#so welp just have this little piece instead guys _(:D
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Lio can’t say he’s that much surprised to hear pebbles hitting against his window.
He sits up, slipping away from his warm cocoon of sheets, shivering slightly when his bare feet meet the cobbled floor. It's dark; the candles have just been extinguished not long ago. But the moon is full tonight, and he sees his way around just fine.
He stops before the glass plane, waiting for the consistent clatter of pebbles to stop before pushing it open and breathing in the dewy night air. He leans out, and at first glance sees no one on the lawn below him. He squints and pays just a little more attention to the shadows, the artfully trimmed bushes.
And sure enough, he spots it, the tell-tale lock of spiked blue hair that always gives Galo’s location away. Lio smiles, nonetheless endeared by how hard he still tries.
“Galo, what are you doing?” he calls out, and for a moment receives no response. So he adds, “if it’s nothing important then I’ll be going back inside.”
Galo finally sticks his head out from behind the bush. “No, wait!”
Lio, having no intention to follow through with his words to begin with, rests his elbows on the windowsill, balances his chin on his palm, and makes himself comfortable. “I am waiting, love.”
“Just give me a sec!” Galo says, then proceeds to disappear again. Lio really doesn’t mind waiting one bit despite what comes out of his mouth, doesn’t mind having this chance to simply bask in this rare moment of undisturbed peace. Right here and now, only the moon watches.
Galo soon reappears, this time fully stepping out of the bushes and striding his way towards Lio. He holds a bundle of flowers in one hand, the more delicate ones already bending a little haphazardly over his fingers.
“Really,” Lio leans lower out when he’s close enough, tucking his hair behind his ear so it wouldn’t get in the way of looking at him properly. “What are you doing, Galo?”
“Isn’t it obvious enough?” Galo grins as he holds up his fistful of flowers. “I’m trying to court you!”
Lio studies the makeshift bouquet, notices there seems to be a running theme of yellow and blue. Some, he very well knows couldn’t have been from the palace gardens. Did this idiot really go out of his way to bring them in from somewhere else and hide them until it’s time? Judging by how they look, he probably did.
“Hmm. And?”
Lio can never get used to it, this resurgence of a playfulness he’s long buried that only happens to the pleasant comfort he gains from Galo’s companionship. It warms his chest, brings a special sort of joy he’s rarely ever felt before.
“Would you care to let me court you?” Under the soft moonlight, Galo’s eyes glimmers with the same sense of familiar mischief.
“With just a handful of wilted flowers?” Lio feels himself smile a little wider. “Is another prince really worth only that much to you, Galo Thymos?”
“Oh, Lio, Lio,” Galo tuts and waggles a finger at him. “Don’t you realize this is all but bait to lure you out of your chambers?”
“And you think that’d work just because I like flowers?” Lio quietly gauges the distance to the ground below.
“You like hugs too so I’ll give you a big one if you come down?” Galo offers, and immediately yelps when Lio leaps out of his window following nothing but a sudden, curt warning. Fortunately, he backs away enough space for Lio to cushion his fall with a roll.
Lio then casually gets on his feet, brushing off dirt from his clothes as if he didn’t just clear a two-story drop without even a bruise. He turns to see Galo gaping at him still in a bit of shock, and tilts his head slightly to the side.
“You sold me with the hug,” is all he says.
“Liooo!!!!” Galo’s whine is entirely too loud in the silence, and Lio quickly shushes him with a laugh. Galo doesn’t need to be prompted twice, tugging Lio into his arms to pour out a torrent of words of relief the moment he’s within reach.
And through it all, Lio’s heart does multiple little flips in his chest.
“It’s all fine, Galo, calm down,” he soothes, though already half expecting some guards on patrol to have already heard the commotion and are now rushing over. While Lio’s relationship with Galo isn’t exactly a secret within the castle walls, it’d still be annoying to have to listen to potential lectures about sneaking out undetected at night. Lio is definitely not in the mood to be told what to do at the moment.
“What if you hurt yourself doing that!!!” Galo insists, and Lio knows there’s really nothing else he can say to calm him at this point. He switches his approach.
“I didn’t, Galo, don’t worry,” he assures as he gently pushes away, reaching for Galo’s hand with the flowers behind him. “But enough of that, didn’t you want to show these to me?”
The distraction works. Galo perks up, reminded that he does indeed want to show them to him. He shifts, giving Lio a better look at the flowers he’d personally picked. Lio could tell from this up close that they’ve been picked without the careful, trained skills of a gardener, and they definitely have not been arranged by someone experienced. But he does feel Galo’s sincerity from it, can practically imagine the adorable pout on his face as he pondered over which flower Lio would like most.
Lio plucks out a vibrant little daisy from the bunch, and slips it above Galo’s ear. “Cute.”
He laughs again when Galo splutters at that. Lio will always be awed by how joy always comes so easily when they’re together.
“Come on, let’s go somewhere with a little more privacy,” Lio urges next with a small tug on Galo’s wrist. Galo doesn’t argue, letting Lio drag him along to navigate the shadows over the castle paths. They slip through walkways, even manage to cross the courtyard undetected by a badly timed night patrol of castle guards.
They arrive at the rose garden slightly out of breath, Lio’s heart pounding from both excitement and their sprint through the open courtyard. He notices, with unadulterated delight, that the daisy is still tucked into Galo’s hair when he turns to him to exchange a triumphant grin. It's something so silly, so insignificant—and yet.
Being here at night, sitting on the grass in their night clothes and surrounded by rose bushes at full bloom—it's a vision of a romance Lio could’ve never imagined to have. There’s something magical about it, something exhilarating about being somewhere they’re not supposed to be at a time they’re not supposed to meet. The air is sweet with the light fragrance of roses. Their hands, with their fingers intertwined, are warm and comfortable.
Their kiss is unavoidable; the anticipation for it has been hovering over them like a cloud from the very start. Lio can never get used to the pleasant buzz that spreads through his being the moment their lips meet, the sheer giddiness from that sends his head spinning and takes his breath away.
It’s all still so new to him, being in love like this.
#promare#galolio#liogalo#lio fotia#galo thymos#originally wrote this as an extra for a prince AU longfic but until now i dont feel good about publishing it for some reason#so welp just have this little piece instead guys _(:D#my fave prmr fic trope is just lio being shamelessly in love#fanfiction
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I feel like i'm gonna regret asking this but what is hiby
Oh. Ohohoho, oh. I recently answered this to someone else (not on this blog), I suppose there are so many newcomers in this fandom lately that HIBY has become slightly less known than it used to be.
HIBY stands for How I Became Yours, the most polemic and catastrophic fancomic in the history of the Avatar franchise. If you thought any of the official comics were problematic in any sense, woah boy, they’re goddamn flawless masterpieces compared to this thing.
Every possible angle of HIBY is problematic. Spot-on accusations of tracing were the main reason why Deviantart took down Jackie Diaz’s profile and comic from their platform. I heard Nickelodeon also got involved legally, not 100% sure on that front, but if true, they cracked down on her because she attempted to profit off this clunky mess of an inconsistent story by claiming it was somehow an official sequel to ATLA. To clarify, this last thing is something I was told, I can’t find actual sources to confirm it… so maybe I heard an exaggerated account of the tale of HIBY and it never went that far. Nevertheless, this comic didn’t need to escalate into a legal problem to be absolutely abhorrent.
In regards of art, HIBY somehow keeps discarding the asian-inspired setting seen throughout ATLA and instead favors showing the characters in European castles and outfits that don’t fit anywhere within ATLA’s world at all:
Katara is basically wearing a red version of Belle’s dress from Beauty and the Beast, if I’m not mistaken. The architecture of the place they’re at is so European it’s baffling (if I’m not mistaken, this is supposed to be Toph’s family’s house :’D). Also, it’s blatantly obvious that the background is a photograph, so she could’ve just as easily looked for photos of asian locations instead, but she picked european architecture because yes. Yet more blows against the possible artistic merits someone could offer this comic (if there’s any).
Now, though, the BIGGEST problem in HIBY is, of course, the story:
To recap: ATLA ends with Aang and Katara kissing at Ba Sing Se. Whatever problems someone may have with their relationship, or Mai and Zuko’s, or Sokka and Suki’s, it’s unquestionable that those three ships were canon by the end of the show.
Jackie Diaz’s SEQUEL COMIC doesn’t acknowledge this finale: somehow, Aang is in love with Toph but they’re not together despite there’s literally NOTHING in their way, since Aang and Katara weren’t together at all, according to Diaz. And Katara? Oh, she’s pining endlessly over Zuko, who somehow married Mai…
… Despite wanting Katara too.
… Despite he literally knocked up Katara back when the war was ending, which resulted in a miscarriage because of Mai’s wicked schemes~~!!
Can someone please explain to me in what world does it make sense for Zuko, FIRE LORD ZUKO, to be in a relationship with someone he doesn’t want, when the person he does want is RIGHT THERE, AVAILABLE, when there’s no real political consequences to ANYTHING that happens in this comic? You could say “oh no the Fire Nation people wouldn’t accept a Water Tribe woman…” … but then Zuko ends up with Katara anyways and the only problem is that Mai wants to kill them for that :’) so… no excuse works.
Basically there’s no real plot, the whole thing boils down to “I want these ships to happen and I need them to face hardships even if they don’t make sense”. The main hardship is that Mai doesn’t want her HUSBAND to carry out an affair with Katara. Zuko’s response to Mai’s obvious and reasonable complaint about their illicit relationship is to TURN VIOLENT WITH HER. And he’s the good guy :’)
Mai has a non-existent older brother Sho, who looks like a BLEACH character with Ozai’s hairstyle, and together they will try to kill Katara because, welp, someone has to give them trouble, I guess. In all fairness, the only character with a relatively logical flow of thought in this damn trainwreck is Mai. I mean, “my piece of shit husband married me for political clout, got his mistress pregnant, I didn’t want the kid to be a problem for me so I induced a miscarriage in Katara by poisoning her, probs just wanted Katara dead altogether but whatever, I only got the kid. Then Zuko threw me away despite I’m his legal wife and I’m really pissed about it so I want Katara dead” is the smartest writing in this entire comic. And no, that’s not a compliment, it’s still stupid as fuck but that’s how much more stupid everything else is.
So, the happy couples are, like I said, Zuko and Katara, who get together despite Zuko is married to Mai, Aang and Toph, who somehow weren’t together despite there’s nothing in the way, AAAND…
… Sokka and fake!Azula. Because I refuse to acknowledge that thing as the Princess we all love and adore.
Frankly, I consider it a miracle that HIBY didn’t destroy our ship completely when it was posted online, seeing as it was amongst the most talked-about fanmade content in Avatar’s fandom at the time. If people no longer associate Sokkla with HIBY immediately, we’ve definitely done a good job saving our poor ship’s face and showing it’s got a fuckton of potential compared to the shitfest that comic portrayed.
Why is Sokkla so problematic in HIBY? Because of fake!Azula, of course. Why is she fake!Azula? Because she’s got plot-convenient amnesia! Turns out that, for some reason, Azula forgot all the events from ATLA (let’s be real, so did Jackie Diaz so it’s not just her) and she shows up in this comic as a completely different character, so much that, upon hearing about the TERRIBLE THINGS SHE DID AND WAS, her reaction is…:
Fascinating, am I right? :’D She’s nice, sweet, shy and as good as brain-dead. And as she’s so sweet and cute now, somehow that becomes absolutely appealing for Sokka. And he falls for her, she falls for him, they bang dramatically, and so on and so forth…
Eventually Azula sacrifices herself in the final battle when Mai and her brother try to kill everyone and oh no! Sokka’s love interest dies again! Such a shocker, however, that Sokka goes to the Spirit World to save her, and unlike Iroh he succeeds… but what does Azula look like post-Spirit World shenanigans?
… Yeah, okay, fake!Azula calling anyone her “little angels” is just proof of how IC she is, if you had any doubts still.
But isn’t it FUNNY. Isn’t it HILARIOUS. That Azula not only undergoes an atom-deep brainwipe that turns her into a flat non-character, but that after dying she’s revived with WHITE HAIR, dressed in blue clothes and whatnot…?
My interpretation, and honestly, I don’t know if there’s any other possible interpretation… Jackie Diaz wanted Sokka to be with Yue :’) She fucking wrecked Azula’s character to turn her into a fake!Azula, who would eventually turn into fake!Yue after being resurrected because oh that’s just perfect to close off Sokka’s storyline, isn’t it? Only, he’s not with Yue nor with Azula because it’s neither of them. Just as it isn’t really Sokka either, or Katara, or Zuko or Aang or Toph.
Now, revisiting this trainwreck, there is a throwaway line where Ty Lee, in her (I think) only appearance in the story tells Katara that Suki and Sokka broke up. So um, Suki does exist, officially, in this comic, and she did date Sokka but it ended, and she’s back in Kyoshi Island with her team.
Which elicits the question… why the fuck is she Mai’s maid?
I assure you, if you decide to delve deeper into this mess, you’ll absolutely find a lot more things to laugh about, to be outraged about, and to facepalm about while you wonder how on earth would someone, ANYONE, create something like this and not die of cringe looking at the finished product. It’s baffling to me.
At any rate, if you’d like to torture your own eyeballs reading this comic for yourself, there’s a Tumblr blog that gathered HIBY perfectly neatly for all curious eyes eager to torture themselves with this OOC fest. If you want more details than I care to remember about this catastrophic mess of a story, there’s always the TV Tropes page, which I think illustrates everything rather well.
So… that’s HIBY. While I don’t think it should be sentenced to oblivion (we had best never forget the lowest lows the fandom has reached, else someone might be tempted to outdo them), this particular fanwork is quite the trainwreck in just about every regard. I really don’t think there’s anything worth salvaging in it. So, if you wanna read the whole thing (I’d be surprised if you would xD), knock yourself out in the blog link I posted up there. Otherwise, have a nice day if you still can after reading my answer to your ask :’D
#anon#hiby#granted by the time I arrived here#this shitshow had already been done and gone for a while#so I had to ask too#but I saw more signs of it than I suspect most people do these days#which is honestly... a wonder#I'm happy for it#let the fandom be cleansed of the dark stain that is this garbage comic
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Oh my gosh your ‘the name is English’ fanfic is so good. Any advice on getting like. The distinct voices of each of the characters? I’m just dabbling in homestuck fiction and I think I got Dave and rose and jade. But John and the alpha kids are hard
(Edited: I kept thinking about the mistakes I made in this explanation so I’ve finally gone back and fixed them pfffft, Also like... I think I might’ve misconstrued the kind of answer anon was going for, in which case, only the very end end of this long ass response is useful. Welp.)
SO FIRST OFF, I am insanely flattered anyone is asking my advice on how to write Homestuck characters because these are some of the most difficult characters I’ve ever written. Thank you so much! These kids each have an insane amount of dimension to them and I completely understand why they come off a bit intimidating to write correctly. I don’t even think I do that good of a job, lmao. Anywho, I’mma go ahead and apologize in advance because I got a little carried away with my advice. When I get to explaining things I like to over-explain and hope you just pick out what ends up bein actually useful to you. There is... a lot of shit under this cut, so be warned.
Hello! Welcome to this wordy as fuck space under the cut. (Edit: It won’t format correctly so ALL this bullshit under the cut. Thanks tumblr. SMD plz). Unfortunately I can't describe the way they talk without deconstructing a little bit on how I view each of their personalities because a part of me insists it's better to provide context and examples, so again, I'm sorry for these unnecessarily long ramblings. Skip to about the center of each paragraph if you want to focus on speech pattern-specific things, eheheheh.
John's pretty difficult for me too because his vernacular slate isn't as colorful as everyone else's, but this is kind of what I've come to understand about him: His general reaction to everything is a mixture of chipper and blasé--going with the flow. He kind of became the “straight man” in HS to combat the way everyone else was reacting to the wild shit that eventually went down. At face value, the way he talks makes him come off as a simple dude -- what you see is what you get, which isn't necessarily true. He's honest about his feelings but at the same time it seems like he has difficulty processing and understanding them, which makes them come through much milder than what you'd expect for the situation. It's probably why he absorbed his dad's death very slowly and got hit hard when it finally processed that he was gone for good. But not many things get all the way through his initial blaséness which actually makes him kind of callous in that he can give oddly indifferent responses to things others would consider a big deal, such as when Terezi died in front of him. He looked at her corpse and was just like "Eugh. She's so weird." Like damn dude, that’s cold. Ain’t like she bled to death or nothing. Anyway, some speech pattern specific things I keep in mind when I write him: He doesn't use a lot of big words, sticking to casual, simple responses, most of them positive or enthusiastic sounding. He sometimes uses old man speech and idioms, like Jake but toned down by like 85%. He's a bit slow on the uptake, points out the obvious, and says things that he thinks are clever but he's either completely missing the mark or being lame in general, not to say he can't sometimes be particularly sassy/savage, especially when it comes to his immediate friends because he knows them and can see through their bullshit better than he can with other people he doesn't know that well. In the chat client, he likes to divide combined words like "what ever" and "time line". If you're being canon compliant, he adopted some chat quirks from Vriska after they dated, such as multiplying punctuations by 8 for emphasis!!!!!!!! (edit: Ignore this last part. I think I may be thinking of a dead john, lmao.)
Jane's also a little difficult but easier than John since speech-wise, she's more of a balance between him and Jake + if they were super skeptical about everything and cared about being smart. She's actually kind of a wild card to me, because sometimes she has probably some of the most realistic reactions to the more ridiculous things in HS, but has grown used to equally ludicrous happenings such as the assassination attempts on her life in her intro. She also tends to wear her heart on her sleeve, and has quite the temper. She tries to override her more emotional responses with good southern manners because she's polite, god dammit! When her short fuse isn't ignited, her bottomless passion fuels her cheerfulness as well as her fearlessness. She's also pretty inquisitive, about the world around her as well as towards her friends, asking them questions to understand what they may be dealing with better. She tries really hard to be reasonable about things but struggles with letting other things that may be in play ruffle her well-kept feathers. Speech pattern-wise, she vacillates between speaking like a normal teen and a grandma, to a way lesser extent than Jake. Initially, she tries to keep it prim and proper--sophisticated like a southern suburban housewife with an interesting hint of embellished self-narrative like she's the protagonist of a Noir comic (like here), but when real shit starts to go down, she gets quite a bit more casual (like when they're on their quest slabs here). That is to say, I wouldn't say her normal way of talking is something that doesn't come naturally to her because it totally does, but she loses most of the laciness because short and to the point is better, which is the case for any of the kids with more flavorful quirks. She tends to steamroll over other people when she gets passionate about a topic, but when that's not happening, she's actually super accommodating, to the point of viciously ignoring her own feelings so she can be a voice of reason. In the chat client, she uses toothy emojis like :B.
Roxy, on the other hand, comes pretty easily for me because she's really similar to one of my closest friends and speaks much the same way we do when we're chill. We're also from the south, where much of the youth talk like Roxy does, lmao. Roxy is probably the most accommodating of any of the kids, readily bending over backwards to cater to her friends' needs and letting her own needs take a backseat, which probably leads to a lot of resentment she keeps buried. But she's still the chillest one, taking just about everything in stride before and after her alcoholism. She tends to get sad before she ever gets angry. And if she does get angry, it's usually only frustration at others for being difficult. Communication-wise, she's the most shorthanded--thinking and living in chat-speak. She's all about living her best life and taking care of her family so things are fun and peaceful. She wants to be super sure of herself (like Dirk) because she wants to be reliable. When talking, she likes to use a bunch of metaphors (again, like Dirk), and she tends to casually throw in a lot of puns too, such as when she tells Jake that they're still "humanated" when he asks if he's alienated her too. The nature of her responses is typically pretty flippant, even when things are serious. It's probably obvious that getting comfortable with general Ebonics will help a lot when writing her. In chat client, I try to remember these things: typos only happen when she's drunk--when typing her drunk, I avoid actively trying to give her slurred speech. Instead, I kind of let my fingers type a little more haphazardly and leave the typos I made that sound like mistakes she would make. She only tries to correct a small portion of her typos, more frequently the closer she is to sobriety. When she IS sober, her shorthand isn't consistent. One sentence she'll write "u" and the next, she'll write "you". Same thing with "2" and "to" or "4" and "for", etc. She'll cut out unnecessary letters in words, use typical chat abbrevs, and only use singular letters in place of a whole word, like "y" for "yes". Also uses smileys and other signs like <3. She's super fun for me to write because she comes away with a general feeling of "lmao" if that makes any sense.
Jake I'm always worried I'm doing wrong but he seems to be the one people love my characterization of the most so far, lmao. So I guess I must be doing something right. The thing about Jake is he wants to be the "likeable character". He takes what people want in a guy and molds that into this garbled persona. So when he talks to others, even his friends, he tries to be super agreeable, positive and supportive, regardless of the subject matter; he’s always talking these people up to make them feel good about themselves so that they enjoy conversing with him. But the reality is that he's extremely (but not necessarily intentionally) self-centered. He also aggressively ignores anything negative or forcefully turns it into something positive even when it doesn't make sense. He only tends to express frustration when others (Dirk) are being difficult; I don't remember if he ever actually gets angry in the comic?? He also likes to express surprise/amazement at things (a lot more than the other kids do at least), at the beginning of his responses, even when someone says something that's particularly obvious. The thing that gets me about Jake is that his superficial shell is so impenetrable, I don't think that issue was ever really fully addressed, much less fixed in HS, which leaves a lot of questions about his character & several different but valid interpretations of him by the audience. He may very well actually just be an oblivious idiot who's suffered brain damage one too many times (there's not too many pieces of supporting evidence to negate this) but I personally like to think Jake is far more complicated than that. I mean, look at how many convos he's grabbed the helm of and steered into a completely different direction just so he doesn't have to deal with something. His speech is probably the one I have to look up references for the most because he uses a fuckton of idioms you'd only hear one’s well-meaning but probably unintentionally racist poppop use, and a weird mixture of western/country and british vocab + bro speech he probably adopted while talking to Dirk. This is one list I find super useful when trying to find words to use (bless this person), but I still have to google a bunch of goofy phrases and words to be sure I'm not exhausting my material. One thing I know I do wrong when it comes to Jake's speech is use modern British slang such as "bloody" and "bloke", which is something he absolutely never does but I use them anyways because... idfc, I guess, idk. lol, I acknowledge it so it's fine.
Dirk is probably the one that comes easiest to me because he and I behave and talk pretty similarly. Either that, or I just like to think that and I'm just projecting while writing him completely wrong, lmao. Either way, Dirk hides behind the fact that he's super chill and levelheaded when really he's a nervous paranoid wreck. He's always thinking and overthinking about everything and he never gives himself a god damn break. He calculates every response he gives so it comes off exactly the way he wants it to, so when it doesn't because he's caught off guard, you get to see these little snippets of this dude freaking out underneath. He's a neurotic control freak that makes sure the flow of conversation stays on a set course he wants it to or else he gets either uncomfortable or pissed off. He skirts around anything that might get personal to him and dismisses any focus that sheds light on his own emotions UNLESS he feels, again, that he can control that flow of conversation. Or he's already emotionally compromised. Either way, he avoids conditions that might catch him actually being vulnerable because he's just too fuckin' proud. He likes to make a lot of comparisons, using extended metaphors and milking the fuck out of them if he can get away with it because the more he talks, the more he feels in control. He likes to smoothly play along with people he finds are being ridiculous, like Jake and Caliborn, or even just because he knows they'll know he's just playing along like Roxy. That's a key thing for me actually--how much he likes to fuck with people and how inelegantly he takes it in those rare cases someone successfully fucks with him. His speech seems to be a balance between Rose and Dave, a chill bro with access to the biggest vocabulary ever. I encourage aiming towards sounding like a pretentious asshole when writing Dirk because that's what he is all the time sometimes. He likes to Dirk-splain because more often than not he knows exactly what he's talking about, but he also doesn't realize his Dirk-splaining is something no one needed or asked for. Even though he's acknowledged and now resents the ludicrous size of his own ego, he still struggles with not stroking it at every opportunity. He’s a super capable, reliable guy and he knows it, but the reality is that much of what he plans for doesn’t work out. It’s only when he and his friends are really in the shit and he doesn’t have time to think that instinct takes over and he ends up doing some hella amazing things (Unite: Synchronization). That’s why his whole thought process of being better off alone is dangerous--he’s capable because he has people he loves relying on him. (I went off on a tangent unrelated to speech here. I’m sorry. I got a lot of feelings about Dirk and his selfishness vs. his selflessness, lol)
With all that, these are some general notes I try to abide by:
The ramblers of the kids are Dirk, Dave, and Jake, the former two especially when they're anxious. Dave's definitely the worst in that regard. The Striders both act like they wanna come off as men of few words and both fail miserably; it seems like being forced to live in verbal silence for a good portion of their lives gave both of these social wrecks a stigma against any gaps in conversation. Jake on the other hand rambles because he's self-important, not unlike Dirk. It's almost like he's not sure how else to contribute to the conversation if it's not about movies or himself.
For me, it actually helps that I think Dirk and Jake may both be on the spectrum. (I'm sorry if the following offends anyone who is on the spectrum, but this is just my general experience talking to people with those conditions). It certainly explains why their joint communication is so shit and why they either both give long-winded explanations that no one really asks for, or extract themselves from conversations they don't have a good foothold in, the latter being way more common for Jake (I hint a little at all this in my fic, moreso for Jake via Dirk's observations). They both want to be heard but may have difficulty being good listeners because their heads are already filled to the brim with things that have been cycling since before the other person has started talking.
On a final note, I find it pretty important to note the changes in each character's demeanor and way of talking after certain things happen. A glaring example is the Alpha Kids' behaviors after the batshit candy juju episode they all had. When Jake's broken out of his glorified, overwhelmingly positive fake self-image, he's actually very self-critical. However, his self-centeredness is hard to break out of, so when he broods on all the flaws he'd ignored in favor of being the guy everyone likes, he directed all of his nervous energy into finding reassurance from Roxy. (This self-deprecation could've also been born from his constant need to be agreeable, so since he thought everyone considered him to be a piece of shit, he felt the need to agree that was the case. Depends on how you read it.) Roxy had a shorter fuse and was a bit more snappy and resistant to dealing with Jake's ridiculousness. Jane remained calm and acknowledged she can be a bit too stubborn and self-righteous. Dirk finally took a step back from the details and absorbed the big picture of his problematic expectations toward his friends and himself. It’s just something to keep in mind if you fear you’re getting kind of OOC with their personalities. It’s natural for people to behave different based on changes in their mood, so don’t be afraid to experiment.
All that being said (I lied about that final note), I go back and reference the comic a lot when I’m unsure whether I’m representing a character accurately. It’s a good habit to double-check yourself. If you’re unsure how you’re writing a response but wanna move on, write it the best you can and then come back to it later and revise after reading a few conversations that include that character.
Most importantly of all: the thesaurus is your fucking best friend of all time. Fuck everyone else. The thesaurus is your god damn hero. I find “define:”ing words on google actually super helpful when trying to find synonyms that work better for me.
But that’s it! I hope you found at least a few things helpful in that word splurge of fumbling analyses. And thanks a bunch for reading my fic! It’s not super popular so it’s reassuring to know there are people out there who really enjoy it. Keeps me trying to update regularly at the very least.
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Last Judgement ||5||
Out Of Kindness
Should he have offered the kid more food? Probably not, knowing it wouldn’t help the rate his magic was at, yet eating seemed to be something Doomsday liked to do.
Perhaps out of stress? He didn’t know, but, after cracking a window out of pure shock when Papyrus kicked down the front door, Doomsday was little more than a half-formed puddle on the couch.
He stared at the tall skeleton, biting his tongues, unnerved by how loud he was. Unable to tear his eyes away, he watched as he yelled, steadily sinking further into his hood, melting more and more, until he was simply a puddle.
Soon, though, Papyrus stopped his shouting, noticing the black liquid on the couch, bemused by the sight.
“...that’s the kid, before y’ask.” Sans muttered “...’n I think you’re stressing him out a bit with all your shouting.”
“Oh! I’m sorry!” Somewhat instinctively, the tall skeleton scooped his hands underneath the puddle, immediately earning himself a loud yelp and a teleporting black mass.
“Bro...just leave him alone...”
“...alrighty!” He plopped himself onto the couch, gazing at the puddle on the floor, eyes wide, mesmerized.
“...kid?” Sans sighed, taking a seat as well, choosing to keep his eyes off of the kid, not wanting to stress him out any further. Though, to his surprise, an earthquake had not occurred.
Perhaps he wasn’t as stressed this time?
For a while, Doomsday did nothing, other than glitch and remain within his puddle, and it soon became apparent why.
A siren rang out.
It almost deafened Sans, figuring it was reasonably close by, his eyes glued to the kid. He took Papyrus by his arm, getting to his feet, grabbing a piece of the puddle, teleporting.
HIs feet hit the ground, on top of the mountain, immediately finding his gaze to be turned up to the sky, only to drop to the city below as the boulders poured down, pummelling into the skyscrapers, buildings, everything.
The noise itself reverberated throughout his skull, the ground quaking, sitting down. Yet, before he could do anything else, the world went black.
He sat upright, on the couch, sighing to himself as he shoved himself to his feet, biting the lower part of his mouth, teleporting once more. He grabbed the kid by his arm, away from the tree, dragging him into a teleportation, returning to his house.
“...y’really can’t control that...can you?” He pushed him back, forcing him to sit on the couch, but Doomsday didn’t respond. “Kid...that’s serious, alright? You...you can’t go around, having panic attacks...”
“...I don’t even know what to do...” He muttered, uncertain about what the kid was thinking. “...is there...anything y’like? Anything you know helps?” He still didn’t answer, causing Sans to sigh, exasperated. “...gotta admit...the humans got onto the sirens quick though...” He said to himself, rolling his eyes. “C’mon...” He lifted Doomsday into his arms, carrying him upstairs, into his room.
“...I...” He shuddered slightly, quivering.
“...s’just so you don’t get another fright from Paps, okay? I...really don’t wanna have to explain everything to Frisk...” He told him, sitting him down on his bed, grimacing. “...he’s just naturally loud but, trust me, he’s nothin’ but nice.”
“...I-I...i/t...” All Doomsday did was begin to melt though, glitching, as he began to sob.
“Hey...hey, bud...you’re fine...you’re not in trouble or anything...” He rested his hands on Doomsday’s shoulders, attempting to comfort him without startling him too much. “Y’can’t control it, I get that...” He tried to speak as softly as possible, needing him to calm down, feeling the house rock. “...we’re gonna find somethin’ to help you, alright? ‘N you’re gonna feel so much better...”
“I...I w/a/nt.../-///...” It didn’t seem to help much, nor did the loud bang from downstairs, signalling that Papyrus had burst into the home. Quietly cursing to himself, Sans knelt down in front of Doomsday, taking hold of his trembling hands.
“...you’re gonna be fine, okay? I promise...but you’ve gotta calm down.”
“...///...” His voice continued to drown in static, unintelligible.
“Please? Then me and you can go get some...nice cream or somethin’?” He offered, pulling him into a hug, beginning to rub the back of his skull. “’N then you can try some of Paps’s pasta after...” He murmured “...but I don’t know if you’ll like that, heh...”
“...y’can have Grillby’s, if you don’t like it...” Doomsday quieted down “Heh...’course...” Sans chuckled, amused. “...y’really like him, don’t you?”
“...m...m/h//mm...” The quaking stopped, the house easing off.
“...man...” Cautiously, Sans shuffled back, smiling warily at the kid. “...you’re really a piece of work, huh?” He shrugged in response, fidgeting with his sleeves, not even looking at him. “...right, so...” He got to his feet “...can we try again? You meeting Paps?”
“I...I d/o/n’t...kn//o/w...”
“I’ll tell him to be quiet, alright? But you’re gonna have to if you’re staying here.” He explained to him “I’ll be back in a sec.”
“...” The kid’s eyes followed him out of his bedroom door, listening as he wandered down the stairs, hearing him speak to the taller skeleton. He yelled, of course, in reply, only to fall silent.
After a few minutes, Sans came back into his room, sitting down beside Doomsday, putting an arm around him, trying to keep him reasonably calm as his brother stepped in.
“...so, this is Doomsday...” He said to him, and Papyrus nodded, seemingly staying silent instead of saying anything, not wanting to scare the kid. “He’s...got some sensory problems, alright? So...can y’try to be quiet until he’s used to you? He doesn’t like loud noises...”
“...of course.” He twitched as his voice, yet he looked to be alright, even able to flash a nervous smile at the tall skeleton, unable to make eye contact though.
“D’you wanna get some nice cream?” Sans turned to him, grinning a bit, Doomsday nodded slowly. “We’ll bring you somethin’ back, bro.” Papyrus nodded, smiling happily as he left the room. “See? He ain’t that bad...he just gets excited about making new friends and can’t control how loud he is.”
“...h...h/e’s...n/ice...” Doomsday replied quietly, picking at the purple patch on the forearm of his right sleeve.
“Glad y’think so...” Sans got back up, holding out a hand. “Let’s go get that nice cream, alright? Y’did a good job calming yourself down.” Hesitantly, Doomsday took hold of his hand, jolting slightly when he teleported. “What flavour?”
“O-o/h...umm...” He shrugged again, unsure, walking behind Sans a little, letting his hand lead him.
“...y’look like a chocolate type o’ kid.” Sans smiled at him, tilting his head. “You ever had chocolate before?”
“...n...no?” He couldn’t recall anything called ‘chocolate’, curious about it though.
“Ah, welp...guess we’re gonna have to get you one and see how y’like it.” The way Sans spoke, however, definitely made him feel a lot better, enjoying how casual he was.
“W-welp?” He repeated back to him, slightly bemused by the word.
“...s’just a way of saying ‘well’.”
“...m’gonna have to send you to school and stuff, huh?” Sans looked at him questioningly “Toriel would love that...’n she’s really nice...she’s probably better at calming you down than me.”
“Yeah...but y’can probably just call her ‘goat mom’ or somethin’...’n you’re gonna love her pies.” He chuckled “Better introduce you both sooner than later, huh?”
“...right.” He stopped, grinning up at the nice cream guy. “Chocolate and vanilla, alright?”
“...sure.” He was handed two cones, holding one out to Doomsday.
“Here...” He glanced back at the nice cream guy “Ta...’n here’s your gold.”
“...” Without thinking, the kid’s tongues came from his mouth, revealling eight.
“I--...” Before Sans could say anything, the cone had disappeared. “...you...you’re gonna hurt yourself...”
“...wait for it.” A few seconds later, and soreness overcame Doomsday’s skull, his mouth numb. He keeled over a bit, covering his head with his arms. “...see?” Yet, snow began to fall from the sky above. “...for god’s sake...don’t tell me you’re gonna start an avalanche or somethin’ ‘coz you’re a ‘numb’-skull...”
“...o-ow...” Though, he picked up on the joke, staring at Sans, wide-eyed.
“...yeah, you heard me, you’re a ‘numb’-skull.”
“...th...that...” He began to giggle, the snow coming to a halt. The sound alone caused Sans smirk, proud of himself.
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#asknightmareanderror#out of kindness#last judgement#story#||5||#doomsday#ship kid#ship child#papyrus#undertale#armageddon#nightmare sans#error sans#welp#that happened#sans#nice cream#man#I love writing this
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Pretty (Soulmate!AU)
Part 1 bc tumblr’s a bitch
A/N: This is the long one I was talking about sorry it’s shit though
Word Count (for the whole thing): 2154 (ooh boy)
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Swearing
Soulmates. Everyone knew they were your other half, your perfect counterpart. Everyone was born with a soulmark on their wrist dictating the first thing their soulmate would say to them. Yours was I can’t just talk to a pretty girl like that! Which was kinda sweet, you’d once thought. But then you’d realized your soulmate was probably going to be talking about some other girl. So after that, you kind of gave up on finding your soulmate. You just lived normally and didn’t let it bother you. Well, you tried to not let it bother you.
It was late Thursday evening, and you were working your last shift at the local Wendy’s. The place was pretty empty except for a couple of guys in a booth talking to each other. They were both making exaggerated gestures and seemed to be having a pretty heated argument. Finally one of them got up.
“I can’t just talk to a pretty girl like that!” the shorter one of the two muttered, walking past you to put his empty cup in the trash. You barely even registered what he had said. He was... actually super fucking cute, which was just great. There were no other girls here, so you realized he must be talking about you.
“Actually, I wouldn’t mind if you talked to me,” you called out. Oh shit, did I just say that, he’s going to think I’m weird. Why did I do that?
He stopped in his tracks and turned around.
Oh God he thinks I’m a freak.
But he just stood there in shock.
And then it hit you. What he’d said. Oh God I’m an idiot.
His friend was smiling and giving him two giant thumbs up from their table. He rolled down his sleeve in silent disbelief, revealing the words:
Actually, I wouldn’t mind if you talked to me
You rolled down your own sleeve to show the words that had come out of his mouth just seconds earlier:
I can’t just talk to a pretty girl like that!
You both stood there awkwardly for a few seconds.
“I, uh, I’m Jeremy,” he stammered, shoving his glasses back up his nose.
“Well, uh it’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” He glanced over to his friend, who was miming writing something down. He nodded and, quickly grabbing a pen out of his pocket and scribbling something down, turned back to you.
“Here’s my number, if you wanna, like, talk or something,” he mumbled as he handed the paper to you, suddenly nervous all over again.
You smiled. “Yeah, I think I will.”
Jeremy and his friend left and you kept grinning. You’d finally found your soulmate!
Once your shift was done, you texted your best friend Zoe:
met cute guy @ work!
and he’s my soulmate!
AND i got his number!
Oh my God Y/N that’s amazing!
Wish I could meet my soulmate
don’t be so sad, zo! you’ll find your soulmate!
...i sound like the sappiest person alive
No you don’t, I just wish I could meet my soulmate sooner
you’ll find them!! now go to sleep, it’s like 10
Yes ma’am
You went to bed, though you wondered when you would see Jeremy again.
He came back a few days later, but this time his glasses were gone and he was wearing an Eminem t-shirt. He seemed to carry a new cocky swagger in his step, and you weren’t sure what to think of it.
“Eminem? Are people still into him?” you asked. You laughed at your own criticality, not waiting for him to respond. “I wouldn’t know anyway, my taste in music isn’t exactly.. mainstream.”
“Like, indie music and stuff?” He was still clueless as ever.
“More like musicals.” You immediately cringed, expecting him to laugh at you.
Instead, he just nodded. “Cool.”
“You lost the glasses,” you said, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“Yeah, they, uh—“ Jeremy stopped mid sentence, a look of intense pain on his face. “Are you okay?” you asked worriedly.
“Fine,” he choked out, “I’m perfectly fine.”
You frowned. He didn’t look fine. But he obviously didn’t want to talk about it.
“I don’t have any contacts, and I’m really nearsighted, so that’s a fun thing,” he said, voice dripping with sarcasm.
You laughed lightly. “Cool, what can I get you?”
“Actually, I’m not getting anything. Just wanted to say hi.”
“Oh. Okay,” you said, bobbing your head up and down. And with that, he left, leaving you confused and bewildered.
One day he came with a pretty girl who you assumed was his girlfriend. You felt a pang of jealousy as you tapped at the register.
Every time he stuttered or went to scratch his neck, he immediately sat bolt upright as if he had been shocked. The girl noticed too, and had to leave halfway through the date, something about not wanting to miss play rehearsal. Jeremy slumped back in his seat, disappointed.
You couldn’t help but wonder if somehow he’d forgotten about you. You were his soulmate, after all. You’d always assumed that when you met your soulmate, you would immediately click and be inseparable, two halves of a whole. That you would always have him close by. But he was right here, and somehow he felt farther away than ever.
He didn’t come in for a few weeks after that, and you were beginning to get worried. You quickly typed up a text on your way driving home from work.
hey are you okay
The response came a few minutes later.
Yeah, I should be out of the hospital any day now
The hospital? Fuck, had something happened? Your mind raced with possibilities, each worse than the last. You typed another message, hoping to ease your anxiety.
why are you in the hospital?
It’s a long story but basically there were these like tic tacs that help you to be cool and they’re from Japan and mine kind of tried to take over all of human civilization so yeah
You frowned. What the actual, genuine fuck?
jeremy what the fuck
Obviously some really weird shit was going down. You swerved your car around in a Uturn to get to the hospital. You kept your eyes trained on the road, while a notification lit up your phone screen out of the corner of your eye.
I told you it was a long story!
Stopping at a red light, you quickly typed a reply.
yeah no shit
jesus christ
at least you’re okay
How did you know I was MIA anyway?
you haven’t shown up at wendy’s for four weeks
Honestly I just went there to see you the food is kinda shitty
You pulled up to the ER parking lot.
yeah lmao
but seriously
why didn’t you just ask me out once we figured out we were soulmates?
You didn’t wait for a response, already getting out of your car and slamming the door shut. Your phone lit up again with the notifications.
I was scared, I guess
I mean, it’s just you are literally the person the universe destined me for, no pressure or anything
I just didn’t want to try and then screw this up
You responded as you walked into the ER waiting room.
no i get it
it’s kinda intense
but since we’re kinda destined for each other and all
wanna go to lunch on sunday?
I don’t even know if I’ll be out of here by then
“I’m looking for Jeremy Heere?” you asked the receptionist. She nodded, finished her phone call, and typed something up.
“What is your relation to him?” she asked, her attention flickering back to you.
“Significant other,” you said, even though you’d never actually been on a date. But you were his soulmate, and that must have counted for something, right?
“He’s in Room 102, dear,” she smiled.
“Great, thanks,” you almost shouted, already running to his room. You burst through the door and found Jeremy.
He looked so fragile attached to all the tubes and wires. There were dark bags under his eyes, and his glasses were back.
“Oh my god are you okay?” You asked, taking a tentative step towards him.
He cracked a brief smile. “Oh, no, definitely not,” he quipped.
“So,” you said, perching on the edge of the bed, “what the everloving fuck is a Squip?”
He spent the next half hour explaining the whole situation. The Halloween party, the Squip, the play. All of it. When he finally finished you whispered, “Holy shit.”
“Yeah. I understand if you wanna, like, never talk to me again or something,” he mumbled.
“Why would I do that?”
“Why wouldn’t you? I literally almost doomed the entire human race. You deserve a better soulmate.”
“No, I don’t. You’re amazing. You’re smart and funny and really cute. Besides, I don’t think there are refunds on soulmates. Maybe we could catch a movie?”
He smiled a little. “Yeah. I’ll text you as soon as I get out.”
“I’ll see you then,” you said, leaving the room.
Three days later you got a text from Jeremy.
I’m out of the hospital
So, um
I was thinking we could see a movie tonight?
sounds good!
your choice!
pick me up @ 9
You don’t have to if you don’t want to
Oh lol
You sat on your couch, tapping your foot as you watched the clock. Eight fifty-seven, eight fifty-eight, eight fifty-nine, nine.
You glanced at the door. He was almost here, hopefully, definitely not standing you up...
The doorbell rang, and you sprang up and ran to it in a flash of nervous energy. You opened the door, grinning, to find Jeremy standing there looking about as nervous as you felt.
“Is it gonna be weird if my dad drives us?” he asked gesturing to the unfamiliar car in the driveway.
“It’s fine.”
He relaxed. “Okay, cool, good.”
You two were a bit squished together in the backseat, and Jeremy’s dad made some remark about how happy he was his son found his soulmate. The ride was overall a bit awkward, but you chatted with Jeremy. Turned out you went to the same school—what were the odds?
Mr. Heere pulled up to the theatre. “Welp, this is where I leave you kiddos. Have fun!” he called as you stepped out. You couldn’t wait to see what movie Jeremy had picked.
When you looked at the tickets you found, surprisingly enough, it was a romcom. You teased him about it a bit. He just shrugged and said, “I always like a good love story.”
“Okay, dude,” you laughed, buttering the popcorn.
At one point during the movie, you laughed exceptionally loudly at a pun that was so bad it was fucking hilarious. Jeremy couldn’t really pay attention to the movie, though. He was more focused on your bright smile and beautiful laugh. You swore it was the ugliest laugh ever, but to him, it was angelic, like tinkling bells. You noticed him looking at you.
“What?” you asked, a bit defensive.
“Um, can, can I kiss you?” he asked anxiously, sure you’d say no.
“Yeah,” was all you could think to say.
And he kissed you, and honestly you had no clue what you were doing, you just knew this was right, somehow. You pulled back eventually, your face bright red. Jeremy noticed and went almost as red as you.
“I’m sorry, was that bad? I don’t really—“ he started to ramble, only to be cut off by you.
“No, it’s just, I’ve never, y’know, done that before,” you admitted.
“Seriously? How?”
“This might shock you, but being who I am, I don’t exactly have a line of guys falling at my feet. Let’s just—watch the movie, okay?”
He nodded. “Okay.”
“No Fault In Our Stars references.”
“That’s fair.”
Soon enough the credits rolled around. You couldn’t quite remember when, but at some point, engrossed in the movie, you had slipped your hand into Jeremy’s. Neither of you had let go yet.
“Now that I know you like chick flicks, does this mean you wanna watch The Notebook next time?” you joked as you two walked out of the theatre, your hands still intertwined.
He made a face. “Definitely not.”
You giggled. “Okay, okay,” you said, throwing your free hand up in mock defeat.
“My dad’s gonna drive us back, too.”
#this is shit i apologize#jeremy x reader#jeremy heere x reader#bmc#be more chill#bmc x reader#be more chill x reader#jeremy heere#no one deserves to be forgotten
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King of Prism Road to SSS 4: Joji the Joker
This is Joji’s character story from Road to SSS 4. It runs parallel to the Road to SSS 4 event story so you may want to read that first:
Road to SSS 4 Main Story Translation
Translator’s notes: At the time when this first came out it kinda blew me away because it was the most dialogue The Shuffle has ever had. (Actually that might still be true haha but anyway.) So little was known about The Shuffle at the time that even the game couldn’t keep them straight. Mitsuba is the one who “can only hit straight” because his hobby is shooting, and it’s a reference to his voice actor as well. But in the original version it was Mondo and I have the proof here. At some point between when I first read this story initially and a year later when I’m translating it now, they quietly fixed it. Hah.

Joji: Mmmmm ❤ (Shall I secrete some pheromones~ ❤ )
Passersby: EEEE! / IT’S JOJI! / JOJI-KUN!!
Joji: Thank you for your support everyone!

But you shouldn’t go causing such a commotion.... Instead of waiting around for me outside in the cold, I hope you can see me on stage next time☆
Fans: Okaaaay!
Joji: Yay, thank you!

Joji: .....AHH! I’M BEAT! (It took so much effort just to get into the studio with everyone crowding around me.)

Being as sexy as me should be a crime. But it’s not. Oh well.☆
Welp, let’s have a look-see at the script… Oh? This girl is a really popular model! Hmm hmm! She would be just perfect for my partner!☆
(It’s not like I’m actually serious about being in the duo tournament anyway... I’m just doing it because the director told me to. But I will take the opportunity to search for a partner.)
Hmm hmm. As soon as I turn on my usual charm, that cutie model will be wrapped around my finger!☆

Tsurugi: Um… the duo partner for the tournament….

Mitsuba: Is supposed to be a male idol, right…?

Kokoro: Yeah, that’s right.

Mondo: …But Joji is only inviting girls…?

Ace: …He’s clearly just using it as an excuse to talk to girls. Even though the director is already mad at him, he never knows when to quit.
Joji: Hey hey, honey pie! Let’s do our best today☆
Model: Oh.... Joji.... san...? Huh, what’s going on. All of a sudden my heart is beating really fast.... !?
Joji: Heheh don’t be shy. You know you want a piece☆

Joji: And... done! Yep yep! I got the girl’s number today too☆

And... some dude’s number as well. I have to pretend I’m actually searching for a partner for the duo tournament, after all. GAahhhhhah but is the director REALLY going to make me do street style? And as a duo! There’s nobody good enough to partner with me in the first place!
Mondo: Good work today, Joji!
Tsurugi: You really wore yourself out!
Mitsuba: But that’s why you’re our leader!
Kokoro: You’re the best there is!
Joji: Yes, yes, of course. I’m always at the top of my game.
Tsurugi: And by the way, Joji...
Mitsuba: About the duo tournament! You were talking about how...
Kokoro: ...you haven’t decided on...
Mondo: .....your partner yet, have you!?
Joji: Huh? Not at all! And I’m not planning to! If I absolutely have to pair with someone, I’m fine with pairing with any one of you.

Tsurugi: R-REALLY!?
Mitsuba: Well in that case..! Hey, everyone!
Kokori: We should decide this fair and square!
Mondo: Agreed. We have to decide this fairly.
Joji: Huuh? What are you guys going on about? ...Oh, that girl in that magazine over there is so cute!
Tsurugi: So, Joji! How about a bowling tournament!
Joji: Sure sure, whatever you say.
Mondo: Ace can’t be on stage with you at the same time, so it will be between the four of us....
Kokoro: And whoever wins gets to be your partner!
Mitsuba: We’ll all give our all!

Kokoro: And so, I hereby declare the first ever Joji’s Partner Contest Bowling Tournament officially underway!
The Shuffle: YAAAY!

Joji: Wait. You were actually serious about the bowling thing!? Well, whatever I guess. All I gotta do is just name whoever wins as my partner, right? So, good luck then.
The Shuffle: OKAY!!
Joji: ....But what should I do in the meantime?
Tsurugi: Well, why don’t you bowl with us too?
Joji: Bowling, huh... Well, I guess it’s not a bad idea to enjoy something ordinary once in a while ♪

But, you guys! If you have me participate I’ll just end up overshadowing you all, won’t I? So today I think I’ll keep myself behind the scenes. Just for you guys!
Mondo: Yeah, you’re right.
Mintsuba: That’s our leader! Always thinking of us!
Joji: Heheh, don’t make me blush♪ (Just kidding. I can’t be bothered to actually break a sweat on my day off. Aaah if only I wasn’t stuck here I could be on a date with a cute girl right nowwww. Well, whatever. I suppose as leader, looking after my pathetic underlings is just part of the job, right?) So, I’ll be the host and the referee then! Everyone, do it up!
The Shuffle: All right! Here we go!
Joji: Alright then umm.... first up is Kokoro!

Kokoro: Alright, leave it to me! Huah!
Joji: Oohhh my. After all that force it just ended up in the gutter!
Kokoro: What!?
Joji: No worries. That’s just how the cookie crumbles☆ Alright, who’s next!? Do your best! Oh, Mitsuba, how about you?

Mitsuba: Alright, leave it to me. Bowling is my specialty... here goes!
Joji: Ohh! The ball is rolling pretty straight! A split. It would take some serious skill to turn this into a spare….
Mitsuba: ...Hmph!
Joji: Too bad! It’s going straight down the middle again!
Tsurugi: By the way Mitsuba, you’re also good at shooting aren’t you?
Kokoro: And darts!
Mondo: But those are all sports where you just hit straight down the center….
*ball keeps rolling*
Mondo: Aaah! My second throw is a zero…

Joji: I see. Even with bowling you can only aim straight. Alright, alright, let’s keep going! Chop chop! Next up Mondo--

Mondo: ....Hiyah!
*steady rolling sound*
Joji: Hmmm. You knocked over... 6 pins? Not bad. Alright, last up is Tsurugi.

Tsurugi: Here I come! Huaaaaahhh!!
Joji: ....!! A strike!
Tsurugi: Eheh. I did it!

Joji: (No way. Not even I’ve ever managed a strike... Nah nah, this was just dumb luck. Yeah, dumb luck, that’s all.☆) You know, I’m getting pretty tired of commentating for you guys.

...Oh, cute girl spotted.☆ Target... locked! And.... secrete!
Girl: !! EEE!
Joji: Ahhh... this is the life. I needed a recharge after being stuck with those guys all day.
(Finally, the game reached its conclusion.)
Joji: Alriiiight, I’ll skip the formalities and get straight to the point. Yadda yadda yadda, you all did your best, but now...

It’s time to announce the results!
The Shuffle: YAAAAY!
Joji: In 1st place… Kokoro!

Kokoro: YeeeEAAAAAAAHHH! I DID IT!!!! I’m going to go practice street style right away!!
Joji: In 2nd place… Mondo!
Mondo: Dammit… I was so close…
Joji: And in 3rd and 4th place… wellnobodyreallycaresbut… Mitsuba and Tsurugi!
Mitsuba: ...Darn it!
Tsurugi: Bowling is actually really hard.

Ace: Oh ho...
Joji: So, therefore, the best partner for me is…

The 2nd place winner, Mondo!
Kokoro and Mondo: WHAAT?!

Kokoro: But but but but why?! I was number one!
Joji: But… we never exactly decided that 1st place would make you my partner… After all, if I made the number one player into my partner, it could take some of the spotlight off of me! Therefore, my partner is number two!
Kokoro: That’s not fair...

Mondo: Thank you so much!! I’ll work really hard!
Joji: Yeah yeah, do your best. (Like it matters. I won’t be in the duo tournament anyway. I’ll just conveniently delay telling the director that I have a partner.)
(A few days later, at Schwarz Rose...)

Joji: D... director? You called for me? But what is he doing here...

Jin: Good evening. Alexander Yamato. Joji Takadanobaba. The two of you--
(End. Continued in the Road to SSS 4 main story.)
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[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Forty-Seven: Punch Line ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
People say Uchiha Sasuke can’t take a joke. Well...in most cases, they’d probably be right. It’s a little difficult to maintain a sense of humor after witnessing genocide, training under a killer and defiler of human corpses, and murdering his brother...only to find out he’d been innocent all along. And that doesn’t even get into waging war at seventeen, being granted long-lost powers from the beginning of the shinobi era, and helping to defeat a woman known as a goddess.
But a lot can change in a handful of years. After his loss to Naruto, and a rather shortened trek to see the world...Sasuke returned to Konoha, his revived brother, and his hidden-away cousin. The Uchiha would never again be the mighty clan they once were...but he had more than he’d ever hoped to have come the end of the fourth shinobi war. And after ousting the council, getting his brother pardoned, and ending up an ally of the Hyūga...Sasuke finally started to feel - slowly, at first - like he had a handle on his life. That things...might end up okay.
He still had work to do: regarding himself, regarding his bonds, and regarding his family. The last needed protection, and the first needed some introspection. The middle, well...he wasn’t in any rush to attend to. Naruto and Sakura were still on his bad side after all they did. Ignoring his wishes, invading his time and energy despite his refusals...and then the little incident where - despite knowing of Konoha’s hand in his clan’s slaughter - they continued on their merry little quest to drag him back kicking and screaming. Without any plans or inklings to work on justice for the Uchiha.
...yeah. That was going to take some time to get over.
In fact, for a good long while, Sasuke kept himself almost wholly to his family. Shisui, having been in hiding for over a decade to keep his body out of the wrong hands, had his own share of trauma to take care of. Itachi...well, he had a lot of thinking to do regarding his choices. And Itachi’s little twins were pretty much the center of Sasuke’s world. The first new Uchiha born in over ten years. Half-blood, of course...there was no avoiding that. But to him, that no longer mattered. The odds of growing the Uchiha back into a clan of any great numbers was...pretty much impossible, given the remaining gene pool. But all Sasuke wanted was...his family. Their health, their safety, and their happiness. Even if the blood diluted, and the name faded into obscurity...he had these few pieces to cherish.
And that was enough.
But, eventually...Sasuke was encouraged to ‘branch out’. To attempt to make new bonds, or salvage the ones he’d had. At that point, most of his previous classmates were still walking on eggshells around him at best, and hating him at worst. Naruto and Sakura were...somewhere in the middle.
Oddly enough, the first friend Sasuke ‘made’ after his return to Konoha...was Hyūga Hinata. It was a bit unavoidable, all things considered. No longer heiress, she was instead the middleman between her clan and his. That meant seeing plenty of her...along with their outings with the rest of team seven. Hinata’s friendship with the pair meant she also would get dragged along. Which, honestly...Sasuke appreciated. Given her quiet nature, unobtrusive air, and most importantly her clean slate from before his leaving...he could tolerate her the best out of anyone close to their age. And given her help in arranging Itachi’s pardon and the subsequent challenging of the council, she knew better than most everything his family had suffered...and didn’t judge him the same way the others did.
Which meant that the pair ended up bonding...rather quickly. Their similar base natures meshed well...and the awkwardness they both felt around the other pair was a go-to talking point. Hinata’s jilted feelings and Sasuke’s slowly-easing resentment meant they could commiserate. And not just on that. Their parallels - discovered far too late - meant a great deal of understanding.
It felt so nice to just...talk with someone. Share similarities. Not feel judged or...preyed upon. Everyone else either skirted around him so nervously, or seemed to want something from him. But Hinata did neither. She just...treated him like a person.
And that was so unbelievably refreshing. So much so, he started subconsciously seeking her out. They were fast friends, and when he rebirthed the police force with the Hyūga, she was first in line to sign up, her own path feeling lost and purposeless as his did. As partners, they worked together flawlessly.
So, eventually...it evolved into something a little more.
By then, it was obvious someone - or perhaps an entire organization of someones - was working against the Uchiha. Hinata’s association with them put her life at risk, and he didn’t want to lose her.
But Hinata, as he’d already come to know, was vivaciously stubborn. Better, in her mind, to chase happiness while they could...than regret letting fear deprive them.
So, after some coaxing...he agreed, and they were official.
It took many by surprise. And not everyone was a good sport about it.
Her teammates were immediately defensive: Kiba more so than Shino. Even Naruto - however briefly - had to question it. But in the end, Hinata convinced them all that this was what they both wanted. No one was forced, or coerced...or taking second pickings. They’d really grown to love one another, despite the strange paths their lives had taken up to that point.
...of course...some aren’t quite so nice when it comes to their...disapproval.
“What do you think of this one?”
Eyeing the top Hinata’s agonizing over from a rack in front of her favorite shop, Sasuke replies, “...it suits you.”
“You think?”
“Mm. I like the color. Brings out your eyes.”
In spite of herself, she goes a bit pink, looking back to the shirt before sheepishly looping it over her arm to keep looking.
“Heh...look who it is…”
Knowing that tone despite not facing its host, Sasuke doesn’t react, keeping his back turned as Hinata stiffens just a hair. “Don’t,” he murmurs just for her to hear. “They’ll get bored.”
“The village traitor and his little harlot,” the random naysayers behind them go on. “Can you believe it? This guy commits treason, tries to kill the village hero...and now he’s tainted the princess of the Hyūga. Can’t believe they let him back in here...shoulda let him stay out when he left back then…!”
Hinata glances harshly at them, but Sasuke stops her with a hand on her shoulder. “Leave it. Words are just words. And what’s the opinion of roaches to lions?”
...this time, he doesn’t lower his volume.
Behind him, the pair of men brave enough to badmouth a wielder of the Rinnegan scowl. “Roaches…? Is that what you think?”
Sasuke turns to look at them, expression aloof. “Well, let’s see...you’re small, weak, disgusting, and I could easily crush you under the heel of my boot. An apt enough description, I’d say.”
“Why you -!”
“What happened to leaving it alone?” Hinata mumbles, clearly displeased at the confrontation. “You’re right, Sasuke-kun. They’re not worth it.”
“Ha! Says the woman warming a traitor’s bed!” one calls, pointing accusingly as she glares. “You’re nothing but a joke, Hyūga! You -!”
Flickering in front of the man in question, Sasuke pauses for a moment, watching him recoil in surprise. “...you want to know my favorite part about jokes…?” he murmurs, expression lax and tone utterly calm.
The pair of them, bravado suddenly lost, quail as his Sharingan spins menacingly. And then, to everyone’s surprise...he smiles.
But it’s a wicked, ‘gotcha’ sort of smile.
With a swing of his right arm, he nails one man in the gut before crossing over with his left and knocking the other square in the jaw. Both crash into the wall behind them, dazed and crumpling.
Sasuke nonchalantly shakes out his fists...but neither really feel a thing. “The punch line,” he then spits, giving them one last glower before turning back to his girlfriend.
Hinata blinks. “...did...did you just make a joke…?”
“...did I?”
“...you did. And it was a pun.”
That earns a sigh. “...don’t tell Shisui. He’d never let it go.”
“I d-don’t think he’d even believe me.”
...welp, after a long day including a several-hour stomach ache...this isn't my best work xD The beginning is a little snarky, which is a bit odd for me. But I won't lie...I really like the ending, bahaha - it was what I thought as soon as I saw the prompt. It just...took some time to get there. Witnessing Sasuke making a pun is like seeing Bigfoot. You can tell everyone you saw it, but...no one will believe you. Because, like Bigfoot, Sasuke's sense of humor is only a myth. ...can you tell I'm tired? xD Anyway, I am...exhausted, so best to end it there before /I/ make any more bad jokes lol - thanks for reading!
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university!au: day6 jae
following my uni!au with young k (idk how to link my own post asbajdnskmd im Dumb) so here another one with jae lol i think im gonna make one for each one of them buttttttt no promise bc my brain works in a very mysterious way LOL
anyway leggo
warning: this is lame lmaooooo
name: park jaehyung / jae
major: politic science
other activities: guitarist (and sometimes vocalist) of university band, member of music club, founder and leader of LOL SQUAD
everyone knows that tall skinny guitarist of the band i mean he’s hard to ignore tbh
he always wears loose T-shirt, ripped jeans, a cap that he puts backward, and round big specs to campus
professors hate his ripped jeans but can’t really say anything because oh well style doesn’t define someone’s grades and boy, does this kid actually get some braincells in him
well i mean at least he never fails his classes
he has this giant LOLSQUAD badge on his backpack because he’s proud af of his title as the club founder and leader
he actually started that club so he could to brag about his gaming skill to everyone who wanted to listen but he ends up getting his ass handed to him every single time they play together smh
if he’s not in class or hanging out with his game buddies, he can be seen following that Popular Student™ kang younghyun or as jae prefers to call him, “brian” or “brIBRI” because they both joined music club and are in the band
yes yes he’s well known and easy to spot
“jae? park jaehyung?? who???”
everyone refers to him as “that foreigner student”, “the American guy” or “the gamer guy”, or my favorite: “chicken little”
i will never let that joke die im sorry but seriously he looks like chicken when he plays his guitar on the stage don’t @ me
there are only like 5 students in the whole university who know his actual name
anyways in this scenario you’ve always been interested in playing guitar but haven’t gotten a chance to learn and your friend kim wonpil invites you to join music club so you’ll have friends to practice with
“you know our jaehyungie, right? he’s really chill, you’ll get along well with him!!”
deep inside you’re like
who the heck is jaehyung
but wonpil is so excited to have you there so the next week you come to the club meeting
you introduce yourself to everyone and finally you meet him
“ohmygod the chicken little!!”
“sorry- i mean the chicken guitarist- wait no-”
he glares at you, you laugh instead
scaring the new member challenge: failed
but yeah you’d seen him performing before and honestly you almost decided to become his fan
a l m o s t
at first he (jokingly) refuses to teach you guitar because you called him chicken little
and since then you keep calling him that just to mess with him
“hi chicken little”
“what’s poppin chicken little”
“why do you look so flustered, chicken little? do i make you nervous??”
he turns red chicken little is now an angry bird “gO AWAY NEWBIE YOU’RE SO ANNOYING”
jae’s a foreigner but he speaks fluent korean
he tells you that even though he was born and grew up in america he always speaks the language with his parents
but of course since he lives abroad there are lots of words or slang he doesn’t know, so you gotta be an ass and slip some difficult words when you speak to him
he gets his revenge by replying to you in english
whenever you two are having an argument (usually over stupid things) everyone in the club suddenly gets headache
wtf they’re not even making any sense
besides music, jae is the most excited when talking about LOL or social topics because well his major
honestly idk much about politic science so cmiimw
one time someone asks for his opinion about social welfare and he ends up starting a sudden debate session with the said person about social welfare programs in south korea and america and the difference between both countries
you mention human rights and he sNAPS
i mean he gives a full 15 mins speech about it
“yknow what im sayin?”
“dude… i honestly don’t get it at all”
because he be speaking in full english like wat
he’s just so passionate about everything it’s almost adorable
a l m o s t
and it’s not only his passion but also his small eyes, his laugh, his voice, or the way he occasionally lifts his head to look at you while playing guitar and you smile and he smiles because you smile first shnshsbshs soft
even the corners of his lips are so cute wow
oh fuck im emo i love him
but you adore him just as a good friend
he’s always been bubbly and friendly with everyone, not just you, so yeah it’s really easy to fall for him but you assure yourself that you’re nOT
are we having “in denial” shit again omg im so uncreative
anyway fast forward it’s ur birthday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY
you decide to throw a small party at your place and invite 5 or 6 of your closest friends but damn on the d-day it rains so hard
if ur bday falls on winter then change it to snowing hard, if it’s spring then maybe there’s strong wind or something, whatever suits you fam lol
so no one comes to your party lol you are Sad
no you didn’t invite him because idk
are we really that close??? ehhhh he probably won’t come anyway haha why bother
he’s carrying an umbrella but it didn’t really help apparently because he’s soaking wet
imagine that view i mean nvm
“i happened to be near here and i remember it’s your birthday today so i think i’m gonna drop by to say hi and suddenly it’s raining too hard on the way but anyway happy birthday can you let me in first i’m cold”
ofc you let jae in i mean we can’t let the chicken catch the flu amirite
but you warn him that he’ll have to leave before 11 or your RA will kick you both out the dorm lol
after a towel, two cups of hot tea, and one shared piece of chocolate cake, you told him you were supposed to have a small party tonight but no one could make it because of the rain and he’s like “hOW DARE YOU HAVING A PARTY BUT NOT INVITING ME I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL” and you’re just like “lol shut up chicken here eat more cake”
anyways you two spend time joking and talking about random stuff and it’s probably not the best birthday ever but at least you don’t have to spend it alone and to be honest you’re happy that he’s here
then jae pulls out his ultimate weapon
i mean his guitar
he was soaking wet but the guitar is clean and dry and all fine like hoW EVEN
“priorities” -park jaehyung
he said he gonna play a song of your choice because he came empty handed and he feels bad about it
you blush and pick whatever song comes to your mind because you can’t really think of any, and he starts strumming his guitar and sings
and while he keeps looking at you, you find yourself too can’t take your eyes off him
the song ends and you’re about to clap your hands when he suddenly starts another one
wait you’ve never heard this song before
it’s a slow song and the lyrics are all like, the sky turns dark on the birthday of the brightest star so that it’ll be the only light in his world, how he feels regretful that he has nothing to give but his small heart, and he hopes that this lovely person will hold his hand as they listen to this song together, that this lovely person will feel warm beside him
guys just imagine the song okay i can’t Romance
it’s dead silent until you whisper, “is that… a song for me?”
jae’s face turns red and he starts panicking™ like “i made up the lyrics just now okay i know it’s fricking sappy and cheesy as hell okay i just uhhh want to cheer you up!!!! because you seem kinda down!!!!! let’s not talk about this again uGh WhatEvER leT Me LIvE!!!!!”
but you chuckle and thank him, it was the best present you can get from anyone
you two stare at each other for a second that feels like years and he finally breaks the silence, “you know,,, maybe i came here on purpose,,, maybe actually i want to see you,,,”
“and why is it?”
“because i think,,, i miss you,,, kinda”
and you don’t say this out loud but maybe you do know that
even if you say you’ll never
in fact you’ve already fallen for him a bit
or perhaps a lot
like a lot
then he leans in to kiss your lips and you kiss back and it’s almost not awkward at all, it just feels right as if you’ve kissed him million times before
a l m o s t
you two still blush real hard after
but yeah that’s how you two start dating
none of you two tell anyone about it but it’s pretty obvious, i mean jae always picks you up at your dorm, he walks with you to your class or vice versa (if your classes don’t overlap tho), you two keep stealing glances at each others, also—
jae with you: “hey,,,, come here sit with me u3u,,,,, did you have lunch??? oh i wrote a song last night check this out,,,, what are you gonna do this saturday? oml you’re so cute”
welp actually he’s not always sweet with you, sometimes you two still argue about silly things using mixed languages but now everyone in the club knows better to just run away once it begins
because it’ll end up with you two fighting or you two kissing
yes im nasty and a disappointment bye
btw wonpil is excited af it’s almost like he’s dating you both
“it’s really nice seeing you two finally together!!!!!!! especially because jaehyung really couldn’t shut up about you ever since the first day you joined our music club”
“wait wha-”
I’m so in love with park jaehyung y'all hsnshsbsh aNYWAYS!!! 100 blocks limit has lifted from tumblr app AYEEEEE
#day6#jae#park jaehyung#day6 imagines#day6 scenarios#day6 fanfic#day6 reactions#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#kpop reactions#this is embarassing smh#bye
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My thoughts during Backwarder *Spoiler Warning*
- Oooh, interesting intro. That’s Master Fu! Aw, he had a sweetheart.
- Who was looking so desperately for the Miraculous box way back then? Are we going to see more about that?
- Adrien and Kagami were at the royal wedding???? Like, THE royal wedding? I should have followed that closer...
- “You mean like the time he lost his keys and locked himself out of the house” seriously I love Master Fu, that’s amazing.
- wHy ARe yoU SAyInG WhAt yOu’Re WRitING ouTLouD
- Props to the dude that stood up for Marinette though
- “My time has come” seriously Hon, you’re such a drama queen.
- But he seriously sent for Marinette to deliver a love letter because he was c o n s t i p a t e d. I mean it happens to the best of us but smh. Eat veggies ya old fart.
- Marinette, taking care of the Miracle Box? Woo! GO gir- wait a minute. First he chooses a 13 year old to be the superhero of Paris and now he also chooses that same kid to take care of the Miracle Box? I mean it would make sense that he would want the same person he chose to take over once he’s gone but she is a CHILD, Master Fu. If she’s keeping that box she’s going to be more at risk than before. I mean it’s sweet and all but I don’t know how I feel about this.
- Also she put the prescription in with the letter for Adrien I think we can all see where this is going
- Also my unobservant brain skipped over this the first time I watched it but Kagamis Mom is blind?? That’s pretty neat. I thought of Toph.
- ”What I want more than anything else in the world is written on this piece of paper” girl you gave him the prescription!! Check your letters!
- Check your letters!
- Well we have officially learned that Marinette is the type of person that doesn’t check drive-thru orders until she gets home.
- Gabriel:*growls and cringes away from possible contact with a stranger* Me: Well that’s only just the most relateable scene in animated history.
- Ayyy, Pigeon Boy is here today!
- Whoa, Marinette can just reach into her Yoyo and pull stuff out? Convenient.
- Speaking of that, again, Marinette CHECK. THE. LETTERS. Seriously, you just pull it out all folded up and hope it’s the right one before passing it off? How does that not BUG you? *badum tss*
- “I aM GabrIEl aGreSTE And Im nOT FeeLInG WelL” woah there boy that’s a little agresteive don’t you think?
- ....The man has a portable akuma. You know, just a lil somethin somethin in case you gotta make a quick supervillain on your trip out of town.
- How does no one hear him laughing?? Like??...welp, Paris is the city of love, and love is supposed to be blind. Whatever.
- “I better go check on my father” “Occupied!” Pfshhhh that is hilarious.
- “Then I’ll be able to get my hands on all the other magic jewels as well” *not a direct quote* Wow, for someone who is supposed to be just trying to get his wife back, he sure has gone mad with power huh?
- Woah, that lucky charm though. That took some accuracy. Good job, Ladybug.
- That cute lil face Chat made when she told him to speak backwards like “I’d love to M’lady but uh...”
- Was a little risky though, if it wasn’t perfect he coulda accidentally cataclysmed the lady instead of the akuma.
- That lil hand kiss though! Ah!! They’re so cute.
- He literally evil laughed right before coming out of the bathroom and Adrien H E A R D it. HOW DID NO ONE HEAR HIM.
- Also why are they talking about the miraculous so openly! Pigeon man is right there, and Marinette was eavesdropping easily. Call me picky but that kind of stuff needs to be spoken about behind closed doors.
- Are we gonna see old people kiss? No? Okay.
- How excited the girls were to hear about Marinette and Adrien though! They’re so supportive! It’s adorable as heck??!
- Adrien literally spent his whole weekend looking for something he thought Marinette needed. That sweet kid. Like he was probably so confused but. He did it anyway. I mean constipation capsules. Not just any guy would get those for a chick 😂 many would be grossed out. He is such a sweetheart. A confused little cinnamon roll.
- Rose’s last line isn’t all that wrong tbh
#mlb#miraculous ladybug#tales of ladybug and cat noir#backwarder#marinette dupen chang#marinette#ladybug#adrien agreste#adrien#chat noir#gabriel agreste#hawkmoth#master fu#zag#tikki#plagg#miraculous#my thoughts#rose#juleka couffaine#alya cesaire#mylene#alix#adrinette#love square#adrien and marinette#kagami#ladynoir#mari#im done thinking of hashtags
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boyfriend!au shownu
you were working as a part-time barista at a small cafe near your uni
because you were always broke as hell and the financial aid was not enough
also you did not want to burden your parents to cover your monthly expenses
studying + working + extra curricular activities took up a lot of your time that you never even had a crush on a guy eVER
like sure that one guy in programming is fine but you knew you were wayyyy out of his leaugue
your friends set up different blind dates to widen your dating experience but they never work out
like that one guy is okay but he never pay for any your meals and is conSTA NT Ly brOke and always trying to get on your nerves
the other guy was sO full of himself and that just disgusts you and never saw him ever again
but one day you sat there behind the counter and then you heard the bell rang and your head instantly moved to look at the door
and goddamn
what a hot guy
with muscular arms wearing a white shirt and some ripped jeans
with his bed head he sO CUte but also hOT like the duality
and he came straight to you and you words get twisted and got some lump up in the throat
“h-hi, h-how can i-i help y-you?”
he chuckled (tHAT CHUCKLE) and you felt that cupid arrow shot right on that spot on your heart
“one iced americano, please.”
and you took the cash with your trembling hands and he just look at you
“first day, i guess?”
and you’re like…………………….no//…………………………………..
and he’s like……………second day????
and you’re like no………………….probably 87th day………………………….
anyway he picked up the pager and went to sit at one of the tables and wait
and you immediately squealed and hide behind the counter and your coworker looked at you like “don’t tell me you don’t know who that is-”
your face were so blushed and you’re just like “JUST TELL ME WHO THAT IS”
“he’s shownu you dumbass, he goes to your uni and apparently the guy every girl is chasing after”
then you realised that he was just another guy out of your league
you got up and saw he was picking up his drink and when he was about to make his way out of the cafe you shouted “HAVE A NICE DAY”
he turned around and smiled and winked and your heart,,,,,,your pitiful heart,,,,,,the merciless wink…/.///..
and the very next day he kept coming back and that it became a daily routine and a necessity for him to come and get himself ‘the usual’
and you’re just like please have mercy on my weak heart don’t make me fall for you every single day and he just kept coming back everyday
and one day you were sick and had a day off and your coworker texted you “y/n!!!!!!!!!!!! the g OD shownu came looking for you”
so you squealed jumped screamed let out the biggest uwu ever then you’re like please don’t make this kind of joke
but she’s like i’m not kidding………………………
then the next day you came to work and HE CAME
he went like “you weren’t here yesterday”
and your heart went boom boom BOOM BOom MOVOVMDBEBJKA
“i was sick” then he gave you the cash as per usual but he slid a piece of paper between it and when you were counting the cash
you saw it and read the paper
“i’d like to get to know you better. meet me down the street when your shift is done tomorrow so that i’ll know the feeling is mutual”
you could’ve sworn your cheeks were the pinkest pink and he just smiled and said “get well soon”
and you looked over to your coworker like yOU DIDNT JUST TELL HIM WHEN MY SHIFT ENDS
and she’s like thank me later ok
so the next day you didn’t contemplate at all to meet him or not
but after your shift ends you and your coworker like fixed your hair and sprayed some mist and changed to your outfit (read: a shirt, a pair of jeans and converse)
and she’s like you knew you were going to meet him yet you dress so boring
but you just shook it off because it’s freaking 10 PM and you just gotta be yourself ladies ;)
so you grabbed your bag and nervously walked down the street to find him leaning over the lamp post while watching you walked over to him
and he flashed that smile and he’s just like i should introduce myself properly so he cleared his throat and lend out his hand for a handshake and goes “i’m shownu and i’m an actuarial science major”
hOL UP i thought you were into some PE shit or something but instead you took his hand into a handshake and just said “i’m y/n and i’m studying software engineering”
and you guys walked around the city playing 20 questions (but it was more than 20) to get to know each other and good lord you learned a lot about him
said his hobby is dancing and he was in a dance crew and entered a lot of underground dance battles and he wasn’t into sport that much just he likes to work out to be fit
and he looked at you with full awe and adoration
whenever you guys walked side to side your hand brushed with his and gave you a tingling sensation
the temptation to intertwine your hand with his is real
when it was almost 12AM he brought you to a diner where you guys shared a vanilla milkshake because you insisted that it was violating your diet but he’s just like you know you beautiful whatever size you are
and it was almost 1AM that both of you were back at the dorm where he showed you where to sneak into the uni compound without getting caught
and he’s like jump i’ll catch you but you were so scared to jump off that 5 ft wall but you jumped anyway
and he caught you and you both stared into each other’s eyes and just
you cleared up your throat and he put you down and he was just awkwardly scratching the back of his head
and you gave your phone to exchange numbers
and you guys said goodbye once again and he just pulled you closer and leave a kiss on your cheek and bring his lips to your ears and whispered looking forward to more dates
and he turned around and gave you a wink and he shouted “HAVE A NICE DAY”
so the months passed by and you guys went on a lot of d a t e s but one day he was waiting you at the iconic lamp post and he said “i’m going to do something and only react if you feel the same”
he cupped your face and brought his face closer to yours and his eyes were staring at your lips which made you did the same thing so you closed your eyes
he gently crashed his lips against yours and your lips danced with his
and he stopped and you opened your eyes just to see that SMILE and he’s like “be mine?” and you just “yes please” and kissed him once again
so dating “the guy every girl was chasing after” was pretty wild like the news spread throughout the uni like realllly fast
and they were some girls like quESTIONINg,,,, why,,,,, y/n,,,,like ???? the audacity ???? really ???????
but your friends were the happiest
because y/n………….finally……..hAS A BOyfrIEND and thE bOYfRiEnD was g0d shownu himself like///
anyway every saturday night is the “new restaurant tryout” and most of the new restaurants you guys went to were good and shownu being shownu would 11/10 come back
and you would come over to the dorm and binge on pretty little liars which shownu never watched
and you ACCIDENTALLY spoil the plot for the next episode and he was like pouting
sometimes you two got very busy with uni that you guys almost didn’t meet for one whole week and he missed you
so he came over to your dorm and cuddle in bed while catching up with each other while giving you back rubs
he ’’’’’’’’’’lends’’’’’’’’’’ you a lot of his sweatshirts and once you gave it back to him and he said keep it but you were like i’m not giving it back
and he scrunched together his eyebrows what do you mean?????
so you explained “i’m returning it so you can wear it and have your scent on it and give it back to me” and he smILED THAT SMILE and gave you a peck on the lips
when the finals were coming up you two would hang around in the library to have a revising session and five minutes in he already put his head on the table
and you keep encouraging him like WE CAN DO THIS
and he’s like yes YOU can do this
and you’re like NO WE CAN DO THIS
and he’s just like……………..ok……………………………….and he let out the loudest WE CAN DO THIS and the everybody were looking at you two and the old library lady literally gave you the first and last warning
you two would just go on lunch dates and he got his phone out and facetimed his mum just to show how beautiful his girlfriend is
you love subway rides with shownu because you would share the earphones and let him pick the music and the music always suit the vibes
sometimes you would follow him up to his dance practices you definitely swerve when the beads of sweats would cover up his whole body and how his dance moves were really sharp and smooth and.......hot
that one time he came over to your dorm and once he hugged you he could feel,,,,,the wet vibes.,,,, like sHOWNU IS CrYING WELP
and you just hold him tight and and caressed his body and kissed his forehead and he got all soothed up
you rarely fight with him but whenever yall fight he’ll be so frustrated and couldn’t even leave you alone
when you said “leave me alone” he was thinking hard if it was a sign for him to leave or to just hold you tight
but he’ll be the one to apologise first and you....would always feel sorry about that.....because sometimes....you know....it wasn’t his fault....but your ego
he’ll be the first one to say i love you and his face got all red and he started beating himself up when you didn’t say it back and you found it cute and beautiful and you just love him so fucking much
he likes to play with your hair a lot so you taught him how to braid and do fishtail braid
and sometimes you would find random tiny cute lil braid on your hair and it’s just too cute
it would be so fun to cook for him because he eats everything, anything
one time he said he craved homemade pancake so bad
so you decided to make one for him for breakfast but you definitely forgot you put it on the stove
so one side of the pancake is burned
but he still eats it and gives you forehead kisses for cooking for him
shownu: it’s made out of love
this is my first time writing an au! if you all have any request, i’m always open and i would love to get some feedback or critics in which i can improve. please bear with the grammar and the tenses i was so into it i didn’t even know when to use present or past tense!
find more from the series: boyfriend!au wonho, boyfriend!au minhyuk, boyfriend!au kihyun, boyfriend!au hyungwon, boyfriend!au jooheon
boyfriend!au i.m coming up soon!
#monsta x scenarios#monsta x imagines#monsta x shownu#monsta x#boyfriend! monsta x#boyfriend! shownu#monsta x reaction#boyfriend!au#monsta x scenario#monsta x imagine#monsta x au#boyfriend!au shownu#monsta x fluff
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SPN 8x02: “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?”
THEN: Dean’s back from Purgatory. Dean had some assistance from a vampire in getting out. Cas didn’t make it out. Kevin, our new reluctant Prophet. The demon tablet and the vital info it has.
Chicago, Illinois.
Box #1.
An “extremely valuable” bone.
This bank teller was so sweet.
RIP bank teller. Killed by Mr. Vili.
“Is it too much to ask if we can swing by and check on my mom?”
"’Swing by?’ It's a day's drive in the opposite direction. You know that, right?”
Come on, Dean.
“He's [Crowley] probably got the place stacked with bodyguards right now, protecting her so that when you do show up, they'll pounce on you both.” That’s a fair point...but come on, man. Let the kid see his mom.
“Can you really not understand why I want to make sure she's okay?” Kevin got you there.
Neighbor, Michigan.
Mrs. Tran!
Dean can pick out all the demons: the mailman and the gardener.
RIP demon. Killed by Dean.
RIP other demon. Killed by Sam.
(Some poor bastard had to find those bodies.)
Backwards exorcism, NICELY DONE SAM!
RIP Eunis/demon. Killed by Dean.
“Mrs. Tran, your friend was possessed by a demon.”
“Have you ever seen ‘The Exorcist’?”
“Is that what you've been doing all year – watching television?”
“Prophet of the Lord, huh? It does have a nice ring to it.” It does!
Kevin already knew that Sam and Dean wouldn’t be able to convince his mom not to come.
“It's not my soul I'm worried about. It's my son's.” Like a good mother. :’)
“Kevin, you want to back us up here? Came all the way down here to pull her out of the fire, and now she wants to jump right back in.”
“Like I can tell her what to do.”
The Trans gotta get tatted.
“What, like it's my first tattoo?” YAS, MAMA TRAN’S A LEGEND
Tattoo time!
Mrs. Tran’s getting tattooed like a champ!
I love how she holds out her hand for Kevin to hold. How sweet.
Laramie, Wyoming.
“All right. Positive thoughts.”
Welp. The power of positive thinking did nothing. The tablet’s gone.
Sam and Dean suited up quick.
Clem Smedley.
We’re gonna good cop/extreme bad cop this one.
Purgatory Flashback!!
“Where’s the angel?”
I’M MCLOSING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RIP monster. Killed by Dean.
What a great scene.
Impala > European car. Any day.
“That your car outside?”
“What's it to you, mail-order?”
“I got it. I notice you're driving with expired tags, maybe because you just acquired it in a trade, and I'm guessing that means you haven't registered it yet, which means you haven't paid the tax. Is that correct?”
“Kevin, average blue book on a 2010 Ferrari F430 Spider?”
“And the 5% Wyoming tax?”
“$10,000. Something tells me you're the type who might balk at a tax bill that big.”
“W-what is this, an FBI audit?”
“No. But my brother, who happens to work for the Wyoming tax assessor's office could arrange that if he thought something untoward was happening here. So what's it going to be – the tablet or that piece of Eurotrash crap you call a car?”
She’s the best!!!!
They have been cordially invited to a supernatural auction.
“I am the right hand of a God, after all – Plutus, specifically.”
“Is that even a planet anymore?”
Aww come on, Dean.
Instead of saying ”fine”, Beau says “copacetic”. Fancy.
“Well, thank you, Mr. Peanut!”
“They didn't mean it, baby.”
Damn it, Dean.
Clever of them to cover up the tablet so no one could read it. Plan A is out, as usual.
Hello again, Crowley.
Mothers and punching the rulers of Hell. My favorite thing.
“Listen to Moose, Squirrel.” Dean’s first “squirrel”.
Oh my god, I almost forgot! Samandriel aka Alfie. (Did Naomi send him?)
“You know, there are some in Heaven who still believe, despite his mistakes, that Castiel's heart was always in the right place.”
“Are you one of them?”
“I think too much heart was always Castiel's problem.”
The iconic line.
Cas probably thinking “Damn it, he found me.”
Their first hug.
“Damn, it’s good to see you. Nice peach fuzz.”
Dean’s so happy to see Cas. He introduces Benny and Cas like they’re at the bar, grabbing some drinks and not in the middle of Purgatory, being hunted at every moment.
“Why'd you bail on Dean?” Benny’s going there immediately.
“Look, we were surrounded, okay? Some freak jumped Cas. Obviously, he kicked its ass, right?”
“I ran away.”
S h i t.
“You bailed out and, what, went camping? I prayed to you, Cas, every night.”
“I know.”
k i l l me.
“Cas, we're getting out of here. We're going home.” I could honestly cry.
“Purgatory has an escape hatch, but I got no idea if it's angel-friendly.”
“We'll figure it out. Cas, buddy, I need you.”
And the hits just keep a-coming.
“Let me bottom-line it for you. I'm not leaving here without you. Understand?”
“I understand.”
Cas internally deciding he’d go with Dean as far as he can...before letting him go.
[This, what happened in and out of Purgatory, was when I realized how much Dean loved Cas. Here is where I started shipping Destiel full time. I have no regrets.]
Plan B is hacked credit cards, $2,000 in cash, and a Costco membership card.
“Let's start the bidding with, um, three tons of dwarven gold?” Plan B is out.
Time for Plan C...whatever that may be.
“This isn't the men's room.” lmao Dean.
Our bank teller...and Sam’s disturbance at that.
Plan C is freaking gone.
Plan D.
The bid off between Samandriel and Crowley is hilarious.
Kevin’s up for bidding alongside the tablet.
“No, stop! I'll give you whatever you want. I have a 401(K), my house.”
“Good effort, Ms. Tran, but I'm afraid this is a little out of your price range.”
Sacrifice > quantity.
“This little lady's soul is the most valuable thing she has. It's everything. Are you willing to offer everything, Mr. Crowley?”
Shut up, lmao.
Mrs. Tran wins the bid...and loses her soul.
“Losing my soul – is it going to hurt?”
“Will I die?”
“No. You'll just wish you were dead.”
That’s coming from the person who had first-hand experience at being soulless.
“Dean, this sucks.”
“Are you kidding me? We're about to close the gates of Hell forever. If you ask me, we got off cheap.”
But it still sucks.
Samandriel offers to take and protect Kevin.
“Oh, no, no. The last time that angels tried to help my son, I watched them die, and Kevin went missing for a year.”
They kept up the continuity there.
I wonder how Mr. Vili was worthy of Mjolnir.
“What are you gonna do with her soul?”
“Whatever I want. I might sell it, or maybe I'll just tuck it away with my other precious objects, let them keep me warm at night.”
Eww, skeevy much?
Crowley, goddamn you.
“And all it cost me was an island in the South Pacific. I love a bargain.” Beau was cheap.
RIP Plutus. Killed by Crowley.
RIP other guy. Killed by Crowley.
Sam is worthy!
RIP Beau. killed by Sam.
“Where'd you get the 5/8 of a virgin?”
RIP Mr. Vili Killed by Sam.
Sam should’ve kept that the Hammer.
Damn it, Dean. You should’ve just exorcised him.
“I know we're not mates, Kevin, but one word of advice – run. Run far and run fast. 'Cause the Winchesters – well, they have a habit of using people up and watching them die bloody.” Big yikes. That’s gonna stick with Kevin and Dean for a good while.
:( Mrs. Tran was catatonic after that.
“It was Crowley, Sam. No matter what meat suit he's in, I should have knifed him. I mean, yeah, it would have sucked, and I would have hated myself, but what's one more nightmare, right?” oof.
Kevin and Mrs. Tran are gone.
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1-ALLL I wanna know all about the Mun!!!
OwO lol ok ^w^ *gives diedrie a big hug
1. What is the middle name? *leaves it n/a* owo
2. How old are you? OwO 27 wishing i was younger
3. What is your birthday? september 7
4. What is your zodiac sign? virgo owo
5. what is your favorite color? all the colors of purple >=3
6. What’s your lucky number? would it suprise you if i said 7? cause thats my lucky number x3
7. Do you have any pets? Yes but its my sister’s dog though that is a goldendoodle they are lovely dogs that loves playing with kids. but also good guard dogs.
8. Where are you from? USA kansas xP
9. How tall are you? i am 5′8 owo
10. What shoe size are you? oh gawd shoe sizes are evil if its in womens i gotta get size 12 if its in mens i gotta grab 13, But i happen to lose weight over the 2 years from before so i had to go slightly smaller size shoes. So i am unsure the size right now.
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? I would say about 5 i think all for different occasion *has lost count cause she kept some old shoes for outside yard work.*
12. What was your last dream about? Hmmm the last thing i remember was that I was talking to black shadows and sparring supposingly it was supposed to be a nightmare but i manage to turn it around i guess *shrugs*
13. What talents do you have? hmmm well i am good at writing some stuff cause i can write a short one and leave a good cliff hanger. But love to draw alot x3. and messing with yarn still learning all of the basics when it comes to crochet.
14. Are you psychic in any way? Now i wouldn’t really call it physic but I often do see ghosts from time to time that would give you guys the chills x3. But the problem having that ability growing up was hard cause i kept it a secret only cause i was scared to be called crazy or insane. But i was taught alot of things thanks to some ghosts i have met but i also learn not all of them are safe to talk to as well. So be careful if you have this ability or if your child happens to have this. Cause some ghosts are not safe and tend to try to lure you away.
15. favorite song? omg this is hard can i just say imagine dragons is the favorite band please? love too many of their songs but if i was to choose it would be raidioactive
16. Favorite movie? spirit away =D
17. Who would be your ideal partner? owo that would be someone who i can chill to hang out with and that we just be ourselfs to be honest. I rather place no judgement if i can between the partner and me only cause i rather have us have fun and be able to relax.
18. Do you want children? x3 me and my hubby has talked about this since ours is a distant relationship we did decide if we ever got to move together to be in the same house its a definate yes.
19. Do you want a church wedding? That i don’t know actually to be honest that would be somthing down later in the future road i rather think of the present than worry about later in the future.
20. Are you religious? now this kind of topic i rather stay away if i can but i am most comfortable talking to my hubby with. Only because i seen alot of wars between people who are religious and some who are not. I rather respect both sides if i can to be honest. even though to being religious i would say i am a little cause i am a wiccan gonna be honest here. But i still respect all religions if i possibly can and i even have respect for the preists as well.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes i have alot of good and bad memories i have out of going there the last thing i been there for though was worrying about my grandpa which i am still worrying about him even now. Which I am hoping he can live a bit longer. Cause he is a great man to be honest.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Not really like the last thing i got trouble for was accidently speeding and I had apologize to the officer which he did gave me a ticket but i didn’t have to pay for it just take the ticket in and was warned to be more careful next time. Which i am more careful and try my best to stay out of trouble.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? nope i haven’t =/ but i probly would freak out just a little but try to stay calm as well.
24. Baths or showers? Can i say both? please =3
25. What color of socks are you wearing? Was wearing black grayesh socks last night but took them off lol =3
26. Have you ever been famous? nope =3
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Hmmm i would say yes but i rather work for it.
28. What type of music do you like? to be honest i love all kinds of music but i love the most is country rock
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? um no I haven’t owo
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? uhhh....*counts* about 5 big pillows and 2 small little ones owo
31. What position do you sleep in? which ever is the most comfortable but mostly sleep on my side.
32. How big is your house? owo....idk.....*shrugs*
33. what do you typically have for breakfast? which ever sounds good but love susage sandwiches the most. but somtimes i would make myself a really fluffy egg omelette =3
34. Have you ever fired a gun? Yes but only because my uncle was teaching me how to use one properly to get over my fear. Cause i rather be able to move if i get stuck a situation one day instead of being frozen in fear. I rather help those in need to get out of the dangerous situation if i can.
35. Have you ever tried archery? Yes when i was little i went to church camp and tried archery there it was actually alot of fun learning how to use the bow.
36. favorite clean word? meep
37. favorite swear word? uhhh.....welp i know some of you will laugh real hard cause i said this a few times and left my hubby laughing alot hearing this. quote “What the flying fuck?!” x3
38.Whats the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? only one day i went without sleep.
39. Do you have any scars? uhhh.....*hides her scars.* sorry leaving that n/a? owo
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? hmmm nope owo
41. Are you a good liar? hmm i don’t really like lieing to be honest i only do this only if there is a good reason cause alot of drama does happen quiet often in the family and i only do this to avoid it. so i am somewhat a good one but i rather not do it it if i can.
42. Are you a good judge of character? umm idk?
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? um no not really although i have a few people in irl who keeps saying i have some sort of accent and idk where it comes from.
44. Do you have a strong accent? um idk again owo
45. What is your favorite accent? owo uhh.....*shrugs*
46. what is your personality type? i would say just a fun loving type of personality with a slight dark humor once a while even though we don’t mean to have the dark humor to happen.
47. what is your most expensive piece of clothing? uhh....i would say a dress?
48. Can you curl your tougue? heck yea x3
49. Are you an innie or an outie? I am both =3 but mostly an innie
50. Left or right handed? i am right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders? uh... I am but spiders and me go to war actually cause i had got bit all the time by them spiders.
52. favorite food? Anything Pasta related! =D
53. Favorite foreign food? Chinese food
54. are you a clean or a messy person? a little of both owo
55. most used phrased? idk owo
56. Most used word? merp =P
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? about 1 hour. to 30 min.s if i rush like mad almost about 10 min. flat.
58. Do you have much of an ego? ego? what ego? *has no ego*
59.Do you suck or bite lollipops? I only suck unless there’s somthing in the middle then i bite it.
60. Do you talk to yourself? I often do only when i am thinking or trying to decide on things to make a right choice. and yes this actually helps me think of a better choice.
61. Do you sing to yourself? owo yes i do when i am by myself.
62. Are you a good singer? ehh? idk?
63. biggest fear? I think i have a slight fear of abandonment i think but i think the worst one is snakes even though i found them cute on the net. the old biggest fear used to be guns.
64. Are you a gossip? I rather not gossip if i can actually.
65. best dramatic movie you’ve seen? can i say the best scary movie please? if i can i would say resident evil.
66. Do you like long or short hair? I like both actually owo but long hairs are harder to maintain.
67. Can you name all 50 states of america? I think if i can i would name all of them but its been a while so i might forget a couple actually.
68. Favorite school subject? owo Art class!
69. Extrovert or introvert? mostly introvert but i still like going outside once a while.
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? nope but would love to one day
71. what makes you nervous? Um not knowing whats gonna happen next if things do get complicated
72. Are you scared of the dark? Yes V w V but mostly if i am outside at night is where its worse but i am fine inside the building.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? only if i can somtimes i am not able to all the time.
74. Are you ticklish? yes sadly lol.
75. Have you ever started a rumor? no and actually i don’t like dealing with rumors.
76. have you ever been in a position of authority? nope but it would be interesting to try i guess.
77. Have you ever drank underage? nope actually i never gone drinking dispite my age.
78. Have you ever done drugs? noppity nope never done them and never will.
79. Who was your first real crush? sorry keepin that a secret owo
80. How many piecrings do you have? one for each ear owo so only 2
81. can you roll your rs? uhh....idk? *has no clue what rs is*
82. How fast can you type? last i checked it was about 60 on the speed scale on that mavis bacon typing program.
83. How fast can you run? uhh idk....
84. What color is your hair? dark brown
85. What color is your eyes? hazel so a bit of blue and green
86. What are you allergic to? eh feathers (sorry bird friends i can’t touch birds owo) house dust might and mold. which i find this silly.
87. Do you keep a journal? nope
88. What do your parents do? eh....sorry leaving that n/a guys
89. Do you like your age? to be honest i wish i am younger but its ok really cause i at least can help my family by having a job and help pay the bills. which allows me to spoil my mom once a while. Why cause she deserves it ^^.
90. What makes you angry? oh well i really don’t get angry really easy mostly if it comes to family members starting drama and start shit up that they shouldn’t be doing and lie and steal yea i can get angry really easy then. And i had people get scared of me before cause i was like angry but looked calm at the same time. I try my best not to get angry cause i rather think clearly if i can to find out whats actually going on to help fix the situation.
91. Do you like your own name?.....*leaves it n/a*
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? um owo.....sadly nope.. i am not good with names to be honest. I try my best to come up with good ones if i do get stuck picking one though.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? Eh?...idk i just rather leave it up to fate of what comes first in the future.
94. What are your strengths? I think my biggest strength i have is helping on calming a person down really and somtimes letting them lean on me to cry if they needed it.
95. What are your weaknesses? owo hmm not sure i think seeing cute things is my weakness lol.
96. how did you get your name? eh? i came up with this name a long time ago when i was younger i loved to draw and do alot of art related stuff but I also love playing fighting games as well. and actually had 1 year of karate as well.
97. were y our ancestors royalty? umm idk? it would be cool to find out owo.
98. Do you have any scars? owo uhh.. *hides her scars once again* why did this question come up the second time?
99. Color of your bedspread? white with a few other colors on it mostly green. been thinking about getting a new different one.
100. Color of your room? white if i had the choice i would paint it purple not only cause purple is my favorite color but also its a calm color to have in the bedroom.
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YGO 5D’s: Birds of A Feather - Chapter 4
He couldn’t forget about that night. No, no matter how hard he tries he just can’t forget about the incident that night. It really pisses him off. A knock was heard from his front door, and he walks over to open it, seeing it was Jack and Yusei. “Hey guys. What are you doing here?” “Well, we thought we could cheer you up.” Yusei brought his son over as well, holding a gift in his hands and hold it up to him. “For you Crow.” “Awww you shouldn’t have. Thank you Odin.” He smiled and kindly accepted the gift, opening it up as it looks like it’s a bird nest coo-coo clock. “R-Really, you shouldn’t have.” “Odin put a lot of thought into it. He actually made it himself.” “Wait, really!?” Yusei chuckles, seeing that Crow was taking it seriously. “Well with some help of course.” “I hope you wike it!” Odin smiled up at him, hoping he does like the gift. “Like it?...” Crow took a closer look at the clock, then looks back at the boy. “I love it!” “What am I here for?” Jack just had to interrupt the moment. “Because he’s your friend, and when a friend is down you should come to comfort him.” “Hmph,” He snorts. “He only got beaten by a little girl he should be shamed more than being comfort.” “Not just anyone Jack. She was known to outrun Sector Security. That’s no ‘little girl’.” “Guys! I know you’re trying to help me and all, but you don’t need to come and check on me. I’m fine. Really.” “Good! I’m off!” Jack just heads out the door, not even bothering to think twice. Crow’s phone starts ringing, and so he picks it up. “Crow speaking.” “Hey Crow,” It was one of the Sector Security officers. “You know that lady you caught a couple of nights ago?” Crow listens carefully. “Yeah?” “Well, we locate her. However if we try to catch her she’ll slip through our wall again.” “What does this have to do with me?” Crow just cocked an eyebrow, showing a puzzled look. “I’m sure you’re at home, right? She’s literally nearby your place. So if possible you can come in with a sneak attack.” “Oh… okay--?” Crow ponders on the idea. “So, can you do it?” “Well, sure but--” “Great! I’m sure you’ll get her this time Crow! See ya real soon!” And just like that the officer hung up. Crow just put his phone and thinks it over. “Something wrong Crow?” Yusei snaps Crow out of his thoughts. Crow just goes to get his helmet, and walks to the front door. “They found the girl, and want me to go get her since I’m the closest at the moment.” “Well why don’t they just go get her instead of depending on you. Something tells me that they’re too lazy to do anything.” Jack assumes. “Well I’m going to get her anyway,” The ginger-haired man puts his helmet on as he got to his Blackbird. “Besides, I would like a retry anyway.” Yonah is sitting against a mossy wall of an old building, taking a smoke break while looking over her shoulders. It became a habit since she was first seen by the public after a long time hiding in the shadows. She tends to freak out on any little movement she sees, and gets up to put up a fight. Most of the time it was nothing to be afraid of. She gets a little too paranoid when on the run, but she shouldn’t be blamed for it. She looks up at the sky, groups of pigeons standing on a wire, looking at all directions. “Daddy daddy, the birds are attacking me!” A flashback came showing little Yonah with a horde of pigeons all on top of her, taking pieces of her bread bit by bit. A middle-aged man sitting next to her just laughed and walked over to shoo the pigeons away. “There’s nothing to fear Yonah. They just wanted your bread. That’s why they’re standing all around you. Look.” He points at one area where the pigeons are cautiously taking steps towards her, hoping to get some food from the girl. “Oh…. should I?” She asked, moving away from the pigeon to her foster father. “You can if you want.” She pulled a piece off from the bread and threw it far away, the horde of pigeons goes towards the piece all together, fighting over the bit. “Haha, they’re funny.” “Sure they may be quite odd.” Yonah looks up at the man as he spoke. “But unlike a lot of people I find them very astonishing. So beautiful… like you!” He elbowed her gently. “Eww, dad! They’re gross! They just eat food off the ground.” Yonah whined. “Well that’s what they do. Without them the world would be a real mess. Besides being harsh to the poor things, you should thank them for their help.” Yonah takes it into thought, and looks over at the birds. “Found ya!” Yonah snapped into reality as she heard a voice from the end of the building, a man on his D-Wheel looking at her. He gets off his D-Wheel and walks over to her. She gets up in a cautious manner. Crow stops walking and takes off his helmet. “Now,” Crow places his helmet down, showing no trouble. “We can do this the nice, easy way. I’ll just escort you to the station. No harm--” Just in moment’s time she breaks into a run, leaving Crow incomplete with his sentence. He just sighs and facepalm. “...Or the hard way. That works too.” He starts running after her. As Yonah goes to make zigzag directions on paths between buildings, Crow goes to make shortcuts to get around and in front of her path. By the time that happens the girl cuts to a sharp corner, hoping to shake him off. As it felt like she was running forever, she stopped and turned around. No sign of the man, she sighed in victory. “Who’s the slowpoke now?” She grinned to herself, but just as she turned to the other direction, Crow was standing right in front of her, face to face. “I guess that makes you ‘the slowpoke’.” The other officers were able to come on time and arrest her, taking her to the the police car. “I have to say that was pretty quick.” The officer who called him earlier walked up him, patting him on the shoulder. “Even for someone who was on break.” “It’s fine, just here to do the right thing.” He looks at a far distance as the woman gets her head pushed under the car hood through the door. He had suddenly a different feeling just then. “Welp, thanks Crow. No wonder why you’re called the Bullet.” The officer then heads back to the others, calling it off for the day and getting ready to leave their location. Crow however hasn’t moved yet. He tries thinking back at the time he first encountered the criminal, and then to now when he just caught her. “What is with this woman? Trying to run away and yet not even defending herself…” He goes back home where Yusei and Jack still are, parking his D-Wheel in the garage. The two walked down the stairs, hearing him coming back. “So… did you find her?” Jack asks. Crow nods. “Yeah…” Jack continues asking. “And you caught her?” “Uh-huh,” Crow nods again, and this time not really saying a word. “Ha! I knew you could do it!” Jack finishes walking down the stairs and goes up to Crow with a grin on his face. “I bet she wasn’t even much of a challenge this time.” “That may be true…” Crow answered. “But… something doesn’t seem right with her…” “What do you mean?” Jack became puzzled. “So was she too easy? Maybe she wanted to get caught this time.” He shrugged. “I mean, she was probably drained from her previous flights. You know, weak and all.” Crow still ponders on the incident. “But still, she didn’t fight back like she did the last time I caught her. She looked more troubled than before.” “You’re thinking too hard on this!” Jack felt annoyed by his thoughts. “Look, she’s a criminal. You caught the criminal. Done. She’s now going to be in jail where she should be.” “Sure… sure.” Crow is mentally distracted, showing Yusei something’s wrong. “I’m sure it’s alright Crow.” Yusei looks over to his friend. “For now you should be more concerned on that donut thief that’s still on the loose.” The three just laughed. “Yeah, you’re right.” Crow smiled, and stretches. “Well, are you guys staying for dinner or something? It’s getting late and all.” Yusei puts his jacket on. “I don’t know about Jack but I’m going back home for sure. I told Aki that I’ll be back before dinner.” “Well I don’t mind staying--” Jack acknowledges to stay with Crow, just then he looks at the text from his phone he received from Carly. Seeing the expression in his face, Jack seems disappointed. “...Nevermind. I gotta get home.” “Alright. See ya!” Crow walks up to his garage door as Yusei and Jack gets on their D-Wheel to go home. They may be right. He’s probably thinking too hard. And so he forgets about his troubles and gets ready for his dinner for the day, and making sure he gets ready to go to work tomorrow.
Want to find the other chapters? Go find my tag #Yugioh 5D’s Fanfiction and you’ll be able to find the rest!
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hello, hello! how have you guys been? been a while since I actually posted something instead of having a random reblog queue once every 3 weeks i think?? so here’s life updates and stuff just so you know i’m still alive here some where!! :’D
a long, rambly life things and fandom (the lack of which tbh) under the cut!
well. actually there aren’t very many changes at all. BUT I’ve been trying to get back into traditional art since last november? and that’s when I fell in love with watercolors and became kinda obsessed in hoarding as much watercolor sets I can possibly afford (grand total of 3 sets within... 5 months? i think) then proceeded to swing between hesitating to use them for weeks for fear of wasting them, and painting like mad every single day. but then april happened and i kinda. stopped. and I haven’t been able to pick up the same drive any more. I’m still v much in love with painting but. idk I guess my same old insecurities and self doubt are well and alive again. STILL. I’m starting to draw/paint little pieces again, so hopefully I can gain enough confidence to get back into painting soon (but heck still can’t even manage to update my art ig with my recent stuff so yeah good luck with that!)
fandom-wise. right now? I’m kinda. Not into anything. At all. holy crap, okay I’m totally feeling my age here. but I’m starting to realize I haven’t got enough attention span anymore to get into new things. it’s so much easier to stick to the fandoms I knew well enough already. Though, you know, considering the increasingly overwhelming cringe-worthy sexism in One Piece, as well as Oda keeps on keeping on using same old story lines, and really conflicting plot lines (e.g. Big Mom, whose dream is to have an inclusive family made out of all races in the world, despising her 3-eyed daughter out of all the weirdoes in her family????? like seriously that’s where she draws the line????), and again his admittedly gross treatment of his female characters, I can say I’m only in it now for the sake of finishing the story I loved and grew up with.
as for HQ!!... welp. No Seijou No Life, so there’s that. I mean, I saw my 1st year and 2nd year kids cameo-ing in recent chapters but that’s not nearly good enough. And there’s news?? that the Seijou extra chapter with Yuda and the others are going to be animated? which yayy!!! more Seijou!! but also not... because wow!! I’m going to see my kids cry their eyes out all over again!!!!! and I’ll be weeping with them ofc (gross sobbing!!) But I think if I ever do get to blog/reblog anything about it I’ll probably one of those unfashionably late people, bc apparently I’m always late with the hype.
like with YOI and BNHA, actually. I really, really want to get into them since I only hear/read good things about them. but yeah. still need to have that elusive attention-span. All I’m keeping up with rn are Steven Universe and American Gods, with Brooklyn 99 s04 waiting on the side. And. That’s it. Pretty much.
anyways on life things. my bf and I are starting to talk abt getting married. and while we’re still p much just enjoying stuff as it is, we agree that after 13yrs together it’s about time we actually start at least talking about it. and I’m actually. well. p terrified at the idea of marriage tbh. I’ll be giving up a lot of stuff, my name, my childhood home, and a whole host of other things I can name but won’t. suffice to say it’ll be a long, loooong talk between the bf and I.
and that’s it. sorry for the length, if anyone bothered to read this far in. see you next time I bother to ramble on like this! o/
#anne's rambling#about real life#god i hope the read more sticks in mobile#if not i sincerely apologize for the length and utterly rambly possibly oversharing post
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FE: Birthright Randomised Prologue, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
(aka ‘I can’t believe Shadow is freaking Dead’)
ok Are you ready for this? I’m sure not but let’s mcfreaking go I’m gonna go on a lot of tangents probably so please forgive me for that---
oooooooook so let’s see if this actually works (I haven’t actually tested it yet, but it loaded instead of hanging at a black screen so I’m assuming it does), let’s also see if it breaks the game or not b/c I’ve heard that Birthright can so therefore Conquest is more reliable but I never want to play Conquest ever again holy heck I don’t have a physical copy of Conquest ayyyy
But enough stalling! Let’s get right to it! Ah jeez I really want to give Corrin the really short hair I did when I branched off to Revelation but I want to keep the SYMBOLISM-

.... a lot of these pictures are gonna be squint ahah (also it’s Samurai b/c I need Astra lmao)
ok then let’s goooooo
I suppose I should be worried that the ‘No’ option doesn’t show properly but w/e (the button is blank lol)
........ Azura could you build the suspence any higher ahahahah;;;;;;

TAKUMI REPLACED HINOKA I’M GOING TO D I E And he’s a Diviner lmao no Fujin Yumi for u m8 I hope that the Ryoma and Takumi replacements can/will use Raijinto and Fujin Yumi lol ohhh my farore I am actually shaking aaaaahhh give me a minute ahahh--- this is so surreal is this actually happening I don’t even kno w ANYWAY
Takumi are you saying ‘How dare you!?’ to the Nohrian for trying to attack me or me for not knowing how to dodge-
also I’m going to skip enemy/ally phases so there aren’t any spoilers >:3c
ok I know it’s for stability’s sake, but Takumi with the Sky Knight class looks like he has short hair-

ah yeah since it’s Birthright then the Nohrian siblings won’t get randomised for stability :V
ohhh my gosh Sakura is replaced with Mozu aaaaaahhhhh that’s adorable auhfiughdfysdgf

Ryoma is Yukimura I’m This playthrough is going to end me tbh---
I don’t think I’m ever going to get over Felicia being Takumi and Azura being Ryoma tbh holy heck
also I really hope Felicia turns out to be a class that can use bows so that she could possibly have Fujin Yumi idk how it works tho ahahahhhh;;;;;;

I’m not getting over this, I can’t wait to see more of Felicia being passive aggressive/throwing the extreme SALT around
Azura, Takumi just asked if u were alright, I don’t really think humming is gonna help u with answering him-

Azura, High Princess of NoChill-shido
aaaand more vanilla sibliings (I’m sorry, I didn’t have the courage to try to get Revelation to work-)

It’s at times like this when you realise just how different Hinoka and Takumi are when it comes to acting towards u at the start asfhiudfsiudh
WELP ANYWAY that concludes the Proloooogue, time to get right into Chapter 1 aaaaaah

also this is what I was talking about with the button being blank ahahahh;;;;
time to see Felicia and Jakob’s replacements ayyyy OH MY GOD

Felicia is now an Oni Savage Hana holy heck- JAKOB IS KAZE I’M GOING TO DI E
OH MY GOD Flora asked Hana if she’d help w/ waking Corrin up and Hana’s voiceline was just ‘No’ aioasdfudfhsudfs I think I’m going to do Chapter 2 as well seeing as basically nothing will be different this chapter b/c I ain’t doing Conquest ahahah;;;
I always seem to forget how tutorial heavy fe games are, but especially in Fates :’’’’D ayyyy first level up! ..... I only got hp! :’’’’’’’’D yikes that was an awful level up audgaiufhaduf do the growth rates change for Corrin? idek ahahah (no they don’t seem to)

anyway hope ur ready to Die, Xander if not then.................. well this is Birthright ayyyy lmao
aaanyway we don’t need to see this cutscene we’ve already seen it before many tiiiimes because it’s exactly the saaaaaaaaaame but there’s Leo with his inside out collar again lmao there’s a tag on it and everything that’s cute
You know what I realised the other day though??? A unit’s clothing can get ripped in this game, idk what causes it tho, probably getting low on HP, and it’s certainly not fixed magically w/ healing it’s a funny little detail idek

lmao bye Hana we won’t see u again for a whiiiile ahahh;;;;
onto Chapter 2! :D (I love this so far ngl, oh my Farore)
So! who are the Hoshidan prisoners!? >:D oh yeah we have to see Ganon- GARON, first asjhifadufa Dragon Veins, Ganglari, magic from Valla, yadda yadda yaddaaaaa PRISONERS!
..........oh my Farore-

Kaze don’t be mean >:V I mean.... yeah tea sounds great right now but THAT DOESN’T MATTER U were in their position once, in an alternate universe :Y
........................... Holy Hylia-

...... So does this mean I can call Jakob a grill he certainly does roast ppl a lot in the original-

THAT RINKAH REPLACES KAZE- it was really funny tho, when Corrin said ‘Huh? Have you heard of me?’ Rinkah just said nothing, but her mouth was open and her voice line was ‘What?’ so I’m just imagining her like ‘Bitch, I am Hurt’
yeah yeah Dragon Vein tutorial and all that I GET IT- Let’s look at Kaze’s stats and skills! >:D
...... Holy shit he’s a monster

His personal skill is Collector, which is super neat because hey! free stuff! :D He also has Seal Magic which could be good with his terrible less than stellar Resistance, and Good Fortune, which restores up to 20% HP EACH TURN, well.... based on his luck stat, which is..... pretty bad lmao- maybe he has a really good Luck stat growth idk (I peeked at the output file after having played the chapter and his stat growths are HP = 15, Str = 30, Mag = 35, Skill = 50, Spd = 25, Lck = 50, Def = 20, Res = 40, so yeah, pretty decent barring HP and Def haha;;;) But LOOK AT THAT STRENGTH HE’S A BEAST AND A C RANK IN SPEARS THAT’S FANTASTIC UGH- Kaze........ my man, I can’t wait to see what you can Heart Seal into it could probably be really cool, or..... pretty bad, idk anything could happen with this randomiser
I just realised how ironic his randomised class was; he went from a light, speed based Hoshidan class to a bulky, defence based Nohrian class ahahah;;;
but enough digressing! Let’s get started! >:D
....... Goddesses damn it Kaze, why do you have such an adorable laugh u’r gonna kill me- also don’t lie, you can’t use staves :V Anyway, I shouldn’t bother letting Gunter get experience because reasons, this is Birthright-
I’m just gonna end the turn without doing anything and see what happens, because I want them to still be paired up when they attack/still be on the healtile;;;

Rest in pieces, generic samurai.

Look at how quick these guys are to throw their lives away, how cute. Another level uuuuup 1 point to Speed and Luck, wow that’s.... not all that great, but I’m not going to have a lot of luck anyway so I should just take what I can get :V
Jakob no, it’s no use You have a club and your against a sword I mean yeah you survive but not for long m8

....... I hate to break it to ya, Jakob, buuuut
ah jeez, Corrin almost leveled up again-
Dammit Corrin, we could have finished it there and then if you had just HIT HER- no matter, she should be done now
Ayyy, level up for Kaze!

And it’s pretty darn good too! :V
I still can’t believe that Kaze replaces Jakob, like, they couldn’t be any different with how they treat people- I’m not complaining tho; means I get Kaze pretty early on >:3c ayyy he got Defence +2! :D
aww that’s the end of the Chapter ;;u;;

ooooh hey! Jakob’s a Nohr Prince and Rinkah’s a Spear Fighter! (That makes what Jakob said earlier even better lmao;;; ) I can’t wait to see Jakob turn into a mcfreaking DRAGON awwww yeeeaaaah >:3ccccc
oh yeah, Garon talking about ‘kill the Hoshidans!’ all that nonsense like, bruh. nah. I want a Nohr Prince and Spear Fighter, yo. it’s funny how Jakob still stands the way he does tho, but I can’t get a picture of it agusdasusfgha
ahhh, wheesht Xander, u idiot, you know more than anyone that there’s something definitely up with Garon and all that stuff with the vanilla Nohr siblings yadda yadda

Ok you can’t really see it, but there’s Jakob standing the way he usually does lol

Why u gotta be so r00000d it’s still oddly fitting that he’s in the place of Rinkah, tho; it’s like, what Jakob would act like towards Corrin if he hadn’t been their butler, albeit a little less passive aggressive :V

JAKOB I told u to STOP-
aww man, that’s the real end of the chapter
safjuhduhfsdufhasf I wanna play moooore but I shouldn’t make this go on too long ;;;;u;;;; So u can bet that I’ll keep going later hahahah;;;;
Sorry for the low quality images btw, I might look into getting a screenshot plugin at some point, idk I also don’t know how often I should do these, so if anyone who bothered to get this far could tell me what they would think would be best that would be really great :0
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Crisis resolved?
So remember me freaking out about D&D? Yesterday was supposed to be a session, but one player couldn’t make it, meaning two of them were left. And I figured, hey, let’s try something completely different. They get to keep their characters, but are ~suddenly~ somewhere else for a one shot adventure. One I had barely prepared. Meaning, I had one page of notes, and had taken out a bunch of tables that I could randomly roll things on. That was it, I made 90% up as I went. And it was awesome. My one story hook: Someone will reverse pickpocket a key into their possession, one that upon a failed WIS save compells them to look for what on earth it opens. The ending: It will lead to something not valuable. That was my idea.
Set in the cold northeast of Kathuraz, Jandar and Nate found themselves in a city in Valyrya called Jarzo, in front of the Icy Beaver tavern. Immediately they made up a “quest goal” they had (”Don’t you remember, we have to find the old flag pole!”), but of course, night was coming and they needed a place to stay. I rolled a name for the innkeeper, randomly rolled for the tavern to have illegal cockfighting in the back, as well as a fighting ring in the middle. Instead of breaking up the cockfight, Jandar our paladin decided to go for a fight against the local dumb-but-strong-Phillip. He lost. The dumb one won. (In retrospect, a CR3 against a lvl 5 character was probably too high. welp, that’s what happens when I make it up). Playing the announcer guy was a hell of a lot of fun as he just suddenly turned out super happy and enthusiastic about everything.
Nate’s PP was too low to notice the elderly male dwarf that gave him the key, so they never got to meet him (also rolled randomly about him). But he didn’t make his save, and the player did play the obsession pretty well. Which only happend after a night’s sleep. Before that they asked around to find out that “Handsome McPrettyFace” had shown up in town with a magical shop. The innkeeper went on and on about how he blocked his way to his favourite bakery (also super fun to play) and how damn pretty he was.
Alright, next day. Nate is obsessed with finding what the key unlocks, Jandar is suspicious, casts Detect Magic. There’s definitely something there, but he’s unable to really figure it out. So they go to Handsome McPrettyFace who they later described as a douche and also awesome (loved playing him too lol). His name is Julian Xartho, warlock extrordinaire, friend to Ezekiel (x), and was not a shop owner until that very moment. I had actually prepared his character sheet and he knew Identify so he did that, revealing there was a piece of a soul in that key. The two buy health potions, but have nowhere near enough to get that potion of invisibility he has. He follows them without knowing (but that never led anywhere).
At this point Nate has a vision of the temple of Valgyrn in the city, one of the creators, the goddes of Light and Life. Naturally that’s where they go, meeting a priestess, Alesia. just before, they actually rolled high enough to end the encounter with some other key-obsessed guys peacefully (Tyr channeling his divine magic through Jandar to stop them). She too can sense the soul, but does not sense anything evil from it, hinting that some souls cling to certain parts of their lives, and helps them figure out to find the place where the vision had originated from, hence the rooftop looking out onto the temple.
Turns out that’s a house that’s currenlty very obviously in mourning, as it’s decorated in the traditional greens. Jandar decides to pose as a cleric to distract the mourners, while Nate (being a thief), tries to figure out where the vision came from. It’s... a bumpy ride, the woman who lost her son almost kicks Jandar out again, but he bullshits his way through. While Nate finds the dead son’s room, but no keyhole that fits (he’s been trying every single one), eventually goes to the roof, sees the temple, and the initials “Z + N” in the chimney.
Another vision hits him then, guiding him the the town’s graveyard, to the grave with the name Nizol (randomly rolled, though keep in mind I made all of this up). Excitedly, Nate tells Jandar, and off they go. As soon as the key touches the grave, it opens up to a staircase leading into darkness, and the randomly rolled dungeon. At first it’s a room with a fireplace in the middle, and stars above (I’m thinking at this point, it’s connected to the soul, this is where it felt at peace). Randomly rolled smoke mephits attack at this point.
The next room is a long, long hallway (I’m thinking and describing how it’s the alley where the soul was mugged and killed, I don’t think they got it), with a needle trap at the end that they successfully circumvent. The last room is full of dancing lights, and a small, ornate box in the middle. They key finally fits.
Except it’s just mementos. Little, ordinary things of Nizol and “Z”, notes, a pretty rock, a ring, a lock of hair, etc, etc. The letters describe that they’re best friends, that they spent almost every day together, and how thankful, how connected they were. A blue wisp of magic turns into the shape of a young human male, who nods at them, and vanishes. The room goes dark, they’re back in the cemetery, there’s no staircase.
Some of the letters actually have an address on them(we’re tired at this point), so they decide to return the box. It’s a pretty well of place, similar to the one before, and it’s also in mourning. A woman opens, she has long blonde hair, she wears a green sash around her waist, she’s also mourning. Her name is Zora. (I put on sad music bc I’m an asshole lol) She’s incredibly thanfkul that they brought this back to her, crying but also happy because they brought her a bit of peace. A bit of her best friend that she’ll miss for the rest of her life. They don’t need a reward.
In the end, Jandar and Nate go to the harbour, to the old flagpole, and have a mug of ale each, toasting the the lost soul.
It was crazy, and silly, and sad in the end, but man it was fun. We all had fun and that’s what matters, and I feel better about the whole thing. Doesn’t mean I don’t get nervous during sessions but hey, at least I know I can bullshit my way through a session without anyone noticing! I won’t say crisis completely resolved, but it’s definitely better.
#dungeonmaster#dungeons and dragons#dnd#critters#about the dm#session diary#thankfully my player don't play zelda so they didn't go huh at the name zora#i had the letter before and only thought of a name on the spot
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