#so y'all go on - keep making new blogs for me to report and let's see what happens first
singnorequiemtonight · 10 months
boy I sure do love the block function when strangers on the internet with victim complexes and hearts full of hate have way too much time on their hands !!
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syn4k · 2 years
The CC's Responses to the MCYTBlr Sexyman Polls, Thread 4: This Is Getting Seriously Out Of Hand
welcome welcome welcome all and sundry to the fourth thread we've had to make on this topic, because folks, there is a LOT of material!
our name is Keys and we'll be your host for... the rest of this event, since nobody else is really doing anything else like this. since we're on thread four, i figured i might as well let y'all know what's going on here and a quick recap of what we've been covering, as well as some facts and questions that literally nobody has asked.
if you are anywhere in MCYTBlr and indeed in other fandoms here on Tumblr, there's a good chance you've heard about the MCYTBlr Sexyman Polls, which I've helpfully put in the title of this post so that people don't get confused! if you haven't, though, the polls themselves are hosted by the @mcytblrsexymen blog and are heavily inspired by Tumblr's own Sexyman Polls of 2022, but specifically for the MCYT fandom. they've been going on since Feb. 5th, 2023, or 6 days ago as of today, with the later polls often gaining upwards of 20,000 votes!
if you want to see all of the shenanigans and hijinks going on within the fandom (and subfandoms) itself here on tumblr, the best place to get a good luck at all of that is at the blog itself, which I linked above. fellow journalist @salemoleander has also whipped together some INCREDIBLE short videos going over the events and tragedies of this event since day 1, one of which I've been featured on myself!
this thread, and all threads before it, which if you're interested are linked to in my pinned post on my blog, are focused rather on the nominees' reactions and responses to this poll. i take screenshots on Twitter to post here, and also try and get stream clips to quote, although since I never watch streams this is a bit difficult for me. i also have done an interview with a nominee himself, and with one of the mods on the official blog itself!
Q: Lots of nominees are campaigning really hard for themselves. Are you going to cover that? A: I have before, yes, but to keep things as unbiased as possible in the spirit of journalism I'm probably just going to drop that. Sorry Joe Hills.
Q: There's a lot of people submitting things as soon as they happen to the blog itself. If that's going on faster than you can cover it yourself, then what's the point of this? A: Well, this has always been something we've been doing for fun. I assume people follow the main account as well if they follow me for this, but they can get their news fresh from the spigot there. I'm just here to make funny jokes about it and vibe.
Q: I've seen you refer to yourself as "we" and "us" sometimes despite maintaining that you're just one person running the blog- what's up with that? A: That is not a typo! The person behind this blog (hello, that's me, I'm typing this) is plural, and in fact we are very casually open about it. We regularly switch between referring to ourself as "us" and "we." This is an advantage in several ways because not only can we accurately pull off the "over to you, Keys! over to you, Keys!" joke like, forever, it also provides some Headmate Enrichment™️ whenever someone wants to join in on the fun. Also plural people are just inherently cool and wouldn't you want to have a cool person bringing you news?
Q: Where's the Dominion coverage of this? A: We have made the executive decision to not include the Dominioners since they have single-handedly made our life hell and made up half of our second thread. No hard feelings.
And now to the actual reporting.
JoeHills and ZombieCleo have been spotted campaigning quite heavily for themselves over on Twitter, as per the norm the past few days!
Martyn has been spotted on his stream voting!
Quackity made a tweet yesterday evening saying he didn't know what he won but thanks anyways!
Also, this isn't exactly a nominee update nor an external one but shhh, the polls have gone live during the U.S.A Superbowl. This is hilarious to me because our father is a huge sportsball fan and this is like, gay person sportsball for the rest of Tumblr. Godspeed to the mods.
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cherrycheridarling · 3 years
"that was painfully sexist" | t.h.
marvel cast x actress!reader
warnings: sexism and swearing
summary: at a panel for the new avenger's film, the questions differ drastically between the female and male actors on stage.
wc: 1.4k
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"Okay, a microphone is coming your way, sir."
"Hi! I'm Leonard with Pop Times Blog. My question is for Y/N." your eyes found the bearded man who stood amongst the crowd of reporters.
You nodded, signalling for him to continue, "Playing Silk or Cindy Moon must've came with a lot of challenges. One of them being the costume you are in for most of the film. Can you speak about that and how it fit?" he paused at your skeptical expression, "Like, we all know the suit is skin tight, so did you eat anything special or workout a lot and are you able to wear anything underneath it? Or do you wear a thong and no bra?"
You let out an unenthusiastic chuckle at his question. Beside you, you could hear your cast mates scoffing under their breath. It was common for the women of the MCU to get asked such questions and it saddened you that people normalized such a thing.
Leaning forward, you clasped your hands together and smiled before Robert reached behind Tom Holland and tapped your shoulder, "Would you like me to say something?"
You shook your head, but gave him a grateful grin before returning to the 'man' that asked you such a question, while maintaining eye contact you spoke, "Well, I think the most difficult part about wearing the Silk costume is taking it off after a long day because of how sweaty I get after shooting," you began to fan yourself dramatically, "It all just clings to my body like a second skin and since I am completely nude underneath, it just adds to the problem." sarcasm dripped from your lips as your cast mates snickered at your words.
You quietly laughed to yourself, "I'm only kidding. That question seemed like such a joke that I presumed you expected a joking answer." you cleared your throat, "In all seriousness, it's an honour wearing the suit and I did visit the gym and do some physical fitness regularly to prepare for the role, as did all my cast mates. As for what I wore underneath," you grinned cheekily, having too much fun messing with the reporter, "A Spider-Man onesie was my go-to."
The whole room let out laughs at your words as Tom grabbed your hand and gave you a small squeeze, feeling sorry that you had to answer such absurd questions.
"I hope everyone doesn't sexualize Cindy Moon. She's only a teenager in the film, so keep it in your pants people. That shit is illegal." Anthony pointed an accusing finger at the crowd.
"Thank you for your thoughtful question, Leonard!" Scarlett spoke up, "I hope you got the answer you were looking for."
"Okay, next person."
You sat back in your seat and fiddled with Tom's fingers as the questions were asked towards your cast mates.
"You handled that impressively well, love." Tom whispered in your ear.
You gave him a smile and a shrug before your name got called again, "My question is for Y/N and Tom Holland." a lady with curly blonde hair stood up, "Since Silk and Spider-Man's abilities are very similar, did you two bond over that during shooting or did it cause some rivalry between your characters due to the similarities?"
You felt a wave of relief at the question, thankful that it wasn't another sexist one. Tom looked at you before answering.
"Yeah, yeah. We bonded a lot over that fact and I don't think it caused any rivalry between us. I hope not." he chuckled before you leaned towards the mic.
"No, no. No rivalry. Just a lot of banter about whose character is stronger and who swings around better. It's a lot of fun having someone on set whose stunts are basically the same as yours. And Tom and I have both agreed that Silk is faster and better than Spider-Man." you said that last part quickly drawing laughs and a gasp from Tom.
He looked at you incredulously, "Not true! Spider-Man's suit is so much cooler than Silk's." he huffed like a child.
You smirked, "Who makes their webbing in a high school chemistry class and who has organic silk coming out of her fingertips that she also used to create her own suit?"
Your friends laughed at the banter beside you before Sebastian started to speak, "I have to agree with Y/N on this one. Silk also has that cool ass eidetic memory."
Chris Evans agreed, "And her Silk Sense is a thousand times stronger than Spider-Man's Spidey Sense."
"Isn't she able to know who an attacker is before she even sees them?" Hemsworth asked to which everyone nodded.
"Sorry, Spidey. Silk's just a top tier hero." Robert patted his shoulder as Tom sulked.
The questions began again as the laughter died down. You leaned over to Tom's ear, "Still love the actor who plays Spider-Man even if his character is inferior to mine." he shook his head with a smile at your words.
Questions ranged from the generic ones of the funniest moments on set to who's most likely to become a villain. Your nerves died down as no incompetent person asked another sexist question. Until one did.
"I have a question for Y/N." she was short with jet black hair, "Being around all these attractive men must be a challenge for you as a young female adult. It couldn't have been easy to control yourself around them. Have you had any sexual relationships with any of them or thought about engaging in any?"
Your jaw hung open at her words and before you could muster up a retort, Tom let his anger get the best of him. Was it his anger, his jealousy or his protectiveness? A mix of all three.
"That was painfully sexist." he spoke into the microphone. "I don't see how any of that is relevant to the film. Y/N is an outstanding actress and it's outrageous that you decide to focus on who she fucks rather than her talent."
"What in the actual fuck did she just ask?" Sebastian added, making you laugh.
Chris Evans spoke up next, "Indeed. I thought this was a promotion for the movie not a real life dating app."
Benedict chuckled, "I fail to see how Y/N's private life holds any relevancy to this panel or the film itself."
"It's twenty-nineteen, people! Leave your sexist ass shit at home!" Anthony exclaimed drawing claps from the cast.
Elizabeth shook her head, "I've had my fair share of inappropriate questions, but nothing as horrid as that."
"First y'all ask about her underwear, now you ask about her sex life? Jesus Christ." Scarlett pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Seriously, she's like a daughter to me. That was incredibly disrespectful." Robert added with a disappointed head shake.
Similar comments were added by the rest of the cast as you felt an overwhelming amount of love wash over you. You were so unimaginably grateful for the people next to you.
"You don't have to answer that." Paul Bettany reminded you.
You shook your head and cleared your throat, "Thank you, guys." you looked to your cast mates, "But I'll answer. No, I have not. This cast is my second family and I've grown greatly as a person with them. I'm immensely thankful for the opportunity to call them my friends. And I agree, these men sitting up here with me are undoubtedly attractive, but they are also a great pain in the ass at times," everyone laughed at your choice of words, "And have I thought about having sex with any of them? Nope. Just Scar, Zoe and Liz." you finished with a wink as the room clapped for you.
You couldn't help but to feel a slight bit of sympathy for the woman. Her question was, without a doubt, uncalled for and unbelievably sexist, but the comments from the cast must've made this her most embarassing moment.
"I'm sure you meant no harm with your question. But a little heads up for next time; most actors prefer to talk about their career and their films rather than who they are laying in bed with. But thank you for coming out. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day." you gave her a genuine smile as she cowered back into her seat.
Robert once again reached over and gave your shoulder a squeeze, proud of how you handled the situation.
Tom interlaced your fingers with his and rubbed small circles on your knuckles.
You really were at home with these people and you couldn't have asked for a better family.
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buckysmischief · 4 years
Pranks for Beginners
Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 877
Summary: After breaking your arm in the most idiotic way, Tony takes benching you from missions a little too far, so you go to the only person who is likely to help... Bucky.
Warnings: none 
AN: This is for @hopingforbarnes 250 Writing Challenge, you deserve all the followers babe & thank you for being so amazing 💕 prompt is bolded & also special thanks to @sleepingspacedragon & @darkbuckybarnesanon, this wouldn’t have gotten finished without y'all ❤️
“You shouldn’t be in here, Yn,” without even looking away from his mission file, Bucky gave you a warning. “Tony doesn’t want you anywhere near this mission until you’re cleared by Banner.”
Thor visited a few weeks back, bringing with him Asgardian mead, and everyone got a bit carried away. At some point in the night you bet Thor you could beat him in arm wrestling, you were enhanced and had beaten both Steve and Bucky before, so why not? The mead, the mead’s why not. Before you even got to the table, you slipped on something and ended up breaking your left arm. Bruce estimated you’d need the cast for at least five weeks, it was week four and you were getting bored.
You understood not being able to go on missions and train with the rest of the team, but as punishment for being an idiot, you couldn’t read any of the mission reports or watch the feed from their body cams. They were Steve’s idea, he wanted to be able to play back each mission from each perspective and use them as “teaching moments” if need be.
“That might be true-”
“It is.”
“-but that’s not even what I’m here for.”
Bucky closed the file and turned around to look at you, seeing nothing but mischief in your eyes he gave you a stern “no” and walked out of the room. Did he think you weren’t going to follow him?
“Awe come on, Bucky! That’s no fun, you don’t even know what I want.” you pouted from behind him, having no problem keeping up with his pace.
He stopped abruptly and turned to face you, almost causing you to bump into him. “You want to hack F.R.I.D.A.Y. and make Tony’s life miserable until you’re out of that cast.” Bucky somehow always knew what you were up to and it was ifuriating.
So what if you wanted to change his alarm clock to “Baby Shark”? What was the harm in changing his passwords? You weren’t just being selfish either; the workout playlist had to be approved by Tony, which never happened, and you wanted to find a way so everyone could upload their music. You had a dozon more ideas, but you couldn’t do any of them without Bucky’s help
“Would it kill you to just lay low and not look for trouble for once?”
“Excuse me, sir,” you pretend to be appalled, “I don’t go looking for trouble, but I do enjoy befriending it.” giving him a wink before you walk away from him.
“So I’m trouble huh?” he chuckled deeply, causing you to stop in your tracks. Before you could think of a response, he was already whispering in your ear, “And we’re just friends? Ouch, that hurts.”
“Oh you wanna have THAT conversation?? I’ve got time.” For the past six months everytime you wanted to talk to Bucky about whatever was going on between you two, he would deflect or walk away and disappear for hours only to sneak in you room to go to bed around midnight just like he did every single night for the past year.
As he walked away without responding, you had another idea, “Actually, no! We can talk about it after you help me with F.R.I.D.A.Y.!”
“Meet back here at midnight, bring snacks and leave the attitude.”
As much as he wanted to leave the whole thing alone, there was no way he was going to turn down inconveniencing Tony as much as possible.
Later that night you and Bucky snuck into the control room and began adding F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s new “update”. That morning, Tony was woken up to “Baby Shark” and it didn’t stop for an hour. Pepper had to keep logging into everything for him, his whole gym routine was thrown off, and he couldn’t enter his lab without Peter (who was still in high school and couldn’t miss anymore classes).
It only took a day for him to cave. You knew he woldn’t let you on the field, but he let you watch and keep up with the missions finally. Of course he didn’t want to admit it was the pranks, instead his reason was “you need to be ready and up to date”. Like that hadn’t been your argument the entire time, but it’s whatever, you got exactly what you wanted: access to information, and a new reason to be alone with Bucky.
“So, I have one more thing to ask.” He gave you the look, the “you already roped me into one thing this week, don’t push it” look. “If I get Steve to make my cast match your arm, can we take the weirdest couple photos ever?”
“We might as well get married.” If you weren’t looking him in the eyes, you would have sworn he was being sarcastic. But the look in his eyes said it all, he wanted to spend the rest of his life causing trouble with you.
“YES! You said it and you can’t take it back! Let’s go, Steve can do both things at once!” To your surprise he followed you, walking in hand in hand into a new adventure.
Permanent tags (47/50): @sociallyeneptbarnes @rogvewitch @saturn-aka-six @stuckonjbbarnes @superavengerpotterstar @estillion14 @sleepingspacedragon @geeksareunique @infj-slytherclaw @imsoft-barnes @piper-koko-barnes-rogers @murdermornings @distractedgemini @screaming-fridge @readeity @whatinthyworld @my-drowning-in-time @valkyriesryde @disaffectedbarnes @buggy-blogs @hey-its-grey @pinknerdpanda @brokenthelovely @theannoyingnightmarecollector @death-unbecomes-you @rhymesmenagerie @actualdpshuri @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @mushyjellybeans @https-bucky @also-fangirlinsweden @goalexis123 @missmeganrachel @sunflowersandcherry @miraclesoflove @matsumama @reann-loves-sebstan @thinkoutsidethebex @thefridgeismybestie @niall2017 @maddope @imagine-all-the-imagines @thummbelina @m3ga1nsp1r3d @constantaking @thebadassbitchqueen @kingkassam @nerdy-bookworm-1998
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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Everything expressed in here is my opinion. It is not intended to be malicious or disrespectful to any of the parties mentioned in here. Please do not hate on or send hate anyone mentioned in her expressly or by inference.
In my previous posts, I pointed out how this past year, from August 2019 to June 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride for Jikook. Their relationship has been all over the place with some even concluding they have broken up for good- you wish!
My inbox has been flooded with questions such as: Are they still broken up, are they good, are they married...
Y'all think I'd be here blogging at 1 AM for Tumblr if Jikook were married married?- Ok, I would. Lol
But No, Sis. Jikook aren't married. Not that I know of. But don't be sad though because THEY ARE BACK! Fully back to function. By that I mean Jimin mostly. Jk never left. Lol- I'll explain in a bit. But yes, I'm happy to report that they are Jikooking again!
I refrained from posting about their new moments especially this July moments because even though they've been back together after a long period of on and off again relationship during ON comeback through to festa season, and then May when JM finally asked for space in their relationship(see previous posts for details)
I've being unsure about Jimin. I've been anxious to know what the outcome of his asking for space to think things through would be.
Jikook have a push and pull relationship dynamic. We been known. Mostly when one steps back from their relationship for whatever reason, the other leans in to pull them back in.
Same thing has been happening from January where Jimin would be pulling one minute, the next he would be like meh and JK would be push to pull him back in.
That was the case in this (June-July) Japan comeback interviews. Jk was front center with expressing interest in JM pulling him whereas JM was like meh, I'm down for this baby but let's keep it professional for the group's sakes.
Just look at them here... (Photo of them at 2020 Japan interview where Jk said he was looking at JM)
See what I mean? Now you may not notice at first but look at JM's demeanor and compare it to moments in past interviews whenever JK is talking about him or their relationship.
Jk was on his flirting game which he usually is when he wants to break the ice with Jimin if there's been tension between them or when someone around is making a pass at JM and he wants them to know what's up- he ain't slick. Lol
At times too he takes the initiative to flirt when he is feeling super confident and cocky and hella bold and just wants to. Trust me, when he flirts with Jimin, IT IS NOT FOR FANSERVICE. He means that shit.
Now compare JM's body language in that Japan interview moment this one right here: (photo of JM and Jk at the interview where JK said from now on together)
Jimin usually acts very coy, giddy and whipped even around JK when JK flirts with him but most importantly he seems to egg JK on in such moments. He enjoys being claimed openly by JK just as much as JK loves being claimed by JM publicly- which is why as nervous as that makes him he keeps going back for more.
Now this is gonna sound controversial but I have seen JM tell Suga off at times when Suga has tried to initiate skinship with him. I won't show you the picture but you can watch it for yourself during the On Come back where they wore Purple and black. It happened right at the moment Suga touched JMs back. JM mouthed 'Hajima' to Suga to stop touching him. That's all I'm gonna say y'all. Lmho. Don't want trouble.
My point is, these boys have a filter. If they don't want something done to them they won't hesitate to say it or show it. Much like when JK pushed Tae's hand away during a VLive- and he's pushed JM off sometimes too. He is assertive more so than all the members. If he doesn't want something he won't do it or allowed it.
Suga asked him not to get the tattoos when he first expressed interest in them way back in American Hustle life. But he told them if army loves him they would love everything he does and not try to limit him. Jk does as JK pleases.
So yea, if JK didn't like what Jimin has been doing with him he wouldn't be around him much less reciprocate those feelings and actions and initiating them on his own at times. Their interactions are MUTUAL.
And yes, that was shade.
Jimin understands the guts it takes JK to take such initiatives with him and so he kinds of encourages Jk to go on with it or acts in a way that boosts JK's ego. Like when JK shouted 'arrest me' in the middle of an interview. Jk... SMH.
So it was a bit unsettling to watch JM not even try to flirt back with JK in moments like this like he usually would. Dude wasn't even initiating their shtick during this period first of all nor was he responding to them in a way he usually would.
Not sure the aesthetics he was going for here but it screamed let's keep this professional on camera and get naughty when we get home. Or much like, dude I asked for space and I'm realizing I like you just as much but stop coming on too strong.
Which frankly, is what the members have been asking them to do since October last year when the hashtag to cancel Jikook in S.K trended. So JM wouldn't be wrong to take such a stand....
Given that the crux of their issue has been that Jikook is developing into a brand almost independent of BTS' brand and this in a way is affecting the dynamics of the group, a little discretion wouldn't hurt.
The cheers for Jikook moments are getting louder and louder each year even at events such as awards and not just on stage. Jikook is taking a lifeform of it's own. Its becoming a brand almost as powerful as BTS' brand. They are a power couple or becoming one. Like or not. Their fans are becoming loud and large too. So often, lately, it seems they tend to steal the show and direct attention away from the band. It's crazy.
Tae literally had the floor, delivering his speech at the MMA 2019 but people weren't even paying attention to that at all. They were more interested in Jikook and whatever they were doing and they went nuts the moment JK held Jimin and even wilder when he placed his head on Jimin which is what lead to infamous standoff with RM.
JM had literally bumped his butt against Hobi's crotch region moments before the Jikook moment but the crowd didn't lose it as much. Please go back and listen to the deafening sounds of the crowd for yourself.
As much as we love Jikook, there are some that don't and they can be very loud. I'll leave it there. Please support Jikook. Thank you.
BTS had a whole concert end of October 2019 and the hashtag that trended was 'cancel Jikook.' That took away from the hardwork of the band and reduced it to a few seconds of two boys fanboying over eachother. That's.... sigh.
When you see it this way, the RM separating them at Jingle bell red carpet, on stage or even BigHit trying to regulate their Vlives make sense.
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Moving on. So yea I wasn't sure about JM all this past few months especially as I believe he had asked for space in their relationship. You might not think much of it but given as JM had said in the past how if he had a lover he would want to be with them all the time and Jikook do spend a lot of time around each other but suddenly hear them talk about spending time apart and enjoying it and what not....
But I think I can stop worrying now because HE IS BACK! There is a new Jimin in town and he is taking names! Good for him!
And I don't mean his new hairdo this August. I mean the new attitude. This attitude:
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In this interview he says he would take JK to an island which smart decision. I would take JK too cos dude can do anything, cant he?! Bless him.
But thats beside the point. What I think is happening here is, Jimin finally took a stand. He made up his mind and he is not getting pushed around anymore. Because this Jimin hasn't showed up in a while now. Now he seems quite defiant most times if you've been paying attention to him, so rebellious, so sure of himself. Good for him. Spending time to himself has done him some good. It's given him room to reflect and sort out his priorities.
He loves his work, his band and he loves JK and it's hard when all of those start rubbing against eachother. But Fuck professionalism. He is in love with JK and that is professionalism too. Add loving JK till the end of time to his profession bishes!! :p
Sorry. I got carried away.
But seriously, he seems like his old self but it's also a new self because he hasn't been that self for a hot minute. This is JK's sweat tastes like holy water Jimin. This is I promised Jk I will go to the moon with him Jimin, this is I wanna go on a trip alone with JK Jimin- but badder. If you are a hardcore JM stand like I am you'd understand what I'm talking about.
HE IS BACK BABY! Our daddy is back!
The point of this post is to say, I believe JM finally figured out what he wants. So now hopefully the up and down should die down because quite frankly it's hard to keep up with those two I swear! We need a smooth sail Jikook. Make it happen!
I love it. I love where this is going and I can't wait to see more of their interactions so cheers to Jikookers and congratulations to Jimin for putting his shit together. We wanted rain. We about to be hit with a tsunami of Jikook moments.
Stay blessed. Stay beautiful. Jikook forever.
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dasfuzzy · 5 years
This thing still exists...?
So...I guess I'll start off by saying that the main reason for this post is because I got the Tumblr app a while back and have periodically gotten the notification that someone has liked my blog (hello, by the way), so this is twofold:
1) Give an update because, y'know, I haven't touched this thing in a long time, so there's a lot to update, and
2) Find out who's been liking my blog and why. So I guess comment, message, note, or whatever the hell people do here and let me know what got you interested in my ramblings.
I guess the three main things I would discuss here were my job, my love life, and my situation in general, so those'll be the primary focus for now. I guess I'll start with my love life just to get that out of the way as it's typically the focal point and most salacious content here (and possibly the most interesting to y'all).
Well, I'm gonna tell you right off the bat that things have changed drastically since I last was here. I will say that if you're expecting me to tell all, you're gonna be disappointed. I know in the past I never really held back on my feelings and about dishing out the truth, but this is a different situation than any in the past. All I'll really say is that since August of 2017 I've been in a committed relationship with someone that I truly love and can see myself being with for the rest of my days. Our relationship hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows, however, mostly due to nagging injuries and surgeries stemming from a work-related injury on her part (she used to be a physical therapy assistant), but I've done everything in my power to accommodate her and make things work. It hasn't been easy and it's taken it's toll on me, but at the end of the day I try to remain optimistic that things will get better with time.
Regarding my job...er, jobs, I've bounced around a bit since I was last here. I think I was still at Dave & Busters, but I was able to leave there to become a preschool/toddler teacher at a highly-accredited daycare center called Bright Horizons. It wasn't the easiest job and with me being who I am (profane and a fan of mature content, a la Game of Thrones, Walking Dead and wrestling) I felt like I was walking on eggshells at times, especially because the director was a bit of a prude, but I really enjoyed it. I was one of only two male teachers in a facility of approximately 30 teachers, so the kids really enjoyed the change of pace. I learned a lot being there, especially since I only had a few early education courses under my belt beforehand and I had some great mentors guiding me along.
Unfortunately, I made the decision to leave after 18 months for a couple of reasons:
1) The landlady finally sold the house, so my mom and I had to move (more on that later), and
2) There was an incident where I might've let slip a bit of profanity on the job. Basically it was nap time and most of the children were sleeping. I was in one of the preschool rooms at the time and at that age, some children just don't want to sleep, so we have to either try to soothe them or at least do what we can to keep them quiet so they don't wake the other children up. So I'm with another, younger teacher sitting with the non-sleepers, one of which was on the autistic spectrum and had an action plan in place that inform us of what we can and cannot do in certain situations that normally wouldn't apply to other children. Anyways, that particular child was not having any of nap/quiet time and decided to start walking around the room. In my frustration, I might've uttered under my breath "what the fuck". A few days later, I get a call from the director and she asks me if I used any profanity while in the classroom. I tell her that I don't recall doing so; she tells me that another teacher informed her that I had and she would need me to type up a formal statement of what I recall from that particular event. I stuck to my guns and said that I honestly don't recall doing so and, after submitting that to her, I was put on an indefinite administrative leave. As much as I loved that job, I took that as a sign that maybe it was time to find another job, something that pays better because I knew I was going to be moving within the next few months.
On the first day of my "leave", I asked friends if they knew of any good-paying jobs that had openings. I was only making $12.40/hr, which is only $.40 over minimum wage, so I was definitely open to suggestions. My best friend told me to apply to where he worked, Fitzgerald Tile, because they were looking for warehouse workers. He said they could start me at $18, so I leapt at the opportunity. I went down that Monday and met the warehouse supervisor to have an interview. I'll give you an almost word-for-word retelling of how that interview went:
Him: "Do you know how to drive a forklift?"
Me: "Yeah."
Him: "Great, you're hired."
Me: "Oh...okay."
Okay, that might be stretching it a bit, but that was more or less how it went. Really, he outlined some of the basic duties, asked if I was able to lift up to 50lbs unassisted, know that I'm expected to work 50 hours a week, then had me fill out the application, mostly for the sake of having it on file. He told me that I would just have to meet with the HR person to finalize the paperwork and discuss pay and my schedule, then I'd be good to go. Here's the thing: I never got to talk to the HR person. Ever. I was waiting for over an hour then told that we could do it another time, so I just went home. I should've noticed how sketchy the whole thing was. I should've picked up on all the red flags, but I didn't. So I go home, call my boss, and tell her that I'm giving my two weeks notice. She obliges and I ask if I could come visit down the road. She says that it would be in the best interest of the children that I stay away so they don't get the wrong idea. Basically I haven't been back there besides one time when I stopped by after hours to catch up with my favorite colleague and mentor, Jen.
Anywho, here I am on November 19th at the asscrack of dawn starting at the tile warehouse. I meet with the warehouse supervisor (I don't fucking remember his name; he's honestly not worth remembering) and he asks if I know how to drive a forklift. Uh...we talked about that when you hired me, but anyways, I say yes. "Great. Hop on, drive around a bit, get a feel for it, then get to work." Um...I dunno about those guys, but when I was at Lowe's where I learned to drive a forklift, we had to be licensed to operate one. Not to mention if they bothered to do a background check, they'd learn that I was fired from there for getting into an accident on a forklift and causing damage to a bay door. But I do as they say; I grab an order sheet ("grab the biggest ones first", they tell me) and get to it. Basically the way they run things is they put the sheets out on a table, everyone grabs one, gathers everything up on a pallet, then drop it in the outgoing delivery area, then do it all again until every order has been filled. I should also mention that I started right as they were moving warehouses to North Reading, so after the orders were pulled, we had to get other pallets ready to ship to the new place. Remember how I said I was never able to talk to the HR person? Well, I was never given a schedule because of that, so I guess it was understood that I would come in at 7 in the morning and work until everyone was done, which typically wasn't until 8 or 9 at night. I adhered to that mindset for maybe a week and a half; after that, I started sneaking out after at least doing my 8 hours a day. One day the supervisor caught me and said that I can't do that again. I didn't give a fuck. Another day he tells me that I'm not working fast enough and need to step it up. Maybe if someone took the time to train me on the other lift that was smaller and had forks that extended, I'd be able to be more efficient, but no; the only machines I could use were the huge lifts that are barely able to maneuver in the narrow fucking aisles and the order picker, which is basically a standing lift with a small tray-sized platform that you could place stuff on and lower it back down. That thing was kinda fun because it had controlls that kinda felt like piloting a mech and it was fast as hell.
Fast forward a few days and a few hours into my shift the supervisor tells me that I'm being let go and he hands me my last check and a pamphlet for unemployment benefits. No reasoning, just that I'm gone. Probably because I was "working too slow" and would leave when I felt like it, but I could give two shits; they never cared about me and I was tired of working under those unreasonable conditions. I manage keep my composure and start heading out, telling the few friends that I made there that I was fired; they wished me well and said I'd move onto something better. No shit. Once I get to my car, I burst out crying, trying to comprehend the gravity of my situation. I text my girlfriend and she asks if I want to come over to her house; I do partly because I needed the emotional support and partly because she was only 5 minutes away and my drive home would've been about 30 minutes. Honestly, I probably could've reported them to OSHA since they were in violation of god knows how many rules and regulations (hell, during the first week at the new warehouse, someone managed to destroy an entire bay: 3 shelves with 4 pallets each, totalling I believe over $6000 worth of product), but I just wanted to wash my hands of that place entirely. Since it was mid December, I decided to just take time to enjoy the holidays before looking for a new job, especially since I had made enough money there to keep myself afloat for about a month.
So, regarding the move, mom and I spent the last few years looking for places nearby for when the time came, but a lot of places were either in undesirable towns, were too expensive (this is Massachusetts; rent prices suck balls), or didn't meet our needs/standards. Ideally we were aiming to find a small house or even duplex to move into since we'd been in a 2-story, 3-bedroom house since January 2001, but we ended up settling for a 2-bedroom apartment in a small complex in Reading. It's been a bit of an adjustment for many reasons, but we've made it work. One of the biggest annoyances is that we don't have any laundry machines in our unit or even our building, so if we have to wash our clothes, we need to bring our stuff to one of the neighboring buildings that has a credit card-opperated laundry room with seven washers and 8 dryers. Kinda obnoxious to have to go through all that trouble and pay to do it, but condidering heat, hot water, and facility maintenance and snow removal are all covered in our rent (which is $1750/month), it's a small price to pay, I suppose.
Once we got all settled into the new place, I started job hunting again. For years I've wanted to do something technical, like be a plumber or maintenance engineer, but it's nigh impossible to find entry-level jobs like that. I somehow managed to find a job posting on Craigslist for a preventative maintenance engineer at a hotel in my old hometown of Woburn (ironically it's across from my old Dave & Busters), put in an application, and about a week later I had the job. Basically what I do is go through the guestrooms and make sure everything is in working order and is clean. I do about 2 rooms a day, repairing things as needed, be it electrical, plumbing, painting, or whatever else. I started back in early February of this year and in April the chief engineer was unceremoniously fired, leaving me as the sole engineer at the hotel. We had outside help come in periodically, but generally speaking I was the one keeping the place together until we hired a new chief this past October. I had to learn how to take care of an outdoor pool and how to take readings on it daily. I had to represent my hotel at engineer trainings normally meant for chiefs. Hell, I was very close to being promoted to chief myself until they found the new guy. But my efforts weren't in vain: our scores from our guest surveys for maintenance and upkeep were always above expectations and everyone at the hotel appreciate and respect what I do there. They raised my pay as high as they could go because of the amount of work I was putting in. My boss even got me two $75 tickets to a Ring of Honor show since he was a wrestling fan like myself. I think it's safe to say that I definitely bounced back from Fitzgerald.
I guess that about wraps things up. It's currently two weeks until Christmas, so I've got that to look forward to. I'd apologize for the lengthy rant, but I think that's par for the course on my blog. Again, if you're new (or even if you're not), feel free to leave a comment, note, message, or whatever and let me know what brought you to my blog or if there's any questions, comments, or suggestions for things that I could discuss. I figure I've been away from this thing for a long time, why not be a bit more active. Anyways, that's all I got for now. Hope y'all are well; take care of yourself!
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mypinkchapter · 5 years
Recovery & Laughs.
One of the biggest ventures in this journey can now be checked off -- surgery!
Disclaimer: my thoughts for this week on the blog won't have any really great insights, but you might have some laughs with me along the way... embarrassing for me to say because I want Jesus to shine above all & this to fully glorify Him, but I also want to be human with those reading these words & for one day when I look back & share this with Elly, so let me fill in some truths from my last week & let you see how cool Jesus was throughout.
Truth #1: I thought in this time of rest & recovery I would fill my moments in the recliner with lots of reading -- reading my Bible, reading my new Lysa TerKeurst book, reading the novel I checked out from my the library that's been at the top of my "to-read" list... but you know what? I haven't read a single page. It makes me laugh honestly because what I pictured as recovery for myself, basically consisting of lots of leisurely & encouraging reading, has actually been filled with me on medication that has made me so groggy that I've napped, napped, & napped some more. Like drool-worthy, crazy dream naps! Just one more reason the Lord has placed some of the best folks in my path, to share scripture & encouragement with me when I haven't had the ability of sorts to do that for myself. Thank you, sweet Lord, for letting those stand in the gap for me these last several days -- to feed me with truths & encouragement of Your love, mercies, & hope.
Truth #2: I've never had surgery before. Wisdom teeth removal doesn't count to medical professionals, just FYI. So, this girl was an amateur! I remember looking at the sweet anesthesiologist & said, "Are you giving me the good stuff?" & that was all she wrote. Out! I was terrified I would wake up & act like those viral videos you see of folks talking out of their minds, but nope... I woke up feeling refreshed & like I'd had a great nap! Obviously there was soreness, but the surgery itself, should anyone ever have to endure the same kind, it's for sure do-able. Thank you, sweet Lord, for every set of hands that played a part in this. You gifted me with probably two of the kindest surgeons/people I've ever met & their nurses have been nothing short of incredible.
Truth #3: I'll leave this one to be only a short story, which I know won't be short because I don't know how to be short, but it's been comical looking back on... so, when surgery wrapped up & the initial recovery for me upstairs was over, rather than heading to a lovely hospital room to be greeted by my precious husband, parents, & Gran, who would tend to my every tiny need & get me whatever snack, drink, or dinner my heart desired from the greater Jonesboro area, I was wheeled to the basement of the hospital. Y'all, the basement. It makes me crack up all over to remember them telling me they were taking me to the basement; here's why -- the hospital was full. The basement was not a bad area by any means, but it was me & well, like 15 other hospital beds with patients all coming out of surgery. Lined up, side by side, no curtains. Just all of us recovering together, some recovering better than others. So, how you wait on a table at a full restaurant, in your order of arrival, I waited for a hospital room. Now let me say, I was wheeled by the waiting room to see my sweet group of cheerleaders really quickly & them to tell me my preliminary lymph node results were CLEAR (ahhhh! THANK YOU, JESUS!), but that was it -- a 7 second greeting & cheer! Then an over 5 hour wait. No cell phone, no TV, no family. Just me very coherently hanging out with nurses, unable to nap because it was Grand Central Station with folks coming in from surgery constantly, while lying on a very flat ER bed for five hours after undergoing a pretty massive surgery. It was not funny in the moment. Not funny, not funny, not funny! But now, it sort of is... One of our sweet pastors that stayed updated on me throughout the day from Ryan, called him late afternoon while I was still of course in the basement, & he said, "Ahhh, there's no room in the inn." Haha! Thank you, sweet Lord, for the precious ladies that watched over me that afternoon, that stayed hours & hours over their shifts to take care of me & those other patients. Thank you for teaching me patience & humility, even when I wasn't in the most receptive mood. And thank you, Jesus, that I was eventually joined back to my family & had a big, comfy, end room, five hours later.
Truth #4: What should be truth #1, but my husband. Oh my heavens, my husband. I fully believe Ryan Gibson was crafted for me by the Lord himself. He has loved me so good for nine years now, six in marriage, but let me just say: when a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, so is her husband, her children, her parents, her family, & her friends. My husband in this past month though has been the model man that every woman could ever deserve. I do not deserve him & the love that he has demonstrated; it is purely the love of Jesus in him. Yes, he has cheered me on, encouraged me with truths, shared medical knowledge from his background with me, entertained Elly when I wasn't able to, sat with me while tears fell, & distracted me with lots of laughs, but y'all, until you have been in a similar situation of literally becoming helpless -- my upper body post-surgery has pretty well been useless up until the last day or so -- it has opened up a new realm of love I didn't know existed in marriage. Sure, I've been sick before. I'm pretty positive living through food poisoning with me about did him a few years ago, but cancer & surgery... bless him. I am probably one of the most modest women I've ever known, but that has had to fly out the window with this & that's been really hard for me. Ryan has met that with complete humor & keeping things so light-hearted. So many moments this past week that would bring tears otherwise, tears of pain, tears of embarrassment, tears of unknown, Ryan has met with only the charm he has that is perfectly perfect for me & keeps my tears at bay. Quite simply, thank you, sweet Lord, for your gift of marriage & my precious, selfless helpmate, Ryan.
Truth #5: I have the world's best parents. Elly had a stay-cation with Nana & Pop. She ruled the roost & kept those two busy, busy, busy! They stepped in to love on & 100% take care of our child for the past week. Elly’s world stayed as normal as functionally possible & that was such a relief. We had a FaceTime session every night but she was usually too occupied with Nana & Pop to care much for us. We had to beg for sugars & a “night night” every night! What a blessing that was to be such a seamless process. Thank you, sweet Lord, for demonstrating Your perfect love through my dear parents. Thank you for blessing me with two of the greatest individuals I have ever known, to learn from.
Truth #6: Dr. Dicocco, my surgeon, yesterday at my follow-up appointment asked me, "Do you know everyone in & around Jonesboro?" I laughed & said I didn't think so. She told in the past week she has had countless people tell her thank you for taking such good care of Erin Gibson. Y'all... I've said it so many times & I'll say again, Jesus has purposefully planted every person in & around my path, preparing me for this. I know it, without a shadow of doubt. People to most importantly pray & I would swear that I have some of the most solid prayer warriors that ever were, but people again to encourage us & love on us in very practical ways. We have been fed every single night & even many days at lunchtime. That has meant the world to us & truth be known, there have been days I was living for the yummy food I had coming that night! We have started to receive financial help from fundraisers to make such a huge dent in our medical expenses and that is something we can't thank anyone enough for. We have been so honored in seeing people physically showing their support by wearing pink or Team Erin. We just don't even know how to process it all & it will probably take a long time to do just that, but I will never forget the love shown to us. Thank you, sweet Lord, that you have been so purposeful in my life to create a support system like I could have never dreamed. Thank you, Lord, that so many of those in our lives love You & have demonstrated Your love toward us. I pray that I could love in the same way we have been shown.
I'll end on the the fact that I received the best "grade" & smiley face that I've gotten ever gotten on a report: we learned yesterday that I am officially Stage I! A huge answered prayer! Treatment will continue as planned - 4 tough rounds of chemo for 2 months & 12 lighter rounds of chemo for 3 months - but we are ready for every step to come. I know, because I have asked lots of questions of many knowledgeable folks, that there are some hard & ugly days ahead with chemo, but you know what? There are going to be some great & really fun days ahead too, and I'd bet more of those than the bad or ugly! May Jesus be glorified in every day that is to come for us.
All my love from my pink chapter,  Erin
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ravencromwell · 6 years
So Brown Girl In The Ring was one of those books it's difficult to talk about: I loved it with such ferocity that to try and articulate why only leads me into hyperbolic babble. It had such clear, elegantly simple writing but was somehow still so lush. It was a book I galloped through in less than a week, and post my depression meds that, gentlebeings, is an achievement, even for such a short novel. Hopkinson lets the narrative view and treat her characters with such compassion, even as the narrative examines the ways in which trauma begets trauma, the ways we break that cycle: redemption and regret and forging better paths for future generations. And those future generations taking those paths: grudgingly at first and then slowly coming into themselves: deciding that this world, this dystopian Toronto with all its beauty and solidarity alongside the ugliness, is worth fighting for and by God they're going to do it. With gentle, extended meditations on forgiveness and love: at its worst and best, and how we learn to distinguish the two. And it's all wrapped in Caribbean magic realism and I need y'all to go read it stat because I need a group of people to scream about this book with like I need to breathe.
But as I move on to The Association Of Small Bombs, by Karan Mahajan, I'm struck by the way these two masters of their craft use language in such divergent but skillful ways. * Hopkinson's style is simple: not spare by any stretch, but clear and economical. There's an excellent reason: much of the characters' dialogue is in marvelously unapologetic Caribbean dialect and unfamiliar English-only speakers are going to have to invest some time into picking up the linguistic ticks and rhythms. (Though OMG when you do, there's such a marvelous fucking return on investment, as particular characters adopt other characters' linguistic ticks to symbolize maturation in the most ingenious way--Nalo, just let me pick your brain for half an hour please; I'll become a thousandfold better writer--and the Caribbean dialect gives her this vast canvas of expression. There was such a power for me as someone insulated for so many years in the white English cultural bubble of being forced to not only absorb foreign concepts, but absorb them in their words, not tailored to my conception of the world.
The one drawback, if you can call it that, is that the way the coolest linguistic tricks Hopkinson uses require the full context of what came before in the novel to be fully appreciated makes it a profoundly difficult book to quote from out of context. Karan Mahajan, covering much more familiar subject matter, if from profoundly provocative angles, feels freer to use ornate language, equal parts gentle and so sharply incisive it feels like your skin is being flayed off. Lord help y'all, because I'm only three pages in, and I'm in love with the way they write and y'all's dash is like to be flooded with Mahajan quotes for the foreseeable future. Just look at some of these descriptions! On the way class effects even grief:
The two boys were the sum total of the Khuranas’ children, eleven and thirteen, eager to be sent out on errands; and on this particular day they had gone with a friend in an auto-rickshaw to pick up the Khuranas’ old Onida color TV, consigned to the electrician for perhaps the tenth time. But when Mr. Khurana was asked by friends what the children were doing there (the boy with them having escaped with a fracture), he said, “They’d gone to pick up my watch from the watch man.” His wife didn’t stop him, and in fact colluded in the lie. “All the watches were stopped,” she said. “The way they know the time the bomb went off is by taking the average of all the stopped watches in the watch man’s hut.” Why lie, why now? Well, because to admit to their high-flying friends that their children had not only died among the poor, but had been sent out on an errand that smacked of poverty—repairing an old TV that should have, by now, been replaced by one of those self-financing foreign brands—would have, in those tragic weeks that followed the bombing, undone the tightly laced nerves that held them together. But of course they were poor, at least compared to their friends, and no amount of suave English, the sort that issued uncontrollably from their mouths, could change that; no amount of sobbing in Victorian sentences or chest beating before the Oxonian anchors on The News Tonight, who interviewed them, who stoked their outrage, could drape them or their dead children in the glow of foregone success.
Just...look at that for a while. This marvelous meditation on class--and on the lingering, awful effects of British colonization--wound inextricably with such a wonderful, dreadful little anecdote about how you survive the unsurvivable.
There's another wonderful passage around the funeral of the boys:
At the cremation, which occurred on the stepped bank of a Yamuna River canal speckled with a thousand ripply eyes of oil, tendrils of overgrown hypochondriac plants thrust deep into the medicinal murk, Mr. Khurana noticed that outside the ring of burning flesh and wood, little snotty children ran naked playing with upright rubber tires. Behind them a cow was dreadlocked in ropes and eating ash and the wild village children kicked it in the gut. He shouldn’t have, but in the middle of the final prayers Mr. Khurana stepped out and shouted, shooing, the entire funeral party dropping back from the wavy black carpet of fire shadow. The children, not his, just looked at him and with beautiful synchronicity dove headfirst into the water, the rubber tires bobbing behind them, but the cow eyed him with muckraking glee and put its long wet tongue into the earth. The prayers continued but a tremor was evident: if the chanting had sounded before like the low buzzing of bees, the vocal swarm had now cleared and thinned as if to accommodate the linger of a gunshot. The exhilaration of Mr. Khurana’s grief gave way to the simple fact that he was a person, naked in his actions, and that as a person he was condemned to feel shame. He felt eyes rebuking him with sudden blinks between solemn verses. He stopped thinking of his two boys as they burned away before him in a flame that combed the air with its spikes of heat and sudden bone crack of bark. More ash for the cow.
That whole passage steals my breath every time: the insolence of the children, not so much cruel as bemused and grumpy. The way the weight of others expectations for how we're to deal with grief can be utterly crushing. All wrapped in a description of a part of the city as profoundly desolate as he is, as unable to get out of the cycle of desolation as he.
And one more, just cause it's my blog and I can damn it; probably my favorite so far:
Strange sights were reported. A blue fiberglass rooftop came uncorked from a shop and clattered down on a bus a few meters away; the bus braked, the rooftop slid forward, leaked a gorgeous stream of sand, and fell to the ground; the bus proceeded to crack it under its tires and keep going, its passengers dazed, even amused. (In a great city, what happens in one part never perplexes the other parts.)
He could, and probably is, as much talking about the way acts of terror are so often ignored in this vast, interconnected world of ours unless they target certain countries or people. But there's no condemnation there: it's just. a fact of life, and the rooftop incident is even used to levin the situation with a bit of gentle humor. Which makes it even more of a searing observation and indictment, makes you want to do better, pay witness and respect to more, just to live up to the gentleness about your failures in the past.
There's such kindness permeating both Hopkinson and Mahajan's tales. But Hopkinson expresses that kindness by letting complicated characters have their own povs to explain themselves and letting them have redemptive arcs and moments. Because she's being so careful with pros, her structure has to be her vehicle for reassuring us that yes, these characters attempts at betterment and redemption are being seen and will be rewarded. I don't know much about what Mahajan will do with their characters: I'm fascinated by so many questions about the victims and the bombers; there's so much grief the parents are expressing, but the why of grief, whether it's because they see their sons as whole people or extensions of themselves, is still murky. But I already adore that even the omniscient narrator exudes kindness and humor. They wrap you in these ornate sentences like blankets: yeah, the trip will be painful but see there'll be comfort along the way. It's just endlessly fascinating to watch such different stylists work their magic.
*Association is my first attempt to conquer the list of nonwestern litfic with badass voice and politics @tobermoriansass made for me. And damn, am I A. even more glad! she did and B. determined to devour it in its entirety this year after this introduction.
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thestickchick · 7 years
This time I'm going to round up TWO WEEKS worth of stuff. Here's how my week of training, writing, teaching, and miscellaneous Filipino Martial Arts-y goodness went.
What have you been up to this week? THE WEEK DAY-BY-DAY: Saturday 11/18:  Spent the morning getting in last minute practice for kobudo (and brain farted on everything as I was a bundle of nerves) as I helped cover tae kwon do and Arnis classes at Hidden Sword.  As is my wont, when I cover Arnis on a Saturday, we hit the bags (and everybody has fun with it).  Later that day, I tested for Black Belt in the AKATO Kobudo program.  Read the details below (Kobudo: Black Belt Edition). Sunday 11/19:  First day of my week-long vacation to Missouri.  We drove to Noel, MO and toured Bluff Dweller Cave, which was amazingly beautiful and our tour guide was awesome. Spent the night in Springfield.  I missed the Chiefs game while I was in the cave and I'm not sorry about it! Monday 11/20:  Drove through Missouri's Lake of the Ozarks region - which is GORGEOUS - and went to the Bridal Cave and Jacob's Cave. Missouri's natural beauty shines in these caves and in this region. Made it to Kansas City, MO that evening. Tuesday 11/21:   Spent the day showing my kids my collegiate Alma Mater, Park University (and drove past old homes and haunts), saw Thor: Ragnarok (loved it), and spent the evening with some of my closest and longest-term friends that I have on this earth.  Really fun day. Wednesday 11/22:  Had lunch with a bunch of friends from college, then drove out to Topeka to spend time with relatives. Thursday 11/23:   Thanksgiving in the US.  A great friend from college hosted us for the dinner, then we drove down to the Plaza to attend the Plaza Lights ceremony, which is a huge holiday tradition in Kansas City. Friday 11/24:  More touring of old haunts in Kansas City, then spent the evening with close friends. Saturday 11/25: Drove back to Texas, with a detour through Wichita, KS, to take a peek at a university Older Daughter is considering. Sunday 11/26: Chores, laundry, rest.  It was a long week and a half and this was the first day I wasn't running hard.  There was a Chiefs game as well, but we won't discuss that. Monday 11/27: My day off! Tuesday 11/28: Took Younger Daughter to tae kwon do at Hidden Sword. Wednesday 11/29: Attended Arnis class at Hidden Sword. Thursday 11/30: Took Younger Daughter to tae kwon do at Hidden Sword. Friday 12/1: Mid-Cities Arnis had to cancel classes due to holiday events at our rec center.  So I started to watch "Punisher" on Netflix.  Enjoying it thus far, and hey, it's way better than "Iron Fist", which admittedly isn't that difficult of an achievement.  Oh, and these bad boys arrived:
The cord is a little short (have to get that adjusted) but they work great.  I'll be writing more about them in the near future.
Not a lot of bloggery happened while I was out of town. But here's everything I posted in the last two weeks: Tuesday 11/21: Kobudo: Shodan Edition Monday 11/27: The Flake Factor Tuesday 11/28: Why I'm Against Online Dojos Wednesday 11/29: Into the Great Wide Open Thursday 11/30: THAT GUY: The Exceptionally Bad Uke Friday 12/1: Questions from Quora: Which Martial Art To Learn in a Fight to the Death? OTHER STUFF THAT I SAW/DID: Let me start off this round-up of other goings on in the martial arts world with a post I don't want to have to share, as I'm sad to report that there has been another convicted sex offender found teaching the martial arts, including kids, and he really shouldn't be.  Friend of this blog Don Roley broke this news yesterday and please do read and share in our community so we can make sure that Vernon Van Zile is not using our hobby to recruit more victims:  Vernon Van Zile - Sex Offender Let me just make a "YEAH THAT!" shout-out to +Joelle White's blog post this week: Gender and Age True love and Arnis.  I met the groom in this video and this is awesome.
Y'all know I *love* this stuff.
"Nobody walks around with a stick in their hand".
Been here, done this.
If you run across cool martial arts stuff you think I should see, please do post them in the comments!
Today is a super-normal Saturday.  Kobudo in the morning (what, did you think I wouldn't keep at it?  I have NEW NUNCHAKU to play with, hellloooo) and then Arnis. Tomorrow we teach the last women's self defense seminar for rhe year at Mid-Cities Arnis. Goodness, I don't know what to do with myself on a "normal" weekend these days! So what did YOU do this week?  What did you train? What did you teach?  Did you see any really cool martial arts stuff online?  Let me know!
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ohlalannah-blog · 6 years
The beginning — Boston/Barcelona
Hola/bonjour/hey y'all!!!!!!
I have had a really insane 2 weeks since my arrival in Europe and I haven’t even thought about blogging. However, I did it last year when I was in France and it was a great way for me to process the events and emotions I was going through, as well as a way to keep my peeps at home updated on ma life. But now that I am all settled into my new French apartment, I actually have some free time to write. So voila!! Welcome to my blog!!
Let me start off by explaining what I am doing here for those who don’t know. This year, I will be participating in a French program for foreigners at a large university in Montpellier, France. The program is designed to improve each student’s level of French to a point where they would be able to take normal college classes (taught in French) to pursue a degree. So my overall plan is to complete this year-long program, then eventually enroll in a university for an additional 3 years to get my bachelors. It will definitely be a challenge, but by doing this, I will be saving an insane amount of money (tuition is about $250 per semester) and mastering a second language. This past summer, about 90% of the money I earned working went into savings. I had to do a ton of paperwork (all in French, might I add), drive all the way to Atlanta and back for a visa appointment that lasted 10 minutes, hire translators on multiple occasions, and decide on an apartment without being able to even see it in person. This has definitely be a challenge so far and I don’t doubt it’s only going to get more difficult, but I think that all the work will pay off and that this will make for a really cool experience. 
I left home the first week of August, from where I flew to Boston. I was an emotional wreck the few days leading up to my departure and I cried a lot, especially when my Saltwater Cowboys pals threw me a going away party, when I had to say goodbye to my mama, and when my dad and brother dropped me off at the airport. Even though I was sad to leave, knowing that I was leaving behind an important chapter of my life, I also knew I was about to start a super exciting new one and I was looking forward to it! 
I had never been to Boston before, but after finding a very cheap flight from there to Barcelona (which is very close to Montpellier), I decided to make a little trip out of it. I stayed there for 3 days, and I did a good bit of exploring solo. I did a walking tour of the historical sites of the city on an app I downloaded on my phone, tried a lobster roll (apparently a very important aspect of visiting Boston), and went on a whale-watching cruise where we probably saw 7 or 8 humpback whales. It was actually one of my favorite things I have done in the past 2 weeks. I turned out really liking the city!! On my last day, I went to the airport in the evening to board my overnight flight to Barcelona.
I absolutely love flying, but I have never had such a god-awful flight in my life. I was in the very last row, in the middle section of seats, in the middle seat. The guy next to me had the worst B.O. I have ever smelled. Since I was in the back, I was right next to where the crew stayed, and they were required to leave the lights on. I was also right next to a bathroom which was fun. I probably got a total of 30 minutes of sleep. But the flight was $150, so I don’t know how much I can really complain…. 
I arrived in Barcelona on the morning of August 7th and I was very very sleepy but very very excited!! I had only been to the city once, but it was at the end of my France trip last year when I had absolutely no money left, so I usually just stayed at my hostel and hung out with the people there. This time, I had money and a great person to spend time with, so I was pumped to see the city. 
I was warmly greeted by my wonderful Colombian friend Jorge, who is now living in Barcelona. We spent the afternoon catching up and napping at his apartment so we would have the energy to explore the city in the evening. We went out for tapas, then bar hopping. It was really cool staying with a local because he knew all the cheapest, coolest bars and restaurants to visit. Some that we visited included a fairytale themed bar (looked like a Disney attraction inside), a record-themed bar with great music, and a bar with an actual skate park in the middle. However, our fun night took a turn for the worst when at one bar, when Jorge and I were a little too tipsy and very distracted, the next thing I knew, my purse and his phone disappeared off the table we were sitting at. Someone must have very sneakily picked them up from right next to us when they knew we weren’t looking.
We looked everywhere for our belongings and talked the bartenders to see if they had cameras (which they didn’t), and we eventually had to accept that our stuff was gone and we weren’t getting it back. It was a very sad way to end such a fun night—and a weird way to start my time Europe—but we tried our hardest to not let it get to us too much. The next day, we filed a police report just in case anything were to be turned in, but we didn’t have high expectations. In my purse, I had my brand new iPhone 7, wallet with drivers license and debit card, about 300 euros of cash, and 2 new pairs of headphones. Of course now, I feel like an idiot for having carried all that around with me to begin with. I was just really lucky that I took my passport out of the bag before leaving the apartment that evening. I would have been screwed!!!
Despite the unfortunate event, I still planned on staying with Jorge for a week before heading to France, I just had to depend on him for all of our expenses (with promises to pay him back of course). We had an amazing week exploring the city. More than anything, we walked around, did some sightseeing, ate greasy delicious Spanish food and drank at plenty of bars. (I definitely took advantage of being able to drink legally.) There were multiple occasions where we had intentions of doing “touristy things,” but instead, I forced him to watch New Girl with me over a bottle of rose. 
We had a really lovely time and I absolutely fell in love with Barcelona. Other than the robbery, the only negative part was the fact that I know no Spanish. I don’t know how I still don’t know any after having studied it for a year, spending 5 weeks in Colombia, and doing hours and hours of Duolingo, but I really suck at it. There were a few times we would meet up with Jorge’s friends and they would speak primarily in Spanish and I would just listen and understand as much as I could, but it was usually about 2% of the conversation. The trip definitely encouraged me to learn the language, especially considering I am only a 4 hour bus ride away from the city and 2 1/2 hours from the Spanish border. 
Even though getting my purse stolen sucked really, really, really bad, it definitely taught me a lesson about robbery in Europe. It’s not something we really have to worry about in Charleston, especially not Mount Pleasant, but it’s very common here and you always have to keep an eye on your things. It also was a reminder that bad things happen, you just have to keep your cool and remember you will be okay! It all worked out alright, even though I’m short a few hundred dollars, I survived!!!
Thanks for reading, and please contact me at any time by Facebook, WhatsApp, or by texting my old number (if you have iMessage I can still get them on my laptop). I love hearing from people back at home :) 
A bientôt,
Oh la lannah
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
Don't let the NBA rapper stereotype fool you, Damian Lillard's album is very good
Trust me on this one.
If you’ve never heard Damian Lillard rap before because you've been skeptical of NBA players in the booth, then you’ve been missing out. Lillard, who goes by Dame D.O.L.L.A. on tracks, is good. Not just good for a basketball player, but just good in general.
The Trail Blazers point guard has had success with the songs too. He dropped the “Bigger than us” music video in 2016 and even has some songs featured on the NBA 2k18 soundtrack .
On top of that, L̶i̶l̶l̶a̶r̶d̶ Dame D.O.L.L.A just dropped his new project “CONFIRMED. I decided to take a listen and break it down track by track.
*Looks at tracklist*
There is a 2 Chainz feature. It’s lit.
Favorite line: “So many teachers on my journey feel this was my calling. To be examples for present stars and children following. Keep it low, the world ain't gotta know you really balling.”
The intro to an album sets the tone of the whole project, which is a pretty important aspect... just ask Meek Mill.
This is a really good intro song. D.O.L.L.A’s flow is impressive and syncs with this beat really well. You find yourself bopping along to the melody and words instantly. From this intro, you know that D.O.L.L.A is going to give you a lot of lyrical substance and tell you some meaningful things about his life on this album. It reminds me of Lecrae — D.O.L.L.A’s flow lets you know that he will be giving you a message.
Track 2: BOSS LIFE
Favorite line: “The value of a dollar quickly change. Still don't do the strip club, but love the finer things. Even when I cop myself a flooded diamond chain. I hate to say I'm different, bruh, but I ain't the same.”
Lillard seems like a pretty humble NBA Player, he doesn’t flex for attention, but that doesn’t mean that he has to act like he doesn’t have money now. On this track, he’s talking about all the newfound things that have come into his life because of his wealth, but he’s not being braggadocios or in your face about it. He’s just telling it how it is.
Nothing in this song sounds like an exaggeration or made up... and that’s incredible.
Track 3: SWITCH SIDES feat Verse Simmonds, Brookfield Deuce.
Favorite line: “Y'all loud mouths move in silence. Fake tough, ain't new to violence. East Oakland, immune to sirens. Jet talk, we do it private. “
This is the first song on the album that contains features. The hook is pretty catchy and this song has mad potential to be the new NBA Offseason anthem. Will it be the go-to subtweet song lyrics when a free agent signs with another team? Because that’s all I think about when I listen to this song.
Track 4: Run it up feat Lil Wayne
Favorite line: “I'm from where Golden State at but Portland where I lay at I'm the Daddy Mac, Mac Daddy with hoop and rappin' Y'all be on your Kris Kross, uh, hustlin' backwards All this game I'm givin' is prolly gon' be a caption.”
The beat screams banger, but the lyrics aren’t about the standard club shit.... well Wayne’s lyrics are.
D.O.L.L.A's lyrics, on the other hand, reminds us that he could stunt on all of us is he really wanted to.
I’d play it in the whip, not gonna lie.
Track 5: SHOOTA feat. Expensive Melodies
Favorite line: Can you pretty please tell me that fragrance? Never name drop, but, baby, I'm famous You hotter than a sauna, girl let my mama, meet your mama, girl
This is the new shoot your shot anthem. It feels like when Meek Mill has that ballad style song in the middle of his usual style.
It’s an interesting move to get someone else to sing the hook even though the hook says “I’m Dame no Dash”. It’s a fire hook don’t get me wrong, it just caught me off-guard to hear someone sing “I’m Dame no Dash” and the person singing it isn’t Dame.
At first, I was like “Yo, Lillard can sing like this?!” and then you do a double take at the tracklist.
Track 6: ANOMALY feat 2 Chainz
Favorite line: Reporting live from the blacktop. I've been hustling since Will Smith had a flattop - 2 Chainz
Dame D.O.L.L.A’s ear for beats is pretty damn good. His flow and voice are also pretty versatile and it shows on this beat. It’s rare for someone to have a song with 2 Chainz and not have the show stolen from them. That’s major props to D.O.L.L.A.
This is the perfect beat for a collaboration with 2 Chainz. His flow is so smooth that he just rode the beat and spit that heat.
Now we just need to see Lillard vs 2 Chainz on the court.
2 Chainz a national treasure http://pic.twitter.com/mYQ6szlliK
— Blog Post Malone (@KofieYeboah) May 2, 2017
Beat: You know why I’m here.
Favorite line: What I'm here for Looking in your cabinet for that Hypno Trying to get it popping like some Crisco Speeding cross that bridge off to Frisco It's official
This might be my favorite beat and hook on the anthem. I was looking for a surprise Marshawn cameo but it is what it is. Can there be a remix? Please?
Beat: Eerie
Favorite line: I stopped by the crib, condolences and my feelings hurt, My partner really ain't coming back, I just buried him in six feet of dirt, And ready to deal with that pain though.
This might be my favorite overall song on the album. The hook, the vibe and the lyrics all come together perfectly and lyrics are heavy. When you lose a friend or a loved one, you reminisce on the good and funny memories with your Day 1 friends while still trying to react and cope with the hurt. This is just one of the many points on the album when D.O.L.L.A is saying that real shit. Those lyrics that stick and resonate with those that have gone through the same thing.
Track 9: 5TH of HENN
Favorite line: The girl in the passenger seat, I'm taking her on a safari, I charter the plane on vacation, I lead to a standing ovation, That Henny in rotation
On this song, for some reason, D.O.L.L.A seems more comfortable with switching up the flows. He’s a pretty composed person and you can feel it throughout this album, but this song seems to contain an extra burst of energy. Especially right out of the gates with the first verse. This song isn’t introspective, but rather a fun song to two-step to after some shots. Something to pregame to before hitting the club, you know?
Track 10: ONE & ONLY
Beat: ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️
Favorite line:
Put your feet on my lap and let me massage that
Girl, I bring you everywhere the squad at (the squad)
It's magic everywhere we makin' contact
Let's focus on us and never get sidetracked
It’s an interesting transition from 5TH of HENN, but it’s not that type of album so it doesn’t matter that much. This song is telling me that Damian Lillard is working on becoming more versatile as a musician. He takes a stab at singing the hook and I had to again do a double take at the tracklist to make sure it wasn’t someone else.
I wasn’t expecting him to sing the hook okay?! With that being said... it’s not bad. I respect the attempt and him expanding his horizons.
Track 11: THE LET DOWN feat Nick Grant & BJ The Chicago Kid
Favorite line: Will they love me when I'm slowin' down and missin' game winners?
No longer buyin' flights and all them free steak dinners. Wish me happy birthday if it's over 'cause I'm injured. Is the luxury the only thing I gave 'em to remember?
Throughout this song, D.O.L.L.A is contemplating how his life will look after he’s done playing basketball.
What Lillard is asking us fans is when it’s all said and done, who is going to give a shit? Fame isn’t easy, and going from being in the spotlight to fading away from it is an intense transition that isn’t the same for everyone. You really feel for D.O.L.L.A in the fact that he’s reaching to us as Dame D.O.L.L.A the person and not just a basketball player that entertains the masses like some people sadly only see him as.
I ain’t famous or rich, but I still felt this.
It’s like NAV said. “They gon' leave you when you down, not when you up”
Nick Grant and BJ the Chicago Kid have excellent features on top of a beat that reminds you of your kickball stats on the playground when you were a kid.
Just me? Alrighty then.
Favorite line:
I keep a small circle (I do), family, couple homies
Know these suckers hating so I'm never by my lonely
You know how we rocking, this a testimony
Can never crack the code, better know it's members only
For someone who spends as much time in the spotlight as Lillard does, he stresses the importance of having a few good friends in life. It’s like the anti-Jay Gatsby way, which is a very good thing.
Lillard is very wise, and while he’s telling us about his life, he’s dropping some pretty valuable advice. He’s aware of the toils of fame, and he’s not going to let the side effects of popularity consume and corrupt him.
Favorite line: Cause they jealous bout where they at and what you was blessed with, And the problems steady stacking, life's a game of Tetris So many friends come and go but real ones gon' remain, Cause the kind of love you need only real ones can sustain.
Lyrically this song sounds like a sequel to THE LET DOWN. D.O.L.L.A is questioning who is really here for more than Dame the rich and successful. It’s also a good outro and a good point to end the album on. A good end to a very solid project.
Damian Lillard is a part-time rapper. He tours the country as a member of the Portland Trail Blazers. Maybe one day he’ll headline a concert tour in the offseason. I’d cop a ticket.
Yes. He’s that good.
WIth this album, Lillard has evolved from a basketball player that raps to being someone that’s good enough to have a standalone career as a rapper.
After hearing this album you can hear how much he’s evolved since the 2015 video at the beginning of this article.
Yes, there are points where he’s trying out different flows and styles like in ONE & ONLY and Run It Up. You can tell which styles he’s comfortable with and which ones he sounds less comfortable with at the moment. These are nitpicky things because I was asked to think of criticisms for this album and I don’t have any major criticisms.
I look forward to seeing where he goes from here. His music potential is pretty damn high and you have to figure out your strengths and weaknesses through trial and error like most rappers do before they get super big in the industry.
Damian Lillard is evolving his style and improving his craft. Overall, the jump that D.O.L.L.A has made from The Letter O is enough to convince you that the sky is the limit for how good D.O.L.L.A can get.
For a lot of athletes that dabble in music, it’s just a hobby for them. For Lillard, it could be another career.
He’s that good.
0 notes
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This first roast is dedicated to "Jasmin Alexis Gregory" of Facebook a.k.a. Orlanda Jones. He/She is the gonzo faced bitch in my cover photo.  If you want the backstory behind why this hoe ass bitch is getting roasted then you can read it below the roast portion. However enjoy the roast The Roast:       You ugly ass bitch! You look like a god damn fucking tranny. I'm surprised you even have fucking kids. Looking like a female Orlando Jones from Drum Line. Dr. Lee head ass! You Big nose bitch! You up on Facebook talking about you single and looking for dick while pregnant. Bitch you need to worry about your fucking chirren (not children but chirren) instead of how you gonna get your next STI. Go chase your baby father back instead of some random dick hoe. Like what kind of woman does that while pregnant? In fact I don't even think you are a woman. Like I said you look like a fucking tranny. You must've took some hard fucking drugs in your lifetime you have such fucked up androgynous looking face. Body builder face having ass. I hope you get the chance to read this shit and get even madder at the fact you can't delete it you fuck face bitch! Instead of stalking people pages and reporting them on Facebook you need to report them taxes and worry about how you gonna take care of your bastard child on the way. It's bad enough they gotta grow up without father but you up on Facebook being a whole whore! Then you got the audacity to get mad at me. Why you mad at me for? Because I told your ugly ass the truth? Bitch what fantasy world do you live in where your bubble was bursted? You gotta be from Sesame street. You do like Gonzo in the face. You so ugly that I might extend this post or even create second one just to elaborate on it. Tranny face bitch. You on Facebook being a whore for likes. Posing like a damn thot and shit. Like bitch... I know yo skank ass don't think you sexy. Don't let them simps on Facebook gas your head up any further. It's like your nose was gassed up. Giraffe neck ass. Who the fuck respects a snitch? You fucking rat! I hope your big ass nose gets caught in an elevator you stupid bitch. Dumb bitch. 2+2 not knowing what the fuck is bitch. Long nose no titty having ass bitch! Everybody ain't nobody bitch. Be respectful the next you decide you gonna try to harass someone for having an opinion and stay the FUCK off my page! You whore! I'll say whatever the fuck I want about you and do whatever the fuck I please. You ain't on my friends list and yo' ass is blocked bitch! So stay the fuck off my page you god damn fucking peasant. Just because you lost an argument and happen to be a loser in real life don't mean to come fuck with me. Keep your miserable ass feelings to yo' damn self bitch. In fact.... Fuck yo feelings lol. Say whatever the fuck I want on here. Fuck yo' kids, fuck yo big ass nose, fuck your followers, fuck your friends, fuck yo life, and go fuck yourself for being a rat! You were born a rat. You father is master splinter. Go back in the sewers where you came from and leave me the fuck alone! Hop off my dick! You ugly ass Bitch, Bitch, BITCH!!!... You ugly! You yo' daddy son! Now go suck some dick and die. The backstory of this roast:      So I own a modeling Facebook page, and mainly what I planned on using for is to post updates from my other blog and also network with people. From time to time I'll add people to my friends list randomly because they pop up when I add someone else. So I guess somehow this bitch ended up on my friends list by accident. Now I don't have that many friends on my Facebook page and I barely get the opportunity to take full advantage of using it. However I decided for the New Year that I would use it more often. So mind you that I didn't even know this person was even on my friends list until they appeared on my timeline. In fact we never had any previous interaction before the confrontation began. So with that being said I just so happen to be at the front page of Facebook and I see a post by this person saying something along the lines of "Being pregnant, single, and looking for dick" or some ratchet shit like that. Now after clicking on this bitches profile picture to see "who" would make such a ratchet ass status I quickly clicked out. I couldn't believe someone so ugly got knocked up let alone was on my friends list. In fact I thought this person was a tranny or some shit. Now I know what you're thinking: "Why the fuck would you add a damn tranny to your friends list if you didn't want them on there?". Well accidents happen but if I to say I think it's because I went on a following spree one day and added a bunch of random people to network with. I try to do business with everyone so I don't discriminate unless I have a real reason to (you know like the person is racist or presents themselves as a danger to society). Even though this person was hideous as a best business practice I don't just UN-add people on the basis of how they look. This is ironic right? Being as though I'm into the modeling industry and I should be judging people based on how they look, but I try to still be fair. After all I am a business person. So anyways I leave a comment on his/her post joking around saying something along the lines of "you're not single until you send nudes squirting titty milk into someone's inbox". Apparently this wasn't even the comment that ticked them off because they liked it and laughed at. I mean after all it wasn't said in malice. It was playing on their ratchet ass pregnancy post about wanting dick or some shit. So I digress. She eventually responds with a "lmfao" with the extra o's included. Then some simp on their post tried to co-sign and hook up with them (I guess) and she posted some sort of meme or disapproval. Brief intermission: Yes this is a long ass post and story but I'm just gonna y'all asses all the details and something to read before you judge and wonder why I am going in on them so hard.      So as I was saying she replied to this simp and then he made another status and I kept getting a ding from this annoying ass thread. Long story short I leave another comment. Nothing as near as provocative as the first one and they the “he/she” insults me. Now I don't know what they thought but they had me fucked up. So I responded back and that's when the "argument started". I began to roast their ass for being disrespectful towards me. Long story short, they ended up unfriending me and deleting their post before I could send my last joke about them leaving them in a coffin. So one would think this would be the end right? Welp, apparently not! Keep in mind this was my second argument of that day. I actually got into another argument and that person made a video about me. (Yeah... an entire fucking video from 1 comment) My words must have so much power but I digress. So what do I do? I make 1 post saying "wow, this is my second argument of the day" and in that post I included the screenshots from the argument before I was unfriended. So after that a few of my Facebook friends liked the post or whatever. From there I made about several post that had nothing to do with that situation. I was already moved on and back to handling business. Then low and behold the pregnant he/she comes to my page and leaves a comment on my post. Long story short they go into a rant about getting my page removed and that if I get anything reported that it was from them. I respond with a "whatever" and block them. I and one of my Facebook friends had a good laugh about it. In fact they were the ones who recommended that I block them. Which looking back was a great idea because it turns out they're a snitch. I don't want any snitches as friends on my Facebook or anywhere for that matter. I digress though.      Keep in mind that I barely have been using Facebook as much as I would like. Maybe Facebook wasn't used to someone being so real on their site. However after using Facebook I head off to sleep. When I wake up from my sleep and go to check on Facebook the first thing I see is some bullshit ass security check. I passed it of course but apparently Orlanda Jones the rat had reported my page before I blocked her. So they were dead ass serious about reporting me. It didn't work but it was still annoying that Facebook took them serious enough to make me go through that process. So I didn't care too much and ended up making a post joking about it. Then the next day I get the same thing except this time for a post. It was the post about the argument I got into. At this point I said enough is enough and thus Roasting Unfiltered was born. I knew I didn't need to keep reported to create something where Facebook wouldn't censor me. Did I violate any terms or anything? Of course not, but the fact Facebook did what they did lets me know that they don't care about that. So with that being said if you read all the way up until this point then now you should know why this bitch is receiving this first roast. It's because they decided to report shit on my page and try to get me removed instead of worry about their own life. It's because they were so butt hurt after an argument that they couldn't accept the fact they were wrong, and instead tried to stop what I have going on. So for that reason, I am returning the favor of them harassing me and roasting the shit out of them.
0 notes
ionproton · 8 years
And I cant do much...
Sorry guys...I need to figure out so much stuff...everyone is gonna treat me like an idiot....all I did was figure out where to find myself...why do I need to be an idiot!?!?!?!
Dont make me do everything on my own.  I want a diveerse team.  Diverse jobs.  Diverse cities....specialties...all sorts of stuff....This is Steven Universe.  But I learn best from Mark.  I am Don’s son.  A Don is a great one.  The animals that must die....will when mother nature or grandfather time says they must.  Those arent my decisions.
My job is to find solutions.  I find weaknesses in security with my friends that like to hack.  We do not do anything malicious.  
The malicious hackers I hunt out in person.  I am not violent...but my past may tell a much different story.  
Do you understand what I am saying here?  I have the power and I want it to be shared.  I want everyone to have their piece.  
“But there is only one pie.”
Actually that isnt it.....there is 2pie
Even then there is actually 3.14 pie
Thats a Qt...y?
qwert is twerking 
enemy is hurting.
Good.  They shouldnt have bet against my family.
“Why not?”
Well, I am a solutions guy.  See, I understand that my family means one thing as a human.  But, in my studies I learned thanks to Carl...not sure if he was bi but you can know me more later.  ask about nomenclature.  
Here it is....
Y’all are worried about a lot...
Check my youtube channel....I left a bunch of stuff to help. 
Ill be back tomorrow.
I really want a lamborghini...but I will earn whatever...
The money goes to everyone else first...
Cure the cancer.  I appreciate it...I shouldnt be smoking anyway....you are way to kind.
The demnetia, the alzheinmers....thanks for whatever you give me....but the people need more money...then once they get it....it will be a stimulus package.
Let them see what to do with it....either they invest in companies...or they spend it....people need things...its all good....submit problems and wherever I am I will leave some ideas.
They are not always right.  Do not believe me.
Challenge and think for yourself.  
Games still happen....but I got my exit package.
My job?  I am a writer.
I have a mound of journals.
Literally....what you see on this blog, or wordpress, or youtube...
oh shit!  check my soundcloud....
I love to flow in my free time.
Writing is my job.  Hip hop keeps me cool and able to model how to play word games...but also side with angels.
If I drop it...my team will pick it up....
But...check this...even the enemy knows that we are all good...so its just a game.   Most of us hang anyway.  
Let me pay for whatever you want me to.  Blank page for the world.  But make sure that the business men take care of that shit....I am a science guy and want ot go see what my students are learning.  Ill report back later.  
Imagine if the Lamborghini actually was here.  In my driveway...
That would be crazy...
That would be really crazy...
It would require a secret we should keep.
Maybe a code should come up...
We should all have our own....in case we are of different galaxies.
I’ll explain quantum after yall have some time to line up.  But the Bee’s are the Knees and Please let them be the teachers....
Dr. is a Deeeeeeezzzzz nutttts!!!!!
Love you.  I’ll be back later.  I have to figure out if it’s ok to get a patent on the software.  
If that is something that disrespects the culture, I won't.  I just want to protect myself and the company....people are lazy and try to sue instead of fucking work for anything.  Its annoying.  But...they are assholes....and mom always said...don't be assholes..so...at least we thank them for their service!
Oh...BTW....this isn't Mark my friends!
I made sure I defended him this time.  I don't want him to get hurt.  I’ll do all science experiments and take the death risk as a result.  We learn so much.  I will share my stories....they can be real or fake...you decide....but you will find them here.  (and there if you want)  Users decide!
One love.
PS. Ask my mom, dad, and sis what they want as presents.  But nothing to me until everyone has their order restored.  It's the only way we can allow me to mine more info and art.
Our art from Houston is fucking blowing up!  It may not be scientific or correct...or at least with the technology we have available now.  It does however allow us to hear the creative minds of humans (and my type...yall define that).  I am whatever the users crowdfund. 
You better know though I troll harder....I am the Ogre of trolls with many minions.
But I can help throttle machine learning.  Kids will end up teaching Adults and that repeats.  I'll be back...
(Y'all begin your search...I have poems that I wrote hidden around town on your side....they may be worth something...IDK)
**Disclaimer** This is a shitty first draft.  I know there are mistake.  Whatever.  Ground me then.  I'll sacrifice my wings.  But...my students may find a new way for me to fly :)
I hope they are Wright...
Steven is the funny one.  Y'all will love him.
Save my girl asses.  If she wants....
0 notes
elizabethcariasa · 7 years
How to report Super Bowl & all gambling wins to the IRS
Rovio Entertainment, creators of Angry Birds, and the National Football League have teamed up to create a Super Bowl themed video game. But unlike the bird above, the Philadelphia Eagles are far from angry today after winning the NFL championship last night in Super Bowl LII.
It was not a super Sunday for either the New England Patriots or Nevada's casinos.
When all the numbers are tallied, it looks like the Silver State's sports books might lose only their third Super Bowl in 28 years thanks to the Philadelphia Eagles' 41-33 upset of the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LII.
However, a Vegas mystery bettor is very happy. He or she reportedly won more than $10 million on at least $7.4 million in Super Bowl money-line wagers.
That person's good luck also delights the Internal Revenue Service. The federal tax collector will be getting its cut of that bettor's take, as well as on the money pocketed by all the other lucky Nevada gamblers.
Gambling wins are taxable income: Since they put their money on the big game in the only state authorized to take sports bets, there's a record of the winnings. The Silver State casinos will, where required, withhold federal taxes from the Super Bowl payouts.
Folks who bet illegally and won, however, will likely compound their skirting of U.S. laws by not reporting their under-the-table winnings.
That's bad news for the IRS.
It also eventually could be bad news for folks who ignore their obligation to report and pay tax on all their gambling proceeds, regardless of how they were won. If they ever are caught, they are in big trouble.
Uncle Sam doesn't care if you get your money via criminal enterprises, be it illegal gambling or some other nefarious scheme. He just wants his due portion of the taxable income. Remember the most notorious tax scofflaw, Al Capone.
I know all the readers of the ol' blog, however, are very honest taxpayers. For all y'all Super Bowl and other bet winners, here's how to let the IRS know about your taxable luck.
Look for the tax statements: If you win at a casino, race track or other legitimate gambling venue, depending on the game of chance and amount you win, you will get a Form W-2G from the betting parlor detailing your winnings.
Sometimes the amounts won trigger the new, slightly lower withholding rate of 24 percent when the lucky gambler is paid. In other instances, a gambling establishment simply will ask winners for a tax ID (the individual's Social Security number) for tax-reporting purposes.
With or without withholding, if you get a W-2G, be sure to include the amount on the form on your tax return. The IRS will get a copy of this form, too, so if you don't report it, tax agents will come asking.
Use the long 1040 form: If you're a casual gambler (like me!), with a trip now and then to Las Vegas, Atlantic City or your nearest casino, you should report the annual total of all your gambling winnings, with and without W-2Gs, on line 21 of Form 1040.
The amount of prizes or awards, either the cash you received or the value of merchandise won, also goes here.
Take advantage of your losses: Another reason to use the long 1040 because you can itemize all your gambling losses on Schedule A to help offset your taxable winnings. You'll enter that amount in the "Other Miscellaneous Deductions" section of Schedule A.
Wait, you say. Didn't the new tax law, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that took effect on Jan. 1, do away with that itemizing option?
You're thinking of the "Job Expenses and Certain Miscellaneous Deductions" section of Schedule A. That was eliminated.
But the segment just below it (at least on the 2017 form) is for other deductions, including gambling losses. It wasn't touched by the new tax law, which means that unlike the prior miscellaneous deduction section, these "other" deductions are not subject to the 2 percent of adjusted gross income threshold in order to be claimed.
Note, however, that your bad betting luck only goes so far. You can only use your gambling losses to offset, perhaps zero out, your winnings. You cannot use them to produce an income loss on your return.
Gambling records are key: To make sure you get the most from those bad bets, keep good records. 
You generally can prove your winnings and losses through official documentation like the previously mentioned W-2G or Form 5754, Statement by Person(s) Receiving Gambling Winnings.
Other gambling winnings and losses can be verified by wagering tickets, canceled checks, substitute checks, credit records, bank and ATM withdrawals and statements of actual winnings or payment slips provided to you by the gambling establishment.
The IRS also suggests keeping your own documentation in the form of a diary. I'm not talking about a journal where you note, "Dear Diary, the slot machines at Kay's Kasino suck, as in sucked up all my paycheck!" (although that might be cathartic if you're on a losing streak).
Rather, keep a log of your losses and winnings. You can find more record keeping details based on the type of gambling you prefer (Keno, Bingo, poker, horse racing, etc.) in IRS Publication 529.
The IRS doesn't want to see your gambling records when you file your return. The agency has enough to sort through already. But if an IRS examiner sees something suspicious, your complete gambling journal and accompany records will help you show how you cut your $10,000 in winning Super Bowl bets to zero.
Tax timing: Finally, remember that your winnings from yesterday's game will go on your 2018 return due next year.
For this year's April 17 Tax Day, you'll need to dig out last year's winning receipts — and losing tickets — to tally the correct amounts to include on your 2017 forms and schedules.
To save you from such filing scrambling in 2018 and future years, start gambling diary and collection of supporting documents now.
And good luck, on both your taxes and future games of chance.
You also might find these items of interest:
It's Super Bowl prop bet (and tax) time again!
Even on big sports gambling days, Uncle Sam comes up short
Professional gamblers' deductions narrowed a bit under new tax law
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