#so they couldn't work from home during the pandemic
nettlestingsoup · 2 years
hi morgan!! 1, 3, 8 and 14 for the writer asks? <3
hey honey! oooh you picked some interesting ones...
1: yes. someone said on the river and the rowan tree that they wanted to make a mean girls meme saying 'get in loser, we're going Frost Market shopping' and i almost lost it on the bus to work when i read it.
3: yes... i think i cried writing bits of as our hourglass turns; but a lot of people apparently cried reading those same chapters, so i think it balances!
8: all that makes me holy, i found in you. it's probably the best thing i've ever written, maybe the best thing i ever will write, and writing it got me through a really hard time during The Plague.
14: major character death or bittersweet ending. this is a happy endings only establishment.
thanks for these! <3
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richiehugs · 7 months
Fallen angel - part 1
Angel was a chubby child. As teenagehood hit him, however, he got into wrestling and weight-lifting. He grew up to be a tall, handsome, and - more importantly - shredded young adult. As he grew taller and stronger, he thought he should move up a weight class or two - and so the bulk began.
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In just a couple of months, he started losing his rock hard abs, which he achieved by countless hours at the gym and a strict diet. But he knew he was ought to be more. It was a just a bulk. How hard could it be to lose the fat again?
As the weight piled on, he got suggested to use his new power at another kind of wrestling - sumo. Why not? He was already at the end of his bulk, it was only logical to end the story with a gold medal. So he participated at the next championship.
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He was just heavy enough for heavyweight class. Although he won his first two matches against opponents 30-40 kilos heavier than him, he didn't make it to the finals. At least he tried this sumo sport out.
He would never compete again in sumo, but he kept his gym addiction and wrestling hobby the next years on. The bulk, however, never seemed to go away.
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He got fat. He was tall, over 190 cm, so the 120 kg weight he was carrying was barely visible. He was incredibly muscular, too, so a little fat couldn't hurt.
He went from one relationship to another, until he finally met Ana. It was love at first sight. Ana, though a short woman, she never cared much about a couple extra pounds on a man, she even found it attractive. Angel was big, strong, the perfect father figure.
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Angel was happy he had a supportive girlfriend, who was also a great chef. He noticed soon that his XL shirts started to get snug, but he was still wrestling, so the weight was under control. The weight was also great for cuddles in bed, so it was rather a win-win.
But then the pandemic happened.
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During the Summer of 2020, Angel has gained a significant amount of weight. It wasn't a small bulk anymore. He couldn't find excuses, such as "going to the gym", "working hard", "it will go away" - he got obese. As gyms closed and he was stuck at home, his appetite didn't go away, only grew. With every takeaway his figure rounded out more and more.
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At the end of the year, he looked like he ate his teenage self. A thick sphere of soft, jiggly lard has covered his abs and pecs. His moobs and belly were fighting hard against the fabric of every single shirt of his. He even moved up two sizes - just to almost grow out his 3XLs, too. He was close to 150 kilos - a big milestone in the life of a man.
There was no hiding it anymore. And he was yet to attend a wedding...
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This is part one of the story of Angel.
I won't share his real name or any personal information about him. Please, don't reuse the content anywhere.
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theetherealbloom · 2 months
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Summary: It's a normal thing to fall in love with movie stars.  
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Fem!Reader  
Warnings: Age-Gap(ish), Huge Crush, kind of Power Imbalance (cause you’re a fan but nothing absolutely weird), Hurt-to-Comfort, Infatuation, Fluff, ANGST, Dog, Older Sister, COVID-19, Pandemic Era, Cheesy, Awkward, Hallmark-ish Vibes, Whirlwind, Work, 
Word Count: 3k
A/N: That mf voice note-turned-song has me sobbing and dying every time I listen to it. Then I was also listening to "Normal Thing" and was like, “ohhhh this song is for me… help.” I wrote this fic in a place of just… feeling sorry…? Like apologetic that Pedro had to go through that kind of feeling all alone for a while. Anyways, there's a few sentimental moments here inspired by poetry and things I've read and learned, hope you enjoy!
Side note: I’m dyslexic and English isn’t my first language! So I apologize in advance for the spelling and/or grammatical errors. As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are always appreciated. Thank you and happy reading!
Songs: "Normal Thing" by Gracie Abrams, "Pedro" by Omar Apollo
dividers by: @/saradika-graphics
| Main Masterlist |
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You had gone to visit your sister during your last summer break before graduating. Then, the second wave of COVID struck Europe, making it uncertain when you could return home. However, since all classes had shifted to online learning, the timing wasn't as critical.
Your older sister calls your name, snapping you out of the book you were absorbed in. "Hey, I’ll be out later getting groceries… do you mind taking Hershey for a walk after dinner?”
Her chocolate brown Labrador retriever, Hershey, a retired service dog, perks up at the mention of his name. You can't help but smile at his eager expression. “Yup, I can take him out later.”
She reminds you, “Don’t forget your mask!”
You playfully roll your eyes at her. “I won’t.”
Your sister thanks you and leaves for the store, leaving you alone with Hershey. You decide to take a short break from studying and take the dog for a walk around the neighborhood.
As you make your way down the quiet streets, Hershey happily sniffing at everything in sight, your thoughts drift to Pedro Pascal. Ever since watching him in The Mandalorian, you couldn't help but develop a bit of a crush on him. His charm and charisma on screen had captured your heart, making it hard for you to focus on anything else.
But it was just a normal thing, right? To have a celebrity crush? You reassure yourself as you continue walking.
You've always been drawn to movie stars and actors. Growing up, you had posters of your favorite celebrities plastered all over your bedroom walls. It was just harmless admiration, nothing more.
But with Pedro, it felt different. You found yourself constantly daydreaming about meeting him or even just catching a glimpse of him in person. You even shamefully admit that you've watched his interviews multiple times just to hear his voice.
It's ridiculous, really. You were fully aware that it was just a fantasy and that nothing would ever come out of it. And even if by some miracle you did meet him, what then? He would never be interested in someone like you - an ordinary college student from a small town.
You sigh and shake your head, trying to push away these silly thoughts as Hershey tugs at his leash to sniff at yet another tree.
But then something catches your eye - a poster for an upcoming film starring none other than Pedro Pascal himself. Your heart flutters at the sight before reality comes crashing down on you once again.
You shake your head and continue walking with Hershey, wondering when this infatuation will finally fade away.
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Your older sister had always been supportive, albeit a bit concerned about your celebrity crush. "It's sweet, really," she would say with a soft smile, "but just don't lose yourself in the fantasy, okay?"
Your friends, on the other hand, found your crush hilarious. During your video calls, they would tease you mercilessly. "Come on, you'll never meet him!" one friend would laugh. "It's just a harmless crush, right?" another would add, their tone light but the message clear.
In the privacy of your room, you sometimes found yourself talking to the mirror, practicing speeches you would never give. "Hi, I'm a huge fan… and I just wanted to say..." you'd trail off, feeling foolish. You even practiced smiling and having conversations with yourself, hoping to perfect that effortless charm you admired so much in Pedro.
Yet, your self-awareness kept you grounded. You knew it was just a fantasy, a way to escape the stress of your real life. With a sigh, you would push those daydreams aside and focus on finishing your papers and remaining projects.
You wished one day to work in production, to be a part of the magic that created the worlds you loved to escape into. As you typed away on your laptop, you allowed yourself a small smile. Maybe one day, you would be behind the scenes of a film or a series. But for now, you had work to do, and dreams to turn into reality.
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The sun sets late in Switzerland, casting a warm, golden glow over the tranquil residential area. You enjoy these walks, the peacefulness a stark contrast to the bustling city life you're used to.
Right after dinner, you take a stroll with Hershey, you notice a man sitting on a park bench, his shoulders slightly shaking.
Frowning, you glance down at Hershey, who looks up at you with curious eyes. Adjusting your mask, you make your way down the sidewalk, intending to walk past the stranger. But Hershey has other ideas, pulling you towards the bench with a wagging tail.
Instinctively, the man begins to pat Hershey, his touch gentle yet shaky. “Oh, Hershey, wait—” you start to say, but then you notice the tears streaming down the man's face.
You pause, feeling a pang of sympathy. “Do you mind if I sit down?” you ask, gesturing to the far end of the bench.
He looks up, eyes red and puffy, and nods. “It’s fine.”
You sit down, giving him space but staying close enough to offer comfort. You give him your name then look over to your adorably friend-shaped labrador, “And this is Hershey.”
“Pedro,” he replies, his voice barely above a whisper.
There’s a moment of silence, broken only by the soft sounds of Hershey sniffing around. Then, gently, you ask, “So… what’s on your mind?”
Pedro hesitates, struggling to find the words. “I… I don’t even know where to start.”
“I know it might seem a bit strange, but sometimes it's easier to talk to someone you don't know. No judgment, just listening,” you say, offering a reassuring smile.
He chuckles softly, a small spark of warmth in his eyes. “Maybe you’re right.”
“Besides,” you add with a playful grin, “I promise I’m a great listener. I even have a certificate in listening from my sister's dog.”
He laughs – a genuine, heartfelt laugh that seems to lift a weight off his shoulders. Your laugh follows, a sound so infectious and bright that it makes people around you feel lighter, happier.
“Your laugh,” he says, a hint of wonder in his voice. “It’s... special.”
You smile, feeling a warmth spread throughout your face and chest. “Thanks. So, Pedro, what’s been going on? Are you visiting family or…?”
“Oh, no, no. I just… I finished a job.”
“That’s nice. What do you do if you don’t mind me asking?”
He looks a little uncomfortable admitting it but he settles, “I’m um… an actor.”
You smile, your eyes crinkling as you do, “Do you like it?”
“Like what?” He asks in confusion.
“Y’know, acting?”
He takes a deep breath and begins to talk, the words spilling out in a rush. He speaks of the pressures of fame, the loneliness that comes with it, and the crushing weight of expectations. You listen intently, offering empathy and understanding.
“You know…?” he asks, surprised. “You know who I am?”
You nod and shrug. “I… I figured it out after you mentioned some of your projects.”
“You didn’t say anything?”
“I didn’t think I had to.”
Pedro looks confused for a minute, and you offer a simple smile. “I’m not famous or anything extraordinary like you. But I can only imagine how exhausting it must be, constantly looking over your shoulder. Not wanting to mess up or upset people must make you feel like you’re always on the edge, always holding your breath.”
He nods, his expression softening. “That’s exactly it.”
“I've done my fair share of pacing and reeling,” you say with a self-deprecating chuckle. “I even thought it looked cute at times. But I know there's more to life than just this feeling of uncertainty. Even though right now, it feels like there isn't any moment past this one.”
You sigh as your eyes get misty. “In the end, if any of us are going to make it, we simply have to believe. We have to believe that we aren’t alone, that people see us for who we are and what we can be. You have to visualize it; cling to whatever fills you with courage, because the world needs you here. It needs you.”
As the night wears on, you both share stories and laughter, the conversation flowing naturally. By the time you part ways, Pedro looks visibly lighter, as if a burden has been lifted from his shoulders.
Beauty no longer has an effect on Pedro. It takes more than physical appearance to impress him. Instead, it's the ability to intrigue his mind and provoke his thoughts that truly captivates him. That is what he considers someone as magic.
“Thank you,” he says sincerely. “I didn’t realize how much I needed this.”
“Anytime,” you reply. “Had a good time, but I guess I'll see ya. Take care, Pedro.”
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Years later, when the world isn’t as plagued by the pandemic, you’re working in New York, living your own life but occasionally checking in on Pedro’s career through social media. He’s become a prominent figure, his face everywhere. Yet, you can’t forget the vulnerable man you met on that bench.
One night, you’re at a bar in the Bowery Hotel with friends. The atmosphere is lively, filled with laughter and chatter. As you share a joke, your laugh rings out, catching the attention of someone across the room.
Pedro looks up, his heart skipping a beat. That laugh – he knows that laugh. His eyes scan the room until they land on you, and for a moment, everything else fades away. He feels an uncanny sense of familiarity, a powerful pull towards you that he can’t quite place.
Your friends laugh at a joke you made, but your mind is already miles away. Tomorrow, you’re heading to Glendale, California, to work as a sound engineer on an upcoming project at DreamWorks Animation. The excitement and nerves flutter in your chest as you excuse yourself to start packing.
Pedro starts to make his way towards you, determined to find out if his instincts are right. Just as he’s halfway across the room, a fan stops him, asking for a picture. He smiles warmly, grateful for the support, and agrees. 
“Thank you so much, Pedro! This means the world to me!” the fan gushes, snapping a quick selfie.
“No problem at all,” he replies, his gaze drifting back to where you were sitting. He quickly wraps up the conversation, eager to see you again. But when he looks back, you’re gone, as if you vanished into thin air.
Pedro’s heart sinks. He scans the room, hoping to catch another glimpse of you, but you’re nowhere to be seen. 
Meanwhile, you’re outside, heading towards the subway station and waving goodbye to your friends. “I have to pack and get some sleep. My flight is early tomorrow morning,” you explain, your excitement barely contained.
Your friends hug you, wishing you luck on your new endeavor. As you descend down the stairs and board the subway train, your thoughts drift back to all those years ago, on the little bench, and now the bar, to the man whose presence had stirred something deep within you. You shake your head, putting on your headphones, distracting yourself with your favorite songs on your playlist.
Inside the bar, Pedro stands in the exact spot where he last caught a glimpse of you. A strange mix of disappointment and determination fills him, knowing he must find you again. The connection he felt was too strong to ignore – he needs to see if it was genuine or just a fleeting moment between two strangers on a park bench all those years ago.
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The next day, you arrive at the DreamWorks Animation campus in Glendale, California. The excitement and nervousness intertwine as you step into the studio, ready to start your new role as a sound engineer. 
Your supervisor gives you a brief overview of the project, "The Wild Robot," an animated film in production. "We need you to record and mix the voice actors' takes for each character," he explains. "Attention to detail is crucial – the right sound can bring the characters to life."
You nod, absorbing the requirements of your new role. "Got it. I'll make sure every line is perfect."
As you glance at the cast sheet for the voice actors, you notice that a few roles are still being finalized. Your mind drifts back to the previous night, to the man in the bar who looked so familiar. Shaking off the distraction, you focus on the task at hand. 
Your days are filled with recording sessions and mixing tracks, immersing yourself in the world of "The Wild Robot." The work is demanding but rewarding, and you throw yourself into it with everything you have. 
Despite your busy schedule, thoughts of the bench in Lucerne and the glimpse of him at the bar keep creeping back into your mind. The way Pedro had looked at you, the sense of connection you felt—it all seems so surreal now. You can’t help but wonder if you’ll ever see him again. The story you want is the story you get. Are you special, or was this all scripted in his head?
Back in his home in LA, Pedro can't shake the feeling that he needs to find you. He starts making discreet inquiries, hoping to track you down without drawing too much attention. The memory of your laughter and the warmth in your eyes keeps him going. He knows he needs to see you again, to see if what he felt was real.
As you finish another recording session, you glance at the cast sheet again. A new name catches your eye—Pedro Pascal as Fink the fox. Your heart skips a beat. Could it be him? The thought is both thrilling and terrifying.
Taking a deep breath, you try to focus on your work, but your mind keeps drifting back to the possibility. What if it really is him? What if fate has brought you together again? The anticipation builds as you wait for the next recording session, hoping that your paths will cross once more.
When the day finally arrives, you’re setting up the recording equipment, your hands trembling slightly with nervous energy. The door opens, and you hear footsteps approaching. You look up, and there he is—Pedro Pascal, standing in the doorway, looking just as surprised to see you.
“Hi,” he says, his voice soft yet filled with emotion. “It’s you.”
You smile, trying to steady your racing heart. “Yeah, it’s me. I didn’t expect to see you here. Well, I mean,” you start to fidget with your fingers, stumbling over your words, “I read the call sheet and I—”
“I didn’t expect to find you either,” he admits, taking a step closer. “But I’m glad I did.”
There’s a moment of silence, both of you taking in the significance of this unexpected reunion. Then, with a gentle smile, Pedro says, “Do you have time to catch up after this?”
You nod, feeling a rush of warmth and excitement. “I’d like that.”
As the recording session progresses, you can’t help but steal glances at Pedro, who seems equally distracted. When it’s finally over, you pack up your equipment, your heart pounding with anticipation.
Outside the studio, the two of you find a quiet corner to talk. Pedro takes your hand, his touch warm and reassuring. “I’ve thought about you a lot,” he admits. “Ever since that night in Lucerne, and then seeing you again at the bar… I knew I had to find you.”
“I’ve thought about you too,” you confess, your voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t know if it was real or I just made it all up in my head.”
“It’s real,” Pedro says, his gaze intense and sincere. “And I want to see where this goes, if you do too.”
You smile, feeling a sense of hope and possibility. “I’d like that very much.”
The air between you and Pedro is charged with electric energy as you talk and laugh, baring your souls to each other like old friends. Time seems to stand still as you swap stories and reveal your deepest desires, the connection between you growing stronger with each passing moment. This is more than just a chance encounter; and the both of you can feel the spark of something new and thrilling forming between you.
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cbrownjc · 4 months
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image credit: c2299cLance on Twitter
The above image is from the Episode 2x05 insider. And boy oh boy do I (did I?) have a question about this.
Because if that really is the book being published in the present day . . . then that pretty much upends the format of the show. Because the book being published means there is absolutely no reason for Daniel to stick around Dubai anymore IMO. Because why would he? His job is done.
And truth be told, I've long thought the interview would be finished in episode 2x08. That Daniel would finish it, and talk about heading home to being writing and editing it.
However, I never really thought he would actually leave. Because Daniel's character basically does leave the story at the end of Interview with the Vampire. And we don't see him again until Queen of the Damned, during the chase. (And we already know Season 3 is The Vampire Lestat).
But I really couldn't work out how the show could ever have that happen -- because that basically means Daniel's character leaving the show for a time. Possibly a long time, as time jumps just to account for the book being published would have to happen. And that, well . . .
See, I very much noticed how much Daniel's Parkinson's was making him shake this episode (2x05). And I in no way think Armand and Daniel are doing the Devil's Minion chase in the current day with Daniel having Parkinson's during a pandemic (which is still going on in the show's timeline). Sorry, no, not happening IMO. Because there is no damn reason for Armand to chase Daniel now, IMO. The reason Armand even did so in the first place was because he found Daniel fascinating/interesting. And well, as we just saw in episode 2x05 that already happened. It makes no sense that Armand would wait 50 freakin' years to follow up on that with a chase around the world.
So the book being published at the end of the interview always meant, to me, that it would mean bye-bye to Eric from the show. Which, I was NOT looking forward to. Because I honestly couldn't see any reason for Daniel's character to stick around, at least in Dubai, never mind the next part of the story. Especially if Lestat isn't going to be in Dubai and we might have to start doing freakin' time jumps to account for the publication of books.
And, once again, Daniel has a degenerative disease. That, once again, I noticed very well how much he was shaking from. So unless Devil's Minion really didn't happen in the past, there really was no way for Daniel to enter or be part of the story going forward. Because yes, I very much think Armand is going to be prepared to let Daniel leave Dubai and not stop him. Right now, Armand is very focused on keeping his life as it is in Dubai, and I think part of that is due to him not thinking Daniel would ever really remember anything of the past anyway.
So yeah, if that prop is for the book actually being published in the modern-day, I was already beginning to mourn Daniel leaving the show. Because from how I looked at it, I couldn't figure out any reason why his character would stay in Dubai, around these vampires anymore. Right now, if Daniel leaves Dubai, he leaves the show IMO. And probably for a good long while, given where the story is going. (With maybe Armand coming to see Daniel later at some point when he's dying to turn him or something, IDK).
And then, I was reminded -- by @nalyra-dreaming -- of this picture that Eric posted on Twitter a few months back:
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And it all began to click.
Because for a real time there, for a few weeks at least after Eric first posted this, I seriously thought that Daniel's character was going to, well die.
Between the posting of this picture by Eric as well as a few other things, no joke, I was getting a real vibe about it, that Daniel was going to die this season . . . but not stay dead of course. I just held back on talking about it because it felt so damn early, story-wise, for it to happen.
And then something during the lead-up to the more recent press events made me stop thinking Daniel would die. And that Daniel's turning still wouldn't happen for a few more seasons yet.
But now . . . if the book really is going to be published . . .
I think it's going to be published posthumously. Or, at least, posthumously to the human world.
Because why would Daniel stick around in Dubai if the book is published? As we saw in the preview for next week, he's already saying to Justin Kirk he wants to get out of this alive. The minute he's done with the interview he's leaving, make no mistake about that. So why would Daniel stay?
Well, becoming an undead vampire would do it.
So everyone who wanted Eric's Daniel to become a vampire? You might actually be getting your wish this season. Because if those books above really are real and Daniel really is publishing it in the modern-day . . . then the only reason I can think of for him to not only stay in Dubai/on the show but not visibly age -- or get sicker like Daniel very much would wrt such time jumps that would require not only a publication of such a book but for Lestat to see it, read it, etc -- is this. Daniel becomes a vampire at the end of this season.
Because otherwise, IMO? There is no other reason for his character to stick around. Not from anything else I've thought of so far at least that would make any type of sense.
And what is going to force Armand's hand into turning Daniel? (Because yes, I do still think it's going to be Armand who does it) Well, very likely this . . .
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gif credit: @hermit-frog
I already thought Daniel was going to get hurt when it came to this happening. But now I think Daniel getting hurt will be the least of it . . .
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omegalomania · 2 years
OKAY SO for the record store listening parties there was some prerecorded commentary by patrick and i don't remember all of what he said but i'm gonna try and list everything i can remember for those who didn't/couldn't make it! there will be NO ALBUM SPOILERS in this post other than to say it's really really really fucking good and i can't wait to shove the whole thing down my facehole properly when it comes out next week.
it wasn't a track by track commentary but there were a couple breaks between songs for him to talk and this is what i recall best:
when introducing the album patrick did the whole "so like, i know we're supposed to say we're proud of it. but we ARE. it was a group effort and i hope you guys like it :)"
before "hold me like a grudge" he said went on a big long ramble about "okay so i KNOW i said that other side was the last song we wrote before the record was done but that was actually wrong. this song was the last one to be added because i was driving home and i got a text of some lyrics from pete and i started writing the song at stoplights DONT DO THIS BY THE WAY and by the time i got home the song was done in my head DO NOT DO THIS DO NOT WRITE WHILE YOU DRIVE and then i called neal and said can we please please please add this one please and he said sure"
the point is that hold me like a grudge was the last song to make the album though
there was one track, i won't spoil which one, where he said he worked super hard to play all the brass parts in the studio and then after he got done doing that they got an Actual Orchestra to play the brass parts and it was like professionals doing this at their studio and patrick was like "well. all right then!!!!"
another track (again, not saying which) had a piano part that he played and was really nervous about but he said neal got the best possible performance out of him!
there was one track he called his baby that he fought extra hard to keep on the record and i DON'T remember which one EDIT: It was "what a time to be alive"!!
during one song (i can't recall which) he talks about how andy had to switch drumkits mid-song specifically to go harder on certain sections
there was one song where he talked about how it was written before the pandemic but it ended up being weirdly clairvoyant lyrically. only he says that it was very "prescient" and then stumbles over the word "prescient" and confesses he doesn't know how it's pronounced because he's only seen and read it in print.
after the record was done he was like "so that was the record! and i hope you guys liked it. and if you didn't then um we have other records that you can listen to. instead. if you want to."
also a long ramble about how grateful he was for the fans and how it means the world that they can inspire anyone at all. he said that pete says it all the time but it's still true that the fans are everything to them. he mentioned not ever getting used to being a real big band like this and if he can do it then anyone can. "if my stupid face can make it on a teen magazine then so can yours!"
anyway bottom line patrick is a fucking nerd and it was so so so endearing to hear him talk about this record
if anyone remembers anything else that he said that i left out feel free to add but please no spoilers for the album itself! you can make your own posts for that and i just wanted to give a rundown for people who weren't able to attend a listening party <3
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thedeviltohisangel · 5 months
omg maybe some soft angst bcs evelyn overworks herself and callum is so worried
For A Fortnight There We Were:
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tw: mentions of drug use/addiction
"Hi everyone, I'm Evelyn Shaw, and I'm so happy to finally be introducing you to the new Dior Addict Lip Glow Oil." She held the tube to her lips and pressed a cheeky kiss to the side. "It's infused with cherry oil which nourishes my lips after long days on set and even longer nights on the romantic streets of Paris."
"Cut! Let's reset and run again." Evelyn yawned as the camera turned off then looked up as her makeup artist approached with an eye pencil.
"Do I look as shitty as I feel?" Now in London, she had been in Paris this morning, finishing fittings for fashion week, The Hague three days ago for an engagement on behalf of the United Nations Women's Conference and she was due back on set for House of the Dragon by the end of the week.
"No. You look glossy and juicy," Nicole teased.
"Let me get some spray on the fly aways." Ev closed her eyes as her hair stylist spritzed a toothbrush and brushed it over her hair.
"Have we heard anything from Callum yet?" She was headed straight to a meet and greet at the Dior store in Mayfair after this before she had just enough time to change for the launch dinner she was hosting as the newly minted Global Ambassador for Dior Beauty.
"Mark was on the phone finalizing your filming schedule for next week so it didn't conflict with your brother's graduation so I'll flag him when he gets back," Nicole offered.
She hadn't seen Callum in almost a week. There were unanswered texts and calls and a red circle on her FaceTime app.
Evelyn felt awful about it but her first trip for work since the pandemic was proving to have more of a strain on her relationship than she thought it would. She was used to using work to distract herself from her ex-husband and saying yes to everything so she didn't have to be at home. Now, with Callum, that was all she wanted to do. And she knew it was perfectly in her control to change it but she couldn't find the right way to convince her brain this man was different.
"Alright, Evelyn, let's do more sultry than cute this time." She shook the fog from her mind and stared down the camera.
"Hi everyone, I'm Evelyn Shaw, and I'm going to let you on my secret for endlessly kissable lips..."
She kept her sunglasses on as she stepped out of the car and let the screams and camera clicks wash over her. She blew kisses and waved as her security ushered her into the store and the door closed behind her with a sigh. Evelyn made an extra effort to shake the hand of all the staff that were in the store and hugged the handful of Dior executives that she had gotten to know during the process of launching the lip oil.
"Ev, let's get some candids of you looking at the new collection over here." Bleary eyed, she slowly rifled through the racks as her stylist took a few photos.
"Hey, Mark?" she called for her assistant as everyone made final preparations before opening the doors. "Do we have any..." she brushed her finger over the tip of her nose, asking for a hit.
"I do, but you were going to stop now that you got out of that relationship, right?"
"Yeah but I'm about to fall over and just need to get through tonight and I'll be fine." They had done this song and dance with her and cocaine before. The habit stopped and started in fits. "A pinky nail. That's all I'm asking for."
"Not here, Ev. Go to the dressing room and I'll bring it back." She kissed his cheek and headed to the back, reapplying her lipstick and fluffing her hair before pacing around the room for a few laps. Finally, there was a knock at the door.
"Fucking finally, Mark, I'm-" She opened the door and it wasn't Mark. "Cal."
"It's been a minute, Ev. You pick up on old habits while you were gone?" He wasn't sure if she had read his message or listened to his voicemails since she'd left. They had gotten increasingly desperate so he hoped she hadn't. But if she was using again, it was no wonder she wasn't responsive.
"No." Her lip quivered. "I'm just exhausted, Callum." Hiding away with him wasn't an option anymore. The safety of his bed wasn't an option anymore.
"There's other ways for us to fix that. Ways that don't involve you pushing me away and letting those vultures back into your life." She fell into a chair and dropped her head into her hands.
"Everyone wants a piece of me and I don't have enough to go around." There were legal battles over dividing assets. Magazines and podcasts that spent their time speculating on the true reason behind her failed marriage and spending hours and pages devoted to convincing someone, anyone, that Callum was a controlling manipulator who had tricked her into cheating with him for status. Photographers who lined every street she walked and yelled obscenities and tried to snag a shard of her broken soul. "You're my drug, Callum. You make the voices stop when I'm with you. But I can't always be with you."
"But that's why we learn how we communicate best. We call or we text or send each other dumb photos to make it feel like we are always with each other." He sat down on the floor in front of her and put her hands on his cheeks. "I'm right here, Ev. And I'm not going anywhere. I'm not him."
"I'm sorry I didn't call. I wanted to. I just didn't know what to say." For all the benefits quarantining together had offered for their relationship, it had also introduced certain complexities. Introduced reliance and dependencies and they hadn't learned how to be apart. Let alone how to be successful at it. "I'm still getting used to things being normal. To having you as part of my normal."
"I'm sorry I didn't come find you sooner."
"Promise you'll always find me? Even when I'm just lost in my own head?" He kissed her forehead.
"Especially then, Evvie."
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x-reader-theater · 1 year
Unexpected Meetings
summary: You meet someone in a boba shop and hit it off.
pairing: Corpse Husband x Gender Neutral Reader
category: Gen
word count: 939
warnings: none
a/n: people still like Corpse, right?
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"God I love Boba," you say quietly to yourself as you deftly and expertly push the straw from its sheath and professionally stab it into the cup. You take a long sip and sigh in contentment, eyes closing as you enjoy the taste. "Yup. Just as good as the reviews said."
You sit in the little boba shop, sipping your drink and enjoying the warm spring air in San Diego. It wasn't too hot, and while you've never been to San Diego before, you're so glad that it hasn't been as hot as people said it could get. 
While this particular shop had good reviews, it's very very quiet today, barely anyone having come in during your rest in the shop. 
The small bell above the door rings and one of the employees comes out from the back of the shop. You're sipping your boba as you notice a very, very pretty guy wearing a black face mask, an eye patch, and more alternative and, you might even say, emo, clothing walks in. His very curly hair is hanging over the top of his face and even though most of his face is obscured, you know he's insanely attractive already. Just your type. The music is playing a little too loud to hear him order but you keep your eyes on him as you do, admiring all the little details of hus outfit. When he turns back around, and chuckles as you see the hoodie he's wearing. 
"I like your hoodie!" You shout over the slightly too loud music, leaning towards the guy so he can hopefully hear you. Evidently he does because turns and gives you a nod. You think he may have even thanked you but you didn't hear anything. "It's Corpse Husband, right?" 
The man freezes in place and you frown slightly but try not to show any concern or anything. Maybe he's just not used to people talking to him. You get it. 
"Uh, what?" the guy asks, louder this time so you can hear him. His voice is incredibly low, bass-y, so you now understand why you couldn't hear him over the music before. Longer waves means more time to travel means harder to hear. 
You point to his hoodie. "It's a Corpse Husband hoodie, right?"
He looks down and grabs one of the ties that's dangling from the bottom of the hood. "Uh, yeah, yeah it is," he says. You grin at him before taking another sip of your drink. "You uh, you know him?" 
The man steps closer to you to talk, presumably so you can hear him better over the music. You shrug. "I watched him during the pandemic, yaknow when there was nothing to watch but content creators, but I haven't in a while. I have a friend who's kinda… obsessed with him? But honestly, whatever works for her," you say with a slight laugh. "You kinda sound like him, yaknow? You probably do, you have the hoodie. Unless it's a partner's that you took it from?" You pause before realizing you just couldn't keep your mouth shut and you quickly backtrack, saying, "Sorry, sorry I keep talking, you don't have to answer any of my questions." 
You chuckle nervously and scratch the back of your head, looking away as you sip your drink. You're so nervous because of how attractive he is you can hardly think. 
You look back at him, seeing that he's still just staring at you, but before he can say anything, you see the employee holding the man's drink and you point behind him. "Uh, I think your drink's ready," you say, awkwardly. 
He turns around and graciously accepts the drink. You smile at him when he turns around and raise your hand to give him a wave, expecting him to leave the shop, but instead he sits back down as the employee goes into the back once more. 
"This is my hoodie," he answers, and you stare at him wide eyed, before grinning. 
The two of you chat for a few minutes, finding an easy rhythm even with your anxiety at talking to such an attractive guy. Eventually though, he says he has to go. 
"I was actually supposed to be home like, 15 minutes ago…" he trails off. 
Your eyes go wide and you smile brightly. "Oh! Well I don't want to keep you any longer then!" 
You see his one uncovered eye crinkle and you assume he's smiling underneath his mask as he says, "I-I enjoyed… talking to you, today." 
Your smile turns warm. "I enjoyed it too. Maybe…" 
You trail off and the man leans in a little and asks, "Yes?" 
"Maybe-maybe we could, do it again? Sometime?" you ask, nervousness making your voice stutter. 
The man nods. "Yeah-yeah I'd-I'd like that," he replies, seemingly just as nervous. 
The two of you stare at one another for a time, before you exclaim, "Oh!" and pull out your phone which you finally remember owning, and open it up to the contacts, handing it over for him to input his name and number. "Uh, for next time," you say, feeling your cheeks heat in anxiety and self consciousness. 
He quickly puts his number in and sets your phone on the table in front of you before giving a quick, "Text me, okay?" and he scurries out of the boba shop. 
You nod at his retreating form and grab your phone, and when you look down at the contact, you almost choke on your own saliva. 
"Corpse Husband 🖤"
"Holy shit," you mutter to yourself as you take a disbelieving sip of your boba. 
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
Y'all, I've been glued to this saga because L and R are so similar to what I went thru with my ex, like down to the sleeping on the couch thing, only reversed, that I don't know whether to laugh or cry. A and S don't know what they're in for.
Storytime: My ex's Rory is called Mike and they met playing a sport in college when X was a freshman and M was a super senior, so he's ~4 years older. M took X under his wing and they became bros for life I guess. M is super nice and goofy but a hot mess as a person, can't be trusted with the simplest of tasks but gets by by being beloved by everyone. X has consistently thrown him bones, brought him on to projects and recommended him for gigs at the expense of his own career and reputation. You can't make this shit up.
X and I were long distance for the first ~year of the relationship, I moved out to him to a small ass town an hour away from anywhere because of his job and because it was cheap. We were in a 1bd apartment and the first little while was bliss, hot and heavy, amazing. It was my first time living with a partner. Maybe a few months in, M calls X - he got a job in the city an hour away and he's moving down. X gets the brilliant idea to invite him to stay on our couch until he finds a place. I was fine with it at first because he was a super nice guy but I had no idea what I was getting into. Ladies, when I tell you I became the 3rd wheel in my own relationship and a ghost in my own home, I'm not being dramatic.
I was working from home so I was alone all day in a town where I knew no one who wasn't connected to X in some way and when the two of them would get home, they'd bro out with each other and I basically had to compete for my bf's attention. We stopped doing anything that didn't include him and constantly had to be mindful about how loud we were in the bedroom because he was on the fucking couch. I couldn't relax in my own home that I was paying rent and bills for. Mind you, M at this point was further along in his career than X and making way more money. Two months pass, he still hasn't found a place and instead commutes an hour each way to work. Then the fucking pandemic hits. I was the only one working initially and I was at home with the two of them playing video games, working out, watching TV, yelling, laughing, on TT, on Zoom with their other buddies 24/7 while I was trying to work. We'd constantly end up doing whatever they wanted to do. Dude stayed on our couch for like 10 1/2 months, only paying for groceries, takeout and activities here and there. I kinda snapped during the holidays, I drove across the country alone to be with my family and didn't go back, my dad then made a round trip to go get my stuff because I just couldn't even look at X. Only then did it occur to X and M that maybe M should move out. But you know what the narrative in his friend group is about me? That I'm a cold bitch who broke his heart.
I look back on it now and I'm angry at myself for being such a dummy, I was a total pushover. My X wasn't a bad dude, he was just too much of a bro to know how to be a bf. He always felt a need to include everyone but that cut into the little time we had together. In my defense, he was really hot lol.
It's crazy to think how different my life is now with my fiance, we just bought a house earlier this spring, which wouldn't have been possible with my X because he spends all his money on his hobbies. X literally did the same HBS thing L did after I dumped him, hit the gym like crazy, he follows like a thousand half naked girls on IG, likes all their posts and thirsts in the comments, it's beyond cringe. This is also on his fully public IG account that he also uses for work. He hasn't been in a serious relationship since, I'm told he's become quite the fboy, but he's collected a seemingly infinite amount of new bros judging by his posts. M is still in the picture, of course, although he has his own place and a serious gf now, while my ex has a new roommate who he plays an expensive, niche equipment sport with that he spends every penny he earns on. My ex was a Leo, so I'm not surprised L has it prominently in his chart.
This stuff is not uncommon among younger Millennial men. My now fiance is 5 years older and he is a Man. He shows up for me the way I show up for him, he doesn't make plans without considering me and he's on top of his finances. He's a serious person. I never knew I could be at peace like this. I know what I'm building towards with him. A and S are just sidepieces to the main love story that is L and R and if/when one of them gets dumped, the other one will as well. They're there because they go along with what L and R want. It'll come back to bite them in the ass but they'll learn an invaluable lesson the way that I did - don't date a manchild who won't prioritize you over his friends.
some good advice for the youngins
thank you for sharing 💜🥃
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pleasantglitterflower · 4 months
A/N : I had already published this story on my old account, but as I was the victim of attacks from unhappy people who think they own the fandom, my account was deactivated. Just a warning to these people that : I swing but I don't fall, I'm back
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Dinner time. The only noises that could be heard were those of the cutlery and the typical children's games. That deafening silence became routine in the house for months, I can't explain what happened for such a drastic change.
 How was the training? - I decide to ask 
 Good- he replied 
 How were the shooting tactics? Do you already feel comfortable throwing the ball? - I ask again 
 Yes- he replied monosyllabically again
 I let out a long sigh, and take the dishes off the table to wash. As I prepare to wash the dishes, I see him playing with our children, that beautiful and genuine smile that he only showed to me and the children, but in the last few months, all I receive are cold and distant looks.
Well, I just realized I didn't introduce myself, come on, my name is Anna Verstappen Burrow. Yes, I am  Max Verstappen’s twin sister, three-time Formula 1 world champion, and Joe Burrow’s wife, quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals. 
Joe and I met at Ohio State, we took a few classes together and I can say it was love at first sight. He was always very affectionate, protective and a gentleman towards me, I couldn't resist his charms, and it didn't take long for us to start dating. Joe proposed to me after a year of dating, when we went to Barcelona to watch my brother's race, and to make that weekend even more special, Max won what would be the first of many of his victories in Formula 1.
We got married after our graduation, it was the best two days of my life, yes, two days, as we had two wedding ceremonies, both in Ohio and in Netherlands, so that all the special people in our lives could be present. However, shortly after our wedding, Joe managed to transfer to LSU, and this was the chance he would have to show his football, as unfortunately at Ohio State he didn't have many chances, but despite that we built strong bonds of friendship there. . 
Obviously I supported my husband and we embarked on this new journey together. I graduated in visual arts, and was working at a museum in Ohio in the area of ​​conservation and restoration of artistic and cultural heritage, but with our move to Louisiana, I resigned and it didn't take long for me to get a new job in the new city, This time she would work with graphic design, and the best part is that it would be from home office and the hours were flexible, which meant that Anna could follow Joe at LSU more closely.
A few months later, I found out she was pregnant. Joe was very excited and happy when he found out he was going to be a father, and he started to be very careful with me, he wouldn't even let me fix my meal alone, we were living the best time of our lives, until in October 2019, Joshua  Lee Burrow was born.Joe was very emotional at our son's birth, he couldn't stop crying, which made some of the medical staff cry too. In 2020, a difficult year for the whole world, after all we began to face the Covid pandemic, but we had many joys, as Joe was drafted and would be the new quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals, and I was pregnant again.
Everything was going perfectly well when I started receiving messages from people at LSU saying that Joe cheated on me several times during the time he was there, that when I went to games he was the faithful husband, but when I was away, He took the opportunity to be with as many women as he wanted, especially at team parties and after games. Some of the women he was with sent me proof, such as photos and messages, and the whole puzzle began to be put together, I was cheated on throughout my first pregnancy.
I went to some games until the fourth month of pregnancy, after which Joe banned me from going to busy places, as he wanted me to not run any risk of hurting myself or the baby. I thought it was zeal and care, but in reality he wanted more peace of mind to practice his promiscuity. When he got home after another workout, I confronted him.
- Really Joe? While I was at home like an asshole waiting for you, you were having sex with several people like there was no tomorrow, and I was pregnant with your son Joe, your son. Don't you have shame on your face, you idiot? - I shouted
- Anna my love, forgive me, please forgive me, I don't know where my head was, I love you so much Anna won't leave me, there were moments when I let success go to my head, I was drunk most of the time times, I don't even remember - he was desperate
- There are no excuses Joe, you are already an adult who is aware of your actions, this justification with me doesn't work, you had no respect for our family Joe I hate you - I start hitting his chest, until I feel a strong pain in my belly and I start to cry and scream
Joe gets desperate and quickly takes her to the hospital, if something happened to Anna and the baby he would never forgive himself. He was crying non-stop at the reception and thinking about all the stupid things he did. Joe began to be increasingly harassed during his time at LSU for being the quarterback of the football team, this in itself attracts attention, but his physical appearance was always attractive to female eyes, and he ended up not being able to deal with all this harassment, having momentary affairs, but he forgot that he had a wife who was carrying his child who truly loved him, who had no interest in his status or appearance, and he was unable to value that.
Anna's health was stabilized and she was allowed to go home. Joe started doing everything he could to make Anna forgive him, she was still very weakened by the discovery of his betrayals, but she was very passionate about him and decided to give him a second chance. When the Verstappen family finds out about what happened, a scandal ensues. Max and his father became obsessed, they wanted to come to Ohio to attack Joe, Victoria, Anna and Max's younger sister, who was also pregnant at the same time, sent an audio to the quarterback calling him unpronounceable names, Sophie, the mother , begs Anna to separate from him, but the Dutch woman had already made the decision to give Joe another chance, even if the whole family was against it, but the truce happened in November 2020, when Amelie Lisa Burrow came into the world, and less than a month later, Victoria's son Luka was born.
 Time passed, and the Burrow family managed to strengthen themselves in the face of adversity, for them communication was the key to all problem resolutions. Even though Anna and Joe were very discreet, it was very difficult for them not to be filmed in the stands at Bengals games or at Max's races, they were a very happy and healthy family.
After we managed to overcome the crisis in our marriage and build a healthy family dynamic for ourselves and our children, things seemed to fall into place. I finally realized my dream of having my own art studio, where I spent most of my time producing my paintings, sculptures and various works, and Joe was increasingly consolidated as one of the main players in the NFL, it's undeniable to talk about how he changed the Bengals team, for a long time they were unable to compete for higher positions, but since then, they managed to reach the playoffs and the Super Bowl, I couldn't describe how happy I was for my husband, but for a while now, I started to see how Joe got carried away by fame. More and more he began to be requested for events, parties, million-dollar advertising contracts, and the harassment from the media and fans tripled, but I began to get to know a side of my husband that is not cool at all. Being the daughter of a former pilot father and having a brother who is the current Formula 1 champion, I can say that neither of them let fame go to their heads. Max Verstappen Formula 1 world champion is still the same Max I grew up with, he hasn't changed his personal tastes or personality because of fame, if it were Max's will he wouldn't even have social media, he hates it a lot. However, I feel Joe slowly distancing himself from me, as a father I have nothing to complain about, he would give his life for Joshua and Amelie, he does everything for them, but I feel like I'm losing my husband.
 After the injury he suffered to his hand in the game against the Ravens, which left him out for the rest of the season again, Joe closed himself off into his own world and started refusing to talk to me, I at first tried to understand, because fuck, Once again he faces a serious injury that prevents him from playing football, since his first season in the NFL he has suffered some type of injury, but I would like him to be more transparent with me.
At the beginning of 2024 our distance becomes increasingly greater, with him more focused on treating the injury in his hand and him choosing to go to different events with his friends, and until then he, who was attentive to his children, became more absent, that's when I got tired of being silent, and we were increasingly fighting. I never stopped Joe from going out with his friends, who were also my friends from Ohio State, but I would like him to think more about our family, but Joe thought I was annoying, he said he needed to go out with his friends so he wouldn't be only thinking about the injury, and he still made a point of telling me that I was going to Europe frequently even when he needed me, and yet he always accepted the situation. By the way, I was born and lived until I was 18 in the Netherlands, and I have family and many friends there, right? And I make sure Joshua and Amelie are connected to my European roots, so much so that I teach them to speak Dutch.
I didn't know what else to do, I decided to call my sister-in-law Kelly to ask for advice. Kelly Piquet is like my older sister from another mother, she was always there for me and always helped me with advice, how grateful I am to have her in my life. The haters who criticize her are idiots, they feel entitled to criticize people they have never met in their lives.
- Kel, I don't know what to do anymore. It's been really hard to see photos of Joe at parties and events with his friends, enjoying himself like there's no tomorrow, meanwhile I have to deal with two children calling for their father and I'm not much different, I'm crying every day. 
- Anna, it's past time for you to be more combative in confrontations with him. Does this idiot not realize that he is destroying your family again? He forgets that you forgave him that time, is he doing the same thing again? Look..
- What do you mean Kelly, what is he doing again? What do you know, say it???
- Oh shit, I was thinking about the right way to tell you Anna. You know that my sister lives in Miami, right?
- Yes, I know, but what does that have to do with it?
- So... Anna, I don't know how I'm going to tell you
- Speak up, Kelly! The older woman sighs before making the revelation - she was with her fiancé at a club in Miami, and when she went to get a drink at the bar, she saw Joe in a circle with several women, one of them She was even sitting on his lap. His friends were also there, she was in disbelief when she saw that the woman who was on his lap wasn't you and was willing to go to him to ask questions, but her fiance didn't let her, she ended up taking a photo to prove it. -Kelly then sends the photo to Anna, who is so shocked to see the photo, that she freezes
- Anna, Anna, are you feeling ill? Answer me- Kelly speaks desperately 
- He broke my trust…again
- Anna, I received the photo on the same day as the party, but I was so confused about how to tell you, that it took me days. I didn't even show Max, you know what he would be able to do, since when I started dating his brother, I only hear him talk about how he hates Joe and that if he could he would break his legs.
- I don't even know if Max needs to know these details, all I don't want is more problems. Kelly, I just know that I need to get out of Cincinnati urgently, I need to think about how I'm going to confront Joe again.
- You know that our house is always open for you here in Monaco, right? Penelope loves Joshua and Amelie, she will love them here to play together
- You're right, I'll arrange my ticket now. It won't do any good now, Joe is going to stay out of the house most of the time, why can't I?
- That's my girl. Let me know the day of your departure, let me pick you up at the airport
Anna packed her and the children's bags and headed to Monaco, where she would stay at Max and Kelly's house. She warned Joe about the trip, on the pretext of taking her children to visit her family and go watch Max's races, and to no surprise, Burrow was indifferent. 
 The Dutchwoman felt very light and happy on the European continent, she was able to see her family and friends, and went to watch several of Max's races, but she had a mission, and Kelly was her assistant on this journey. They were willing to prove that Joe was cheating again, and came up with a very meticulous plan. They hired a private detective to follow Joe's every step, tracked his cell phone, and, in addition, got access to the list of events he was going to be a guest at, and, as Kelly already lived in the USA and had friends there, she called her acquaintances to be at these events as informants on Joe's every move. And it didn't take long for the evidence to appear, the detective sent several photos of Joe at secret parties with many women, they had access to messages of him talking to many women, be they anonymous women, sub-celebrities and even high-ranking Hollywood celebrities, in addition to the reports of informants. To improve the situation, the famous gossip profile Deuxmoi began publishing information about Joe's betrayals, not surprising Anna and Kelly, who already knew everything that was happening, but when the news reached Max, he became possessed and called to Joe, sparking a huge argument.
- I'm going to kill you son of a bitch, you get ready when I see you. I'm going to bring my sister and nephews back to Europe, they won't stay in Cincinnati for another second.- The driver shouts into the phone
- It's a situation that your sister and I have to resolve alone, you don't get involved, understand? Take charge of your own life, as a public person you also know that people make up rumors.- Joe says irritated 
- Anyone who doesn't know you should buy you Joe, your good guy mask has fallen off a long time ago, only deluded idiots believe in you. You're shit, trash, a failure who won't get anywhere, meanwhile Mahomes is winning titles after titles, that's it, character is for few. - the Dutchman continues arguing with Joe.
The exposure of Joe's betrayals gains another chapter, when Deuxmoi again publishes information from a source in which Joe was seen with an Onlyfans model called a babydoll in Los Angeles. Again, no surprise for Anna, she had access to hot photos of them in a luxurious motel and trying to be as discreet as possible, but the attempt failed, as they had no idea that an elaborate scheme was in action to capture the betrayals. After the exposure, Joe immediately stopped following Babydoll, but the woman had a bad conscience and looked for Anna and revealed the whole truth, that she and Joe had been seeing each other for months, that she ended up hooking up with both him and Nick Bosa in Florida, but Joe had told her he was divorced. This was the last straw for Anna to prove that Joe was really a scoundrel and that he hadn't changed at all. 
 With all the evidence recorded and captured, Anna knew that she needed to face Joe again and end this toxic marriage once and for all, because she didn't deserve it and didn't need to go through this, she knew she didn't need to. When she gets home, Joe is sitting on the couch shaking, she walks past him, puts the kids in their room and turns on the television for them, and when she comes back, he starts to explain himself.
- Honey, about the gossip, no.
- Joe, there's no point in explaining my love. I already know everything.
- How do you know? - he says stuttering
- Well, let's say that during this time away from home, I discovered myself as a true CSI, devised a sensational investigation plan and got all the evidence? - when she finishes her response, she throws a huge folder at him, containing the entire dossier of photos, prints of messages and reports from the informants who were following him. As he turned each page, Joe became more and more white, he couldn't believe it, Anna did a heavy investigation on him.
- Funny, I was trying to understand why my husband was being so rude to me, but then everything became very clear to me, it was his guilty conscience, no no, I was wrong, it's because there was too much vagina to handle, right Joe?
- Anna…
- Shut up, I'm the one talking now. You had no respect for me when I was pregnant with your children, I almost lost Amelie because of you, and again you have no shame in your disgusting face when you expose us to ridicule again, but this time Joe, for me it is final , it's over, that's enough, now our conversation is in court, in a little while I'll call my lawyer to speed up the divorce process. IT'S OVER- you scream at him
-Anna listen to me please- he starts to cry
- I can't believe your Judas tears Joe, it was you who destroyed your family just for promiscuous moments of pleasure, now you have to bear the consequences. Now our conversation is in court, we have to look at the pension values, shared custody and the sharing of assets. And I'm warning you, pack your bags and get out, this is my house and the children's, if you want, you can go live with your thousands of lovers, now you have several houses. Come on, come on, go away, bye- she pushes him to the stairs.
Joe goes upstairs crying compulsively, he deeply regretted hurting and hurting Anna, but it was too late, now that he woke up to the reality that his family was destroyed as a result of his actions, and now he would have to deal with this burden for himself. the rest of your life. Anna was left alone in that huge mansion, with two young children and a broken heart, but she has enough strength to pick herself up and move forward, and with the support of her family, true friends, her children and her work, she was going to get by find yourself and be happy again.
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fuck-customers · 1 year
Had a doozy of a customer interaction today, tldr: Man throws an absolute fit because I was wearing a mask at work.
The last couple of days I've been wearing a mask at work because my sinuses have been going completely haywire and my nose has been dripping, and I'd prefer not to be seen in public with a runny nose, management doesn't care since I don't have any actual symptoms they worry about. Today I'm running cash like normal, it's pretty early on in the shift, so I'm still in a decent mood, and I ring out this guy's burrito. I give him his total in my customer service, very clear and easy to understand, and he then goes "What was that? I'm sorry it's hard to hear you with that mask." Since the pandemic started that phrase has been an instant cue for me to drop out of the friendly tone and into a slightly more annoyed tone, and try to get the customer out as soon as possible. I am naturally a loud person and literally none of the other customers I deal with when I mask up have an issue hearing me, this guy was just trying to open up a conversation about my mask, which is just a black mask with peppers on it that they gave me during the pandemic for my uniform. "So is that mask a political statement or are you just too sick to be working right now?" Not a question I had been expecting, but completely straight faced while getting his change I assure him that I am not sick, my sinuses are just acting up and didn't want to drip snot everywhere. "If you're sick, you really shouldn't be working." I once again tell him I'm not sick, and give him his change, and he then asks if there's a manager he can talk to. Thankfully my ace in the hole manager that loves to fight with custome seers was on duty today, and came up to deal with the guy, who was once again trying to insist I was obviously sick if I was wearing a mask and I shouldn't be working, and at that point I was in the back of house, away from the line of sight of customers, and explaining to the coworkers in the back who had missed it what was going on, and trying not to go up front and throw hands with this idiot. I didn't hear a lot of the conversation between my manager and the offended customer, but at some point he did try again to claim he couldn't hear me through my mask, and I just started basically yelling that he was full of it because the girl working the back line about ten feet away, who was definitely further away than that guy was, could hear me perfectly fine, and I think the manager told him he was just being discriminatory at that point, and he immediately accused her of using the race card. She had to explain to him that discrimination isn't just a race thing, (she was initially confused because I am white, so was this man, but she's black, and he apparently immediately associated the word with race?) and after that she asked him to leave, I think he wanted a refund for the inconvenience (this manager also has a tendency to throw out orders when she's about to refuse someone service to drive her point home, so that could also have been it), which she gave him, but he still told her to fuck off as he was leaving, and I think I heard something about us supporting left-wing propaganda as well, but I was busy pacing in the back of house and screeching in frustration. I thought that was going to be the end of it, but apparently the man was so offended he emailed in a complaint, and I had to confirm with a different manager that I was wearing my mask because of my allergies. I was frustrated about that man all day, and I've already decided the next time somebody asks about my mask like that I'm telling them I'm hideously disfigured and they're touching on a tender subject.
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brightmalcolm · 1 month
How do you think the characters coped during the quarentine?
ooh good question!
I think malcolm probably took it pretty hard, he was probably arguing with JT about how he WAS an essential worker and should be allowed to go work with the NYPD. but JT (since gil was still injured) was like we don't really need a profiler atm. but of course malcolm needs cases to distract himself so I think JT would compromise and send him files from cold cases he could look over and take notes on. I think malcolm would also pick up a bunch of hobbies then get kinda bored with them. also lots of zoom therapy and talking with the team.
we know jessica and ainsley quarantined together and I'll just say it's good that house is big bc otherwise they'd be stepping on each others toes 😭 jessica was kinda emo bc she couldn't see gil in person but wouldn't admit it and ainsley was like kinda thinking about everything since at that point she thought malcolm killed endicott and she didn't remember much. so both of them were stressed out and ended up arguing a bit about stupid stuff.
edrisa, dani, JT, still had to go in to work bc I imagine NYPD workers were considered essential, at least in their positions. so that was some added stress, especially for JT since Tally was pregnant and home while he had to run major crimes in gil's absence.
poor gil was trying to recover from being stabbed with the health care system in crisis. and he couldn't really see his team or malcolm much, maybe malcolm visited like once or twice but I imagine they'd want to be careful since gil was injured.
and we know martin was still in prison and apparently doing work there as a doctor to keep COVID from spreading through rikers??? so that's what he was focused on (not for any altruistic reasons, he wanted the power and control that came with the authority and feeling like he had influence over the prison and prisoners). also he was calling malcolm a lot and malcolm was trying to ignore those calls lol.
i'm kinda glad prodigal son didn't focus too much on the pandemic bc I think I was kinda tired of COVID storylines on tv at that point but the little bit of background we got on how they coped with quarantine was interesting!
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lesbiansgoal · 1 year
My wife got feelings for someone else over the summer and it has crushed my self-esteem.
We've been together 8 years and married for 5. We went through a hard time during the pandemic. We both struggled mentally, especially due to lack of social interactions outside of the home and it wore down our relationship. I have been really depressed and less attentive as a partner and I acknowledge that it played a role in the situation.
In May, she developed a crush on a coworker. Nothing ever happened, they never texted or talked much outside of the workplace but I noticed eventually because of the changes in her demeanor. She stopped wanting to spend time with me, treating me with complete coldness/disinterest and couldn't stop herself from talking about the girl at work. I caught on and after weeks of asking about it, she finally admitted it. I asked her to cut contact with her so that we could work on marriage and try to move forward. I asked her to switch her schedule or switch store locations. She didn't want to. Instead, told me that she wasn't sure she even wanted to be with me. I was devastated. I was already really depressed and it just knocked me further down. Eventually, after several days of her saying that she "needed space" and "wasnt sure" about us, I asked her to leave our home until she could figure it out. She was gone for a few days, during which I cried and came to terms with the likely end of our marriage.
But then, to my surprise, she came back (after discovering that the coworker was totally unavailable) saying that she realized the coworker is actually a narcissist and that she was blinded by a fantasy. She stated that she wanted to work on our marriage and was committed to me. Since then, she has switched job locations and has no contact with the girl. We started marriage counseling (we go about once a month) and I can tell that she is genuinely trying.
The problem is that I can't seem to get over it and I feel pathetic about that. It has only been about 2 months since everything went down, but I feel so worried constantly. Worried that she'll get a crush on someone else. Worried that she doesn't actually love me but only stayed because I provide stability. Worried that she isnt attracted to me. I have lost all confidence and I feel hyper-vigilant all the time. The girl she had a crush on was younger, cooler and prettier than me. I can't stop wondering if I am not enough. This is definitely worsened by the current state of my mental health; I'm going through problems with my family and have only one close friend that I dont see much. I feel isolated and neurotic. I am in therapy but I just feel so hopeless. Has anyone else been through anything similar or have any suggestions about how I can feel better or move forward?
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AITA for getting upset over a sims game?
Some context. I (25nb, then 22f) used to have a very close friend (them 20f). I moved in with her and her family for the first few months of the pandemic, because she had a lot of mental health problems that she needed support for that her family didn't understand, and I was just discovering that I was queer and didn't want to be at home with homophobic parents. During this time, she suggested I share my sims 4 game with her. I didn't have a computer that could run it, and she did, and I accepted because it would give me a chance to play it. My understanding of it was that I owned it and was sharing it with her, and I believe now, in retrospect, her understanding was that we both owned it. It didn't take long before she started convincing me to spend money going in on buying expansion packs with her. I wasn't sure at first, because I didn't have a lot of money, but eventually I caved.
We always got packs she wanted, because (in her words) I would "like anything we got". At one point, she realized one of the packs was incompatible with her computer, and I was the one who had to spend days on EA support pages trying to get a refund. She did nothing to help, and kept telling me to stand my ground until we got it. Eventually we did get the refund, and since it was for a whole package of expansion packs as a part of a deal, she decided she wanted to switch out some of the packs, even though I really was looking forward to playing one of them and hadn't gotten the chance to (she had played through everything you could do with the pack already).
After I moved back home, she told me I could come over and play it at any point, but that never happened. She continued to play it though, in her own time.
In early 2021, I got an email (since the account was set up by me) saying that a new pack had been purchased. I knew immediately my friend had bought it, without asking me. I texted her asking if she wanted me to forward her the receipt, since she keeps good track of her budget, and she said yes. I forwarded it to her, and thought that was the end of that.
The next day, I woke up to a text asking for full ownership of the sims, saying she was the only one who played it anyways, and she was spending more money on it, so it wouldn't be fair to share it. She told me I could either buy her out, or she could buy me out. I wasn't happy with this and wanted the game, but a) I couldn't afford it, and b) I felt it would come off as petty if I asked for a game I couldn't even play, like I was just doing it to keep it from her. Anyways, I let her pay me back (which she did in squishmallows of equivalent value).
After a few days, the whole situation was still not sitting well with me. There were a lot of other issues going on (we were in conflict for other reasons that I have realized are mostly due to her being controlling and me reaching my limit, and her not being able to handle my limit. I don't want to rush out all her shit because I will offer her that privacy), but we had always had open communication where we could bring up when things were bothering us, and I told her that it kind of felt like I didn't have a say in giving up ownership of the sims game for reasons a) and b) above, and how originally it had been mine and it felt like through all the pack purchases and things, she was slowly taking it from me. She flipped out, and told me we couldn't be friends anymore. (Like I said, I think it was less of this particular issue, and more the other shit going on with this being the last straw). We haven't spoken since.
I have made my peace knowing that I am not the asshole in most of how our friendship ended (and how she had been pretty controlling of me), and have recognized areas where I may have been the asshole, or at the very least may not have handled the situation at their best in ways that had hurt her, but this is something I have not been able to work out. So AITA for being upset about the sims game situation?
What are these acronyms?
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luneesv · 2 years
Before everything | Joel Miller
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╰┈➤ Joel Miller x M!Reader
[ english isn't my first language ]
You are an old friend of Joel, you remember the old days with him and Sarah during a cold morning, you remember the night when you fell in love with him.
The sun had just risen and you were alone, you were making coffee to warm up. Ellie and Joel weren't awake yet, you were alone and you felt a little bad after the events of Bill and Frank. You felt like you missed out on a part of your life because of the pandemic, but also because you never took the first step to ask Joel out. You loved him since the beginning, since you knew him when he lived with Tommy and Sarah.
You remembered the day when you met him, he had just come home from work in the night and he had a problem with his car, you helped him because he looked exhausted and to be honest, he made you feel sorry for him.
- hey do you need help ? you told him.
- uh.. no, well yes I do but I don't think you can help me.
You gave him an amused look before pushing him to repair the engine of his car, for you finding the problem was something obvious.
- I am a mechanic, you tell him while cleaning your hands with a cloth that was lying around, and I'm (y/n).
- I'm Joel, uh.. thanks man. He said visibly embarrassed by your gesture, he was clearly not good with people.
You smiled at him, you had just arrived in the neighborhood and you were afraid of not getting along with people but luckily you had found yourself someone interesting and rather attractive.
- So.. see you tomorrow ? You said.
- Yea I guess, he said vaguely, but my daughter is sleeping considering what time it is, and i need to clear my mind, you want a drink, in a bar ?
Your heart almost gave out at that moment, you nodded and you two, you had gone to the nearest bar, during the journey you were talking about your life, he was telling you about his daily life with his daughter and his brother, how much he loved them and what he would do everything for them, and you told him about your life before you came here and told it, a banal and morose life.
You had arrived and your heart was just beating, you sat down at the bar and he ordered two whiskeys for you. He only stared at you with his eyes, his expression remained expressionless as you told him a joke, but his eyes. You stared into his eyes, those brown eyes that made you want to dive in and to kiss him.
The drinks arrived and he started to drink his whiskey before ordering another, you barely drank your drink when your throat burned. You couldn't stand alcohol.
The more you drank, the more he opened up to you, he spoke more. He was just staring at you and at a time when the people was starting to go home, the light was getting less bright and that a romantic atmosphere was beginning to be felt.
- You are really handsome (y/n), he said maybe too loudly since the barman suddenly turned towards you, I'm telling you this as a man to man, I really want to kiss you, but it's weird, I've never felt that for a man.
Your heart was hurting you so much it was beating so hard, he put his hand on your shoulder before massaging it and bursting out laughing.
- I just can't stop thinking about your arm, glistening with motor oil, I swear you obsess me.
- Joel, you're.. you're drunk maybe you should stop talking. You said, your heart beating.
He shook his head, then his hand that was on your shoulder landed on your face, as well as his other hand that landed on your other cheek, forcing you to look at him.
- But (y/n) since I met you, I can't stop thinking about you, and I'm confused 'cause i'm.. i'm not gay ? Well I've never been attracted to a guy, even in porn I only watch the girl, but you.. I swear you're a..
He stopped talking and he kissed you. You were lost, confused, everything was happening so fast, you had known him for so little time and yet you wanted to kiss him too.
But you pushed him away, still today you don't know why but at that time you thought you were doing a good thing.
- Joel, please let me take you home, you drank too much, you... you're just talking nonsense..
He gave you a sad look before getting up.
- You're right, maybe I'm just drunk.. But I still love you so much..
You got up before putting his arm around your shoulders to lift him, he staggered and was only humming your name, in the middle of the night, with only the light of the street lamps to illuminate his face. Your heart kept beating thinking about what he just did.
- It's.. it's here, he said pointing at his house before opening it, trying for about ten minutes because he obviously forgot how to open a door.
He turned around, looking at you, face to face. He had an indescribable look on his face.
- Please love, come with me in my bed, you won't regret it.
At that moment, you're still wondering why you chose to refuse, to watch his door close behind Joel who looked disappointed. Even then you knew you had made a mistake.
The next day, you saw him in the morning, he was drinking his coffee, wearing the same pants as yesterday but with a white tank top.
- Hello Joel ! You said happy to see him again.
- Oh.. hello (y/n). He tells you, a shameful look on his face.
- Are you okay ? You know after yesterday's night haha.
- About that, I was drunk yesterday, I didn't know what I was saying, I... forget everything. Sorry if I gave you false hopes but.. you are not what I am looking for. I'm actually looking for nothing..
You looked at him, still planted in front of him, the heart which had stopped beating. You wanted him to tell you that he was laughing, that he still loved you, as much as last night. You wanted him to take you in his arms. You wanted to go back and come to his house, come with him to his bed. But even now you wondered if he would have had the same reaction.
- I mean.. of course. You were drunk, and you were certainly confused, but you know, if you want tonight we can have dinner together if you're free, because-
His door had just opened and a girl had just come out of the house looking at her father and then at you.
- Hi ! You're the new neighbor ? Finally one that isn't old! You're my father's age right? You look a little younger than him tho-
- Sarah.
- Sorry dad.. She said, a smile on the lips.
- Yes I am haha. And I think so ? I love your outfit ! You are really very pretty.. Sarah that's it ? You said smiling at her.
- Thanks ! And yes it's Sarah, she answered you before to turn to her father, can he eat breakfast with us ?
Joel gave him a vague look before looking at you, but this time you could spot sadness or maybe shame in his eyes, which yesterday made you feel like a king.
- No, he was going to leave when you arrived.
You didn't understand anything, and you still hoped that he would change his mind, that he would tell you that he still loved you, that it hadn't changed. You wanted everything to go back to how it was last night.
- That's right, bye Sarah, and bye Joel.. See you soon. You said, walking back home, hands shaking.
After that day, luckily, you often came to their house, to help Sarah with her homework or fix things, but it was just an excuse to see Joel again. He seemed less cold with you but never again did he have a romantic gesture towards you. You bottled up these feelings for so long..
When the pandemic arrived, when Sarah died and when Joel lost everything, you were there for him. He couldn't sleep for days and one night, he came to see you, he lay down next to you and he fell asleep, taking you in his arms. You pretended to sleep but you were well aware. Your heart had started beating again. And you felt his calming down. The morning after, he didn't leave, he didn't pretend, he just cried, and you hugged him. For 30 minutes you were glued to each other, for half an hour, the infected, the bombardments, the pandemic, everything was not important.
After that night and morning, Joel started to act as if nothing had happened.
Sometimes you regret not having broached the subject, but also for not having stayed with him that night when he begged you to come with him in his bed.
He was the first to wake up and scare you. Removing you from your memories.
- Good morning (y/n).
You turn back to him, who decided to sit down across from you, staring longingly at your coffee.
- Good morning, Joel, you want some ?
- Yea. You were thinking of something ?
You gave him a thoughtful look, you passed him your coffee thermostat and decided after all these years to finally talk to him.
- Yea, I was thinking of us.
hii thank you sm for reading my one shot ! it's my first one and I hope you liked it <3 Anyway have a great day or night !
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bigfatdenial · 11 months
Big Fat Denial
I was overweight as a child up until I was 22. At my heaviest, I felt fine; I had no mobility issues, I walked to work every day, I had lots of energy, etc (I just ate more calories than I burned, so I was fat). I lost weight and managed to keep it off for the most part through proper nutrition and exercise.
Fast forward 20+ years later, I gained weight during the pandemic (being sedentary as a result of working from home, eating heavily processed comfort foods, and drinking wine). I let myself go. Because of the weight, my health went to absolute shit - FAST. I began to experience
Joint Pain.
Sleep Apnea.
Constant WHEEZING.
Acid Reflux.
High Blood Pressure.
I couldn't stand for very long due to the pain and pressure in my lower back. I had problems with my balance. My digestive system was a mess. I hurt just getting out of bed every morning. I would wake up gasping for air like I forgot how to breathe. The acid reflux was kind of my breaking point because it already sucked trying to sleep with the joint pain, wheezing, and fear of waking up gasping - now I felt like my esophagus was melting as well.
I went back to my trusty TDEE calculations and stuck to a diet of 1500-1700 calories per day* (lots of lean protein and bulky vegetables, as well as carbs because carbs are important). Once I lost the weight, guess what disappeared?
Joint Pain.
Sleep Apnea.
Constant WHEEZING.
Acid Reflux.
High Blood Pressure.
I see a lot of young fat-positive people out there who brag that they "feel fine" being fat and that they are active and happy. That may be the case now. It's going to be a different situation once you get older. Our bodies are not meant to be excessively fat. We need health at every size - but we are not healthy at every size.
*This TDEE is based on my personal stats and may not be suitable for everyone. This included 3 full meals plus snacks and was not in any way restrictive or caused "starvation." If you want to create a caloric deficit in order to lose/maintain weight, speak with a nutritionist to come up with personalized meal plans.
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tonyspep · 8 months
~*~big, big plans~*~
A/N: this is for the 24k winter fic exchange put together by the amazing @wyattjohnston I know this is a little late, and I'm so sorry. I've never written for Nico Hischier before, so I hope I do him justice for the great @kurlyteuvo. This doesn't take place during a specific season with the Devils as I know next to nothing about their lore. I hope you enjoy this and you've had a wonderful holiday season and have a great year this year. @fallinallincurls also helped me so much with this so shout out to her.
~*~big, big plans~*~
pairing: nico hischier x oc
summary: it's the holiday season and during the break, nico has some big, big plans on the little hawaiian island his girlfriend nadia's family has been spending the holidays since she was a little girl
rating: t
she don't know /i got some big, big plans
build a little house on some hand-me-down land
find a little island where we go to get tan
i bet we take our kids down there one day
and i know she wouldn't mind if i
did a little somethin' like find a flight
overnight to paradise and leave tonight
and i'ma put a diamond on her hand
“big, big plans” - by chris lane
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Nico didn't expect to find love when he was drafted by the Devils. Honestly, he was just trying to hope he would get by with what little English he knew. Then he moved into the townhouse Hallsy recommended and he met his neighbor. Nadia turned his whole world upside down. He still remembers her wide deep brown eyes meeting his own and the cute little gasp that fell off her full strawberry pout when she realized who was standing in front of her.
She fixed her hair and babbled in the most adorable way, but her excited energy as she talked about how her family had owned season tickets to the Devils forever had him smiling. She rattled off his stats with ease and before he could say anything, she hugged him close and said softly, “Welcome to New Jersey, Nico,” and from that day on he couldn't get her out of his head.
That was six years ago. He still couldn't believe they had known each other that long. How when everything fell apart with her boyfriend, she had come to him, her beautiful brown eyes red rimmed with tears, her long dark hair piled atop her head. He comforted her and though he desperately wanted to tell her he had long fallen in love with her, he kept that secret close to his heart not wanting to take advantage when she was at her most vulnerable.
Everything changed during the pandemic. Though, her parents were close by, she stuck by his side as his family was a world away in Switzerland. She showed him how to use Zoom and surprised him by learning Swiss in additon to making way too much banana bread. She added chunks of chocolate just for him. He taught her his mother's famous Swiss food and one night, everything changed when she stood on her toes – in her kitchen – flour dusting her cheeks and smelling of vanilla and cinnamon, and she initated their first kiss.
It was everything he could have dreamed of and more. Her lips so soft and warm, her scent so beautiful and alluring, everything about her drawing him in deeper and deeper.
Now there she was at the Prudential Center cheering him on at every home game. Since she was a yoga instructor, the hours worked out perfectly for her to be able to come to nearly every game. Her parents – David and Savannah – welcomed him with open arms, which he was thankful for considering he had bought a beautiful ruby ring two months ago before both the Thompson and Hischier clans would be converging on the big island of Hawaii to spend the holidays together.
Vacationing in Hawaii to escap the harsh Jersey winters had been a tradition for Nadia's family since she was a little girl and the past two Christmases Nico had come along. Now, his family was coming. He could still hear his Mom's excited shouts in Swiss when he told her and his Dad of his plans of proposing. They had loved Nadia from the first moment they met. Welcoming her as if they had known her for years after their very first interaction.
“I can feel you staring,” Nadia as sweet as she was had a sharp tongue, and Nico could hear the teasing tone of her sweet voice. “I can enjoy the view,” He easy volleyed back, taking in her alluring shape as she finished packing her suitcase.
“What if I want you to do more than enjoy the view, huh?” Seeing her tongue wet her perfect pout had Nico groan low and deep in his throat.
Easily crossing the threshold of their bedroom, Nico had the petite brunette wrapped in his strong arms in seconds. Bending slightly as she stood on her tip toes, they kissed sweetly, their tongues tangling as her fingers found purchase in his thick hair while his roamed her back. Pulling away, they were breathing heavily and their eyes were full of love and heat. Nadia let one of her hands stay tangled in Nico's soft hair while the other trailed down his toned chest, feeling the muscles underneath his cotton t-shirt. He felt nothing but heat from her fingers.
Her soft sigh sent his blood rushing through his veins. “Can't wait to be on the beach with you,” Nadia mused. “Love seeing you get tan and how you can't keep your hands away from me. I packed the red bikini just for you, Neeks.”
“Nadi,” A desperate growl as she gave an impish smile promising nothing but trouble. “It's your favorite,” Her tone was dilberately innocent as she batted her lashes coquettishly. “How could I not bring it?”
They were talking too much Nico decided as he swept his girl up into another passionate kiss and laid her down on their bed, covering her petite body with his strong frame. They spent the rest of the night before they would leave for Hawaii in the morning, wrapped up in each other and with every kiss and every touch, every soft pant of his name, he knew more and more that Nadia was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
He could see her walking to him on David's arm in the most beautiful white dress. Giving him a cheeky wink and sticking out her tongue to make him laugh – you're too serious, neeks loosen up, baby – and how he would stick his tongue back out at her. He could hear him say I do and her say the same words back. He could see them fixing up their spare room; painting it a sweet and sunny yellow with sage accents the perfect mix of boht of them as their little girl would be. He could see them bringing her to the same resort they would be staying at once they touched down in Hawaii. Watching her play in the sand and the surf giggling as he chased her and Nadia, cuddling with her, seeing her grow and learn and change.
Kissing Nadia's head as he listened to her breath while she was wrapped in his arms, Nico couldn't imagine a better life for himself.
He only hoped when he got down on one knee, Nadia would say yes.
The first night was spent unpacking and enjoying a traditonal luau as the two families toasted each other and the holiday season. Nico was sure he had never seen a more beautiful woman than Nadia under the tiki lamps and the pink and orange of the setting Hawaiian sun. Her beautiful green and teal maxi dress hugged her figure perfectly. Her eyes were bright with happiness, her laughter infectious, every little thing she did made him fall deeper and deeper and only made him more certain of what he was going to do.
Her father David sent him knowing looks and winked, and he couldn't help but flush. His Mom couldn't resist mentioning how beautiful the resort would be for a wedding and Nadia murmured in his ear, “I always thought so. I wouldn't mind getting married here,”
Their fingers were linked together and she had brought their intertwined hands to her lips when she said that, and Nico felt his heart skip several beats. He wouldn't mind getting married here. The sun setting behind them and making her look like an angel.
He finds his voice, kissing her softly and says, “Me neither,” the smile he receives back is absolutely blinding and he's more confident than ever she'll say yes.
Being a yoga instructor, Nadida is an early riser. Even on vacation, so to no one's surprise both she and Nico are up early the next morning. Nico can't resist his eyes shamelessly roaming over Nadia's beauitful body in her choice of a red two piece sports bra and leggings set. The red ribbon tied in her high ponytail makes her even more adorable to him.
He can feel Nadia's eyes on him. The sight of her biting her lip has the heat rising and he smiles as he wraps his arms around her, ready for their morning yoga session as she giggles and tries to wriggle free. He kisses her all over as he lifts her from her feet making her giggles grow louder as he laughs, his hands roam over her curves. They fall into the lush grass, a tangle of limbs before he manages to get her tiny body under his strong frame.
“You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen,” His voice is husky and honest, making her shudder. “Neeks,” His nickname falling from Nadia's lips, makes him want her so much. Her deep brown eyes are shimmering in the morning light, making him love her even more.
He can feel the ring inside the pocket of his shorts and he knows this is the moment. The sun peeking through the palm trees, the birds chirping, the ocean lapping lazily against the sand and Nadia looking like a princess even her sports bra and leggings.
Caressing her cheek softly with his finger tips, he uses his other hand to reach into the pocket of his shorts and her little gasp is the cutest thing he's ever heard.
“Nico...” She whispers. “Shhh, Nadi,” Nico says softly. “There's only one thing I want you to say, but let me say what I have to first.”
“I couldn't believe the most beautiful girl I had ever seen was so close when I had first moved to Newark after being drafted, that she was right across the hall from me. I never wanted any sadness to come to you and I hated that I was happy when Jason broke your heart because all I wanted was to have you for myself, but the thought of someone hurting of you, of you feeling any pain was something I never wanted. When you came to me, your beautiful eyes red rimmed, your tiny body shaking, all I wanted to do was hold you and do whatever I could to make you smile again...”
“And that's exactly what you did. You gave me everything I could ever want. You're my Prince Charming, Nico,”
“And you're my Princess, Nadia. So there's only one thing for Prince Charming and his Princess to do; to live happily ever after. Nadia Isabel Thompson, will you do me the utmost honor of becoming my wife and making me the happiest man in the world?”
Nico watched as Nadia's eyes went wide when he presented her with the gorgeous ruby ring. Her beautiful face was awash in pure happiness as tears filled her big beautiful chocolate eyes while she nodded and said in the sweetest voice, “Yes, yes! Yes, yes! Yes, Nico I'll marry you,”
Just as he slipped the ring onto her shaking ring finger, they heard the happy yells and cheers from their families as they ran from their respective bungalos on the resort, champagne in her Dad's hand and the other family members holding champagne flutes.
Hugs and kisses were exchanged. He shook hands with her Dad and Nico felt like he was floating. Nothing could be better than this.
Except for when Nadia was by his side when he was lifting the Cup and then when he was holding their beautiful little girl.
@nicohischier @nadia_yoga said yes!!!! #engaged #hawaiianholiday #merrychristmas
@nadia_yoga i said yes beaches!!!! #engaged #hawaiianholiday #merrychristmastome #merrychristmastous
@jackhughes way to go cap!!! congrats u crazy kids!!! gonna be so turnt for the wedding!!!
@dougieham i have the most incredible best man speech planned. vince vaughan and owen wilson ain't got nothing on me #shout #bestmandougieham
More and more comments flooded both Nico and Nadia's instagram pages as the day went on. After celebrating with their families, they spent the rest of the day wrapped up in each other as they showered each other with love more happy than they ever dreamed they could be.
As the sun set behind them, they danced on the beach, holding each other close. The waves and their heartbeats providing the music as they swayed softly together.
In this moment, they knew they were meant to be together and that their lives were just beginning, both of them imagining being right back here as husband and wife and then with their kids; a strong willed, funny girl with Nadia's big brown eyes and a sweet, soft spoken little boy who had the same smile as Nico.
all i am, i'll be
everything in this world
all that i'll ever need
is in your eyes
shining at me
when you smile /i can feel
all my passion unfolding
your hand brushes mine
and a thousand sensations
seduce me cause i
i do cherish you
for the rest of my life
you don't have to think twice
i will love you still
from the depths of my soul
it's beyond my control
i've waited so long to say this to you
if you're asking do i love you this much
i do
“i do (cherish you) – by 98 degrees
songs used “big, big plans” by chris lane and “i do (cherish you) by 98 degrees
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