#so yes I had sooo much content I could get into if they had enlisted
sugaftrm · 2 years
I’ll just say rn if they left after Be I don’t even know if I would Be here
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neowinestainedress · 4 days
hi rebs! i’m back once again to annoy you !!! so many things had happened since the last ask sooo i think we should address the elephant in the room first…
i sometimes (always) think we should be allowed to kill 5 man daily. i know they suck but is it too much to ask for them to be normal human beings? i think that man really fooled us so well cause no one was expecting something like this from him ever. and i mean, we weren’t expecting it from any other member either but it was so shocking to see his name cause he was always so quiet and reserved and calm but turns out he was the worst. we were all crying about him and his health meanwhile he was being a piece of shit…. i just wish the worst things to happen to him and that he rots in jail.
also in terms of the idol-fan relationship, it may sound like i’m saying this just because the truth came out but to be honest i always thought that he was so boring and gave 0 content so i could never “bond” or form a “relationship” (as a fan-idol) with him. like as i said, he was always so reserved so if we think about it we knew nothing about him all these years. and yes, of course he was the main vocal but i think his hiatus helped us see that 127 could live without him cause apart from his voice he didn’t add anything else to the group… so we also saw how capable doyoung, haechan, jaehyun, jungwoo and yuta were of doing his parts (and tbh the rest of 127 too). so, speaking in terms of talent, i don’t think he was a really big lose BUT he did a lot of damage to the team like we can see how affected the members are. and speaking as a fan, it is so sad to see that we as woman are not even “safe”? with our hobbies cause we could be stanning and giving money to someone as disgusting as him so the first few weeks i really felt guilty of listening to nct’s music like he ruined my experience but with time i learned to understand that i shouldn’t be giving him the power of ruining more things for us.
and please don’t get me wrong, of course i’m not trying to make 127 and the fans the victims cause we aren’t, we were just affected by his actions and the victim(s) are the real ones who suffered but i think there’s not much more to say about them without trying to be disrespectful cause we don’t know much about the case (and it’s totally alright btw). i just wish that nasty man suffers so much in his life.
and that’s all i have to say about it at this point, i’m still so shocked and disgusted about it but we have to move on from him.
now, i don’t want to sound weird but i was planning to tell you everything here but after speaking about that topic i don’t think it’s right so i will send you another ask speaking about the other things i wanted to tell you (the concert!!!) see you later rebs, i hope you’re doing well!!
- 💌
i read the news because i saw his name trending, i was SAD because i was ready to read enlistment news (even if i found it weird cause that asshole was still limping) and then i read sm's statement and my world fell apart.
he has never been a fave of mine, i never kept up with him but that's exactly what fooled me the most. he didn't even do anything for women to shock me so much (take a look at jaemin and how he recommended an app when women are alone to be safe, or doyoung donating women's necessities, and several other small things the others have said that make them look like decent human beings toward women) but the fact he was so shy and on his own didn't even make me come up with any idea of him in mind. he looked like a shy, private man who just tuned in to do his job, so much that i thought he had a whole family he was hiding for how private he was... and instead...
i barely stan men (literally nct are the last left and then i have some other male singers i like but i don't keep up with them in the same way). i surround myself with women, listen and watch their art but is it possible that you can't even enjoy MUSIC because men suck? i know they're men but i cannot listen to their music and think “oh they must be rapists/abusers behind closed doors” to avoid this “just in case”. i simply don't put them on a pedestal and know that we surely wouldn't agree on feminism (cause the more time passes by the more radical i get (not in a terf way, just incredibly mad and angry and TIRED)) but i also don't think (and CAN'T think that, or else it would destroy me) they're terrible humans when the cameras are off.
i have to be honest i didn't listen to anything from them but it's not because of what happened, i just didn't. i'm sure i'll be able to block him out just like i blocked out somebody else. watching old content would probably be harder but also he was more like a shadow, he rarely spoke up or did something funny so i don't think it will be that hard to pretend he doesn't exist.
this stained the group but simply because people can't take anything seriously. if other fandoms use him against the group for fanwars i know they don't care about the victim(s) and the issue at all. armys still talk about kris when they want to drag exo, mind you he left in 2014!!!
i feel sorry for the members too because from their reactions it was shocking news for them too, and realizing someone you loved and looked up to so much is such a terrible man is not nice at all. i can't say he wasn't a great vocalist, it would be a lie, but yeah, like you said, 127 can survive without him and the last months showed it.
i hope he suffers a lot and that his victim(s) will find peace and heal.
can't wait for the next happy aks!
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minhyukie · 2 years
hello! this your secret santa #2 again! i loved your answer, it made me rewatch some of their stuff, and i was especially focused on minhyuk :')
i also always really loved their bond, i know most groups are close, but they truly are a group of brothers, it's so sweet to see. i also have to say what you pointed out about minhyuk are some of the reasons i respect him so much, too; he's genuine and straightforward and i love that. 🥺
and for me, i actually got into mx last summer! i fully became a fan on the first day of fall last year haha, it was when i watched the guide to mx and loved their vibe immediately. i tend to bias idols with big smiles so kihyun was my instant pick, but as time goes by i'm more drawn to shownu. although, i will say most of the time i feel like i can't choose a bias, they're all so <333 🫂🤗❤️‍🔥🤧
before i knew them, i was intimidated by them for some reason, i thought joo was this big, scary, meanie (LOL!!) and i saw a picture of a frowning kihyun and i thought wow these guys must be intense (hilarious to think about it now). i got into them through one of a kind and all about luv, had those albums on repeat before i even knew their names or anything about them. once i decided to give them a chance.... instant love. love at first sight. 😊
and for this week's questions, can you tell me more about your favorite songs & favorite lyrics? also what's your favorite variety content/moment if you have one? and, finally, do you like cucumbers? 😁 i hope your week is going well so far 💕
(also you can choose any emoji you'd like hehe)
hello hello!! aww i love that 🥺 and kihyun shownu excellent choices!! it'll be exciting when shownu returns from enlistment as he's been gone the whole time you've been a fan and it's so soon now!! it's so soon now ❣️
omg honestly i was the same before i stanned, it's crazy how different they are in reality versus how they seem to those unfamiliar with them.. when i only know who shownu was i thought he was the maknae for some reason (?? maybe because his personality seemed a bit timid??) and in my head i thought the other members must be Big And Scary.. but yes once you give them a chance it is so easy to love them!!!
favorite songs would hands down be see you again, underwater, miss you, no reason.. they've all got a similar vibe (atleast in my mind idk) that makes me Yearn.. also LOVE the raps in all of those songs, they all hit so hard to me. for me with kpop it's definitely more about vibes than lyrics and a lot of times i never even look up/translate the lyrics but if i had to point to something i always loved wonho's lyrics from his composed songs (if only, no reason, and now some of his solo music as well).. he’s so poetic and the way he writes is just so beautiful
favorite variety omg.. i definitely lean towards their older variety stuff just because i used to rewatch it sooo much when i entered the fandom so it has a special place in my heart. particularly right now and monsta x ray!! they're such classics and all the episodes of each are so fun. but actually definitely probably my favorite variety moment was from one of their appearances on idol room, the segment where they're all trying to catch the bread in their mouth 😭😭😭😭 i still think it's sooo funny i could watch it on repeat for hours and not get tired of it.. they get SO into it and it's just so silly. do you have any fav variety moments? there's so many good ones!!
and i do like cucumbers i'm so sorry minhyuk 😔 love that boy but we have opposite tastes in many things hahaha
hope you had a good week as well!! it's almost the holidays!
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bisexualhobi · 4 years
i just want to say i really like bts being 7 or nothing. i can’t imagine the amount of solos we’d have if we didn’t. i stan twice who also does this approach and i really like it. but i also stan & have stanned groups who had different promotions where a few become more popular than others and it’s not great sometimes :( sometimes it’s not like one fandom but just a bunch of solos who argue all the time and disrespect the other members :((
no yeah I get that and you're right about it being a strong defense against a really toxic akgae problem that a lot of other groups have, I'm not really advocating for breaking them into soloists and subunits ofc because bts as a whole is always the best they can be and they obviously have no problem putting the group first. but the problem is that they take that 7 or nothing and they apply it to things that actively harm an individual member. not to rehash an old argument but seokjin got 8 seconds of lines in dynamite. hoseok got 5.9!! and when 2seok stans called it out the fandom fucking jumped them because how dare they want better for those members, they were clearly not supporting the 7 of them so they should just fuck off and unstan immediately!!!!! and I said dynamite but let's talk about the line distribution bc that's where the 7 or nothing goes to fucking die.
also I know you didn't mention that but it's still kinda weird when they do things like the whole yoongi hologram thing when he was out in recovery like.... I know we joke abt it but they literally acted like he was off to war?? or like he had died or something???
like all memes aside if you analyze that it's this narrative they have peddled sooo hard where it's like the moment a member is missing from group activities the whole fandom goes up in flames and they throw millions of dollars into a hologram technology just to have him there like.... it's not that deep 😭 that same mentality is the reason why armys get so triggered when you mention enlistment like.... they WILL go off to enlist and they WILL be missing members and by the looks of it, they will keep having a member missing for at least 7 years given that they are not planning to enlist together but rather keep trading one for one which imo worst like we could be done with enlistment in 2 years if they just went all in rn? or maybe not the 7 of them but like, at least half.
that's the mentality that kept yoongi from getting a much needed surgery bc that would mean pulling out of schedules and neither bh nor army could tolerate that. it's unthinkable for them to get ot6 content bc it's always "ah yes 7 or nothing" and that seeps into their work. like, seventeen has had at least one member missing from many actives for like the past two years, they only got all 13 of them together towards the second half of 2020 and that was FINE! they needed to take off time for mental health reasons/physical recovery/surgeries etc and no one batted an eyelash!
a little off topic but it's still ridiculous to me to think that in 2019 it was a Big Deal to have bts get some time off and it was literally like.... a month. five fucking weeks but both the fandom and big hit treated it like it Winter Had Come and they had to brace themselves for it. they had to PREP the fucking fandom for it like 😭😭 and the fact that it was their longest time ever off schedule and it wasn't even 2 months was..... yeah
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