#so then it encourages me to ensure im not slacking n im always in good form n shi hehehehe
aashiqvi · 1 year
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imaginesanonymous · 7 years
Final Hour
Request: Was browsing the #hunger games when I saw this blog, lucky me. Remember how they let tributes have a final hour with family? You prob do. Anyway you go see Peeta who's your BFF and you encourage him to tell Katniss how he feels because he was going to take it to the grave.
a/n- yo whats up i escaped my crippling depression and piles of homework for half an hour to make a surprise appearance on my own blog again after weeks of zero updates. I think it’s pretty obvious at this point that I’m not huge about writing Hunger Games (and that im really rusty regarding the plot and characters) but whatever makes you guys happy, yknow. I’m not fully back. We’re getting into finals season and i have a lot of other commitments right now. This is all I can do for now to prove I’m not dead and that I haven’t given up on this blog.
There was one person who seemed to take the news that Katniss was to be part of the games worse than Katniss and her family, and that was Peeta.
“Not her. Not her. It can’t be Katniss,” he mumbles, face slack. The post-Reaping relief you should be feeling for not having been chosen was replaced by pure terror at what lied in store for you friends.
You take a seat next to him, taking his hand in yours in an effort to ground him.  He continues staring straight ahead as if he doesn’t even notice you. He only has this last hour in District 12 before he’s whisked away to the Capitol. 
You frown, not quite sure how to comfort someone who’s bascially a dead man walking. “Peeta, come on. You’ll be there with her. You can at least protect her. And you need to worry about yourself in this, too. Your life is on the line here as well.”
“I don’t care what happens to me! I just want her to make it out okay!” he cries, surprising you with his outburst. He winces, not having meant to lash out. “I’m sorry. I just… I don’t know.”
“You love her,” you say flatly.
“Peeta, don’t lie. You and I both know it’s true. You’ve always loved her.”
There’s a long silence. So long you start to question your conviction. 
Finally, he raises his eyes to meet yours. They’re bloodshot and empty. “You’re right,” he sighs. “I love her, and now I’m gonna die without ever having had a chance with her. But if I have to die, I’m gonna make sure that I do whatever I can to ensure she’s the Victor.”
You tighten your grip on his hand. “Tell her. It’s not too late. You’ll have time on the train and in the Capitol. You need to get this off your chest. You never know what’ll happen.”
“I don’t know…” 
“Peeta, if you don’t tell her, I’ll go tell her right now.” You drop his hand and stand up, but before you can take one step forward Peeta shoots up and grabs your arm.
“Okay! I’ll tell her.” A smile tugs at his lips and he forces out a laugh. “This isn’t how I imagined it happening. Being on Death’s door isn’t exactly romantic, is it? But you’re right. I can’t take this to my grave. Y/n, thank you.”
He pulls you into a tight hug- the last one you might ever get from him.
An official knocks on the door before cracking it open. “Mr. Mellark, it’s time to go,” they inform. They shut the door, allowing for one final moment of privacy. 
He pulls away but grips your upper-arms, not ready to let go. “Whatever happens, I want you to know that you’ve been the best friend I could ever ask for. And thank you for the advice.”
“You’ll always be my best friend, Peeta. I love you. Good luck…”
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