#so was Buck until 7x4 so sick my dick
buddiesmutslut · 2 months
Okay so Eddie is absolutely going to be queer this season, & I’m taking that from Ryan’s interview about how Eddie sees Hen & Buck living their truth and how he wants that for himself. Of course, we’ve already talked about him mentioning the two canonically queer characters, BUT!
I haven’t seen it talked about who he DIDN’T mention, & by that, I specifically mean Howard “Chimney” Han.
Chim, who’s canonically straight.
Chim, who JUST got married to his wife & the mother of his child this season.
If Eddie’s comparing & basing his life off of somebody, wouldn’t Chim be the obvious answer? His friend, who’s happy & settled into married life with his wife and their child, doing kind things like fostering his friends’ kid so they don’t have to be apart. Despite my personal feelings about Madney, they’re canonically a happy, healthy, married, straight couple. If Eddie’s straight, shouldn’t that be EXACTLY what he wants??
Even Bobby, who he’s bonded with over the death of a spouse. Bobby & Athena, who are also married & happy & straight, making it work after tragedy.
But no, instead of those people, he picks Hen & Buck. Hen, a married lesbian woman who’s fighting to get her daughter back (not in a GREAT place atm) & Buck, who just figured out his sexuality, is taking it slow with a man he hasn’t even called his boyfriend yet (I only mention that bc again, Eddie is a nester, he wants a family)
I think who he didn’t name is equally as important as who he did & that’s why I fully believe in queer Eddie Diaz at some point, & I think it makes the most sense at this point in his story.
(I think it would’ve also made sense after Ana & his breakdown & all the therapy he went through THEN, but I can only go back in fics, so s8, post-Chris leaving, blowing his life up time it is)
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