur saw them, having just dropped off Rhodes at the bioship for transportation to Belle Reve along with the Manta Flyer. He and Emma ran to greet each other while Miiyahbin and Shannon helped eahc other back to the trading post, discussing whether they had enough supplies to feed the village, the volunteers, and the superheroes for breakfast.
“I hear Kid Flash eats a lot,” Miiyahbin said hesitantly.
“We will make it work, Miiyah. We have before.” Shannon smiled.
Kaldur slowed down as he approached Emma, and she matched his pace.
“What is it?”
Kaldur pursed his lips nervously. “I’m afraid if I kiss you again, Lex Luthor will launch a missile at Rhelasia.”
Emma tried to hold in her laughter, but a little bit escaped. “Am I really that bad a kisser?”
“On the contrary,” Kaldur took her hand, “Kissing you is so wonderful that the universe seems to need to balance it all out.”
“Balance can suck it,” Emma took both his hands and placed them around her waist before slinging her arms around his neck.
“I just got you back, fish boy. And if you think I won’t fight for you, if you think you’re not worth fighting for, someone as selfless and kind and smart as you, then you’ve got another thing coming.”
Kaldur chuckled, resting his forehead against hers. “Yes ma’am.”
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch29. The Sokovia Accords Part 1: When You Gotta Go...You Gotta Go.
Summary: Things didn’t go according to plan in Lagos and as a result The Avengers are faced with a set of regulations which the Government are seeking to impose on them. But, when Steve gets a phone call with some devastating news, it all pales into insignificance.
Warnings: Bad language, Smut! (NSFW, Under 18s) Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Elements of this have been reworked/rewritten…for reasons which will become apparent at some point! Once again HUGE thanks to @angrybirdcr​
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 28
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Chaos. That was the only way to describe what went down when The Avengers mobilised. The Institute was compromised and, after a violent chase Natasha secured the biological weapon which had been stolen, whilst Katie and Sam provided support from the air, Wanda dealing with a huge cloud of poisonous gas which had been released.
And then Steve and Rumlow ended up exchanging blows, which was where it all went completely to shit.
Neither of them seemed to have the upper hand, although it felt like Rumlow did for a while, as he slammed Steve into a building and extended a blade from one of his gauntlets.
“This is for dropping a building on my face.” He snarled. Steve, however, was quick to respond and pulled the gauntlet off, only for Rumlow to reveal another knife. After a violent struggle, Steve finally got the better of the man, forcing him to his knees, both of them heaving from the exertion of the fight. As Steve glared down at him, Rumlow reached up to remove his mask and Steve’s mouth fell slightly open at the sight of the man’s scarred face.
“I think I look pretty good, all things considered.” Rumlow chuckled.
“Who’s your buyer?” Steve asked, grabbing him by the collar.
“You know, he knew you. Your pal, your buddy, your Bucky.”
Steve froze, his stomach twisting slightly at the mention of his friend. He remembered him? Really? His jaw clenched in anger slightly as he looked down at Rumlow who was smirking.
“What did you say?” He demanded.
“He remembered you. I was there. He got all weepy about it. Till they put his brain back in a blender.” Rumlow wheezed with a laugh. “He wanted you to know something. He said to me, ‘Please tell Rogers. When you gotta go, you gotta go…’ And you’re coming with me.”
It was whilst this was going on that Katie, who had been flying over, saw exactly what was happening. FRIDAY scanned Rumlow and told her about he was wired to explode, but even as she yelled a warning to Steve on the coms, the bomb vest exploded. Steve staggered back slightly, but the blast was encapsulated by a ball of red energy. Katie landed besides Wanda who was concentrating on keeping the explosion contained around Rumlow and she lifted him into the air before she lost control. The explosion finally blossomed, devastating entire floors of a nearby office building. Wanda’s hand flew to her mouth in shock as Katie stood by her side, looking up in disbelief.
“Oh my…” Steve approached the girls, looking up open mouthed. This was bad. Really bad. “Sam … we need fire and Rescue … on the South side of the building.” He stuttered between breaths, before he looked at Katie “We gotta get up there.”
She nodded and took off.
The Avengers did all they could to help the rescue efforts, but after twelve long hours Katie suggested they leave, as just like in Sokovia, the locals were baying for blood. They didn’t know the exact death toll. Steve wasn’t sure he wanted to either. When they landed back at base Wanda was first down the ramp, she hadn’t spoken a word since the incident, and she sped straight past Rhodey who was waiting at the bottom. He watched her go and then looked at Steve.
“Secretary Ross has already been on.”
“Ross can kiss my ass.” Katie mumbled, wiping at her face which was dirty from the clear up efforts.
Rhodey smiled a little as she stepped off the ramp.
“What does he want?” Steve asked, ignoring Katie’s grumblings. .
“A report.”
The Captain sighed. “Okay, we’ll get right on it.”
“No we won’t” Katie spun round to face him, her face stern. “It’s gone four am and we have been awake for over twenty-four hours. The team are tired, you’re tired. Ross can wait.” Steve opened his mouth to tell her that he really thought it was best they deal with it now but she wasn’t having any of it. “Don’t argue with me Steven.” She cut him off before he could start, her eyes flashing dangerously. “We’ve been away for almost a week, and it’s been a long day. We’re all tired, we need rest, and that means you too.”
Rhodey and Sam exchanged a grin, they loved it when Katie put her foot down with Steve. She was the only one who could make him see sense when he was like this and the only one of them that the Captain was secretly, just a tiny bit scared of. With good reason the men thought, because, let’s face it, she had the keys to his sex life after all.
Steve looked at her, half of him was exasperated at her calling him out like this, but the other half knew she was right. Eventually, to avoid an argument he sighed and nodded.  
“Fine. Rhodey, tell Ross I’ll call him tomorrow. Go get some sleep everyone, we’ll debrief in the morning.”
“Somebody should probably check on Wanda.” Sam pointed out and Katie nodded.
“I’ll go.” She volunteered, heading out of the room.
After a brief search Katie found her in the communal kitchen, slumped down against a counter with her knees pulled up to her chest. She made her way over and slid down to sit next to her. The two sat in silence until Wanda eventually sniffed.
“It’s all my fault. I thought I could contain it. I should have thrown the bomb somewhere else.”
“Wanda, you did your best.”  Katie sighed, putting her arm around her. “That’s all anyone can do.”
And then the younger woman broke down. She sobbed, dropping her head onto Katie’s shoulder and there was nothing to do but let her cry and soothe her, telling her it would be okay.
Once she had settled Wanda back in her room, Katie made her way back to their apartment, running her hands over her face. She was exhausted, but she also knew Steve was brooding over the events as well. She walked into the bedroom and looked into the en-suite through the open door watching as Steve was drying his hair and his face after having showered, dressed in nothing but his grey sweat pants, which hung off his hips in a way that usually made his wife combust. As he finished he glanced in the mirror and caught sight of Katie who was leaning up against the door-frame.
“How is she?” He asked.
“Upset.” Katie said honestly “She’s taking things really hard.”
“This is all my fault.” Steve sighed heavily, shaking his head as he turned to face her.
“Steve, what happened is no one’s fault…” She began, but he cut her off.
“You were there.” Steve looked at his wife. “You saw what happened, Doll.” His shoulders dropped as he tried to brush past Katie to exit the bathroom, but she stepped to the side to block his path.
“Yes, I saw what happened.”  She looked up at him. “But I still don’t understand why you’re blaming yourself.”
"Because I lost focus!” Steve yelled, his frustrations bubbling over and he ran a hand through his damp hair as Katie blinked, the only reaction she gave to his angry change in demeanour. “All Rumlow had to do was mention Bucky and it was like I was a little kid in Brooklyn again.”
“Bucky?” she frowned. “He mentioned Bucky? I don’t-“
“He told me that Bucky remembered me, well he did, until they, and I quote, ‘put his brain back in a blender.” Steve pinched the bridge of his nose and Katie looked up at him, his face was contorted with a mixture of grief and tiredness. She sighed and wrapped her arm around him and he buried his face into her neck. Always so stoic and unmovable to the outside world, but with her it was a different story.
“Sorry for shouting at you.” He nuzzled closer, sniffing slightly, his voice slightly muffled when he spoke.
“It’s okay.” She soothed and he took a deep breath.
“All he had to do was say his name and I lost it. He was wearing that fucking vest from the start, I should’ve gotten rid of it right away but-”
“It is not your fault.”  Katie shook her head, her hand gently stroking his hair. “Stevie, I challenge anyone to be in that position and not react the same.”
"I’m supposed to be the leader,” He pulled away with a shake of his head as he straightened up slightly. And it was true. As far as he was concerned this started and ended with him. “I’m supposed to stay professional no matter what, but when it comes to Bucky and you for that matter…”
“Baby, you’re only human.” Katie assured him, her voice gentle as she took his face in her hands “Super-strength, enhanced yes, but still a wonderfully flawed, dumbass human being, just like the rest of us.”She leaned up to give him a gentle kiss. “We can only do our best, Love. Nothing more.” He sighed and then pulled her in for another hug, burying his face into her hair, which smelt of ash and gunpowder and her, giving him something to anchor himself to. As her face pressed into his bare chest he felt her smile softly before she pulled back to look at him.
“Wanna be little spoon tonight?”
His face split into a childish grin because the thought of her holding him was so damned comforting and appealing right now. “Yeah, yeah I do.”
**** The relative feel-good factor that had been present at the base for months was completely decimated. None of them had ever been under the illusion that life as an Avenger would be easy, but now it seemed to be getting harder by the day. In the weeks that passed by following the Lagos incident, various Diplomatic Heads of States waded into the debate, demanding some kind of regulations were put in place to police The Avengers, something Steve, Sam and Katie felt drastically opposed to, the three of them often getting into protracted discussions between themselves about what it could mean for the Avengers were it to happen, discussions which Natasha, Rhodey, Vision and Wanda avoided.
The most troubling thing for Katie though, was the silence on the issue emanating from Tony. He’d called by, of course, to make sure everyone was alright, but she had assumed he would be anti-government control considering his stance on all things official previously. But he hadn’t commented to any of them about it, which worried his sister immensely. Katie tried several times to get him to open up whilst they were out touring with the Foundations but each time he shut her down and changed the subject. This wasn’t helped by the fact that one day they were accosted by a woman who had lost her son in Sokovia. She blamed him, blamed her, blamed all of The Avengers, and had grown even angrier when Katie had tied to placate her. Their flight home that day was a silent one, Tony speaking only when they landed home to state that everyone needed to get round the table to talk things over, specifically how they go forward as a team and that they should face facts, The Avengers needed to be accountable for their actions and if that meant they were put under sanction, then so be it.
Steve had reacted exactly how Katie had assumed he would, out and out refusal to even contemplate listening to what Tony was going to say. Katie had sensibly pointed out that the issue of Government control wasn’t going to go away and they had to confront it, and to do that they needed a joint position, of which Tony was a big part. Steve had simply shook his head, insisting that it was out of the question at which point Katie’s temper had bubbled over and she had yelled at him, calling him an stubborn prick, before telling him to take his head out of his ass and look around at his team. His team, which at the moment, was struggling a little. She’d continued to blaze at him about how things couldn’t continue the way there were, and something was going to have to give, and then she called him a moron for not being able to see what was staring him in the face, before slamming the door to their quarters as she stormed out.
In the wake of her spectacular exit, Steve angrily headed to the gym to pound his frustrations out on a punching bag. And whilst there, with each blow he landed, he thought about what Katie had said, and as the angry fog cleared from his brain he realised she was right. Wanda had been withdrawn for the past few weeks, rarely emerging from her room, talking to no one really but Vision. Natasha was currently taking some time out at Clint’s which was almost unheard of, unless it was over a holiday period. Sam and Rhodey had continued their training with Evans and the new recruits but even there Steve could see things were subdued, neither of them socialising much. His team were suffering and he’d been so wrapped up in his own, stubborn little world to realise. And, as their Captain and leader, he had to rectify this and do something about it. So, he swallowed his pride and apologised to his wife and told her to call Tony.
They arranged to meet the day after next, and in preparation, Steve gathered his team they day beforehand and told them what was going to happen. He asked them to think about their positions and feelings carefully, but made it perfectly clear that whatever they decided it wasn’t going to be a problem, and they would reach a conclusion jointly, because that’s what they did.
As it was a sunny day, Katie suggested an early evening BBQ to try and coax them to spend some time together. And Steve was happy to see it working, as for the first time since Lagos, everyone seemed to be relaxed. But then that was his girl all over. Full of great ideas because she understood people and could empathise with how they felt in a way Steve could only wish of doing.
“Well, I gotta say.” Sam dropped his cutlery onto his plate with a clang. “For an old man, you sure can grill a steak pretty well.”
“I’ll take that as a back handed compliment.” Steve rolled his eyes and picked up his glass which contained a decent measure of the Asgardian Liquor Thor had left for him. He was secretly pleased though, whilst Katie was the cook, the grill was most certainly his domain.
“That potato salad was fantastic!” Wanda looked at Katie “Where did you learn to cook?”
“Sure as hell wasn’t Tony!” Rhodey quipped .
Katie laughed and shrugged “I dunno, I picked various pieces up from Pepper, and I watched a lot of cooking shows as a student in England but, well, I just tried and found I could I suppose. Has everyone had enough or…”
There were murmurs of a general stuffed nature from around the table, and she stood up to clear the plates until Steve gently grabbed her arm. She’d been fussing like a mother hen around everyone all evening and he wanted her to sit down and relax.
“Leave that, we can do it later.” He insisted gently, shooting her a look.
“Mr Neat-Freak telling me to leave the dishes?” She grinned, as he pulled her onto his lap. “That Asgardian stuff going to your head already?”
He shot her a look but at that point they were both distracted by a loud “Shit!” from round the table where Sam had spilt his beer.
“Now, just hold on a minute.” Rhodey said, his eyes flashing as Sam hastily began to mop at the river of Peroni that was cascading across the red and white gingham table cloth. “Cap doesn’t like that kind of talk.”
Everyone laughed, except Steve whose brow creased into a serious look.
“You heard Rhodey, Sam” He arched an eyebrow. “Watch your fucking language.”
The table descended into fits of laughter and Steve took the opportunity as he looked around his team to raise Katie’s hand to his mouth, pressing a gentle kiss to her wrist, a gesture she took and understood to be a thank you and another apology. She’d been right, agreeing to talk about what was coming had lifted a weight off everyone’s shoulders.
Well almost everyone’s.
Steve still had that sick feeling in his stomach, that sick feeling that told him there was something big and bad looming on the horizon.
“11 Wakandans were among those killed during a confrontation between the Avengers and a group of mercenaries in Lagos, Nigeria last month. The traditionally reclusive Wakandans were on an outreach mission when the attack occurred.”
The next afternoon Steve was sat watching a news report on the screen above his desk, turning his compass over in his right hand. He felt exhausted. As he ran his hands over his face he felt himself tense up when King T’Chaka of Wakanda came on the screen
“Our people’s blood is spilled on foreign soil. Not only because of the actions of criminals, but by the indifference of those pledged to stop them. Victory at the expense of the innocent is no victory at all.”
The King had waded straight into the debate immediately after the incident as a group of his people had been killed in the blast. He was one of the main campaigners about the need for some form of sanctions to be put in place. Steve was on edge enough about Tony coming, and deciding he didn’t want to hear or watch anymore, he turned the TV off. But, his sharp ears caught the continuation of the news broadcast being continued elsewhere, and he inclined his head a little to the left as he took in which direction it was coming from. He glanced up and saw that the window to his office was open, and standing up he walked over to it, the sound growing louder.
It was coming from the residential floor above. Directly above, unless he was mistaken. Which meant the person watching was in Wanda’s room. He turned and made his way out of his office and up the flight of stairs at the end of the corridor, figuring out he could make it up one floor faster than he could call the elevator. He pressed his palm to the door which would allow him access to the floor which contained Wanda, Evans’ and Natasha’s rooms, and it slid open with a little hiss.
“They are operating outside and above the international law. Because that’s the reality, if we don’t respond to acts like these” came the voice which grew louder as he approached her room. He stopped at the door, which was open, and paused as he saw Wanda was sitting on her bed, watching a TV which stood on a dresser in the corner.
“What legal authority does an enhanced individual like Wanda Maximoff have to operate in Nigeri – “
With a deep breath Steve picked up the TV remote from the nightstand and turned the set off before placing the remote down, leaning on the doorframe
Wanda looked round. She spotted him but she didn’t get up.
“It’s my fault” she swallowed gently shaking her head.
“That’s not true” Steve replied gently.
“Turn the TV back on. They’re being very specific.” She said sarcastically.
“I should’ve clocked that bomb vest long before you had to deal with it.” Steve pushed off the frame and walked over to the bed where she was sat.  “Rumlow said Bucky and all of a suddenly I was a 16-year-old kid again, in Brooklyn” He sat on her bed next to her, “And people died. It’s on me.”
“It’s on both of us” Wanda looked at him.
“You know,” Steve smiled gently as he recalled the words Katie had said to him years ago, “this job, we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn’t mean everybody. But if we can’t find a way to live with that, next time maybe nobody gets saved.”
Before Wanda could reply, Vision materialized through the wall making them both jump. It made Steve slightly uneasy how the android was the only person who seemingly could get the drop on him like that.
“Viz! We talked about this.” Wanda chastised him.
“Yes, but the door was open so I assumed that…” He gestured at the door and stopped. “Captain Rogers you wished to know when Mr. Stark was arriving.”
“Thank you. We’ll be right down.” Steve nodded.
“I’ll use the door. Oh, and apparently, he’s brought a guest.”
“Who?” Steve frowned, that hadn’t been part of the plan as far as he was aware.
“The Secretary of State.” Vision said, turning to go.
Steve’s frown deepened and he turned to Wanda. She was sat looking at her hands. He knew instantly why Tony hadn’t mentioned he was bringing him, because he would have been met with a resounding no. Giving Wanda’s shoulder a squeeze he stood up and left the room telling her to follow him down when she felt ready to.
“Why is he here?” Katie was blazing at her brother when Steve arrived at the conference room.
“Oh hi, Tony.” The billionaire snarked, rolling his eyes. Katie glared at him, her arms folded and chin jutted out defiantly, a look Steve had seen many times before. Tony sighed. “Look, I suggested he come. He can explain the thinking behind the proposed sanctions better than I can.”
“What do you mean, proposed?” Steve looked at Tony. “I thought this was supposed to be a discussion on the idea?”
“They already have a set drafted.” Tony informed him after a moment’s hesitation and Steve scoffed, turning away as Katie rounded on her brother.
“Are you for real?” She hissed through her teeth. “So not only do you spring him on us, now you’re saying the very thing we thought we were going to be discussing, as a team, is already fucking decided?”
“Kiddo, just hear us out, please?” Tony sighed
“Us?” she spat, as she looked over at General Ross who was stood talking to an aide at the other end of the room, in front of the large TV screen. “That asshole is not part of us, Tony. This is bullshit.”
Steve had to fight the snort at the utter look of disgust on his wife’s face. She despised the man, for no other reason than she thought he was an arrogant prick. That said, he knew if he didn’t calm her down, that infamous temper was going to really boil over and that wouldn’t be helpful to anyone.
“Come on.” He stepped forward and placed his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to placate her. “He’s here now so let’s listen and see what he has to say.” She pulled a face which was a cross between annoyance and disappointment aimed directly at Tony as she shot him one last glare and allowed Steve to guide her towards a chair, his large hand in the small of her back. She flopped down, angrily, her nostrils flaring as she looked away from everyone, out of the glass walls of the room. This was a shitty stunt for Tony to pull. Whilst she knew Tony wasn’t opposed to some form of sanctions, the fact that he was seemingly already involved in drafting them without discussing it with any of them, didn’t sit well with her at all, but what worried her more was the fact that he and Steve were undoubtedly now going to be majorly at odds over all this, which in itself was going to test team loyalties.
And make her life a bigger pain in the ass than it already was.
Wanda and Vision arrived shortly after and once they were all seated Steve’s hand slid onto Katie’s thigh under the table. She squeezed his fingers gently as Ross cleared his throat and looked at the assembled team, before beginning to speak.
“Five years ago, I had a heart attack. I dropped right in the middle of my backswing.”
Shame you got up, Katie thought to herself.
“Turned out it was the best round of my life, because after thirteen hours of surgery and a triple bypass I found something forty years in the Army had never taught me: Perspective.” Ross continued.
I wonder how many Post Its I can staple to his head...Katie considered the question for a moment, deciding that eight, one for each of the original Avengers and an extra for good luck, should do it.
“The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt. You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives… but while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some… who would prefer the word “vigilantes”.
“And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?”  Katie asked, unable to contain herself anymore. Steve’s hand gave her knee a gentle squeeze in an attempt to calm her down.
“How about “dangerous”?” Ross responded, not flinching at her question.
Fuck the staples, let’s use nine inch nails.  
“What would you call a group of US-based Enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?”
Ok, so now Steve was starting to get slightly uncomfortable. He stared at Ross, his chin resting on his left hand, jaw set. Ross then activated the screen behind him. News footage from past missions and SHIELD matters began to flash as he spoke.
“New York. Washington DC. Sokovia.”
Katie swallowed and her hand tightened around Steve’s. He knew Ultron and Sokovia had affected her more than she tried to let on. She took a deep breath and then the footage stopped and flicked to the latest incident in…
As footage of the burning building morphed into a shot of a dead girl, Steve glanced up at Wanda and saw her bottom lip began to wobble. The Captain took a deep breath, his face dark as thunder as he looked at Ross, gently bringing his fist down to rest on the table.
“Okay. That’s enough.”  He spoke firmly.
Ross nodded to the aide, and the images disappeared.
“For the past four years, you’ve operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That’s an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution.”  Ross spoke as the aide handed him a thick book. He slid it across the table to Wanda. She picked it up, then slid it to Rhodey.
“The Sokovia Accords. Approved by 117 countries. It states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they’ll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary.” Ross explained.
It was worse than they had imagined. They’d expected to be subject to some kind of regulations, rules, a code of conduct. Not overt Governmental Control. This would essentially make the Avengers another branch to an army, and Steve wanted no part of that. Keeping his voice level he looked up at Ross. “The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place. I feel we’ve done that”.
“Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now?”
Why use nine-inch nails when you could use a javelin? Katie glared at Ross a Steve took a deep breath, glancing down at the table.
“If I misplaced a couple of thirty megaton nukes you can bet there’d be consequences. Compromise. Reassurance. That’s how the world works. Believe me, this is the middle ground.”
“So, there are contingencies?” Rhodey asked.
His question was left hanging.
“Three days from now, the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords.” Ross carried on. “Talk it over.”
Katie glanced over her shoulder at Tony, at the same time as Steve did too. He was behind them, in the corner of the room. His brown eyes locked onto Katie’s as she shook her head at him. He looked away and then Natasha turned to Ross.
“And if we come to a decision you don’t like?” She asked the question that no one else had dared to.
“Then you retire.” Ross smirked at her before he made his exit, flanked by his aide.
“Glad that clears things up.” Katie muttered, standing up. “Oh no you stay right there!” She pointed at Tony as he also made to leave. “What the fuck, Tony?”
“So much for coming to discuss potential ways forward.” Steve stood behind his wife, eyeing his brother in law, his nostrils flaring in anger. “Instead you help issue us with an ultimatum”
“Can I suggest you take time to read them first?” Tony sighed. “You know, before you hang, draw and quarter me.”
“I’m assuming from your use of the word, you, that you have already read them?” Katie looked at him. Tony stayed silent for a moment, before he groaned.
“I need a drink.”
With that he left the room and Steve looked round at his team, all eyes on him, waiting for direction. He took a deep breath. “Take ten guys, and we’ll meet in the communal lounge.”
**** Chapter 29 Part 2
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brighteyedbadwolf · 7 years
Your clone OC's for the OC meme?
FULL NAME: CT-1711 “RAZOR”GENDER/SEXUALITY: M, GayPRONOUNS: He/HimETHNICITY/SPECIES: Human CloneBIRTHPLACE/DATE: KaminoGUILTY PLEASURES: He’s a total foodie. Which takes some doing in the GAR. He’s well tied-in to the black market.PHOBIAS: One of his idiot brothers getting caught doing the stupid shit they do and getting Recalibrated.THING THEY WOULD BE FAMOUS FOR: Eating Contest. Either as a competitor or a host. Or both.THING THEY WOULD BE ARRESTED FOR: Accessory to Arson, Theft or Other Shenanigans Including But Not Limited To Punching The Lights Out Of Someone In Order To Bail His Idiot Brothers Out Of Some Kind Of Stupid Shit.OC YOU SHIP THEM WITH: n/aOC MOST LIKELY TO MURDER THEM: Unlikely, he’s the most ridiculously charismatic person ever. Trick gives him headaches though.FAVORITE MOVIE/BOOK GENRE: He will eventually get really into watching podracing (Space NASCAR), but not necessarily the event. Space Fast & Furious is his jam.LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE/BOOK CLICHE: Why do good guys always have dogs and bad guys always have cats, have you met a cat? Cats are great.TALENTS/POWERS: He stronk. Somehow the guy with the cannons and rocket launcher got named after knives.WHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM: Team Dad, won’t rat you out when he Catches you pulling some stupid Trick.WHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM: You can’t.HOW THEY CHANGE: Becomes a line cook at the infamous Mandalorian Restaurant: “Red’s Roadkill Grill & Taxidermy” (Best hotwings on or off planet)WHY YOU LOVE THEM: Because he just wants everyone to be fat and happy
FULL NAME: Front Line Medic CT-0333 “TRIO”GENDER/SEXUALITY: M, GayPRONOUNS: He/HimETHNICITY/SPECIES: Human CloneBIRTHPLACE/DATE: KaminoGUILTY PLEASURES: Trashy romance novels, especially clone-written ones featuring The Commanders. Especially Wolffe. NO ONE CAN KNOW.PHOBIAS: Bacta aspiration while in a tank.THING THEY WOULD BE FAMOUS FOR: Creativity, ingenuity and sincerity of cursing and threats.THING THEY WOULD BE ARRESTED FOR: Improper Use Of Surgical Staple Gun.OC YOU SHIP THEM WITH: @cellarspider ’s KillerOC MOST LIKELY TO MURDER THEM: Himself, via caffiene overdose, heart attack or stroke FAVORITE MOVIE/BOOK GENRE: Medical Texts. Definitely not the Apocalypse Officers Series. *cough* LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE/BOOK CLICHE: That is NOT LUBE.TALENTS/POWERS: May or may not have saved more than one patient through fear of him chasing them into Hell to drag them back to life by the short hairs just so he can dickslap them to death himself for being a disappointment.WHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM: He’s a cranky asshole but he will do literally everything to keep you alive, up to and including making himself a blood donor with a spare bit of tubing DURING SURGERYWHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM: He’s a dick and his bedside manner is terrifying.HOW THEY CHANGE: Once he realizes he only has to worry about 3 squads and not the entire GAR, he mellows out a LOT. WHY YOU LOVE THEM: ANGRY BUT SINCERE MEDICS ARE BEST MEDICS
FULL NAME: CT-0022 “CATCH”GENDER/SEXUALITY: M, PansexualPRONOUNS: He/HimETHNICITY/SPECIES: Human CloneBIRTHPLACE/DATE: KaminoGUILTY PLEASURES: “Guilty” implies that he has any sense of shame. He does however, have a huge puppy crush on Master Luminara even though he’s only seen her like, once. From a long ways off.PHOBIAS: Rejection/alienationTHING THEY WOULD BE FAMOUS FOR: Holds the record for getting caught in closets/behind shipping crates/in cargo holds/etc with his pants down.THING THEY WOULD BE ARRESTED FOR: Public IndecencyOC YOU SHIP THEM WITH: Tiny Mirialan Jedi named Rhiali who is made of Sunshine and makes him completely stupid.OC MOST LIKELY TO MURDER THEM: TrioFAVORITE MOVIE/BOOK GENRE: RomComs (He uses them for Research)LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE/BOOK CLICHE: Love Triangles.TALENTS/POWERS: Ridiculously expressive face. He can say more with his eyebrows and half a smile than most people can in five minutes of talking. (There’s also that Thing with his tongue)WHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM: He’s incredibly cheesy and cliche but somehow it’s charming?!WHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM: Your boyfriend left you for him, but he accidentally called your (ex)boyfriend someone else’s name in the sack and now your (ex?)boyfriend is sobbing on the couch and now you’re not sure who you’re mad at?HOW THEY CHANGE: He gets hit with a truckload of Feelings and doesn’t know how to deal?!WHY YOU LOVE THEM: Look at this ridiculous garbage child. He’s a sexy disaster.
FULL NAME: CT-4789 “TRICK”GENDER/SEXUALITY: M, GayPRONOUNS: He/Him ETHNICITY/SPECIES: Human Clone BIRTHPLACE/DATE: KaminoGUILTY PLEASURES: Again, “Guilty” implies shame. He’s a thief.PHOBIAS: Broken fingers/losing use of his handsTHING THEY WOULD BE FAMOUS FOR: How the FUCK did you steal a lightsaber/walker/rich person’s accessory?! THING THEY WOULD BE ARRESTED FOR: Unpaid parking tickets (on speeders he “borrowed)OC YOU SHIP THEM WITH: n/aOC MOST LIKELY TO MURDER THEM: TrioFAVORITE MOVIE/BOOK GENRE: HeistsLEAST FAVORITE MOVIE/BOOK CLICHE: Oh no, how could my dearest friend, Trey Tor, betray me?!TALENTS/POWERS: Sleight of HandWHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM: He gives away almost all the cool shit he “finds” and will find things for a specific person for Presents.WHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM: He cheats at cards. And dice. And bets. And everything else.HOW THEY CHANGE: He doesn’t and doesn’t need to. WHY YOU LOVE THEM: He’s terrible but he’s funny?
FULL NAME: CT-8674 “SQUINT” GENDER/SEXUALITY: M, PansexualPRONOUNS: He/HimETHNICITY/SPECIES: Human CloneBIRTHPLACE/DATE: KaminoGUILTY PLEASURES: Devising extremely elaborate, impossible shots with various long range weapons.PHOBIAS: Snakes. One crawled inside his plates while he was laying in cover and he couldn’t move, so it just hung out, absorbing his body heat for the next several hours.THING THEY WOULD BE FAMOUS FOR: “How the fuck did you curve a shot on a horizontal plane?!” Math.THING THEY WOULD BE ARRESTED FOR: Trespassing, asking too many questions he shouldn’t OC YOU SHIP THEM WITH: n/aOC MOST LIKELY TO MURDER THEM: TrioFAVORITE MOVIE/BOOK GENRE: Physics studies.LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE/BOOK CLICHE: You realize setting up a shot like that takes hours or DAYS to set up, right? Not minutes?TALENTS/POWERS: Impossibly long range, incredibly accurate sniping shots.WHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM: Quiet, methodical and thorough.WHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM: Terrifyingly good Ceiling Cat impression.HOW THEY CHANGE: Significant decrease in paranoia.WHY YOU LOVE THEM: Someone please hug this nerd
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msbigredmachine · 8 years
Into The Deep End - Chapter 36
Sasha has always tried to play it safe, to keep her life as simple and risk-free as possible. Things change, however, when she garners the interest of a handsome, charming, younger man from a completely different world than hers. As she starts to question her own rules, is she ready to take the biggest chance of them all? Will she let herself take that dive? Roman Reigns/OC.
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The transition of an athlete to inactivity is always a tough road for every sportsperson, and it was no different with Joe. The first few days after his emergency surgery were rough. He was still in pain and had to stay in bed most of the time, and when he had to walk around he had a hard time doing it on his own. He was always tired thanks to the medicine prescribed to him. Sasha and his sisters ensured he was following the Doctors' instructions to a tee. They monitored his meds, kept him drinking lots of fluids and eating plenty of vegetables, fruit and high-fiber foods. Whole meal bread, pasta and brown rice, which he particularly disliked, were regulars on his menu. Sasha could tell that Joe hated the changes and hated having to rely on people for help, but that was the way it had to be for now and she gently tried to remind him that there was a light at the end of the tunnel.
Due to Joe's sudden injury, the WWE officials decided to vacate the Tag Team Championships, much to the Samoan's chagrin. Jon had offered to hold the titles with Colby so as to keep them within the Shield, but Vince and Paul were skeptical about Dean Ambrose holding the United States and Tag titles at the same time, so the pitch was turned down. Joe became unhappier than ever, going as far as to blame himself for costing Colby the title, even after the Iowa native insisted otherwise. Joe was feeling left behind as the product continued on without him. The fear of never recovering fully, of never reaching the level he was at prior to his injury nagged at him. He was very low on confidence and it was difficult to get his spirits back up.
However, it wasn't long before his cranky behavior started to irritate Sasha. He was angry all the time and found fault with everything everyone did, including his sisters. He moped around and was moody and picked arguments over the pettiest things, and it was getting old real fast. Sasha had nursed T.K. back to health from a sports-related injury a couple of times but it was nothing of this scale, and he certainly didn't give half the lip her boyfriend was giving her - probably because he knew she would've smacked him silly, but still. She understood Joe was frustrated but it was no excuse for his attitude. Though she couldn't lash out, it was becoming harder to rein in her own displeasure.
"What's this?" Joe sat up in bed, looking down at the tray of food she placed in front of him.
"Roast chicken, pasta and vegetables," said Sasha, walking over to draw the curtains open, the bedroom in dire need of some sunlight.
Joe stabbed a fork into the fillet. "There's oil in the chicken."
Sasha replaced the pillow he was resting on with a fluffier one. "It's roasted chicken. There's barely any oil in it."
"How come you didn't grill it though?" He was actually pouting.
"Roasting was faster for me, babe," she replied patiently. "Besides, I'm not great with the grill setting on your oven. What's the big deal anyway? There isn't much difference between roasted and grilled."
"Grilling is healthier," Joe said sternly in that know-it-all, second-coming-of-Einstein voice he used that he probably thought made him sound smart. "More fat drips off when you grill. The last thing I want is to gain weight while I'm recovering."
Sasha rolled her eyes. "One chicken breast quarter is not going to make you fat, Joe."
He made a sound under his breath, and it took all of her willpower not to clock him in the head with the pillow she was holding. "Should I throw your food away then?" she questioned, barely-concealed irritation in her tone as she planted her hands on her curvy hips.
Joe frowned, and right then he looked like a petulant five-year-old. "I'll eat it," he answered begrudgingly. "Grill the chicken next time, okay?"
"Yes sir," she muttered under her breath as she picked up her handbag and started to leave.
"Where are you going?" the Samoan demanded.
"To work."
"Yes, Joe. Work. I still have a job, remember? One where I'm not afforded the luxury of skipping whenever I want."
"What does that mean? That I'm skipping my job? You think I wanna be here?" Joe questioned angrily, pointing at himself.
Sasha kept up the patient tone. "I didn't say that."
"At least you get to go out," he complained. "I'm stuck here with nothing to do. I can't work out and I'm bored to death."
"This is only a temporary setback, babe. It's not the end of the world." They were starting to sound like broken records. They'd had different variations of this conversation for about a week straight now.
Joe took a sip of his water. "When are you gonna be back?"
"A little later than usual. I'm going to see Pam after work. She hasn't been feeling well and I haven't had time to see her."
"Because of me, right?"
"You haven't had time to see her because of me," said Joe.
Sasha frowned. "What are you talking about?"
"You think I'm a burden, don't you?"
That did it for her. "Are you fuckin' serious? When have you ever heard me say that?"
"You don't have to say it. It's written all over your face." His tone was accusing. "Like my injury is keeping you from doing other things, keeping you here against your will. Is that how you feel?"
Jesus. Turning away, Sasha pinched the bridge of her nose, almost afraid to respond and say something she would regret. "I can't really do this right now. I'm late for work." She glared at him. "Am I free to go or do you wanna interrogate me some more?"
The two glowered at each other like some kind of awkward Mexican standoff, neither budging an inch until Joe returned his attention to the plasma screen TV. "See you later," he grumbled.
She left quickly. He was becoming more unbearable with each passing day.
Time went by quickly at the Grill, and afterwards she went to see Pam as planned. Her friend had been sick for a while now and it was starting to worry Sasha. She knew Pam hated going to the Doctor and if she hadn't by now she would drag her to one right away.
Pam was in a right state. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were blotchy and red, but it was the devastated expression on her pretty face that alarmed the mother of two. "Jesus. What happened to you?" she asked, pushing into the apartment.
Pam paced back and forth in the middle of her living room, and Sasha could tell she'd been doing it for a long time. "I can't believe this is happening," she murmured. "I can't believe the mess I'm in!"
"What mess? What is happening?" inquired Sasha, as Pam continued to pace and mutter to herself. "Goddamn it Pamela, stop that! You scare me when you do that. Tell me what's going on!"
Forcing herself to a halt for her friend's sake, Pam had fresh tears in her eyes. "I just got back from the Doctor's appointment." Her voice shook as she swallowed hard. She could not believe she was about to say this. It still didn't feel real. "Sasha, I...I'm pregnant."
Sasha's eyes widened. "Huh?"
Pam glared at her. "Did I stutter? I'm four weeks pregnant. I finally went for my check up this morning and this is what the fuck popped out. See why I hate going to the Doctor? They're always bound to spring some fuckin' surprise outta fuckin' nowhere!"
Pregnant. Of course. All the signs had been there; her mood swings, the nausea, every symptom similar to that of food poisoning, what they thought she had. Sasha wondered how she hadn't realized it sooner. Holy shit. "Is it Elgin's?" she finally asked.
"Of course it's Elgin's! I ain't been with nobody else since we got together!" Pam retorted.
"Okay, don't bite my head off," said Sasha, sitting beside her on the sofa. "Have you told him?"
"He's in London and won't be back till the end of the week," Pam answered, jamming her fingers into her hair. "I don't understand, Sash! How the fuck did I get pregnant?"
Sasha blinked. "Well, when a man and a woman really love each other, and-"
"Fuck you! This is not funny!" Pam snapped. Her features suddenly sagged, her anger transforming back into misery. "We've always been careful. We used protection. Condoms, birth control, everything! Always! How did this happen?"
"You know as well as I do that shit don't work all the time," said Sasha, putting an arm around the smaller woman. "Babe, you have to tell Elgin."
Letting out an unladylike snort, Pam said, "Right, and have him dump my ass? He'll think I'm only after his money, that I've been trying to trap him all this time."
Sasha took Pam's hand in hers and looked her in the eye. "Of course he won't. He loves you."
"It's too soon, Sasha! We've only been together for what, four months? He said he's not thinking about babies! I don't even know if I'm ready for a kid!" She trailed off and covered a hand over her mouth. "Damn it, I think I'm gonna be sick...again. Gimme a sec."
She made a beeline for her bedroom, disappearing inside for several minutes. Finally she returned, looking paler as she wiped her mouth. "Better?" Sasha queried when she sat back down.
"No. I've been puking for days now and I'm already over it. I don't know how you went through this shit twice." She leaned against Sasha's shoulder and sobbed. "Oh Sasha, what am I gonna do?"
Pam's fear radiated through her. Sasha hadn't seen her this frightened and helpless since her mother Irene was diagnosed with terminal cancer. But she knew exactly how she was feeling. "I know you're scared," she said softly, as Pam's watery eyes met hers. "You've seen me there before. First and foremost you have to tell Gin. He deserves to know. Whether it's over the phone or in person, just do it. Don't keep something like this from him. And whatever the outcome is, whatever he decides, I'm here for you. You know I'll never leave your side."
Pam flashed her a feeble smile. "Thanks. I...I don't know how I'm going to do this alone, Sasha."
"You won't be alone, babe. I told you I'll be there for you, and so will Gin. You'll see." Sasha kissed her forehead and rubbed her arm.
Pam pulled out the band holding her ponytail and ruffled her loosened hair. "So how's your man doing?" she asked, frowning when Sasha averted her eyes. "That bad?"
"It's getting worse," Sasha lamented. "He's angrier, moodier. He barely talks to me and when he does it becomes an argument. Everything I do is a problem for him. I don't know what to do to make him feel better, it's like he's tired of me. How long will I wait before he straight up tells me he wants me gone or something?"
"That won't happen," Pam said. "It's not easy for him either, girl. He's injured. You know guys like him are very proud and he just needs his confidence back. Be patient with him and keep helping him. Things will get better sooner than you think."
Sasha let out a tired breath. "I can't wait. That time feels so far away." Looking back at Pam, she reached over and gently rubbed her friend's still flat stomach. "Speaking of time, I'm gonna be an aunt in nine months. That is so cool," she smiled broadly.
Pam look down at the hand on her stomach and started to tear up. "I still can't believe it," she murmured, then shook her head, wiping her face. "Gosh, I've been cryin' a damn shitload too."
"It's the hormones, babe. That's what happens when you're knocked up," Sasha laughed, hugging her best friend. "Congratulations, Pam-Pam. You're going to be a great mother."
Joe was in the living room, staring listlessly at the report on SportsCenter, seeing it without really seeing it. His mind was firmly on his girlfriend, who was obviously and rightfully losing patience with his attitude. He was taking his anger and frustration out on her and it wasn't right. She didn't have to do this. She didn't have to come over and take care of him like she was. She could have left him with his sisters but she didn't. And yet he was shitting all over her devotion to him. If he didn't start acting right she could possibly walk and he wouldn't blame her.
God, it would break him if she left. He couldn't do this without her. He had to find some way to make it up to her before it was too late.
His thoughts were interrupted by his phone vibrating with a text message.
Hi hun. I know u're home. I'll be at ur place in 5. C ya. ;)
Danielle. Crap.
Staring at the text again, he thought about replying and turning her away, but decided it was pointless. She would insist on showing up anyway. She wasn't the ideal companion but he didn't mind any sort of company at the moment.
Less than ten minutes later the tall, blonde figure sashayed through the front door and into the house. "You could have at least replied my text," she said, her heels clicking as she approached him. "Wow, you're a mess."
Joe rolled his eyes and pushed back his messy ponytail. "Gee, thanks Danielle," he replied sarcastically.
"No problem. I was in the area and wanted to hang out." She plunked down next to the recliner he was sitting in and crossed her long legs. "How are you doing?"
As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was quite comfortable talking with her. They weren't as close as they used to be back in Developmental but they still talked now and again on the road. "Bored out of my mind," he sighed. "Being injured sucks ass."
"Where's the girlfriend?" Danielle inquired, looking around.
"At work," he answered, rather brusquely.
"Interesting," Danielle said, looking anything but interested. "Anyway, how long till you're back?"
"Couple of months, and it can't come soon enough." Yawning, he leaned back in his recliner and closed his eyes. "Sorry, I'm not going to be much of a talker. I just took my meds and that shit knocks me smooth the hell out sometimes."
"Everyone's been talkin' about you," said Danielle, whipping out her phone. "There's mixed thoughts on you being stripped of the Tag titles, fans speculating on what you're gonna do next, all that unnecessary hype and shit. Your Twitter followers are waiting impatiently for your next tweet."
"Yeah well, let 'em wait. I don't wanna talk to anyone," he griped.
Danielle lifted a perfectly manicured eyebrow. "You are in quite a mood, and it's not just because you're out of action," the WWE Diva said. "What is it? Trouble in Paradise? You and your girl are not used to seein' each other all the time and now y'all getting on each other's nerves. Am I right?"
Joe opened his eyes again, his jaw clenching. "It's nothing."
"You've never been a good liar, Joe," Danielle pointed out. "Come on. You can talk to me."
He could, but he wouldn't. He and Sasha may be on shaky ground but he doubted she would appreciate him mouthing off about her to a woman she was not fond of. "Don't worry about it. So how's my man Curt?" he asked, referring to his friend Curtis Hussey, better known as Fandango.
"He's fine," she replied in a tone that suggested she had no interest in talking about her on-again off-again boyfriend. Looking around again, she said, "Seriously, where's Tasha?"
"Her name's Sasha. Don't act like you ain't know. And she's working," he said simply.
"While you're here on your own?"
"She has to work, Dani. She's got a job. She'll be back soon anyway."
"That's a shame. She left you all alone when you need her the most. You see, that's the difference between her and me. I would never have left your side. I'd be here all the time. Like I am now." She shot him a meaningful look, one that set alarm bells ringing in his head.
His grey eyes widened when out of the blue she reached over and started to rub his shoulders. "What are you doing?" he asked.
"You're tense. Let me work those knots out for you." She continued to massage his broad shoulders. "I've always wondered, Joe," she said, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Why didn't we ever get together?"
Because back then she also had her eyes on his cousin Josh. Finding out about that gave him the perfect excuse to back off. He didn't share women, especially not with his own flesh and blood. Even when it became clear that Josh wasn't into her, Joe had lost all interest. She hadn't been worth chasing then and she definitely wasn't now. "Uh, Dani, this isn't a good idea," he started to say, swallowing when her hand moved from his shoulders down to his chest.
Her eyes flicked up to meet his, locking gazes with him seductively. "Look, I'm sure Sasha's great and everything...but you and I both know I'm better for you. She doesn't understand the world we're from. She doesn't know what a man like you really needs. I do because I'm a part of that world. Your world. You and I would've had something special if you'd just let it happen."
Her hand glided along his torso, and Joe stiffened at the realization that she was aiming for his crotch. "Danielle, stop. Don’t." Wide awake now, he squirmed, trying to shift away from her. Her hand traveled further and further down, and she boldly kissed the crook of his neck. Joe fidgeted some more, cursing his injury for limiting his mobility.
With a firm flick of her finger under his bearded chin, Danielle directed his face to hers. "Come on, it's just one kiss," she laughed, her lips inches from his. "I won't tell if you don't."
"What the fuck is this?"
Startled, both Danielle and Joe's heads whipped towards the front door and saw Sasha standing there. If looks could kill, Danielle would be a cold, rotting corpse. "Get out," Sasha snarled, her tone laced with a venom that Joe had never heard from her before.
"This isn't your house, darlin'," Danielle retorted haughtily. "You got no right to tell me to leave."
"The hell I don't! You put your slutty little hands on my man. Leave or I'll throw you out myself."
Danielle stood up and placed her hands on her hips. "I'd love to see you try."
Sasha stared blankly at her, and then threw her head back and laughed with such menace and malice that Joe legitimately feared for Danielle's life. He knew his girlfriend had finally snapped.
Dropping her handbag on the ground, Sasha took off her earrings. "This bitch think I'm playin'." She pulled her hair into in a ponytail, ensuring it was firm and in place. "Get the fuck out!" she said angrily. "Now!"
The WWE Diva made no move, simply flipping her blonde hair back and making a sound in the back of her throat. Keeping weary eyes on his approaching girlfriend, Joe said, "Danielle, I think you should go."
"I'm not goin' anywhere!" she protested. "Who does she think she is? Are you gonna sit there and let that bitch talk to me like-"
Her tirade ended abruptly in a startled scream when Sasha seized her by the hair and yanked her backwards with such force that her knees buckled. Without uttering a single word she dragged the taller woman, caveman-like, across the living room, the red mist surrounding her blocking out Danielle's shrieks. She could feel the bitch's fingernails digging into her wrists as she struggled to get away but Sasha had her in a vice-like grip and had no plans of loosening it. The mother of two threw open the front door and bodily flung Danielle out like the bag of trash that she was. She then marched over to the seat next to Joe, grabbed Danielle's handbag, marched back to the door and tossed the bag out to join its owner, and didn't look back as she slammed the door shut. She hoped the bitch tripped on the staircase and cracked a tooth or twenty, triflin' thirsty-ass ho.
Joe remained in his recliner, stunned, cringing at the look on Sasha's face. "Sash...Sasha, I-"
She pointed a trembling finger at him. "You got some damn fuckin' nerve, Anoa'i."
"It wasn't what it looked like!"
"Oh, so that bitch humpin’ your leg was a figment of my imagination?" she countered angrily. "Tell me this, Joe. Did you ask her to come over? Have you been calling her behind my back?"
"No I haven't! I didn't ask her to come over either!" Joe insisted. "Calm your ass down!"
"Calm my ass down?" she repeated, livid. "I come back from work and find her seconds away from shoving her tongue down your throat and you expect me to calm down?" Hands on her hips, she glared pointedly at him. "Do you want her, Joe? Huh? Should I go get her back so she can come take care of you instead? Let somebody else put up with your bullshit."
Joe's heart sank upon seeing the tears in her eyes. "Babe, please, listen to me-"
Her hand shot up, silencing him. "No, no! Don't. I don't wanna hear it. Just...don't." Forcing a deep breath into her lungs, she headed towards the sliding glass door. "I need air. I'm outside if you need me, your Majesty." Mocking a curtsy, she stormed out of the house, desperate to be as far away from that infuriating man as possible. Making her way to the deck, she slumped down in one of the few wicker chairs and tried to breathe normally, tried to swallow back the bile that had risen up her throat and the betrayal that was clogging her chest. That fucking slut, daring to put her filthy claws on her man, and him just sitting there, made her want to be sick. It was already an emotional day for her as it was. She didn't need this shit too.
As though aware of the tempest brewing, Cassie called her cell phone. "Hey Sasha. How's it going?"
Sasha hesitated. "Not great."
In the few weeks of Joe's recovery, Cassie had witnessed her brother's antics, and was personally surprised and impressed that Sasha had endured his crap for this long. "Wanna talk about it?"
Sasha blinked back the impending tears. How could she tell her boyfriend's sister that she was at her wit's end without coming off as a heartless bitch? "I came back from work and found Danielle or Summer Day or whatever the fuck she calls herself groping your brother."
"What? That little tramp!"
"Yeah. Even worse, he did nothing to stop it," Sasha said angrily.
"Ugh. My brother can be an idiot sometimes."
"Yes he can," Sasha agreed.
Cassie could tell how upset the other woman was and felt for her. "I know how you feel, girl. Our dad used to act out when he got injured too. Maybe you should take some time away from Joe. Focus on your kids for a while. I got some free time this week so I'll take him off your hands. It's gonna be okay, honey. Alright?"
Sasha nodded. "Thanks Cass."
At the sound of his voice, Sasha rolled her eyes. She did not want to talk to him.
"I can hear him so I'll let you go," said Cassie, "Make him grovel."
"Oh I plan to," Sasha replied, ending the call before standing up and walking towards the swimming pool.
"Sasha wait." Gingerly, he shuffled across the deck towards her. "Baby girl-"
"Oh, I'm baby girl again now, huh?" she said bitterly, extending the distance between them. "That what you call your skinny-ass ho too?"
Joe's face fell. "Sasha, please listen to me. I didn't know she would try to kiss me."
"Yeah right! That bitch been chasin' your pretty ass since before we met!" she countered. "Has she come over before, when I'm not around? What’ve y’all been doing behind my fuckin’ back?"
"Nothing, I swear!" he vowed. "I know I should've made more effort pushing her away but I've been groggy from my meds all day. But it's no excuse and I'm sorry. I'm not cheating on you. I would never cheat on you. This is just a big misunderstanding."
Again, Sasha didn't answer, but her body language gave her away. Her arms were crossed and she actively refused to look at him. "Baby, talk to me," he pleaded.
Shaking her head, Sasha kept her gaze straight ahead. "I'm tired of this, Joe," she confessed. "We don't go through the day without getting into some stupid argument. I feel like you don't want me around with the way you've been acting this past couple of weeks. Like I'm in the way and I'm not doing anything right. You don't want to open up to me either. Then I see you with...her. How do you think that makes me feel?"
Saddened by her statement, Joe blew out a breath and took a cautious step forward, pushing through the pain in his groin area to get to his love. "Listen...I know I've been hard to deal with. It's a frustrating time for me and I've been taking it out on you and I'm sorry. Baby girl, I don't want anyone else but you. You know that. I didn't touch Danielle, but I shouldn't have let her touch me either. Please don't be mad." He came up behind her and rubbed her upper arms. "I'll be a better patient from now on, I promise. Just...don't leave me. I need you."
She looked at him in surprise. "Why would you think I'd leave you?"
"Well..." he muttered, looking away uneasily. "I'm injured and useless and a pain in the ass. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to."
Sasha stared at her boyfriend. "I thought you'd know by now that I'm not that fickle." Exhaling heavily, she added, "Sure, I've wanted to choke you out a few times but no, I'm not going anywhere. I know how frustrating your injury is and I promised I'd be here for you through all of it. And I will."
At her words, Joe smiled. "I've said it before. I don't deserve you." He met her eyes, a little smirk forming on the corner of his lips. "I do have to say this though. You're so sexy when you're mad."
Sasha rolled her eyes. "Are you being serious right now?"
"Dead serious. The way you looked at her, yelled at her, how you dragged her by her hair not sayin' one word...that was fuckin' hot, baby girl. It kinda turned me on."
"I'm sure that's just the meds talking," she remarked, leaning into him instinctively when he wound his arms around her waist and placed a sweet kiss on her neck. He was relieved to feel her relax against him. "I've been a jerk, nani," he whispered. "And I may not have been acting like it lately, but I'm grateful for everything you're doing for me. I love you. Please forgive me."
She met his eyes. The sincerity and tenderness staring back at her washed shivers down her spine. How could she deny that beautiful face anything? "I love you too. All is forgiven. Now quit tryin' to seduce me, you know we can't do anything," she told him firmly, prying off the hand creeping up her breast before spinning him around and pushing him back into the house. "You shouldn't be on your feet. Go lay down. I'll make dinner soon."
"Please don't make me eat brown rice again," Joe whined.
"Doctor said no white rice yet. You need all the fiber you can get if you want a speedy recovery."
"I get that, but anything but brown rice, please. I swear if I put that shit in my mouth again, I'ma throw up," he complained, back in prima donna mode as he sauntered back to the guest room. Behind his back, Sasha shook her head with a small, resigned sigh. Yeah, it was going to be a long recovery.
Whew! Things were about to get real ugly. Is Danielle a troublemaker or what? Should Joe have done more to ward her off? And there's a baby on the way. :D
There's a lot to talk about. Hope you let me know your thoughts on all of it. Thank you! :)
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master-sass-blast · 6 years
Strong as Stone --Part Thirty-Nine.
Last time, we got to see a battle of epic proportions! Fun stuff!
This time, we get to see the aftermath of the snap (not pictured) and watch our team make a plan to reverse the effects of Thanos’s work.
Rating: M for death and generally morbid/serious themes.
Pairings: Okoye x M’Baku and Shuri x OC.
@the-last-hair-bender, @skysynclair19
Failure is not an end. It is simply an opportunity to try things a different way.
At first, she thought she was dead. She felt numb, maybe a little nauseous, and completely detached from the world.
And then she could hear voices. Screaming, calls of name, cries for help.
Something’s missing... Where’s... where’s M’Baku?
Okoye opened her eyes. She was still on the battlefield, crouched where she and M’Baku had stood when Thanos had captured the last Infinity Stone.
And M’Baku... was gone.
She lurched to her feet, staggering as she whipped her gaze around, searching for any sign of M’Baku. “M’Baku? M’Baku!”
As she scanned the field, she realized that several people --countless people--were missing. Aneka. Captain Rogers. Agent Romanoff.
Shit, Okoye thought as the gravity of the situation hit her. Shit, shit, shit shit shit--
She whirled around just in time to brace herself before Dewani slammed into her. She wrapped her arms around the teen’s broad torso as she clung to her, letting out choked, dry sobs.
“Izgebe’s gone --and M’Baku. I can’t find him. He was with you, and he vanished, and I--”
“I know, I know,” Okoye said as soothingly as she could. “It’s okay. We’re okay. It’s gonna be okay.”
The teen looked up just in time to see Shuri sprinting towards her. She broke away from Okoye and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, clutching the smaller young woman against her body as though she were about to vanish as well.
Okoye swallowed hard --and turned to hug Ayo when her second in command grabbed her by the arm.
“What --what just happened?” Ayo asked, voice shaking as she wrapped her arms around Okoye’s waist.
Okoye swallowed hard --once, twice. “I wish I knew.”
“We’re getting reports from all over the world. Based on the numbers we’re getting, it seems like... it seems like half the population has disappeared.”
Gamora grimaced, hand shaking slightly as she gestured at nothing in particular. “What did I tell you? That was his mission. And if Terra looks this way, I guarantee the rest of the galaxy --the whole fucking universe--does as well.”
Okoye braced herself against the table of the conference room as her head span.
Half of the world was gone. Half of the team they’d had going into the battle. Half of Wakanda.
Aneka. Thor. Captain Rogers. T’Challa. M’Baku. Djabi. Agent Romanoff. Wand--
Stop, Okoye told herself. She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to push away the despair and panic she felt threatening to overwhelm her. Going through the names isn’t going to help.
“What do we do?” Nakia asked, eyes red from crying but tone determined.
“We don’t do anything,” Gamora replied, eyes dry and voice defeated. “We lost.”
“No!” Nakia spat out. “That isn’t the answer! We can’t just--”
“Right now, we can’t do anything,” Okoye said calmly, training kicking into gear. “Not until we consult with the new leadership of Wakanda.”
Shuri had always been small. Even as a baby, Okoye could remember how tiny she had been, small and delicate with an unbelievably powerful set of lungs.
Now, in a clean dress and a blazer, she looked even smaller.
Okoye knew better than to underestimate her for her size, though. She’d watched Shuri grow up through the years, a wickedly brilliant scientist with an intellect that was only outmatched by her sarcastic streak. She knew --almost better than anyone else, considering that she’d had to wrangle her out of several ridiculous situations during her earlier years of service--that as delicate as Shuri looked, she was made of solid vibranium on the inside.
But now, in the wake of her brother’s disappearance and their loss to Thanos...
Ramonda sat down next to her daughter and took hold of her hand. “Deep breaths.”
Shuri ducked her head, shoulders trembling as she tried to hold back sobs. “I can’t--”
Okoye walked forward and knelt in front of the younger woman. “My Queen--”
Shuri recoiled, flinching back into her seat. “No --no, I’m not--”
“My Queen,” Okoye repeated, gently, softly. “What do we do next?”
Shuri clenched her jaw, lifted her head, eyes wet and burning all at once. “We find Thanos. And we kick his stupid, over-sized purple ass into the ground.”
Dewani, somehow, looked a little better suited in the set of Chief’s armor that she wore as she strode towards them.
It’s probably her size, Okoye thought idly as she noted the bags under the new Jabari Chief’s eyes. She nodded politely to Dewani --a respect to her new status--then held her arms out when the teen slumped towards her. “How are you?”
“Tired. O’Chenga went missing after all of it. Half the tribe is gone. F’Tendi managed to survive, though. I think he followed me here.”
Of course he did. Okoye grimaced as she patted Dewani’s back. “It’ll be fine. We’ll deal with him eventually.”
There was the sound of footsteps pounding against the hallway floor, and then Dewani was breaking away from Okoye to catch Shuri in a massive hug.
At least they have each other, Okoye thought as she tried to tamp down the surge of loneliness --abandonment--she felt at the sight.
Nakia sidled up next to her, looking just as tired and broken as Dewani and Shuri did. “How are you holding up?”
“I’m alive,” Okoye said. “I’m awake. I’ll keep moving until I’m not.”
Nakia let out a hollow chuckle and nodded. “I’m about the same. Do you think there’s a way to reverse all of this?”
“There better be,” Okoye growled under her breath. “Or Thanos is going to catch my spear in some very sensitive places.”
“We need to make a plan for... for whatever we can do next,” Shuri said, still standing in the circle of Dewani’s arms. “We need to figure out if there’s even a ‘next’ we can accomplish.”
Okoye nodded. “I’m ready when you are, my Queen.”
“I think not!”
Okoye rolled her eyes as F’Tendi stormed around a corner. For Bast’s sake, why couldn’t he have disappeared too? She activated her spear as he marched towards them, ready to step in and have him thrown out of the palace.
“Are you fucking serious?” Shuri snapped as Dewani recoiled. “Half the world disappeared, and you’re still on some sort of warpath against us?”
“I will not have that degenerate blasphemer lead our tribe!” F’Tendi snarled as he jabbed a finger at Dewani. “She is an unfit Chief!”
“Maybe you missed the part where ‘half the world disappeared,’” Nakia interjected, scowling. “Your nephew included. We have more important matters at hand than tribal politics.”
“She helped a dangerous demonic conduit escape captivity and unleashed it on Wakanda!” F’Tendi shouted. “She is a traitor to the Jabari tribe and a stain on Hanuman’s name.”
Okoye rolled her eyes. “And that will be handled once we figure out how to save the world. Get him out of here!”
“I will not--”
“You won’t what?” Dewani stepped forward, glaring at her uncle before the guards could drag him away. “Are you really so self-centered that you can’t stop pushing your own damn agenda against me for five seconds? Half our tribe is gone. Half of the entire world is gone! People have lost family members, partners, and friends today without any warning or explanation! Complain all you want, but until we figure out how to get M’Baku back, I’m the Chief. The council voted against you, and there’s nothing you can do to change that. Now, I’m going to go figure out how to make sure that people around the world get their loved ones back. If you want to scream at something, pick a wall and go until you pass out --or maybe just bash your head into it instead.”
F’Tendi glowered at her --and then his face softened, relaxed completely. “I understand. Let me know how I can be of assistance.”
Okoye stared after him, unblinking --until she saw Mantis standing next to where F’Tendi had been, hand still extended.
Dewani regarded the antennae-d alien and smirked. “Nicely done.”
In Shuri’s lab, things weren’t much better.
Dr. Banner and Clint were physically restraining Tony --well, more standing between him and Sargent Barnes, but the intent was still easily readable--who was shouting over Sam at Bucky --who, to his credit, was taking everything in silence.
“Why are you screaming in my lab?” Shuri asked as they walked in.
“He killed my mother!” Tony snapped, pointing angrily at the Sargent.
“And?” Dewani asked as she followed Shuri.
“Are you fucking serious? It was my mom. One of the few people who ever gave a shit about me.”
“Yeah, and he did it when he was working for HYDRA, right? Which meant he was being used as a gun and kept in a brainwashed state, right? Which means he wasn’t in charge of his faculties, and is just as much a victim as your mother, right?” Dewani leveled Tony with a cool stare when he just glared at her. “I’m sorry you lost your mother, Mr. Stark. I know how that feels. But I also know that you can’t hang it all on the Sargent’s head. Not legally, and definitely not morally. Go take a few minutes to cool off if you need to, and come back when you’re ready to help us unfuck things --without any unnecessary screaming.”
Tony clenched, then unclenched his jaw. “I’m not exactly sure that an unfucking is realistically possible. We don’t exactly have an easy way to reach everyone we lost. We don’t even know where we are. And we also don’t know where Thanos is.”
“Not entirely,” Loki piped up from where he’d been watching everyone. “The missing people are in the realm of the Soul Stone.”
“Great,” Tony said. “And that means what, exactly?”
“It’s an interdimensional pocket contained within the stone,” Wong explained. “Anyone consumed by the stone is transported there.”
“Okay, so it’s inside one of the Infinity Stones,” Tony said. “Which are with Thanos. I’m not sure how we’re any closer to saving half the universe. And, pause button, do we even know if the people we lost are still alive?”
“My brother’s kimoyo beads went with him, and they’re still transmitting his vitals. If he’s alive, I’m willing to bet everyone else is, too. Dr. Strange,” Shuri said, “you have the ability to teleport through space, right?”
“I can, but breaking into the realm of an Infinity Stone is an entirely different beast.”
“Not to mention that Thanos is in possession of the Mind Stone,” Loki added. “Which means he would have the ability to know our plan before we enacted it.”
“I don’t think so,” Shuri said, shaking her head. “I saw the gauntlet before Thanos disappeared. It was fried from whatever he did. I doubt he’d be able to use it --at least, not without a lot of difficulty or repairs.”
“Okay, so let’s assume we have a --small--window,” Okoye said, stepping into the conversational fray. “Would it be possible to get into the soul stone realm without confronting Thanos?”
“Not probable, but not impossible,” Loki said after a moment of consideration. “Between Dr. Strange, Dr. Banner, Mr. Stark, myself, Wong, and Queen Shuri, I think we’d be able to work out something.”
“We could send a team in,” Clint suggested. “Extract our people so we can take down Thanos, and figure out how to restore the rest of the world when we don’t have to deal with him.”
Shuri nodded. “I think that’s our best option.”
“It’s our only option,” Dewani corrected.
“Yeah, and it’s probably suicide,” Tony said. “We are literally traveling into a place housed by a thing that eats people’s souls.”
“Do you have a better idea?” Sam asked.
Tony grimaced and shook his head. “No. We need to get the jump on Thanos, and we need to do it fast.”
“Then let’s get to work,” Shuri said as she cracked her knuckles.
The team heading in was small, to minimize potential loses. According to Loki, the realm would be protected by various demons and other horrors hosted by the stone to prevent its quarry from escaping.
Stark was right, Okoye thought as she prepped the weapons she’d be taking on her trip in. This is probably suicide.
There was a knock at her office door, and then Ayo barged in, slamming the door behind her. “Why are you going? Why aren’t you sending me?”
“The Queen thought it would be best if I went in to ascertain the status of her brother and Chief M’Baku. I agreed.”
“You’re the General!” Ayo spat out. “They need you here!”
“If something happens to me--” Okoye clasped Ayo on the shoulder “--I know you will be ready to handle things.”
A flicker of unreadable emotion flashed across Ayo’s face, and then she wrapped her arms around her friend, holding Okoye tight. “You better make it back. Please. I can’t lose anyone else.”
Okoye hugged her back, just a tight. “I will. I promise.”
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