#so to me its no wonder the Mahri
coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
Honestly, I kinda love that while yes, the hardships the Toa Inika/Mahri faced during the events of 06 and 07 was a contributor to shaping them into one of the most ruthlessly pragmatic teams out there, it's really only the cherry atop the sundae.
An arguably bigger factor is also having lived as Matoran on an island under a 999-year-long siege from its own wildlife, followed by the Bohrok crisis and the Rahkshi. Sure, their jaunt through Literal Hell in the first half of 06 didn't hurt, but they honestly had very little chill even before then.
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sepublic · 1 month
I want to defend the Arthron, AKA the Mask of Sonar for a bit. I largely agree with @beesgav’s post about a lot of Kanohi powers being. Erm. Specific. But I think the Arthron has a lot of potential that we haven’t considered.
For starters, it relies on sonar imaging; So imagine Jaller using the Arthron to see 360 degrees! Not only that, but sonar imaging could be used to scan ahead of his normal range of sight, especially in the darkness of the ocean floor. So Jaller could act as both a scout and sentry for the group, detecting enemies ahead and behind, and even mapping out locations! So Jaller can constantly know all the nooks and crannies, all of the corridors and caves to exploit; Make the Arthron constantly active so Jaller always knows what’s going on around and even beneath him.
Since it’s a mask power, let’s enhance the Arthron beyond normal physics, which Kanohi often do; It can even make sonar imaging through solid surfaces! So let’s reimagine Jaller’s fight with Mantax, who attempts to hide in the sand and even employ a decoy, just as he did with Hahli earlier… Except Jaller sees right through this, he immediately spots Mantax within the sand and can tell the fake one is just some bones leading to nothing. Likewise, Jaller can map out a cave network, a building, that sort of thing. If he wants, he can concentrate the Arthron’s power in a specific direction to expand its range and accuracy. It can even sense weak points within a structure.
In other words, the Arthron is like a mask of X-Ray vision. It relies on echolocation, which bats use, so it’s also a mask of night vision as well! And like I said, since we’re boosting its power, that means the Arthron’s sonar imagining can work on land. Even if it doesn’t, it’s introduced in the arc where everyone is underwater, the environment where sonar imaging is effective (and I presume this was what inspired the decision for Jaller’s Mahri mask to begin with). So it doesn’t matter too much.
Makes me wish Greg used the Arthron more; I think there a lot of creative applications to many Kanohi that could’ve been considered (I feel most of this can be attributed to me having watched Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure). But the fact that I can’t recall at all an instance where Jaller actually used it besides the first time, when he attempted to use his Calix, indicates that Greg couldn’t think of an interesting moment for the Arthron.
And with the lack of uses in story, I can’t blame anyone, myself included for a while, for coming away with the same takeaway that the Arthron was useless; In hindsight I find it simply unexplored, and I wonder who even came up with the Arthron’s power? Did they have a better understanding of sonar’s uses and that’s why they chose it, or was it Greg?
Honestly, the main problem with my suggestions for the Arthron is that it makes the Mask of X-Ray and Night vision a bit redundant… But again that’s what some later Kanohi did. Personally I’d have just mashed together the Akaku and Ruru’s powers together, in addition to long-range vision. Though the Ruru can at least be used to illuminate areas, making it a tad Nuva in extending sight to others; Plus it can be used to blind enemies, so maybe we could upgrade it to having flash bang properties.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 5 months
Everafter Epilogues:
It had been a few days of waiting with gift in hand, his parked in the garage, hers in three tiny boxes, one of them blue and hidden deep beneath a cavalcade of his mother's things that he hadn't had the heart to let go of yet. It had seemed like weeks as the excitement had become palpable, a real living thing. He had to be sure she didn't find it before the perfect moment. Phill and Betty as well and Jessy and Dan, were all aware of the surprises, but not one of them would tell. If the women hadn't threatened to disengage from all affection if the truth was spilled, they likely might have given something away in their excitement. Dan and Phil were almost as eager for the couple to exchange gifts as Mahri and Jake were to give them.
The group had hung out for Christmas Eve, they had a movie night with all of the popcorn and snacks that they could handle, but they had decided that they would wait until noon the next day to exchange presents together as Mahri was strictly a no presents until Christmas Day kind of gal. It would be hard to wait for the gift exchange, but it would give the couples every opportunity for a lazy morning, which Jake and Mahri planned on taking every advantage of.
His eyes opened slowly. They had a wonderful night of laughs and popcorn, with the best of friends, he didn't even mind the matching pajamas that Jessy had insisted on, but his best thing, his favorite thing was waking up with her in his arms. He wasn't ready to move or leave her side, but he felt her stirring and he wanted to make sure that they were both ready for the day so he reluctantly threw on a pair of sweats and drug himself to the kitchen. Mahri would need coffee.
After a while, he reentered the bedroom, "Good Morning, Love... Merry Christmas." Jake said as he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. Her hair was everywhere, her lips were chapped from the night before he supposed, and she had a terrible case of morning breath, but he never loved her more. He could only see how the light that streamed in the window at this hour of the morning made her eyes shine and the way that those same sleepy eyes looked at him with more love than he thought possible. Waiting for her eyes to open, he chuckled when she grumbled at the sun and that fact that she had to wake. He could only imagine this being how every morning would begin for the two of them and how he would never tire of this or any other instant they shared as he handed her a cup of coffee.
She patted on the bed next to her, the sheets barely covering her. He wanted to touch her skin, to feel its silky smooth underneath his fingers. He wanted to kiss the honey skin in the place where her shoulder curved delicately down and to touch the soft strands of her hair and move them out of her face to reveal the slight blush on her cheeks. Right now, though, he would settle for holding her for a while longer while she sipped on her coffee in the early morning light.
He sat down on the bed next to her, leaning back so she could nuzzle up next to him. She climbed between his legs, still the perfect fit, and he wrapped her in his arms. "You do love me," she squeaked out as she wrapped her fingers around the hers mug that resided in his cupboard. They were quiet for a moment and as she took slow languid sips from her mug, he stole sweet soft kisses on her neck and took in her sweet fragrance. Ian this silence, there was utter peace for him, no worries crossed his mind, the day was starting but the pressure to make it into something hadn't arrived yet. He had never been bothered by silence, but the silence with her was something more, it was somehow intimate. It was as if the whole universe was right in this room and they were in control of their own destiny.
She suddenly, now that her cup was half gone, broke into his thoughts, "I was so excited about coffee that I forgot to tell you Merry Christmas." She grabbed one of his hands and kissed it ever so softly.
He gave a low chuckle. "I expect nothing from you until that first cup is empty. I know that coffee is imperative to you well being."
She turned her body sideways so she could see him better. "You, Jake, are imperative to my well being, but I am glad that you understand the importance of a good intake of caffeine." He smiled and kissed her softly on the forehead. "I have been meaning to tell you that I have an issue with these mugs," His eyebrows raised as she commented. He always thought she enjoyed them, her sense of humor at the oddest things made her even more endearing to him. She continued, "This one says "hers", but shouldn't I technically be drinking out of the "his" mug. I am yours after all."
He straightened her hair and brushed it back from her face with his thumb his eyes met her hers in a long embrace. His voice was low and throaty as he spoke, "You are mine and every part of me belongs to you." His eyes never left hers as he spoke and she felt the depth and the breadth of his words.
AS quiet as the moment had been, those words sparked something in that bedroom. Quickly she flung her coffee mug on the nightstand, fortunately it was empty, and jumped on top of him, covering his face with kisses, unable to keep her hands off of the wonderful man that shared his heart with her.
Sometime later, they pulled themselves out of bed, untangling their arms and legs from each other, and began their preparations for the day. The gang was supposed to show up around noon, but Betty was always early. Mahri had some baking to do and Jake had one more errand, something in the back yard that he still wouldn't let Mahri know about. It didn't bother her, she had a few secrets of her own. Ones that she was excited to share later in the day.
Jake and Mahri had created an inviting and festive atmosphere in that old cabin. Swags of pine and white paper stars had been hung gracefully from the beams and twinkle lights colored the walls with a flickering glow, sending dancing light into even the darkest corners. The fire roared and warmed the old place like a sweater that had been knit by your oldest and sweetest grandmother. Presents were packed under the tree, each had been thoughtfully picked out by the couple, all were wrapped in matching paper, a red buffalo print that made Mahri think of her California childhood. Jake was surprised at how much he liked picking out presents with her. It was all of these little things that had been so long missing from his life. All of these little things that Mahri had given back to him. All of these things that made his love for her continue to grow. The sounds of a crooner singing a traditional holiday gem hung in the air which held the aroma of coffee and cookies.
The cookies were Mari's first surprise for Jake, they were his mother's recipe and one of the first memories from his childhood that he had shared with her. She had stumbled upon the recipe weeks ago but had been waiting for this moment to prepare them. While Jake was outside doing whatever he was doing, she had lovingly made more of the cookies than all of their friends could consume in a week. She wanted his mom to be there somehow. She wished that she could have met his mother, but more importantly she wished that Jake had been able to share more memories and love with her. If cookies were all that she had to give him even the slightest remembrance of her love, and remind him of Nana and all of the things that she meant to him, Mahri would make them at every important event and even at the not so important ones.
Mahri's heart was full of love and joy. She was content in every possible and unexplainable way. It wasn't even about the gifts that she was excited to give or the ones that she hoped to receive. It was all about their friends and the love they alll shared. Family was important, but chosen family was everything. It was also about him and her and this house, about the hope for their shared future and the plans that she was sure they would make and fulfill together that made her heart beat faster and harder.
So as she filled her "his" coffee mug, her fourth cup, and carefully placed those magical cookies on Jake's childhood Santa plate, she danced around twirling in er red dress and dreaming of future Christmases, of more times in front of the fire, of dancing in his arms. She dreamed of watching the seasons change, enjoying sunsets, candlelight dinners and bubble baths. She dreamed of babies, their babies, crying and laughter filling every inch of the cabin.
Jake had returned from the backyard unnoticed. He watched her in the kitchen longer than he probably should have since the guests would be arriving soon. She was mesmerizing as he gazed upon her while she danced. He listened to her hum a tune he didn't recognize and was amazed that his life was so unexpectedly more than his wildest imagination could have created.
His thoughts flew back to the time they had met on the porch, her hair wet and mussed, her cheeks flushed from the cold, and how he couldn't have possibly guessed the beauty and the joy and all of the love that would change his life in such a short time. He couldn't possibly have understood the depth of her compassion, the gentleness of her spirit, or the deep understanding behind those emerald eyes. He loved her before he knew her, but his love had only grown from that day. He hoped that he could show her half of the happiness and light that she had shown him. Before he could ruin the moment by thinking of all the ways he didn't deserve her, he headed to the shower, his thoughts lingering on all of the ways he loved her.
Straightening presents under the tree, she felt his strong arms, the ones that made her feel both safe and loved, wrap around her waist from behind and the heat from his lips began to dance on her skin. Her dark hair had been pulled up in a loose bun, she knew that he couldn't resist her when it was like that. She moaned in satisfaction as the kisses lingered on her neck. It wasn't long before he spun her around to gain access to the low V of the dress she had bought just for this party. She was gorgeous in it. She knew that it fit her perfectly, the scarlet fabric hugging her in all of the right places. He knew that in or out of that dress, she was the most beautiful thing that the universe had ever created. He couldn't wait to get her out of that dress, so he continued to kiss her in all the right places. He was about to let things get out of hand without the slightest bit of guilt.
She tried to focus on the little things like the coffee brewing or the other food that still had to be prepared in order to maintain some sort of control. But her heart was beating faster and she was feeling a little dizzy from his kisses and his roaming hands.. Once she took in his scent, fresh with soap and cedar, the fragrance that never quite left his hair this time of year, she thought about the warmth of his skin and of his strength as he held her pinned against the counter with one hand while he touched her ever so gently with the other. She thought about how he whispered her name as his hands went under her skirt higher and higher. She thought about the fact that his fingers were playing with the lace of her panties... and then she could think of nothing else but him and how he gave her butterflies and set her on fire at the same moment.
"Do we have enough time to....?" He asked in a low husky voice, full of desire.
"No," Mahri panted out the answer, but refused to move away from his touch, "Betty is always early, she should be here any ..."
At that moment, Betty appeared in her sparkliest of black sparkly dresses. The twinkle lights that filled the cabin made her glow. She had the appearance of a goddess. Mahri was in awe of her beauty both outwardly and inwardly. She was pleased that Betty was included in world, but right now, she was bitterly disappointed by her early arrival. "Well, well, what is going on in here?" Betty asked with a smile plastered on her face.
The two were truly still in the midst of their embrace. Jake's back was to the door and his lips were still lingering at the lowest part of Mahri's fantastically low cut dress, his hand still hiding under the hem of her skirt. He turned quickly at the sound of her voice, pulling his hand to a socially acceptable position, sighed and then quickly unraveled himself from his love. "Oh, well, " Jake answered confident in his love for Mahri, "light foreplay...if you must know... If you were willing to come back inside in five minutes, I am sure that we would be much better hosts."
"Is that all the time you need, Romeo?" she smirked. He blushed realizing his poor choice in words, forgetting for a moment that she could turn anything into a verbal jab. Betty continued, "Alas, I am here and Phil is right behind me unloading the car. If he knew that you two were up to something, he would make it even more awkward for you on principle. He lives for that shit." Mahri nodded her head, Betty was right. Jake cleared his throat and ran his hands down his black dress pants and adjusted his tie. Mahri attempted to straighten her dress, at least making sure the V was pulled high enough to cover the bits that were currently on display..
Betty smirked, her eyes twinkled. She was proud of catching them in the act, she was proud of the place the two of them had come to and she was extremely proud that they had invited her today. She continued, "Geez, Look at you two behaving like teenagers. Besides, there will be plenty of time for all of that after we leave." It was Jake's turn to nod. Indeed, they would have plenty of time for all of the things they wanted to do and for the rest of their lives if things went his way tonight.
Phil slammed into the room, arms full of presents and food. Snow flew in the doorway as the door itself flew back into the coatrack. He was flustered, something unusual for Phil. Mahri counted eight bags and two boxes perched on his arms. She was sure that Betty had bet him that he couldn't get it all in one trip.
He flung the food on the counter and looked at Betty with a victorious smirk, "I told you I could do it with the right motivation." The bags quickly dropped to the floor, "Do with it what you want, woman." Phil responded, looking proud of himself. Betty must have been proud too because suddenly Mahr saw Betty fling herself across the room, wrap her lips and her legs around him and cover him in passionate kisses. How she managed to bo that flexible in a dress that tight impressed everyone in the room.
"Keep it in your pants, sister." Jake exclaimed more loudly than necessary.
"The man was simply collecting his reward." Betty retorted through heated and irregular breath. As usual, she was unashamed.
"Well, you have plenty of time for that later, after YOU leave." Jake teased. She climbed off of Phil and while he pouted, he said, "I guess he is right, besides, the real reward is too indecent to be given in mixed company."
Betty patted him on the chest and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, then headed straight for the coffee. "What I have planned for you is indecent in the privacy of my apartment." She winked at Phil and made a challenging face to Jake. Mahri wondered if that was a blush she saw fly across Phil's cheeks.
"Ugh," Jake moans and meets Phil's gaze. "None of that talk in front of me, remember. Disgusting."
Betty laughed as she headed to the kitchen to pull Mahri in for a hug. "Merry Christmas." Mahri returns the hug, "Merry Christmas to you. I am so glad that you are here. It wouldn't be the same without you both." Betty then walked past Jake, punched him in the arm, and whispered "Merry Christmas," as she headed to the other side of the cabin to place presents under the tree.
Phil, who wore a rust colored button up shirt and pants with the perfect amount of sag, watched in amazement. He appeared to be fascinated by everything about her. Jake couldn't help but notice and smile. He handed Phil a Christmas ale and bumped his shoulder. Phil spoke, "Man, she is truly something that they don't even make words for." Jake uttered only a low, "uh huh" because he was observing Mahri and thinking the exact same thing.
The adoration committee was interrupted by a knock at the door. While Betty and Phil had just walked in, Jessy had knocked. Betty thought it was impolite to knock when entering a loved ones house. She and Jake had often disagreed on this fact, but today was no day for disagreements, so Jake kept his comment about Jessy's good manners to himself.
Mahri ran to the door and greeted both Jessy and Dan at the door. Laughter and squeals were heard from the other side of the cabin as Jessy and Mahri acted like they hadn't seen each other in years even thought they had been together last night. Dan had all of the presents and grinned from ear to ear as the two walked into the kitchen arm in arm. Jessy walked over to Jake and offered him a hug which he returned by wrapping his arms tightly around her. He was grateful for her in too many ways to count. Dan meanwhile, kissed Mahri on the cheek and gave a thumbs up to Jake over Mari's shoulder in an effort to encourage him. Dan was, by far, the most invested in this whole evening's climax. If it hadn't been for their tumultuous first meeting the two probably never would have become as close as they were. Dan had stayed true to his vow to be a friend to both Mahri and Jake. Jake viewed him as a reliable and trustworthy brother and a welcome presence in his life.
"Hellooo, my favorite people on the best day of the year," He hugged Betty as he singsonged into the room. Usually, he would have been the one to bring the booze, but he had made a promise to Jessy and he was not going to break it. She was all that he wanted. He wasn't about to risk it or Mahri's friendship over something as needless as a drink.
Dan slapped Jake on the back and nodded at Phil as he made himself a cup of coffee, extra cream and extra sugar. He still wasn't used to coffee, but a guy had to indulge in something and he had this really cool machine to make it. The boys exchanged pleasantries while the girls fiddled with ribbons and found warm seats in front of the fire. Jake eyed Dan as he used his precious espresso machine. Trusting Dan in this way said a lot about their friendship. There were very few people that he would allow to go anywhere near his precious machine. Truthfully, everything Dan was doing right now stressed Jake out, but he was determined to keep his mouth shut and try to control the facial twitches that were threatening to release themselves. He was very thankful the Phil preferred water, soda, and alcohol to his fanciest of espressos.
The girls were ensconced in some discussion involving squirrels as they nestled by the fire. Taking advantage of the moment, Dan leaned over and in a conspiratorial tone asked, "You ready for the big ask, man? How are the nerves?"
Jake shrugged and smiled. He shouldn't be nervous and he wasn't really. He knew, without question that this was what he wanted. He also knew what she wanted, but this is a big deal and he wants the moment and the memory to be perfect. He didn't know how to express his feelings and the guys didn't want to push it.
During this awkward silence, Jake's eyes fell on the plate of cookies in his old Santa plate. As he reached down and grabbed a cookie, he bit into it seemed to travel back in time. He could almost feel his mother in the kitchen, he could almost hear her laugh. It was a though he was ten years old and she had walked into the room. He remembered baking with her, perched on a stool, how warm the house felt, how loved he was. Jake's eyes began to tear up.
"Where did you just go?" Phil asked without trying to mask his concern.
"I just fell into a memory. My mother made these cookies with me every Christmas. Tasting them brought me back to when I was a little kid," He paused, "This is quite the gift. I don't know how she did this. They taste exactly like Mom's."
"Mahri has some special powers." Dan responded. Phil nodded, "She should never be underestimated, that is for sure."
Mahri had been watching him from across the room as he tried the cookie. She walked over and placed her arm around his waist. He responded in like manner. Mahri leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Did you like the cookie? I know I can't make them like your mom, but did you recognize the recipe?"
He kissed her forehead. "They are perfect, just like you. They made me feel like I got a hug from her, like she is here somehow. Thank you."
Mahri beamed. She was proud that she had delivered those feelings to him. She would bake a billion cookies if it brought that look to his face.
He pulled her in closer, his arms around her waist. "You are amazing. I love you," He whispered in her ear. He kissed her forehead, she wrapped her arms around him, he stayed in her arms for a bit.
"What is this about a cookie?" she stopped herself when she saw the look on Jake's face, "Jake, is this your mom's recipe? I have missed these." Betty asked more loudly than usual then ran toward the tray and immediately grabbed two. Forgetting all of her manners, she shoved the first cookie in her mouth. Her eyes closed in delight. With her mouth still partially full, she handed one to Phil, "Babe, try these. They will change your life."
Mahri chuckled at her enthusiasm, turning to Jake, "I thought I made more than enough, but the way Betty is eating, we may be out of stock by 12:05." He laughed, "Well, I can't say that I blame her. Besides, we will have a lot of chances to make more." "Oh, will we?" she asked but knew the answer. Jake smiled at her and turned quickly back to his friends.
She kissed his cheek and settled in beside him while the friends ate cookies and thought about how happy they were that they had found each other. Jessy's red hair twirled as her jade green dress swayed along to an incredibly classic Christmas tune, Dan in his Christmas best and looking as swoony as Mahri had ever seen him, reached out and asked her for a dance. Jessy laid her head on his shoulder and enjoyed the closeness. They looked peaceful and comfortable and just about perfect. Mahri's heart burst at the seams.
The moment was broken by another knock. The last of the guests. Jake left Mahri's side to greet his sister and Cleo. It was Hannah who was quick to grab a hug from her brother as soon as he opened the door. She hugged him so tight that he had to catch his breath.
He opened his mouth to say Merry Christmas, but she spoke first, "I am so sorry for what happened with Thomas the other night. He will not be in my life any longer."
Jake lowered his eyes, "That was not my intention."
"I know," she leaned down to meet his eyes, "He was not the same person then that he is now. My kidnapping changed him."
"I am sorry to hear that, but I am so glad to see you," Jake said giving Hannah another quick hug. And his words were true. He had put off dealing with his sisters because it was going to take a lot of work to make up for all of that lost time and he was busy falling in love with Mahri, but he was given sisters and it was about time he figured out how to be a big brother. If Christmas wasn't the right time to do that, then the time would never come.
Cleo and Lily followed closely behind. Cleo wasn't a sister exactly, but she was one of the group and she did need to be here. She was carrying boxes and pastries. Mahri's mouth watered at the sight of all of the baked goods as she rushed over to help her. Cleo was lovely and they all supported her baking, Mahri often agreed to help try out her new recipes. She gave a warm smile to everyone and headed straight to the kitchen to organize her goodies.
Lily was carrying gifts and a facial expression no one could read. Jessy took the gifts from her so that she could greet Jake. Her hug was much more tentative and her only words were, "Hello Brother, Merry Christmas." Out of character for him, he initiated a deeper hug. Her shoulders loosened and a smile formed on her lips. "Thank you for having us. I wasn't sure if we made the cut." Her eyes darted to Mahri as she spoke.
Betty noticed.
Jake did not. "Of course you were invited. You are family. Mahri and I are glad that you are here." He put his hand on her back ushering her into the cabin and out of the doorway. She headed straight to her sister's side and while she was polite and happy, she did her best to avoid being in Mahri's presence.
Now that everyone one had arrived and eaten and filled their glasses it was time for presents and Mahri had a plan. She wanted to go last.
She stood up and announced, "This has been just the best day, but we have one thing left that we have to do. It is present time." Jessy perked up. "Who wants to go first?"
Cleo volunteered and then the group proceeded to hand out their gifts. Some were homemade and thoughtful like the scarves that Hannah had knitted for everyone, or Cleo's "Pastry of the Month Club", but most of the gifts were group hangs. Betty gave the girls a year's worth of weekly cooking classes with a "very hot, very single, very French male instructor" who might be the "perfect man for Cleo" and Dan who bought Jake more poker night accessories, complete with Cuban cigars and a promise of the third and fourth Fridays of the month for "guy time" to which Phil, who had received a book entitled "Poker for Idiots" from Dan, readily accepted providing they could find an "adequate and agreeable" fourth player. Dan was very thoughtful and bought the girls personalized wine glasses for the girls' nights they would inevitably have when the boys were hanging out.
And so it went until the only two gifts left were Mahri and Jake. Mahri looked at Jake questioning his desire to go last. "I guess it is my turn. Before anything else, I want you to know how much I love you all and I'm glad that you are here."Her focus was on the room looking at all of those in this space with her, "You are my, our, family and I hope that we stay like this forever." Jake thought he heard a smirk coming from Lily's direction, but he couldn't be sure. Mahri handed out her gifts. She got spa packages for the girls, and they were set to go for Valentine's Day. For Phil, she paid for a new tattoo, and for Dan, a collection of romantic comedies that she knew he secretly appreciated. He bought a king-sized blanket as well, hoping that he and Jessy would be able to share this and have some time together.
The last gift was for Jake. She went to the tree and pulled out a big box. It was beautifully wrapped in red and white striped paper. She was nervous as she handed him the gift. "Here you go, Jake. I have been waiting quite a while to give it to you. I hope you like it."
"I will love whatever you give me because it is from you." She bent down and kissed him. By now, she could barely contain her excitement.
He opened the box quickly. He wanted to know what was inside but more importantly, he was in a hurry to get to give Mahri her gift. Jake tore through all of the paper and found a black leather jacket. He thought it was nice, but it wasn't exactly his style unless he had a motorcycle. He tried hard to find something positive to say because he knew that Mahri had thoughtfully picked it out. Maybe it was a fantasy of hers. Mahri stopped him before he could become frustrated. "Check the pocket." He looked confused but did as he was told. Inside he found a note and another box. "Note first?" he asked. She nodded. He looked around the room Phil and Dan seemed anxious but not miserably so.
The note was handwritten by Mahri,
Dearest, I remember not long after we met, you told me that your favorite Christmas gift was a bike from you mother. I wanted you to have something to remind her of you but since I have never seen you ride a bike, I thought I would have to upgrade that memory a bit. I hope this leads to many new memories that we can share together. xoxo, M
He looked. up with tears in his eyes. The fact that she remembered his childhood gift, that she brought a little bit of his mother back to him, that she helped him feel the love of Nana, and of his childhood spent in this cabin, they were all the most wonderful gifts that he had ever received. He would have been happy to stop here, but there was one more thing in the envelope.
A key.
It looked like it belonged to a... vehicle? He jumped up from the couch, threw his leather jacket on Mahri's shoulders, grabbed her hand, and ran out the front door pulling her behind him. The rest of the group followed them quickly behind, arriving just in time to see Jake's expression change from love and appreciation to joy and excitement.
"You bought me a motorcycle?" He stuttered incredulously. His eyes were wide and his smile broad. He seemed to bounce on his toes, unable to contain his energy.
Mahri nodded. She was ecstatic that he was pleased with the gift.
"She bought you wind in your hair and the freedom of the open road," Phil yelled from the porch. Jake was already sitting on the bike, but nodded at Phil's comment.
"I did notice," he said looking at Mahri and speaking to her in a low voice, "that there are two seats. I am assuming you want to have some new adventures together?"
"Only if you want me to accompany you." She answered shyly.
"That's all that I want, besides, any activity that assures you will have your arms around me is more than desirable." He pulled her close, still straddling the bike, and kissed her with such passion that the group groaned and began to retreat back inside the warm cabin.
Everyone except Lily.
Betty's gaze landed on her. She stood with herarms crossed in front of her body and her eyes shooting daggers at the happy couple, Betty grabbed her arm, causing Lily to jump. She spoke to her in a low whisper, "Jake has not noticed your disdain for Mahri. This is your chance to fix your face and be pleased for them. If you want your brother in your life, you have to find a way to pretend that you think the Mahri is the bees fuckin' knees. If you can't do that, leave or you will be removed. Am I clear?"
Lily watched her as a deer in the headlights, her anger slowly turned to submission. She nodded and forced a bit of a smile on her face but refused to speak as she turned and headed into the house. "It could use some work, but it shows progress." Betty pat her backand let her hand linger as she lightly encouraged her inside the doorway.
Soon enough Mahri and Jake were alone outside. Jake was holding her and placing soft kisses on her neck, breaking only to speak in a low groan, "Maybe I will have to let you drive sometimes so I can hold you as tight as I want you to hold me."
"Ohh that would be fun," She added, climbing behind him on the bike and wrapping her arms around him the way he imagined.
"I am so glad that you are happy." She whispered in his ear.
"You are all my happiness, all my sunshine, all of my joy," he spoke as he stood up from the bike, turning around to meet her eyes. He slid her in between his legs and held her there. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him even closer. His breath was warm in her ear, his tongue teasing her lobes, "I meant about the bike, happy about the bike," she croaked out through muffled breaths.
He pulled back and fixed the hair he had rumpled, then took her hands in his, helping her off the bike. He would have loved to keep her here for longer, but he had to break the spell, he still had gifts to give after all. His voice returned to normal. Jake, for the second time today, straightened his shirt and her dress. "It was a generous, thoughtful, and lovely gift that pays homage to my past and creates opportunities for the future. You couldn't have picked anything more perfect. Thank you, Mahri."
"You're welcome," She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his forehead. "But you should also thank Dan and Phil, I couldn't have pulled this off without them."
"I will thank them. I am becoming quite fond of them." He said, blushing.
Like family?" She asked.
"Exactly." Beaming, from the thankfulness of friends, for the gift of the bike, and for the thought of what the rest of the night holds, Jake looked around and realized that the others had gone inside. Suddenly he was aware of the amount of time they had been out in the elements. He immediately thought of the weather and was alarmed at his ability to neglect Mahri.
"Shall we join the others? I am sure that you are cold." He rubbed her arms, trying to increase her circulation.
Her voice was sultry and soft, "You were doing an excellent job at keeping me warm, besides, I thought you would want to go for a ride."
"There is time for that later. I can't wait to give you your presents. I have been waiting too long to wait any longer. They walked arm in arm back to the cabin, her head resting on his shoulder.
Once inside, Phil quickly handed over one large box for both Mahri and Jake. "I wanted to make sure you had this right away," Phil said.
Mahri knew what it was so she insisted Jake open it. He smiled as he pulled the helmet out of the box. It was a dull black old school biker helmet with the words HACKER emblazoned on the back. There was an additional surprise in there for Mahri, a matching helmet with "The Old Lady" carefully engraved on the back. Jake chuckled at the biker term and then looked directly at Phil, "Thanks man, for these and for the help you must have given Mahri."
Phil nodded and he looked toward Dan, "Thank you too. I never would have thought that we would all be in this place together, much less that you would all become people that I have grown to care for so much." Jessy had tears in her eyes, knowing that Jake must have felt so much to be able to share those words.
Betty interrupted. "Enough with the mushy stuff," She spoke firmly, but winked at Jake in reciprocation of his feelings. "You wanted to give the last present and Mahri is the only one who is still waiting, Let's get this show on the road."
Jake was appreciative for Betty's announcement as he had been trying to find the moment to give Mahri the gifts that he had for her and to fulfill a dream that he had a long time ago when she was just a girl on the other end of the phone.
"Very well," Jake conceded and went into the office to get her box. He had been too nervous to leave it under the tree. He had instructed her not to move and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
Jessy was so excited that she could barely sit still and was holding Dan's hand so tight that he was losing circulation. Hannah already had tears in her eyes, Lily looked bored, Cleo was happily eating some of Mahri's cookies, thinking of ways that she could improve the recipe. The most surprising expression was from Betty. Her usual calm and unaffected demeanor was replaced with an unbridled set of emotions. Her face seemed to carry all of her feelings. She was estatic and nervous and weepy all at the same time. Phil knew that it came from a place of love for Jake, that all she wanted was his happiness and that all she needed was for this night to end the way he hoped. He also knew of her affection for Mahri and how thrilled she was that the two women had found each other in this crazy world. He didn't know what else to do so he pulled her down on his lap and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a sweet soft kiss on her cheeks.
Jake looked flushed as he left the bedroom. He was excited and a little flustered. He wanted to remember all of the words of his heart. When he looked at her, he could only see love. She smiled at him sweetly. He was suddenly ready for all of it. The rest of the world faded away.
"Mahri, there are three parts to this gift and there is some participation involved. I want you to know that your genuine response is required. There will be no consequence or repercussion if you...respond in a way that I do not wish. I love you and I want these gifts to speak to you. I also need you to know that every part of me is in love with every part of you, even the part that drinks too much coffee and the part that is a scaredy cat, and the part that will punch a werewolf when threatened."
She laughed and it was still the most beautiful sound to fall on his ears.
The box was small, wrapped in gold foil paper, and a lovely white bow. Mahri knew this gift would change things somehow and she what she hoped for was the thing that she had been waiting for since he was just a voice on the phone all of those months ago. She didn't know it, but it had been the dream of her heart.
She untied the ribbon to find three keys. She was a little disappointed that there wasn't a ring, but she knew that his love for her didn't require that.
"The first key was part of a surprise that I had prepared for you before we were snowed in. Dan helped in a major way with this. I can't thank him enough, I needed his expertise and brute strength which he provided. I was glad that it made us closer than friends. Without looking directly at him, Mahri knew what these words meant to Jessy and Dan. That was a gift in itself.
He reached out his hand, asking for her to take it. He put the key box on her seat and walked her to the back porch. 'Remember when we first met and we told each other about our family? You mentioned your sister and her love for peonies and how you always missed her, like you missed part of yourself?"
She nodded as the tears fell. He paused to wipe them away with the back of his finger. He kissed each of her cheeks.
Jessy was crowding by the door, trying desperately to hear every word. Dan would have pulled her away, but he had spent a long time on this and he wanted to see Mahri's reaction as badly as Jessy did. Betty would have done something, but she was too wrapped up in the moment to consider moving from her happy place in her boyfriend's arms.
Jake waited for Mahri to gather herself. She loved the way that he could be so patient and so kind. She leaned into him for a bit. When she pulled away, he met her eyes and continued.
"I can not bring your Lily back, Love, as much as I would like to. I can however, hopefully, create a place where you can feel close to her."
He walked her into the backyard and her eyes lit on a gated garden. fairy lights as small as fireflies danced overhead. She headed straight for the gate, dragging him after her. To Mahri, there was magic in the air as the memory of her sister came flooding back.
The fence was made of black wrought iron with intricate floral designs. One gate allowed entrance into the garden, It was sturdy, and the top met at a point, like a Gothic arch. Above the arch, there hung a sign, made of wood, inlaid with "Lily's Garden". It was secured with a heart-shaped lock for which only Mahri had the key.
She placed the key into the lock and opened the gate, Metal lanterns turned on and created even more dancing light in the space. Her body spun as if automatically and a smile grew. She had a lightness about her that Jake hadn't noticed before and she began humming a tune that he didn't recognize.
Suddenly she stopped. She pulled Jake inside and flung her arms around him. She kissed his cheek and then looked to the afternoon sky, twilight and almost purple. "Lily," she spoke into the air, "This is Jake. He is my whole world. You would love him. I miss you every day. I hope you will join me here from time to time."
She turned around and met Jake's eyes. "You are perfect, this is perfect."
Jake responded, beaming at her, "You haven't seen anything yet. When the spring comes, the peonies will appear and this whole garden will be full of them, with plenty of room for you to dance." He watched her as the tears began to roll down her face." He kissed her cheek. The tears were good, not happy exactly, but full of love and peace. He continued, "...and this bench, it is just for you. I thought maybe you could sit here and spend some time with your Lily and maybe even from time to time, with mine.
Beneath two birch trees, sat a padded bench with a statue of a dancer, spinning on her toes resting behind it. This will be a lovely, peaceful place to visit and Mahri planned on visiting whenever she could. She hoped that he would join her from time to time and they could talk about the people that they loved and lost too soon. He didn't rush her as she stood with her thoughts. When she was ready to leave, she intertwined her fingers with his and pulled him out the gate, locking it behind her.
She saw Dan smiling from ear to ear. She grabbed his arm and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you," she whispered placing her hand on his cheek. There was no way that she could express the depth of her gratitude. He understood the gesture and was pleased that it meant so much to her. Jessy looked at him with pride as they returned to the couch by the fire.
Jake asked Mahri to retrieve the second key. This one was on a keychain with an inlaid wooden house that was beautiful in itself. She stared at it for a while and then asked, "What is this key for?"
Jake paused and signaled her to come to the front door. "Remember when we first met on this porch? Remember dancing on the back deck? Remember twenty questions on the couch or our very first meal together? Think of all of the firsts that we have had here, all of the things we shared with each other... I hope that you feel some sort of belonging here, that you feel this cabin is as much yours as it is mine, or Nana's, or my mom's. I hope that you will use this key to come home whenever you want." He paused as she was staring so intently into his eyes trying to mask her confusion. He didn't realize that he was being vague. To rectify this, he continued with his speech, "To be clear, I am asking you to move in, but if that isn't what you want, you are under no obligation. I want you to know that you are welcome and this place is our place as my heart is your heart. I would so love to have you as a part of every aspect of my life. I could imagine nothing better than waking up to you every morning and falling asleep in your arms, or with you in mine, each night."
Mahri couldn't speak for a minute. This was what she had been feeling and wanting, to spend every day with him, every night. She wanted to with all that was in her.
Her voice was thick with emotion, "Jake, of course I remember all of the firsts, and of course I want more, and I am absolutely certain that I want to live here, and to make this our place and I want to spend all of the time here, to join our worlds."
He picked her up and spun her around, plastering kisses on her cheeks. They stayed, embraced, foreheads touching, staring into each other's eyes, arms wrapped tightly around each other for a few moments too long, when they heard Betty clear her throat.
"It is getting late here, pals. What is the last key for?" She asked as if she didn't know. The truth was, she just couldn't wait anymore. She had never been so nervous in her life. She also wasn't sure how long Lily could keep her cool. She watched her closely as the smile that Lily had plastered on her face began to turn into a smirk.
Jake and Mahri broke apart with embarrassed smiles. "Right, "Jake said shaking his head slightly as he tried to bring his mind back to reality, "The last key..."
Mahri fumbled on the last envelope. Inside was a key, small and fragile, made of gold metal and emblazoned with her monogram. Mahri couldn't imagine what it would be for. She had already given her his world.
She stilled as he began to speak. "When we started looking for Hannah a long time ago, I was immediately intrigued by you. You continue to impress me with your compassion and your intelligence. You asked me questions that no one had cared enough to ask in such a long time and I trusted you when I had no space for trust in my heart. You opened me back up to a world of feelings that I had long forgotten about. We kept talking and before I knew it, you had melted my cold heart and brought me back to life. Every day, you give me more happiness and comfort than I could have imagined even the day before. I know I said that I want to spend every day with you, and I do, but I want those days to last forever."
Jake pulled out a blue box with a small lock on it. Mahri knew where the key should go. With a shaking hand, she put the key in the lock and turned the key. Her voice caught in her throat as a princess-cut diamond mounted on a simple platinum band was revealed. The ring was simple and elegant. She could imagine nothing better either in style or in meaning. She loved him...forever. He was the one and the only one there would ever be for her. He was the only one who held her future.
Jake got down on one knee and all of the girls held their collective breaths and tried to hold back their tears. "Mahri, the first time we danced, it was to a song that spoke of holding on to each other as we grow old, it spoke of only knowing each other when there was nothing else, of the life that is held only in the other's arms. That is the kind of love that I have for you, One that wants my last vision to be of you, my last breath to be in your presence, and my last dream to be of the long life we shared in our love. I will love you and fight for your happiness every day and in every moment that I am given. I know that the universe brought us together, and that fate has had a hand in our loving each other. Please marry me and allow me to show you how deep and how full life can be when we spend it side by side until our last dance."
All of the women and Dan were crying. Phil suddenly had something in his throat and refused to blink for fear that a stray tear would drop. No one said a word. Jessy did her best to hold her phone up as she had been assigned to video the moment, forgetting that she would be the worst of all of the criers. Dan saw her struggle and relieved her of her duties by taking the phone and simultaneously handing her a tissue. Her eyes. were light and full of joy. The tears that had flowed easily the rest of the evening had dried. She had no room for them in her heart and was full of more happiness than she believed possible. She met Jake's cheek with her hand and lovingly brushed her fingers across his cheek before she grabbed both of his hands and pulled him off of his knee and close to her.
"I have an answer, but I need to say something first." She took both of his hands in hers and kissed the palms, then lowered them between them so that they were facing each other, her full emotion speaking more than words could. Jake was a little nervous, but he nodded and held onto her hands tighter. She met his eyes and spoke, "I love you without shame or fear or question. I want to grow old with you side by side. I want to be your partner in all things not just the good. there will be many more things than just good. Sometimes, things will be hard and we will be mad at each other. You will inevitably talk to our friends about how I drink too much coffee and I will certainly gripe about how you like to jog. We will fight about many things like what our children's names should be and where they should go to college. Life won't always be easy, but it will be wonderful because we will be sharing every experience together. You will not be perfect and heavens knows I will not be, but I do know, without a doubt, we will be happy eating grilled cheese in front of the fire, laughing with our friends, and dancing under the stars and in the rain. I want to share this life with you until my eyes go bad and I can't remember anything but your love. I want to have my every dance and especially my last one to be with you. Please let me say yes and be your bride, Please be my husband for all of the wonderful and all of the terrible. I can think of nothing else I want or need. I can't wait for every moment that is to come."
There were hoots and hollers and congratulations though no one moved near the couple. There was something sacred in this moment. Jake and Mahri didn't look or notice, they only had each other's heart and mind at this moment.
Jake wrapped his arms around her. Where the other yes had been celebratory, this one had been quiet, full of so many things. Their lips crashed into each other. Jake's hand slipped down Mahri's back as he pulled her into him. He held her. appreciating her scent, orange, and persimmon. He ran his hands through the ends of her hair, reveling in the silkiness of it between his fingers, reminding him of the smoothness of her skin. She took in the strength of his arms and the way his touch was making her feel. After a while, during which the friends were trying to slow down their tears and memorialize the moment with video and selfies, he leaned his head back to meet her eyes. "You are my betrothed. I am at your mercy now more than I ever was. I love you. Thank you for saying yes." He leaned down to meet her lips. There was something about knowing for sure that those were the last lips he would ever crave, that they were for him and him alone, something in the fact that their hearts belonged to each other that made the kiss sweeter. It made the warmth she brought to his heart deeper. There was something about knowing that their world was going to be one that made the peace he felt expand even more. They kissed and the gentleness turned to fireworks, then to some passionate ass-grabbing. Mahri wrapped her legs around Jake's waist and he turned toward the bedroom.
Jake didn't know for sure, but he thought he heard Betty yell, "Good job, Stud. We're headed to the Aurora to have a drink for you."
Mahri waved a passive goodbye as she heard the door open without releasing him from his kiss, this was their moment and they weren't letting anyone get in the way. Jake wanted them to witness the ask, and he knew that Mahri would have if given the option, but he was glad that they were gone now, they had some celebrating to do.
Mahri was glad the friends had left, she loved them dearly, but she wanted to show all of her love to her fiancé in their bed, in their cabin, for the first night of the rest of their lives.
Maybe in the morning, they could dance, spend the day sans clothes, and later ride off in the sunset on Jake's new bike tackling whatever adventure lay ahead. Tomorrow and every other tomorrow was full of possibility and hope and joy and tears and coffee, but the most important thing that tomorrow held was their love.
Nothing was greater or would ever be greater than that.
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kanohivolitakk · 3 years
Why The Turaga lying makes sense
Or how we can make in universe justification to a possible retcon
One of the most notorious aspects of Bionicle is how the Turaga were basically lying and hiding the truth from the Matorans for a millennia. It has come to the point that the Turaga being somewhat irresponsible and not good leaders due to their secrecy is kinda a meme. However, if I’m being honest, the Turaga lying about the world didn’t really feel flimsy or bad writing choice for me. Instead, it felt completely justified when you consider not only the circumstances of the situation, but also what kind of world Matoran Universe was.
Like,I’m not going to sugarcoat this: The Matoran Universe is a hell-world. It’s filled with constant powerstruggles and frictions between multiple factions who are well intended but extreme knight templars at best (OOMN)and outright despotic tyrants at worst (BoM but also Barraki and a lot of the inidivual warlords we see throughout the series). The relationships between these powers in control of the world is shaky at best, outright hostile to the point of war war at worst. Not to mention that the Toa are, this worlds supposed protectors and peacekeepers are barely present in the world anymore due to being nearly extinct, and the few left mainly protect the Matoran than try to fix the entire universes problems.
And sure, the Matoran lived relatively peaceful lives and were somewhat separated from the rest of the Matoran Universe and its constant powerstruggles. But they weren’t completely immune from its effects. Remember all the Matoran in Voya Nui arc who were brainwashed by Piraka to become their slaves? Or the Matoran in Mahri Nui fighting for their lives against the climate and six powerhungry fish warlords? And there’s probably many more islands where the Matoran had to tend for themselves and fight, whether it’s against different factions and individuals, or nature itself (like it was with Tren Krom Peninsula). The Matoran may not be involved in the struggles (outliers like Nynrah Ghosts not withstanding) but their life is far from easy.
But what really takes my attention is what happens in Metru Nui both before and during the Metru Nui arc. Metru Nui is supposed to be this perfect paradise, where the Matoran can work and fulfill their duty in a city that was built for them and their needs. The city is completely separate from the outside skimrishes thanks to the likes of the Dark Hunters not being allowed to city due to them losing the war. And then there’s the toa Mangai serving as the citys protectors if dangers somehow managed to breach to the City of Legends, not to mention the Vahki acting as additional protectors.
But then, this peace and ideal utopia is broken. The Toa Mangai start vanishing one by one. The Vahki start being used in much more authoritarian and controlling manner. The city becomes more authotarian “big brother is watching you” type of city. The Matoran start disappearing. An evil plant lurks in the shadows.The Dark Hunters return to the city 2000 years after being told to leave it, one of them being a disgraced former Toa.  Not to mention that the city’s ruler is kidnapped and replaced with an imposter. One with sinister plans of becoming the Matorans savior, no matter what.
And then the events of LOMN happen. Six Matoran are chosen to become the citys protectors,the ones keeping it safe . Shortly after that, the last Toa Mangai vanishes, leaving the six toa Metru to become toa by themselves. They struggle with learning becoming heroes, are distrusted by Matoran and wondering why they were chosen. To add insult to injury, they get branded as traitors by the leader they were supposed to trust, hunted down by the Vahki and the Dark Hunters. And then the Cataclysm happens,not only causing the Great Spirit to fall into a deep slumber but also destroying the safe haven for the Matorans. The toa Metru are forced to get themselves and the Matoran to safety, to find a new home so to speak. A place of safety.
So like, the Toa Metru find the island of Mata Nui and decide this is the place where they and the Matoran shall live now.
The island of Mata Nui exists “outside” the core Matoran Universe. Outside the skirmishes and chaos of the world they live in. It’s a desolate island and a paradise. Furthermore, it’s quite possible that no one inside the GSR knew about the island, so no outside force  was there to mess up with them. (excluding Teri ofc)
So perhaps, the Turaga lied to protect the Matoran. Because if they only assumed Mata Nui was their whole world, they wouldn’t venture outside. And this would protect them since again, no one inside GSR knew about the island, so no one goes outside the island of MN = No outside threats can come.
It’s also worth pointing out that the Matoran had gotten amnesia due to stasis orb trauma and like. I imagine telling about how fucked up the past was may have not been the best move since like, that would just cause more distress than was needed. Ignorance is bliss after all, and better live in a pleasant illusion than a nightmarish reality.
I do understand why people criticize the Turagas actions of not telling or outright lying. But I do think theres at least an explanation of why they did what they did.
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mocsbylexan · 5 years
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Matoran Morphology Section 6: Voya Nui
At this point in the study, we must take a moment to acknowledge a special popluation of matoran that lived in the very center of the Southern Continent, under the shadow of Mount Valmai. The matoran of Voya Nui have a long and frequently traumatic history, a large portion of which is recorded very clearly in the state of their bodies.
Form: The exact details of these matoran’s history will be discussed in the appropriate section, but it is important for you to know that at some point in the early history of the universe, every single one of the matoran who came to live in Voya Nui was essentially ripped apart and rebuilt from scratch in an incompetent attempt to “repair” them. This resulted in the the malformed and stunted bodies you see in the images above. Worse still, the botched repairs went so far as to significantly modify the matoran’s core form, causing permanent damage that will be very difficult to fix even in the long term.
Almost every Voya Nui matoran is at least slightly unique in build, with no more than 2 or 3 ever being totally identical. However there are some general traits that most or all of them share. They are significantly smaller than other matoran (beat out only by Metruans for the title of shortest non-diminished matoran build), and appear to be generally made of less total material by mass, making them lighter and also somewhat more fragile. About 90 percent of Voyans also have a significant hunchback, with their neck and sometimes their shoulders located at the midpoint of their torso rather than the top. Finally, Voyans never have functional eyeglow. Ironically, they are known to frequently have glowing nodes or patches adorning other parts of their body, but the eyes are never one of them.
Other slightly less common features of the Voya Nui body include:
Pincer hands: Observable on our vo-matoran model. Very small and elongated hands with an unorthodox form, only having four fingers arranged opposing each other in sets of two. Hands like this are not unheard of in matoran outside of the Voyan population; turaga in particular often have a similar hand structure.
Fused hand tools: Observable on our ce-matoran model, particularly in fig. 6-7. Many Voyans have tools or weapons fused directly onto the ends of their arms that either supplement or completely replace their hands. Our model used to have hooks on both of her arms, but she has since had one arm modified.
Tiny “heads”: Observable on our ce-matoran model, particularly in fig. 5. A very small number of Voyans, rather than having a head, have a sort of small box on top of their neck joints with few of the features associated with a head. It appears that vital organs such as the brain have been moved to the matoran’s chest unit, while the original head has been replaced by a unit which usually contains nothing more than a mask mount, a mechanical voice box, and audio/visual sensors. This rather gruesome (by the Voyan’s own admission) modification occurs more frequently in those matoran without a hunchback.
Functionality: Voya Nui matoran are, as a rule, physically weaker than other matoran types in almost every way. Their greatest functional asset is that, for the more mobile matoran, their small size and light weight allows them to be either very fast or very quiet and stealthy when they need to be. It’s rumored that Voyans are currently in high demand among unlawful organizations for employment as spies for these very reasons. Not all Voyans can take advantage of this though; mobility varies greatly among the population, some matoran having quite strangely constructed limbs that necessitate abnormal or assisted ways of walking. At the very least the Voya Nui body is consistent: Voyans rarely encounter random malfunctions.
It is worth noting that for most of their history, each and every Voyan owned a unique set of twin tools, with various strange abilities designed to help them survive the harsh environment they lived in. Some Voyans have discarded their tools since the Rejoining; others have been unable to because their tools are built directly onto their body. But many still voluntarily hold on to their tools, for various emotional or practical reasons.
History:  Some of the following information is unconfirmed and is still in the process of being investigated by scholars. One can never be too cautious when dealing with the relationship between history and myth.
There is a dark figure from matoran legend who’s name even most agori are familiar with by now: Karzahni. It may surprise you to learn that Karzahni has been confirmed to be, in some capacity, real, and he is directly responsible for the history of Voya Nui. The legend goes that Karzahni’s original purpose was to fix malfunctioning matoran who were sent to him, but when those matoran never came back, the turaga of the universe eventually stopped sending matoran to his realm. Unknown to the world at large, Karzahni was not very good at his intended purpose, and his attempts at repair only made the matoran weak and malformed. Using the variety of builds on display in the Voyans, we can actually track the progress of Karzahni’s thoughts and see how his attempts at fixing matoran evolved over time. Eventually, tired of failure, Karzahni granted all of the matoran in his realm special tools and sent them away to live on the Southern Continent, so as not to be reminded of his ineptitude any more. This is what created the original village of Voya Nui.
As mentioned in the previous section, a large region around Voya Nui was completely ejected from Mata Nui’s body during the Great Cataclysm, creating the island of Voya Nui in the sea of Aqua Magna. Many Voyans died in the Cataclysm, and the survivors found themselves stranded on a harsh land with few resources for survival. As if to add insult to injury, another disaster occurred where one of the two cities the Voyans built for themselves sunk into the ocean. Their experience on the island was capped off by getting involved in the battle for the Kanohi Ignika waged by the now famous Toa Mahri, shortly before the beginning of the Reign of Shadows.
Nowadays, the matoran of Voya Nui have found decent success in integrating into modern society, a life that they say is much more comfortable and peaceful than what they had before. Unfortunately, though many of them would like to modify themselves to repair the damage that Karzahni did all those many millennia ago, their build is so strange that even many of the most seasoned biomechanics have had trouble safely rebuilding them. It will likely take a lot of time and many advances in biomechnaical science before the Voyans are able to completely wipe away their physical history.
Acknowledgements: Our volunteer models for this section are Zaren, Vo-Matoran Voya, and Keti, Ce-Craftsman Voya.
Chronicler’s Notes:
Turaga Giiku’s on to me again. This time about not queuing up posts to keep on schedule over the religious festival. For the love of Artakha.
Its really weird that Zaren kept her profession secret. Matoran from before the Rejoining tended to be really proud of their work and attach a lot of their identity to it, partially because of the influence of Metru Nui’s workaholic culture. You’ve probably noticed that in the formal naming conventions of the period that this study uses; a matoran’s profession and the place where they gained that profession were always a part of the name. I wonder if she had a reason for remaining more anonymous.
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fanficmoi · 6 years
The Fool By The Seaside Chp.7
“Do you enjoy working at library?”
Paul hummed, he was laying with his head on John’s tail, the merman decorating his hair with pearls and small shells. “I don’t mind it, y’know. My friend George works there, he’s a crackerbox.” He shrugged, “The pay is good, and my boss is nice.”
John tilted his head, his hair was still keeping his hair short, since he still felt the sadness and guilt over Ridire’s death. “Boss?”
Paul closed his eyes, the feeling of his boyfriend’s (Merboyfriend? Merlover?) fingers caressing his hair making him feel drowsy, “Yeah, y’know. The person is charge, tells me what to do, makes sure I get the money.”
John nodded, chuckling at his human’s sleepy tone. He curled himself up so that Paul’s head was still resting on his tail, but John’s head was resting on the human’s chest. He caressed the guitarist’s chest with a sharp but gentle nail, “Sleep,” He told him. “I will wake you up in thirty minutes, yes?”
Paul only snored in response, and John giggled in amusement. He kept an eye on the beach, not wanting to be surprised by some human. Paul had told him that nobody visited this part of the coast, it was far from the port and beach days weren’t really a thing with all the shit weather. But still, John was cautious. And he wouldn’t dare fall asleep on the beach again, the last time hadn’t gone so well.
Instead, he wondered about the future. He was with Paul now, but it was getting harder and harder to ignore the fact that they were from different worlds. Paul would have to move on someday, John knew. Get a human mate, have offspring, offspring with legs. John couldn’t give him that, he knew. But there was a little bitty bitty small problem, John was falling in love with his human.
John swam into his home with a sackful of shells, he’d gotten lucky today, finding a spot full of large, shiny (empty) shells. “‘ello, Mimi!” He shouted, putting his sack on the dining stone. “I’m back.”
There was no answer. John frowned, his aunt was usually right in his face whenever he came home. He swam to the kitchen, nope. To her chamber, nope. To his chamber, nope. He searched the whole cave, and found nothing. The he heard a familiar voice calling his name and he hurried to the entrance. “Cyn?” He asked, he tilted his head, “Where’s Mimi?”
Cyn grasped his forearms, she looked terribly distraught, “Oh, John! They just came out of nowhere, we were having lunch and they just-”
“Who’s they!?” John was getting upset too, where was his auntin?
Stu appeared behind her and it was then that John noticed that a crowd of curious sea creatures was forming around them. Stu said, “The police came, John. Took your auntin, said she was under arrest.” He looked forlorn.
John’s breath caught, then it began to speed up. Soon his gills were shaking and his chest was rapidly moving up and down. “How, how did this happen? She’s never done anything!” He could see that the people around him were starting to feel the effects of his panic, their own breathing erratic. But he could hardly concentrate on that now.
Stu and Cyn were quick to grab him and move him to the inside of his home. “John,” Cyn was saying, “You’ve to calm down.”
John just shook his head, he hated police. They always got in the way of his fun, hurt his friends, and now they had arrested his auntin!? The woman was practically a saint, she never broke a law in her life!
Stu’s voice interrupted his thoughts, “You gotta go to the headquarters and talk to them, see if you can pay her bail. It was probably a rumour or some shit like that, my Athair was arrested over that and he’s all good now, isn’t he?”
Cyn didn’t mention that the guards had been unfamiliar, unlike the usual ones from the headquarters that everyone knew. They had also worn different uniforms, and had been more aggressive. But for all she knew they had just gotten new uniforms, or something harmless like that that John didn’t have to worry about.
Paul sighed to himself as he stood outside his brother’s room. “Mikey?” He asked as he knocked, “I really want to talk to you.” Michael had been ignoring him for days now, and Paul could hardly blame him. The older one had been horrible, scaring his little brother. While he was with John all those thoughts flew away, but he couldn’t ignore them while at home. His dad had noticed something was off between the two brothers, but being busy with work was unable to address the topic. So it was up to Paul.
“I am really sorry, Mike.” He said, “I don’t know what came over me and I know I keep saying this but it's the truth.” He knocked again. “John said he’d help-” He broke off at the sound of something heavy hitting the door, probably a book or a shoe. “Mike?” At least he’d gotten a reaction. He knocked rapidly, “Michael, please. I’m trying to fix this.”
There was silence, then the door was unlocked.
Paul smiled and opened the door, “Mike?”
His brother was sitting in his bed, glaring at him.
Paul’s smile fell as he sat down next to him, but he was relieved that his brother didn’t push him away. “Mike, I know I sound like a broken record but I am sorry.”
His brother nodded, expressionless. “You do know he’s causing this, right?”
Paul frowned, “Who?”
Mike scoffed, “Your John. He’s the one making you act like this.”
It was Paul’s turn to scoff, “Of course not, Michael. Why would you say that?”
His brother rolled his eyes, “Because you only get like that whenever I insult him or whatever, you get protective and horrible. That creature made you like that.”
Paul scowled, “Now, Mike, I know you don’t like him-”
Mike stood, “For god’s sakes, Paul! It’s not that! It’s just that it’s obvious.”
Paul stood up as well, “John wouldn’t do that.”
Mike stepped forwards, “How would you know? You know all their stories, sirens are manipulative, cruel-”
“First of all, John’s not a siren. He’s just a regular Merrow.” Paul was trying to control his temper, “And second, I trust him.”
Mike glared, “Why trust him over me? Your brother?”
Paul sighed, “It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just that you barely know him, Mike.”
His brother sat down again, “And I don’t wanna know him,” He huffed, “I don’t get why he got so upset when I touched him, it’s just a body part.”
Paul glared, “A very sensitive body part, Michael. Private.”
Mike chuckled, “And I bet he lets you all over it.”
Paul didn’t answer and his brother laughed. “He does, doesn’t he? That’s why you like him, you like his tail.”
“Of course not!” Paul shouted, “That’s the least of it, but yes it’s a sign of trust, that’s why I trust him.”
Michael just shook his head, “Fuck, you’re hopeless, Paul. That thing’s got you good.”
Paul knew that if he stayed he would lose it again, so he just turned around and slammed the door as he left.
His little brother was left with an angry, worried mind.
“What do you mean, I can’t see her!?” John shouted at the poor merman behind the counter.
“I, I’m sorry, gentlemerrow. The royal guards have prohibited.” The attendant tried to explain, there was something extremely powerful about the angry being before him.
John heard Cyn and Stu gasp behind him, “Royal guards? From Atlantis?” He frowned, “What were the charges?”
The attendant cowered, “It’s really not my place to say-”
John leaned forwards, his teeth barred and his pupils looking like slits. “What. Were. The. Charges?” He pronounced in a quiet, dangerous voice.
Stu and Cyn winced, as this everyone else in the vicinity. This was a rare John, he was angry and actually meant it. John was afraid of anger in others, but he himself had quite the tempers. And both his bark and his bite were very sharp.
The merman behind the counter shivered, he grabbed a file that was at the top of a pile and opened its stone flaps. He cleared his throat, “The Merrow known as Mahry Elishabet Smeed was arrested by the Royal Guard of Atlantis with direct orders from the Royal Palace on charges of…” The man frowned and then gaped up at John.
John sneered at him, “What charges?”
The other’s head tilted, “What did you say was your relation to the prisoner?”
As his friends frowned, John’s glare deepened, “She’s my auntin, and don’t you dare call her a prisoner!”
The attendant’s gape became wider.
John grabbed him by the forearms, ignoring his friends’ protests, “What are the fucking charges?”
The other just looked at him in awe, but then finally spoke. “She was arrested for harboring a siren in her home.”
Paul had returned to the beach, guitar in hand. It was nighttime but he didn’t mind if he couldn’t see John, he just needed space.
He stared at the stars above him, they were beautiful. Almost as beautiful as John. You couldn’t see the stars from the city, too smokey, but here in his beach, he could see it all.
He sighed, could Mike be right? Was John controlling his feelings? It made little sense, John had been surprised by his outburst too.
He grabbed his guitar and began to pluck a gentle melody he and George had been working on. They had wanted to be in a band, but two was hardly enough. And neither of them could play drums.
Suddenly the water splashed, “PAUL!” A familiar voice screeched.
“John!?” Paul tossed his guitar aside and jumped up. He spotted his merman a bit further away, seemingly unable to get out of the water.
“Paul! Help me!” John screamed, his voice panicked.
Paul ran into the water, seeing John barely able to move. His lover stretched out his arms, crying for help. Paul finally reached him, slipping along the way. He grabbed the wet arms and pulled. John launched himself at him, holding him with all his strength and that’s when Paul saw what was holding him down, were those eels?? They were wrapped all over John’s tail and lower torso, and they appeared to be electrocuting him. Paul pulled harder.
John was sobbing, frantically flipping his tail hoping that the eels would be thrown away but they held on strongly. At least they were getting closer to the beach.
Paul kicking at the creatures as well, ignoring the fact that they could hurt him. His only concern was John. Finally, they got to the surface and Paul dragged his lover far away from the water.
The eels screeched and let go but Paul kept dragging the heavy weight of John until he tripped over a rock and the two of them fell down.
In no time John was hugging him, shaking and sobbing. Paul was confused but put his arms around the merman and whispered assurances in his ear.
“Johnny, what’s wrong?” Paul asked. Then he noticed that his lover was shivering, so he started to rub his arms with his pals. But he was even more worried, the cold temperature had never affected John before.
But before the human could comment on it, something even more strange started to happen.
John’s tail was looking burnt and bloody before, but now it appeared to be almost melting in a way. The scales were falling away, some of them just disappearing, his fins falling away as well.
Paul looked away only to find a distraught but quiet John looking back at him. The human frowned, “John, what’s going on?”
The other just shook his head and looked down, “I am sorry, Paul.” He choked, “I didn’t know.”
Paul’s answer was interrupted by the sight he witnessed as he looked briefly back at the tail. He was speechless. For the silver-blue tail was gone, and its place were two pale, very much human, legs.
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ser-rex · 3 years
Something Nice about You
you feel like wisdom.
you tread carefully in these waters of life. you taught someone how to bike. are you an older sibling? people want to trust you with their darkest secrets. you don't know how, but you always say the most honest thing. even when it's hard. people turn to you for advice, no matter how unexperienced you feel. sometimes you wonder if you can unravel the truth about the universe in just one word, but the wisest people often feel like the biggest fools. don't doubt yourself so much, okay?
Tagged by @little-purple-thundercloud - thank you! what a nice welcome home to do one of these~ Tagging:@mahri-rhivesa @seacat-ffxiv @lance-of-fury @tsukikotanshi @paradymeshift and anyone else who'd like to! I'm out of practise with knowing who its okay to tag into these and who's active and who might like these so let me know yall how's my driving. Take the quiz here!
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paigenoelchas-blog · 2 years
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Feels Like Home, Part 29
After my talk with Betty, I stay outside for a while to get cold so Mahri won't suspect anything. What I have planned for MC needs to be a complete surprise, but it is too important for her nerves to get in the way. I am afraid that she will overthink things, but I am almost sure she feels the same way that I do.
I know without question, that our lives are meant to be shared.
Finally, allowing myself to return to the warmth of the cabin and her arms, I swing open the door. I don't see her and am about to call out her name when I notice a most incredible sight. She is waiting on the couch to warm me up just as I had requested, wrapped in a blanket, lying in front of the warm fire. She has, however, also fallen asleep and is the most gorgeous creation that I have ever laid my eyes on.
I crouch in front of the fire to watch her. Her hair falls in soft waves around her face, framing her beautiful features. Her skin has a rosy glow and is warm from both the fire and the blanket that is so tightly wrapped around her. Today, her natural glow shines through in the most classical of ways. She smells like coffee and coconut, cinnamon honey and pine, all of the things that have made up the last few days. Her hair takes on golden flecks as the firelight bounces across the room. I long to run my fingers through it, to feel its softness, to take her in my arms, but I don't get the chance to adore her like this very often and don't wish to let the moment pass, so without movement, my eyes continue to memorize her. I am drunk in her presence, intoxicated by everything about her. I think of how her lips taste and wonder if she has used any of the coconut lip gloss that I love. I am anxious to try it out.
I remember the times we have shared here and get lost in the idea of sharing more of those times together. I want to spend the rest of our days like this, having her curled up on the couch, our couch, content and happy. How I want this to be the sight I come home to after a trip or a long day of work or just on a lazy Saturday.
I am done with being scared to ask her to share more of her life with me. I am done with having to make appointments to see each other. I want to be able to climb up next to her and have the world fade away whenever either of us desire. I will rectify that situation soon, but now, I am going to take off these wet shoes and this jacket, throw my beanie on the floor, hijack her blanket, and do the best I can to keep both of us warm. All night if I have my way.
I open the blanket and realize that she is truly as I requested, sans clothes, with a warm blanket, and a fire.
I climb in, trying not to wake her when I hear her mumble, "...too cold," and begin to retreat when I feel her arms wrap tightly around my waist. She pulls me in close to her, her voice becomes sultry, and she whispers, "Let me warm you up like I promised."
Have I mentioned that she is perfect and I want every moment to be like this one? It is true in every sense.
Her legs wrap around mine and as I pull her as close to me as I can, bringing the blanket up to cover us both.
"I missed you," she whispers into my ear as she nibbles on it, tugging and twisting it in ways that make me feel electric.
"Baby, I was only outside for a bit," I smile despite myself. She makes me feel wonderful. "...too long," she groggily moans and continues her exploration, this time of my neck and shoulder.
"You had your talk with Jessy?" I ask, checking in on her emotions, trying to see if she is ready for the activity that I have planned.
"I don't remember..." she returns to the sultry whisper which drives me wild, and her hand goes travels down my side and lands on the waistband of my pants.
I laugh out loud this time, delighted by her desire for me.
Her hand delves underneath the edge of my jeans and she begins her apparent mission to remove me from my clothes. Her hands, both now unbutton the jeans and remove them so quickly, I almost lose track of what is happening.
She raises her head up now, a fire in her eyes. Her lips attack me with a force I haven't seen in her before. I love it. It spurs me onto my own passionate behavior. Before I know it, my hands are in her hair, on her breasts, moving between her legs. We are moving in sync. It is pure and scandalous, reckless and wonderful.
Her hands pull me in closer and her lips now attack my chest and as they move lower and lower, I lose myself. Maybe it Is closer to the truth to say that I find myself. I am not sure what to say about this out-of-this-world experience. Everything else but our bodies and souls disappear, there is no fireplace, no cabin, no snow, just us and our love.
I can not tell you exactly what happens next because I leave my body for a moment. I am in such a state of bliss that I can only think of her, of the way that she smells, the way that she tastes, of the way that she feels when she is inside of me. I can't think of anything but wanting this always, wanting to feel this way with her ... finally complete. My spirit is hoping beyond hope that she will say yes to the question that I have to ask.
Wrapped in that blanket with nothing between us but love, we are spent and exhausted, I am where I know that I should be, surrounded by her in every possible way. I want to take her in, memorize her. I try to stay awake, to remember the way the firelight dances on her porcelain skin, the way her sable hair falls perfectly over her bare breast, the little nub peeking out from underneath, I grab a strand of hair and gently twist it between my fingers, the feel is soft as silk. I want to dive in again, into her, into this moment, but I won't wake her. Now is the time for restraint. I continue locking this instant into my brain, burning it into my memory.
She smiles in her sleep, not always, but right now, she is at peace. the corners of her mouth curve gently but carry the wry smirk of a woman who always has something to say. I love that mouth of hers, the way she can turn me on with a word, the way that she can make me feel like the best version of myself, proud to be who I am. Her mouth has a brilliant way of defending those she loves. I adore the way that she can use it to share her fears, her victories, and her soul with me.
Then, there is the way that she can kiss. She can set my whole body on fire without even leaving my lips, but the feeling is indescribable once she ventures into my other parts.
I lose focus and daydream for a bit before my eyes move to the gentle curve of her hip, finding that one little birthmark, one that I am very pleased to know about. I linger for a moment there, at the world's most perfect dip that eventually arches its way to an ass that was created by a sculptor, proving to me the existence of a higher power. I know there must be a creator because something that is that perfect doesn't just happen by chance.
I rest my hand there, softly so I don't wake her, and begin to drift off to sleep. I fight it, having not spent enough time worshipping her body. I pray that I have a million more moments to share with her like this, a million more times to take in all of her beauty and remember all of the ways that she makes me feel alive.
She awes me in the daytime, with her heart and her mind that speaks to my soul, but in her arms, like this, when the world around us has stopped spinning, I can't help but think that she is my sun and I can't live without her. She is the source of all things that grow and bloom and live within my being. She is the beginning and the end of me.
Sleep is overtaking me as I listen to her breathe, those little snores still amuse me, and I hope that I will always find such delight in them. My head rests against her chest and my arms move in to hold her tight as I feel her shift and snuggle into my arms and once again, I am marveled at the perfect fit that we are.
Mahri's POV:
We must have not been asleep for long because the fire is still burning, but the sky has the pale pink glow of sunset. His arms are around me and I am in every way content. Content is not a word that should be taken for granted. I am alive in his arms, I am whole in his world, I am safe and satisfied, I am awed and delighted. I am happy. I am where I belong and want nothing more than to be with him, to share this couch, his bed, this life. He makes me feel like the best version of myself and makes me want to be better. He teaches me to take life for what it is and to live in the moment, to not be afraid to take chances.
He makes me feel cherished and loved and like I belong, truly belong, to him.
I look down and delight at the feel of those gorgeous arms wrapped around me. Arms that can make me feel so safe and protected, with muscles that come from everyday work, lean and bulging at the same time. His arms that can hold me tight to let me know that he never wants to lose me, to let me know that I will always have his support, and yet arms that can make sure to be gentle, that let me know I am something special to him that he values. I think of the way that he can take control of me, holding me down and flipping me over so easily in moments of passion. I think of the way that he can be so gentle, stopping to move hair out of my face in the middle of the most heated moments, always noticing the smallest of details that will lead to my happiness. I remember the way those hands can gently caress my back and the hands that run through my hair, that can make me moan, the same hands that grab my ass, claiming me and demanding more and more. The same hands that are tightening their hold on me right now.
I try not to squirm, knowing that he is still asleep, but the way that he makes me feel in these most sacred moments between us makes it difficult to control my mind or my body. I open my eyes to watch him. His thick black hair is curled around at just the edges, evidence of a day spent in the snow, awry from our previous activity and delightfully out of character for him. His handsome face, relaxed in sleep, pure in expression, reveals his love for me, for this place and this cabin. I am thankful for this moment of vulnerability from him, a man who won't share a weakness with most of the world.
I want to adore him for the rest of my days, to come home to this man every night, to wake up just like this every morning, I want to share our thoughts, our dreams, and our morning cups of coffee. I want to walk through this world, side by side with him, to be his partner, his confidante, his lover, and his family. I want to give him all of the joy and the happiness that he deserves and try to return all of the love that he has shown me.
I sigh, hoping that this dream will come true and that I will be blessed with a long life spent with this man who is the most perfect for me in all of the ways that I need him to be. A man whose imperfections are just as wonderful because they are the things that make him Jake.
My Jake.
My love.
I feel him stir. His lips move to my neck and begin exploring the spot that drives me wild. His hands that held such a tight grip loosen and begin to trace their way up the side of my hip, lingering there for a moment, before resuming their journey toward my breasts where they begin to trace small circles that drive me mad.
I don't know how he finds all of the ways to make me feel every bundle of nerves in my body. It is utter pleasure and absolute torture. He moves his hands back down my side with a feather-light touch that forces a chill to run through my body. He grabs the blanket and pulls it tighter around me still believing that my chills come from the temperature and not from his touch. A smile creeps up the side of my mouth as his fingers resume their journey back down my side taking me to another place altogether. His hand rests on the soft curve of my thigh. He moans as his lips continue to explore my body. Softly, almost reverently, his tongue traces every inch of me and I lay there, motionless, enjoying every touch, every feeling, living in the truth and the pleasure. This is a moment of adoration, not of passion, and I acknowledge the power and the honesty in that. I adore him in equal measure.
It takes a special kind of man, of relationship, of love to cover someone with so much tenderness and respect.
After a while, after his hands have explored every inch of my body after his lips have taken what they needed, his eyes move up to mine.
We lay there for a long time, saying all of the things that words can't, speaking volumes of the most beautiful poetry and writing sonnets and odes more eloquent than Shakespeare himself.
My hand moves to his hair, brushing the tousled bits out of his gorgeous blue eyes so I can see him more clearly. He takes my hand and kisses it, never breaking the look between us. I am lost in him completely. He is my breath, my sustenance, my very existence.
I don't know how long we stay like this exactly, The sky is a deep sapphire, almost purple, the color of his eyes when he is in the midst of desire.
He breaks the spell with a slight brush of the back of his hand on my cheek. He leans in and kisses me, the softest of all kisses, relaying a love that is deeper than passion, greater than affection, and more powerful than desire. It is the love of a soul completely found in the other person. It is a love that carries all of the light of all of the universe and that bears the weight of responsibility. It is my job to keep that soul safe and happy, cared for and filled. I am pleased to have been entrusted with this love and will do my best to protect it at all costs.
Slowly, he moves off of me, out of our love nest. He tucks the blanket around me tightly and throws some pants on. "I could stay like this all of my life, but the fire is out. I need to rectify that. It is my job, after all, to keep you happy and healthy." He winks and throws on his pants. They rest low on his hips and I can't stop staring at his body, his chest, his tight stomach, the little line that leads to...
He catches me staring and I blush., averting my eyes as he speaks, "You like what you see?" He knows the answer and is pleased that I do.
"Maybe...." I respond, still embarrassed.
"Good," he says in a low voice, leaning into me, "... because when I look at you, I am eternally amazed at your beauty and I lose my ability to breathe." He kisses me once more and smiles. "I will make the coffee if you put some soup on. Clothing optional."
I shake my head trying to regain my composure then smile and throw his shirt on over my head., teasing him. He watches as I move, I am pretty sure he mutters something in frustration. I smile, knowing that he will take his shirt back later this evening.
"Ok, but your grilled cheese is calling my name," I say as he laces up his boots.
"Grilled cheese comes at a price. It is a specialty of mine."
"That grilled cheese is one of the many reasons that I love you, that and your coffee-making skills. What is the price?"
"After dinner, we return to that couch, and continue to wait out the storm."
"I will wait out any storm with you," I respond, hoping that the depth of my meaning is heard and felt by him.
He turns and heads out the door with a grin from ear to ear.
I am sure, for once, that he knows exactly what I mean.
I can't wait to see what comes next.
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kanohivolitakk · 3 years
Thanks to @tiredspacedragon I can’t help but thinking of a version of the Voya/Mahri Nui arcs in which (a “survived the events of LOMN” and semi-redeemed but still bastard) Nidhiki tags along as team Inikas reluctant babysitter and the unofficial seventh member of team Inika.
Just the whole idea of this bastard being forced to care of others wellbeing while internally screaming the whole way is too funny for me. And the possibilities for comedic, enthralling and even bittersweet scenarios in this are almost endless.
Like god just to name a few ideas I have in regards to this plot-bunny:
-  During the whole journey Nidhiki rationalizing it all with “IM NOT HERE BECAUSE I LIKE IT IM HERE JUST BECAUSE YOU SIX ARE HELPLESS BEGINNERS” while slowly becoming more and more attached to team Inika
- Nidhiki’s love-hate-love relationship with Jaller because the latter is basically Lhikan’s reincarnation in all but actuality. Him just hating the guy yet feeling responsibility to protect him due to not wanting Lhikans death to repeat while Jaller being completely oblivious for this is too funny for me.
- On a related note I wonder if Nidhiki initially just sees Jaller as a “replacement” for Lhikan, only to have to eventually face off the fact that Jaller is not Lhikan, as much as he likes to think otherwise. That could create some more tension/drama haha.
- Another of team Inika whose interactions with Nidhiki would be interesting is Kongu. Because two toa of air interacting which each other means chaos (even if Kongu is less chaos incarnate compared with other toa of air iirc). There’s also the fact during the events of LOMN one of the matorans Nidhiki torture/interrogated was Kongu so that certainly could also give some tension, even if neither probably remembers that
- in general just the dynamics between Nidhiki and team Inika would be interesting. I wonder how much team Inika would know about Nidhiki and how that would affect the way they view him.
- Nidhiki facing off with the Piraka would certainly be interesting, given the groups past as former Dark Hunters gone rogue and Nidhiki basically on the same boat as well. Just the piraka be like “wait did TSO send you” and Nidhiki being like “I don’t work for TSO anymore”.
- I’m also curious of how Nidhiki’s interactions with Axonn and Brutaka would go. Brutaka especially given how they both are “bastard heroes gone rogue”. That being said his interactions with Axonn would be interesting too, given how he’s kinda similar to Lhikan
- I feel that while traveling to the Inferno, Nidhiki may not be present during the events of that book only to like, rush in the last moment/climax. Dunno makes sense
- Moving on to the Mahri ar, I feel that initially Nidhiki would be opposed in travelling to the Pit because he’s just “no I’m not getting my body altered for a second time” (assuming he knew about that thing my memory is loose in how the whole Mahri thing worked again), only for the guy to reluctantly following. Like he’s just “God will these idiots survive without me” and just, traverse under sea
- I wonder though,would he get alterations the same way team Mahri did when they went underwater. It would certainly be interesting to say the least.
- * @ Nuparu using Volitak “Well that’s certainly a useful and handsome mask good choice”
- Him encountering Maxilos!Teridax would be interesting. Teridax being surprised that he’s alive and taunting Nidhiki would be super interesting.
- His reaction to Matoros sacrifice and its aftermath would be interesting. Like yeah he would try to not care only for, yes, he does care
- I feel after team Mahri completed their mission Nidhiki would still tag along with them, although I can see either Axonn and/or Brutaka reaching him to offer part in a mission to retrieve a certain Makuta. But that’s not here or there, so let’s just leave it at that.
Feel free to replying and/or giving more ideas for the scenarios
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