#so this is a very oddly placed song of the day but I'm rolling with it. time is fake and this is a self-run project
ereborne · 7 months
Song of the Day: February 20
“Run Away” by Sarah Jarosz
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a-gassy-antelope · 8 months
Miscellaneous Tag Game
Made by the one and only @ronald-speirs <3
Thank you for the tag @grumpy-liebgott ! Am I finally doing this after being tagged almost a month ago?....maybe
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
I haven't been many places truthfully. I loved hiking near Niagara Falls and also hiking in the Smokies near Gatlinburg. (I'm going to Alaska later this year so that will likely take the cake for me!)
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
Working 3 jobs while also caring for a terminally ill parent. Not to get too sad, but yeah, that was a time.
Favorite books?
Oof, gonna age myself with this. The Harry Potter will always hold a special place in my heart even though it has aged terribly. Because I am Furniture by Thalia Chatlas made a big impact on me as a teenager. One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest by Ken Kasey is a favorite classic. Recently Dead Inside by Chandler Morrison kept me very entertained with pure shock value (although I just finished The Slob last night and it by far takes the cake for the most disgusting thing I've ever read)
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
When I think about the people I choose to surround myself with. I am a very open person with those I love. Once someone is in my inner circle I am a no boundary kinda person. Let's cut the small talk and bare all our trauma and then tease each other about it. Let's rot on the sofa together. It makes my heart happy to know that I have people I can be like this with.
Favorite thing about your culture?
...what culture... I could say there's a certain culture of the American Midwest that i love. Mainly the 'midwest goodbye' where you stand in the front door chatting for way too long, then in the driveway then in your car with the window rolled down. Also, ever had a midwestern dessert salad?????
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
Well, my brother is older than me and he was very much ww2 obsessed. So watched Band of Brothers way younger than I probably should've. Probably when I was like 8? When I got into my career there was this song at work that would play and it felt so oddly nostalgic until one day I realized it sounded the intro credit music for Band of Brothers. Then it was put on Netflix and it was all down hill from there. Very different to watch again as an adult vs what I remembered from my childhood.
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
I just finished Dick Winters' memoir not that long ago! I think I'll read Shifty's next!
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
Everyone in b.o.b is my precious baby. See that generic white man? Yep, thats my child. Honestly though there are certain quotes from various characters that just scratches my brain. Buck with: "Your ass?!" Webster with: "You ignorant, servile scum! What the fuck are we doing here?" and the cadence in which he says "Don't salute the Germans!" Liebgott with "Hershey Bar!" Winters with: "What's that? A piece of paper? I dont wanna see another piece of paper" and Speirs with: "You talk to an officer you say 'sir' " (totally not because it made me feel some type of way)
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
I have made Band of Brothers stuff here on tumblr, classic text post as memes. Ao3 I've made Band of Brothers, Star Wars and My Hero Academia content!
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
hm....that's hard to pick a favorite. Meryl Streep is always delightful, as is Gillian Anderson. Natalie Portman? Keira Knightly? ok, ok, maybe I should list a man...James McAvoy. Jack Nicholson. I dunno, I don't like picking favorites.
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
"I paint self portraits because I am so often alone...Because I am the person I know best." This Frido Kahlo quote really sticks with me because I feel like I can relate to being isolated and enjoying spending so much time on my own. I am my best companion and draw from my own experiences and emotions.
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
I am a licensed massage therapist and I work with patients with chronic pain and injuries. I love my job and my patients even though it is a very draining profession.
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
I am a writer! I want to say that I'm open to beta readers but I am also simultaneously afraid of others reading my work and embarrassed that people might not like it. That being said, I am working on a multi part Winnix fic rn.
Three things that make you smile?
My pets: a cat, 2 snakes, 2 leopard geckos and a pink tongue skink
Sweet gestures from my partner (or their dumbass jokes)
Any nicknames you like?
Instead of Alex, a friend once called me Al Pal and I'm bewildered that it took me over 20 years to ever hear that.
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
Uhm, everyone???? I love seeing people share whatever they're passionate about or find cute and funny. I love when people love things unapologetically! @grumpy-liebgott, @blueberry-ovaries @lewis-winters @easycompany123@andromeddog @hanniewinnix and honestly so many more!
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
I have two options. Get to my Marine Corps brother who is a borderline doomsday prepper but lives an hour and a half away or die immediately.
Favorite movie?
Again with the favorites? Some of my comfort movies include: Pride and Prejudice (2005), Mamma Mia, Hellboy 2 The Golden Army (specifically 2, not the first one) and Coraline
Do you like horror movies?
Yes! If my above mentioned books weren't an indicator. I love modern paranormal, 80s slashers and any Vincent Price movie
Tagging (no pressure!) : Also, Sorry if you've already been tagged! (does anyone else get nervous tagging people for no damn reason?)
@hanniewinnix, @pettypumpk1n @multifandomfanfic @hbowarandchill @fxxiva
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"Dammit, LYLA!"
Title: "Dammit, LYLA!" Word Count: 2,009 Warnings: Mild swearing (none said in malice), questionable(?) Spanish (I only have the basics down as mentioned in the story but please correct me NICELY if it is so bad), tooth-rotting fluff!! Ship: A Different Web Weave (Miguel x Myself) Summary: I finally got to have my hair done, and I decided to try out a new look. However, where I got the inspiration may be a bit up in the air... A/N: 'Mi conejita' means 'my little rabbit' if I translated right? --
Quiet lo-fi remixes of pop songs from the 2000s floated through Rebecca's ears. It was a soothing white noise that reminded the woman to take a deep breath for once. Her pale fingertips caused a light crinkling sound to emerge as she ran them over the transparent hairnet that she wore. As she leaned back into the oddly comfortable salon chair and took a sip of the sparkling water that was provided, Rebecca's reflection cast her a smile.
Rebecca could have let out a laugh when the thought of her being prepped for clown school crossed her mind. With the way that her bleach-covered hair slightly stuck out stiffly, mixing new blonde shades with faded blues and greens, it certainly looked like all she needed was a full face of make-up to be done. But Rebecca knew better. This was just a necessary step in her tri-monthly routine of self-care.
As her hickory gaze began to wander from the full-length mirror in front of her to the quiet salon, a quiet beeping sound drew her sights to the band on her wrist. After tapping a few buttons, that to this day, Rebecca only vaguely understood, a rather smooth male voice spoke.
"Oi, Rebecca, where-- ...What is that on your head?"
Rebecca rolled her eyes when she heard her former boss and now very new boyfriend, Miguel O'Hara, speak. Yet the small smile that had been on her face only spread further.
"It's a plastic hairnet used to contain the heat from the bleach treatment. And if that doesn't remind you where I am, I'm getting my hair done at the salon! I only gave you, like, two months' notice when I booked the appointment."
Even in the small projection that the wristband provided of her boyfriend, Rebecca could make out how his thick brows knit together in contemplation. Deciding to tease him, in a melodic tone, she questioned, "Did you forget?"
Hearing her sweet voice seemed to snap Miguel out of his thoughts. A quiet grumble of affirmation ruminated through him. "Do you know how many people ask me for leave daily?"
Rebecca simply nodded, knowing that Miguel was a very busy man. Even with all her reminders, she wouldn't blame him if he did forget. But then he added, "Regardless, I thought your appointment was on the 30th?"
Rebecca's eyes crinkled in the corners as her whole face lit up. He had remembered, at least somewhat. "It was meant to be! But my French professor is crazy and decided to schedule class before Labor Day! So since I can't be in two places at once, I had to reschedule my hair for today. Don't tell me LYLA didn't remind you!"
Rebecca could hear the female AI pop in and confirm that she had, indeed, reminded him. LYLA then confessed that Miguel still insisted on calling since he missed Rebecca's voice.
This confession drew out a sweet giggle from Rebecca who was unable to hold it in due to the warmth swelling in her chest. Meanwhile, Miguel was less than pleased, condemning his assistant in a raised tone of exasperation. It was hard to see in the tinted colors of the projection, but Rebecca swore that his cheeks had flushed a different hue.
"That's sweet! But hey, whatever's bugging you, I know you got this! I promise I'll be in when I'm done and accounted for at home, okay?"
Miguel nodded in return while a ghost of a smile haunted his lips, "I'll be expecting it, mi conejita."
As Rebecca ended the chat, she could feel her cheeks heat up to a similar temperature as her hair. She wasn't fluent in Spanish by any means, with herself citing a basic public school education in the first few grades of her life. She knew enough from living in a heavily Spanish-speaking community to get by.
But as her stylist came back with the three bowls of dye they'd be using, Rebecca simply did her best to focus on her current experience rather than dwell on the nickname.
Hours later, after her hair had been dyed, trimmed, and layered, Rebecca paid for her treatment and bid the staff a good weekend. Another 20 minutes passed as she got a ride home and takeout with her mother. Once she was settled into her room and made sure the door was shut, Rebecca finally transported herself to Earth-928, the hub of Spider Society. She hadn't even bothered to change out of the black Miku shirt and the stretchy jeans she had worn to the appointment.
With a small box in her grip, Rebecca jogged through the halls to where Miguel usually lay in waiting. She had been stopped a few times by multiple Peters being nice and complimenting her on the somewhat drastic changes. She was sure that they were just being nice, but Rebecca couldn't completely deny that voice in the back of her head that alluded to other meanings behind their words. Not that it truly mattered to Rebecca either way.
When Rebecca finally made it to Miguel's office, or lair as she deemed it, she made herself known by cheerily announcing she had food while swinging up to his highrise platform.
"You didn't have to bring me food," Miguel stated before he turned around.
"I know," Rebecca reminded as she strode over and placed the small box on one of the few clear spots amongst his vast setup, "But I also know that you probably haven't eaten in a while, if at all, today. So since I treated my family to food and you're a loved one, I figured 'Ah, what the hell?' If you're not hungry, you can save it!"
It was as Rebecca placed the food down, that Miguel caught sight of her. No longer was her hair blonde and blue or a faded pool of melting cotton candy. It was vibrant, rich, her usual royal amethyst, and... crimson. The ends of her silken locks were the same color as the accents of Miguel's suit in this low lighting. When Miguel came to this realization, his chocolate orbs dilated.
Then Rebecca stepped in front of him, tilting her upper body to the left so that she was the center of his view. The smile that had started to linger in so many of Miguel's thoughts was plastered so smoothly across Rebecca's soft skin. "So this is what the ridiculous hairnet and bleach led to. What do you think?"
Miguel stepped closer to the woman, his large hand ghosting against the curves and dips of her waist. "It looks good. I understand the purple since you always say it's 'your thing'. But, uh, why the red? Not... Not that the shade doesn't suit you as well. It's just new."
Rebecca's arched brow quirked upward. She knew Miguel wasn't one to lavish her with compliments, especially within the halls of Spider Society where any prying eye could come across his vulnerability. But to see him take such interest left her intrigued as well.
"Well yeah, the purple's been my thing for so long I honestly don't know if I could go without it! But I've been thinking about changing up for so long now and especially after the incident, I wanted a new look. 'New look, new me' and all that crap... Why, do you think you were an influence?"
There it was again. That cheeky, teasing tone contrasted with her big, brown eyes. If it had been anyone else, it would've frustrated him beyond belief. Even when they first met and interacted, Miguel swore he would've throttled her if he had to witness it one more time. But now all he could do was swallow down the big lump forming in his dry throat.
Rebecca brought her pale hand over her peachy lips in a poor attempt to stifle another giggle. For a brief moment, Rebecca wondered when such an intimidating man began to melt before her.
"Don't get flattered, Miguel. This kind of red is quite common in the suburbs of Earth-9612 during the autumn season. Not to mention that purple and red sort of add to the Halloween vibe without being straight-up black and orange. Gotta say that's the one color I've not tried and don't plan to unless I wanna be a carrot!"
Rebecca listened to her voice as she spoke. She wasn't exactly lying since those were valid reasons she had. But to say that Miguel wasn't at least somewhat of an inspiration, wasn't the whole truth either. In her ears, her voice sounded rather smooth and nonchalant. Now she could only hope that the scarlet-tinted glow of all of Miguel's screens managed to neatly blend with the warm hue painting her cheeks once more.
Right as she heard Miguel give a hum of agreement and dismissal, another familiar voice spoke up.
"She totally did get inspired by the suit design~!" LYLA teased, glitching in between the couple.
It was at that moment that two pairs of widened brown eyes got lost in each other before Rebecca quickly cast her gaze downwards to stare at the oh-so-interesting table. Her cheeks now seemed to match the crimson ombre of her hair while the purple strands masked her widened gaze.
"DAMMIT LYLA!" Rebeca spluttered. She wasn't angry by any means of the word, simply flustered by all comparable measures. "I don't know what you mean~! I-It's merely coincidence and crimson is a pretty color! Who's to say that it doesn't suit me more than it does the big boss?!"
It was already too late though, and Rebecca could feel it. Miguel was already smirking down at her, his hand now firmly planted on the familiar spot on her waist. Meanwhile, out of the corner of her eye, Rebecca could see the digital woman lowering her heart-shaped spectacles as she bent forward with a similar smile.
"So it was totally a coincidence that you asked me for the specific shade about three weeks ago?" LYLA pressed.
Rebecca nodded as if her head was to fall off any second. Though Miguel only questioned why his assistant gave up such info so freely.
"Knowing a certain shade isn't going to do any harm, Miguel. It's not like you're even hiding your identity from her, not with all those late-night conversations you so often tell me to replay."
Rebecca had come to rest the top of her head on Miguel's chest, against his heart, in unspoken defeat. However, as LYLA continued to spill the beans, she could feel Miguel's upper body grow warmer as he desperately tried to shoo LYLA away to no avail.
"Aww~ you two are cute! I have to tell Peter B. so that Jess can get her proper payout."
Both people in the ever-pining pair shot their heads up to look at LYLA as she snagged a picture. But before either one could ask about this bet that was made behind their backs, LYLA decided to drop one more bomb.
"Oh yeah, Rebecca, have you seen Miguel's new phone case? During the last few missions, the old one got pretty beat up. So when I asked what he was on the market for, he told me that he didn't care as long as it was 'protective and a nice shade of purple'."
LYLA then played a clip of Miguel's exact words that she had recorded. Sure enough, that was what Miguel had requested, citing something along the lines of having a new appreciation for the color and wanting to give it a shot. Despite her hardest to listen to her boyfriend's past words, it was pretty hard to hear over his current words barking out flustered condemnations towards his assistant once more.
Rebecca then stood on her tiptoes and pressed a soft kiss into the crook of her boyfriend's neck to temporarily calm him. She could feel his grip tighten as he pressed her against his chest. Though Rebecca soon turned to face LYLA once more with a smile.
"LYLA, forget what I said. I love you!"
Taglist: @disneymarina @floweringforgetfulness @nyandereneko @maskedanarchy-ships @singingdeepinme @goldenworldsabound @wanderers-wife @canongf @hadesgoddess @violetsandmilk
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xdeariex · 2 years
can i have this dance ?
summary: robin confesses her feelings for you with a bad joke
word count: 1129
i got this idea very last minute and it was supposed to go an entirely different way but i think it's cute like this
warnings: none besides fluff
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lately, you'd been spending a lot of time with robin. studying up, making sure your grades stayed decent so when finals came around you weren't stressed out entirely. it was your last year of high school and you wanted to make it count.
it was a little hard to do that with robin so distracted.
you two decided to change up the setting a little bit— your bedroom floor would no longer cut it. so last week, you went out on your own and found a place that was discreet for you two to hang out. you ended up coming across a picnic table on the far side of the park one day and decided it was perfect.
robin was surprised, she knew you didn't like taking walks by yourself. but you did it for her. and unfortunately, that was the only way you were able to communicate your feelings. you were as much of a lost cause as she was, always rambling but never saying the right thing. 
plus, how could you find out if she liked girls or not? you sure weren't going to ask her, that was like walking right into death. you weren't going to ask steve because you knew he wouldn't budge due to "privacy reasons." so you'd have to keep trying in a way that says 'i care about you' or maybe 'i kinda, sorta love you' without giving yourself away before you were entirely sure. 
robin brought snacks and a notebook that you knew she would just doodle in, instead of taking notes and you brought the books.
 only less than an hour of "studying" robin was already out of her seat and bouncing around. she got up from her side of the table, coming over you and sitting down next to you. she leaned over, chin resting on your shoulder and after a few moments of silence passed she let out a dramatic sigh. you bit back a smile, trying your hardest to ignore her. however, much to your annoyance, she let out another— louder than last time.
"what is it?" you asked her without looking up at her.
"i'm super, mega bored. can we do something?"
"we are doing something."
"no, i mean something that isn't going to rot my brain."
"rot your brain?"
"y/n, i already know all this stuff." she gestures to the textbook you had flipped open, taking the liberty of shutting it for you. "and i know you do too, you need to stop stressing yourself out."
you rolled your eyes, turning your body to face her.
"what do you propose we do then, hm?" you asked, knowing she had no clue.
"we could dance." she bit down on her bottom lip, smiling widely.
"dance?" you groaned.
"yes!" she beamed.
"there's not even any music."
"imagine it."
"robin, you know i dont-" you didn't even have time to finish your sentence before she was grabbing you by the hand, pulling you up out of your own seat. she swayed her arms causing yours to follow her movements with your intertwined hands. you tried your hardest to hold back you laughter, hoping that if you acted serious enough, she would let you go back to studying. 
but is that what you really wanted? robin was right, you did know all the material, you just wanted to play it safe. but was that the right thing to do? were you supposed to play it safe? you were asking yourself so many questions you weren't even sure if you were talking about robin or your schoolwork. you didn't have time to think any further before robin let go of one of your hands. raising the other and twirling you in your spot. she reeled you back in, mouthing the lyrics to the song playing in her head.
your breath hitched in your throat, realizing how close you two were. do you lean in? do you try to make a move? what the fuck am i supposed to do? you were panicking, just a little.   
"you need to loosen up, y/n. i don't bite." robin spoke with her stupid, oddly attractive soft voice with the perfect rasp to it that made you- "come here," 
you felt her hand leave yours, watching her take a step up onto the bench, then the table. she held out her hand for your own and although you seen it as a hazard to dance on this not-so-big table, you didn't care because robin was here with you. she wanted to dance with you, she was spending this time with you. 
and that seemed to do it for you, you let go of every bombarding thought in your mind, taking robin's hand and jumping up onto the picnic table. 
"there she is!" robin nearly cheered, taking both your hands yet again and moving her body to the music. you couldn't even express how stupid you both looked, feet shuffling on the splintered wood of a picnic table, arms flaying around, cackling like 5 year old's. but you didn't care. 
your heart nearly left your body when robin pushed too close to the edge, though the fall wouldn't have really mattered, given it was 2 feet. still you gasped, immediately throwing out your hand to catch her. just in time, your hands latched onto eachother, you pulling robin back with an o-shaped mouth and multiple giggles leaving you as shock engulfed you.
"guess you could say im falling for you," she quipped, shrugging to play a nonchalant act.
"oh my god," you flushed in embarrassment at her poor taste in joke. "never say that again."
"what if that's really how i feel though," her voice suddenly got crazy quiet, eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips as if she was awaiting her opportunity and your reaction.
"i-" you didn't know what to say, so for once your life you didn't say anything. leaning in, you pressed your lips to robin's, eyes shut tight. to your surprise she kissed you back, soft lips on your own, hands trailing up to rest on your waist and if this wasn't the most perfect moment you didn't know what was. you two were in perfect sync, energies matching the other, simply lost in the feeling of pure bliss. you didn't pull away for what felt like forever, your lungs practically begging for air.
her eyes were still closed when you opened yours, wrapping your arms around her neck and kissing the corner of her mouth for her attention.
"so was that like an agreement kiss or...?"
"oh my god."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
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evafrechette · 3 years
It’s a Match
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↠ yoongi x jimin | smut | hookup au | 18+ | 3.4K
↠ Summary: Loneliness can make you do questionable things. Like signing up to a dating app to suck the cock of a stranger.
↠ Warnings: deep throating, public blowjobs, cum sharing, kind of a social media au - but not, drunk Yoongi, flirting, masturbation, gagging.
Yoongi never thought he'd be desperate enough to download the app on his phone, but here he was at 11:37 on a Friday night, finger hovering over the install button.
"Ahhh fuck it.."
He clicked and watched as the app downloaded and installed on his phone. He never thought it would get to this point. He'd been single for years. Preferring his own company, he never found it necessary to date. People annoyed him, too loud, too intrusive, too manipulative. So he remained alone. But 4 years is a long time to be on your own and he was starting to grow tired of his own hand. Plus he'd watched evey fucking video there was on his favourite porn site a year ago. That should have been the sign he needed to get laid, but his dumb ass wallowed in misery for another 12 months and that's why he's here now, creating a profile in the hopes of getting fucked this weekend.
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A frown formed on Yoongi's face, he had been scrolling through profiles for the last 30 minutes and hadn't matched with anyone. He knew it was because he was being incredibly picky, swiping left on nearly every single profile he'd come across. He wasn't gonna get his dick sucked carrying on like this. He swiped left on a profile of a man in his 40s - already starting to bald, arms wrapped around a girl half his age - when his eyes landed upon the profile of a young man.
Yoongi was intrigued. The man had the prettiest face Yoongi had ever seen, beautiful plush lips pulled into a seductive smile, with his blond bangs hanging over his eyes. Yoongi clicked to view the profile in full, Jimin - the beautiful man's name was Jimin. He used emojis in his profile, which made Yoongi let out a frustrated groan. He hated emojis, too childish. He continued to read the profile and decided that the two of them were too different and even though the man was beautiful he would swipe left, like he had been all night. Maybe it was an accident or maybe Yoongi's subconscious wanted those plush lips around his cock, because instead of swiping left he swiped right.
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He put the phone down and got up to make a drink. He shouldn't have a coffee this late, but apparently he was living recklessly tonight. With the steaming hot drink in his hand he climbed back onto his bed. He took a sip of the dark hot liquid when he heard the ding of a notification. He cautiously leaned over and grabbed the phone, swiping away his lock screen. He could see that he had been notified of a match, so he quickly opened the app, curious as to which one of the very small pool of men he'd swiped right on that would like him back. Yoongi could feel his cheeks starting to heat up. He didn't expect to match with the blond with the lips to die for. Not only that, but the man had messaged him too.
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Yoongi couldn't tell him the truth, he WAS going to swipe left, what the fuck happened with that anyway.
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Yoongi choked on his coffee, Jimin looked like an angel, but an angel wouldn't talk that way. How the hell does he respond to that? Does he even want to respond to that? He placed his coffee on the side table and dragged his hand through his hair. If he didn't take this opportunity his blue balls would actually kill him. Well fuck, his response just made him sound like the world's most pathetic asshole.
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Yoongi checked the time, it was quite early in the morning now. The coffee had helped wake him up, but the prospect of meeting with the cute man had him feeling even more awake than what was humanly possible. The two of them talked for the next few hours. Sharing stories of their worst dates, childhood pets, who was more powerful Superman or Ironman and their favourite songs. Yoongi finally said goodnight and put his phone on the charger. They had agreed to met at Jimin's favourite bar the 'Hit List' at 8pm that night. Seventeen hours for Yoongi to work himself up into a worried hot ass mess. Fucking great. And yet as he stared up at the ceiling a small smile broke out on his face.
Yoongi spent his Saturday doing everything he possibly could to distract himself from his date that evening. Was it a date? Do you call meeting some random off the internet to possibly fuck a date? He was too old for this shit. He rearranged his vinyl collection, read a decent chunk of his new book and practiced a few new songs on his guitar. Once the sky had turned a beautiful shade of orange and pink Yoongi knew he had to stop stalling and get his ass ready. He took an extra long shower, debating on whether to do some manscaping (since all the young kids do it these days) before deciding not to. He liked his bush, and if pretty boy wasn't a fan well tough shit for him.
He teamed his black and white shirt with a pair of black jeans ripped at the knee, a leather jacket and finished it off with a few pieces of jewellery. With one last look in the mirror Yoongi slid his phone and wallet into the pocket of his jeans and left his apartment. Just as he stepped into the lift his phone pinged. It was a message from Jimin.
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Jimin is sitting at the bar when Yoongi arrives. He's deep in conversation with the bartender, so Yoongi stands by the entrance awkwardly looking around. It's a nice place, very quiet and intimate. It's dark, a few low hanging lights scattered around and tealight candles sitting in a whisky glass on each table. To his right is a large floor to ceiling window, surrounded by a mix match of old leather chairs. There is a faint smell of smoke in the air. Oddly this smell starts to calm Yoongi down, it reminds him of his grandfather. Okay, now he's nervous again. Thinking of his grandfather at a time like this?
"I'm a fucking mess." he mutters to himself as he walks over to the bar.
"Uhh sorry to interrupt, Jimin right?"
The blond turns his head and smiles, he is really more beautiful in real life Yoongi thinks to himself. He's wearing a black shirt with one too many buttons undone, his hair parted in the middle falling gracefully to each side framing his angelic looking face.
"Mmm that's right and you are?"
Um what?! Fuck, Yoongi knew he made a mistake by coming here. Ahh fuck, why did he have to make that stupid profile? He loved Amateur Bareback 3-Way #2, he could have easily watched it 100 more times.
"Relax cutie, I'm just playing, you should have seen your face," a giggle escaped from Jimin's lips. "Nice to meet you Yoongi." he stood up and extended his hand out to shake. Yoongi quickly wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans and returned the handshake. Jimin's hand was engulfed in Yoongi's. He looked down and couldn't help but smile at the scene. Jimin's hands were so petite compared to his. It was a rather lovely sight.
"Order yourself a drink and we'll go sit over there." he pointed to the leather chairs Yoongi has been eyeing up earlier. He ordered an Irish Mule for himself and a Negroni for Jimin. He carried the drinks to the table, while Jimin followed closely behind. A little too close Yoongi thought. He could smell his perfume starting to mix with the smoke smell. It was a delicious combination.
The first half an hour was straight up torture for Yoongi. Even though the two of them had spent the night messaging each other it was different once he was sitting face to face with the most stunning man in all of Seoul. Yoongi avoided eye contact, mumbled and laughed dryly at Jimin's jokes. He was well and truly fucking this entire thing up.
Jimin huffed "You don't have to stick around you know, you can leave whenever you want."
Yep. He had fucked this up.
"Uhh it's not that," Yoongi starts to bite at his thumb nail "Jimin, I'm terrible at this. People stress me the fuck out, I haven't been laid in four years, I don't like leaving my apartment, you are lovely, fantastic even and that's making me even more nervous."
Jimin played with the hoop in his ear while looking directly at Yoongi, he tilted his head to the side "How can I help you relax? I thought we clicked last night?"
They did
"I'm sorry I make you nervous, I can't help it that I'm so cute." Yoongi finally looked into Jimin's eyes and they burst into laughter.
"It's not your fault. Fuck it, I need another drink . . or five that will help." he rolled his eyes before waking back to the bar.
With a few more drinks in him Yoongi was relaxed, he could feel the whiskey warming up his body. The heat in his stomach though, he was sure that was because of the attractive man sitting in front of him. The discomfort had finally vanished and instead a mellowness had fallen over the two.
"I've always liked older men." Jimin purred, his delicate small fingers, adorned with multiple silver rings, brushing against the now half empty glass.
"Aiisshh I'm only two years older than you!" Yoongi huffed, folding his arms across his chest.
"Yeah, but you act like you're nearly 60.” Jimin let out a hearty laugh, his eyes turning into crescents, cheeks plump and slightly pink. He slapped the table causing their glasses to shake. Yoongi quickly grabbed his to prevent it from spilling.
"It's not that funny." he didn't want to admit it, but the blond's laugh was hypnotic, he could watch Jimin laugh for hours and never tire of it.
Jimin straightened up, fingers now tracing the rim of the glass "I bet you don't fuck like an old man though."
Yoongi gulped and looked directly into Jimin's brown eyes, gone was the playful light, it was now replaced with desperate firey lust. He knew what the outcome of this date could be, and yet he was still nervous. He could feel his heart starting to race, his breath becoming faster. "Aaahh shit" Yoongi thought to himself as his left hand started to twitch, the blond's smell - a mix of orange blossom and patchouli was becoming overwhelming, he needed to calm down, he'd cum within seconds if he didn't get his shit under control.
"Heh, well I guess you'll find out later huh?"
Jimin reached over and ran his soft fingers over Yoongi's hand, playing with the bracelets that sat around his wrist.
"Why don't I find out now?"
Yoongi's friends love roasting him for his personality change when drunk. All of a sudden the quiet reserved man becomes giggly and loud. Cracking terrible jokes and singing at the top of his lungs. Sober Yoongi would never dare dream of taking a stranger to the bathroom to jerk off. Drunk Yoongi though? Try to stop him.
"Mmm Jiminshi are you sure?”
Jimin giggled at this "You are SO cute" he continued to draw his fingers over Yoongis hands "Of course I'm sure, do you wanna go back to mine? Or we could go to yours if you're more comfortable with that..."
Without thinking Yoongi stood, grabbed the blonds arm and pulled him up. They walked towards the exit, but before descending the stairs they took a left and made their way into the restroom. Once inside Yoongi pushed Jimin against the door and started kissing at his neck. "Fuck! Jimin, there is no way in hell I can wait to get back to my place, I need to feel you now." Yoongi whispered between kisses.
Yoongi leaned down and kissed his exposed chest, thank fuck Jimin had left those top buttons open. They had been torturing Yoongi all night long, but now he was thankful for it. Jimin's skin was so soft and it faintly smelled like cherry blossom lotion but he wanted more. He was desperate for more. Jimin ran his hands through Yoongi's hair and grabbed hard. Small moans escaped his lips, which drew Yoongi even crazier. He undid the buttons on his shirt and stood back. Jimin had the body of a god. Perfectly sculptured, with beautiful brown nipples begging to be sucked on. Who was Yoongi to deny god his wish?
Jimin let out a squeak when Yoongi ran his tongue over his nipples, hungrily licking and sucking at them. His right hand found it's way to the bulge in Jimin's pants and he pressed his palm down onto it. Jimin was now starting to get louder which made Yoongi smirk, he lightly nipped on Jimin's nipple before standing up and leaning in to sloppily kiss Jimin on those perfect, perfect lips, the taste of spice and bitterness still lingering.
"Uuuhhh Hyung, please touch me."
"That's what I'm doing Jimin."
"No you asshole, I want to feel you properly, get my fucking dick out." Yoongi stopped and looked at Jimin, slightly taken back by the tone of his voice. But he just smiled back - a wicked smile.
Yoongi got onto his knees and began undoing the zip of Jimin's pants. He pulled them down to his ankles, he then drew his hands up Jimin's legs, enjoying how smooth they were. He palmed Jimin's cock through his underwear eliciting a moan from the man above him. Yoongi pressed his face into Jimin's clothed cock. He took a deep breath, Jimin smelled wicked, his arousal mixed with body lotion was rousing. He alternated between sucking and licking on the cock trapped behind Calvin Klein underwear. He repeated this action a few more times before finally removing the now very damp briefs.
Jimin wasn't the biggest cock Yoongi had ever seen, but he was thick and absolutely smooth. He stroked his long fingers over his chiseled abs, along Jimin's length and then down to his balls which he cupped in his hand, massaging back and forth. He let go and brought his hand to his mouth, running his tongue over his entire palm. It was so fucking dirty and Jimin shuddered at the sight. He reached back up and gripped Jimin's cock in his now saliva covered hand. He drew his hand up and down at a frantic pace. He was too worked up to go any slower, but Jimin didn't seem to mind by the noises he was making. Oh shit, he was being too loud now. They'd get caught and thrown out or even worse the cops called.
"Shit Jimin, you need to be quiet or someone will hear us.”
“Mmm Yoongi I don't think I can cutie, why do you think I said we should get out of here."
Yoongi huffed and slowed his hand down. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Jimin's briefs, so he picked them up, stood and shoved them in Jimin's mouth.
"That should shut you up.... Is that okay? I can take them out if you don't like it.”
Jimin shook his head and moaned around the underwear. His mouth was stretched open and drool already starting to pool at the corners. What a fucking beautiful thing to witness. Pleased with himself Yoongi got back on his knees and kissed the tip of Jimin's cock. His tongue played with the slit, circling it before he slowly kissed down each side of his shaft. He then licked the base to tip, never taking his eyes off Jimin's. They both looked so fucked already, pupils blown out, flushed cheeks and lips swollen from the rough kissing earlier.
He started pumping slowly, wanting to tease Jimin a little, the blond was impatient though and bucked his hips into Yoongi's fist, letting him know he wanted and desperately needed it faster. Yoongi let out a small chuckle and started to move his hand at a pace the gorgeous man would enjoy. Muffled moans of pleasure let Yoongi know he had found the magic speed. He continued like this for a few minutes before letting go and taking Jimin's cock in his mouth. Oh he tasted good - of course he did he was perfect in every way why would this be any different? Yoongi hollowed his cheeks as he bobbed up and down on Jimin's length, taking it deep before pulling up and letting go with a 'pop'.
He took hold of Jimin's cock and rubbed his lips all over the head, spreading precum all over his lips and chin. He felt like such a slut, but he was loving every moment of it. Yoongi closed his eyes and slowly buried Jimin's entire cock in his mouth until it hit the back of his throat. He moaned around the feeling, this was what he had needed. To feel stuffed by a pretty cock attached to a pretty man. Jimin was squirming above him, his panting and moans muffled by the briefs in his mouth, but there was no doubt he was in ecstasy just like the cock starved brunette. Yoongi felt petite hands fist into his hair and start pulling and pushing trying to take some control of the situation, Yoongi slowed down and allowed Jimin to start fucking into his mouth.
With each of Jimin's thrusts his grunts became louder as he was getting closer to his orgasm. Jimin wasn't the only one getting close, after having practically become a born again virgin, Yoongi's head was dizzy with arousal and he wasn't sure how much longer he would last, his grip on Jimin's thighs tightening, bound to leave light marks the next morning. He closed his eyes and could feel the heat from his stomach rise throughout his body, his muscles tensing as he felt his release. The wet patch in Yoongi's pants made him feel absolutely filthy. He came just from sucking someone's cock? Before he had too much time to start mulling over how much of a slut he is, Jimin spills his load inside Yoongi's hot mouth. He thrusts hard a few times causing the cum to spill out of Yoongi's mouth and dribble down his chin, landing on the floor.
Jimin hisses as he slowly removes himself from Yoongi's mouth, he leans down and Yoongi yanks the underwear out of his mouth before smashing his lips against the blonds. He doesn't care that his mouth is still full of Jimin's cum, he tastes so good he wants him to experience the intoxicating taste too. When their lips part Jimin stands to put his softening cock away. Yoongi stands with him and looks around the room, avoiding eye contact.
"Umm thanks for that, that was .. uhh really good."
Jimin's bewitching smile returns "Yeah, that was amazing cutie can't say I've ever had my underwear shoved into my mouth though, but there is a first time for everything. Come here and I'll treat you good too."
"Well um, no it's okay. Honestly. I may have cum already." he sheepishly replies, still avoiding any damn eye contact.
A small "oh" left his pouty lips "well I'm glad I could have been of assistance."
The two stood awkwardly for a while before Jimin held Yoongi's hand and walked him over to the sink. He made the older man sit on the bench while he cleaned up all the mess he had made. Yoongi's heart couldn't stop beating. There was no need for Jimin to be so nice after what they had just done, but here he was doing something Yoongi actually felt was more intimate than painting the walls of his throat with his cum.
"Ah there ya go, now you can go back into the real world without anyone suspecting a thing.”
They walked outside together in silence, Yoongi had never had a hook up before. Do you crack jokes? Profess your love? Or just act like what happened never did? His mind was a million miles away when soft fingers were suddenly stroking his cheek.
"Please message me anytime you want to see each other again, and I'll be the one doing all the dirty work okay?"
This made Yoongi blush "Yeah okay. Thank you Jimin, truly I had a great night."
And it was the truth, he had so much fun he could relive the moment in his head for the next four years. Amateur Bareback 3-Way #2 wouldn't be needed when the memory of small hands, captivating moans and cum drizzling down his chin was enough to get him hard again. It had been less than 20 minutes. God dammit!
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africanicequeen · 3 years
Chapter One - Stranger Things
Word count: 3k
Rating: 16+
Genre: Supernatural Romance
Tags: vampires, witches, love, friendship, romance, angst, people from different cultural backgrounds
Warnings: talk of drinking blood, withdrawal symptoms, death and mortality
Song choice: Halsey ~ Devil In Me & Crooked Colours ~ Flow
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We truly don't know what to expect until life throws us a lemon.
Ironically in my case, it was one hell of a lemon. So much so that it, undeniably, needed a strong bottle of vodka along with it but trust me folks, we will get to that part sooner if not later.
You see what I planned was kind of mediocre, now that I think about it. Due to circumstances beyond my control and a scarce source of college funds to build upon, my dreaming was set to be limited at best. I pictured the regular life back then, work to live and live to work, drinking cheap beer with my best friend at home and diving into bed as soon as I realized how much dreaming was just that.
Any plans I had in mind, disappeared after The Change. Honestly, it was damn near impossible to return to life with any level of normality intact.
All of the sudden, I wanted the blood pumping, kick my ass and hit-the-ground-running kind of life. I wanted the work to live but live to explore this entire world kind of life. I wanted to have something extra ordinary. I wanted this life to be nothing but my own.
Being that utterly and undeniably selfish was what I had taken on when I was reborn into this life.
What I do have now was my dream job; I could go home after doing my daily duty, crash on my suede couch with a glass of Merlot in my hand, then kick and unwind to the likes of Alicia Keys and Maxwell playing in the background of my apartment.
A soft tap on my shoulder pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned around to the person who seemed to be seeking my attention to reveal the oddly pigtailed and always smiling, Christina Valdez better known as Chrissie; a resident registered nurse. Grabbing my stethoscope and clipboard from the counter, I smiled back at her.
She playfully rolled her eyes at me, "You might want hurry and get to the last one. She has been asking for you all day, Doc."
"Oh, right! I've been racking my brain about who it was I hadn't seen today. Thank you for the reminder, Chrissie." I said as I ran my hands through my braids and pull them back up into a ponytail.
"It's my pleasure and tread carefully, she is extra emotional lately." She warned.
"And the young girl didn't happen to mention why, did she?"
Chrissie mustered a soft frown and shook her head. "Khalida, sure she is a bubbly girl and can chat for days on end but you are the only one she confides in." she briefly glanced at the clock on the wall and leaned back in the black armchair. "Thirty more minutes and I can finally blow this pop stand and go home."
"Alright, it looks like I'm stuck here until a little later. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Better you than me!"
The paediatric ward in this section of the hospital held half of my patients, the adolescent recoveries. Communal rounds would stretch on from the early hours of the morning till the late evening and at the end of every day, I would wind up on the opposite side of where I started.
My last round sent me to the very end of the hallway, which was located in the west wing of the hospital.
I gently pushed the door open as I entered the dark room, shutting it to a close behind me. The only thing that did illuminate the walls was an elephant shaped nightlight above her head. Once placing the clipboard down, I walked towards the far end of the room to close the curtains and switch on the bedside lamps.
"You know only unworldly creatures sit in the dark, right?"
Summer was lying against the propped up pillows with a book in hand. She always had one in hand. The already read ones were neatly stacked on the table next to her and the unread ones were with her, by the foot of the bed.
Her eyes briefly shot up at me before settling back into her book, tapping on the cover. 'The Fox in the Attic.' was her answer. Her striking cobalt blue eyes managed to maintain their sparkle throughout the past five months. The young girl was admitted to my care after being in what most would call a freak accident, nearly claiming her life and leaving her trapped in the vehicle for an hour, unable to move. Yet tragically claiming her stepfather's in mere seconds.
I scanned through her latest test results, vitals and activity. All seemed well except for the brief little questionable glances thrown my way every few minutes. I slid my pen into my pocket, hiding a smile, "You are more than welcome to come out with whatever it is that is eating away at you."
Summer hurriedly shut the book she was reading and focused her attention on me, asking, "Are you married, Doctor Khalida?"
"No, I am fortunately not married and trust me I know how it sounds but I have this job and you - my patients - to focus on. We wouldn't have had this progress if I divided my time that way. Although, it is quite the question to ask, Summer. Is there anything in particular?" I replied, folding my arms.
"I happened to notice the ring on your finger, so did Mom. You know the very one you wear every day? You're always playing with it," she pointedly looked at my left hand and softly narrowed her eyes.
"Oh," I say thrown off, glancing down at the ring, "this old thing was just a little gift from a friend of mine."
Her eyes lit up, eager to hearing how I'll answer. "Is he a close friend?"
Suddenly it felt like a lump was forming in my throat, "He was a close friend of mine, yes. We don't talk anymore." Attempts at trying to swallow to rid of it weren't working.
"He must have meant a lot considering the fact that you still wear even though you don't talk anymore. It's really pretty too, he must have great taste. Mama says that you only ever really carry a small piece of someone around if they meant something real special. Can you tell me about him?" Summer's face slightly dropped and she ends up pulling the blanket up to her nose, "Oh my goodness, I- I am so sorry. I shouldn't have asked something so personal. I'm going to stop talking now."
I moved closer, grabbed a chair and held her hand in both of mine, shaking my head at her misplaced embarrassment.
"No need to apologize. Your mom is right about that. Where to begin? His name was Conner and he was the type of guy who was always surrounded by hundreds of people who simply adored him for his charming personality. He was the guy who's arms every girl wanted to be wrapped in. He never let anyone feel out of place. I was the girl who stayed in her corner with all her books because they couldn't hurt her like real people did. She had few friends and even lesser true friends. But, what not many knew was that these two had practically grown up together,"
She smiled and nodded furiously for me to continue, "Although they might have fought each and every day the first week or so of meeting each other, they became an inseparable pack. They swore they came in two's and that you could not have one without the other. Like two peas in a pod, or Ying and Yang. A lot of people disagreed with the friendship though. They did things to split the two."
She softly asked, dropping her blanket and widening her eyes, "What happened to them?" As if she already had a hunch of what was to come.
"Life," I shrugged, "but I guess things are supposed to happen sometimes, aren't they? For good reason too." her eyes held a special kind of conflict, one I was all too familiar with, "Speaking about life, Nurse Chrissie mentioned you being out of sorts lately. This must be related to the very attractive boy that comes to visit you."
She used her free hand, running it down her face in frustration.
"Crap, I'm going to sound so cheesy for this. Three nights ago, we were just sitting by the window and talking as always. And when the sun started painting the last bit of the sky in orange, he kissed me. I kissed him back but then when it was over I couldn't find the words to come out of my mouth. I sat there staring at him, saying nothing. He got up and left and now I can't get a hold of him to at least explain myself. I swear I was just shocked, I didn't think he thought of me that way."
"They don't lie when they say it helps to talk about the stuff that's on your mind. That way you don't have too much miscommunication between you. What exactly did he make you feel in the moment, Summer?"
Even in the dimly lit room I could see a deep scarlet blush firing up her cheeks and her dainty little freckle covered nose, "I know it'll sound strange since I'm like seventeen but, it was like I could feel his soul rush through me. I had goose bumps all over. Have you ever felt that alive?"
I have actually. I knew exactly what she was talking about, and as if sent by Fate itself, the door opened to reveal a heavily breathing red haired boy who appeared to have ran all the way here. His big grey eyes frantically searched the room, calming down once finding hers.
"He obviously has feelings for you and from what I have seen during his visits, those feelings are returned. Just talk to him. Have a good night." I whispered before releasing her hand, grabbing my clipboard and taking my leave.
A quick run to the grocery store near my apartment building and I'm home. I took my grocery bags in both hands and shut the boot. Luckily it was too late in the day for most humans to be wandering about in the underground parking area and any worries of discovery were over my head as I ran up to my apartment. And after the conversation at the hospital, I was certainly not in the mood for any physical interactions.
What was needed however, was someone I knew I could talk to.
Sonja was one of my only friends; a purebred South African woman, born and raised in the quaint town of Port Shepstone.
I met the beautifully sky blue eyed and brunette headed Sonja when I was doing my medicinal community service at The Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, eighteen years ago. We grew closer with every mischievous deed that landed her under the residents' care and trust there were quite a lot of those. Her carefree and relentless behaviour was embedded into her basic nature, only adding to her being such an amazing woman.
She helped me through my dark frenzy period and taught me how to keep channelling my humanity no matter what. If she hadn't intervened all those years ago, who knows how many necks I would still be biting into without any ounce of remorse?
Contacting her through Skype was the only alternative to the expensive phone bills that piled up every month. I kicked off my trainers as I sat on the couch, placing my glass of Merlot and a bowl of sweet potato chips on the glass coffee table in front of me and anxiously awaited her answer. Sonja's face appeared on the flat screen and her usually bright eyes seemed to become duller at the sight of me.
"Well shit girl, I'm gone four months and you already look worked out. When was the last time you fed?" she asked.
I popped a few chips in my mouth and stretched my toes, "Sonja, last time I checked, my job does require me to display a lot of humanlike behaviour - which in itself is tiring - and I can't exactly expose myself in front of my patients or co-workers. Whipping about is not ideal for me if I want to keep staying here. I actually love living in this city. But anyways, enough about me, how has Amsterdam been treating you?"
"Uh-uh, I don't think so, Khalida North!" she muttered disapprovingly, like I was testing her patience.
"Yes, Sonja Richardson?" I replied.
I knew exactly what I was doing. I was avoiding the question and with good reason too. When people worried about me, it led to them being hurt because I couldn't open up enough to let them know exactly what I was feeling. The world had far bigger problems than me being unable to crack my chest open like a chestnut and be vulnerable in the sense that normal people were. The fact alone frustrated me to the extent that I always preferred to stay disconnected from others. It was the easier option.
Sonja's face softened, sighing at the visible dark shadows dancing under my eyes, "You need to feed, please. Remember the last time you went too long without feeding?"
I remembered alright. The images of me with bloodshot eyes and painfully elongated fangs flashed in my mind. Bloodied and helpless as I lied on the cold bathroom floor, praying someone would put me out of the misery of attack on my body. It was similar to what a junkie were to experience had they missed the deadline for their next hit by a week.
The withdrawal like symptoms would start as a stinging pain on the back of the neck, making the ability to concentrate a tough job, much harder and then if more hours passed it would make being around humans unbearable to the point where you wouldn't want to breath the same air as them. Not feeding made the body wither in pain, only stopping once the body has been given what its craving or when you succumb to natural power of hunger.
In this case, it was from the lack of blood consumed and I never wanted to find myself in that awful situation again.
I cringed and nodded in acknowledgement.
"Khalida, is there anything else on your mind?" she asked, searching my face. I quickly shook my head.
"I promise to make the time to feed soon." In reality, I knew I didn't really have a choice when it came to making time. I just had to hunt. "Although I must say, it has been a strange day. First, I'm forgetful then I hear the kind of words we always only hear spoken every now and then by older generations. I don't know, I feel... old."
"Khali, what could be making you feel so down - other than not getting out more?" she asked, pushing to find what was holding me like this. I shook my head again and cast my eyes over to the calendar on my wall. November 10th. "Oh, its that time of the year again. You're going right? You need to make the trip and be somewhere other than New York."
I sighed, tilting my head to relieve the tension that bundles in my neck, constantly reminding me of the manner in which I met my demise, "I don't know anymore, Sonja. What's the point in hoping anything in my life will be normal if I don't let this go? He's dead, he's gone. He's not coming back. Its one thing to go home to reminisce and get away from everything but another to dig up the past."
"Just go, Khalida. Its a part of you, you don't necessarily have to bury it and no one can take your memories of him from you. Keep them okay?" She waited for me to nod. I complied. Her sky blue eyes visibly brightened again as she smiled. "Look, I might have a silver lining for you. The grand opening can be pushed up by a month and a half, if we finalize that last phase. After that it seems like we can do this whenever we want. I'll be back in New York in no time. I was thinking we could host a private and intimate dinner at our location to celebrate."
I was somewhat relieved for the change in subject. "Like a black tie event?"
"Yeah, something like that. We could dress up and cut loose like the old farts we are!" Sonja winked and thankfully grabbed a glass of wine that was given to her, by someone unseen.
I scoffed, "We are not old farts."
Not so long ago, we decided to open up our own little establishment right here in the Big Apple. Nothing too fancy, just a homey hole in the wall for when people want to eat, drink and be merry - as Sonja said. It was all going well so far.
The doorbell rang as we were discussing the phases in which the interior design work would be done. Sonja laughed at the surprise that was probably written all over my face, "Expecting someone dear? Answer the door..."
I frowned and got up from the couch. "No. I'll be right back."
My eyes quickly flickered to the large wall clock, that hung high upon the living room wall by the ceiling to floor glass window, and read time as close to being midnight. It made me wonder who on earth could be knocking on my door this late.
I walked to the front door and plucked it open. Looking left and right in the hallway, reassured me there was nobody in sight. There was no other scent than that of the neighbors. "Hello?" I asked, quietly, not expecting an answer.
After taking one more look, I dismissed the knock as a mistake, turned to head back inside and blamed it on the lack of wine.
Then I saw it.
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× Author's Note:
Pronunciations of certain names are as follows - Khalida North is KAH-LEE-DAH NAUGHT and Sonja is SOHN-YAH
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Completely Fantastic
Someone To Stay Ch. 8
Spencer x fem reader
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The next morning you wake up and start packing as you prepare for the drive back home. You take your hair out of the bun you had slept in, leaving it with some long loose waves. You throw on a long, flowing navy and white maxi skirt with a navy tank top and some strappy sandals. You are feeling particularly in touch with your bohemian side after a weekend spent in the great outdoors.
After filling up on a quick breakfast, you grab your bags and head out to the car. You look to Spencer. "Is it okay if I drive?"
He appreciates you asking. No one ever does. They just assume.
"Sounds good!" He tosses his keys over to you. After filling the trunk with both of your bags, you scoot into the driver's side and adjust the seat and mirrors. You may be tall, but Spencer was much taller.
As you pull out of the driveway and make your way down the road, Spencer looks towards you.
"I'm guessing you want music. I don't really have much. If you hand me your phone I can put on whatever you like."
You unlock your phone and hand it to him, smiling at the kind gesture. Seems like he catches on quick.
"Hmm" you think out loud. "Well, I know you haven't listened to quite as much as me so we have a lot of genres to cover on this car ride. We'll start with the 70's and go from there. Just put it my 70's playslist on shuffle. We'll let my phone pick for us."
Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac comes on. A smile of content spreads across your face. You reach into the compartment above your rear view mirror and grab what you liked to call your "John Lennon Sunglasses". They're rosy and oversized and perfect for your current mood. You roll the windows down and let the wind whip through your hair, resting your elbow out the window. Sunshine warms your skin as you listen to the incredibly talented Stevie Nicks.
After a few more songs you ask him to flip to the 80's playlist on shuffle. As Forever Young by Alphaville comes on, you see a look of recognition on Spencer's face.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you were an 80's baby! 80's pop is some of my very favorite."
He smiles and nods. You get it. There's something oddly comforting about nostalgic music from your childhood. You let the rest of the 80's playlist finish, since you both seem to enjoy it.
Eventually Spencer turns in his seat to face you.
"I had a lot of fun this weekend." He states this with a fairly serious look on his face.
"Yeah me too! Is everything okay though? You look like you have more to say?"
He continues, while fiddling with his hands and hair and staring down at his lap. He's clearly nervous.
"It's uh j-just...would you...well would you want to be friends? I know that's p-probably an odd question I just, well I enjoy hanging out with you. Since I don't see you at my uh place of work I wasn't really sure the c-correct protocol for..."
You reach over and squeeze his hand to cut him off, since you can see he's clearly only making himself more anxious.
"Hey" you give him a reassuring smile.
"We're already friends. I think we have no choice but to continue hanging out. I mean, we just get along to well, it's not really up to me" you joke.
The both of you laugh and he seems to relax again. He squeezes your hand back as a thank you. Before you return it to the steering wheel.
"How do you feel about a weekly movie night?"
His eyes light up at the idea before clouded over, clearly thinking it through.
"My job..." he starts before you cut him off.
"I know, Spencer. Don't stress. My job schedule is inconsistent too. I mean, I get my schedule given to me six weeks at a time but, I work different sets of days each week. It's completely random. But that means I have four days off a week so I like our chances. And if some weeks it doesn't happen, that's ok too. You go save lives, and I'll help heal them. It's what we do."
He raises his eyebrows in surprise before responding.
"Oh well you've thought of everything, huh?"
You shrug, trying to conceal a smirk. "Maybe."
He looks to you. "Ok so what will be watching first?"
"Hmm, I'll let you pick first. And we can trade off?"
"Well I don't know how into fandoms you are but... would you mind if we watched some of Harry Potter?"
Usually your face is a huge giveaway to what you were thinking, and not just to FBI profilers. In this instance, you were incredibly determined to keep a straight face and not let on a single thing.
You just give a small nod as you keep your eyes on the road, expressionless.
"Sure, we can do that."
"Ok, so when and where? Or do you have that planned too?"
"Well..." you think for a minute before extending the offer. You don't want to scare off your newest friend.
"I'm free tonight if you'd like. We can unpack and maybe sneak in a nap first?" You glance over to gauge his reaction.
He smiles and nods, on board with the idea.
"Yeah, and I can meet back at your place at 5? Want me to bring anything? The DVD's?"
"Oh no it's fine! I'm pretty sure I saw them on Amazon or YouTube TV..." you respond, still trying to control your face. You really wanted to fool the genius profiler.
Spencer asks to borrow your blanket before curling up in the passenger seat and taking a nap the rest of the way home. It was too adorable. You couldn't help yourself. As you pulled up to a red light, you snap a quick picture of him. You also take a selfie with you making goofy faces, Spencer sleeping in the background.
You gently shake him awake after parking outside of your building. You grab your bags out of the back and wave to him as he backs the car out.
Once in the apartment, you take Juneau out for a quick walk. The dog sitter had given you detailed  updates while you'd been away. You throw your weekend bags in the closet and hop in the shower. After drying your hair, you throw on a Black Borgin and Burke's T shirt and some black leggings and get to work.
It's September which, for you, meant the Halloween decor was abundant. You plug in all of your purple, green, and orange string lights placed all around your living room and kitchen. You light several candles you have scattered amongst your Halloween decor. Your shelves are lined with pumpkins, potion bottles, and various skeleton items.
You pop in your guest room to make sure it looks presentable. You're fairly sure he won't be expecting anything like what he's walking into tonight. On one hand, if it scares him off then it was bound to happen eventually. But if he doesn't mind...well maybe this friend is in it for the long haul.
You grab two butterbeer mugs and set them on the counter next to an assortment of flavored hot chocolate packets. You also set out microwave popcorn and a bowl of Halloween candy.
You decide to do one last thing, really hoping Spencer won't think you're completely insane. It's not long before you hear a knock at the door.
You open it, wearing your Ravenclaw robe and your glasses which just so happen to look a bit like Harry Potter's.
Spencer's brow wrinkles in confusion before he starts laughing.
"So I'm guessing you've seen Harry Potter before!" He says after finally catching his breath.
"Ummm..." you smile and just take his hand pulling him through your apartment till you reach your guest bedroom.
His eyes widen as he looks around at all your Halloween decorations. Before he can comment he's standing speechless in the doorway.
He looks around to see a completely Harry Potter themed guest bedroom, filled with creatures, books, wands, and more.
"Yeah Spencer, I've seen the movies" you finally say, letting out a laugh you've been holding back.
He looks stunned. "How did I... but you..."
"Yeah I'm usually pretty bad at hiding things so I have no idea how I pulled this one over on you. Aren't you supposed to read people for your job?" You joke with him, nudging his side with your elbow.
He's still just standing there, eyes wide, taking it all in. He walks over to the book shelf to flip through what you have.
"You have the potions book?...the maurader's map?...even the Quibbler?"
You just shrug, smiling as you watch him look around.
"So you don't think I'm completely crazy?"
"I think you're completely fantastic!" He blurts out, blushing a bit after he says it.
You bite your lip as you say " I may or may not also have the movies on DVD in 4K...to watch on my new TV."
He steps back into the living room to see where the two of you will be spending the rest of the night.
"Oh, this is going to be perfect!"
He takes a moment to finally take in the complete explosion of Halloween across your home.
"I hired Jack Skellington as my decorator" you snicker, making fun of yourself a bit.
He turns to you, eyes wide once again. "You like Halloween too?" He reminds you of an eager little kid with the look on his face.
You answer him with an eager nod and a grin.
"Y/N, I think it's pretty clear that we were meant to be friends! Where have you been all my life?" He laughs.
You don't know why, but you feel yourself turning red at hearing this comment.
You prepare some hot chocolate and popcorn for the two of you while Spencer sets up the Sorcerer's Stone.
"Oh I almost forgot, I brought something!" Spencer pulls something out of his sweater pocket. He has handfuls of Ghirardelli chocolates.
"Are those Rossi's? From the trip?"
"I have know idea what you're talking about." He states with a smirk as he plops down onto the couch, tossing you one. You lean back against the opposite end, leaving you room to both stretch your legs out and share a blanket.
You try your best not to quote the movie that you know by heart, but you just can't help it. Then you look over and see Spencer mouthing along with the lines. You give him a small kick under the blanket.
"I bet you could do a one man show of these movies, Mr. eidetic memory." You giggle.
"From the looks of it, so could you. We could take our show on the road. We'd make millions."
The two of you burst into a fit of laughter. With Spencer, you're always smiling.
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utapriyanderes · 4 years
Hi, could you please do QN with their crush loving singing/music by another idol who is noticeably less skilled than they are? Like "I'm a pro so why are you such a big fan of this musically challenged person?" (Also I sent an ask while you were on hiatus and I'm not sure if you got it, it was about dealing with loneliness/sadness from being kept in isolation for too long)
   Hello! I actually know what ask you are talking about! I actually had it finished before I came back as it was the one I worked on before my official announcement. So it’s been done for awhile. I have just been hesitating on posting it. Though I’ll make sure to post it either today or tomorrow!
Though it will be like my usual posts instead of like this one since I got it done before doing this. Either way this took awhile just due to motivation hitting me then leaving me. Though this is how I prefer to do things since it's more like mini oneshots and I love writing oneshots/more story based things like this so it actually makes the process more fun! I also think it helps to build the world and characters for all of you guys as well! So please enjoy!
Reiji Kotobuki:
    Reiji comes home from work for the day, excited to see you as he always is. He was even expecting you to greet him as soon as the door opened, but you're not there. He walks in closing the door behind him, worrying as to where you could be. He takes a peek in the living room and kitchen. When he finds you're not there he starts thinking about, every horrible thing that comes to his mind. Realizing he has another room he could check, he goes into the bedroom you two share. 
    There, he finds you. Sitting on the bed surrounded by CDs, listening to music through your headphones. Your back is facing him as you sway to the music. The frantic Reiji's beating heart calms down as he smiles in relief. He goes towards you with a hand reached out, but stops quickly after as soon as he hears your voice sing out a line from a song. 
    Reiji notices right away that it wasn't one of his songs you were listening to. That definitely wasn't a lyric he wrote. His smile drops and his expression turns serious. Hand still reached out he moves to grab your shoulder. You jump in surprise at the contact. As you're quick to stop the music and take off your headphones he notices all the CDs surrounding you. 
    The new rookie idol in the agency? Reiji doesn't understand it. He was by far the better idol, but you're listening to someone else that wasn't near where he was! Reiji lifts his head to find your bright orbs filled with surprise and worry and, shame. Reiji can tell you're trying to find an excuse.
    Reiji looks back down at your hands. He grabs one ever so tenderly. Your all he thinks about all day. You're the reason he is able to be so happy in his life! You're his reason to keep on living and breathing! But you're here, listening to someone lower than him. Someone who will never notice you or love you like him.
    It makes him so upset to see you like this. He's never felt this betrayed before. He knows he has to do something. He runs over his thoughts as he stares at your connected hands. Then he looks back up. Your excuse is clear in your head and you're about to speak, but he stops you.
    "(N/N), I love you very much right? You know that don't you?" Reiji's question seems innocent enough. It stops you from saying whatever excuse you had. Instead you close your mouth and nod at him, looking down. Reiji calls you by the nickname he gave you again. 
    "Do you love that idol more than me?" You're quick to shake your head. Your eyes, already starting to fill with tears. Reiji's heart breaks at the sight. He doesn't want to see you in tears. He moves his arms to hold you. Letting you rely on him. 
    "(N/N), if you love me… then you know what we have to do with those CDs right?" Reiji whispers it into your ear. Your body freezes at the dark tone in his voice. Slowly you nod your head at his question.
    Feeling your response, Reiji's heart becomes much lighter. His grip on you tightens despite his mood. Reiji promises to never let you go, and he won't let your heart be taken away so easily by another idol. Especially one below him.
Ranmaru Kurosaki:
    Ranmaru opens his eyes to stare at the bland ceiling overhead. Waking up from his mid-afternoon nap he feels a warmth on his stomach. Remembering you slept with him he places a content hand on the warmth. Except, that warmth wasn't you. He looks down to see one of his cats curled up into a ball sleeping peacefully on his stomach.
    He sits up in a state of rush, but not so much that it hurts or startles the cat. He quickly places the cat down on the sofa and stands up to go looking for you. He can feel the racing in his heart as he goes into the bedroom to look for you. Luckily, that was exactly the right choice. 
    You were by the window. Looking out as you held an MP3 in your hand and had earbuds in your ears. Ranmaru's heart calms down at the sight and he makes his way over to you. As he walks you notice him. You're quick to stop the music and take out your earbuds.
    You smile up at him as you move to place the MP3 beside you. Ranmaru is quicker and grabs your wrist to see the screen. 
    "Hmph," Ranmaru makes a noise at who you were listening to. His grip tightens around your wrist as boiling rage fills him up. You let out a small whimper at his hold, but he's too focused on the fact that you chose to listen to an amateur artist. Someone below him who had all your attention. You were sitting so peacefully just listening to him!
    "Were you thinking of him coming to your rescue?" Ranmaru could see the fear in your eyes as he spoke. 
��   "Ranmaru- please-!" You tried to squirm out of his grasp. He only held on tighter as you did so.
    "Oi (Y/N), answer me," Ranmaru spoke in a low voice. You stopped your squirming and tears started to fall down your face.
    After sucking in a shaky breath you replied, "N-No, that's not what I was thinking! I-I just wanted to listen to their music!"
    Ranmaru wasn't convinced at your plea. He let out a low sigh and then roughly pulled you up, you making a small noise in the process.
    "If you're sure about it, then smash the MP3," Ranmaru eyes glance to the MP3 still in your hand. You hastily nod your head at him. Somewhat satisfied Ranmaru unhands you and gives you the space you need. Shakily, you raise the hand up giving out a small sob. Then you smash it.
    Then you step on it until you're sure it no longer works. Once you're done you stare at the pieces laying on the ground. You cry to yourself as Ranmaru wraps an arm around your back.
    Letting out another sigh, "It's alright. Go to bed and cry it out. I'll clean up this mess."
    Ranmaru's satisfied with the outcome. He allows you to rest as he stares at the same broken pieces. Content with making you his once again.
Ai Mikaze:
    Ai looks at the screen in front of him. Finishing up some last minute ideas for QUARTET NIGHT's next song. After his last thought was down his eyes drifted away and moved over towards the person sitting in the corner of the room, listening happily to music on their phone. A ghost of a smile found its way upon his lips at the sight. His eyes then go back towards the screen and he opens up a software.
    He clicks your phone on the program to see what you are listening to. When the name and album shows up Ai isn't sure what to make of the situation. All he can feel is something heavy pulling him down. In order to figure out what this feeling is he goes over beside you, and when your beautiful eyes fall on him you can’t help but to feel a shiver run down your spine. You're motionless as you stare at him.
    He bends down to your level and grabs an earbud from your ear that’s still playing music. He brings it to his left ear and hears a voice of an idol that's not his or the Quartet's. This sinking feeling drops even more inside of him. He takes out the bud and let's it fall. Ai's crystal clear cyan eyes look you dead on.
    "(Y/N)... Why are you listening to this person?" Ai asks you innocently. A lump of saliva goes down your throat as you try to find an answer. Ai sees you searching. He looks down and sighs.
    "Fine. ...Then why do I feel like this?" Ai proposes another, different question. You tilt your head slightly in confusion. Ai can see the question still processing in your head so he takes your hand and puts it over his heart. You can feel it beat, move oddly. You look back up at him.
    "Ai… I'm sorry, I don't know," despite how you are feeling you answer him softly. This makes Ai stand back up, your hand still in his.
    "The cause is from you listening to him," Ai holds your forearm with his other hand and lifts you up from the couch as gently as he can. You don't feel any pain but you're scared. He picks up on it.
    "(Y/N). You don't have to be scared," Ai tells you but it doesn't stop you from trembling. He walks with you over towards his computer setup. He gently places you on the ground in the corner and proceeds to take the all too familiar chains from their place on the wall. You sit there and watch as he opens up the cuffs and slips them on you. As a tear rolls down your cheek you hear the sound of the cuffs clicking locking you in place.
    Ai reaches a hand up and pats your head with a smile on his face, "it's alright (Y/N). I'll get rid of him for you. So you don't have to listen to his music again."
    Camus walks out of the room for a second to clean up the table's mess of the tea party you two just had. When he came back he saw that you were listening to some music on the tablet he provided you with. Along with this task you were performing one of your hobbies while doing so as well. Camus content with your being he picked up a book and sat facing you. He opened his book and started to occupy himself with his book.
    Occasionally he would look up and stare at your focused face, the smallest glimpse of a smile reaching his lips. When he went back to his book he could hear the faintest sound of your music. Listening in on it more he could clearly tell it wasn't one of his or the quartet's. He sits there taking in this unknown singer before closing his book and standing up. Even as he stands you're focused on your task at hand.
    He walks over to stand directly by you. His shadow overcasting onto your activity causes you to look up. Camus stares at you with an icy gaze. Your hands shake as you reach up and pull down your headphones. Camus reaches over and grabs the tablet right beside you. He turns it on and sees the album being played is from an idol he is not familiar with. Yet can he tell that it is someone far less spectacular as him.
    He pauses the song. Ice starts to spread throughout the tablet but doesn't follow through to your headphones.
    "(Y/N). What's the meaning of this?" His voice is stern and serious. He stares at you and you have to shift yours eyes away as you tremble. You can feel yourself starting to cry.
    "C-Camus, I-I-I'm… s-so… s-sorry," your apology is slow and unsteady. Camus watches as you continue to stare down. Tears are starting to stream down your face as you breath in and out shakily. Camus then moved to place the tablet down, the device cracking in the process.
    "Do you really think that's enough?" Camus' voice is steady and unwavering. You move your face away from him.
    "O-Of c-course n-not," you reply, trying to steady your voice. You can feel ice cold fingertips brush under your chin before it gets grabbed. Gently but forcefully your head gets turned to look back at him. Looking back into that icy gaze you can't help but to freeze. You're scared- no, terrified.
    "Then what else must you do for me to forgive you?" Camus asks you, his grip on your face only becoming a little more tighter. The answer is ready to pop into your mind.
    "I-I promise! I-I w-won't listen go-to them a-again! N-Not t-them or a-any o-other i-idol or g-group! I s-swear!" You end up closing your eyes at the end, body shaking your reply was shaky and erratic. Camus watches your form for a few moments longer, soaking in your promises.
    Then you, suffering in this silence as you let out small whimperings of sadness. Soon enough you can't take it and grip onto him.
    "C-Camus… please! I'm so s-sorry!" Your apology is desperate but in earnest. Camus now satisfied with your answer and state let's go.
    "If you know this then you will know not to do it again," Camus' deep voice reaching you makes you nod your head profusely making Camus content once again. With this Camus touches you gently. Pulling you close into his chest, he gives you the much needed affection you desire.
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lov3nerdstuff · 5 years
Someone to you
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*Loki x reader*
Part: Oneshot
Words: 5.6k
Warnings: little language, some gloomy thoughts
Summary: Loki knew that feeling deep within him, and he tried to suffocate the first kindling before it would become a raging fire, burning up his very being to the essence yet again. What Loki felt indeed, was hope. A stupid and desperate hope that maybe just this once he could actually be somebody to someone, something more than just the villain, the lesser brother, the monster… that he could be someone, to you.
A story written in Loki's perspective about how he learned that even he deserves kindness and love. Your love.
Original Request: Hi! Do you make song based requests? If you do I'd love a oneshot of Loki x Reader based on the song Someone to you by Banners. Thank you if you can ♡ -> by @hunter-with-a-tardis
A.N.: Okay folks, this has gotten a little dark, but I promise it has a fluffy ending indeed! It doesn't really fit the song based on the melody, but I focused on the lyrics! 💚✨ Enjoy!
For the longest time, Loki had felt lost in this world. In every world. Lost and alone, broken, abused and shattered in so many ways that he'd given up any attempt to hold grudges against individuals, and at one point simply started to feel hate for everyone and everything. Yet he knew very well that hate wasn't the right word for what he felt, but it was easier to title it hate and delve into that feeling than admit, even to himself, what it really was indeed that was keeping him up at night and made him burst with a raging, dark energy at daytime.
To Loki, self-awareness was his ultimate doom, his one true mean to selfdestruction. He knew what he felt, he knew what had caused it and what it meant and yet… he couldn't change a single thing about it. Sometimes he wished he was as oblivious in his emotions as the midgardians he spent his time with, but that just wasn't how his mind worked. No, his mind picked up every pebble and inspected it to the depth of a single atom, twice.
And he'd lived in this illusion of universal hate for so long that it had become his reality, a shallow one, but it was still enough to dictate his behavior and sometimes, if he wasn't careful, also his thoughts. He felt himself slipping into living within yet another lie, one brilliant enough, carefully enough woven to suffice. It was his own, after all. As long as no one would be able to see through his facade, there was nothing, no one, worth dropping it for in return.
So Loki found himself living among his brother's friends, the people who despised him without ever having bothered to get to know him. But really… him trying to take over their planet all those years ago, to them, must've seemed like a good enough getting-to-know each other.
Loki didn't really bother to tell them the truth, for things were easy enough while they hated him and believed he hated them in return. And honestly, by now, he kind of did sincerely hate them. He hadn't in the beginning, but their coldness and constant rejection had forced Loki to withdraw further and further into his own mind. A very dangerous place to dwell in indeed and yet the only place he felt truly safe (at times).
The days passed away like leaves in autumn, withering and tumbling down into the abyss of indifference. And autumn it was indeed when something happened that made Loki's carefully constructed reality come crashing down on him like a building's collapse. It was the day he met you.
Honestly, it had been a day exactly like every other. He'd picked a book from the library, then sat down in the floor length window in the living room and ignored everyone and everything around him as he escaped into the world between the pages, right into the rough paper resting against his fingertips.
That was until Stark, that tin of a fool, came sauntering into the room and inevitably drew everyone's attention towards himself. Why exactly Loki chose this one instance to actually listen to the man of iron was beyond him, but he put his book down in his lap and looked over to the two figures standing in the middle of the room.
"Alright everyone, this is Y/n." Tony announced loudly, clapping you on the shoulder. Loki's eyes met yours and you… smiled.
He frowned immediately, deeply irritated, and looked back to the book in his lap. His ears however didn't once leave the announcement of your presence.
"She is… well, why don't you explain it yourself?" Stark asked and took a step to the side, giving you room to introduce yourself.
"Well, hi everyone. I'm Y/n, like Tony said already…" Your voice was soft, like liquid silk that ran straight from Loki's ears to his mind, wrapping around his senses in a way he couldn't really prevent. "Before anyone starts guessing, I'm not an Avenger, or even remotely trained in combat or the sorts. I'm…"
"...going to live here, for a while." Tony finished the sentence before you could, making Loki frown to himself once again. "She's going to be living with us. So please treat her nicely, and look out for her a little. No funny business. I'm looking at you, Reindeer Games…"
Loki ignored the comment, just like he always did, but he felt your eyes on himself like a scorching heat burning his entire left side.
"Alright, I gotta go, but everyone please introduce yourselves now and the sorts… And Cap, will you show her to her room later? The guest bedroom on the third floor will do." Tony ordered quickly, then addressed you once more. "Y/n, dear… I know for a fact that you'll be fine with those guys here, but you better stay away from the odd one over there."
Loki just knew immediately that Stark had meant him, causing him to roll his eyes to himself. Obviously he wouldn't at least this once be given the chance to start off on the right foot with someone. No, they were all rushed into prejudice before he even got any chance to make things right. At least this once.
And oddly enough, Loki wanted to make things right with you. Maybe only because you were new indeed, a blank piece of paper for him, but then again… you had smiled at him. Just for a very short moment, and without any intention to mock him. Just a sincere, innocent smile. Maybe you simply didn't know who he was and what he'd done? And yet… he couldn't forget about that one smile, even if he tried.
For the next minutes Loki quietly observed how everyone currently present introduced themselves to you, his eyes following you through the room as you moved from Natasha to Thor to Wanda… Smiling at everyone and exchanging meaningless smalltalk. Gosh, how Loki hated smalltalk, or anything that was meaningless really. They asked you about all the most ridiculous things, while Loki himself would have wasted no time to ask the really important things. For example, why Stark had interrupted you in your attempt to explain who you are or where you are from. What had brought you here despite being of no obvious use to the stupid little team? Questions upon questions that he could've asked, but he didn't, for the solemn reason that this was not the right place nor time. He looked back at his book, trying to read the words that threatened to escape his mind the second they entered it. Hell, why wouldn't his damn mind just leave you and the stupid idea that at least one person in this freaking building might actually grow not to hate him alone for good? He couldn't focus, and his ears picked up every word of your conversations with the others. It really wasn't even interesting, but something within him seemed to cling onto you so desperately that he grew more and more angry with himself by the minute.
He didn't even know you, for heaven's sake, then why did it feel like your appearance was the single ray of light breaking through the cold sky, filled with heavy clouds of dark? A single ray of light, keeping him from fading, from disappearing from reality altogether. A ray of light drawing him in like a moth to the flame. Like Icarus and the sun.
To be honest, Loki knew why. He knew that feeling deep within him, and he tried to suffocate the first kindling before it would become a raging fire, burning up his very being to the essence yet again. It was exactly this feeling that he'd tried to drown out with the cold hate all along. Why he'd tried to push reality as far away as possible, for he knew what would become of him. He couldn't help it, couldn't extinct the tiny flame that had so suddenly flickered to life upon your one damn smile. What Loki felt indeed, was hope.
A stupid and desperate hope that maybe just this once he could actually be somebody to someone, something more than just the villain, the lesser brother, the monster… that he could be someone, to you. But he didn't want this hope, for hope was a one way road to disappointment and pain.
And until this very day, Loki had done a great job to extinguish every bit of hope from his very being and drown it in hatred and mockery.
"Hey…" Your voice, very close suddenly, made him snap out of his mind and back to reality, only to find you standing right next to him, towering above his sitting form. He didn't dare looking up from his book.
"Since everyone else seems to avoid you as good as possible, I just wanted to say hi, at least."
"Didn't anyone tell you to stay as far away from me as possible?" Loki asked defensively and without his eyes parting from the page he'd tried reading for the last thirty minutes.
"Oh, they most certainly did. All of them, actually." You replied calmly, not at all bothered by his admittedly hostile attitude. Geez, Loki didn't know for himself why he was behaving so hostile towards you when all he really wanted was to make you like him. Maybe it's just who he was now, the cruel empty shell of a broken man.
"And why didn't you listen to them?" He asked, inhaling a little more audibly than he would've liked.
"Because the things they said didn't make sense… that you're dangerous, insane, cruel… not worth my time and effort." You mused, shrugging, and there was a tone to your voice that made Loki's heart pick up speed.
"You are not making sense, mortal." He snapped, cringing inwardly at his own behavior as his mind begged him to stop this ridiculous hostility.
"I'm…" You stopped for a moment and Loki almost believed he had finally broken you, finally made you see how horrible of a person he really was. Yet, you continued in a tone as calm as ever. "Would you be so kind and show me to my new bedroom?"
"Why would I? So that your new friends can mock me and have a decent excuse to end me for coming too close to their newest plaything?" He snorted sarcastically, closing his book with a loud pang and rising to his feet in his usual graceful manner, finally towering over you as he knew he was standing too close to you for his own good. But if being mean didn't work to scare you away, maybe intimidation would.
"Why would I do such a thing indeed, mortal?" He asked again, his voice dropping down to a dangerous and quiet low that spoke of nothing but disgust. It couldn't have been further from the truth, he felt drawn to you beyond measure.
"Because I would like you to know where you can find me when you need a break from torturing yourself like this." You replied calmly, yet so quietly that only Loki could hear, looking right into his eyes and he felt his blood freeze over for a moment. He stared right back at you in a maddening mixture of shock and awe, unsure if his physical presence continued to exist once his mind swallowed him into the depth of abysmal nothing.
"Loki!" Thor's thundering voice however ripped Loki from those depths, as he was forced a few steps away from you. Loki let Thor pull him away without a shred of resistance, eyes still irreversibly fixed on yours as he only heard the echo of his own heartbeat hollowly drumming in his ears.
How could this creature that was you have such an enormous effect on him? Mess with his mind even, trick the trickster indeed.
"Y/n, did he… hurt you, or try to?" Steve asked then, and his words reached Loki's ears, but not his mind.
"Why would he?" You replied calmly, turning to the soldier with a friendly smile. "We were just talking."
"Looked more like he wanted to murder you in the most gruesome ways…" Bruce commented carefully, giving Loki a suspicious look.
"Maybe, who knows…" You shrugged at them, smiling, as you turned back to Loki. The look on your face told him that you knew indeed. You knew that he wouldn't ever hurt you, nor anyone else if it could be prevented.
When Loki forcefully jerked his arm out of Thor's grip and made for the door with quick and long steps, all he was really asking himself was just WHY you knew.
For the next few days Loki stayed out of your way. Whenever you would enter the room, he would turn to leave in return and thereby cause his heart to clench in the most painful ways. And every single time he asked himself why exactly he was doing all that… all the pretense, all the hostility and all the false hatred. You'd not once given him any reason to dislike you, you always said hi to him (being the only one who even acknowledged his presence most of the time) and tried to talk to him a few times even. But there had always been someone in the room with you, someone's watchful eyes on him as you spoke and that always had resulted in him pulling back from you, more and more until he didn't talk to you at all anymore.
And for once, he experienced what real hatred felt like, in the hatred he found for himself and his behavior towards you. It wasn't your fault after all that he fought a war within himself that he was very close to losing on either end. Fighting off the darkness was routine, really, and he'd grown used to that constant fight long ago. Yet, now that he was fighting off the hope on the other end, he was at risk of losing on both sides. If he only could stop this nonsensical behavior at once, and maybe give you a tiny shard of his real self, maybe then he wouldn't feel so torn anymore. He wanted to be closer to you, to get to know you… who you are, why you were here, why you seemed to be able to see right through him and still didn't try to save him from his misery. Because, if he was honest with himself, he was desperately hoping that you would save him indeed. That you would lead him through his own darkness and guide him to a better place. And he was hoping that he could be someone better for you, since he failed to be better just for himself. And that, exactly that was what scared him. He didn't want to use you as a path to the light, he wanted you to be the light, for him.
This war within him continued on for weeks, but he had let go of the hostility immediately after one evening's events. He'd been somewhat sarcastic and mean as usual, ignored everyone at dinner really, until one thing he had said in particular had made your face fall and for the first time, Loki had seen sincere sadness and hurt in your eyes. He'd gotten up and left immediately, silently promising to make sure that he would NEVER be the cause of those emotions again. After that day, things had been different for him. He'd still stay away from you, but he never once had said a single hostile word to you again. He had been just the same old to everyone else of course, but with you… he'd become reluctant, almost. The hope within his mind had grown into a flame almost painful in its fury, urging him to give in. Ironically, the one thing that worked best against the hope was reality for now. He'd spent a few weeks locked up in his room to sort through his own messed up emotions, then spent a few more being mean to you, then a few more being basically a mere shadow on the wall. Always there, always listening but never noticed until someone needed something to be scared of.
He couldn't sleep at night. His mind would torture him with countless possibilities for how things could become even worse from where he was, while his logic would try to draw up a plan on how to make things right. He absolutely hated that with the hope, also the deeply rooted desire to be loved had resurfaced and clung onto the hope in return, making him ache for your attention and your approval. Such a horrendous desire, really… he'd spent centuries getting rid of it. And now it was suddenly back, hitting him like a hulk smash.
Unable to even remotely find rest, he got out of bed and left his room to head to the living room where he'd left his current read in the afternoon. It was three am in the morning, he didn't even bother to change into something other than his tracksuit bottoms and t-shirt for he was certain that he wouldn't run into anyone anyway. The sound of his naked feet on the cold stone floor reminded him just how much of a prison this place really was. An big and empty one, but a prison nonetheless.
When he walked around one final corner before entering the living room, he immediately spotted your small frame, dark contrasting against the giant window. Maybe you'd heard him approaching, but he didn't know for sure and he wanted to leave it at that. So he kept standing on the other side of the room, observing you as you observed the millions of bright stars in the night sky. That maybe was the only good thing about the avengers base being out here… one could see a million of stars every night, if only the clouds allowed it.
For the longest time Loki observed you in silence, his heart beating strongly against his ribcage in an almost painful manner. Until finally he gave in, unable to resist the raging hope any longer. With a second of careful thought and a few rays of soft green light, he recreated the entire night sky in the living room, surrounding you in a bright bunch of a million stars. The small gasp that escaped your lips brought a smile to his face, a moment before he turned to leave, not without granting himself two seconds of admiring your beautifully overwhelmed expression.
It wasn't that he didn't want to talk to you when he returned to his room with quick steps, his book long forgotten. No, he would've loved to talk to you, but he simply did not know what to say after all this time of severely screwing things up with you.
You'd been nothing but nice to him from the very first moment and he'd been nothing but poison to your lovely being. A fool, scared and lashing out in fear of getting hurt. Ironic, really, considering that he'd been well aware of this the entire time, yet again unable to change his own behavior. And now that he'd finally gotten over himself, he was more than sure that he'd already managed to drive you so far away from himself that it was past any point of return.
So he just lay on his bed, on top of the neatly folded green covers, and stared at the ceiling in the dark. Until a few minutes later there was a faint knock on his door.
He knew that it must be you, nobody else would ever knock on his door and nobody else would be awake at this time, but him. He had the door swing open gently without as much as moving a finger.
"May I come in?" You asked quietly, standing in the door frame as your eyes inspected his room quickly, yet intently. He almost smiled at your curiosity, the urge to study your surroundings… it's something he found himself inclined to do as well.
This was his last chance, and he was done pretending, done trying to keep you at a distance.
"Yes." Was all he could really say, in as much calm as he could manage. His eyes were still fixed on the ceiling as he heard your soft footsteps approaching him slowly. Would you hear his frantic heartbeat in the insufferable silence of the room?
Then he felt the bed dip ever so slightly as you moved to lay down next to him, at a safe distance, but he could feel the heat of your body on his side nonetheless. It felt nice.
"Would you do it again? For me?" You asked calmly, yet again in a quiet voice as you stared up at the ceiling as well. With the smallest of smiles Loki brought the stars back from the sky into his room, filling the entire space with a soft light in form of a million little sprinkles. You let out a soft sigh, and Loki's smile widened. Maybe you didn't completely hate him after all.
"This is really beautiful, you know…" You said after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "Have you seen the entire universe?"
"Not only this one… there's more, so much more." Loki replied easily, and he felt more at ease than he had in as long he cared to remember.
"Amazing... I can't imagine what it must be like to see all those incredible places!" You sighed.
"Would you like to see some of it?" He asked before he could stop himself, his voice laced with the hope he didn't care to repress anymore.
Now, finally, he felt confident enough to turn his head to look at you, finding you looking at him already with a soft smile. And just like the first day you had met, Loki felt your eyes forcing their way into his soul, touching it with a gentle caress and leaving imprints wherever they went. What surprised him most however was that he let you in, without timidity.
"I'd love to. See some of it, I mean…" You smiled at him with that heart-warming, all-consuming smile of yours and Loki couldn't help but stare. Here you were, merely two feet away, lying on his bed and smiling at him as if he wasn't… this. Wasn't himself. He wanted to ask you about your reasons, but he didn't know how. For once in his life, his eloquence was lost on him. And thus he did what he knew he could do best, turning his head back towards the ceiling and moving the stars around the two of you, going from planet to planet while both showing and explaining to you which secrets each place held in its depth and uniqueness.
You listened intently to him, nodding, giving soft noises of approval or occasionally asking questions about the things he said. Loki found himself relaxing in the conversation, smiling more frequently and looking at you from time to time, observing your beautiful features while you admired the imagines of distant places he conjured up just for you. And sooner than he would've liked, Loki found himself wishing that he could show you the universe for real.
Time flew by like the stars you passed on your magical journey, and soon night turned into dawn. By morning, Loki had spent more time looking at you than looking at the stars, really, and he found the urge to be close to you growing into the insufferable, while you seemed completely enamored with his tales of distant places and times. He would've talked on forever if only to make you happy, to bring this light to your eyes and dwell in the comfort of your presence. But after the sun started to rise, you decided that you would have to leave to get at least some more rest. Obviously Loki didn't make an attempted to stop you, but wished you a good night (even if it was morning indeed).
During the following days, Loki was back to his usual self (with everyone but you, of course), placing some carefully worded threats and intricate insults into the conversations he was systematically excluded from. Only when nighttime rolled around, he would be in his room, waiting, until you would come to hear more stories, or to chat about all the most meaningful things, but not once about anything personal. He enjoyed this new ritual immensely, allowing himself to be raw, honest, true… during the day he may belong to his demons, but during the nighttime he belonged to you. And even though he would've loved to be more than just a storyteller, a means to passing time to you, he was still content to be something to you, at least. But with every night you spent lying next to him on his bed, listening and looking at him like he himself was the single most fascinating thing in the entirety of the universe, Loki found himself wishing for more.
You were truly lovely, the kindest and smartest person he'd ever met and he constantly asked himself why by the gods you were spending your precious time with him. Eventually, he figured, he would run out of stories to tell and you would stop your nightly visits, his own personal time spent in the light.
But he wouldn't let that happen, or rather he simply couldn't. If this one last time he allowed himself to hope, to try to be somebody to someone, turned out to leave him hurt again, he knew he would lose his fight against the darkness, and thus lose his final threat anchoring him to reality.
That is why tonight Loki decided that he would visit you for once, in your room. He'd never been there before, you had always come to see him in his own space. It was still a little while until you usually would be coming over when he made his way through the dark hallway, up the staircase and towards your door.
Just when he lifted his hand to knock, the door was opened in an instant and you almost ran into him as you moved out of the room. Loki's eyes widened as he looked down at you in surprise, but a moment later he couldn't resist peaking into the room behind you (he was, after all, of an impeccably curious nature).
"Hey Loki..." You looked up at him in that adorably flustered expression. "I was just going to come see you, actually."
"Hello Y/n…" He replied calmly, giving you a small smile. "I… I wanted to visit YOU, for once."
"Oh…" You smiled to yourself, looking down to your bare feet for a second. "Well, do come in then!"
You moved out of the way, backing into your room and Loki followed with careful steps behind you, looking around himself. Your room way probably double the size of his own, with an open window front and the lovelies furniture. And it was only a guest bedroom, after all.
"What made you come here tonight?" You asked, studying his face intently as you leaned your head slightly to the side.
Loki took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second, fighting off his pride. Why was it so hard to just tell you how he felt?! Maybe because all he'd really done for the past few decades was keeping his feelings to himself, if he admitted to having them in the first place. He just wasn't any good at being honest in a nice way anymore. Is that something one could unlearn?
"I'm here because… because you told me to find you here when I needed a break from torturing myself." He finally said in a faintly shaky voice, jaw clenching as he looked at you with everything he didn't know how to say.
"Sit down." You ordered gently and Loki did as he was told, eyes not once leaving yours as he sat down on the edge of your bed in silence. He would do absolutely anything you asked of him and he didn't feel the slightest bit ashamed of it.
"May I try something that might make you feel better?" You asked quietly and with the slightest hint of insecurity, and Loki only managed a nod in return. "Tell me if you want me to stop."
His eyes widened ever so slightly when you moved towards him, closer and closer, and he could feel his body tensing involuntarily. The closest he had gotten to people in a long while was the distance it took to stab them.
So when you very carefully sat down in his lap and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close to you in the most innocent hug, Loki was lost. For a moment he forgot how to breathe, before a second later he wrapped his arms around you very gently at first, then tighter and tighter until you were pressed against his chest. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, dwelling in the overwhelming sensation of being so very close to you. Of you allowing him to be so close.
"Why?" He finally managed to ask, not once letting go of you. He might quite possibly never let go of you again, if it that would've been for him to decide.
"Because I like you, Loki." You smiled, playing with the tips of his hair on his back, making him let out an unintentional sigh. "I have from the very first day."
"Why?" He asked again, almost pleading in his tone as he desperately tried to understand.
"Why not? You are absolutely amazing… intelligent, funny, kind…"
"Don't mock me, Y/n…" He breathed, fingers digging into the soft fabric of your shirt. "Even if you might not have known who I was when we met, I'm sure I have given you enough reason by now to believe that I am not a kind person."
"I knew exactly who you are when we met." You replied calmly, resting your head against the crook of his neck, which made Loki's heart flutter almost painfully.
"Then why did you smile at me? If you knew what I was all along… Why did you have to do that to me?"
"Because you deserve kindness, Loki, maybe more than anyone else." You whispered, tightening your grip on him.
"I don't." He replied in the same quiet voice, relishing the feeling of your arms around him, your warmth a comforting blanket and your scent as addicting as anything could be.
"You do. And you are kind indeed, despite your suffering."
"I don't suffer…" He gave back in a tone that didn't even convince himself of his statement.
"I see it in your eyes, you know… in your behavior. In the way you carry yourself. You have suffered more in your lifetime than anyone should even dare to think of." Your voice was so calming that Loki found himself relaxing more and more, deep breaths making his chest rise and fall in unison with yours.
"You deserve better than this, Y/n… I wanted to be someone to you so badly all along, and what did I do? I pushed you away for weeks and proved with every word that I am more monster than man by now." The words came freely from his mind to his lips at last, lifting some of the weight off his heart as he spoke.
"A monster doesn't hope, Loki… A monster doesn't try to be better for someone. A monster doesn't spend nights lying next to me, making the starlight circle the room while explain the mysteries of the universe to me." You lifted your head and pulled back only far enough to be able to look at him in the eye. "I see you, Loki... All of you. The past, the present and the future and I will have all of it."
"You can't possibly see the past, nor the future…" He breathed, staring at you in awe as it slowly dawned on him.
"I can see a great deal of things." You smiled kindly, moving your hands from his shoulders to his neck. "Time is but a mere comma in the story of eternity, really."
"Who are you?" His eyes were fixed on yours, inches away only as he realized that quite possibly the greatest mystery of the entire universe was sitting right in his lap.
"Yours, if you will have me." You replied with an almost flustered smile. "I want to be someone to you too."
"You are. And you were, all along." He returned the smile, honest and hopeful and adoring, watching your expression for a while before he dared to speak up again, in the new found courage of acceptance, maybe even love, that he had been missing over a thousand years. "Y/n… may I be yours?"
"You are. And you were all along."
Without wasting any more commas in the story of eternity, you leaned down, closing the final inches between Loki's lips and your own.
"I may be my rawest self for you to see, but I'm still going to be a nuisance for absolutely everyone else." Loki finally smiled against the soft skin of your neck, placing feathery kisses along your jawline a good while later.
"I expected absolutely nothing less." You replied with the very same smirk. "And I'm very much looking forward to all the mischief yet to come."
Tag List:
@its-remy-not-ratatouille @wegingerangelica @thidls12333 @tomstoobeautiful @dreary-skies-stuff @averyhill4445 @wiczer @lotus-eyedindiangoddess @theweirdlunatic @caretheunicorn @myworddump
If anyone would like to be added to my general tag list, feel free to tell me in the comments 😊💚💚✨✨ I hope you guys enjoyed this story and I tried really hard to do Loki justice, his perspective is really intriguing yet difficult to write ☺️ tell me what you think!
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alaxamber · 4 years
Double Trouble-
After thoroughly embarrassing his Minion on their way to Videos Game Con, Professor Venomous finds himself quite "inspired" by a certain song by Tenacious D. He has a couple hours before the Con starts, so why not park in a shaded area and enjoy some phone nooky with his husband? After all, two are better than one.
CW for cursing.
Link is for A03 heed tags!
It was a very long drive but neither Venomous nor Fink minded, plus the added fact that they were close to the end of it helped soothe the long ride jitters. With her doing more high-level school and Minion work, the only time they got one on one time was when she had a Videos Game Competition. He loved to drive and she got easily distracted, having caused far too many wrecks in the past few months and she didn't want to 'fuck up her chance to fuck up Rabiiiz09339,' because she got pissed at an old ladies driving. 
So that's how they had found themselves nearing three hours into the drive in comfortable silence; his soft instrumental music playing quietly with his right hand on the steering wheel, his left on his thigh while Fink sat next to him staring out the window.
Suddenly there was a flailing next to him as he pulled off the highway. Fink was trying to catch her drink, her headphones and phone with flailing motions and squeaks. It appeared she tried to take a drink and must have split lipped it, causing it to spill down her front. In the chaos the headphone cord was pulled from her phone and the loudspeaker kicked on;
Damn , 
"Shit, just a second Boss!" she scrambled as he leaned trying to catch more of the song. His Minion had a tendency to listen to music that interested him, but he would be too "old to get it". 
A hard day's rockin'. 
"No wait, Fink," his voice quick, Wasn't that that actor from…. What was it called? 
Better slip off ma shoes .
"Boss it gets totally inappropriate" she was still scrambling as she slammed her drink down between them and tried to get her headphone jack back in. Her thumbs seeming to be unable to pause the song that continued to play. 
Maybe give a little stretch and a bend.
Dip m'toe to jacuzzi, baby.
"No, connect it, it sounds like that actor." He reached for his loose aux cord and spared a glance at his companion. Her green cheeks were flushed a darker shade, and Venomous could scent a distinct embarrassment from the girl. 
  Slip out this book:
The Buttress of Windsor. 
Ho ho ho, who's this? How's it goin'?
That's the first thin' I say to you.
How's it goin'? 
Are you flowin'?
"Flowing? Does he mean?" There was fake gasp and outrage in his voice. And yes, he could literally feel her shrink in her seat, her face even redder. 
"Boss, come on, it is him though, Jack Black's band," she had listened to him and let it keep playing, "A friend sent me the link… can I turn it off now?" She asked and made to mute it. 
He had been both listening to her and the lyrics, his interest peaked immediately when she confirmed it was the short, round, funny, actor. The actor that reminded him greatly of his husband. 
Listen, honey,
Thinkin' 'bout a couple things to say to you,
Showin', growin',
"Look, just plug it in and I will quit making comments," he offered, and looked over with his brow cocked high and a smirk on his lips as he dangled the aux cord. Really, the teacher from School of Rock could not have written something that bad.
Man I'd like to place my hand
upon your fuckin' sexy ass and squeeze.
And squeeze!
"Oh that's right, you haven't seen Tenacious D, that's R rated." she snorted. She had always found it funny that Boxboss had never kept over PG13 movies in the house. A sinister smile came to her lips and she shoved the cord in and turned the music up. He didn't know she had upgraded his trunk awhile back and the music now had a low boom. Boxboss had made sure no bits rattled due to the low vibes.
Still, he had been half-listening to,  the lyrics now much more interested in the singer and the song. 
Take off your blouse, 
And your underpants,
Then take a look,
He jumped with the bass came and blinked rapidly when the next few lines came out, his lilac cheeks blushed darker  
'Cause here me and KG come naked,
"KG?" He asked again, in hopes she would pull up a picture.
Out of the side-hatch,
With the oils and perfume and incense.
She laughed and leaned over showing him the photo of the album cover; by god… they were both like his round shapely little bird of a husband. He found himself sad neither had bio enhancements or adjacencies, but both men were right up his alley. 
They stayed quiet as the music pulsed through the car, Fink's smirk never left her face. And Venomous now knew exactly why. The song had caused him to imagine quite a few scenarios, he was thankful the last bit of the drive to the convention center had been easy and he could see the large building coming into view. The song sounded like it was nearing the end, and his groin had a slight ache against the hem of his jeans. He noticed her moving to pull the cord-free again.
Let's roll!
"Let him finish," Venomous said, holding out his hand, he had not made any further comments about the lyrics caught up in his thoughts. 
Fink laughed oddly at this and held her stomach, trying to contain more of her laughs, seeming to now taking full enjoyment in his own embarrassment as the song continued. 
[2-part:] Ahh, oh!
What! Yeah! Huh! Nah! Oh!
Ah, that's it, that's right, ohmygah, oh-I-think-I'm-gonna, Ohh!
Deht! Deht! Eeee!
"We're here Fink," he slid into the nearest handicap stall. She scrambled for her phone pulling it free and nearly bolting from the window instead of opening the door. Venomous just sat there for a moment blinking slowly, a smirk curling his lips as he pulled back from the spot and rolled to the back of the lot. The tournament wouldn’t start for nearly two hours, and Fink hated it when he tried to "talk shop" with the other bits of the crowd. Looking out, he checked that his windows were shaded by the trees and no other groups were loitering near.
With a groan reached down adjusting himself in his jeans, thankful that the pain had kept the physical reaction to a minimum. A sigh of relief rushed from his nose as he grabbed his phone and pulled open a few apps, finding the band and song quickly on VillTube, and sent a link to Boxy. The next text had a picture attachment. 
The photo attached was Ven looking up at the cam, his soft sweater pulled up to show just a bit of his lower stomach over the button of his jeans and two semi-hard lengths pressing against one side, and a text bubble saying "Can I have two Boxy's for my Cobmas gift?"
To read more it gets M
Art is by @firecooking
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chokemedaddyclown · 5 years
Pennywise x Reader | Smut Request
Anon Request: Yooo I want Pennywise to furiously dry hump me in a secluded off tent at a carnival, with my legs spread wide as I feel his thick tentacle dick viscously rub against my clit through his clown costume. Could you do a one shot about that? Great blog btw I’m in love!
A/N: So, I tried to make this kinda nasty. I definitely have a kink for tentacle dick Penny now.
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The Derry carnival was always your favorite. It was a shame that it was only in town once a year. Tonight was the last night, and you were determined to take in every bit of the atmosphere as you could to hold you over until it came around again. You had already sampled all various foods from vendors, even going on a few rides and getting yourself completely lost in the mirror-house more than a few times. The friends that you had come with had all left out over an hour ago, having had enough of it for the year.
If it was up to you, it'd last all year, but that was just a passing thought. It was getting close to shutting down and only a few people remained around the vicinity as you walked around the place, catching in the last few sights of the bright lights and taking in the cool night air, making the billowy dress that you were wearing flow in the cool autumn air.
As you walked through each of the concessions, some of them already closed, you noticed a tent near the outskirts of the place that you hadn't seen here yet, and you had seen literally everything. Being the ever curious person that you are, headed straight for it. It wasn't a newer looking tent like the rest of them, it was a bit dilapidated to say the least, with a few dimly burning lights inside of it.
You stepped through the flaps of it, trying to keep yourself from sneezing with how dusty they seemed to be as if it was some sort of ancient structure that hadn't been touched in years. You examined the inside of the place, and there were a few stray pictures, a small work desk that had a few items spread across it, and.. Why was everything so damn dusty?
You looked up, eyeing the few pictures that were on the wall. A lot of them pictured a clown, and a man that you could on assume was the clown. They both seemed to have the same sharpened front teeth. One photo showcased what look like a carriage with a huge mural on the side.
"Pennywise The Dancing Clown," you whispered out loud as you read the photo.
You noticed that the carriage had a strong resemblance to the tent that you were standing in now. It was definitely weird to say the least, but you assumed that maybe this was meant to be a small museum of sorts. Perhaps this was a person that had something to do with starting the first carnival in Derry?
Once you had seen just about everything, you started to leave, but before you could, all of the already dim lights in the place burned out at once, leaving you in the complete darkness.
"Shit," you said, having to resort to feeling your way out.
Your hands found the small work desk that you were just looking at, your hands dragged their way across the wood of the table, gathering up plenty of the dust as they did so, until your hands landed in something wet. It was thick to the touch, and you shuddered, letting out a small noise of disgust as you tried to flick whatever it was off of your hands before wiping it down your dress.
"I don't even wanna know," you groaned, still slowly making your way around, trying to find the tent opening.
"You're going the wrong way, y'know," a friendly, but menacing voice called from the darkness.
This made you gasp, your body freezing up instantly as you stood there. You hadn't seen anyone in here when you came in before, nor did anyone speak to you before this. Was it a prank, was it part of the show here?
"Who's that?" You called back, squinting your eyes in the darkness.
Suddenly, you could see a small, yellowing light appear from what looked like a pair of white-gloved hands and it illuminated a large, white face of a clown with a red-tipped nose and two red stripes that went from his red lips up to his eyes. You were more confused than ever as you took a step back from the clown in front of you.
He looked familiar.
"I'm Pennywise The Dancing Clown," the clown said in a cheerful, cracking tone as it's head twitched, making a few unseen bells jingle.
"Oh," you gave a sigh, "Like the pictures. You work here?"
"Nooo," he answered in a sing-song tone.
His eyes began to narrow as if he couldn't focus on any sort of communication. He only stared at you from beneath a prominant brow with piercing blue eyes, and drool gathering on a plump bottom lip.
"Uhh, yeah," you squinted at him. You had this uneasy feeling in your chest as he seemed to stare right through you. You side-stepped, intent on finding the exit. "Well, I'm gonna go, sorry for disturbing you."
"Don't go," a more guttural tone escaped him.
Before you could even begin to find the exit, he was directly in front of you now. How did he even do that? He completely towered over your small frame, even in this complete darkness, that was apparent. One of the small lights in the back of the room began to shed dim light on the back corner of the room again, making it a little more distinguishable to see the place now and to see him. Whatever and whoever he was, was in complete clown attire. Full makeup and a Victorian era-esque silver costume, complete with red trimmings and ruffles.
But that wasn't the focus of your attention for very long. Those piercing blue eyes had turned into a haunting golden color and they were.. glowing? You blinked your eyes hard a few times, trying to make your eyes focus on what you were actually seeing. This all had to be a dream, it just had to be. There was no way there was an almost 7 foot clown standing in front of you with glowing, gold eyes and.. Fangs?!
Your lips parted as you breathed out, watching the clown narrow his eyes at you as he opened his mouth to reveal a row of sharpened fangs in his mouth that were now wet and sloppy with his drool.
"What the fuck," you whispered, backing up as you watched him close the distance between the two of you, a primal growl escaping his throat.
"What's wrong, (Y/N), not having fun with ol' Pennywise?" He growled again, his lips turning upward into a sinister smile.
You could feel your heart race in your chest as your backside his the wooden table again. You breathed heavily as he closed in on you. You were scared, but you felt something else, too. Something that was entirely wrong and immoral as you gazed up as this thing that was clearly not a human-being. You felt an attraction. You bit down into your lip, hoping it'd just get whatever it wanted to do to you out of the way.
He lowered his face to yours, those glowing eyes getting brighter. He opened his mouth wider to only stop midway as his eyes snapped back down to yours as the two of you locked into a fierce staring competition. His eyes narrowed again as he studied you, he seemed to be confused with your demeanor. It was clear that he was very much used to people being in nothing but a sheer panic when they were near him, and rightfully so.
His gloved-hand reached out to wrap around your throat, causing you to yelp as he pushed you back against the table, lowering his head to sniff at you, a few stray drops of cold drool plopping onto your skin made it well up instantly with goosebumps. He growled again as he jerked his head back, putting his face right into yours as you were pulled up onto the table.
You dress rode up further onto your hips, exposing you almost completely. You felt his body and the silky feel of his costume force between your legs as he leaned into you, still staring at you intently.
"You're not afraid" he growled, his lip curling up into that wicked smile again as he gazed at you. He tightened his grip on your throat as he took a breath. "But I can sense something else.."
Truthfully, you weren't afraid now. Especially when he was pressing himself so tightly against your body that your legs were spread wide for him to lean himself against you. You were still trying to decide if it was the best or worst day to not to wear panties with this dress. He was pressed so roughly against you that, whatever was beneath his suit was pressing hard against your sex and every movement sent a jolt of arousal straight to your clit and it made a small moan escape your lips.
You were a complete fucking mess.
"Please," you whined. At this point, you didn't know if you were whining for him to let you go, or if you were whining because you didn't want him to let you go.
He chuckled, pressing his head right up against yours as his tongue slithered from between his lips, dragging it up along your face to leave a trail of saliva in it's wake.
"Desperate and disgusting little human.. I can smell the arousal on you.. I know that you don't want to leave, I know what you crave," he purred in a gravelly tone. "Isn't that right?"
You couldn't speak, you could only look up at him through your lashes, your breathing becoming needy and desperate as you felt the first, shallow roll of his hips against you, making your breath hitch as you felt him hardening under his costume.
"Isn't that right?!" He spat, demanding that you answer his question.
You nodded quickly. "Y-yes."
He growled, snapping his teeth in approval, shaking his head as he slung drool onto your face again, rolling his hips into you again. "Then say IT. Say it for me. Say it for Pennywise. You want to live, don't you? SAY IT."
"I- I am a disgusting human," you croaked out.
If he couldn't bring the fear out of you, he damn sure seemed intent on humiliating you. Which, oddly enough, was also a turn on.
Nothing about you was fearful anymore, in fact, you were almost ashamed at how utterly turned on you were at this point. You could feel just how wet you had become and you already knew that you were leaking onto his costume. You could still feel his length hardening beneath his costume, and it felt huge.
"Good girl," he cooed, thrusting his hips against you a little harder this time.
You moaned, feeling his cock hit your clit again front beneath the suit. It felt as if it was moving beneath the surface, as if it was growing, pulsating, even. It was fairly obvious that that wasn't a human, nor was this a human-like cock, either. God, this whole thing was disgusting, and you knew it was disgusting, but you couldn't help it nor did you care. Here you were getting off inside of an old dank tent to some sort of monster that was set on killing you five minutes ago, and even that turned you on.
It was all wrong on so many levels, but you had never been so fucking turned on in your entire life.
He tightened his grip against your throat, still grinding himself against your sex, making you moan louder and louder with each thrust. He growled in unison with you, his mouth opening to reveal those sharpened fangs again as he lowered his head, biting down into your shoulder as it caused you to scream out in pain. Long, sharp claws wrapped themselves around your waist, digging in as this thing grinded and dry humped against your soaked cunt.
"That's right. Scream for me, pretty little human," he chuckled darkly, slamming his hips into yours. "Beg for me like a good little slut."
You gasped, feeling the pain radiating in your shoulder and your waist, but it only served as fuel for the pleasure that you also felt as this clown rubbed your pussy raw. You had completely soaked through at this point, but what real concern was that anyway?
"Please," you begged, obeying his orders. "Please, don't stop."
He bit down even harder into your shoulder this time, and you screamed again, the tears welling up in eyes as you felt his grip tighten on you again. This was it. You were sure he wasn't going to let you go. He was gonna kill you right here and there.
And the thought of that in itself sent you completely over the edge as you moaned out. One hand reached out to grab as his costume, pulling and ripping at it until you heard something tear off in your hand, and your other hand shot between the two of you as you pressed your fingers into your swollen clit, rubbing feverish circles around it to prolonge the powerful orgasm that washed over your entire body as Pennywise growled and drooled against your skin, still grinding himself against your body.
You breathed hard as your orgasm finally subsided. Pennywise pulled himself away from you, his mouth covered with a mix of saliva and your blood as he met you face-to-face again, his eyes still glowing a wicked golden color as he unhinged his jaw, revealing a whole mouth a throatful of teeth with three distinct lights in the center as he got closer to you. You gasped, closing your eyes to it as you turned your head away, preparing for him to finish you off then and there.
You wait for a few seconds, and a few seconds more. Nothing. Was he fucking with you?
You cracked open one of your eyes, half expecting to see him standing there, still ready to pounce as soon as you let your guard down, but there was no one. You opened them back up to see the room was empty, and all those dim lights from before were finally back on, illuminating the entrance of the tent.
You sighed, but it wasn't necessarily relief . Had you completely fucking lost it? What just happened?
You sat there for a moment, still in shock before you could even begin to move. There was no evidence. The bite marks were gone and all the blood you expected to see turned out to be nothing but red face paint that you had stuck your hand in earlier in the dark.
You gritted your teeth, mildy upset that this had been some sort of hallucination. You sighed again, lowering yourself off of the table. You were so lost in your own head that you hadn't even noticed until then, that you were gripping something extra tightly in your fist. You pulled your hand up to open it, revealing a small bell with red trim around it.
Your eyes widened as you looked at it.
That was on Pennywise's costume.
You looked around the room frantically as you backed out of it, clutching the small bell in your hands. A small smile escaping your lips as you exited the tent, stumbling out of it as you turned to get one last glance inside of it. It had gone pitch black inside of it again, and you could have sworn you saw a faint glow of golden eyes from inside.
You turned on your heel and began to run towards home.
This was one night at the carnival you'd never forget.
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ma-gic-gay · 4 years
Three hours.
Three goddamn hours of his life he's never getting back that were completely wasted on making this pros and cons list.
There were so many more interesting things he could've done in those three hours. He could've been doing paperwork, or watching paint dry or spending time with his children. Or all three at the same time. But no, he had to help her make the most extensive list he's ever known to exist.
This is some form of karma for hooking up with her.
"This is my personal hell," the brunette tells her. "It's exactly like a nightmare I once had."
"Sounds like an oddly specific nightmare."
"Just let me know when you're done making this list. I have to go do the far more interesting task of watching paint dry. First, I must find where the paint is."
"Not so fast! This list is complete and now it's time to weigh the options here," Carly says, stopping him from moving.
He glances at the list and sighs, "Certain death is not an actual thing that belongs on this list. The same goes for Earth blowing up and someone randomly stalking us. These are just your nightmares, and that's a whole other list."
Pouting, she crosses them off the list. "Happy now?"
"I'd be happier if you didn't waste three hours of my life making this list."
"Oh stop, you know this is the most logical solution," she waves a hand as though she's truly carefree at this moment in time. "Besides, this is an inclusive list of pretty much every reason you could think of."
"Yes, Elizabeth needed to be on this list," Jason says, rolling his eyes at her. "I'm beginning to think you just want to rub this in her face when she's married to and very much in love with Franco Baldwin, despite my better judgement and many discussions with her on that subject."
"Fine, I'll cross her off the list. But getting little Lizzie mad isn't exactly a con," she agrees, sighing.
"And the fact you hate her because we're friends has nothing to do with this," he says, raising an eyebrow. "Need I remind you of your reaction when you found out I had fathered Jake?"
"You hid that from me! And I hate her, but that part doesn't matter as much," the blonde playfully glares at him.
"Mhm," he agrees, rolling his eyes again. The things he does for this woman. "So, are there more pros or cons on this incredibly long list? Please, don't read them all out loud or I think we'll be here until our deaths."
"Roughly equal, but I don't know how you want to weigh each thing. For example, I assume your kids go above the possibility the world could end because of this."
"Cross that one off the list too. The world hasn't ended yet and we've done much more questionable things. Please, let's only count the real reasons that matter, such as," he pauses, looking at the list quickly, "Sonny."
"He's dead, we both know that."
"We also both know you're in love with him."
"Hard to be in love with a dead dude."
"Sounds like it must really suck. I can't know what you're feeling, of course, but sounds pretty bad."
"What I meant was that I don't entirely agree with that statement you made about me being in love with him," she retorts, rolling her eyes.
"Well, besides you, he's my best friend," he reminds her.
"Yeah, but I'm in first place for best friend," she says, smiling as though she's won a prize when he chuckles and nods. "I'm also not dead, which is a major pro to me being your best friend."
"Yes, livelihood is a good trait to have in a friend," Jason agrees, chuckling to himself.
"Well of course it is! Especially when it's me. Now, let's cross off all things that don't apply. Just look at it and cross off everything you don't agree with being on there." She hands him a pen and looks at the paper as he laughs. "Don't laugh at my genius idea, Jason. It's arguably the best I've had in a long time."
"A genius idea would be how to cure cancer, Carly. This is a Carly plan, god help us both."
"You'll be fine," she says, smiling as he crosses something out. "Hey, that's a very valid point there you're just erasing from it!"
"No, it is not. Your mother has absolutely nothing to do with this."
"My mother loves you!"
"Carly, that does not constitute as something for this list."
"I disagree."
"Too late, I crossed her name out already."
"Give me that pen and I will write it again."
"Carly. Let me cross out invalid points here. You can fight me about their validity later in life."
"Fine," she pouts. "But I don't like this."
"And I don't like that I have this list in front of me."
"Just erase all of my hard work like it's nothing, it's fine. Not like it's the most extensive list with each and every thing we need to consider on it," Carly continues dramatically.
Ten minutes later, half of the list is crossed off much to the anger of Carly. "I put my heart and soul into this list and this is how you repay me, crossing out half of it!"
Chuckling, Jason just says, "You'll be fine. Besides, I think that's the last thing I'll be crossing off."
"Well, now we have to organize each of them in order of how serious they are."
"There's more of a process to this?" Jason groans, already dreading that part of his day. "Can't we just make a decision based off of this list in and of itself so that we don't focus another three hours of our days on this?"
"Fine. What do you think we should do from here, using only this list?"
"I don't know, why don't you have a decision made up in your mind? This is taking a concerning amount of time, especially since it's you," he questions.
"Maybe because I'm thinking of what to say when the kids get back here!"
"You mean the kids that are used to me being in your kitchen with you? Yeah, I'm sure they're going to be really confused and realize we hooked up last night at the sight of us," he agrees sarcastically.
"Alright, you make a good point there. I can't make a decision, though," Carly sighs, agreeing with him in a minor victory for the assassin.
"That was the whole point of this list!"
"I never guaranteed that it would work!"
"Yes, you did. You said it would show us which decision would be the right one," he counters.
"You know what, screw the list," Carly says, ripping it up and throwing it in the trashcan. "We can figure this out without needing a list! We're adults, we can solve our problems on our own without needing any help from that."
"Three hours. I'm never getting those three hours back that you spent on that list, Carly, and for you to just throw it away... You're lucky you're my best friend."
"Shut up and just tell me what you feel."
"At this moment? Like I'm getting a headache and I don't have nearly enough patience for your plan."
"I never called it a plan, you did, and you know that's not what I meant."
"What exactly do you want me to tell you my feelings on, then?"
"I don't know, Jason, what's your feeling about Laura and Cyrus being siblings? I want to know your feelings on what happened last night!"
To be continued because I'm falling asleep rn to Taylor Swift breakup songs
"It's hard being in love with a dead dude." Pick a struggle-
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rockysavannah · 4 years
Videl vs. Pan! A Bored Burp-Off!
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If you’re not into any of the above things, please do not read!
This could be considered a distant sequel to 'Bulma vs Chi-Chi! A Baby Shower Burping Contest!'.
Pan and Videl are sitting at home one day, bored out of their minds. After a couple of accidental eructations from the pair, they decide to have a burping contest, with a wager set in place to make it more interesting. Will Videl achieve victory, or will her daughter dominate? There’s only one way to find out.
I hope you like it. Any constructive criticism in the comments section is welcome.
Originally uploaded back on March 7th, 2017 on Writing.com.
This story was co-written with Jokermask18/JWAPPEL in my interactive.
Since Writing.com basically requires people to need a paid membership in order to do anything on their website, it’s practically impossible for many people to write and read there. Therefore, I’ve decided to post some of the chapters from my interactives onto my other accounts as full-fledged stories so that they can reach a wider audience.
The Art of the Thumbnail is a blend of two images. (Since no one had drawn this concept...).
Videl by Seiya-Dbz-Fan.
Pan by Krizart-DA.
Text by me and Jokermask18/JWAPPEL.
Son Videl, Son Pan, and Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super © Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisha and Akira Toriyama
(A/N: This is a collaboration with Jokermask18 A.K.A. JWAPPEL.)
Content Advisory! This story contains:
Female Hyper Belching
Series: Dragon Ball
Characters: Son Videl, Son Pan
Synopsis: Videl and Pan try to alleviate their boredom by having some gassy fun.
If you’re not into any of the above things, please do not read!
It was a quiet Saturday afternoon for the family of Son Gohan. The man of the house was out on business, leaving his wonderful wife and daughter to fend off the onslaught of boredom by themselves. The duo engaged in a multitude of recreational activities—watching television shows and movies, playing video and board games, even training—but nothing could keep their interests for more than a few minutes at best. Both were currently lounging around in the living room, Pan lied half-asleep on the couch and Videl was playing with a paddleball. Videl checked the clock and her eyes widened at the time.
“Oh no, it’s almost dinner time!” she exclaimed, loudly enough to capture the attention of her daughter, “I better get cooking!”
“…Huh?” Pan muttered groggily, until the weight of those words truly hit her, “Wait, dinner?! That sounds great! I’m starving!”
The eleven-year-old girl’s sudden burst of energy got a small chuckle out of her mother, “Well, you’ll have to ‘starve’ for a little longer, because it’ll take awhile to make enough food to satisfy your appetite.”
Pan’s lips curled downward, “Can I at least get a soda to hold me over.”
With an approving nod from her mother, Pan moved faster than a normal human could track, seemingly vanishing into thin air for a split second, before returning to the same spot, only with a root beer in hand. While Videl was getting up from her chair and heading for the kitchen, Pan began chugging the contents of her can. The carbonated beverage cascaded down her esophagus before landing in the pits of her stomach, mixing with the boiling green acids that were already dwelling there, and forming large bubbles of gas from the chemical reaction. Pan put her right hand on her belly when she heard a low rumbling deep inside. She felt pockets of air shift around within her tummy, before some of it was dislodged and evicted up a valve at the top of the stomach. Pan barely had time to register what happened before a juicy belch blasted past her lips, catching her by surprise. Videl stopped in the kitchen and turned to look at her daughter, who just sported a look of content on her face.
“That felt good,” Pan commented with a giggle.
“Pan, you should show better manners than that,” Videl reprimanded with a stereotypical parental finger pointing.
Pan scoffed internally, wishing that her mom would loosen up once in a while, like what her dad said she was like as a teenager. Alas, Videl’s acceptance of her role as a housewife had meant that she sacrificed much of her cooler (in Pan’s opinion), tomboyish personality, so it was unlikely to happen anytime soon.
Videl was about to get the ingredients and kitchen ware needed to make a meal fit for a demi- and quarter-Saiyan, but was stricken with a sudden pang of thirst. Wanting to quickly quench it before getting to work, she fished through the fridge and picked out a can of Jetap, before popping it open and spraying some of the alcoholic liquid on her cheeks. Pan snickered at this, while Videl took a large swig of her drink, draining the can in a matter of seconds. Once the intoxicated fluid splashed into her gut, a similar reaction that happened in Pan’s abdominal area occurred here too. As soon as Videl removed the can from her mouth, a beery burp rippled out of it, having the length, volume, and smell to be comparable to her daughter. When the three-second-long eructation ended, Videl’s cheeks lit up in a scarlet flash.
“Ooohhh my goodness! Excuse me!” she apologized with her left hand clasped over her mouth.
There was a period of silence in the house before the juvenile giggling of the youngest Son member promptly shattered it. “Nice one, Mom! I didn’t think… that you had… it in you!” her compliments were intersped by fits of laughter.
Videl’s level of embarrassment continued to grow, “T-that was just an accident, sweetie. I didn’t mean to.”
Pan rolled her eyes and gave her an unconvinced smirk, “Not buying it, Mom. Dad told me how much of a tomboy you were back in the day and I bet that you miss that time.”
Videl widened her light blue irises, baffled at how her adolescent daughter managed to back her into a corner like this. Then, she started to think about Pan’s words; about how her ‘tough girl’ days were when she was at her coolest. But that was just a persona, right? An act that she didn’t need to keep up when she met her high school sweetheart. Without that, she felt comfortable sporting a more feminine appearance, like her wedding gown when she married Gohan, or the red dress and black leggings when she attended Bulma’s ‘39th’ birthday party. On the other hand, her feistier attitude did earn her some respect from her former classmates at Orange Star High School, and she still found some amusement when she thought back to the times that she beat various members of the student body in burping contests. Perhaps it would not hurt to relive some of that glory one more time.
“Maybe… you have a point,” Videl admitted.
Pan’s grin grew wider, “Great, because I’ve got an idea for curing our boredom: a burping contest!”
If possible, the Son matriarch’s eyes grew wider still, “Really? Well, what are the stakes?”
Pan tapped a finger on her chin in thought, “If I win, you order as much food as I want, when I want, for the next three months; If you win, I’ll do all of yours and dad’s chores on top of my own for the same time.”
Videl pondered Pan’s proposition. The risk was great, but so was the reward. After a few moments, she reached her decision, “Game on, young lady,” Videl answered with a smirk that matched her daughter’s, finally regaining her uncouth appreciation for the immature art of burping.
“Cool!” Pan’s eyes shone in anticipation, thinking that this would make for a gross, but fun, bonding experience.
Videl pulled out at least eight more cans of soda from the fridge and divided them between herself and Pan. After all, one needed the right ammunition for this kind of thing. Pan reached for her first one and chugged the whole thing in less than a minute! With a smirk, she then thumped her chest and let out a nasty sounding burp that sounded like it came from a hardened trucker. Videl was actually a little proud of her for that. That is, until she remembered she was looking at her competitor. The daughter of Mister Satan figured her turn was up and attempted to copy her daughter's opening move. Unfortunately, she ended up choking on most of the soda and launched into a coughing fit.
“You're losing Mommy,” Pan taunted in a sing-song voice before belching again. This one was ever bigger than the last, being five seconds long!
Videl's eyes narrowed as her competitive fire was beginning to reignite, “I'm not finished yet!” She began chugging her second soda, this time nearly matching her daughter's former pace. Pan was on her second soda as well, though sipping it in a leisurely fashion. It was clear she wasn't worried and this made Videl all the more angry.
Thumping her chest, the daughter of Mr. Satan unleashed her first real belch in the contest. It was decent, though only half as big as Pan's first attempt. Videl scowled, knowing she'd once been able to do much better. Pan responded with another huge belch that won her the bout and began opening her third can. Videl did the same and managed to start off with a belch that surpassed her daughter's previous attempt! The good feeling that came with that was quickly destroyed when Pan unleashed a belch that blew her mother's hair back! Once again, the daughter of Mister Satan felt oddly proud even as she began opening her fourth can. This truly was a bonding experience.
The contest continued on in this way. Videl had actually started to regain some of her old skill but it didn't seem to help. Pan dominated each bout and only grew cockier over time. “Get ready to order Mama, cause I am hungry!” The daughter of Mister Satan only scowled more deeply at this taunt. She refused to let her daughter win. It wasn't just about what losing would cost her either. Now, it was about pride.
But honestly, Videl was getting flustered. She had to admit that her kid was good. Scratch that, Pan was very, very good. As they went through what was now the seventh can for both of them, mother and daughter soon realized that it was almost over. There were only two cans left and one of them would belong to the victor. It was clear from her grin that Pan believed she knew which one it would be. “Ready to give up?”
But Videl refused. If there was anything left over from the Videl of old, it was that. She wondered, not for the first time, just what had happened to that girl? The tomboy who had dominated boy and girl alike in belching contests since she was seven! She even remembered winning a few farting contests in her time. Looking at Pan, she realized that she missed those times. She wanted them back. It was time for her to start thinking like the old Videl again, but how?
After the duo each finished their seventh can, Pan effortlessly belted out another first class burp. Though it was comparatively less powerful than her previous ones, it compensated with an odor that made the matriarch of the Son household go green in the gills. While Videl, with watery eyes, was coughing and trying to fan away the foul fumes, Pan was looking bored. Sure, she was certain that she would be able to pig out on as much food as she wanted to when this was over, which definitely appealed to her Saiyan nature, but there was another thing that her alien instincts craved: a good fight. Her father had gone on about how unladylike and badass her mother was as a youth, so Pan expected at least something resembling a challenge, just to make her victory feel more earned.
However, right now Videl was not proving those stories true at all. In fact, her burps were barely able to get much reaction out of Pan aside from condescending amusement. Either the stories were lies or Videl had simply lost her edge. In any case, Pan found it disappointing, not simply because of the aforementioned lack of challenge, but because she had a lot of respect for mommy dearest. All of the tomboyish tales about Videl, not just of how she shattered gender stereotypes by utterly decimating sexist boys in belching contests, but also of her beating up bullies and leaping into danger to stop criminals. It helped influence Pan into shaping her personality to mimic the mother that she idolized, both as a tomboy and as a hero.
Meanwhile, Videl’s mind raced to find a way to gain an edge over her daughter. Maybe she could use the Dragon Balls to wish for her old personality back. No, that would seem like a waste to use something so powerful to win such a juvenile event. Besides, what would Gohan say about it when he returned home? Nevertheless, if she cannot do that, then how will the daughter of Mister Satan triumph over the gaseous greatness of Pan? Suddenly, she thought back to what her husband said when he taught her how to fly all those years ago.
He said that you have to focus your energy from your stomach, she recalled in her head. Then, she also flashed back to when she heard Gohan say that his mentor, Piccolo, could fire ki blasts from his mouth, Wait a minute. That’s it! Videl breathed deeply and concentrated hard, gulping down air to fuel her belch. She soon felt a spark of ki in her belly and smiled, Alright, she thought, silently thanking Gohan and Piccolo for not teaching Pan telepathy, I’m on the right track, but I should try to limit how much ki I use. Otherwise, Pan will know what I’m up to and just copy me, then, I’ll be screwed.
And so, the metaphysical energy continued to manifest in her stomach, acting like fire boiling water to produce steam as it stirred up more gas than any normal human ever could. When she felt enough build up, Videl proudly forced out the gas using her ki creating a shockwave that blew away Pan’s orange bandana. When it finished, Videl sighed in relief and giggled at the befuddled face of her daughter.
“Wh-what was that?!” Pan exclaimed.
“Well, Honey, I guess I was just a little rusty,” Videl replied, lips curled up into a smirk.
Pan narrowed her eyes in suspicion. She may be somewhat naïve, but she was not stupid. The daughter of Son Gohan found it weird that her mom could just pull out a totally awesome eructation at the eleventh hour after a series of mediocre burps. In addition, Pan could have sworn that she felt a minuscule ember of ki coming from her mother, specifically in her tummy.
Maybe… The quasi-Saiyan pondered for a moment, before dismissing the idea entirely, There’s no way. That’s just ridiculous. She probably just got lucky, that’s all.
Putting the notion aside, Pan opted to pop open her eighth can of soda and began chugging it. Videl soon joined her and in a matter of seconds, both had completely drained their aluminum canisters of their sugary liquid contents. Pan patted her packed paunch playfully, feeling it press up against and peek out under her shirt. It was an expected result given that eight cans worth of delicious carbonated goodness filled that gut of hers, not including the can that she had taken a swig of before the contest officially began. Videl rubbed her own bulging belly, starting to wonder how this competition would affect her figure afterward. However, she pushed that thought out for the moment, instead focusing on the here and now.
“Well, do you want to start the final bout, little lady?” Videl inquired with a smirk.
“Sure, but you’ll regret it, trust me,” Pan replied, matching her mom’s smirk.
Pan proceeded to gobble down as much precious oxygen as possible, making her abdominal area inflate even more so. She held her breath, and after a while, she was starting to become blue in the face, which made Videl frown in worry. The mother was about to ask if her daughter was all right when Pan decided to unleash her outright abominable eructation right in her face. It was by far her greatest/grossest one in the whole competition. Pan’s oral expulsion of air lasted an astounding ten seconds, actually shattering some of the windows, which Pan had a feeling would come out of her allowance even if she won. However, the smell was again in a category of its own, as the guttural belch blast carried a sickly green cloud of gas out of Pan’s mouth. Said gas cloud was composed of an amalgamation of every food and drink that the Pan had devoured over the past week, which to a full blooded human would have been a month’s worth of nourishment.
“How was that, Mom?” Pan giggled smugly after finishing.
“Ohhh…” Videl moaned, wholly discombobulated, “That was so nasty! I think that I’m going to hurl!” she slapped both hands over her mouth to keep herself from doing so.
Pan giggled even louder, savoring her mother’s disgusted demeanor. Eventually, Videl regained her bearings and threw a piercing glare at her daughter, at which Pan only snickered, “I take it that you didn’t like my magnum opus.”
That straw broke the camel’s back, Screw it, Videl thought, I don’t know if it’s the lingering nausea or seething anger, but I’m going to put this brat in her place, no matter what! That’ll knock her arrogance ass down a peg.
Then, she got into a battle stance, her legs spreading out two feet apart and bending at a 90° angle, and closed her eyes. The quarter-Sayian cocked her left eyebrow, confused. “Uh, mom, what are you doing?”
However, Videl closed her eyes, tuned her  daughter out, and took deep breaths. Pan frowned at the silence, but widened her eyes as she felt something weird happen in her mother. Once again, the daughter of Mister Satan manifested her ki in her stomach, though now it was much larger, to the point that Pan could clearly sense it.
Huh? Why is there so much ki in her stomach? Unless… Pan thought, until her eyes widened in realization, It’s true! She did do it before and she’s doing it now!
As Pan was trying to process the current situation, Videl pressurized the gas in her stomach by charging up ki in order to increase the power of her burp. Meanwhile, a glow formed in her stomach, the heat of her ki causing her to sweat profusely. After a while, she felt a huge burst of energy finish building up pressure in her belly. This feeling made her smile in anticipation.
“Oh, boy, here it comes,” Videl exclaimed excitedly.
“Here what comes?” her offspring questioned.
Videl ignored Pan and used her energy to channel the gas out of her belly. The glow intensified as it, the ki and the gas traveled up her body before entering her mouth, causing her cheeks to bulge outward and filling Videl’s mouth with a light bright enough to make her puffed out cheeks translucent. Then, she raised her head slightly away from Pan to avoid possibly hurting her and became the first person in history to burp out a blast of energy.
Suddenly, her mouth snapped open and she belched out a large yellow ki beam, which rocketed past Videl's lips and barely missed the top of Pan’s head on its trajectory through one of the broken windows. The burp itself echoed throughout the house, shattering the remaining windows, and knocking down several books, expensive plates, and other belongings. The duo looked to see the blast vaporize some nearby trees, both of them gawking at the trail of burnt grass and destroyed foliage.
“Whoa, even I didn't expect that,” Videl admitted with a blush.
Pan turned back to her mom, “That… was… awesome! Let’s keep going! I want to do that too!”
Videl paused for a moment, but then chuckled at the absurdity of the situation, “Ok, but the loser gets punished for six months in lieu of three.”
“Deal!” Pan shouted, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.
Both remembered their unfinished cans of soda and grabbed them for the true final bout. They were going to need it!
Once the beverages had been consumed, the empty aluminum husk that previously held them were discarded and Pan began the final bout by pausing to focus her ki then:
A big energy blast shot from her mouth, twice the width of her mother's effort, though it only did a little more damage to the house by burning a few extra holes in the walls.
Videl applauded politely, then sucked in and: 
She not only managed to outdo her daughter, but shot out a stream of ki balls from her mouth in rapid succession. Pan was forced to jump on top of her chair in dodge in a rather comedic fashion. Videl laughed out loud at this when she was finished and an evil gleam suddenly entered her eye. Turning her gaze towards the ceiling, she forced out a small burp that resulted in a single ball of ki knocking some debris onto Pan's head, the quarter-Saiyan scowling in response.
“Okay Mama, you've had it!
Videl's eyes widened as her daughter unleashed a huge belch that contained a variation of one of Vegeta's most powerful moves. It packed enough force to blow her through the wall of her home and leave her smoking on the already slightly scorched lawn. Pan laughed at the sight and began jumping up and down in an absurd little victory dance.
“Yes! I win! HAHAHAHA, I am the best!” This bratty sing-song voice awoke something in Videl and she slowly pulled herself to her feet, her eyes ablaze with fury. Pan watched with a mix of confusion and concern as her mother assumed a basic power-up stance and began speaking in grunts, as though she were on the verge of transforming into some new kind of super form. In fact, it wouldn't have surprised Pan at all if that were the case.
Little did the young girl know that during all this, her mother was reliving her past, watching various images of her rough and tumble self flash and the victories she'd achieved flash before her eyes. Everything from belching contests to looking best in a bikini passed her by. They were soon replaced by new images of Pan besting her younger self in all these same events. Other scenes were also included such as a rice eating contest and a farting contest. Every last one filled the Videl of the present with even more rage.
“No! I… Will… Not… lose… to a… little… girl! Even if she is my own daughter!” Pan watched in amazement as her mother's slightly higher than average power level suddenly skyrocketed, her aura blazing to life around her. Videl then bellowed, “Ka… Me… Ha… Me… 
The mightiest belch under the heavens, contained within the signature technique of both the Kame House and the overall Son Family, shot from Videl's mouth. It zeroed in on a horrified Pan and created a great explosion that destroyed the entire house! Pan lay amidst the rubble, somehow only dazed, “You win, Mommy.”
“Oh yeah!” Videl cried out in a rather good impression of her father, “I win! I'm number—oh crap!” The daughter of Mister Satan looked upon what was left of her home and decided to let Pan off the hook: she would need all the help she could get in order to collect the Dragon Balls and restore everything before Gohan got back!
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honestgrins · 5 years
I was completely alone and the elevator music was getting really good so I just started to dance around and the doors just opened and you're really hot and now I'm really embarrassed...
Dancing with Myself
Caroline usually hated visiting her roommate at work. The building was smack in the middle of tourist trap hell, and its top-dollar tenants never failed to make her feel like she didn’t belong there. But Kat hadn’t been home in three days because of some big case her firm was working on. Though her work closet was probably worth more than all of Caroline’s clothes put together, the laundry pile had most likely overtaken the fresh options. 
Bearing a garment bag and some comfort food, then, she swept into the mercifully empty lobby. The security guy barely spared her a glance when she mentioned Kat’s name, calling up to the firm. Luckily, the receptionist vouched for her without much fuss. As she walked back to the elevator bank, Caroline realized she’d never taken one by herself before. They were often packed to the brim, but apparently not so late at night. 
The doors slid shut, and she found she liked the brief moment alone. With such a long way up, her eyes drifted close at the peaceful sensation of an expensively smooth lift. She idly recognized the song playing, her hips gently rocking to the beat. By the time she reached her stop on the sixtieth floor, though, Caroline was bopping her head and singing along.
And then the door opened, where she found a very attractive man laughing at her. “Excuse me,” she said, shuffling her various bags to scoot past him, blush hot on her face.
“Of course, love,” he smirked as he backed out of her way. Oh, an accent, too. Just perfect, embarrassing herself in front of a cute, British guy like some bad rom com. 
Intent on ignoring him, Caroline waved to the receptionist and bustled back to Kat’s office. After a bit of fussing like the mom friend she was, though, she returned to the elevators to find him still chatting with a lawyer she recognized from holiday party photos. Elijah, maybe? Keeping her eyes on the prize, she pressed the button maybe a bit harder than she needed to.
Still, it didn’t arrive quickly enough to make her escape; he easily peeled away from his conversation to join her, though he did get points for not intruding on her personal bubble.
“I haven’t seen you around the office before.”
She clearly spoke too soon on the intruding, and with the lamest pickup ever. “I don’t work there, just a good roommate.”
He nodded as the elevator started to move, closing them into a more intimate setting. “Ah, there have been some late nights recently,” he conceded.
Checking her watch with an exaggerated slowness, she met his eyes with more than a little suspicion. “And yet you’re leaving before ten.”
His lips curled into an amused grin, showing off little dimples that just weren’t fair. “I don’t work there either,” he confessed. “Just dropping off some paperwork my brother insisted I sign.”
“Oh.” Caroline bounced a bit on her toes, tempted again by the music playing. Absolutely refusing to replay that mortifying scene, however, she rolled her shoulders back to hold a rigid posture. Sixty floors took forever, and she was definitely feeling the strain of avoiding conversation. “So…what do you do?”
Those dimples appeared again. “I’m a chef. I’d ask you, but I have to assume you’re a dancer.”
Face completely afire, she couldn’t stop herself from glaring at him, which only made him smile more. “Doctor, actually. Blame Grey’s Anatomy,” she said, “dancing it out is second nature now.”
“No complaints here.” His eyes slyly slipped to hers before glancing down, seemingly pleased with himself. 
As flustered as she was, Caroline couldn’t quite regret the moment anymore. Not if it led to getting his name and maybe an invite to his place of work before they reached the lobby. “We’ve got about thirty floors to go if you want to give it a shot.”
Wetting his lips, he canted his head in consideration. “I’m not one for dancing.”
“Not with that attitude.” Her hip jutted out in challenge, already bouncing to the beat. “Come on, I promise I won’t make fun of you, which is pretty generous considering you definitely laughed at me.”
“It was charming,” he defended. “I’m a good dancer, but in more formal settings.”
She shrugged, unconvinced. “I don’t know, you kind of seem like a party pooper to me.”
The glint in his eyes spelled trouble to Caroline - the fun kind.
Sure enough, the security guy watched the elevator feed as they wildly let loose, the lack of audio truly ruining the scene. He turned when the doors opened, only to find them laughing as they poured out of the car. “Have a good night,” he called, surprising them both into an embarrassed blush.
They both rushed into the night air, shoulder to shoulder as they left the building. He could just make out the guy passing her something, probably a business card. A meet cute, then.
He pulled out the bingo card he had made one boring night, marking off the appropriate square. Only one square left to win, but first kisses were oddly scarce for such a large building. His money was on the supermodel lawyer and her buttoned-up boss; their tension was fit to boil over with all the late nights they’d been working. He only hoped they kept it fairly tame for the cameras.
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slimysnek-boi · 5 years
The Broken Prince
Pairing- platonic Loginceit (or how ever it is for Logan, Roman and Deceit)
Warning- heavy angst, negative thoughts about oneself, mean Patton, Sympathetic Deceit, big sad
Please tell me if I missed anything (I also apologize in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors)
Thomas going to the wedding had paid a heavier toll on his ego than when he royally messed up at that audition.
The fact that Thomas had to watch someone else's happily ever after made it seem like his didn't have the chance of it happening to him. Like he could never get to a point in his life where he could have that special someone. His own prince in shining armor.
And the proof of these thoughts were painted across Roman's skin. From head to toe there was dark splotches of bruises.
The ego was in pain, it hurt him to move, it hurt to sing, it hurt to look at himself in this state. But he couldn't stop himself from looking in his full length mirror. He wasn't wearing his normal princy outfit but instead was decked out in a pair of baggy and very dirty pjs. His hair looked like a bird had decided to attack it. And dark circles hung underneath his eyes, darker than even Virgils iconic eyeshadow.
The ego was broken.. heartbroken
Comparatively the heart was doing fine. Patton had been dancing and chatting joyfully the whole wedding. Never once glancing at Roman. Not noticing when he snuck out. Never checking up on Roman when he didn't leave his room for days after the wedding. (Perhaps it had been weeks maybe even years, but Roman didn't care about the passing of time anymore) All of this, and the fatherly figure didn't seem to care. And that hurt Roman even more.
Where abouts Virgil had looked at Roman with worry during the wedding, but never said anything nor went to check up on him afterwards. Still apparently salty with how close Roman and Deceit were with they slight flirts in the court room.
Speaking of said snake, Patton had ordered him to not come to the light side of the mind right after all the sides had sunk out of the real world and into the mind palace. Deceit had glared at what Patton had said before disappearing, and Roman hadn't seen him sense.
Logan on the other hand, had seemed to care more about him than the rest of the sides. Which Roman would have laughed and teased him about if he was as glittery and princy as he usually was.
 Logan hadn't been with Patton and Virgil during the wedding. He, in fact, refused to take part of any festivities based around it. So when Roman had slipped away from Patton to hide in his room, Logan noticed from his place in the hall and had tried to check up on him. Ask him if he needed any help, or what he could do to help.
But Roman had just pushed past him, a mistake on his part now that he looked back on it. He now wished he could go back in time and hug Logan, tell him how he felt, maybe they could talk about it together.
Roman had burning hot tears running down his checks at this point, but could not find the strength in him to wipe them away. A broken sob tore through his throat as he looked at the mess he was. The stupid, pathetic, ugly, mess that use to be a prideful, handsome prince. His chin quivered, he really was just a waste of space. He couldn't be a good ego for Thomas, he obviously wasn't good enough for the other sides he wasn't creative enough. All of his ideas always seemed to flop and just be disappointing.
These thoughts of his, danced around him, like they were doing an evil tango. Not letting him hear anything else but their cruel voices. Not the knocking at the door, or the worried voices. Even when his door was kicked down, he didn't notice it. He only snapped out of it when two familiar faces appeared in his field of vision. A nerd with glasses crooked on his nose, worry and.. care in his eyes. Next to Logan was Deceit, who was oddly hatless and capeless, eyes also filled with worry.
Roman cried harder, "I-I'm sor-sorry" he forced out in a broken, cracked voice. And with that he just broke in to a million peices. His whole body shaking with ugly sobs, as the thoughts returned. He squeezed his eyes shut unable to look at them any longer, not wanting to see the disappointment and disgust that both of them surely felt towards him. He waited to hear footsteps of them leaving the room but never did.
Instead he felt soft fingers tips wipe away his tears before he was surrounded with warmth of arms completely around him. The thoughts slowly started to fade as he clinged to them. Letting them hold together his broken peices so he didn't have too.
After a while one of them, Roman couldn't tell which one it was, pulled away and Roman let out a pitiful whimper. He was meet with quick words of comfort, although he couldn't quiet understand what was said due to ringing in his ears, He trusted them.
He was carefully picked up. The thoughts completely gone as he just clinged to who ever picked him up, hiding his face into their shoulder. His tears soaking the soft material as his sobs eventually slowed down to hiccups.
He was placed down on a soft but firm bed, unaware that he had even been moved, and fether pillows were placed behind his back as he slowly opened his eyes. The bed he had been placed on had dark blue bed sheets and a galaxy blanket overtop. The two sat down on either side of him, the bed surprisingly plenty big for all three of them.
Roman looked to his left and found Logan. Logan gave a small smile and pulled a container out of a first aid kit that sat on a small table next to his bed, "This is bruise cream" he explained in the softest and most caring voice that Roman had ever heard used for him that he started tearing up again. "It will help soothe the pain.. it won't get rid of all of it, but it should help" Logan gently wiped away a single tear that rolled down Romans cheek, "May I put it on?" He asked, and Roman nodded slowly.
Logan grabbed Roman's left hand and started there, delicately rubbing the cream on with his other hand that wasn't holding Romans.
Cool fingers started playing gently with his messy hair, seemingly not caring that he hadn't washed it in some time... it had been a long time sense someone played with his hair... it was relaxing. He leaned against Deceit . His head resting against his chest, listening to his heart beat. Deceit hummed softly, a tune that could possibly be a disney song, his chest moving with his even breathing, helping ground Roman even more.
Between the feeling of the cool cream and the  the hair pets, Roman felt himself relaxing more then he had for a very, very long time. His eyelids felt heavy so he closed them. Feeling safe between the two. Knowing they wouldn't leave. Knowing that they actually care.
That night they all slept together on Logans bed, under a galaxy blanket and it was the best sleep any of them had gotten in what seemed like forever.
Of course the healing process takes time. So that evening together didn't magical fix everything. There would be more nights of cuddles and tears, talking and pain. More not so good thoughts. But its easier to heal together, than to face the pain alone.
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smooch-that-bot · 5 years
Howdy!! May I request MTMTE Megatron crushing on a human poet/singer? Tysm I'm the big gay for him
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{We’re all big gays for this big man}
You’re the new liason from Earth. Sent to the Lost Light to restore relations between humans and cybertronians. As you enter the room a smaller red and white bot rushes over and the first to greet you; asking a whirlwind of questions before Ultra Magnus pulls him away to let you breath. Everyone has questions about the status of Earth wondering how humanitys fared after all those years dealing with the war on earth. Everyone except Megatron. He stands in the back and watches everyone crowd around you. When your eyes meet he quickly looks away before leaving the room. 
Eventually the excitement dies down and bots slowly trickle out of the room. Soon it’s only you and the bot you now know as Swerve. He looks like he might explode from not being to talk. “Hey..um it’s Swerve,right?” He nods and puffs up his chest. 
“Swerve’s the name,serving drinks is my game! Oh,I’m also a metallurgist.” You chuckle at his outburst and before you know it the two of you are walking back to Swerve’s bar chatting up a storm. “So Y/n what do you get up to when you’re not… ya know restoring peace?” Swerve stands behind the counter polishing glasses and making sure the energon is in stock. You sit on the edge of the counter;kicking your legs back and forth while thinking. 
“Oh well I- I sing and write poetry. Kinda dorky right?” You hear clinking and turn around to see Swerve fumbling with a glass before putting it down and staring at you.
“What! No that’s awesome! Ya know you should...oh primus! You should perform at my bar.” Swerve smiles widely. He’s almost vibrating in excitement. You bite your lip and fidget with your clothes “Swerve I don’t-” “Please Y/n this place is in desperate need of entertainment.” Swerve tries to pull out the puppy dog eyes or at least you think that’s what he’s trying to do. “Oh fine how could I say no.” You grin at Swerve as he pumps his fist in the air. 
“I’ll see you later tonight superstar!” Swerve sends you a wink as you hop off the counter and exit the bar. You playfully roll your eyes and wave goodbye.
“See you Swerve. Try not to talk some poor bots audials off.” 
You wander off towards where Ultra Magnus said your room would be but the ship is so large and the hallways begin to blend together. Before you know it you’re lost and tired. Your feet throb with every step you take and your stomach rumbles loudly every so often. “Ughhh why does this ship have to be so huge, who designed this thing?” As you complain there’s the thump of someone walking up ahead. A spark of joy flares up inside of you and you run toward the sound. You round the corner and run smack into the back of some bots peds. “I’m so sorry I got excited and uh guess I didn’t have time to stop.” You stand back and look up at the bot you ran into. 
Megatron’s red optics stare back “It’s quite alright...erm excuse me but I don’t know your name.” He almost looks nervous to speak to you. He constantly shifts his eyes and hesitates to get closer to you. “I’m Y/n. I saw you in the back, you didn’t say hi or anything.” Megatron crinkles his eyes and sighs. 
“I apologize Y/n. I didn’t think you’d want me to say anything.” 
“Ahhh because of you and your history with Earth.” 
“I’ve done many terrible things to your planet and brought unnecessary conflict to innocent people.” He clenches his fists. Trying to shift further away from your gaze. 
“We’ve been able to rebuild. The wars on Earth are now our past. Many people have moved beyond that; we look to the future now. All that happened millions of years ago; people just want to move on.” Your lips curl into a gentle smile. You look at Megatron,his mouth is agape slightly but he quickly shuts it. 
“I see.” There’s a long pause between the two of you. With only the slight hum of fans to provide alleviation from the silence. “Well enjoy the rest of your night.”He takes a final glance at you before beginning to walk away.
“Megatron wait I- well I’m lost. I was trying to find my room.” He pauses barely turning his head to face you and nods for you to follow him. 
As you trail him you find yourself having to jog to keep up with his long strides. At some point Megatron takes notice. He kneels before you and lowers his hand.
“It’s easier this way.” You hear the hum of fans starting up as you gingerly step into his palm. You shake as you try to keep your balance while Megatron rises and starts walking.  “Thank you, this is easier.” Megatron grunts in acknowledgement.  
Soon after you come to a stop in front of a large door. You look down and see a smaller door was built into the existing door. Megatron carefully lowers his hand down allowing you to hop off. You turn to him and pat his hand “Thanks again. You should stop by Swerve’s bar I’ll be performing poetry later.” Megatron’s optics widen slightly before he regains his composure,
“I’ll see if I can make it.” With a curt nod he turns on his peds and disappears down the hallway.
You check your watch and realize there’s only a few hours before you have to be at Swerve’s. You change into more casual clothing and grab your poetry book. You quickly rehearse what you wanted to perform then skid out the door in a hurry. From where your room is it’s a straight shot to the bar and you arrive with just enough time to talk to Swerve.
“Hey superstar, ready to dazzle the crowd?” Swerve greets with a fist bump then leans in to whisper to you,“I’d been practicing my fist bump.” He grins as you groan at his utter ridiculousness.
“Great job Swerve really knocked it outta the park.” Swerve ushers you to the stage and helps you onto a stool then places a microphone in front of you. He scurries back to the bar counter and gives you a thumbs up.
You look out to the crowd and many glowing optics look back. You fumble with your poetry book a bit before opening to a bookmarked page. You take a deep breath closing your eyes and letting go of the nerves that rack your body. When you open your eyes there in the back you see Megatron and for whatever reason your body relaxes and you shoot him a smile. 
“This poem is called Nothing Gold Can Stay.” You see Megatron’s interest peak as he shifts his body to face the stage and leans in to listen. “Nature’s first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; but only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief,so dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.” Swerve claps loudly and soon others follow in suit. Your eyes meet with Megatron's he smiles and claps then gets up heading out of the bar. Offering a glance over his shoulder. You climb down from the stool and rush out of the bar, careful to dodge bar patrons peds. When you get out of the crowded bar you find Megatron staring out a nearby window watching the passing stars. 
“That was a lovely poem. Perhaps we could write something together.” He softly glances at you from the corner of his optics. You turn to the window a smile growing on your face.
“I think I’d like that.”
(Okay that was long here’s some headcanons: 
- Megatron is really supportive of your songs and poetry. You both like to just sit and write together it’s very calming
- Eventually after your relationship becomes a more public thing on the ship he would sit up front to watch you perform every time. If you ever got extremely nervous he would offer you gentle words and reassure you that you’d do spectacular.
- If any bot dared to insult your art Megs would almost flip his shit. His voice gets oddly calm but his aura radiates danger. He tells the bot off with a gentle voice but with an iron grip on their shoulder.
- He likes when you sing to him especially after a long and stressful day. He places you on his chest near his spark so you lay can relax as well. And he just lets you hum and sing a few tunes before powering down into a blissful rest.
- Before you got together he really thought he was being slick by writing romantic poems and having you read them
- You somehow started sending poems back and forth to each other through data pads. Everytime you’d send him a new poem Megs would feel hopeful and happy which he even though he didn’t think he could still feel that way anymore.
- Through his poems you got to know him better and he trusted you enough to even show you his darkest works and his poems about his grief and his esteem. 
- Basically y’all are the cool poetry nerds of the ship 
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