#so they're probably the most supportive town in all honesty
sleepy-grav3 · 3 months
Amity Park hates the Justice League but loves Red Hood and sometimes other heroes
A/n: I got this random idea so here it is. Oh, and this is good reveal AU ok?
Due to the Justice League mocking them and ignoring their villain problems that were also publicly interdimensional problems, everyone hates the JL. It got worst with the GIW coming in, who blatantly went against the meta-laws (which included aliens, demons and so much more that weren't human from the beginning). They started to think the Justice League supported them.
In the Infinite Realms, however, there's a revenant that many adored and others respected. He did not hold back against criminals. Criminals that would rape, kill, traffic, sell drugs, and more to people. He especially didn't like when they brought kids into this. He'd avenge people the way they should've been: by promising that their abuser/killer/whatever wouldn't be able to do it again. And in the place they lived in, the only way for that to be possible was by major injury, heavy social outcasting, and/or death. Most prefer the 3rd.
And after how long the Amitians dealt with the attacks which eventually came to a slow once or twice a week type thing, they started opening their minds to the idea of coexistence. Well, further than they had. So when people started to cross over and start making their small haunts in their side of the veil, the Amitian's began to become aware of the popular hero Red Hood. He was part of the undead community, which was trustworthy in everyone's books.
So Amity Park started making merch. Most of it was for Team Phantom, but there was plenty for Red Hood as well. There were other heroes on the side, like for Superboy 1 (who they renamed to Supernova due to their hatred for Superman for 2 reasons, the obvious and that he rejected a mirror-born), and Raven (the half demon).
And with this coexistence, Team Phantom had noticed the positive feedback about killing in the name of vengeance. So they went on the offensive, and after a good year of that, the GIW lost funding for producing no results and just taking up resources. The acts were still there, but nobody enacted them in Amity, and nobody actually knew or believed them outside of the haunted city.
Then the Justice League find out about the hero group there due to tracking merchandise after they started to sell outside of the city. Superman was the guy everyone liked, so he was sent over. He immediately got thrown out and was now questioning who the heck Supernova was and when he rejected him.
Flash? Outcast. Everyone ignored and walked away from him. they had the police, who never did anything or even had to anymore, kick him out.
Green Lanter? Oh the poor guy. He had his ring taken away and thrown out of the city somehow. It took hours to find it.
Wonder Woman, they had to be ok with her. Not at first, but once Phantom had a talk with her and people learned that they were cousins through Clockwork (Kronos) and Pandora, they were ok. ish. Tolerated was the best word and she got the info back to the league.
The batfamily took a trip there, dragging Red Hood along somehow. And right when Red Hood was noticed, a crowd began to form as everyone practically worshipped him. There were many victims he had avenged and an Ancient (Lady Gotham) came and gave him the gifts she couldn't without scaring the guy.
At one point, the poor guy even cried.
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heisen-shrine · 2 years
Hello everyone and welcome to the new and improved Heisen-Shrine!
You guys know the drill! Here I post all kinds of awesome self shipping things, and now I have six f/os and plenty of love to go around.
I can't believe I now have as many f/os as Henry the 8th had wives, but at least I haven't killed any of my guys...yet lol. I'm mostly a villain shipper, but I've dipped my toes into anti-hero territory over the years. Most of my F/Os are villains, and that's okay. They hate everyone else but they love me ^^
Meet my guys!
Karl Heisenberg- the main man! I married this man Halloween of 2022 and we're still going strong. We also have an adopted son, Nanaue from the Suicide Squad. Karl is probably the most prominently featured f/o on here, and I love him to bits. He's encouraging, sweet, makes cool stuff, and is really big about my own creative endeavors. We support each other and make everything work <3
Astarion- the vampire from Baldur's Gate 3, I absolutely adore him. Normally vamps aren't my thing but this guy's got me by the throat with his sass and unabashed honesty. He's the sassy pansexual boyfriend I feel everyone needs in life ^.^
Elijah Kamski- Elijah is admittedly more of a familial f/o rather than a romantic one. But even so he's important to me and seems to be the perfect brother figure. He's helped me through a lot of my own sibling related trauma and I'm really thankful for that. If you need practical or technical advice, Elijah is my go to guy :)
Otto Octavius- from the Raimi-verse spider-man movies. I've loved this man since I was a child, and he's the oldest of my f/os on here. Partly familial, Partly romantic, my relationship with Otto can be rather complicated. Sometimes we don't even really know what we are to each other and I feel that's okay. He's a great man and I love him so much ^^
Oswald Cobblepot- from the Reeves-verse batman. He's a little out of the ordinary for me but I find we just click. He genuinely cares about me and was there when I was going through a very difficult period when I first moved to this new town. In a way he's my backbone and I appreciate it a ton :)
Rabban- from the 2021 Remake of Dune. This is my most recent F/O. He got my attention about two or three years ago but I really wasn't sure where I stood with him. To a degree we're still figuring everything out. Yes while he's brutal, he's been oddly nothing but kind to me and has been there for me in recent weeks. He's very much interested in my world, and I'm very much into his ^.^
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Be sure to read my Rules please!
1. This isn't a Fandom blog per se, but I'd appreciate no Fandom drama on here.
2. Please be nice to me and my guys, we're really just trying here lol.
3. Keep the thirst to a minimum. I get it my guys are good looking, but they're more than that. Feel free to ask them or myself anything.
4. I try to be respectful of other self ships. If I'm shipping with any character that my followers aren't comfortable I fully respect your right to unfollow and block if you need to. I have no desire to make anyone feel uncomfortable or disrespected. I personally don't mind sharing but I know there's a few people who want their f/os to be exclusive to them and that is ABSOLUTELY valid! If you need to leave/block the blog it's perfectly fine and I understand.
5. I don't tolerate hate of any kind. If your only purpose is to come on to this blog and be an asshole you can move right along.
6. I don't think I personally classify myself as pro-ship, I am normally ship and let ship but I do have limits. Yes I know the difference between fiction and IRL but for me personally it all comes down to taste if that makes sense. Self shipping is a spectrum, and I'm on the end of not shipping with people who are far younger than you if you're a grown person. Two consenting adults is fine, but I don't wanna hear some nonsense about how "Oh well this young looking character is actually 1000 years old" or wtf ever. If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck, understand?
7. Speaking of ages, I am 30+. I honestly do not feel comfortable with people following me who are under the age of at least 20. It's nothing against anyone personally, but in my opinion if you still have teen at the end of your age, you're still a teenager to me. Granted I don't post adult content, but to be on the safe side if you're under the age of 20 please don't follow me. Thanks <3
8. Feel free to come on here and tell me about your f/os! I'm always happy to hear about anything you guys are doing together! I like to see others happy and how their relationships are going! If you need to vent, I'm always here too! I'd like to make more friends in this community.
9. Understand please that this is a side blog. If I follow anyone it'll be from my main blog, which is am RP blog. Heisen-Shrine isn't an rp blog per se, but I might post little funny/fun scenarios with my and my f/os, just general self shipping shenanigans
10. Just have fun, seriously. Life is too short to not enjoy things. Have fun, take it easy, and whether you use self shipping to cope or for some other reason, don't forget to have fun with it and enjoy just being with your f/os. They love you and they want you to be happy, and believe it or not, so do I <3 you deserve it
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marcholasmoth · 3 years
OSRR: 2793
i'm exhausted and don't have the energy to transcribe this but i wrote it out to my sister on discord
(here we start with sebastian)
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the whole time was excellent. i was sitting at the table bright red and flushing and suddenly too hot to exist so i used papers we were given as a fan to make my face cool down because holy shit i just got called wife. and let me tell you, it was very hard to do.
it got me thinking about their relationship and about amber and her life and the family she had so many years ago and how she's dealt with the trauma of it all, and how she probably has a little bit of guilt leftover that she wants to talk to sebastian about, because while she knows it's been a long time, and she knows her previous (late) husband would want her to be happy, she still feels guilty about moving on and finding happiness and love again, about having a family again. she's got a lot to work through, but she has sebastian, and he'll support her through anything and everything. he adores her in every way, and the love he has for her is enough to keep her going.
i'm such a romantic at heart, and this is such a wonderful place and time for me to kind of use that to my advantage here.
this week, i've decided that i'll plan most of the wedding. i'll talk to casey of course, and we'll probably have the wedding session in two weeks so we have a while to get it all planned out, but the funniest part is that we have to see if we can manage to have his father out of prison for the day because amber's not gonna let that get in the way of her and sebastian getting married. he'll be there. there is no other option.
amber is too goddamn important to this town for them to not go along with what she wants.
it's so wild that we get to do this. amber has been my friend for so long, has been a part of me for so long, that this wedding kind of feels like it's for me, too. sebastian, for all his flaws, is wonderful, and i adore him. i love him for his convictions, for his tenacity, his honesty and his work ethic, for his kindness and his sympathy and his mercy. he's sassy and salty and sweet and endlessly loving. i keep saying if he were real, he'd give joel a run for his money. sebastian, as amber's love, has become a part of me too, and all of this together brings me to happy tears because it's so fulfilling. yes, there's still much to do, and yes, there's still regular life going on around them. but they're happy, damnit, and they deserve to be happy together.
i love them both so much. i understand how authors write now; i understand now how characters write themselves and how it's my job now to tell their story. and sundays, i get to do just that. with my friends, in my head, here with you.
and honestly i think a big part about this whole thing for me is that because amber is part of me and amber loves sebastian, i'm fully fuckin aware that he's a fictional character, but the part of me that's amber is so excited to be getting married. me in normal life also wants to get married, but shit bro, that's for another moment. but amber? there's never been a better time or a worse time. it's so funny, but it's also so incredibly special because of how spectacular life is in spite of its mundanity. and i love that for them. and i love that for me, too.
amber is in love and so am i and it makes me so goddamn happy.
and that's all that really happened today, besides the fact that this was all extra hilarious because i flirt across the table with casey while joel sits next to me and holds my hand.
i think that's it for today.
oh. and i guessed correctly that the stones were purple.
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dappercapricorn · 2 years
Realistically, what is your first step? Applications for financial assistance, taking what you can and run, or finishing this paragraph to start a new book?
In all honesty, I don't even know. It's been over a year since my dumb ass landed myself in this mess and I still can't figure out what new path in life to take.
I *would* like to apply to some sort of assistance, but I fear I'm probably well past the hope of being helped. I have...most forms / paperwork / whatever they would need (though figuring out al that stuff on my own is still lowkey confusing....), except for stuff about my renting situation. That's kinda been the biggest kink in all this that's made me hesitate in trying that route.
Before the roomie left, we *were* on an official lease, but when the pandemic hit our landlord never gave us new paperwork to renew for that year to "make it official", it was kinda a "spoken agreement" type of thing from 2020 onward. Then last sept we got the news he was hiking up the amount. I was still out of a job and they couldn't support the house alone anymore. (their parents also pressured them, but whatever) There was still no official paperwork. It was either sign a lease for a slightly lower amount, or pay a higher one for month by month. I opted month by month cuz again, my dumb ass was hopeful I could have moved soon after that somehow and didn't wanna be tied to a lease.
Then roomie left and I was on my own. With a bit of help on top of blowing through my piddly "retirement funds" and then later on, this year's tax refund, I was able to pay rent for a few months after the initial email. But it got to a point where just the rent alone would of wiped me clean in two months. (825 / mo for this shabby two bedroom in a building they don't bother upkeeping in a town with not much going for it)
So. I stopped paying. Figured I'd stretch money as long as I could to at least deal with utilities, phone, and supplies. Then I'd deal with whatever consequences the rent would bring as it came. I dunno what's going on; normally on the two occasions we were late in the past we got a nasty text to remind us about it only a day after being late. This time; i've heard nothing. The last payment I made was in dec. So you can see the extra issues I'd make for myself just casually contacting my landlord about providing some sort of paperwork I could provide the state for the application stuff.
Have yet to hear anything from them still, nine months after the last check. No emails, texts, or random visits at my door. *shrug* Either they just don't care anymore, there was a changeover in management and they somehow didn't notice this yet, or they're waiting for some unknown wait time I don't know about before finally giving me an evict notice. Who knows anymore.
I wanted to apply to rental assistance MONTS ago, but was told the waiting list was as long as 2+ years. This county of my state isn't....the best off and I'm sure waiting lists only keep growing.
Either way, I'm flat broke now. Sure, coulda been a bit more careful with the money, but it was gonna run out eventually. Now I'm also behind on my utility bills too. Can't do much about that.
I'm just a lost cause, man.
God this is longer than intended. :x Just me spewing my same pity party of a story as always. Anywho, I'm just riding it out 'til they force me from here. Don't wanna intentionally make myself homeless, yaknow? Tho I don't know how much longer I have. Been very very lucky (and grateful) to have gotten the time I have so far.
As for running...I mean, it's very tempting. But I have no where to go and no one else to turn to.
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runicscribbles · 7 years
strippersheith! hunk wants to take keith to the movies for the night after a stressful week, lance butts in and decides that they're going to a stripclub instead! thank you in advance if you fill in my request
You’ve got it!! Thank you so much for supporting us by buying us a coffee, @itdans and I really appreciate it. Here’s a little thank you drabble, we hope you enjoy.
Keith was forced to admit that Hunk had terrible taste in friends, but Keith had long admitted that Lance had terrible taste in everything.
They were supposed to be having a quiet movie night, something to get them through the rest of the week, when the weekend felt as far away as the moon. Instead they were here, in the middle of flashing lights and a pounding beat, in a club that felt like it wanted to be fancier than it really was. In the center of it all was a large stage, not unlike a catwalk. In one corner sat a group of girls, talking in hushed whispers. In the other corner was a group of burly men who would not talk to each other at all. There were more people along the back, in strategically shadowed booths that Keith very pointedly did not look at.
It was a specific kind of club. Keith never should’ve let them talk him into this.
“Let’s get a seat at the front!” Lance yelled, already heading for one of the tables near the middle.
“Nooo.” Hunk argued, but it was the same ‘no’ that had gotten them into this mess in the first place because in all honesty, Hunk really liked bad ideas, too.
“I’m gonna get singles!”
Keith groaned.
“Can we go home yet?” He muttered as Lance exaggerated a gasp, hand to his chest like he’d been personally wounded.
“We’re doing this for you! You’re the one who’s been complaining about stress all week.” Lance said with a sharp grin, throwing an arm around Keith and Hunk. “So quit your bitching and relax. I promise you’ll enjoy the show.”
Keith scowled as Lance steered them towards a table right by the stage. “You two keep our spot, I’m gonna go get those dollar bills.”
“I’m going to go check out the snacks before it starts, we didn’t get a chance to have dinner.” Hunk said and Keith knew he more looking for an escape than food, but let them both go. This was all a mistake, but there’d be no way to convince either one of them. Keith would have already left if they weren’t his ride home too. With a sigh, he rested his head in his hands. That movie was sounding better and better as long as it was far away from this place.
Music suddenly blared on the speakers and the lights dimmed. Keith looked around for his friends, but those idiots had found something to distract them. Namely, each other. Ugh. Well, there went the evening, if they’d hoped this place was going to spark his libido, that thought was enough to stamp it out for the rest of his life.
Keith was ready to sink into his seat forever. Then the spotlight focused on the far end of the room, the beat gentling at first, but promising to pick up. An announcer echoed through the speakers. “Welcome welcome welcome to another hot night at the hottest club in town. We’re revving it all the way to the top and starting of sizzling. Give it up for Rocky Member!”
A lone cheer echoed in the corner, and Keith beat down a rush of second-hand embarrassment, even as he could see people turning towards the stage. He bit back a groan. It wasn’t going to be the first one that night, because coming out of the backroom, hidden behind a curtain walked the most painfully attractive human Keith had ever seen.
In slick, slick leather, smoothed out into a bastardized version of a soldier’s uniform, complete with long white gloves, Rocky Member strutted out on stage to a pounding bass. His dark hair was smoothed back, except for a tuft of white that curled down his brow, and when he smiled, more cheers filled the tiny room.
Keith felt like his tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth. He couldn’t help but lean forward, watching the way the leather strained against the dancer’s arms as he stretched. Rocky was all lean strength carved out of his body with broad shoulders and a narrowed waist that Keith’s hand itched to wrap themselves around. He had to shake himself, pulling himself out of his fantasy with a muttered curse, but self-control only lasted so long.
Rocky moved to the raging heartbeat of his music, teasing the crowd with every thrust of his hips and impossible flexibility as the crowd ate it up. Money rained on the stage as Rocky unzipped his uniform, letting it dropped to the floor as he grinned. Everything except those gloves, and they stood out in sharp contrast where he touched himself. His skin glistened with a sheen of sweat and Keith swallowed hard, trying not to wonder what it would be like to lick the salt from the dancer’s taut stomach.
Oh god, he needed a drink. A lot of drinks. His face burned as the dancer locked eyes with him, capturing Keith in the wicked darkness. It seemed like he moved just for Keith and the crowd died away. Rocky dropped down to the stage and writhed as the breath caught in Keith’s lungs.
A shrill whistle blasted right by Keith’s ear, making him jump out of his skin. Some overzealous patron had his fingers in his mouth and didn’t think bills were effective enough to grab Rocky’s attention. He was right.
Rocky swiveled towards him, squatting in front of Keith, his legs spread wide enough that Keith could drown himself in the chiseled line that cut across his thighs. Every muscle was put on aggravating display as he fell back on his hands, thrusting into the air, his bulge straining against the fabric of his painfully short shorts, close enough that Keith could see the dark patch that grew across his taint where sweat pooled. Keith had never been a jockey, but all he could think about was riding.
Then Rocky flipped over, and Keith stopped thinking altogether.
Suddenly there was someone screaming behind him, and a plate of nachos on his table. Hunk draped himself across his shoulders, and Lance started hooting, and Keith could die. Keith could honestly die, because when the music stopped, Rocky disappeared off stage, and if Keith’s pants were any tighter they would kill him.
“See? I told you this was a good idea.” Lance crowed and Keith could have strangled him if Hunk hadn’t managed to intervene.
“Dude, the snacks aren’t even half bad. You should try some!” He shoved a plate towards Keith who used one greasy, cheese-filled chip as a distraction as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. The room was dark enough that hopefully no one would notice how flushed he’d gotten or how obviously he’d fallen right into the dancer’s spell. No such luck.
“So you liked what you saw, huh?” Lance waggled his eyebrows and this time, Keith really did punch him. Lance yelped and rubbed his arm, but it wasn’t enough to wipe the grin from his face. “Oh come on, like I couldn’t tell you’d like him. He’s new, but he’s good. Maybe we could make coming here a regular thing, I’m sure you’d like to see more performances.”
“Lance.” Hunk’s voice held a note of warning as he tried to smooth things over. “Ignore him. It was just fun and man, these guys are really flexible. You think I could ever dance like that?”
“I know I could. I’d probably make thousands of dollars a night, who could resist this?” Lance pulled what Keith only assumed was his attempt at a sexy pose.
“I’m pretty sure people would pay you not to do that.” He said dryly as Hunk cackled.
Keith did his best to ignore them. It was easy when they were more interested in each other and the entertainment that came afterwards. A leggy blond and a flexible brunette came in afterwards. Keith watched and waited for that visceral, dizzying pull that Rocky had, the same hunger that left Keith breathless and lightheaded, wondering what they’d look like, biting into his pillow. Mostly he just felt a vague sense of embarrassment and tried not to stare at anything other than his nachos. After the third time Lance threatened to call someone over, waving a dollar bill with the same sort of viciousness one would a knife, Keith excused himself, blaming his bladder. Hunk gave him a sympathetic look, but didn’t try to stop him.
The pounding bass followed him out of the club, and when he was sure no one was looking, Keith ducked outside. A blast of cool night air hit him, washing away the past few hours more effectively than the drinks his friends had no so subtly nudged in front of him.
They meant well. That had to count for something. Keith didn’t know what, but it had to mean something.
He promised himself a few minutes away from it all. He owed Hunk that much at least, and he wasn’t about to walk home anyway. Then Keith turned around, and walked straight into a wall of muscle.
Keith wobbled, but found himself trapped in strong arms that held him still so he couldn’t move. “Wait!” His captor said. “Don’t move, I dropped my glasses.”
“Your what?” Keith squirmed a little more carefully, looking down to make sure he hadn’t accidentally stepped on or broken anything.
“I’m so sorry, I’m kind of blind without them.” Keith caught a blur of a bright smile and dark hair as the man gently set him back down and knelt to feel along the floor. His beanie nearly fell over, and the stranger tugged it lower on his head. “It makes my job easier without ‘em, but finding them again afterwards is always a pain.”
“You take them off to work?” Keith asked, raising an eyebrow as he stooped to help the man look. “Seems kind of dangerous to do anything that blind. What don’t you just wear contacts?”
“I know, I know.” The man moaned as he groped along the floor. “But I actually like not being able to see. It kind of makes you feel braver, you know? You don’t actually have to see anyone’s reaction?”
“See anyone’s reaction?” Keith asked as the man crowed in success as he found the missing glasses and slipped them on. Keith found himself face to face with a strong jawline and wicked humor in his eyes. “Oh, my god, you’re Rocky!”
Rocky went pink.
“It’s actually Shiro, but I guess you caught the show?” He grinned almost sheepishly. All Keith could do was stare. On stage, Rocky had been pure sex, moving writhing his body with barely constrained power and an even barely-er constrained leather thong. He was confidence and seduction, holding Keith captive to an embarrassing wave of lust. This Shiro was still handsome. The slim black glasses only accentuated his features and the soft grey sweat suit did nothing to hide his body, but he seemed softer, almost awkward.
“I. Uh. You danced.” Oh god, kill him now.
Shiro gave a startled laugh. “I did. Did you like it?”
Keith just nodded mutely.
“Well, I’m glad.”
“Me Keith. I mean, I’m Keith. Keith.” He buried his face in his hands as Shiro shook with laughter.
“See, now this is why I don’t wear glasses.” Shiro teased. “If I saw someone as handsome as you in the audience, I’d be way too nervous to perform. It’s nice to meet you, Keith. Thanks for your help.”
“You’re welcome.” Keith cleared his throat, trying to win back some of his dignity. “Think about getting those contacts, alright?”
“Deal, as long as I get to look at you.” Shiro said with a wink.
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