#so yeah this was just a symphony of crossed wires and misunderstandings like no wonder it went so sideways it was doomed before it started
niuxita21 · 1 year
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Madre Solo Hay Dos - 1.09 // 3.05
AKA Cinematic parallels pt 2
Bonus: Mariana.EXE has stopped working
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#madre solo hay dos#ana servín#mariana herrera#shitty screencap posts (TM)#do you ever think about how this is real actual canon that no one can take away from us or explain away as 'subtext'???#because I do (even from the hole I have crawled into and won't be crawling out of any time soon)#I like the contrasts in line delivery and facial expressions#mariana looks anguished because she picked the absolute WORST time to declare her love and got kicked out of ana's house for her troubles#whereas ana is calm and almost cheerful bc it was on the heels on them sleeping together#so to her it was not unreasonable to expect that the confession would have a much more positive outcome than when mariana did it#and I am absolutely OBSESSED with ana's little shrug and head shake as she says it like it was so obvious what she was gonna say#GAWD ludwika is so good I'm gonna jump off a cliff#and I included mariana's reaction bc it makes me laugh (to keep from crying) bc it never occured to her that ana might have caught feelings?#the same way (interestingly enough) that it never occurred to ana that the person mariana wanted to be free to be with was ferrán#she spent all episode thinking mariana had met someone or assuming it was elena but never mariana's ex whom she had to dump for the charade#and don't think I missed the fact that now they have BOTH broken the other's heart in equally soul-crushing ways laughcry#I do appreciate the show's commitment to keeping the playing field level between them lol#so yeah this was just a symphony of crossed wires and misunderstandings like no wonder it went so sideways it was doomed before it started#(yeah it looks like I'm just gonna tag vomit all my feelings about this scene in this post#so I don't have to rewatch the scene to make a proper one with full caps and dialogue#bc I just CAN'T with ana's 'what happened between us meant nothing to you? bc I was there and I haven't been able to stop thinking abt it'#godfuckingDAMMIT BOTH ludwika and the writers will be hearing from my lawyers like HOW IS THIS SHIT ALLOWED)#anyway... what else is there to say :((( please continue to respect my privacy while I am in deep mourning
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mimiwrites2000 · 3 years
What Does White Mean?
Chapter ONE / two
AO3 ~~
Pairings: Armin x Annie
(side pairings: Pieck Finger x Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun x Hitch Dreyse, Mikasa Ackreman x someone new)
Words count: 3416
* spoilers for chapter 131 and up
The ocean lulled them to sleep, and the sun woke them up with mild kisses. Tangled with each other, in their cabin by the beach. After the war ended, they moved together, ever since, they faced obstacles, issues, and misunderstandings. One of them was Armin’s seashells. Stubbornness got in the way, but no matter how much they tried, they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.
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He already filled two boxes to the rim. Pieces falling out from them, the wooden edges of the boxes barely holding them in. 
Sea shells in necklaces, bracelets, rings. But nothing was good enough, nothing was perfect.
He didn't know what the perfect one looked like, but he knew that none of them was it.
In his small workshop, that was, in fact, just a tiny storage room before he started this hobby, Armin worked his way through another piece of jewelry.
A seashell with streaks of pink, light as Annie's lips. Dots of sparkling white adorning it, just like the sparks in her eyes.
He put the final touches on the necklace, twisting the clasp in its place, giving it two tugs to insure its firmness, then opened the cabinet in his desk, and pulled out a third box.
Imperfect piece number one went in the third box.
The storage room— the workshop had a small, triangle, frosted glass window, but Armin didn't like it, it made the small place even smaller. After he moved in with Annie, he changed it immediately, to a clear transparent glass. 
Their ocean-view cabin met Armin’s dreams to the smallest detail; one bedroom, one bathroom, a living room, and a kitchenette were enough to satisfy them and convincing enough to buy it without second thoughts.
He spent most of his mornings either strolling by the beach or in Annie's arms, and his nights by a bonfire or under the sheets with her.
They had their breakfasts on the porch, with the salty wafts drifting with the ocean breeze, the crooning of seagulls their only companion.
Everything seemed perfect.
Except for the nights when he woke up in cold sweat, screams rupturing his lungs, Annie’s hands trying to calm him down, embracing him and running through his hair. Or mornings while Annie took longer in the shower, while he sat outside, listening to her silent sobs.
But they were ok. Armin always hugged Annie when she stepped out of the shower, and whispered that they're ok, they're alive, healthy, together.
They're ok.
But this jewelry crafting thing came out of nowhere. And Armin wished he learnt about it long before.
It was Annie who suggested it, when she saw his seashells collection accumulating to the ceiling, she said he might as well make good use of it. She didn’t specify jewelry crafts, but he found that these delicate shells needed a delicate use.
And there he was, in his former storage room, picking through seashells, twisting wires and knitting in beads.
He had been trying to make her the perfect piece. He still didn’t find the perfect one.
He eyed the two boxes — the newly third one joining them. He never thought about selling them, or giving them to anyone else, or throwing them away…
He wondered why.
Maybe because he clutched onto one seashell for more than four years, and the habit was born with the many nights he spent eyeing it, whether it was in his room at night, or in front of a crystal in an icy cold basement.
Knock knock!
“Don’t come in!” Armin’s words overlapped, he was so immersed in his daydream that the knocks on the door made him jump in his seat.
“I won’t, I promise,” from the other side of the door, Annie grumbled. Armin felt bad, he never let her in his workshop, mainly because he didn’t want to spoil the surprise that he still didn’t figure out, and secondly… well, he wasn’t ready for any judgment on his poor jewelry crafting skills.
“It’s getting late, I was wondering if you can… you know, get dinner ready? I don’t feel like burning the kitchen.”
“Oh right,” he got up and opened the door, only to be met with an arms-crossed Annie, a passive look on her face. He didn’t know if she was upset because she was hungry, or because he was, once again, keeping her away from his workshop. “We don’t want a burnt kitchen now do we?” he asked, half jokingly
Annie tried cooking once, on his birthday. She tried baking a simple cake. They ended up with a piece of a circular char, on top of it one single candle.
“I don’t think we have-” the rest of the sentence was swallowed down Armin’s throat when he saw groceries lining up the kitchen table.
“I went out an hour ago, I didn’t want to disturb you, but don’t worry, I checked everything on the list, twice.”
“Ah, yes, thanks.”
Guilt swelt in his guts.
She didn’t want to disturb him…
She was upset with him.
He rolled up his sweater’s sleeves, washing his hands, before he started opening the groceries bags, emptying them on the counter.
Annie on the side crossing her arms.
“What do you want for dinner?” he asked, trying to ignore her glaring eyes by inspecting a head of lettuce in his hand.
“Anything, it doesn’t matter.”
“Maybe something fast so you can get back to your small workshop-”
“Okay Annie listen-”
“No you listen!”
The lettuce head froze in his hands.
“You’ve been doing this for weeks! Even- even I don’t know how many months!”
Armin slowly put down the lettuce on the counter, looking down at his feet.
“And you never let me in! Like, ever! I don’t understand why!” she continued, her arms flailing around, before resting on her hips, “every single day, every fucking day you lock yourself up in that room for hours! And I know you’re playing around with your shells but why are you hiding like this?! I’m not gonna pretend that something is not up,” she was pacing around the kitchen, Armin watching her from the corner of his eyes. “I know I’m the one who suggested it, but- but-” she sighed, “even when we go out on the beach, your eyes are always down, searching for even more shells! What is up with you?!”
“I don’t understand what you’re hiding, I don’t understand why you’re hiding it,” suddenly she stopped, Armin looked at her, “we moved in together, Armin, we live under the same goddamn roof.”
“What?Annie what? You’re sorry? Keep it to yourself! You’ve already apologized twice before but nothing ever changed,” she turned, and before he could stop her, she stormed into their bedroom.
And he was left alone in the kitchen.
The ocean waves swayed in a symphony, but when he looked outside, all he saw was a dark mass that swallowed him whole.
Armin huffed, he knew this was coming, he knew it so well.
Annie wasn’t wrong.
But she wasn’t right either.
He was doing it for her. He was locking himself up to make her the perfect jewelry.
Armin kicked the heel of his shoes against the cabinet. Thud thud thud. Putting a rhythm to his mind and his thoughts.
Maybe... she was right. She didn’t know what he was doing, she felt left out.
They only have each other.
No one should leave the other in the dark.
No matter what.
Armin pushed himself off the cabinets, and walked towards the room.
He stood at the threshold, watching Annie curled on her side of the bed under the duvet.
He pressed his lips together, but he didn’t dare make a sound, even though he knew she was aware of his presence. 
He sat on his side of the bed, the mattress dipping under his weight. 
Annie didn’t move.
Armin sighed. He fucked up, and he must fix it. 
He kicked off his shoes, and slithered under the duvet.
His face confronted her back.
She turned around-
“I’m sorry,” they both said at the same time.
Armin bit his lips to stop himself from smiling, while gazing at Annie’s stoic face, with a slight dip between her eyebrows.
They talked, confessed, together at the same time, their words overlapping.
“I know your craft means so much to you-”
“I’ve been leaving you out of this-”
“I don’t mean that you should spend every single moment with me-”
“And I want to spend more time with you-”
Then the last sentence, they breathed it together, “I promise to be a better person.”
Their eyes on each other, blue meeting blue.
Magnetic force pulled them towards each other, capturing each other's lips, hands running over each other's bodies.
Their clothes were stripped and thrown on the floor, while the groceries in the kitchen were left untouched.
The most valuable times for Annie were these moments when she woke up beside him, heads on the same pillow, skin on skin, under the blankets.
The warmth like an aura around his body made her alive, incomparable to soft rays of early morning sun filtering through the window.
It was so early and everything was quiet, even the ocean fell in a quiet slumber.
Without moving, she checked the time.
There was still a couple of hours before Armin's usual wake up time.
She usually got up before him, went on an extra walk, or maybe a dip in the ocean.
But getting up from bed and leaving this beauty behind would be as bad as a crime.
So she stayed, watching his face. His breath warm on her face, his lips slightly parted, bangs ruffled on his forehead. Mildly, she caressed them, brushing them off his forehead. Before she cupped his cheek, and she held the world and the sun and the ocean— all together in her palm.
His eyelashes fanned upon his closed eyes like sun rays. She tilted her head up, and kissed his eyelid, soft, like a feather.
Armin was a light sleeper, the last thing she wanted was to ruin his sleep.
A cold breeze wafted through the window, Annie shivered. She noticed Armin hunching his back, he must be cold as well.
She inched closer, cautious, wrapping her arms around his frame, over his shoulder, nesting her head on his chest. The warmth radiating off his body relaxed her muscles, and in those moments, deep inside, something would stir in her, feelings she wasn’t aware she would experience one day.
Arms wrapped around her, and she tensed, did she wake him up?
She peeked up at him, he was already watching her, his eyes barely open.
He tried to speak, but no voice came out. After he cleared his throat, he tried again, “Good… morning.” his voice deep, hoarse.
She rubbed her feet against the mattress, “Did I wake you up?” she whispered.
He squinted his eyes, deep in thought, “If I said no?”
“And if I said yes?”
Annie runs her tongue on the inside of her teeth, “I can make it up for you.”
At that, Armin props himself up on one elbow, raising an eyebrow, beckoning her to continue.
With one finger pointing at his chest, she said, “I’ll make you breakfast.”
He snorted, the voice vibrated through Annie’s body, and she had to swallow.
“No,” was his simple, predictable answer.
“Your lose,” She said, swinging her legs off the bed, but before she could stand up, arms wrapped around her, rolling her in bed.
Breakfast time was long gone, so, after Armin went through the groceries from the night before, he made a light meal for both of them. While he cooked, Annie watched him, sitting on the counter, her legs swinging.
She enjoyed watching him cook, muscles of his arms flexing as he cut tomatoes, brushing his bangs away from his face, wiping his hands on the towel.
By that point she could blindly sculpt a statue of his body.
He also enjoyed catching her off guard, catching her eyes every now and then. When they first moved together, she would blush furiously and avert her eyes, but now, even though she still blushes, sometimes she would pay him back with a sudden kiss, or sometimes she would dare him with more than a kiss.
It was the privilege of a peaceful life, the result of going to hell and back, tolerating an agonizing pain for years.
A slow-paced life, where everything was in place, everything was right.
They reached the end of the labyrinthine, they might as well celebrate their victory.
Post afternoon, and after a meal with their legs tangled under the table, they strolled along the shore.
Annie never imagined that she would settle down in a cabin by the beach, every day the seagulls waking her up, and every night the ocean waves lulling her to sleep.
Hand by hand, shoes off, the sand tickling her feet, like walking on a pile of feathers.
The sun above them soft on their skin, a chilly afternoon, perfect for a walk.
Armin tried so hard to keep his gaze on the horizon, fighting the urge to peak down and hunt for shells.
He wouldn’t rest until he found the perfect shell for Annie’s piece.
However, he remembered his promise to Annie, wanted to spend more time with her, she wanted to spend more time with him.
An especially shiny shell caught his attention, tempting him to kneel down, and plunge his hands in the sand and go back to the cabin with a bag full of new shells. 
“I was thinking of going to town for a few days,” Annie said, catching Armin off guard, “my father wrote to me and said he’s holding a dinner, and we’re invited.” 
“Oh, yeah sure,” Armin answered. Her father lived only half an hour away, in the town, alongside a couple of their old friends as well.
They lived with him for a couple of weeks before, as they went hunting for their own place. He was an old nice man, but he certainly had a temper.
Armin was exceptionally nervous around her father for the first few months. For what reason, he still didn’t know, but something about that man made him rethink everything he wanted to say twice.
But after all, her father accepted their relationship, if not a bit too dramatically, for he cried and hugged Armin for the first time.
In the end, they had to move out, Annie was adamant they had their own house.
Armin smiled, “You can move out and live with your father.”
Annie raised an eyebrow.
“You know, I can move with you-” his voice got muffled; Annie’s palm on his mouth.
“Whyyyy?” he asked, his voice choked up with a laugh, he wanted to try biting Annie’s hand on his mouth.
“If each of us would get a different room, then yeah sure,” she answered, lowering her hand, and continuing her walk.
“Not my fault you’re too loud-”
Annie started running.
The nearby village could hear Armin’s howling laugh. 
Annie waited at the cabin longer than Armin would need to catch up to her. She wondered what was taking him so long, though she had a clear idea what was holding him off.
She waited by the door, but then the sun got a little uncomfortable, so she went inside. She hated that the first thing she thought of was checking Armin’s workshop.
She immediately shook her idea, shoving it away. Intrusiveness wasn’t her trait.
But the door glowed in her sight. Walking to it, and turning the knob seemed like the most tempting thing ever.
“No,” she said it out loud, to convince herself to stop.
She would certainly be upset if she was in his shoes. She would never do that to him.
She walked to the door. An old, small door, compared to a standard door, Armin had to bend to get through, but Annie bet she can walk through it, with her head brushing the door frame.
A tiny place for a workshop, she thought, she wondered how he keeps his tools there, the dozens of seashells bags going there, never going out again.
She was burning to know what was in there.
She was in front of the door, she could lift her hand, and turn the knob, and she could see it all for herself.
She reached for the antique door knob.
Her palm rested on it.
Turn it turn it turn it turn it-
She twirled and walked away, right to their bedroom, without even a glance back.
A minute or two after, she heard the door of the cabin open and close. Annie got up, not thinking much of it, “Hey what took you so long-”
Armin stood there, with a handful of seashells in his hands.
Annie threw her head back…
“It hadn’t even been a day, not a single day had passed,” Annie said, frustration evident in her voice, which was as rare as the sky turning green.
“Annie, I can explain.”
Annie crossed her arms, waiting for him to explain.
Armin sighed, he didn’t want to spoil the surprise, he had to come up with something.
“I’m making something.”
“Yeah no shit.”
“No no no I mean I’m making something,” he said, his closed clutch on the seashells flailing around.
Annie sighed, “Try again.”
“I’m honest, I’m making something.”
“And?” she inquired.
A moment of silence passed, Armin trying so hard to come up with something, anything.
Annie knew that face very well, the face Armin makes when he’s trying to come up with a good fight in a debate, the face he does when he would lob a few words to hypnotize a whole crowd of people.
But not on her.
Never on her.
She knew him too well for his own good.
Without waiting for an answer, she turned around, returning to their room. She threw over her shoulder, “Tomorrow is the dinner at my father’s house,” before she vanished from sight.
Armin, left alone, stared down at the seashells in his hands.
Armin spent most of the night in his workshop, his hands working, but his mind somewhere else.
He didn’t talk to Annie since their confrontation, nor did any of them eat.
Embarrassment gnawed at him, he promised her, yet he broke the promise.
He must be a terrible partner.
Armin sighed.
He wondered why he was even trying to make Annie a piece of jewelry, to win her heart? 
She was better off without him anyway.
She could leave him at any second and he wouldn’t even question it. She was smart, pretty, skillful, talented, gorgeous, sweet, and... nice.
And what was he? He couldn’t think of one good trait about himself. Not good enough to match hers.
And he fucked up.
He groaned, letting his head fall on the desk.
The pile of the new shells sat in his sight line, waiting to be cleaned of the sand, but he had no intention of doing so. He wanted to cage himself in his workshop forever, rather than facing Annie again after he broke his promise.
Armin swallowed, wondering how he would meet her father the next day.
Mr. Leonhart was protective, way too protective. Armin knew he wouldn’t hesitate to cut off Armin’s head if he hurt Annie.
He thought. Annie is much more mature than that.
He snorted at himself, he had some stupid thoughts sometime, but this one was the stupidest of them all.
Annie ranting to her father about her boyfriend.
Armin straightened his back on the chair, thinking of what he should do.
Then, at that moment, a glimmer caught his eyes.
Armin shook his head, peeking outside the small, circular window.
He wasn’t sure if it came from outside or from the inside, but then it happened again, this time, he was sure it came from the inside of the workshop. Armin looked around, trying to find it.
The moon light filtering through the glass, gleaming upon the pile of seashells accumulated on his desk.
The glimmer happened again.
But that time, Armin caught it.
It came from one of the seashells. 
Armin scattered the pile on the desk, going over each shell, rotating it under the moonlight, trying to find that one seashell.
On his seventh try, he found it.
Something clicked, and Armin knew exactly what he had to do. Everything cleared in his mind, and he found it absurd that he only saw it now.
Locked in his small workshop, with his back bowed down. Armin finished his perfect piece when the first ray of sunshine broke the night.
uwu thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! next chapter (which is much much longer) will be posted in a couple of days or so can't wait for the other ships to make their cameos hahhaaa thank you for reading! like always, feedback, kudos, all is much appreciated
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